Night and the Moon

by Sailor Aether

Apologies, questions, and soundproofing. Oh my!

As the sun began to set, Luna sat up in her bed. Her wings flared out and she yawned and stretched. Feeling rustling next to her, she opened her eyes and looked down. To her left was her beloved Night, sleeping like a baby. She smiled recalling the afternoons activities when they returned to her chambers. She was beyond happy, and glad she listened to him when he asked to wait until they both got back to Equestria.

“My one and only, you must be so tired” Luna mused happily. She stroked his mane eliciting a grunt of approval from Night. He nuzzled into Luna making her heart skip, and eyes soften. Luna no longer wanted to go and do her nightly duties. Alas she was the Princess of the Night and what not. Well she was sure she was the Princess of Night.

“Mhm babe, just…” Night stretched his wings. Then he folded them again before scooching as close as he could to Luna. “5 more minutes” he finished saying.

“My Love, you will stay here and rest. I have my duties to attend to and I will return.” Luna said. She used her magic to levitate a pillow in between her and Night. Night wrapped his wings around the pillow and nuzzled in. Luna sighed and went to the bathroom. She took a quick shower, and freshened up before heading out. She took one last peak at Night curled up in her bed and made her way down the hallway.

As Luna made her way into the hallway she noticed a couple things. One, was her sister's door was coated in magic. So were the staircase entrances and windows .The second was that the staff moving around the castle were avoiding eye contact with her. Luna found the first odd but the second even more so. She felt she was kind enough for them to not shy away from her. Luna saw her sister approaching her door and walked up to her.

“Excuse us, why is every pony avoiding us this evening?” Luna asked. Celestia winced and looked at her sister's bedroom door.

“Um Luna you did not… how do I say this?,” Celestia trailed off looking away from Luna.

“We did not, what sister? Forgive me if I am a little short with you” Luna snapped. Celestia sighing at this, looked her sister in the eyes.

“We heard your rather… Vigorous activities. I put up spells in the hallway but, many heard already.” Celestia finished looking back at Luna.

“Ah, we see. ” Luna said. She would have to thank her sister later but that would come after she saw reason. When her Night got a sincere apology she would thank Celestia properly. Luna strolled off into the castle relieving Celestia of her shift. Luna ignited her horn and raised the moon as she walked and did her nightly rounds.

Night felt around the bed for his lover. When he felt nothing but pillows and blankets he slowly propped himself up. Rubbing his eyes he slowly scanned the room. There was no trace of Luna save for her scent on the pillows. Sighing Night got up and walked over to the balcony.

“Never thought I would get a reverse view,” Night mused to himself. For 2 millennia Night was looking down at the planet and not it was the inverse. He found the whole situation as amusing as it was confusing. Getting enough of the view, Night went to the bathroom and took a shower. Cleaning his mane, tail, and behind his ears. Enjoying the hot water flowing over his head.

After drying himself off he went to replace the sheets on the bed. Pulling them off the bed, Night looked around the room and saw no source of extra sheets. Face hoofing he remembered he was in a castle, with maids and butlers who do this for them.

Opening the door, Night flagged down a maid. “Um Hi, Where would I go about finding new sheets for Lu-. Princess Luna?” Night asked.

“Ah I’ll bring some right away!” She exclaimed. Before the maid could scurry off, Night stopped her.

“I will do it, I will make sure it is known I am doing this of my own accord” Night smiled. His voice was low and husky yet soft making the maid relax a bit. Grabbing the old sheets from behind the door, Night flung the dirty sheets across his back. The Pegasus maid bowed and motioned him to follow.

“As you wish Sir Night” The maid said turning.

“Also what would be your name?” Asked Night. He would have taken a guess at this had it not been for the maid outfit.

“Aqua is my name, Sir” She said, taking a left down the hallway. Night followed the beige Pegasus down the hallway and into the laundry room. Night saw the dirty pile and slid the sheets off his back and stood by the door. Aqua flew over to the section where the dark sheets were being held. She pulled out the same navy, grey, and black sheets Night saw on Luna’s bed. Flying back down, Aqua put the sheets into a small saddle bag.

“Here you are Sir, and um… Thank you for helping us.” Aqua said bowing to him.

“Ah you are most certainly welcome. Thank you for the bag Ms. Aqua, I will return it” Night said. Securing the bag on his back, he made his way to the door. He walked into the hallway and back towards his lover's chambers. Slipping inside he began to fix the bed, humming a tune he heard Luna humming earlier.

Luna made her way back to her chamber smiling brightly. Despite being as tired as she was, knowing her beloved was with her made her work easier. Knowing he was home made her feel her work was worthwhile now. Opening the door Luna was met with an interesting sight. Night was sitting on her balcony reading as the sun came up. Luna silently trotted up behind him to see what he was reading. She recognized the creased page, Night was reading Post Unification: A Historical Retelling.

“Wow I missed a lot, Summer Sun celebration, Nightmare night, Hearts and hooves day?” Night said to himself. As he flipped through the pages he didn’t even notice Luna approaching him

Luna gently blew into his ear, “My Love I have returned” She said. This caused Night to jump and gasp. Luna giggled at his reaction as it went from frightened to amused.

“This won’t be a recurring thing will it? You have always been light on your hooves. Even by moon standards” Night said sarcastically.

“Hmm for a former soldier, you seem out of practice” Luna shot back. The two of them laughed and Luna nuzzled into his neck. She took a seat next to him and relaxed into him.

“Well who would feel threatened when you are this cute?” Said Night resting his head atop Luna’s. Night closed the book and enjoyed his lover's company. Just like on the moon, they sat and enjoyed the dawning of a new day. Unlike previous times, this one was from home.

“My love I am-” Luna yawned loudly. She was exhausted because there was more work than she initially thought she had to.

“It's quite alright, I am not tired yet. I plan to roam for a while today before I retire.” Night said. He and Luna got up and he walked her to the bed.

“Hmm, are you sure about that my love?” Luna said. She was batting her eyelashes which made Night laugh.

“Yes, I plan to go and get some of the kabobs you had the other day. Want a few?” Night asked. Luna thought for a moment while getting into her bed..

“I’ll take a few yes. Here take this” Luna levitated a bag of bits over to Night. “I cannot have my love going out with no money” She quipped.

“You are too kind to me, pinch me I must be dreaming” Night said sarcastically.

“Even if you were to be dreaming I, The dream walker, would still find you” Luna winked.

“Ok Miss dream walker, I’m off.” Night said. He kissed Luna and grabbed the bits from the desk. He gave Luna one last wave and set off down the hallway to the staircase.

Night walked down the spiral staircase and into the foyer of the Castle. As he walked he heard somepony clear their throat next to him. It was Celestia walking adjacent to him. Before she could say anything, Night spoke.

“Your majesty, beautiful sunrise this morning. Luna and I enjoyed it, "said Night. He harbored no ill will towards Celestia. Yes, he was a little hurt that the one he fought and served under told him he did not exist. However he could feel that she cared deeply for Luna and simply wanted to protect her.

“Ah yes, Thank you Night” Celestia said. She was embarrassed and for the first time in millennia she was speechless. Night had every reason to verbally assault her, for everything she said. Not just to him, but to Luna as well. Yet he did not, and in place of spite he complimented the sunrise; Her sunrise.

“You are most welcome, Now if that is all I-” Celestia cut Night off.

“I wish to apologize to you Night. I acted callously and spitefully and that was wrong of me. I hope you can forgive me” Celestia said, bowing to Night.

“I accept.” Said Night smiling. He hadn’t intended to hold a grudge against Celestia anyway. Regardless of how much she could have disliked him. It would do no good to his relationship with Luna.

“Can I ask for some of your time as well? I know it is presumptuous of me, but I ask all the same” Celestia asked.
“You may lead the way, your Majesty,” Night said. Celestia felt at ease now knowing that she got her apology out. Now she wanted to ask him some questions about himself. She was curious and maybe, just maybe she could find out why he was sent to the moon.

Celestia led night to her office on the first floor. She took a seat behind her desk and Night across from her. The two sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes before Celestia spoke up.

“So could I ask, do you remember what your cutie mark was?” She asked.

“No, I do not your majesty. Nor my name, or how I got to the moon. I closed my eyes for a moment. Next I was well on the moon.” Night admitted.

“Please Celestia is fine.” Celestia said before continuing. “You haven’t aged since that day either? That is peculiar in itself… Was there anything else off about being on the moon?” she asked.

“After a few days I found I no longer felt hunger nor thirst really. There was a pool on the moon though. It was about 4 feet deep and rigidly cold.” Night continued to describe how he spent his time on the moon to Celestia. How he got a piece of his memories back in the audience hall. He recalled everything he could until he met Luna.

“So you were on the moon before I banished Nightmare Moon?!” Celestia exclaimed.

“Yes, if that is what happened. I would say based on when I went missing, until now it would be around 2 millennia. Not sure how but I also stopped aging on the moon.” Night said looking out the window.

“Interesting, Did seeing the Nightmare Moon put you off or scare you?” Celestia inquired

“Hmm,” Night thought for a minute. “Scared … yes slightly but I did not feel malice towards me. I felt compelled to listen to her. And frankly I was in no position to judge or question anything.. I myself am a soldier, who is anything but innocent. Lives on my hooves in the name of peace, so I thought at the very least I would not judge her.”

Celestia nodded at his logic and used her magic to write down everything she thought was important. She then closed her notebook and put down her quill. Sighing she closed her eyes for a moment. Then opening them after a few seconds she looked back at Night.

“Ok that's enough of that, I have a couple other questions for you. Thank you again for coming with me” Celestia said. She smiled at him and thankfully he returned her smile.

“Of course your-” Night paused. “Celestia, if there is anything else you want to ask please do” he said.

Celestia shifted in her chair, “What is it about Luna that you like so much?” She asked.

“Well everything, but if I had to be specific…” Night said. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts. He wanted to say what he liked no, loved about Luna as best he could.

“Take your time.” Celestia said giggling. Night took a minute or so to get his mind right before answering Celestia.

“I love her caring personality, her desire to learn, and her persistence. Her laugh lit up the darkest of corners on the moon.” Night said. Celestia nodded in agreement at this.

“I do agree, Lu-Lu has such a lovely personality doesn't she?” Celestia mused.

Night continued, “Then there’s; her eyes, her hips, her lips. They are so precious and I will guard them like treasures” he said, smiling to himself. He blushed when he processed what he said. Making Celestia laugh at him, and after a little while he joined her as laughter filled her office.

“I see, I feel more at ease knowing how absolutely smitten you are. It’s turned a soldier into a poet” Celestia said, sighing happily.

“Smitten would not do it justice Celestia, I do not know what I would be without her. If I would be here without her. I owe her my everything and If she would have it, I will give” Night said proudly. This made Celestia blush, hearing such a declaration was something even the most hopeless of romantics longed to hear.

“Well I can say I am truly jealous of my sister. Thank you for entertaining my questions. And please if you need anything do not hesitate to find me” Celestia said. Night nodding got up from his seat.

“You think too highly of me Celestia. Now I must be on my way. I am quite famished.” Night said. He disappeared behind the door and made his way into the streets of Canterlot.

Celestia sat in silence for a moment before looking at her notebook. What he said did not make much sense. His memories gone, cutie mark disappeared, and over 2 millennia old without aging physically. He wasn’t an Alicorn or anything similar to that and yet here he was. Putting the notebook down she relaxed into her chair. Whatever it was, he cared for Luna and loved her.

“He is everything she needs, I am happy yet peeved he is getting all of her attention” Celestia said to herself. Using her magic she pulled out a letter, and began to write,

Dear faithful student,
I have something I need you to look into for me…