Snowdrop Up Your Life

by Visharo

The Tasty Treat


"Yes Snowdrop?" Luna entered the dining hall, two breakfasts balanced in her magic.

"I don't want to eat the food Miss Cuisine prepares anymore." The blind filly pouted when the lunar alicorn set the dish down.

"Why ever not?" Snowdrop was always a quiet filly and Luna appreciated that about her daughter, but because of her blindness and her quiet nature, she would always get picked on a lot at school. The first time Luna heard about it, and it was from the teacher, not from her daughter, she wanted to smite whoever had hurt her filly. It took both her sister and her Snowdrop to get her to calm down and remind her that she needs to set an example as a Princess. Smiting students because they shoved another student wouldn't be looked upon too kindly.

"The food is always the same, and it tastes so bland." She made a face to prove her point. Luna smiled at her antics. Ever since the school project where the students had to present something and Snowdrop won with her 'snow star', she had gotten a lot more confident and more forward with her thoughts. There certainly was some backlash from the other students and parents saying, because she was the daughter of Princess Luna, she had privileges. Celestia dissuaded them otherwise.

"What would you prefer then, my little snowdrop?"

"Something yummy!" The filly declared with a bright grin.

Luna giggled, politely covering her mouth with a hoof. "And where, perhaps, do you think we'll be able to get yummier food than the one Miss Cuisine can provide us? She is considered to be the best of the best in the food world, a three hoof rating by Zesty Gourmand herself."

"I…" Snowdrop paused, then her ears wilted. "I dunno."

"I don't know." Luna corrected with a warm smile. "You may be a pegasus, but a princess needs to be formal at all times."

"Okaaay, mom." Luna noticed her daughter tilt away whenever she felt the need to roll her eyes. She let it slide.

"I do have an idea however." Luna said after a moment of silence. The wide, hopeful, sightless eyes made the idea worth everything. "But, you need to finish your breakfast and then I'll tell you."

"Okay!" Snowdrop wasted no time in locating the plate and then wolfing down the food. "I'm done! Will you tell me now?"

"I have barely taken my first bite." Luna said, humored.

"If I remember correctly," Snowdrop's eyes gleamed with mischief. "You said, 'you need to finish your breakfast.'"

Luna couldn't help herself but laugh. Her filly was getting smarter every day. "You got me. Just let me finish this bite." And then, as if proving her superiority, she slowed down every motion and watched her filly carefully. It didn't take long for Snowdrop to crack.

"Moooom, I can hear you chewing super slowly! Finish already!"

"Alright, alright!" Luna swallowed before giggling. "Here's my plan…"


The two floated from the highest point of the castle down to Restaurant Row in Canterlot. They glided calmly and slowly, taking in all of the noises. Luna took the lead while her daughter followed behind, using her sensitive hearing in order to match the wingbeats.

"We're nearly there!" Luna called back.

"I can hear the food! They sound delicious!"

"Indeed they do, my dearest." Luna landed off to the side with the grace expected of a princess and waited patiently for her daughter to do the same. The landing was…adequate.

"Oooh, which one should we go to first!" Despite her ears being the most sensitive, due to Snowdrop's blindness, her other senses are quite on point as well.

"It matters not, as long as it has gotten a three hoof rating from Zesty Gourmand." Luna said graciously as she idled through the street, casually tossing her gaze from the various restaurants. She took a small amount of pleasure seeing the terror in her little pony's eyes as they must have wondered what had happened to warrant a visit from one of the Princesses.

"Who is this Zesty Gourmand pony?" Her filly asked, innocently, her nose twitching at all the various smells from all the kitchens. There were a couple of gasps from eavesdropping ponies who were immediately shushed or pushed out of sight by their friends or peers.

"Zesty is only the most famous food critic, famed for her exquisite taste buds and harsh opinions. She can either make or break your restaurant." Luna explained patiently. Snowdrop frowned.

"You sound like those posh fillies, mom." That comment made Luna frown. She didn't mean to sound like those corrupt nobles her sister finds entertaining. "Well, what about this one? It smells…interesting?"

Luna looked up from her musings and read the sign, "The Silver Platter [Three-hoof Rating]. Sure, let's try it."

They entered together, much to the horror of the restaurant owner, and sat down at a table, pointedly ignoring all the surprised gawking of the other ponies. Luna much preferred Ponyville, they were much more fun and more forward, unlike these stuffy Canterlites.


They exited, somewhat disappointed. As for the owner, he passed out after the first unhappy 'hmmm' from Snowdrop.

"I thought 'three-hooves' meant it was really good food, but it was almost exactly the same as Miss Cusine's food." Snowdrop muttered sadly. Luna could sympathize, she too, was expecting more.

"Perhaps the next one will prove fruitful." Luna suggested and started to trot over to 'Fine Garnish [Three-hoof Rating]'



"It was the exact same thing again! Just, a few little differences. It's like all of these restaurants share the same menu or chef! Don't any of these ponies appreciate good art, what it means to pour your heart and soul into your craft?" Luna sat back quietly as she watched her dearest rant. It was a new experience for her, she's never seen her filly get worked up on a single thing, not even the bullies at school caused so much anger. Although, to be fair, Luna was expecting something great from all of these restaurants, something as mouthwatering as the confections at Sugarcube Corner, but it turned out to not be the case. Instead, she and her filly had some of the most uninspired dishes to ever grace her royal tongue.

"Calm down, my little snowdrop, there are other places, surely." Luna pleaded, weakly. She was getting a bit scared, honestly. A fire had been lit in her quiet filly.

"But mom, the three hoof thing is such a scam! Whoever this Zesty pony is does not know anything about good food!" Snowdrop plowed through the many horrified gasps. "Every restaurant we've been too has served bland food and not to mention, the atmosphere too! Everything felt plain and simple and uniform and…and…"

Luna trotted over and gave her filly a big hug. "There there, I'm sure we'll find some pony who knows their stuff."

"You…you promise?" Snowdrop looked up with her tear-filled, sightless eyes that seemed to see so much more.

"I promise." Luna helped the pegasus to her hooves before saying, "now let's go! We're running out of daylight." Several years ago, such a concept would've been ludicrous to Luna. Day was inferior to Night. But ever since Snowdrop came along and expressed a keen interest in stars and how they 'twinkled', Luna came to respect time as it is. Day was now for the important public things, like court or in this case, searching for a new chef. Night, became more personal and much more important than Luna would ever know, it was time where she and her daughter could appreciate the night sky together.

Another half an hour passed before Snowdrop caught a whiff of something delicious.

"Mom! Let's go over there." She waved vaguely in a direction and Luna followed as best she could. She spotted it faster than she expected, despite the restaurant being in an alleyway, the bright color palette was enough to bring attention. It certainly was a far cry from all the bland, one tone restaurants on the mane street.

"Alright, couldn't hurt."

"Yay!" Snowdrop did an adorable dance before blinking in realization. "Wait, what's it called?"

"The Tasty Treat."

The two trotted in brimming with anticipation. The view they were greeted with was a sight to behold, multicolored silks hung in waves, tapestries decorated the walls, soft exquisite pillows lined the floors, culture oozed with every aspect. Even the smells from the kitchen whisked Luna to a faraway country.

After taking it in, she led Snowdrop through the beautiful mess of pillows and artifacts to a table where they waited patiently. And while they waited, Luna described the place in great detail so her daughter had some sense of wonder Luna had earlier.

There was a clinking noise that drew Luna's attention and an orange mare trotted out casting an annoyed expression behind her. Then she noticed the two ponies sitting by a table.

"Oh, are you here for…" Luna smiled, the pony must've noticed her. "Your Majesty!"

"Majesty?" Another unicorn popped his head out, a mustard yellow coat and the same two toned purple mane as the mare. They must be related. "Ah, just when we're about to close and our first customers turned out to be royalty." The pudgy stallion started muttering under his breath with a thick accent, as his magic sparked and grabbed a hold of chairs, he started stacking them on top of tables.

"Forgive my father, Your Majesty, he's just disappointed that nopony has eaten here." The unicorn mare stuttered an apology, then froze. "Your Majesty, forgive me! My name is Saffron Masala and this is my father…"

"Coriander Cumin, but it doesn't matter." Saffron lightly whacked him and Luna smiled somewhat. Snowdrop wasn't smiling, she knew something was wrong.

"Mom, can we help these ponies? They seem really nice…" Luna's precious daughter looked down, a little despondent.

"We'll do what we can, Snowdrop. We mustn't abuse our position as royalty." The alicorn coughed politely and Saffron stood to attention, blushing slightly. "May we have some food, if you please?"

"Of course!" She grinned a bit too widely. "We have a curry oatcake…" She paused.

From the corner of her eyes, Luna noticed Snowdrop brighten at that. "We'll take one."

"…an…and we have a grass sandwich that has been marinated overnight in a mustard Dijon dressing."

"We'll take that one too."

"And for you?" Saffron turned to Snowdrop."

"Oh, I'll just share." The mare smiled and then trotted to the kitchen. "I wonder how this'll taste like."

"Me too, my snowdrop. It's been a while since I've eaten cuisine from the other side of Equestria." While they waited patiently, Coriander was about finished stacking the chairs and was now trotting to the kitchen, still grumbling. Saffron passed him, shot him an annoyed look, before coming to a stop at their table and presented their food.

"Ooh, this smells delicious!" Snowdrop was sniffing them intently, a bright glow behind her blind eyes. Luna smiled as she lit up her magic and fed her daughter. "It tastes delicious!"

"Really?" She had a bite for herself. It truly was delicious. "Another!"

"Ye…yes!" Saffron scuttled off with a bright smile.

As the two waited again, enjoying their spectacular meal, some shouting drifted from the kitchen.

"…and your never listen to me!"

"Oh, right, I didn't travel halfway across Equestria for my daughter who I never listen to!"

"That doesn't sound good, we really can't help them?" Snowdrop asked, almost pleadingly.

"I don't know what we can do, Snowdrop." Luna fretted. "My position as a diarch doesn't allow me to play favourites. I must treat everypony fairly."

"That's stupid."


The two mulled over their frustrating inability to help the common pony. Then an idea popped over Snowdrop's head.

"Hey, wait a minute." She grinned. "We came here in the first place because we wanted a personal chef, right?"

"…you're right!" Luna picked up Snowdrop who squealed and smothered her in a hug. "Let us hire these two."

She got up and strolled over to the kitchen with purpose. Behind her, Snowdrop dropped down and scuttled after her. The arguing got louder, Coriander was yelling something about being unable to get Zesty Gourmand to rate their restaurant. With a swoosh, Luna entered the kitchen, giving Saffron quite the startle.

"Oh Celestia, my apologies Your Majesty! I'll get your food right away!" The mare made a dash for the stove but Luna coughed again, politely. "Your Majesty?"

"Me and my daughter came here in search of a personal chef, all those other restaurants have disappointed us, but The Tasty Treat hasn't. Would you do us the honour of being our chef?" Luna bowed and a shuffle behind her told her that Snowdrop did the same, or at the very least, tried to.


"What are you doing, Saffron? The princess is offering you a once in a lifetime opportunity." Coriander tapped his daughter on the flank, waking her up from her stupor.

"But what about you, Father?" Saffron asked, realizing what this would mean.

"Well…" Snowdrop began but was immediately interrupted.

"Saffron Masala, cooking has been your dream. You're the chef and I'm the host, that was the plan, no?"

"No!" Saffron stomped a hoof. "My dream was for us to cook together! Like when I was little. I wanted for us to treat the ponies of Canterlot. So, if you can't come, then I'm not going. Your Majesty," she turned to face Luna. "That is my answer."

"And a respectable answer that was." Luna smiled. "We can accommodate for another pony, if that is your wish."

"Really!?" Saffron jumped up with joy. "Did you hear that, father! We can cook together, and for the Princess no less."

"This isn't a joke, is it?" Coriander asked, still somewhat skeptical.

"Father!" The mare whacked him. "Don't be rude. We will gladly take you up on your offer."

"But what about The Tasty Treat?" Snowdrop asked.

A heavy silence followed.

"How about, we'll come here every time we have need for food, so then you don't have to move to the castle." Luna suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Saffron smiled and clapped her hooves together.

"Thank you, princess." Coriander said soft enough for only Luna and Snowdrop to hear. "I haven't seen my daughter smile so much in a while."

"No, thank you, for bringing your delicious food to Canterlot."


In a Foal Free Press article:

Princess Luna and Princess Snowdrop have been seen taking daily trips to a restaurant called The Tasty Treat. This is unprecedented as the restaurant hasn't been given a rating. Ever since the royals have been seen coming there, more and more restaurants are taking inspiration and going wild with their flavors. Here is an interview from Zesty Gourmand on the matter:

SB: Miss Gourmand, what are your thoughts on this new trend in Canterlot? Where restaurants are trying out new dishes and flavors?"

ZG: It is terrible! They are not keeping with the level of cuisine that I have set for Canterlot! Nopony said any of these places are acceptable, especially not The Tasty Treat! I am stripping all of the restaurants of their hooves!

SB: Well, it seems that Princess Luna and her daughter finds it good.

ZG: They told you? And who are they to tell you anything? Princess Luna can tell you how to organize the night sky, and her daughter can show you how to make a snowflake! They can't tell you what kind of food you can eat!

SB: And that wraps up this segment of Foal Free Press, read next weeks edition for the rebuttal to Zesty Gourmand's claims. Or you could watch Canterlot, something is bound to go up in flames.