//------------------------------// // 23: Showdown // Story: Spike And The Ninja Turtles // by Dragonfan101 //------------------------------// Pictures of Dimension X are seen on a screen as a Kraang droid stands in front of it with another walking behind him for an announcement. "Kraang, a message from Kraang's glorious leader.." The droid said looking at the other. "Kraang Prime!" The other announced. All of the robots stopped what they were doing as footage of a huge Kraang alien appears on screen. Her eye appears on the screen and they all worship her like a god. "Kraang, Kraang, Kraang!" They all saluted respectfully. "The invasion that is known as the invasion of Earth begins, now!" Kraang Prime announced. All of the droids started to march in a synchronized form as they all said the name Kraang over and over again. "Prepare the Technodrome." The one in front of the screen ordered. The alien's screeched a little before they started typing away on the console as dozens of files appeared on a screen behind them. Back in the lair, Donnie and Spike were in the lab until they saw the orb acting up all of a sudden. "Um, Donnie, you need to see this!" Spike said pointing at the orb. "Holy Toledo!" Donnie said in shock as he and Spike started working on the computer. "What's with the alarm you guys?" April asked as she walked in. "That's what we're trying to find out." Spike responded while they typed on it. "The Kraang communication orb's going haywire. Which means those little brain-blobs are up to something big." Donnie explained. "And it cannot be good at all." Spike finished as April looked at the screen. "What is this? Alien language?" April asked confused as files of the Kraang were on the screen. "I think so, it may be a message of sorts." Spike said worried. "Can you two decode this stuff?" April asked them. "Guess we're about to find out." Donnie replied as the two typed on the computer for a few more moments. "The message should appear on screen.. now!" Spike said as he pressed on the enter key and they waited a few seconds until it popped up, the three of them gasped in horror at what they saw. "Dear Celestia..." Spike said in horror as he saw this message.. Leo was watching the final episode of Space Heroes right now, this episode had the ship going down and the crew had to escape, but the captain was staying behind as a captain goes down with the ship. ( If anyone knows what show this is referring to let me know please.) "What a hero.." Leo said amazed as he watched it before the Tv was shut off by Spike who had the remote. "What are you doing? That's the final episode of Space Heroes!" Leo said upset at him who was next to Donnie. "We have something that's a little more important." Donnie answered while Spike crossed his arms. They were all in the lab now as they were listening to the message. "April, Spike and I were sifting through all this Kraang chatter, and well, listen to what we translated." Donnie explained as he typed on the keyboard and the orb started translating. "The final phase of the plan known as Kraang's invasion shall commence in the unit of time that is six hours. The Technodrome should arrive through the portal from dimension X through the portal." A droid explained. "Are you sure this is the translated version?" Mikey asked and Donnie slapped his face. "They said that in six hours something called the technodrome is coming through that portal. this is the final phase of the Kraang's invasion." Donnie said with worry. "But wait.. i thought April was the key to the Kraang plot and they don't have her?" Leo said confused pointing at her. "If that technodrome comes through that portal, well it sounds like the end of the world." Donnie explained. "So what do we do?" Raph asked curious. "Guys, we gotta find a way to shut that portal down. It's up to us." Leo said determined. "Let's trash some bots." Spike said clutching his arm. "Leonardo and Spike are both right, when you first went up to the surface i feared you were not ready. But i have come to realize that not only you are ready to become heroes, it was your destiny. And if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands, i am grateful it is yours." Splinter said as all of them bowed in respect. "Splinter, if anything goes wrong here, give me a call and i'll help you out." Spike said holding out his phone. "I will be on alert, be careful Spike, they want you as well, you must be on guard at all costs. Whatever it is they want you for is for something bad, and given your Psychic connection, i believe that is the reason why." Splinter warned while Spike looked down. "I know.. they kidnapped me from my home in order to get what they want from me, but i still don't know why they wanted me specifically, and why i have these ability's in the first place.." Spike said as he looked at his mutant arm again. "All will be revealed in time, if anything goes wrong, you will sense it, come to me, and i will assist you in whatever way i can." Splinter assured putting his hand on his shoulder. "Thanks master, i'm glad to have met all of you, you guys ready?" Spike asked looking at them, they all smiled and drew they're weapons ready to go. "Then let's save the world." Spike said determined as all of them started running out, Leo stayed behind to talk with Splinter for a moment, but Spike and the others prepared themselves. Spike went to his room and started taking out some gear, he pulled out a few spare smoke bombs from Donnie, some extra knives he got from Xever, and finally, he pulled the sword he stole from under his bed, he took it out and looked at it's metal and saw his reflection. "May Celestia and Luna watch over me, and may i have the spirit of the warrior who wielded this sword with me." Spike prayed as he put it on his back giving him two swords to use now like Leo. While this was happening, Donnie was designing some special wings for them to use and all of them were equipping the most gear they could for this battle, it was do or die here, and Spike wasn't gonna let himself die in vain. All of them were at the shellraiser just outside the lair saying goodbye to Splinter and April. "Gentlemen, let's save the world." Leo announced. They all opened the doors and got inside to their positions, and the van started driving away leaving the two alone. "Um, sensei. do you mind if i ask you a question?" April asked curious. "Of course not." Splinter replied. "Why aren't you going with them?" April asked turning to him. "Why do you ask?" Splinter asked confused. "The turtles and Spike are out there risking they're lives. Don't you think they could use your help?" April asked again. "I am their teacher. My role is to prepare them for the challenges they face." Splinter answered. "But sensei, you said it yourself. that this time the fate of the world is.." April argued before she was stopped, "Damare! I do not have to explain myself to a child!" Splinter told her coldly before walking off, he looked back at her feeling ashamed of reacting that way before leaving with April crossing her arms. The van was racing through the tunnels at fast speeds, the hatch opened and they now were driving onto the streets. "All right guys, we keep it simple. We go to TCRI and we use the Micro-fission Omni disintegrator, which Donnie calculates is powerful enough to destroy the portal with a single shot." Leo explained. "Well, why didn't we use it last time?" Mikey asked and Spike slapped his face at that. "Because we didn't have it! This is not the time for this right now Mikey!" Spike said annoyed as he picked up on the speed. "Are you sure this plan will work you two?" Raph asked looking at them. "It has to work." They both said at once as they kept on driving. While this was all happening, April's father had told April that the Kraang knew they were coming, and was leading her outside the lair right now. "April? Where are you going?" Splinter asked as he saw them about to leave. "The turtles and Spike are in trouble. I've gotta go warn them." April said seriously. "But you know it is too dangerous for you to be on the surface." Splinter warned. "Well, some of us can't just sit around and do nothing." April responded as she walked off and left him to think to himself. They were now in the subway tunnels, but April noticed something was off. "Dad, what are you doing? This isn't the way to TCRI." April told him, he stopped for a moment and looked back at her with a serious face. "Dad what's going on?" April asked worried. A smoke bomb suddenly appeared next to her and two foot soldiers grabbed her arms and restrained her. "Hey there princess, miss me?" Karai asked with a smug as she walked up to her. "Yeah actually, last time i saw you i forgot to give you this!" April shouted as she kneed Karai in the chest which knocked her back a little. "You've done well, now take the message to Splinter." Karai said to Kirby, he bowed his head and started walking off. "Dad? Dad! what are you doing?!" April asked as he walked off with a few mouser droids before realizing something. "You brainwashed him!" April accused. "I know, pretty cool right?" Karai responded as she started to walk off with the foot soldiers taking April with her. Spike was driving the Shellraiser at fast speeds through the streets, they were just approaching TCRI and everyone braced themselves for the plan. The droids took out they're weapons and got on their guard until the van crashed through the door and rammed over most of them except the assistant. She ordered the others to fire at the van and they did just that. The hatch above suddenly opened and a rocket fist came out and hit the assistant in the face and Metalhead jumped into the air. "Booyakasha!" Donnie shouted through the mic as Metalhead started blasting all of them. "Haha! Meet Metalhead!" Donnie whooped as he fired at all of them, three droids appeared behind him with more weapons and were about to attack him. "I see you!" Donnie said as he used a flamethrower and incinerated them and the screen cuts to another location. Spike and the others were flying above the rooftops right now with some special wings that Donnie made for each of them. "Woohoo!" Donnie shouted as all of them flew through the night sky. "This is awesome!" Spike shouted as he flew around the buildings. "Nice work Donnie!" Raph said turning to him who gave Raph a thumbs up. "You know what time it is?! The worlds first ever mid air high- three!!" Mikey announced, all of them cheered and high fived eachother right in front of the large moon. "This is awesome! Turtles were born to fly!!" Mikey said in joy. "You said it!!" Spike said in agreement as he and Mikey cheered in joy. "All right guys, let's do this." Leo told them as they flew over to the building and to the top of it. They all got as high as they could and started sneaking around the corner, Raph used a pigeon to have them make it across the camera while they all remained quiet. They were around another corner and they saw two more droids standing guard. "It is quiet. Precisely the right amount of quiet." A droid said looking around. "What's up losers?!" Spike shouted as they saw Spike draw his two swords and had white eyes like the others, Spike made a battle cry and delivered a sick move which knocked the two of them off of the building. "This is going to leave that which is known as, a mark." A droid said as they were falling. "Affirmative." The other responded as the two landed on the ground very hard. All of them put they're weapons away and resumed they're mission, they all took out a grapple hook and started sliding down to the room with white eyes once more. Splinter was meditating in his room again thinking about what April said. "The turtles and Spike are out there risking they're lives. Don't you think they could use your help? Some of us aren't just gonna sit around and do nothing." April's words echoed as he thought of all of this. Splinter's senses went off and he drew his staff at fast speeds and saw Kirby who was looking suspicious. "Where is April?" Splinter asked him. "Master Shredder wanted you to have this message." Kirby said strangely. "Master... Shredder?" Splinter asked in shock, two mouser droids ran into the room and roared at him. "Nani?" Splinter asked in shock as a message of Shredder appeared. "So, Hamato Yoshi. You thought you could hide from me forever, i have April O Neil. And if you value her life, you will come and face me like a man, we will finish what we started, and bring that dragon with you. It is time to see whether or not your training, has given him the chance to survive facing me." Shredder said menacingly as the hologram disappeared. Kirby left with the mousers as Splinter dropped to his knees and was thinking heavily on what to do. Inside the building, more Kraang aliens were working on the computer and started powering up the portal and Spike and the others were standing above watching over everything. "We gotta take out that portal." Leo told them, they looked ahead and saw the rock monster from before making a growl of anger. "I forgot about him." Raph said annoyed. "Don't worry, we'll be long gone before that rock monster ever knows we're here." Donnie said as Spike held out the gun with both his arms. "All right guy's, let's do this." Spike said seriously as he aimed the gun at the portal. "This is for you Leatherhead." Spike swore as the gun powered up, Spike fired the gun hoping it would destroy the portal, but a shield appeared around it which blocked the attack completely. "What?!" Leo asked in shock as they saw it. "There's a force field? Why didn't you tell me?!" Leo asked in anger. "You have got to be kidding me!!" Spike said in anger. "Well, obviously i wanted us to fail. OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!" Donnie screamed in response. All of the droids noticed them and aimed they're weapons upwards. "Celestia damnit.." Spike said in anger as they started firing at them. "Well anyone got a plan b?" Raph asked before the rock monster emerged behind them. They all screamed in fear and barely avoided another punch, Spike tossed the gun over to Leo as they were all trying to think of something. While Spike was trying to think of something, his phone suddenly went off and he quickly checked it and saw Splinter was calling. "You've gotta be kidding me!!" Spike said as he picked it up and answered. "Splinter, this isn't the best time!" Spike shouted as he sliced up a few robots with his sword and was flipping over more laser fire. "I know, i regret having to call you at this time. But you need to know this. Shredder has taken April captive, and he wants you and me to meet him at his lair or else he will kill her." Splinter said seriously as he was on a rooftop. "What?! Shredder took April?!" Spike asked in horror which shocked the other turtles. "What?!" Donnie said in horror as well. "I know, it is just as shocking to me as well, i need you to meet me on the rooftop and come with me to the Shredder." Splinter said as he was nearby the TCRI building waiting for him. Spike growled in pure rage as he was not in the best mood right now. "Okay, i'll be there in a few, hang on a minute!" Spike said as he hung up. "Guys, April's been taken by Shredder, and he wants me and Splinter to confront him, i need to go!" Spike shouted as he started to make his way to the exit. "Spike, whatever you do. Be careful! You remember what happened last time we faced him!" Raph warned as he slashed another robot's head off. "I know, and i won't forget it. Save the world for me guys!" Spike shouted as he went to the window and took out a grapple hook. "Save April for me Spike!" Donnie shouted in response, Spike nodded in response and slid out of the building to the rooftop. Spike had landed on the rooftops not to far off from the building and started making his way to Shredder's lair. "How was everything going up there?" Splinter suddenly asked as Spike saw Splinter land next to him. "There was a shield around the portal, we were trying to figure out what to do before you called." Spike answered as they flipped across the rooftops again. "I regret having you leave them at this time, but things are important, we must save April." Splinter said seriously. "I know, i know the others will figure something out. And if Shredder wants me, he'll get me!" Spike said seriously as they started moving faster. April was currently in the lair restrained to a chain trying to break free while Dogpound and Fishface stood guard. "So, how good is this so-called ninja master anyway?" Xever asked him. " One of the best, and that dragon shouldn't be underestimated either." Dogpound responded Spike and Splinter were now in front of the lair with hoods under them. "He trained under the same ninja clan as Master Shredder, they used to be like brothers, until Hamato Yoshi betrayed him." Dogpound narrated as Spike and Splinter were surrounded by foot soldiers with weapons, Spike grabbed one's head with his mutant arm and threw him into the other soldiers. Splinter knocked back even more soldiers doing a similar move. Spike twisted a soldiers arm and threw him to the ground while Splinter slammed another to the wall as more kept trying to fight them. "Just to let you punks know, you've caught us on a bad day.." Spike said with anger as he drew his weapon. "Let me put it to you this way." Dogpound said as Splinter slammed another soldiers head against the wall and Spike was flipping over them and twisting they're bodies with pressure points. "He's as skilled as Master Shredder. But he doesn't have the stomach to finish the job. And we all know how that dragon has improved within the time we've faced off with him." Dogpound said as the two finished off the rest and were marching inside. While all of this was happening, back at TCRI. The turtles were fighting off the Kraang the best they could while Leo was using the gun to blow off the rock monsters body parts, Donnie was trying to hack into the system while the others fought them off. Dogpound and Fishface were still waiting for the two until they heard a thud. "Huh, what was that?" Fishface asked as he was on guard. "They're here." Dogpound said seriously. The doors opened and a weekend soldier fell to the ground, two pairs of eyes appeared in the shadows followed by a growl of anger. They dragged the soldier into the darkness as harsh sounds were heard. Dogpound suddenly saw the two right next to him with serious faces, he tried to punch at them but Spike and Splinter ducked under his attacks and flipped over him. "Nice to see you again Dogpound, last time i meant to give you this!" Spike said as he kicked him in the face, Splinter was avoiding Fishface's attacks as the two were backed up to eachother. Dogpound got up and charged at them as Xever was about to deliver a kick. The two suddenly rolled out of the way much to their surprise. "Good luck having kids after this Dogpound." Spike said waving his hands, Fishface had accidentally kicked Dogpound in the nuts really hard and he fell to his knees. After that move, Splinter made Fishface bit his own tail and Spike used his mutant arm and punched him to the wall. and into the water. They looked down and saw him swim away and Dogpound left as well. "Twilight would be proud of what i've learned." Spike said as they took a few breaths. They looked ahead and saw April still restrained and they ran up to her. "April, it is us, do not make a sound. We will have you out in a moment" Splinter told her. "We're here to rescue.. you.." Spike said as he touched the chains, but they suddenly flickered as this was a hologram of her.. "Hando?" Splinter asked as a mouser appeared in front of them, Spike sliced the thing apart quickly to avoid any loud noises. They both suddenly heard sinister laughter that came from the Shredder. "Hamato Yoshi, and Spike. I am so glad you two have accepted my invitation." Shedder said as they looked around, fire around the walls had suddenly lit up, as the room became more red. "What have you done with April?!" Splinter asked with anger. "Where is my friend?!" Spike said as he was in a fighting stance. "Now that you both are here, Miss O Neil is no longer of any use to me, i gave her to my new friends, the Kraang." Shredder said as we see April being handed over to them. "You fool! Do you have any idea what you have done?!" Splinter asked in anger. "You've doomed the entire Earth because of this!!" Spike shouted with rage. Two white lines suddenly appeared and we see Spike and Splinter was knocked to the ground by Shredder. "Yes, i took your family away and now i can put an end to you. It was either you or O Neil, dragon. And i still have my plans for you once i finish Hamato Yoshi." Shredder said menacingly. Splinter took off his hood revealing his rat face as well as Spike. "What? A rat? I see you are as hideous as those turtles that surround you. How fitting, you are a rat who has been caught in my trap." Shredder mocked. "Says the guy who's too afraid to hide his own face Tincan." Spike countered. "Look closely at us Shredder, for we are the last thing that you'll ever see!" Splinter said as Spike drew his swords. While all of this was happening, Donnie was still working on the portal while everyone else was fighting the Kraang, the portal was beginning to power up making time very short. "Guys, i think i got it!" Donnie said as the device was fully hacked much to his relief, and the shield surrounding the portal powered down. "Yes! All hail me! Donnie said in victory. But it was cut short as the portal had finally activated and they watched in horror as the Technodrome was beginning to emerge from it. "Holy giant floaty shippy ship.." Mikey said in fear as he saw how huge it was outside. "Leo! Do the Zippy zappy thing now!" Mikey shouted as the Kraang were firing at them once more. "Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby!" Leo begged as the gun powered up again. "Yes! Say goodnight Kraang!" Leo shouted as he aimed at the portal.. but the gun died as it was over used and they all groaned with white eyes.. "What the heck happened?!" Donnie asked as the thing had smoke coming from it. "I think it's batteries died." Leo suggested. "And we'll be joining em, unless someone thinks of something!" Raph shouted as he used a Kraang droid to block the fire of a few more aliens. The Technodrome was almost through as it came down to the building. "What's plan c Leo?" Donnie asked as the rock monster was rebuilding itself. Leo looked around for a moment and found the power cell from before in a container. "Donnie, what would happen if i ruptured the power cell?" Leo asked looking at it. "The whole place would go up.. with us in it!" Donnie shouted. "Go!" Leo said as he drew his sword. "Whoa Leo, your not thinking what i think your thinking!" Donnie said in fear, Leo started to run to the power cell much to their shock. "He's thinking it!" Donnie shouted as the three started to run for it. Leo swiftly sliced through each Kraang droid with his sword, he flipped over the laser fire and sliced some more in half making battle cries. Leo screamed in anger and slammed down on the power cell, the whole place started to explode as Leo flipped off the Portal and broke out of the roof through the high ledges, the entire place exploded as the portal had powered down finally. Leo started to fall from the building as he thought this was the end, he braced himself for impact until he heard screaming. "Aah.. gotcha!" Raph shouted as he grabbed Leo just in time. "Yeah, woohoo! In your face gravity!" Raph said in victory. "Huh, thanks Raph." Leo said gratefully. "Anytime buddy." Raph said as Donnie and Mikey flew down next to them. "I can't believe it, we saved the world!" Donnie said amazed. "Yeah! That wasn't so hard was it?" Mikey asked them. But the moment was ruined when a large shadow loomed over all of them, they screamed as they barely avoided a large ship knocking them down, they flew down for a moment and to their horror, they found themselves face to face with the Technodrome.. "Uh, i gotta stop saying stuff like that.." Mikey said in fear as the thing began powering up. All of the people who were doing they're own thing today, had noticed the Technodrome in the sky, and were looking on with horror as the turtles were face to face with it. "I think i speak for all of us when i say, AH, AH,AH!!" Mikey shouted as he screamed in terror. "What the heck is that thing?!" Raph asked as sirens were heard over the city. "It's the end of the world!" Leo said in fear. "Well actually, it's just the end of humanity's reign as the dominant life form, you know like when the dinosaurs.." Donnie said before Leo stopped him. "Really Donnie? Your gonna do this now?!" Leo asked frustrated. "Well excuse me, but it's how i deal with stress!" Donnie shouted in anger. "Well, maybe it doesn't have weapons, does it look like it has weapons?" Raph asked as they looked up and saw a bunch of weapons aiming at them and shot some lasers at them. "I think it has weapons" Leo shouted as the weapon started firing all over them. People were screaming in fear as they ran away from the Technodrome that was in the sky as we cut back to Spike and Splinter. "Oroku Saki, you were my friend. I thought of you as my brother." Splinter said as we see a flashback of him and his wife as " 15 years ago, i was a different man, i had everything i want. a loving wife, and a beautiful daughter, named Miwa. And you my loyal friend? Jealousy consumed you, you sought everything that which was mine. You took everything that i loved Everything!" Splinter said with anger as we cut back to the real time. "And yet you still hunt me down. So, i fight you now. to end this!" Splinter said getting in a fighting stance. "You brought your own pain upon yourself! You went down a path that got them both killed! You blame Splinter for all of this, but deep down you know, that you are the one responsible for everything, if you hadn't been consumed by your rage, she would still be alive, and none of this, would have happened!" Spike accused as he got in his fighting stance while Shredder growled in anger. "Silence!! You don't know anything about me!" Shredder shouted as he charged at the two, he attempted to slash at Spike but he rolled out of the way and roundhouse kicked him to the side. "I may not know much about you, but i do know is that you brought this upon yourself, and you know that for a fact!" Spike shouted as he twisted Shredders arm and threw him to Splinter who jumped in the air and did a spin kick on his head, Shredder growled and got up and charged at them while all of them were screaming in anger. Shredder sliced at Spike who blocked it with his shoulder blades, Spike went under him and upper cut him into the air, Splinter flipped into the air again and delivered a hard punch to his chest which knocked him on the ground for a moment, Shredder got up and started using the shadows to get the drop on them. "Keep your guard up Spike, he could be anywhere." Splinter warned as Spike drew one of his swords as they looked over the numerous rocks around them. "i'm ahead of you on that." Spike replied as they waited for the moment to strike. Spike took a deep breath as he was waiting for a sign of where the Shredder was, he suddenly heard metal scrapping as his senses went off to warn him, Spike quickly turned around and saw Shredder lunging at them from above somehow, Spike backflipped out of the way and threw some shuriken's at him, Shredder managed to block him but was countered by another strike from Splinter. Splinter wrapped his tail around Spike and he threw Spike up in the air, Spike screamed in anger as he twirled around in the air and drew his sword again and sliced at the screen. We cut back to the turtles now, they were shot down by the Technodrome but was able to survive the fall, and we're heading to the lair to regroup. "Hello? Sensei? April? Spike's?" Donnie asked as they all looked around, the turtles Spike stood up which relieved Raph but was confusing to the others. "Where are they?" Mikey asked confused until Leo remembered. "That's right! Spike went with Splinter to confront Shredder!" Leo said in realization as they were now looking through the dojo. "You think they need help?" Donnie asked worried. "It is the Shredder, but given how skilled Splinter is, i'm sure they'll be okay for a bit." Leo assured as they looked around. Mikey looked behind himself and suddenly found Kirby charging at Mikey with a bat from the tree trying to attack him. "Whoa dude chill!" Mikey shouted as he dodged the attacks from Kirby. "Hey!" Leo shouted as he and the others tackled Kirby to the ground. "What the heck is going on?" Raph asked confused. "Guys, check this out!" Donnie said as the camera zooms in on a device on Kirby's neck as we now cut to Donnie holding it in his hands. "So what is it?" Leo asked as they were in the living room now. "I think it's some sort of mind control device." Donnie suggested. "Really?" Raph asked as he took it, he grabbed Mikey's arm and jokingly started trying to put it on him. "No, stop it, stop it!" Mikey begged trying to get away while he laughed a little "Raph." Leo told him motioning him to stop, they heard a groan and looked over and saw Kirby looking down sadly. "Mr O Neil? What's wrong?" Donnie asked worried. "I've done something terrible.." Kirby said with regret. "It wasn't your fault Mr. O Neil, just tell us what happened." Donnie asked again and he sighed. "It appears the Kraang has formed an alliance with your enemy shredder, and that's not all. I fear that Shredder has handed April over to the Kraang." Kirby said with fear. "Shredder handed her to the Kraang?!" Donnie asked horrified. "Sensei and Spike went after her, it must have been a trap!" Raph said wit anger. "So where is April now?" Donnie asked worried. "They're taking her to the Technodrome." Kirby explained. "The what?" Raph asked confused as they look at the Tv which had the news on it, it had Carlos report the huge Technodrome being spotted over New York city as everyone was running away in fear. "Dude, this is getting freakier by the minute." Mikey said pointing at the screen. "We just escaped that freaky sphere, and now we gotta break into it?!" Raph asked frustrated. "In a matter of hours, the world we once knew will be gone. The Kraang want April to help in their conquest of earth." Kirby said seriously. We cut to April as she finally starts waking up, and she finds her self in front of Kraang Prime. "April O Neil, Kraang has been waiting a long time." Kraang prime said menacingly. "Where am i? What's going on?" April asked in fear as she was restrained to a device of sorts. "Like all Kraang, i am called kraang. But you can call me Kraang. Kraang has the need for this planet for Kraang to live on. "Um, that sounds great but we're already using it. So you came all this way for nothing. Bummer." April countered. "No, Kraang came this way for you April O Neil. "Oh really? as if i had anything to offer for you Kraangs, and i thought you needed Spike as well?" April countered again. "Kraang has decided the best use for Spike is to be a mutant warrior for Kraang, once Kraang has finished with this planet, Kraang will find him and turn him into the desired warrior, this world will fall to Kraang!." Kraang prime said once more. "Yeah well, Spike's really mad about what you did, and he's not taking you abducting him lightly." April said again. "It is all tied to why we need him and you. Your mental energy is uniquely attuned to this universe. Once Kraang gets this ability, Kraang will transform your world, into a world for Kraang." Kraang prime said evilly. "And, how are you going to do that exactly?" April asked getting scarred, her question was answered as some strange devices appeared all around her and came close to her as she screamed in terror. Spike and Splinter were still fighting Shredder right now, Spike blocked another swipe from Shredder and knocked him back, Shredder yelled as he tried upper slashing him, but Spike rolled out of the way and tried sweeping his legs again, but Shredder saw this coming and grabbed him aggressively and threw him to the wall cracking it. "Okay.. you got me that time." Spike said as he shook it off and charged at Shredder again. Splinter blocked another attack and tried attacking him with his staff. Shredder blocked it with his blades and cut the staff apart, Shredder then jumped into the air as he tried to slash at Splinter, but they barely avoided eachothers attacks and were on opposite sides again. "Why must you persist in this insanity?" Splinter asked frustrated. "You took Tang Shen from me." Shredder said as he drew his large blades. "She was never yours!" Splinter said as he took out a rope and wrapped it around his arm, he handed it to Spike and he flipped over Shredder and tied him up, Splinter came up with another knife but Shredder deflected it which knocked it to the ground. "You say Splinter took her from you! But you know for a fact that it was you who ruined everything!!" Spike screamed as his mutant arm glowed green again and he delivered a devastating punch to Shredder, he was knocked down to a wall and groaned a little, but he wasn't giving up and got back up and drew his blades. "I will teach you to choose your words carefully dragon!" Shredder said with anger as Spike and Splinter all charged at Shredder with they're weapons. While all of this was happening, the Technodrome was sending down metal spheres which trapped humans who were trying to escape, it was a part of collecting human specimen for they're plan. "We need to get inside one of those pods." Leo said as he and the others hid behind a wrecked car. "How? There are 8 robots between us and there." Donnie said curious. "We could create a diversion." Leo suggested. "Excuse me, how many did you say there were?" Raph asked him. "Eight." Leo answered. "Maybe we could all dress up like robots, sneak in." Mikey suggested. "Or.. maybe i could override they're security codes by.." Donnie said before they heard fighting noises, they looked over and saw Raph had taken care of all of them easily and twirled a head around on his weapon. "Or... that might work.. let's go!" Leo said as he and the others ran up to the pod as we cut back to Spike and Splinter who were still fighting. "You never had anything but your hatred, and if you defeat me, you will have nothing!" Splinter said with anger as he and Spike held back his blades. Shredder broke free of his bindings and tried slashing them again, Spike backflipped into the air and threw a smoke bomb in his face which blinded him for a moment. "You wanted me Shredder? Well your gonna get me!!" Spike shouted as he drew both of his swords and twirled them around with white eyes. Shredder laughed like a maniac as he looked at them. "That is where you are wrong. You took something from me, so i took something from you. Your daughter." Shredder said menacingly, they both gasp in fear as Spike sees the memory of Splinter losing his home again.. only this time, he saw Shredder carrying Miwa away while she was crying.. "No.. it can't be.." Splinter said in horror as they were trying to process this. While this was going on, Leo and the others were able to get inside the Technodrome and hid behind one of them to get into a hall to hide. "You this zero g thing is banging! They should make a carnival ride out of this!" Mikey said amazed. "Uh, i think they're more interested in using it to destroy the earth. "It could do both." Mikey replied before they heard April screaming again. "It's April!" Donnie said in horror. "Can you say that a little louder? I don't think the entire Technodrome heard you." Raph mocked. He looked behind him and there were suddenly dozens of Kraang aliens right behind them. "Never mind, they did!" Raph corrected himself as they all drew they're weapons. April had a helmet strapped to her head a mutagen was being pumped from her as the cables behind the machine flowed into the machine with Kraang prime laughing menacingly. April's pupils went large as the energy went into the machine. "Yes, yes! It's working!" Kraang prime said in victory as she produced a huge energy wave from her device, the front of the Technodrome glowed brighter as a siren sound was now coming from it. "That can't be good." Leo said as he heard it, he jumped into the air and sliced up two more aliens in floating pods, he and Donnie jumped off eachother using the anti gravity that was in the room and Donnie freed Mikey from a few more of them. We cut back to Spike and Splinter's fight as Splinter was starting to get punched repeatedly by Shredder. Shredder delivered another upper cut to him and knocked him to the ground. "It's over Hamato, soon you will be no more! And your own daughter will go through her life, cursing your name." Shredder said with anger as he drew his blade again. Spike growled in pure rage as he was hearing all of this, this meant that Karai was being lied to all these years, and the good he felt in her was from Splinter, and Shredder.. took all of this away. "Not on my watch!!" Spike shouted as he grabbed Shredder's blades with his swords, Spike opened his jaws and chomped down on the knifes and shattered them as Splinter was getting up and looked furious. Splinter got on all fours and leapt at him with fury, Spike twisted his arm again and threw him into the air as he and Splinter charged at him once again. Leo and the others managed to take out the rest of the alien's for now, they heard April screaming again and Raph listened for the source, he found a hatch below them and used his weapons to open it up and the 4 went in to save her. "April O Neil. Your mind belongs to Kraang. Soon your world will be ours! Let the planetary mutation.. begin!!" Kraang prime announced as the device outside was starting to charge up. "Witness the end of your kind!" Kraang prime said evilly. "Not if we can help it!" Leo shouted as he and the others were hanging from the wires of the device. "The turtles? Kraang will not be stopped by pathetic mutants!" Kraang prime said with anger. "At least we're not stupid aliens." Mikey countered. "Raph quick!" Leo shouted, Raph jumped off of the device and aimed his legs at her, he delivered a strong kick to her head and she screamed in pain. "Ow!!" She shouted as she was groaning in pain, Donnie was able to free April and took the helmet off of her as the Technodrome powered down. "Your my hero.." April said weakly. "Hey chuckles, we gotta get out of here." Raph said as Donnie was chuckling nervously. "Let's go!" Donnie shouted as they started to climb out of the place. Kraang prime opened her eyes and grinned, large tentacles broke free from the walls next to her and she was revealed to have her own metal body as well. Splinter and Spike were charging at Shredder with anger, Spike dragged his blades on the ground which created sparks as he dragged them along, Spike jumped in the air and slashed his blades at Shredder who tried holding them back. " I've seen heartless people before, and your no different from them!!" Spike said with fury as he landed on the ground and punched him repeatedly with Splinter. "The entire world is at stake now, and you team up with the very monsters that took me from my home, and separated me from my family!!!" Spike said as he put his blades away and was now attacking him aggressively with no mercy. Shredder threw knives at both at them, and while Splinter dodged each of them, Spike caught them with his hands and threw them back at him. "You are a sorry excuse for a warrior! Karai never deserved to be raised by you!!" Spike screamed as he delivered a ground pound with his mutant arm which shook the ground. "Spike, control your mind! You are letting your anger control you! You will not be better then him if you win this way!" Splinter warned as he dodged some more slashes from Shredder. Spike was breathing heavily as his pupils were narrow, but they soon returned to normal as Spike calmed down. "Right.. just.. focus.." Spike said as he got into a fighting stance, his head suddenly hurt badly as he screamed in pain. "Not now!!" Spike shouted as he held his head with his hands. "Spike?" Splinter asked worried as both him and Shredder stopped for a moment. Spike opened his eyes and they were pure white and glowing. Spike screamed as he released a powerful shockwave from his head and the shockwave was so powerful it knocked down Splinter and Shredder and shattered the windows of the entire building, Shredder's helmet was knocked off revealing his burnt up face. Spike was breathing heavily as he was on his knees trying to recover. "What.. was that?" Spike asked himself as he looked at his hands, Spike suddenly heard something in his head as it he saw a shadow in a white void. "Don't let your anger control you, use your gifts well, i promise i'll see you again one day.." The voice said as Spike gasped in shock. "Spike, are you alright?" Splinter asked as he came up to him. "Yeah.. i'm.. fine.." Spike said as he was taking heavy breaths. They heard yelling and looked in front of them and saw Shredder trying to attack again, Splinters eyes narrowed as he took up a sword and delivered a strong kick and knocked Shredder down to the ground, Splinter screamed in anger as he was about to finish the job. "No!" Karai shouted as she suddenly joined into the fight, she and Splinter clashed swords for a bit until Shredder finally saw her. "Miwa?" Splinter asked in shock, Karai grunted and delivered a slash to him and knocked him back a little next to Spike who was still trying to recover. "Splinter.. we need to go now." Spike said as he was getting up. "Father" Karai said worried as they saw her helping the weakened Shredder. "Karai, that rat is Hamato Yoshi." Shredder said pointing at him. "Miwa.." Splinter said while he was still trying to process this. "My name is Karai! Father told me what you did to my mother. And now i'm going to return the favor!" Karai said as she drew her sword and charged at them while Shredder was chuckling. "No!" Splinter said as he and Spike quickly jumped up the ledges and got to the higher area. "Why won't you two fight?!" Karai said in anger. "I'm sorry Karai.." Spike said sadly as he and Splinter proceeded to escape. Leo and the others were trying to escape the Technodrome now as they were leaping up some platforms trying to get to a higher ledge. "Leo i have a question!" Mikey shouted as he and Leo took down more droids. "Can it wait?" Leo asked annoyed as they kept running. "Not really! Did we beat that big Kraang thingy?" Mikey shouted as they kept moving. "Yes ,Mikey, we did." Leo said annoyed. "Okay, then why is it following us?!" Mikey shouted as they all turned around. They looked in shock as they saw Kraang prime in a huge mech suit and was climbing at the walls and roared at them. They were all trying to outrun her large suit as it now was firing a laser at them and was creating some explosions. "Everybody, there's one last escape pod up ahead!" Donnie shouted as they saw one not to far away. Mikey was hit by the impact and tripped over one of the ledges and almost fell down and was trying to hang on, he whimered in fear as he looked behind him and saw the mechs head preparing to fire a laser at him. "Get away from my brother!" Leo shouted as he ran to the machine and ran up it's long arms and sliced off the head and it exploded. Leo held out his hand for him. "Hurry Mikey" Leo shouted with worry, Mikey used his weapon to reach him and Leo was able to pull him out. "There's nowhere for you to run mutants!" Kraang prime said with fury as she got up and was charging at them once more. "Leo, Leo!" Donnie shouted as they got into the pod but Leo was facing the mech. "All of you will die here!" Kraang prime said evilly, Leo thought to himself for a moment and remembered Splinter's words. "With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission. No matter what you have to sacrifice, or who." Splinter's words echoed as Leo had a serious face. Kraang prime threw one of the arms at them, but Leo took out a chain and wrapped it around the arm and flipped back over and restrained her. "Leo!" Raph said in horror as he was holding her back. "No! Get out of here now!" Leo shouted as he was struggling. "What are you talking about?!" Raph asked in shock. "Dude, you can't do this!" Mikey said horrified. "Go!" Leo shouted as he was trying to hold her back again. "I can't.. hold on much longer.." Leo said as he was struggling. "Leo!" Raph shouted as Donnie stopped him from going. "We gotta go now!" Donnie said as Mikey closed the pod. Kraang prime broke from the chains and tried attacking them again. "Leonardo!" Raph said in horror as the pod was launched away, it was shot out of the ship as it was now on fire and was falling down. "I can't believe it, we made it!" Donnie said in shock, they all gasped as they saw the Technodrome fall down into the water and make a large wave. "Leo.. no!" Mikey said in horror as they saw the Technodrome sinking. "I can't believe he's gone.." Mikey said sadly as April started to cry. "Leo.." Donnie said sadly as Raph sat down regretfully. "I gave him nothing but a hard time. if i had to do it over again, i'd definitely be nicer.." Raph said with regret. "Really?" Leo's voice suddenly asked. "Really... Leo? Leo!" Raph said in surprise as they saw him alive and had a pod and came to them. "Leo! You dork, you scared the heck out of us!" Raph said in surprise as they helped him into the pod. "We won! Oh man i love you bros!" Mikey said in relief as all of them cheered in victory, the other pods emerged from the water and the humans that were captured cheered in joy. We cut back to nighttime now as everyone was in the lair celebrating. "Who saved the world?!" Mikey said to the others. "We saved the world!" Leo and the others said at once. "I said who saved the world?!" Mikey asked again. "We saved the world." They all said again. "I said.." Mikey asked again before Raph slapped him. "Stop asking." Raph said annoyed. "We saved the world." Mikey said quietly, Raph suddenly hit him in the face with pizza while the others were laughing. April looked over and saw Spike and Splinter thinking to themselves for a bit. Splinter was looking at his photo of his family with Spike looking concerned. "Sensei, i want to apologize. For the way i spoke to you earlier." April said with regret, Spike took a few steps back to let them respectfully talk. "No need. You spoke from the heart. I am just relieved that you made it home safely." Splinter said gratefully. "Yeah, it was a tough battle for us all, i'm just glad it's over for now." Spike said in relief. "What's wrong you guys?" Leo asked as he came into the dojo as well. "Spike and i learned some things from the Shredder.." Splinter said as he heard the memory of Miwa again. "Like what?" Leo asked curious. "That is for another day, tonight is for celebration. after all, it is not everyday you make the day safe from an alien invasion." Splinter said with a smile. "You got that right! Everybody, who saved the world?!" Mikey asked looking at the others. "Mikey.." They all said annoyed and he sighed a little. "We saved the world!" They all suddenly said in victory. "Yeah!" Mikey cheered as they all jumped into the air. We cut to all of them listening to up-beat music while all of them were dancing in victory, Spike was twirling around on his tail while all of them cheered for him, Spike quickly got up and let Leo take the floor as he showed them all his dance moves. But while all of this was happening, Spike just thought to himself on what happened today, he and Splinter were able to take on the Shredder together, but they learned an important truth about Karai.. and Spike just remembered what that voice told him. "Don't let your anger control you, use your gifts well, i promise i'll see you again one day.." The words echoed through his head again, and they sounded like a female voice? Spike's eyes widened as he realized something. "Mom?!" Spike thought to himself in shock as he may have figured out who he got these ability's from.. Back underneath the sea, the Technodrome was at the bottom of the ground seemingly deactivated.. until the lights came back on as ominous music played..