Rarity's Sunset

by JediWyrm


Sunset and Trixie make their way over to the nurse's office, figuring that maybe someone realized their memories had been messed with and went to talk to Nurse Redheart. Unfortunately nobody had.

Talking to some of the other students lead them to the library and some of the more techy kids who are experts at erasing memories, only for it to turn out that it was data not actual memory. Sitting in an empty classroom they are discussing what to do next, with Sunset not paying much attention as she is looking out a window.

Her friends are outside, trying another attempt at their group photo for the yearbook, likely that Principal Celestia vetoing having the photo of all of them in swimsuits as a full page spread. Watching them causes her loneliness to build up and rather than letting it make her sad, Sunset storms off.

Later in the yearbook committee room, Sunset sees Twilight had left her drone on the table. Connecting it to a computer she sees the group photo and spots herself in the window, looking forlorn.

"Staring at that pic isn't helping you." Trixie says before setting down printouts of some of the pages. "We've talked to almost every student, even Pinkie's sister who was able to rattle off the geological makeup off of just a sketch, and haven't gotten any closer. Maybe we should think about what to do next."

Sunset quirks an eyebrow "We?"

Trixie replies "Yeah. Friends help each other."

"Well I'm glad I will have at least one friend after today."

Looking back at the pages, the magician notices something odd, "What's with this blank space? Who's Wallflower Blush?"

The green haired girl sitting at another computer speaks up "I am, and I've been here the whole time. WE met back in the third grade Trixie."

Trixie brushes some hair out of her face before stating "You can't expect the Great and Powerful Trixie to remember every fan she meets."

As the two girls quibble Sunset notices her book lightly glowing indicating a message from Princess Twilight. Pulling it out she sees that the other pony had found the missing part of the scroll. Information about where Clover had buried the stone, in the middle of three rock pillars, as well as a warning about how after the third sunset the loss of memories is permanent.

The drawing of the rock formation causes Sunset to look at Wallflower's computer again.

"Hey Wallflower, that a cool background. Never saw such a lovely garden before." She remarks distracting the two other girls.

Trixie confused at the sudden subject change watches as the third girl moves back over to the screen.

She says "Oh yeah. It's the school garden, well sort of. Since I'm the president of the Gardening Club, and it's treasurer, and well it's only member. I found it some time back and have been tending to it since."

Sunset took the explanation to approach, specifically noting the three rounded stones sitting at specific spots of the garden. Once she was close she grabbed Wallflower's arm and used her power to search her mind. Seeing her always alone despite being surrounded by the other students, exploring the forest around the school and finding the garden, digging up the memory stone and instructions on how to use it, and finally seeing her cast the spell to erase everyone's memories of Sunset.

Wallflower jerks her arm out of Sunset's grip, before starting to sing about how she was invisible. The former pony takes the opportunity to pick up the other girl's backpack. Trixie seeing her friend shift to hide behind the island adjust her stance to help block the green haired girl's view.

However they get discovered, and as she yanks her backpack back, Wallflower says "I was right, you haven't changed at all. You are still nothing but a big meanie."

Pulling out the Memory Stone, she holds it out triggering a flash of light.

Sunset and Trixie are standing in the yearbook committee room despite the late hour. Feeling a wave of defeat Sunset sits down on the floor.

"Don't worry Sunset, even if we can't find this stone to get your friends back, You'll still have me." Trixie states.

Feeling something in her pocket Sunset pulls out a note telling her to check the camera. "I will also have my cleverness. I set the camera to record."

Hopping up the two girls check Twilight's drone to watch the video of them and Wallflower.

"I never get over how often the students here tend to break into song." Trixie remarks.

Nodding her agreement, they fast forward through the singing only to discover Wallflower erasing their afternoon.

"I just don't get what her deal is. My memory and recall is fairly good and I was never mean to her." Sunset grumbles.

Trixie then says "Well, you might not have bullied her, but were you ever nice to her. If someone is always ignored, they can take it just as hard as if someone was being mean to them."

Checking the clock, Sunset explains "I don't have much time to catch her. Once the sun sets all the erased memories will be gone forever."

"Then lets get out of here" Trixie states before finding the door is locked. "Stand back, the Great and Powerful Trixie has this."

Throwing a smoke bomb, she finally successfully manages to pull her trick off and appears on the other side of the door. Spotting Sunset still trapped, she tries again causing them to switch places.

Rather than keep trying she tells Sunset "Go. If you run you should be able to catch her in time to destroy the stone."

Thanking her friend, the bacon haired heroine sets off.

Reaching the parking lot Sunset spots Wallflower as she walks past the girls who are gathered around Applejack's truck. Running to catch up, she does slow down as she passes by the truck trying to not feel their glares. Managing to get close enough to girl who caused the problem she calls out.

Wallflower turns around and says "You are persistent. Erasing everyone's good memories of you, and even taking away your entire afternoon hasn't stopped you." Noticing how they have the attention of Sunset's friends an idea forms "However, maybe taking away all their memories will work. Prepare to be completely forgotten Sunset Shimmer."

Seeing Wallflower pull out the stone and point it at her friends, Sunset jumps over taking the full blast of the magic herself.

Looking over to her friends she calls out "Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight."

As she says each name a strip of magic corresponding to that girl's primary colour flies from Sunset's head over to the stone.

"Rarity, please don't forget me." Sunset finishes with a voice filled with sadness, causing the ivory skinned girl to place a hand over her own heart.

The red haired girl then falls down to the ground as the final series of memories is stripped from her. A few seconds later she reopens her eyes and climbs to her hands and knees. Though her hands are curled over so she's resting on her knuckles.

"Huh? What? This isn't Canterlot. Where am I? Mo... Celestia help me please." Sunset panics, being just a young filly finding herself far from her mother and mentor's castle in a form entirely foreign to her.

A purple hand lands on her shoulder, before a kind voice says "Don't be afraid we're here for you."

"Yes Darling. You're safe with us." States a loving voice as a white hand lands on her other shoulder, quickly followed by several others.

Magic flows between all of them, triggering them to grow pony ears, their hair to extend out and some of the girls to grow crystalline wings. Their friendship binds them and returns to them the stolen memories. Channeling the power, Sunset directs it and destroys the Memory Stone.

Landing before Wallflower who fell to her knees saying "I'm sorry. At first I just used the stone to erase small things and embarrassing moments. Never meant it to get this out of hand."

"I also need to apologize. Just because I was never mean to you, doesn't mean I was nice to you either. Please let me make that up to you." Sunset asks while reaching out.

That night there is a knocking at Sunset's door. Opening it a rush of white and purple slams into her wrapping her in a tight hug. Embracing her girlfriend and hugging back just as tightly, she carries her over to the couch. As Sunset sits down, Rarity brings her legs up so she can fit in her lover's lap, her face buried against the older girl's neck as she starts to cry.

"I love you. Even when my memories were erased and I hated you, my heart was till yours. It pined for you and hurt so bad when we drove you away." Rarity manages to speak between sobs.

Tears forming in her own eyes, Sunset strokes the back of the other girl's head. "I love you too, so much more than is physically possible to say. I never told you or the others about how bad it got for me back when I was earning my redemption. If it wasn't for Princess Twilight I might not have survived this."

Rarity looking up at Sunset's face, shifts her position so she's holding onto her friend as she lets out all the darkness her loneliness had made and was kept hidden until now.

A few days later had the yearbooks being delivered. As Rainbow complains about her their group photo was across from Bulk Biceps, Sunset smirked at her petty revenge on her friends having forgotten her, Trixie storms up.

"I demand to know who did THIS." She exclaims before holding a yearbook open to a page with her magic poster displayed.

Sunset smiles at her new friend before saying "Well, we had to honour the Greatest and most Powerfulest student in the school."

Beatrice smiles back before turning away to go gloat to other students.

The red haired girl then states "I have a couple special deliveries to make, so I'll catch you later." before leaving with two books.

Swinging by the statue to toss one through the portal, laughing at how Princess Twilight will react to seeing the yearbook haphazardly on the floor, she makes her way around the school. It isn't long before she walking into a garden with several students tending the plants, and one carefully arranging rocks.

"Hey Wallflower, got a special delivery for the Best Gardener." Sunset remarks as she holds out a yearbook open to a photo of Wallflower Blush working on her garden, signed by all of her friends.