//------------------------------// // Empire's Return // Story: Ranger in Equestria // by Lady Umbra //------------------------------// Two weeks had passed since the chaotic interruption that had cut short Tommy and Twilight's tender reunion. Now, as ​Twilight prepared to leave the hospital and continue her recovery at home, a sense of anticipation and apprehension filled the air. The town had been bustling with activity, and rumors of imminent threats had kept everyone on edge. As Twilight gathered her belongings and mentally prepared herself for the transition, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease lingering in the back of her mind. The recent surge in monster attacks had escalated the tension in the town, and Twilight knew that they would only grow more frequent. Each step she took towards the exit of the hospital, Twilight was plagued with a new goal. It had been on her mind for the past two weeks, and it weighed heavily on her heart. She needed to find a way to break the connection between Equestria and Tommy's world. But Twilight knew that doing so could mean preventing Tommy from returning home or being separated from him forever. As she pushed open the doors of the hospital with a soft whoosh, she saw her coltfriend waiting for her. "Ready to go home, Twi?" he asked with a smile. "I am," Twilight replied with a forced smile, masking her inner turmoil. Tommy noticed the subtle shadow that flickered across Twilight's eyes. He knew her well enough to recognize when something weighed heavily on her heart, even behind a smile as convincing as hers. “Hey Twilight,” Tommy said. “I feel like I should apologize.” "For what?" Twilight asked softly, her ears tilting back ever so slightly. "You haven't done anything wrong, Tommy." “For not coming to visit more often” Tommy said, his gaze dropping to the ground. "I should've been here for you. I let the chaos outside get to me. I've been so caught up trying to help the town and figure things out, but that's no excuse." Twilight let out a soft sigh and stepped closer to him, her hand gently touching his arm. "Tommy, you don't need to apologize. We've both had a lot to deal with," she said in a soothing tone. "The town needed you too, and I wouldn't have wanted you to ignore your responsibilities because of me." “Well, regardless, I want to make it up to you the only way I know how,” Tommy said. As they neared the library, Tommy caught sight of Spike looking out of the bay windows and gave him a thumbs up before hurrying back inside. Twilight couldn't help but wonder what Tommy had in mind. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of doubts and fears about the future, but the warmth of Tommy's presence offered a comforting reprieve. With every step they took together, she felt both the joy of his company and the sorrow of the decision that loomed over her. As they reached the library, Twilight's home and sanctuary, she braced herself for whatever surprise Tommy had prepared. As soon as they opened the door, Twilight froze in place. Her eyes immediately began welling up with tears as a banner hung in the middle of the foyer with a set of words she never expected to see. Will. You. Marry. Me? “Twilight?” Twilight barely managed to force herself to turn around and gasped once more as she covered her mouth. Tommy was bent down on one knee, one hand behind his back, and the other holding a small opened box. Within the box was arguably the most beautiful golden wedding band with the most dazzling light purple diamond she’d ever seen. “This.” Tommy said with a smile. “This is how I plan to make it up to you. So…will you? Marry me?” Twilight's heart skipped a beat, the myriad thoughts that had swirled tumultuously in her mind moments before now silenced by the shock of Tommy's proposal. Her gaze shifted from the ring, shimmering with a light that seemed to encapsulate all their shared memories, to Tommy's earnest eyes—eyes filled with hope and unconditional love. For a moment, time itself seemed to stop within the walls of the library, as if the books and the very foundations held their breath in anticipation of her response. Every doubt she harbored, every fear about their future together and what sacrifices it might entail, paled in comparison to the pure certainty she felt at this moment. "Tommy," Twilight began, her voice catching with emotion. “I will…I mean you do…I mean!” Twilight took a deep breath, steadying herself as the impact of Tommy's question truly hit her. "Yes," she said, her voice steady and filled with resolve. "Yes, I will marry you, Tommy." “R-Really?” Tommy said. “Yes!” Twilight laughed with absolute joy as she jumped on Tommy and kissed him. The two shared a tender kiss as he spun her around in his arms before they broke apart. Tommy then gently took Twilight’s left hand and slipped the ring on her ring finger. Twilight marveled at the piece of jewelry as the reality of today was hitting her like a barrel of apples. She was now engaged to the love of her life. However their special moment was interrupted by a knock at their door, Twilight, Tommy, and Spike turned and found Princess Celestia standing in the doorway with a amused smile on her face. “Princess Celestia?!” Twilight said soon bowing before the ruler of Equestria. “Hello my faithful student” Celestia said eyeing the ring on her finger. “I came to deliver some news and it looks like I walked in on some good news as well." Her eyes sparkled with genuine happiness as she regarded the couple before her. “I’m…I’m engaged!” Twilight said, showing her ring. “Tommy just proposed to me!” “Then that means you’re off the market” Celestia grinned as she stepped towards Tommy. “Such a shame…” Celestia leaned in closer, her voice a playful purr as she continued, "I had such devious plans to tempt you away. But it seems I've lost my chance now that Twilight has claimed you for herself." Tommy chuckled nervously, acutely aware of Celestia's imposing yet gentle presence and the teasing glint in her eyes. He glanced at Twilight, who rolled her eyes with an affectionate smile, understanding the nature of Celestia's jest. "Princess, I don't think anypony could tempt me away from Twilight," Tommy said, his arm wrapping protectively around his fiancée. Celestia laughed, a melodious sound that filled the room with warmth. "I'm only jesting, dear Tommy. But truly, this is wonderful news. Congratulations to you both." She turned her gaze back to Twilight. "Now, my dear student, I have come with news that might concern you as well your friends." “Really? What is it?” Twilight wondered. “Best call them here first. They will all want to be present for this,” Celestia said. “And good job with the decorations, Spike!” “Thank you, Princess” Spike bowed at the compliment Spike hurriedly scurried off to send out the messages, his small form disappearing among the rows of books. As Twilight and Tommy awaited Spike's return with their friends, Celestia's eyes twinkled with an unreadable emotion. In time, the sound of many hooves approached, and soon enough, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity burst through the library doors. Their arrival filled the room with a cacophony of excited greetings and questions about the surprise that awaited them. "Whatcha got for us, Princess?" Applejack asked with her usual straightforwardness. Before Celestia could respond, Pinkie Pie's eyes landed on Twilight's ring finger. Her gasp was so loud it nearly drowned out the conversation. "Oh my GOSH! Twilight! You're getting married?” “Yes.” Twilight said as Tommy held her hand. “Tommy just proposed to me. We’re engaged!” “Yee haw! Congrats, sugar cubes!” Applejack cheered with a proud smile and a tip of her hat. “Ideas! I must jot down ideas! I shall create the most fabulous wedding gown for you!” Rarity said. “Congratulations, Twilight,” Fluttershy said. “Yeah…congrats,” Rainbow said. Tommy couldn’t place it but he could’ve sworn Rainbow was forcing her smile for some reason. Celestia cleared her throat drawing everyone’s attention, the princess smiled as she spoke. “I’m sure you lot will have plenty of time to talk with Twilight and Tommy about their recent engagement” Celestia said. “But this is something that must take priority” The room fell silent, an air of curiosity and a touch of unease settling over the group as they awaited Celestia's announcement. "As you all are aware," Celestia began, her voice taking on a more serious tone, "Equestria has enjoyed a long period of peace and prosperity. However, nothing is without end. A new challenge approaches—one that will require the combined efforts of all of you." The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, and Twilight's heart, still fluttering with the joy of her engagement, now beat with a quickening sense of duty. "What kind of challenge, Princess?" Twilight asked, her voice steady despite the quickening pulse. Celestia paused, as if measuring her next words carefully. "A darkness from the ancient past stirs once again. It is not a threat we can take lightly. I have come to seek your help because this adversary is beyond what anypony can handle alone." Tommy directed his question towards the princess, seeking clarification. "What kind of danger are we facing?" "A powerful wielder of dark magic," Celestia answered with a grave expression. "He was once the King of the Crystal Empire in the northern region." "The Crystal Empire?!" Twilight exclaimed, taken aback. "But that kingdom vanished from Equis over two thousand years ago!" "I'm glad to see you haven't lost your thirst for knowledge, but I'm disappointed to find out you've been delving into my private tomes," Celestia praised Twilight with a warm smile before gently scolding her with the same expression. "But yes, two millennia ago, both my sister and I were hesitant to act, resulting in the disappearance of that empire and its king." Celestia's gaze held weight as she continued, her voice a grave melody underscoring the seriousness of the situation. "The king was a tyrant, ruled by fear and an insatiable hunger for power. His name has been struck from history, but he was known as Sombra. With his dark magic, he enslaved the Crystal Ponies and sought to expand his dominion over all of Equestria." Twilight and her friends exchanged troubled glances, sensing the depth of the threat they now faced. "But how did he return? And why now?" Twilight urged, her thirst for knowledge battling her trepidation. Celestia's eyes seemed to reflect the turmoil of a storm as she replied. "Not long ago, a fluctuation in the magical ley lines was detected. We believe it signaled the weakening of the spell that kept Sombra and the Crystal Empire hidden from the world." Tommy inquired eagerly, "Can you tell us anything about the Empire, Princess Celestia?" She nodded solemnly, pausing for a moment to pace before facing the group and producing a crystal that glimmered with a rainbow light. "The Crystal Empire was once a beacon of hope and light in the north, sustained by the love and joy of its citizens that radiated throughout Equestria." However, her expression turned grim. "But if that love is replaced by hate and fear..." Celestia's magic shifted into a poisonous purple hue and her eyes flashed with hints of dark magic as she blasted the crystal with this sinister energy. A shadow crept across the floor, followed by sharp jagged crystals erupting from it. "It will become a center of darkness, fueling the evil desires of its ruler. This is Sombra's ultimate goal - to control the Empire's magic and expand his reach over all lands." Lightheartedly, Tommy quipped, "Luckily, I have some experience dealing with villains and their plans for world domination." Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at that remark. "That is part of the reason I chose to send you there as well," she said with a small smile. "I would like you to join Twilight and her friends on their mission to the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are already waiting for all of you." Celestia's gaze swept across the room, stopping at each of the gathered ponies and Tommy. She gave them a look that filled them with determination. "We must act quickly," she said. "You must leave immediately." "I'm on it," Tommy replied. "I've been itching for some excitement lately." "More than usual?" Twilight teased. As they all left the library, Applejack noticed Rainbow looking down at her hooves. She knew something was bothering her friend, but it wasn't until she caught Rainbow casting envious glances towards Twilight that she realized what it was. "I see now," Applejack muttered as she walked over to Rainbow. "Hey Dash, mind if we talk for a minute?" "Huh? Oh, sure," Rainbow shrugged. They let the others walk a bit farther ahead before starting their conversation. "What's up?" "What's going on with you, Dash?" Applejack asked. "You didn't seem as excited as the rest of us when Twi and Tommy announced their engagement." Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably, scuffing the ground with her hoof. "I don't know," she began, uncertainty creeping into her normally confident voice. “I am happy for them...but at the same time...I'm jealous." The words hung in the air between them like a brewing storm cloud. Applejack looked at her friend with a mix of surprise and understanding. "Jealous? I never thought I'd hear that from you, Dash." "Well I am!" Dash exclaimed. "Because I-!" "You have feelings for Tommy too?" Applejack finished the thought for her. Rainbow's cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and she turned her gaze skyward, avoiding Applejack's knowing look. "Yeah, I guess I do," she admitted with a sigh. "It's stupid, I know. He loves Twi, and they're perfect together. I just... can't help how I feel." Applejack put a comforting hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "Ain't nothin' stupid 'bout feelings, sugarcube. Ya can't control who ya heart decides to do loop-de-loops for." Rainbow snorted a laugh despite herself, the tension easing from her wings somewhat. "Thanks, AJ," she said. "I just don't want this to mess things up with Twi or the rest of the gang. We've got bigger problems to deal with now." "You're right about that," Applejack agreed solemnly. "And don't you worry none—your secret's safe with me. But you gotta promise to keep your head in the game. We're all gonna need to be at our best if we're gonna face this Sombra fella." Rainbow Dash nodded, her resolve returning as she looked towards the horizon. "You got it, AJ. I won't let my feelings get in the way of protecting Equestria—and our friends." The journey northward was filled with silence, as each member of the group was lost in their own thoughts and concerns about what lay ahead at the Crystal Empire. Occasionally, they would share tales of past adventures and close calls, attempting to lighten the mood, but the looming threat of Sombra hung over them like a dark cloud. Despite the weight on their minds, Twilight's friends couldn't help but ask Tommy about his life as a Ranger. "Hey Tommy, I've been wondering," Applejack began, catching the ranger's attention. "What was the weakest monster you ever faced?" Tommy took a moment to consider before answering. "At first, I would have said the Putties. They were weak individually, but their sheer numbers posed a challenge. However, the weakest monster would have to be Shellshock," he explained. "All he did was slow us down with the traffic light on top of his head until we figured out how to defeat him." Rainbow Dash perked up, her mood brightening at the prospect of hearing more about Tommy's exploits. "He controlled you with a traffic light?" she asked incredulously. Tommy chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, it sounds silly when you put it like that, but that's what being a Power Ranger is sometimes—dealing with the unexpected." Fluttershy, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. "It must have been scary at times," she said softly. "It was," Tommy admitted. "But I had my friends by my side, just like we all do now. And with friends, you can get through just about anything." As the group chatted and laughed, the Crystal Empire slowly appeared on the horizon. Its glittering walls and towers were obscured by the raging snowstorm outside, adding to its mysterious aura. Twilight leaned into Tommy's embrace, her head resting against his neck as they gazed out at the snowy landscape passing by. The train jolted to a stop, and they braced themselves against the icy winds that whipped through the open doors. No matter how many layers of warm clothing they had on, the chill still managed to seep in. "Twilight!" Twilight's older brother called out over the howling wind as he approached from the station platform. Shining Armor was bundled up in thick winter gear, his breath visible in frosty clouds as he pulled his goggles off his face. "I'm so relieved you all made it!" he exclaimed with a smile. "Shining! Where's Cadance?" Twilight asked eagerly, scanning the snowy expanse for any sign of her sister-in-law. "She's back at the Empire, working on maintaining the shield," Shining explained, gesturing towards the faint shape of the Crystal Empire in the distance. "We've been doing our best to fend off Sombra's dark magic, but it's getting stronger." His voice held a hint of worry. “We can't stay out in the open for too long," Tommy said, scanning the area. "I agree, we need to find shelter," Shining Armor replied, adjusting his goggles. He motioned for the group to follow him. "The shield won't hold up forever, and when it fails, we'll have more than just the cold to worry about." They trudged through the thick snow, their hooves and feet sinking with each step. The biting cold nipped at their exposed skin, and they all pulled their scarves tighter around their necks in an attempt to keep warm. Despite his Ranger training, Tommy couldn't shake off the cold that seeped into his bones, but he pressed on with determination. As a Ranger, Tommy had developed a sixth sense for danger, and he could feel something sinister lurking nearby. He looked around and saw someone standing amidst the swirling snowstorm. This person was wearing a white, black, green, and gold ranger armor. "Tommy, what's wrong?" Rainbow asked, breaking him out of his thoughts. He turned to her before looking back to where he had glimpsed the mysterious ranger, but they were nowhere in sight now. "It's nothing," Tommy replied uncertainly, trying to make sense of what he had just witnessed. He pushed aside the strange vision and focused on the immediate task at hand. They needed to navigate through the harsh storm with haste. The winds were unrelenting and made it difficult for the group to move forward. An unsettling laugh cut through the howling wind, causing every pony to shudder and sending chills down Tommy's spine. "This can't be good," Rainbow Dash grimaced, spreading her wings for balance against the strong gusts of snow. Tommy looked around at the swirling white surroundings and automatically reached for his morpher. "Twilight, when I give the signal, run," he instructed with a serious tone. Twilight nodded, her eyes wide with trust and understanding of the gravity of Tommy's tone. She tightened her grip on his arm, ready to sprint at a moment's notice. The rest of the group had also picked up on the urgency and had clustered together, ready to act as one. The laugh grew louder, more tangible as if the snowstorm itself was sneering at them, mocking their feeble attempts to resist the inevitable darkness that was encroaching upon the Crystal Empire. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the blinding white, its form dark and twisted, wrapped in shadows that seemed to drink in the light. "Greetings, little ponies," The Dark figure's voice resonated with malice, his crimson eyes glowing like coals in the frost surrounded by wisps of purple magic. “TWILIGHT! RUN!” Tommy screamed and immediately pulled out his Morpher to transform. Amidst the panic and bluster of snow, a radiant light burst from Tommy's Morpher as he shouted the iconic words, "It's Morphin' Time!" The energy encapsulated him, and within moments, he stood in full Ranger regalia, a stark contrast to the bleak landscape. The figure chuckled darkly at the transformation. "How quaint. Do you think you can stop me?" The creature's voice was laced with disdain as it stepped forward, its form becoming clearer—the twisted version of Sombra himself. As Tommy faced the darkened visage of Sombra, his friends did not hesitate. With Twilight's shout, they took off toward the safety of the Crystal Empire, their hooves pounding against the snow, creating a thunderous echo amidst the howling wind. Shining Armor cast a protective glance back at Tommy before ushering the ponies forward with urgency. Tommy squared his stance, his hands clenched tightly until his sword materialized in his hand. "I've faced worse than you," he said confidently, although he could feel the raw power emanating from this corrupted form of Sombra. The figure simply sneered, the shadows swirling around him like serpents waiting to strike. "You may have vanquished many foes, creature, but this is my domain," Sombra said malevolently. "And Here, I am king." With a flick of his wrist, Sombra sent a volley of dark crystals hurtling toward Tommy. He rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the sharp projectiles that embedded themselves deep into the snow where he had just stood. The crystals hummed with dark energy, pulsing as if alive with Sombra's malice. Using the agility and skills honed by years of battling evil, Tommy launched himself at Sombra, sword at the ready. The air whistled around the blade as it arced towards its target, only for Sombra to deflect it with a shield of dark energy. The clash of light against darkness spilled echoing ripples into the air. The force of Sombra’s magic pushed Tommy back, his boots sliding across the icy surface. Snowflakes sizzled and evaporated on contact with the energy radiating from the two combatants. “You’ll have to do better than that,” Sombra taunted, his voice a sinister melody that danced with the storm winds. Tommy’s grip on his sword tightened; determination etched across his features. He knew he couldn't allow Sombra to break through to the Crystal Empire. “I call upon the power of Dragonzord!” Tommy said. Sombra’s eyes widened when a green apparition in the form of a dragon appeared behind Tommy and glared at the dark king. “Hahaha…That’s adorable” King Sombra laughed as he raised an eyebrow mockingly. "But let's see how you handle this!" He extended his hands, and from the swirling snow, shadowy figures began to rise—each a twisted specter of the fallen creatures that had once served him. Suddenly, Tommy disappeared in a green flash. Before Sombra could register what had just happened, a green blur wizzed past the creatures and were sliced to ribbons. Sombra looked around frantically until someone’s fist connected hard with his cheek, sending him flying. As King Sombra tumbled through the snow, leaving a furrowed path in his wake, he growled in frustration. He shook off the impact, his eyes finding Tommy standing confidently several meters away, the echoing roar of the dragon still resonating in the air. The snow around Tommy had melted away in a wide circle, testament to the intense power that surrounded him. Tommy's voice carried over the wind, "Your minions are no match for a Power Ranger!" Sombra rose to his feet, the shadows swirling around him more fiercely than before. His crimson eyes fixated maliciously on Tommy as he prepared to unleash a new onslaught. "You are indeed strong, Ranger," he spat out the words like venom, "but this land will succumb to my darkness." The snow began to spiral upward as dark energy coalesced into jagged spears hovering ominously above Sombra. With a flick of his hand, these weapons propelled themselves like an arsenal of missiles. “HYIA!” Tommy shouted as he began jumping and spinning across the snow and air. He dodged and weaved around the on-coming spears while also deflecting any with his sword. The frigid air echoed with the sounds of battle, Tommy's movements almost too quick for the eye to follow as he dodged the onslaught. Each spear aimed at him dissolved into blackness upon impact, no match for Tommy's powerful strikes. "You will bow to my authority!" Sombra bellowed, conjuring a wave of dark magic that crashed down on the snowy field. Tommy narrowed his eyes and braced himself for a direct confrontation. "Serving one tyrant was bad enough," he declared firmly, his voice strong despite the surge of adrenaline. He raised his sword in defense and focused all of his energy into it as the darkness rushed towards him. "I swear on my very soul, you will not triumph today!" Tommy declared. "It ends now!" With a swift swing, he unleashed a blast of energy in the form of a fierce dragon that collided head-on with the dark wave. The impact was cataclysmic, shaking the ground and sending snow flying in all directions. But Sombra was prepared for this move and retaliated without hesitation. Suddenly, sharp crystals burst from the ground beneath Tommy's feet, piercing through his right arm. "AAARGGH!" Tommy cried out in pain, staggering backward. "DIE!" Sombra roared and sent more crystals hurtling towards the wounded Ranger. Tommy gritted his teeth against the searing pain and the warm trickle of blood running down his arm. But he was a Power Ranger - no stranger to injury or defeat. With quick reflexes, he used his uninjured arm to expertly maneuver his sword, slicing through each crystal as it approached him. Sombra's rage intensified as he saw his attack falter. His figure seemed to pulsate with an even darker aura as he gathered energy for another strike, refusing to accept anything other than Tommy's defeat. The Tyrant King released a wave of dark magic and a barrage of crystal shards, all aimed towards Tommy with lethal intent. Despite his injury, Tommy refused to give up. He summoned the remaining strength within him and called upon the power of Dragonzord, creating a protective shield of vibrant green energy. Sombra's attacks relentlessly pounded against the shield, each strike a battle between the forces of light and darkness. The green barrier glowed with each hit, casting an emerald light across the snowy battlefield. However, the constant assault was slowly creating cracks in the shield. Tommy focused all his energy, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he tried to maintain the barrier. "Your tricks won't save you forever, Ranger!" Sombra taunted, his voice dripping with disdain as he watched the cracks spread through the flickering shield. "Your end is inevitable; your strength is fading even now!" His cruel laughter echoed through the frozen landscape as he confidently believed in his impending victory. Tommy knew he couldn't go on like this, especially with one arm incapacitated. He clenched his jaw as he struggled to maintain the barrier, feeling defeated and outnumbered. Desperately, Tommy extended his magic to scan the Arctic region for any sign of Twilight and her friends. "I won't back down," Tommy growled through gritted teeth. "I promised!" The green aura surrounding him intensified. "You won't take my life!" Using all of his willpower, Tommy concentrated his power as fiercely as he could. "Dragonzord! Teleport! Now!" With a blinding flash of emerald light, Tommy disappeared from the battlefield just before Sombra's next attack shattered the spot where he had been standing. The snowflakes silently settled in the void left by his escape, and Sombra's smug expression twisted into a furious snarl. "You coward!" His voice echoed across the cold air. "Run if you must, but there is nowhere in this world that you can hide from me!" Sombra's physical form liquefied and transformed into a writhing mass of shadows that zoomed towards the empire with unnatural speed. The shadows themselves seemed to writhe and lash out, as if they were alive and determined to reach their target at all costs. Twilight and her friends and just entered the barrier of the Crystal Empire when Tommy appeared ahead of his friends causing everyone to panic, but as the dust and snow settled from his sudden arrival, their panic turned to concern. "Tommy!" Twilight's voice echoed through the crisp air as Tommy stumbled forward, pulling a crystal out of his arm before collapsing to the ground. His ranger form faded away, leaving him vulnerable and exhausted. As his friends rushed to his side, Tommy could barely register their voices through the haze of pain and fatigue that enveloped him. Pinkie Pie was frantically waving her hooves, Fluttershy's gentle face was etched with worry, and Applejack was already tugging a bandana from around her neck, ready to use it as an improvised bandage. "Tommy, Sugarcube, just hold on now," Applejack said with firm calmness as she pressed the bandana against the wound to stem the flow of blood. Rainbow Dash hovered above, her eyes darting across the sky for any sign of Sombra's return. "Something tells me you didn’t scared him off, did you?," she said grimly. "No...I didn't" Tommy said as he helped Applejack to tie the bandana. "He'll be coming any moment now" Rarity knelt beside him, her horn glowing with a gentle light as she tried to alleviate his pain through her magic. "We need to get him inside the palace," she insisted, looking at Twilight for direction. “Right” Twilight said turning to her company. “Spike help Tommy to the castle” Spike nodded vigorously, moving to support Tommy on one side as Applejack assisted on the other. Together, they hoisted him up off the cold ground, his weight a burden they willingly shared. Rarity's magic flickered around them, creating a soft cushion of levitation that eased the strain. Unknown to the group, the crystal that Tommy pulled from his arm began to sink into the ground, leaving a faint trail of dark energy seeping into the earth. The snow around it began to wither, turning from pristine white to a sickly gray as the corruption spread subtly.