//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: Trixie's Stupendous, Awe-Inspiring Adventure of Destiny // by Turkleson //------------------------------// "Coronation of the Century: Twilight Sparkle becomes a Princess" There it was in the Headlines; plain as day, written in black and white. The story of how a "regular old unicorn" named Twilight Sparkle had achieved remarkable feats, faced perilous dangers and vanquished numerous foes to Equestria and was rewarded with the power of the immortals for her trouble. The power of the Alicorns. The words on the page positively gushed over the greatness of this amazing, yet ever so humble pony. About her kindness, tenacity, brilliance and so on. It seemed that Twilight was just a natural do-gooder and was rewarded accordingly. And honestly, a certain blue-coated, silver-mane unicorn was happy for her. Trixie Lulamoon sat at her table just outside the Cafe drinking her latte and reading the very paper that was praising the unicorn centered on the occasion of the century. As she read on, try as she might (which she didn't), Trixie simply could muster any negative feelings toward the now alicorn. To do so would imply anything she was reading wasn't true. To say that these two had a history would be a tad bit of an understatement. To say that any of it was mutually friendly would be an outright lie. It was a tale of arrogance, miscalculation, humiliation, degration, rage, revenge, corruption and redemption spanning a few years. Through it all however, Twilight proved time and again her magical prowess, her kind heart and her cunning mind. Nothing Trixie could deny much less disrespect. No, any ill will Trixie had was for herself. If anypony could be blamed for the struggles they went through, it was her. The gamble she took when Boasting about fabricated tales is what cost the career she worked so hard to attain. Her desire for revenge against the designated scapegoat unicorn is what nearly cost her soul. She likes to think she's a better pony now, after what she learned, but not the best. She is no Twilight Sparkle and she never will be. She once thought herself 'Great and Powerful' but those dreams were cast away by reality. Her stomach began to twist as she reminisced on a barely healed wound. No longer comfortable in her current position, she took her coffee, leaving the paper on the table and proceeded to walk home. Her trademark wagon having been lost to the test of time, Trixie had acquired an apartment in Fillydelphia thanks to a friend of hers. Fillydelphia was a good place for ponies who didn’t wish to stand out. One would assume that with the reputation Trixie made for herself, she would have a target on the back of her head wherever she went. Fortunately the manner of demeanor is not to be underestimated. The way a pony carries themselves is crucial to public identity. It wasn’t too long ago that this mare gave off a demeanor of confidence and, in retrospect, arrogance. Now, however, Trixie carried herself with humbling self-awareness. Whilst someponies seek to pelt tomatoes at “The Great and Powerful Trixie”, the modest Ms. Lulamoon slips by unnoticed. As with any citizen in town, the walk home was a blur and soon Trixie was at her front door. She walks into her studio apartment, which was as furnished as an abandoned barn, to see her roommate still asleep on the futon. Gilda the Griffon was a gruff and potentially unpleasant individual to say the least. For those who stay on her good side, she was a considerable asset. Trixie recalls their first meeting at a sports bar where she was able to land a job serving drinks. The Griffon effortlessly disposed of some drunken buffoons who tried to make the evening difficult for the Unicorn. Not that Trixie couldn’t handle herself of course, but if there’s one thing Gilda hates more than wimps, it’s pigs. From there the two hit it off rather well and even procured an apartment together. Gilda had ensured it was rent free after threatening the landlord that she would tell the police commissioner about the affair he was having with his wife. Again, she was quite the asset. The unicorn tapped her roommate’s shoulder to wake her up to which she turned over slightly and opened an eye, signaling the readiness to kill. “You got joe?” the griffon asked simply. Trixie rolled her eyes and hoofed Gilda her unfinished coffee “Here”. She graciously snatches the cup from her telekinetic grip and downed the remaining liquid in a single swig. Having been satisfied with such, Gilda proceeded to get up. “You’re home early” she noted after seeing the sun still in the morning part of the sky. “I had the day off” Trixie explained “Thought you’d like to be awake to see the sun for a change”. A scoff escaped Gilda’s beak in retort to her roommate’s mild teasing. “Besides, I thought you’d like to hear what’s raiding the front page.” “What? Those two cider salesmen bankrupt another town?” Gilda asked jokingly. Trixie’s sense of playfulness deteriorated as her voice shaped the words “Twilight Sparkle’s a Princess now.” Eagle eyes widen in surprise as the message sank in. “You mean…like a Princess Princess?” “New pair of wings, unbelievable power, the whole shebang”. Gilda winced, knowing what that meant to her blue friend. “Man, sorry to hear it Trix” she said. “What for? It just goes to show what was always obvious?” Trixie replied as her head and forehooves slumped onto the kitchen counter. “She was always better than me”. The griffon scratched her head in tremendous awkwardness recognizing the aura of self-loathing Trixie had for herself about now. She was pretty sure the rest of the day was going to be spent trying to lift her spirits. ‘Well that cuts into a very busy schedule of doing jack’ she though ‘But it’s what you gotta do for friends.’ “C’mon man. It’s not so bad. Maybe she’ll go mad with power and they’ll have to put her down” She said in an attempt to console her buddy. “Twilight Sparkle mad with power?” Trixie scoffed, not lifting her head “As if. She’ll probably run Equestria better than anypony ever has”. Gilda, whom was already losing patience, lifted her friends head off the table and met her eyes. “Hey there, don’t let this get you down. Tell you what, how about we go to town square, sneak in the mayor’s office and set off some fireworks? That’ll be fun right?” Trixie looked at Gilda blankly. “Fun? Yes. Worth spending the night in jail? No.” She got up and then walked to her bedroom “I’m going to go take a nap”. Gilda, less than pleased, replies “Ok, but when you get up, we’re going out. I want to deal with this angst problem of yours before it makes my feathers chafe”. * “Why did I even agree to coming out?” Trixie pondered looking at her barely touched mug of cider. By the time she got up from her nap, it was late in the afternoon and Gilda dragged her to her favorite bar for Happy Hour. Unlike the sports bar where Trixie worked, this establishment was hardly family friendly. Gilda was counting on the notion that some punks whose teeth needed punching in would come in and allow Trixie a chance to feel better via a good teeth punching. Sadly, no such luck was upon them and their hour was almost up. In times like this, she figures ‘when in doubt, blame the system’. “Look Trix, I’ll betcha this is all part of that ‘Born into Nobility’ garbage. You think that if she was daughter to the town drunk in Dodge Junction that she’d be princess today?” Such reasoning fell on deaf ears. Trixie seemed rather content in wallowing in self-pity. She just preferred not to do it in public. She took another small sip from her cider and headed for the door. “Trix, wait” Gilda called out. “Hey! You gotta pay for those drinks!” The barkeep commanded. The Griffon, rather than dealing with this quietly simply hollers to the rest of the room “BAR FIGHT!” Dead silence hung for a whole ten seconds and sure enough, bar stools started flying and perfect strangers commenced killing each other. In the chaos, Gilda made her escape. It didn’t take long to catch up to the Unicorn, considering her sorrowful pace. This time Gilda had to lay it on the line. She left the apartment with an angsty pony and she wasn’t coming back with one. “Look, you gotta shake this off man! So what if she’s a princess now? You’ve got your own moves. Maybe you should start your show again. Prove to everyone that you still got it.” Such words caused Trixie to laugh, but not a warm genuine laugh. A cold, bitter, ironic laugh. “Still got it? When did I even have it!?” she asked “Compared to Twilight, I’m a flea! I could never match her and now I never will! She’s the one who deserves to be the most powerful Unicorn, not me!” “I thought she was an Alicorn now.” Gilda replied. “That’s not the poi…” Trixie paused. Those words strumming a chord in her brain the others did not. It was made visually clear to Gilda that the gears in Trixies head began turning though she couldn’t figure out why. All she could hope for was that it was for something good. “Your right” Trixie finally said “She is an Alicorn”. “Uh-huh” “She was easily a very powerful Unicorn, but now she’s an Alicorn” “That’s what you’ve told me” “I mean, I thought I was a powerful Unicorn before she came along and everypony else seemed to believe so too.” “Yyyyyeeeeaaaaahhhh” “But now Twilights an Alicorn. NOT a Unicorn” “We already gone over this” “And if she’s an Alicorn now, who holds the title of most powerful Unicorn?” Gilda also paused. Believing she finally got where Trixie was going with this, she took a gamble and replied “You?” Violet eyes went wider than that which seems physically possible as a glistening was seen in them. A glistening that Gilda herself had not seen from her. Feelings of joy began creeping into Trixie as she looked around franticly and inevitably found a discarded newspaper from this morning. “Look!” She points to the paper “It says here Princess Celestia always knew that this was her students destiny! So if Twilights destiny was to become an Alicorn, then the destiny to become the world’s most powerful Unicorn must belong to….” The blue mare began shaking so hard her words became gibberish. Gilda decided to answer for her and repeat her previous guess “You?” “YES!” Trixie commenced bouncing with glee. “My magic was always able to trump anypony I met before Twilight because Twilight was meant for something else! If she’s an Alicorn then that means my destiny as Equestrias most powerful Unicorn can be realized!” “So you’re not jealous that she’s an Alicorn?” “What and that she’s got the burden of an entire country on her shoulders? Psshhh! I’ve had enough of that nonsense back in Ponyville.” “But because Twilight is now in a different league as you, you’re now number one in the Unicorn league” “Exactly!” Trixie was overwhelmed with joy and then, almost just as suddenly, she stopped again in more realization. “Wait… I just can’t accept such a title by default. I have to earn it. I have things to learn. New tricks to create. Goals to establish and meet.” As Gilda watched her friend mutter to herself, she realized the weight of her epiphany was something extravagant. That or she was going completely crazy. Upon looking back at her friend, Trixie had a smile that, like the gleam in her eyes, was entirely new to the Griffon. “Come on Gilda” She said proudly “Lets go get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow.” “And what exactly are we doing tomorrow?” “REALIZING MY DESTINY!”