The Elements of... love?

by elmago02

My decision.

The sunset was the most romantic time of the day. The moment when Celestia started to lower her sun, staining the blue of the sky with orange before the night and the moon could take their place on the stage of the night sky. What a perfect moment, and there was no better place than the hill near Ponyville that was being occupied by two ponies to enjoy it. One leaned against the other. The wind was gentle, bringing the essence of nature. Not a single sound disturbed the good moment, but one of the ponies dared to end the silence.

"This has been such a perfect date," a white unicorn said, turning her head to look at her companion. "Don't you think so Twilight?"

"You are right," the lavender alicorn answered while keeping her eyes on the distance, a smile formed on her lips as she spreaded her wing and wrapped the white unicorn with it.

"I'm so happy that you chose me, my Sparkle Kitten. I really love you," Rarity said as she placed her head on Twilight's shoulder.

Twilight closed her eyes and rested her head over her companion before speaking, "and I love you, Rarity."

"What did ya just call me?" a voice with southern accent asked, Twilight lifted her head and her eyes shot open. She turned slowly to look at the pony that was tucked under her wing, the once white coat had just turned in orange, the same color as the one currently displaying in the sky.

Twilight suddenly felt the need to believe that the sudden change in color was just an effect of the light, or a sudden tan from part of the pony, but as she examined her companion's face, she realized that the color of the mane was blonde and not purple, the eyes, instead of blue, were green with tiny white freckles below them, and lastly, the lack of a horn.

"A-Applejack?" Twilight asked, her eyes wide open, she was totally confused. 'Where is Rarity? How did Applejack get under my wing?' Twilight's mind was working at an incredibly fast pace, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Twilight, why did ya call me Rarity?" The now orange pony looked directly in Twilight's eyes.

"I-I-I..." Twilight wasn't sure of how to answer that. 'Because you were Rarity three seconds ago? That isn't a good answer.'

"Are you not happy with me? Am ah not enough for you?" Tears started to form at the corners of Applejack's eyes, she turned her head away incapable of looking at Twilight at the moment.

"No, no Applejack, I don't know why I called you Rarity," Twilight pressed her wing harder against her companion's body, "I, I'm happy with you, I-I love you Applejack."

An air current blew over the hill, Twilight closed her eyes, incapable of keeping them open due the strong wind. She could feel how her wing, that was filled with the warmth of a body, was suddenly feeling cold, when she managed to open her eyes, Applejack was gone. Twilight looked around, trying to look for her companion. The sun was slowly disappearing at the distance, it was getting darker.

With a last glance at the distance, Twilight managed to spot a pony, she started to run in that direction, but slowed her speed when she saw that the pony's coat wasn't orange but light blue.

"Rainbow?" Twilight asked while slowly approaching the pegasus, she could only see the back of the pony.

"So you love Applejack," Twilight managed to hear a bit of bitterness in Rainbow's voice, the pegasus head dropped a little.

Twilight waited a few second, thinking what to say, "Rainbow, I... I don't know what to-"

"Don't worry Twi, I suppose that Applejack is twenty percent cooler than me," Twilight could see that Rainbow was trembling a little, "just... I'm just happy for you." Rainbow said before starting to run, she just advanced a pair of meters before unfolding her wings and taking flight.

Twilight tried to chase Rainbow, but her wings didn't follow her command, she was flapping them as hard as she could, but wasn't capable of taking off, so she just ran after her.

The sky was now totally dark and Twilight had lost track of her feathered friend but kept running. A few seconds later she tripped and landed hard on the ground, but got back on her hooves almost immediately. When she turned her head to look for what had made her trip, she saw a pink pony lying on the ground, with  further inspection, she saw that the pony was drawing sad faces and broken hearts on the dirt.

"Pinkie?" Twilight asked, keeping her eyes on her friend, but not daring to approach her, something looked different.

"Twilight?" the pink pony lifted her head from the ground and looked directly at Twilight. Her mane, instead of being all fluffy and puffy, was completely straight, just as her tail. She was frowning and her eyes were bloodshot. "What are you doing here?"

"Pinkie, what happened to you?"

"What happened to me?" Pinkie frowned even more, "What happened to me?!" Pinkie's tone of voice was serious, with a bit of anger that was gradually increasing. "Oh right, let's just play with little old Pinkie's feelings and then lets break her heart, right!? And after that, let's just pretend that nothing of this ever happened, RIGHT!?" the tears started to flow under Pinkie's eyes.

"Pinkie, I didn't-" Twilight started but got interrupted.

"I don't want to talk to you!" Pinkie cried, and slowly, started to vanish in the darkness.

"PINKIE!" Twilight shouted to the air, she was all alone.


'What was that?' Twilight thought. She looked around but couldn't see a single thing in the darkness.


The sound came from above, Twilight raised her gaze up to the sky. There, in a starless night, was a moon painted in yellow.

"What?" Twilight asked more to herself than to the moon.

"Y.. .r. .o..g .. ..v. m." the voice was getting clearer and familiar.


A pink cloud materialized in the middle of the sky and started to fly around the moon. After a few seconds, the cloud settled itself over the moon, transforming in a silky and long mane. Two of the craters of the moon started to turn white, becoming a pair of balls that started to whirl until a pair of blue iris emerged.

"F-Fluttershy?" Twilight was completely shocked by what was happening up there.

Finally, a line started to stretch under the blue eyes, forming a mouth. Twilight could only see the head of one of her friends floating in the middle of the night. The giant blue orbs locked their sight on the lavender pony that was directly below. The mouth opened.


Twilight was totally frightened, she was frozen in that place. The only thing she could do was watch how the Flutter Moon got bigger and bigger. It was falling from its place in the sky. It was going to crush her...


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A lavender pony screamed in the middle of one of the train’s wagon. Some glares from the other passengers were directed at the pony, but immediately averted them as they recognized who was the one shouting. She felt really embarrassed, "Ummmm, sorry?" She said adding a nervous chuckle at the end.

She looked all around the wagon's interior before looking out the window, the last minutes of daylight were near, the sun slowly moving to disappear in the distance. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. 'It was only a dream,' she felt much more comfortable now, but the comfort didn't last long, Twilight still had to get back to Ponyville to talk to her friends, she was just glad that it would take at least another hour before the train arrived to her destination.

Twilight felt a small amount of pain in her back, she turned to see that she had slept on her wings, again. She just groaned before starting to stretch her wings.

Back in Canterlot, Princess Celestia walked out the throne room, her duties for the day were now finished, only leaving one last task, to lower the sun and let the moon rise. As she walked to her sister's room to wake her up, she couldn't help but remember what had happened that afternoon with Twilight and give a small laugh at the thought, 'Banish them, a classic.'

After a short walk, Celestia arrived to Luna's room. She lifted her right front hoof to knock the door.

‘Knock-knock-knock,’ “Luna.” 
‘Knock-knock-knock,’ “Luna.”
‘Knock-knock-knock,’ “Luna.”

Celestia waited a few seconds, but there came no answer from the other side of the door. The white alicorn decided to enter the room, slowly opening the door, and taking a quick look around the dark room. She heard the little snores coming from the king size bed that was in the middle of the room.

"Luna?" Celestia asked, but there was no answer. Approaching the bed, Celestia tried again to wake up her little sister, "Luna."


"Wake up Lulu, is time for the moon to rise."

"Ugh, five more minutes, the moon can wait." Luna answered while rolling on her bed, trying to get as far away from her sister without falling from her comfortable mattress.

Celestia giggled a little, 'and to think that she once wanted to keep the moon up for all the eternity.'

"Come on Lulu, get up, or you will regret it," Celestia's horn started to glow as a smirk appeared on her mouth.

"Four more minutes?"

"Wrong answer," Celestia's horn started to shine brightly. The light was so intense that you could say another sun was inside of Luna's room.

"OK, OK!" Luna shouted while covering her head with the blankets, "I'm awake now, just stop the light, it hurts my eyes." She rolled off her bed as she tried to cover from the light.

The strong light that was covering the whole room started to fade away and Luna emerged from under the blanket, "Ugh, Good evening Tia," Luna said while she tried to suppress a yawn with her hoof.

"Good evening Lulu," Celestia approached her sister and nuzzled her head gently, then she pulled away. "Up reading till late again?" Celestia smirked again while watching her sister getting out from the tangled blanket.

Luna gave a nervous laugh before answering, "Yes, there’s still a lot of information from this age that I have to catch up to." Luna walked to her bathroom, refreshed herself a little and then got back to her dark room. "I'm ready."

"Good, now let's go," Celestia exited the room, followed closely by her sister.

While they were on their way to the balcony, Luna noticed that her sister was in good mood. Normally, Celestia would scold her for staying up till late in the morning, but today, she didn't say anything. She was happy for that, but at the same time, she felt curious about this attitude of her sister.


"Yes Luna?" Celestia asked without looking at her sister, they crossed the balcony door before Luna talked again.

"You seem to be in a really good mood. What happened?"

"Well this afternoon..." Celestia stopped and looked at the horizon, then turned to her sister and gave her a smile, "I'll tell you after you raise the moon." Luna just nodded.

Celestia's horn was covered by a golden aura. She looked in the direction of the flaming orb and stood on her hind legs. She lifted her forelegs to point directly at the sun, and slowly, intensifying the magic that was emanating from her. The sun last rays of light disappeared at the distance, only a faint tint of orange was left in the sky. Celestia stood back on her four legs. The glow from her horn disappeared. She then turned to look at her sister.

"The sky is all yours,"  she walked to one side of the balcony to let her sister stand in the middle of it.

Luna stepped forward and started to mimic her sister’s actions, her horn started to glow with a dusky colored aura. she looked at the horizon, but in the opposite direction of where the sun had settled. Then she stood on her hind legs and pointed her front hooves in the empty direction that she was looking. As she did this, the glow from her horn intensified. At the distance, a white object started to rise, making its way up to the sky. After the moon settled in one spot, the sky started to brighten slowly as the stars appeared, forming the constellations that enhanced the beauty of the night. Luna proceeded to lower the upper part of her body, to stand back in her four legs. After the glow from her horn dissipated, Celestia talked.

"Another wonderful night, good job Lulu," Celestia approached her sister to nuzzle her.

"Thank you," Luna smiled while returning the nuzzle. After a few seconds, she pulled away and looked at her sister, "now tell me, what happened this afternoon?"

"Well, this afternoon I had the opportunity to pull a 'little' joke on some pony," Celestia smirked smugly.

"Oh really? And who was it?"

"Twilight Sparkle."

Luna's heartbeat rate increased. She started to feel warmer by each second that passed. Her stomach suddenly felt full of butterflies and  her cheeks had a small shade of pink over them. She slowly directed her look at Celestia and opened her mouth, but it took a moment before she could say anything.

"T-Twilight Sparkle was here?"

"Yes, she came this afternoon to speak with me, and that’s when I-"

"Is she still around?" Luna interrupted her sister, Celestia was a little surprised by this.

"No, she already went back to Ponyville."

"Oh," Luna dropped her head, but immediately turned to look back at her sister. "Oh well, what were you saying?"

Celestia looked with a confused expression at Luna. "Luna, is something wrong? Did you want to meet with Twilight?"

"Oh nononono, I was, I was just thinking that it would be nice to talk with her." Luna gave a nervous laugh, the small blush on her face increased two shades darker. She was avoiding looking directly at Celestia's eyes.

"Luna is everything-," Celestia stopped and observed how Luna was acting. She managed to catch the little tint of red on her sister’s face. 'Oh no, it couldn't be, could it?'

Celestia thought for a moment and then talked. "Say Luna, don't you think that Twilight is a really special pony?"

Luna's face lit with a big smile, "Yes of course, she so wonderful, she is smart, she is beau-" Luna covered her muzzle with her hoof. 'Breath Luna, you almost spilled it all out,' she took a deep breath and lowered her hoof, "Yes. You are right, she is a special pony."

Celestia turned her face away from Luna and smirked smugly, "Oh, I see little sister, so Twilight is a special pony. I think this merits another joke." She put her best poker face and looked back at Luna. "Well sister, as I was saying, Twilight came to talk about a little problem that she encountered the last day."

"And what was it?" Luna asked with a curious look on her face.

"Well, apparently, all her friends were- No, ‘are’ in love with her," Celestia could feel how her sister hold her breath after hearing what she had just said, "and Twilight wanted some advice, so she talked to me. And after that..."

Celestia looked away again and the smirk appeared on her face for a second time, "Time for a little fun," she continued. "She went back to Ponyville. Probably to choose who, of her friends, she is going to date."

There was silence in the balcony. Celestia kept looking away trying to hold back her laughter, but slowly, her mirth started to die as she realised her sister wasn’t reacting to what she had just said.

"Was I wrong about my assumptions of how Luna feels about Twilight? I was expecting to hear a loud 'WHAT?!' from her, or something like that. Not total silence.” She then turned her face to look what had happened to her sister, but she couldn't find her. She looked all around the balcony, but nothing.

A small object, that was flying away, caught Celestia's attention. As she strained her eyes to look what was it, her mouth started to turn into a smile. It was her sister, flying as fast as she could in the direction of Ponyville. 'Go for it sister.' Celestia walked back inside the castle and made her way towards her room. The reaction that she got from her sister was not the one she was waiting for, but she was happy anyways.

'First your friends and now my sister. What kind of magic is this that you have, Twilight?' Celestia entered her room and closed the door.

Back in Ponyville, there were five ponies reunited in Sugarcube Corner and four of them were dealing with a problem at hoof. Pinkie Pie was swapping from her usual cheery self, with a puffy mane, to one sad and totally straight maned look, and no one knew how to fix it. Applejack was the first that tried to get her friend to her usual self, but after some failed attempts, she decided that she needed help.

"Come on Pinkie, everything is going to be fine," Fluttershy said to her friend, she tried to say something else, but it was hard because the pink mare didn't said what was wrong with her.

Pinkie looked directly at Fluttershy, a smile showed on her face and her mane was as fluffy as always. "You are right Fluttershy, everything is going to be perfect," suddenly her mane deflated again, falling like a waterfall. "Who am I kidding, this is all my fault."

Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash groaned at the same time. Pinkie always answered like that to any attempt to make her feel better, and this had happened for the last two hours.

"Well," Rainbow started, "Pinkie’s broken. Who wants to come with me to this mirror lake or whatever is called and get a new Pinkie?" Rainbow smiled at her friends, but the only answer she got was a stern look from Applejack and Rarity, "Oh come on guys, I was just kidding."

"This ain't no time for jokes Rainbow!" Applejack yelled with a frown on her face. "Now, you better help us find out what's wrong with Pinkie or get out of here," she finished with a stomp of her hoof.

"I'm sorry, jeez. It's just that I'm really tired of this. We have asked her like thirty times what happened and she only answers with, 'It's all my fault'."

Applejack let out a small sigh. "Come on Pinkie, cheer up," the pink mare hair slowly got to its normal shape, and slowly got back to its straight shape.

"Well, this is enough," Rarity said. "I tried to play tic tac toe with you, you won twenty-seven times. Then Applejack baked you a delicious pie. After that, Fluttershy sung you a beautiful song. And finally, Rainbow... well, she just gave you an autographed picture of herself."


"But nothing of that helped you to get back to your usual and "steady" self. Now, would you be so kind to tell us what happened so we can help you?"

"I already told you, it's all my-"

"PINKIE!" Three voices shouted at the same time while a yellow pegasus hid behind her pink friend.

"Ummm, well you see," Pinkie started. Her mane, that was totally straight, started to swell and a smile showed up on her face. "This morning I saw Twilight!"

"You went to Twilight's home?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Of course not Dashy, she was in the train station. She took the train to Canterlot,” her mane got back to its straight shape, “and she left and will never come back to shout to me that I’m going to love her." The yellow pegasus blushed of embarrassment after hearing that.

"Oh come on sugarcube. Why would Twilight never come back? Ponyville is her home." Applejack approached her friend and started to pat her back.

Pinkie’s mane swelled again, "Well, I confessed my love for her,” the mane got straight again, “ but after that, you all did the same and she was all like 'What?' and totally confused. So she just decided to leave. So she didn't had to deal with this."

"Oh darling, that's just ridiculous," Rarity said while sitting on her haunches in front of Pinkie. "Twilight wouldn't leave for something like that, and even if she would, she wouldn't leave without Spike, he's still here in Ponyville. I saw him cleaning the windows of the library this afternoon."

“Umm, Rarity,” Fluttershy said from behind Pinkie. “Well, if you don’t mind me asking. Why were you near the library?”

“Ummm, emmm, well you see... I was walking this afternoon-”

“You went to get a glimpse of Twilight, didn’t you?” Asked Applejack, Rarity only answered with a blush and a little laugh. “Weren’t you the one that said to give Twilight some space?”

“Oh forget it! The point is that Twilight is going to be back,” said Rarity.

Pinkie’s mane swelled, but not completely, “Then, can I throw her a ‘welcome back Twilight, it's great to see you and your flank back in Ponyville’ party?”

"Of course you can darling, but, don’t add the part about the flank."

Pinkie’s mane got limp again, "But then, why did she go?"

"Well, maybe she needed some time to think about everything that happened yesterday," said Fluttershy, " and she maybe went to Canterlot because it was hard to think here."

"Yeah," Rainbow flew over her friends and pointed to the door, "I bet she's going to cross that door soon. Maybe not today, but tomorrow, she is going to be here. Back in Ponyville."

The moment Rainbow finished talking, the door of the bakery opened, causing the bell of the entrance to jingle. A purple mare that carried a pair of saddlebags entered the building. She walked a few steps inside before stopping, she was surprised to see all the other ponies in that place.

"Oh! I didn't expected to meet all of you here, I suppose that this saves me a lot of time," Twilight said while looking a little nervous.

A pink blur crossed the room and tackled Twilight to the floor. Pinkie was now over Twilight. She started to rub her cheek against Twilight's. A few grunts were hear in the room. Pinkie then lifted her head and looked at The pony that was below her.. "You are back, I knew you were coming back, but then I turned into a silly filly and started to think 'she's never coming back', but then, I was all like 'Don't be silly little Pinkie, she will be back', but after that I turned back and was like-"

"Pinkie?" The lavender pony interrupted Pinkie's speech.

"Yes Twilight?" she looked down with a smile to her friend that was lying on the floor.

"Could you get off me?"

"Oh! Sure thing Twilight."

"Thanks Pinkie," Twilight stood back and looked at her friends, "Umm hi. Why are all of you here?"

"That doesn't matter now," said Applejack while looking at Pinkie that was bouncing on place. "So, 'cough' Twilight, how you doin'?" Asked Applejack while avoiding looking at the purple mare, all the others were doing something similar, except for Pinkie. There was a nervous tension in the room, they hadn't seen Twilight since all the love stuff, and they didn't know how Twilight was taking it.

"I'm fine Applejack," Twilight pause for a moment, she knew she had to talk to them now, she gathered all the courage she could before starting, "I have to talk to you. I'm here to tell you that I have been thinking about what all of you told me yesterday. I was going to gather all of you in the library. But now that we are here, I don't see why not to talk right now. A lot happened in this last two days, I thought a lot of each one of you and finally made my choice."

"And you chose what was obvious, right Twilight?" Asked Rainbow, barely managing to look at Twilight.

"Ummm, I think so."

"Yes!” The prismatic maned pony shouted all of a sudden. “You chose me, the most awesome and coolest pony in Equestria," Rainbow started to fly around the bakery. “In your face Applejack!”

"Sorry Rainbow, but that wasn't my choice."

The prismatic maned pegasus crashed against the wall.

"T-then, who did you choose?", asked Fluttershy from behind her mane, there was a glimpse of hope in her voice.

"Well, that's the thing, I d-"

"We command thou to halt this at once!" Some pony, with a familiar voice, shouted from behind Twilight.