You Are The Father!

by Shining Star


Shining Armour was doing his usual daily routine of patrolling the city perimeter of the Crystal Empire with a pair of his guards. The crystal ponies bowed and moved out of the trio’s way even though Shining was making no sign of aggressiveness. In Canterlot, he was used to mares flirting and fluttering their lashes at him, but he only had eyes for one mare.

But the way these ponies acted was like he was going to order their death just for looking at him. It was disturbing how shaken some of the ponies were still after Sombra’s take over one thousand years ago. He smiled at the crystal ponies as
warmly and kindly as he could much like Cadence would.

Ponies galloped out of his way as he walked past them. “What is it with these Crystal Ponies?” he asked his guards.

“We do not know, sir!” They shouted saluting him.

“You don’t have to scream at me…” he grumbled. “Have you two had any trouble with the Crystal Ponies?” He continued towards the Crystal Palace now his patrol was finished.

“Yes, sir! They seem to be scared of us, sir!” They yelled again saluting. Shining rolled his eyes at the stallions yelling.

“I wonder why.” He said sarcastically.

“So do we, sir!” They said together. Shining Armour looked at them over his shoulders. They were dead serious. He mentally sighed in his head trying not to say things a prince really shouldn’t.

“I relieve you both of your duties today. Take the day off and relax for a while.” He said to them both saluting the two stallions. The guards ran off, forgetting their manners. Shining Armour’s head hurt like he had been hit over the head with a pillow case full of bricks. He made his way up the stairs to the Royal suites of the palace. Everything shined so brightly here it was nice that both he and Cadence had agreed to have normal furnishings, flooring and walls used for their wing of the castle. It felt like their house back in Canterlot.

He trotted into the main room which was a sort of lounge room that he and Cadence received guests in during the after court hours. In the room Cadence was sitting on a large pillow reading a book but she placed it down when she saw her husband enter the room.

“Shining, how was your guard rounds?” she asked smiling up from her place on the floor. Shining walked over to her and lay down next to her. Cadence started to nuzzle his neck feeling how tense he was.

“It was like it usually was - Crystal Ponies running away from me like I’ll throw them in the dungeon if they even look at me. I just wish they didn’t think I was the bad guy.” He sighed closing his eyes. The crackling fire next to the pair warmed Shining’s body relaxing him as time went on.

A large ‘pop’ resounded through the room making Cadence jump. Shining saw the green poof in front of his face turn into a letter. Before Cadence could get a word out Shining had levitated the letter in the blink of an eye and was standing up reading. Cadence watched Shining’s serious face as he read the letter wondering who would have written to him. A small smile broke onto his face as he continued to read.

“Honey, what is it? Is it serious?” Cadence asked getting up from her cosy spot on the cushion. Shining looked at her like he had been caught in the middle of murder. He shook his at her.

“No it’s just… my… my mother’s sisters … second cousin, twice removed’s daughter is coming to stay while the parents are in… hospital. Nasty 'bout of flu this winter in Canterlot.” Shining lied smoothly thinking of a story on the spot.

“But it’s summer. Shining are you lying to me?” Cadence asked sadly. She looked at him with those sparkling eyes and Shining nearly let it all spill out. He caught his tongue before this could happen though and dragged a poker face on to look his wife in the eye.

“‘Course not. Did I say winter? I meant summer. Silly me. But my mother’s sister’s second cousin twice removed’s daughter is only a foal, so we’ll need a crib for her to sleep in.” Shining said quickly, changing the conversation, beginning to pace back and forth.

“Couldn’t we ask the ponies bringing her to also bring her crib? That would be easier than buying a new one and having it delivered here and she would most likely feel more comfortable to have something from home.” Cadence said in her kind tone thinking of the filly being scared and alone without her parents.

Shining scoffed. “Twilight doesn’t have- I mean… I can ask?” He caught himself before he finished his sentence that would have brought the death sentence. Cadence nodded absently minded. Shining left the room to reply to Twilight’s letter. He wrote down he could make the arrangements for his daughter to come stay at the castle now Twilight had gotten her undercover. But as he re-read her letter he saw how it also warned of how powerful the filly was with magic. Shining knew he had to be careful with his foal because if Twilight had trouble with the filly, he was bound to have chaos here.


Steam poured onto the train station platform of the Crystal Empire. Shining Armour had made all the arrangements for his filly to come stay with Cadence and him. He had made his mind up that he would tell Cadance the true origins of the foal when she had grown to care for it. She could understand then and he would have more time to find the best way to tell her.
The train’s doors opened to show a tired Twilight standing in the compartment. Her mane was slightly messy with flyaway hairs everywhere. On her back sat a young fluffy white unicorn filly with a light turquoise mane and green eyes.
Twilight had done an excellent job with her disguise; Shining could barely recognize his daughter sitting on her back. The filly cooed reaching out of the confinement of the foal carrier strapped to Twilight's back towards her father, her tiny white hooves shining in the sunlight. He levitated her through the air and brought her close to his face. She placed a small hoof on his nose and giggled as she placed another onto her father's nose.

"Thanks for bringing her over, Twi. It means a lot to me you would do this for us." Shining said smiling at his sister.

She blushed and smiled at her brother. "It was no trouble at all, B.B.B.F.F. She was an angel coming over on the train."

Shining raised an eyebrow at his sister’s blatant lie but brushed it off as the nerves of caring for a foal. Cadance stepped forward to see the young foal, her face lighting up at the sight of her. “Aw, isn’t she just adorable! What’s her name?” Cadance looked up at Shining, expectantly.

Shining Armour started to sweat, girly names running through his head, but before he could think of a name for his daughter, Twilight butted in. “Her name is Allia Sparkle.” Twilight grabbed the foal carrier slung over her back and snapped it onto her brother’s. “She’s adorable isn’t she?”

Cadance nuzzled the little filly who in returned cooed at the pink alicorn. Allia looked up at her dad and booped his muzzle, giggling all the while. Cadance stood still for a moment with an obvious face of confusion plastered on. She suddenly spoke
up though, “Shining, dear, didn’t you say she was from your mother’s side of the family?”

Shining nodded his head. “Yeah, what about it?”

“Well then... why is her last name Sparkle?”

Twilight’s eyes widened behind Cadence, seeing her mistake. Shining Armour had the same shocked look on his face at his
wife’s words. “It’s um… a common unicorn name?” Shining tried.

“Hmm, alright, if you say so, dear.” Cadance said, eyeing her husband suspiciously. He smiled tightly back at her trying to blow this over quickly. Twilight backed away, sensing the tension in the air and cleared her throat.

“Well, I think I should be getting back to my library, lot of studying to do and all. I’ll be seeing you all later, I guess. Bye!” Twilight said quickly turning away and running towards the soon to be leaving train. The engines started up and she quickly ducked inside the private carriage waving to the trio still on the station platform.

Cadance waved back to the young mare before turning back to her husband. He was playing with Allia, rolling around on a patch of grass as she crawled from place to place climbing on top of Shining Armour. She smiled at how well he was playing with the little foal, she knew he would be a good father when the time was right - which would be quite soon.

...She just needed to find the right time to tell him.