//------------------------------// // Chapter Forty-Seven: Reaching for Redemption // Story: Brushed Away // by TheVClaw //------------------------------// Canvas didn't leave his bedroom at all during Blowing Wind’s funeral reception. Copper couldn't blame his son for feeling so depressed. He knew that he loved his mom dearly. As he stood in his kitchen with his friends around him, Copper Fields kept silent and tried to stay strong. After finding out he lost the love of his life while at work, and then having to tell his son after pulling him out of school, the last thing he wanted was any more heartache. Even with Cloud Thresher by his side, Copper felt a throbbing pain in his very soul, which wasn't getting any easier after his fifth drink. Several neighbors were gracious enough to make some meals for him and his son, but Copper barely responded to any of their gifts or kind words.  When Cloud Thresher finally left, long after everypony else had, Copper slowly walked back to his bedroom. Along the way, he could see that Canvas' door was still closed. Copper just wanted to lie down and let his wife's passing sink in on his own, but as soon as he looked at the empty bed, Copper's heart felt shattered. It would always be like this now. Copper would be alone from now on. Canvas' door slowly opened. The aqua-colored colt looked around to make sure nopony was left except his dad. With his brand-new art bag hoisted over his shoulder, large enough to drag along the ground, Canvas slowly walked over to his dad's bedroom, wiping the tears off of his face. Canvas opened the door to see his father sitting on the bed, holding a picture of his wife. When he noticed his son was there, Copper quickly looked away and put the frame back on the nightstand. Canvas could tell that his father had been crying. He expected his dad to yell at him for not knocking, but Copper just kept a sad look as he wiped his tears before turning toward Canvas. "C-Canvas? W-What is it?" Clutching his art bag closely to his side, Canvas looked away for a second before speaking, his young voice coming out shakily. "I… I can’t sleep, dad." Copper bit his lip. He knew what his son was going to ask him. He usually would've said no, but his heart couldn’t handle it tonight. "C-can I sleep in here with you tonight?" Without saying a word, Copper slowly nodded. His son rushed onto the bed, keeping his bag by his side as he crawled up to his father. Copper wanted to say something about not having that bag in the bed with him, but he stayed silent while the colt laid down next to him. Copper grabbed his son and pulled him in close, clutching him tightly as they laid on the bed together. Canvas pushed his face into Copper’s chest and began to cry softly. Hearing his colt's muffled sobs, Copper hugged him tighter and used a hoof to stroke his mane. It was starting to get shaggy, but he said nothing about it. He wanted Canvas to be strong about everything that happened, but he didn’t stop his son's weeping. Copper remembered how horrible losing a parent could be from when he was a teenager, and he could only imagine how bad it must’ve felt for Canvas. It had to be even worse for a pony so young. Copper reached out a hoof and turned off the bedside lamp, and the bedroom became shrouded in darkness. Copper was glad he still had Canvas. He also felt grateful that he wasn't sleeping alone tonight. The warmth of his child alleviated his pain for the moment, but Copper knew there was going to be a really tough time ahead for the both of them. Copper spoke in a faint voice while continuing to stroke his son’s mane. "Canvas, I want you to know that... whatever happens, no matter what... I'll always be there for you." The colt stayed silent, but Copper clutched him tighter regardless. "I know this is horrible, and… I miss her too… but you'll always have me. I promise." Not long after, he began to notice that Canvas wasn’t giving much of a reaction. In fact, he was no longer even holding him, just lying limp against his body, silent. Copper knew something was off once he felt his entire chest wet with something. Something that wasn’t tears. He slowly put out his hoof again and turned the lamp back on. The light entered the room again, and Copper's eyes widened in terror when he looked down. Canvas, now at his current age, was lying lifeless against his father's chest, covered in blood. His face had returned to the badly beaten and swollen state it was the night of his graduation. Copper screamed and shot back. Canvas' body fell to the ground, landing on top of a pile of his destroyed paintings. A pool of blood seeped out from under him. Copper found himself back in his son's bedroom, completely destroyed. He breathed rapidly, and his heart beat uncontrollably. He looked down at his hooves and chest. They were stained with his son's blood. He shook out of sheer horror. His muzzle hung open, but several seconds of petrified silence passed before he screamed. Halfway through his shrill cry, Copper's eyes shot wide open as he fell off the bench, and onto the hard, wooden floor. The cold ground awoke him fully. He could only groan in agony as he slowly lifted himself up, managing to get back onto his hooves before he looked around. Usually, the train station had at least a few ponies, but there wasn't a single soul around this early. The station had been completely soaked by the storm that passed by several hours ago. Because of said storm, no trains were able to arrive at the station until morning. None of this phased Copper, who slowly slumped back onto the bench. After hearing everything his son said to him, Copper felt numb to everything around him. All other interactions or feelings that came after just passed by him like a phantom. When Rainbow Dash came back with the train ticket, Copper just sat silent in the middle of the street, completely broken, barely noticing her or Princess Twilight Sparkle standing there. The alicorn was generous enough to check his injuries, making sure nothing was broken after his interaction with that gryphon, but she didn’t say a single word to him the entire time. It wasn't until after she levitated his saddlebag to him, and placed the ticket inside of one of the pockets that she said just one thing. "I think it would be best for you to leave." Copper didn’t remember getting up, or walking all the way back to the train station through the storm. Copper couldn’t care less about the pouring rain that soaked his faded fur to the core, or how freezing it all felt. Copper didn't seem to care about anything even now, until he reached a hoof into his bag. Copper pulled out an old photograph of him with Canvas and Blowing Winds. They stood in front of their home together, all of them happy. And I tried to kill myself because of you. Copper felt his heart drop to his stomach like a cannonball. The colt looked so happy, standing beside his mom with the biggest grin on his little face as he wrapped a foreleg around her. I wish you died instead of Mom. At the bottom was that art bag she got for him, lying next to the colt who carried it with him proudly. While he didn’t like that his wife spent so much money, the look on Canvas' face when it was given to him was beyond priceless. Looking back, Copper was glad she was so supportive of their son's talent. It was likely a big reason Canvas was so great at it today. You. Are. Dead to me. As his son's cruel words replayed in Copper's head, he shoved the photo back in his bag. He didn’t want to think about anything after how much he gave up for this. After all the things he sold and sacrificed, all the countless hours of searching town to town, none of it mattered when he finally found Canvas. Despite losing everything, including his own dignity as he literally begged for him to stay, all Copper had to show for it were the last words his son said to him. Stay out of my life. I never want to see you again. Copper recalled how honest and cold those words came out before Canvas walked away. He closed his eyes and buried his face in his hooves over how badly things had gone since that terrible night. He knew talking with him wouldn't be an easy task by any means, but he at least dearly hoped for something positive to come of it. Now, the stallion sat alone, and his new, bitter reality began to set in; that along with everything else in his life, Copper had truly lost his only child. And worst of all, no matter what, nopony could be blamed but himself. Copper really didn’t remember much of what he did that night. Of course, waking up in a trashed home with bloodied hooves was more than enough to make him realize he did something horribly, horribly wrong. As time passed and his memories slowly began to come back to him, Copper only felt increasingly worse as he recalled every soul-shattering moment after Canvas came back home. When he remembered every punch he’d thrown against his child, and every piece of artwork he’d tore apart in front of him, Copper felt his entire world crash down and shatter over. When he remembered the promise he made to his son that night after the funeral reception, Copper was fueled by nothing but pure adrenaline and shame as he constantly moved ahead, knowing he couldn’t possibly live with himself until he found him again. But now he really had nothing left. Without his job, his home, most of his possessions, or even a foreseeable plan for the future, Copper was in a bad situation. He couldn’t even complain about any of it, though. After all, this was exactly what happened to his son several months ago. On that thought, Copper figured this was probably close to how Canvas felt after being thrown out: all alone while wet and hurting. He couldn't compare his own physical injuries to what he did to Canvas, but he still winced as he put a hoof up to his left eye, feeling how sore it was thanks to that gryphon. Copper only felt worse as he acknowledged that not only did he do this to his own child, but that he did it much worse than Canvas did to him. Suddenly, Copper heard the faint sound of hoofsteps in the distance, coming closer against the wet wood. Sitting upright, Copper looked over to see a dark figure appear from within the shadows, stopping in his sights and standing at the platform entrance. The skies grew even darker from a new set of clouds coming in for a second downpour, but Copper's eyes adjusted to the light, and they widened as the figure moved closer. Canvas moved into the faint moonlight before his father, looking at him sternly. After a moment of silence, Copper pulled himself off the bench and began to open his mouth, hoping to say something. His son beat him to it. "Why?" Copper blinked as he tried to understand what Canvas meant. He wanted to answer any question his son was willing to ask him, but that one word befuddled him. He could his son's hooves grind against the platform before he spoke more dishearteningly. "Why did you come here? Why did you have to come back to see me? What were you wanting to do?" Copper faltered. He had a lot of reasons for why he wanted to find him, at first. But when he started to remember everything, he learned that looking for something akin to forgiveness was beyond his grasp.  "I… I just had to make sure you were alright, Canvas. I couldn’t live with myself after realizing what I did to you. I-I just wanted to try and… try and set things right." Canvas only stood silent. Copper hung his head, and tried to add more. "I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry for what happened! As soon as I knew what I did, I-I knew I had to do something! I just couldn’t leave you alone and… make you think I was that same pony… I never meant to hurt you.” "Then why did you do it?" Copper looked back up. His son was starting to look angrier.  "Why did you hurt me like that?" Copper squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip. This was the question he always dreaded most. Even with the million different excuses he could give, Copper knew none of them were good enough, all of them were terrible. So he resorted to using the first one that came to his head. "I… can barely remember anything after I got drunk--” "Don’t give me that!!” shouted Canvas, making Copper flinch. "I want to know why you acted like that toward me! I want to know what the buck was going through your skull while you were beating me! Why!? Why did you do that to me!? What bucking reason could you have for almost murdering your own--" "I thought you were throwing your life away!" Copper's eyes shot wide open, and Canvas stood speechless for what seemed like an eternity. Copper knew he couldn’t just say something like that without explaining. "I… I was so worried for you after your Mother died. I always knew you weren't like the other colts, but… I always hoped that was just temporary. I wanted you to have a good life.” Canvas only blinked as he looked at his father with a mix of confusion and disgust. His mind was drawing a complete blank. "I always thought I knew what your future was going to be like. I always pictured how your life would go. You would graduate, find a nice mare to settle down with, maybe have a few kids… I always thought that was what was best for you." As Copper kept going, his voice sounded more upset. "But then you… you made that bucking announcement. And I just didn't know what to think! After all the years raising you, seeing you grow and become stronger after she died, I… I never thought something like that was going to happen! I…” Copper shut his eyes tighter and turned his face away from Canvas’ sight. "All I could think was how much harder your life was going to be! You already went through so much back in Gallop Creek, and… I just thought you were wanting to make your life worse by saying that…” Canvas interrupted in a burst of anger. "And you thought beating me would help!?" Copper cringed. He felt like he was going to start crying again. "I didn’t know what to do, Canvas! All I thought was that you were going to throw your life away, because you weren't going to live the life I thought you would… I didn’t know what to do, so… so, I drank…” Copper felt the tears coming. Saying his awful reasoning out loud felt even worse. "I just kept drinking… and then... I lost control.” Copper looked back up at his son glaring at him. Even with the shame written all over his face, Canvas just looked even angrier. "So that's your bucking excuse!?" "I don’t have an excuse! Canvas, I can tell you a million different reasons why I did those things to you! I could blame it on the alcohol, or my confusion, or the shock at hearing your speech, but none of that matters! I know that I can’t blame anything for what I did except myself!" Canvas kept silent. "I… I hurt you… and I know there's no apology or reason good enough for me to justify what I did. I'm so sorry, Canvas." The looming silence hung in the air. Only the sound of thunder in the distance passed through it. Canvas wasn't sure what to say. When Copper closed his eyes and pointed his muzzle at his hooves, Canvas thought that he wasn't going to say much more.  But then, Copper's voice came out cold. "I know that you hate me." Copper didn’t need to look up to know his son wasn't going to argue. Canvas simply looked at his father, both upset and surprised that Copper would say that, even though it was true. "And… you have every right, Canvas. I was supposed to be there for you. I promised you that I would always be there after your mother died. I promised her that I would do that for you.” Several teardrops hit the rain-soaked wood underneath Copper. "But I failed. I failed you, and I failed your Mom… and I know… I know that she would hate me too if she was here." Canvas was stunned at such a raw declaration. "I didn’t come back for forgiveness, Canvas. I know you have no reason to forgive me for what I did." The thunder rolled in closer. Neither of them seemed to notice as Copper's voice became more sullen and defeated, an expression of his self-awareness. "If you never want to see me again, I understand. After what I did to you, I don’t blame you. I'll leave… I'll leave, and I'll never try to contact you if that's what you want... “I promise I'll stay out of your life forever." Canvas' eyes widened. Even though it hurt Copper more than anything to say it, they both knew he truly meant it. "But before I go,” Copper, now slightly more determined, pulled his head back up. "I just want you to know that losing you was the worst moment of my life. Even more than your mother because… because hurting you was all my fault.” Copper began to move forward, walking toward his son slowly. While Canvas stood still, Copper looked at him with the purest look of sincerity and guilt as he spoke from the heart. "Canvas, there hasn't been a single day since that night where I wasn't thinking about how horribly I treated you, and regretted every single second of it. I wish more than anything to undo everything that happened." Canvas looked away for a moment. "I was afraid of what you were doing with your life, but…. "I can say, without any hesitation, that I have never been happier to be proven wrong." Canvas looked back at his dad in surprise. Copper went on with a faint smile. "Canvas, you… you managed to accomplish more with your life than I ever could've imagined! After only a few months, you did more than anypony back home could do in a lifetime! You really pulled it off! And I know that's all a parent asks for… to know that their child is doing alright on their own.” Canvas felt a weight in his chest; those words made him feel slightly better. "Canvas… you really became an amazing stallion. You managed to move on after everything that happened, and do so much with your life without any help. I know your mom couldn't be prouder of you for that." Canvas only nodded while tears ran down his own face as well. When his father got within a few feet of him, Copper looked saddened again. "…I just wished I told you that sooner." With that, Copper slowly bent in, raising a hoof to hold his son for the first time in months. Canvas stood there, motionless, feeling his father's warmth as he hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Canvas… I am so, so sorry. I always loved you, Canvas, and I always will.” Copper's tears slowly ran down his face, hitting Canvas' shoulder. He knew this may very well be the last time he’d ever speak to him. "No matter what you do with your life… no matter how you live your life… n-no matter who you love… I will always, always love you, from the bottom of my heart." Copper clenched his eyes shut while hugging Canvas as tight as he could. "You are an amazing son, Canvas. I never want you to forget that… and I'm so proud of you. After everything you accomplished, after seeing how strong you've become... “... I truly am proud to call you my son." Copper held Canvas for another moment, squeezing him tightly. He felt hesitant to let go, but he slowly pulled back regardless. Copper felt a slight resistance. Canvas had lifted a hoof to hold him back. He kept his head against Copper's shoulder, several tears escaping him as he gripped his dad tighter, struggling to hold himself together. He felt beyond grateful to hear everything Copper told him. "... Th-thank you…” A sudden burst of thunder, and a large torrent of rain fell down across all of Ponyville. Neither Canvas nor Copper took notice. Copper bawled, his guilt pouring out while he screamed as loud as he could. "I'm so sorry, Canvas! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorryyyy!!!" Canvas listened to Copper's cries, not saying a word while he hugged his dad for the first time in over half a year. He felt how much raw emotion and pain was coming from him, and he couldn't hold back his tears either. Though the past shattered their relationship beyond repair, neither father nor son let it stop the bonding they shared for that one sacred moment. Canvas let go and put his forelegs back on the ground. Copper kissed him on the forehead. As he did so, Canvas looked down and saw the wooden planks underneath him. He then noticed something was off: the lack of fresh raindrops around them. Apart from what his dad’s wet fur touched, Canvas was mostly dry. There was no rain hitting either of them. Noticing the same thing, Copper slowly let go of his son and looked around in confusion. Then, the two of them looked up to see a large hole in the clouds directly above them. His face was only visible for less than a second before it shot back behind the grey clouds, but Canvas instantly recognized his lover. Troy winced in worry over what Canvas would say about him being here. "Troy!? Wh-what are you doing here?" Knowing he was caught, Troy sheepishly moved back into view. Copper stepped back in worry. He remembered how furious the gryphon looked when he first met him, and hoped he wasn't here to fulfill his promise. However, Troy just kept a worried look on Canvas as he spoke to him. "I… I found the letter, and I wanted to make sure you were alright." Canvas blinked in confusion. He never wrote a letter. He stayed silent, however, as he watched Troy rubbing the feathers on the back of his head in faux innocence. "I wasn't eavesdropping, I swear! I just wanted to make sure you… wouldn't get wet.” Troy pulled back behind the clouds to stay out of the way, embarrassed at potentially ruining the moment. Canvas looked back at his slightly worried dad. "Ummm…” Copper was unsure what to say. He already figured that gryphon knew Canvas, but he felt confused over why he was acting that way around his son. "Is… that gryphon a friend of yours?" Canvas bit his lip and started to blush. Though he wasn't afraid to tell his dad about Troy anymore, he still felt slightly embarrassed due to how odd his situation was. Remembering what Copper was saying about expecting how his son's life would go, Canvas felt like he was going to start laughing. His answer was probably going to really surprise his dad. "Actually, Troy’s… He's my boyfriend.” Copper's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. He alternated between looking up at the hole in the cloud and back at Canvas, utterly dumbfounded. He then looked down at the ground and lifted a hoof, touching his black eye and recalling the gryphon’s murderous attitude. A light chuckle escaped his muzzle. "That actually explains a lot.” Copper looked back at Canvas, a slight sense of worry creeping within. However, upon seeing how happy his son looked, Copper's hesitation faltered. Canvas really did have strong feelings for the gryphon above them. "So… d-do you…” Copper had gotten used to the fact that he had a gay son months ago, but he still felt resistance when he tried to ask the question. This was the very first time he actually talked to him about it.  "Do you… love him?" Despite his dad’s obvious discomfort, Canvas kept a smile on his muzzle as he nodded. "Yeah, I-I do.” Canvas looked up, seeing Troy's head peek out slightly as he peered down at him. While Canvas gave a gracious smile to Troy, Copper looked up and saw the gryphon give a warm smile back to his son. They stayed like that for a moment before Troy moved back behind the clouds. Copper watched as a warm blush grew on his son's face, making him grow a light smile himself. "Well,” said Copper, more comfortably than before. "that's all that matters, then." Canvas was quick to give his father one more hug. The downpour was only scheduled for a few minutes, so the storm was already dying down. The sound of a train whistle in the distance interrupted their hug. Copper looked over to see a train coming in, making his heart sink. That was his ride out of Ponyville. He held onto Canvas one last time. Once he let go, he reached into his saddlebag. He wanted to do one last thing before he left. "Canvas, I wanted to give you something while I was here." Copper pulled out a large, overstuffed manila folder from the bag, and gave it to his son. As he held the folder in his hooves, Canvas' eyes widened and almost teared up again. "When I was cleaning out the house, I found all the paintings you did that… that were still alright." Canvas started breathing harder as he clutched the folder to his chest. A faint smile crept up on his face while he looked at his father with immense appreciation. He thought that all his artwork from Gallop Creek was destroyed forever. "Th-thank you…” Copper bent in and kissed his son on the forehead again before holding him close, their heads touching each other. "I really am proud of you, Canvas. And I'm really happy for you." The train pulled into the station, a large cloud of steam appearing around the two against the rising sun. Canvas kept his father close as he savored this moment, his smile looking surprisingly content. He knew things would never be the same between him and his father, but he still felt grateful that he decided to talk to him. This kind of goodbye was far better than what happened the previous day. The engines died down and the train doors opened up. Copper pulled back and looked into his son's eyes, feeling himself tear up. As he walked onto the train alone, Copper looked back at his son on the platform, staring back at him in silence with a disheartened look. Copper smiled before saying one last thing. "You look a lot better with a short mane." A quick smirk spread across Canvas' muzzle. "...Thanks.” With that, Copper sighed and stepped inside the train proper, keeping his eyes on his son as he walked into the next train car. Canvas didn’t move from his spot, watching his father through the windows as he took his seat. Even after the train doors closed and the engines fired up again, Canvas didn't move an inch, keeping his eyes on his dad who stared back at him. When the train started moving, however, Canvas didn’t try to follow it down the platform. He kept his hooves planted, watching his father leave for the last time. Copper looked out the window with tears rolling down his face, his heart growing heavy as he watched his son shrink in the distance. He then smiled when he saw the gryphon fly down, landing beside his son and holding him close before the two of them disappeared completely. Copper breathed in deeply and laid back in his seat, enjoying the warmth of the morning light on his wet fur. For the first time since that unforgivable night, he finally felt at ease. His son was alright, and there was nothing else that needed to be done. The train moved wherever the ticket said it was going, and Copper slowly fell asleep, knowing everything was finally at peace, and that he could leave his child to grow.