The Rock

by DinoDenver

Chapter 10: What she needs

“Spikey! You're alive!”
“Rarity! You're awake!”
“Of course I'm, why wouldn't I be...”
“Miss Rarity, how do you feel?”
“Fine, thank you very much...” She replied to nurse Redheart's question. “But what is going on?”
“Does it hurt anywhere?” Nurse asked another question as she began to examine Rarity.
“No, it does not!” This situation was starting to irritate Rarity. Why wasn't nurse answering her questions? “Spikey, what's going on here?” She remembered there was someone that would answer her questions.
“Do you feel dizzy?”
“I feel fine!” What was with this nurse? What was with Spike for that matter? “Spikey? Where are you darling?” Spike wasn't where she saw him just few moments ago, but she spotted his tail on the floor. She immediately broke away from nurse and rushed to check if rest of Spike was also lying on the floor. “Are you okay, Spikey?” Purple dragon mumbled something.
“Give him some rest, miss Rarity.” Said nurse Redheart. “He had barely any sleep since he brought you here five days ago.”

Since when? But Rarity didn't have time to ask any questions, door opened and five mares burst into the room.

“How do you feel Rarity?” Asked Twilight. “How is she, nurse Redheart?” She asked another question, without waiting for Rarity's response.
“She seems to be alright, Princess Twilight.” Answered nurse with a slight bow. “She still is confused, but it is to be expected.”
“Oh, Rarity, I'm so happy, that you are awake...” Fluttershy flew over to Rarity's side and landed near Spike. “We feared that we've lost you.”
“That you've lost me...?” Rarity still wondered what was going on?
“When I heard that something happened to you I ran over here immediately and I were super worried and doctor said you were in coma and that you probably were never going to wake up!” Pinkie's appearance was as close to teleporting as one can get without using magic. “But since you're fine this calls for a party!” Said Pinkie as she readied her party canon.
“This is hospital! Don't use this abomination here!” Pinkie didn't look happy, but she listened to nurse Redheart.
“I was in coma?”
“Yes, Rarity.” Twilight got closer. “Spike told us what happened in Diamond Dogs' caves. He brought you here after the rock hit you.”
“He did...?” Rarity stopped for a second. “But wait a minute! The rock only grazed me, it felt on spike!”
“Rock hit your head and you've lost consciousness.” Explained Twilight. Everything was starting to fall into place in Rarity's head.
“He brought you here after avalanche!” Rainbow Dash was hovering above Rarity's bed. “I'm little ashamed of myself, but I attacked him at first.” Dash looked at sleeping Spike. “Then again, I didn't think it was Spike.”
“Well, he certainly did change a lot...” Replied Rarity with smile.
“A LOT? A lot is an understatement! How could I expect it was Spike flying with you in his arms?! Since when can one just magically get wings in an instant?!” Rainbow stopped for a moment. “Well, Twilight got them like that, but I thought it was single case... this is getting pretty ridiculous. What next? I'll get horn?”

But Rarity wasn't listening. She leaned over to the side where Spike was sleeping to see it with her own eyes. They were there, and they were pretty big, stretching up from his shoulder down, almost reaching base of his tail. Granted, they didn't stand out much when they were folded, but how can she miss, that Spike got wings?!

“But how did he got those...? He didn't have them during avalanche...”
“Most likely the same way he got bigger.” Answered Twilight. “It seems, that dragon's growth is related to what he wants to protect rather than to age. Most of the times its their hoard, but, lucky for Spike, it looks like it hasn't to be.” Twilight smiled.
“Tell us about your encounter with the Diamond Dogs!” Rainbow cut in. “Spike didn't want to tell us, even though it sounds so awesoooooome!”
“I have to tell ya, I'm pretty interested in this story myself.” Applejack came closer. “But Spike had pretty important reasons to not tell us.”
“But now you can tell us all about it!” Rainbow insisted.
“Rainbow Dash! We all want to hear this story, but Rarity is in no condition to tell it now!” Twilight seemed to be irritated a little.
“Actually I'd love to tell you all about it, but it would be unfair to do this without Spikey.” Rarity looked at sleeping purple dragon, then at her friends.
“I guess we can wait a little longer.” Said Applejack.
“I guess...” Rainbow was rather gloomy.


Dear Princess Celestia,

Last adventure taught me a valuable lesson about friendship.

Sometimes we do not realize how much we care for someone and how important he or she is to us until we lose them. Although true friend will be always there for you, it is no reason to take them for granted. Sometimes we can lose a friend and there might not be anything we can do about it. That's why we should always cherish every moment we spend together.

P.S. Your and Princess Luna's dresses are ready.



Rarity was in her bedroom, at the desk. She raised her head, once again read the letter before putting it in an envelope and sealing it.

“An entry in journal would be in order now.” She said to herself. “But first things first.” She turned around. “Spiiiiikeeey! May I bother you for a minute?”
“What is it, Rarity?” Spike put The Art of Sleeping down on the night table and got up from bed.
“Would you be a dear and send this letter to Princess Celestia?” Asked Rarity as she passed letter to Spike.
“Sure!” Green flame consumed envelope. “Is there anything else you need, milady?”
“Well...” Rarity smiled. “I think, that I already have everything I need.” Answered Rarity and kissed Spike on the cheek.