//------------------------------// // Episode 5 [Octavia]: Please welcome to the show Octavia // Story: The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews // by Daily Show Ponies //------------------------------// Series: Equestrian interviews Interviewer: Jon Stewart Guest: Octavia Date: ??? Location: Daily Show headquarters 733 11th Avenue Manhattan, NY 10019 THIS IS THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART As one more commercial comes and goes the audience in attendance begin to cheer at the sight of the 'Daily Show logo' appearing on screen and vanishing. This signaled the shows return from it's last segment which ultimately meant it was time for Jon to conduct yet another interview. The camera did its usual pan over to Jon who could be seen looking into the camera and swiveling back and forth in his chair. As the camera came in closer he began to wave at his audience before eventually looking back at the camera, ready to speak. "Welcome back to 'The Daily Show', my guest tonight!" Jon said, cracking his neck. "She is a musician, whose achievements have made her renowned all over Equestria as one of the best cellist ever in her field. Please welcome to the show, Octavia!" The crowd could hardly contain their excitement as the new Equestrian guest made her way on the stage. The last time Jon saw her was in the dark hallway of the Canterlot Concert Hall, so this was was his first time seeing her up close and in better lighting. It was at this point that he noticed for the first time her cutie mark, which was with a purple music note matching her eye color. This made sense to him as she was a musician. As she made her way to the desk it looked as if she wasn't going to even look at the audience, who were cheering for her. Eventually, as she got closer to Jon, she acknowledged their existence by looking at them though she didn't wave or smile. When she arrived at the desk Jon met her by shaking her hoof and offering her a seat which she gladly took, though it was hard to tell how appreciative she was towards the gesture. Jon, now satisfied, sat in his chair and waited for the crowd's cheers to decrease in volume before starting. Before that happened however Jon was surprised to see a stagehand run up behind Octavia and place a new mug of water in front of her then dash off again backstage. He would have asked what he was doing but he came and went too quickly and it would have been impossible for him to hear Jon over the roar of the crowd. His curiously took a temporary back seat due to the crowd's cheering slowly coming to a stop. "Welcome to the show Octavia great to have you here!" Jon said, adjusting himself in his chair. "Thank you for having me Mr. Stewart," Octavia said. "It was most generous of you to ask me to attend." He actually got a thank you. Jon wondered if this was the same Octavia from last night. "It's no problem at all, and please call me 'Jon,'" He said. "Now whats...whats interesting is that you almost--" Jon stopped mid sentence to see Octavia reach below her and grab something delicately in her hoof. It was a tea bag which she suspended over her mug of water. Jon now understood what the stagehand had given her. She requested hot water. Before she could submerge the pouch of tea-leaves in her drink she noticed Jon looking at her. "Oh. Do you mind?" She asked. "Not at all." Jon said, motioning for her to continue. He could already tell this interview would be different. "So as I was saying," Jon continued. "What's interesting is that you almost didn't...appear on today's show. You had originally uh-- rejected my offer." "That is correct." Octavia said, but not before once again dipping the tea bag in her mug. "So I guess what I'm asking is...wha--why did you decide to come on the show after all?" Jon asked, his question hanging in the air for a second. His inquiry seemed to have resonated with Octavia as her attention was torn away from her tea to Jon. This didn't last long as she once again focused on her beverage. "Let's just say I had a change of heart." She said, taking a sip of her now ready tea. "Oh I see." Jon said tapping his pen against his desk, not believing a word of it. He didn't want to press the issue to much so he let it slide making a mental note to come back to it later. "Well either way I'm glad you could make it!" Jon said sincerely. "And hey! Now you get to see me in my natural habitat." "I suppose that's true." Octavia said, taking another sip of her tea. "Yeah for those of you who don't know, when I uh-- When I first approached Octavia here she was in the middle of a symphony." Jon said leaning towards the camera and then back to Octavia. "And may I just say this: That was without a doubt the best performance I had ever seen. You were great!" Usually she would have thought the compliment was just a hollow attempt to butter her up. But as Octavia looked up from her drink into Jon's eyes she could see that his words were authentic. "Oh well...thank you very much." She said, nervously brushing back her chair. "I rather appreciate hearing that. Oh and...I apologize for acting so cold towards the last time we exchanged words." "Ah fogettaboutit!" Jon said, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Trust me as a comedian in New York I've experienced worse rejections." Octavia was now paying more attention to Jon. "Thank you for understanding," She said. "It's just that I don't like being bothered right after a major performance. I'm sure someone like you could understand that." Jon knew all to well what she was saying. "And hey, at least I didn't get teleported to uh-- right in the middle of the stage." Jon added. The thought of this happening caused Octavia to cringe in her place. She took a sip of her tea to help remedy the feeling. "I suppose if that were to happen you would have asked the audience in attendance if they wanted to see me on T.V. like you did with dear Ms. Cheerilee." She said, looking at Jon was serious eyes. Jon was surprised; he was not expecting her to make references to previous shows of his. "Oh well, well, well." Jon said, stroking his chin. "If I didn't know any better I would say it sounded as if you're a fan of the show." Octavia was about to take another drink when the question stopped her mid sip. "Well if you must know," She said, putting down her drink. "I am somewhat familiar with your show--" "Oh really." Jon interrupted, his eyes now widened. "So you do watch the show?" "No I'm afraid I don't. I'm just familiar with how it works." Octavia said, causing Jon to jokingly put his closed fist to his chest as if he was stabbed in the heart. "Like I said before, a lot of people in Equestria know of you," she continued. "And as such I know how you conduct yourself on this show. This is actually one of the reasons why I refused to attend at first." "What do you mean?" Jon asked, wondering if he was finally going to get her to open up more. "Well its like this Mr. Stewart. I know that you and your correspondence have a real talent for inviting people on the program and making them look like fools." Octavia answered, while the audience gave a slight chuckle. "Say for example one your colleagues got the chance to interview a politician, or celebrity...they would know exactly what to say to make them sound like simpletons." "What can I say." Jon said with a proud shrug. "They were taught by the best." "Exactly my point." Octavia continued, sounding defensive. "And from what I understand you yourself enjoy a good fond ribbing of your guests as well. Now, I understand you do so playfully and with no ill tidings but you'll forgive me if I wasn't entirety thrilled with the idea of being mocked on television." Jon was beginning to understand Octavia a little bit more. "Well...i-if it'll make you feel better how bout I promise not not make any jokes at your expense?" Jon asked, extending his hand. Octavia wanted to respond indifferently towards his proposal but in truth she was very thankful for his willingness to compromise with her. Though she tried her hardest to not telegraph these feelings. "I...I would appreciate that." She said, shaking his hand and effortlessly holding back a smile. "Well alright then!" Jon said with a smile as picked up his notes. "No cheap shots." Jon waited a few seconds before taking the top three pages of his notes and crumpling them up. He then proceeded to throw them over his shoulder with a look of fake disappointment. This caused the audience to laugh hysterically and while Octavia herself found it humorous she wondered if perhaps those really were jokes aimed at her. "Were those really all jokes about me?" She asked. "So-- oh no I mostly just play hangman on those things." He responded. Octavia still couldn't tell how genuine Jon was being. "So Octavia," Jon continued. "You are a musician back in Equestria, am I right?" "Indeed you are Mr. Stewart," she answered. "I am a cellist for the Royal Canterlot Symphony." "Now...your not just any cellist, you have quite an impressive resume." He said looking over his notes very briefly. "According to my research: You graduated top of your class at the Canterlot University of music, you were hand picked by Celestia to be the first-chair cellist for the Royal Canterlot Symphony, you're the youngest pony to ever win the Equestrian peace price in the art of music, and the only pony to ever be a member of both the Royal Symphony and Canterlot philharmonic orchestra at the same time. Now--" Before Jon could go any further he was cut off by the sound of the audience applauding at Octavia. She didn't respond to them as she was very much used to hearing this sound. "Now I gotta say that is all very, very impressive." Jon said. Octavia took this time to take another sip of her tea. "Thank you Mr. Stewart," She responded. "I suppose it is but I can always do better." Jon couldn't help but laugh at her tone. "So you spend most of your time in Canterlot then?" Jon asked "Well yes I do," she answered. "Although I do travel a lot to attend performances but for the most part...yes I primarily conduct myself within the walls of Canterlot." "So what's it like living in a city like Canterlot?" Jon asked. "Do you feel that the environment...helps you fulfill yourself artistically?" Octavia took a moment to respond as she was in the middle of swallowing down a gulp of tea. "I actually don't live in Canterlot," she answered. "It's too expensive to live in the city so I commute there from Ponyville." "Oh I had no idea." Jon retorted "Yes, the rent there is much less expensive," she added. "Especially when you have someone who helps you out." Jon understood what she meant but for some reason thought it'd be good to press the issue a little bit further. "Oh so you live with someone?" Jon asked. Octavia took a moment to respond. She was clearly thinking of what to say next. "Yes...yes I do," She replied. "A roommate as a matter a fact, we split the rent evenly between us" "Is this roommate of yours also a musician? He continued. "You could say that," Octavia said quietly. "She does her own thing and I do mine." Jon couldn't help but feel she was avoiding the question somewhat but in the end decided to steer the interview in a new direction. "So what inspired you to be a musician?" Jon asked, "Was it listening to the famous works of artists like...uh, Beethoven, Mozart, or Bach? Or ya know, something like that?" Octavia was about to answer but before she could she felt lost over something he had just said. "I'm sorry Mr. Stewart," she said, looking skeptical. "But I'm afraid I haven't the faintest idea who those people are." Jon shook is head as if to try and clear his thoughts. "Really!?" He said. "You've never heard of them?" Jon knew that her being from a different world would bring with it a certain degree of ignorance but a classical musician now knowing about someone like Beethoven just seemed inconceivable. "No. But I can infer that they, much like myself, are musicians in the art of classical music." She said, once again picking up her cup of tea. "Yes, yes they are and-- you know my personal assistant thought something like this might, actually." Jon said, pointing a finger backstage. "So having said that...Octavia would you consider participating in a little experiment with me?" She was about to take another drink but stopped mid sip to look up at Jon. "What kind of experiment?" She asked. "Ok, basically Its like this," Jon said. "I'll have my team backstage play some songs over the speakers. And you, being the gifted musician that you are, will give us your opinion on what you think of them. What do ya say?" Octavia took a moment to think about it. She looked over at the audience who were cheering her on to do it. The peer pressure proved to great. "Very well then," she said. "I'll participate in your...'experiment.'" "Excellent!" Jon said. He turned slightly to his left and began to raise his voice in no particular direction. "Ok Chuck when I give the signal role the first song!" The speakers system turned on and an already put together playlist was waiting in the system like bullets in a revolver's chamber. "Ok Octavia," Jon continued, looking at his notes once more. "This first piece is from a man called Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and is entitled 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.'"' Octavia braced herself for what was to come by closing her eyes and tilting her head upwards. The music began to play with everyone but the musical Earthpony recognizing it immediately. She didn't say or do anything, she simply listened to the music which eventually cut off after 30 seconds. "Magnificent," She finally said, looking back at Jon. "Simply magnificent. The way the music flowed was very sublime." Jon found it odd to hear her talk so expressively like this. "Glad you liked it," Jon said, signaling chuck to play the next song. "Alright now just as a warning...this next song is a bit more modern than what you're probably used to." Once again she prepared herself by closing her eyes and tilting her head. "This next one is a personal favorite of mine," He said, "It's a song called 'All you need is love' and its by a very famous group called 'The Beatles." As the music played some of the audience members could be seen mouthing the words as it played overhead. This time around Jon joined Octavia by closing his eyes too. The soundbite was only 30 seconds long but it was set in just the right place so she could hear the 'All you need is love' portion. "Hmm, very interesting," She said, now looking at Jon once more. "You were right that wasn't what I'm used to, but I have to admit it was very...compelling. I liked it; especially the orchestra in the background." Jon was so pleased to hear this that he pumped his fist and grabbed her hoof for quick handshake, much to her surprise. "Alright just two more," Jon said, holding back a devious grin from appearing on his face. "Ok this next one...is very modern. It's a song called "RIGHT IN" Some of audience members couldn't help but laugh at Jon's plan. At the time Octavia paid them no mind. "This particular song is composed by a young lad by the name of Skrillex," Jon continued, sitting up in his chair, "A very famous musician of today's youth." As Jon signaled for the song to play Octavia continued her ritual of closing her eyes and raising her head. Had she not done so she would have noticed Jon using his hands to cover his ears. The music began to play and immediately it caused Octavia to tense up and sport a look of disgust on her face. The soundbite ended much sooner than the last two and she began to rub her ears as if she was in great pain. "That...was revolting. Absolutely abysmal" She said, glaring at Jon. "I'm sorry to whoever Skrillex is but that was the most ghastly noise I have ever heard. Please tell me that's not what all music sounds like over here." Jon chuckled and then proceeded to check his notes for a final time. "Alright...we--" Jon said trying not to laugh. "This final song is called--" Jon stopped mid sentence at the sight of Octavia looking at him with suspicious eyes. Jon quickly scooted forward and placed a hand on her hoof for comfort. "No, no, no!" He said vigorously. "I can-- I promise, this next one will be good! I swear! Can...can I play it?" Octavia took her hoof back and hesitantly allowed him to proceed. "Thank you!" He continued. "Ok this final piece is called "Für Elise" and was composed by the legendary Ludwig van Beethoven . She gave Jon a nod and for the last time closed her eyes and held her head skywards. As the music played something different occurred. Even though it was a very small gesture Jon was surprised to see that this time around Octavia started to sway side to side to the rhythm of the music. She even at one point took a deep breath as is she was trying to breath in the melodies. "So what did you think?" Jon asked after the music had stopped. "That...was heavenly," she said, her eyes still closed. "I've never heard such wondrous music before. It was simple and yet it contained so much beauty. I could feel the composer's love for the arts engraved in every note. Who did you say composed that?" "Ludwig van Beethoven." Jon answered, happy to see his guest more at ease. "Well then before I leave you must give me the sheet music to some of his others works." She said, her eyes now open again. "Should be easy enough." He said. "Since I won't have to deal with pesky lawyers to get them." "Ah. I can only assume Mr. Beethoven is no longer around then." Octavia said. "Afraid not," Jon said. "He passed away many, many years ago." "How sad." She replied. "Yeah he's actually one of our worlds most famous musicians," Jon added. "At one point in his career he actually went deaf." Octavia's eyes shot up at Jon so quickly she almost spilled the remainder of her tea. "I'm sorry, but did you say he was deaf?" She asked. "Yeah he was," Jon answered. "But despite all that he still produced music." "I see," Octavia said, looking at her reflection in her tea which was almost gone. "I can only imagine the amount challenges and hardships he had to endure as an artist because it." Years of interviewing people gave Jon many skills. One of which was identifying when a guest what ready to open up about something. "What about you, Octavia?" He asked. "What do you mean? She responded. "Have you ever had to overcome any challenges as an artist yourself?" Jon retorted. For the first time she looked like she was at a lose for words. Finally she began to talk once more. "Well actually yes I have. It may not be as extreme as losing ones sense of hearing but I have." She said. "You see Mr. Stewart, as you can probably observe I am an Earthpony." Jon nodded and continued to listen. This was something he had indeed noticed. "Well the thing is most musicians, especially those who perform with string instruments, are unicorns." She continued, once again regaining her composure. "It makes it easier to properly operate them when you can do so with magic." Jon was starting understand where she was going with this. "As for me, well I have to use my own hooves which as you may guess is very difficult." She added. Thinking back Jon did notice that a large number of ponies at the concert he crashed were unicorns. The more he thought about it the more he realized Octavia was the only Earthpony he saw that day. "It must have been hard for you be taken seriously by others." Jon said. "You have no idea," Octavia responded. "Growing up all I wanted to do was to play the cello but I was constantly told by others how impossible it would be for someone like myself." "With hindsight...being where you are now, do you ever feel like finding those same people and just going: 'What now asshole? How many first chairs do you have?'" Jon asked trying his best to lighten the mood. "As...tempting as that may sound I would never do that," She answered. "Its not very becoming." "Now. What would you say did-- helped you to achieve what you have today," Jon asked. "Basically despite everyone saying otherwise...what kept you going." The question was very straight forward but Octavia still took awhile to respond. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as if what she was about to say were her final words to the world. "Well Mr. Stewart...I would like to say that I did it all on my own through sheer determination," Octavia said. "But the truth is I had some help...from a very special friend." "And who would that be?" Jon asked with anticipation. Octavia looked as if she was struggling to put together her next string of sentences. "Well...I don't know if you recall but remember earlier on how I mention I had a roommate?" She asked. "Yes, yes I do." Jon answered. "Well actually she's...more than just a roommate." She added. "She's actually a very close friend of mine. Her name is Vinyl Scratch." Jon was amazed that he had finally gotten Octavia to open up about something personal. But what amazed him more was that for the first time since the start of the interview (And indeed since they first met) Octavia had smiled; she did so when she said Vinyl's name. "You see I've known her since we were both little fillies," she continued. "And she was always there by my side, ready to give me a pat on the back when I succeeded or a hug whenever I failed." "She sounds great." Jon said. "Oh she is Mr. Stewart, she is. You know at one point in my life I almost dropped out of music school because I couldn't take being teased and laughed at by my classmates...you know for being an Earthpony." Octavia said. "But vinyl talked me out of it the next day. She said she'd never forgive me if I gave up on myself." "Teased and laughed at, huh." Jon thought to himself. "I can see why she didn't want to come on my show at first." "Actually, she's also the reason why I'm present on your show today." Octavia said with a smile. "Oh really!" Jon exclaimed. "Yes, after our little...encounter I went back to our place and told her what happened," Octavia continued. "She then convinced me reconsider and said she would be cheering me on from back home." Jon was happy that he had finally gotten Octavia to open up about something, he just didn't know that this certain something just happened to be the most important person in her life. "Wow...she really does sound like a good friend. It's always nice to have someone you can rely on to help you." Jon said. "You know based on your description of her one could say she's your better half." The offhanded compliment caused Octavia to blush somewhat but she quickly recovered and fired back with a "compliment" of her own. "Thank Mr. Stewart. Oh and by the way I would like to recant a previous statement of mine," she said with a grin. "I actually have watched your show before." "Is that so?" Jon said leaning forward. "Indeed I have." She said. "Though its usually because I'm just waiting for 'The Colbert Report' to start...you know with Stephen Colbert, your better half." The crowd laughed at Jon while Octavia sat there looking proud of herself. "I knew bringing you on the show was a good idea." Jon said, waving his finger and adjusting his suit. "Which reminds me," Octavia added. "Why did you decide to have me on your show? Especially after how I treated you when we met." "Well it was actually my assistance's idea," Jon answered. "She saw a little profile I did of you and thought the show could 'use some class.'" "Well that was certainly a nice gesture," Octavia said. "But if I may comment. I think your show is very 'classy' without me, especially since your last guest." "Who Ms. Cheerilee?" Jon asked, looking puzzled. He certainly thought she was a stand up woman but to describe her as 'classy' seemed a bit much. Especially compared to Octavia. "Oh heaven yes Mr. Stewart. I mean I may be a renowned cellist..." She said, taking a second to finish the last drop of tea in her mug. "...but Ms. Cheerilee has class every Monday through Friday." Jon was certain that hell had just frozen over. Not only did Octavia tell a joke but she managed to make Jon laugh. The entire audience joined Jon in laughter but took it to another level and began to applaud the gifted Earthpony. "Octavia...it was great having you on the show!" Jon said over the audience. "I wish nothing but the best of luck to you and your future endeavors! "Thank you, Jon!" She said leaning forward to shake his hand. "Tell Vinyl I said 'hi.'" He added. "Octavia everyone! We'll be right back." The crowd stood in tumultuous applause as Jon leaned forward to whisper something in Octavia's ear. As he did the camera slowly panned away just barely missing seeing Jon walk around his desk to pose next to Octavia for any fan to take a picture. The last thing the viewers see is the 'Daily Show logo' flying on the screen only to dash off screen as the program fades into another commercial break.