//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: The Date Of The Gods (Part 1) // Story: Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website // by RainbowBob //------------------------------// “Please, your majesty, only a little further,” the Imperial Cultist said to Celestia, bowing down with an arm directed in the path he wanted her to follow. Celestia arched a brow, but hurried nonetheless. All around her, dozens of the goofy looking cultists of the Imperium of Mankind went about their business, deep within the Imperial Palace. Well, she wouldn’t exactly describe them as goofy. More… incredibly impractical looking. They dressed in such ridiculously over-complicated outfits that Celestia had no idea how they dressed themselves in the morning, much less what doing their laundry must be like. From one passing through, Celestia couldn’t tell where the original clothes began and the tacky gold embroidery and black garbs attached to the outfit ended. “So, this God Emperor—” “Of Mankind.” “Yeah, is he—” “Along with being the Father, Guardian, and God of humanity,” the cultist added on. Checking over his shoulder at Celestia’s unamused expression, he coughed slightly. “Sorry for the interruption, carry on.” Sighing, Celestia asked, “Is he really a god?” “Why, of course he is,” the cultist said with a good chuckle, raising his hands to the heavens as if he was going to catch something. “He helped unify all of mankind during the Great Crusades, beating back the alien and Chaos menace and defeating the traitors and heretics that sought to bring about mankind’s downfall. He is the single greatest man to have ever lived, and because of him, humanity has lived as the greatest thriving force in the galaxy!” Celestia stepped a few paces to the side from the frothing cultist, who had taken his preaching up a level and was practically shouting at the top of his lungs. “Uh… that’s great,” Celestia said, giving her best winning smile. “I just can’t wait to meet him. It was so kind of him to personally invite me to his palace.” Celestia looked about where they needed to go. Before them rose a great set of golden gates, which seemed to rise to the very ceiling hundreds of feet in the air. On its surface was etched a great battle between warriors and demons, with what Celestia presumed could only be the God Emperor himself at the top, standing radiant and magnificent in all his glory. “He has an… interesting sense of design.” “Br proud that you are the first xeno to ever walk in these great halls.” The cultist tapped his chin and shrugged. “Well, first alive xeno, anyhow.” “Wait, xeno? What the heck is that?” Celestia asked, having trouble pronouncing the strange word. “I’m a pony. Well, more specifically, an alicorn.” The cultist shrugged again, taking a head start to the gates. “Doesn’t matter to me, you and your folk all have strange names. Now, no more questions, the time to meet the Emperor is at hand.” Celestia rolled her eyes, biting back a groan to wait for those ginormous gates to allow her entry into the very heart of the Imperial Palace. It was here that she realized a better question to ask would be why she was specifically the only alive xeno-creature… thingy, to enter the palace alive. With a great rumble that shook the earth and seemed to almost destroy the roof that reached higher than the sky, the gates opened. From within a light so powerful that it blinded Celestia shone forth, an almost godly brightness that purged all darkness at its mere presence. Shielding her eyes, the cultist spoke again, “I am not worthy enough to lay my eyes upon the most holy and great God Emperor, but you, your majesty, are. He chose you specifically for such a great occasion such as this.” Shuffling past her, he called over his shoulder, “Have a nice date!” Lowering her hoof, Celestia blinked, an almost useless attempt to clear her vision. The light did not decrease in luminosity one bit, making even her sun in comparison look like a nightlight. Finally, grumbling under her breath, Celestia shouted, “Hey, would you mind toning it down in there? Unless you want me to wear sunglasses the entire time on our date, put on a lampshade or something!” The light dimmed, then finally went out, leaving the shining excellence of the gateways along with a low illumination within the heart of the Imperial Palace as the only guiding light for Celestia. With great hesitation and regret for not asking for a movie date instead, Celestia stepped forward, into what could possibly be her next suitor or the more likely option, her creepy stalker and perhaps even murderer. In hindsight, maybe bringing the mace with her would have been a good idea. “Um, hello?” Celestia asked. She took a few more steps further, her hooffalls echoing in the chamber of dying light. “Mister God Emperor of Mankind? You in here? It’s me, Celestia, from the online dating website. You commented on my page on how you also like adorable cat videos and we should go on a date sometime.” After a few seconds of undisturbed silence, Celestia said, “Oh for the… don’t tell me I got stood up again!” “You didn’t,” a voice spoke out in the darkness. “...Okay, now tell me I’m not going to get attacked again.” The light came on again, radiating from a golden throne of some sort in the center of the room, which was surrounded by guards. A lot of guards. Actually, no, strike that, the amount of guards in the throne room outnumbered all the ones she had at her castle three to one. In the actual size category, that was more of a five-hundred to one case, since these towering behemoths of humans could be more accurately regarded as giants. “I can’t make any promises,” one of the giant guardians of the Emperor spoke. Standing trice her height, these superhuman beasts were clad in armor of gold and black, a chaotic mix of colors that added to their allure and menacing presence. They were clad in accessories of varying military degree that most likely showed off their rank and how many people they’ve killed with their eyes closed. On their person they carried shields that seemed as if could block any attack, along with shortened spears that resembled guns more than an actual melee weapon. To complete their intimidating and impersonal appearance were their tall, brazen helmets, which held an air of ominous presence behind their masks. Suppressing a scream at the sudden and downright terrifying appearance at the multitude of supersized men, Celestia cleared her throat. “Do you happen to know where the God Emperor of Mankind would be located?” she asked, standing tall and confident while trying her best to keep her knees from buckling under her. The guard pointed over his unnaturally musclebound shoulder to the figure resting atop the golden throne composed of some of the most wondrous and highly advanced machinery Celestia had ever seen. “His holiness would be right there, your majesty. He was real adamant about meeting you right away.” Looking up, Celestia noticed the only person sitting in the throne was the body of some dead guy. He was practically mummified, his skull showing through his face and his ribs through his cloak. From his back there could be seen thousands upon thousands of coils and tubes, some pumping unknown liquids into the mummified skeleton while others some weird electrical energy of some sort. “Wait, you’re telling me that guy,” Celestia said, pointing to the decomposing body atop the throne of gold and skulls, “is my date?” “Yes, your majesty,” the guard said. He clapped his hands, two other guards appearing from the side holding a table between them. Setting it down before the God Emperor, one of them lit a candle and adjusted a rose vase in the center while the other set out plates for both dates. To complete the scene were two wine glasses filled to the brim, though Celestia doubted in his current state the God Emperor could eat or even move at all. “Best not keep his greatness waiting, he has a tight schedule to keep.” One of the guards pulled back a chair and set down a menu, indicating her to sit. Mulling over her options, Celestia reached an obvious conclusion. “I am so going to get Luna back for this.” Trotting up the steps, Celestia sat in her seat, downed all of her wine in an instant, then pointed to the guard/waiter. “Better keep them coming if I’m going to make it through this date.” Taking a glance at the horrid appearance of the soulless, black eyes of her date, Celestia added on, “And it better be the good stuff too!”