//------------------------------// // The Search Begins // Story: Transformers: Return of the Dark Spark // by DarkSkylynx //------------------------------// Chapter Five: The Search Begins "That is why I have no fear!" The leader of the Decepticons from Earth, Galvatron is a creation of Kinetic Solutions Incorporated. Built from Transformium, the element all Transformers are made of, Galvatron was KSI's prized prototype. Even with his notable design flaws and signs of sentient thought, KSI realized too late that Galvatron was the evil Megatron reborn when he attempted to extinquish all of mankind with The Seed. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ “Dang nab it! Why is Rarity taking so long to get ready?” Applejack said as she walked over to her throne in Twilight’s castle. “Hay if I know AJ! I just want to know why Twilight had us come all the way to the castle at seven in the morning!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed at the orange mare. Next to her, a yellow colored Pegasus put a hoof on Rainbows shoulder and said “Oh don’t be so worked up Rainbow Dash. Twilight obviously believes we have an emergency that requires all of us to fix.” “I know Fluttershy. But still, can’t it wait till a later time? I was planning on sleeping in today.” Rainbow stated. Just then, a pink pony popped up between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and said to the latter “Of course it can’t wait you silly-head! This is an important assignment and we need to be at our best bright and early!” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash just looked at the pink pony with confused looks in their faces with the latter replying with “Uh, whatever you say Pinkie Pie.” It wasn’t long before the four of them sat down in their thrones. There were a total of seven thrones and each of them had the cutie mark of all six ponies except the seventh one which as smaller than the rest and had no cutie mark. The thrones were surrounding a golden circle with a white star in the middle with the three on the right side of the circle had the cutie marks of Applejack (three red apples), Rarity (three diamonds) and Fluttershy (three pink butterflies with aqua-colored antennae) while the others had the cutie marks of Twilight Sparkle (a purple star), Rainbow Dash ( a red-yellow-blue lightning bolt coming out of a cloud) and Pinkie Pie ( two blue balloons with yellow string underneath a yellow balloon with blue string). The small one without a cutie mark belonged to Spike, Twilight’s dragon assistant. Just as they sat down, Twilight Sparkle and Spike (who looked more tired than the rest of the gang) entered the room and sat down at their respective thrones. Just as they did, Twilight looked around and asked the other four “Hey, where’s Rarity? Didn’t she get my letter?” “She got it alright Twi’. But when I went over there to get her, she told me she was busy getting ready and would be out in ‘a few minutes’. ‘A few minutes’ my tail!” Applejack shouted. “But Applejack, you know Rarity likes to look good at special occasions like this.” Fluttershy told her friend. Before Applejack could say anything, the doors slammed open and in came the white unicorn with purple hair. “I am terribly sorry everypony! Preparing myself ended up taking longer than I thought!” Rarity told everyone, resulting with Applejack and Rainbow Dash rolling their eyes. Rarity then looked at Twilight and asked “I hope I didn’t miss anything.” To the alicorn princess. “Don’t worry, you didn’t! If you had we would have told you immediately.” Pinkie told the fashionista. “Oh thank goodness! Well, now that I’m here, I will let you speak Twilight.” Rarity told her as she sat down. “Thank you Rarity.” Twilight said. Just as she had finished clearing her throat, Twilight looked at all her friends and said “Sorry for waking all of you up so early, but there is a situation that we have to address. Do any of you remember that portal that appeared in the sky last night?” Twilight asked. The other ponies just looked at each other in confusion. Rarity then turned to face Twilight and said “I don’t think we are following what you are saying darling. What portal are you talking about?” Spike looked up at Twilight and said “I told you they didn’t see the portal.” Before drifting off to sleep. Twilight just rolled her eyes at Spike and looked at her friends. “Well seeing that none of you saw it last night, I’m going to show you what happened last night”. Twilight then lit up her horn with a magenta-like glow and fired a blast of magic at the center of the star on the ground. Just as the ponies shielded their eyes from the light, they then gasped when they saw a picture of a blue portal and a ship flying out with several strange figures hanging onto the side of it. “Wow! There really was a portal opening last night! Spoooooooooooooooooooooky!” Pinkie stated. “Well gosh Twilight. What do you think those things were!?” Applejack asked her alicorn friend. Before Twilight could say anything, Rainbow interrupted her and said “Whatever they are, they better be friendly or else!” as she bumped her hooves together. “Rainbow Dash! There is no need to get so worked up over something like this. Although I am curious whether these creatures are friendly or enemies, we need to address this situation in a more positive manner.” Rarity told the cyan mare. “Rarity is right Rainbow. We can’t assume that they are enemies immediately. That is why I sent a letter to Princess Celestia about the issue.” Twilight stated. “Did she reply back?” Pinkie asked. “Yes. She told me that we should investigate. If the creatures are friendly, then we should invite them back to Canterlot. If they aren’t, then we will take them to Canterlot by force.” Twilight stated. “Do we even know where they landed when they came here?” Fluttershy asked. “Well looking at the picture again, I can believe that they crashed somewhere in the Everfree Forest while the ship flew somewhere west of Ponyville. If they haven’t left that spot that they fell, then checking out the forest would probably be our best option.” Twilight replied. “Then what are we waiting for?! Let’s get out there and find those things!” Rainbow said. Applejack chimed in and said. “I agree with Rainbow Dash. Let’s go find out what those things are.” “Well I can certainly agree that searching the Everfree Forest is not something I normally enjoy doing; however, if it means the safety of Equestria, then I will gladly accommodate you all.” Rarity said. “I’m going too! Where there’s adventure, there’s fun, and I LOVE to have fun!” Pinkie said. Fluttershy looked at the ground nervously before looking back up at her friends and said “I’ll come too. I’m a little scared but it’s for all of you guys.” “It’s settled then. Come on girls, it’s time to go exploring.” Twilight said. The other ponies nodded their heads in agreement. Before any of them could go out the door, Spike ran in front of them and said “Hey wait! Can I come too?” Twilight looked a little unsure and replied with “Well I don’t know Spike. It could be dangerous…” “Oh come on! Pleeeaaaasseee?” Spike asked with his puppy-dog eyes. Twilight was still unsure and turned to face her friends. “What do you guys say? Should Spike come with us?” she asked. Rarity was the first to speak up. “Normally I’d say no. But he seems determined to come and I don’t feel like turning him down.” “Yeah, plus it would be really cool for him to see some more aliens.” Pinkie added. Twilight sighed and looked back at the baby dragon. “Okay Spike, you can come. But do not leave us understand?” Twilight asked with a stern voice. “Of course! I’ll be on my best behavior.” Spike said proudly. With that, the six ponies and dragon made their way outside. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Y Celestia’s sun was slowly beginning to set as the ponies made their way to the front of the forest. Before any of them set hoof, Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight and said “I sure hope there’s something in this forest.” Twilight looked at her and said “I hope so too.” The ponies then made their way into the forest, wondering what they will encounter from within the mysterious woods. Little did any of them know, that they were going to make a huge discovery.