A New World, a New Way

by zeusdemigod131

Chapter 34

Author's Note:

Ok, time for the big reveal, some of you have already figured it out, other haven't. All I'm going to say is that if you read this story then this next chapter might make a little more sense The City is Always Bustling on the Other Side, strictly speaking you don't have to, but I recommend that you do, not only will it clear up a few things, it's, in my opinion, an all around good story.

In a darkened room in one of the apartments of Manehattan, a Zoroark let out a sigh as he tiredly sat down. He soon found his gaze once again lingering on the unconscious form of a Lucario in the nearby bed, her battered and bruised body covered in bandages. “Elena…” he murmured, his voice heavy with worry as he remembered what had happened earlier.


It had been a great night, just like pretty much every night Vinyl asked him to help her with her shows. After Vinyl and Octavia had let them stay with them, and even hired them as ‘bouncers’ of sorts, and after Arceus’ announcement of what he had done, which he personally felt had been a poorly thought out plan, even if he wasn’t complaining, life had gotten into a comfortable rhythm. Whenever a Pokémon went on a rampage, or was generally causing trouble, they would go and calm it down, talk to it, and if possible, get it to leave, which they had managed with a flock of Skarmory, a herd of Gyarados, and a Tangrowth in Central Park. On nights, or days, when Vinyl or Octavia had a concert or recital, they would act as escorts/bouncers, and for Vinyl’s shows, he would help her using his new abilities as a Zoroark to cast illusions. Many of which he had thought up based on his experiences back on Earth.

So far this night had been the same. After finishing the show, he had slunk backstage waiting for Vinyl. Once she got to the back, he put an illusion around them, allowing them to sneak out of Concert Hall unseen. As they moved unseen, he idly thought he heard someone in the distance shout something along the lines of ‘How are they always one step ahead of me?!’, but he shrugged it off. From there, they would go to the spot where they would meet up with his Lucario, Elena and his Mawile, Terra.

“Niiick!” Came Terra’s panicked shout, just as they approached the spot.

When Nick heard her, he felt worried, Terra was usually quite carefree, so for something to have her so shaken up... it HAD to be important, and Vinyl agreed, as she also picked up the pace. As the two of them got close, Terra came out of the alleyway, dragging Elena’s unconscious form with her.

“What happened?” Vinyl gasped, her usual attitude vanishing at the sight of the unconscious Lucario. Nick however…

“Elena! Speak to me!” He frantically cried as he moved so fast, it almost looked as if he had teleported to her side, and was now cradling his unconscious friend.

Elena groaned, before she opened her eyes slowly. Upon seeing him, a soft smile appeared on her features, before she fell back into unconsciousness.

“We’ve gotta get help. Fast!” Nick frantically said, and for the first time he realized the one thing this world didn’t have that they really needed right now. Pokémon Centers.

“We’ve got some first aid kits back at our apartment. Its not much, but its better than nothing. Let’s hurry!” Vinyl said, earning nods in response.

After a mad dash to Vinyl and Octavia’s apartment, and one hasty explanation/apology to Octavia after they accidentally crushed with the front door on their mad dash inside, they had quickly went to work treating her wounds, and once again Nick found himself appalled by the sheer extent of the beating she had taken. He’d be sure to ask Terra what had happened, but not now. Right now all he cared about was making sure Elena got the attention she needed.

(End Flashback)

“How’s Ellie doing?” Terra’s asked as she quietly walked into the room.

He looked at her for a moment, before sighing. “Terra,” he stated, getting her attention instantly. “How... how did this happen?” he questioned, his voice uncharacteristically devoid of emotion.

Terra gulped, for some reason nervous at the way he spoke. “Well…” she started, before retelling what happened. When she was done, Nick just sat back in his chair, suddenly feeling very tired.

“Why…?” he sighed. “Why are they so hell bent on going after us? We haven’t been causing any problems. Haven’t hurt anyone. Heck, I didn’t even do anything to get on the Rangers’ bad side back on Earth, so why?” he sighed, though he mentally added, “Not counting that time a few days ago when me and Elena were in the park...which we must NEVER let Terra know about, even if all we did was talk and hold paws. How unlucky can we get that the frikkin HEAD of the Ranger Union was nearby when Elena happened to lean on me. And seriously, why is he so gung-ho on laws that don’t even apply anymore, since we’re all Pokémon now?” he mentally sighed, before leaning back in his seat.

“Can we help in anyway?” came Octavia’s voice, as she and Vinyl had entered the room just in time to hear Nick’s tired questioning, even if all they heard was, “Zor Zoroark Zoro? Zoroark Zo. Zoro Zor Zoroark?”

Nick looked at them for a moment, before getting out of the chair. In a swirl of shadows, he emerged in his Pony disguise of a red maned, black coated Earth Pony. He then explained what Terra had told him. When he was done, both mares could only shake their heads in sympathy.

“Damn...that sucks,” Was all Vinyl could say.

“I agree. How could anyone be so uncaring…” Octavia nodded, the two of them sharing a glance as they wondered how they could help their friends. That’s when an idea popped into Vinyl’s head.

“Hey Tavi. You don’t have anymore recitals coming up, right?”

“Er... no. Why do you ask?”

“Good, cause I don’t have any concerts either, so how about we take a... vacation for a while,” Vinyl suggested, her eyes gesturing towards the three Pokémon.

Octavia blinked, before she realized what Vinyl was suggesting. “That’s a wonderful idea, Vinyl,” she smiled. “We can take a ‘vacation’ for a while, and at the same time, we can get them out of Manehattan...at least until things calm down.”

At this, both Nick and Terra couldn’t help but smile warmly. “Thank you,” Nick said, and though they were simple words, the two mares could feel the gratitude they held.

“Don’t mention it. After All, what are friends for,” Vinyl grinned as she put a hoof over Nick’s shoulder. “Now come on, you two look like you could use something nice to cheer you up.”

As the four of them walked out of the room, Nick stayed behind and gave Elena one more glance. Seeing as she was still unconscious, he was about to leave the room as well, when he heard a soft groan. “Elena?” he asked, quickly moving to her side, his illusion fading away as he moved. True enough, the Lucario stirred, before her eyes opened slightly.

Elena waited as her vision slowly became clearer, and the first thing she saw was Nick’s concerned face. “N-Nick?” She said, still very weak from her battle. Despite that, she tried to get up, but Nick stopped her.

“Easy there. You’re still in pretty bad shape,” He said, his expression becoming a warm smile as he eased her back down. “Terra told me what happened. Don’t worry, Vinyl and Octavia are planning on getting us out of the city for a while, so we won’t have to worry about those Rangers or Gym Leaders chasing us again.”

“That’s good…” Elena sighed, her features visibly relaxing, before she noticed something. Looking down, she realized that her left paw was in Nick’s paw, as he had grabbed it when he had eased her back down. Seeing where she was looking, Nick noticed this too, and a small blush appeared on both their muzzles, before he quickly let her paw go.

“Y-you should probably get some rest. You’ve earned it,” Nick quickly said, to which she just nodded in reply, before she closed her eyes and quickly drifted back to sleep. Despite that, Nick didn’t leave her side. He then grabbed another chair and sat down next to her, keeping watch over his dear friend.

Back at the door, Vinyl, Octavia, and Terra had seen the whole exchange. Looking at each other with knowing smiles, they quietly crept away from the door, leaving the two be for now.

Twilight sighed as she, Gene, Belle, Juniper, Pinkie, and Mage entered the hotel room. “We’re back,” Twilight said tiredly. “How did-” her words died in her throat when they saw Korrina worriedly standing by a bed...with Lucario, covered in bandages, lying on it.

“W-What happened?” she asked, her voice trembling.

Everyone else in the room looked at them, before Korrina walked towards them, glaring at Twilight. “This has gone on long enough, Twilight,” she said, before her eyes turned sad as she glanced at Lucario’s unconscious form. “All this...It’s just not worth it anymore.”

Mage floated over to the unconscious Lucario. She let out a low whistle as she sensed the pain emanating from him. “What happened?” She asked. “Something did some real damage to him...” She didn’t mention that his body wasn’t the only thing that was bruised.

“We found the Lucario and Mawile from town hall,” Solana explained. “They wouldn’t let us past, and she attacked him... or he accepted her challenge...I don’t know which it was.” Everything had happened so fast, Solana wasn’t entirely sure what had happened.

Korrina pulled a chair next to the bed and placed a paw on her partners arm. “I don’t know what to do, I’m not sure what would happen if we took him to a hospital.”

Twilight shook her head and took another look at Lucario’s battered form. “She’s right,” Twilight said softly. “We’ve been at this for three days, and all that’s been accomplished is...” She dropped her head. “Is that my plans have gotten two of my friends beaten up.”

No one said anything.

“If Lucario’s well enough to move tomorrow, we’re going back to Ponyville,” Twilight said with finality. “I think it’s time we cut our loses and just head home.”

No one protested as Twilight trotted out of the room. “Everyone?” Juniper said. “I think we should all get some sleep. I’ll go check on Twilight.”

Juniper floated out the door after her, and soon Rainbow, Pinkie, Solana and Lunick had left as well. Gene, Belle and Mage remained momentarily.

“I’m not leaving him,” Korrina said, as if to answer an unspoken question. “Not now. Not... not when he needs me.”

Gene looked to Belle and sent her a quick message. The Gardevoir nodded and ushered Mage into the adjoining room.

Gene took a deep breath and pulled up a chair beside Korrina. “I could never stand seeing Belle like this,” He said. “Even before she and I...” Gene cleared his throat. “I use to sit up all night beside her, whether we were in a Pokémon Center or on the road. I had to make sure she was okay, that nothing happened to her in the middle of the night. She’d always scold me afterwards, of course,” He smiled. “But I knew she’d have done the same for me.”

Korrina didn’t say anything.

“I always blamed myself. ‘what if I’d done this instead?’, or, ‘I should have switched her out then’. I suppose it’s like that with a lot of trainers, huh?”

Korrina nodded.

“But she never once blamed me, most of the time, if you can believe it, she’d blame herself. I think it was mostly because she felt bad for putting me through that, for not dodging an attack, or giving me advice.” Gene looked at Korrina and put a hand on her shoulder. “But I could never blame her.”

When Korrina didn’t say anything, Gene spoke up once again. “You know it’s not your fault right?”

“Of course I do,” Korrina said. “But... I shouldn’t have let him fight her, you saw what she did to Iris.”

Gene frowned. “You had no way of knowing that she could beat him. Heck, he gave me and my team a run for our money when we challenged you,” The Gallade smirked.

Korrina winced as she recalled her last battle before being brought to Equus, the one preceding her ratting out Gene to those Jennies.

“What I’m saying is, he wouldn’t want you to blame yourself.” The Psychic-type stood up and made his way towards the door.

“Gene,” Korrina called after him. “Wait.”

Gene turned back towards her, a curious look in his eyes. “I just,” She began. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for... for how I acted and-”

Gene cut her off as he made his way back over to her. “I forgave two Pokémon Rangers, and they actually tried to ARREST me. I think I can do the same for you.” He held out his hand. “Friends?” He asked.

Korrina stared at him for a moment, then grasped his hand with her paw. “Friends.”

Gene smiled as he once again made his way to his hotel room. “Try not to stay up too late,” He advised. “You really start to worry once it gets past twelve.”

Once Gene left, Korrina turned her attention back to Lucario. She checked his pulse and his breathing, as she had done ever so often for the past hour, then sighed. “I’m so sorry,” She said. Putting her paws on his bandaged chest. “I shouldn’t have let this happen to you.”

At that point, Korrina wished nothing more than to be able to help her partner. Somehow. It was then that Korrina felt a tingling sensation emanating from her paws, accompanied by a soft pink light. “Wh-what?”

Korrina watched as the energy surged from her body and into Lucario’s. As it did, she saw some of his bruises start to fade. “Heal Pulse,” She gasped, before a grin appeared on her muzzle. “I know Heal Pulse!”

Korrina’s shouting, or just the sound of her voice, stirred Lucario from his sleep. “Hry,” He croaked, his voice hoarse. “Are you alright?”

Korrina’s eyes watered and she wrapped her arms around Lucario’s neck and pulled him into a hug. “I’m just glad you’re alright,” She said, tears of relief falling from her eyes.

Lucario, slightly shocked, quickly returned the hug, a small smile on his face.

Neither of them noticed the grinning face watching them through the door. “Knew it,” Mage said to herself, disappearing back into the woodwork, and leaving the two of them be...for now.

Twilight sighed as she was handed a stack of tickets. She really wished that this mission had gone better, but she wasn’t going to put anymore of her friends in danger.

“Alright everyone, here you go.” Twilight passed out the tickets, ignoring the shocked looks she was getting from passing ponies.

“I have a feeling we’ll be getting our own train car again,” Korrina said. “Come on Lucario, let’s head in and get you settled.”

Lucario had one of his arms in a sling, Korrina leading him around by his good arm.

Before they could make it onto the train, Belle felt a shiver run up her spine. “You alright?” Gene asked, sensing her distress.

Belle shook her head. “I just felt... something familiar, somewhere around-”

“HUH!” Pinkie suddenly jumped up and gasped before streaking back towards the ticket booth.

“What’s she-” Twilight began, but stopped when she saw just who Pinkie was after.

“Vinyl! Octi!” Pinkie cried, wrapping her arms around the startled mares. “I’m so, so, soooo, glad I found you!”

“Pinkie,” Twilight said, eyeing a group of Earth Ponies who had jumped back when Pinkie had grabbed the mares. “I think you should-”

Belle’s eyes widened, as did the eyes of the blue Earth Pony. “You!”

Every member of both groups looked at each other, the black and red stallion who was standing next to the mare glaring daggers at Belle, as her eyes widened, but they seemed to be more in fear than anything, while the yellow mare gritted her teeth.

“Princess Twilight?” Octavia asked. “What is going on here?”

Before Twilight could say anything. The yellow mare turned to Octavia and said. “They’re the ones we told you about! That one attacked Ellie!” she shouted, pointing at Lucario.

Vinyl looked at the group, then pointed an accusatory hoof at Iris. “So that means you’re the dude who tried to cut Nick’s head off!?”

Iris stomped her foot, shaking the platform. “It’s not that kind of Guillotine, and I’m not a dude!”

“Enough chit chat!” Korrina shouted. “You attacked Lucario!”

“HE attacked ME!” The blue mare shouted. “Nick! Drop this illusion!”

Gulping, the stallion seemed to concentrate, then a dark mist flowed off of himself, and the other two mares, revealing a Zoroark, a Mawile... and a very battered Lucario.

Since Elena had not had access to a Heal Pulse the night before, her bruises were still clearly visible, and just like Lucario, her left arm was splinted.

“Oh... ok,” Twilight said, slightly surprised. “I... uh...” Twilight didn’t know what to say. “I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle,” She introduced herself. “And these are my friend,” She said nervously. “Princess Celestia sent us here to figure out why Pokémon were disappearing.”

The Mawile scoffed. “We’re not falling for anymore of your traps,” She said.

“Especially when you’re with the likes of them,” Elena pointed to Solana and Lunick. “We met your leader in the park the other day.”

The Pokémon Rangers paled.

At this point, Gene stepped forward. “Everyone, just hold on a second. Before we turn Manehattan into a battle ground, why don’t we give everyone a chance to explain themselves?”

Twilight nodded frantically.

Elena and Terra kept their attack stance, as did Belle.

Nick placed a paw on his injured friends shoulder, before he glared at them for a moment. After what they did to Elena, he trusted them about as far as he could throw all of them at the same time, but he wasn’t about to risk aggravating Elena’s injuries, OR endangering any innocent bystanders. So, with that he gave them a begrudging nod and looked into Elena’s eyes. Likewise, Gene did the same with his mate.

The three of them glared at each other, before finally nodding and relaxed their stances.

Twilight smiled, glad that diplomacy was working, though now she also idly wondered, ”Why didn’t we try this the first time? It would have probably saved us a LOT of trouble...and pain.” However, before anything could be said, she was interrupted by an insidious laugh from above. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

“Oh come one!” Vinyl shouted in exasperation, as last she heard that voice, the owner had been sent flying over the horizon.

“Looks like I finally managed to track you down,” Twilight looked up and saw a milky green Earth Pony stallion leaning over the edge of a hot air balloon, a somewhat unhealthy grin on his face.

“What do you want Cheap Skate?” Octavia asked in annoyance as she glared at the annoying stallion. “We’re in the middle of something.”

“Does this guy have a death wish?” Elena mused, as even in her weakened state, she could easily send him flying again..

Cheap Skate ignored the questions. “You two and your pets humiliated me,” He said, an unhealthy gleam creeping into his eyes.

“We are not pets!” Terra shouted. “Now why don’t you get down here so I can have a go at launching you into orbit?”

“‘Maw’ all you want little imp,” Cheap Skate said. “I’m just here to get my revenge.”

It was then Twilight noticed the box strapped to the bottom of the balloon. It appeared to be made of steel, and was rattling as if something were inside.

“And this little baby is going to do just that,” The stallion hit a button and the box dropped, landing with a thud on the ground.

The group watched in silence for a moment, and after nothing had happened for a while, Rainbow said. “Is something suppose to-”

“CARONA!” The box exploded outwards in a fiery explosion. Almost instinctively, Nick threw himself in front of Elena, prepared to take the fiery blast to prevent her from further damage as he shielded her with his body, and braced himself for the pain...any minute now...it wasn’t coming. Surprised at the notable lack of fire, charred skin, and his own screaming, Nick peaked open an eyelid to see what was happening.

Instead, it appeared to be being held back by some kind of force field.

“Everyone who does not wish to be attacked by a giant fire breathing insect!” Belle shouted, straining to contain the fire. “Leave! NOW!”

The few ponies who had remained throughout the confrontation bolted, leaving only Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Vinyl, and Octavia.

“Raahh!” Belle forced the fire back at the Volcarona that had emerged from the box.

“What is that thing?!” Dash asked, staring at the very large moth like Pokémon that appeared to be cloaked in flames.

“Volcarona,” Juniper answered. “A Bug/Fire-type, and an all around very powerful Pokémon.”

Iris looked up at Cheap Skate, who was laughing in his balloon. “Are you insane!?!” She shouted. “This thing could burn the city down!” Despite that, it seemed he either didn’t hear her, or just plain didn’t care.

“Why is it so angry?” Solana asked. “I thought these things were usually more collected.”

“What have you done with him?!” The Volcarona shouted, it’s voice feminine. She glared at the Pokémon. “Where is he?!” Another wave of fire blasted forth from the Pokémon.

“Everyone get down!” Lunick warned.

Everyone jumped behind the nearest obstruction to the fires path.

“This is bad,” Twilight said, hiding behind the ticket booth with Gene and Belle. “This is really, really bad... have you guys ever fought one of these things before?”

They both shook their heads. “Not only are they really rare in the wild, Volcarona’s have an odd habit of melting the Pokéballs of those who attempt to catch them.”

Twilight looked around frantically. “Come on, come on... we need to stop it.”

“No duh!” Lunick shouted from his hiding place behind a tree.

“Ah ha! Heat Wave!” The fire attack slammed into the tree and caused it to begin burning, Lunick jumped clear just as it went up in flames.

“Belle,” Twilight thought. “Psychic link.”

Belle nodded and her eyes glowed blue as she linked everyone’s minds. Almost everyone’s.

“Terra, Elena, and Nick refuse to let me in,” Belle said. “I could force my way into their minds-”

“No,” Twilight said. “No forcing. If they don’t want you in their head, then stay out.”

“I get where they’re coming from,” Vinyl Scratch said. “I still don’t entirely trust you guys.”

“Vinyl! That a Princess you’re talking to! Show some respect!” Octavia scolded.

“Not now Octavia,” Twilight sighed. “We need a plan of attack.” An overturned cart burst into flames not far away. “And fast,”

“Alright,” Mage said, her voice uncharacteristically serious. “We’re only going to have time for me to say this once. DJ-Pon3? Tell the Zoroark and his friends what I say, word for word.”

“Mage, what are you-” Belle began.

“Not now Belle, I think I know what’s wrong with her, but we’re going to need to get to that balloon while she’s distracted, now will you all listen to my plan?”

Everyone shut up. “Good, now here’s what we’re going to do.”

As Mage detailed her plan, and as Vinyl transmitted it to Nick, the Volcarona continued to wreak havoc, evening forcing a few of the Pokémon to change hiding places when she incinerated the old ones.

“Is everyone ready?” Mage asked as she finished her plan.

“Nick wants to know what he’s going to find in the basket,” Octavia said.

“Just tell him to look for the box, I know it’s there.” Mage said with surety. “Now, GO!”

In one fluid motion, Belle, Gene, Solana, Lunick, Korrina, and Terra jumped from their hiding places.

“You!” Volcarona screeched, “Where is he!?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about lady,” Lunick said. “But you need to calm down.”

“Not until I find him! U-turn!” The Volcarona shot forward and struck Belle, knocking her backwards.

“Belle!” Gene cried.

“I’m ok,” Belle said, struggling to her feet. “Just keep her distracted.”

“I’ll do ya one better!” Terra cried. “Feint Attack!” She leapt forward and struck the Volcarona.

“Fire Spin!” Volcarona shot a spinning vortex of flames towards the little Mawile.

“Terra!” Elena cried from the sidelines. She tried to go after her, but Vinyl and Octavia held her back.

“No way are we letting you get anymore beat up girl,” Vinyl said, struggling against the Lucario’s strength, even though she was still a bit weak.

“Shadow Ball!” Belle fired an orb of darkness at the Bug-type, it dodged to one side and countered.

“Silver Wind!” The Volcarona flapped her wings, firing the resulting winds at Belle.

“NO!” Gene jumped in front of Belle, intercepting the attack.

“Gene!” Belle ran to her fallen mate. “What were you thinking?!” She asked angrily.

Gene shook his head, trying to clear himself of the dust that had accompanied the attack. “I’m tired of seeing you get hurt,” Gene answered. “Especially since I can do something about it now.”

Belle didn’t know whether to be flattered or upset. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to decide.

“Where. Is. HE!” The Volcarona screeched, suddenly behind Gene and Belle. “Flare-”

“Power Gem!” The Volcarona looked up just in time for several stone orbs slammed into her.

“Gahh!” The Bug-type hit the ground, flailing her wings in an attempt to return to the air.

Mage smiled. “I’ll keep her busy,”

Up above the battle, Cheap Skate sat in his balloon smiling. His plan was working perfectly. The insect would destroy the creatures, and he could claim credit for ridding Manehattan of the monsters that had plagued them. Despite having only gotten back to the city yesterday, he was certain the mood would only be worse after that announcement. It conveniently didn’t occur to him that this plan might not quite work out as he planned, particularly how there was a high chance that the city would be a pile of ashes by the time this was over...or that there was a PRINCESS down there.

As he watched, the crate near his hooves shook every now and again, as if something inside it was shivering.

“Hey Cheap Skate?” The stallion whirled around to see... nothing. “I’m over here.” He whirled around again. “Whoops, no, I meant over here.” He once again looked behind him. Still nothing.

He looked around frantically as he heard the sound of a mare laughing. “Man, you’re slow, here, I’ll hold still.”

“Like I’m falling for that-AHHH!” Cheap Skate turned around to see a dark grey Dragon-like creature with a Zoroark on its back.

Nick leapt off the Aerodactyl and into the basket, the illusion of the Fossil Pokémon fading to reveal a rainbow maned Pegasus mare smirking at him.

Cheap Skate was so shocked at the sight that he failed to notice Nick rifling around on the floor of the balloon until he found a small crate.

“I’ve got it!” He shouted. “Come on.” Nick leapt over the side of the balloon and Rainbow caught him.

“No,” Cheap Skate whispered. “No!” he shouted futilely as his plans were quickly going up in smoke.

Back on the ground, Mage and the others were still attempting to stop the Volcarona’s rampage.

Mage was too exhausted to throw anymore Power Gems, having already used half a dozen in a row, and they lacked another type advantage.

“Mage!” Rainbow Dash called. “We got it!”

Mage smiled and floated over to Rainbow and Nick while Iris kept the Volcarona distracted.

Mage’s necklace glowed as she picked up on what was inside the box. “Perfect,” She lifted the box in a telekinetic grip. “Hey! Volcarona!”

The Fire-type turned away from Iris and glared at Mage.

“Is this what you’re looking for?!” Mage pushed the box along the ground, prying off the top panel as she did. Once the box reached the Volcarona, the lid was completely removed. Revealing a small, orange and white grub.

“Ma’ma?” It squeaked.

The Volcarona's hard gaze softened immediately. “Larvesta?” She asked.

The little Bug-type squirmed out of the container and over to the much larger Pokémon. “Mommy!” He cried, jumping up on his tiny legs and clinging to his mother.

Up until that point, none of the ponies present had never seen a bug cry. The tears streaked from Volcarona’s eyes and sizzled into steam as they ran down her face. “My son,” She sobbed.

“He kidnapped its baby!” Pinkie shouted, hopping out from her hiding spot with the other ponies, Juniper, Lucario, and Elena. “That is so not cool!”

Volcarona looked at the Pokémon and ponies surrounding her and her child. Then at the Ghost-type who had returned her child. “Th-thank you,” She said.

“Don’t mention it,” Mage smiled, before she developed an evil grin. “Actually, if you’d be so kind as to deal with that guy for us? After all, he’s the one who kidnapped your child,” she said, gesturing to Cheap Skate who was frantically trying to get his balloon out of there.

Volcarona glared at the stallion. She quickly put her child down, before she flared her wings. Rising several more feet off the ground, her wings began to beat more and more rapidly, gathering air around her body. She shot one last glare at Cheap Skate before calling out her attack. “HURRICANE!”

The gale force winds of the attack struck Cheap Skate’s balloon, knocking it clear out of the city as the stallion hung on for dear life, screaming something about ‘blasting off’ as he did.

Twilight looked around at the scorched and destroyed clearing, and she was pretty sure part of the platform was missing. Looking up at where Cheap Skate had been, she couldn’t help but worry. Worry that a Stallion that was possibly unstable (and not to mention seemingly obsessed with Vinyl and her friends) was still running free. Thinking about what to do about it, she got an idea, and decided it was time she started to make use of her status as a Princess. She took a deep breath and smiled. “Everyone,” She said. “We’re going to be postponing the train to Ponyville until later. There’s something I need to do.”

A few hours later, and after a long explanation that involved quite a bit of shouting from both parties of Pokemon, everyone was on the next train to Ponyville, Vinyl and Octavia having decided to go through with their vacation/escape plan anyway, bringing Nick, Elena, and Terra along. “So the Rangers aren’t against relationships like yours and Belle’s?” Terra asked Gene. Of the three new Pokemon, only Terra had decided to try talking to them, while Nick and Elena had kept to themselves.

The Gallade smiled. “Well, Solana and Lunick have been making progress, and while I wouldn’t say they’re supportive, they’re at least accepting.” He raised an eyebrow at Terra in curiosity. “Why are you asking?”

“No reason,” She said as she slid away from the booth, wringing her hands.

“Mage,” Twilight asked. “How did you know that Volcarona was upset because Larvesta was missing?”

The Mismagius shrugged. “Volcarona aren’t normally very aggressive, and they only get that... aggressive, when their family is in danger.”

“Yeah,” Twilight said. “But how did you know that?”

Mage smiled. “I read it in a book!”

“Hey... uh... Mage? Can I talk to you?” Mage looked down to see Terra looking up at her.

“Sure,” Mage answered, slightly suspicious. Terra led her away from the table she had been at. “What do you want?”

The Mawile crossed her arms. “First off, you owe me an apology.”

“What for?!” Mage shouted.

“For burning my jaw,” Terra replied, pointing towards her second mouth.

Mage glared at her. “Maybe you should apologize for trying to eat me!”

“I wasn’t going to eat you,” Terra defended. “Just hold you for questioning.”

The two glared at each other for moment, then they both broke out into smiles, which soon turned into laughter. “Yeah, I’m not apologizing,” Mage said with a laugh.

“Same here,” Terra responded likewise. “Now as for why I actually called you over here...”

“You need a tricksters help with something?” Mage asked with a grin. “Maybe about how those two,” Mage gestured to Elena and Nick, who were sitting across the car in another booth, watching the countryside. “Need to get together?”

Terra grinned devilishly. “How did you know?”

Mage laughed and shook her necklace. “One, I can sense emotions with these, it’s how I knew Volcarona was distressed. And two,” She looked back at Elena and Nick, both of them unaware of the other occasionally sneaking glances from across the table. “A Zubat could see they like each other.”

Terra nodded. “Well, Vinyl and Octavia already promised to help me where they could? You think you could lend a ha- err... could you help?”

Mage chuckled. “I tried to set up Gene and Belle before they fell head over heels for each other,” She informed the Mawile. “And while I wasn’t the reason for it, I’m confident that I’ll be able to help.”

Terra smiled and held out her hand. Mage deadpanned. “Yeah, still no arms.”

Meanwhile, at another table, Rainbow Dash had been trying to get an answer out of Twilight about where she had gone off to after they rescued Larvesta.

“Come on, Twilight,” Rainbow whined. “Just tell me, where’d you go?”

Twilight smiled. “It was nothing Dash,” The Alicorn then developed a smirk and looked out the train window. “Just tying up a loose end.”

Cheap Skate grumbled as he trudged back to Manehattan. His perfect plan, his chance at being a hero. Ruined by those Celestia damned monsters. Sighing again, he looked towards the city, his eyes brightening at the idea that he wouldn’t have to spend another week trudging through the woods like the last time he had a run in with those monsters. However, just before he entered the city, a poster caught his eye. When he saw it, his eyes bugged out before he ran back into the woods as if Timberwolves were on his trail. Once he was far enough away, he let out a roar of anger at what he had seen, cursing those monsters for what they had done to him, and cursing a certain mare that he thought was playing at being a Princess.

Cheap Skate
-Destruction of Property
-Illegal Dealings (Purchases, sales, etc.)
-Child Abuse/Endangerment
-Attempted Murder
-Assault Against the Crown

Suspect is wanted for multiple accounts of assault, 1 account of illegal dealings, 1 account of kidnapping and child abuse/endangerment, 2 accounts of attempted murder, 2 accounts of Destruction of Property, 1 account of Arson, and Indirect Assault and Endangerment of a Princess.

If seen, suspect is to be captured on sight and detained until further instructions.

By orders of Her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle