Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

by David Silver

7 - Chaos Theory

Trixie raised her nose at Discord and said nothing to him. Rough Draft held Silver protectively, and the royal sisters both looked at him with guarded expressions. The only relaxed ones present were Discord himself, and Silver.

Discord suddenly pinched Silver's cheek. "Big ole scary human's an adorable little colt. How's that working out?"

Silver jerked away from the touch, instinctively shying away from it before he could control himself and calm down, "It's working out alright. It's nice." He perked his ears at Discord, "Was it what you expected?"

Discord seemed to consider that with a stroking of his beard, "It wasn't outside the realm of possibilities, though my money was on an accident, or some kind of magic overdose. That's usually how it works. I wasn't expecting you to just up and ask Luna for it."

"I didn't," said Silver, "She brought up the idea, but when she said she could throw in youth with it..." he shrugged softly. "Does that make me a bad person?"

"Yes," said Discord bluntly, "But it makes you an alright pony." He looked to the sisters, "So what do you have planned with the boy?"

Celestia shook her head, "No concern of yours. He's too young to be involved in much."

Discord stuck out his tongue, "Don't give me that. That colt's over thirty years old! He's old enough to drink, serve in the guard, and still have time left over to pay taxes."

Luna spoke then, "He requested a chance to start over. His colt years will not be taken from him, no matter how old he may be." She gestured at Silver across the table, "He is living as a colt well."

"Is he?" asked Discord. "Not from what I saw." An image appeared, showing a bawling Silver shaking around Rough Tumble in the air back and forth.

Silver shrunk at the image, ears pinning to his head. He muttered something but not much escaped his suddenly constricted voice.

Trixie tilted her head, "Is that image true? Why did you not tell Trixie of a fight?"

Rough squeezed Silver gently, "You should have. We're here to help. Tell us what happened now."

Celestia nodded, "I would also like to hear of this."

Silver squirmed a moment before he nodded, "Well, alright... This big pony came up and started shoving me around and into the dirt. I tried to push him away but he took it as a cue to start beating me up." Silver waved his hooves around in a loose approximation of boxing. "I finally got enough control of my magic to get him off of me and I did what I could to keep him away."

Luna gestured at the picture, "You appear to be shaking him, not keeping him away."

Silver shrunk in place, "I was scared and hurt... I just wanted him to leave me alone."

Rough Draft lifted Silver up with his fetlocks and nuzzled the lightly crying colt, "It's OK."

Silver suddenly smiled, "That's what a friend said, right afterwards."

Trixie wrapped her magic around Silver, giving him a light squeeze, "Because it is true."

Celestia waved a wing through the image, banishing it, "I trust the colt was not harmed?"

Discord snorted, "Oh no. The little brat's probably planning revenge."

Celestia nodded, "Then I see nothing wrong with how our new colt handled himself." She looked to Silver, "Be mindful. A little magic thrown out of fear can cause harm that isn't easily undone. Silver, I was told you had... an unusual experience with a mare before you became a colt?"

Silver perked his ears at Celestia, "Do you mean Lyra?" Celestia nodded. "She was nice, but didn't think through her magic very well."

Celestia raised a brow lightly, "Is that all you have to say about her? From what I've been told, she is the main source of your troubles."

Silver shook his head, "She was nice, if a bit silly. I still like her."

Celestia gave a warm smile, "That is very forgiving of you. Do you also forgive the colt that bullied you?"

"No," said Silver with a frown. "I'm not, you know... after him... but I don't trust him to not be mean again. I'll take silly any day, but mean jerks can take a hike off a short pier." He looked over at Discord, "She just gave me some chaos I really needed."

Discord laughed, a deep and resounding noise as he slapped a knee, "Are you sure I can't keep him? I'll be good."

Luna nodded softly, "We understand. The lady Heartstrings acted out of misguided friendship, but she was, and is? still a friend."

"Exactly," said Silver. "I hope she visits sometime." He looked to Rough Draft, "Does she know where we live?"

Rough Draft perked his ears, "Uh, no... I didn't think, I mean. I can send a letter?"

"Please," said Silver with a smile, "I'd like to see her and Bon Bon sometime."

Trixie snorted, "You're not after them for some other reason are you?"

Silver looked confused a moment, then started rapidly going red, "No! I mean... I don't think Lyra would want that anyway... I don't have fingers anymore, and she's older than me now." Not that the idea was an unpleasant one for Silver to consider as he daydreamed of the hyperactive Lyra and maybe getting a hug, or kiss... or more?

Celestia waved at Discord, "I think it's time for you to be off, and we have planning of our own to do. Twilight must be informed she will be hosting the next Trader's Exchange."

Silver perked his ears, "Look out for Discord lamps."

Celestia paused, fixing her eyes on Silver. "Do you know... of it?"

Silver realized he had spoken poorly, "Uh..."

Luna asked, "How far into our history did your educational plays go? Have you seen only what was, or have you seen what will be?"

Silver shrank back, "A little? I really don't want to mess up time."

Discord gave a final guffaw before fading away, looking more amused than ever before.

Celestia shook her head, "How far into the future have you seen? How accurate has it been so far?"

Silver shook his own head back at her, trembling a little against the protective bulk of Rough Draft, "I've only seen little bits and pieces, but everything I've seen has been accurate so far."

Celestia extended a wing towards Silver, raising his snout, "Tell me, without revealing anything important, something."

Silver considered through his knowledge of the season. "There's going to be a tryout? A qualifying round? It's for the Equestria Games. It'll be in Rainbow Falls."

Luna frowned, "You had only just mentioned considering that place this morning."

Celestia nodded, "It's true. I was about to announce it. It seems you have a very valuable gift."

Silver pinned his ears back, "It doesn't go on forever! Only until..." He cut himself off and looked all the more uncomfortable.

Celestia tilted her head at him, "What has you so fearful? We're not forcing you to speak."

Silver shook his head, "If I say too much, then time will change. I don't want to mess it all up. Everything works out in the end."

Celestia frowned softly, "Does something happen that needs to work out, in the end?"

"Maybe?" squeaked Silver.

Trixie spoke up, "Pardon the interruption, but unless you plan to force Silver, he is clearly uncomfortable."

Celestia glanced at Trixie, then smiled gently. "You have very protective guardians."

Luna corrected with an upraised hoof, "Only Rough Draft is his guardian."

Celestia glanced at Luna, then across the table, "I beg to differ. Trixie Lulamoon."

Trixie sat up at attention at her name's calling, "Yes?"

"Do you plan to protect the colt, Silver Lining?" she asked, "Against all that would do him harm, even himself?"

Trixie nodded, "Of course. T... I will not abandon my student."

"Then it is settled," spoke Celestia in her calm way, "He has two guardians. A mare and a stallion. Quite fitting." She looked to Silver with a penetratingly appraising stare, "What do you see when you look at us?"

"I see aliens," spoke Silver truthfully, "But I also see people, and I see myself. You're all a little odd to me, but I want to be a part of that." He focused his magic and squeezed Celestia lightly, "I might be a new colt, but I hope I'm not a bad pony."

Celestia didn't flinch at the magic embrace, accepting it with a slow nod, "You are not a bad pony. If you do not want to speak of the future, I won't force you, but I would hope you would warn us of something terrible?"

Silver considered everything, then nodded, "When things look at their absolute worst, trust in Twilight Sparkle. She'll get through it."

A warm smile spread over Celestia's face, "She does have a habit of finding the answer to the most vexing questions. I'm afraid I interrupted your questions with more of my own."

Silver tilted his head, "Oh right, uh..." He looked at Luna, "If I decide one day to make a family, will I have normal colts and fillies?"

Luna nodded, "You are a perfectly normal unicorn, knowledge aside. Why would you not?"

Silver shook his head, "Not exactly? I can still see magic. I couldn't the first time I became a pony, but this time I can."

Celestia raised an ear, "Is that why my spell didn't affect you? How curious. Could you always see magic?"

Silver quickly nodded, "Yes, at least, since I came to Equestria. There wasn't magic where I came from, at least none that I ever saw."

Luna spoke, "You did interrupt us, sister. I wasn't finished with Silver Lining."

Silver tilted his head, "I don't mind seeing magic. It's kind of useful. There's no other parts missing though?"

Luna shook her head, "Nay, you appear to be in fine health for a colt of your new age."

Celestia stood up, "We should return to our duties. Have a pleasant day, Rough Draft, Trixie Lulamoon, and our newest citizen, Silver Lining. If you have need of me, or have a warning to deliver, come to the castle. It is part of your duties as a squire."

Silver jerked upright along with his guardians, "Huh, Squire?"

Celestia gave a 'hmm', "Did we not mention that? Since you have sworn the whole of yourself to our use, you are a squire of the court. Please send me regular updates when there is something to report, and keep us apprised of changes. You should otherwise focus on your schooling." That gentle smile returned, "And making some friends. We will not be pressing you to service just yet."

The new colt and his family rose and departed with stiff bows, looking a bit frazzled at the news dropped at the end. Luna softly nudged Celestia, "You did that on purpose."

Celestia smiled, "It will keep them honest and true. That colt is a curious one. I have never seen a colt stand up to Discord before, and so nonchalantly, only to look ready to go to tears when faced with a schoolyard bully."

Luna shook her head, "He is no colt, not truly, but we should keep an eye on him. He learned unicorn magic quickly." She raised a hoof to point at Celestia, "And you let him touch you with it! Have you no sense of propriety?"

Celestia moved back towards the indoors, where day court awaited her, "When propriety demands I turn away a foal's hug, I ignore propriety."