//------------------------------// // 13 - Not Enough // Story: The Silver Stars // by David Silver //------------------------------// Twilight set Silver on the ground, but he could feel and see her magic preventing him from fleeing. He stomped a hoof on the ground, "No! I'm tired of bullshit offers." He pawed agitatedly, as if he may charge, though Twilight's magic made that unlikely. "I think you're wrong. I'm perfectly fine as a stallion, but whatever. You're used to getting your way." Celestia tilted her head, "Does that mean you accept?" Silver shook his head, "Not so fast. This time, I want something. This time, I'm demanding the favors. You want to conduct your little 'experiment?' Fine, but you both owe me a favor, and it can be anything short of hurting another pony or breaking Equestrian laws, to be redeemed whenever I feel like it." He clopped a hoof on the ground, "Take it or leave it." Twilight looked at Celestia with an arched brow, clearly deferring to her. Celestia extended a wing, "Very well. I know you will not request anything too out-of-hoof. It is not in your nature." Silver grinned internally. This would be an annoyance, nothing more, but favors from the two could be turned into something much better. "Alright, then we have a deal, a favor from you both, and all official records of past misdeeds expunged and forgotten." Twilight unfurled her wings, "What?! I thought the favors were instead of, not in addition to." Silver turned up his nose, "My stallion parts come with a heavy price tag." Celestia simply nodded, moving a wing to block Twilight's view a moment, "Lay down, Silver, and we will begin." Silver slowly lowered as Twilight's magic faded from him, "Just in case you decide this wasn't a great idea, how reversible is it?" Twilight smiled with a benevolent energy, "We can put it back if we have to, but I don't think we'll have to. I know we're asking a lot of you, but do you trust us?" Silver tilted his head, "Can I walk past you and leave?" Twilight seemed to pause at that, then shuffled to the side, "You may." Silver raised a brow, "You just gained a point, Twilight." Celestia glanced between the two, "Will you leave then?" Silver flopped onto his side, "Nope." Twilight smiled brightly, "You've decided we're right?" Silver shook his head from the ground, "Nope, but I am curious, so mare me up." Twilight raised a brow, "You'll do it out of curiosity?" Silver looked to Twilight directly, "I said I aspire to your attitudes. Wouldn't you do it, for curiosity sake, just to know? I want to know, and experience. I'm just tired of being forced around like my opinion doesn't mean anything." Twilight tapped her chin, looking thoughtful, then curious. She looked to Celestia and opened her mouth in time for Celestia to silence her with a hoof, "You will not become a stallion. If you wanted to try that, you should have thought of it before you became an alicorn." Twilight pouted with a soft grumble, bemoaning the opportunity long removed from her. "Well, fine." She looked Silver over again, "Maybe I did misjudge you. I hope we can become friends." She flapped her wings before she recaptured her calm presence and moved across from Silver from Celestia. "Ready." Silver perked an ear, "If you start asking before doing, and accept no, then we can be friends." He looked to Twilight, then Celestia, starting to sit up when Celestia's hoof gently pressed in his shoulder, "You must lay down." Silver settled back down, "Don't knock me out, if you were thinking about it. I'd rather feel it, even if it hurts, a lot. I will not die a man and be reborn a woman." Neither princess knew exactly what a man or woman was, but context clues proved good enough to grasp the basic concept. Their horns began to glow and a slow series of notes played over them back and forth, like two modems finding the right rate to communicate with. Apparently they found it, as they began playing a wickedly complex spell that Silver had to close his eyes against, a headache blooming from just watching it. He turned his attention to himself, half-curling so he could watch his body change, especially the stallion bits he'd grown fond of. As it turns, his coltish body wasn't shaped all that masculinely to begin with, so the changes were subtle at best, barely even noticeable to his human eyes, though he assumed a pony would know the difference. Each subtle change came with a soft pop or creaking bend as he was reconfigured under the combined might of the two, but the real show began when they stopped working on the superficial and turned their attention to where his eyes rested. His outtie became an inny slowly. It didn't hurt as bad as he had feared, more like a long steady pinching rather than the explosive agony he had predicted. When there was no sign of having been male, the magic intensified, and his body warmed as things were changed deep within him. Unseen by him, his net become more complex, ready to support young of any tribe, but also smoothing out as its more intricate network bonded and forged through the frayed portions of his...her magically-abused form. Silver let out a soft sigh as a pressure she never noticed faded away, and the magic began to settle within her, leaving her a healthy young mare. "Well... how do I look?" she asked, perking ears at her strange voice. Twilight smiled, "You look like a healthy mare that has just entered adulthood." Celestia nodded in agreement, "The transition was a success. Do you feel better?" Silver rolled up onto her hooves and took a few experimental steps. Her center of balance hadn't shifted too much, though there was some change there. "Nothing a few sessions with Meadow won't figure out. I'm not changing names again, by the way. Silver Stars works fine for a mare or a stallion." Twilight tilted her head, "I suppose so. So... do you feel relaxed?" Silver frowned in thought, "I really can't answer that. I just lost a piece of myself, and got a new one. Give me some time, egghead." Twilight frowned, "Don't call me that." Silver bared her teeth, "I'm messing with you, and you deserve it, tying me down like that. This is not how you deal with troubled ponies, or humans that look like ponies, seriously." She shook herself out, "Now, assuming I'm still me, and I go back to making spells, how will being a mare help?" Celestia extended a wing, brushing Silver's barrel, "I have doubts you will avoid the desire to have foal for long, and when you do, you will learn a new respect for life." Silver blinked softly, flopping down on her haunches. "I didn't want to hurt... anyone to start with." She raised a hoof at Celestia, "Do you really think I'm out to hurt ponies?" Celestia glanced away, then back at Silver, "It will be a learning experience regardless. Few are well-supported mothers who condone violence." Silver stood up again and trotted up to Twilight, almost nose-to-nose with her, "Twilight." Twilight tilted her head, "What?" Silver bumped their noses together, "Boop." Twilight looked baffled, and Silver took her leave, content for the moment. ~Luna, are you still there?~ ~You had gone quiet,~ came Luna's reply. ~Are things resolved?~ ~In a matter of speaking. I have a favor to ask. I want to visit the Crystal Empire. Cadance is the only princess that has been entirely legit with me. She's never tried to force me into anything, and I want to talk to her before we go,~ thought Silver in a firm tone. At least her mental voice was the same, though it didn't help that she thought in the voices of fictional characters more often than not. ~Are you desiring revenge against Twilight, or Celestia?~ asked Luna. ~Amazingly, no. Twilight backed off the 'Do whatever I say and like it' thing at the last second. They were willing to let me walk out. That doesn't mean I'm happy as a clam with them, but I'm no longer imagining ways of inflicting horrific damage,~ explained Silver. ~I will remind,~ thought Luna, ~she is still my sister. Do not envision harm upon her, even if she acts poorly.~ ~You may be princess of dreams,~ thought Silver with a huff, ~But I'll think what I want, so long as I don't act on it. Don't pull a Twilestia on me.~ ~A what?~ Silver didn't reply, instead moving for the front of the castle. ~I'm going to catch a train. I presume that's alright.~ ~No, take Night Watch with you at least,~ came Luna's voice, ~And be back within the week.~ Silver had no problem with Night Watch, and waited beside the gate. She came trotting up but slowed to a halt, peering at Silver. "Yes, it's me," she said in her new voice, "We have a train to catch." She turned and led the way through the city. Movement as a female was odd. She had less things dangling about, which she missed the presence of more than she'd have imagined. Night perked an ear at him, "Are you alright? Shouldn't we be laying down, not headed for the trains?" Silver huffed, "What will that change? I want to visit Cadance, now." Night shrunk a little, then moved to catch up, "Did they force this?" Silver glanced at her, "No, they just started with the heaviest sales pitch they could. How many times do I have to say to at least try asking first? Is it that hard?" Night held up a hoof, "Peace, Silver. I'm not forcing anything. You're not angry at me, are you?" Silver shook his head, "No, and I plan to show you just how not-angry I am later, on the train." Night flushed as she followed him, "I'm glad your appetite hasn't changed with your... parts." Silver perked an ear, "Did you already forget Fast Change's gift to us? I'll be on top, have no fear." She clucked her tongue, "In fact, I think I'll just leave it on, confuse everypony." Night scrunched her nose lightly, "That... would get attention. Do you want that kind of attention, being a mare with stallion bits on display?" Silver shook herself out, "I'll decide after we get out of this city. I need to not see Canterlot for a bit." She moved up alongside Night and nipped at her shoulder, "It's not you. Thanks for coming." They arrived at the station and waited for the next train peacefully. Twilight went soaring overhead, to the pointing and gasps of others. Night frowned up at her. Silver gently nuzzled into her neck, "She's adorkably dense. Save your anger." Night huffed, but accepted snuggling against Silver as an acceptable alternative to scowling at Twilight, "We haven't had some 'us' time for a while." Silver perked an ear, "You're right. With First Star hogging up the room and our jobs keeping us going... let's look at this like a second honeymoon, just us, enjoying each other." Night pressed warmly against Silver, "I like the sound of that. Let's forget everything that's not us for a little while."