//------------------------------// // 104 - Apple Clan // Story: The Silver Stars // by David Silver //------------------------------// Night Watch took to the sky and flew in a few lazy circles and came back with a delicate frown. "It's not working." Fast tilted her head. "Maybe...?" She looked confused. Silver tapped his chin, "You've been flying since you were a little filly, right?" Night nodded. "Sure have." Silver rolled a hoof. "Maybe you're already putting all your magic in it, without thinking about it? Trying to do it my way will probably slow you down instead of speeding you up." Night considered a moment. "That sounds logical." Fast flashed a bright smile. "But it's good news for me." Night frowned as a new thought came. "So... was the tooth thing because of what we did with Luna, or just a lack of practice?" Silver shrugged. "We really can't know. Are lunar ponies taught how to bite things like that as foals?" Night shook her head. "Not a normal thing. By the time that really comes up, you're in more specialized training as a guard..." She tapped her chin. "Worth investigating later." The door to the house suddenly opened and Rainbow burst out, quickly lost to sight in the direction of Ponyville. Twilight waved at them, gesturing them closer from the doorway. When they had all gathered in the Apple kitchen, with all the Apples but Apple Bloom in attendance, Twilight began to speak, "Alright, we think we have everything worked out. Rainbow got called off on map business, but she agrees with us." Silver nodded. "Alright, what did you decide?" Applejack moved up and nudged Silver. "That ya both were right rude competing over me like ah was a prize, but ya had yer heart in the right place." Silver tinted faintly. "You said... you wanted it. I wouldn't do it if there was any doubt." Applejack nodded. "That's why we're talkin'. The way ah see it, ya can't give me a normal foal, so I'm going to pass. Not because ah don't like ya or nuthin'. Yer a fine stallion, but ah want a normal foal, nothin' special." She leaned in. "Ya might have better luck with Dash. Ah think ya got her attention with yer fancy flying." Silver only darkened further. "I'm not trying to sleep around!" Fast waggled her brows. "As if you'd say no to that well-toned flank." "Not helping!" Silver turned away. "I'm glad you've decided at least. I meant what I said. I'd rather be a friend than a stud if I have to pick between the two." Applejack came up on Silver and hugged him from behind, squeezing. "And yer a mighty fine one. Now git, we got apples ta farm, and a sudden bumper crop of strawberries to see to thanks to some generous alicorn." Silver rose with his wives to depart, to find Big Mac in the way. Mac held out a hoof towards Silver. "Sorry fer tha trouble, but ah gotta look out for mah sister." Silver met the hoof with one of his own. "I remember thinking of you." Big Mac's expression became that of shock and disbelief. Silver seemed to realize what he said and went as red as he could get. "Uh, I mean, back when I was a mare." That didn't sound better at all. "Ugh! Sorry!" He fled out the door. Night took off after him with concern, but Fast lingered behind. She grinned at Big Mac. "You have no idea how confused Silver was as a mare." "Nope." She shook her head a little. "Probably for the best." She trotted past the still-dumbfounded stallion and took off on wings she didn't have before, eager to practice her internal channeling. When they returned home, Silver sank heavily on his haunches in the living room and flopped over tiredly. Night came over and put a hoof on him, rubbing lightly across his ribs. "You were a great friend." Silver snorted, legs kicking a little. "I'm glad they worked it out, but that was a lot of work to ultimately do nothing at all." Night tilted her head. "Were you looking forward to doing something?" Silver softly pawed at Night with a hoof. "Not a fair question. I want to be faithful but I'm not blind and I'm not a neuter." Night leaned in. "Maybe I just like you when you're looking uncomfortable. Good thing you do it so often. Now remind me who your favorite is." Silver grabbed Night and pulled her to the ground to lay beside him. "Caught her." He nuzzled into her cheek and neck, almost purring as he squeezed her. "I'm sorry for being a handful." Night nestled in against Silver warmly and rolled, putting her bulk on top of him. "I'll make you pay it back with foalsitting duty." Twilight walked up next to the two. "You handled yourself just fine, Silver Stars, but I do have some questions for you. That stunt with the strawberries. Even earth ponies don't normally have that strong of an effect. It's usually a slow and gradual process over the course of a growing season, not... that." "That wasn't technically a question." Silver sat up, taking Night with him and still snuggling with her. "It was the first time I tried putting my magic in my hooves, and I controlled it very badly. That field got a full blast of alicorn magic." Twilight tilted her head. "You're lucky you didn't hurt yourself then." Silver snorted softly. "I'm pretty sure I did, but snuggles are proving to be a good medicine." Twilight pinkened lightly, looking like she considered joining, but didn't move. "You'll show me your technique later?" Silver nodded and she seemed satisfied. "It seems Rainbow and Pinkie were called off by the map. I admit I thought it would always call me along, but no, just them." Night turned around in Silver's grasp and adjusted her glasses. "You'll get your turn. For now, we have faith in them to get the job done, just like we'll have to trust in Silver to come back to us when he goes off with Celestia." Twilight grit her teeth a moment before sighing. "You're right, of course. Maybe I'm just stuck on that and projecting. But going to the griffon lands? I'm simultaneously jealous and terrified. I hope everything works out..." Silver waved a hoof. "I have a hard time imagining Pinkie not pulling through, and Rainbow's a mature mare, even if she has her moments. They'll figure it through. What are the griffon lands like anyway?" Twilight shrugged. "Never been there." She rose to her hooves and started trotting off. "Call me if you need me." And she was gone, off to her own business. Night sagged against Silver. "I don't suppose you could find another project for me before you go? The road's almost done." Silver squeezed Night gently. "You did that as fast as you promised. I could, but aren't you..." He trailed off at seeing her tense up, ready to defend her right to be helpful through her pregnancy. "I'll find something. What would you say to a more educational role? Ponyville only has one teacher, and that's for foals. I think a town guard would be good for morale, and security, for both the town and the castle." He rubbed a hoof over the swell of her belly. "I'll look into that, but I think Twilight needs her turn to be reminded she's still amazing even if she is swollen." Night suddenly frowned. "I feel stupid. Of course she's upset. She probably thinks she was skipped over due to her pregnancy. Go." She nudged Silver away and stood. "I'll be fine. Thank you." Silver did depart, but not before he got a soft smooch from Night. He trotted off with a smile, feeling good about his place in his herd. He found Twilight angrily studying. These two words did not always fit well together, but she was managing it. He came up on her and put a hoof on her shoulder. She jumped in place with a squawk before spinning on him. Before she could yell at him, he kissed her on the nose. "I was looking for a fair and enchanting mare, and here she is." Twilight's angry words died a sputtering death before she grunted inarticulately. She gathered herself before trying again. "Hello, Silver. I was reading up on..." Silver reached past her and casually shut the book. She frowned. "I was reading that..." Silver ignored her, closing each book he could find and even starting to put them away. "Hey! Listen to me!" Silver let her lunge at him, only to wrap his legs around her neck and hug her tightly. "You have my complete attention, but I want yours in return. The rest of today is about us, and you're not getting rid of me." Twilight's face went through a slow cycle of emotions, from anger to irritation to resignation to something else he wasn't entirely sure of. She put a hoof on his chest. "I'm already bloated like a balloon with our foal, you don't need to shadow me." Silver pinned his ears back. "You know, ponies show love for each other for things besides putting foals in each other. I know you're down right now, Twilight, but I want to be there for you, and with you. Don't shove me away." Twilight grit her teeth a moment before she let out a slow breath. "Right, yes... I'm still a little new to this... So what do you want to do?" Silver nuzzled under one of Twilight's wings. "Anything you want to do, except work. If you want to read a fun book together, or go flying, or watch something, or eat, or we can go upstairs and I can try to put more foals in you, futile or not, the attempting can be its own reward." Twilight burst into a soft laughter at that. "I'm not really in the mood for that, but thank you." Her horn glowed as she grabbed a book and pulled it through the air to hover in front of Silver. "I want you to read this. Fast told me how you do things, and it's fairly similar to an Eastern practice. The ponies who invented it were ponies for longer than you, maybe it'll help." Silver accepted the book, but set it aside. "Thank you. I will read that, but you're stuck with me for today. I already said that, and I mean it." Twilight grunted with some annoyance, then turned away, spreading her wings. "Get preening." Silver hadn't had too much experience with preening, thankful that his own wings didn't need that particular care. Experienced or not, he leaned in and took the first large feather into his mouth, running through from base to tip carefully. He could taste Twilight on each feather he worked on. It was like giving a tongue bath. Her soft squirms and little noises didn't help. By the time he finished the first wing, Twilight was more than warmed up. Silver didn't get a chance to get to the other wing before he was showing his love in a more rhythmic fashion. He did eventually finish the job, when the two had sprawled over each other, worn but happy.