//------------------------------// // Mutant Search // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// One night at the Rainbooms hotel room, Twilight was in her room sitting on her bed while looking at Spike's dog collar that she recovered since his accident with the mutagen. The saddened girl flashed back at the memory of watching her number one assistant fall into the vat of mutagen, and came out as a dog mutant. Twilight held the collar close and shed some tears. She got off the bed and looked out window to see a view of the city. 'Spike, where are you?' she thought in sadness. "We're gonna get him back, you know?" came a voice. Twilight who snapped out of her thoughts, turned around to see Sunset Shimmer, "Oh, Sunset Shimmer. I was just..." Sunset walked over to her friend, "Twilight, we're all worried about Spike." "It's been three days since the accident, but so far nothing's come up." Twilight explained with diminishing hope. "We're going to find him, Twilight. Leo told us the Mighty Mutanimals are searching the city inside and out." "But we should be out there looking with them." Twilight said. "That's exactly why I came in here." "What?" "Leo called me. And we gotta get to the lair." "Then let's go." Twilight said with determination, as she grabbed her ninja weapon. In Shredder's lair, Shredder was on his throne as Tiger Claw knelt before him, "Master Shredder. I regret to inform you there is still no sign of the Rainbooms mutant dog." "He has to be somewhere in the city," Shredder said with impatience, "Tiger Claw, take Ivan Steranko, Anton Zeck, and Baxter Stockman. I want that mutant captured and under my command." "As you wish, Master." Tiger Claw answered, as he took his leave. Down in the Turtles lair, the Rainbooms were in Donnie's lab, as the smart turtle held up a spray canister filled with an orange substance. "Behold, girls. Retro-mutagen." Donnie introduced. "Wow. So orange." Pinkie marveled at it. "And you're certain this stuff can cure Spike?" Twilight asked hopefully. "Well, it cured my dad." April replied. "Yeah. We just gotta spray this on Spike and boom, instant normal dog." Donnie explained. "Yeah. But that plan's a lot easier said than done." Raph reminded him. "Raph's right," Rainbow agreed, while ignoring the shocked expressions from the turtles and Casey, "Spike isn't exactly in his right mind. You think he's gonna just stand still and let us change him back." Twilight looked at her, "I know Spike is still in there somewhere. We just have to reach him." "And I can help," April offered, "When we returned to New York and found Splinter out of his mind. I used my telepathy to help him remember." "So what're we waiting for?" Mikey asked, "Let's load up the party wagon and get this show on the road!" The group agreed and got to work. Out in the city, Tiger Claw and Stockman Fly were flying around, while Bebop was zipping along on his purple energy streams, and Rocksteady was jumping from building to building. "We better find that mutant, otherwise Shredder will have our hides." Tiger Claw warned his fellow mutants. Bebop zipped right by him, "No problem, T.C. With my piggy nose and my goggles that puppy won't hide forever," he sniffed the air, "Fellas, I think I got something." "Where to, comrade Bebop?" Rocksteady asked. "This-a way." Bebop motioned to a path. "Is he telling the truth, Tiger Claw?" Stockman Fly buzzed. Tiger Claw sniffed the air, "He is correct. Come on!" he took the lead, as the three mutants followed. On the streets, the party wagon drove around as the group looked out the windows and such keeping an eye out, "Nothing here." Casey noticed no sign of Spike. "Let's try another block." Leo suggested. Suddenly Donnie's T-Phone rang and he answered it, "Hello? What?! Really? That's great! Ok, just don't do anything and we'll meet you there," he hung up, "Guys, that was Muckman. He found Spike." "What?" Twilight gasped. "Where is he?" Rarity asked. "He's at Coney Island." "That place?" Leo asked in disbelief. "Then take us there." Twilight ordered. "I'm on it." Leo confirmed, as he drove. "Donnie, I have to ask. Who is this Muckman?" Rarity inquired. "He's a friend, but uh, you may not like his appearance." "Oh, come now. You think I'm going to panic just from one's appearance?" Next thing Rarity knew, she was screaming in repulse as the turtles and Rainbooms met the garbage mutant Muckman. "Told ya." Donnie replied. "Well, that's one way to greet someone." Muckman crossed his arms. "Sorry, it's just... Well, you're covered in garbage." Rarity said bluntly. "I was a garbageman after all." he answered. "Never mind that," Twilight said, "Muckman, you said you saw my dog here?" "Yeah. Matched exactly what the turtles here described him as. Went in there." he motioned to the closed amusement park. "So then why are you out here?" Rainbow inquired. "If I went in there he'd probably try to attack me or try to escape." Muckman explained. "He's right. We don't wanna startle Spike and risk losing him." Leo agreed. "Come on, let's go in." Twilight said. "Right, but we need to be quiet." Leo said, as they all turned to Mikey and Pinkie Pie. "What?" they asked simultaneously, only for their friends to sigh. So the group snuck into the amusement park and split up. They looked around and called out quietly, "Spike?" Leo called. "Spike?" April called. "Spikey-wikey?" Rarity called. "Come on out, Spike!" Applejack called. "We don't wanna hurt you!" Sunset called. "We wanna help!" Raph added. "He could be anywhere." Fluttershy said. "Um, I don't think he's that far." Mikey said, while looking around the corner of a booth. Everyone looked around the corner hearing a clanging sound. What they saw was mutant Spike with his head deep in a garbage can scrounging up something to eat. "There he is." Casey whispered. "Ugh, but why is he digging in garbage?" Rarity said in repulse. "He must be hungry." Pinkie answered. "I have to talk to him." Twilight said, as she tried to go to him. Raph pulled her back, "Easy, Twilight. I don't think going up to him's such a good idea." "Raph, I have to try. Spike is still in there. He'll recognize me... Hopefully." "Then you'll need me," April said, "I'll try and help him remember." "Be careful, you two." Leo warned them. Twilight and April nodded, as they crept over to Spike slow and steady. Twilight spoke up, "Spike. Spike, it's me." Spike lifted his head out of the garbage and looked over at Twilight and April growling defensively. The two backed up a bit in fright, but mustered up the courage to move forward. "It's ok, Spike. We want to help you." April told him. Spike continued to growl as they got closer, but they weren't letting fear stop them. Twilight spoke up, "Spike, it's me. Twilight. You have to remember. Remember who you are." "Here, Spike. Let me help you." April said, as she used her telepathy to probe Spike's mind. Spike groaned as he saw images flash before him like Twilight and his pony friends back home. Spike lowered his defense, as April and Twilight saw he was calmer. "That's it, Spike." Twilight smiled seeing they were making progress. Spike looked ready to go to them, only for a bolo to fly at him and wrap his arms and legs up, "Spike!" the two cried. The others gasped, as they saw Tiger Claw standing atop a game stand, "Our hunt and with a bonus." he said. Rocksteady rammed through one of the stands, "We find mutant dog, along with Turtles and Rainboom Girls." Bebop appeared out of thin air, and spoke, "Shredder's gonna be joyed when he hears about this." Stockman Fly flew in, "But first we must capture them." Twilight spoke up, "You stay away from my assistant!" "Tough talk for a little cub." Tiger Claw answered, as he pulled out a blaster. The turtles and Rainbooms got ready, "We don't just talk tough. We are tough." Rainbow spoke. "Attack!" Tiger Claw announced, as they went into battle. Raph, Pinkie, Casey, and Applejack were squaring off against Rocksteady, who was charging at them and using his brute strength. Stockman Fly was flying around spitting his gross acid spit, "Watch out for the spit!" Mikey called. Rarity saw some of it aimed at her, "Gross!" she back flipped away. Fluttershy used her blowpipe and aimed it at the fly before blowing the dart. Stockman Fly dodged, but the shy girl kept firing more. Bebop was dancing around and making his rants and whoops while firing lasers from his hip belt, at the group. Casey ran in and attacked with a baseball bat, but Bebop kept dodging, "Careful where ya swing that thing," Bebop spun kicked Casey back, "You just might get hurt." "How about I make you hurt?" Muckman called, as he jumped into battle and started fighting Bebop who was jumping around. "Nice try, garbage freak!" Muckman frowned and held his arms out, "Never underestimate the power of garbage!" he manipulated some of the trashcans around with all the garbage inside to rain on Bebop blinding him. "Hey, this is nasty!" Bebop cried, while getting pelted with garbage. Twilight and April ran to the tied up Spike, only for Tiger claw to block them, "Where do you think you're going?" he aimed his two blasters at them. Leo jumped in with Donnie and Rainbow Dash, and attacked the tiger mutant, "Help Spike. We'll hold him off!" Leo assured. The two nodded and made their way to Spike, "We got to get him out of this." April said about the bolo. Sunset jumped in and grabbed one of her kunai, "I got this." she started to cut through the bolo wire. After much cutting, the bolo broke and Spike could move again. He jumped up and tried to make a run for it. "Spike!" Twilight cried. Raph and Applejack hearing that, saw the mutant trying to make a break for it, but blocked his path, "Hold it, Spike." Raph said. "We can't let ya go." Applejack added. Spike growled, and tried to attack them out of self defense. Twilight watched as the two fought Spike, but got swatted aside. "He's losing his mind more." Twilight gasped. "I have to get to him." April said. "Go. I'll cover you." Twilight said, as she readied her kamayari. The two took off with April up front, while Twilight was using her weapon to to keep Bebop and Stockman Fly away. April finally caught up to Spike and blocked his path. "Stop!" she ordered. Spike growled at her, but she didn't flinch, "You aren't a monster. You are Spike. You have to remember!" she grabbed Spike and probed his mind harder. Spike's eyes widened as he started seeing his life flash before his eyes once again. This time he saw all the good times he had with Twilight and the girls, all the adventures, all the festivities. He even recalled all the stuff he experienced in the human world at Canterlot High. Back on the normal plane, April looked seeing Spike looking down at her. She winced fearing it didn't work only to suddenly get her face licked by a slobbery tongue, "Ew!" she groaned, before she looked up and saw Spike smiling at her, "Spike?" The mutant dog was interrupted as he looked over seeing Twilight, the rest of the girls, and the turtles engaging against four of Shredder's mutants. He frowned and growled before taking off and knocked Bebop away from Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Sunset. He then saw Rocksteady trying to slam down Rarity, Muckman, and Applejack. He ran in the direction of the Rhino and rammed him away. He looked and saw Stockman Fly trying to swoop down and attack Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, as well as Tiger Claw fighting the Turtles and Casey. Spike ran for them and swatted Stockman Fly and punched Tiger Claw away. The tiger mutant looked at the mutant dog who spoke in the same growling version of his real voice, "Leave my friends alone!" "Spike!" the group cried seeing he was right in his head again. Tiger Claw narrowed his eyes, as the other three mutants went to his side, "So the pup thinks with a clear head again." "Is that good or bad?" Bebop asked. Stockman Fly answered, "It won't mater, because once I feed my brain worm into his head he won't be doing too much thinking for himself." Spike frowned, "You're not putting anything in my head!" He charged at them. Rocksteady charged at him, and upon contact Spike grabbed the rhino and threw him over his shoulder causing him to crash into a stand. Bebop frowned and fought, "Try some glue, fool!" he shot blasts of glue at Spike, but the dog dodged and tried to attack him, but Bebop dodged, "Can't catch what ya can't see." he activated his invisibility field. Spike stood his ground and took a whiff of the air before striking thing air, which in turn revealed Bebop, "What? How'd you find me?" "You smell." Spike answered bluntly. Bebop snorted, "I'll show you who smells!" he fired laser blasts from his belt, but Spike dodged and swatted Bebop away causing him to crash into a pole. Stockman Fly buzzed around spitting acid at Spike, but the dog mutant retaliated by jumping on top of a stands roof and grabbed Stockman Fly before throwing him into a wall. Spike was suddenly getting blasted by Tiger Claws blasters, as he flew around on his jetpack. Leo and Raph jumped in. "Hang on, Spike!" Leo called, as the two deflected Tiger claws blaster shots. Tiger Claw growled, as he was getting distracted by the turtles. Spike seeing his attention was averted from him saw what to do. He jumped at Tiger Claw from behind and scratched at his jetpack. "No!" Tiger Claw cried, as his jetpack made him fly out of control before he was sent flying off across the park and crashed. "Booyah-kasha," Spike said smugly. He looked back at the guys, "How was that?" "Spike!" Twilight cried, as she ran over and hugged her assistant turned mutant. Spike wrapped his arms around her, "It's good to see you, Twilight. All of you." "I was afraid I lost you." Twilight said in relief. "You can't keep a good dog or dragon down, Twi," Spike chuckled, "But how did you guys know to come here?" "Thank Muckman here who showed us the way." Rarity said. Spike smiled, "Thanks, Muckman." "No problem, kid." Spike looked at April, "And thank you, April. For helping me remember who I was." "No problem, Spike. Though ease up on the slobbery licks." she said, and Spike chuckled. "I just hope I don't have to look like this forever." Spike sighed at his appearance. "Don't worry, Spike," Donnie began, as he pulled out the retro mutagen spray, "This retro mutagen will turn you back to normal." "Do you have to?" Mikey asked, "I mean, Spike's cool as a mutant. You saw how he took those guys down. Heck, I even got a mutant name for him. Wolfatizer." he said dramatically. Spike gave him a dry look, "Yeah. I don't think so. If I stayed this way and returned to Equestria I'd look like one ugly dragon." "Aw." Mikey groaned. Donnie held the spray at Spike, "Here we go." he sprayed the mutant dog. After the spray, Spike started groaning and spazzing, "Spike?" Twilight asked in concern. Spike dropped to the ground and crawled behind a food stand. When they heard his groaning stop, they looked and saw Spike stumble into the clearing back to a normal dog. "Boy did that feel weird." he groaned. "Spike!" Twilight and the girls cried, as they ran over to him. Twilight scooped him up into her arms and nuzzled him. "Oh, Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity started kissing him like crazy. "Welcome back, Sugarcube." Applejack said, as she and Flutterhy pat his head. "It's great to be back." Spike said. "Oh, that reminds me," Twilight remembered, as she put Spike on a stands counter, and put his collar back on, "There we go." "Oh, yeah. This is more like it." Spike said feeling pleased. "Not done yet." Leo replied, as he placed Spike's Hamato clan hachimaki. Spike seeing his headband smiled, "Perfect." Sunset looked around and was shocked, "Guys, Rocksteady, Bebop, and Stockman are gone." "Probably left to collect Tiger Claw." Raph guessed. "No matter. We succeeded in getting Spike back." Leo replied. Twilight nodded, and picked her number one assistant up, "Come on, Spike. Let's go." "Yeah." Spike agreed, as he licked her cheek. Rarity sniffed the air around Spike and gagged, "But you'll be needing a bath when we get back, Spike." Spike chuckled sheepishly, as the others laughed as well. At the hotel, Twilight was sleeping peacefully in her bed, while hugging Spike close and never wanting to let go. Spike himself also slept peacefully knowing he was back where he belonged.