//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Flavors of Magic // Story: Rewritable // by Detsella Morningdew //------------------------------// "So, where's the history section?" "Over there. Why are you so interested in history?" "Well, I forgot all of mine. I need to have something to go on." Twilight cringed slightly. "I guess that makes sense." Both of us studied in silence for most of the day. I noticed that history was pretty threadbare. Sure, there were many stories, but most of them were just that: stories. There were few concrete dates, or even concrete actions. Most of it was legend or vague oral history. How disappointing. But I felt that Twilight's recent victory might remedy that. Apparently, Nightmare Moon was a vague legend before this morning. As I got bored of reading the old legends, quite a few of them proven untrue, I remembered about earlier today. Why didn't my wings work? "Twilight?" "Hmm?" She looked up from the book she was reading. "How am I supposed to fly?" "Well, plenty of young fillies and colts take a while to learn. I'm sure Rainbow Dash will be happy to teach you." "No, that's not what I meant. How does anypony fly? I was just looking at my wings, and the wing-to-mass ratio is all wrong. Not to mention the lack of stabilization from having no tail feathers." Twilight chuckled a bit at that. "It's pegasus magic. Not just unicorns do magic. Earth ponies and pegasi have just as much. It just happens more naturally for them." "But I felt nothing when I flapped them. Nothing at all. Shouldn't I have felt something?" Twilight looked thoughtful. "Yes, I suppose. But maybe something about your accident was the problem..." "Maybe. I don't even remember where I came from. Maybe I don't have any magic at all." "That's nonsense. The doctors did all sorts of magical tests; nothing is wrong with you. It's just your lack of control. Your normal pegasus instincts just aren't functioning properly." "Speaking of which, what happened before we found you? Maybe that could help. Just bumping your head won't do something like this. Otherwise, Rainbow Dash would be out of a job." "Well, the first thing I remember, I was in a crater---" Twilight practically shot up to her feet. "A crater?!" "---filled with crystal." "Filled with crystal! Where exactly is this crater?" "Along the same path you found me on." "I've got to investigate!" "It's already past sunset. Do you really want to go in the forest at night?" "I just did that yesterday." "Alone?" "All right. You win. But I'm doing that first thing tomorrow." I suddenly got an idea. "You said that pegasi had just as much magic as unicorns. Do you have any books on the subject? Maybe they can teach me to fly." Twilight sat back down. "I'm sorry. Pegasi aren't really well-known for book-writing. I haven't seen a book on pegasus magic in years. Anyway, what should I call you? I know you said your name might be Sidereus, but that just sounds weird. Do you remember any other name?" "No, not really..." "Well, that's okay. Anyway, there is one book that could work for you...but it's much too difficult. Nevermind." "A book on pegasus magic?" "Not exactly. It's a book written for unicorns, but I know personally that this technique works for all races. It's very difficult, though. But it might help with focusing your magic." "How?" "It allows you to "see" magic. If you can see how the magic is shaped around your wings, you can fix your flight problem. At least, that's how I think it'll work. I've never been a pegasus before." "I''l try it." "Don't be discouraged if you don't get it your first try. This is advanced stuff. It takes a lot of work to get it right. And keep in mind that this book was written for unicorns. They focus their magic on their horn. From what I can tell, pegasi focus it on their wings, and maybe their spine. Nopony really researches this kind of stuff." "Why not?" "It's just so natural to most ponies. Unicorn magic is the only type that usually requires intense study." Now with a purpose in mind, I studied magical theory late into the night. The book was quite thick for only being one spell. It was quite confusing, being told to direct magic into a non-existent horn, but Twilight's analogy helped. The more I studied, the more it became apparent that the unicorn parts of the spell were mostly useless. Everything that was practical came from your core, the font that your magic originated. Eventually, I realized that the only reason that it told you to direct magic anywhere was to create visual effects along with the spell. The spell itself was completely unnoticeable. Unicorn showoffs. It eventually became clear to me that there was almost no reason for this to be called a spell. The book rambled on for pages, trying to explain a very simple concept from the viewpoint of a unicorn. All I had to do was see without my eyes. Visualize the world with what I felt within myself, not with what I could feel or touch. Still, that was difficult enough. I got one glimpse of something different before losing it again. But still, excellent progress.