
by Detsella Morningdew

Chapter 9: Explanations

"What do you mean?" This time it was me that was talking. I wasn't very impressed by Twilight's trick. I sort of understood the necessity, my appearance was way too close to her defeat of Nightmare Moon. But Luna? This was just ridiculous.

"The Elements of Harmony cannot destroy. When they cleansed my sister, Luna, they forcibly removed the Nightmare. But removing something that closely integrated so violently and quickly is a very difficult feat. The Elements were not perfect. They banished the Nightmare from Luna, but they took a little something else, too. My sister has not been at her best recently."

"Yes, I saw that. But what does this have to do with me?"

"Twilight, did you notice the fragments that were left over after you used the Elements."

"Of course. I assumed that those were the remains of Nightmare Moon. Why?"

"Those did not have anything to do with Nightmare Moon. The Elements would not be that careless in her banishment. Those were fragments of Luna's magic."

I saw where this was going. "But if I'm supposed to be one of those fragments, how did I become, you know, a pony?"

"Actually, they would have rejoined with Luna given the chance. And they tried to. But Luna went to the festival in Ponyville immediately after. The fragments would have traveled through the Everfree, trying to get back to Luna, but I'm assuming they failed. Something must have confused them."

I got a strange, sinking feeling. "Something like chaos magic."


"And the crater?"

"That was probably where the majority of the magic went. The remainder remembered that it had to join back with a body. So it created you."

"And apparently it couldn't do that properly, either," I said. "I have to manually control it at all times."

"Yes," she said sadly. "and I'm very sorry for that."

"So what do I do now? Do I have to give my magic back to Luna?" By now, I was quite depressed. I wasn't even a pony. How would you take that news?

She looked horrified at the thought.

"Maybe that was fine then. But you are your own pony now. While similar to Luna's your magic is slightly, but distinctly different. Experience changes a pony. But even if it were exactly the same, I wouldn't dare---I don't even want to finish that sentence. No, you are unique now. I was only discussing where you came from, not pronouncing a judgement."

"So, do I have to do anything different?"

"Normally, I would keep you under closer supervision, only for your safety. But Twilight has already done so much to help you, I see nopony more qualified than Twilight to do that job. So for you, nothing has changed. Only now you know a little bit more information. If I recall, that is exactly why you came here. Although I do wish that Twilight was more straightforward with you. I thought Applejack might have taught her the value of honesty."

Twilight reddened with embarrassment. No really, that was what it looked like. But it tasted yellow. Don't ask me how.

"But I suppose we are done for now. You are free to leave. And of course if you have any difficulties, don't hesitate to ask me. I am here to help."

Twilight and I left the room and we started back towards the train station. I didn't want to stay in Canterlot any longer than I had to.

As we boarded the train, I heard Twilight mutter. Pink hair...

It's the simple things that make life worth living.

But I couldn't help but wonder. The moon had no trace of magic but Luna's. If the Nightmare was just banished and not destroyed, where did it get banished to?