The Awesome Quote Group 26 members · 0 stories
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Welcome to my quote thread. Here I'll be listing intriguing quotes that I've made on this site.

Feel free to upvote the ones you like and discuss any of them in My quote discussion thread.

I write so that one day I can finally stop writing and be free.

Source: My user page

It's okay to be called 'criminal scum' once in a while, but this site has called me that so many times that I'm starting to believe it.

Source: Change this site

From a completely technical point of view, you do get more functionality with futa.

Futa is like getting a Swiss knife in a restaurant for cutting your chicken. It's not wrong, but it is unusual.

Source: Why is futa hot

Incest is fine as long as it's consensual and no offsprings are produced.

Source: Incest

You decide whether your child will have an IQ of 50 or 150. Chose wisely, for the child's sake.

Source: Incest

“Go on.” I sat down and reached with my hoof between my hind legs. “I’m listening.”

From my story: Trixie Wants to be an Alicorn Princess to: The Aftermath

"Yes, you’re right, Twilight. I do need a new beginning."

She smiled and noded at me.

"I'll mark it with your dead corpse under my hooves!"

Source (my fic): Darkness in Sweetie Belle

“You’re the one who knocked on my door, now face the consequence that is me!”

From my story: I Ain't your Sacrifice

"The word ‘kinky’ doesn’t even begin to cover the things I shall do to her.”

From my story: Forget Love

My cutie mark would be a stick.

I poke at things until I interpret them completely.

When I understand them fully, I incorporate them into my world.

Source: If you had a cutie mark, what would it be?

You have to ask yourself, who is more evil:
a) A man that kills a bunch of people because he enjoys killing, but in the end it turns out that those people were infected and would annihilate the entire Earth.
b) A man that learns of a group of infected people that would make human race extinct unless they are killed. So he kills them. Later, however, it is discovered that they only showed the symptoms but were, infact, not infected.

Source: The thing that scares me the most.

If Knighty doesn't fix this website soon I'm going to stop procrastinating and go back to actually writing my stories. In fact, I'm gonna do that right now!

Source: Have I been excommunicated

A quarter of bronies
masturbate to ponies.

Source: Why do some people hate bronies so much.

For all we know, we might be aliens, seeded on this planet. It's very suspicious, how life sprung up as soon as the conditions for it were met...

Source: Does SETI Have a Shot at Achieving Anything?

You should first confirm the existence of an enemy, before spending funds to combat it.

Source: Does SETI Have a Shot at Achieving Anything?

There are some heterosexual men that don’t tend to rape a woman when she doesn’t want to have sex with them.

Source: Ludicrous ideas

Words in a story are like a weight of a plane. The most advanced planes do tend to be heavy, but adding weight to your model plane to make it better, is just silly.

Source: The Daily Wisdom Thread.

“Let me introduce you to my little friend. Derpy, meet Skeletor.”

From my story: Rape Is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

I decided to stop touching myself.

From my story: Darkness in Sweetie Belle

No problem is so big that it can't be fixed with a big enough asteroid.

Source: [PHILOSOPHY] General Philosophy Thread

I used to find futas and double dicks weird. Having them shoved down my throat by this fandom, I've since grown indifferent to them.

Source: Sexual Views

Shower of gas is about to flow
But hope for life I shall not forgo

I plug the holes with my fingers
Inside the tube gas now lingers

But damn them Nazis assholes
They made showers with 11 holes

Source: Why are we such grammar Nazis?

Hope is a lie. It keeps you from seeing things as they are. I want none of it.

Source: What drives you

Nuclear warheads are magic. :heart:

Source: Nanoponies

Madness keeps me sane.

Source: Why are you mad?

Throwing your weapon at the enemy is like hoofing a stallion and forgetting your horseshoe inside. You might have to go through shit if you want to get it back.

Source: Need some Equine puns...

Life is unfair. People are unfair. Justice will never be fully served. Deal with it now, or be forever miserable when you find yourself surrounded by shit.

Examine the crap around you. Taste it. Inhale it. Understand it completely. It is then that you will gain the power to predict shit even before the sphincter opens. It is then that you will see ways to channel the shit in such a way that you won't get crapped upon.

Source: Lying brother of mine

If laws of nature are God then we should drop to our knees, and praise the holy Gravity.

Source: What is your opinion of this?

Does throwing stones at an approaching black hole make your resistance objectively meaningful or do your futile struggles only distract you from seeing the inevitable?

Source: Bastards Aren't Bastards

"Just because I have tentacles, doesn't mean I'm gonna rape you." Though, they don't exclude rape, either. "Wanna feel them?"

Source: From Thoughts To Speech

Fluffy shit is just a shit in disguise.

From my story: The Rise of Insanity

Humans. Fairly well educated primates, considering that their their learning capabilities are well below what they could be. Prone to incorporating views of the society they grow up in, while at the same time thinking they decided to hold those views on their own. Oblivious to long term damage of devolution processes, prompted by lack of selection. Thinking they are at the top while ignoring that the genes allow for much further development. Capable of immense perception distortion that allows them to view a misfortune of one as a tragedy while dismissing the deaths of millions.

Source: Explain the human condition to an alien in one paragraph

There's no rule that says everyone should be happy all of the time. It's okay to suffer.

Source: I feel at ease... but not at peace

If I succumb to temptations, I will fade away. All I am would be dissolved, without even leaving a foot hoof print in the universe. Like a puff of smoke that becomes one with the nothingness around it. What I write is what I am. Without that, I'd only be a heap of flash, merged with a couch. Writing may not mean much in the global scale (nothing does), but at least it feels like a confirmation of my existence. I must write!

Source: Tricks to stay motivated when writing longer stories

When God last judged us, He found only one family on the whole planet worthy of salvation. The rest were doomed. With that in mind, we can postulate on His criteria for letting people into Heaven. None of the people you know is likely to meet the requirements. So, when your loved one dies, it's quite safe to assume he/she is going to burn in Hell for all eternity.

Not all is as grim as it sounds, though. When someone close to you dies, you can imagine them screaming in agony at that very moment. Their torture will never stop. That is a sad part, yes, but at the same time, there is a sense of joy. You know that you, yourself, are not yet burning alive. You still have many years before you, too, are plunged in the lake of fire. It's good to be alive. :pinkiehappy:

Source: Why Do We Feel Sad When People Die?

I think we can all agree that history is set in stone. It is unchangeable. But don't you think that our future is someone's past? If that is so, then our future is unchangeable, also. It just seems fluid because we don't know it yet, but that is only an illusion caused by our ignorance.

Time is like taking a ride in the elevator. You see the floor numbers increase: ...3, 4, 5, 6... and you think that the floors are building themselves as you pass them. You think that the color of the next floor could be anything, but you are wrong. The color of the next floor is already set. The skyscraper does not building itself as you traverse it; it was already built from the bottom to the very top before you even entered it.

Source: True cowardice?

Truth hurts. If it's downvoted enough, it hurts less.

Source: clarification on something...

God can't send me to Hell if I never die. :moustache:

Source: Can you go to Heaven if you're frozen?

Comment posted by Bad Dragon deleted Jan 13th, 2019

If it feels nice, it's a lie. Good things aren't true.

Source: Why You Will More-Than-Likely Never Get Through to A Creationist

Being lazy is not a problem. It just means you have to whip yourself harder.

Source: [INSPIRATION] General Inspiration Thread

I'm thankful that we exist. This Universe should be void of life, statistically speaking. Sure, there are many conditions for life, but for life to actually make a jump-start—that's almost impossible.

I imagine there are billions of Universes with good conditions for life, yet void of it. Life is the most important thing that this Universe has to show for itself.

Source: Just be thankful

Do you know that feel when someone thinks highly of you, but you know that that person is overestimating you? Every sweet comment about you, every nice gesture toward you. It's all lies, made by delusions in that person's head. Worthless. All of it.

The hate, however. You can know it's real. People don't love to hate. They only hate when they mean it. It's true and honest. When someone hates you, you know that you've really touched that person. You connected.

Source: Hate group

When the world is turned to ashes, there shall be peace.

Source: A question for hackers and the "Guardians of Peace"

I have it better than 80% of the people on Earth (most of us here probably do). If I wanted to end my life for objective reasons, I would first have to conclude that the lives of 6 billion of less fortunate people are unacceptable. The sheer amount of logistics involved in killing off the majority of the planet's population would be too daunting for me, so I don't even venture to that venue.

Source: what helps cheer you up and keeps you sane in a side from mlp?

Earth ponies are just less evolved than Pegasi and Unicorns.

Kind of like people who are born without limbs. They're not special in their own way; they're just lacking.

Source: earth ponies, more magic than unicorns?

Life is like an interference in the void. A local maximum on a global minimum. A spark of light, without anyone there to witness it. A well-crafted instrument playing in a vacuum.

It's like walking the stairs of World Trade Center from the bottom to the very top on 9/11. Be proud of your achievement, for it is glorious. Just... don't look outside.

Source: My long rant about life

Sex is sex. Why would it matter what species you are?

Source: Fetish that is NEVER talked about

We really should hurry up and finalize fusion reactor technology that would allow us to live in any place in space without being dependent on the Sun which just radiates energy into nothingness. Every second so much energy gets wasted that Billions of people could survive their whole lifetimes on it. It's equivalent to billion people dying every second. And that's just around our solar system. There are about 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 more stars out there that need to be shut down as soon as possible. So much energy is going to waste and nopony is doing anything about it. I'm thinking black holes. We need to throw everything into black holes for the good of everyone!

Source: Well... I'm bored

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