• Published 14th Jun 2013
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Celestia's Tiny Student - CommanderX5

Twilight is unable to control her powers during the entrance exam to the School for Talented Unicorns, and in order to reduce the damage caused by her power surges, Celestia shrinks her down until she would later learn how to control her powers.

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Ch19 - Friends among Foes

Celestia’s Tiny Student


Chapter 19

Friends among Foes

Twilight was taken aback. “Princess’s pet? I’m her student, not her pet!

“Oh, my deepest apologies,” the pegasus with the tornado cutie mark replied, making a mock bow.

“Apology accep—”

“Calling you a pet would be insulting to the princess’s phoenix,” said another, this one still wearing a tight Wonderbolts training uniform. “You’re more like an entertaining toy at best.”

Twilight’s anger quickly turned into frustration. It was like dealing with nobles all over again from when she fell from her tower. “I am her student. Don’t you dare call me a toy!”

“And what are you going to do about it?” Tornado retorted.

Twilight took a deep breath, still glaring at the three pegasi. Something’s wrong. They should be professional fliers, so why they are acting like school bullies? Are they trying to provoke me?

“Well, I’m sure Captain Spitfire would love to know about how her teammates are all acting like a bunch of foals!”

The Wonderbolts simply laughed. “So you’re a snitch then, running to our Captain or your princess whenever something doesn’t go your way, eh?” asked the third one, a pegasus mare whose pajama shirt had ‘Hurricane’ embroidered across it in curly letters. “Well, too bad. Captain Spitfire is on our side.”

“A snitch? Isn’t that what bullies call foals to keep them silent about their poor treatment? I’m sorry, but I am too old for such a petty trick, so what do you want?” Twilight asked impatiently.

The three of them sighed, their expressions suddenly serious. “Alright guys, enough playing around. I think she got the hint that we don’t like her,” Hurricane said.

“Listen well, little celebrity,” the one in the uniform said, leaning forward over the unicorn. “We have enough problems dealing with the nobility and the last thing we need here is another unicorn who thinks she’s better than us.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes at the speaker. “And what makes you think that?”

“Because you, the famous student of our beloved princess, came here to the Wonderbolt Headquarters to show off your powerful magic as if trying to prove that unicorns are so much more superior because they don't even need wings to fly.”

Twilight took a step back, looking warily at the pegasi. “I-I didn’t mean—”

“Since this is our last chance to talk with you before we leave,” the uniformed pegasus continued, scowling, “we decided to tell you just how much of a pain in the flank you are for the captain. Soarin is only playing along because he’s the only Wonderbolt who isn’t sick of unicorns like you, but Spitfire had no choice.”

Twilight crossed her forearms, still glowering at the three. “That certainly wasn’t the impression I got when she found out I wanted to learn about pegasus magic.”

“That’s just for the show,” Tornado interjected. “We do it all the time. After we finish with our performances, we get the privilege of acting friendly and interested in whatever those stupid nobles are saying. Spitfire had to play along because she had the princess breathing down her neck.”

“On the outside, those unicorns may praise our skills,” the uniformed pegasus said, shooting a glare at Tornado for his interruption. “But we know better. We know that, behind our backs, they always talk about how inferior pegasi and earth ponies are, all the while jockeying for power away from the ‘peasant’ races.”

“And you know what?” Tornado burst out. “The show is over. We’re not going to play servant as a unicorn comes to our home to show us how great unicorn magic is. Spitfire hates you just as much as we do, and you know it.

“T-that’s a lie!” Twilight shouted, her voice climbing higher and higher. “She thought it was amusing when I levitated those nobles at their party, and she was definitely earnest when she asked me about my performance on the Dizzitron!”

Hurricane lowered his head to Twilight’s level, causing her to step back nervously. “You want to know a secret? Your dear friends, Blueblood and Fancy Pants, may have praised you in front of those stupid nobles, as if you were some sort of a celebrity, but Spitfire wasn’t tricked. She saw past this farce and was the first one to call you the princess’s pet and toy.”

“Liar!” Twilight screamed, her horn lighting up in a sudden, spontaneous burst of magic that sent the pegasus flying back into in a wall before he could react, though he was able to slow himself by fanning out his wings reflexively.

Twilight was about to apologise for her outburst, only for the uniformed pegasus’s hoof to whip out, pressing her into an immobile position on the bed. “Spitfire does not like unicorns,” he said, in a low dangerous voice, “and yet, she gets stuck foalsitting you for a month, educating you about our magic because Princess Celestia asked her to be friendly, which forced the captain to maintain a friendly mask to hide her irritation.”

Twilight tried to free herself, but her four tiny hooves simply sunk deeper into the bed rather than push the uniformed pegasus’s hoof away. Scowling, she drew on leftovers of her magic to lift his hoof instead. “This is just a trick to get your Captain in trouble. You try to antagonize me, all the while saying horrible things about your captain. What if I do tell the princess and the nobles what the Wonderbolts think about them? Why would you try to sabotage your own Captain and ruin the reputation of the Wonderbolts?”

The moment Twilight lifted one of his hooves away, the other dove in, catching her in her concentration. “Go ahead. Tell the princess. She knows how much Spitfire and the Wonderbolts despise the nobles, and she knows that the friendly conversations are just acts because she does it all the time.”

Twilight once again attempted to lift his hoof away, this time erecting a barrier when the other one tried to pin her down. However, as the pegasus pressed harder and harder onto the magenta sphere, her magic, drained from the day’s events, began to falter. Her barrier soon failed and she ended up even more exhausted for her fruitless efforts. “Let… me… go...” she hissed, breathing heavily as she berated herself for her weakness.

The uniformed pegasus snorted. “Go ahead then. Tell the nobles what we think about them and slander our reputation. Tell the princess. She herself formed the Wonderbolts a long time ago, and I’m sure your mentor would be so proud of you for trying to defame us.”

Twilight growled as she tried to think of a response to their hateful words. The words of the nobles may have been hurtful at the time but this… this was a full-blown attack on her. “Release… me… NOW!

Hurricane gave a sharp elbow to the uniformed pegasus, who rolled his eyes and scoffed, giving Twilight an extra push before removing his hoof. She turned to the battered mare, returning Twilight’s determined glare with her own. “Acting tough won’t help you,” the pegasus mare said, her voice low. “Anyway, I’ll get straight to the point. Our captain may be stuck for a month with you, but remember that she’s only acting friendly because she has to. No one here likes you, so don’t annoy the captain, don’t waste her time, don’t show off, just learn what you came here to learn and get out of our way. Got it?

Twilight continued to give the three an angry glare, even as she fought back involuntary tears. “Fine,” she muttered.

“Fine?” Tornado snorted. “Don’t you feel anything about what a bother you are?”

Twilight turned to Tornado with an even stare. “I’m sorry then,” she said, her voice level and methodical. “I’m sorry for offending you and I swear that, as Princess Celestia’s protégé, I will be as little and unnoticeable as possible, outside of my studies.”

The uniformed pegasus raised an eyebrow. “Showing humility? That’s something I didn’t expect from a Canterlot unicorn. Maybe there’s a still chance for you after all, filly.”

Hurricane nodded, turning to her teammates. “She’s learned her place. Maybe this month won’t be so bad for Spitfire after all. C’mon, we still have to pack.”

Tornado turned to them with a seething glare. “Fine. Let’s hurry up then. A vacation away from Canterlot is exactly what I need. It’s a pity that Cloudsdale folks aren’t as rich, but honestly, I would rather get a smaller fee if it meant avoiding contact with those so-called high class ponies,” he said gruffly, before the three trotted back to their bunks.

Twilight quickly turned her back to her tormentors, slamming her book closed as she fumed silently on her bed. I can’t believe them! First they call me the princess’s toy, then they provoked me with those… lies. Not only that, they tried to strong-arm me after I was too exhausted to defend myself. All I did was try to learn about pegasus magic as well as I could, to do what they do. So what if I did well on the Dizzitron and used my magic to help me through their exercises? That wouldn’t make Spitfire hate me for being a unicorn show-off, would it?

Twilight suddenly deflated, her indignant rage passing as she turned contemplative, tears welling up in her eyes.

Would it?

Soarin' walked along steadily, careful not to disturb the carefully arranged materials under his wings as he hummed a catchy ditty to himself. “Nopony should enjoy a good flight without a comfortable saddle. I’m sure Twilight will love it when we finish,” he said to himself happily. I like flying and all, but sometimes, it just gets boring to do or talk about the same thing over and over. Some pegasi just don’t appreciate the finer points of sewing, cooking, reading... where was I... Oh right, I was going to sew a tiny saddle! I can’t wait to find Twilight.

“Winter wrap up, winter wrap up...” Soarin' murmured under his breath as he approached the room where Twilight was staying, slowly pushing the door open. Once inside, he quickly located the bed where the little unicorn was lying. He happily trotted towards her, a smile on his face. “Hey there, Twilight! Look what I brought.”

Soarin's smile vanished the moment Twilight glanced back at him in surprise, her eyes red and watery. She quickly turned away, trying to wipe her tears away as Soarin’ trotted around to look her in the face. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked concernedly, setting his materials down on the nightstand and sitting down in front of her.

“N-nothing,” she said with a sniff, still wiping off her eyes with a hoof. “Ev-everything’s fine.”

Soarin' closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Twilight, you can tell me…” He suddenly straightened up, frowning. He took a quick, accusing glance at the other Wonderbolts. “Twilight, what did your roommates say to you?”

The tiny unicorn sat there quietly, trying not to meet Soarin’s eyes. Tornado snorted when it was clear Twilight wasn’t going to say anything. “We just made sure she knew her place here. I’m sure you’ll have no problems with her for the next month.”

“You didn’t—” Soarin’ stopped, groaning. “You did.” He let a long sigh, massaging his head with a hoof before standing up and walking towards his teammates, a stern expression on his face.

Much to the surprise of the other pegasi, Soarin’ reared up onto the bed, giving them a menacing glare. “Have you lost your minds!” he said irately, taking a few deep, sharp breaths. “What kind of reasons do you ponies have for reducing her to tears?”

“R-relax,” Hurricane said, holding up her hooves to try and calm the seething Soarin’. “The Princess cares no more about her than a common toy, and we were just making sure she behaves, not hurting her. Well, not too much, anyways.”

The other Wonderbolt stallion present, who had removed his training uniform to reveal a whirl of snow as his cutie mark, raised his eyebrow. “Why do you even care? She’s just one of Blueblood’s flank kissers, showing off how unicorns are the superior race.”

Soarin’ rolled his eyes, letting out a long groan. Great, just great. No wonder they offered Spitfire to let Twilight stay in their room for a night. They wanted to pay back Blueblood through his friend. He focused his gaze on Winter, who seemed to be the leader of the group. I knew they held a personal grudge against him, but I had no idea it was this bad.

Soarin’ took a deep breath. “Yes, I understand that Blueblood acts like an idiot, but that’s no reason to pick on Twilight for something he may have said! You ponies are Wonderbolts. Act like it.

Winter straightened up, staring straight back into Soarin’s glare, “We did this to ensure that she doesn’t get on the captain’s nerves!”

“Yeah right. If you care about the captain so much, why didn’t you volunteer rather than leaving her alone for a month with the so-called ‘thorn in the flank’? So much for being loyal.”

Winter’s eyes darted about hesitantly, though he certainly noticed when Soarin’ pointed his hoof at the tiny unicorn on the far bed, who was watching the exchange with wide, teary eyes. “You know what you did? You decided to pick on a pony, too exhausted from trying to fly like we do to fight back, for your own selfish reasons. I can’t wait to hear how Spitfire will reprimand you three for this.”

Winter scowled at Soarin’, before turning back to his packing. “Good luck with that. We were doing her a favor. She’s going to thank us rather than punish us. You’ll see.”

Soarin’ shook his head as he left the three to their packing, knowing full well that reasoning with them wouldn’t accomplish anything. He laid on the bed next to Twilight, looking with pity at the tiny mare, who was still giving quiet sniffs, every now and then. “Don’t worry about it, Twilight. I know they must have said some hurtful things, but they’re just acting like foals. Cheer up. Don’t let it get to you.”

Despite his best efforts, the tiny unicorn remained silent, still refusing to meet his gaze. “Please tell me... What’s made you so upset?” Soarin' asked concernedly, wrapping a wing around the mare.

A moment more passed before Twilight turned to look at him, her tears dry, but her eyes still red. “T-they hate me,” she said, her voice catching slightly.

Soarin' sighed, giving a nod of his head. “Yes, they do.”

“Why?” Twilight asked desperately. “I-is it because I’m a unicorn? O-or because I’m the princess’s student? Was it because I was showing off my magic?”

Soarin' scratched the back of his neck with a hoof, looking back at Twilight perplexed. “Well, those may be the reasons why they don’t like you, but I think the main reason is that you’ve got a good reputation with the nobles thanks to your friendship with Blueblood. Popularity among the nobles, especially with that… prince… will make you unpopular among the Wonderbolts. That’s just how stuff works here.”

“B-but that doesn’t make any sense!”

Soarin' sighed. “You can say that again. Politics has never made any sense. The point is, you can’t make every pony like you, no matter how hard you try. Some will just look at your appearance or your origin without even giving you a chance. It‘s not your fault.”

“But... I offended them by showing off my magic.”

Soarin' let out a short chuckle. “Wonderbolts live to show off, so you shouldn’t worry about that.”

Twilight chuckled alongside Soarin' for a moment, but her temporary smile quickly deflated again as she slouched forward.

“Still down…” Soarin murmured, before he spoke up again. “Is there anything more on your chest?”

Twilight nodded her head slowly. “D-does…” she paused for a moment, unsure of whether she should proceed with this question.

“Don’t worry about it. Ask away. I’m here for you.”

Twilight took a deep breath to gather her courage. “Does... Spitfire hate me?” she asked hesitantly.

Soarin' was stunned by the question, coughing a few times in surprise. “Umm... well... hate you? Why would you ever think that?”

Twilight opened her mouth to answer, but went silent instead, her head hung low once again. Soarin' let out a deep sigh, lowering his head next to hers. “Listen, I’ll be honest with you. Spitfire has only made friends with pegasi, and more than once, she’s expressed her distaste with anything associated with nobles. However...” he said, confidence strengthening his voice, “I would not say she hates you.”

“But what about today? Was Spitfire just acting nicely towards me because I’m the princess’s student?”

Soarin' thought for a moment. “At first? Most likely, I’m afraid. But you can never be sure until you ask her yourself.”

Twilight laid in Soarin's wing silently, unsure of what to do. Soarin’ sighed, deciding for one last idea. “Tell you what, let’s go to Spitfire together,” he said reassuringly. “Just tell her how you feel and ask what she really thinks about y—”

“No, please don’t... I... I will ask her. Just not now... I-I need time.”

“Take as much time as you need,” he replied, straightening back up. “Anyway, the atmosphere here is far too gloomy for my tastes. How about we do something fun? Something to cheer you up.”

Soarin' took a quick look around, before noticing the discarded book lying on the bed. “I see you’ve started reading Daring Do! I’ve stopped reading it after a while, but I still remember it fondly. It’s quite popular among pegasi, I’ve heard. How about we read it together?”

Twilight’s mood brightened a little at the word ‘read’, but she quickly turned to the sewing materials left on the nightstand. “But... you wanted to make a miniature saddle with me, and I’m sure that you’ve already read this book.”

Soarin' shook his head. “It’s alright. We can make the saddle tomorrow. Besides, I don’t mind reading this book again, as long as I have good company,” he said with a wide smile, which Twilight returned.

I may be hated here, but at least one pony wants to be my friend, she thought, levitating the book over. No point thinking about something I cannot change.

The night seemed to pass quickly as they burned through a large portion of the book, and it was getting very late before Soarin’ finally realized what time it was. It took a while to convince Twilight to let go of the novel, but she reluctantly let it go once she let out a long yawn. Soarin’ had elected to stay with his little charge, pointedly taking the free bed between her and the other Wonderbolts. The tiny unicorn wished him a pleasant night, fluffing up her pillow before falling asleep on it. She curled up comfortably in her pocket of warmth as she passed the night, trying to sleep peacefully despite her worries about tomorrow.

Author's Note:

It turns out that not everyone looked at Twiny and Blueblood friendship with understanding, and there is a high chance that Spitfire was acting nice to Twiny just because she is the Princess personal student. Hopefully it will be resolved in next chapter.


Rated PonyStar - Advices