> One bad egg > by KarmaSentinal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Buried secrets never stay buried forever. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Cadence stood alone on her room’s balcony, trying not to shiver in the pre-dawn wind. The sun had yet to peek over the horizon, nestled between the two mountains that flanked the city she found privileged to rule over; standing here to watch the sunrise had become a habit the young princess found relaxing, a true moment all to herself. Sadly, this little enjoyment didn’t ease the dulling ache that gripped her mind. Since ascending to the Crystal Throne with her husband the struggles of bringing an ancient City State into the modern times has been an enormous, but manageable affair all things considering. Long hours of near endless civic and economic reforms from the ground up spanning almost 7 months and along with the construction of some badly needed infrastructure isn’t for the faint of heart. ‘The Daily Grind’ Celestia called it and rightly so. Her aunt continuously raising the Sun (and Moon at one point) while ruling Equestria proved to be the perfect role model for the young princess. The warming touch of the sun broke Princess Cadence from her inner monologue, just in the time to watch the sun proudly rising into the new day sky. She had missed the start but watched a little wide eyed like a foal seeing something amazing, a reaction never could rid herself of. Princess Celestia found it heart warming and always thanked her pink little niece before the pair would make their way to breakfast. Silently whispering a thank you to her wonderful aunt, Cadence watched the final moments of another unique sunrise before going back inside. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Breakfast today was served in a similar manner as the day before within the same dining hall tucked further back into the castle’s interior, next to the vacant Guest Wing; a parade of sparkling servers with manes in a single bun, tails cut and trimmed to just above the hock.  The professionals entered in two single rows (one for each side of the table) carrying an assortment of trays, dinning décor, three dual candle holders, candles for the holders, and more unnecessary items found at any formal meal. All of this was unneeded but the royal pair held their tongues, knowing the ponies were just doing their jobs and there wasn’t any point in treading on their hooves. Until then, the royal couple sat across from each other waiting patiently for the wait staff to finish setting up the table. “Enjoyed the sunrise dear?” Shinning Armor asked, shifting slightly as two servers moved around him placing plates and a candle holder. “Very much so, Shinny.” Princess Cadence replied as she turned to thank a maid. The couple fell back into silence as the staff finished their preparations, quickly departing as the dining staff brought in the breakfast platters. Prince Shinning Armor and Princess Cadence continued being quite only speaking to thank the servers for their time, waiting until they were the only ponies in the room before continuing their conversation. “The Equestrian Games are coming up soon and we’re offered the honor of hosting them.” Cadence started off, dropping the big news first. “The Equestrian Games? We’re going to host the games!” Shinning asked, unable to hide his excitement. Cadence nodded, lowering her fork to the plate so she could grab the napkin next to her left hoof. “Aunt Celestia felt it would be a great way to expose the Crystal Ponies more to modern culture, with colosseum style competitions mixed in for fun. And asked..well wondered if you dear, would be up for personally seeing over the games?” “Of course, I’ll do it!” Shinning Armor shouted, happily accepting the offer. A chance to not only host one of the most prestigious events in modern times but the honor of actually coordinating/overseeing its overall setup? The choice is a no brainer and seeing beyond the immediate his satisfaction, the prince knew the significance of hosting such an event in the Empire would mean to their citizens. Oh, the time! He’ll have to start right away, right after breakfast even! He would have to repair, even expand the current circus if they were going to adequately house the expected turnout each game had attracted before. More guards will have to be recruited and trained way in advance to… “Shining Armor! Hello!” his wife called to him, even waving her pink hooves sporadically to get his attention. “Sorry Cady.” “It’s alright Shiny, it’s a pretty big deal. Maybe bigger than Aunt Celestia’s love of cake!” she joke, earning an amused snort from her husband. “Is that even true? Even as Captain and dating you I never seen her eat a single slice.” “Maybe I’ll tell you when you’re older.” Cadence shot back, falling into a fit of giggles which Shining joined in. The Royal Pair loosened up after that, forgetting everything not within the dining room. Eating how they use to when Cadence join the Sparkle Family for dinner after foalsitting Twilight before heading home. No masks had to be worn or careful treading of words but the full understanding that the pony across the table would accept them, flaws and all. A wonderful feeling knowing at least one being in the world could see the unhinged side and still be there. For the next two hours, Shinning Armor and Cadance lavished in the rare moment they could truly act as a married couple and not as leaders. Any accumulated work, while unwelcomed would be met with a renewed sense of vigor and dedication it would bristle Twilight’s fur with jealousy; pressing matters will be dealt with, all else could simply be hoofed over to some otherpony. That’s a perk of being a Prince and Princess, there were always ponies to delegate work onto. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The daily log of gossip and chatter shared between friends, family, strangers, or anybody willing to listen filled the city streets like a low floating cloud. Mixed in between the fluff and juicy tidbits were a thin layering of worry: will today go alright?  Almost two years to day the curse over the city ended, bringing the inhabits out of the darkness and back into the light. To a visitor taking part in the day’s joyous celebration wouldn’t notice these traces of fear unless they look beneath the surface. Trotting down this bustling main road lined with shop keeps and vendors preaching about the quality or exoticness of their wares. A few even targeted him, taking some in their hooves to show him as he passed. Even as he politely declined, a couple of these sales ponies still called out to him from a black away before turning around to target some other pony. Maybe it was the armour plates strapped to him, or the royal seal embroiled into his satchel that encouraged this solicitation, either the reason he had a job to finish. Maybe after his shift he’ll come back and look around. This repeated itself for the rest of his trot until he entered market plaza. Here the crowd was even worst as what looked the entire city had gathered in this main hub; mostly food stalls dominated the space but sparsely spaced in between were other vendors selling anything that might make some bits. One off to his left was selling the traditional cooking wares of the Empire as well as the modern Equestrian wares as well. Next, to this was a stall selling little foals toys while the one across from it opted for foreign candies of different nations. “If you can’t find it here, then it likely doesn’t exist. “he thought as he cut into the crowd. Here and there he caught quick glances directed toward him and the satchel hanging over his right withers, but nopony did anything to stop him as he closed in plaza center. Here the communal board acted as the premier destination for announcing events, forecasts, news, and public discussions. The closer he got the more eyes he felt trailing him, watching his every move ready whisper among themselves. He ignored this of course, as his training dictated him to do so. Instead, he smiled with satisfaction as he finally stood in front of his goal, the Announcements board. With a quick use of magic the strap keeping the bag close was loosen, allowing his magical grip to pull out a hammer, a nail, and one finally printed sheet of stationary. Placing the stationary directly in the center of the board, he quickly struck the sheet into place with the nail and hammer. Taking a step back, he nodded happily as replacing the hammer back into the satchel, tightening the strap once again before turning around to head back to once he came. He chuckled, watching how the ponies began gathering around the note he just posted. The market chatter began to switch from vender and buyer haggling prices to hushed excitement and speculation as to what this meant for the Empire. The ponies closest eagerly began reading its contents as a crowd of the curious quickly formed behind them, wondering what all the fuss was about. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “The notice for volunteers was sent early this afternoon. Everything permitting we’re hoping to have a full response by the end of the week. “ The armored clad, orange stallion gave a slight nod, mostly to himself than his mare companion. “Alright, mark it off.” “Check.” the single word was followed by a single, deep scratch. The pair had kept to this routine since the early hours of the morning. It started off as any day within the Crystal City would: the citizens would awake with the first sight of the sun, the night guards would swap with the morning shift, the Royal Family’s breakfast would be started so it can be ready by the time the woke. Lieutenant Sentry had woken up earlier than most in preparation for the day’s schedule. In a few days, the anniversary of the Empire’s return and the Dark King’s defeat would arrive, and the Prince and Princess had big plans to celebrate it. Leaving the young officer in charge  of the finer details affiliated with hosting such an event. “What about the guards? Did we get that updated patrol schedule yet?” “We haven’t Knight Sentry… “It’s just Lieutenant Sentry or Flash Sentry if you really want.” “Right, right. Sorry sir. No. We haven’t received the updated patrol schedule as of yet.” It was an expected answer given how the day’s been so far, earning another disappointed sigh. “I’ll have a talk with Up To-Date to get it posted by the end of the day, but until then we’ll keep the previous schedule intact. “ “Uha uha, check.” The mare followed this statement by adding another check mark onto the parchment, a little note added next to that particular line. Flash returned a quick salute from a pair of morning guards before continuing down the hallway. Almost a full year later with a volunteer company of Equestrian Guards supporting them and they were still severely under staffed;  a complaint ignored by the his former captain and his wife, Princess Cadance. He was well aware of the time required to train guards, even more given the Empire’s unique situation but why in Celestia’s blue sky couldn’t they switch from volunteer to a draft? Mandatory registration with a two year minimal service requirement would solve the body issue for the time being. Tartarus, even when their time expired some mostly likely would stay and those that don’t would already be trained in case of emergencies! Yet, it would “…disrupt the delicate healing process...” as it was firmly stated, shutting that door for the moment. “Running Action, could you wake some of Night Shift in about 5 hours, and have them do a quick sweep of all areas not currently assigned?” “But Knight..er Lieutenant Sentry! The Night Shift does enough as it is and deserve their rest, couldn’t we have the day shift bare a few more areas?” “No.” Flash shook his head. “We’re back to the root of it all, not enough bodies; I already had to decrease patrols around the train station and entirely drop guard duties for most of the castle, minus key rooms. We simply don’t have enough ponies to carry the weight. “ “Why does it have to be done today instead of tomorrow? “ “Because Captain Square Shoulders still acts like we’re back in Fort Pegalopolis with stallions out the flank looking for something to do. It’s those standards we’re being held to. “ He stopped suddenly and quickly looked around, down the hall and back only to find the two of them as its sole occupants; Running Action mimicking Flashes ‘actions only to be left confused to what they were looking for. Thankfully Flash answered that question quickly. “At that intersection we turned on should have had at least one guard posted there with another two patroling in this hall, we need the night shift.” Lieutenant Sentry didn’t wait for a response and made a left traveling down the vacant hall, eyes drifting in restraint wonder as he noted something etched into the walls not seen in the others. Running Action was talking about something, but failed to pay attention as he tried to make out the little pictures; they seemed to be of a bird, the same given how each looked like the other.  No coloring sadly, but the detail was enough to give the idea that his avian held some importance to warrant such time and energy. Flash would have continued to absent mindedly study these drawings if the lack of talking from Running Action had continued. Looking behind him, he noted how the mare assigned to help with his duties had fallen some ways behind, frozen wide eyed as she studied the hall with a different recognition. The one a foal might display when they realized they did something they weren’t suppose to, a look of terror of being discovered. “I..I.I..Iwe..we shoul..shouldn't be here.” She managed to sputter out. “What do you mean we should be here, this is apart of the new patrol schedule. We have to...” “NO!” she yelled, taking her eyes off the avian etches to face Flash Sentry. “I mean, oh no! We’ll be late for brunch if we don’t leave now. Sooner the better.” “But it’s the middle of lunch! He called to her, but to no avail as he stood watching the last bit of her tail disappear around the corner. Alone in perhaps one of the most deserted sections, let alone halls in the castle, Flash tried explain his assistant, maybe even friend’s bizarre behavior for a moment. As he stood there pondering his eyes wondered up to the etches once again, this time lingering on one in particular with its eyes peering right back. “This place is a little creepy.” He told himself, before quickly trotting to catch up with the mare.   > The ice melts. (Edits Pending) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days from today will mark the anniversary of a dark and golden day in our City’s great history. In accordance with their Royal Highness Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, to celebrate and remember the importance of such a day, it has been decided to move the annual Crystal Fair four months early. This decision was made so the Crystal Empire would not have to remember the day in such a somber light, one of remembrance. A day celebrated to honor those lost and gave us the ability to properly thank them. To encourage citizens of the Empire and of other nations to join us on this, the Princess and Prince have declared this new day a holiday, starting three days from now. Come out and show your love and support for not only your home but show the world we’re a nation of capable of shouldering such a weight and able to keep walking. Approved, printed and distributed with permission of the Crown. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The feeling was back. The cooling rush of conscious thought and past memories were stirring in her dormant mind once more. Nerves fired, relying orders to the rest of the body to begin its resurrection and prepare for what was to happen. Once, and twice it beated. Her newly revived heart slowly began its job once more to pump blood in earnest to resuscitate the rest of her still sleeping body. The talons curled happily around the imaginary neck of her former avian best friend. Oh by her old god did she want to be free once more. To feel the streams of air under her mighty wings as the warm sun caressed her so tenderly in its light or to simply inhale a breath of air and marvel at it filling her lungs. How long was it since she last drew breathe? Time within her egg was nothing but a concept to measure something that did not exist. The world would grow and change around her, but the egg and its occupant would remain the same as the day and night. An eyelid flickered. The other talon contracted and released, while her wings bristled against her side. It was back and it was time to awaken. She raised her head carefully searching for the barrier that, both had confined and protected her from outside influences. It had served its purpose but now it was time break away and spread her wings and stain her talons with salori blood once more as her master commanded. When the beak could go no further did she apply pressure and force; a snippet of small cracks were her reward. More and more pressure was applied as the signals of its impending failure continued to grace her hearing until something startled her. It was freezing to the touch but the feeling began to fuel her efforts to escape and sample more of the air from the outside; more and more pressure as given, her strength fading faster than the thought of surrendering to the sun’s rule. And just like that the winter air filled her unused lungs to the point of burning them. Her beak now fully exposed drank the air like the sweet lemonade she had once cherished, the air acting like nourishment to her newly birth body. To experience her very own rebirth while remembering nearly every moment of another life was...interesting to say the least. How could someone describe it to another without losing its meaning? In a small way Victoria could compare it having an extra life, just continuing from where she left off like nothing had ever happened, but that wasn’t true. She could feel something was different this time, like not everything that was her was used; a piece of the puzzle was forgotten or lost. Memories, events, people, places, things, ideas concepts… none of that felt important anymore unless it pertained to her former masters and friend. The notion of not caring disheartened her somewhat but ultimately didn’t bother her as much. “Strange.” Victoria whispered as a way to test her voice and better remember the feeling. It was a comfort from her old life that never fully left, and another distraction that she didn’t need right now. With her energy back once more, Victoria renewed her effort to escape by grabbing hold of the protective barrier to rock it back and forth. She could feel it working as the container began to move forward and backward, gaining momentum with each cycle until it only went forward. Her body rose slightly in freefall before impacting hard with the ground. The egg shell shattered with no resistance, exposing the newly hatched bird to the cold air and frozen ground. She squawked in surprise at the shock and sudden reveal of her newly awaken senses, wings and talons failing madly to correct herself. “What a wake up call.” Victoria thought while lifting herself from the floor, crushing fragments of her egg in the process. The crunch echoed too loudly for someone who just woke up, causing the massive bird mild disorientation. The echo faded but the ringing in her head only intensified to near crippling levels of pain that Victoria had only ever felt during the final moments leading up to her death. “MAKE IT STOP!” She cried, releasing a torrent of dark ice around her that had quickly spread out to consume the entire area. Victoria opened her eyes to find the entire room she was currently in covered in dark, vibrant crystals She extended her wings carefully, marveling once more at their unusually dexterous ability to reach out and touch the energy infused crystals. “They bring back of memories how I had once ruled the sky with my master. We were a pair to be feared and respected for a time until that Solari bitch and her master killed me.” The feathers around her neck and chest rose iteratively to her anger and displeasure. Victoria retracted her wings to her side once more having had enough of her reminiscence; it was time to leave. She found the exit after having to break some of the ice wall. At first Victoria thought her magic had extended further than the room she had just left, but after wandering around lost into several adjacent rooms she began to think that wasn’t the case. While each room seemed to lack the dark energy Victoria cherished, she did find it comforting to see each was made out of crystals. Like someone had took a single crystal and carved out a home or at the very least a storage from it. The blue hue was a lovely color though, but it could only do so much to lessen her disappointment when each room she visited only held boxes or artifacts of no interest to her. Angry at a lack of progress, Victoria launched a shard of ice at a random mirror, shattering it instantly; she extended her might wings and began knocking over the various artifacts around. With their destruction, she returned to launching shards of ice and crystal at everything else before leaving the room to continue her destructive spree. “This is horse shit!” She yelled while firing a valley of shards randomly at walls to watch them explode against the crystal. The simple pleasure of destruction was currently the only thing keeping Victoria from lashing out until she fainted. She had traversed this same hallway multiple times looking for an exit and each time met with the same result of finding the same 5 rooms, including the chamber that had held her egg. She was about to bash her beak into the crystallized wall when several voices caught her attention. Victoria turned around toward the door, listening to the set of steps trying to carefully avoid all the debris on the ground. Her heart started racing with excitement at the thought of contact with another living thing after spending who knew how many months, years asleep. “You were right private, and for that I hate you.” “What in the empire could be down here to cause all of this?” “I’m not sure, but we need to tell the princ…” Unable to restrain herself any longer, Victoria left the room causing the three ponies before to freeze in place as she fully emerged. Standing as tall as Princess Celestia, she nearly touched the door frame which further added to her intimidation. The small group of ponies took one step back out of fear and to help keep the massive bird of prey in their sights. “You...you’re her from the legends…” the pony Victoria first heard spoke, followed by his shivering friend next to him. “You’re Victoria, the Frost Phoenix.” Now this seemed familiar to her, ponies graveling in fear beneath her talons.Watching the three cower beneath her filled the Frost Phoenix with a certain glee that reminded her of what it meant to be respected and feared by all. Nightmare Moon and her, flying high in the night sky spreading the message of its glories benefits; those that voiced their uncertainty or rejected it were simply killed or frozen solid as a reminder to the rest. Victoria lowered her head so she could meet the ponies at eye level, cooing at the fear radiating from their hearts. She moved ever closer to the three petrified guards, who woke from their trance when they discovered the ice clinging to their hooves. The realization of being trapped lit within their minds, causing them to thrash and scream for help that would never be heard by anypony except the massive bird of prey in front of them. “Caw, Caw little ponies. ” > The beginnings of winter (Edits Pending) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They were beautiful. The entire process had lasted only seconds but the entirety of it all had brought her more satisfaction than she remembered. Even within the depths of the phoenix’s recent memories, Victoria couldn’t recall any act or event that could rival her current mood. Ode to the tides of cleansing ice and rebirth. How the three vessels sparkled and glowed in the limited lighting of her prison! It was enough to cause her own crystallized feathers to reflect it back onto the walls and titles around her into tiny orbs. The display was two parts lovely and heartbreaking to witness; the dazzling display of orbs only remained Victoria of the sparkling stars in the night sky and how much she missed them. “Soon…” the phoenix thought, before lowering her massive head to observe the newest beings that had been saved from the corruption of the world. She was lucky to have saved them when she did, else who knew how long they would have continued to suffer. By the time Victoria would have likely found them it would have been too late to had done anything; a corpse rotting in the desolate ground. Here at least they could be spared from their normal fate of death, and in a sense live on forever. Completely immune to the elements of life while paving the way for a new world to be birth from the old. And yet Victoria couldn’t escape the impurities of life. If she was saving them from their natural fate than trying preserving their beauty as well shouldn’t be a hard thing to do right? Wrong. Odds were something wouldn’t make the cut or was nowhere near as good as its counterpart and the three guards were no exception. Unlike the other two, the one in the rear had turned his head away from her, thus leaving him the odd one out. Luckily Victoria knew how to correct this travesty. With a simple and quick flick of her wing, she launched a shard at the offending stallion and instantly shattering him to pieces, but at the cost of chipping the other two. A subconscious shrug and all was forgiven and forgotten since the matter wasn’t really worth crying over. There will be more opportunities to capture the perfect look later, but it won’t really matter if she remained trapped in these damn catacombs. How in Luna’s name did these three appear out of thin air so easily when she had spent however long looking it was looking for an exit? Was there a secret passage like she believed to be and if there was where was it? Most of all could more guards find their way down here just as easily? Raising her head over the the damage goods, Victoria peered into the gaping darkness trying to listen for more hoof steps. When nothing but the continued silence answered back, the giant frost phoenix opened her beak to release a cooling torrent of ice on the ground around her. The coating ice and frost quickly built upon the existing layer over and over until it was thick enough to support her weight without cracking. If she was going to play the waiting game for a bit longer than she was going to do so while comfortably sitting in a nest of soothing ice. Nothing in the world remained hidden forever and Victoria would be here waiting until the moment the darkness decided to gave up its secrets. ____________________________________________________________________ The normalcy of the daily bureaucratic runnings was in a momentary state of turmoil. There was no external threat banging on their borders or attempted coup happening or anything of that nature, but when the highest ranking military leader besides the ruling dynasty commanded a full lockdown of the castle, then there is a problem. What that problem is nopony knew but the commander himself and he was currently leading an armed detail through the hallways. Besides only the clinically insane ponies would risk disobeying the order, so the vast majority gave it no more heed and barricaded their doors closed until further notice. This was the scene throughout the castle as the Knight-Commander lead his detail through the castle’s famous winding halls. His order was in effect and the only ponies left in the halls were either his guards or stragglers still making their way to their quarters; a small issue but dust in the wind compared to the potential disaster they were likely going to face. He was double timing his detail to make up for the lost time it had taken him to reach the throne room and “grab” the royals. “Knight Standing Order what is the meaning of this? The last time I checked I was the one in charge of commanding the guards. “Here we go with the rank pulling.” the young knight thought as he tried to ignore the prince until they caught up with the rest of the guard. Having been Captain of the Royal Canterlot Guard, Shining Armor had been spoiled by his position and even more so now since he had become a prince. The newly promoted Knight failed to even look his superior in the eye, instead choosing keep his focus on leading the 12 strong herd through the remaining castle staff just now arriving at their designated safe zones. The prince and his wife, Princess Cadence gave eachother a quick raised brow to show they were both surprised by the Knight’s lack of respect of protocol. The princess knew her husband was doing his best to save face for the sake of his new station but no amount of training could stop the flickering flame of anger for the youngster that blew him off. Luckily one of the guards following behind the royal pair felt their prince’s irritation for Standing Order and leaned close to offer an excuse for his commander’s behavior. “Do not fret on it my Prince. He may seem arrogant but before the Empire’s disappearance he did server under the former Knight Sombra, but unlike the rest of us his trust for royalty is damaged. Before you go questioning his loyalty, then trust me when I say this: he will lay down his life before allowing any harm to befall either of you.” Cadence and Shining Armor’s eyes widen by this new tibet of information, but decided to drop the subject when a guard from Cadence’s left pointed forward. Standing amassed at the very end of the hallway was roughly 75% of the castle guard force. Most were standing still while others fidgeted restlessly, but all stopped the moment they heard the approaching hooves. Each stallion (and the occasional mare) gave their lords respectful bows as they passed hoping their looks of uncertainty were not seen. Shining and Cadence did notice the poorly hidden looks and wanted to ask about them but chose against it when the same guard from seconds ago repeated his actions. Knight Standing Order had finally reached the front of the group and took his place in front of the two normal looking doors that most of the guard had amassed in front of. Whatever waited for them through the doors, he knew not but expected it to be a remnant of Sombra’s power or something just as dangerous. As Knight it was his duty to lead these ponies and he owed them an explanation. “Roughly two hours ago, three of our own failed to report or show up to their assigned posts after their scheduled patrol. Normally this wouldn’t warrant such a response and under normal procedure the ponies would be classified as AWOL and another team would be sent to find and bring them back… The team sent to find them as of 30 minutes ago is now classified as MIA.” He paused to give everypony a moment to allow the words to settle before laying the rest of it on them. “Both teams last known area of patrol was through these doors, the very same doors that lead to the castle catacombs. Now I don’t know what will happen when we cross through these doors, but that is why we are here.” The Crystal Pony turned away from the mass to face the doors that now symbolized the gates of tartarus, and with a little effort pushed them open to reveal the ever descending darkness that awaited them. His ears twisted to the sides of his head as the collective clanking of armor and restless hooves told him they were ready. “ Guards… let us enter the abyss and get our brothers back.” ___________________________________________________________________________ Private Inspiring Dreams trotted irritably through the deserted halls of the castle as his aggressive hoof steps announced his current mood. Moments ago he had been pumped and ready for action after having waited with the other guards for nearly 45 minutes, and that feeling had only intensified after that rallying speech Knight Standing Order delivered. Was he allowed to frolic with the other crystal sheep? Nope. Was he allowed to do his job as a guard of the Empire and enter the unknown? Nope. Before he could even take one step forward, his dreams were crushed the moment Prince Shining Armor halted his advance and told him to head for the train station and make for Canterlot. No other instructions were given other than to give the Princesses “this” scroll(the same one the prince wrote and sealed within that very moment) and after that wait. The command itself felt more like a disrespect to his personal honor and that pained the young stallion the most. Having grown up on stories of the guard’s heroism had burned that desire and ideal into his mind and to be singled out and not allowed in the “rescue” mission left his ego tender and bruised. “Sometimes I wonder why I should even put forth the effort anymore” Dreams noted to himself as he shook bits of his hopes and optimism from his head. It had always been a depressing matter in its own right but every time a chance or an opportunity came along to prove himself or further his abilities, something was there to prevent it; this time being the prince of The Empire. “Hey! You ponies aren’t allowed to be out, go to her assigned quarters now!” He commanded, causing three maids to quicken their pace. As he watched the mares scurrying away, Private Dreams felt the heated air rushing out of his nostrils as he gave a satisfied snort. He maybe a delivery mare now but he was still a guard and thus command authority and obedience from those under him. If time would have allowed it, the smug stallion would have continued stroking his own ego but like most things in his life it was cut short by a deep seated rumbling. Dreams nearly tripped over his own hooves by the sudden castle shaking tremor, and it was through dumb luck he didn’t. The inspiring Knight’s reflexes were instantaneously when the world began slowing down around him; massive amounts of adrenaline being pumped throughout his body quicking this surreal feeling. No time to think or observe as the world around him literally came collapsing to the ground. The instinct to run in fear consumed him and what better place to run to then the only location that could actually whisk him away? Inspiring Dream’s hooves were already in motion by the time any coherent thought had returned, and was surprised to see how fast he had traveled during that moment. Somehow he had managed to find the stairs to the second floor, meaning only one floor was left before he would be on ground level. He ignored the few servants that poke their questioning heads from behind their doors and the few guards that still held their post as he bolted past them to what could possibly be his salvation. The freighted stallion ignored them all has he galloped passed them, and didn’t even feel the need to warn them. Not even a courtesy glance their way in hopes of them seeing the terror radiating from his eyes. “I need to get out of here! I need to leave… I need to leave now.” ____________________________________________________________________________   Standing Order, Cadence, and Shining Armor lead the assembled troop down the winding stairs made entirely of dark crystal. Cadence and Shining Armor had lit their horns to not only fought off the encroaching darkness but to light the path before them. They could feel the tension hanging over their heads and silently gave them their sympathy to those in the rear where their light couldn’t reach. Their training came from a time before Sombra’s banishment, an era when open field warfare was the norm and armies would line in mass for battle in daylight. But never in their training did it ever mention cramped hallways of darkness. If something were to appear this very moment then at least it couldn’t get all of them right? It was an abstract thought that lingered in the backdrop of their minds; shadows and those of the sun never did mix very well. Yet here they were descending deeper into a bottomless pit looking for their brethren. The entire philosophical perspective of this mission wasn’t one they could shrug off so lightly when one could say this was but a glimpse of yet more misfortune to come. “We’re here.” Their Knight whispered. As a single unit each guard rotated their ears forward, halting their decent for a moment to listen as all of them were eager for something to take their mind off the madding darkness. “These doors are the final barrier that separate us from the catacombs, and the answers we seek. I know the majority don’t remember the time of Sombra’s rule and even from before it, but I am sure of one thing and that is we are Guards of the Crystal Empire. We have a duty to protect the Empire and all the ponies that live within its boundaries… we won’t fail again.” To mark the end of his declaration, Standing Order proceed forward and with his great strength single hoofed the ancient crystallized doors open and exposed them all to the blizzard like temperature. Multiple sets of armor and chattering teeth were the immediate reaction since many, even though live in the Crystal Empire have never been exposed to this sort of cold. It got so bad that Prince Shining had to raise a barrier in order to stave off the cold to allow the guards to collect themselves. “Is it always this cold Knight Order?” The young officer shook his head quickly side to side to rid himself of some frost that had accumulated along his brow. “Never my princess. Even this deep below the ground, the enchanted crystal walls normally help maintain the temperature, which is why the castle always seems to be a comfortable temperature year round. Whatever is causing this only further proves we made the right call coming down here. For all we know it could be an old artifact causing this, but it doesn’t account for the missing.” With a nod to the prince and princess, the knight made the first move into the room that laid behind the doors. With small and careful steps like a deer walking into an open meadow, Standing Order whisked his head side to side checking for predators before giving the ok. While he was doing this, many of the guards had walked up to the edge of the barrier to watch him as he cautiously walked deeper into the room. Many creates, vases, paintings, and anything of value or junk that had been stored were now broken, damaged, ripped or thrown about the room with no regard to their safety. Standing Order took note of this as his nervous eyes scanned every shadow of the room, the amount of frost that had accumulated was confirming what he thought and that meant they needed to be even more careful. Turning back to the door, he made the quite gesture with his hoof before waving them forward; his charges and the guard force hesitantly made their way into what a few (much to the dismay and disapproval of their peers ) had just nicknamed “The Frozen Tomb”. As they all entered the guards closes to the sides quickly veered off to cover their respect side until all of them had entered and the entire room was secured. With a small, but sharp clap of his right hoof, he summoned his sergeants over to the center of the room where in hushed whispers he laid down the plan. It was quick but given the nature of what they knew and didn’t know it was the best plan they had. With nods of understanding, they all dispersed to inform their squads what was going to happen. Shining and Cadence watched as the assembled mass broke into the smaller and more organized troop they were use to seeing. One squad, the largest which consisted of 8 ponies headed back to the door and broke off into separate tasks; two of them each grabbing one of the doors and with some effort managed push their respective door shut while the rest had fanned out and started moving crates and other smaller things closer to the now shut doors. Shining and Cadence watched this for a second or two before their eyes widen in realization. “You’re having them barricade the door Knight? Why have them do such a thing when this whole matter will be solved soon?” Cadence asked the question that both, her and her husband had on their minds. They had heard both of the Knight’s speeches but all of this for some new recruits that had likely gotten lost or were perhaps just taking their time to explore the castle? “I still forget you both are new to the Empire my lieges, nothing against you but even before Sombra’s raise we were home to many terrible secrets. Most ranging from real historical truths when textbooks claim its wrong all the way to at one time housings demons within the borders, and before you ask anymore we must finish this…” Standing Order made a quick flail of his hoof to the room around them as he tried to think up a term to describe the operation. “...whatever it is we’re looking for down here. But I can tell you my actions are justified if you grew up in the Empire. Because when you’re this far north, all you have is the pony next to you and when that fails then you are truly alone and that will only lead to your death.” The royal couple gave each other a simple look that told the other all they needed to know. From an outsiders view, the pair seemed perplexed and unsure what to say, but in the inside they were formulating a plan. After this ordeal there was going to be a series of long discussions and meetings with the Knight about the dangers and his possible “continued” role in the running of the Empire. Right before Shining Armor could open his mouth, another set of doors that had once made up part of the wall, directly across from the entranced opened to reveal another room beyond that. Three squads of ponies made their way in, adopting the standard “fan out” approach as each pony entered the darkened abyss and left their sights. “Knight Standing Order, before we go I want to make it clear that I don’t approve of being left out of such a revelation, nor do I appreciate you intentionally leading not only me but my wife into a possibly dangerous place without us knowing. Tell me, if your job is to keep us safe from harm then why would you bring us along?” “To put it simply my prince, I felt this was the safest place for you and the princess to be. At least here you not only do you have each other but nearly the entire guard detail in the castle down here as well, but I would be lying if I said those were the only reasons.” To Shining Armor’s credit, he didn’t lose his temper right away, and instead simply tighten the muscles in his forelegs in preparation. “You need our powers don’t you Knight Order?” Cadence asked while stepping between her husband and the other stallion. It wasn’t hard for her figure it out, but being a pony well versed in reading feelings and body language did help a lot. By placing herself between them, Cadence had prevent a fight when she felt her husband beginning to move and was able to quickly stop the action with a quick glance. Prince Shining halted, but didn’t take his venomous eyes off of the Knight. The alicorn returned her attention back to Standing Order once she felt Shining wasn’t going charge the moment her back was turned, giving the stallion her own “disapproving” look. “We don’t like being manipulated Knight Order...” the stallion at least had the decency to look ashamed while she spoke. “... whatever the reasoning or possible good intentions, we are not only the ponies you are in charge of protecting but your prince and princess. We have a right to know and if you needed our help all you had to do was ask. Do I make myself clear?” While she was disciplining the stallion, Cadence had inched forward until their eyes were only a muzzle length apart to drive her point home. In the past, such an action was unheard of but after being trapped in similar crystal catacomb, the little alicorn had really developed a strong disliking of anything being concealed. This fear and anger even reached a point where the pink alicorn was even demanding Celestia inform her of state secrets; her reasoning being knowledge is power and will help prevent another instance like that from repeating. Her husband and biggest comforter had been trying to lessen or at least control this new mindset but so far he had been unsuccessful. Even his sister, Twilight Sparkle couldn’t offer a possible cure other than to be by her side and support her. Unable to offer anything to the conversation, Shining Armor instead decided to move closer to his wife. Standing Order ignored their display and followed the training instilled into him by keeping his eyes forward, looking behind them which in this case by focusing on the door and the guards doing their best to act like nothing was happening. He kept this front up until both royals had taken an interest in him once more and only asked for a simple sandwich in return. “Is that clear Knight?” “Ma'am , yes ma’am.” “Good, because if I ever find out you’re so much as not even telling me who is taking their breaks at what time, be prepared for reassignment clear?” “Crystal clear.” Satisfied with having nipped a potential problem in the flank Cadence dismissed the knight to return to his duties. Looking indifferent to what had transpired, he gave a quick nod and quietly turned around to join the rest of guards that had went on ahead through the second set of doors. The rulers said nothing as they watched him disappear into the darkness before the alicorn gave a small sigh and allowed her domineering stance to deflate. “Do you think I was too hard on him Shinny?” “Of course not Candy, in fact I felt you were too easy on him. If you didn’t stop me I would have put him in the hospital for what he did. You were in the right the whole time dear.” “Do you really think so?” “I know so Cadence.” The couple took that moment to finally lean in and muzzle their mate, which both happily accepted. They would have gladly stayed in this pose much longer were not it for a sudden ground shaking tremor. The suddenness and power behind it startled the royal couple and the squad watching over the door, causing those unable to maintain their balance to fall while the crates and loose objects around them to bounce madly. Unable to run without risking injury, Shining Armor raised a shield around Cadence and him to protect themselves. The prince took some comfort when he noticed the guards abandoning their post for the safety of the bottom stairs, but couldn’t help but to wonder how the other guards were faring when the shaking just stopped. Then came the screams. All eyes and ears immediately turned to the doors where most of guards and Knight Order had just traversed. The once pure darkness that had metaphorically separated the castle from Tartarus was now flashing violently in different shades of dark blue and violet. The screams were disorganized and chaotic like the shouts and cries of schoolfoals playing, except there were too many lament cries of terror filling their ears. Shining Armor summoned his courage and quickly took his wife’s hoof, dragging the petrified alicorn to the stairs where he was met with the guard squad running to met them. The screams had all but been silenced within seconds only encouraging the panicking prince to act even faster. As the guards met him, Shining Armor pushed his wife into them, snapping her wake as he ordered them to make for the stairs. Cadence opened her mouth to ask something but quickly started crying out as her husband mouthed three simple words that were suppose to bring joy and not pain. “I love you.” he whispered as his signature purple aura consumed his horn and summoned a barrier in front of him. She fought and cried for him to join them as the remaining guards dragged the weeping alicorn through the doors as her love’s magic closed the doors and severed her heart. _________________________________________________________________________ Prince Shining Armor firmly held his gaze on the door that would possibly hold the last memories he’ll ever have of his wife. It was the for the best and the right thing to do he told himself but the sorrow and pain etched into her face broke his will and heart in half. Shining Armor knew it was the right choice but it didn’t make it the ordeal any easier to handle. The prince was alone with a wounded heart and the need to cry was great, but the shattering of glass gave his sorrow pause. He looked down to the floor and watched as his falling tears morphed into crystallized sorrow before shattering on impact. It wasn’t until seeing this did Shining Armor finally noticed just how cold it suddenly got... “That was either very foolish or very brave my little pony. But whatever the reason, it will not change their fate of embracing immortality.” The sharp scraping of nails garnered the weeping stallion’s attention, and by the impulse to confront the one that was causing his pain, Shining Armor answered the call. The last thing he ever expected was to be confronted by what was perhaps the biggest avian he had ever seen. The helmet it wore didn't act as a separate piece but more like the head itself, housing a large crystal that all but bore through it. His first thought was how it didn’t hurt the bird but from how the “eyes” were fuming a blue mist from the sockets, gave the impression that underneath the mask was nothing but a hollow realm. Smaller pieces of armor matching the helmet covered the rest of its body in the few places that could support them: chest, wings, and legs. Each a separate item only connect by feathers carved out of pure crystal. A walking tomb of crystal and metal acting as a house to a disturbed spirit. The giant avian said nor did anything as it absorbed the foolish pony before it. The glowing mist venting from its eye sockets flashed brightly before dimming to a near denim; the tapestries that made up its tail swayed defiantly in the non existent wind as the bird made a statement. It’s another living force that could and would follow its own set of rules and laws of magic. An entity that had raised itself to the same level with the sister goddesses and the Lord of Chaos and wasn’t afraid to let it be known. “What are you.” the prince whispered to the wind, who was a consort of the bird. “What or who I am is none of you concern… in my haste I damaged most of the others, but you I will not. You pony will be the first, perfect example to become immortal and eternal; a preservation of soul and body in crystal that will last forever.” > Changing future, Lingerings regrets (Edits Pending) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Dreams felt the world fading around him into a blur. Time was acting more like a rapid than a river as his mind registered only subtle glimpses of The Empire around him. His lungs were burning and his legs felt like the twigs he would step on in his youth: fragile. He had even lost track when he finally made it but his body knew and collapsed the moment his throbbing hooves made contact with the carpeted floor of the trian. Weighted down by his standard guard armor, it had taken the help of two other passengers to drag the near fainted guard to an open bench where they had removed his armor so he could breath easier. Their reward for their good deeds was witnessing Inspiring Dreams, in a rare use of military authority ordering the train to depart immediately. This near almost abusive use of power shocked the few occupants that shared the compart with him but by muttering where his power came from, it was enough for the conductor to abandon his set route for a direct ride to Canterlot. With the first part of his mission finished and the second about to begin, Private Dreams sunk further into his bench as he felt the sensation to sleep claiming his aching body. His tired and worn muscles gradually loosened, his heart rate and breathing had began stabilizing just enough to allow the tired guard a peaceful rest. The doors automatically began closing as the train’s wheels slowly crawled forward, building up speed with every rotation. Something about this gradual motion furthered relaxed the guard as the familiarity of a routine soothed him closer to his well deserved rest, but right on the verge of fully giving away to the calls of slumber when he noticed a family of three running for the train. Private Dreams watched as they tried to board the train that had for some reason decided to leave the station nearly 25 minutes early. It was a long shot but the family of three, mother and two foals at the last minute jumped aboard before the doors snapped shut and the train lurched forward. “Oh thank The Old Ones children, we made it! I thought we would have missed the train and would had to wait for the next one.” the young mother spoke to nopony in particular except to voice her own thoughts. The small family having worn themselves, decided to settle down on the open benches next to the doors, across from a passively thinking Private Dreams. The mare noticed their companion and gave him a warm smile through her attempts to catch her breath. “Looks like.. we were... the lucky ones uh sir? While… I’m happy we.. made it, I can’t help… but feel for the ones… that now have to wait for the next train.” Inspiring Dreams lifted his head to get a better look at the young mother as his mind slowly started to process her words. “How many ponies do you think were affected?” “Well from the what ticketpony told me, this train was suppose to be full and that…” Inspiring Dreams turned his head and for the first time took noticed just how many ponies were on board. Including him and the mother of two, there were only 9 ponies in their car that could have easily held another 7 ponies. If all the other cars were like this than he was solely responsible for the damnation of possibly 28 ponies… 28 or more ponies that could have escaped whatever was going to happen. Private Dreams laid his head back down on the suddenly less comfortable bench, the thought of sleep now being the furthest thing from his mind. ________________________________________________________________________ “Why do these little ponies continue their pointless struggles?” Victoria pondered as she expanded her hold over the castle. A hold where any and all that contributed to the world’s current state were taken care of, entombed in ice or crystal for eternity. The one and only solution to a ever maddening world. “HERE SHE COMES! IRON WEIGHT HOL…” “ SHINING DAWN IS DOWN! TELL THOSE PONIES TO HURRY!” Yet they still fought and skirmished with her at every corner... and every hall... for every damnable patch of ground! Would it not be simpler to just roll over and accept her generous salvation than to live in fear and pain? No. No it wouldn’t and it was that kind of logic that the frost phoenix liked most about these ponies. In a way it was a link and a personal reminder to her old kind’s unimaginable power and conviction. A sense or desire that she dearly missed and yet it would be this pride that would ultimately make Victoria’s job all the more easier. Instead of having to hunt them down, they would willing come to her. “RUN! FALLBACK TO NEXT POI…” Victoria’s ice shard found another mark with practiced ease bring the pony down with one strike. His companions wasted no time running away as the giant avian continued her unstoppable advance, bring with her a creeping sheet of frost trailing just behind her shadow. The sheet acted more like a swarm of pixies than a natural phenomena, hungry for the warmth of the world around it. Even the symbolic flames of the hallway torches were unable to combat the chill as fires froze in mid flame. Its characteristics, color, and warmth were all stolen by the frost’s tempering resentment to all that didn’t fit the perfect world plan. “Another pony, another soul saved from the world.” Victoria repeated the phrase since leaving the castle catacombs. It was enough to make the old bird caw at the irony of her life’s current direction. Oh she never was much of a religious woman growing up but after following Nightmare Moon around after her ascension and listening to her preach about the moon and stars… well the whole aspect of rebirth and redemption just really struck a chord. “Come one, come all and hear th… ___________________________________ “...e words that’ll set you free! I pray to thee to come forth from under the sun and allow your eyes to see the hidden truth.” Victoria listened to the preacher from a wooden fence nearest the house where most of the townsponies had gathered to listen. The preacher alicorn walked calmly along the edge of the announcement stage, eyeing the mass that had gathered to not only listen but to gaze upon the forbidden body of one of their princesses. Unless related to them or one of their servants and guards many ponies would never get the chance to see them; most assumed they were made up and they were being ruled by a surviving clan of the old unicorn dynasty. A strange and unforgettable pair the two made: Celestia and Philomena, Luna and Victoria. So foreign in fact that many of the ponies assumed her to be of griffon descent or a familiar of the Princess of the Night. Honestly Victoria the frost phoenix wondered that herself. “We understand the fear and hesitation seeping from your minds and we do not blame thee for it. To be exposed suddenly to a new thought or way of life is a daunting prospect but we promise it is something to at least consider.” the nightly alicorn continued her pacing back and forth along the small the stage, a tactic to insure all eyes would continue watching and not wonder off. “We mean no ill toward our sister but she is comparable to a mother hen that won’t let her children leave the nest. While that instinct has served our fledgling country well but how can we grow and learn when we are not even allowed to wander and discover the world? My sister, Princess Celestia is kind but over motherly to us, even we are not allowed to leave the castle unless accompanied by an escort or by herself.” Victoria continued watching her friend and master as she shifted from fence post too fence post, half from boredom and half from just wanting to explore the rural country town. Like many things in this new world, it was strange to see so many stereotypic ideas and conceptions: sunshine, rainbows, unicorns, magic, one trick ponies, talking animals and princess that could move the very stars themselves. “A rather lovely if childish world, but that charm is what keeps me waking up in the morning. What new adventure will this day bring me?” the little blue phoenix thought as she continued hopping along the section of fence that led closer the the town’s outskirts nearest the massive fields of wheat. “Ah that’s it! This town also reminds of that old Disney Ichabod Crane movie, complete with a dark(but still lovely) spooky night and deserted outlying fields. Victoria cried as she felt her spirits rising. She loved this world and her caretaker but at heart she was still a human trapped in a fairytale, but whether it was the child friendly or Grim version was still unclear. The further she left the little town the more the air felt comfortable; the chilling midnight freeze complimented the phoenix’s nature like the moon to the stars in the night sky. The castle life is fine if you were a hermit that wanted nothing but to isolate themselves from the world around them. A shut in with little experience to the dealings of the everyday person...pony and would still claim they knew what’s best! “Stupid Celestia.” the teenager like bird bickered to herself while occasionally using a wing to swirl flakes of frost and snow into reality, watching as the breeze carried them into the world. “Who know Celestia doesn’t like it when you do that.” Victoria squawked like an angry cucucu, flapping her wings madly to control her descent to the ground. The owner of the voice had the courtesy to feel ashamed and glided down from her hidden spot in a neighbouring oak to check on her friend. “Oh I’m so sorry Victoria! I didn’t realize you were that lost in thought.” the red bird sincerely apologized. The frost phoenixed rocked side to side finding the momentum to propel herself off her back and onto her talons, fluttering her wings with irritation. Victoria knew the voice very well and during her time in this land it was a companion and staple to her new normalcy, but now she began calling it into question. Both phoenixes now gave each other the benefit of their attention, one colored in the fiery reds of change while looking down on the cool blues of stillness. A moment that was unintentional but could and would become a rallying cry for the oppressed. “Why are you here Philomena? I thought I made it clear we weren’t going to change our minds.” Philomena cringed at the still very vivid memory but decided not to press it. “ I know, you were very adamant about it, and while it was selfish for me to have tried that but please just hear me out. I’m sorry for singeing your tail but the reason I’m even here right now is to warn you.” The blue phoenix immediately took flight and retook her seat on the fence, which was right next to her former friend/sister. “Warn me about what?” “Its my careta… It’s Celestia. She’s on the move with a troop of guard looking for Luna; she’s going to bring Luna back with force if required. The nobles are in a rut, Luna’s spreading almost treasonous ideas and Celestia is growing more and more desperate to end this “rebellion” and return the status quo.” ________________________________________________________ And look where your warning has led me to sister… but enough of this and what was.” Victoria emphasized those choice words with another shard of ice, claiming yet another pony while scraping one that had bolted down another hall. The pony was likely a servant the phoenix guessed from the way it wore the Empire’s crest on a cleanly pressed collar around its neck. That and the mare matched the others that had worn a similar collar with their various outfits. Victoria lowered her head to meet the pony at eye level, trying to collect as much data about the mare as possible. Besides the collar and her Crystal Heart on a silver platter cutiemark, the frost phoenix ignored what she considered major attributes and instead decided to focus on some of the many minute details that truly made the mare. The most obvious quirk was how her right foreleg locked in placed, leaving it unable to fully retract to her breast; a possible old injury or birth defect? Likely so. How the young mare had managed life up to this point the phoenix knew not but it was likely by this saving fault alone that allowed the mare to be saved sooner. “You are in luck young mare that I had found you first or else who knows what would have happened. Perhaps you would have been plucked from the very ground by an eagle! Hahaha! Please forgive me young pony, it is a sort of joke amongst us birds.” The mare said nothing in her desperate attempt to trick the intimidating phoenix. “ Well aren’t you a well mannered pony miss! In my short time back I have dealt with nothing but the rude and simply undeserving of my gift but you are the first to truly understand what is at stake. For that you have my thanks. The world I remember was one fraught with remnants of The Discordian Era and… you’re forgetting to breath miss.” Victoria casually reminded the lame pony before her, waiting for the mare finally grasped what she had said and thank the frost phoenix. The mare remained silent, even with the addition of Victoria nudging her side to wake her. This presented a dimilia to the normally robust phoenix. The mare continued to ignore her polite attempts even after having just thanked her for being alert and understanding to the plight of the her mission. The phoenix retracted her neck from the young mare while raising her head to better obversive the area around them; a slim hope that she was just missing a minor detail. Maybe the pony was more lame than she first guessed? Unlikely if her mannerisms from earlier said anything. If a pony had the lungs to fake terror and run with the rest of them than she should be more than capable of giving a response. While mentally debating this conundrum, Victoria felt something wet under her talons. Looking down, she couldn’t help be take an interest at the pool beneath pony; what is that? Maybe the mare spilt her wine and was just silently mopping? __________________________________________________________ The near bagging door signaled the young home owner’s return. Another day of work ending with another evening of t.v. watching and nothing productive being accomplished. Over all nothing new and exciting to shake up the mundane; a fixed routine that Victoria had become accustomed to and adopted as normal. Sure she was slowly changing it up a bit, but nothing too major to knock everything off balance. It was peaceful. With the door locked and her belongings discarded to the chair next to the door, Victoria immediately started setting up her routine: Turn t.v. on, turn computer on and check for updates, wonder to kitchen and debate on what to eat. The cupboards all gradually opened to their mistress, displaying their barren shelves as the t.v. flared to life. Victoria paid it little attention as she sighed at her food situation once more. “Looks like its rice and eggs again tonight.” She told herself as she reached for the half full bag of rice sitting on the top. While she was going through the motions, her mind began looking for something to occupy it long enough; the commercial advertising another Law and Order:SVU marathon was enough to wet its appetite. Victoria as any college student living on a budget, she could only afford the basic channels and luckily one of them just loved having nothing but Law and Order marathons, which quickly became her favorite thing to watch. She nearly jumped over her small coffee table, landing sideways on her used coach just as the opening title started playing. Sadly she missed the opening that would normally set up the episode while she was starting her rice, but it didn’t really take much away. Victoria sighed happily as the stress from the day began melting away to the tone of the ironically very serious show. It opened like nearly all its counterparts, starting with Detective Stabler and Detective Benson walking under the traditional yellow crime scene tape. Officers were standing around the perimeter making sure the public wouldn’t cross or taking some accounts from possible witnesses. From the trees and grass surrounding them Victoria assumed it was Central Park as the pair went past a couple trees, down the side of a small slope were Dr. Warner herself was kneeling. Dr. Warner was positioned in front of the body, blocking the majority of the body from view leaving only the victim’s long, silk like brown hair to been seen. The shot panned out to show the two detectives from the front as they arrived at the body, which quickly turned into a still shot of a… “A horse?” Victoria asked, thankful she just finished taking a sip of her water before the money shot. The thoughts of this as a either a very lame joke or something that’ll lead to perhaps a drug smuggling ring through horses came to mind. “What do we got.” Elliot went straight to the point, ignoring the look his partner gave him before looking at the horse with a shard lodged in its abdomen. Melinda Warner kept her tone professional, trying her best not snap at his lack of compassion. “Well, Jane Doe here is an earth pony mare around the ages of 16-23. I don’t have the schooling to know the exact difference but going off of how young she looks and the bone structure I can say its accurate.” “I take it the shard is what killed her doctor?” Olivia asked while pointing to the nearly 6 inch shard. She nodded. “Yes, that is the cause of death. Poor girl has a slight stiffness around the join of her foreleg here meaning if she ran than it would have been much harder to escape. She didn’t really stand a chance.” All three went quiet for a moment before Elliot asked the question Victoria had started asking herself. “Do we have any leads to her killer? Do we know the bastard that would do this to an innocent pony?” Victoria leaned as close to her t.v as she could from her couch. A joke or not this was different from her normal routine and she found it rather fun. Dr. Warner for the first time since the show started looked up into the camera, giving the world a view of stoic expression. The shot lingered to allow a disturbing smile to form. The detectives said nothing as she gave the pony one last look before pointing right at the camera. “She killed this pony, detectives.” The declaration was just so sudden that Victoria started laughing. She didn’t recognize the episode and assumed it was another one she’d never seen before but this was simply stupid. Her laughter died when she noticed the lack of sound in her apartment. She opened her eyes to check the t.v for sound when she choked over her own breath. All three characters were staring directly at her, each of their expressions weren’t laughing. Elliot turned so his whole body was facing the screen as he walked unbelievably close to the point Victoria was afraid he was going to climb out of the tv. “Do you think this is funny uh? Murdering an innocent mare that had nothing against you?” “What did she do? Did she compliment your hair or asked for directions? Its people like you that remind me why I took this job.” Olivia added as she stepped next her partner so they were shoulder to shoulder. “The poor girl while likely inconvenienced from a stiff joint, is hardly an excuse to end her life.” The camera had bounced back to the doctor before fixating on the lifeless mare. Victoria was frantically smashing the red button on the remote trying to turn off the tv but the bottom refused to function, even changing the channels led to the show being on every channel. Every channel, with the same four faces greeting her with three wanting to kill her while the fourth reminded the same. “Nononononononononono…” She kept repeating non stop, over and over as she flipped channels to rid herself of the guilt and understanding of what was quickly becoming a nightmare. The camera did a close up of Detective Stabler, signaling it was time to the drive the point right on home. “That isn’t wine Victoria, that’s bl…” ______________________________________________________ “NO!!!” The thunderous sound turned and bolted down the empty halls of the castle, bring a small measure of life before subcumming to the blizzard that followed. The torrent of hidden shards struck everything with an unequal ferocity unseen since the subduing of the Nightmare Duo. From the tiniest sliver to the largest shard, each pulsing madly as if they were in tune with their mother’s mood. Victoria’s wings flared around her head, trying to desperately mimic her lost hands; oh the pain! “Nonononono! She’s not dead… I can’t… I don’t kill… it’s not right.” the panicking phoenix kept telling herself as the blizzard continued to bash the halls all around her. Its magical nature clashing against the magic resistant crystal but because of the sheer power behind the blizzard, the crystals failed to last longer than a minute. When the phoenix finally calmed enough to open her eyes so did the blizzard relax into a mild snowfall. The delicate flakes fell with no care to the world around as it began to settle. Victoria tried enacting some of the old breathing techniques taught to her what seems like a lifetime ago. The one, two, three thing did its job well enough as she surveyed the newly created winter wonderland around her. “It’s paradise.” she muttered. The reason for her earlier anger gone as quickly as it had came. How it ignored the daily struggles of life and instilled a sense of tranquility within her breast that only reinforced her belief that this…her work was what the world desperately needed. Victoria ignored the rather solid lump in the snow in front of her as her talons stepped over it, making her way to the sudden hole in the wall. The remaining dark shards pulsed once as she passed them and held a wing to shield her eyes from nearly blinding sun. The crystallized houses reflected the sun's rays, making it impossible to see further than what was directly below the phoenix, but what was below made her chirp with glee. Disregarding the small group of ponies running away, a small mob had formed under the base of the building Victoria was perched. Her eyesight, even with the damning sun causing some discomfort wasn’ enough to fully prevent her from catching all the nervous gestures the ponies were doing; quick snaps of their tails, muttering to all their neighbors, and the common, jittering body movements as a whole. They were unsure what to make of being looking down on them. The light reflecting off its tantalizing feathers bore many of the ponies a mixed reaction of what they should be feeling. Should they be fearing the now visible creature or should they be… There were mutterings of panic and terror coursing through the herd. Many turned to their neighbors trying to figure out its origin when the giant creature extended its mighty wings blocking the sun around its body. It was also the moment their question was answered, and with it the mob began dispersing in complete terror. Many ponies ran screaming as they snatched their foals into their hooves trying to maneuver between the dozens of ponies that collided with one another in their quest to make it back home. Through the chaos a little foal stood deadly still, its eyes transfixed on the pretty birdy flying into the sun! The foal watched, squinting his eyes to keep sight until the birds body blocked the sun out… The foal was suddenly lifted into the air with such a speed, he nearly lost the air in his lungs. He looked up to see his mother’s worried face as she shoved ponies out of her way. The gesture seemed wrong to the young foal and having been taught by his mother and then to watch her do opposite confused him greatly. Maybe she was having a bad day? He couldn’t think with all the screaming and yelling everypony was making and it was really inconsiderate of them. Didn’t they learn it wasn’t nice to be loud and distracting to others? The foal ignored his mother practically pushing a mare to the ground just so she could go first, and looking at the bird in the sun reminded him of something… “Mommy! Mommy! That birdy looks likes the Princesses’!” he cried happily remembering the stories of Celestia’s pet phoenix, Philomena. The foal kept pestering his mother about the bird in the sun and how cool it was while Victoria continued to laugh before publicly declare her ultimatum. “Ponies of this near perfect land… your savior Victoria is here, and I bring with me the gift of tranquility.” > Peace or chaos on the rocks? (Edits Pending) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The silence was so deafening that not even a mouse stirred.. or any warm blooded creature for that matter. The normal abundance of pitter pattering hooves remained not but a memory as the freshly laid frost slowly covered the window seal. Living so far in the north only meant one would be dealing with nature on a daily bases but to see real honest snow falling within the city limits was nothing to be excited for. For anything other than the scheduled rain or sunlight meant something had happened to the protective barrier. It had only been three days and already the Empire resembled the desolate catacombs of the lower city. Their life had been overturned so suddenly that time froze in that moment to forever remind them of what they once had, and perhaps that was more vile than being froze in lasting hatred. “Do you see anypony?” a young, feminine voice asked          “None, just the fresh snow drifts and their dingos.” replied her hoarse elder.                  The first sentences spoken since the calamity of the endless flakes had pelted the ground from above. Mother Nature is and forever will be the supreme force in the world, there is no question about that and yet a few arrogant will rise up and challenge this notion. Harnessing her birthright ceded from nature itself, the phoenix had installed her own warped sense of “perfection” in the Crystal Empire; a fantasy world where only the truly lonely and apathetic could stand proud in this frozen wasteland.                  The shirl snaps as the wind whipped itself into another frenzy caught their attention as they scanned the main road underneath their window lookout. Glazed over in a permanent sheet of ice, the only thing the pair could even remotely consider close to “alive” was their own reflections staring back. Shreds of finely woven fabric flapped wildly in the new blizzard, the stalls and carts of the week long celebration were the only objects brave enough to face the cold.          That and the rasorial windigos roaming the entirety of the deserted plaza.                  A few unlucky ponies stood scattered about the plaza wasteland, acting as frozen markers of the dangers in the area. Even with the increased wind and snowfall, it was relatively easy for the pair to observe their predators moving through their routines. Far of to the left, in the direction heading towards the castle courtyard just on the fair ground’s boundaries, the two could faintly make out a windigo licking a frozen pony as it hungrily ate what little emotions were left.          “I think we’re done for the day, Agatha. There’s nothing here: no survivors, usable resources, or hope...just more of those damn wendigos.”                   His young partner said nothing as the he listened to the wind howling in laughter. When his comment failed to revoke an action, he grunted his displeasure as his old bones popped from the exposure to low temperatures. Limping to the nightstand next to the bedroom door, the old stallion began to collect what little supplies they had managed to find. It’s a gut wrenching pain, to be exposed to this sort of environment was no easy task for a pony of his age, but it was better he dealt with it than a pony just entering their prime.                  “Agatha listen, I’m sorry if I sound uncaring or insensitive but…” he paused, looking down at the ice cold bag laying just beside his hooves. Why did he really not care as he should? A simple but important question he needed to answer himself before he could even give a truthful response.          “... but I’m not. I’m just more exposed to this aspect of life and for that reason I try not to think about it too much. You do understand…”                  He gasped, finding the sudden chill running against his back not only discomforting but worthy of his attention. Acting his age and not the part of a hot headed, and young stallion, he calmly turned around and was greeted to the last scene any parental figure should witness. Perched by the same window, his partner Agatha sat wide eyed as she continued staring out into the frozen no-pony land; her expression remained constant and unchanging as not one but two windigos licked her ice tomb, with a third’s gaze locked on him.                    He swallowed his fear as he took in the situation; there wasn’t any hope for Agatha and his chances were even similar with three in the same room. Glancing to his side was the table that held their...his bag and right next to that was the gateway to either salvation or damnation. His eyes didn’t linger on it for too long before swiftly returning to the object of his trepidation; a creature he stood zero chance against in actual combat but only had the advantage of just being smarter.                  As swiftly as the endless winter had come, he felt the sharp cold first followed by the numbing of his nerves. He left his eyes on the nefarious creature hovering just a mere jump away, any loss of eye contact and it would be all over; the windigo shrilled to the world in laughter, waiting for its meal’s inevitable end.          _________________________________________________________________________ What had once been the beating heart of a city empire now laid placated in the empty void known only as the Frozen North. That shielded heart of hope no longer pulsed its otherworldly light, but instead welcomed the darkening cold that surrounded them. Life that had once flourished and warmed this wasteland was either in hiding or had been consumed entirely by the endless snow. Yet, not life suffered this fate but in fact had adapted and even managed to thrive despite the harshness. Even as the banshee winds howled outside the castle, the Heir of Ice and Peace, the Cryophoenix Victoria casually traversed her new castle looking for some sort of distraction. With its previous occupants having been evicted from the frozen halls, a sense of tranquility had moved in but even with this surreal peace coating the very walls, Victoria couldn’t find rest. The phoenix’s strategy was running off of her past actions and memories despite its obvious gap, she felt it needed to be filled with a purpose or a distraction if she was to eventually find her own inner peace. Sharp clicks bounced mournfully as her talons struck the mirror ground, repeating the same event over as it had happened for nearly three days now. This by all means was a preview to what is to come if Victoria succeeded and heralded world peace like she had promised. But this “peace” was lacking…this peace felt almost wrong. Her gaze found yet another “lucky” being to have been saved by her selfless kindness, and yet his face wasn’t one of alleviated bliss but contorted in an unreadable mixture that looked anything but thankful. In fact, each hallway she strolled through had offered the same feeling of nothingness. That all of her work was for not and she wasn’t the harbinger of peace, but this world’s Lissandra. “They just don’t understand the blessing.” Victoria would hear this statement repeated multiple times a day. From where she knew not but only that it was another constant in her increasingly active life. Moving on, the phoenix found herself in another hall both similar and unfamiliar to her. The design of this marvel was both awe inspiring and a major flaw; each hall: room, floor, staircase, painting, window was a mirrored copy of another. Granted she couldn't say even her own kind was immune to this architectural laziness, but at least there was some attempt to give the illusion of variety. Just like the castle’s design, Victoria found more blessed ponies littered about the hall, some captured in their obliviousness to the danger before their salvation. Irony if her associate learned mind ever saw; ignorance is bliss, and the way to true lasting peace was to be unaware of the world around you. An unorthodox approach to achieving it no question about it, but that in the end all will discover peace.   One, two, three, eight, fourteen ponies just down this very hall alone. Each hallway held at the very least two ponies with many having that very moment captured; perfectly sculpted statues to admire and treasure for decades to come, but is that all? What is to happen when she grew tired of them and leaves this place? What becomes their purpose then when the audience has left and the statue is unable to admire themselves? Victoria’s feathers chattered angrily as her thoughts dug further than was required as the harbinger of peace. “What is the point of this if there is no one to enjoy it?” the cryophoenix asked as she left the memorial for another hallway to her right. Instead of more stretches of tile and rooms, the space opened  suddenly to allow the winterous light to grace her. “Is it because I can get away with it?” to express her point, Victoria released all the trapped air in her lungs and watched the torrent encased everything before her. With the immediate area covered in ice the phoenix inhaled one massive gulp of air, and gave her best opera impression. The effect was instant but the result was lasting. The ice blanket hissed madly before fracturing under her relentless pitch; one major crack marked the path before more followed its example and followed the path laid before them. The sheet splintered into tens of thousands of ice shards no bigger than a common flash drive, but in the split second the voice became too much for them and in rapid succession they all detonated. Victoria was no fool and tucked her head behind her protected wing just as the quivers and shards impacted. With the power of imagination it was possible to see what sight it must be but, having never personally witnessed this ear shattering spectacle herself but her imagination was nothing more than a guess. The pondering phoenix waited until the miniature blizzard had weathered out leaving the air crisp, and augmented with the very minerals of the crystal. With the danger past, Victoria hungrily opened her beak and began inhaling as much of the fine dust she could manage; the dragon of the skies they once called her and rightly so! Unlike Philomena whose diet was restricted to their avian flock, crystals and other similar minerals like the dragon gave her the welcome additional benefits of health and power. Living in a city made entirely of this stuff is too much of a daily temptation to fight, and suddenly she had just provided herself a literal powered mineral boosted delicacy. Purple Haze didn't have nothin’ on this! Each gulp of air was laced with the crystal and each gulp left her feeling more refined than the last. Spurred by the power of the crystal Victoria shifted her entire attention to what remained of the memorial stain glasses, and in an act of her sovereignty completely annihilated a nation’s history. Historical stains of influential people..ponies or important events that that had sculpted this city’s future was shattered and discarded onto the desolate streets below. “Where are the castle guards to stop me? Who is even strong enough to stop me?” Victoria asked as she safely jumped onto the window’s edge. To answer her previous questions from before: not a single soul save the princesses could challenge her in terms of raw power, but where were they right now? She was in the Empire was she not? Than why wasn't there stiffer resistance by not only the castle guards but by the ruling unicorn family? There was simply too many questions that needed answering but to few places to have them answered. Looking back these past couple of days the phoenix may have been overzealous in enacting her duties, but how could she not have when those were the only thoughts plaguing her mind?     Now she stood uncontested on the very edge of fate looking down into a plunge of acceptance or while she still held some measure of control could recluse back into the castle. Prior to her imprisonment every action was assumed to be of her own but now the phoenix wasn't so sure. Would she really have so willing committed such atrocities in the name of a friend or was she under the influence just as Luna had been?    How long ago was the revolution anyway? Not long enough if those three guards from before could still feel terror, but perhaps it was not her they feared but the reputation she had garnered? Whatever the reason for their boiling dread was water under the bridge when other all consuming priorities eyed her down.     Victoria stole another look over the ledge and nearly cringed in disgust as the parasitic windigos all wormed closer to the castle courtyard as if it were a rotting, and brittle carcass. The disgusted phoenix subconsciously flinched at the thought of these scavengers doing what they do best; hundreds upon hundreds gathered into one giant living balled mass as they skirmished for the right to feed. A living sphere of carnivorous worms waiting hungrily for something to fall next to their hooves so they may gorge themselves. “They’re so greedy. Its almost sickening to watch as they degrade themselves like mindless beasts.” “They just don’t understand the blessing.” “They don’t understand, but what does that mean! Who doesn't understand and why should I care?” The floating mass of windigos whined questioningly at the sudden snow flurry created just above them but other than that continued on with their endless waiting. “You of all beings should know this very well creator of I and we.” the irritating voice replied “Born from you and they born from me. We are all linked and that is why we understand but can’t comprehend the master plan.. because the architect doesn’t understand it herself.” Victoria said nothing as her burden eyes gave away to the weight, and with it the comforting melancholy the phoenix had known since her last awakening. Here in this quiet and mellow plane of darkness she found herself once more questioning her motives- peace or chaos? It was here the voice asked the right question. “Do you remember your promise?” _________________________________________________________________________ “Why can’t they just understand your blessing and what it brings to them?” “Why indeed. How do they expect us to maintain the peace when our own subjects classify us as the threat?” That right there is the million dollar.. bit question. A question ever since her discovery and acceptance had continuously reared its ugly head in nearly every aspect of their lives. Two princesses and two phoenixes by many folklores would be considered a perfect example of balance or some equal variation of equality; like many things, Victoria was constantly discovering pony society strictly followed not only similar culture norms of ancient earth but the infamous herd mentality. The night had always held this stigma since the feudal ages that had lasted into the beginnings of the 21th century.  But count her lucky because the time period not only matched Western chronology, but shared their ways of thinking.. which meant anything associated with a stigma subsequently became an extension of it.   While a princess of the sun ruled from a throne molded from gold: cushioned with the purest clouds and lived in a castle shaped from the whitest marble magic could make, the princess of the night was forced to live like her very title. There wasn't any true place she could call home nor was there any welcome party waiting for her return. The only home they had was the very trees that provided them with a roof and the very earth that gave them a bed. Despite this unfair treatment the pair had each other and the extremely few ponies that understood their mission. The night was late and the two friends knew it. Their companions, all three of them, in this current affair were fast asleep but that time like everything in life was coming to an end. The nipping winds had  finally gave up their game and left them alone to enjoy what little nighttime remained. “Can you feel it Victoria? Can you feel the tapestries being pulled back more and more until we’ll have nothing but the naked truth?” The phoenix made no effort to answer her princess and closest friend from the little bush acting as her roost. The silence stagnated the air between making each breath before more treasured than the last as each interpreted a different meaning. The bird spoke. “I have and I find it hard to say otherwise my princess.. we are dying as the world around us continues moving forward. This is called progress, the strong survive while the weak perish but then again this is Equestria. A land filled with magic and happiness to those willing to pursue it.” Victoria’s mistress and friend said nothing as she gave her moon its farewell, watching dejectedly as her sister’s sun rose to prominence once more. In the moon’s fading light did the sun follow close behind, and with it the trailing comet tail in full spring bloom. Both friends shielded their weak eyes against the impairing onslaught until its effects gave them their sight back; the looming blanket of peace had been forcefully discarded without another thought if it meant cementing its place under the sun. “Your words hold weight Victoria and I admit it carries more than I’m ready to handle.” Luna’s eyes fell onto the sleeping ponies beginning to turn and tussle. “We’re too few as it is, and that’s not including those brave few we’ve lost in the past years.. where are our reverses? Denied on request of Princess Celestia. Where are our provisions and equipment to wage this dogged pursuit? Denied by Celestia, but are free to collect whatever we can find.” “We are outsiders in our own land while forced to defend it, and then made to sleep in the dirt while that pretender bakes in your praise.. you know Luna, this would actually make for an interesting book or maybe a decent film. The outcasts being the heroes.. ” “Please Victoria, this is a serious matter of the urgent kind. You said it yourself we’re slowly being driven into extinction and unless we do something it will happen.” “Well what if we head for the outer towns? The area surrounding the castle is safe and its not likely we’ll be missed if we just left; the only pony that may notice us missing would be Celestia but I don’t think she’ll bother looking for us.” “What about Philomena? Would you really leave her behind without sparing a visit and words of goodbye?” “What about Philomena?” Victoria asked herself. The line in the sand was being drawn even if it that line curved and looped in every direction but straight; Celestia and Philomena stood on one side with Luna and her limping to the other as years of bubbling animosities finally evolved into motivation. A rivalry between sisters spanning across time before bounding itself to the thoughts of a single action but ultimately a single ideal. Friends and family will be hurt or worse torn after everything was said and done. Unlike an infant Equestria that was just starting develop thoughts, her kind had been experimenting with the inner most understandings of logic and how it played out on the world. Today in this very moment she would be able to give back to her new home and hopefully leave the mark she desperately wanted to create.   “She has Celestia and all of their worshipers, we only have each other. I made a promise to serve and stay by your side when you took it upon yourself to care for me. Even if that didn't happen, you’re my friend Luna and friends stick together.” The world was changing and they needed to be the forerunners of this change. “It warms my heart and eases my mind to hear you say that Victoria. We’ll let them rest a tad longer before we make our journey to the outlying towns. If the ponies here don’t understand the blessing we bestow upon them, than we’ll make them understand when we taketh it away.” Above all, they need to survive and adapt to the change or give in and finally die beneath the glaring sky. Their burning eyes met and only a simple nod was needed to convey their pack, and seal the world’s future. “Oh herald unto thou, the succulent offerings from the tree. Let not thee hesitant hooves wane and dwindle for them, but instead have them strengthen and grow for thee!  Dust and dirt are the salt of life, for thou, milk and honey are the nectars of life’s offerings, for them. Met by chains and ropes are the ideals of the masses, open clouds woven with the finest fabrics for the few. Gather under thy wings and have at the clouds! For fire and wind amass amongst the skies above The Divine Castle, wilt thou arise or sleep in the ashes?“ Those very words were the very spark that ignited their cause, and lit the shouts for a better tomorrow. Every great awakening had their rallying cry and theirs was no exception; no greater banner erected could match its emotional calling and what a glorious sight it was. For a short but brief span.. two years of fire and ice clashing for dominance. What a sight to see it once again... ___________________________________________________________________ Victoria opened her eyes, with her wings stretched to their max as she fell from the window ledge into the heart of the mini blizzard. The blizzard reacted to her presence immediately, instead of dispersing the clouds whipped and whirled so violently it forced the dozens of windigos to the ground. Her supporters whined and cried as their big sister disappeared, only to be quieted by the thunder that followed. Defying the odds of nature but following the molds of magic, the storm contracted and then expanded slowly as it continued to throw lightning everywhere. Shrills of pain and fright sent the herd scattering from the city center to the frozen outskirts, even forcing them to ignore an elderly pony caught in the open. “Go my siblings. Go forth and bring them to their knees.” Victoria’s voice flooded every crevice of their simple minds, making the urgency even more dire. They seized this and with the speed of their birthright, the windigos waited until the city was nothing but a flashing speck in the distance before disappearing into the night sky in search of their unseen prey. With the troops mobilized and on the march, the miniature storm began its ascension into the heavens, with the castle spire to be its perch. As the storm rose, so did the intensity of the lightning flares once she spread her wings. The clouds had gradually twisted and evolved to the point of taking their host’s desires; massive wings of frozen ice stretched nearly the entire width of the castle, talons of pure lighting burst forth to grab hold of the crystal as this new entity scaled the highest point in the land. “They just don’t understand the blessing.”  The voice whispered again, but so softly the phoenix barely heard it. The feeling from before came and went and that alerted the giant prey bird to its existence. An itchy chain that rubbed and rawed her cognitive mind to the point she’ll do nearly anything to relieve the itch, even if it meant applying the destructive ointment of absolute peace. This near monstrous representation of a perfect storm given form clawed and scaled her way up the vertical walls until at last she felt the leveled floor of the upper most viewing balcony. Why ponies had even built this bare, and open platform was just another ignorant and unsightful quality the phoenix found distasteful, and yet it was serving her purpose very well. As she climbed into this space, the storm that had coated, and armored her melted off once she left the open air and entered this magically protected sanctuary. Here, lounging contently in the cold laid not only her greatest creation but her greatest gift to the world… the first windigo to have lived in centuries. Following its initial creation, the ancient instincts of its kind took root and a wonderful metamorphosis took place that had led to the species return. Just like their mother, her children had inherited the life defying quality of the phoenix… rebirth. Moving close enough to nuzzle this enormous creature, Victoria cooed the familiar tune she had first used to greet this beautiful windigo into the world. While soft and energetic in nature it was too alien to be pony inspired; this simple tune, along with her scattered memories was one of her last connections to her human life and her last attempt to save what little remained. With this song the phoenix kept her fading life alive just a little longer, and reaffirmed her connection with her “daughter”. The large windigo, nearly as long the castle’s spire and taller than both princess standing on each other whimpered. This beast whimpered and neighed as it listened to the rhythmic tune Victoria cooed, its swirling ears matching its timpo until the massive windigo opened its bleak eyes. “They don’t understand our blessing mother.” she whispered. The phoenix said nothing as she merged briefly with the past before severing that connection. Mother and daughter met the other’s gaze, one searching for an answer while the other sought  a reason for this continued madness. A madness that felt no end and demanded continued justification to exist. A justification that had existed many years in the past, when Victoria first discovered this world and found life more bearable in the form of a wounded nightly soul.   It is for this wounded soul Victoria owes her new found life to, and by extension her aspirations for the world. A hindsight she had forgotten until now but cursed her forgetfulness; how she could question her life’s purpose and even go as far to consider ending this eternal olive branch was simply... insulting. The time for soul searching was over, and from the ashes arose a bigger, and stronger being from it. The phoenix could see the tinges of a smile forming on her daughter as she caught the sudden change in mood. “Does this mean?“   “Then we’ll make them understand.” The two leaned on the other, crying in laughter as their hopes and dreams scaled the mountain of adversity unchallenged. Soon, it felt, the old world will give in and for the first time in the her young life Victoria would not only witness a unified world, but would be its caretaker. An undying  god amongst an empire frozen dirt and ice.   > Into the Winter Storm (Edits Pending) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s so cold.” “Stating the obvious isn’t going to make it any better.” “Well, I don’t see you doing anything to better the situation bat face!” “Hey! Only my mom can call me that pea brain!” “ You trying to be a big batty by starting something? Because we all know who i..” “KNOCK IT OFF AND THAT’S AN ORDER!” The cabin fell silent as every set of eyes fell onto the lone mare desperately trying to warm not only herself but the Sun’s pet. Her young yellowed eyes had dulled over the past five years of rocky, but faithful service to the crown. They lingered on the accused stallions who acted on instinct and froze to avoid being notice, but when her body shifted trying to stand did the pair withdraw into their stiff blankets. A subtle glance at the others quickly dissipated what tension had stormed and soon the train cabin returned to its uncomfortably silent ride into the desolate tundras of nowhere. She hated.. no, loathe the very thought of acting in such a manner especially in front of her very own troop. Being in command made certain things easier but to dawn an entirely new persona for her job made things unpleasant. Her entire kind functioned on lying to others while acting their part to get by and for her to hate such a tactic only to make it her life’s work  was the very definition of hypocrisy. What kind of being would say one thing but mean another? Disgusting. So whenever Resilient Star was given leave from her duties did Solar Night come to play. Multiple personas were a must for their kind to scrape by but having too many diluted a pony. One of these days when her work was finished, and the secret no longer was need Solar Night vowed there would be no more false faces, or secrets ever again. Just her and the one pony that would willing prefer.. "This.” she whispered. Chirp Looking down into the minute opening of the her thin blanket the mare could make out the dull, and shivering body of her newest charge: Philomena the Phoenix. Her bright and fiery colors have been sought after by many an eye and have been carved into some of the most famous literary works ponykind has ever read, but here, out of their element the colors have cooled considerably. Here the pair were freezing, possibly to death in the middle of nowhere on a train leading to edges of any known civilization. Of course, the Princess Luna had informed them of their destination, but to many in Equestria this ‘empire’ was simply too convenient of an excuse; a lost pony civilization suddenly popping up in otherwise worthless, but still contested land just seemed too sudden. So here came her group of Dissimo, all thirty-five of them whisked away in the early dawn of night to fight a threat that had suddenly reared its ugly head just added to an already growing compound of problems and wasted resources. Who would protect the citizens of Canterlot and other cities if her soldiers weren’t there to do it?  Certainly not their solar counterparts, that’s for damn sure.  Chirp “It’s ok Philomena. We’re almost there and soon we’ll be out of this forsaken weather.” She tucked her head back into the stiff blanket in her some vain attempt to keep their body heat from escaping. The act provided little success. The shivering bird roosted in her embrace cooed her gratitude but it left her running her tongue over her teeth, trying to rid herself of the bad taste. Another example she was perfect for this job, lying and deception if it meant results were made and here she was still using these skills keeping the bird nested next to her for warmth. If only she believed her own words, then maybe she could get a little sleep. Yet, even as the brutality of this snowstorm assaulted the rustic supply car she found herself traveling in, Solar Night managed the rare feat of finding some measure of peace. She allowed this nipping feeling of weariness to finally dominate and soon the harsh conditions blended into a foggy haze that felt more like an icebox. In this blurred sensation, the bat pony felt her conscious suddenly smothered in a plethora of burdens and regrets not her own; a mix bag that left Solar Night feeling privileged and at the same time unworthy to experience.  Including her, all thirty-five hybrids found themselves in this limited community seeking companionship for the unknowns this journey was to bring and the emotional support they’ll need to see it through till the end. Here Solar Night, commander of Night Watch Dissimo and unofficial spokespony for their race found herself shying from physical contact until she pleaded forgiveness for her earlier rudeness. To her surprise and and great happiness, the mare felt their comforting embrace and the calmness wash over her. Each pony made their intentions and feelings clear as they came to the support of their burden leader; even the two arguing ponies gave forgiveness and in exchanged ask for it in return, to which it was instantly granted. This weather was relentless and the power it held over their group was too much. Even with Luna’s spell wrapped around the train cars to prevent these kind of conditions,the weather was simply brutal even by northern standards. Several pairs of yellow eyes fell onto the the door leading to rear cars of the train as the rare hoofsteps echoed through their car. A few of the Dissimo, raised their heads curiously before lowering them once more to keep what little warmth they had to themselves. Solar Night watched as her sovereign materialized from the shadows of the dimly lit door, noting intently as a few stray shadows melded into the midst of her breaths.                    Luna’s soft eyes hopped from soldier to soldier, noting how each either clung to another for warmth or simply made due with what little article of clothing they had. It pained the princess knowing what little she offered did nothing to ease their plight, but then again the blizzard was unnatural. It acted alive, full of hate and anger to anything with warm blood in its veins. By all means, Luna could practically hear the wind hissing in her ears!                  “Pray tell, do you feel it to?” The shivering mare tilted her head just enough to see the alicorn from her peripheral vision. Her wings constricted even tighter around her frame and the cold phoenix to compensate for the exposed opening, Princess Luna said nothing.                  “I had my concerns but to claim a storm is unnatural is stretching it princess, the chill is rather ambiguous though. On one hoof it matches the ideal concept of what a frozen tundra should be, but on the other hoof it feels more accustomed to an angry lover.” Solar Night allowed herself a brief moment to study the princess’s reaction, watching how her muzzle flicker between disappointment and stonewall uncertainty.                    Luna’s horn glowed for a second to patch a small crack that had appeared along the roof’s seams before turning back to the conversation. “ It seems this air is hungrier than the Gryphos’ Sea of Worms, I fear at this rate we may walk the rest of the way.”            “Please be joking your highness.”                  “We would never joke of such a matter, in fact it coincides with what I asked you just a moment ago. This.” Luna carefully extended her wings in the cramped car, giving a silent apology to the ponies around her. “ All of this air, this is nothing but magic- all around us and its unnatural Solar Night. I can not place what it is but I feel a presence in the air and that is more than enough to worry us greatly. If I can feel the magic from this distance than I fear our strike force will likely not be enough.”                  Luna’s little declaration caused the hanging heads to snap upwards violently, every set of eyes judging the alicorns open emotions for deception but sadly they found none. Most of the freezing ponies sported the classic mouth slightly ajar pose, their eyes wide with the devastating knowledge of the reality that  in all aspects they were likely doomed.                  The young, but coming of age leader said not a word as the princess and her locked eyes; one looking for signs of fables and jest, while the other just waited. Their neighbors wisely gave them the space needed for this, falling into their own groups to discuss what now ate at their mind. The princess and Solar appearing in brief facets of conversations before wisely shutting up to let their superiors speak.          “So..so what’s our purpose than princess? If the lands are as you say than shouldn't we have prepared more than throwing the entire Dissimo on a train to the middle of nowhere? ” the knight asked. If these last four years of hardship and constant deception meant anything to the young leader, than it was to always ask the questions nopony wants to ask.. even if it meant challenging your boss’s authority.    On reflex, Luna took a step back as a way observe the entirety of the scene; a necessary step, or so her friend Twilight had explained when experiencing any situation unfamiliar to yourself. The princess had taken this advice to heart and so far it had served her well.          “What do you mean Solar?" Luna asked as if the answer was the most obvious in the world. When her golden eyes failed to show the recognition she had wanted was when the alicorn allowed her facade to slip. If this mare, regardless of her age had yet to grasp even the most basic logic of leadership etiquette, than perhaps it was too soon to bestow the rank of Captain upon her. She was going to exchange some words with Mr. Morning Dusk.   "Our mission is one of the utmost importance and requires our immediate response. While our brief speech before our departure held no actual details, it was all we had at hoof.  The Crystal Empire or Grand Crystal City as it was known has fallen silent and we are being deployed to find out why. " "Which I understand is very important but why the Night Watch, especially the Dissimo? Don't we have an entire branch or at least some sort of special company for this sort of task?"  "In our time we did- at least one company for potentially every terrain. During our absence, it seems our sister neglected such training in favor of a single, multipurpose guard." Luna ceased talking quickly as she questioned if too much was said.  Solar watched as the princess tried to speak but held her tongue each time. While this little act caught their neighbor's interests, Solar's focus was on the faint trail of magic surrounding her muzzle. Was this just apart of the abnormal weather affecting them or perhaps the cause of Luna's tongue tied conundrum? Eventually the princess, with a firm smacking of her mouth managed to rid herself of the magic and strangely proceeded where she left off in their discussion.   "Sadly, after our banishment and because of Equestria's lack of warfare, this single type of guard has drastically declined to the point of being almost nothing but for show. Because of this and the changeling attack several years back, the need for a more combat capable guard has risen dramatically which led to the re-establishment of the Night Watch and in turn the Dissimo." You didn’t have to read many adventure/ dramas to see where this was going. “But even with the creation of a separate and more active guard, there was still the inability to act when needed which the answer came surprisingly to us one day. When I encountered my first night pony and the discovery of their.. unique history and capabilities.” the princess explained. So that’s it than. "The Dissimo, and the recruitment of every bat pony willing and able.. we’re not just another auxiliary, but we are the specialty squad.” Solar Night finished for the princess. Luna nodded, happy that the young captain was beginning to see the bigger picture, but this victory was short lived when the princess finally noticed her companion's tensed stance. Her usual unprofessional slouched posture and demure attitude were absent, and found in their place were the threatening embers Luna knew all too well. Embers that if left to seed and burn could not only spread amongst this little group but would forever shatter everypony’s opinion of her and whatever future ambitions she might have.   Even as the alicorn stood in this deathly chill, Luna could feel lingering warmth of defiance and that was enough to be on alert. The rebellious mare spoke. "What happens if we are unsuccessful or need the rescuing instead? Who would Celestia send?." "Nopony. We are to be the first and last line if needed; After three days, the elements would be summoned, the guard rallied and our allies warned of potential conflict. That is why we are here to make sure nothing goes awry, and contain the matter before it spreads too far. We have permission to take whatever action is required to see this mission come to completion, and if that requires some sacrifice than it will be done.” Silence.           All talking and even the howling blizzard ceased just to observe this very moment.  It had happened so fast that save for the two mares, the rest of the unit had missed it until they heard the impact of a pony thrown against the car wall.                  Besides the freezing cold marathoning along her entire back, Solar Night felt a crushing but familiar pressure gripping her neck. Panic and fear were her company while she flailed desperately against the princess’ magic; It was a blur but a clear enough memory for Solar Night to regret and pray her actions wouldn't get herself killed.                    She could do nothing but gasp for air as the Mare of the Moon choked it from her very lungs; her brother's and sister's cries of fear and shock permeated the mind, as they tried their best to comfort and collect themselves against this transgression.                  Princess Luna had leaned in until she was almost muzzling  the insubordinate hybrid, her pupils notably absent as wisps of magic vented into the car. The alicorn said nothing at first as she held the pose to make this next declaration very clear.                  “We will proceed as planned, with or without you. Their lives, even if they listen to you are mine to command and lead as we feel is necessary, so don’t fret about the if’s. Their lives are my responsibility and my burden alone Solar Night.” The color of Luna’s eyes returned slightly as the magic loosened its hold, letting Solar Night drop to the floor. With her position as commander reaffirmed, the alicorn calmly retreated from the down mare and to the car's northern exit as her magic encompassed the frozen handle...                    " Whether the pony is a saint or a bastard, you will respect the rank. If you ever so much as daydream of attacking us again…” the alicorn left the threat unsaid as she whipped the door opened and disappeared into the all consuming blizzard. The ferocious lashing of the outside storm picked up once more, violently rattling their flimsy cardboard construct on wheels. Solar Night straightened her back upright against the iced wall, struggling to expel as much of the bone chilling terror Luna had imparted onto her. Huddled at the other end was the rest of the car’s occupants; gathered together not only to create warmth but put as much distance between themselves and the door their princess departed from.   Solar Night shakily lifted a hoof to her sore neck and absentmindedly began stroking it to check for possible broken bones. There wasn’t any. Her gaze never left the open car door just in case Luna came back deciding her threat wasn’t enough, and nervously pushed herself off the cold wall and into the open freezing air. Each hoof step lingered longer than the last but that was only because each step brought her closer to the exposed opening.. the unknown darkness that housed who knew what within its depths. A few words of encouragement flashed in her mind and suddenly Solar Night found herself gripping the open door and with a little effort managed to close it once more.     A few hoof claps welcomed themselves into her folded ears, and numerous thoughts of longing and other feelings clung to her as she turned around to the sight of her soldiers… her family opening their huddle just enough to squeeze one more into the mass. A most welcomed gesture; one that continued being her crutch.. her anchor to the understanding she wasn’t and couldn’t be alone. Reinforcing this notion came from a mixture of vocalizations and link sharing thoughts of all fellow guards present and even a kind few from the other cars. “Thanks batties.” Solar Night whispered through the link, earning her many chirps in response. She relished this moment before amidst protests(mostly from herself) pulling away from the familial support. There wasn’t any real reason she needed to go, and her frilled ears pinned back in shame at being that batty ruining such a moment, but still as Captain she had undeniable duties to attend to. She back peddled from the group, almost dragging two still clung to her before they took the hint and let go. The young mare gave them a half smile, only exposing one of her fangs before hurriedly fawning over her armor to readjust it. Minus the few scraps hiding just under her batish wings, the armor itself was still fairly new and Solar wasn’t about to detract from its polished look. “Sorry, but duty calls.” Solar Night dejectedly remarked. She finished straightening out her not too used armor and looked up to find every pair of amber globes in the train car creeping out of the darkness just to watch her.  One step back. Two steps back. Solar halted when several questions and complaints hit her mind at once. Defensively, she almost shouted through the link but held her tongue when somepony reminded her of the title she bore: Captain of the Colony. A title when used outside of this small group was no more than words strung together like a foal’s art project, but a title that meant everything to them. A banner of words that represented not only her job position but the importance she garnered from the little Colony. It’s moments like these Solar Night would put a hoof to her forehead and wished she had something nice to drink. “Alright, who's first?”  she asked over the link, with her back to the door.   There was a howling silence as nopony spoke but the angry snow flurries assaulting their cold car. Most only stared at their leader waiting for the pony next to them to make the first move, and unfortunately they waited too long. Just like an unwanted summons, a familiar voice from the back of the crowd ushering for their attention before asking the mood breaking question. “Can you give Captain Obvious over here a cease and desist on being stupid?” “THAT’S IT LODOSS!” Another voice declared before the playground brawl from before resumed in earnest. Those nearest the pair wasted no time taking action to halt this foalish fighting. Solar Night shook her already hurting head before giving up; the rest of herd was divided, half watching the five ponies locked in ‘combat’ while the other half sulked as their still distraught leader opened the car’s door. Onced the whirlwind of frost forced its way in was the moment the quiet stillness came back. The ones nearest quickly turned their backs to shield not only their muzzles from the crippling sting but their fellow guards as well. Solar tucked her head into her shoulder to lessen the impact of her whipping mane, but it did little good. A minuet chirp flicked her numb ears forcing the mare to look back into the car, namely the roof. Huddled in a corner on the luggage railing, feathers desperately puffed out to stay warm was her fellow companion and stowaway. The phoenix was looking straight at those amber tealed eyes trying to convey a message without the use of speech. Luckily, it wasn’t hard to guess given it was the one thing everypony on this train sought. “Come on Phil.” Solar called as she opened the starched scarf just enough for the bird to wurm her way in.   Like an owl at night Philomena was airborne, and before Solar’s eyes registered it the phoenix was already latched onto the scarf. The suddenly weight pulled her down to the floor but trained reflexes kicked in the mare found her legs, bring herself back up as the bird created enough space to press against her barrel finishing this off by poking her head out of the hole. Solar looked down at the giant bulge in her scarf, and even snorted at how Philomena puffed her neck feathers out seal the hole. “You really shouldn’t be here… than again none of us should be as well.” The phoenix made no effort to acknowledge the comment which was fine for the guard mare. Grabbing the inside part of the door, Solar Night pulled the flimsy excuse of a door shut as she did her imitation of her princess and disappeared into the unrelenting storm.