The Fightin' Dragon

by Phantom-Dragon

First published

A MLP FIM/Them's Fightin' Herds Crossover. Spike goes on an adventure, in the world of Fœnum.

A MLP: FIM/Them's Fightin' Herds Crossover.

After another magical mishap, courtesy of Starlight and Trixie, Spike ends up in the world of Fœnum. With no other alternatives, Spike must learn how to fight for himself, if he is to stand a chance to survive in a world where "survival of the fittest" takes a whole new meaning.

Meanwhile, Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax will have to work on finding an answer to bring Spike back home, before Twilight finds out.

Rated violence for the fights.

Co-Author: Needed.
Editor: Kikio3000 Needed
Proofreader: Needed.

The Start of Trouble

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It was a nice sunny day in Ponyville. At Twilight's Friendship Castle, Starlight Glimmer was busy dusting the shelves, reorganizing some books, all the while reading a book on advanced magic, simultaneously.

It isn't a surprise, considering how magically gifted she is, for a unicorn. It also doesn't help for the fact that she is Princess Twilight's pupil. Speaking of who, Twilight is off on an important royal business, with Princess Celestia, somewhere beyond Equestria.

Thus, Starlight was left alone, to look after the castle. Well, not entirely alone. She has Spike to keep her company, as well as Twilight's pet owl, Owlowiscious. And of course, there's.....

"The Great and Powerful TRIXIE has arrived!" The unicorn magician declared dramatically, coupled with a flash of fireworks.

Starlight stopped her works entirely, as she rolled her eyes, and chuckled, "Trixie, do you always have to make a grand entrance?" Starlight asked.

"What can I say? I'm Great and Powerful," Trixie replied, with a smirk, before she teleported next to Starlight. "So, my Great and Powerful friend. What incredibly, awesome spells will we be mastering today?"

"I'd love to try out some spells with you, Trixie," Starlight began. "But I'm kinda in the middle of work, right now. I'll work with you, just as soon as I'm done."

"Ooh, then I'll help you!" Trixie beamed. "Isn't that what friends do? Besides, as they say, two horns are better than one!" With that, Trixie quickly went to work, hexing a broom nearby to sprout arms, before it began to carry two buckets. "Besides, as soon as we get this over with, the sooner we can try out some spells!" With that, Trixie's horn lit up, as she began to fire another spell, much to Starlight's horror.

"Trixie! WAIT!!" But too late. With a flash of light, the broom suddenly flew away from the unicorns, at a speed that rivals Rainbow Dash. The broom was flying out of control, as it bumps into every bookshelves in the library, knocking some books off their resting place, and onto the floor. Worse still, the books began to glow in Trixie's aura, as if her magic has spread to them, from the broom.

The books began to flap their bindings, as if they are wings, and they all emitted hissings and chitters from their pages, before they flew around the room, like a flock of bats.

"Starlight! Help!" Trixie grunted, trying her best to undo her mistake.

Quickly skimming through the book she was reading, Starlight found the answer. Concentrating into her magic, Starlight's horn glowed in a shimmering turquoise aura, before she reared up on her hind legs, and stomped her fore hooves down, emitting a bright flash of magic that filled the room.

With that, all the books in the room, including the broom, froze in place, before they dropped down, lifeless.

Just then, the door opened, and Spike walked in, with Thorax, "So you're saying that-What the hay?!" Spike exclaimed, as he and Thorax gawked at the state the library was in.

"Are we in the right room?" Thorax whispered to Spike.

"Who?" Owlowiscious hooted, when he poked his head out from the side.


After things got settled, the room was cleaned up, shelves dusted, and books back in place.

"Phew, that's a relief," Starlight sighed. "Imagine the look on Twilight's face when she gets back and finds her favorite library turned upside down. She'd have my horn!"

"That's crazy talk," Trixie waved off. "Twilight would never take your horn away."

"Yeah, besides, this is her favorite library #2," Spike answered. "Her favorite library #1 is at the Crystal Empire. If you messed that up, you'd be real trouble," In response, Trixie and Starlight both shot him a glare. "You're right, not helping," Spike smiled sheepishly, before he left the room to join Thorax.

"Anyway," Starlight turned back to Trixie, as she levitated some spell books. "What are you interested in today, Trix? The Art of Magic Fencing? Magic Kung-Fu? Magics for Dummies? Or Planter's Guide for Auras?"

"What about that book you were reading?" Trixie asked, pointing to the dark book, with an image of golden alicorn at the front.

"This old thing?" Starlight asked. "It's just an old book I found in the Castle of the Two Sisters. I'm just borrowing it to study the spells it contained."

"Well, let me see!" Trixie said, as she swiped the book away, and started to skim through the pages. "Ooh, these look good! We should try these!"

Starlight, however, had a look of disapproval on her face, "Trixie. You don't know what you're dealing with," Starlight warned. "Those spells could be dangerous, maybe even more powerful than you and me! You don't know what could happen if they go wrong!"

"Then it's a risk I'm willing to take," Trixie said boldly. "For nothing is too difficult for the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!!!!" Trixie hollered. "And her best friend, Starlight Glimmer. Besides, if anything goes wrong, we can fix it together! It's not like we've never done it before."

'Famous last words,' Starlight thought, still having a look of doubt, "Alright,"Starlight muttered, "But I know that I'm going to regret it."

With that, Trixie and Starlight both looked through the pages, before they settled on one, "Ooh! Dimensional Doorway!" Trixie reads. "This looks cool!" (Deja vu: See IDW Legends of Magics #1)

Starlight examined the spell, before she had a horrified look, "Trixie! That's one of the most advanced spells of all time!" She said, fearfully. "Even I can't do it!"

"You can't," Trixie replied, before her horn glowed in a pink aura. "But the Great and Powerful Trixie CAN!!!"

"Trixie! I'm warning you-" Too late. With another burst of magic, a large magical hole was opened before the girls, showing them of a distant land, that's completely foreign to them.

"Whoa," The girls gasped in awe, together.

"You actually did it," Starlight said.

"Obviously," Trixie smirked, smugly. "Was there ever any doubt?" Starlight opened her mouth, "Don't answer that."

Then, the doors opened up, as Spike and Thorax stepped in, "Hey girls, what's up?" Spike asked.

"We just heard a loud noise and came to make sure you're okay," Thorax added.

"Oh, we're okay," Starlight answered. "But check this out!"

"Holy guacamole!" Spike exclaimed, as he went up to the portal. "You did this?" He asked.

"Sure did," Trixie said, proudly. "The Great and Powerful TRIXIE has succeeded in mastering the Dimensional Doorway!"

"Whooooooo," Owlowiscious hooted in awe.

"Yes, that's great and all," Starlight began. "But I think it's time we closed the portal now," Starlight was about to close the portal, only to be stopped by Trixie.

"No, wait!" Trixie said. "Why should we close it now? Just a few more minutes for me to bask in the doorway of my triumph!"

"Bad idea, Trixie," Starlight shook her head in disapproval. "We've got to close it now. Who knows what could come through the portal?"

"Oh, don't be such a worry wart," Trixie frowned.

"Um, actually," Spike spoke up. "Now's a good idea," He pointed to show the portal acting strangely, as it was contorting, in a rather odd way.

"What the hay?" Trixie looked in confusion. "What's it doing?"

"I don't know!" Starlight said. "Quickly! Close it!"

With that, Trixie complied, as her horn began to lit up. But nothing happened, "I can't!" Trixie groaned. "It's too strong! I can't close it!"

Starlight frowned, "See? It's like I told you!!"

"AH!! Girls! Thorax! Help!!" Spike screamed, as he suddenly began to float in mid-air, and proceeded to be sucked in.

"SPIKE!!" Everyone, except Owlowiscious, shouted.

"Hold on, Spike!" Thorax buzzed his wings to action. "I got ya!" With that, Thorax transfigured himself into a giant bug-like creature of himself, and held Spike by the claw. "Hold on!" Thorax grunted.

"I AM!!" Spike shouted.

Then, the book that Starlight was reading flew up in the air, "The book!" Starlight shouted, holding her hoof out, to no avail.

The book flew right into Spike, breaking his grip with Thorax's.

"SPIIIIIIKEEE!!!" Thorax screamed, as he tries to go after his dragon friend, but for some reason, was ejected.

Then, in a flash of light, Spike and the book, disappeared.

Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax stood, eyes widened, in an awkward silence.

"We are so dead," Starlight finally spoke.

"Who who," Owlowiscious hooted.

The Plan To Get Spike Back

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“What do you mean, 'don't tell Twilight?' How can we not tell Twilight at this time of Spike Crisis?!!!” Thorax panicked. “By opening that Dimensional Doorway and losing the book, you’ve lost all possible chances of getting Spike back! And now he’s trapped in another world, full of who-knows-what that can kill, eat him, and RIP HIM TO SHREDS!!! That and he still hasn’t finished telling me the concept about Guys’ Night.”

“Oh don’t be such a worry bug!” Trixie replied.

“Where have we heard that before?” Starlight asked.

After sending a quick glare to silence Starlight, Trixie resumed, “Well this time, you don’t have to worry, because I, being the Great and Powerful Trixie that I am, have come up with a plan!”

“Do we even dare to ask?” Starlight grumbled.

Ignoring Starlight's sarcasm, Trixie shed some lights on the layout of her plans, with her horn, to show a table, with two plastic My Little Pony dolls of herself and Starlight, "So here's the plan. The three of us will-"

“Why am I a jelly bean?” Thorax asked, when he took notice of a green jelly bean, sitting in between the two pony dolls.

“I didn’t have time to scale everything down to the last details," Trixie quickly explained. "So pay attention!” With that, Trixie resumed explaining, while conjuring a stick to direct her friends' attentions.

“Thorax will pretend to be Spike, so no pony will even know he’s missing," She explained, while swapping the jelly bean, with a mini-dragon figure. "Meanwhile, me and Glim-Glam here will work on finding a spell to get Spike back!”

"And what about Twilight?" Starlight asked.

"I'm glad you asked, Glim-Glam," Trixie smiled, as she levitated a Twilight Sparkle doll, and placed her further away from the others. "Twilight won't be coming back for a couple of days or two, which gives us some times to bring Spike back, before she even knows he is missing."

"But what happens when she comes back?" Thorax asked. "I'm sure she'll know something is up when she finds Spike is missing and not in his nice warm bed, where he should be!"

"Good point, Thorax! Good point." Trixie replied. "But just in case she does comes back, and Spike's not here yet, then we'll have you to pass off as Spike," Trixie smirked.

"WHAT?!!" Thorax exclaimed, horrified. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I know I'm a changeling and all, and I'm your friend now, but if you're asking me to take my friend's place, then I'm crossing-"

"Ah-no, no, no, no, no," Trixie silenced, putting a hoof to Thorax's mouth to shut him up. "You're not taking his place," She began. "You're taking his place, temporarily. You're his substitute."

"Oh yeah, like that's any better," Starlight frowned.

"Trust me, the Great and Powerful Trixie's plan is fool-proof! Trixie never fails!" Trixie smirked, before she frowned. "But on the slight chance that it does fail, then...."

“On the slight chance,” Starlight muttered. “Look! I’ll run the numbers, if you please.” With that, Starlight conjured an abacus, which she used to calculate, before her answer was magically conjured up as a piece of paper. Upon reading the written content, Starlight was horrified.

"What? What is it?" Thorax asked.

"Oh, well," Starlight quickly zapped the paper away, before she started to sweat a storm. "It's not exactly good news. I mean, it's just numbers and all, and the odds of-" Thorax and Trixie were clearly not buying it.

Finally caving in, Starlight confessed, “There’s a 99.99999999999% chance Spike will be a dead dragon if he stays in this possible hostile alien environment, given to his slightly helpless condition, any longer, by the time we find him.”

“WHAT?!” Thorax shouted. "SPIKE'S GOING TO DIE??!!!"

Starlight smiled sheepishly, "Between yes and no, I'm picking......maybe?"

There was an awkward silence, before Thorax hyperventilated, "OH NO! MY BUDDY'S GOING TO DIE!!!"

"Thorax! Calm down!" Starlight shouted, only for Thorax to ignore her, as he continues to panic.


At last, Trixie had enough, as she fired a rock at Thorax, knocking him back to his senses.

"Calm down!" Trixie shouted. "Let's take a deep breath, and calm down!" With that, the three all did as Trixie said, before the blue unicorn resumes, "Now. Starlight said there's a 99.99999999% chance that we won't save Spike. Which means, there's a 1.11111111111111% chance that we'll find and rescue Spike, in one piece!" The blue unicorn stated proudly, much to her friends' grievances.

"Your math is really blowing my mind, Trixie," Starlight grumbled in sarcasm at Trixie's bad math.

"Oh yeah sure," Thorax grumbled. "I fail to see how that doesn't blow up in your face, like what just happened earlier!"

"You're not good at looking the glass half-full, are ya?" Trixie asked.

"Well forgive me, if I withhold my enthusiasm," Thorax replied.

"Come on, Thorax," Starlight spoke. "At least give us all a chance. And by then, we'll have Spike home before Twilight or anyone else even knew what happened."

Thorax looked at the two unicorns, and had a look of distrust on his face. They're all friends and all, but even he knew they've made mistakes one time too many. Nevertheless, they have had their shares of fixing their mistakes.

With a reluctant sigh, Thorax replied, "I don't like this plan. But I do want Spike home, as soon as possible," He frowned. "I just hope you girls know what you're doing."

"Don't worry, Thor," Starlight replied. "We'll have Spike home, before you can say Chrysalis!"

"Chrysalis," He muttered.

"I don't think she means literally," Trixie spoke, earning an angry stare from the changeling king. "But don't worry! We'll get Spike back! In the meantime, you just do your part of the plan!"

With a sigh, Thorax's whole body was coated in a flash of light, before he walked away in his Spike disguise, while speaking in his normal voice, "When this whole thing blows over, I really need to get away from you ponies for an alone time."


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Spike screamed, as he finds himself, coming out the other end of the portal, and in the new world. Floating at his side was the spell book that Starlight was studying, containing the spell that got him into this mess.

Enter the Dragon

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Last time, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon were practicing some new spells together, when Trixie suggested performing the advanced Dimensional Doorway spell. Despite warnings from her friend, Trixie casted the spell, and succeeded on opening a portal to another world. The celebration was short-lived, as the portal sucked Spike, and the spell book, before it disappeared out of sight.

Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax began concocting a plan to get Spike back home, before Twilight comes home. Meanwhile, Spike is about to embark on an adventure of a lifetime, in this mysterious alien world. The only question for him is, are they friendly?


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Spike screamed, while clutching the book close to his side, as he continued his terrifying fall, from the sky, and to the ground. "HEEEEEEEELLPPPP MEEEEEEEEE!!!"


The little purple dragon landed, face flat on the hardcover of the book, after it cushioned his landing, barely. Standing up, eyes rolling, disoriented for the moment, Spike was able to finally adjust his visions, as he took the moment to look at his new surroundings.

"Huh-Where-Where am I?" Asked Spike, frighten at his new surroundings.

From where he was standing, he was at the edge of a cliff, near the top of a huge, mountain made of red rocks, surrounded by a huge prairie land, covered with cacti, and small fields of grass. Beside him, is a huge pond of water that flowed down a waterfall, off the side of the mountain, where a rainbow shimmers, and becomes a river at the bottom.

Picking up the book, Spike quickly skimmed through the pages, before finding the Dimensional Doorway Spell.

“Aha!” Spike said in triumphant. “There you are! Okay my friend. You’ve got me into this mess! Now you’re going to get me out!” Spike soon remembered something, very important. “That is, if I can do magic. Which I can’t because I’m a dragon, not a unicorn!” Spike snapped his fingers and shouted, “Then I’ll just find a unicorn! And maybe with their help, they can read this, and cast my ticket home spell!”

Spike closed the book, and was about to take his leave, when he remembered, “That is, if I can find a unicorn here, in this world I’m in. Or anyone who can do magic,” Shaking his head, ridding himself of his funk, Spike puts on a look of determination, “But I have to try! What choices do I have?”

Putting on a brave face, Spike began his careful trek, down the mountainside, while holding the book in his mouth. Then, the rocks came loose, and Spike slid alongside the side of the mountain, before he came to a halt, on a branch that broke his fall. Luckily, he saw that he was close enough to reach the bottom. With that, he jumped off the branch, and landed on the ground.

Taking the book out of his mouth, carrying it in his claws, Spike looked around for anything, or anyone, who can help.

"Hi-YAH!" A voice bellowed.

Startled, Spike quickly ducked behind a rock, before he slowly poked his head out, and looked to see the owner of the voice.

Fighting before him, is a cow, who appears to be at the age of a calf, due to her small height and size. In appearance, she has a beige hide and brown hair, with emerald green eyes. She also have grey horns and a burgundy bandana around her neck.

Spike watched as the calf mooed a few times to some wooden dummies, surrounding her, kicking dirts with her front hooves a few times. Then, lowering her horns at the dummies, the calf took off in a burst of speed that rivals Rainbow Dash. The cow swiftly took out a rope, which she used to lasso at one of the wooden dummy, before she pulled it close, and thrusted a cloven hoof out in a punch, breaking the dummy's head, splintering it in a million splinters, before she quickly turned around and bucked the dummy away, with her hind legs.

Then, she stood up on a hind legs, and stomped her front hooves into the ground, resulting in a powerful tremor, that knocked all of the surrounding dummies off their stands, before she skillfully lassoed one that was in the air, and pulled it towards her, jumped in the air, and did an aerial kick, splitting the dummy in half.

Spike was watching the whole scene from his hiding spot. He couldn't decide whether he should marvel at the cow's fighting style, and her strength, while at the same time, afraid of what she could do to him, if she sees him.

The young calf kept on bucking, lassoing, and punching the dummies around her, before she stopped to catch a breath. Spike, meanwhile, looked as if she had taken his breath away. It wasn't long, before one of his claws slipped on the rock he was hiding behind, scratching the surface, which didn't go unheard for the calf.

In response, the cow turned in Spike's direction, and stomped her hooves down, emitting in a powerful tremor that shook the earth, and quite shockingly, it destroyed the rock, exposing Spike to the young bovine.

"Yipe!" Spike screamed, as he held the book up as a shield.

"Who are you?" The cow asked, walking up to the dragon, pointing her horns at the ready.

Spike peeked out from the book, "Please, don't hurt me," He pleaded in fear.

"Please don't hurt me?" The cow asked. "What kind of a name is that?"

"No! I mean, please don't hurt me!" Spike clarified.

"Oh," The cow nodded her head in acknowledgement, before resuming her intimidation on the young dragon. "Well, that depends. Who are ya? And what are ya doing here?"

"Um, good question," Spike gulped. "But first, I'd like to know, where is here, exactly?"

"This is the Pummelin' Plains," The cow answered. "Yer not from around these parts, are ya?"

"No, I'm not," Spike answered, frightful.

Squinting her eyes for a closer look, the calf hovers her head for a closer look. Then, as a fast blur of brown, she quickly snatched the book away from Spike, exposing himself before her very eyes.

"What kind of a critter are you?" She asked.

"Uh....a dragon?" Spike answered with a stutter.

"A dragon?" The young calf's eyes quickly widened, with her ears perked up to match the look of surprise on her face. "Wait! As in those fire-breathing monsters my folks would tell me stories about? A real live dragon?!"

Waving his arms out in defense, Spike whimpered, “Look, I don’t want any trouble. I just want to go home, and I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can. So please don't hurt me!” With a frighten yelp, Spike covers his face with his arms as he huddles up into a ball.

Seeing how frightened Spike looked, the cow softened her gaze, before she spoke, in a softer tone, “At ease there, lil’ critter. I’m not going to hurt ya.”

Spike peeked through his fingers, “Do you promise?” He asked.

“Sure,” The cow replied. “I mean, you don't look so bad. Ya don't look like the type of dragon I'd be expecting. And let's be honest, you're kinda....cute.”

Spike felt less scared, as well as feeling more nostalgic, “Wow, that sounds almost like Applejack,” He commented.

“Who?” The cow asked, tilting her head to the side, in confusion.

“Um, nevermind,” Spike replied. “Though, my honest opinion right now is that I would like to find a place where I can spend the night.”

“Well, ya can stay with me and my folks,” The cow offered. “Our ranch is not too far from here.”

“Oh, great!” Spike smiled, as he picks up the book. “Then, lead the way!” With that, the cow started down a road, with Spike following close behind. “By the way, name’s Spike,” The little dragon introduced himself.

“I’m Arizona,” The cow introduced herself. “Real pleasure to meet ya, Spike.”

“Feeling’s mutual,” Spike answered.

“So tell me, Spike,” Arizona began. “Where did you actually come from? And how’d ya get here?”

Spike chuckled nervously, “It’s kind of a long story,” He replied. “And ya may find it hard to believe.”

Legend of Fœnum – The Predators (6/27/20: Rewritten)

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Fœnum - Pummelin' Plains

Spike and Arizona were walking down a path, as Spike relays the whole story of his experience to the cow. Needless to say, Arizona has never before been enchanted to hear such a fascinating story.

"That's crazier than a bovine stuck in a tree," Arizona commented. "Ya mean to tell me that ya came from another world, full of talking ponies? And that yer friends with them? And through some strange powerful magic, ya arrived here in Fœnum?"

"Yes, yes, and yes," Spike answered every questions, before asking, "Uh, Fœnum? What exactly is Fœnum?"

"Yer standing in it, of course," Arizona answered. "Fœnum is the world you're in right now. It's kinda similar to this Equestria land you came from. We do have ponies here, though not like the ones you described in yer story."

"You mean, there are other creatures living in this world, besides cows like you?" Spike asked.

Arizona nodded her head, "Yup," She answered. "Believe it or not, there are a whole lot of us sentient, four-legged, hoofed mammals," With that, Arizona began to dig the ground with her hoof for every species she can count, "There are the bisons, camels, goats, deers, antelopes....the list goes on."

"Wow," Spike gasped. "Um, by chance, are there any other dragons besides me, here in Fœnum?"

Scratching her head, Arizona answered, "There used to be," She replied. "Though, we haven't seen any in about a thousand years, or so. Give or take."

"Gosh, what happened to them?" Spike asked.

"You mean, you don't know?" Arizona asked.

"Do I sound like I know?"

"Then I guess it's true," Arizona looked serious. "You're not from around here."

"You mean, that whole time, you didn't believe me about Equestria?" Spike frowned. "You thought I made all of that up?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Arizona quickly apologized. "It's just that, these days, we just can't take chances trusting with strangers. Especially when that stranger comes from another world, and somehow manages to weasel their way into ours. This is bad."

"I'll say it's bad," Spike answered. "If I don't get home quick, then who knows what kind of problems the dragons and ponies would get into without my help. That and Twilight’s going to throw a fit when she comes home and finds me missing," The young dragon said at the thought Twilight tearing up Ponyville, searching endlessly and blindly for Spike.

"Yes," Arizona replied. "That, and it's a bad sign of their return. This is really bad. They'll come sooner than we'd expect them to be."

Spike soon looked trouble, matching Arizona's expression, "Um, who are we talking about?" He asked.

"The predators," Arizona answered.

"The predators?" Spike repeated. "Who are they?"

Looking up, seeing the sun was setting over the horizon, Arizona nudged Spike along, "Let's keep moving," She ushered. "It's not safe to be out and about when it's dark. And pa will be worried sick if I don't get home for dinner."

"Okay," Spike replied. "But soon, I think I need to get caught up on what's going on. Because to me, it sounds like I'm in the middle of something big."

"More bigger than ya can imagine, little fella," Arizona frowned.

The Legend

Long ago, Fœnum was a different place. The ungulates had shared their home world with a race of savage, furry, four-footed creatures with sharp teeth. They are called the Predators.

There was nothing but dark days back then. No ungulates could roam Fœnum freely to even nibble a single blade of grass, without the thought of a predator lying in wait to pounce and run them down in a heartbeat.

All of Fœnum lived in constant terror of the Predators. Until one fateful day, they were all banished by a great elder, long of leg, long of horn, and long of beard, had made it possible. A desert creature, this Bearded Prophet hailed from a time of pharaohs, pyramids, and most of all, magic.

Legend has it, she was guided by the spirits of her ancestors, when she discovered a portal her people once used as a passageway to what they believed to be the afterlife — the Limbo. And through this portal, the Prophet discovered even more portals to other worlds. Which possibly includes the portal to the world of Equestria.

As legends would have it, the Bearded Prophet traveled the Limbo, until she discovered an empty realm, which she called the THE HOLD. This was the place, she knew where the Predators belong.

Under her wise leadership, all the nations of Fœnum banded together against the Predators, driving them all into the Hold in a long and costly war. There, the Prophet locked them away, using a MAGIC KEY she made from one of her own magnificent horns. For good measure, she also double-locked the door to Fœnum so that no one should enter our world uninvited and ensuring peace for Fœnum forever.

But not everything lasts forever. The Predators all swore to return and wreak their horrible vengeance. Nobody believed it, until one fateful day.

Reine City, Chamber Room of the Fœnum Council of Ungulates

In the snowy tundra, a gathering of ungulates was held under the snow covered roof of a building, decorated with large oversized antlers that curved around the entrance.

Standing in the center of the room, dwarfed by the elders, stood a lone little zebra of nimble stature.

Walking up to the podium, was a large pale white rhinoceros, who wears a decorative robe with the image of the sun printed on the back.

"Fellow ungulates, even and odd toed alike..." The rhinoceros began solemnly. "We, the Elders, are gathered here today to address a grave matter which concerns all inhabitants of Fœnum. The return...of Predator-kind."

With that, the entire room was filled mutters as all the elders in the room started exchanging gossips and murmurs of concerns amongst themselves.

The rhino spoke again, addressing to the young zebra in the room, “We have someone with us today who encountered beasts firsthoof and survived. The Council will hear her story.” She said. “Come, small one,” She coaxed gently. “Tell is what you saw.”

Shaking uneasily, the young zebra whimpered, “Th-Thank you, Chief.” Composing herself the best she could, the zebra began, “I was back home in the Savanna, right before the sun was comin’ up.” She recalled.

“I woke up early that morning when I felt a firefly tickle my nose. I was chasin’ it through the tall grass. Just, you know... playin’ around. It took me all the way to the watering hole... and that’s when I saw ‘em!”

The young zebra whimpered as she recalled the event that will forever haunt her, “Big, mean lookin’ creatures. Black as night, but you could see through ‘em! Like... ghosts!”

“Ghosts?” The rhino asked, as she and the elders looked even further troubled. “What kind of creature were they, exactly?” She asked.

“I... don’t really know. Nothin’ like anything I’ve ever seen before.” The zebra explained. “They were four-legged... but their hooves looked all funny with little points stickin’ out. Their fur was long and thick and juttin’ out on all sides.” She whimpered, but was still beckoned for continue her story, “And their noses... they were huge! They were tryin’ to talk to each other but it was comin’ out all nasty and gurgly, like they’d eaten a bunch of thorns.”

“I could hardly make it out...” The zebra whimpered again. “But I think they were lookin’ for a key to give to somebody... The Devourer.”

The name — The Devourer — sent troubled shivers in the air, as the elders all started to talk amongst themselves.

“Hush now, all of you,” The rhino ordered, before turning back to the zebra. “Ribbon, what happened next?”

The zebra, now identified as Ribbon, resumed, “I was hidden in the grass, I know I was...” She recalled in fright. “But one of them started sniffin’ the air with that big nose of theirs... That’s when they all whipped around and stared straight at me!”

Ribbon quivered, her hooves shaking beneath her, as she finds herself back in that horrible moment.

“The big one made more talkey-growly sounds. Think he called me a...grass eater.” Ribbon then looked troubled, “Uh... is that a bad word? Am I allowed to say that?”

“Nevermind that, dear,” The rhino answered. “Did you run? Did the creatures chase you?”

“Yeah, I ran!” Ribbon answered. “They came straight at me! That’s when I first caught sight of their teeth. Sharp like I’ve never seen before...”

“Oh my... how did you escape?”

“I just ran and ran until my legs were about to give out.” Ribbon whimpered. “But before I knew it, they had me completely surrounded...” The zebra quivered even more uneasily as she continued, recalling the black masses and how they air around them turned red to further highlight their ferocity. “There was drool comin’ out of their mouths, and an awful smell. Terrible red eyes... had nothin’ in ‘em at all. I... thought I was a goner...”

Ribbon looked up and explained with relief, “But then...the sunlight started comin’ in through the trees. A big beam of light hit ‘em, and they started turnin’ to smoke!”

But the grim story was far from over, “As the big one was fadin’ out, he hissed in a way I could finally understand...”

Swallowing a lump, Ribbon repeated the horrifying message, “The Predators return. And we will be... hungry...”

“Then, gone. Just... blown away in the wind.” Ribbon concluded, “...I told my chief what happened. Her face - and stripes - turned white! She started pacing back ‘n forth, talkin’ to herself, like she already knew somethin’ about this. That’s when... she brought me here,” She turned to the rhino.

“...So then. Thank you for your story, young one,” The rhino bowed her head to the young zebra.

“Council Chief!” An elderly camel spoke up. “The foal's account lines up with the other reports. She is lucky to remain unscathed...”

“Indeed...” The Council Chief agreed. “And now we know they’re looking for a key...”

"And now you can no longer deny it, Anga," The camel added. "The legends are true!"

"Oh you and your legends again," Council Chief Anga grumbled. "Don't be a fool, old man."

"This Key they seek is real, so the legends must be true, too!" The camel argued. "Somewhere, there is a mystic door keeping our ancient enemies, The Predators, at bay. You are all fools if you do not heed this warning! I propose we find the bravest, strongest, most skilled amongst us to find The Key... we must name a champion!" The entire room was filled with mutters as every ungulates turned to one another, exchanging their thoughts.

“The Key’s exact location is unknown,” The camel elder continued. “But we do know that it’s guarded by a Key Keeper... a mysterious creature whose purpose is to ensure the Key is wielded only by ‘one who is worthy’.”

Council Chief Anga looked skeptic at first, but knew that the camel was speaking the truth, "Children's fairy tale or no, I admit," She began. "This threat must be taken seriously. We shall find this Key, whatever it is." She then continued, "After years of discord, I know that the ungulates of Fœnum will not agree on a single champion. So we must settle this as we did in times of old..."

With that, the Council Chief approaches on the podium and declared, "Fellow ungulates! Hear my decree!" The Council Chief declared. “Antelopians of The Valley, Whitetail of The Forest, Goatani of The Islands, Bisenne of The Plains, Equines of The Steppes, and all the other proud nations of Fœnum... Choose your champion! Your Key Seeker must be named! Send them on the quest for this legendary Key. It will be their duty to battle against each other, horn against hoof against antler! Until one champion, and one alone, remains. Whoever that Ungulate is will have proven themselves worthy to be the Protector of Fœnum... OUR KEY KEEPER!!"

“We must find the strongest of us all to face this threat. For if we fail...” With a troubled look, Council Chief looked down, sorrowful, “All of Fœnum shall surely perish...”

That was the saddening truth the entire Council of Elders agreed upon.


"Whoa," Spike marveled, after hearing the story. "That's heavy!" He was currently sharing a room, with Arizona, at her family's house. Though her overprotective father, Texas, spoke disapprovingly against it, her mother, Minnesota, appeared to take a slight fondness for the young dragon.

"It is," Arizona replied. "So you can see what's got ma and pa riled up, a bit, when they first met you, and how your presence here is a sign of danger for us all. The Prophet's magic is failing. And if you can get through the Prophet's spell that kept Foœnum safe and sound, then we obviously don't have much time before the Predators are here for dinner, with us as the main course."

"Again, sorry for dropping in," Spike frowned. Deciding to steer the topic, Spike asked, "So, about this whole 'key' thing. This champion of yours. Remind me again, how do you even know who is 'worthy' enough, just by fighting each other?" Spike found the last part to be rather strange.

"Like the story says," Arizona explained. "The Protector of Fœnum is the greatest of them all. They are the champions of champions. The only way for that champion to be determined is to travel across Fœnum, to display our skills and strength in combat. And if that champion happens to be me, then I'll do whatever it takes to save Fœnum. If not, then I only hope the real one can succeed."

"Hmm," Spike pondered, "Well, good luck with that I guess..." He thought gravely at his chances of going home, because of his bad timing for arriving in the middle of a big fight. Then, it hit him, "Wait a minute! You're a champion?!"

"That's right, little fella," Arizona answered. "Why else would I be out in the plains, sparring myself with those dummies?"

Spike blushed, having forgotten the obvious, "Hehe, I guess that answers that," With his blush subsiding, Spike asked, "So how did you became a champion?"

Arizona smiled, before she kicked back, "Well Spike, that's a story I’m proud to live to tell."

Legend of Foœnum – The Tail of Arizona (Rewritten: 8/25/19)

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"It was a beautiful and an intensive day," Arizona narrated. "Under the cornflower blue sky, coated with billowing white clouds, the entire cattlekinds of the Prairie have all come together, by the orders of my father, the Head Bull of the Prairie, TEXAS, and my mother, MINNESOTA."

In the past, young Arizona was standing amongst the herd, looking up on stage to see her mother and father standing atop a neewly constructed stage. In appearance, Texas is a massive brown bull, with impressively long horns, sprouting horizontally from his head, their black tips curved forward just at the ends. He wears a heavy, wooden yoke to signify his station. Beside him is Arizona's mother, a strong, blue-eyed cow, her short coarse coat patched white and tan.

“Gather ‘round friends, I’ve got news from outside our beloved home, The Prairie,” Texas called out to the throng of bovines. “We’ve all heard the tall tale of old, the story of The Horned Prophet, the little lady who locked away our old enemies long ago, keeping us safe to roam the country, looking for sweet grass and golden sunsets just as Mother Fœnum intended for her calves. Welp, I’ll tell you now, the tale, it was true. And the story, well, a new chapter is startin’. “ Arizona watched as her father narrowed his eyes across the herd, before he delivered the awful news, “The Predators, they’re a-fixin’ to come back.”

With that, the entire herds of bovines around Arizona began exchanging moos and mutters of concerns.

Before the entire cattlekind could break out into a stampede, Arizona's mother quickly broke up the tension, “Now don’t get your tails in a knot, folks," She assured. "There’s something we can do about it, don’tcha know.”

“Yup,” Texas continued, “The varmints ain’t here yet, and with the Prophet’s key, the lock can be mended. We can still lock ‘em back up in The Hold. But it will take someone with strong moral fiber, someone rough, tough, and bull-headed to boot. So naturally, that means one of us – Cattlekind.”

Arizona nodded proudly in agreement with her father's words. However, she noticed that all of the bovines around her were exchanging faces twisted with concern, others with determination, others still, with anger.

“Are there any volunteers?” With a confident smug grin on her face, Arizona was about to walk up on stage, when she suddenly finds herself caught in the middle of a stampede as most of the willing bovines all kicked up dusts, shaking the ground with their hooves, arriving on stage to meet her mother and father.

“That’s right,” Minnesota called out and motions to an old rain barrel at the end of the stage, “Just put’cher name there in the barrel. We’ll be pickin’ lottery style, don’tcha know.”

One by one, each Bovine pressed their nose in a dish full of mud and slams it onto a piece of torn cloth, stamping it with their unique, individual prints. They filled the barrel, overflowing with their “names.” Arizona struggled to get through to put her name into the barrel, but it was no use. Her only path to register her name for the chance of being selected as Key Seeker was completely overrun with so many full-grown bovines. Next thing she knew, she was forced out of the crowd and rolled across the tall grassy plains, while her parents were busy collecting names.

“Spread the word to our brethren across The Prairie,” Texas informed the entire cattlekinds present.

“Yah. We’ll be drawin’ the noseprint of the champion tomorrow mornin’.” Minnesota finished.

For the rest of the day, bulls and cows from across the nation migrate to the main Wagon Train to throw their nose prints into the barrel.

With a deep inhale, exhaling it out into a gust of air, blowing her large strands of hair out of her face, Arizona decided to wait until later, before she could finally put her name into the rain barrel.

It was nighttime, and the entire herd of cattlkinds were all sound asleep under a dimly half moon, when a small calf stealthily approached the empty stage. The calf is, of course, Arizona. When she got up on stage, where the dish of mud remains fresh, together with a few remaining cloth rags on the side, Arizona looked around carefully, before she makes her print and added her name to the barrel before quickly dashing away.

The next day, just after the sun rises, the herd reconvenes, eager to find out who among them will be chosen to save the land.

“Friends,” Texas announces. “Get ready to meet your champion!”

Minnesota shoves her whole head into the barrel and emerges with the fateful name. Texas inspects it closely, then gasps in horror!

“No! It can’t be!” He said in pure horror.

Minnesota, unable to speak with the print in her mouth, questions her husband with darting, concerned eyes.

“Our youngest daughter…” he cries out, “ARIZONA!”

The crowd gasps! Minnesota gasps! The noseprint falls from her lips to the ground before the hooves of…

The young calf! She bravely stands the before the herd, determined to claim her title! Arizona stood tall and proudly, just like her father. However, the head bull isn't quite pleased, let alone proud to know that his daughter has been chosen to be the Prairie's – and possibly all of Fœnum's – Champion.

“Young lady,” Texas scolds, his voice a combination of fear and indignation, “What were you thinking! I won’t allow it!”

Arizona rolled her eyes, as if expecting this kind of reaction from her father, “Sorry Pa,” Arizona yells right back, unintimidated, “But it’s my right! I am Cattlekind, too, and I love The Prairie as much as anybody else.”

Texas snorted, not only at his own daughter's response and decision, but the fact that she had the gall to talk back to him, in front of their people, “It’s the law of The Prairie, don’tcha know," Minnesota mooed, attempting to reason with her husband. "Her name was drawn, it really is her right.”

However, the cow's words fell on deaf ears as Texas and Arizona face off, nose to nose, overprotective father against rebellious daughter.

“She is too young!” he proclaims.

“The future belongs to the young! Let a young one protect it!” Arizona defies.

“Then it is my right, as Head Bull, to take your place!”

“Not unless I defeat you first, Pa.” With that, Arizona stood her ground in a fighting stance.

“Very well, calf. But remember, you mess with the bull…” Texas paws the ground and lowers his immense horns. Minnesota rolls her eyes as he booms: “YOU GET THE HORNS!”

“Hoo boy,” Minnesota says to herself, shaking her head, “Here we go…”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Arizona rushes to her dad. He is prepared, though. He lowers his head and throws her high into the air. She flips nose over tail through the air and lands square on her feet, the force of her landing rocking the bull off balance.

“Don’t go easy on me, old timer!” Arizona mooed.

Texas is surprised! Not just by her sass, but by her strength. He narrows his eyes, resolved to give her his all.

"It was the most intensive battle ah ever fought," Arizona narrated, as she recalls the battle between both her and her father. "Not because my pa was bigger than ah was. But it's because he's still my pa! I wus fightin' against my own pa, jus'to prove him and the entire Prairie that ah've got what it takes to be a Key Seeker. Sometimes, ah wasn't sure if I'd stand a chance. But ah had to try."

Texas reared up on his hind legs and brought his massive hooves down on his daughter, but she was fast. Clearly, what she lacked in size, she makes up for in speed and agility. She rolls and weaves between the furious stomps, unencumbered by the deafening booms of his hooves on the ground.

Finally, he pinned her by the tail, “Ha! Don’t mess with Texas!” He mooed arrogantly.

Minnesota face-hooves.'Unbelievable,' She thought in dismay.

The calf kicked him in the face! Stunned, he stammers back, releasing her tail. They position themselves for a final face off, staring each other down. Texas lets out a mighty bellow and catapults himself towards his daughter! The entire herd was shaken by the thundering of his hooves.

Arizona waited for a moment, then coils. She lowered her head, raised her hoof, then POUNDS the dirt, rocketing herself towards the raging bull like a battering ram!

The impact threw him into the air! But before he lands, Arizona banks off the side of the stage, twists her hind legs before her and landed a mighty buck square into his chest!

The herd watched, mouths agape as their powerful leader is launched into the air spinning uncontrollably, before falling with a cacophonous, booming THUD!

When the dusts finally cleared, the bovines were aghast to see their champion. Arizona standing tall and proudly on her fallen father, a vision of youthful independence and strength.

“No use crying over spilt milk!” She said triumphantly.

Minnesota winced at her daughter's choice of words, “Oh geez, c’mon…”

But it doesn't matter. The entire Cattlekind rejoiced as they cheered, “MOOOO! Yee haw! Wee dogie!”

Minnesota looks on, filled with pride. “Well done, little calf.” She says softly to herself, “Yah, you bet’cha.”

After a moment to recover from the agony of his defeat and humiliation, Texas got up and watched as Arizona is swarmed by the crowd, cheering for their champion.

“Moooo! Our champ-een!” They hooted and hollered, “This calls for a hoe down! Git along little cowgirl! Moo!”

With a smug, knowing expression, Minnesota sidles up by Texas. He was angry, but humbled. With her great weight, she nudges him with her shoulder, knocking him off balance, if only slightly.

He gives her a side eye before looking out at his little girl, carried high on the backs of her happy brethren. His face softens and a proud smile crosses his lips as Minnesota puts her head on his shoulder.

With a hint of a tear in his mighty, brown eye, he opens his mouth to speak.

Minnesota braces herself for the worst…

“The future belongs to the young.” He says, quietly expressing his approval.

Minnesota breathed a sigh of relief. That wasn’t so bad.


"And that's how I was chosen as the Champion of the Prairie," Arizona finished proudly, before an astounded Spike.

"Wow," He gasped. "That's.....AWESOME! Taking on your own dad just to prove yourself is one thing. But you would actually exert all that power and adrenaline onto him to prove a point? After seeing the way you handled those dummies back in the field, I'd believe it was all real! Heck, you remind me a lot about my friend, Applejack!"

Arizona raised a brow, looking confused, "Who is this, Applejack, friend of yours?" She asked.

Spike's enthusiasm quickly subsided, as he started to remember the farm pony. Hesitant at first, Spike sighed as he began to speak, "Well, back home in Ponyville. There is this country girl who you remind me a lot of," He explained. "Her name's Applejack. And like you, she's hardworking, honest, and very headstrong. This one time, she was able to save a team of archeologists from a landslide, with her bare hooves!"

"Really?" Arizona asked. "C'mon, Spike. Ya gotta be pulling my legs. No pony can ever be that strong."

"Well, Applejack is living proof," Spike replied, before he looked down solemnly. "If she was here that is."

Seeing how saddened Spike looked, Arizona placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder, "I would've love to meet her though," Arizona said, trying to lighten the mood. "If what you say is true, then she sounds like a real country gal."

Spike nodded, placing a claw over the cow's hoof, "Yeah, I knew you would," He replied.

Feeling tuckered out, Arizona let out a yawn, "Welp. Time for us to hit the sack," She said, as she soon got herself settled, with Spike doing the same, in the sleeping bag he was given. "Tomorrow's gonna be a new day for us. And hopefully, we'll find a way to get ya home safely."

"I hope so," Spike replied. "Well, goodnight Arizona."

"Goodnight, Spike," Arizona replied, before she reached over to the lamp and switched its lights out.

Dark Days Ahead

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Deep in the shady forests of The Woodland resides the Order of the Horn. A reclusive, mystic clan, they consist entirely of pure white beasts that are at once like horses, deer and goats; with cloven hooves, lions’ tails and a single, spiraling horn stretching from their foreheads. Unicorns. They are an ancient race, stoic and disciplined, their culture mired in ritual and tradition, and they spend their days studying the sacred power their lives revolve around: the divine Magic of Light. Through the generations, they have used light magic to shape the trees into structures, spiraling to the sky in graceful, wooden columns, with branches twisted into delicate woven patterns. The most beautiful of these structures is their primary temple, The Sacred Grove. There, they keep to themselves, hidden under the canopy of their home, with no interest outside their rituals and study – including the other beasts of Fœnum, and the fate of Fœnum itself.

Under the blanket of the night, the shadow of a tall, strong, and graceful horse-like figure dashed through the darkness. Her cold icy blue eyes cutting through the cloaks of the night, and yet, they pulse a strong aura of darkness that others would perceive as unsettling.

"It's here," She whispered, in a faint whisper. "I felt it in the air. Something just came here, into our world!"

"You think I don't know that?" A demonic, yet casual, male voice asked. "I practically invented magical disturbance."

"Keep quiet, Fred!" The female whispered harshly. "You want us to get caught? And don't forget, I'm doing this for the sake of Fœnum! Besides, it could be one of them!"

"Hey, hey, calm down girl," The male ushered. "I wanted to accomplish this just as much as you do. I gave you my words, 13 years ago, did I not? The pact?"

Rolling her eyes, the female replied, "How could I forget? That was the day you've changed my whole life, forever."


13 Turns of Seasons before the Incursion of the Predators

Slivers of morning light stream through the cracks between the entwined vines and branches that make her bed chamber walls. She breathes lightly beneath her soft, loosely woven blanket, the only part of her left uncovered is the long, curved horn that gives her kind their name: Unicorn.

She stirs as more light illuminates the thicket-like space revealing the whiteness of the birch bark. A cloven hoof and slender leg, thick with fur at the fetlock, slips out from under the covers and rests on the floor. The young one makes her way across the room, her lion’s tail swaying groggily, to a table that seems to have grown from the ground. Atop it is a large white bowl. She bows her head to sip the cool water, catching her reflection.

She gasps!

The morning ritual has already begun. Every unicorn in The Woodland has made their way to their most hallowed temple, The Sacred Grove. A great circle of ancient trees, pale and smooth as ivory, reach to the sky then bend towards each other, twisting and weaving their branches into one another to create the walls and ceiling. They drip with vines sprouting opalescent flowers, softly showering the congregation with floating petals that glisten as they drift through columns of morning light. Several dozen pure white unicorns stand in rows before an alabaster plinth where a line of robed elders stand stoically, staring out to the herd, their long, silky beards almost touching the floor. And at the alter stands the High Priestess of the Order of the Horn, draped in gossamer, orchids woven through her mane and tail, her horn spiraling higher than any others.

She preaches, her voice solemn and deep, “A thousand years now the divine Magic of Light has kept us safe and hidden, leaving us free to study Its mysteries, decipher Its plans. Our gratitude we must show for what Light chooses to protect and preserve, and dutiful acceptance we must offer for what Light decides to let wither and fade…”

As she goes on, the young one timidly slips through the back entrance, hoping and praying the others keep their backs turned away from her. In stark contrast to everyone there, her fur, her mane, her tail, her horn – are all DARK.

The Priestess continues, “…for it is not our place to question – GASP!” It is too late. The priestess has seen her. The young one winces as every head in the temple turns to her.

“GASP!” the herd utters in unison.

“Oleander!” The priestess called out, “Your appearance is an affront to the Magic of Light! You dare appear in this holy place in such a state? Explain yourself!”

“I-I don’t know what happened! I…” the young one stammers, “…just woke up like this.”

“Well, I know,” the priestess accuses, “for one thing only can mar the purity of Light.”

“It’s not what you think…”

“DARK MAGIC!” The priestess’ voice booms across the grove.

“GASP!” goes the crowd.

“Alright. It’s a little what you think…”

“GASP!” the crowd goes again.

“Oleander, against the laws of the Order you have spoken out many times.”

Oleander’s courage suddenly appears, “Well I wouldn’t have to if the laws of the Order weren’t all ancient and short sighted! We believe only Light is good because that’s all we’ve ever been told. But I believe there is more good in the world than just Light. We should not be afraid of The Dark!”

“GAAASP!!!!!!!”goes the crowd, the biggest one yet.

“We,” the priestess interrupts, “have shown you patience because of your lineage and…” she pauses to swallow disappointment, “because of the potential we saw in you. You have shamed us.”

Oleander protests, “But –“

“GASP!” the crowd goes again.


“Oleander!” the priestess bellows, “Great granddaughter of the Divine Oracle Amaryllis! You have channeled that which is forbidden and broken the laws of the Order of the Horn! You stand in judgment!”

Oleander struggles to keep her legs from going out from under her as she awaits her sentence.

“Now,” the priestess finishes, her speech grave and low, her eyes piercing her with implication, “go to your room and think about what you’ve done.” And with that, she slams her hoof upon the stone plinth, passing her final verdict.

The bearded ones terminate their sanctimonious stares and, to Oleander’s horror, turn their backs on her. The entire herd follows suit, row by row, tail by tail.

Shocked, disgraced, Oleander lowers her head and leaves the temple in shame.

Sad and slow, Oleander returns to her chamber. From under her bed she pulls a book – a large, glowing, red book with the twisted skull of a horned creature straddling the binding. Despite its unsettling appearance, she considers it with sadness and regret, as if she were looking into the eyes of a dying pet.

Carrying the book in her mouth, she approaches the fireplace, igniting the fire with a glowing pulse of magic from her horn.

But before she can toss the book into the flames, it burns hottest red! She drops it with a sharp yelp. The book lands with a hollow thud, its pages thrown open.

Then, a voice from inside the pages booms, “Art thou so eager to be rid of me, Oleander of The Woodlands?!”

Oleander stumbles back, her lips burning. “You! You turned me dark! You exposed me! Now I’ll be shunned.”

“’Twas thou who soughteth the likes of me. Does thou claimeth not to have known the risks of doing such?”

“Oh, cut it out, Fred.” Oleander tosses the book up onto the table, taking care not to shut the pages. “That voice stopped being funny months ago.”

He roars, “Of what voice does thou speaketh? This art totally my normal voice!” He adds, “And stopeth calling me Fred, my name is FHTNG!”

Oleander shoots him a look, “Whatever. Fred.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll stop.” his voice lowers to a comfortable, if slightly nebbish, alto. “Look, I’m super sorry about the whole turning-your-fur-dark thing. I forgot to tell you that once you read a certain number of passages in the Book of Undying Misery it leaves some sort of mark. My bad. Totally my bad.”

“Give me one reason why I should keep you around?”

“Because we’re friends?” The book squirms, and in its weird way, smiles sheepishly.

Oleander gives him the side eye. Not so forgiving.

“And because…” he changes his strategy, “you’re going to save the world.”

Oleander’s eyes almost pop out of her head. That got her attention.

He elaborates. “Alright, so you know how the High Priestess told you all those stories when you were a filly, all those stories about the Predators?”

“You mean the fairy tales? About the beasts who,” she swallowed hard, “ate everyone?”

“Yeah, yeah that’s the one. Here’s the thing. They’re comin’ back. In 13 turns of the seasons. You’ll be all grown up then.”

Oleander’s eyes darted back and forth, her mind reeling, “But the Order will never let me. They will say The Magic of Light will decide the fate of Fœnum. They won’t interfere.”

“They won’t. WE will,” the voice from the book says, suddenly serious. “All you gotta do is honor your pact. Stick with me. Study the spells of the Unicornomicon. That’s what it will take.”

Oleander’s takes in what she knows must be the truth. She has been right, and The Order has been wrong. And now the fate of everyone in Fœnum, not just the Unicorns of The Woodlands, is in her hooves. She cannot fail!

She looks to the book, eyes steely with resolve. He flips the pages to a specific passage and, without a moment’s hesitation, she stamps her hoof on the corner.

Black smoke rises from the pages, crawling up her leg like misty, slithering snakes. Her eyes glow red. Her hair comes alive, whipping upwards in a burst of black sorcery.

Then, all is calm. The pact is final.

“Well, alrighty then!” The book exclaims jubilantly. “Done and done.”

Oleander stumbles to her bed, exhausted.

“You rest up now, pal. We got 13 years of work ahead of us. You and me, me and you.”

The pages pinch in a strange sort of crinkled smile, “This is going to be fun.”


"And here we are," Fred concluded. "Doing what the Order of Horn never thought of doing. Interfering."

"Be quiet!" Oleander hissed. "If we're ever caught, who knows what will become of us! Besides, we're not interfering. We're just.....investigating. Totally different thing," She waved with a flick of her mane.

In his own, weird kind of way, Fred rolled his eyes, if he has any, "Whatever," He replied.

"Now again, are you sure it's a predator?" Oleander asked.

"Come on, Oleander of the Woodlands. Have I ever steered you wrong?" The unicorn was about to answer, "Don't answer that! Besides, just think for a moment. Can you think of any other creatures, besides the predators who even know of our world? Let alone managed to enter ours when the old goat's magic is failing?"

Oleander's eyes pulsed, before she stamped her hoof, "When we find them. We'll send them BACK into the Hold where they belong!" She snarled, with cracks of dark magic pulsing from her horn.

"Uh oh, Spike's in trouble. He's wished for a unicorn, but she's not a friendly, and she's definitely not going to send him home. What's going to become of him?

Tune in next time!"

The Coming Danger

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[My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Theme Song]

That night, Spike was sound asleep with Arizona, lulled to the faint, but also melodic chorus of crickets singing, together with some other nightly creatures outside of the house.

While sleeping, Spike dreamed of nothing more than to be back home in Ponyville, and in the safe arms of Twilight, and the girls, and all of his friends and family.

He can see himself, making cupcakes with Pinkie Pie, helping Rarity find some new gems for her dresses, as well a few for him to snack on, assist Twilight in some of her duties as the Princess of Friendship, watching Rainbow Dash doing some awesome aerial tricks for the Wonderbolts' shows, enjoying some of Applejack and her family's delicious apple treats, and listening to Fluttershy's beautiful voice when she sings.

Spike even missed his buddies, Discord and Big Mac, and couldn't wait to get back home to resume their guys' nights, together.

"It's guys' night! Eeyup! Oh yeah! Having fun now! Eeyup! Oh yeah!" The three boys chanted together.

All was going fine, until the sound of a loud bell filled the air, and Spike turned his head in the direction, "What the hay?!" He exclaimed, before he woke up with a start.

Spike looked around, seeing he was back in Arizona's room, with the sleeping cow, snoring lightly in her bed. With a heavy sigh, Spike plopped his head down, and went to back sleep.

He didn't sleep long, when he heard a loud howl in the distance, that snapped him fully awake, looking alert.

"Um, A-A-Arizona?" Spike asked the cow, propping her on the shoulder lightly. "Did you hear that?" Another howl sent chills down Spike's spines, before he looked out the window, to see it was still nighttime. But without the crickets chirping, making it seem rather, eerie.

[The Forbidden Forest - John Williams]

Suddenly, he heard a loud scratch on the side of the house, and looked in the direction to see a shadow of something darting out of his vision.

"Arizona!" Spike whispered, harshly, shaking the cow violently. "Wake up! Something's out there!" But to no avail. The young calf was sawing logs. With a frustrated sigh, and a roll of his eyes, Spike quietly walked out of the room, down to the kitchen, where he dons up a heavy pot as a helmet, while arming himself with frying pan in one claw, and a small knife – the kind used for spreading butters on toast – in the other.

Creaking the door open, while still hearing the scratching, Spike slowly peeked around the corner, and saw nothing. This was really beginning to frighten him, as he looked around for anything that might jumped out.

"CAW, CAW, CAW," Several crows sang, as they flew out of a nearby tree, startling Spike.

Taking a few quick deep breathes, Spike calmed his nerves, before he decided to turn back into the house, when he hears it again. Another howl filled the air, and Spike looked to see something in the mists of the night. Cautiously stepping forward for a closer look, and almost lost his lunch.

Lying on the ground, lifeless, with a large hole on the side that looked as if it had been made by teeth, was the carcass of an old cow. Spike looked away, feeling squeamish at the sight of its ripped up flesh, while cringing at the fresh smell of blood. Spike looked at the ground, and saw a trail of blood, glistening in the moonlight, leading all the way into the trees nearby.

With his frying pan and knife ready, Spike cautiously followed the trail, as it took him deep in the woods. The tall dark trees towered overhead, blocking out the moonlight, inhibiting his vision, as the little dragon navigates his way through the darkness of the thickets.

It reminded him of how he once got lost in the Everfree Forest, back in Equestria, and then some. Spike's frills pricked, as he hears the sounds of several footsteps, of whatever creatures could be inhabiting the woods, crushing the sticks and dead leaves beneath them.

Spike's nose twitched again, as he caught scent of another fresh kill, and looked to see a pair of red eyes. Spike froze up, in fear, to see more red eyes, piercing the darkness, staring right back at him. And if that wasn't frightening enough, then it's the shiny white teeth they bared, drooling hungrily, together with the eyes locked on the little dragon.

With a frightful scream, Spike broke out in a run, bashing through the branches, and the leaves, with the sound of growls, barks, and footsteps of the specters behind him.

While running for his life, Arizona's words echoed through Spike's head, as he recalls, "The predators aren't here yet. They're still trapped in the void, between our world and the Hold, gettin' hungrier with each passing days, and more solid. So if ya happen to see a shadow with a pair of hungry red eyes, with shining white teeth, then it's wise for ya to run, if ya don't want to end up becoming their next meal!"

Not daring to look back, Spike ran blindly through the trees, tripping and bumping into a few of the dark trees on the way. Spike can feel the hot breath of the wolves behind him, as they close in on him.

With loud scream, Spike swung his frying pan at the wolves behind him, but the only thing he did struck was the bark of a tree. Spike swung again, together with his knife. Next thing Spike knew, something grabbed both of his weapons, ripped them out of his claws, and from the sound of it, where crushed.

"AAAAAAH!!!" Spike screamed, as he desperately climbs up a tree, with the sound of a wolf's jaw snapping at his tail.

Spike kept on climbing up the tree, with the wolves barking and scratching at the tree in frustrations. Spike didn't have time to relax, for long, when he hears the sound of a rattle. Turning to his side, with the moon's light making out of its appearance, Spike screamed upon seeing the outline of rattlesnake, too with glowing red eyes. The snake hissed before it snapped his jaws at him, forcing Spike further away from it, and closer to the end of the branch.

"WHOA!!" Spike screamed, as he fell off, before grabbing the branch, momentarily, from the hungry jaws of the wolves below. He was clearly in between a rock and a hard place.

Spike looked up, with dread, as the snake continues to slither along the branch, fangs ready for a bite, while the wolves beneath him were licking their chops, eager for a little baby dragon, for a midnight snack. Worst still, the branch was beginning to snap.

"Oh no!" Spike moaned. "No! No!" With a final snap, the branch broke, and Spike fell towards the open maws of the wolves, screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

"Spike! WAKE UP!!" Spike jerked his head up, panting heavily, to see he was safely back in the room, with Arizona, looking tired.

"What happened?" Spike panted.

"You were having a nightmare, there little fella," Arizona answered. "Ya were kicking and screaming, and ya stirred me awake."

"I'm sorry," Spike apologized, rubbing his head. "I was having a nightmare, and it felt so real."

Outside of house, past the remains of a skeleton, on the rocky sides of a mountain, where a bent knife, and a crushed frying pan laid, dark, smokey, ghost-like apparitions of wolves, looked over the prairie, before they gazed their heads up to the sky, and howled.

On the lone prairie

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The Next Morning

"AAA-AAAA-AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" A rooster crowed, signaling the start of the day.

Inside the home of the Prairie's Champion, Arizona was the first to wake up, stretching her legs out, before she got out of her bed, with a stomp, startling Spike awake.

"Good mornin', Spike," Arizona greeted. "Rise and shine."

Spike rubbed his eyes, before he stretched his arms out, "Can't I have a few more minutes of sleep?" He asked, with a yawn. "I had a very rough night, being chased by hungry wolves, and fell out of a tree with a snake."

"No time for that, Spike," Arizona replied, as she made her way out of the room. "Come on! It's the start of a new day! So let's hurry and get washed up!"

Unable to argue with that, Spike got up, and followed the calf as they both got themselves cleaned up, before they headed back to their room, where Spike picked up the book, and Arizona dons up her red bandana, and they went downstairs to have a quick breakfast with the cattle family.

Spike looked at his dish to see that it mainly consisted of hays, corns, and a glass of milk.

"I hope ya like your corn well done, Spike," Arizona said. "Sorry if we don't have any of these apple fritters, or pancakes, you've had every mornin', back in Ponyville. Or any gems for that matter."

"It's fine," Spike waved, before he picked up the corn. "I'm okay with corns, just as much as I'm okay with apples, " With that, he dines into the vegetable, before moving onto his hays, which he fried extra crispy with his fires, and gulps down his glass milk.

"Oh yeah," Spike sighed. "That hit the spot," Looking up, he was met with shock expressions from Arizona and her folks. "What?" He asked.

Shaking out of her shock, Arizona quickly apologized, "Sorry, Spike. It's just, we never thought we'd see a predator enjoy a meal like that. Let alone a baby dragon."

"Hey, like I said," Spike reminded. "I've lived with ponies my whole life. I got used to their way of living, or two."

"Is that so?" Minnesota asked, before she and Texas exchanged looks of bewilderment, while Arizona looked fascinated.

After they've had their meal, the two left the house, taking the first steps on their long journey.

"Be careful!" Minnesota called out.

"I will ma!" Arizona replied.

"Got your ropes?" Texas asked.

"Got 'em, pa!"

"Got the map?"

"Right here!"

"Packed enough foods and milk?"

"Lots of 'em, ma!"

"See ya, Mr. Texas and Mrs. Minnesotta!" Spike shouted, as he carries the book on his back, with the aid of some ropes strapped to him. Furthermore, the young dragon was wearing a green bandana around his neck to match his eyes, while wearing a dark brown five gallon hat to hide his face. "Thanks for everything!"

"C'mon Spike," Arizona exclaimed enthusiastically to the little dragon. "This is the part where we shout, yee-haw!" With a burst of excitement, the calf galloped off.

"Yee-Haw!" Spike shouted, as he too ran after her.

Minnesota and Texas were left, standing on the porch, watching the two leave, "My little calf is growing up," Texas sighed. "And off to save the world, with a little dragon," The strong bulky bull let out a small tear, with his wife patting him lightly on the shoulder.

Somewhere in the Prairie

The sun was shining down on the dark coats of Oleander, who knelt down to the ground, running her hoof over the tracks of the little dragon.

"Now, what kind of intruder would we be dealing with?" Oleander asked, in which the book levitated itself over to examine the tracks.

"Well well well," the book said in amusement. "Looks like my suspicions were correct. One of those sneaky little predators got through. And if I'm not mistaken, it's a dragon!"

"A dragon?!" Oleander exclaimed. "There hasn't been a dragon in Fœnum for centuries!"

"Give or take, and yet we still have the longmas," Fred replied, before he noticed Spike's tracks crossing paths with Arizona's. "Oh, don't look now. But it would seem our little unwelcome visitor has already found his lunch. And he's hunting her down as it is."

In reply, Oleander's horn pulsed with dark magics, and her eyes glowed an eerie aura, "Then it's our turn to be the hunters," She snarled, with Fred chuckling in a dark tone.

"You go girl."

Spike and Arizona were walking through the Prairie, passing by some cattle along the way. And not just cattle, but there are some horses as well, along with donkeys and goats, all who were hard at work, tending the land. While many of the local ungulates of the prairies waved and greeted Arizona, in a friendly way, they looked more distrustful when their eyes settled on the stranger she was being accompanied, still concealed by his hat, and the book he was carrying.

"Um, Arizona," Spike whispered. "They're watching us."

"Try not to make too much eye contact, Spike," Arizona advised. "Just give 'em a tip of yer hat, and say 'howdy partner.'"

Doing as he was advised, Spike tipped his hat, "Howdy partner!" He greeted to a bull, who only snorted in response. "Good talk!" Spike replied, before he quickly caught up to Arizona, running by her side.

Spike took the chance to look around, taking in the layout of the land he and Arizona were passing through. The prairie was very busy with every busy ungulates performing all sorts of everyday tasks, from plowing the fields, harvesting their crops of corns, grains, and all sorts of vegetables, while some of the little ones were running and playing in the fields. Some young bulls playfully butted their heads together, leaving them both in a dizzy state.

Spike couldn't help but smile, as it reminded him of Appaloosa, back in Equestria. Then, in the blink of an eye, the whole scenery changed into the nightmare horror show Spike had experienced last night. The wolves were still snarling hungrily as they closed in on him.

"AAAH!!" Spike screamed, as he fell on his back, and held his hands out. "Please don't eat me!"

"Spike?" Arizona shook the young dragon back to reality. "What is it? What's wrong?" She asked, looking at him with concerns.

Looking around him, to see the wolves were gone, and that a few of the bovines were looking at him uneasily, Spike answered, "Nothing. Just lost in my thoughts, I guess." Getting back up and dusting himself, Spike and Arizona were on their way, "Howdy partner," Spike greeted to cow who was looking at him funny.

But all the same, Spike couldn't help but think about the nightmare he had, with the predators. Deciding to strike up conversation, Spike asked, "Hey Arizona, can I ask you something?" Arizona gave a quick nod, confirming her approval. "About the predators. Didn't you say before, they're still trapped in between dimensions?"

"Yup, trapped like a fly to a spider's web," Arizona replied.

"And yet, we still see them how?" Spike asked uneasily.

"Well, trapped or not, the predators still have a way of getting into our world," Arizona explained. "And from what pa has told me, they're nothing but ghosts at the moment. But they're getting more solid and hungrier with each passing days. So we better watch ourselves. Even in broad daylights, they're still waiting for us to come their way and pounce."

Spooked, Spike looked around him, and felt his scales standing on end at the thought of a huge hungry wolf sneaking up from behind. With a frightened yelp, Spike ran up to Arizona and clings to her side, protectively, "The sooner I get home, the better!" Looking back up at the young calf, Spike asked, "Any ideas?"

"Well, I don't know much about magics," Arizona began. "But I do remember some magic stuff some of my fellow bovines once told me." Taking out the map she was given from her parents, Arizona pointed to some of the lands, "Some of my cattle friends have told me about the Woodlands, home to the unicorns who called themselves the Order of the Horn. If there's anyone here who's gonna open up some kind of magical doorway and send ya home, then our best bets are on them."

'Great! There's unicorns here!' Spike mentally cheered to himself. 'I'm saved.' However, he quickly ceased his cheer when he anxiously asked, "How close is it?"

"It's kinda far from here," Arizona replied. "To get there, we'd have to cross through the icy, cold, wintery lands of the Tundras to get there."

"Brrr," Spike shivered.

"But that shouldn't be a problem for ya," Arizona tried to lighten up the mood. "You're a dragon aren't ya? Ya can just breath fire, warm yourself up, and melt the snow. Can't ya?" Before Spike can answer, Arizona's ears perked up and she quickly puts a hoof to Spike's mouth. "Shh!" She shushed. "Something's coming."

Spike looked around him, seeing both he and Arizona had walked further away from the rest of cattlekinds and were out alone in the wide open prairie. Spike kept his ears opened for any sign of disturbance, but all he could hear was the strong wind blowing across the plain, swaying the grasses back and forth.

Then, he heard it. Something was move up the dirts on the grounds, as it creeps slowly and carefully through the grass, moving them slightly to the sides by their bases. What could it be?


How Good Is Your Fighting?

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"SPIKE LOOK OUT!!" Arizona shouted, stamping her front hooves down into the ground, just as the shadow of a large snake lunged out of the grass, snapping its jaws at both Spike and Arizona. "No way!" Arizona mooed, thrusting her front hoof out in a punch, sending the long snake flying a distance away.

However, the danger doesn't end there for the two young heroes. Both their ears perked up to the sound of snarls and growls, as they soon found themselves surrounded by a hungry pack of shadows of wolves.

The ghostly apparitions of wolves, plus the snake, surrounded the two, closing in, eager for a meal, or two.

[Them's Fightin' Herds - Sunset Prairie (Arizona)]

Arizona looked determined, getting into a fighting stance, while Spike clings to her strong legs for protection, "Arizona? What do we do?" He asked, quivering in fright.

"Like my Pa always says: 'Put 'em up!'" Arizona answered with confident. "I'll take the predators on the left. You take the ones on the right," Arizona replied, before she had an epiphany. "Wait, how good is your fighting?" She asked Spike with concerns.

"Um....on a scale of 0 to 10," Spike sweated, before he answered, "Not so good?"

"Well then, take cover!" One of the ghosts pounced at the two, only for Arizona to swiftly spin on her forelegs, aiming her hind legs, and bucked them hard at the wolf, knocking it out of the air. Meanwhile, Spike quickly dove behind a log, poking his head up from the side, watching the fight going on between calf and predators.

Despite being a young calf her size and age, Arizona was obviously exhibiting the stubbornness of a bull. From her father's side, from the looks of it. And his strength too, which she used to surprise the predators.

One wolf ghost leapt in the air as it comes back down for a bite, only for Arizona to make a quick backward slide, dodging the attack. Without hesitation, Arizona quickly charged her head forward, catching her opponent between her horns, shoving them in the air, launching the wolf, before she leapt up in the air.

Spike carefully watched to see Arizona thrusting her elbow into the wolf's side, before she flexibly thrusted her strong hind legs into a kick, and like an acrobatic, she tucked and roll before landing a strong downward kick, making a strong impact on her opponent's head as they come crashing back down to the ground.

Then, another wolf charged into the fray, ramming its head into the calf's side, knocking Arizona stumbling on her hooves. Before she could recover, the snake whipped its long tail, tripping the young calf of her hooves. Taking their chance, the wolves quickly swarmed over the calf for a feeding frenzy. Luckily, Arizona rolled out of harm's way, recovering herself back on her hooves to resume the fight.

"Y'all in for a tramplin'!" Arizona bellowed, lowering her horns, kicking the dirts off the ground, thrusting herself at a blinding speed that rivals Rainbow Dash's, straight into the packs of predators, knocking them to the sides as if they were bowling pins.

"Whoa," Spike gasped, marveling at such feat of strength and skills in a small, yet strong package.

But the fight was far from over. The wounded wolves retreated, as more appeared to fill their place. A larger wolf, with a scar over one of its eyes snarled hungrily at Arizona, before it lets out a long howl, signaling for its pack members to attack.

Off in the distance, Oleander and Fred were watching the whole struggle, via enhanced vision provided by the dark magics the dark unicorn had learned, "Figures," Oleander grumbled. "Obviously, when it comes to brawn, the cattle kinds are the total package. Pity, they lack the brains to even pick a proper champion to find the Prophet's Key! And of all the cattle they could pick, they sent a child to do grown up's work?!" The unicorn exclaimed in outrage. "How insulting!"

Fun Fact: Arizona is exactly one year old.

"What a mockery to determine the fate of Fœnum," Fred added. "And look at her. She hasn't even left the plains, and already she's being attacked by predators. No thanks to that little dragon who's with her!" He said, with the tone of his voice growing dark and demonic at the last part.

Oleander looked and sure enough, spotted the purple dragon she and Fred had been after, "I should've suspected this as much," Oleander frowned. "The predators can't just come en mass, due to their large size, so they sent a young one to scout our world, and to lure another childish ungulate into a trap!"

Fred scoffed in agreement, "Ain't that just like the predators," Turning to the unicorn, he asks, "So what are we going to do now? Surely, you're not going to let them get away with that. Are you?"

Oleander's horn pulsed with a dark aura, together with her hair waving menacingly in the air, "While I'm not interested in helping a champion who is unworthy of theProphet's Key," She began in a dark tone. "I'm going to have great pleasure in slaying a dragon."

Dance To The Death - Kingdom Hearts 2 Battle Music

Spike was watching the whole fighting take place, between Arizona and the wolves advancing upon her. The wolves were all snapping and clawing at her, while the stubborn and strong calf continues to fight them off, defiantly. However, it didn't stop the fact that tufts of her furs were flying everywhere, as well as crimson drops of blood.

Suddenly, the sound of a dreadful hissing was heard, from behind. Scales standing on end, Spike manages to summon enough nerves to turn his head, to see the huge snake towering itself over him, flicking its fork tongue, and glaring at him even hungrier than the wolves.

"Uh, easy now," Spike tried to reason with the snake, while slowly backing away. "Y-Y-You wouldn't want to eat me. Would you? I mean, I-I-I really don't taste good, I...YIPE!" Spike screamed as he quickly jumped to the side, narrowly evading a bite from the snake when it thrusted its head, before retracting. Realizing how serious the situation is, Spike tried to look tough, adjusting his hat, "Oh yeah! You want a piece of me? Come on! I can take you! In fact, TAKE THIS!!" Spike shouted, inhaling a gust of air, before he exhales, hoping to burn the snake with his fire breath. But nothing came out. Instead, all Spike managed to blow was a simple raspberry, and few drools.

The snake, in its own hissing way, laughed at the dragon's failed attempt, wriggling about in the grass, with its coils swaying all over the place. Feeling his face burning red with embarrassment, Spike tried to breath fire, "Come on, come on!" He grunted as he frustratedly continues to make several green sparks. Having enough, Spike picked up a rock, and lobbed it at the snake, conking it on the head.

This, however, made the snake angrier, letting out a bloodcurdling hiss, baring its large fangs at the little dragon, "AAAAAAHHH!!" Spike yelled at the top of his lungs, as he took off running, with the snake hot on his tail.

Speaking of hot, the field suddenly combusted into a blazing inferno around Spike, Arizona, and the predators.

"Spike?!" Arizona exclaimed.

"It wasn't me, I swear!" Spike said in his defense, while also trying to avoid getting eaten by the snake. "YIPE!!" Spike tripped on a rock, causing him to fall on his face, into the dirts. Taking its chance, the snake reared its head back, before it lunged toward's Spike, mouth wide open, and fangs unsheathed.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Spike screamed.

"SPIKE!!" Arizona shouted, throwing a wolf off her, before she ran over to knock the snake off, with her horns. "Spike! Are you okay?" She asked.

"It got me!" Spike whimpered. "It's got me on the back! How bad is it?"

Arizona took a look, before she mooed, "Uh...Spike? The snake only bit the book," She pointed to a few bite marks that are now on the cover of the spell book he was carrying.

"Oh, he he he," Spike chuckled sheepishly.

Arizona shook her head, incredulously at the dragon, before she wrapped her front hooves around his head, "Heads down!" She screamed, as a wolf came and nearly bit Spike's head off, before Arizona punched it away. "Protect yourself!" Arizona ordered, before she resumed fighting off some more ghostly wolves.

Spike was screaming wildly, as he aimlessly thrashed his claws in every directions, kicking his legs, and finally manages to spew some explosive fireballs, catching some of the wolves by surprise.

During the fight, Spike looked off into the distance and could see the silhouette of a tall dark figure of a horse-like being, glaring at him with piercing white eyes that looked as if they were staring into his soul. He didn't have time to ponder on it, when the bark of a wolf startled him into blasting a fireball, hitting Arizona by mistake.

"OW!!" Arizona mooed, before she turned to Spike. "Watch it, Spike!" Another wolf snapped its jaw at Arizona, who quickly dodged, and bucked it away, before she ran over to Spike's side.

"They just keep coming!" Spike frowned, before both he and Arizona started to cough from the rising smokes.

"And the air's getting a little too stuffy!" Arizona coughed. "Hold on tight, Spike! We're gettin' outta here!" Arizona mooed, as she broke into a fast run, with Spike riding on her back, bouncing up and down as he held onto her bandana tightly.

Looking back, Spike was horrified to see some of the wolves giving chase, burned and all, "Faster Arizona! Faster!" Spike shouted in fright.

Watching from the distance, Oleander was outraged at what she was seeing, "What's that dragon doing to that calf?" Breaking into a gallop, Oleander and Fred jumped into the fire to give chase, only to be confronted by the remaining wolves, blocking their path.

Taking notice of the newcomer, the wolves changed their priorities and set their sights on the unicorn, and book. Of course, with a crack of dark magic, Oleander refuses to go down, without fighting.

"I have trained years for this; you will not dissuade me!" Oleander declared.

"Go get 'em, Ollie," Fred cheered.

[End of Music]

After an hour of running, Spike and Arizona stopped at a running river to rest for a moment, "Oh, that was a close one," Spike panted. "Phew, I thought for sure we were done for that time." Spike looked over to the calf, who dipped her head into the water, taking long gulps, "You were awesome back there Arizona! The way you fought off those wolves, and that snake, it was amazing!"

Arizona rose her head up, turning to look at Spike, "You should be more happy that we're still alive, Spike," She said gravely. "If I hadn't learn how to fight, then we'd both be dinners to those varmints, and that would've sealed the fate of Fœnum as we know it. And all chances of getting you back home for that matter."

With that, all feelings of joy and relief quickly dissipated from Spike and were replaced with dreads, "Oh yeah, that too," He muttered, while realizing how close they were to death at that time. Spike gulped as he recalls the fire, the wolves, the snake, and how close they were to killing him that time. "Well, now that that's over, let's just keep going. Where to next?"

"Just a little further up north, there's a town of some nice horse folks," Arizona answered. "It's not Ponyville, but hopefully it's a nice place where I can leave ya."

"Okay then. Let's-wait, what?!" Spike turned to look at Arizona with wide eyes. "What did you say?"

"I'm just gonna leave ya with some horses Spike," Arizona replied. "Until I get back to pick ya up."

"But why?"

"Because it's too dangerous for a little fella like you!" Arizona began. "After what happened back in the field, how ya set the place on fire, and how ya nearly got eaten by them varmints. There's no possible way you'll survive if I let you come with me, wherever I'm going."

"Okay, first off, I didn't set that place on fire! Honest! It just happened all of a sudden! And I don't know how," He began. "And second of all, I need to get home, and fast! You said there are some unicorns out there who can get me home, and that's where we're going!"

Arizona frowned, while looking sternly at the dragon, "Do ya really want to get home?" She asked.


Next thing he knew, Spike was knocked off his feet, when Arizona swept her leg, under him. The young cow quickly placed a strong hoof, pinning him down.

"Then listen good!" She mooed strongly. "You don't stand a chance in this world! If you come with me, you're risking yourself in greater dangers! And if a predator catches you, you're not going to last for more than a second! And then yer never getting home! I've got a prairie and a world to save, so I'm not always going to be there to protect ya, or bail ya out! Understand?" Frightened by her angry stares, Spike nodded his head, to which Arizona softened her gaze.

Taking a deep breath, Arizona spoke in a calmer tone, " Look, I'm sorry it had to be this way, Spike. I like ya. Yer a good kid, even for a dragon. But once we get to town, that's where we say good-bye." With that, Arizona turned her back, and started off into the sunset. "And until this whole predator conflict is over. Then I'll come back to fetch ya, and then we can go to the Woodlands."

Arizona hadn't gone far, when Spike stopped her, "Wait!" He shouted. "Teach me, Arizona! Teach me to fight!" Arizona turned and looked at Spike, raising an eyebrow in confusion, "Think for a moment. Maybe if I learn how to protect myself, then maybe you don't have to worry about me all the time. And who knows, I could even help you find the Prophet's Key. That way, we'll both be helping each other reach our goals twice as fast, and better! What do you say?"

Arizona thought for a moment, before she spoke, "A calf like me, teaching a dragon like you how to fight?" She shook her head. "I don't know Spike. Something like that, it's just never been done before. And I just don't think it'll work."

"Please Arizona! I'm begging you!" Spike pleaded. "You're my only hope!"

Arizona heaved a heavy sigh, blowing a strand of her hair, 'I've gone from the Prairie's Champ’een to a dragon's babysitter, haven't I?' She asked, mentally.

Dragon Training - Day 1

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Previously, Spike and Arizona had just taken the first step on their adventure to find the legendary Prophet's Key and the way to send Spike home. They hadn't gone very far, when the two young adventurers were ambushed by a pack of predators. The two barely escaped with their lives, if hadn't been for Arizona and her fighting skills.

Fearing for Spike's safety, Arizona initially suggested that the young dragon be left behind in a local village. Spike, however, successfully persuade her to teach him how to fight, and to survive. And so it has come to pass, Spike became a pupil, and Arizona became his teacher.

Spike and Arizona were later in a canyon, close to the river they were washing at.

"Okay, Spike," Arizona began, while walking around the young dragon. "Show me, what kind of attacks you can do."

"Um, well," Spike scratched his head to ponder for a moment, before answering, "I can do this," With that, Spike threw several punches with his claws, "And some of this. Hi-yah!" Spike shouted, when he jumped and thrusted his leg out in a kick. "And some of these!" With that, Spike flicked his tail around, followed by a strong bite, and a burst of his green fire breath.

Arizona nodded, "Very nice," She mooed. "Now let's feel yer stomp."

Spike looked confused, "My stomp?" He asked.

To get her point across, Arizona stomped one hoof down into the ground, causing a light tremor that was enough to knock Spike off his feet, "That's a stomp," Arizona explained.

"Whoa! You're stronger than you look, you know that?" Spike complimented.

"Now you try it," Arizona beckoned, to which Spike did by stomping one of his foot down. Understandably, unlike Arizona's, it didn't create enough tremor. Arizona shook her head, "Then again, maybe stomping is more reserved to us bovines," Walking over to a huge rock, Arizona tapped her hoof on it, "By chance, can ya break this?" She asked, gesturing to the rock.

Spike recalled how he once had an adventure with Princess Celestia, and how they've once had an encounter with some very unfriendly creatures who refer themselves as "rock lobsters."

See Friends Forever Issue 3.

Spike remembered how he succeeded in frightening the lobsters by biting on the bar of their rock dungeons, "I've done it before," He answered.

"Well then, just do it."

With that, Spike walked up to the rock, 'Pretend it's a giant rock candy,' Spike said to himself. Then, opening his mouth very wide, Spike clamped his jaws on the rock, tearing a chunk of it to dine on, which he quickly regretted, and much to Arizona's shock.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Arizona asked.

"Mmmm mmm," Spike answered in a mouthful.


Spitting the chunks out, Spike answered, "Just breaking the rock. I mean, that's how I broke a rock once," Spike winced as he massaged his jaws a bit, 'And broke a few teeth now and there,' He thought painfully.

"Uh huh," Arizona looked unamused. "So if breaking rocks is yer definition of eating rocks, then I recommend ya break them into tiny bite size pieces first, with a punch. Like this," With that, Arizona throws a front hoof out in a punch, shattering the rocks to pieces. "Get the idea?" She asked.

"Uh huh," Spike nodded.

Arizona looked around, before spotting another rock, slightly smaller than the one she destroyed, "Now, you try and punch that one," She pointed.

Gulping a lump in his throat, Spike complied as he walks over to the rock, and with a loud roar, and threw a fist, making impact with the stone surface.

"Ow!" Spike winced from the recoil damage.

"We've got a long way to go," Arizona mooed.

Later, out in an open field, where dead trees reside, Spike was charging as fast as he could, before he leaped forward into a jump, sticking his foot out into a kick at one of the trees. But the tree's barks remained unscathed, while poor Spike was rubbing his sore foot with his claws, recoiling from the damage.

Watching the progress of his trainings, from the side, Arizona shook her head, 'You're really bad at this, Spike,' She said, mentally.

Spike charged furiously at the tree for the last time, before he dropped down to the ground, exhausted. Looking up at Arizona, panting heavily, Spike called out, "I've been stubbing my foot into this old tree for days now," He moaned. "When are you gonna teach me to fight?"

"You want to learn how to fight?" Arizona asked, to which Spike answered with a nod. In response, the young calf walked over to Spike. She looked down at him, with her back facing the tree. Then, as fast as lightning, Arizona thrust her hind leg into the tree, exerting so much force that the tree's wooden frames burst into a million splinters from the impact of Arizona's kick.

Spike watched as the whole tree collapsed to its side, clean off of the thick stump displaying where it once stood.

"That's called a kick," Arizona lectured. "Tomorrow, I'll teach how you to punch." Turning to another tree, Arizona directed Spike to the brittle old plant, ushering for Spike to resume his training. "Just remember, Spike," Arizona began, "This is only the first step to being a fighter. Woods don't hit back, ya know. And the predators are not woods, so they don't sit still and give ya a target to punch, kick, bite, or in your case, burn. So ya gotta be quicker than the winds, and stronger than the rocks if ya want to stay alive."

Arizona was right. In Equestria, Spike's always had his friends to support him, and vice versa, on their adventures. But now that Spike's in Fœnum, without his friends, and farther away from his home, his task has become increasingly more difficult. In order to become a strong fighter, Spike must train and fight every day. He learned every tactics, every means possible to win. Because in the end, that was all that mattered.

And when he learned that, he was taking one step closer into becoming a strong fighter, and waiting for the day when he can finally come home. A day has never passed that Spike didn't suffer the pain of his lessons. At times, Spike thought he was going to die. But he didn't.

The Fold - The Weekend Whip

Meanwhile, back in Equestria

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In the library of the Castle of Friendship, Starlight and Trixie were rummaging through the pages of every spell books and scrolls they could find, including the ones Starlight had recovered from the ruined library of the Castle of the Two Sisters, desperately searching for an answer to find Spike and bring him back home.

"Come on, come on!" Starlight grimaced, turning the pages of a book she was reading. "It's just got to be in here!"

"Ooh!" Trixie exclaimed when she looked through some of Starswirl the Bearded's lost notes. "Here's an idea! Let's use this old spell on mirrors and use it to find Spike! I mean, Star Swirl has used it before when it comes to multiverse travels!"

See the Legends of Magic Annual 2018.

Starlight turned to Trixie, "Sounds like a good idea, Trixie," Starlight began, in an unamused tone. "If you know the spell on getting a firm lock on the world Spike's trapped in!" With a frustrated sigh, Starlight resumes looking back through the books.

"Geez, calm down, Starlight," Trixie frowned. "We'll find Spike."

"Calm down?!" Starlight began. "Calm down?! HOW CAN I BE CALM?!" Starlight began, with her eyes twitching, and red smokes billowing from her horn. "It's been three days since we lost Spike. Thorax is breathing down our necks. Spike's probably in another world where dragons could be a delicacy, and we're still not making any progress on finding an answer to bring him home, Twilight could be back home at any time now, and HERE you are acting all cool and casual about it?! HOW CAN I BE CALM?!!"

Frightened beyond any reasons, Trixie conjured up a teacup, with tea in it, "Tea?" She smiled, while sweating a storm.

Before Starlight was about to blow her top, the door opened up, and there stood Big Mac, with Discord, "Why hello ladies," Discord greeted. "So sorry for dropping by unannounced. We just came here to see if the Spike-man's up for a guy's night."

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed. "Hope he's feeling alright. We haven't seen him for awhile now, and it almost felt like he just up and left."

Starlight and Trixie were sweating together, knowing how on the money Big Mac was, unknowingly, "Really?" Starlight smiled sheepishly. "You don't say," She chuckled nervously, sounding and looking almost like Twilight at the moment.

"Yeah, that's absurd," Trixie joined. "What makes you say that? Surely, the Great and Powerful Trixie would've known if the little dragon's gone, or something."

The boys exchanged looks of confusions, bewildered at the girls' strange behavior. Rather than asking about it, the boys shrugged their shoulders, "Uh huh, so where's the S-Dragon?" Discord asked, turning his head a full 360°.

"Oh, him," Starlight thought, before she grabbed Trixie. "We'll go and get him! Be right back!" With that, the two unicorns disappeared in a burst of lights, leaving the two boys confused.

Trixie and Starlight reappeared, within the Changeling kingdom. After an escort from the guards and their commander, Pharynx, the girls were left alone in the throne room, with Thorax.

"So, what's the word?" Thorax asked. "Is Spike back? Did you find him?" The girls looked to each other, saddened, before dipping their heads in answer. "Guess not," Thorax frowned, slumping back in his throne. "What do you want now? Do I have to pose as a model for Rarity, again? Do I need to go to the Dragons' Land again and get my flank roasted, again?" Thorax frowned, while showing the spot where he got scorched. "Or do you want me to go to the Rumble Rocky Range and dig up gems like Spike does, which by the way I'm not doing it again! I still got some bite marks from the Diamond Dogs to show for it!!"

"Relax, Thorax," Starlight replied. "Nothing like that. We just need you to fill in for Spike, in his Guy's Night with Discord and Big Mac."

"Yeah, you know them, don't you?" Trixie asked.

"How can I not?" Thorax grumbled. "Discord helped us rescue our friends and defeated Chrysalis. And Big Mac is that red earth pony who's always saying 'yup' and 'nope' to everything." Then, Thorax had an epiphany, "Wait! That's it! Why don't we get Discord to help?! Surely, he can get Spike back!"

"Absolutely not!" Trixie frowned.

"What? Why not?" Thorax and Starlight asked.

"Reformed or not, he's still Discord!" Trixie grumbled. "He can be unpredictable! Who knows what kind of tricks he'd pull on us, or what he'll do to us if we explain to him about our predicament! Besides, I'm still suffering from some shameful scars he's inflicted on me from my last show!"

"Well, what choices do we have?" Thorax frowned. "We can't keep this bottled between us any longer! We need his help if we're going to get Spike back!"

"I hate to say this, Trixie," Starlight began. "But Thorax's right. Discord's got all the powers. And hopefully, they'll be enough to get Spike back."

Trixie pouted, miffed that she was passed over by her best friend, and their changeling friend.


"So let me get this straight," Discord began, as he and Big Mac were sitting around the Friendship Map, together with Thorax, Starlight, and Trixie. "The Self-Absorbed and Below Average Trixie has done screwed up another magic trick, and she literally made my buddy Spike disappear out of thin air, and you've been keeping this to yourselves from the public for three days now?" Discord shook his head while clicking his tongue repeatedly, with Big Mac shaking his head in agreement. "For shame, for shame. It's bad girls like you two who make friendship a witchcraft."


"Oh I'll show you witchcraft, Dip-cord!" Trixie growled, irritated from the mocking nickname the draconequus had given her.

Before a fight could break out, Starlight kept Trixie at bay, "Well, now that the cat's out of the bag. Can you please make yourself useful and get Spike back?" Starlight asked.

"Well of course I'll get Spike back!" Discord answered.


"You bet. Just as soon as I write a letter to Twilight and Celly, and then we'll have Spike home in a heartbeat," Discord said, conjuring a quill and a piece of paper.

"Wait! NO!" Starlight screamed, as she and Trixie desperately tackled the draconequus.

"Hey! Gettin' a little too close for comfort there!" Discord grumbled, snapping the girls off of him.

"Please, I'm begging you Discord!" Starlight frowned. "Don't tell Twilight! Because if she finds out what a mess we've made, she'll bury me alive, and dance on my grave! Or worse, she could talk to Princess Celestia and send me to the moon! I'm not exaggerating!" She declared dramatically, before she paused for a moment, "Well, technically, I am. But still, just don't tell Twilight, Celestia, or anyone else what happened! And that goes double for you Big Mac!"

"What?!" Big Mac exclaimed, appalled.

"I don't know," Discord replied. "I kinda want to see you gettin' blasted to the moon. I mean, you haven't become an alicorn yet and almost half the bronies wanted to see that. And then some," He stared at Trixie, who blew a raspberry in defiance.

"Can we please get back into getting my buddy back?" Thorax asked, growing impatient and frustrated from all the tension that was going on around him. "The sooner we get him back, the happier we'll be!"

Looking back to each other, Starlight and Discord nodded, before they exchanged a hoof and paw shake.

"Do you promise?" Starlight asked.

"I promise," Discord replied, holding a claw up. "Just as long as you promise we'll get Spike back, safe and sound!"

"I don't know how I can uphold that kind of promise," Starlight grumbled. "But as long as you don't mess around, then yes!"

"Then it's a Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Discord recited the chant. "Because break a promise copyrighted by Pinkie Pie, better kiss your flank good-bye." Trixie and Starlight looked horrified at the last part, while Discord cracked his knuckles, "Hold on, Spike!" With a snap of his fingers, the draconequus opened up a dimensional doorway. "Here we come!" Donning up a super hero costume, while blowing a bugle, sounding a dramatic super hero theme, Discord revved his feet up like wheels as he dove into the portal, only for the portal to close up before his whole body can enter.

"Uh, Discord?" Thorax asked. "Are you okay?"

There was no reply. Why do you ask? Well it's hard for a draconequus like Discord to answer, when......

"HIS HEAD IS MISSING!!!" Thorax screamed.

One more problem....

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"Great. Just great," Starlight moaned, as she paced anxiously back and forth in the castle library. "It's bad enough that we lost Spike in another world, but as if things couldn't get worse, Discord's gone and lost his head!"

"I don't know," Trixie shrugged. "He looks okay to me." Trixie's words got eaten when a loud crash was heard, courtesy of the headless draconequus body.

"Nope," Big Mac shook his head.

"This isn't good!" Thorax moaned. "This not good at all!"

"Gee, you don't say," Trixie grumbled.

"I can't take this anymore! We have to come clean right now!" The Changeling Leader exclaimed.

Of course, neither Starlight or Trixie liked the idea, "That's a good idea," Starlight began in sarcasm. "And how do you think Twilight, and the others, would react when they find out what a mess we made of things?"

"Come on, be reasonable," Thorax mumbled. "We can't keep this to ourselves any longer! We're way over our heads now! Sooner or later, everybody, and probably all of Equestria and beyond is bound know! And the longer we keep this up, the more time we're wasting with dead ends and the less time Spike has in another world! WE'VE GOT TO GET HIM BACK NOW!!!!"

"You think we don't care what happens to Spike?" Starlight asked. "We're trying the best we can! And Discord was the best option we had!"

"Up until he lost his head," Trixie reminded, while pointing to the headless body stumbling through the Castle of Friendship's halls. "And now we're left with a headless draconequus body."

"And that's just one more problem we now have!" Thorax replied, with one of his eyes slightly twitching. "How are we gonna explain to every pony in town, about this?"

Groaning in anxiety, Starlight grimaced, "We....we'll think of something," She replied.

"We?!" Thorax asked. "What do you mean 'we?' This is all your fault!" He pointed accusingly at Starlight. "No, wait, correction. This your fault as well!" He said, turning his hoof to Trixie. "Why is it that in this Spike situation, you're dragging me into this mess?"

"Because no pony, or no changelings, cares about Spike more than you do, right?" Starlight said, trying to reason with Thorax. "And besides, it was your idea to suggest getting Discord involved, remember?"

"Touche," Thorax muttered. "But while I do care about Spike, it's not enough to just leave him alone and defenseless in another world! We've got to save him now!"

"And we will! But first thing's first, we need to do something about Discord's headless body right there," Starlight reasoned, pointing to the said headless body that crashed into a wall.

"Why?" Trixie asked. "I thought finding Spike is our top priority now."

Everyone in the room all fired unamused deadpan looks at Trixie, "Seriously, Trixie?" Starlight began. "There's no way we're going to let Discord loose in town, or any other parts of Equestria, with his head missing!"

"So what?" The magician shrugged. "This is Discord we're talking about. I'm sure no pony will even notice his head is missing. They'll just assume it's another one of his crazy, chaotic gimmick, or something."

"Well, what about Fluttershy?" Starlight explained. "I highly doubt we're ever going to fool Fluttershy. One good look at her best draconequus friend without his head, she'll get suspicious, then our friends will get suspicious, pretty soon all of Ponyville will suspect, and before Twilight even gets back, they'll probably catch onto us and-GASP!" Starlight gasped in fright at the end, before she continues, "We'll probably find ourselves looking to a future behind bars before we could even say Tartarus!"

An awkward silence followed, before Trixie finally breaks the ice, "Or maybe Fluttershy will never know!" She said with a nervous smile. "Because Discord here is sick! And he'll just stay at home, and can't afford talk, visit, write, or even see Fluttershy."

"And just how-" Before Starlight could finish, Trixie interrupted.

"Simple! We just keep Discord's body, somewhere in the castle, where no pony will find it. No pony sees it, no pony will ever know."

"Except maybe Fluttershy," Thorax added. "Both she and Discord like to keep in touch on a regular basis. And she's going to suspect something is up, when Discord doesn't respond to any of her letters!"

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed.

"No she won't," Trixie shook her head. "Because you are going to tell her that he's too sick to write back."

"WHAT?!!" Thorax shouted in outrage. "Why me? Why can't you tell her? Or Starlight? This is all your fault! You should be the one to tell her!"


"We don't have time for that!" Trixie muttered. "Me and Glim-Glam have to find Spike, and we need you and Big Mac to keep an eye on Sir Miss-A-Head here!"

"I hate to say this, but I think Trixie's right," Starlight muttered. "If anyone can do this, it's you Thorax," She reasoned with the reluctant changeling.

Thorax stammered, before he finds his voice, "Okay. It's bad enough that these past few days, I have to go around, passing myself off as Spike, without anyone noticing he's missing. But there's no way I'm going up to Fluttershy's cottage, look her in the eyes, and lie to her cute, fluffy face!"


"I have bad news for you Fluttershy," Thorax began. "It just so happens, that our good friend, and friendly neighbor and not headless Discord, is um, how should I put it? Under the weather!"

"Oh goodness?" Fluttershy frowned. "Why? What's wrong? Is he hurt? Is he okay?"

"Oh, he's been...better," The Changeling said nervously, taking a few quick sips from his tea cup. "I mean....better in his unusual Discord sort of way. But I'm just gonna cut to the chase here, alright?" The buttercup pegasus nodded as Thorax replied, "Discord's not in the mood for visitors, or even visits, at the moment. He wishes he could see you right now, but given to the condition he's in....he wants to make sure you don't get sick as well!"

"Oh, but of course," Fluttershy nodded. "Please, if there's anything I can do, just let me know."

"Right, of course," Thorax grinned, before he took his leave. "Now if you'll excuse me, I should be going now. Toodles!" With that, Thorax sees himself out of the cottage, and was walking down the path, away from the cottage, before he arrives at a bush on the way to rendezvous with Big Mac.

"I can't believe I just lied to Fluttershy like that!" Thorax frowned. "I've never told a lie before, since I left the hive after the Royal Wedding fiasco!"

"That's why she believes you," Big Mac replied.

"This is going to set changelings back a few moons," The changeling muttered. "But for the sake of Spike, we're never going to speak a word of this ever again. Got it?"

"Ee......nope......who are we talking about again?"

"Exactly," With a heavy sigh, Thorax moaned, "Oh please, Spike. Wherever you are, be strong little buddy."

Dragon Training - Day 7

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Dragon's Log - Day 7

I was sent into this alternative world called Fœnum, after a crazy magical mishap, courtesy of Trixie Lulamoon and Starlight Glimmer.

I'm without my friends from Equestria, far, far away, and my only chance of getting home now is the spell book that contains the spell that sent me into this world. Trouble is, it requires a powerful spell caster, kinda like Twilight or Starlight.

Luckily, I'm not alone anymore, because I now have a friend. A strong calf named Arizona, who sort of reminds me of my friend, Applejack back home.

Our missions:

  1. Arizona needs to locate the Prophet's Key to save the entire world from the Predators.
  2. Me. I need to find some unicorns who can send me back home.
  3. I need to learn how to fight good!!!

Spike’s developing fight moves:

(Light) Punch
(Medium) Kick
(Heavy) Tail Whip
(Magic) Fire belch

Eye of the Tiger

While Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax are desperately searching for an answer in the safety of Equestria, Spike continues with his rigorous training and exercises, in Fœnum, as he felt himself being pushed far beyond his limits.

No longer was he punching and kicking dead trees, but he was now breaking and chopping rocks with his claws and tail.

For his exercises, Spike would do sit-ups and crunches in the mornings and the evenings, straining as he exercised like he's never exercised before, because he never needed to back in Equestria. Sometimes, Arizona would force him down even further in his push-ups, which he would strain to push himself back up against her strong hooves.

Next were the jump ropes. Arizona would tie one end of her rope to a tree, with the other end in her mouth, and with all her might, she would spin the rope, starting off with a slow pace for Spike to jump over, before moving onto a faster pace that the young dragon would have trouble keeping up.

Other times, he would find himself hanging upside down, from a tree branch, by his tail, crunching himself up to touch his knee with his chin, and repeat. Later, both he and Arizona would have another sparring session with Arizona kicking, punching, and stomping her hooves at the little dragon, training his reactions and reflexes to block and counter attacks.

Often times, he manages to block some of her moves, slowly getting the forms down on how to block a low strike, an aerial strike, while struggling on defending himself from a few chain of attacks that can strike him at an unexpected, fluid, and painful level.

"Be strong, Spike!" Arizona would lecture. "Anticipate, Spike! Anticipate! Expect the unexpected!"

"Okay, okay! I'm anticipating, I'm anticipating!" Spike replied, while frantically defending himself from Arizona's fast punches.

"Then stand up and face me-HEY, WHAT'S THAT?!" Spike immediately turned around. "Hi-YAH!!" Arizona shouted, as she stomped her hoof and sent Spike flying off his feet. "What did I just say?"

"You said 'Hey, what's that?'" Spike answered in his defense.

"No, I told you to anticipate! You weren't anticipating! Again!"

With a long despondent sigh, Spike got back up and resumed his sparring with the calf.

Lesson: Super jump

Arizona looked up to see a lonely apple, hanging at the end of a branch, at a tall height that seems too out of reach for her.

"Hold on, Ari," Spike panted, as he was about to climb the tree. "I'll get it."

"No need, Spike. I got this," Arizona politely waved off the dragon's offer.

Spike looked curiously at Arizona, watching as she bent down on all four, and with a burst of speed, she kicked herself off the ground, launching herself into the air, and snatched the apple clean off its perch.

Spike could hardly believe his eyes, “Wow, Arizona!” He exclaimed. “You jump good!”

“Thanks Spike. All those works on the prairie pays off, y'know.”

“How do you do that?”

"Believe it or not. It's pretty simple, if ya have strong legs, stronger than a jackrabbit," Arizona lectured. "All ya gotta do is crunch down, and kick with your own two legs real hard. Soon, you'll be launching yourself in the air it's almost as if you're flying!"

"Cool!" With that, Spike tried to repeat the same thing Arizona did, getting down on his legs and claws, bending both his elbows and knees to touch the ground, before with a burst of his own speed, he kicked himself into the air, though not as high as Arizona's jump.

"Hmm, not bad, Spike," Arizona stamped her hoof in applause. "Not bad. And you're only gonna get better."


"After ya give me 50 laps around this field."

Lesson: Hitstun

"YEE-HAW!!" Arizona shouted, thrusting her leg at Spike, catching him off guard, knocking the wind out of him. The calf held a hoof out to help the young dragon up, “Try not to get hit,” Arizona lectured. “Get hit once, and ya can’t move.”

Lesson: Blockstun

“You block, and your opponent is opened to attack!” Arizona lectured, as she thrusted her front hoof out for a punch, to which Spike managed to block it with a side block, before he counters with a tail whip.

Lesson: Pushblock

“If you can block strong and fast enough, then you can buy yourself some times by pushing your opponents away!” Of course, Spike wasn't strong enough to push Arizona away, even after a successful block.

Later, at the end of their trainings for the day, both Spike and Arizona were both sitting on a log, watching the beautiful sunset across the horizon.

"Sure is pretty, don't it?" Arizona asked, while chewing on a piece of grass.

"Sure is," Spike agreed. "It ain't Princess Celestia's, but it's just as beautiful."

Arizona turned to look at Spike, "Ya must really miss your home that badly, huh?" She asked.

"Yeah, I missed it really bad at first. But I think I also like Fœnum just as much," The little dragon smiled. "That is, once we get pass the current predator crisis that's got you all on edge."

"Right, there's that," The calf couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "Y'know Spike. For a dragon, you're really friendly. Uh, not that I have a problem with you as a predator, or anything. I don't mean that as an offense. Please, don't take it personal." The calf panicked.

"I'm not," Spike replied, shaking his head in understanding. "Believe me, back in Equestria, some ponies find it hard to accept me as well. They're always afraid of me, because I can breathe fire, have claws, sharp teeth, and everything."

"So if ponies were afraid of you, then how is it that you're still living with them?"

"Because I've got friends who trust me, and know me better," Spike smiled proudly and nostalgically. "I’ve already told you enough about Applejack, but there’s also Twilight - my very first best friend. She's the pony who hatched me and raised me, as if I was her own flesh and blood. Rainbow Dash, oh what daredevil! She's fast, strong, and an awesome flyer! But she can be a bit reckless sometimes. I blame it on her ego. Pinkie Pie's such an airhead, but a lot of fun. Fluttershy's very nice, but also very quiet. Too quiet. Then there's Rarity~"

At the mention of the unicorn Rarity, Spike finds himself lost in a loving daze as he daydreams about the beautiful, marshmallow white unicorn, "Ooh, she's your girlfriend, or something?" Arizona asked, with a mischievous smirk on her face.

Spike immediately blushed hysterically as he snapped himself out of his trance, "Uh, no, no! It's not like that!" Spike stammered. "I mean, she is my girl, and she is a friend-I mean, she is my friend, and she is a girl, but-"

Spike was interrupted when Arizona suddenly broke down, laughing heartily, "I'm just teasing ya, Spike!" She laughed, to which Spike pouted in embarrassment. "But seriously, I get ya. She's just a friend, who you think is real pretty."

"Uh, yeah," The dragon nodded. "Real pretty."

After the laughter died down, the calf continues, "So these pony friends of yours. How can they trust that you're not planning to eat them or anything?"

In response, Spike looked at Arizona with a weirded look, "What?"

"What? I'm just asking," The calf defended.

"Well, okay," The young dragon pondered, as he looked to see the sun slowly vanishing, then arched his head up to the night sky with the stars coming out. "I don't know the exact lifestyles you've got going here in Fœnum. But back in Equestria, we dragons don't exactly eat meat, let alone ponies. At least, for all I know."

"So what do you eat when you're hungry?"

"I told you. I'm a vegetarian. You can thank Twilight and her folks that. And sometimes, there's nothing sweeter than a pile of gemstones that tastes like rock candies to satisfy my tastebuds!" The dragon licked his chops at the thought of gems.

"Huh. Interesting," Arizona replied, looking intrigued. "You're full of surprises, y'know that, Spike?"

"Thanks. I'd say the same for you," The two both exchanged smiles, before they looked back to see the sun was gone completely, and the moon has climbed at the top of its peak in the sky.

"Well, time to hit the sack, Spike," Arizona yawned, as she rolled out two sleeping bags for both herself and Spike.

The young dragon picked up a pile of firewoods and set them up in a circle of stones, before he works his magic, breathing fire on the woods, igniting a campfire.

"How much further until we're close to the unicorns?" Spike asked.

"For all I know, according to this map," Arizona held up the map in the fire's light. "Could be about a few more days, give or take. If we can survive the journey."

Having his own fair shares of perilous journey, Spike nodded, "Yeah. If we can survive," He repeated nervously, holding the spell book close, while glancing around for any sign of movements.

The Predators' Nightmare

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That night, under the blanket of stars, Spike and Arizona slept soundly, resting for another day of adventure.

But poor Spike was having trouble doing so. A horrendous nightmare plagued him in his sleep.

In his dream, Spike found himself lost in a series of dark caverns, with nothing but rows of lamps that pulsated with eerie glows as his only source of light.

"Hello?" Spike called out, his voice bouncing off the cavern walls. "Is anyone here?" No reply. "Arizona? Are you here?" He called, hoping to hear a word, or even a moo, from the young calf.

After realizing he is all alone, Spike summoned every amount of courage he could muster and cautiously navigated his way through the tunnels. But no matter where he goes, or which caves he picked, the young dragon always found himself back to where he started, or in another unfamiliar room. Something is always turning him back.

"How do I get out of here?" Spike asked.

"Is that you I hear?" A voice called.

Spike instantly stopped in his track, feeling his heart was about to burst out, "Fluttershy?!" He called out hopefully. "Is that you?"

"No, stay! Don't leave again!"

"I'm not leaving, Flutters," Spike said happily, as he tries to search the tunnels for the buttercup pegasus. "But where are you?"

"Hush now, it's alright," Fluttershy's voice said. "Where did you go?"

"I'm right here, Fluttershy!" Spike called out, in which the sound of footsteps was audible, and he looked in the direction to see a familiar coat of soft pink and yellow buttercup coming into the light.

Spike could feel any happier to have seen a familiar friend from home, again. But that joy quickly died, when Fluttershy's appearance suddenly twisted into a large, ravenous wolf.

"Good feelings gone," Spike whimpered, watching helplessly as the wolf snarled hungrily, with drools dripping from its mouth.

Before he had time to react, the wolf pounced with lightning speed, jaws wide open to clamp its fangs on the little dragon's throat. Out of impulse, the first thing Spike did was duck his head and rolled underneath the wolf, dodging the attack. He quickly got up and looked back to see the wolf landing on its feet, turning its head and sets its hungry eyes on the little dragon, once again.

Naturally, for a dragon, and a youngling at his age, Spike could barely think straight. He felt cold with his entire body going numb with fear petrifying him in place, as if he became a statue. Spike has never felt this scared since the time he got lost in the Everfree Forest, and how he nearly became a meal to a pack of Timberwolves. He would've been dead too, had it not been for Applejack. Trouble is, Applejack's not here.

"Arizona?!" Spike whimpered desperately for the calf, watching as the wolf prowls closer and closer to him, until its snout was barely an inch from the dragon for a sniff, "Please don't eat me," Spike pleaded to the wolf, as he slowly backed away from the ghostly specter of the vicious canine predator, who followed, "Believe me. I don't really taste that good! In fact, you wouldn't eat a fellow predator too, right? I mean look! I've got claws like you. I also have sharp teeth. We're practically cousins, right? Right?" In response, the wolf lets out a snarl to show its fangs.

Without a doubt, Spike was certain the wolf was going to eat him right then and there. Then, out of impulse, the little dragon slashed his claws at the wolf, scratching its snout. With that, the wolf let out a loud howl that echoed throughout the cavern walls, as it thrashed its head and paws about in fury of the injury it sustained from the little dragon's claws.

Spike immediately bent down to the ground, clutching his claws over his ears, shutting his eyes, struggling to block out the wolf's loud wail of agony and pain, which lasted for what felt like hours. The entire cavern walls shook, with tiny pieces of rocks coming loose from the ceilings and falling onto the ground, close to where Spike and the wolf were standing.

At last, when it was over, the room stopped shaking. Spike opened his eyes and parted his claws away from his ears as he got up to his feet and was greeted with the eerie silent of the caverns that are, admittedly, more pleasing than cry of the wolf. However, Spike's nightmare run was far from over.

Standing before him was an ancient monument meticulously carved with stone visages of vicious predators.

"What is this?" Spike asked, when suddenly, the eyes of the stone carved predators suddenly lit up, as if they had been awakened by his presence. Though startled at first, Spike gazed deeply into their eyes, shining with otherworldly light, beckoning his approach.

As if he was enchanted by their hypnotic gaze, Spike slowly walked towards the monument, holding his claw out, placing it on the front. Then, in the blink of an eye, the monument suddenly splits apart into two, to reveal a swirling vortex that pulsated with an intense, threatening, but mesmerizing aura from within.

The mesmerizing glow of the pulsating portal drew Spike inward. But by the time his rationality kicked in, it was too late, Spike felt himself falling and tumbling through the air, as if he's fallen off a cliff at a tremendous height.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! WHOOAAAAAAAA!!!!!" the young dragon wailed as he once again experienced another seemingly life threatening interdimensional travel. "HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEE!!!! OOF!" with a big crash, the young dragon landed face first on the floor.

Disoriented, the young dragon stumbled as he got back on his feet, slowly regaining his balance until he managed to compose himself.

"Now where am I?" Spike asked, looking at his new surroundings, cloaked in darkness with little to no lightings. The only light sources were the moonlights, streaming down from the skylights in the ceilings, "Hello?" He shouted, and his voice echoed throughout the cavern interiors.

The little dragon shook his head in dismay as he slumped to the floor, "Why? Why did it have to be me?" He asked himself. "Why couldn't it have been someone more deserving, like Trixie? I didn't cast that spell. I don't even know how to fight, and here I am. Far away from home, in a world that's being threatened by an upcoming invasion of massive army of predators that will eat everything and anything, dead or alive, with me being caught in the middle of it. And I thought I could never be more scared than being alone without Twilight, or her friends. But at least things can't get worse from here, right?"

Unfortunately, Spike spoke too soon, when a loud howl pierced the air, and echoed around the cavern, "I just had to open my big mouth," Before long, the floor beneath Spike shook and most of the rocks danced and fell from the ceilings. Some small pebbles landed and bounced off of Spike's head.

And then, he heard it. A low, rumbling growl was heard in the darkness, followed by, what sounded to be, the thunderous footsteps of something large and menacing.

"Oh Celestia, please no!" Spike whimpered in fright, as he slowly navigated his way through the blinding darkness, searching for someplace to hide, as the footsteps grew louder and louder.

Then, stepping into the moonlight, was a large, dark furred, hulking, ghostly figure of a bear. The very sight of the massive predator was enough to trigger a flashback in Spike's memory, as he recalled an incident when Ponyville was under the threat of an angry magical bear called an Ursa Minor – an offspring of an even bigger, Ursa Major – which was caused by the stupidity of the two colts known as Snips and Snails. While the bear isn't as big as an Ursa Minor, or even an Ursa Major, it didn't quite help calm the little dragon, knowing that it's still potentially just as dangerous, if not, life threatening.

The bear continue to trudge on into the cave, when it suddenly stopped in its track, and sniffed the air. Spike quivered in fright, watching as the bear followed the newfound scent with its nose, moving closer and closer to where Spike was hiding. The young dragon immediately covered his mouth his claws, not daring to breathe, in case the bear could also be listening for his rapid breathings. Baring its fangs, growling and drooling even more hungrier than the wolf from before, the bear was almost on top of him.

Thinking fast, Spike held his claw out to the floor, searching desperately for whatever he could use to drive the bear away. He felt a small lump of a tiny pebble, which he didn't hesitate to throw it across the room, emitting a loud crash that caught the bear's attention. With that, the bear backtracked from the little dragon and followed the pebble. Spike took that as his chance to escape. With a kick of his legs, the little dragon quickly darted forward to where the bear came from. Unfortunately, his escape attempt didn't go unheard.

The bear let out a loud roar, setting its sights on the little dragon, before it charged towards him with every thunderous stomps of its legs.

"YIKES!!!! Legs don't fail me now!" Spike hyperventilated, running as fast as he could. During his run, Spike screamed and shrieked at the sight of bones lying on the floor. No doubt, they must've been the unfortunate victims who've been eaten by the bear.

The bear was drawing closer and closer to the little dragon, up to the point Spike can feel its warm hot breath steaming from the back of his neck. With a lurch of its head, the bear snapped its jaws at Spike, only for the little dragon to duck his head down in time. But the nightmare has yet to end, when Spike tripped on a rock and tumbled to the floor. Before he had a chance to get back up, the bear had him pinned down beneath its heavy paws. Not wasting a second, the bear opened its mouth, ready for the kill.

"AAH!!!" Spike yelped, panting heavily as he jolted up, wide awake and alert.

After a moment to catch his breath, Spike slowly calmed himself, when he finds himself back in reality, safe in his sleeping bag, with Arizona sound asleep, close by.

"Oh boy," Spike sighed, slowly slumping back into the bag, struggling to go back to sleep. Of course, after that nightmare he had, he was frightened beyond all reasons to even close his eyes.

The Prairie's Champion(s) - Part 1

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The sun of Fœnum slowly rose over the horizon, casting its light across the land it touches.

Next to their campfire – which has burned out – Arizona was the first to be stirred awake by the morning's light when it first washed over her. The strong calf got up on her hooves to stretch, letting out a small moo to greet the day.

Turning to her left, Arizona looked to see the cute little dragon she had been traveling with, sitting on his haunches, holding the book up like a shield, and clutching a stick in the other claw. He was snoring loudly, while looking like he’s trying to stay awake.

"Howdy Spike," Arizona mooed loudly, startling the little dragon awake. ”Yer bright and early."

"Wha-huh?” Spike muttered, half-awake with bags under his eyes. “Oh yeah. Bright....early,” He snored, drooping to the ground and fell asleep.

With a light chuckle, Arizona patted the dragon on the head, “Rest easy now, Spike. I got this,” Arizona picked up Spike’s hat and puts it over his tired eyes, before she went ahead to roll up their sleeping bags, made sure to secure their belongings onto her back, before she later put the young dragon onto her back as well. Once everything was set, the heroes were on their way.

As the sun rose high up in the air, the calf couldn't help but finds herself thinking about her pa.

Some times before Spike arrived in Fœnum

Texas was sitting by a campfire, surrounded by the wagon homes of him and his herds.

Ever since the recent meeting and the urgent news from the Council of Elders, the bull was troubled.

He was in deep thoughts, when he heard the sounds of leaves rustling, “Is that you, daughter?” He called out to the young calf, who revealed herself.

“Yes, Pa...” Arizona answered, appearing from the shadows with her ears folded back. “It’s me.”

“Why are you hiding, my calf?” Texas asked.

“I...I’m afraid.” She admitted. “I know that we Cattlekind ain’t supposed to listen to those who live outside The Prairie, but I just couldn’t help myself. There’s been a decree, Pa. From the Council of Ungulates.”

“I know,” Texas confirmed seriously.

“You do?”

“I’m the leader of this herd, my calf. It’s my duty to know such things.”

Arizona then walked up to her father and sat beside him, “Then what’s happening, Pa? Why must we pick a champion? And what for? The Mule Deer fawns are saying the most horrible things...”

“Y’know, Arizona, I think a lot about what it means to be wanderers like us.” Texas began. “Moving from place to place wherever the grass decides to grow, out here in the open air with no home except the wagons we haul and the hills we roam... Wouldn’t trade it for anything.” He smiled brightly. “Them city folk inside their walls only concern themselves with what’s in front of their noses. The old stories... they took ‘em out of their history books. But our kind, Arizona, we’re folk of the land. We remember, with our voices...”

Without warning, the bull let out a thunderous bellow, “GATHER ‘ROUND EV’RYONE!”

With that, all the bovines in the heard exited out of their wagons as they gathered around the fire to hear what the strong bull has to say.

“IN DAYS OF OLD... all the hooded folks of Fœnum roamed together as one big ol’ herd.” Texas lectured. “And the world, well, it was one big ol’ field where the grass was ours for the grazin’. We had a peace that lasted long as the tunnels of ten packs of prairie dogs. But times... they’re always changin’, yessir.”

The bull looked solemnly as he continued, “You see, there were other animals on Fœnum. Little ones. They had fur like us, but instead of hooves, they had gangly, clawed toes.” He opened his eyes widely to lecture sternly to his herds. “Now, funny looking feet ain’t usually cause for worry, but somethin’ else was...their TEETH!” He said grimly. “And as time passed, these teeth grew longer and sharper than the thorns on a buffaloberry branch. And with chompers like that, well... I guess eatin’ grass just wasn’t gonna cut it. The Predators ripped our peace away quicker than a dandelion’s seeds in a twister.”

Texas looked up from the fire and smirked confidently, “But we didn’t stand by like frightened jackrabbits to be gobbled up like buttered biscuits. Nope!” He said wholeheartedly. “We fought back! So many of us were lost, we weren’t sure if we’d’ve been better off just lettin’ ourselves be their supper. But soon, we weakened those varmints well enough.... That’s when a mystic from the desert lands stepped in.”

“Usin’ her great power, she banished the Predators to some otherly place, lockin’ then away!”

Arizona gasped, “So that key everyone’s talkin’ about...” She said with an epiphany. “That’s the Prophet’s Key!”

“Well I’ll be,” Texas smiled proudly. “So ‘ya HAVE been payin’ attention to my stories!”
The proud bull’s smile turned to a solemn frown. “The Predators were gone, but so was our peace. Our great herd of one broke into many. We were weakened, and we were scared... ‘Cause though them Predators were locked up... it weren’t for good. No sir. The monsters swore, as they were sucked up into the funnel of that deep, dark nothingness, that they’d be back. And they’d be... hungry.”

Not long after that, Texas started calling out for volunteers, in which it ended with Arizona being the chosen Key Seeker, much to his reluctance.

After that, Arizona started practicing her kicks, punches, and lasso tricks out in the prairie, honing her combat skills for the coming days when she would have to fight the Predators. It was then that Texas came to see her.

"ARIZONA!" She mooed, catching her attention.

"Pa! What..." Startled at first, Arizona pouted as she pawed the grounds with her hooves. "You didn't come to try 'n stop me again, did'ya?! You may be my pa, but I'm not lettin' up, and if I've beaten ya once, I can–"

"No, I..." Texas shook his head, before he explained. "Your ma and I had a talk... and... I ain't about to let my daughter go off to save the world without some'a her Pa's wisdom." Arizona's eyes widened in surprise, before her Pa gave her a map. "Now listen carefully. You would want to go through Canyon Pass, across the bridge. It'll take ya straight out the Prairie... Go North to Reine City. They got a museum there with a buncha ol' relics from ancient times. Might be able to find a clue about the Prophet's Key. Find that key, Arizona. If anyone's worthy enough for it, you bet your horns it's one 'o mine."

Arizona looked up at her father with newfound love, and her ears folded back from the sudden anxiety she felt for protecting all of Fœnum.

"Thanks, Pa." She said, nervously. "I'll protect Fœnum... no matter what."

"Just remember what I always say..." With that, Texas went up to the young calf and whispered into her ears.

"Golly... you really think that's gonna happen, Pa?" She asked.

"Better to know it and not need it, than to need it... and not know it!" With that, Texas took his leave, "Good luck out there, calf."

After that, was about the time when a certain dragon arrived.


"Better to know it and not need it, than to need it... and not know it!" Arizona repeated under her breath.

Spike was fast asleep, when he turned in his sleep and rolled off the calf’s back and landed, on his face, in puddle of mud.

“Ah! Wha-What?!” Spike exclaimed, awake from the impact. “What happened?! Where? What? When?!”

“Well good morning, sleepy head,” Arizona greeted.

“Oh, morning Ari,” Spike yawned, while stretching his arms out. “So, shall we hit the road?”

“Well, Mother Fœnum ain’t gonna save herself now is she?” The calf asked rhetorically as she helped the little dragon up onto her back, and they resumed their journey.

On the way, Arizona helped herself to one of the corns her mother had packed for her, when Spike felt his stomach growling hungrily, "Oh, I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole hoard of treasures right now," He groaned.

"Here, have an apple," Arizona said, offering the young dragon the fruit to eat.

"Thank you." Spike bites down into the apple. "So, where are we going again?" He asked, while munching in the fruit.

"We're on our way to Reine City."

"Reine City? What's that?"

"It's the capital city of deerfolks in the Tundra," Arizona explained. "From what ma and pa told me, it's kinda pretty. On some nights and days, when it's just right, there's a river of colorful lights that shine across the sky. Um, I think they're called, Au'rorar Bovin-Elis?" The calf struggled. "Otherwise, we just call them the Northern Lights."

"Huh, they sound almost like the lights that shine from the Crystal Empire," Spike commented. "Oh, sorry, go on."

"So anyway, Reine City stands between us and the unicorns. So before we get to the unicorns, we have to pass through that city," Arizona continued, before she exclaimed. "Oh! I almost forgot!"

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"Before we left, pa told me to go to the museum in Reine City," Said Arizona. "He said that it's filled with a lot of old relics from the past, and one of them holds the clue to where the Prophet's Key can be found. So while we're there, we might as well check it out."

"Sounds like a plan," Spike smiled, tossing his finished apple core behind him. "Reine City here we come!"

"Yeehaw!" Arizona hollered, breaking into a gallop, with Spike holding tightly onto her bandana.

Canyon Pass

Spike and Arizona traveled along the road, until they came across a running river in front of them.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked, as he got off of Arizona's back.

"Well, ain't no turn' back now," Arizona replied. "Forward onto this quest!" With that, Arizona jumped, crashing into the water, making a large splash which Spike shielded himself from, behind the book. "C'mon in, Spike! Water's fine!"

Unsure at first, Spike walked over to the water and touched the surface, testing how cold it is. But like Arizona said, it's just right.

"What's the matter, Spike?" Arizona asked. "Don't tell me yer afraid of water, are ya?"

"No, of course not," Spike replied, dropping the book off his back and held it up, over his head. "Just need to keep the book dry," Spike slowly waded into the water, which came just about up to his chin.

Before he could go any deeper, he was suddenly picked up, off his feet, "Whoa!" He yelled in surprise, before he looks down to see it was only Arizona.

"It's jus' me, Spike," The calf chuckled.

"Oh, thanks Ari."

The two friends were then on their way, crossing the river before reaching the shorelines on the other side, and Spike tied the book back onto his back. With that, the two were on their way.

Remembering what her father told her, Arizona headed straight through the canyon, towards where the bridge would be, as her father had told her. However, upon arriving at the bridge, both Arizona and Spike were dismayed to see that the bridge was completely destroyed.

"What the...what happened to the bridge?!" Arizona mooed in shock, before she frowned. "Geez, only made it more than ten gallops before hittin' an impasse."

"What do we do now?" Spike asked, feeling even more anxious and worried to get home.

"Hmmm... "Arizona pondered, before she said, "Canyons got all sorts 'a twists 'n turns. There's gotta be another way..."

With that, the two backtracked to the way they came from, before Arizona looked up and noticed a set of cliffs that both she and Spike could climb up on, "Might be able to make it up this cliff here..."

"Yeah...might," Spike turned his head, when he suddenly notices a strange pointy rock, with what appeared to be a symbol of a lightning bolt engraved on the side, flashing and glowing in an intensive aura of light. "Hey, what's that?" He asked, pointing at the rock.

Arizona followed Spike's gaze, and shocked expression matches with Spike's, "Huh, I don't remember Pa sayin' anything about mysterious glowing stones in the middle of nowhere..."

Curiosity getting the best of them, Spike and Arizona both walked up to inspect the stone, seeing how it was pulsing with a faint magical light. When they approached, the lights suddenly holds steady, as if the stone was sensing their approach.

Then, without warning, the two suddenly found themselves surrounded in a coat of light, "Hey, what's going on?" Spike asked, to which Arizona shook her head, unsure.

Then, a voice spoke from the stone, "Do you wish to begin the Jump Trial?"

"Huh?" Spike and Arizona both exchanged confused glances, before Arizona hesitantly replied, "Uh...sure..."

With that, a blast of light burst from the stone, shining on the cliffside, creating a path up to the top, "Demonstrate your jumping abilities to reach the top of your goal," The voice spoke.

"Oh, I get it now!" With that, Arizona started jumping up on the cliffs, following the paths created by the magic light. "C'mon, Spike!" She called out to the little dragon. "Let's get hoppin'."

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Spike said, as he struggles to climb up the cliffs, carrying the book on his back, but his claws keep slipping down the loose rocky walls. "But I can't get a firm hold, I'm slipping!"

"Ya gotta jump, Spike! That's the way to go! C'mon, just like how I taught ya!"

"I don't know..." Spike shook his head. "I'm not a good jumper, I don't think..."

"Don't think, Spike! Just do it!"

Swallowing a lump, Spike nervously replied, "Okay. Here goes nothing." With that, the young dragon crunched his legs, before he catapults himself up to the cliffs, and landed on one of the cliff paths, highlighted by the light. "Whew, that was close." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's it, Spike! Now do it again!" Spike repeated his jump, following Arizona, before he was able to regroup with the young calf at the top. With that, the Jump Trial ended, and the two were no longer surrounded by the magical light. "Yee-haw! Looks like we've passed the Jump Trial!"

"Phew, made it," Spike said, tired but triumphantly.

"Hey now, looks like a path forward!" Arizona pointed to a path before them. "Better keep an eye out for more 'a those stones. Gosh, I wonder who put 'em there..."

"Maybe it's a perk to being a Key Seeker?" Spike voiced his opinion.

"Maybe. But let's keep going," The two hadn’t gone far, when they happened to pass by a shrub, concealing a bridge that connects them to the other side on another cliff.

“Hey, what’s this?” Arizona asked as she and Spike walked across the bridge to investigate.

Upon arriving, they were both amazed to see two wagons stationed below.

“Well, look’it that!” Arizona mooed in amazement. “Seems we found someone’s hidey hole!”

"Yeah, looks that way," Spike replied. "How are we gonna get down?"

Arizona looked around at their surroundings, before she pouted, “No way down without breaking a leg, though. Better look around some more...”

With that, the two resume their adventure, backtracking to the path they came from and continued north, passing by an old campsite on the way. Both Spike and Arizona looked to see a pile of old firewoods that have burnt out years ago, in a circle of stones, next to a pile of old bones, most likely from another ungulate who had camped there before their untimely demise.

"Ugh," Spike and Arizona both groaned squeamishly, with a cold feeling washing over them. Deciding to not think about it, the two decided to leave the bones alone.

They kept on walking, until they arrived at the end of a cliff, where another magic stone from before was waiting for them.

"Another stone..." Arizona commented. "Let's see what we got!"

With that, both Spike and Arizona walked up to the stone and were both encased in a coat of light, as the stone asked, "Begin the Long Jump Trial?"

"Bring it on!" Arizona mooed in confident.

With that, another blast of light shot from the stone, creating a path across a ravine, which leads to the top of a hoodoo that stands between Arizona, Spike, and the other cliff across them.

"Okay, Spike!" Arizona mooed. "It's jus' like how I taught ya the other day. Remember to jump good?"

"Uh... maybe?" Spike shrugged, feeling unsure. "Why don't you go first?"

"Watch how it's done, Spike," Arizona said, as she got down to her hooves, crunching her legs, before she catapulted upward, thrusting herself into the air, before she came back down and landed at the top of the hoodoo and jumped forward again, reaching the other side. "See, Spike! That's the way we do!"

"Ok." Spike whimpered, holding tightly onto the ropes that secured the book on his back, adjusting his hat, before he looked nervously ahead, "Jump good, don't fail me now!" With that, Spike lunged towards the hoodoo, but missed the ledge, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The dragon screamed, falling down into the ravine below.

"SPIKE!" Arizona shouted, holding her hoof out in vain towards the little dragon.

Suddenly, Spike's scream was heard from up above, and he came landing back onto where he had started, "Aaaaaaah...huh? What the–" Spike exclaimed, darting his head, up and down at the ravine he had fallen in, to the hoodoo he had missed, then back at Arizona, who still stood on the other cliffs. "Ari? Wha-How?What? When? I just fell down...but now I'm here?"

"Well ya got me, Spike. By all accounts, it doesn't make sense," Arizona replied. "Maybe it's this magic light that surrounds us, keep us from falling to our deaths, or somethin'. But whatever that was mysterious....but convenient."

"Yeah...convenient," With that, Spike tried again, but like before he fell back down into the ravine, and again, he was picked back up by the magic. He tried again, but still, he couldn't make it.

At last, Arizona shook her head and jumped her way back to Spike, "Stop. I can't take it anymore," With that, the young calf picked up the little dragon, puts him on her back, and with a strong kick of her legs, she carried him across the ravine, onto the hoodoo, then back to the cliff. With that, the trial has ended.

"Thanks, Arizona," Spike thanked the cow.

"Don't mention it," Arizona replied. "But think of it as the last time I'm helping ya."

"Uh... duly noted," Spike sighed, feeling bad that he failed Arizona miserably. "You are still going to help me get back, home right?"

"What do you think?" Arizona mooed, somewhat bluntly, before she nudges onward with her head, "C'mon, let's go."

With that, the two were on their way, when they passed an adult brown cow, with her hair don up in a bun, and wore a turquoise bandana around her neck with white polka-dots.

"Howdy there cowgirl," The cow called out to Arizona. "Thought I heard hooves a-comin'...Would be nice t'have some company. Don't be shy!"

Spike and Arizona instantly flinched, "What'll we do now?" Spike asked.

"Don't worry, Spike," Arizona reassured. "Just keep a low profile, and let me do the talking'," Adjusting her bandana for a moment, Arizona composed herself before she turns to the cow, "Howdy partner!" Arizona greeted the cow.

"Well howdy!" The cow greeted happily. "I'm Madison. Nice t'meet'cha!"

"Howdy, Madison!” Arizona replied. "Name’s Arizona!”

"Well, aren’t you jus’ a bundle ‘a joy!" The cow cooed, before she took notice of Spike hiding behind Madison. "And who's your friend here?"

"Uh, who? This guy?" Arizona smiled nervously, trying her best to act casual. "This is Spike. He's a friend of mine. We're going on an adventure together!"

"Really? The both of you?" Madison asked, looking rather skeptical. "But y'all look so young. But even more importantly, if ya don't mind me askin' did you both get up here exactly? Didn't see you both come through the main road...."

"Well, seein' as how the first bridge was all busted up, we took a shortcut!" Arizona answered.

Madison was flabbergasted, "Wha... are you tellin' me you climbed all the way up the side'a the cliff?!" She exclaimed.

"Well, I did most of the climbing," Arizona answered. "Spike here had a bit of trouble with the jumping though, but we managed."

Still, Madison looked unconvinced, "You half-goat or somethin'?!" She asked.

"Well, how’d you get here?” Arizona asked.

Madison turned her head to the left, then to the right before she looked back at the two adventurers, “You both seem alright. I’ll let you in on a little secret,” She winked. “Promise not ‘ta tell no one?”

Both Arizona and Spike nodded, “We promise.”

Madison then pointed, “Over tinder’s where the other way comes out, but you can’t get there unless ‘ya go through the secret cave.”

“Secret cave?!” Spike gasped.

“It’s one ‘a them places y’can’t get ‘ta unless ya already know where it is. Heh heh...” Madison chuckled. "Say now, aren't you one'a Minnie's calfs? I thought I recognized yer momma's poofy hair sure as the sun shines! Wat'cha doing all the way out here?"

"We're on our way to Reine City," Arizona answered. "Y'all happen to know how to get there?"

"Reine City?" Madison asked. "Well bless my bonnet, sure’s a co’inky-dink if I ever heard one! ‘Was headed there ‘ya sell some grain ‘n milk.” The cow explained. “Ever since the decree went out, they’re buyin’ up as much as they can get!”

Madison huffed as she continued, “I tell ‘ya that Deerfolk city ain’t nothin’ but a slum of snoot bags... but they’re practically givin’ away their salts. Times are what they are.”

“What kind'a business'dya have there?!" The cow asked.

"We're lookin' for the Prophet's Key," Arizona answered proudly. "Yer lookin' at the Champion of the Prairie! I'm gonna find the ol' Prophet's Key and seal away them sharp-toothed critters everybody's been seein'. Just like the old stories!" Arizona felt a tap on the shoulder from Spike, "Oh, and I'm helpin' Spike here gettin' back home."

"Really," The cow nodded skeptically. "Do yer parents know where y'are?"

Miffed, Arizona pouted, before she asked, "Can we get some directions?"

"Now, now, no need to fuss." Madison reassured. "Meant no offense. You just seem a little young to be runnin' around looking for sharp anything," With that, Madison begins to explain, "The way out of the Prairie is past this here drop. But..." Madison pointed to the what's left of another destroyed bridge. “I’m waitin’ for the pronghorns ‘ta come by and fix the bridge. Just a day or two more."

"Dangit, that's two now!" Arizona stomped her hoof in frustration. "Sure are a'lotta broken bridges 'round here! Someone ain't doin' their job right..." Arizona's ears folded back as she sadly asked, "Do we have to turn back?"

'No! We can't!' Spike thought in despair. 'Not when we came this far!'

"Hey now, don’t fret." Madison reassured. “We’ll figure something out. Worry like that an’ you’ll end up with more wrinkles than the raisin by the time ‘yer my age.”

Arizona nodded in agreement, “Yeah, you’re right!” She mooed. “There’s gotta be another way through.”

“I don’t know about that,” Madison muttered. “Unless ya count the tunnel.” The cow then smiled as she brightens up, "Tell ya what. Why don'tcha camp here with me for the day? Might be the bridge is fixed in the mornin'."

"But... uh... maybe we do need'ta rest up for a bit," Arizona sighed. "Sure, why not?"

"It's a sleepover then," Madison smiled. "I'll get'ya both set up." With that, the cow turns to her wagons and got out some staffs for her guests.

Later that night

Spike and Arizona were both in their sleeping bags, close to the campfire, while Madison was sound asleep in her wagon.

Arizona was tossing and turning in her sleeping bag, anxiously unable to sleep, with Spike sharing her predicament, "Can't sleep..." She muttered. "Really wanna get movin'. I’m way too excited.”

"Same here," Spike replied, while clutching onto the book. "But what are we supposed to do? The bridge is out and we're not getting to Reine City or anywhere else that way."

"I know," Arizona looked up at the bridge in dismay. "Darn bridge... every minute we waste the sooner someone else'll find the key first!" The calf paced back and forth, before she looked up and saw a shadowy figure at the top of the cliff, highlighted by the nearest pole with a lamp hanging on the side. "Hey! Spike, look!"

Spike looked up, and his eyes widened in alarm to see the outline of a large, ferocious wolf, "Oh no!" He whimpered.

The wolf quickly darted away, with Spike and Arizona giving chase, leading them to the cavern, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Arizona asked Spike.

Spike can feel his heart thumping hard in his chest, seeing the cave drawing closer and closer, "I've got a bad feeling about this Arizona," He frowned.

Without a second thought, Arizona decided to follow the creature, which disappeared into the cave. "Spooky..." She commented, getting an eerie feeling crawling up on her shoulders. To further add onto the eeriness of it all, Spike and Arizona couldn't help but notice a pile of bones and skulls littered on the floor. No doubt, some poor bovines had met their fatal end here.

Still, the calf decided to proceed, only for Spike to pull on her tail.

"Uh, Arizona. I don't think this is a good idea," Spike said in disapproval. "Let's just go back and find another way."

"Well, what other way do we have Spike?" The calf asked. "The bridge is out, so there's no way of gettin' to Reine City or the unicorns that way. Besides, ya want to get home, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. But I don't think it's worth going into a dark cave. Who knows what could be waiting for us in there. Look at the bones!"

"Ya think I didn't notice that? Don't worry. Whatever happens, we can fight our way out of it. I've trained my whole life for this. And I'm not gonna let my folks down, jus' because of a dark cave and a pile of bones," Still, Spike was hesitant. "Of course, I completely understand if you're afraid of the dark, so..."

"Hold on!" The dragon spoke up. "Who said I'm afraid of the dark?"

"Well, are ya?"

"No way! I've been to darker places than this," He said, recalling how both he and Twilight had once gone down a dark maze, beneath the Crystal Empire, facing their greatest fears and solving mind-bending puzzles, on their first quest to save the Crystal Empire.

"Great! Then let's go!" Arizona said, as she disappears into the darkness of the cave.

Spike sighed, as he reluctantly followed. "I just know I'm going to regret this."


The apple core that Spike had discarded earlier was left to rot on the ground, swarming with flies, when it was picked up off the ground for closer examination by magic.

“Ah-ha,” Oleander said. “These distinctive teeth marks. Note the natural curved shapes left from the bites? Not by any ungulates, either. It’s that dragon!”

“Yes, yes it is,” Fred said in his usual monotone. “So what?”

“Don’t you see, Fred? It means we are on the right trail! We found it again! The dragon was heading north, with that little bovine calf! If we hurry, we can still catch up to them! This way!”

With a determined gallop, the dark unicorn followed the trail, down the Beaten Path, until she arrived at a running river.

"They must've crossed the river!" Oleander speculated, before a smug grin dons across her face, "Well, nothing like a simple teleportation spell couldn't remedy." Concentrating into her horn, focusing her magic, Oleander and Fred both disappeared in a burst of dark clouds, before they reappeared, on the other side of the river. "Now then, as we were," With that, the dark unicorn resumes her quest, to find and destroy Spike.

Meanwhile, back with Spike and Arizona

Abandoned Cave

Upon entering, the air around him grew cold, as Spike followed after the calf who ran in pursuit of the wolf, "Hey! Wait!" She called out, galloping after the predator canine.

"Hey Ari!" Spike shouted, running after the young calf. "Arizona! Wait up!" He panted as he hefted the book on his back, panting heavily as he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Arizona wasn't slowing down as she galloped after the wolf, chasing it through the cavern tunnels, screeching to a stop as she makes a sharp left turn to head further in, after the predator. Spike barely missed her when he came around, stopping for a moment to catch his breath, when he looked and saw a white shining chest, sparkling in the moonlight, shining down through an opening from the ceiling of the cavern.

"Whoa! A treasure chest?" Spike asked, as he slowly approached the chest, but stopped just moment before he walked off the edge of a large hole between him and the chest. "Yikes!" He chattered. "It's so deep... and dark down there," Spike commented. "There might be sharp rocks at the bottom..." Spike looked back at his back and sighed, "If I only I have wings, I could fly across," Shaking his head, Spike regained his focus on the task at hand. "Nevermind that. I've got to catch up to Arizona!" With that, Spike turned in the direction of the other tunnel to resume his chase after the calf.

In the meantime, Arizona continued with her chase after the wolf, until she finally came to a stop and pondered, "Didn't Pa say these beasties were s'pposed 'ta be hunters?" She huffed. "Never thought I'd be the one doin' the huntin'." Arizona's words were suddenly eaten, when she finds herself surrounded by two hungry wolves, when they appeared in a puff of smokes. "Oh!" She mooed in realization as the wolves were set upon her.

Both wolves jumped at Arizona, but the young calf quickly turned her whole body to thrust her hind legs, landing a strong kick on both of the predators, before she whipped out her lasso to ensnare one of the wolves by the neck, bringing it to her as she makes quick work of it, with a punch, a headbutt, and a kick, just as the other wolf jumped in. Thinking fast, Arizona picked up the first wolf with her horns and threw it up in the air where it collided with its companion, before she leapt up and delivered another punch, an elbow strike, and twisted her whole body forward to land two kicks onto their heads.

With that, both wolves were defeated, leaving nothing but a tired and triumphant Arizona standing in place, "AN' GOOD RIDDANCE!!" She mooed.

At last, Spike finally caught up to Arizona, "Arizona? You alright?" He panted heavily, but flinched when Arizona thrusted her legs out, nearly kicking him in the face. "WHOA!"

"Oh, Spike!" Arizona mooed. "It's you!" She composed herself and then she apologized, "Sorry about that, Spike. Ya startled me there."

"Yeah, you kinda clued me in," The dragon hyperventilated, as he looked around to see some scratches, cracks, and a few footprints on the ground, as markings left behind from the fight between Ari and the wolves. "What happened here? Was there another fight?"

"Yup," Arizona confirmed. "It was all a trap. Them sneakin' predators tried to ambush me, after I lost the first one. But luckily I fought them off. No worries."

"Oh, that's great," Spike panted heavily. "But y'know, you could at least just slow down a bit? I can't run as fast as you can. Not to mention you kinda left me in the dust back there."

"Sorry Spike," The cow giggled. "Well, I don't think we'll be sleeping a wink for the night. What say we keep going deeper into this cavern? I want to see if we can make it to Reine City through here."

Spike's widen in alarm at Arizona's suggestion, since he didn't want to spend the night in a dark cavern, such as this. But then again, even if they were to go back, then they'd never go anywhere from the way they came from. Especially given the bridge would still be out. Who knows how long it will take for the bridge to be fixed. It might be weeks, or months. Spike can't wait that long to get back to Equestria.

With a reluctant sigh, Spike nodded, "Okay then," Before Arizona could gallop away, Spike quickly grabbed her by the bandana and suggested, "But let's just stay close and no galloping off and leaving me behind. Please?"

Arizona nodded, "Alright. But hold on tight, Spike." With that, Spike climbed onto Arizona's back as they resumed their journey through the cavern tunnels.

On the way, Arizona struck up conversation, "Still...after what jus' happen, I understand why Pa's against having me go from the start."

"I don't blame him," Spike replied. "Heck, Twilight would have a heart attack and die if she finds out I've been eaten by a wolf. Know what I'm saying?" He chuckled lightly.

"Sounds like how Ma would react if she finds out I was ambushed," Arizona mooed in response. "Still, I can't let these monsters run free in Fœnum again. Gotta keep fighin'! Everyone's countin' on me!" She said, and proceeded to march onward in determination.

Eventually, both Arizona and Spike came to the edge of a cliff, over a deep dark pit below.

"Oh, it's a dead end, Ari," Spike moaned.

"Dangit, there's gotta be more to this cave!" She mooed in frustration, when her ears perked up. "Is that water I hear?"

Spike slowly inched forward, listening from his frilly ears he confirmed, "Yeah, I hear running water below!"

"Well then," With a kick of her legs, Arizona leapt into the air, "GERONIMO!"

"NO WAIT–" But it was too late. Spike and Arizona plummeted down into the darkness below, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!"


Both Spike and Arizona landed in the icy cold waters of an underground lake, as they came up to the surface, gasping for air.

"Phew!" Arizona hollered. "We made it!"

"Oh, my life just flashed before my eyes," Spike's eyes widened as he remembered, "The book!" Taking his makeshift backpack off, Spike quickly inspected the book to find its cover was wet, with the side of its pages soaked, but the contents written on them were still intact. "Oh, I thought I was done for."

"Seriously, Spike?" Arizona asked. "It's jus' a book."

"This isn't just any old book, Ari," Spike frowned. "It's the spellbook that has the teleportation spell that brought me here to begin with! And I need it in one piece when we get to the unicorns, or I'm never getting home!"

"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya," Arizona rolled her eyes. "Just hold on tight to that book. Cause we're goin' down." Doing as he was told, Spike held the book up, over his head as he held tightly onto Arizona's bandana, and they both leapt over a small waterfall, splashing into another underground lake, where they spotted a wolf, curled up into a ball, on an island.

"Whoa now!" Arizona gasped. "That one's a sleepin'!" She pondered at an opportunity, "Hmm...Maybe I can sneak up on 'im...?"

Spike gulped in worry, not wanting to take any chances, "Or how about we just leave it alone and keep looking for a way out?" He suggested.

"Leave it alone?" Arizona scoffed. "After its other friends tried 'ta ambush me? Fat chance."

Very quietly, Arizona slowly swam up to the sleeping wolf, careful not to disturb it awake when she pulled both herself and Spike up on dry land. The wolf was sound asleep, still curled up into a ball, not knowing of the danger it was about to be in, when Arizona reared up on her hind legs and stomped her hooves back down, creating a powerful shake that startled the wolf awake.

Disoriented and half-awake, the wolf barely had time to come to its senses, as Arizona quickly thrashed her hooves at the predator, followed by a jab and a stab from her horns, and it disappeared in a puff of smokes, as a sign of its defeat and Arizona's victory.

"Yee-haw! Take that ya yellow bellied varmit!" Arizona gloated. "Don't think ya'll could ambush a bovine twice!"

"Hey Arizona!" Spike called out, as he pointed to an opening in the wall. "Not sure how, if it was your stomp that did the trick, but this cave's all cleared out."

"Huh, must be from all that practicin'," Arizona smiled as she stepped into the cave. "I told ya, Spike. It's worth all the practice."

Spike and Arizona both entered the cave and found themselves in another tunnel, which was pitch black and they could barely see what was up ahead, "Sure is dark in here," Spike muttered.

"No kiddin'," Arizona replied. "How's about some of that fire of yours?"

"Sure thing," With an inhale, Spike exhaled a burst of a green fire, which flew towards a wall, lighting up a lantern in the process. "Whoa! Look at that!" Spike pointed to show the lantern was burning a fire of blue, rather than a usual orange or red.

"Whoa, that's magical," Arizona commented, before she turned towards another lantern and beckoned Spike to breathe on it. Spike did just that and much to their amazement, they discovered the lantern glowed a color of blue as well, "Well, how do you like that?" She gasped.

"But what does that mean?" Spike asked.

"Hmmm... this reminds me another of Pa's tall-tales," Arizona began. "I think there's some kind'a puzzle to this here cave. C'mon, let's go look for another lantern and see what it is," With that, both Spike and Arizona followed the tunnel, before they find most of it was flooded by the waters.

Arizona waded in the streams, while carrying Spike on her back, before they came across the third lantern, which Spike ignited. With that, a bright light mysteriously conjured itself at the end of the tunnel, to which the two quickly ran towards. Upon arriving, the two were stunned and surprised to find a large jade orb, with golden frames at the bottom that resembled as wings, and a strange white inscription engraved within.

"Woah." Arizona marveled. "Round glowy thing."

"But what is it?" Spike asked. "Why is it down here? And what does it mean?"

"I don't know, Spike. But I think we should take this with us."

With that, Arizona gave the orb to Spike for safekeeping, and they backtracked to the way they came from and resumed their journey through the Abandoned Cave.

After swimming across the underground lake, the two came towards another cave, which they entered through and found another glowing stone, much like the previous two they found earlier, outside of the cave.

"Looks like we got ourselves another trial," Arizona deduced as she and Spike went up to see what the next trial was.

"Can you jump across the chasm?" The stone asked.

"Jump across the chasm?" Spike and Arizona looked across to see the chasm wasn't too deep, with a few platforms to bridge the way across. However, the problem wasn't at the bottom, or the bridge, but a very low ceiling decorated with stalactites.

"Golly, this is a bit of a squeeze," Arizona mooed. "No turnin' back now, Spike. We're just gonna have to keep our jumps low or else we'll hit our noggins."

Spike frowned and quivered at the thought of such painful impact to his little cranium, "Not a pretty picture," He grimaced.

Turning to the stone, both Spike and Arizona nodded, accepting its challenge. Once again, the two were bathed in a coat of white light as they begin their trial.

For Spike, given to his fairly nimble stature, it was a hop and a skip for him, "Hey, this isn't so bad," Spike chuckled as he jumped across the chasm.

Arizona, on the other hoof, wasn't doing so well. The young calf was doing the best she could to control her jump, keeping her prowess at a minimum. But no matter what she did, she ended up ramming her head into the sharp stalactites above, "OW!" Arizona mooed, feeling as if a sharp sword had pierced through her skull, and she plummeted to the bottom of the chasm in a grunt. "Oof!"

"Ari!" Spike shouted, stopping onto a platform as he reached out for the calf, who lied on the cavern floor below. "Arizona! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, Spike," Arizona mooed, getting up on all four of her hooves, shaking her head brush the disorientations away, before she climbed back up and tried again.

At first, all was going well as Arizona did a few short hops for the first two times. But on the third, she kicked her hind legs too strongly and accidentally hits her head onto the ceilings again, sending her back down to the ground. Spike anxiously waited for her, grimacing and wincing each time she hits her head on the stalactites. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, as he hopped back to the third platform, stopping the calf.

"Arizona, wait!" He said. "I've got an idea. Just squat down on all four, and pretend you're a rabbit."


"Just do it. Trust me." Arizona complied as she followed Spike's example. "Now just do what I do and just hop," With that, Spike hopped onto the next platform, with Arizona following. Much to their big relief, Arizona didn't hit her head on the ceilings again.

"Wow! I did it!" Arizona exclaimed happily. "I did it!"

"Whoa, easy there, cowgirl," Spike steadied. "Don't get too excited. We're not done yet. Just keep following and we'll be out of here soon," With that, the two kept on hoping forward, pretending their little rabbits, until they've at last crossed the chasm. With that, the trial has ended.

"We did it!" Arizona cheered happily. "We finally did it!"

"You did great, Arizona!" Spike smiled.

"All thanks to you," Arizona mooed, as she pulled the dragon close for a hug. "Thank you, Spike."

"Aw, you'd do the same for me."

With the trial done and accomplished, the two resumed their adventure into the cave, following another tunnel that took them to another underground lake. However, the lake wasn't the only thing they had discovered.

"Whoa!" Arizona gasped as she and Spike ducked their heads down, behind some rocky mounds, inching upward a little to look, seeing a couple of wolves patrolling the area, "We've got some lively ones here."

With that, the two quickly swam across the underground lake, reaching the other side, where Arizona caught one of the wolves by surprise, when she ensnared it with her lasso and quickly, but silently, beat it into puffs of smokes with a headbutt, a kick, and a punch.

During the fight, Spike turned his head to the right to see another tunnel, "I wonder if this is the way out," Spike pondered, as he went over to the cavern to investigate.

After Arizona stood victorious over the wolf, she looked up and noticed Spike walking towards the other cave, "Hey Spike. Where're you going?"

"I think this could be the way out," Spike pointed, as he guided the young calf into another tunnel, which took them into another large cave room, with a large deep chasm and three rickety wooden bridges that stretched across. Thankfully, there were no wolves in the room, so Spike and Arizona both walked across the bridges to reach the other side, without any trouble.

Upon arriving, the two walked into another cavern room, rounding a corner to find another glowing stone, with another challenge that takes them across a winding, treacherous stretch of the cave.

"Looks like this is gonna take everything we've got, Spike," Arizona mooed as both she and Spike accepted the challenge.

Spike stretched his legs and his arms, getting warmed up, "Let's do this," He said.

The first part of the challenge was another short hop trial, as Spike and Arizona pretended to be little rabbits again to avoid the stalactites above their heads, barely reaching to the second platform. Afterwards, once Arizona was cleared from the ceilings, barely an inch off of the platform, she performed a super jump to reach a tall cliff.

Spike breathed heavily as he tried to concentrate, "Okay. Super jump, here I go," He said to himself, as he sets his sight on the cliffside, flexing his legs down before he catapults himself forward, reaching his claws out and grabbed onto the edge of the cliff. "Phew, I made it," Spike panted, before he started to lose his grip. With a kick of his legs, Spike scrambled at the side of the cliff as he struggled to pull himself up. It wouldn't be so difficult, if the weight of the book he was carrying on his back wasn't so heavy that it was dragging him down to chasm below.

Just when Spike couldn't hold on any longer, a strong hoof thrusted forward and grabbed the young dragon by his green bandana, "Gotcha, Spike," Arizona said as she helped Spike up to the ledge.

Spike was too exhausted and scared for words, but he did manage to give Arizona a frightful and grateful smile. Arizona simply smiled in return before they continued to the last part of the challenge, which required them to jump onto some ledges, until they have reached the top at last and walked into another cavern to see a prize was waiting for them.

"Whoa!" Spike gasped, upon seeing their prize was the white chest he had seen earlier, from the other side.

Eager to find out what they've won, Spike rushed towards the chest to open its lid up to reveal, much to his and Arizona's bewilderment, "A potted cactus?" Spike exclaimed in disappointment.

"Huh, who would go and leave a good potted plant lyin' around?" Arizona asked in bewilderment, before she shrugged. "Might as well keep it until we find them." Turning to the right, Spike and Arizona entered another tunnel, only to realize too late there wasn't any floors to support them.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Spike screamed, as he and Arizona dropped from the ceiling and landed back on the cavern floors. "Oh! We're back here again," He noted, recognizing the bridges.

With that, the two backtracked to the underground lake they were in before, with the remaining wolf still patrolling the area. Looking ahead, barely visible by the moonlight piercing from the ceiling, Spike and Arizona saw another cave tunnel, just pass the wolf.

"That thing must be guardin' the way out," Arizona deduced. "Well, not if I can't help it," With that, Arizona quietly got into the water and started to swim silently across until she was close enough to the wolf, when she leaped out from the water and took it by surprise, with a strong stomp on the floor with her hooves.

The wolf was stunned by the shattering shaking floor, made by the strong bovine. Not giving it a moment to recover, Arizona rushed forward and rammed the wolf with a powerful head butt that she sent it flying across the floor, and it smashed against a wall, disappearing in a puff of smokes upon impact.

With that, the way to the next cavern was open for the two heroes. Upon entering, they stopped at the mouth of a chamber, with little bit of lightings piercing from the ceiling.

"Dang...I didn't know we had caves this spooky in Fœnum," Arizona mooed.

Spike couldn't help but chuckle, "Who's scared of the dark now?" He teased, to which Arizona pouted, looking unamused in his direction. "Look!"

Arizona followed, and both she and Spike saw a splotch of pitch-black, "Well dust my dungarees..." Arizona exclaimed. "That's a new one!"

The little splotch of pitch-black was hovering in the center of the chamber, appearing to mind its own business, when the two friends walked up to it, and it started to move like that of a living creature.

"Uhhh.... howdy?" Arizona greeted the creature. "I've never seen a little critter like you before." Both calf and dragon watched as the mysterious creature circled around them, observing its visitors at a distance, before it decided to come up to them, making motions as if though it was tilting its head, before it poked at their sides.

"Uh, are you hungry or something?" Spike asked. "I think it's hungry. You got anymore food on you, Ari?"

Arizona reached into her bag, hoping to find more food, but came up empty, "Uh...heh heh. I don't got no food. Not anymore," She said. Before they knew it, the creature started stroking and slithering them on the side of their bodies. "Hey cut it out now, that tickles!" Arizona giggled.

"Yeah, stop it!" Spike chuckled. "Please? Oh no, not the stomach. Not the stomach."

The two were both helpless, as the creature continued to tickle them nonstop. Eventually, the fun was over and they were more annoyed, "It's not funny anymore," Spike frowned, as he and Arizona tried to force the creature away. "C'mon, go. Get off! Shoo!"

"Go on, get!" Arizona added, shooing the creature away with her hoof.

But the creature refuses to leave. Having enough, Arizona reared up on her hind legs, before she slams her hooves onto the cave's floor, emitting a thunderous shockwave that shook the whole cavern.

"Whoa!" Spike shouted, falling off his feet. "Isn't that a bit of an overkill?" He asked.

"Well it worked, didn't it?" She asked, pointing out that the creature was nowhere in sight, before notice a few sparkles of green and blue shimmering balls of lights that laid on the floor, where the creature once stood. "Whoa... what the sam hill IS this stuff?!" Neither Arizona and Spike had time to ponder, when the balls of lights were suddenly absorbed into them.

"Whoa, what just happened?" Spike exclaimed.

"I don't know," Arizona replied. "But feel great! Jus' like that! Must be some sort'a magic... We better keep our eyes peeled 'fer more of these things..."

Next thing they knew, some of the rocks came loose, with a pebble falling from the ceiling and bounced off of Spike's head.

"Oh no," Spike moaned, as another tiny piece of rock broke from the ceiling, followed by another, until the entire cave shook, and more rocks came falling from the ceiling, blocking the entrance.

"Oh great!" Spike shouted in frustration. "We're trapped!"

"DANGIT!" Arizona mooed. "What'd I got ourselves into?"

"That's it, we're doomed! Doomed!"

"Oh calm down, Spike. There's just gotta be a way outta here. I got us into this mess, so I can probably get us out," Arizona walked around the darkness of the cave, kicking pebbles, while feeling up the walls for something, when her she touched something. "Hey, what's this?" She felt the object up again, before it reveals itself to be a beat up old lantern. "Hey Spike? Care to shed a little light on this?"

The young dragon complied, breathing a small puff of green ember into the lamp, lighting up the candle and the whole room.

"Ah that's better," Arizona said in relief, before something caught her attention. "Huh? Spike, hold this for me," She said, handing the lantern to the dragon, as she went over to investigate a rubble of rocks.

"What is it?" He asked.

"This here looks like a modest mass a' minerals," She observed. "Wonder if another good stomp would crunch through here?"

"But what if it causes another cave in?" Spike asked, feeling unsure about her tactic at hoof.

Arizona didn't listen to reply, as she stood up on her hind legs, and thrusted her hooves down again, this time, clearing the rubbles to reveal another tunnel in the cavern chamber, "GOT IT!" Arizona shouted in triumph. "C'mon, let's go!"

With that, Arizona galloped away with Spike following, "Wait for me!" He cried out, running after her, passing by some more bones of dead bovines, before they entered another cavern chamber, arriving at the end of a ledge, where a large pile of crystal mounds blocked their way.

"Oh wow! Food!" Spike drooled hungrily at all the large crystals jutting up from the rocky mounds. He wasted no time to rush forward to take a bite out of one.

"Spike, wait! That's–"

Spike gulped a chunk of the crystal down, before he smacks his lips, "Mmmm-mmmm! That's a little–" His lips suddenly dried up, and his skins shriveled to show some bones, "Salty...." He moaned in a hoarse voice.

Arizona couldn't help but giggle at the dragon's misfortune, before walking over and took out a canteen, "Here you are, little feller," She said, offering Spike the container for a refreshing drink.

"Thanks," Spike took the canteen, and didn't waste a second to pour every last bit of water into his dry mouth, rejuvenating himself. "Phew, thanks Arizona," He gasped in relief, finding his voice. "That feels good."

"Anytime, Spike. Anytime," Arizona mooed, as she turned to look back at the salty crystals. "Hmmm, this is definitely salt," She noted. "Them Reine City folk barter with salt, so better grab some while we're here. Just in case," With another stomp of her hooves, Arizona destroyed the salty crystals into fine powders, and allowing both herself and Spike another passage through the caverns.

"Okay Spike," Arizona began. "Looks like we're at the deepest part of the cave. So we best be careful, 'cuz if we jump here, we ain't gettin' back up."

Spike gulped nervously, "Okay," He nodded.

With a short hop, Arizona jumped off the ledge and landed on the floor with another big stomp, shaking the room slightly.

"Arizona?" Spike called from up the ledge. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Spike," The calf replied. "Come on down."

Clutching the lantern's handle in his mouth, Spike carefully descended down the ledge, with his claws digging into the stony structures to get a firm hold, until he made it to the floor. Holding the lantern up, Spike and Arizona both looked around the cavern room they were now in. They looked up to see there was a path that leads them up to some more caverns. With that, the two didn't hesitate to walk towards the caves.

Unfortunately, Arizona didn't look where she was going, when she suddenly fell down a hole, "AAAAAAAAaaaaaahhhh!" She screamed, on her way down.

"ARIZONA!!!" Spike screamed, running towards the hole she fell into. "Arizona? Ari? Are you okay, huh?" The dragon frantically asked.

"I'm okay," Arizona called out. "Just stay right there, Spike. I'll find a way up."

"Okay," Spike reluctantly complied, as he stayed, huddled up close to the lantern at his side,

As he waited for the calf, an eerie feeling pricked up along the back of Spike's neck, as if sensing he was being watched. Turning his head in ever directions in the room, he cast frighten glances for any signs of the ghostly predators. The light from his lantern illuminated the cavern room slightly, creating shadows that covered the rocky interiors. Spike can feel his heart beating like a drum, imagining he saw the menacing figures of the predators in every shadows that surround him. To further his trouble, he looked across the room to see several more bones of many dead ungulates littered across the floor. Unlike the dead sticks that Applejack would use as prop bones for her family's Nightmare Night Maze, Spike knows for a fact that the bones he's looking at are the real deal. They're from actual dead creatures.

Suddenly, his ears pricked up to the sound of footsteps, coming from a tunnel nearby. His teeth chattered at the sound. He looked in the direction of the footsteps, getting himself ready for what was about to come out. Much to his relief, however, it was only Arizona.

"Howdy Spike," Arizona greeted. "Did ya wait too long?"

"No," Spike shook his head. "But I can't tell you how glad I am to see you're okay," He said with heartfelt relief. "But what happened down there?"

"There was an underground lake below, and the water broke my fall" Arizona explained. "And after I had the time to observe the layouts of the place, I think I figured where we should go next. Follow me!" With that, Arizona went up to another hole, just further ahead of the hole she fell in previously, with Spike following. The two fell down and landed on the top of a landmass that surrounded the lake.

"Now where do we go?" Spike asked.

Before Arizona could answer, a streak of movements caught her attention in the corner of her eyes, "Look!" She pointed to a nearby cavern, leading to another tunnel.

With that, Spike and Arizona gave chase, before arriving into another cave chamber, where a large wolf stood in their path. Unlike most of the other wolves they had seen, this wolf stood about as tall as Texas, with purple eyes that pulsed an even more demonic aura.

"That's a big bad wolf!" Spike quivered.

"All the more reason to kick its flank!" Arizona mooed bravely, before they notice the wolf was regrouping with its sleeping packs. "Uh oh, looks like it's gonna try 'ta wake up its pals...!" With a kick of her legs, Arizona charged towards the wolf before it had the chance to, "Yer goin' down ugly!" She mooed, when the whole room suddenly shook.

"What's happening?" Spike asked, as he turned and looked to see the openings in the room were all engulfed in dark purple fires, sealing the way out. "Oh no! We're locked in!"

"Ya mean they're locked in with us!" Arizona mooed, as she tackled the big wolf before it had the chance to wake up its pack.

Arizona thrusted her horns forward, but the wolf leapt to the side, evading the attack, before it snapped its jaws around the calf's neck, grabbing her by the bandana and threw her across the floor. Then it leapt into the air for a pounce, but was intercepted by Arizona's horns when she thrusted her head into the air, breaking its flight. Suddenly, the wolf sinked into the grounds below, becoming a streak of shadows until it leapt up, throwing Arizona off her hooves and it had her pinned down.

"Get off of me!" Arizona grunted, kicking her legs out from under the wolf, throwing it off.

The wolf then ran towards Arizona again, only to be hit by a flying rock, "Hey! Leave her alone ya big bully!" Spike shouted, as he continued to distract the wolf, by pelting it with more pebbles.

Angered for the intervention, the wolf turned its attention on Spike, only to be caught by the legs from Arizona's lasso and the calf brutally thrashed it around the cavern room, until it finally disappeared in a puff of smokes.

With that, the battle ended and the fires that blocked off the cavern's openings were lifted, "Huh, I'm guessing that wolf must've used some kind of magic to try and trap us in," Spike theorized.

"And if one of these predators can do it, then that means there's more of 'em out there," Arizona mooed grimly. "We better keep our wits up from here on out."

Spike nodded in fright, "Don't have to tell me twice," He whimpered. "I wish Twilight was here right now. She'd know what to do."

The two heroes proceeded to go forward with their journey, passing through the pack of sleeping wolves. Just then, one of the wolves sniffed the air, and it snapped its eyes awake. Upon seeing the young calf and her dragon traveling companion, the wolf let out a haunting howl that startled its entire pack awake.

Spike quickly ran for cover, hiding behind a boulder and watched as Arizona fought off the remaining wolves in the cavern room. Two wolves leapt at Arizona from behind, only for Arizona to buck her legs out, stopping them in their flights, before another wolf snapped its jaws at her throat, but missed and tore off a piece of her bandana.

"C'mere!" Arizona shouted, grabbing the wolf with her front hooves, throwing it onto her back and she bounced it a couple of times, before kicking it away with her hind legs, knocking it into the rest of its pack, knocking them down like bowling pins.

Setting her sights on the disoriented wolves, Arizona felt a surge of great power coursing through her body, all focusing onto the predators, "Y'all in for a BEATIN'!" Arizona shouted, when she crouched down, with her hind legs kicking the dirts up, and she bolted forward in a blinding speed, faster than a bullet, knocking all of the wolves into the air, where they disappeared into puffs of smokes.

"Whoa, Arizona!" Spike shouted, eyes widened in shock. "What was that?!"

"I...I...I honestly don't know, Spike," Arizona mooed in confusion. "It just sorta...sorta happened."

"Well, whatever that was...that was AWESOME!! Do it again!"

Arizona complied as she focused on a nearby rock, setting her horns on her target, and kicking the ground up with her hooves as she crouched herself downward, "Y'all in for a BEATIN'!" With a kick of her legs, Arizona springed herself forward, but didn't go as fast as she did before. "Huh...looks it's a one-time'a thing, or somethin'," Arizona mooed.

"Don't worry about, Ari," Spike shrugged. "It'll come again. Besides, if you can do it once, you can do it again."

Arizona couldn't help but smile at Spike's confidence in her, as they continued to be on their way, into the next cavern, which took them into a small room, with a small pond of waters on top of a hill, where another cavern leads the way out.

Arizona looked and saw another splotch of pitch-black, "Hey! There's another of those things again!" With that, Arizona charged towards the splotch and stomped her hooves down, causing the splotch to explode into the blue and green balls of shimmering lights, like before which were all absorbed into her.

With that, all of the wounds Arizona had from the previous fight were fully recovered and she felt another surge of great power coursing through her body.

"Oh yeah, that feels good!" Arizona sighed, before coming to an epiphany. "Hey Spike. I think I figured it out."

"What? What is it?" Spike asked.

"I think these magic lights that were comin' from these dark splotches were how I could do what I just did back there. So the more we collect these lights, the more we stronger we get and more chances of us doing tricks like what I jus' did earlier!"

Spike scratched his chin and pondered, "Hmmm, makes sense to me...I guess," He said, before he looked to see another splotch of pitch-black. "I got this one," With that, Spike ran up to the splotch and breathed fire on it, causing the splotch to explode into magical lights which were all absorbed into Spike, surging him with a magical force of energy. "Whew! That feels good!"

After that, the two heroes were on their way, exploring deeper and deeper into the caverns. But all the same, Spike looked anxiously at their dark surroundings, recalling the nightmare he had from the previous night, readying himself for anything that could jump out from the shadows, eager to make a meal out of him and Arizona.


"AH!" The little dragon yelled, and out of startled impulse, he flailed his lantern at Arizona.

"Whoa, whoa!" The calf coaxed, while dodging the lantern. "Take it easy! It's me."

"Oh, sorry Arizona," Spike breathed heavily. "Sometimes I'm a little jumpy in dark places like this."

"That's alright. Just do me a favor and don't swing that light at me next time, okay?"


But all the same, Spike remained vigil and cautious for anything lurking in the dark. Eventually, he and Arizona came out the other end of the tunnel, to find themselves back in the room they were in before Arizona fell down the hole.

"Oh great!" Arizona stomped her hoof in frustration. "We're back to where we started!"

"Not quite," Spike held his lantern up, and looked at the layout of the room, and saw the entrance they came from at the top of the cliff, in front of them. "Actually Arizona. We're on the other side of the holes we fell in," He and Arizona looked to their left to see another cavern, with the hole that Arizona fell through, in front of it. "There's our next path."

With that, the two entered the cave and walked through another dark tunnel, arriving in another large room, where a whole pack of wolves were asleep, with a large alpha greeting the adventurous pair at the entrance. Before Spike and Arizona could react, the alpha wolf let out a haunting howl, waking up its entire pack and they sprang up to their feet, wide awake, turning their heads in the heroes' direction.

"DANGIT!" Arizona pouted.

More trouble appeared in the form of dark fires that barred the way out, "Can't go back! Here they come!" Spike pointed at the wolves charging towards them. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!"

"YEE HAW!!" Arizona screamed, as she charges straight towards a one of the attacking wolves, and caught it with her horns, flipping it in the air, before she quickly jumped up to throw fast kicks, an elbow thrust, before she flips and slams her hind legs in a powerful double axe kick, crashing the wolf to the floor, where it disappears in a puff of smokes. Two of the wolves rushed forward in an attempt to avenge its fallen members, but Arizona kept them off at bay, with her horns and legs, and the wolves inched away to avoid her strikes.

Then, without warning, the alpha wolf jumped out from the shadows and pounced onto Arizona's back, "Get off of me!" Arizona mooed, angrily bucking and kicking her legs out, in an attempt to throw the wolf off. But still, it held onto her tightly, as it clamps its jaws down, clawing at her, ripping tufts of furs into the air, and spilling drops of blood onto the floor, "AAAHHHH!!" Arizona screamed in agony, as the alpha continues to bite down on her, with two of its pack members rushing in to join the feeding frenzy, as the each took a bite at different part of Arizona's body.

"ARIZONA!!!" Spike screamed in horror. Thinking desperately, Spike picked up the lantern and ran towards the wolves, "Get off of my friend you filthy mutt! HI-YAH!!" He shouted, with all his might, swinging the lantern at the alpha wolf, shattering the glasses at its face, and spilling the fire onto the wolf's face, forcing it to let go of its prey.

Relieved to have the wolf off her back, Arizona didn't hesitate to throw a quick punch at one of the wolf's snout, which followed with a headbutt, then a strong back kick, before she lurched forward, ramming two of the savage canine with her horns, and thrusted her front hooves down in a thunderous stomp, defeating the wolves as they disappeared into puffs of smokes.

Arizona then sets her sight at the alpha, who snarled hungrily and angrily at her. Though wounded from the bites and the scratches she received from the wolves, Arizona was determined to end the fight, crouching herself low to the ground and kicking up the dirt, she mooed as she felt a surge of power coursing through her, once again, "Y'all in for a BEATIN'!" With a spring of her legs, Arizona rushed forward in a blinding speed of light, ramming her horn at the alpha.

Unfortunately, the alpha had anticipated the attack, and managed to hold its front paws up to block the strike from the calf, pushing her away, before lunging forward to grab her by the neck with its jaws and threw her into the walls. The wolf let out a loud howl to signify its triumph before it snorted and proceeded to eat the young calf. Before it had the chance, it was taken by surprise when a burst of green fire roared in the air, roasting at its face, to which it turned to see Spike running towards it.

"Get away from my friend!" Spike roared, as he leapt into the air and landed a kick to its head.

Angered by the dragon's intervention, the wolf barked angrily and it snapped its jaws at Spike, who quickly ducked his head and held the book up, like it was a shield. Remembering his training with Arizona, Spike waited until the wolf made itself vulnerable, in which he retaliated with a punch, a kick, and a tail whip at the alpha, which further infuriates the large wolf. Before the alpha could continue the fight, Arizona came charging at the wolf, catching it by surprise when she headbutted the wolf with a powerful force that sent it flying into the wall, where it vanished in a puff of smokes upon impact.

With the wolves defeated, the two friends quickly ran into the next cave, stopping midway in the cavern tunnel where they took a moment to catch their breath.

"That was too close for comfort," Arizona panted heavily.

"Ya think?” Then, Spike looked and his eyes widen in alarm, “Your neck is bleeding!" Spike shouted, pointing to where the bite from the wolves was shown, fresh on the calf's neck.

The wound was fouled and wreaks of bloods dripping from where the furs were torn, "It's nothin' Spike," Arizona tried her best to reassure, while still feeling sore from the wound. "Nothin' really."

"No it's not!" Spike said, as he went to inspect the wound, though the little dragon quickly held his nose close to block out the bitter smell of the blood. "Oh, that stinks!"

"Spike, I'm tellin' ya, it's fine."

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!!" Spike roared, taking the calf by surprise. "How can you be fine? How can I be fine if you got hurt this badly from a predator? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be alive, and then I'm...I'm never going to get home without you," He panted heavily, with a small tear trickling down his cheek. "If you've been killed, it'll be on me...because I didn't fight from the start. And I can't let my friends be killed, because of me. I need you Arizona! Not because you're helping me get home...but because you're my friend. I can't go on without you."

Arizona was at a loss for words. This is the first time she's ever seen Spike this stern, and scared before, "Well, I feel a little sore," She admitted. 'More ways than one.'

Spike struggled to steady his breathing. But the sight of Arizona's wound had kicked his mind into overdrive. He could barely think straight, "Come on, what would Twilight do?" He asked himself. "What would Twilight do? What would any of the girls do?"

"Well, what would you do if this has happened to you or any of yer friends?" Arizona asked.

"Well if this happened to me I'd–" Spike stopped as he thought about what Arizona had asked him. "Huh, what would I do? Normally, I'd just rely on Twilight and the girls to help me up and everything."

"But they're not here. It's jus you and me now, Spike."

The little dragon slumped down on his haunches as he sighed, "I hate to admit it, but you're right," He looked back at Arizona, seeing how hard she's trying to look tough. But at the same time, he can tell she's just as scared as he is.

'I've got to do something,' He said to himself, mentally. 'But what? What can I do? What would....wait, of course!' He pounded his fist in his opened claw, as he walked over to Arizona, taking his green bandana off, pulled out their canteen to pour some water to wet the piece of fabric, and he started to wipe the bloody wound.

"Ow!" Arizona gritted her teeth. "Take it easy, Spike! It hurts."

"Well you're the one who said it's nothing," The dragon argued, as he continued to wipe the blood away.

As much as Arizona hates to admit it, he was right. But to her, it feels a little embarrassing to be treated by someone smaller, yet surprisingly, older than her. Then again, his intentions are good.

"I'm sorry I scared ya, Spike," Arizona sighed. "Really. I am."

"It's okay, just hold still," The dragon replied, before he inspects the wound to see it looked clean enough. He then, looked through their belongings and found a first aid kit, "Good thing your mother packed us some medical aids," He said, as he got out cotton dressing, which he puts on over the wound and began untying Arizona's red bandana, tying it together with his bandana, before he wrapped them around the dressing, patching them over the wound. "There, that should do it. But try not to move it too much, okay?"

Arizona couldn't help but smile with a new amount of admiration, "You really are a pony's best friend, huh?" She asked.

"Well, I'm sure they would do the same for you," Spike said, as he sat down against a wall, dropping the spell book off his back and holding it tightly over his chest.

Deciding to pass the time, Arizona struck up conversation, "So these pony friends of yers. They really mean that much to ya?"

"Oh they're more than friends," Spike replied in nostalgia. "They're my family. The only family I have."

"Right. Ya mentioned that before. So how exactly did ya wind up becoming a part of their herd? By that, I mean, how did this Twilight gal came to hatch ya?"

"If you're asking how my egg came to Equestria, then I don't know. Princess Celestia just said I was found as an egg, and I was cold. Apparently, dragon eggs needed to be kept warm in order for us to hatch. So she took me in, and tried to warm up, but that did little good. I was that close to....ugh, death," Spike shuddered at the thought of what it must've been like to be born dead. "But then Twilight came, and she had this magical outburst, and boom! I'm hatched."

"Wow, that's quite a story, Spike." Wanting to keep the conversation going to know a little more about the dragon, Arizona asked, "So what happened after that?"

"Well, obviously, everybody threw me my first birthday party," Spike smiled in nostalgia. "At the same time, Twilight was congratulated, and she got into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. And me, I was adopted by her folks."

"Really? Jus' like that? No objections, or anything?"

"Well, there were some doubts, between Princess Celestia and Twilight's folks, since no pony in history has ever raised a dragon. But we worked out our differences and I'm officially a member of the Sparkle family."

"I see. So, this Twilight and her folks. What were they like?"

"Where do I begin?" The little dragon scratched his chin. "I've already told you before about what Twilight was like. But her big brother, Shining Armor, was a lot of fun, like all big brothers are, I guess. Mrs. Sparkle makes some delicious cookies, Mr. Sparkle really knows how to tell some good bedtime stories and all. And Cadence....she's practically every pony's big sister. She's beautiful, she's caring, and she's very kind. It was so hard to believe that before she was Twilight's foalsitter and now she's part of the family, after she married Shining Armor. We're so lucky to have her."

"Sounds to me you've got some swell family of ponies, Spike," Arizona smiled.

"Oh yeah. I owe my whole life to them. So you can see why I'd do anything for them in return, after the love they've given me after I was hatched," The young dragons thoughts turned solemn, as he thought in worry for Twilight and her family, back in Equestria. "I've just got to get back to Equestria soon! Twilight and her folks are probably worried sick when they find me missing."

Arizona looked sadly at Spike. Unlike many awful stories of predators, and dragons like him, he is far from the traditional tales of rampaging, fiery, greedy dragons of old. Instead, he's actually quite the decent little fella, with a caring heart. He's not a bad dragon after all. Her mind was made up.

"Well, Spike. If they really mean all that much to ya, then I've got yer back," Arizona mooed. "You've got a real family heart, Spike. And I respect that from a lot of creatures. I'll help ya anyway I can to get ya back home."

The little dragon smiled the biggest smile he could ever make since arriving in Fœnum. Admittedly, it was all a scary experience for him to be far away from home in another world, populated with ungulates, including bovines like Arizona. With every days he spent in this world, Spike grew more and more anxious, if not nostalgic to get back to Equestria, where his home, his friends, and his family are waiting for him. There's not even a day where he doesn't stop thinking how safe and sound he'll be in his nice warm bed again.

But all the same, meeting Arizona and having her by his side does make the journey feel less lonely and scary. Granted, the young calf may come off as naive, headstrong, and stubborn, but she's just as good-hearted, strong, brave, and honest, like Applejack. Therefore, in a way, to Spike, it feels like he still has a friend from Equestria with him.

"Thanks Ari." He thanked, hugging the young calf. "You're one heck of a pal."

"Uh....ya can thank me later when we get ya home," Arizona replied. "But yer welcome, Spike."

The Prairie's Champion(s) – Part 2

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After awhile of resting, Spike and Arizona were back on their feet, with Spike helping Arizona up, "How do you feel, Ari?" He asked.

"Still a little sore," Arizona answered. "But I'll be fine."

"But can you still walk?"

The young calf's legs wobbled at first, still hurt from her previous battle with the wolves, but her determination and the spark in her eyes were undeterred.

“Yeah, I can still walk,” Arizona sighed. "Thanks Spike."

“Okay,” Spike said as he gently lead Arizona the way.

They arrived in another cavern chamber, where another splotch of pitch-black waited in the center.

“I’ll go get it,” Spike said as he ran to pick up the splotch, when he was suddenly surrounded by four wolves who materialized out of thin air.

Them's Fightin' Herds – Predators Encounter

“Oh! No fair!” Spike shouted as the wolves advanced upon him.

“Hey!” Arizona stomped her hooves, immediately regretting as she winced, “Why don’t’ya pick on someone ‘ya own size?”

But the wolves ignored Arizona, as they all set their hungry red eyes, licking their chops at the little dragon.

Spike felt his whole body tensing up in fear, with every part of him freezing up as he stood paralyzed before the predators as they slowly advanced upon him. His mind was working fast, as if it was on a marathon, but it could not do. Neither his legs nor his hands were responding.

He turned to Arizona, to see she was limping and tripping on her hooves, looking helplessly at Spike.

Looking down at the splotch in his claws, possibly the only thing that could heal Arizona and save her, Spike looked up and arched his face into a look of determination.

He stomped his foot as he challenged the wolves, “Who wants a piece of the Spikester?” He challenged.

In response, all four wolves lunged forward, snapping their jaws at Spike. Reacting fast, Spike ducked down to avoid the teeth from the wolves, as he quickly dives under, weaving between their legs, and shot his fist up in an uppercut, hitting one of the wolves in the stomach, followed by a burst of green fire that torched one of the wolf’s behind. Another wolf leapt at Spike from the left, just as another pounced forward from the right. Spike quickly backed away, dodging the wolves' air attacks, while whipping his tail away to avoid the bite of another. Spike breathed another jet stream of fire, but two of the wolves backed away, while the other two circled around the dragon.

"Arizona!" Spike called. "Catch!" With a swing of his arms, Spike hurled the splotch towards the injured calf, who quickly galloped forward with every bit of strength her hooves could carry her.

Unfortunately, upon seeing the injured calf reaching for the magic ball that could heal and restore her energies, the wolves all leapt towards them both. In a desperate lunge, Spike leapt at one of the wolves, grabbing it by the end of its tail, holding it back before it could lay its claws on the injured calf. Angered at the intervention, the wolf snapped its jaws at Spike, but the little dragon quickly ducked his head and threw the tail into the wolf's jaws.

The wolf's red eyes bulged open with tears streaming down its cheek upon the painful realization that it had bitten itself by accident. With that, the wolf let out painful howl.

In the meantime, Arizona quickly stomped her hoof on the splotch of pitch-black, releasing several sparkles of magical lights of green and blue, which Arizona absorbed. Once again, working their magic, the lights quickly healed Arizona's wounds from the previous fights, and the large bloody gash on her neck seems to be knitting, until at last, the young bovine was good to go for another fight.

"Oh, y'all are in a whole herd of trouble!" Arizona stomped her hoof eagerly.

Then, with a kick of her hooves, Arizona charged into the fray, landing a punch on a wolf, before she twisted her body and lands a bucking kick with her hind legs at two more of the advancing wolves.

"YEAH!" Spike cheered enthusiastically. "Go get 'em, Ari!"

With a snap of her head, Arizona smacked her horns against a wolf, followed by a strong head butt to its stomach, sending it flying away, colliding into one of its pack members, and they both disappeared into smokes. Arizona turned her head, just in time to see Spike being chased by the other two wolves. With a stomp of her hooves, the cavern floors shook, stunning the wolves for a brief moment, while also causing Spike to trip and fell. Then with a kick of her legs, Arizona charged forward, scooping up a wolf into the air with her horns, before she quickly leapt to the air to land a double kick with her legs, before she flipped herself forward to land a double-axe kicks, slamming the wolf towards the ground, where it bounces for a moment, which she immediately chains with another quick head butt, followed by an even stronger head butt. The wolf immediately disappeared, just as the remaining wolf made a desperate lunge at Arizona.

"Nuh-uh!" Arizona shouted, immediately kicking her leg into the wolf's snout, defeating the predator and causing it to disappear.

End of Fight Music

"Alright, Ari!" Spike shouted happily, embracing the calf happily. "You did it!"

"Thanks to ya, Spike!" Arizona mooed happily, returning the hug. "You were amazing back there, the way ya ran and dodged them varmint's teeth. Ya may not be strong, but you've got real bovine heart."

The two shared a quick hoof-fist bump, before they were on their way. The two continued exploring the caverns, running into some more wolves along the way. Three of them were on patrol, while one was fast asleep until it was alerted awake by its pack members.

Spike and Arizona both exchanged nods as they charged into battle with the wolves. Arizona stomped her hooves, causing the cavern to shake, causing most of the wolves to trip while a few jumped to avoid the tremor and were about to land on Arizona, had Spike not intervened with a blow of his fire breath that scorched the wolves. With that, Arizona made quick work with the wolves with a thrust of her horns and a kick of her strong legs, knocking two of the wolves into the walls, causing them to disappear upon.

"Arizona! Hit the deck!" Spike shouted, warning Arizona just in time as a wolf pounced her from behind.

"Thanks, Spike!" Arizona mooed, before she twirls her rope to lass the wolf in for a quick headbutt, before she launched the predator into the air and proceeds to land a punch, a double kick, and a double axe kicks, defeating the predator canine, before she proceeds to finish the last wolf with a lasso, swinging it up in the air, before slamming the dog into the ground in a puff of smokes.

With that, Spike and Arizona continued their way, through the caverns, coming across some salts that Arizona harvested, in case they may need them in Reine City. Along the way, the two friends have also come across some splotches of pitch black, which they didn't hesitate to stomp on, absorbing more magical lights that replenishes their energy and heals any damages from their recent fights.

Along the way, Spike decides to strike up conversation again, "Phew, so far so good," He said. "Sorry, don't mean to jinx, or anything."

"Don't worry, we'll be out of 'ere soon," Arizona replied. "I can feel it!"


"Ah jus' do. Every bovines feel it in their hooves."

They kept on walking, when they suddenly came into a large chamber, with old wooden bridges connecting the cliffs, over a huge dark pit below. There wasn't any sound of water, so neither Arizona, nor Spike, were taking any chances of a straight jump below. Furthermore, the bridge that would've made their journey across the chasm a short trip was destroyed.

"Looks we'll have to take the long way then," Spike pointed to the bridges on the left.

"Easier said than done, little fella," Arizona replied, pointing to some wolves sleeping in their paths. "Them varmints are in our way and... uh... is that a coil 'a rope... with a head?!"

"Head?" Spike squinted his eyes as he took a closer look, before they widen in alarm, with his pupils shrinking to dots. "Uh oh! That's a snake!"

"Snake?!" Arizona gasps in alarm. "Great. Now what do we do?"

"Maybe we can try and sneak past it...?" Spike suggested.

"Eh, a little simple...but, worth a try," The young calf replied. "I'll go first. Watch my back." Arizona quietly tiptoed across the bridge, which creaked a little quietly as the calf walks onto the stoney platform. Unfortunately, in the darkness, Arizona failed to see the tip of the snake's tail, and she accidentally stepped on it, painfully waking the snake up. "Dangit...!" She mooed.

Them's Fightin' Herds – Predators Encounter

Then, without warning, the snake struck, snapping its head forward at Arizona, who leapt back to dodge the attack, while inadvertently stepped on a sleeping wolf's tail. Angered for being disturbed awake, the wolf barked, snapping its jaws at Arizona.

"Arizona!" Spike shouted, running to the calf's aid, and threw a punch, a kick, and a whip of his tail at the wolf.

Before the wolf could counterattack the dragon's interference, Arizona already charged in, ramming her head into the wolf's side, tossing it across the distance. In the meantime, the snake struck back, shooting strands of purpling spit at Arizona, hitting her on the cheek, barely an inch below her eye.

"Whoa!" Arizona exclaimed.

"Yipe!" Spike yelped in startle, holding his book out as a shield, blocking the attack from the snake before it could hit him. "That snake can spit?!"

"It's a spitting cobra!" Arizona explained, holding her hooves up to block another incoming attack. "Gives the ol' sayin' a bull's eye a terrible meaning! One good shot and yer blind as a bat!"

"Good to know!" Spike cringed, as he continued to hide himself from the snake's slobbery assaults.

Soon, Arizona stomped her hooves and ran towards the snake, catching it by surprise and sent it flying into the chasm below. However, the battle was far from over. Arizona looked across the bridges to see two more wolves entering the chamber, with two more cobras.

"Heads up, Spike!" Arizona mooed in alarm. "We've got company."

"This just keeps getting better and better," Spike replied in sarcasm.

The two friends braced themselves for the upcoming battle, as the wolves pounced forward, while the snakes stayed back to snipe at the calf and her dragon companion.

Arizona fought off the wolves, kicking, punching, and bashing with her strong head, all the while keeping a look out for the snakes, readying herself for any of their poisonous attacks.

"Arizona, look down!" Spike shouted, as he darted toward the calf, holding his book out as a shield, blocking the snakes' venom spits.

"Good thinkin' there, Spike!" Arizona replied, as she scoops Spike onto her back. "You use that book to save us from them snakes. I'll take care of the wolves!"

"You got it!" Spike replied, as he held on tightly to Arizona's bandana, as she sways her hooves to fight the wolves off, while Spike struggled to keep their shield up from the snakes' spits.

The two wolves were lunged at Arizona, snapping their jaws at the calf, who retaliated with a kick of her legs, though she nearly threw Spike off, unintentionally. To him, it almost felt like the time he's been in a rodeo, riding on Applejack, back home in Equestria.

Suddenly, one of the wolves leapt at Spike, knocking him off of Arizona, and they nearly fell off the edge of the bridges. The book landed a few feet away from Spike, who quickly scrambled up to his feet to get the book. But the wolf pounced on Spike and pinned him down, near the edge, with its paw on his throat.

"Get off of me!" Spike coughed, feeling the air choked out of him as the wolf exerts more of its weight on top of him, as they neared closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

"Spike!" Arizona mooed in concern for her dragon friend.

Thinking fast, Arizona quickly grabbed the wolf she was fighting, by the neck, and tossed it towards the other wolf, throwing them both off of Spike, causing them to fall into the darkness of the chasm below.

Upon the wolves' defeats, the snakes quickly retreated, somewhere into the other darkest part of the caverns.

[End of Fight Music]

After Spike recollected his book, he and Arizona took the moment to catch their breaths.

"This cave was already scary enough with the wolves," Spike panted, while steadying his breathing. "Now we've got snakes to deal with?"

"I'm afraid this is still jus' the beginnin' of what we're dealin' with, Spike," Arizona replied. "It's gonna get a whole lot more worse if we don't stop this soon."

Spike shuddered as he recalled the nightmare he had the previous night, when he was all by his lonesome, lost in a cave, and chased by a hungry bear. The young dragon can't think of anything more dangerous than a bear, and frankly, he'd rather not having to find out.

"Well in that case, let's go!" Spike whimpered as he leads the way. "The sooner we find a way out, the better."

Arizona nodded in agreement as she follows the young dragon across the bridges until they've reached the other side, where the found another huge mound of salty crystals. With that, they both mined the salts, until there was no more and they entered the next chamber.

Upon entering the cavern, they met a large wolf who proceeded to run off. No doubt, a whole pack of wolves were nearby and it intends of rousing them all awake. Not wanting to let that happen again, Spike and Arizona chased after the wolf to a large crag, where two more wolves were resting, guarding a large silver treasure chest.

The wolf was about to howl, only to be caught by the neck, courtesy of Arizona's lasso. With a jerk of her head, Arizona pulled the wolf towards her and Spike, and she proceeded to jump into the air, catching the wolf with her hooves and slams her head into the wolf, crushing it beneath her when they landed back on the ground. The commotion startled the other two wolves awake, but they were still too sleepy to react when Arizona stomped her hooves, shaking the ground to stun the wolves, before she charged in, smacking them to the side with her horns, and a strong head butt that sent them flying into the cavern walls, where they immediately disappeared.

After the fight was over, Spike and Arizona checked out the silver chest the wolves were guarding. They opened the lid up to find the content was, "A dusty duster?" Spike exclaimed in bewilderment, before he sneezed, "A-choo! Ugh, looks like someone's forgotten to do their laundries."

"Though, you'll have to admit, they do have a sense of style," Arizona replied. "I mean, pa did once talked about how these were the height of bovine fashions back in the days."

Spike rolled his eyes, "Maybe."

Arizona simply puts on the duster coat, draping it over her shoulders, suspending it by her neck, "How do ah look?" She asked.

Spike tilted his head to the side, looking at Arizona from different perspectives when something caught his attention in the corner of his eyes, "HEY!" He pointed to a wolf that immediately darted in the opposite direction.

"After that varmint!" Arizona mooed, as she and Spike once again gave chase.

Them's Fightin' Herds – Predators Encounter

But unlike before with the previous wolf, this next one was fortunate to reach its two sleeping pack members, where it howled them awake, and together, the three wolves charged at the two friends. Reacting fast, Spike let out a burst of green fire at the attacking wolves, scorching them and blasting one of them out of the air, leaving only two for both Spike and Arizona to contend with. One of the wolves snapped its jaws at Arizona's neck from the left, biting off a chunk of the green bandana Spike used to patch up the calf, while the second wolf leapt at Arizona from the right, only for Spike to jump forward, shoving the wolf out of the way.

Angered at the interference from the little dragon, the wolf let out a bark and repeatedly snapped its jaws at Spike, who quickly ran away, with the wolf chasing after him. The third wolf was just recovering from the explosive blast it received from Spike, when the said dragon came running to it. Spike looked back, just in time to see the second wolf lunging pouncing towards him.

"AAAH!!" Spike shrieked, as he rolled to the side, dodging the attack, causing the wolf to fly pass him and crash into the third wolf. "Phew," Spike sighed in relief, until he turned to Arizona to see the calf was having troubles of her own.

Arizona was throwing kicks and punches at the first wolf, but it continued to leap back and held its paws up to block most of her attacks. Then, with a frustrated moo, Arizona kicked her legs into a charge, but missed the wolf and ended up crashing into a large mound of salty crystals. Salt flew everywhere, stinging Arizona's eyes, while her head spun dizzily from the impact.

With the young calf stunned, the wolf seized the chance to attack. The wolf lunged towards the calf, baring its fangs at her, when it was abruptly stopped midway, by a pull of its tail. The wolf angrily looked back to see it was none other than Spike, holding the end of its tail in his claws. With a snarl, the wolf was about to jump at Spike, when Arizona quickly recovered and grabbed the predator from behind with her hooves. Then she proceeded to throw the wolf onto her back, repeatedly bouncing it up and down before she kicks it away.

"You okay, Ari?" Spike asked the calf.

"Yeah," She replied, cracking her neck. "Thanks for the save there, Spike." Then a growl was heard, to which the two friends snapped their heads in the direction of the other two wolves, who've recovered and were prowling closer to attack.

The first wolf soon joined in the fray, and had its sight set on the young dragon who had cost it and its pack a cow dinner.

The other two wolves charged at Arizona, with one attacking her from the front, while the other flanked in and attacked her side. Arizona slashed her head to keep one of them at bay, while leaving herself expose for the second wolf to snap its jaws at her. The calf had narrowly dodged the second wolf's attack, but was unsuccessful at evading the third wolf's attack, when it disappeared into the ground and suddenly lunged from the ground, ramming the calf and throwing her off balance.

Spike was about to run to Arizona's aid, but he was blocked by the first wolf. With a loud bark, the wolf lurched forward to snap its jaws at Spike, "YOW!" Spike yelped, ducking his head down to dodge the teeth, before the wolf attacked again, snapping its jaws at the little dragon's leg, who quickly jumped to avoid the attack.

Out of impulse, Spike threw his fist out in a punch, bonking the wolf on the nose. Though not as strong as Arizona's punches, it still further irritates the wolf, as it retaliates by grabbing Spike by the tail in its jaws, and it threw the little dragon to the side, "AAH!! Oof!" Spike grunted as he tumbles across the cavern floor.

He got up, just in time to see the wolf charging at him, "AAAAAH!!!" Spike screamed a burst of green fire at the wolf, engulfing the predator in flames.

Though burnt, the wolf was undeterred as it resumes its chase after the little dragon.

Back with Arizona, the young calf was barely holding her own agains the other wolves, as she furiously bucked her legs at one of the attacking wolves, while jabbing her horns at the other. But she couldn't keep up the momentum and was starting to tire herself out. Still, she went on fighting, for she knew if she stopped, then the wolves would be on her.

Just when it seemed all was lost, Spike came running to her, with the first wolf chasing him. Running under one of the wolves's underside, Spike lead the other wolf to crashing into its fellow pack member. With the two wolves stunned and discombobulated, Arizona quickly seized her chance to use her lasso to ensnare one of the wolves by the legs, repeatedly thrashing it back and forth, and slammed it hard, onto the first wolf. With that, the two wolves disappeared in puffs of smokes.

In the meantime, Spike was too scared to look back to see the two wolves' defeat, and he kept on running blindly in fear. He didn't stop until he crashes into the third wolf.

"AAAAAAH!!!" Spike screamed, and out of fearful impulse, who quickly threw a punch, a kick, and a tail whip combo at the wolf.

Arizona watched in astonishment, as Spike continued to throw his punches and kicks at the wolf, without even opening his eyes, and he shouted random karate yells. Eventually, the wolf had received enough beating and was gone in smokes.

End of Fight Music

"Whoa," Arizona marveled in amazement, while Spike continued to throw punches, kicks, and a whip of his tail. It wasn't until Spike accidentally landed a flying kick at Arizona, when he finally stopped, "Ow! Easy there, Karate Kid."

"Oh! Sorry about that, Arizona," Spike apologized.

"I know Spike," The two friends turned to see another silver chest, resting before them, "Hmmm, I wonder what we've got this time?"

"Maybe it's another treasure for real this time!" Spike commented. "Maybe something like this crystal ball we found earlier," He said as he brought out the jade orb.

The two exhausted young fighters both opened the lid up to reveal, "A ten-gallon topper!" Arizona smiled. "This'll do nicely with ma new duster!" With that, Arizona dons up the hat on her head. "There, how do ah look?" She asked.

Spike was at a loss for words. Seeing Arizona wearing a hat immediately threw Spike in for a loop, as if he's looking at his friend, Applejack.

"Wow," He finally gasped in shock. "You look just like Applejack!"

"Huh?" Arizona asked. "What'd ya say?"

"Um, nothin'," Spike shook his head, getting himself back to reality. "Nothing. Let's just keep moving."

Spike and Arizona both left the cavern chamber, before entering the next, where they find three more splotches of pitch-black on the right. Without a second thought, Arizona immediately went to the splotches and stomped on them into balls of light that immediately healed all of her wounds and empowered her with magical strength. Afterward, Arizona went to a nearby mound of salty crystals to harvest some more salts.

“Hey Ari! Check this out!” Spike pointed to a circle of stones, which makes a fireplace.

“Huh, looks like someone made camp here, once upon a time,” Arizona deduced. “Maybe we should get a fire goin’,” With that, Spike ignited the campfire, which created blue fire. “What?! Blue fire?!” Arizona exclaimed.

"Just like before with the lanterns in the other part of the cavern," Spike deduced.

“Somethin' jus' ain't right about this place. C'mon, let's go."

Arizona and Spike immediately took their leave and entered the next cavern, where they find their next path barred by a pack of wolves, led by a larger one, with a single spitting cobra.

"Sweet Celestia!" Spike quivered. “That’s a big wolf!”

“So, ya’ll wanna get in line or are we doin’ this hoedown-style?” In response, the larger wolf let out a threatening growl. “Hoedown it is! Cue the music!!”

"ZOINKS!" Spike screamed.

Them's Fightin' Herds – Growing Shadows (Predator Boss)

Spike quickly ran to hide behind a rock, as he watches Arizona fought the predators head-on. The large wolf let out a howl, calling forth its fellow wolves to attack.

Both wolves charged towards the calf, circling around her before they leapt forth, with one wolf attacking her on the left, with the other attacking from the right. Arizona immediately jumped back to dodge the attacks. Once she was back on her hooves, she charged toward the wolves with her horns. But the instead of jumping to the sides, the wolves charged forward, clutching the calf by the horns with their jaws, as they forced her to a halt.

Then the snake joined in the fray, slithering behind the calf, baring its fangs ready for the strike.

Spike saw what the snake was going to do, and quickly picked up a rock and threw it at the snake. However, he missed and accidentally hits Arizona on the flank instead.

“Oops!” Spike yelped.

“YOW!!” Arizona yelped in alarm, thrusting her hind legs out into a kick, which hits the snake away, before she instinctively hurled the wolves off her head.

One of the wolves attempted to jump on Arizona again, but the calf quickly threw it off, before she thrusted her legs out to buck another away. During the fight, the snake shot some of its poisonous spits at her.

Some landed on the side of her face, while one of them was a clean shot to her right eye.

“AAAH!!!” Arizona yelled in agony, as she stumbles half-blind. “My eye! It burns!” She said, as a searing pain ran from her eye and throughout her head, as if she’s been speared by a sharp rod through the back of her head.

“ARI!!” Spike shouted, watching as the calf fumbled with her stances, while she moo in agony at the searing sensation from the poison in her eye.

The predators weren’t holding back, as the wolves proceeded to hit her from the left and right. Finally, after watching from the sidelines long enough, the large wolf leapt into the fight, catching Arizona by the scruff of her neck, thrashing her to the side, before it threw her across the cavern, where she crashes into the walls.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Spike shouted in protest. “You can’t—OOF!!” Spike’s words fell on deaf ears, when the large wolf shoved him to the side, as it and its fellow pack members towered over the injured calf.

Spike looked at the predators, while looking at how exhausted and battered Arizona was from all the fights they had throughout the night.

They were tired, scared, but determined to see through the end of their adventure together. And frankly to Spike, this is not how he wanted it to end for both him, nor her.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!!!” Spike shouted, leaping to the air and bit the large wolf’s tail.

The large wolf immediately let out a loud painful howl, before it spun in circles, struggling to chase the little dragon off its tail, when a lasso of ropes flew and ensnared the wolf by the snout. Arizona, using her yet to be inflicted left eye, had spun her rope and successfully lassoed the predator.

With a growl, the wolf proceeds to pull Arizona by the rope, only for the calf to pull herself towards it, bucking her legs out to strike the bigger predator in the face before she bounces off and landed back on her hooves, though she still fumbled a bit, due to her blind right eye.

The other predators were about to jump at the calf, when they were stopped by a wall of green fire that burst from above, revealing itself to be Spike who had swung himself off from the giant wolf's tail.

The young dragon landed between the other predators and the calf, “Spike?!” Arizona exclaimed.

“I’ll hold them off!” Spike shouted. “You take care of the big guy!”

Immediately remembering the fight still going on, Arizona nodded as she turns to the big wolf, "C'mon! It's jus' you n' me!" She challenged the wolf. "So let's dance! Ow," She winced, still stung from her right eye by the poison.

With a loud bark, the large wolf lunged forth to snap its jaws at Arizona, but the strong calf quickly dove beneath its chin and swings her horns up in an uppercut, followed by a lurch of her shoulder, she sent the giant wolf flying in the air, where she proceeds to land a punch, a kick, and an axe-kick to slam the predator down to the ground. The wolf bounced on the ground for a moment, before Arizona proceeds to slash her horns at the predator, followed by another.

Then, the magic strength she felt before came again, to which she kicked the dirt with her hooves and shouted, "Ya'll in for a beatin'!" At the blinding speed of light, she rammed her horns into the giant wolf, bouncing it even higher in the air, while she flies towards the cavern walls, where she felt another burst of magical strength, which she uses to bounce of the wall and mooed, "Roundabout rodeo!" With a kick of her legs, Arizona sent the giant wolf flying into the air, and it crashes its head into the ceilings of the cavern, breaking some rocks to fall on top of it.

In the meantime, Spike continues to keep the other predators from assisting the bigger wolf, with his green fire. But not for long, since Spike needed to catch his breath for another burst of flame.

"Need to...catch my...breath," Spike panted, which the Predators paid no heed to. "Whoa!" He yelped, holding his claws up, just in time to block a poisonous spit from hitting his eyes.

In spite of being a dragon, in which he is covered in scales, head-to-tail, Spike's claws started to tingle and burn. Without a doubt, the poisonous spit was as sharp as acids, much like the ones that Twilight had once experimented on in her lab, back in Ponyville, and back when the Golden Oak Library was still standing. As Spike kept on preventing the other wolves and snake from assisting their big boss, he knew one thing for certain.

"I've got to get rid of the snake!" Tipping his hat low, across his face, to prevent the snake from getting any clear shots at his eyes. This, however, makes Spike almost blind from any other oncoming attacks from the wolves. He had to squint a bit, looking down, while arching his chin up in order to see through the bottom of the hat - a visual gap he has for his eyes.

Spike felt the hot breath from one of the wolves blowing across his right frills, and he rolled to the left, where his head collides with the other wolf. The large dog barked as it snapped its jaws, snatching the hat off of the dragon, revealing his face completely, much to the predator dog's bewilderment.

Spike could've sworn for a moment, he heard the wolf gasping, "A dragon?!"

Before long, the other wolf leapt forward, ramming Spike to the side, before it pinned the young dragon down, with its paw on his stomach. However, the wolf had gave Spike such a fright that he immediately lets out a burst of green fire that engulfed the wolf's face. With a loud yowl of pain, the wolf disappeared into smokes, just as the other wolf got over its shock and lunges towards Spike. At the same time, the snake fired several more poisonous spits at Spike, who immediately ducked his head down to avoid the shots, which flew overhead and splashes against the wolf instead, blinding it.

Spike, meanwhile, managed to pounce on the snake, "Gotcha!" He shouted, grabbing the snake by the throat with one claw, while using the other to hold onto its fighting coil. "Ow!" He yelled, when the tip of the snake's tail whipped him in the face in a desperate effort to force him to release it.

Soon, both Spike and the snake wrestled each other to the ground, as the snake slithered its coil around Spike, in an attempt to suffocate the little dragon. But Spike wouldn't have none of that, as he quickly bites down on the snake's coil, and it disappears into puffs of smokes. The third remaining wolf stumbled around the cavern, before it tripped and fell onto a stalagmite, disappearing upon impact with the pointy rock.

"Yee-haw!" Spike looked back at Arizona, seeing the calf riding on top of the large wolf, with her rope suspended around its neck as it runs around the cavern in an attempt to throw her off.

"Yahoo!" Spike hollered. "Ride 'em cowgirl!"

With a tug of her rope, Arizona steered the large wolf, running into a the cavern wall. Arizona quickly jumped at the last second, just as the big dog crashes into the wall, causing several stalactites to break loose, falling and crushing the predator into smokes, ending the fight.

End of Fight Music

“Ya’ll have enough yet?!” Arizona shouted in triumph. “Keep ‘em comin’!”

“Wow! That was... VIOLENT!!” Spike cheered, as he reclaims his hat. “We rock, Arizona!”

Arizona chuckled as she ruffled the enthusiastic dragon’s crest, “We sure did, Spike," She smiled. "We do make a great team, don’t we?”

Spike couldn't help but blush in response. To him, it almost felt like Applejack was complimenting him.

"Yeah, I sure do!" Spike's smile soon turned to a concern frown as he looks at the calf's inflicted right eye. "Ooh, your eye."

"Huh? Oh," Arizona winced, having been reminded of the burning sensation from where the snake had spit on her. "It's nothin', I'll live."

"Don't say that," Spike said, as he he pulls out their canteen and pours the waters over her eye.

"Aaah," Arizona hissed, gritting her teeth as she feels the cool liquid clearing away the snake's poison from her eye.

Then Spike reaches for the red and green bandanas around Arizona's neck, untying the knots, as he uses them to wipe her eye clean.

"There, is that better?" He asked, watching with concern as Arizona slowly opened her right eye, squinting a few times as she recovered from seeing several dots of lights.

"Yeah," Arizona replied as she kept blinking her eye a few time. "I'm fine now. Thank ya, Spike!"

"No problem," Spike soon tied Arizona's red bandana, together with his green bandana, around her neck. "Now let's get out of here."

Spike and Arizona turned to the other tunnel, which leads them further through the caverns. Soon, they were walking into a dark hallway, filled with more splotches of pitch-blacks. The two friends quickly smashed the splotches, receiving magical lights that healed and strengthen them.

Along the way, the two happened upon another silver chest, which they opened up to reveal, "A fake mustache?" Arizona mooed incredulously.

"Lemme see those!" Spike enthusiastically slapped the mustache onto his nose, giving it a slight twirl, "Oh yeah! This is so awesome! How do I look? Am I awesome? Or am I awesome?"

Arizona couldn't help laugh, "Oh Spike!" She laughed, collapsing on all four of her hooves, tapping the floor with one of them. "Stop it! You're just too much!"

Spike soon joined in the laugh, "Well, it's all part of my natural charm," He chortled, until he and Arizona finally caught their breaths.

As they continued their trip down the cavern tunnels, Arizona took another glance at Spike. It was still so hard for her to believe that a little dragon like Spike – a predator – could ever be so friendly, as opposed to all the stories her folks have once told her. Here he was, the only predator to have gotten into Fœnum, all flesh and blood, and above all, alive. Many ungulates, like her, would thought the first thing he would do was try to eat someone. Instead, he was helping her fight off his own predator kinds. And his only desire wasn't to invade, but to return home.

Could there possibly be other friendly predators, like him?

Curious, Arizona started to strike up conversation, "Y'know Spike. I've been wonderin' about somethin'."

"What's that, Ari?"

"From where ya come from... Are there any other... friendly dragons like you?"

"Well..." Spike hesitated for a moment, as he thinks about the friendly dragons he knew, "There are some friendly dragons. But not all of them are friendly to ponies, including to my friends."

"Oh, so it's a yes and a no then," Arizona nodded in acknowledgement. "Sorry I asked."

"No, it's fine. It's kinda something I've gotten used to. Besides, there are some bad ponies as much as there are good ponies."

"Well Spike, for what it's worth, I'm glad to have met you." The calf smiled, pulling Spike close in for a quick hug. "Hmph. With friends like you, who needs Predators?"

"Oh I can be just as ferocious if I wanted to," Spike smirked. "You would've been roast beef if I hadn't taken out those wolves and snakes."

"Yeah, I know," Arizona rolled her eyes. "But I had to teach ya to fight first."

"Well then I think the student's become the master."

"Oh yeah? Hi-yah!"

With that, Arizona tackled Spike and they rolled across the floor, before they stopped, with Arizona pinning Spike down, "Who's the master now?" She teased.

"Let me up!" Spike got back up on his feet, dusting himself off, before he lunged at Arizona. Both he and the calf rolled in the dust, until once again, Arizona stood triumphantly over Spike.

"Looks like ah win," She smirked to the defeated dragon.

Spike pouted in reluctant defeat, before he looked up, "Hey look!!" The young dragon pointed ahead, to a shining ray of lights flowing from an opening.

“Whoa now,” Arizona gasped. “That looks like daylight! Sun’s jus’ comin’ up...” The calf then turned to Spike and asked, “Have we been down here that long?”

“Looks like it,” Spike replied, before he took off running. “C’mon, let’s go. Last one out's a rotten apple!”

"Oh yer on!"

With a newfound burst of joy, Spike and Arizona laughed as they kicked their legs into a run, racing towards the exit, emerging themselves into the prairie, painted in the dusk morning of red.

“Aaah, fresh air!” Arizona sighed in relief. “That ol’ salt mine wasn’t such a bad detour.”

“Wasn’t such a bad detour?” Spike asked.

“Well, couple at hitches along the way, but I think we’re close ‘ta the harbor now...”

Then, as an insult to injury, without warning, a giant cobra snake suddenly appeared before them, blocking their path.

“Oh come on now!” Spike groaned.

“Didn’t ya’ll get enough keister-lock-in’ ‘fer one night?!”

In response, the snake let out a haunting hiss, “THE KEEEY. GIVE USSSSssss THE KEEEY.”

“Not gonna happen!” Arizona stood her ground. “I ain’t scared’a y’all creepy critters! I’m Arizona, Champ’een of the Prairie, an’ if y’want the Key, ‘ya gotta go through me!”

“SSSSO BE IT!” The cobra accepted the challenge.

Them's Fightin' Herds – Slitherin' Scoundrel

With that, a fight began as Arizona and Spike marched up to the giant cobra, “Alright ‘ya slitherin’ scoundrel! Outta my way!” Arizona mooed.

In response, the giant cobra leapt across a chasm and onto one of the canyon's arch bridges. But it still kept its eyes locked on both the young calf and dragon. Spike and Arizona watched the snake's massive silhouette, outlined by the light of the rising sun behind it. They watched as the snake pointed its head up in the air, opening its mouth wide, and a massive glob of purple poisonous saliva immediately erupted from the snake's gaping maw, flying into the sky, where the night's stars were fading.

Spike's eyes immediately widen in alarm, when he saw the glob the snake had fired, exploded into tiny drops of poison that were raining back down.

"IT'S RAINING POISON!" Spike screamed, as he clings to his hat tightly, covering his eyes from the falling poison.

Arizona quickly picked Spike up by the tail and plopped him on her back, "C'mon, Spike! We gotta go!"

With a kick of her legs, Arizona sprinted forward, dodging the falling poisons, left and right, though a few managed to hit her and Spike on the head. Thankfully, they were protected by the covers, provided by their hats. This kept on, until at last, Spike and Arizona managed to cross over, onto the same archway the snake was sitting on.

The two fighters and the cobra had an intensive stare down.

"Say yer prayers, varmint!" Arizona threatened the snake.

“DRAW!!” Spike challenged.

With that, the snake immediately fired a strand of poison at the traveling duo, which they immediately cocked to the side, evading the shot, before Spike retaliated with a green fireball. However, he too missed his mark as the snake leapt to the right, onto the last structural archway.

"Hey! Get back here ya yellow-belly draggin' coward!" Arizona mooed.

Spike looked to the side, "OH DARN!" He pointed to a wolf that had emerged from the shadows, advancing towards them.

"Ha! Can't take us on by itself, can't it?" Arizona scoffed, as she charged towards the wolf, whips out her lasso to bring the wolf towards her, before she landed a punch, a head butt, and a kick to the predatory canine, until it was nothing but smokes.

However, without warning, a streak of shadowy blur whipped across the air and tripped Arizona into falling on her chin, with Spike falling off her back.

"What the–" Before they had a chance to recover, another streak of shadows slashes from behind, knocking both Spike and Arizona's hats off, and causing the spell book Spike's been carrying to snap off the ropes on his back.

"The book!" With a kick of his legs, Spike leapt to the air at a tremendous height, catching the book in his claws.

Arizona could hardly believe her eyes, "He jumped good!" She was quickly brought out of her shock, when a loud hissing roared and she looked, just in time to see the snake rearing its head and lunging towards Spike. "SPIKE!" Reacting fast, Arizona whipped out her rope and quickly lassoed Spike in the air, reeling him back, just as the snake nearly snapped its jaws at him.

"Whoa!" Spike breathed heavily, "That was close!"

Another loud hissing roar brought Spike and Arizona's attention back to the snake, just as it made another lunge at them. Reacting fast, the two friends leapt back, evading the fangs of the snake, causing the large predator to accidentally clamp its fangs stuck on the rocky ledge. Upon seeing the predator had left itself vulnerable, Arizona proceeded to land a powerful head butt at the snake, stunning it in a daze, before she proceeds to land a punch, a headbutt, and a kick, followed by an axe-kick, and a thunderous stomp. Spike too joined in the fray, as he begins to use everything he had learned, thus far. Spike threw a punch, a kick, and a whip of his tail at the snake, followed by a burst of green fire.

After receiving so much beatings from the two fighters, the snake eventually recovered from its stupor as it retracted its head, back to its coil, putting itself some distance away from its preys again. Spike and Arizona waited in anticipations for its next attack, which came as the saw the massive serpent arching its head up to blast another ball of poison, which again exploded into a rain of poison. Once again, Spike and Arizona ran left and right to avoid the poisonous drops.

Suddenly, the streak of shadow came again, and neither Spike or Arizona had time to dodge it, when it tripped them again. The snake had whipped its long tail at them, and the poisons were still falling.

"Ah!" Arizona quickly held her hooves over her face, to avoid being blinded again.

"Ari!" Opening the book up, Spike held it above his head so that only its thick binder could shield him from the falling poisons. Looking back at the snake, Spike saw the monstrous cobra holding its tail up for another whip.

"Arizona! Jump!" Spike alerted, as he and Arizona quickly jumped up, as the serpent's tail flies beneath them.

Seeing that it had missed its preys, the cobra whipped its tail again, but again, Spike alerted the incoming attack, as both he and Arizona kept on jumping to avoid the attack. The cobra spits up another poisonous rain, but Spike managed to shield himself and Arizona from the raining assault, using the book as a makeshift shield. Then the snake attempted to whip its tail again at the heroes, but they quickly jumped to avoid the fast attack.

Having grown frustrated at its failed attempts, the snake let out a roar and lunges forward in another strike. Arizona and Spike quickly leapt to the side, avoiding the snake's fangs, before it got stuck in the dusty red rocks again.

"GET 'EM!" Arizona shouted, as both she and Spike charged in and threw several more attacks on the snake, knocking it into another daze, until it regains its composure and withdraws its head, back to the archway it was on.

Searching across the grounds, Spike quickly spotted some rocks which he picked up and turned to Arizona, "Arizona! Kick!" He said, throwing a rock up in the air, as it falls back down, to which Arizona quickly kicks at it, launching it at the snake, landing a direct hit on its face.

With that, Spike proceeds to throw more rocks at Arizona to pelt at the snake, just like the time when Applejack saved Spike from a pack of timberwolves, by kicking several rocks at the speed of bullets, with her legs.

This kept on going, until the snake grew irritated and lunged at the heroes again. But this time, Arizona was ready.

"Nuh-uh!" She mooed, leaping to the air, twisting her whole body in a clockwise turn, landing a kick across the snake's head.

With that, the snake fell to the ground with a thunderous thud, kicking up some dirts. After picking up their hats, Arizona and Spike quickly crossed onto the next archway and walked up to the seemingly unconscious snake.

“What’s the matter?” Arizona asked the winded out snake. “Outta breath?” In response, the snake leapt itself back onto its coil.

“Guess not,” Spike moaned.

With that, the fight resumes as the snake leapt into the air, before it came back down, swinging its massive tail at the two friends. Spike quickly held his book up to block the attack for himself and Arizona, but the snake's tail was so strong that it knocked him back a few feet away. Distracted, the snake failed to anticipate a sudden charge from Arizona, when the calf came and rammed her horns to its head, followed by a sweep kick, and a twist of her body into a high buck to its chin.

The snake leapt to the sky again, but Arizona quickly used her lasso to snatch it out of the sky, before she reeled it back to the ground in a thunderous slam. For a short moment, the snake was still.

Arizona and Spike were both sweating heavily in the warmth of the morning air, and panted heavily from the exertion of the fight,"...How about now??" Arizona panted heavily.

But again, the fight was far from over, when the snake leapt itself back onto its coil, "Argh! Enough already!" Spike grunted in frustration, as both he and Arizona resumed the fight with the serpentine adversary.

With another snap of its neck, the snake spit out more poisonous saliva at the heroes, which Spike quickly blocked with the book. But then the snake whipped its tail out again, tripping both Arizona and Spike off their feet, before another whip of its tail knocked the hat off of Spike, revealing the dragon's full face in the morning's glow.

"What?!" The snake exclaimed in bewilderment at the little dragon's identity. "You?! You're a...dragon?! A fellow predator?!"

Spike stood up and looks up at the giant serpent, "Yeah I'm a dragon," He replied. "But I'm nothin' like you guys!"

The snake let out a hiss of disgust, "A traitor to all predatorssss then. I ssshall ssssavor the moment to devour you firsssst!"

Arizona then stepped forth, putting herself between Spike and the snake, "You want Spike?! You'll have ta go through me first!" She stomped her hoof.

"A pleassssure!"

With that, the snake slithered to the side to avoid a lunge from Arizona, before it retaliated by whipping its tail out to trip up the calf, before it lunged forth with its open jaws again. But Arizona quickly recovered from her fall, rolling herself out of harm's way, though she nearly fell of the edge of the archway. However, she managed to steel herself, and she whipped out a lasso to ensnare the snake's massive head, mustering every ounce of her strength to pull it towards her, slamming it down to the ground.

The snake quickly recovered, and stood up on its massive coils and was preparing to strike at the calf again, when a ball of fire came flying and exploded upon impact with the enormous serpent. The serpent looked back, just in time to see Spike taking to the sky.

"You can fly!?" The snake hissed, noting the young dragon's lack of wings.

"No!" Spike countered. "Jump good!" With a strong inhale, Spike let out a burst of green fire, down into the slack-jawed serpentine predator's maws. The fires coursed throughout the snake as it writhes in agony, letting out a dreadful wail, burning from the inside-out, until at last, the snake was no more than a pile of burnt dusts blowing in the breeze.

End of Fight Music

“And that’s a wrap,” Arizona punned at their tired but triumphant victory.

"Whoa... I... I can't believe I... I did that!" Spike panted wholeheartedly, as he fell to the ground on his haunches, exhausted from the adrenaline, relieved that the fight was finally over. “Oh I wish my friends were here to see me now...”

"Ya were amazing back there, Spike!" Arizona congratulated the young dragon. "I knew ya had it in ya to jump good! And the way ya fight off them predators, ya've got the makings of a fighter! I'm real proud of ya, Spike!"

"Hehe, thanks," Spike panted. "Wow... me... a fighter..."

The young calf and dragon looked off in the distance, to see the sun was rising over the horizon, painting the Prairie in a colorful blanket of orange.

“Wow,” Arizona mooed. “We really have been at this all night. Sun’s comin’ up.” The two heroes let out a yawn, “Heh... probably should find our way back ‘ta the road... there’s still a whole lotta land an’ sea before we get ‘ta Reine City... No rest for the champ’een! C’mon, Spike! Let’s...”

When Arizona turned to Spike, the young dragon was out like a log, with his head tucked beneath his hat, while snuggling himself up beneath the book.

Arizona could only chuckle, "Oh Spike," She picked up her new hat and puts it back over her head, as she helped the sleeping dragon up and carried him away, and off they rode into the sunrise.

After an eventful night in the Abandoned Cave of The Prairie, the sun has risen on a new day of adventure for both Spike and Arizona to continue their quests. Arizona was a step closer to finding the fabled Prophet's Key, and Fœnum's hope for survival against the incoming invasion of the Predators, with Spike being a step closer to finding his way back to Equestria.

However, though they have won the battle, the war was far from over. The Predators were still on the attack, and more challenges lay ahead. Challenges that will test the two heroes' wits and their determinations to fight til' the very end. But with Arizona's strong heart and hooves, combined with Spike's friendship, they have only begun to fight.

Kid Rock – I Wanna Be A Cowboy

Spike's learned super jump!

Spike’s developing fight moves


Special Attacks:

Magic Attacks:

Unique Command:

Super Attacks

Them's Fightin' Herds – Oleander's Theme

“ARGH!!” Oleander stomped her hoof in frustration, after her search turns up empty. “I can’t believe we lost the trail again!”

"Yes, so I noticed," Fred muttered. "Not to mention that little dragon did a good job with those bridges."

"Isn't that just like a dragon?"

“Howdy stranger.” A voice greeted, revealing herself to be Madison. "Say, yer not from around these parts, are ya?"

"You're astonishing perceptive," Oleander snarked sarcastically.

"Gee, look who woke up from the wrong side of the bed," Madison commented. "Then again, I've seen stranger things. Why jus' yesterday, a little calf was passing by, telling me she was off to Reine City."

"What?" Oleander exclaimed, looking at the cow, and began in a proper tone. "Excuse me, ma'm. But what was that you said about Rein City?"

"Oh, well a young calf, no older than a year, was jus' passing through these parts, telling me she was on her way to Reine City," Oleander looked further intrigued as the cow continued. "Says she's goin' there to look for clues to the Prophet's Key. I don't know how, but seeing how she's that determined to get to it, I hope she finds what she's looking for. Though she must be crazier than a bovine in a windmill if she goes off, claiming herself to be Champ'een of the Prairie and what not."

"You don't say, you don't say," Oleander pondered, before she asked, "And by chance, she wouldn't happen to have a little dragon with him? Would she?"

"A what now?"

"Uh....what I mean is, was she accompanied by anyone....unusual?"

"How do you know all that?"

"Oh, I happen to be a close friend of hers. I was visiting her family in the Prairie, not too far away, but she wasn't there. So I've been following her for a long time, and from what I...know. She's not alone."

"Uh huh," Madison nodded in acknowledgement. "Well, come to think of it. She's got this little fella about a yay high, wearing a brown five-gallon hat over their face. I never did got a good look at what kind of ungulate they are. But I saw 'em with the young calf. And as you can see, neither of them are here. Must've already gotten up for an early head start. They must be off to the Tundra by now."

Oleander thought in glee and in triumph, 'So that's where he's going,' Looking up at Madison, Oleander smiled politely, "Well thank you for your time, Miss Cow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd best be on my way."

"A pleasure helping," Madison replied. "And tell yer friend, Arizona, I said howdy!"

"Will do," Oleander replied as she took her leave, until Madison was out of sight, in which she then turned to Fred, "They’re heading to Reine City,” Oleander informed the demonic book, before she cracked a wicked smile.

“Ooh, if I’m not mistaken, I take it you have a plan?” Fred asked enthusiastically.

“Fred. I always have a plan. And this one is foolproof. Now that we know where that dragon is heading, we're taking a shortcut! We’ll get to the Tundra first and head him off!"

"Ooh, brilliant idea, Ollie," Fred commented. "Dark and brilliant. I love it."

"Yes," The dark unicorn chuckled sinisterly, as she ranted, "Your time in this world will end soon enough, predator. Very soon, you will rejoin your predator brethren in the Hold where you belong. The Prophet's Key will be in my hooves, and all of Fœnum shall thank me for all eternity. Soon. You. Will. DIE!"

With that, Oleander concentrated into her magic, before both she and Fred disappeared in puffs of smoke, with their wicked laughters echoing.

I Thought I'd Never See Ze Day Part 1 – Welcome to Reine City

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Following their recent battle with the Predators in the Prairie, Spike and Arizona continued their long arduous and treacherous journey across Fœnum, to find the Prophet's Key and a way for Spike's return to Equestria.

Over foreboding mountains, across treacherous deserts, and sailing the seas, the heroes never gave up on their epic quest.

Spike and Arizona were trekking through the snows of the Tundra, battling their way through the region's cold windy blizzard. But the icy cold wind wasn't friendly with them. They found themselves battling against a force of nature, more fearsome and possibly formidable than the Predators.

The cold wind was raining sharp, tiny shards of snowflakes, biting and blinding Arizona and Spike, blowing them off their feet, pushing them back. Spike had to be tied by the waist, hanging on for dear life by Arizona's lasso, which she tied around her neck, while clenching the rest of the rope with all her might, in her teeth.

Spike shivered fiercely from the bitter cold. He's never felt this cold since the time he once fell into a cold, freezing lake at the end of Winter Wrap Up. Nor the first time he and his friends first ventured to the Crystal Empire, back in Equestria. It's a well-known fact that dragons are cold-blooded. However, given to their innate ability to breath fire, they can store enough heat in their body to keep them active in the coldest environment, but only for a short while. Though, it's not enough to keep Spike warm in such condition that is as bad as a blizzard.See IDW issue #87-88.

Spike felt he was on the verge of collapsing into the snow, right then and there, but Arizona wouldn't have none of that.

Spike was nearly blown away by the wind, and he was almost lifted off his feet, into the air, had he not been secured by Arizona's rope. The young calf twisted her neck as she grabbed he rope with her mouth, and with a stomp of her hoof, she pulled Spike back down into the snow, and they pressed on with all of their might. But even Arizona wasn't strong enough to force her way through the snow, and she was nearly blown off her hooves.

Spike tugged tightly against the lasso with all his strength to pull Arizona back down. From there, he walked over to the calf and leans himself against her shoulder, pushing the calf forward. Barely blinking her eyes open, Arizona strained to look through the blizzard, when something caught her eyes.

"Spike! Over there!" She pointed to an opening on the side of a mountain. "It's a cave! We can hide out in there until the blizzard passes."

Both dragon and calf immediately trudged through the snow, with every last ounce of their strengths, barely reaching the cave as the snow covered their footprints behind them. The clouds grew darker and darker as the blizzard grew colder and stronger outside. Not a single soul could ever survive in such weather. Or so it seems...

Just as they entered the cave, Spike was almost certain to have seen a comet blazing across the sky. The strangest thing was that it looked as if it has wings. He didn't ponder for long, before he passed out.

The blizzard soon became a calm gentle shower of snow, with the sky turning into a hue of pink. Standing at the the peak of a hill, two shadowy figures followed the barely clear tracks left behind by Spike and Arizona.

"Brrrr," Oleander shivered. "They couldn't have just come here sooner? I'm freezing my horn off!"

"Then how about we just forget about the dragon and start looking for the key?" The demon book named Fred suggested.

"No!" Oleander stomped her hoof. "I didn't came here just to let that little predator sneak get away! We're here to ambush him, and ambush him we shall! We'll get that key," Oleander's horn begins to glow a menacing aura, as she sets her sight on the cave Spike and Arizona had taken refuge. "But not before I bury that dragon alive!"

The Next Morning

By morning, the blizzard had cleared up, the clouds parted to welcome the sun, bathing Fœnum in its warm, radiant, and beautiful daylights of gold.

Inside the cave, both Spike and Arizona were snuggling up tight in their sleeping bags, when a streak of sun flooded its way to wake them up.

Arizona was the first to greet the dawn, as she got up to stretch her legs, when the entire cavern shook, and she looked up to see some stones coming loose from the ceiling, as chunks of ices from the icicles begin to melt.

The young calf's eyes widen in alarm and she quickly turned to Spike, "SPIKE! WAKE UP!" She shook the sleeping dragon awake. "AVALANCHE!"

Quickly grabbing the book and a few of their bare essentials, Spike and Arizona quickly hightailed out of the cavern, just as a large chunk of snow fell on top of them.

"Haha! I've got him!" Oleander chortled in delight, before she composed. "Now that little... pest is out of the way, we have a key to find..."

"Yes, we do," Fred said in agreement as he and Oleander took their leave.

Beneath the heavy snow, Spike felt weighted down, barely able to move. It almost felt like the time when he was buried under a sea of books by Twilight, after he accidentally interrupted her "re-shelving day."

"I-I-It's re-really c-c-c-c-cold under here," Spike shivered. "I...gotta...get outta here!" Spike tried to breathe fire, but was dismayed to find he only managed a spark. "Oh no! No, no, no, no, NO!" Spike whimpered frantically, as he struggled to breathe fire to melt his way out of the snow. "Don't do this to me now! C'mon! Melt! MELT!" But with his fear getting a firm hold on him, Spike could barely breathe an inferno, and felt his entire body turn cold as ice.

Just when he's certain he was about to be frozen solid, a strong hoof broke through the ice from above, shining the sunlight through.

"Spike?" Arizona called. "C'mon, get up!"

Spike complied as he poked his claws out from the hole Arizona made, sitting himself up and brushing the snow off.

"Are ya alright there?"

"Yeah," Spike shivered, hugging himself for warmth. "I'll live," Turning back to the buried cave, he shuddered, "I'm glad we got outta there in time! Brrr, just think what would happened if we were trapped in there..."

"I'm sure we can still handle it," Arizona mooed casually.

"What?!" Spike exclaimed. "How?"

"Well, with yer fire breathing and my super kick, we can destroy those snow and ice in no time."

"Uh...good point."

"Well, enough chit-chat. Let's get going to Reine City and get to that museum! We've got a Key to find."

"And after that, home sweet home for me."

Resuming their quest, the two weary adventurers wobbled a bit, holding onto each other until they were at least able to keep their heads upright. Without the blizzard, it was just a simple hike through the snows of the Tundra, until they had arrived, outside of the stone wall of the city, Reine. The only entrance through the walls are the large wooden gates that stood about ten stories tall, almost touching the thick snowing clouds above.

Before walking up to the gates, Spike and Arizona looked to the left to see a cow, standing next to her wagon.

“Friend of yours?” Spike asked, while adjusting his hat to make sure he's not so easily recognized.

“I don't know her,” Arizona confirmed. “But I'm always happy to greet a fellow cowgirl. Howdy partner!”

“Howdy, youngin’!” The cow greeted. “‘Yer both a pretty long ways from the Prairie!”

“Sure are, ma’am!” Arizona greeted. “I’m the Champ’een of The Prairie, and we’re on a quest ‘ta stop the Predators from comin’ back into Fœnum!”

“That’s an okay story,” The cow began. “But I can see ‘yer new at this. Don’t think the gate guards are gonna buy it.”

“Whada’ya mean STORY?!” Arizona mooed in outrage, getting the feeling she wasn't being taken seriously.

“All I’m sayin’ is, ‘yer gonna need a better excuse ‘ta get through in these tryin’ times. How ‘bout this...” The cow cleared her throat as she began: “Reckon you boys up there have been workin’ hard all day, yellin’ an screamin’ at passerby. How ‘bout a nice cold glass ‘a milk to soothe ‘yer parched gullets?”

“Huh...?” Arizona and Spike both exchanged confusing glances. “‘Ya really think that’ll work?” The young calf asked.

“Count on it! Me an’ the gals jus’ made a delivery usin’ the same smarts.”

“Sure but... where am I gonna get some milk?” Arizona asked in a high-pitch voice, and a visible blush clear on her face.

“No need to fret, calf,” The cow began. “Bet’cha we could come to an arrangement.”

Spike and Arizona were a little hesitant at first, before they both exchanged shrugs and looked back at the cow.

“What sort ‘a arrangement?” Arizona asked.

“Tell ya what,” The cow began. “My ‘travel in’ companions’ have been taken’ their sweet time over there in the saloon. I’ve gotta stay here and mind the wagons, but all this standin’ around has worked me up a mighty appetite.” The cow then handed the duo a bag of salt, “Here’s a bit ‘a salt. Could ‘ya pop in there an’ buy me somethin’ decent ‘ta eat? None 'a that fancy mess. Jus’ some plain ol’ country food. You know the stuff.”

“Got it!” Arizona nodded. “Be back in a jiffy. C’mon Spike! Let’s go!”

“Thanks, y’all," The cow mooed happily. "I’ll fetch ‘ya both a fresh bottle while you’re in there.”

Arizona and Spike both headed off into the building and were both greeted by the hostess.

“Welcome to the Long Tail Winding Inn!” The hostess greeted. “Table for one?”

“No thanks,” Arizona said. “We’re jus’ here ta’ order take out.”

With that, both Spike and Arizona walked over to a bar, “Uh, Spike," Arizona suggested, "Why don’t ya go check around, and let me do the talkin’?”

Spike nodded in understanding, “Yeah, okay.”

Spike walked over to the other side of the building, where four troughs of foods were set in a row.

Spike went up to the first trough, “Hmmm, I wonder what’s in here,” Spike sniffed. “Smells kinda weird,” He samples a bit on his claw and tasted, before he spat out. “EW! That’s disgusting!”

He then went to the next trough, “Hmmm, smells like bread, but.... something’s not right about it. Why would those anyone want to drink this?”

He then went to the next trough, “It’s juice. But it smells really weird.”

Finally, he came to the last trough, “Oh great. Just water.”

While Spike was checking the troughs out, he couldn't help but overhear the conversation between two cows, sitting at a nearby table. Without a doubt, they must be the "travel in' companions" of the other cow outside.

"Now what in my mama's five-alarm black bean chili are these here doodads on the table?" One of the cows asked, gesturing to the utensils, sitting beside her empty plate.

"I think they're doohickies..." The cow replied. "Or maybe dinglehoppers?"


"No, no... they're definitely doohickies."

Spike couldn't help but giggle at the conversations.

Meanwhile, Arizona took a seat at the bar, “Another cow!” The bartender exclaimed. “How nice.” Her antlers shimmered in a sparkling aura as she levitates a notepad and pen and asked, “What can I get for you?

"I'd like 'ta order some food, please," Arizona greeted.

"I see," The bartender nodded. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, it's not 'fer me. I'm gettin' it 'fer a friend outside. Could 'ya fix her up somethin' more... homey? Know any recipes from The Prairie?"

“Sure, I’m not insulted!” The bartender replied. “I’ll get you what most cows order.” With that, the bartender went to the other part of the bar and proceeds to get something for Arizona.

While the bartender was getting the food, Spike walked up to another reindeer at the table and mingled, “Hi there!” Spike greeted. “Nice weather we’re having, huh?”

“Ho there!” The reindeer greeted. “Care to join me for a toast? Come, enjoy a frothing night of milk with me! I know not what plant they make this from, but deer alive... is it delicious served ice cold!”

Spike looked uneasy at first, before he began, “Uh, well you see... the truth is...” He leaned in close and whispered to the reindeer, much to his shock.

“... Great heavens, it comes out the WHAT?!” With that, he immediately froze up.

“Uh...sir?” Spike asked, but watched as the reindeer passes out and dropped dead cold on the floor.

Back with Arizona, she was tapping her hoof on the table, just when the bartender returned with her order.

“Here take some svele,” The reindeer said as she handed Arizona a plate of pancakes with syrup and butter on top.

“Pancakes?!” Arizona gasped. “This is perfect! I’ll get these to my friend quick as a wink!”

“Yes. Pancakes. I bet you like that.”

“Thanks a lot!” Arizona smiles as she paid the bartender the salts, before she called to Spike. “C’mon Spike! Let’s go!”

"Huh? Oh, sure, coming," Spike said, as he left the unconscious reindeer, though the bartender looked questionable at Spike, then back at one of her costumers on the floor. "He's just a little..." Spike held his claws up, miming a drinking cup, while making some gulping sounds.

"Oh dear me," The bartender replied, looking back at the out cold reindeer, while Spike quickly took his leave to catch up with Arizona, who was just meeting with the cow outside.

“WHOA, are those pancakes?!” The cow drooled hungrily.

“They sure are!!!” Arizona smiled. “Gotta tell ‘ya I was halfway tempted ‘ya gobble ‘em up myself.”

“Thanks again!” The cow thanked as she took the pancake from Arizona, “As promised, here’s some ‘a my finest. See what them boys think ‘a THAT.” She said as she gave both Spike and Arizona a bottle of milk. “Pleasure doin’ business with ‘ya both!”

With the large bottle of milk in their possessions, both Spike and Arizona turned back to the large gate of the city. The two young travelers walked up to the huge wooden gate.

Outer Wall | Reine City

On top of the huge wall that guarded the city, two reindeer guards were engaged in a lively conversation.

"Joyous occasion!" The first reindeer guard commented. "As I draw breath! The weather is certainly crisp today."

"Such as it is, my good fellow!" The second reindeer replied. "Yes it is, indeed!"

"Certainly there have been many travelers who have come to our fair city as of late. One cannot help but wonder why!"

"Undoubtedly it is due to the decree."

"Likely it is so. But wherefore are–" Suddenly, something caught the first guard's attention. “Hark!” The first gate guard shouted. “Someone approacheth from the south!”

Arizona walked up to the gates and tapped her hooves on the woods a couple of times, "HOWDY UP THERE!” Arizona greeted.

In response, two reindeer guards showed their heads from above the wall.

“Hold. Is that... MILK I spy?” The first guard asked.

“A cow with milk?” The other guard scoffed. “Nonsense! That’s not how it works! ‘It’s the stuff of legend!”

“Stuff of legend?” Spike asked. “What do these reindeers know about milk?”

“Nevermind that,” Arizona replied. “Let’s see uh... how did that lady put it?” Clearing her throat, Arizona began, “Hey! Uh... must be hard work up there... what with all the screamin’ at folks an’ such! Yeah! How’s about a nice cold drink ‘ta PARCH ‘yer... wait no... QUENCH ‘yer gullets!”

The two guards then turned to each other, “My gullet is rather in need of quenching.” The first one said.

“Yes,” The other agreed. “‘Tis hard work, up here all day, issuing edicts from high!”

The first guard then spoke up, “VERY WELL, cow. We shall accept your magic viscous quenching fluid! In exchange, we grant you passage through the gate!”

“So long as you and your companion not eat anyone!”

Arizona and Spike turned to each other, looking rather confused, “Eat... anyone?” Arizona asked.

“Why would we do that?” Spike asked.

Deciding to let that one slide, Arizona turned back to the guards, “On my honor!” She said. “Promise I won’t make trouble ‘fer ya’ll, sirs!”

“Then we must sally forth!” Said the first guard. “Our sprites will collect the offering once you’re through. OPEN THE GATE!!!”


Before long, the ground beneath Spike and Arizona shook, and the sounds of gears turning and clicking can be heard from inside the walls, until at last, the door was open. A smaller door, that is.

Both Spike and Arizona turned their heads to see that a smaller door, big enough for them had opened up, at the bottom of the bigger gate, like that of a doggy door.

"Well, that was a little overdramatic," Spike muttered, just as a small elf-like creature appeared from the doorway and stood before the two travelers.

It greeted them in a soft, squeaky voice, "Well, howdy there little–" Before Arizona could finish, the little creature quickly took the bottle of milk off of her, before it went back into the opened doorway. "Well, okay then!" Arizona mooed, both aghast and miffed at the little creature's quick greeting.

"Anyway," Spike cleared his throat, snapping himself and Arizona from their stupor. "Shall we?" He pointed to the door.

"Let's shall," With that, the two friends walked into the city.

District I | Reine City

Upon walking into the city, Spike and Arizona both looked and marveled to see a splendid city of cozy warm houses, snow covered streets, and graceful ice sculptures as far as the eyes can see.

"Wow!" Spike said, marveling at the sight. "This place is cool! It's like being in the Crystal Empire again!"

"It's a little crowded," Arizona commented.

"Welcome to Reine!" A reindeer greeted. "Please wipe your hooves before proceeding into the city, and do not eat the shrubbery. It is ornamental, not a free snack. Any brawls or disorderly conduct will result in expulsion from the city and heavy salt fines. Have a nice visit! Please leave soon!"

Spike and Arizona both turned to exchange uncertain glances with each other.

"Well...that's welcoming," Spike said in sarcasm.

"Let's just get to the museum and find a clue to the Prophet's Key," Arizona replied. "And get ya home fast." Arizona turned her head in every directions of the huge city, "Now where would that be?"

Spike looked up, trying to find some distinctive landmarks, “Oh look!” Spike pointed. “Here’s a sign for directions.” He pointed to a large signpost.

“So it is,” Arizona pouted. “There’s a picture of a boat to the north, houses to the east. And... Yup! There’s the gate to the south."

Just then, one of the local reindeers happened to gallop by, "Hey, let's ask this reindeer. Excuse me, ma'm?" Spike called out to the doe. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Why, certainly darling!" The reindeer replied before she walked away without letting Spike and Arizona ask.

Confused, the two adventurers caught up to the reindeer, with Arizona asking, "Do you know how to get to the museum?"

"Of course I do!" Without another word, the reindeer galloped away, much to Spike and Arizona's confusion.

Arizona caught up to the doe, "Uhh, can 'ya TELL us how t'get 'ta the museum, then?"

"I absolutely can!" But rather than complying, the doe simply walked away, leaving Spike and Arizona even more dumbfounded.

"I don't think she's quite on the level with us here," Spike shook his head, before he and Arizona turned to another reindeer. "Let's ask this guy."

Arizona and Spike approached to the reindeer, who was fuming and grumbling over a snow covered trough.

“...Don’t leave the troughs outside overnight, I tell them...But do they listen? At least I didn’t get my tongue stuck this time...”

“Uhm...’scuse me," Arizona began. "Could I a-“

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" The reindeer hollered angrily at the two.

"AH!" Spike yelped, jumping in the air, clutching his claws and feet around Arizona's neck.

Spike and Arizona both stood wide eyes, before they slowly backed away, "N-Nevermind..." Arizona mooed as she and Spike were on their way.

"I guess Madison wasn't kidding about these deerfolks," Arizona fumed. "Some of them jus' ain't right!"

"No kidding," Spike replied. "But there's got to be someone here who could give us some directions. Let's split up and ask some of these reindeers. One of them's got to point us in the right direction."

Arizona pondered for a moment before she nodded, "Eh, what've we got to lose? And time's runnin' out, so let's hurry!" With that, the two friends went their separate ways, throughout the city.

Arizona walked up to a reindeer and asked, "Excuse me, miss. You got a–"

"Nice hair. Lose the scarf." The reindeer rudely said to Arizona, who huffed.

"I jus' need direc–"

Again, she was rudely interrupted, "That was a freebie, sweetie. You need to pay for future image consultation."

Spike went to a house, knocking its door, to which a reindeer opened the door, "Hi!" Spike greeted. "Do you–"

"If you're looking for the upstairs couple, the entrance is in the back," The reindeer cut him off. "And could you please tell them to tone it down a little? They're keeping me up at night."

"Uh, sure I guess," Spike then left the house, circling around the corner to find the doorway to the said room upstairs. "Huh, it's shaking. Should I just make my way in?" The young dragon walked in, which he immediately regrets. "AAH!!" Spike yelped, as he quickly slams the door, panting heavily with a blush on his face. "I did NOT need to see that!"

At the same time, Arizona happened to knock on the door of another house, to which a creepy reindeer answered.

"Oh, you finally arrived!" The deer greeted. "I've been waiting for hours! I almost thought you weren't coming."

"Whu-huh?" Arizona questioned.

"Did you bring it? And the maply syrup...? Or... maybe... you want to try with honey instead? I've still got some in the cupboard, I think. Oh deer! I am so nervous... how... how do we go about it then? Do you want to just like... jump straight into it or do you want to..." Arizona backed away in discomfort, which the deer immediately took notice of. "Did I... Did I say something wrong? Or were... were you thinking maybe with mayo instead?" Arizona backed away some more. "No? ... Uh... alright, okay, I... I guess we can just skip the toppings. So... uh... on the table then?"

"That was weird!" Arizona shuddered.

Spike happened to be walking down a street, when he was stopped by a reindeer, "Sorry! You can't go this way," The reindeer said. "There was a brawl between Velvet and Vixen, and the damage is still being repaired."

"Yikes," Spike winced. "What happened?"

"Uh, I'd tell you, but there's too many details, so I bid you good day."

"Okay," Spike shrugged. "Anyway, you wouldn't happen to know where the museum is, do you?"

The reindeer shook his head, "Haven't been to any museum in a long time."

"Okay then, see ya."

Meanwhile, Arizona was walking down the streets when she happens to meet another reindeer, "'Scuse me, cou–"

"...You may have had that floof trimmed a bit too much, darling," The reindeer commented. "You're starting to look like a cow."

With her face turning a shade of raging red, Arizona turned to take her leave, when she was stopped by another reindeer who said, "Sorry, but you can't go this way. You're just not floofy enough." Further irritated, if not annoyed, Arizona took her leave.

Arizona then walked to another reindeer, who looked like she has nothing better to do, and asked, "Excuse me, do ya–"

"Sorry, I'm busy," The reindeer replied, much to Arizona's confusion.

"Uh...busy with what if ya don't mind me askin'?" Arizona asked.

"Standing here. And yes I do mind."

Arizona shot the reindeer a deadpan look, before she took her leave. She then noticed two reindeers, staring lovingly at each other, with the buck saying, "I wuv you more."

"No, I wuv you more," The doe replied.

"No... I wuv you more."

"Noooooo, I wuv you more."

Arizona couldn't help but blush as she watches the scene unfold, "They seem busy... 'Spose I shouldn't interrupt 'em."

Turning to the left, Arizona happened to see a local reindeer passing by.

Willing to give another chance, Arizona asked the reindeer, "Howdy! I was wonderin' if I could ask 'ya a question?"

"Shhhhh. Do you want to blow both our covers?! Don't talk to me in public, you fool!" With a huff, the reindeer took his leave, leaving a further distraught Arizona behind.

Turning back to the houses, Arizona blew a tuft of her hair up, "Let's try this again," She sighed. "Hopefully, this next occupant won't be as weird as the last one..."

Arizona walked up to a house, and was greeted with, "Excuse me! This is private property!" One of the occupants bellowed in outrage.

"Does your kind always make it a habit of barging in on people's homes?" The other occupant added.

"I'm so sorry," Arizona quickly apologized as she was on the way out.

Meanwhile, Spike went to a house and knocked on the door, “Uh excuse me?” He greeted.

“Oh splendid! You’re here!” The reindeer smiled as she pulled Spike into the house. "You finally got here! I thought I'd have to go looking myself!"

"Why?" Spike asked. "What's the problem?"

"We keep hearing strange noises coming from the basement," The reindeer explained. "You can get in from the door to the back of the house. Here's the key." Spike receives the key from the reindeer, who continues, "Please do something! We can't sleep with all the noise!"

Before Spike could ask, a loud roar erupted beneath the floorboards, startling the dragon and the two reindeers.

"There it is again!" The second reindeer exclaimed. "You heard it, didn't you?" She asked Spike and continued, "It's been like that for weeks! Coming from the basement! We don't dare go to look!"

Seeing how scared and on edge the reindeers looked, Spike reluctantly nodded, "Okay, I'll go check it out," He muttered. "But I'll regret it..."

Soon, Spike came walking out of the front door, circling around the house, trudging through the snow until he reaches the back of the house, with the key in hand.

"I hope it's just a reindeer with an upset stomach," Spike gulped nervously as he inserted the key into the lock and turns it open.

At that moment, Arizona was just rounding the corner of the block, "Argh! The nerve of these deerfolks!" She grumbled. "All I wanted was just to ask for some directions to their museum and all I've been gettin' are...Oh!" The calf gasped when she saw Spike. "There's Spike! Wonder if he's had better luck than...Hey! Where's he goin'?" She asked herself, when she saw Spike entering the basement of the house.

I Thought I'd Never See Ze Day Part 2 – Predators Underground

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Dragon's Log – Day 19

Me and Arizona had arrived in the Tundra. We nearly froze to death, but thankfully, we made it to Reine City, home of the reindeers, or deerfolks, as they're called. They're not exactly the hospitable type. And the little creatures who live with them aren't so easy for idle conversations.

We only wanted directions for the museum, but somehow, we ended up in someone's basement(s).

The Haunted Undercity

Reine City

Spike walked down the cold, dreary steps as he descended deeper and deeper into the basement, beneath the house of the reindeers above. It was cold and dark, with very little to no lightings, with only a few streaming from some cracks above, penetrating the darkness. With the few bits of lightings, he could see the walls were covered in icy frosts and cobwebs dangled from the ceilings.

"Okay, Spike..." Spike said to himself. "You've heard enough ghost stories, every Nightmare Nights, to know what to expect. Let's see, creepy lightings, check. Scary shadows, check."

“Spike! Wait up!” Arizona mooed, startling the young dragon.

"AAAAAHH!!!" Spike screamed, falling down the stairs and landed on the floor with a hard thud.

"Whoa, ya alright there, little feller?" Arizona asked, running down to the bottom to check up on Spike.

"Yeah, thanks, Ari," Spike replied in sarcasm. "I may never have the hiccups again..."

"Just what are ya doing down here in the first place?" Arizona asked. "I thought you were asking for directions to get to the museum."

"I was. But then some reindeers asked me to come down here because of some strange noise."

"Noise? What kinda noise?"

"Well, sounds kinda like..." Deepening his voice, Spike did his best impression of the roar he had heard from above.

"Yer saying them varmints are here?" Arizona asked, looking eager for a fight.

"If by varmints, you mean the Predators," Spike gulped nervously. "Then yeah, I'd say so."

"Well where are they?" Arizona asked, looking left and right, before she happened to notice a familiar dark aura, blocking a doorway to the next room, on the right.

"Not this stuff again..." Arizona mooed, recalling her and Spike's experience in the salt mine. "Maybe we can just... push through it..." Arizona tried to muscle her way through the dark fiery auras, only to be thrown back, as if her own strength was used against her.

"Arizona!" Spike shouted, running up to the calf. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Arizona got up, before she turned to the other doorway that's blocked by another dark fiery aura. "Ain't getting through this stuff...but what if..." Arizona simply walked and touched the dark aura, and like before, it repelled her back.

"So much for that," Spike said.

"Yep, no good," Arizona frowned.

Spike looked frantically around at the room, "Well, other than that, there's nothing here, but us. Oh well, let's just get the hay out of here and fast," With that, Spike made a hasty retreat for the stairs, only for it to be blocked off by sudden dark fiery auras. "What the... Oh c'mon!" He exclaimed in frustration.

Arizona soon walked to the center of the room and challenged, "Alright now, what's goin' on?! Fess up!" As if answering her question, three wolves suddenly appeared, “Figured as much. Ya’ll messes with the wrong cow!”

“And dragon!” Spike added, as he quickly ran over to Arizona's side, holding his claws up in a fighting stance.

The wolves immediately charged towards both calf and dragon, starting the fight. Two of the wolves lunged towards Arizona, who retaliated with a thrust of her back legs, hitting both wolves in the stomachs to knock them away, while the third wolf was repelled by Spike, who breathed fire at it.

The wolves shook off the blow, before they retaliated, lunging forward and snapped their jaws at both dragon and cow. Spike and Arizona leapt back to dodge the snapping jaws, before they fought back. Arizona charged towards a wolf to ram her horns at it, but the wolf manage to block the attack, holding its paw up to stop her horns, before it snaps its jaws, grabbing Arizona by her bandana and tossed her aside.

A wolf leapt up in the air and tried to land on her, but Arizona quickly rolled to the side, dodging the wolf, before she sprinted forward and rammed her head into its side. One of the other wolves leapt at Arizona, but Spike blasted it away with a fireball he shot. Returning the favor, Arizona punched another wolf away from Spike, before both dragon and cow turned to look behind each other and pointed.

"WATCH OUT!" They said, switching place to fight off the attacking predators.

Exhausted and having enough, the wolves disappeared in puffs of smokes. With that, the barriers that blocked the openings in the walls dissipated, granting entry for the young bovine and dragon.

"The Predators are here alright," Arizona pawed at the floor. "Too bad for them, they've all got a big ol'fashion heiny whoopin'."

"I don't know, Ari," Spike frowned. "There could be more of them, hiding deeper in these dark scary place."

"Then let's go deeper and flush 'em out!" Arizona mooed, eager for more battles, while Spike looked unsure.

"Uh...should we even bother with these things?" Spike quivered. "I mean, weren't we here because you needed to look for clues on where to find this...Prophet's Key?

"Well, that's true, Spike," Arizona nodded. "But even these snooty folks don't deserve to be living in fear and, besides, we'd probably get at least some sort of a lead and could get one step closer to getting you home."

Spike pondered for a moment on what Arizona said, before he reluctantly nodded.

"Well, let's hope we don't regret it, when this is over..." Spike said, before he turns to the two doorways. "Now, which we do we go?"

"Hmmm," Arziona pondered for a brief moment, until she decided. "Let's go right."

With that, Arizona and Spike went down the hallway on the right, hunting for more Predators, thought Spike was little more than reluctant to do so.

In the next room, both calf and dragon were attacked by three wolves that leapt out from the shadows to sic on them. However, like the previous pack they've fought off in the other room, Spike and Arizona made quick works on them, with their fighting skills.

Arizona stomped her hooves to trip some of the wolves, stunning them in place, before she picks one up with her horns, throws it onto her back, where she bounces them, followed by a kick of her hind legs, tossing the wolf to Spike, who finished it with a blast of his fire breath.

The other two wolves got up and leapt at Arizona, who heard them from behind. Reacting fast, Arizona leapt away to dodge their attacks, causing both wolves to crash into each other. Disoriented, the wolves were at the mercy of Arizona and Spike, who punched, kicked, and pummeled the wolves into the shadows.

With the canine predators dealt with, the two heroes enter the next room, where a large cobra appeared from the shadows, being flanked by two wolves at its side. Once again, another fight broke out between the Predators, calf, and dragon.

The cobra made the first move as it lunged forward to snap its jaws at Arizona, who retaliated with a headbutt to the snake's jaws. But the cobra was undeterred and whipped its tail out at the calf. Arizona didn't have time to dodge the tail and was tripped by the tail. The snake reared its head back for another lunge, but Arizona rolled to the side and dodged the attack.

The two wolves were circling around Arizona, with the intent to attack the calf. But they were hindered by the interference of Spike.

"Not so fast!" Spike said to the wolves.

"Ungulate loving traitor!" One of the wolves snarled. "You will be eaten for this treachery!"

"I'm not one of you guys!" Spike replied. "I just want to go home!" But the wolves refused to listen.

"Prepare to die!" The other wolf growled.

Both wolves leapt towards Spike, who quickly rolled out of the way to dodge their attacks. When the young dragon got back up, he was caught off guard when the wolves dissolved themselves into the floor, before they leapt up and knocked him off his feet. One of the wolves had Spike pinned down, with its hoof on his chest. Out of frighten impulse, a burst of green fire erupted from Spike's mouth and engulfed the wolf's head. With a kick of his legs, Spike threw the wolf off, and jumped away, nearly being bitten by the other wolf.

Back with Arizona, the young and strong calf was squaring off against the large cobra, that slithered and danced in front of her. The snake spat out strands of venoms at the calf, who, from experience, was able to block the poisons from hitting her eyes.

"C'MERE!" Arizona bellowed, whipping out her rope to lasso the snake, by the neck. "YEE-HA!"

Mustering up her strength, Arizona thrashed the snake around the room, smashing the serpent on the two wolves, squashing them into puffs of smokes, saving Spike.

"Thanks for the save, Ari!" Spike thanked the calf, watching as she finishes off the serpent with a final thrash and it disappears into puffs of smokes.

Spike turns to look in a corner of the room and finds two splotches of pitch-blacks. With that, both Spike and Arizona walked over to the splotches and stomped them, releasing several magical lights that healed and replenished their energies.

"Phew!" Spike breathed a sigh of relief. "That felt good."

Arizona turned her head to look around the room, until she spotted a treasure chest sitting on the right. With that, Arizona walked over to open the chest to reveal...

"A Mug O'Magical Oat Brew?" Arizona questioned.

"Strange place for a mug," Spike commented, expressing his skepticism. "Looks like we've hit a dead end," Spike said after he looks around the room.

"Alright, then let's go back to the way we came and try that other way..."

"Oh boy..." Spike whimpered, knowing that more dangers await for him and Arizona.

Nevertheless, they ventured forward through the dark chambers of the underground. After passing through the first room they entered in, the two young travelers went into the other room and were confronted by three wolves. But like the other predators they've fought since arriving into the city, both Spike and Arizona defeated the predators.

They were just about to enter the next room, when Arizona noticed a plushie, covered in cobwebs, sitting on a table in the corner of the room.

"Huh...this looks really old..." She analyzed. "Wonder what's it doin' down here?"

"My best guess was left behind by its previous owner a long, long time ago," Spike guessed.

Brushing the plushie out of their mind, the two heroes continued onward with their adventure. Upon entering the next room, both dragon and calf found their path stopped by two wolves and what appeared to be a...

" that a...a panther?" Spike asked in alarm.

"WHOA...that's new!" Arizona mooed in equal alarm.

Before long, the predators all pounced forward for an attack. At this point, Spike and Arizona became completely familiar with the wolves' usual fighting style and were able to block, dodge, and counterattacked most of the vicious canine's attacks. However, the panther was a different story.

While the wolves relied on numbers and stealth, the panther was fast, strong, and agile.

Spike watched as Arizona struggles to block the furious swipes and slashes from the big cat. Worse still, the panther lunges forward and clamped its jaws and claws on Arizona, before it pulls her into a furious cloud of beating.

“AAAHH!!!” Arizona yelped as she was thrown out of the frenzy.

“ARI!!!” Spike screamed as he ran over to check on the injured calf. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Arizona replied. “Jus’ a few scratches and bumps. But I’ll live.”

With a loud roar, the heroes look up to see both wolves are howling at their newfound triumphs, while the panther advances upon the heroes for the kill. To add the intensity of the situation, the panther licked its lips, as if to show it’s eager for a tasty calf and dragon dinner.

Both Spike and Arizona slowly backed up against the walls, as the panther leans in close and gives a long whiff at the heroes.

However, the panther sniffing had worked up a running sensation on Spike’s nose, causing a sneeze to come up.

“A-A-A-ACHOO!” Spike sneezed, exploding a burst of green fire at the panther, in the face.

With a loud roar of pain, the panther reared up on its legs, backing away from Spike, as it started to paw at its scorching face.

With the big cat out of the way, both Spike and Arizona turned their attentions on the wolves and quickly disposed of them.

Arizona thrusted her hind legs out to kick one of the wolves, in its throat, while Spike slid underneath the other wolf, to dodge an attack, leaving it vulnerable for an elbow drop from Arizona.

With the wolves destroyed, Spike and Arizona turned their attentions to the panther, to see it had recovered from the dragon’s fire.

With a loud roar, the panther leapt up to the air for a pounce. Reacting fast, Arizona charged forward, intercepting the big cat’s air attack, with a slash of her horn that knocked it out of the air.

Without giving the predator a chance to recover, Arizona proceeded to leapt up into the air to throw a two legged kick, chaining it into a front flip to land a double axe kick with her hooves.

Spike watches as the panther bounces on the ground, with Arizona following the momentum with a minor headbuck, followed by a medium headbuck, before she focuses her powers and energy on the panther, just like back in the Salt Mines.

“Y'all in for a BEATIN'!” Arizona mooed, as she launches herself like a speeding bullet, to hit the panther and juggling it in the air.

Unfortunately, for the predator, its fighting prey was not done.

“Roundabout rodeo!” Arizona shouted, when she circled back and kicks the panther in midair.

Beaten, the panther fell lifeless to the floor and disappears in a cloud of smokes.

Exhausted and tired from her recent battle, Arizona plopped down, onto the floor.

“Arizona!” Spike shouted, running up to the calf and examined her body. “Wow, you took quite the beating…” He commented, examining the scratches and bruises on the calf, received from the panther.

“I’ll be okay, Spike,” Arizona panted. “Just needed some rest, and I’ll be good to go."

However, judging by the scratches on Arizona's body, seeing the bloods she was losing, Spike shook his head.

"Rest is not gonna cut're losing a lot of blood," Spike said as he begins to look around. "There's gotta be some bandages or something down here we can patch you up with..."

Spike went into the next room, to find it has become a hallway, with running waters. Without a doubt, this must be a part of the city's sewer. Floating in his path are more of the splotches of pitch black that replenished his and Arizona's energies.

"Jackpot!" Spike exclaimed as he picks one of the splotches and returns to Arizona in the other room. "Here Arizona. Look what I've got!"

With a karate chop, Spike breaks the splotch into balls of healing lights, replenishing Arizona of her strength and energies. Arizona slowly got back up on her hooves, until she was standing back up again. After giving Spike a grateful smile, the two friends were on their way to the rest of the undercity.

After passing through the hall where Spike had found the splotches, Spike and Arizona entered the next room to confront a wolf with two panthers.

“We’ve had our hands and hooves full with ONE panther,” Spike moaned. “How can we take on TWO?”

“Together!” Arizona answered, charging headfirst into battle with the predators.

Arizona rammed her head into the wolf, catching it midair, and throwing it to the side. However, this distracted her from the two panthers, who pounced forward together and knocked the calf backward, off her hooves. Before the panthers could sink their teeth into the calf, they got into an argument, when one of them starting biting the other, which the other returns the favor. Seeing an opportunity, Spike quickly breathed a fireball that exploded the panthers and blasted them off of Arizona.

Once back up on her hooves, Arizona quickly lassoed one of the singed panther and proceeded to thrash it all over the room, slamming the feline predator into its fellow predators, until they disappeared in puffs of smokes, allowing the heroes entry to the next room.

In the next room, the predators Spike and Arizona had to fight are a wolf, a cobra snake, and a panther.

“Oh my!” Spike whimpered.

The wolf was practically an easy kill, since Arizona was able to avoid its lunge and pounce, before retaliating with a strong headbuck and kicks. However, both snake and panther were different stories.

Like its predecessors, the panther was fast and strong, being able to run at lightning speed, outmaneuvering Arizona's attacks, even her lasso failed her in her attempt to slow the beast down. At one point, the panther managed to scratch her shoulder.

"AAAH!!" Arizona yelped, hissing, swallowing a lump, refusing to give into the pain. "Jus' a scratch," She said to herself as she continues the fight.

From a distance, the cobra was supporting its fellow predators with several spits of poisons, like darts, aiming at both Spike and Arizona.

Spike and Arizona both kept their eyes shielded from the snake's dart-like spits, while contending with the speedy feline.

The panther leapt at Arizona, pinning her down on her back, in which the calf then thrusted her legs up to throw the panther off. Rolling on its back, the panther stood right side up and leapt at Arizona to throw another slash of its claws, which Arizona managed to block, with her horns.

The cobra was rearing its head back for another spit at the calf, when Spike jumped forward in a flying kick, knocking the snake's aim off. Angered at the dragon's interference, the snake lurched its head forward to snap its jaws, but Spike was quick to dodge to the left, then to the right, and jumped on the snake's head. With a whip of its tail, the serpent ensnared Spike by his leg and thrashed him against a wall.

"AAAAAHH!!!" Spike screamed before he hits the wall, with a streak of his blood painted on the dusty bricks. "Ow..."

With a yelp, Spike rolled to the side and scrambled away to avoid the snake's jaws. The young dragon regrouped with Arizona, in the center of the room, back-to-back, catching their breaths.

"What are the odds of us getting out of here alive?" Spike asked.

"Never said we'd make it out in one piece," Arizona replied.

"'s been nice knowing you, Ari..."

"You too, Spike. You're not so bad, for a Predator..."

With a hiss, the panther lunged forward, the same time as the snake strikes. Reacting fast, both Spike and Arizona ducked their heads, bracing themselves for the worst to happen. But it didn't came.

"Are we dead?" Spike asked.

"...This doesn't feel like death," Arizona mooed, before she opens her eyes to see both she and Spike were still alive. "Actually, Spike. We're far from it. We're still alive. Look!"

Spike wearily opens his eyes to see the panther and the cobra in a tussle with one another. The panther's eyes were blinded by the snake's poison, and the big cat was angrily biting down on the snake's coil, with the snake biting back and wrapping its coil around the predator's neck in retaliation.

"Holy guacamole!" Spike exclaimed. "What a fight!"

"They must've been really hungry," Arizona commented, watching as both predators continue to kill and eat at one another, until there was nothing left but smokes.

With the fight done, the dark fiery aura that blocked the next room dissipated, granting both Spike and Arizona entry into the next room. On the way, Spike decided to strike up conversation.

"So...those Predators," He began. "They were so hungry that they're willing to eat one another, just like that? Even forgetting they were fighting us?"

"Yup, scary," Arizona mooed in response. "I guess what pa said is true. Predators live to kill. Somethin' about a sayin' called...survival of the fittest? Or was it, eat or be eaten? Ah don't know. But that's the way of the Predators."

"...Is it really?" Spike asked. "Is that how Predators live? To kill?"

"Yeah. They're thirsty for blood, Spike," Arizona continued. "Us ungulates...all we have are just the grass, the produce we grow, and...y'know, the usual things us vegetarians eat. But Predators are meat eaters. The second they set their eyes on you, they'll stop at nothin' until they sink their teeth into you and rip y'all to shreds!"

"...Ehhh, you don't say," Spike cringed. " dragons like me meat eators?"

"Ah don't know about that, Spike..." Arizona replied. "Ah mean...ya said it yourself, right? You're a vegetarian. You don't eat meat, like these Predators. And if there're more dragons like ya back in Equestria,! I wouldn't say you're a meat eater."

"That's comforting," Spike said, while still thinking in horror about his identity, 'Dragons eat meat? Including ponies? I hope not. That'd be like I'm eating my own friends. Unless I'm desperate enough to...' Spike shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts of such gruesome images. 'Ugh, I'll never get that image out of my head!'

The Altar of Appentence

Spike and Arizona walked into a large, dark room. Ahead of them, at the very end of the room, under the single pillar of light, stood a large slab of stone, with strange carvings. Out of curiosity, both Spike and Arizona walked over to the stone to investigate.

“...What In pastures grazin’ is THAT?!” Arizona exclaimed as she and Spike inches closer for an inspection. “These carvings are all... Predators! ALL OVER IT!”

“Predators, Huh?” Spike shivered. “You don’t think...this is what all the trouble was about, right?”

“Jus’ WHAT is this thing doin’ under Reine? This could be bad...” Suddenly, the eyes on the predators all lit up. “Uh... Did you do that, Spike?”

“What? Why me?”

Looking back, the eyes turned red, as the entire room shook violently, as if there was an earthquake. Before long, the stone split itself into two halves, conjuring up a bloody red portal. Stepping out of the portal, stood a lumbering, hulking figure of a menacing beast. Another predator has entered the world of Fœnum.

Spike and Arizona looked up, and their eyes widened, with pupils shrunken to pinpricks.

Arizona stammered, “It’s a...a...”

“A bear!” Spike screamed, as he clutched onto Arizona, while recalling the nightmare he had, when they were camping in the prairie.

The bear snapped its head in the two heroes' direction, and let out a menacing roar. The bear lumbered forward, slashing its massive paws at the heroes, to which the jumped back to avoid the slash attacks.

Unfortunately, both Spike and Arizona realized too late that this was exactly what the bear wanted, when it drove them to fall into a large pit hole that looked as if it was built for an arena of the sort.

Spike and Arizona looked up and found the bear was in the company of its fellow predators, who have materialized, surrounding the heroes, outside of the arena.

"Oh Mother of Faust!" Spike exclaimed. "We've walked right into a trap!"

Arizona, however, seemed rather unfazed, standing her ground.

"...Okay. I jus' got one question 'fer y'all," Rearing up on her hind legs, Arizona stomped her hooves down, challenging the Predators.

Growing Shadows – Them's Fightin' Herds Story Mode

"WHO'S FIRST?!" Arizona mooed.

"Don't look at me!" Spike squeak in fright.

But it was no use. The fight has just begun, as three of the Predators leapt into the fray – two wolves and a panther.

"I'll get the big cat!" Arizona said to a terrified Spike. "You get the wolves!"

"Just my luck, a dog eat dog world..." Spike whimpered, while he thinks, 'And that says a lot, considering I was a dog in another world.'

Nevertheless, Spike assumed a fighting stance as he fought off the wolves. One of the wolves made the first move and leapt into the air for a pounce, only for Spike to throw an upper cut that hit the wolf in the chin, knocking it off balance. Unfortunately, this left him open for the other wolf's attack, as the canine predator lunged forward and snapped its jaws on Spike's torso, and threw him to the floor.

Spike rolled across the floor, where he was almost stepped on by Arizona, had he not rolled out of the way. Arizona was struggling to hold her own against the panther, just like the previous ones she and Spike has had to fight, before arriving to this room. The panther let out a bloodcurdling hissy growl as it viciously swipes its paws and snapped its jaws at the calf.

Arizona was able to dodge the fangs, while blocking the claws, before she counterattacks with a cross-canter – after a successful block, Arizona reared her head back for an uppercut with her horns, to catch the predator off-guard, and throw it off its feet.

The panther got back up and pounced towards Arizona, who ducked her head, weaving beneath the massive feline predator, before stomping her hoof for a medium tremor that briefly stunned the panther. At that exact moment, Spike came running and jumped on the cat's head, with the two wolves chasing him.

"HEEEELLLLP!!!" Spike wailed.

"Ah gotcha, Spike!" Arizona shouted, spinning her lasso to catch Spike and pull him over to her.

Together, both dragon and calf started to fight off their predator adversaries, back-to-back. Spike breathed fire on the panther, while Arizona thrusted her hind legs to kick the two pouncing wolves in the throats. Then, the two friends quickly trade place, with Spike spewing a fireball at the wolves, which exploded upon impact, while Arizona used her lasso to ensnare the panther by the legs.

"Spike! HIT THE DECK!" Arizona warned the dragon, as she spins the panther around, whisking it over Spike's head, and slamming the feline predator into the two wolves.

The three predators disappear in puffs of smokes, with three more predators – two cobras and a panther – jumping in to take their place.

"Oh c'mon!" Spike moaned.

Seeing how the Predators weren't giving him and Arizona much of a choice, the young dragon resumes the fight with Arizona, bracing himself for the next round.

With a loud hiss, the two cobras slithered around the arena, before they took their positions and fired their poison spits at the young dragon and calf, who danced around to avoid the venom. Lastly, like its predecessor in the last round, the panther roared and used its superior speed to outmaneuver both Spike and Arizona.

Spike stayed close to Arizona, not willing to risk his life with the big cat. Arizona's eyes darted as she watches the panther run circle around her and Spike. The feline predator was moving with the speed of a cheetah, but has the ferocity of a lion to boot. The panther made a few strikes and lunges at the two heroes, keeping them on their toes and on edge. However, the two fighters were so busy keeping their eyes on the panther, they forgot about the snakes and were hit with a few of the serpents' poisons.

"UCK!" Spike grunted in disgust.

"Ew!" Arizona groaned.

Luckily, not of the poisons stung their eyes. But they were still just as irritating to the touch.

Believing it has seen an opportunity for an attack, the panther pounced and caught Arizona from behind. The two thrashed about in a flurry tussle of punches, kicks, scratches, and blood, until Arizona was thrown across the floor.

“ARIZONA!” Spike screamed, holding the spell book up, using its thick covers to shield himself from the snakes’ venoms, as he makes his way over to the calf.

The panther was about to pounce on the young bovine again, but Spike breathed a burst of green fire that stopped the predator in midair.

“C’mon Ari!” Spike shook the calf. “Get up!”

“I’m up, I’m up!” Arizona replied. “Don’t count me out jus’ yet.”

“But first, we gotta do something about those snakes,” Spike pointed out. “We can’t fight that panther without the risk of getting blinded by those cobras.”

“Then them varmints are the first ta go!” Arizona said. “I’ll get the one on the right. You take the left!”

“Lucky me…” Spike muttered as he and Arizona split up, to avoid the panther, and to get rid of the snakes.

Growing up in Equestria, alongside Twilight and the others, Spike has never needed to fight, let alone learned then. He’s always looked up to Twilight’s teachings on friendship for a peaceful solution to everyday problems. So the fact he’s suddenly put in a situation where he has to fight to survive is against everything he believed in from Twilight and friends. But in order to go home, he needed to do what must be done.

“AAAARGGGHH!!!” Spike screamed as he throws his arms wildly for random punches, as he charges blindly towards a snake.

The snake was able to slither and dodged the dragon’s attack. Rearing it’s head back, it throws itself forward for a bite. Reacting fast, Spike picks up the snake’s coil and throws it into its jaws, which the snake immediately winced from biting itself.

Angered, the snake gave chase, after the young screaming dragon. Meanwhile, the other snake bounced on its coils, to keep its distance from Arizona, dodging her lasso, in her attempt to close the distance with the spitting cobra.

To add the difficulty still, Arizona also had to fend off the panther that still persisted in its attacks on her.

Just as the snake was about to strike the bovine, Spike came running with the other snake, not far behind.

The two snakes ended up crashing into each other, in a tangled mess of coils.

“Good thinkin’ there, Spike!” Arizona complimented the dragon. “Tricking those sneaky snakes to tangle with each other.”

“Uh, yeah, glad I thought of it,” Spike chuckled, while he secretly thought. ‘What did I do?’

With the snakes tied up, both Spike and Arizona turn their attentions on the panther, who sprint forward in a pounce.

Out of impulse, Spike breathed a burst of green fire that engulfed the panther, combined with Arizona’s headbutt that knocked the airborne predator.

With the panther dazed, Arizona immediately used her lasso to ensnare the panther by the tail and thrash it around, smashing the snakes beneath the panther’s body.

Once again, setting her sight on the panther, focusing her strength and powers, Arizona pawed at the ground and readied herself for a charge.

“Ya’ll in for HURTIN’!” She screamed, charging at lightning speed and spears the panther, into smokes, with her horns.

With that, the three remaining predators leapt into the arena — including the bear.

“Oh Faust! You gotta be kidding me!” Spike whimpered as he looks up at the menacing outline of the bear, towering over him.

"Spike! FIGHT BACK!" Arizona called, while bucking two panthers away. "Remember what ya learned!"

"I CAN'T!" Spike hyperventilated. "I forget when I'm scared. Really scared!" He said, remember how he once embarrassed himself in the Equestria Games in the Crystal Empire.

With a loud roar, the bear sets its sight on Spike, charging forward, shaking the floor with each steps.

"BUT HE DIDN'T!" Spike yelped, with his eyes widened at the large hulking beast.

"Spike, RUN!" Arizona screamed.

With a terrified yelp, Spike turned tail and ran as fast as his legs could carry him, with the monstrous bear running after him. This bear was definitely not as gentle as Fluttershy's bear friend, Harry, back in Equestria. The large beast snapped its jaws savagely, swiping its massive claws after the fleeing dragon. Then, with a massive headbutt, the bear threw Spike into the wall, knocking the wind out of the dragon, bloodying his nose in the process.

Slightly dazed and disoriented from the adrenaline, Spike looked up and sees the large bear lumbering over him, working up a drool in its mouth for a baby dragon snack.

"Please, please, DON'T EAT ME!" Spike pleaded with the bear. "I'm adorable! I'm too cute and cuddly to die!" Spike then curled himself up into a ball, as he cries, "I just wanna go home!"

The bear lunged forward, only to be caught by a lasso around its neck, and it was pulled away from Spike. Arizona then proceeded to land several punches and kicks to the bear's face. This, however, made it even angrier as it turns its attention towards the young bovine. Before the bear could retaliate, Spike quickly jumped up and pulled on its eyelids.

"I GOT 'EM!" Spike shouted, as he rode on the bear, with monstrous predator thrashing about, trying to get the dragon off.

The bear let out a roar as it stomped around, throwing itself against the walls, trying to get Spike off. Spike rolled to the other side to avoid getting smashed against the wall, but that left him dangling off the side of the bear's neck, and the monstrous predator tried to swipe the dragon off with its claws. Even more frantic, Spike climbed on top of the bear's back, as the predator reared itself up on its legs, in its persistent attempts to get the dragon off.

In the process, the bear ended up fumbling and smashed one of the panthers beneath its large mass. The other panther was about to leapt up to swipe its paws at the young dragon, only for Arizona to ram her horns into its side. Angered at the calf's interference, the panther lunged forward to throw several fast swipes of its claws at the calf, who stepped back and blocked the attacks, when they've gotten close enough. The panther snapped its head forward for a bite, but Arizona blocked the attack with her horns and cross-canters the panther, throwing it back.

Arizona lurched forward for an elbow drop on the down panther, but missed when the panther quickly recovered. Without giving Arizona a chance to recover, the panther pounced forward for the kill. Luckily, for Arizona, the bear came thundering by and plowed into the panther, causing it to disappear into puffs of smokes.

Out of frighten impulse, Spike jumped off of the bear, breathing a burst of fire as a boosted momentum for his flight, as well as landing a hit on the bear's face.

With Spike safely off the bear, Arizona proceeded to walk up to the bear, to throw a strong kick to its snout, followed by an uppercut, chaining into a low sweep kick, and an elbow drop to the head that briefly stuns the bear. Not yet finished with her opponent, Arizona thrusted her shoulders up to send the bear flying up into the air, where she quickly landed a headbutt, a two-legged kick, ending it with a double ax-kick that slams the bear back down to the ground.

Upon landing, Arizona didn't give the bear a chance to recover, using her lasso to ensnare the bear by its legs, once again, mustering up her strength to swing the bear in the air and slammed it down on the floor, ending the fight.

End of Fight

Tired but triumphant, Spike and Arizona all cheered, “YEAH!!!”

“Like my Pa always says,” Arizona panted heavily. “When ‘yer fixin’ ‘fer a brawl, y’all know who ‘ya call!”

Just then, a golden chest appeared, to which Spike and Arizona opened up to reveal its content was a golden Sparta helmet.

“Not ma style,” Arizona frowned.

“I’ll try it,” Spike said as he puts on the helmet and poses. “How do I look?”

" a real fighter," Arizona nodded.

"Oh yeah. If only Rarity could see me now," Spike said, flexing his muscles and envisioning the said marshmallow unicorn, kissing him and fawning over him.

Rolling her eyes, Arizona beckoned Spike to follow to a flight of stairs, “C’mon, let’s get outta here.”

With that, Spike and Arizona walked up the stairs, out of the arena and back onto the floor they were on. They were about to walk to another door on the other side, when they passed the stone structure, which was inactive, with its doors closed shut.

The two went over to inspect the structure, “ it over?” Arizona asked.

“I hope so," Spike replied. "It looks totally dead now...”

“Yup. I think you’re right. C’mon, let’s go tell those deers it’s all taken care of.”

Arizona and Spike both turned to take their leave, though all the same, Arizona shivered in fright.

“Ugh, that thing could open again at anytime," Arizona said. "Best not to wait around for that to happen again. Let’s just get outta here and find the clue to the Prophet’s key.”

"And the sooner I get home, the quicker I can forget all of this has ever happened," Spike added.

I Thought I'd Never See Ze Day Part 3 – The Champion of the Tundra

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“ it gone?” The reindeer asked, after Spike and Arizona had returned from their recent adventure in "the basement."

“Yes ma’m!” Arizona confirmed. “Threat re-“

“Oh thank goodness. Finally!" The reindeer interrupted. "Now shoo, shoo! You’re trailing the snow with your hooves!”

Miffed by the reindeer's rudeness, Spike and Arizona immediately left the house.

“Sheesh, so much for gratitude,” Spike frowned.

"You'd think they'd at least reward us by being more helpful and welcoming?" Arizona mooed.

"Well, forget about them, let's go find that museum and look for clues to your Prophet's Key," Spike said, reminding the calf what they came for.

"Yer right," Arizona nodded as they resume their trip around town.

Spike and Arizona were walking down the street, sightseeing the place, when they happened to pass a reindeer doe, dressed in green scarf, and wearing glasses, who is accompanied by a single sprite. Together, they're setting up a shop, with the sign above it reading Cash n’ Cap’s.

"Hey, let's ask this doe," Spike suggested. "Excuse me, miss? You got a second?"

"Yeah, can we ask ya a question?" Arizona added.

"Oh! Hello there," The doe greeted. "I'm afraid we're not officially open until tomorrow. Still restocking after an abroad sales tour... But... if you're simply DYING to part with your salt in exchange for my Fœnum-famous fabulous fashion... I'll do business anytime you like... How may I be of assistance?"

"Actually, we're looking fer the museum," Arizona answered, with Spike nodding in agreement.

"Oh, are you tourists?" The doe asked, to which Spike and Arizona nodded in response. "I know a few good guides who could show you around town."

"Sure, that'd be mighty helpful!" Arizona said.

Spike nodded, "Yeah, that'll really help us out a lot miss..."

"Cashmere's the name," The doe introduced herself as Cashmere. "And hourly rates usually run about...3,500 salt," Spike and Arizona immediately fell silent, since they didn't exactly have enough on them, which Cashmere immediately realized. "I'm gonna take that as a no, then."

"Uh...yeah, sorry for troubling you," Spike apologized as he and Arizona slumped away.

"Dangnabit!" Arizona stomped her hoof in frustration. "I knew we should've mined that whole salt mine deeper. We'd probably find more salts and then we'd have enough by now..."

"It doesn't matter now," Spike shook his head. "Looks like we'll have to find that place on our own..."

"Figures," Arizona mooed in disappointment as she looks down a street. "Maybe it's this way?"

At that moment, three little ice sprites came running pass the two adventurers, and stopped for a moment to catch their breaths.

"What the...?" Arizona mooed in surprise.

The ice sprites immediately said something in a soft, squeaky language that neither calf nor dragon understood.

"What did they say?" Spike asked. "I didn't get any of that."

"Me neither," Arizona replied. "But let's try askin' them fer directions," Arizona walked up to the ice sprites. "Well howdy, little fellers! Could 'ya tell me where 'ta find the museum?"

Instead of answering, however, the sprites took off running away from the two friends.

"Was it somethin' I said?" Arizona asked.

Spike's ears, however, perked up to the sound of barking, "Hey! Is it just me, or do I hear the sound of barking and a stampede?"

Before either of them knew it, they were suddenly plowed into the snow by a pack of puppies. Just then, a little lamb, roughly around Arizona's age, came running by. In appearance, she is a slender ewe lamb with whitish wool tinted with pink. Her face is a muted, pale magenta, with expressive turquoise eyes and a nervous expression. She wears a golden bell on a purple collar.

"Puppies!" The lamb called. "Oh, where 'ave me Puppies gone tae?" Turning to a dazed and confused Arizona, Pom gingerly walks over to the cow. "Eh... excuse me miss... did ye see a pack o wee puppies pass by chasin' some faeries? Would ye happen to know which way they went?"

But Arizona was too dazed from the recent ordeal that she couldn't properly process what the lamb was asking. That, or it's either because the calf was having trouble understanding what the lamb was asking.

"Och, puppies, where hae ye gotten tae?" The little lamb was about to take her leave when she happens to see Spike, lying face down in the snow, with familiar paw prints all over him. "Oh no! Are you okay?" She asks, helping him up.

"I think so," Spike shook his head, revealing himself to the lamb.

"A...A...A...AAAHH!!!" Frightened out of her wits, the lamb took off running, away from the confused young dragon.

"Was it something I said?" He asked, scratching his head, only to realize his helmet was gone. "Uh oh!" Spike frantically looked around, before he found his helmet and puts it back on, before anyone else notices.

Spike then walks over to Arizona, "Hey Ari! You okay?" He asked, while dusting the powder snow, clean off of the calf.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Arizona replied, adjusting her hat, before she noticed something shining. "Huh? What's that?" The calf walked over and picked up a gold shining round shape of the sort. "Hmmm. One 'a them little fellers must 'a dropped this."

Arizona quickly put the item away in her bag for safekeeping. "Better take it with us jus' in case we see 'em again," She explained her intention. "Wouldn't want it 'ta get lost. Whatever it is..."

"Good call, Ari," Spike nodded as he and the calf resume their trip around town.

District VII

Reine City

Spike and Arizona were walking down the street, when they also happen to pass by a lake. Close by, Spike couldn't help but overhear some reindeers talking.

"...Why is the lake not frozen?" One of the reindeer complained. "We can't skate on cold water!"

"This was an ice skating zone just this morning!" The other reindeer replied. "Why did it suddenly melt? Guess at least I'm on this side, and not trapped on the islet in the middle..."

At the mention of the islet, Spike looks out across the lake to see a few reindeers stranded on the small island. This brought back some memories of the Winter Wrap Up, when Spike fell asleep on a floating piece of ice, and got a cold as a result, as a practical joke from the ponies.

Turning to the reindeers, Spike asked, "Shouldn't we go in and help them?"

"Gosh, heavens, no!" The first reindeer scoffed. "Our floof will be ruined!"

"Besides, The Blitz and his team can handle it," The second reindeer reassured. "They'll be fine."

"Uh, okay..." Spike replied, taken aback by the reindeers lack of concerns. "If you say so." With that, the young dragon turned and caught up with Arizona.

Spike and Arizona were on their way through the city, when they happened to notice a large crowd gathering.

"Huh, what do you think all the commotion's about?" Spike asked.

"I don't know, Spike," Arizona replied. "But let's go check it out and see what's up."

The two friends walked over to the group of reindeers to see, standing in the center of attention, is a larger, older reindeer, with great big sharp antlers that showed off his long years.

"I can't believe he's out today!" A reindeer exclaimed in admiration.

"Isn't he scrumptious?" A reindeer doe swooned.

"Should I ask him to marry me?" Another doe asked.

"Wow, I've never seen such thick antlers."

"He's soooo gorgeous..."

"Those muscles...!"

During the commotions, the tall reindeer turned and noticed Arizona and Spike in the crowd.

"Hello, little ones!" The reindeer greeted. "I am Stronghoof Hoofstrong, Jarl of Reine City."

"Oh hi!" Spike greeted. "Nice to meet you sir."

"Yeah, I'm Arizona of The Prairie," Arizona introduced herself. "And this here's my travel buddy, Spike. We were hoping ta find the museum of this city. But we can't help but overhear how...uh...outstanding ya are."

"That I am," Stronghoof smiled in agreement. "I didn't just fight the Predators for nothing."

"Oh really?! 'Ya know 'bout the Predators?" Arizona asked.

"Indeed, I do... Had I not banished so many of the vile shades with my own hooves, I would no sooner call myself a Hoofstrong!" The reindeer then squinted his eyes as he looks closely at Spike and Arizona. "How many predators have YOU defeated, young ones? How tough are you?"

The reindeer snorted a gust of air as he looks closely at Spike and Arizona. Feeling nervous about being figured out and at the risk of being exposed, Spike inhales a large amount of air and puffs his chest up to look tough.

"Hmm..." Stronghoof pondered for a moment, before he announced, "...Ah this is good. Your muscles ripple with conviction! Your spirits sings with valor!"

"Golly!" Arizona mooed, blushing a shade of pink from the flattery.

Stronghoof then turned to a winter sprite next to him and he holds out a red headband.

"Here, a token from me," Stronghoof presented. "The mark of a true warrior. Wear it with pride!"

"Why thank 'ya, mister!" Arizona smiled, as she gladly took the headband and dons it on her head. "Hey Spike. How do I look?"

Spike gives the calf a thumbs up before they resumed their search for the museum.

Spike and Arizona walked up to a reindeer, who was standing by a statue of a reindeer, "Sorry, can't talk right now," The reindeer said. "I'm waiting for somebody. Told me to meet them by the statue."

"Okay," Spike said, as he and Arizona walked away.

While passing by, they happened to meet another reindeer, who explained to them, "Sorry, I cannot talk right now. I'm waiting for someone and they're already late. I told them to meet me by the statue!"

"Alright then," Arizona was about to walk away, when Spike spoke up.

"Hold it!" Spike said to the reindeer. "Did you say you were meeting someone by the statue?"

"Yes I did."

"Did you tell them which statue to be precise? Because from the looks of it, there are lots of statues here, and they all look alike."

"Well, I told them to meet me by this statue. I thought I was specific enough, and still they're late..."

"Yeah, well I think I know where they are, actually," With that, Spike guided the deer to the other statue, where the other reindeer was waiting. "Is that your friend over there?"

"Why, yes! Yes it is!" The reindeer exclaimed as they ran over to meet with their friend. "What are you doing here?"

"What? You told me to meet you by the statue, and I did," The other reindeer explained.

"I meant the other statue," The reindeer clarified.

"Well how was I supposed to know? All these statues look alike."

"Sorry about the misunderstanding. Shall we get on with our date?"


With that, the two reindeers took their leaves, without thanking Spike.

"You're welcome," Spike waved the reindeers off. "And have fun on your date. So much for gratitude," He muttered under his breath, while Arizona followed with amazement.

"Wow, that's actually...very nice of ya, Spike," Arizona complimented. "But why did ya help them? They weren't exactly asking for help."

"Hey, my world is pretty big on friendship. And a couple of my friends have little sisters that are majorly into match-making."

Spike and Arizona resumed looking for the museum, when they happen to run into a reindeer.

“Uh, excuse me?” Spike called.

“Sorry, can’t stop to talk,” The reindeer replied. “I’ve got places to be!” With that, the reindeer resumed running frantically around the streets.

“…That’s hardly anywhere at all,” Spike commented, with Arizona letting out an exasperated groan in agreement.

The two friends were about to walk down a street, when a reindeer stopped them.

“I wouldn’t go that way if I were you,” The reindeer warned them.

"Huh? Why not?" Arizona asked.

"I just wouldn't," The reindeer replied.

Spike and Arizona both exchanged confusing glances, before Arizona turned to the reindeer and replied, "If ya say so."

At that moment, the three ice sprites from before came running down the street and were just passing Spike and Arizona.

"Oh hey, it's you guys!" Arizona greeted, while Spike gets a sense of deja vu. "Wanted 'ta tell 'ya, I've got 'yer–"

"Look out!" Spike shoved Arizona out of the way, just as a pack of puppies came barking and running, chasing the ice sprites away. "Phew. Ain't gonna fall for that twice."

"...Well, there goes that," Arizona mooed, despondent to have another conversation with the sprites cut short.

"I tried to warn you two!" The reindeer said.

Nevertheless, both Spike and Arizona continued on their trip through the city, until they finally arrive at a large tall building, where Spike reads the sign to confirm it is the: "Reine City Museum."

"Finally!" Arizona mooed in relief, after she and Spike walked up the steps. "Looks like we've found the right place. No thanks to these floofballs..." Taking a deep breath, Arizona sighed, "Now let's get us a clue!"

Rein City Museum

Spike and Arizona walk through the front entrance of the museum, where they walk up to the front desk on the right.

"Welcome to the National Reine Museum," One of the reindeers at the front desk greeted. "Entrance is free on all days, except the ones when it's not."

"Uh...noted," Spike replied.

"Hey, a guestbook!" Arizona mooed excitedly, before she frowned, "But there's no ink for noseprints..."

"Don't worry Ari, I got this," Spike said as he picks up the quill next to the guestbook and jots down his name and Arizona's on the book. "There!"

"Wow! Yer hands are pretty handy!" Arizona complimented.

"Comes with the territory of being somepony's number one assistant, I guess," Spike shrugged as he and Arizona turn to walk up a flight of stairs.

"How did ya ever land that job again?" Arizona asked. "Wouldn't a pony...I don't know, want another pony to be their 'number one assistant?'"

"Maybe...but growing up with Twilight, she was always working hard and pushing herself pass her limit. She's smart and all, but she works too hard. Someone's got to look out for her."

"But...why did it have to be you? Why not her ma, or her pa? Or even this Shining Armor brother of hers ya told me about?"

"Because she's my home," Spike answered wholeheartedly. "Twilight means everything to me. From the moment I first hatched, to having my first birthday, she was there for me. So I have to be there for her. And right about now, she must be worried sick about me. And I've just got to get back to Equestria and fast."

Spike quickens his steps up the stairs, with Arizona's gaze following him, admiring at his resolve. This young dragon shows full commitment, most admirable of a bovine.

After walking up to the top of the stairs, Spike and Arizona were amazed to see a huge fossil of a strange creature of sort. It has the skull of a giant crocodile, but instead of webbed feet, it has two flippers like those of a whale, and a fluke tail at the end.

“That’s one big, dead fush there,” Arizona commented. “And some smaller ones, I guess. These are kinda givin’ me the creeps.”

With that, Spike and Arizona turned their attentions to some next exhibits on their left and right.

“You go check that exhibit,” Spike pointed to the left. “I’ll go this way.”

“Alright,” Arizona agreed, as both dragon and calf went their separate ways.

Upon entering the exhibit on her side, Arizona finds herself in a room, surrounded by swords and manuscripts.

"Hello there," One of the reindeer staffs, supervising the museum, greeted. "Please don't touch the exhibits."

Arizona nodded as she walks around to take a look at the exhibits on display. In the center of the room, stood a sword, embedded into a stone.

"How'd y'all put this sword in this 'ere rock?" Arizona asked.

"Actually, it's always been there," The reindeer in the room lectured. "There was a prophecy to it, too. Whoso pulleth out this swordeth of this stoneth, is rightwise owner of the really neat stone...eth."

"So, all ah gotta do is pull this sword out and...this stone's mine then?"

"Actually, we don't let anybody try anymore, though," The reindeer frowned, shuddering, "Not since Velvet a while back. Eighteen wounded and five with roughed floofs..."

Arizona simply rolled her eyes at the reindeers' and how much they seem to value their precious floofs. She resumed checking out the rest of the exhibits, when she happens upon another sword.

"What about this sword?" Arizona asked.

"That's our REAAAAALLY big sword..." The reindeer described. "But it has no rock, so we pushed it off to the side."

Arizona then walked up to a set of scrolls, to which the reindeer lectured, "Those are ancient documents. They're written in a dead language, though. Absolutely no clue what they say. But they look nice in the exhibit so..."

Arizona then walks over to another set of old scrolls, "That's a reproduction of the original Reine constitution," The reindeer explained. "'Zis floof I hold to be self-evident, zat not all deer are created equal' and so on..."

"And what's this?" Arizona asked, pointing to an open book.

"That...actually, that's the cafeteria menu," The reindeer answered sheepishly. "I don't know how that got there..."

Meanwhile, in the other exhibit, Spike was checking out a dusty set of old scrolls, which the reindeer in the room explained, "That is a list of thousands of names. Nobody's been able to decipher its purpose. The only thing we know about it is its title: 'Backers.'"

With a nod, Spike continues to check out the other exhibits in the room, and happened upon a strange looking statue.

“Hmmm, what’s this?” Spike asked.

“That is an ancient völva statue. Ancient Reindeer believed praying in the shrine of a statue like this could transport you to other worlds full of dangers and riches.”

"Really...?" Spike looked at the statue and pondered out loud, "Any chance, there's more of these, but one of them can transport me somewhere that's not full of dangers, but plenty of riches? Say like home?" Spike muttered at the last part.

"Pish-posh and tut-tut," the reindeer scoffed at the idea. "Absolute poppycock. No such thing even existed."

Spike felt a slight jab to his chest at the reindeer's swift denial of such possible statue's existence. That, and he may also rejecting a possible world, such as Equestria.

Spike was on his way back to meet with Arizona, when he happens to step on a book, that was lying on the floor, next to large bookshelf.

"Huh. Looks like someone's dropped a book," Spike bent down and picked the book up, turning to the bookshelves next to him. "The shelves are full, though...I should find someone to give this to."

With another book in his claws, Spike walked over to the reindeer in the room and asked, "'Scuse me, sir, but I found this book on the floor..."

"Oh..." The reindeer took a look at the book, before he confirmed. "That belongs to the library on the first floor. How did it get here...? Would you take it to the librarian for me, please?"

"Sure thing!" With that, Spike left the exhibit and was on his way downstairs, just as Arizona came from the exhibit she was checking out.

"Hiya Spike!" Arizona greeted. "Where ya goin'?"

"Just returning this book to the library on the first floor," Spike explained, holding up the said book in his claws. "How about you? Any luck finding what you're looking for?"

"They ain't got much," Arizona replied as she followed Spike down the stairs. "All they got were jus' some swords, some paper junks, and stuffs. Nothin' much to go off from there."

"Well, maybe we'll find some answers in the library," Spike said as he and Arizona walk into the said room. "I know the first thing Twilight would do to search for answers is to go to a library."

Upon entering the library, Spike and Arizona walk up to the front desk, where they meet the librarian.

"Excuse me," Spike greeted. "I found this book upstairs. Not including the one on my back," He clarified, while holding up the said book in his claws. "I think somebody misplaced it."

"Oh! Let me take a look at it..." The librarian took the book from Spike's claws for a closer inspection and reads the title, "Do the telluric alpaca hermeneutics transpose the peripatetic lautretics of Unicornian philosophy because of the factic iniquity of the non-dogmatic Amaryllian dialogues? by L. Luthier."

"That's the title?" Spike asked in disbelief, with a whistle.

"Yes, I think this one goes in the back row, middle shelf," The librarian confirmed. "Would you be both be a deer and place it for me?"

"Sure, we can do that," Spike nodded as he and Arizona went around back to find the said shelf.

Upon finding the middle shelf, the two friends inspected to find an empty space, where they put the book. No sooner did they return the book to its proper place, however, when they felt a rumble on the floor, and the shelf slides open to reveal an entrance.

A secret door has opened, “Huh, what’s this?” Spike asked as he and Arizona walked in to investigate. "Wow, a secret room in a library. Twilight would flip her horn if she knew about this...hey, any chance this could be the clue your folks told you about, Ari?"

"...Y'know, I'm not sure," Arizona mooed in response. "But this place must be loaded with clues and must've been thousands of years old! Judging by the smell. Phew!"

Both Spike and Arizona proceeded to venture forth into the dusty, dark hallways of the secret room they had uncovered. They walked down a hall and nearly passed a room, on the right, which they went in to investigate. They found a few scrolls and books, but they hold nothing of importance. There were some barrels, and a frame where a picture would go. But nothing else.

So, both Spike and Arizona left and proceeded to investigate deeper in the secret library wing, when they happened upon something quite out of the ordinary.

"What–" Spike began.

"The–" Arizona added.

Lying on a couch, snoring, snuggling up to a reindeer plush toy, is the hulking shape of a sleeping bear. Spike and Arizona could hardly believe what they were seeing.

"What's a bear doing in here?!" Spike asked.

"I don't know," Arizona replied, steeling her eyes into a look of determination. "But it ain't welcome here."

Rearing up on her hind legs, Arizona stomped her hooves down, startling the bear awake, starting another fight. Disoriented, the bear was still half-asleep when it was awaken. Before it had time to react or process what was happening, the bear was met with several punches, kicks, and a headbutt to the face, followed by a lasso that tied itself around its front paws, and was lifted into the air and slammed onto the floor.

Angered and fully awake, the bear let out a roar as it charged towards Arizona, snapping its jaws and swiping its massive claws at the strong and agile bovine. Meanwhile, Spike watches from the sideline, shuddering at the intense fight that was happening before his very eyes. One moment, he was rooting for Arizona to win, while a part of him couldn't help but feel sorry for the bear, since it was startled awake from its sleep. The young dragon himself can be just as cranky if he was startled awake. This all reminded him of the time when an Ursa Minor came to Ponyville, because Snips and Snails had stupidly startled the magic bear awake.

Back in the fight, Arizona proceeded to land several blows to the bear, until at last, it disappeared in puffs of smokes in defeat.

"Hmph! Good riddance to predators," Arizona huffed.

"Still...what was that bear even doing in here?" Spike asked. "How did it get in here in the first place? And did the reindeers even know about it?"

"Questions for later, Spike," Arizona replied. "But I don't think we're gettin' anything else in here. Let's jus' get outta here."

"What about that plushie?" Spike pointed to the doll that the bear had left behind.

"Hmmm," Arizona walked up to take a look at the plush toy and smiled, "This plush is pretty darn adorable...for a reindeer, I guess. Let's take it with us! Better than it sittin' here collectin' dust."

With that, Spike picks up the plushie and puts it away, in Arizona's saddlebag, along with some of the other things they've been collecting on their journey.

Soon, Spike and Arizona left the secret room and returned to the museum, making their way up to the topmost floor, to find more exhibits waiting for them at the top.

Spike and Arizona proceeded to check out some of the many exotic, ancient, and some of the strangest artifacts on display.

"Heh, this one reminds me of pa," Arizona commented to an ice sculpture of a reindeer, doing the pose of the thinker.

Another statue they checked is a parody of Michelangelo's David, which got both dragon and reindeer flustered. Out of impulse, Spike had to reach up and cover his calf friend's eyes, before they walked away. Unfortunately, the statue won't be the only piece of art that will embarrass both Spike and Arizona.

One such artwork was a painting of a female reindeer, naturel.

"Is she...?" Arizona blushed, a shade of pink, with Spike looking away to hide his flustered face. "My folks won't believe the things I've seen when I get back home..."

"Next to meeting a friendly dragon?" Spike asked.

Both dragon and cow were even more red in the face when they see a reindeer posing in the Birth of Venus. Another exotic artwork that neither dragon nor calf understood was a parody of Michaelangelo's Creation of Adam, featuring a reindeer and a strange dragon-like creature.

"I don't get it," Arizona mooed.

"Me neither," Spike agreed as they moved on.

Though, the next exhibit on display that neither of them understood was a simple banana peel.

"Is this suppose to be some kind of joke?" Spike asked.

"I think it is," Arizona mooed.

The next painting they checked out depicted a setting sun, behind a beautiful mountain. Something about it attracted Spike's interest.

"Wow, this looks nice," Spike smiled before it melts into a nostalgic frown. "Makes me think of home..."

"Ya must really miss yer home, don't ya, Spike?" Arizona mooed in sympathy.

"I miss it every day now..." Shaking his head, Spike regains his resolve. "C'mon. Let's find your clue to the Prophet's Key and maybe a way for me to go home..."

Spike and Arizona resumed checking out some of the other exhibits on the top floor of the museum, when a familiar stone catches their attention.

"Hey, Ari," Spike pointed. "Is that?"

"Whoa, they got one 'a these stones here!" Arizona mooed with excitement. "Doesn't look like it's working though," She sighed, noting its powerless state.

"Hey, Arizona?" Spike called, pointing upward, directing the young cow's attention to a large slab of stone, covered in images and ancient wordings.

"Jumpin' jackrabbits!" Arizona bellowed. "That's huge! And it's covered in pictures! Could be what we came for!"

Brimming with excitement, and with anxiety of Spike's quest coming closer to the end, the two young travelers walked up to the slab for closer examination.

"Alright!" Arizona stomped her hooves with excitement. "Let's see now..."

Upon closer observation of the stone slab, Spike and Arizona could make out the descriptive markings on the stone that depicted large birds, together with monstrous snakes, bears, and wolves. However, there were some rather distinctive images on the stone slab.

"Hey, check it out!" Spike pointed at the lightning bolt-like symbol. "That looks just like the one we saw on the trial stones, back in the Prairie!"

"Yeah, yer right!" Arizona gasped, as she continues to observe. "That symbol is everywhere. I'd bet it's important. What else we got here? Wait a minute..."

Turning to another part of the tablet, Arizona's eyes widened to see an image painted in bright colors, depicting what seemed to be a long pointy stick, with a curvy shaped teeth at the end, giving it the shape of a key.

"That's the Key! It's gotta be!" Arizona gasped, as her expression turned to confidence. "Looks like we hit the jackpot! This stone is crawlin' with clues!"

"Great!" Spike exclaimed. "So where do we find the Key?"

"Let's see," The calf resumes searching across the stone for their next clue, when she came upon an image of a bizarre creature. "Uh... what the hay is that...?"

In appearance, the creature looked like it has the hump of a camel, the head of a bovine, but with two long sharped horns that curved at the top, though it appeared to be missing a horn on the left of its head. The creature also appeared to have a red diamond-shape marking in the center of its forehead. Furthermore, it appears as though the creature was holding onto some sort of anchor in its mouth.

"That doesn't look like anything I've ever seen," Spike commented. "Ugh, I sure wish Fluttershy was here. She knows her animals. She'd know what it is."

The two didn't have to ponder much longer, when a voice with Icelandic accent spoke up, "She's an Oryx! Vouldn't you agree?" They answered.


Spike and Arizona both turned around to see a reindeer doe approaching them, accompanied by some winter sprites. In appearance, she has light brown fur with a beige fur on her snout, neck, and tail. She also has light blue eyes and antlers.

"Fascinating, isn't it?" She asked. "I've been staring at zis artifact for days. Simply days!" The reindeer said dramatically, before she continues, "I've done some research myself, and I believe it originates from ze souzern regions of Ze High Plains. Vat has your research yielded, if I may ask?"

"Oh!" Arizona was thrown off guard. "Well, actually--"

But before Arizona could relay, a couple of winter sprites appeared, carrying a cup of hot drinks to the reindeer.

"Oh, right on time!" The reindeer said to the little sprites. "Zhank you my little darlings." The reindeer turned to the young calf and dragon. "As you were saying?"

"Anyway uh... actually we jus' got here, an' I was hopin' to find--" Without warning, Arizona was sprayed in the face by a sudden spit-take from the reindeer.

"UGH!!!" The reindeer exclaimed in disgust. "PUMPKIN SPICE?! How plebeian!" She turned to the winter sprites who brought her the cup and berated, "Who do you zhink I am, an uncivilized White Tail Deer?!" With a huff, the reindeer returned the cup to the sprites and demanded, "Take it back! I much prefer ze gingerbread."

With that, the ice sprite took its leave, carrying the cup with it. Meanwhile, the other ice sprite ran up to Arizona, as if demanding something from the calf and dragon.

"Huh? What?" Spike asked. "What are you saying?"

The ice sprite simply pointed for Arizona's bag, to which the calf opened up to reveal the golden bauble both she and Spike had picked up earlier.

"Oh!" Arizona mooed in realization. "Yeah, you dropped this. Here 'ya go little buddy!" The calf handed back the bauble to the sprite, who opened it up, revealing it is a makeup kit.

The sprite then ran back to the reindeer, and worked its magic to powder the doe up, until she was glowing with radiance and beauty.

The sprite then holds up a mirror for the reindeer to see herself, "Hm... Zat vill do I guess," She sighed. "Oh deer. Good vinter sprites are so hard to find zese days! Do you find so as vell?"

"Well, ma'am, we don't have 'vinter sprites' where I come from," Arizona replied.

"Vat?!" The reindeer exclaims, before turning to Spike, whose face was concealed by his helmet. "But vat about this pudgy little one? Isn't he a sprite?"

"Pudgy?!" Spike exclaimed, outraged and annoyed. "I've been working out from day 1 since I've crash landed here! And I'm not a sprite! I'm a–" Spike was quickly muffled by Arizona, who put her hoof over his mouth before he blew his cover.

"You're a vat?"

"Spike's not a sprite," Arizona answered. "He's a friend of mine. He's lost, and I'm jus' helpin' him find a way home," Spike nodded in confirmation. "But again, I don't have any 'vinter sprites.'"

"No?" The reindeer exclaimed in horror. "So who styles your floof? Who brings your oats? Who carries you from place to place?"

"Myself, I reckon..." Arizona answered.

"So! You seem like a fine, upstanding... cow." After a moment of regaining her composures, the reindeer asked, "Vat brings you two to Ze Glorious City of Reine, darlings?"

Arizona hesitated for a moment, turning to Spike, who whispers, "Tell her."

"Well, Pa probably wouldn't approve of me tellin' no city folk..." Arizona began. "...but you seem trustworthy!"

"Mm hm, yes!" The reindeer smiled, before she turned around to look at herself in the mirror.

"Y'know that decree that came from the Council of Ungulates?" Arizona asked.

"Mm hmmm... yeeeees?" The reindeer nodded.

"This may seem hard 'ta believe... but... I'm Champ'een of The Prairie!" Arizona proclaimed proudly.

This made the reindeer flinched a little, and her winter sprite immediately took its leave, "...Oh really?" The reindeer asked. "Well zen...I'M CHAMPION OF ZE TUNDRA! Ze greatest fighter in all of Reine!" The reindeer declared boldly, before she smiled. "Ze greatest everything actually, but I digress..."

"Yeesh, dramatic as much?" Spike asked, while secretly blushing, "Then again, she almost reminds me of Rarity on a bad day."

"Vat vas that?" The reindeer asked, specifically towards Spike.

"AAAH!! Nothing! I swear!" Spike yelped.

"Well then, without any further interruptions...EN GARDE!!" She declared, before she did a double take. "Uh, wait a sec..." With that, a winter sprite returned to shower the reindeer with some strange glitter that gave her a magical flare. "Alright! EN GARDE!" She challenged both Spike and Arizona.

"So much for 'trustworthy' huh?" Spike asked, to a regretful Arizona.

Seeing they don't have much of a choice, Arizona got into a fighting stance, ready to take on the reindeer, when a museum staff interrupted the fight.

"WAIT uh... I mean... excuse me miss Velvet?" The staff interjected. "Could you please settle this outside? And away from all the priceless historical artifacts..."

The reindeer, now identified to be Velvet, looked around, before she agrees, "...Yes of course!" She glared deviously at Spike and Arizona. "EVERYONE in Reine must witness ze cow's UTTER defeat against Fœnum's true champion! Oh, and her faithful sidekick...whatever he is..."

"Me?!" Spike whimpered.

Outside the Museum
Them's Fightin' Herds – Velvet Boss Fight

Once outside of the museum, Spike and Arizona found themselves surrounded by a whole crowd of reindeers, as they face off against their champion, Velvet, who had challenged them to a fight.

"Okay miss fancy pants, you asked for it!" Arizona mooed in defiance.

Velvet simply struck a pose, to mock the calf, "Zat's cute," She scoffed. "Shall ve dance?"

"Uh, can't we just talk this out?" Spike whimpered, only his words fell on deaf ears.

Arizona made the first strike, throwing a punch towards Velvet's face, only for a block of ice to suddenly materialize out of the air, blocking Arizona's punching and shielding Velvet's face. Without hesitation, and with the grace and speed of an elegant dancer, Velvet swiftly slashed her hooves forward, swiftly slapping Arizona across the face, followed by a sudden icicle that protruding overheard, hitting Arizona on the face, and a sudden ice sculpture erupted from the ground, punching the cow into the air, where Velvet proceeded to follow, with a jump, to catch Arizona with a snowball, an icicle, and several more punches that knocked the calf back down to the ground.

"Oof!" Arizona grunted, landing close to Spike.

"Wow, this reindeer's tougher than she looks!" Spike commented. 'And looking good while doing it too!' He thought.

"Then it's time we get tougher!" Arizona mooed. "'Cuz here she comes!"

"YIPE!" Spike ducked his head, dodging to the side, rolling out of harm's way, with Arizona doing the same.

In the meantime, Velvet simply laughs wholeheartedly, enjoying the moments of pressuring her opponents into a corner with her icicles, while keeping her distance.

With her antlers glowing in a sparkling aura, Velvet was about to fire another icicle at Arizona, when the cow quickly catches her off guard, courtesy of her lasso. Without giving her time to react, to defend herself, Arizona proceeded to throw fast punches and kicks at Velvet.

"Hooves off!" Velvet grunted, pushing herself away from Arizona, before she leapt up to the air and did a front flip, rolling her body to send a large icicle towards Arizona.

"ARI!" Spike shouted, breathing a large burst of green fire to melt away the icicle, before it could hit Arizona.

The surrounding reindeers were all aghast at the sudden burst of flame from Spike that they began to exchange gossips amongst each other.

"A longma?!" One of the reindeers gasped. "HERE?!"

"It's an invasion!" Another reindeer hyperventilated. "Our city isn't safe! We're under attacked!"

Back in the fight, with a twirl, Velvet elegantly dances with a sudden gust of wind that took her away, keeping her distance from Arizona. From her position, Velvet concentrated into her magics and fired an icicle at the cow, who quickly pointed her horns to block the attack.

Velvet was about to fire another snowball, when Arizona lassoed her by the neck, breaking her concentration, and the cow proceeded to throw a punch to the face, a jab of her horns, and a strong kick, followed by a sweep kick that tripped Velvet, causing her to lose her footing. With that, she chains it all into a thrust of her back that sent Velvet into the air.

Still chaining the combo, Arizona leapt up into the air to catch Velvet with an elbow thrust, a turn of her body for a two legged kick, a front flip for a double axe-kick that sent Velvet plummeting into the snow below. Velvet bounced on the ground from the adrenaline, just as Arizona came back down to land another punch, catching the reindeer at the peak of her bounce. Once again, Arizona repeated her combo of punch, jabs, and kicks, sending Velvet rolling across the floor.

With a grunt, Velvet swiftly picked herself up, in a back flip.

"My floof!" Velvet whined, just as Arizona came charging and was about to headbutt her.

Reacting fast, Velvet quickly worked her magic to create another ice shield, saving herself from another hit from Arizona, and forced the young bovine back. Working her magic still, Velvet concentrated her magic to create sharp icicles beneath Arizona's hooves.

"Yikes!" Arizona exclaimed, jumping to the air to avoid the sharp ice. "Spike? Little help her?"

"On it," Spike proceeded to breathe fire across the ground and in the air, to melt away any possible ice attacks from Velvet.

"How dare you defile my masterpiece?!" Velvet exclaimed in outrage, readying to fire an icicle at the young dragon.

Reacting fast, Arizona saved Spike from the attack, when she leapt up, throws a kick to break the floating ice, and throws an elbow thrust that hits Velvet in the eye. Before the reindeer could land a punch in retaliation, Arizona quickly leapt back to keep her distance. Then, she whipped out her lasso to ensnare the reindeer by the legs, and proceed to thrash her around the area, until the bovine felt a sudden surge of power.

"Ya'll in for a beatin'!" Arizona mooed, charging at the speed of a bullet, catching Velvet in the chest and throws her up in the air, whipping past some of the reindeers, until she hits a wall, where Arizona rebounded off. "Roundabout rodeo!"

With that, Arizona won the first round of the fight between her and Velvet.

“What was all that about ‘Ze cow’s utter defeat,’ again?” Arizona mocked.

Disgusted, Velvet got up, “NOO!! I vill not be bested by some — beastly bovine! Time to get serious...!”

Before long, a sudden gust of wind blew through the city, nearly blowing the reindeers off their hooves.

"Whoa!" Spike exclaimed, holding onto his helmet, with the spell book on his back nearly blown off. "It's a blizzard."

"That's no blizzard..." Stronghoof confirmed, before he pointed. "That's my daughter."

"SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER?!" Spike exclaimed.

Back in the fight, Arizona was struggling to battle against the wind as she struggles to close the distance between herself and Velvet, who proceeded to add more tensions and pressures on the young bovine, with her snowballs and icicles, forcing her back to keep her distance.

"C'mon!" Arizona mooed in frustration. "Stop runnin' from me...and face a champ'een would!"

"Aw, vat's ze matter?" Velvet mocked. "Can't handle a simple breeze?"


Arizona fumbled a bit with her ropes as she tried to lasso Velvet, but the reindeer was too swift in the wind to be caught. Velvet pranced and galloped across the snow with amazing speed, agility, and elegant maneuver, undeterred by the wind. Of course, because the wind is the work of her magic, it makes sense that she was at an unfair advantage. Nevertheless, being as stubborn as her father, Arizona continued the fight.

During the battle, many of Velvet's snowballs and icicles were raining down on the snowy fields around her, piling up the snow banks. Getting an idea, Spike quickly used the end of his tail to carve out a snow brick, and another. And using his ingenuity, Spike quickly built a huge snow fort, much like the time when he built a whole tower of stones at Sweet Apple Acres.(See Season 3 Episode 9)

Poking his head from the top wall of the fortress, Spike adjusted his helmet, stood tall like a commanding officer, and called out, "HEY Arizona! In here!"

Arizona turned her head in Spike's direction, and both she and Velvet where aghast to see that Spike had been able to construct a huge ice fortress, in such little amount of time.

"Vat is this?!" Velvet exclaimed in outrage. "How dare you attempt to outdone my artistry?!?"

"I wasn't trying to outdone anyone," Spike called, only to fall on deaf ears. "YIPE!" Spike ducked his head, nearly getting hit by a flying snowball. "Hey! That was unnecessary–AAAH!!!" Spike ducked his head again, hiding behind the walls of his fortress to avoid the incoming snowballs and icicles.

"ZIS means var!" Velvet declared.

However, Velvet was so distracted that she forgot about Arizona, who caught the reindeer off-guard, with a lasso around her neck. With that, Arizona proceeded to land several fast punches, kicks, and jabs of her horns at the reindeer.

"Hey! Good thinkin', Spike!" Arizona mooed. "Distractin' this high falootin' hoity toity moose with yer ice sculpture is smart."

"Yeah," Spike chuckled, before he muttered under his breath, "that wasn't really my plan, but ok..."

"ZATS IT!" Velvet exclaimed angrily. "YOU ROUGHED ZE WRONG FLOOF TODAY!" With that, Velvet's antlers were coated in a blazing aura of ice that is menacing and intense as fires.

"Bow before the Ice Queen!" Velvet roared, as she twirls herself with the wind and encased herself in tornado of snow and ice.

The intensity of Velvet's power was so great that all the surrounding reindeers, including Stronghoof, were all blown off their hooves, the Winter Sprites were nearly blown out of the city, and Arizona was sent flying into Spike's fortress.

"AUNTIE 'EM! IT'S A TWISTER!!!" Arizona mooed, rolling across the icy floor, before she finally hits a snow bank, next to where Spike was standing. "Howdy Spike."

"Hey," Spike returned the greeting, before he and Arizone look out, to see what other icy tricks Velvet has up her fluffy coat.

From inside the tornado, the reindeer proceeded to fire more icicles at both Arizona and Spike.

"LOOK OUT!" Spike shouted, shoving Arizona to the side, as he icicles flew at him, pinning him to a wall, unharmed, but he didn't know that.

"I'VE BEEN IMPALEEEEED" Spike sobbed, hyperventilating for emphasis at his near death experience.

"Spike, get a grip on yourself!" Arizona smacked the dragon's face, before she pointed, "Look! She missed!"

"Cut me some slack," Spike frowned. "I was this close to be killed by ice. ICE! And it's super effective..."

"Witness my splendor!" Velvet said dramatically, as she continues to rain her icy assault on the duo.

The angry reindeer was firing sharp icicles from the sky, straight at the fortress, and sent tidal wave-like icicles across the ground. Spike and Arizona both huddled up behind the ice walls of the fortress.

"We can't keep hidin' out like this for much longer," Arizona frowned. "We gotta fight back!"

"How?" Spike asked. "We can't get closer to her with all that wind! And she'll keep piling on us with her snow and ice powers!"

"But we can't give up now! We've come so far! I'm just about to find the Prophet's Key to defeat the Predators and help ya find a way home!"

"...We need a plan..."

Spike turns to look at the battlefield outside. Velvet is inside a tornado, creating a windstorm that is holding both him and Arizona at bay. From inside the cyclone, the reindeer champion of the tundra is firing several icicles, both from the air and on the ground. Arizona is strong and can certainly stand her grounds in the face of a storm, but the icicles are tricky business. Chances of standing against them are Spike's fire breath.

"That's it!" Spike pounded his fist. "I got an idea!" Spike jumped on Arizona's back, while holding a piece of ice as a lance in one claw, and an ice shield in the other. "How strong are ya in the wind?"

"Ha! Like my pa always said," Arizona smirked. "Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low."

With a snort and a kick of her hoof, Arizona charged into the fray, carrying Spike on top of her back.

"You dare to defy me?!" Velvet screeched from inside her tornado, continuing her windy assault. "PEW PEW!"

Arizona was charging through the wind, with Spike riding atop her back, deflecting some of the icicles with his makeshift lance and shield, while spewing some fireballs to destroy the incoming icicles.

Velvet sent a wave of icicles across the ground, "JUMP!" Spike shouted, which Arizona did just that to avoid the attack.

Spike slashed his lance and his shield from side-to-side, deflecting and fighting off some of the incoming icicles. Before long, Spike and Arizona arrived at Velvet’s tornado, which the reindeer took notice.

“EXCUSE YOU?!” Velvet cringed in disgust, flailing her hoof to repel the duo back.

However, Arizona caught Velvet by the hoof, and pulled the reindeer out of her tornado.

With that, the wind died down, and Arizona was free to land several more fast kicks and punches against the magical reindeer, until Velvet repelled her off with a blow of her ice breath.

“WITNESS MY SPLENDOR!!” Velvet shouted as she once again, resumed her blizzard magic.

The sudden burst of magic threw Spike off, had Arizona not caught him, but he ended up losing his ice shield and lance in the process.

“My ice shield!” Spike shouted.

Nevermind them!” Arizona mooed. “Worry about those!”

Arizona pointed her hoof up to show a barrage of icicles were flying their way, like missiles. Out of frighten impulse, Spike breathed a burst of green fire, catching the ice. Before anyone knew it, the icicles reappeared, but in blazing fiery shards, and hitting Velvet from behind.

“ACK!” Velvet shouted from the sudden hit, causing her to cease her snow magic. “Vat vas that?!”

“Spike…” Arizona turned to the equally shocked dragon. “Did you do that?”

“Yeah,” Spike nodded. “Though, I normally use it to send mails to Princess Celestia or my other pen pals.”

“Ya mean ta say ya can…make objects disappear, and then reappear in different places, with yer fire?”


“Well, do it again!”

With that, Spike and Arizona resumed their fight with Velvet, who then resumed her magical blizzard assault.

Velvet tried to fire waves of icicles across the ground, but both Spike and Arizona jumped over them. She fires her icicles straight towards them, but they ducked their heads, or Spike blasted a fireball to repel them. Velvet tried to fire the icicles from the air, but Spike let out a burst of magical fires that teleported the icicles back at Velvet, who barely had time to dodge them.

Having lost her advantage, Velvet found herself back up against the wall, as Arizona once again grabs ahold of the reindeer, and proceeded to land several more hard, heavy hits against the reindeers’ high and mighty champion.

Arizona landed the final blow, with a kick, and Velvet fell down to the ground, unable to fight on.

"Ha! Ain't nothin' to it," Arizona smirked.

End of Fight Music

After the battle was over, Velvet stood back up, covered in bruises and scratches, with her floof a ruffled mess, as she spluttered, "...How? How could a simple country bumpkin defeat... ME?! Ze strongest... Ze most beautiful... ze most charming... ze most skilled..."

"Oh hush up, you!" Arizona mooed. "Like my Pa always says, "Pride goeth before a heiny whoopin'!"

"Pride?! How dare you!! I'm ze most humble... Ze most modest... Ze most meeeeeeeek..." With that, Velvet collapsed onto the ground, completely passed out, just as some winter sprites came to carry her away.

"Well, good fight!" Spike called out. "Hope you get well soon!"

"And good riddance 'ya snooty ol' moose!" Arizona shouted, before composing herself. "Now then, where were we?"

"Uh, we were just talkin' about the High Plains?" Spike reminded.

"Oh yeah! That's right!" Arizona nodded. "So, the High Plains, huh? There's my next clue!"

"Then I guess that's where we'll be going next," Spike replied.

"So where's that?"

"Well, let's see, it's..." Spike searched for his map, but was perplexed to find it wasn't on either him, or Arizona. "Oh no! The map's gone! I must've lost it in the blizzard on our way here!"

"That's okay, Spike," Arizona replied. "I'm sure we'll find the way," She then turned to the surrounding reindeers. "HEY!! ANYONE KNOW HOW'TA GET 'TA THE HIGH PLAINS?!" Neither of the reindeers dared make a move, "Come on, ya'll! I ain't gonna hurt 'ya! Who's got info for your champ'een?!"

Finally, a reindeer stepped forward and said, "Here. Take my cruise ticket. Go down to the docks and look for the RSS Donner/Prancer. They'll sail you to The Highlands."

"Wow, thanks mister!! I owe 'ya one."

"Don't worry about it. Better hurry! The boat will be leaving soon."

"You bet!" Arizona turned to take her leave, with Spike in tow, before she took one last look behind her. "...I'll say, ya'll city folk ain't so bad after all!" With that, Spike and Arizona took their leave.

Once the two travelers were out of earshot, the reindeer turned to his fellow herd and commented, "By Stronghoof's beard... I thought they'd never leave."

From braving the blizzards of the tundra, surviving an avalanche, and escaping thin ice with the self proclaimed “Ice Queen” of Reine City, Spike and Arizona have both taken their leave from Reine City, with a new clue, and a step closer to Spike’s return to Equestria. However, the story is far from over. New dangers lay ahead, between Spike and Equestria. Nevertheless, the journey continues.

Arizona and Spike were on their way to the docks, when they happened to pass by Cash n’ Cap’s shop.

Arizona stopped for a moment, and looked.

“Yo, Ari? What’s the holdup?” Spike asked.

Arizona turned to Spike and said, “I think I’d like to take with us a souvenir, to remind us of our time here in Reine City,” With that, Arizona galloped back to the reindeer, Cashmere.

“Yes, how may I be of assistance?” Cash asked.

“Well ya see, I thought it’d be nice to leave with a souvenir, but...I’m just not sure if I have enough.”

“Now, now, I’ll be the judge of that. Let me see what you have.” With that, Arizona presented the reindeer her bag of 100 salts, “Oh my! Yes! This will do nicely! I can part you off with my most spectacular of hats!”

“Really?! Golly! This is my lucky day!”

“Just give me a moment,” Soon, Cashmere presented a large box to Arizona. “Legend has it this hat will cloak your presence from the sight of cosmic entities residing just beyond the veil...”

“Uh... cosmic whatnows?!”

“Gift wrapped... of course.”

“Well, I dunno about any of them cloaked enti-whatnots... but... You HAVE been statin’ up at this cube on my noggin’ for quite awhile.”

“What can I say, I’m a doe of simple tastes...”

“Ari! Hurry up!” Spike shouted.

“...Sure... I’ll take it.”

“Thanks. It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.”

Spike's learned FIRE PORT!

Spike’s developing fight moves


Special Attacks:

  1. Fire PortMove Unlocked!

    • Light – In front of an opponent
    • Medium – Away from an opponent
    • Heavy – Behind an opponent

Magic Attacks:

Unique Command:

Super Attacks

Meanwhile, perched atop of a wall, inside of an antique shop, was a familiar disembodied head.

"Hey, dost my eyes deceive me? Is that, SPIKE?!!" Discord exclaimed, trying his best to get Spike's attention from inside the shop. "SPIKE!! SPIKE!!! IT'S ME! DISCORD!! Come back!"

But it was no use. Discord's call went unheard as Spike took his leave on a boat, with Arizona, onto their next adventure, in Foenum.

"LOOK AT Meeeeeee...." Discord bemoaned.