> Idol Hooves and The Deathly Tired Princess > by KarmaSentinal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A promise to end all > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After living with my landlord(and friend) Topaz for many years in Canterlot, I have experienced what ponies would call a culture shock. The past ten years have been a trying time, and I'm sad to say I have been slow to adapt; even with my increased understanding of pony life, I still find myself easing into the understand of what makes a pony a pony. Every new day has taught me something new or unsettling, and still to this day, despite my best efforts to make sense of it, I find myself lacking. Especially in the matters of love, that is Cady's expertise. A weird admittance for a changeling who finds substance from positive emotions like love. One would think we were experts, but in truth I continue to discover new aspects of pony emotions. An example would be there is more than one kind of love and each has their own taste and texture depending on several factors: the ponies involved, romantic or family, and learned or unconditional. Each factor melding to create a subtle variation to the emotion, comparable to the food Topaz and I eat. Each one tasting almost the same just with slightly different flavors. So, when the union between my friend for the past decade, the newly pinned Captain Shining Armor and Princess Cadance became official, many ponies suddenly became life size water fountains but with positive emotions instead of water. The news that the new captain was binding himself to their princess in order to fulfill his guard duties 24/7 is something I strongly admired. After the sudden frenzy the declaration had caused, I had expressed my own wish to expand my own guard hours to Topaz but unfortunately she developed a brash fervor that forced her to an early nights rest. Concerned by its suddenness, I suggested that she visit a clinic or perhaps send word to her mother about the illness, surely the wise dame would know of a cure? In a twist, the sudden fever left leaving Topaz to rebound to her previous state of health just as quickly. Even faster if it were possible. "Don't joke about that Idol!" Topaz declared as she hurriedly moved between the bedroom to the kitchen, looking for something. “A banana peel is humorous, your failing health isn’t." I countered as I followed. Topaz paused to look back at me before returning to the ransacking of the kitchen's drawers. Whatever she was searching for, she could not find and sighed angrily before forcing the drawer shut. "Where are they, Idol?" "Where are what?" I asked unsure, wondering if I might have forgotten something at the market yesterday. "The parchment and quills. They were in one of these drawers and now they're not there." she demanded more than asked as she moved closer to me, causing me to flinch. Reassembling my composure I answered truthfully. "They're on the writing desk of course. Where else would I draft a letter?" This illness must really be hard on Topaz for the  color once more left her face. Following right after came a dizzy spell and shortness of breath that required the pegasus to find a seat. "I was worried about your health and rightly so based on your paleness and asked your mother for advice." "Wha..why..ok there's still time before the mailmare arrives, and..." "I sent the letter by DragonFire." A feat I felt quite proud to share given the expense to mail anything buy fire. "DragonFire!" Topaz nearly fell out of the chair but caught herself "Where did you find DragonFire, let alone afford it?" "I asked Twilight's young dragon assistant, Spike if I could buy a bottle." After many years of saving the bits forced on me by the state and what few vases I managed to make nowadays, I could easily afford a small bottle of the fire, even with its inflated prices during the holiday. Would I pay full price for a bottle of deadly fire if it meant emptying my account of these bits? Yes. "You bought DragonFire from a baby dragon?" "He offered the fire for free, but I morally couldn't accept it without giving something in return. In the end, I offered to buy young Spike several issues of those story books with the many drawings he likes." "You traded him comic books for DragonFire?" " Indeed. He's unable to purchase them himself because of his age, thus I offered my assistance in acquiring them." "Idol, there's a reason they're age restricted. It means they're not suitable for certain age groups." I was about to inform her that young Spike had assured me he was of age but his size handicapped him when Topaz changed the subject."Never mind. That's his mother's problem." "Caretaker." "Whatever she is, that's her problem. What's my problem and extension your problem, Idol, is the letter you sent to my mother! I have a hard time keeping her from spoiling Nymph, without hearing her preach about a grandmother's duty." I wanted to clarify that part of that is my fault given how I introduced Nymph to her mother, Vivi. Maybe saying I was fathering the foal wasn't the best way to introduce the filly. "Perhaps spending less time at your mother's house would be for the best then." Topaz deflated, hunching over how a pony weighted down by thought might look. How did I know? When patrolling the city streets, you tend to encounter many uncommon facets of pony life not seen. One such surprise was seeing where the Night Guard hid their delicious fruit, and to this day he still owed Mothchaser for the fruit. "I...I'm going to lay down, Idol." Topaz sounded tired and I gave a firm nod in agreement. Maintaining one's strength is important, even more so when possibly fighting an ongoing illness that might be contagious. That raised a question that I might know the answer to, but felt imprudent without seeking other input. "In the letter, I ask if your mother if Nymph could spend the night until you're feeling well. Given its sporadic nature, I should ask if Viridian would mind coming over instead? " The sickly groan that escaped answered that question. "I'll stop by on my way to the castle." "Wow..really?" "Correct, young Spike, Topaz has forbidden the purchase of 'manga' for another." I told Spike, as we walked through the excitable crowd of ponies in the marketplace. My gaze shifting from the drake to the mass surrounding us, searching for any possible threats. With most of the guard deployed within the castle my presence in city turned more than a few heads. If Spike noticed, he acted oblivious to the attention, which left me giving a few ponies careful nods or slight waves to show the guard have not forgotten them. The wedding had occupied many ponies' thoughts and time the past few weeks especially the guard after receiving the letter. While a common sight in the past, I am a curiosity to these ponies who, to their credit, have functioned well without our presence. Truly, their devotion to their princesses goes above and behind what is expected. "It was nice of you anyway, Idol, but you don't have to. I'll still give you a bottle if you ask." the drake offered as I mentioned him to make a left on the next street, just past the stalls selling 'official' wedding souvenirs. I'll have to look into their business practices another time, once the city reverts to normal operations. "A kind gesture, young Spike, but Topaz has forbidden these books for another. She has not forbidden me from purchasing these books for myself, and if I decide to lend them out, well, that is my choice." I waited to give Spike a chance to process what I meant. It took him all of two seconds before becoming wide-eyed with excitement. "You mean you'll still buy them for me!?" "No." I corrected him "They'll be for me but you may borrow them for as long as you like." "Alright, Idol! There's a new one based off these white-eyed stallions that wield giant blades and fight monsters..." Spike began informing me as we neared our destination and surprise for the day, Ink Page Comic's and Books, which only served to further excite young Spike further. "I don't remember this being here! What happened to the stall by the ice cream parlor?" "Ink Page bought him out and moved it here." I started, trying to recall what I had been told about this 'deceitful' place." He added books and began marketing them as foreign imports, and has been doing well ever since." "Books! I'm around them all day." He deflated slightly at the mention of being around more of Twilight's obsession. Luckily, this wasn't entirely the way it sounded. "He has a small selection of foreign books, but specializes mainly in comics. Now hurry inside; Twilight and her friends wont be helping Cadance for long and my shift starts very soon." Some of my bits found themselves a new home within Ink Page's shop before we left. "Your dedication Crown and Country, Corporal Hooves, is undoubted, yet your constant insisting we retire is wearing the very threads of this one's patience." Luna grumbled as the pair lazily turned down the hall that would lead them back to her chambers. "A risk we must pursue if it means better health for her majesty." I started off, testing my right to proceed, which by Order I was. "A lack of rest is a guard's worst enemy; one that hampers his ability to fight, and make logical decisions when they would matter most." "A sound argument, but we are Alicorn. A union of all three races meant to lead and guide, a mission we can not fulfill from the realm of slumber." "Very true Princess Luna, but that's why the guard exist." I started, hoping the princess and my current charge finally saw reason." Princess Celestia, Princess Candace, The Element Bearers, and Captain Shining Armor will also be alerted and ready if any threat should arise. Now would be the best time to rest." Princess Luna thankfully took my words into deep consideration as we stopped just a few strides from her chambers, humming softly before glancing my way to meet me in the eyes before giving a single nod and I released the breath I was holding. I respect and dare I say admire my princess almost as Order itself and to know I wouldn't have to continue a needless exchange any longer relaxed me greatly. "Your words ring true Corporal Hooves. If we can not rest now than when?" "After the wedding most likely." I answered. Which provoked a hearty laugh from the princess that left me feeling less hungry than before. Since when did a laugh provide a changeling any substance? A question worth answering in the foreseeable future, maybe once Topaz finishes her current teaching season? I must have pondered this too much because Princess Luna had ceased her laughter at my ridiculous answer to address me. "You jest! True nonetheless but you jest!" She caught her breath before continuing " Yet, your advice is sound and well meaning. We will retire for the day as requested." "I didn't mean for it sound..." I started but quickly found myself listening once again. "Here, here, fair Idol, it was a jest of our own so fear not. We are tired and your points were enough to convince us,. Good day." "On my oath and honor as guard nothing will disturb your rest my Majesty." "A promise we expect carried out sir knight." " I'm just a Corporal yo-" "Good day, Idol. We will see you at sunset." the princess stated before disappearing behind the closing door. Leaving me to accept the title of 'knight' until further notice. With nothing other than my duty to occupy my time, I admit temptation wrapped its tail around mine, and I began inserting myself in false scenarios where ponies called my Knightly Hooves. By now the wedding was in full swing judging by the excited screams of fillies and colts and the nearly obnoxious thumping of music; even standing still became a chore as I tried to maintain the strict protocol inscribed by Guard Doctrine. I'll never question Topaz about disruptive students again. In fact, I may even accompany her in my off-hours, time permitted. And only if the Institute would allow me on the premises ever again. This entire ordeal by pony standards must have lasted an eternity and the longer the wedding continued the louder the noise became. Shouts, reckless screaming and shattering of many windows left me thinking how expensive it all sounded. By Order, were all pony weddings this expensive and damaging I wondered? Beside the sense of binding and community built around such an event was there any true benefit from the energy and resources spent on such a worthless gesture? I and the rest of the hive came from our Queen, and therefore have the understanding where I(had) belonged to, but ponies do not. Maybe this was their own way of capturing that sense of belonging by binding two souls into a singled, shared life? A mystery I'll likely never know; only that it's a part of their traditions I will have to live with. It was about this time that I noticed a lack of 'thrilling' screams or other 'rockin' noises and concluded the ceremony was over. Lasting a little longer than most weddings (from what I've been told), but given the ponies involved it made sense. But what didn't make sense was the solid pink barrier that tasted like love coming right at me. I brought up a magical shield as I shifted my weight to better withstand the force heading my way. Regrettably, I failed to stop this attack in its tracks, and subsequently found myself being dragged along with it. Before I could react, I found my body (rather forcefully) making contact with the only surface hard enough to shatter my disguise and leave me exposed to the world, Princess Luna's Chamber Doors. I was still dazed from being sandwiched between the pink screen of over-eating and what could only be classified as petrified wood but conscious enough to don my persona just as the distinctive clopping of hooves filled my ears. To further reduce my disgrace, I managed to pick myself off the floor and assumed my guard stance once more before the old doors burst open to reveal a disheveled, red-eyed Princess Luna snorting in between breathes of air. I turned to avoid looking upon her in such a common state, but what I had done out of respect must of been taken out of context for her words struck me hard. "Idol! We assumed you would perform your promise to the letter!" Princess Luna scolded me, forcing my ears to fold back. I had failed. "I await what ever punishment you find fitting, Your Majesty." I declared ready to accept a fitting punishment for my dishonor. To show my sincerity, I turned to bow (and grovel) while waiting for the swift hooves of judgement when my new princess called to me. "At ease, Corporal Hooves. We appreciate seeing such devotion still exist in this age but fear not guardstallion. Your wondering eyes are safe." Luna waved off the overreaction. "I'm unworthy of such mercy and compassion. Thank you, Your Highness." "A fault is mine, really, but enough of that. Tell me, was that large thump on our door from you? "Indeed. The wave of love, I'm ashamed to say caught me by surprise." "So the wedding is over and our niece is already consummating her claim in front of potential rivals. I'm continually proud to call such a mare family." "A bit flashy, but such a display would effectively signal one's unavailability and, help avoid future challenges to the claim." "Well put, Corpral Hooves. Few today really understand the importance flaunting a good victory can be. But enough talk of my neice's public flashing. That thumping on my door and my own brash anger as left me deftly awake. Perhaps now would be the perfect time to teach me that combat simulation Shinning and yourself play?" "Catacombs and Spiders, Your Highness?" " We believe so, you can show us how using numbers can not only summon skills, but alter the very strains of a pony's fate." Luna softly ordered, as she invited me in. Her Majesty's invitation left me unsure. An order from a princess must be carried out, but being the only guard defneding her door meant I could not leave. I shifted nervously between my charge's door and down the deserted hall, unsure which order to follow. As if sensing my internal struggle, Luna's horn shimmered to life as her magic reached out to grab one of her only pieces of modern clothing before hoofing it to me. "Princess, I couldn't use this even if it is loaned." Luna almost smiled hearing the concern before dismissing it entirely. "Tis nothing, gallant knight; and yes you deserve to be called such so cease your complaints. "Is it not your first duty to guard our Royal personage or the Royal door? Verily, thou canst protect us inside my chambers just as easily as outside." I couldn't respond right away as I combed through my entire collective knowledge on pony society and guard responsibility before giving a hesitant nod. Satisfied, Luna returned the nod and continued into her room to set up the game... combat simulation and all the little toys associated with it. Already failing to keep my promised I moved to the door and carefully looped the silk sock around the handle. Hopefully, I can redeem myself by instructing Princess Luna on the finer art of creating a fictional persona to live in a foreign land. If I and the many other exiles can do it than anypony could. > Do you think this is a game? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midnight Glider moved swiftly under the undergrowth under the forest canopy, adjusting her path now and then to avoid the few stray beams of moonlight that seeped through. Keeping to the shadows, she concealed her slow advancement from the prying eyes of every-being crazy enough to be wondering the forest so late. Her plated armor clinked and clanked as she moved through the trees but thankfully her guard issued padding lived up to its reputation and not only soften the noise but kept the armor from rubbing against her body. The ash-colored mare wanted to stop and rest her creacking hooves for a minute, an hour at the most but that couldn't happen. They were likely still following her even if Midnight couldn't hear them-they were likely behind her close enough to touch her tail. There would be no stopping to rest, only more trudging through the forest looking for the faintest hope that all is not lost. One of the harshest lessons Midnight Glider was still learning was that being the last of your order meant a colossal undertaking fell on her whiters alone. Additionally, she had to ensure not only The Order's continued existence, but that all its previous endeavors and obligations would continue to be met.These tasks were greater than one tired mare being vigorously hunted could accomplish in a timely manner. In her head, Midnight revisted whether or not to do the sensible thing and dive into the shadows for a time. Should she hide and take on some apprentices to rebuild her order, or go all in and seek the revenge she so desperately wanted? If she could survive this moment then she could possibly have both... yes.. both. Get her revenge now and then rebuild later. Yep, that's what she would do. Just as she made up her mind, branches snapping off in the distance gave the pale mare pause. Her eyes did little for her in the pale moonlight, forcing Midnight to rely on the not torn ear. The single ear swiveled carefully(while the bad one flare painfully) trying to pinpoint where exactly that sound had come from? The longer her eyes scanned the trees, the longer she remained rooted in place. This wasted time that could have been used to further distance herself from any potential pursuers or dangers lurking within the forest, but by stopping Midnight Glider had effectively allowed the unseen to catch up. Midnight had taken one step when something hard impacted armor just above her right fore-leg, sending the mare collapsing to the ground. The pain and shock quickly left her when the roaring battle cries and rattling of armored plates muffled by cloth came bursting from the shadows drowned all senses. Blistering pain from her torn ear kept her mind lit with activity while warming trickle running down her leg alerted the mare that the moment to run was over and action was needed. The soft ground gave way to the desperate clawing of her hooves before finally holding to allow the mare the few seconds needed to pick herself up. Drawing the broken blade her Order treasured above all else, Midnight raised it as the first pony reach her, the sharp screeching of blades leaving their scabbards signalling the battle had started. The pony had some strength judging by the power behind the blade, forcing Midnight to backpedal to save her balance. Yet, before she could summon the strength to push back, a second pony, clad in a similar tanned robe burst through the trees next to them to take advantage of her distraction. The tactic almost worked, much to Midnight's embarrassment. Almost worked. In a rare (personal) admittance of defeat, Midnight broke her current engagement in an effort to back off and take a better stance. Backing off so she could fully see her two opponents, she couldn't help but feel unease as the two ponies watched her beneath their hoods. Their robes did their job concealing their features leaving only their outlines to suggest there was a pony wearing the robe- even then one or both could be a small griffon. Up against two (maybe more), Midnight shifted her stance a bit lower to feign that she was readying an attack. In away she did attack. A simple charge to draw them forward to meet her and then a jump over them using her pegasus magic to gain extra air. Once she landed, it was an all-out sprint into the woods where she could lose them.   “And...now!” Midnight told herself, ducking to the left just missing the energy blast intended for her. Stealing a glance back the tired pegasus confirmed her two pursuers were still behind, and slowly gaining. Midnight cursed the Lying Sun and her followers briefly as her shambling body finally collapsed… "Another! We roll our save, Master Weaver Idol." I looked up from the sheet that held my notes to meet the demanding gaze of my sovereign and charge, Princess Luna. I could not look away as her eyes demanded more so than pleaded the previous question. I forced myself to resist their demands and looked away, feigning interest on the ticking timepiece Princess Luna seemed adamant to keep. We had been playing Spiders and Catacombs for roughly 5 hours, and night was quickly approaching. Meaning, we would have to wrap our game up quickly if Princess Luna was to take over Court from Princess Celestia. "Idol." Luna chimed again. Looking down to check the copy that held Luna's character stats, my eyes found the corner marked 'Will Saves' to find the 2 points long since spent and replaced with ∞. I had (in vain) tried to explain the rules as stated in the book, but a last I can’t go against the demands of her majesty, and if she wishes endless saves then so be it. "Roll the die." I finally said, watching how her magic grabbed a bit turned(which was roleplaying as our die) and flung it at the table. The bit hit the table with enough force to lodge it into the very wood leaving Celestia's sun exposed-Princess Luna's face wilted at the sight. Luna didn’t say anything, but her body displayed subtle gestures: wilted ears, stiff wings ready to fan out and bolt at the first sign of trouble, and a somewhat annoying tapping of her fore hooves on the table. “Pray tell Master Weaver, what is our fate?” Looking down at my notes, I found the little drawing of a single bit and what each side meant-Sun= bad, Moon= good. I studied this crude drawing before passing judgement. “Ill omens are to bewitch your future, Your Highness. I’m sorry.” “We see.” Luna’s wings sagged in conjunction with her mood “Spin us thy fate Weaver of All, and let us reap what is due.” “You still collapsed. The physical toll, coupled with your many wounds have taken effect and you’re unable stand anymore.” I started, gauging the emotions brushing against mine before continuing with the story of her fate. “The drive to stand and press on consumes your every thought as the recent destruction of your Order and self-imposed mission urge you on. Sadly, you can’t ignore the burning anger of your muscles as they voice their stock defiance.” “Truly our tale is at an end.” Luna commented. “All because an unusually large and misplaced igneous rock took a rest in your path.” the moment I finished, the fur along my spine started to rise. Somehow, I had done something wrong and the very world was warning me. This feeling proved itself true as, to my horror, the ends of Princess Luna’s star-patterned mane began flickering on and off. I gulped as I continued to witness a subtle changes to the mane that evelops her, leaving me suspecting I may be the cause of these changes. “An igneous rock?” I gulped again before answering. “You didn’t pick the Nature (Geology) skill, and couldn’t identify the rock type.” Did the temperature drop a bit? Suddenly, I wasn’t feeling the urge to play our game anymore. The princess’ body tightened fiercely to the point I wondered if the muscles might pop the skin. Thank Order I didn’t find out as her posture relaxed back into the chair, and I was able to breathe once more. “Fair enough. One can’t knowest every detail of life, especially a former town watch turned grand master of a dead order. T’was a good run.” I found myself nodding, more from delight that Princess Luna found logic in my reasoning and didn’t feel the need to make her displeasure known. Still, I best tread carefully. I started gathering the scattered parchments we had used as maps and Luna’s character dossier to neatly set them aside. Night was approaching and I didn’t want to leave a mess. Luna watched but said nothing; instead she sought out the bit we had been using as a die. With it firmly in her magic, Princess Luna hovered the lonely bit high enough to be eye level with me, rotating it until I had seen each side at least once before. “Are you familiar with the Bit Idol?” Luna asked before bringing said bit closer for her own inspection. I caught the faint whiff of longing before stopping such a violation of privacy, but the way her eyes reflected in the candlelight sung a similar tune. I couldn’t help but stare into those orbs I have come to known over the last two years, and tonight they were the brightest I’ve ever seen them. The way they sparkled left me believing she was remembering something very personal, and most likely long passed. Having lived among ponies for so long, I’d found myself adapting some of their habits, namely an increased desire to comfort. And so, I released my tongue and asked the princess the question not only on my mind, but likely the one clouding hers. “Besides their need to acquire goods, then no I’m afraid not Princess Luna. But if I may be so bold to ask, why do we need bits anyway? Wouldn’t it be easier to simply exchange one service or good for another?” The question had always bothered me since first discovering the need for bits in society, but one I never really sought an answer to until just now. From how the corners of her lips began arching up and the quick whiff of glee I caught told me I was asking the right questions. “We were younger once, Idol Hooves. Celestia and I had beaten Discord and were slowly rebuilding civilization as we knew it. Now, growing up we knew no method but to barter/trade and so we built our fledgling kingdom on the shoulders of this simple, but easy to understand system.” Luna set the coin back onto the table and slid it in Idol’s direction before continuing her tale. “For a time, the system worked and our kingdom flourished to the point Equestria was perhaps the only center of culture and commerce during that time. If Celestia had her way, we would still be using the barter system because why fix what’s not broken? I loved numbers more than Twilight Sparkle loves her books, and selfishly convinced my sister and our ponies the need for a system of numbers.” Princess Luna nodded and mentioned for me to pick up the bit she had bee looking at and examine the side that displayed her moon. At first glance many ponies wouldn’t notice anything special but if one took the time and study the bit, then some interesting things become known. Namely, in one of the moons few craters the faint outline of the number 1 could be seen. “There’s a number 1 in one of the craters.” “Indeed. A remnant of my early pushes for more numbers Idol. I wanted bits to be worth a set value: one would be worth 1 bit, another could be worth 10 bits, but Celestia and her flank nuzzlers thought it were too complicated.” Luna mumbled something before continuing “Now, all bits are worth 1 bit. I set there longer than I could freely admit to anypony, digesting the tale Princess Luna had told me. Since arriving the daily application of bits had always stumped me, but nevertheless, it was a just another weird aspect of pony life I had to live with; a clump of metal that holds some sort of artificial value needed to purchase various things on a system of trust. Now, I was left feeling more fascinated than ever before about the bit. “Fascinating.” “Tis more than ‘fascinating’ Knight Idol. The conception of the bit not only revolutionized Equestrian economics forever, but even spread across the globe. An achievement we hold close to our heart, and would claim to be our greatest.” I waited until Princess Luna was finally finished before offering the bit to her once more, to which she shook her head. “Ney, keep the bit as a reminder of our conversation together.” “I am unworthy, yet fortunate to serve under one so caring.” After that, we fell into a brittle silence; unsure how to proceed, yet willing to stay submerged in the quit if allowed to. Naturally, I waited for the princess to take the lead given her status as my better, my princess, but somehow, I felt this wouldn’t be enough. A thought crossed my mind that years ago I would have found heretical to even consider, but now having been undeservingly raised to the rank of ‘Knight’ I felt my ideals shifting. All my experience and relationships until this point had simply been me adapting to the new life and duties bestowed upon me; now, (today actually) I found myself thinking, wanting, to reach out to Princess Luna and… “What do I want to do?” I mentally asked myself. A question that left me not looking for a certain answer, but rather a feeling. By Order, what should I do? “My sister, Celestia.” Princess Luna began, waiting long enough for me to look up before continuing. “What do you think of her Idol Hooves?” “Pardon me, Princess Luna?” I asked, trying not to taste her emotions as they danced around me. They tasted bland.   “Of all the guards stationed in Canterlot Castle, Shining Armor and yourself are among the noteworthy. Armor marrying our niece and youngest Captain in recent memory, and then there is you.” “You?” “No. Just you Idol.” Luna clarified “You turn promotions down because you deem yourself unworthy while your peers accept without question. Unlike other soldiers, your guard is down when speaking with us. You, against all odds get along with our nephew Blueblood, and perhaps more impressive is this coltish purity you have with Celestia and myself.” ‘My coltish what?’ Her words left me confused , and slightly exposed, but mostly confused. Had I not dressed properly and somehow offended her highness? “I must apologize for my lack of modesty Princess Luna. I had assumed all of myarmor was present and worn accordingly.” I found myself tucking my tail in during that last bit. Princess Luna said nothing as we kept eye contact, before blinking rapidly twice. “No Idol Hooves, there is a misunderstanding. We simply acknowledge thy pillars of character are true and unblemished. Your conduct echoes a time long passed when the guards and We could mingle in a personal manner. It is to be admired Idol.” Being praised for doing what is expected from my job by treating my sovreigns with the respect and truthfulness they deserve? A concept that till this day I’ve never fully come to understand. Nevertheless, hearing Princess Luna’s praise left me shifting uncomfortably in my armor. As a (Royal) Guard, the expected duties  have always granted us some measure of respect, which I have always taken in stride. To hear it coming from none other than a princess, well, that left me unsure what to be feeling. “Your words are unnecessary, but I’m honored to be worthy of your praise.” Princess Luna didn’t immediately say anything, and for a moment I felt worried I had insulted her but sighed happily once her body relaxed. A smile graced her muzzle as she rolled a forehoof in the air. “Noted. With that stated, and written into law…” I was about to comment when she cut me off “Relax Idol. Tis just a saying meant to show your words have been understood.” I nodded, pondering this ‘saying’ but shelved that once Luna began gathering up the various parchments that housed her character histories and statistics, stacking them neatly near her on the left. I began doing the same on my end believing the princess was gathering up our game so she may attend her duties. I was proven wrong when a clean parchment and freshly dipped quill appeared and with earnest strokes started sketching an outline of another pony, this time a Pegasus. “Storm Cloud.” Princess Luna started “A Pegasus mare having grown up in the glory days of Pegaliposis…” She paused, smile sagging some before continuing “Only child, and reluctant heir to that family’s legacy.” Princess Luna began scribing another identity on the parchment, and I watched as the outline slowly filled with life. The mane and head took shape first with the mane tied off into a bun, leaving the eyes and rest of the face exposed. I couldn’t make out any other details before the princess moved down to the barrel and forelegs where she drew some sort of apparel, armor judging by the sheen she shaded in. I found her skill with the quill and word something to admire. A skill I had tried honing a month prior and stopped once I realized the few practice sentences had become almost twenty pages about a Pegasus being the first of Princess Luna’s Guard. Somehow, I had lost track of time and written the beginnings of a novel about Guard Protocol and our dear Princess Luna. Topaz found the concept ‘cute’ saying it reminded her of someling, but when I asked which of the exiles she sighed and nothing more of the ‘book’ was said. By now Princess Luna had finished her sketching and dossier and slid the parchment toward me, motioning me to inspect: Storm Cloud. Pegasus. Age 15… “Here.” I noted as I continued reading the surprisingly well-detailed story of Storm Cloud. The picture and story told me enough of the dark grey Pegasus that the more I read, the more it resembled a dossier of a real pony than a character on paper. The Princess’ ability to create and weave something from nothing was a wonder to behold.r “Princess Luna.” I called out, pointing to the parchment with a hoof as her eyes lazily drifted to the table. “Here. Storm Cloud is written as ‘a reluctant heir’ but further down she is a ‘…crass warrior clouded by the ambitions of others’.”  Her posture sagged, shoulders slumping enough for the wing tips to brush the floor for a second before picking themselves up. I pointed at another line further down the page trying not to draw attention to display for modesty sake as I noted questionable quirks and suggested some improvements, but the more I observed my princess, the more I lost the desire read the dossier. Princess Luna had taken a liking to the concept of ‘weekend adventuring’ and its heavy use of numbers and patterns to create fictitious scenarios to test the adventure’s skill. Today had been the first chance Luna had to actually try Spiders and Catacombs and to my great relief loved it. The last few hours had been a slew of Daring Do-like stories from a thief to the more recent last warrior of an ancient order with Storm Cloud following a similar line. I wanted to continue but the sudden chime from the clock confirmed my earlier observation that we had finally run out of time. “Forgive me Princess Luna.” I started glancing at the clock to confirm the time “Night Court is fast approaching and by my suggestion, we should postpone our adventure until another session could be properly scheduled.” I watched as Princess Luna turned to look at the timepiece that now ticked loudly, her posture having improved, if only slightly. “Thou speaketh true Knight Hooves. Thou speaketh true.” She repeated, reverting back to her early speech patterns. This reversion coupled with her sudden lethargies didn’t paint the greatest of portraits and left me feeling I should be doing more. I watched with great reluctance as Princess Luna started heading for the twin doors. I felt conflicted-should join her side or follow my duties and continue guarding her room? There shouldn’t be any choice since I was assigned to watch over her while she slept which one could say I had accomplished after a fashion and now had to wait for my replacement. I needed to wait. It’s our duty to guard not only the citizens of Equestria but the Princesses. Part of that duty included the diligence of maintaining a 24-hour guard of their chambers. If my duty as guard commanded me to follow my orders and obey the princesses, then why for the first time in their service did I want to disregard them? “Your Highness, please wait.” I called to her without thinking, and thankfully she had yet to leave the room. Luna’s head turned just enough to peer over her shoulder. She said nothing. I took this for me to continue. “I must apologize for overstepping my boundaries in criticizing your work. I had no right to harshly judge when we’re playing for fun.” “Thou hast done nothing to seek forgiveness, on the contrary we would owe you the same. Our mood shouldn’t extend to our dealings with others.” I looked up wanting to tell the princess she wasn’t at any fault, but a raise of her hoof silenced me. “Still thy tongue Knight Hooves. Your critique was fair and expected given your position as Master of the Catacombs. We took it to heart and made it personal. Please forgive our rudeness and accept our own apology.” She then spread her forelegs and lowered her head. I had to repress a shudder as this unnatural feeling shook my chitin. My duties often put me into contact with Their Highnesses but never have I had one not only bow but apologize to me. I didn’t like it. Breaking protocol to not only fix this paradox, I found myself doing something I never would have imagined and quickly made my way to Princess Luna. Her ears twitched as I approached and for a moment I thought she would stop her bowing and acknowledge me but she never did. “Stop this Princess.” I tried not to sound commanding as I raised her head with my hoof. “Idol!” She yelled in surprise as I ignored her and quickly went about trying to straighten her up. Luna made no real effort besides saying my name, and that made it easier for me to fix her posture. I took her forelegs and pushed them in one at a time until they were straight and closer to her barrel. Years among pony kind had taught me many things, and one of the biggest was never touch a pony’s wing. Needless to say, I left the royal wings alone. “There.” I finally said, trying to pat down some fur sticking up on her barrel. Steping back, I nodded once at my ‘work’ satisfied that the Princess’ imagine would be somewhat presentable. “Guardstallion Hooves.” Princess Luna called out, snapping me back to the reality where I had crossed all resonable boundaries and touched a princess. I almost dropped to my belly to ferociously apologize, ready to receive any and all proper punishment for my crimes, but it never came. “Ease your worried soul, for you have done nothing to warrant any sort of retribution.” She smiled, then blinked before looking down at her barrel and back to me. “Pray tell, why did you caress my body?” “I didn’t out of selfishness, but out of duty.” I gulped as her muzzle tightened, readying to bite me for that answer, I imagined. I continued. “You’re our Princess and shouldn’t appear any less than such.” My answer wasn’t the best I’ll admit, since I had basically assaulted her body with my hooves. Being the kind and merciful monarch, she was didn’t stomp me to death. “We will forgive thee for this time, but don’t take advantage of our goodwill henceforth.” I nodded, and she started for the doors once again, magic grasping the handles when I lost my mind a second time. “Who was Strom Cloud?” I asked. The result was immediate and her magic released the handles, her whole body tensing like a sharp pain had shot through it. Luna and I stood there, I don’t know how long but long enough that I had considered telling her forget about it when she spoke. “She’s a character from a game, nothing more than a fantasy.” I pondered the answer before replying.   “My critique is simply that, Princess- criticism meant to improve what’s being critiqued.” She flinched, but allowed me to continue. “The way Storm Cloud was written was different than the other characters, she felt fleshed out. She felt real- too much like someone who lived. Princess Luna and I fell back into our roles of silently looking at each other after that. I had said what I wanted to say and felt anymore would only devalue my previous observation. Luna remained stalwart in her displeasure a little longer before wilting in defeat, her head and wings falling as her body relaxed. “Storm Cloud…ye. We knew her well enough in our youth.” Luna sat down, forcing a sigh from her lips before continuing “She wert an oddity- more so if she wert here today. A mare holding power wert not common but given she wert Noble in birth, meant certain rules could be bent.” “Many nobles and Houses today have mare heirs, so her status shouldn’t make her an oddity.” I interjected, earning a small nod from the alicorn. “Indeed. But Storm Cloud, for one so young cradled a fire that constantly burned; a drive many during those times lacked. One pony I remember described her as a manticore in hiding.”  Princess Luna chuckled at that the memory. “Above all I called her friend, even sister at one point.” “My criticism.” I mumbled, Princess Luna gave me one nod before speaking. “Indeed. Your remarks became an assault on my friend’s very identity. Please, do not take my mood to heart, for you had no way of knowing.” I shook my head at the thought. How could I allow myself the privilege of calling myself a Guardspony knowing I had indirectly assaulted a pony I didn’t know? A friend of the Princess Luna of all ponies! “Ignorance doesn’t shield one from the consequences. I have slandered the good name and character of a pony I have never met.” I stopped, wondering what to say or do next when the good Princess made an offer I would cherish for the remainder of my life. “Then, fair Idol.” Luna started. Speaking softly, as a filly asking a colt out. “Perhaps you seek to rectify this injustice and hear the Tale of Storm Cloud?” My ears spoke for me first, having pivoted forward at the suggestion before my mind could process the offer. I nodded eagerly, much to Luna’s radiant joy. “Good good. Yes, good!” I tried jumping back to avoid the alicorn rushing me but failed when her magic chained me in place long enough for her scoop me up into her barrel. I wanted to fight the crushing hug, but didn’t because fighting my charge is against at least half of a Guardstallion’s oaths and thus gave myself to fate. Thankfully, I was granted air after 3 or 4 minutes. “Apologizes, Knight Hooves! We found our bliss’ as Laughter Pie informs us, for not in many years have we talked of our dear friend.” “No apologies need your majesty, I am honored you deem me worthy to bear this knowledge.” Feeling good (in part from the overwhelming pleasantness from the Princess) I asked a question. “Would Your Highness, if fate allows like to hear the Tale of Topaz Showers, the Landlord of Knight Idol?” The question came from nowhere and is one I will never live down, since the Princess of the Night continues using it and the story as lesson for the newer recruits. Topaz the Landlord is still seen as myth even with the mare herself protesting that  she isn’t one. The bellowing cries literally threw me back, but thankfully Luna’s bed sheets caught me and padded my fall. I recovered quickly and was mildly surprise that the Royal Voice hadn’t wrecked the room further, besides knocking over the chairs and tossing our character sheets into the air. I found the Princess where I had last saw her and was thankful to see her ‘cries’ were not caused by pain but mirth. She covered her muzzle with a wing to shield the action but her laughter couldn’t be hidden. “Princess Luna?” “Knight Hooves!” She shouted, ignoring the fact I had to cover my ears. “We, I, would be honored to hear the Tale of Topaz Showers, for a mare to house Knight Hooves himself must be a mare with no equal!” “A mare among mares” I agreed, to which I found Her Highness nodding at me. “Knight Hooves rings a bell doesn’t it?” “I’m afraid I don’t own a collar, Your Majesty.” “A what? No no. The title Knight sounds true to the ear Idol. I believe sister would agree.” “Princess Luna, I have never been knighted before and cannot accept such a title.” “Idol, Knights put others before themselves, a trait you have demonstrated numerous times. The only other to display this trait would be Captain Armor, but Prince Armor suits him fine.” “But Princess...” “It’s decided. I’ll talk to sister about this in the morrow.” “By your command Princess.” I accepted my fate and felt that any more talks of the matter would be in poor taste. Princess Luna, not finished with surprising me moved over to me and nuzzled me. “Dwell not the matter Knight Hooves.Thee art good pony in soul and heart.” I stood silently as she ceased the action and once more made way for the door, grabbing the handles with her magic. “I had a most glorious time!” Luna shouted as she threw open the doors, exposing a thestral that could have mistaken for a statue.. “Mothchaser! Thou are most punctual, and a blessing to thy service.” The thestral said nothing as her eyes surveyed the room, torn apart by Luna’s laugher, finding the bed most fascinating for the longest time before swiftly turning to the sock still looped around the door’s handle. The Princess continued “Knight Idol.” Motchaser ears peaked with interest “Our time with thee has been a story worthy of ink, but our sister and niece have been kept waiting long enough.” “Of course, Your Highness. My apologies.”  Princess Luna waved it off with a smile, much to the thestral’s growing surprise and jealousy? Why was she radiating those emotions? “Get some rest for thou deserve every minute.” Her attention quickly changed to Mothchaser “Burden yourself not with the mess- we will shall tackle it upon our return.” The Princess left after that, with her hoofsteps the only sound in the corridor before a bright flash filled our vision and the Princess was gone. The silence wasn’t meant to last. “Where’s my sock Idol!?” the thestral demanded as she closed the distance between us. I held my ground even as Mothchaser felt it necessary to invade my space, leaving the very tips of our muzzles touching. From this distance, I could read her like an open book if I wanted to. However, I did not want to sense her emotions further and leave the mare her privacy, which left us staring into the other’s eyes. Those orbs still frighten me. We’d worked together on and off for nearly a decade and I would go so far to claim we were at the least friends, given her constant invitations to ‘lay back and relax’. At other times I had been invited to the Night Guard Wing to partake various challenges involving food, but the tingling fright of being so close to these ‘predators’ never completely left. I had learned to suppress these feelings of fear to be more compatible with our night counterparts, and it had proven invaluable. But those eyes always reminded me that I was dancing with fate. “Where’s my sock Idol?” Mothchaser asked again with less volume. “Your sock?” I asked, puzzled as to what path led her to believe I had taken her apparel. She didn’t say anything as she backed up slightly and nodded to the doors behind us where Luna’s silk sock remained fastened-I had almost forgotten about it. The thestral pointed at it and then poked my barrel in a similar manner to when Topaz is about to make a point. “Princess Luna got a sock, and most of Canterlot has likely gotten a sock from you at some point. So, where’s my sock!?” I found my initial fear being replaced by confusion before settling on understanding. Mothchaser must have seen the socks whenever one of the exiles sought a refill on their crystals; in the past I placed my hoof into the craft of pottery sculpting and found some success. She must have heard about my hobby and thought it included the knitting of socks. I’d have to nip this in the flank before other ponies sought out my doorstep. “Mothchaser, I hobby only in pottery and nothing else.” I mentioned toward Luna’s sock “The sock was selflessly provided by Her Majesty herself as were every other sock I have used.” “What does that have to…” “If you had a sock, I would give you the sock back.” I waited for Mothchaser to say something, but it never came. Her eyes had become blank, frozen with my reflection the only thing occupying them. She didn’t move for a good three minutes before she blinked and the most terrifying fanged grin etched itself onto her muzzle. I nearly jumped back from the sight. “All I need is a sock, and you’ll…” She inclined her head once more to Luna’s sock, and not really focused on anything but that terror smile I nodded. “Ok…” Mothchaser said as her eyes became normal once more, the smile never leaving. I didn’t like this, and the nightmares I sometimes had of being stalked came back and thoughts of leaping off Luna’s Balcony crossed my mind. The scary thestral blinked. “Wait here and don’t move.” “But…” was all I got out before she literally took flight down the hall and disappeared, leaving me to guard Princess Luna’s chambers again. “I hope Viridian doesn’t mind watching Nymph for another few hours.” I hoped as I carefully began unlooping the sock from the door. Ponies had a habit of talking about the littlest things and who knew what they would say if one of the princesses’ socks was found looped around a door handle. > Struggles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clipping of hooves on the stone floor came to a brief halt when the front door gave two loud thumps. The mare and filly’s ears were up and waiting to see if the sound would repeat- two more softer thumps confirmed that somepony was, indeed visiting them. “I got it!” “I got it Nymph, go finish packing so we can leave.” There could have been some mumbling from the young filly, but Topaz decided to let it slide for the sake of time. Her hoof steps came quick, giving the pony no chance to react, startling the apple red mare when she opened the door. “Hello. Can I help you?” “Oh! Hello! I.. errm..” the mare turned and began looking in saddle bag slung over her right shoulder, trying not to push whatever she had through hole in the left side. Topaz said nor did nothing while the curious mare searched for whatever it was she needed, only adjusting her brow upwards when the red mare pulled a small stack of worn cardstock from the bag. Having been in school long enough to realize the importance of such an action. She was about to be lectured. “You’re a salespony aren’t you?” the question smacked the nervous mare, causing the loose cardstock to scatter once it the ground. “Wh..nononono.” the mare blurted out, looking between Topaz and the cards on the ground. As a former student turned professor, seeing the nervous mare desperately collecting the cards from the ground made Topaz, in a small way feel bad for the mare. The embarrassment from dropping her own notes on occasion trickled into her memory. “Let me help you.” The mare stopped, taking a step back as Topaz gathered the cardstock, practically shaking from the embarrassment. “Here.” Topaz offered the cardstock back to the mare, who hesitantly accepted. “Tha..thanks.” The corner of her mouth arced up just a bit, before falling once her roaring stomach forced itself into the conversation. “Do you want something to eat?” Topaz offered when it seemed the hungry mare wasn’t going to say anything else. Her ears swiveled forward as her eyes started to sparkle. “YES!” the mare growled before composing herself. “I mean, yes. It’s why knocked.” Topaz, having jumped three hooves back stood her ground for another moment before finding the courage to approach the mare again. “You wanted me to feed you?” the mare nodded excitedly. “Yes! He said that you would if I ask.” “He said?” “Indeed.” “For free?” “Yes. NO!” the mare looked horrified, like she had said something wrong before looking down at her cards. She examined maybe three or four before finding the she was looking for. “I’m suppose to give you this.” “Look Miss…” “Found it!” the mare cut Topaz, only to suddenly present her with an old piece of fabric. “Uh, no thank you?” “Please.” The mare begged “I know it isn’t a sock, but it was all I could find.” “Sock?” The mare looked ready to cry, making Topaz’s own eyes water some from the raw emotion coming from this mare. “I’m starving. The crystal didn’t even last one day, and...”  A bulb lit up, and Topaz finally understood. “You’re an exile.” The mare flinched, but weakly nodded. “Please wait.” Topaz disappeared, leaving the starving changeling standing there as she quickly descended the stairs that lead to Idol’s room. Rarely would she ever go into the basement turned changeling nest, let alone when Idol wasn’t around but this was important and when she tells Idol about this, he would agree. The years have opened Idol to the idea of being a pony, and thus, allowed himself to partake in certain facets like buying a bed. Sure, he plastered it to the wall, but it was progress. Another trait Idol adopted was storing items of importance under the mattress, where after a second of digging, Topaz found the little pouch that held the crystals, the three larger ones glowing brightly and constantly while their four, smaller siblings sharing the same contestant glow, just not as bright. “I thought he had more.” She kept looking just to make sure this really was all the crystals, before doing a quick search of the chest he had bought some years back to house and protect his Guard kit. When the search came up empty, she grabbed the pouch and headed back upstairs. Waiting for at the top of the stairs was the small filly she has devoted her life to raising, waiting for her. “Nymph.” “I felt something.” Topaz could see her shivering, how somepony utterly terrified might look. “Oh.” She was caught red-hoofed with the crystal bag in wing, but opted not to acknowledge that fact. “Outside.” Her little head turned toward the door, where the exile was likely still waiting. Topaz resumed her ascent once more, if at a slower pace. “Yes.” She stated, not sure what to do or say that might ease the filly’s distress, and that hurt her. By the time she reached the top of the basement stairs, Topaz decided what to do and gave Nymph a quick muzzle before hurrying for the door. She found the door just as she left it, slightly ajar enough to allow mixture of daylight and fresh air to enter. That quickly changed once she opened the door to reveal the disguised changeling once more, only this time a little further away than before. “Take these.” Topaz instructed, only to toss the pouch when the changeling made no effort to move. The pouch landed just a hoof in front of the starving changeling, yet, she still made no move to retrieve it. Topaz made the first move and began walking toward her but stopped- that look. The disguise was good enough, but if the mare’s claims were true than it was a miracle it held for so long. While red coat held, her yellow, almost amber eyes kept flickering green and back again like a cat’s tail. Topaz blinked and found two fangs had exposed themselves, glistening with saliva that continued flowing off the tips and onto the ground. Topaz took a step back. The sudden movement sparked the changeling’s hunting instincts and she lunged for the pouch.             The aggressiveness caught Topaz completely off guard, having watch this meek mare practically begging transformed into a predator. She watched with morbid fascination as the changeling’s fangs easily pierced the pouch, cementing their hold so she may shake it violently-which the changeling did with vigor. “OH Celestia!” Topaz shrieked as the changeling’s disguise grew increasingly unstable. The red fur began flickering in patches along her spine and neck, unraveling, and ever further un-stabilizing the entirety of the changeling’s charade. Yet, before the changeling lost complete control the faintest wisps of pink and red mist started seeping through the punctures. The result was immediate. Starting with the patches along her spine, little fires of green began replacing the black patches with red, pony fur as her eyes finally lost their sickly green hue. She stopped throttling the pouch (because the fangs receded) and both changeling and Topaz found themselves in an uneasy silence, unsure where a desperate changeling and savior should go from here. It would be Changeling to make the move. Keeping the theme of silence, the changeling disguised as an earth mare, tilted her head down in a manner Topaz assumed was a small nod before turning and bolting to the street. Topaz didn’t even have time to lift a hoof before losing sight of the mare. “…the gate.” Topaz blinked, and turned her head back to the door where Nymph was standing. “The gate?” Nymph nodded, her head moving like an owl following a mouse through the short grass. “She’s leaving.” Topaz looked back to the street, briefly imagining the route the changelings might take before finding her way to the front door where Nymph stood, still following the mare. “How much did you see?” Topaz asked as sat down, draping a wing over Nymph’s back.    “Why didn’t she eat?” Nymph asked, finally looking her caretaker in the eyes. “It’s not that simple Nymph.” “How? I still ate in the tunnels, Idol eats sometimes. You eat all the time.” “Nymph.” Topaz didn’t even call her out on that last jab. “Changelings..well… that’s to say some, have more of a struggle than others.” The reason wasn’t the best but would help set the groundwork for a future discussion.  Instead of another question, she felt the ticklish tuff of Nymph’s short mane rubbing against her right side just below her rib cage. Topaz found herself pulling the filly in closer for a hug, who returned the gesture. Topaz and Nymph, a Pegasus mare and changeling filly not bonded by blood were in no way not mother and foal. “We should finish packing.” Topaz started before leaning down to deliver a nuzzle “Nanna doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” “Alright… mom.” That earned Nymph another nuzzle. Hearing that word on a normal day, while nice, was normally said with mocking intent. This wasn’t a normal day making the word that much more meaningful. Nymph after giving a nuzzle of her own bolted off to resume packing her bag, Topaz got up to collect the ruined pouch that held the crystals; opening it up revealed that out of seven, all three large cryastals and one small had been completely drained with another slightly dimmer than the rest.   “They even feel lighter.” Topaz noted as she put the crystals back in before drawing the string close. What had transpired wasn’t something Nymph needed to know about just yet, but she wasn’t exactly a small filly either. Good or bad, Nymph was growing and slowly becoming more aware of details most foals her age would start picking up on. Until a few moments ago, the biggest shocker for her was realizing why Idol and her made her wear disguises in the first place; the understanding soured the poor filly’s mood for almost a week, before leaving to hang out with some friends. Topaz ears went straight up as she recalled an overlooked detail. That mare had sought their home out, even wrote the address down most likely!   “He said…Idol? No. He would have mentioned her, but than who?”  She asked herself as she close the door, locking it for good measure. “We need to need to be more careful.” Topaz found herself listening to Nymph’s hoofsteps as she moved back and forth in her room trying to finish selecting what to bring. “We need to be careful.” She said once more, nodding as if the action made it law. > No cake for Celestia, bring on the Changelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the unexpected visit earlier that morning, Topaz and Nymph found themselves in a mutual silence. There was some talking, but only to ask, and answer a question. The rest of that time was the steady movement of hooves trying to drown out the encounter with the exile. Topaz could almost feel Nymph’s distress saturating the air around her as if a stray cloud was following her. So when they left for her mother’s, Topaz wracked her brain trying to figure out a way to cheer the filly up, and it came to her when two unicorn foals came zipping past them. “Hurry up! Put those old bones to work!” “Nymph!” her yellow coated caretaker called out. The pegasus foal only stopped running after reaching the next block, buzzing her wings as she waited for Topaz. Watching as her caretaker struggled to keep from falling over earned a quick giggle before turning and running. “Wait Nymph!”  Topaz called out hoping to get the filly to slow down just a bit. No such luck. Seeing no alternative, Topaz adjusted her saddle bag before taking to the skies. Nymph’s wings buzzed happily as she ran down the street, enjoying the thrill of the chase and escape. So much so, she failed to notice the labored breathing of her caretaker had stopped. She followed the street for several blocks, slowing down just enough to avoid ponies still wandering the streets before turning right and down an alleyway. Topaz would have missed this sudden change if it weren’t for Nymph’s mad crackling. A quick adjustment and she was back on the trail of the foal just as she left the alley, crossed the street and ran into another alley on the other side. Celestia was watching over her, for Nymph had ran into a dead end. “Gotcha.” She whispered, angling her wings for the descent. The wall that blocked Nymph’s path was no taller than an adult pony but just tall enough to stop her. Or so it thought.  With veins full of adrenaline, and a will to not be caught, began flapping her wings madly before lunging into the air. Her wings provided enough lift to clear the wall and land safely onto the other side. “Order ab.. Celestia’s name.” Topaz corrected herself. With trepidation, she had watched the whole thing silently begging Celestia to spare Nymph from harm; said filly was currently celebrating the accomplishment with a small dance. Nymph wasn’t holding back either, and did enough celebrating for the both of them. Topaz watched this unspoiled joy, noting Nymph’s victory dance was more a series of random movements than any actual routine. “Did she learn that from Idol?”  She joked more than ask. “Can’t have her picking up too many bad habits.” Ever since taking on the changeling filly, Topaz had learned much about changeling growth rates and habits to the point she could claim to be a leading expert (behind Idol of course) on the topic. Yet, her fascination with the changeling filly went further than a researcher studying a specimen- Nymph was her foal. Some important steps were skipped along the journey to motherhood, but ultimately the end was the same. Officially, Idol was Nymph’s legal guardian, but quickly extended that power to her as well . How he even managed to get Nymph’s paperwork processed so quickly she didn’t know, but guessed Idol might have received help. With their guardianship established, Idol and Topaz began the process of caring for a changeling foal 24/7. The biggest hurdle wasn’t what to feed Nymph or what she was/wasn’t allowed to read, but how they were going to solve her color blindness. Ultimately, it became how she could manage the her colors, leading to the decision to homeschooling Nymph. This proved to be the right choice. Being a professor herself, Topaz took on the task to teach Nymph the basics of pony society, while Idol worked with her on stabilizing the changeling magic. About this time that something reflective down below caught Topaz’s attention, and to her horror found the source to be Nymph. The excitement was causing the filly to lose focus over her magic, and had started shifting colors as a pony with breathe. The phenomenon was fascinating to witness originally (the notes collected proved priceless), but quickly became a constant fear once she started living with them. Idol and her didn’t need their neighbors adding to the swinger rumor by ‘seeing’ multiple foals at their house. With Idol’s help, they managed to figure out a crude system they could use to keep her colors under control. Because of the Nymph’s inability to see colors properly, they had to figure out a way to warn Nymph she had switched colors without having to constantly tell her- thus Wing Signs were created. The concept itself was simple, but the actual use was another story. With Nymph’s colors having slipped, Topaz finished her dive for the ground, landing in front of the excited foal. “Colors, Nymph!” she nearly screeched, causing Nymph nearly trip in surprise. Topaz quickly began a series of movements that consisted of using her hooves and wings.   As quickly as Topaz could make the strange motions, Nymph’s colors were changing just as quickly: mane, coat, eyes, and tail. Each changing until given the ok from her pegasus guardian until all of her colors were the same as before.    “Ok Nymph, that’s enough excitement for now.” “I can control them I promise! I haven’t spilled my colors in weeks, you can ask my friends!” pleaded the filly, hoping that would be enough to continue their game. “I will ask them, but no more tag right now. Mother is expecting us soon and I fear the ‘scolding’ she’s already planning if we’re anymore late.” “Scolding for you. She loves me!” Nymph’s knew how much the older mare loved her, and thus how much she could get away with. “Yea, yea. Just remember, it isn’t me or my mother you have to worry about.” That wiped the smile off her muzzle. “Why is he such a hard flank?” “Language Nymph.” “Still... Why is he always “You can’t do this. You can’t do that. Stop having fun.” “Because he cares Nymph. It might always seem like that, but Idol does, and so do I.” “He has a funny way of showing it.” She muttered “He’s learning. Your favorite ball? He bought it for you.” “He also popped it.” “When he got you tickets to that play you wanted to see?” “Ok, that was neat.”  Topaz smiled. “Idol is Idol, but he’s doing his best, and when he messes up I’ll be there to steer him straight.” Nymph giggled. “I’m sure you have enough rope somewhere.” “Idol might, but you’ll have to ask him.” Nymph giggled. “Forget it. You’re too old to understand.” “Hey!” Topaz’s reaction pleased the filly, laughing as she sidestepped her caretaker and bolted for the street. “Nymph!” Topaz yelled, chasing after the filly once more.    Topaz’s mother, Viridian, lived on the outskirts of the city proper( Old Canterlot) nearest the wall that hung furthest off the mountain. The walk from her house to her mother’s house on a normal day could take up to a couple of hours depending on how fast and crowded the streets were. With the Royal Wedding set for the early afternoon, the roads were near empty save for the random guard patrol now and then. This left Topaz and Nymph  near free reign of the streets, which they took advantage of this by playing games like I spy, Hide and Seek, and just being loud in general. Including this little distractions added to the overall time, but eventually the pair reached the weather and stained marble house Topaz had known most of her life. Nymph began prancing the closer they got, wondering what sort of treats awaited her. “Remember, it’s Newt from this moment onward.” “Yea, yea. Now hurry up!” she bolt forward, unable to wait any longer.   Rushing ahead, Nymph ran up the cobble stairs, and pounded on the door with no restraint. She stood as still as an excited filly could waiting to grandma’s treats. After another second, she gave the door another few knocks and then placed her left ear on the door- the heavy hoofsteps of a grown up was her reward. Backing up quickly, Nymph quickly went over appearance (as was expected of her) making sure her colors, and species were the same. She heard her name and turned around to see Topaz pointing at mouth, her fangs. “Thanks.” she whispered, running her tongue over her teeth just make sure the fangs were gone. No sooner had she fixed this problem and Topaz taking her place by her side did the door open, revealing the older mare they had sought to meet. “Newt! Topaz!” “Hi grandma!” “Hello mom.” She welcomed them both, taking Nymph’s bag before spoiling the filly with kisses and promises of freshly baked cookies. Nymph almost lost her colors from the excitement. “Newt ate before we left mother so, she doesn’t need anything else.” “Baking is a time honored tradition between mothers,daughters, grandmother and grandfoal.” “Mother.” “You use to love baking with granny Tourmaline whenever you had the chance. So Please, don’t continue denying me these memories Topaz! ” Viridian fired back as they all entered the kitchen. Nymph had already pushed her stool to the counter and tied an apron around her midsection by time the two mares entered. Viridian nodded approvingly while Topaz accepted her lot and followed the foal’s example, giong to the rack on the wall to grab her apron. While Topaz got ready, Viridian went to the (compact) kitchen pantry to gather the needed ingredients, humming a tune only she knew.   “You know the drill Newt, wash your hooves.” “Yeeesss mom.” “No back sassing missy! Do as your mother says and hurry up! I found everything we need.” Viridian added as she set the gathered ingredients down on the counter top. “Yes, ma’am.” Nymph conceded, and began washing her hooves. “You have to be firm in tone when dealing with foals. It helps define boundaries and tells them you mean it what you say. ” Topaz turned to defend not only Nymph, and herself, but decided against it in favor of keeping things simple. “Yes, mother.” “Good. Let’s get started.” With the hierarchy established, and hooves washed, three generations of mares quickly fell into their roles. Nymph began by choosing which kind of cookie would to make first, while her caretaker and honorary grandma collected the baking utensils- bowls,measuring cups, baking trays. “OH! How about honey and peanut butter?” “Peanut butter and honey?”  Viridian asked, turning to Toaz for some clarification. “Honey Dew recommended them last month.” “The one with the bees?” Topaz nodded “The very same.” “Is that a yes?” Nymph asked, trying her hardest to keep still. “If Newt really wants them, and you vouch for Honey Dew than honey and peanut butter it is.” That earned a sharp ‘yes’ from the filly, who jumped from her little stool and dashed into the pantry. “Do you even have honey?” “There might be an aged bottled somewhere…” “Found the peanut butter, but no honey.” Nymph’s voice echoed from the pantry “Well Topaz? “What?” “Weren’t you about to leave to pick up a fresh jar of honey and peanut butter?” “Wait. What?” “How can we bake honey and peanut butter cookies without honey and peanut butter?” “There’s still peanut butter left!” Topaz pointed at the half used jar “Nonsenses, only the freshest cookies for my grandfoal!” Viridian by now hoofed over some bits while pushing Topaz toward the door. “Newt and I will just bake a cake or something until you return.” “Mother wait!” “I’m not about to tell my granddaughter  no.” Viridian whispered into her daughter’s ear before pushing her out the door. “And Sugar! Make it quick!” she commanded and slammed the door shut, leaving a bewildered Topaz standing on the steps. Unwilling to knock and demand entry, she accepted her fate and counted the few bits given to her and sighed. “She didn’t even give me enough bits.” Unwilling to ask for more bits, and face such opposition, Topaz settled for the next best (and cheaper) option and flew back home. When your long time friend raises honey bees, finding fresh honey isn’t an issue, but the peanut butter and sugar would be. Idol’s love for the two had greatly diminished over the years to the point she had stopped buying them all together.  This meant Topaz would still have to go to the market anyway. At home, she grabbed a spare saddle bag to carry two jars of honey, and so much need bits her private stash. Door locked, and everything in the saddle, she trotted down the street instead of flying figuring she had pushed her luck already and didn’t want any guards holding her up. If she was quick, she might make the market before they closed early for the ceremony. A few turns here and a few turns over there and found Topaz in the open plaza that many of Canterlot’s proper businesses found too common for their tastes; because of this belief, Canterlot’s common folk moved in and despite inflated prices quickly became the go-to for modest shopping. As expected very few stores were open, with fewer ponies milling around including the general store. Once entering, Topaz made her way to the baking aisle first, grabbing a bag of sugar before jumping two aisles down to find the peanut butter. Once acquired, she quickly made her way up front and purchased the items, saying hello to General Stock about her plans for today with Idol on duty. A quick exchange of ‘goodbyes’, and a ‘see you later’ followed before Topaz left the store. With the shopping finally done, Topaz was just starting the trek home when the sky flickered. The flickering was so sudden, the pegasus passed it off as blinking. For it to happen a second, and third time with other ponies noticing the phenomenon was what set her mind into motion. “I thought the Weather Team cleared the skies for the wedding?” she thought as she joined the other ponies  looking up. What Topaz saw was in fact not a cloud, and the ponies were figuring that fact out as well. As her fellow shoppers pointed and shouted, she found herself slipping into the shoes of her younger self, before she met Idol and decided to settle in Canterlot to teach. “Changelings, in the open.” she shivered from whispering those words, but from fear or excitement was debatable. “Just like an insect swarm, completely in sync with one another.” she observed, trying remember every detail to write it down later. “Their movements are very similar to how a hive of bees…” the swarm rammed into the dome, collapsing the entire structure and letting the buzzing swarm descend into the heart of Equestria. “... or hornets might swarm!” Topaz screamed, sending the ponies near into a panicked frenzy. Screams. Not bell tolls, filled the city air as swarm quickly scattered to block all means of escape. The bulwark of the Guard was in the city proper, leaving only a few scattered squads to shoulder the majority patrol duties. In other words, they were spread too thin to immediately act or offer any real resistance, leaving the normal residents to practically fend for themselves. Topaz’s instincts to take to the sky harassed her just as much as the few extra pounds (she might have put on) begged her to stop for a breather. Maybe she should have joined Idol for his morning drills after all. Using the loud buzzing as cover, a shadow formed under Topaz and quickly began growing in size. At first, she missed this little detail and kept running down the street until said changeling over shot and crashed directly in front of her. She had no time to process this before the changelings wings started buzzing again; using this time, she dug into the satchel that held her purchases just as the changeling recovered. “COOKING SAND!” she yelled, throwing the bag of sugar right at its face. The changeling hadn’t expected to get sugar in its eyes, and shrieked loudly from the burning pain as it tried to remove the deadly cooking ingredient the best it could. Seeing her chance, Topaz side stepped the bug pony, and hurriedly resumed her course toward home.   “Mother! Newt!” Topaz cried as she practically pummeled the door. She heard the distorted voice of her mother through the door and the echoing of hooves getting louder as it neared the door, and the two seconds she had to wait gave the pegasus another grey feather. The lock clicked and the door opened to reveal her mother’s aged face shifting from curiosity to surprise as she bullied her way in. “Topaz! What’s gotten over you?” “We have to hide!” Topaz declared as she went about closing, and locking the door before moving to the windows. “Hide from what?” Nymph asked from the kitchen. “What’s going on? You were supposed to buy some honey and peanut butter and come right back” Viridian started as she chased her daughter from window to window. “I did!” Topaz finished closing the window curtains before moving to the kitchen. “ I went home before the market but that’s not important. We’re under attack!” “Attack!?” “Is it a surprise attack?” Nymph asked, looking away from the oven  “Miss Pie says surprises make everything better!” Both mares ignored the filly, too worried about the serious matter at hoof “The barrier didn’t even hold for a minute before shattering.” Topaz turned the oven off, to Nymph’s disappointment, before pointing to the kitchen pantry. “In.” Time is a universal concept that won’t stop completely for any one event or being; time may slow to a snail’s pace at the very least, but it will never fully stop. “I spy with my big eye, something that begins with the letter B.” “Boredom.” “Newt!”   “She’s right dear, how much longer are we to wait here? I’m beginning to cramp.” “Fine. I’ll go check.” Topaz declared as she quietly opened the pantry door, blinded by the sudden existence of light. “For the record, it was a can of baked beans.” She didn’t fully close the door, deciding to leave it cracked to let some light enter while she explored the house. Topaz shook her head when she heard Nymph and her mother thanking Celestia for the light. Silently, she creeped into the kitchen trying her best not to make a sound. Eyes darting to the stove that still held the half baked cookies to check the oven clock- it had was a quarter past three. “It’s only been 40 minutes!” Topaz heard a creaking that sounded and froze. “Was that a changeling?” she asked herself, hoping somehow to be proven wrong. She never got her answer. With no choice, Topaz began fluffing up her feathers like the mare she is and grabbed one of the wooden mixing spoons with her right wing. With improvised bug swatter in wing, she creeped through the great divide (of eight hoof steps) that defined when the kitchen ended the living room began.   Very rarely would her mother ever draw the curtains during the day, believing to do so would keep ‘the good’ from finding you. A superstition, but one that she continued following to this very day. So, to go from a room known for its warmth and inviting nature to a scene from those scary plays than didn’t exactly encourage the mare in her to continue. The filly in her was quickly become her best friend, and she almost turned around before deciding against it. This was for her family’s safety and it needed to be done.   Eyes moved left and than to the right and all she saw was the outlines of her mother’s house, and nothing more. Her wing tightened a little more around the spoon and proceed into the living room. Topaz moved carefully, hooves pulsing with pegasus magic to help lighten the weight as she followed the outer wall. So far, so good. She followed the wall and still found nothing to suggest somepony (or bug) had managed to sneak in, but one room cleared didn’t mean the whole house was and so she gulped and sally forth. “Not like it’s dark enough to hide anyway.”   She laid against the wall where the hallway led to the other rooms, trying to listen for possible movement. Nothing but her terrified heartbeat. Counting to three, she quickly jumped in the front of maw with mixing spoon out and in front before moving forward. Her advantage her was knowing where and how far the doors to the rooms were, and Topaz was going to press it… “AAAAAAAHH!” A bright, filly shade of pink suddenly assaulted her senses, causing her to drop the spoon. “Topaz!” came the worried cry of her mother, followed by what sounded like the pantry door exploding. Gripping her heart to keep from losing it, Topaz began the breathing technique Cadance had shown her to calm her nerves. She didn’t wait too long until living room lights clicked  and pushed the little bit of darkness away to reveal her mother practically dying from oxygen deprivation. “Topaz!” Viridian cried again before rushing to hug her. “Mom!” Topaz tried fighting back the hug, but the older mare’s grip was too great. “Dear, are you ok? Did you see something? Where you attacked? Are you hurt?” “I’m fi...fine.” Topaz answered as she finally pried herself out of the iron hug. “You’re sure, dear? Then we heard a scream, than there was this flash…”     “Truly Mother. That pink light caught me by surprise, and well, I panicked.” It was quick and Topaz almost jumped from the contact, but relaxed once she realized it was her mother nuzzling her cheek. She returned the gesture. “I’m just glad you’re alright.” “Same.” With mother and daughter caught up in the moment, they somehow missed the the little pattering of hooves moving their way until it was too late. “Can I leave the pantry now?” the young, raspy voice of a growing filly asked. Topaz looked up and almost choked on her tongue by what she saw. “Oh! I’m sorry Newt.” Viridian apologized as she began turning around. “Mother wait!” Topaz cried. She was too late, her mother turned around to find not her darling grandfoal, but the glowing eyes of some fanged creature. Viridian froze. Unable to fully process what she was seeing, not even responding to Topaz’s light prodding. It might have stayed like this for another few minutes, but Nymph asked the question again. “Well? Can I?” It was too much. To hear her grandfoal’s voice coming from some tartarus creature sent her over the edge. She fainted. > The awakening of a pony named Idol Hooves Part 1 (Proof read by Vdrake) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found the tension of anger and displeasure playing the chords of my heart again today.   This feeling of frustration has grown since the wedding two weeks ago, and I’ve been feeling restless everyday since. Feelings and urges I only ever tasted or heard about began surfacing with such intensity I almost requested a day off to gather myself.  Topaz is at a lost as well, but has been unable to fully assist me beyond mere listening and offering possible solutions. She’s been dealing with her own problems as of late involving Nymph and her mother. Upon further inquire and to my horror learned of Nymph’s accidental reveal to Viridian, and while she has assumed the incident a dream, as been unwilling to visit.   All of this only compounded until it sat unsecured upon my shoulders, and I am terrified of it all. Terrified of this unknown and what it could bring on my family.  Just two weeks prior I wouldn’t have described my living arrangement with Topaz and Nymph in that way. We have been roommates, landlord and tenant that interacted on a regular basis, but now I couldn’t see us as anything else. How much they mean to me.  Order above, how can I  juggle all these conflicting sensations while trying to make sound and logical decisions without compromising the integrity of my station?  “Sergeant Hooves! I must speak with you!”  This request came in between fits of aggressive knocking and repeating the statement.  I rubbed sides of my head In preparation to meet the pony I’ve become acquainted with for the past 12 days. I may find her approach somewhat irritating, but I can’t deny the drive she exhibits in her daily duties is noteworthy. A green recruit in terms of years, but a vulnerable veteran when it comes to work ethic. I rubbed the sides of my head one more time.  ‘Order, what’s happening to me?’  I asked myself while the tingling of magic flowed over me, replacing the hated changeling with the form everypony  knew.  “Enter.” I commanded, wincing at how rude it sounded. The door opened with the politeness of a foal eating free sweets.  A single mare strolled in, her armor holding none of the shine of a properly cared for armor set. The look reminded me of a stage prop than guard armor, but I knew the condition was more from a lack of time because of the constant field use.      She stalled just short of my desk, not even bothering to offer me a salute.  “Sergeant  Hooves! I might have found more changelings!”  She told me, nearly leaning on my desk in a manner that weeks ago would have earned the mare a recap of the Guard Manual. Now, I couldn’t even bring myself to address her behavior, instead I raise a hoof in a flicking manner.  She caught the meaning and took a step back from the desk, returning to an ‘at ease’ posture. Even without sampling her emotions, the tension rolling off her was like a fog, thick and heavy; she stood in the midst of this fog, waiting for the word I couldn’t give. Her assumption of changelings still lingering in Canterlot while justifiable were completely unfounded. My own searches, and those of the few exiles that called Canterlot home had turned up no changelings from the hive; it doesn’t mean there aren’t any, but the likelihood was very low. Now to change the conversation.  “Private Running Wild. When was your last day off?” I asked, watching as her muzzle shifted between a look I would call disbelief and maybe betrayal.  Actually, the spicy flavor I was tasting told me it was more likely anger than betrayal.   “But Sergeant!” She abandoned her position to invade my space until her muzzle was only a hoof away. “Changelings are still roaming Equestria. Maybe even Canterlot itself and you want me to take a break?”  “Yes.” I reached out with my hoof and gently pushed her back until she got the hint and got off my desk.“Take a break Running, you’ve earned it.”  “But Idol!” She tried to argue, but quickly stopped that by raising my hoof again. “Private Wild. You were one of the first to respond during the invasion and have selflessly worked nonstop since.” her jaw muscles tighten as she fought the urge to speak as her eyes followed my hoof, watching as I opened the top drawer of my desk. I felt her surprise first before seeing her eyes widened as I placed a little white box on the desk. The little box held no markings except for one emblem on top, a sword with two crossed spears behind it.Her reaction only told me she knew what the box meant and what it was likely within.  She deserved it and I was happy to be the one to present it. “The Princesses hope you will enjoy your three days of leave Specialist Wild.” I could see the conflict racking her body as she battled the urge to reach for the box that held the marks of her advancement, all while trying to maintain whatever imagine she was trying to project.  “...cept this.”  Running found her voice, and to her credit fell in line with the personality I’ve come to know. Still, my orders were clear and as a guard in her highness’ service, we all had to do our duty.  “Declining is well within your right Running…”I stole a glance at the complimentary clock my office provided “...if you hurry, you could make the ending of Day court.” “Whoa whoa, What!?”  I nodded as I motioned toward the little box.  “To contest your promotion and forced leave of absence in the pony.” Her mouth fell open as she forsook her already relaxed stance. I waited quietly to give Running a chance to speak up about the opportunity when she suddenly lurched forward and snatched the box from my desk.   “I accept their highnesses’ most gracious generosity.” She said while giving a salute, box still in hoof. “Good. I was worried I would have to write a letter.” That sparked her interested just as I was told it would, now to cook while the burner was still hot.  “What letter?”  “I can’t say without violating my orders, but all I can say is the princesses have taken notice of your dedication.”  The admission wasn’t what Running had expected to hear as her stance tightened up enough to pass a basic inspection. Feeling the air also told me that the lingering spice in the air had tapered off to a mild mix of agitation and possibly glee? “When should I report back Sergeant Hooves?” “You’re to return this Thursday for your next duty assignment, but given the workload there's a chance you might have to wait until Monday.”  She looked ready to say something else, but resigned to a more formal reply.  “Thank you Sergeant . The princesses too.” “With your new found free time, would you be interested in some suggestions? I hear the Canterlot Symphony is performing an original performance…” My time in this city has exposed me to a world no changeling would ever know. One of these was the privilege to witness the day transitioning into the restless night.  Her highnesses have always been generous to let me witness this process; I have made the utmost effort to return every evening just to watch this quick, simple, and purely breathtaking display of divinity. The princesses had even extend an invite to Topaz and Nymph one time, but unfortunately nothing came of it. Topaz claiming the university demanding too much of her time until a replacement Headmare can be found, while Nymph never really expressed interest. A shame, but maybe for the best.  I watched as Celestia’s sun finally reached the limit of its intended trajectory, and on agreement with Luna, in the next seven minutes would retire to allowing the moon its chance to shine.  With Princess Luna’s return, the whole exchange evolved into something more than the changing of day into night- it became about the two sisters. Celestia and Luna, from my own observations would meet ten minutes early to trade secrets and gossip they had gathered from the castle staff.  Watching from my spot on the grass, I had previously attributed this daily meeting was to keep current with what little time they had. This belief, like everything else these past two weeks had been altered. To watch their highnesses now, I have come to understand this transition is more than a duty, but an opportunity to share their time with a loved one.  The sky lost its extraordinary blue hue in favor of the subtle oranges and violets that marked the end of another day and the beginning of a new night. Princess Celestia even seemed a bit happier tonight than the previous days by how she slightly bounced back and forth between her left and right hooves.  Princess Luna wasn’t as..bubbly, but her mane shone with a fine brilliance a master craftspony could only dream of creating.  “Idol.” I looked up to find the gazes of Celestia and Luna. The transfer of duties having been completed while I was retrospecting, they were now focused on me.      “Yes, your Highnesses.” I found my legs and came to attention, giving off the practiced salute sharpened over a decade of refinement. The two shared a look I learned meant plotting minds in motion.  “At ease, Sergeant Hooves.” Celestia returned the salute, doing nothing to hide her smirk at the use of my new title. The act held no ill intent, but I found the strangest feeling forming in the pit of my chest, similar to how I might compress clay into a ball before shaping it.  I felt my magic instinctively acting own its own, a changeling trait that helped with blending in. I knew it was happening but I didn’t know what exactly the magic was doing until Princess Luna pointed at me.  “His fur is bristling sister!”   That grabbed my attention, and suddenly I was back in the courtyard closest to Luna’s tower. I found night had fallen and my lieges were watching me with an unfamiliarity that left me feeling worse than before.  “I didn’t mean to, your highnesses. I..I don’t know what took hold of me.”  I truly didn’t, and that worried me. Yet, to my continued amazement of the extent of pony kindness, the princesses neither sneered or take great offence to my display of defiance. Instead, they expressed a great deal of concern which I’m not worthy of receiving.  “Idol.” I gulped at Celestia’s use of my name as she took a step forward. “Are you feeling well?”  I wanted to tell her yes just to ease her worry, to see her happy and radiant smile once more. As a guard, this logic suited my duty well, but to do so would mean to lie and betray the trust the princesses placed in all of their guards.  I couldn’t rightly justify such a lie. “I’m unsure your highness...Celestia, and Luna.” Why I used their names I have no explanation for it, other than it felt right. They shared a look before moving closer until they were standing in front of me.  “Tell us, what ails thee friend?” Luna asked.  To the untrained, her muzzle retained the air of authority that commanded complete subjugation, no questions. My time spent in her service gave me a certain knowledge only a select few were privy to, her facial features were off slightly and not nearly as sharp.  She was truly worried for my well being, and as unworthy I considered myself found the sentiment comforting.  “What ‘ails’ me I can’t fathom beyond mere speculation.” Thinking back, I did notice symptoms manifesting just over one week ago.  My admission left the sisters pondering what it could be. I had similar thoughts the moment I began noticing the changes, mostly if it were contagious. Worried about it possibly spreading I suggested Topaz and Nymph stay at Virdian’s place so I may confine myself within my chambers. To my surprise, and fear they did not. Worried for my well being at a lack for their own.    Later that night, I asked Topaz if their refusal was partly due Virdian’s fright during the invasion… “Perhaps it’s fatigue from his duties, Celestia? He continuously does more than a single pony ought to do with so little rest.”  “True sister, but Idol has always been reserve to a fault. Maybe, I shouldn’t have rushed such a responsibility on you so quickly.” “Neither princesses,” I stated. Neither of them were responsible, and therefore didn’t need the blame. “Physically, I am fine. Mentally I am not sure.”  This sent them into a quiet discussion behind Luna’s left wing. I couldn't hear what was being discussed since it is a private conversation and I wasn’t invited. But by how much they kept peeking at me from behind Luna’s wing left me wondering what I did to deserve this much attention.  Maybe my condition was a possible security threat?  The thought made sense with Captain Shining Armor and Princess Cadance away on their honeymoon; eating honey under moonlight did sound appealing to me, but I didn’t recall seeing them bringing any honey. Maybe it’s a place that serves honey only at night?   “It’s decided than?” “Yes, sister. I’ll began the arrangements immediately.”  My wanderings ending, I found myself back in the courtyard with the princesses. Luna was taking flight as Celestia took one step closer to me.. what was that?  “You’re tense Idol.” Indeed I was.  Perplexed as I was, I wouldn’t show any disrespect to her highness and so I forced myself to relax. What caused this reaction from me?  “Idol.” Celestia said once more, her tone heavier than before.  “Princess, I’m sorry! I meant no disrespect by…” Her magic clamped my mouth shut.  “Idol.” I felt all tension and emotions leaving me in that moment. Celestia must have noticed this change, for head tilted slightly to the left before stopping her magic.  Silence reigned for a period, and for the first time since my exile I was thankful for it; with this sudden incursion of emotions infiltrating every fiber of my being, I couldn’t think or act properly without second guessing myself. Weeks before, I was a simple guard doing my duty to the best of my abilities, but now my thoughts ran amok at the slightest unknown. Before It was about molding clay and... “...ys off.” “I’m sorry princess?”  “I said, by my decree, you’re to take the next three days off.” her knowing smile in full view. I didn’t..couldn’t say anything.  Years in her service left me conditioned into a routine I found comforting in a world all too ‘free’. Receiving a day off was to forfeit one’s self to the chaos of creating your own order. A task had (to a great extent) avoided so well during my enlistment, and suddenly in one year took almost seven days off.  Without the constant clarification of a duty roster, my mind wandered more often than I would like. Random thoughts like taking Nymph to school or how many cups of the caffeinated drink known as coffee I could drink in one sitting?  “Perhaps I would resume my clay work? Maybe. Perhaps I should wait until another time, or at least until…I’m wondering again.” I stood at attention and gave the princess a salute.   “By your command, Princess.” I dropped the salute and nearly fell over in shock when she came closer and pressed her cheek against mine. “It’s for your own good.” She whispered to me, before retreating back. “Luna needs to see you before you retire for the night.” “Thank..you.” I squeaked out, Celestia gave me the smallest of smiles and a nod before turning to take flight as well. “You’re a good pony, Idol. You have many friends and loved ones willing to stand by you if needed.” And then she took flight, leaving me alone with my thoughts in the courtyard.  “Friends?”  The concept was Princess Celestia’s favorite topic to lecture, and frequently discussed it with individuals given the proper moment. Her student had taken well to Celestia’s subject, so much so, Twilight wrote weekly about her discoveries in the field of friendship.  Scholarly discussion between two ponies is fine, but coupled with a closeness usually reserved for family renewed talks of a possible lineage between the two. I knew this wasn’t true but how young Twilight idolized her teacher and Celestia doing nothing to quell these rumors didn’t help. I’m rambling again.  “I shouldn’t keep Luna waiting any longer.”   An idea and desire struck me that moment. One I never done myself but heard before to express their displeasure or annoyance of a given situation.Following the traditions of the ponies, I forced a huff of air into my lungs in preparation.  Planting my forehooves half a hoof further apart than normal, I exhaled the air from my lungs, by saying the sacred words reserved only for the most special of circumstances.  “Buck me.” The security around Luna’s hall had nearly doubled since The Queen’s failed usurpation.   Since my temporary command of the Day Guard(based on experience) I had tried my hoof at increasing security measures without compromising our operational effectiveness. One of these measures were to stagger the Day Guard so half would begin just after breakfast.  This was dropped after a three day trail.    To the Night Guard’s credit, they rose to the task admirably given their lower recruitment pool. This meant all available ponies have been performing double shifts more frequently than their Solar counterparts, partly because of Princess Luna’s guilt.    This guilt is partly my fault since it was my idea to expose her highness to that parchment and quill adventure simulation. Because of this, I offered my services.  Her reaction wasn’t ‘royal’ like, but I felt more than enough sincerity from her to know my help was certainly welcomed. Since that day, I’ve walked the line between Day and Night so frequently I found myself equally welcomed in both Guards.   This unnatural enlistment I found myself a part of didn’t conflict with my normal routine, but instead supplemented my duties with an occasional request or need from me. It was by Luna’s request I was walking these halls, trying my best not to disturb the mares and stallions enduring their long shifts. I nodded at two thestrals I met twice prior as we passed, lethargy weighing down their wings and shoulders as they staggered to each leg. I noted similar postures from the ponies having to stand guard trying to fight off the mischief of stillness. Now, I made a great effort not to disturb the Night Guard while they worked, but like many experiences in life, there were always exceptions.  She had heard my hoofsteps long before I made the turn, and as per ritual established two weeks prior she shook her head left to right; as per ritual, I showed my appreciation with a nod before continuing on.  ‘There’s always tomorrow.’ I told myself, as per ritual. I had attributed Mothchaser’s disappearance to an increased workload, but for the last few days I began pondering the possibility she was avoiding me. Each night I hope to speak with her, and each night became a repeat of the previous.  ‘Why would Mothchaser be avoiding me?’ I found the thought troubling in several layers, each more unsettling than the last.  Maybe she had discovered I’m a changeling and was hunting me? I swivelled my head back and to my trepidation didn’t find the threastal mare I had just greeted, but an empty hall.  Where did everypony go?  Why was it so dark…  Was it because I turned down her sock?  This whole having feelings business is too complicated for my understanding. How Cadance found enjoyment in its intricate workings of love and its cohorts I couldn’t comprehend. It’s one of the many reasons I found the routine of the guard to be comforting in a world in constant flux.   The weighted hoof of a Night Guard had planted itself firmly on my own chest plate, forcing me to a complete stop; once I had done so did the threstal stallion lower his hoof down. I glanced to his partner for the night, who only gave me a side glance before resuming her own duties.  “Hello Sergeant Hooves. We weren’t expecting you so soon after your promotion. Are you here to see her highness?” spoke the stallion. “Weighted Wings, Evening Flame.” I nodded to each before addressing the question. ”I am indeed.”  They shared a look before returning their attention to me. I found myself unable to stand still as the pair studied me for any hint of falsehoods in my questioning and mannerisms... “You seem jumpy? Are you alright?” Weighted asked with some concern, while his partner remained stoic, but alert.    “I’m feeling feeble as of late.” I told them, sad at having revealed a weakness of mine.  “Sick?” Weighted glanced to his partner and wife who returned the glance before staring straight ahead once more. I nodded as a need to find and hug Topaz and Nymph consumed my thoughts. These urges for physical displays of affection, like everything else wrong with me were becoming more frequent. It was taking more and more to fight the urge to reach out and wrap my legs around the stallion’s withers. Thanks to my training I prevailed and only gave him a nod of confirmation. “Princess Luna believes she can combat this affliction, and has requested my presence.” They offered me a moment of silence to silently review my statement,and I was thankful for it. I didn’t want to discuss this any more than I had to while I fought to maintain control. It was Evening Flame that broke this pax by knocking twice, pausing for two and a half seconds, and knocking once more before opening the door.  “Go.” She commanded. The word barely a higher pitch than a whisper.  I waited until Weighted gave me his own consent to proceed.  Before heading in, the urge from earlier to reach out and hug them came back, and this time I didn’t fight it. I compromised, and placed a hoof on his shoulder.To his credit, he didn’t flinch from the unexpected contact. “Thank you. Both of you.”  “You are most welcome Idol. Flame and I wish you well.”  I returned the words of good fortune and was about to leave when Flame ‘spoke’. “She’s hurt Idol. Speak to her.” My instinct told me it was one of the princesses, but the longer I thought about Flame’s words I found myself knowing that wasn’t the case. I felt guilt and stupidity once I realized who that mare is.  “I will Flame.”  “Go.”  And I did just that. In the two weeks since my last duty assignment (guarding her door), Princess Luna’s room had undergone some renovations.  Magic infused candles that had once lined the upper length of the walls had been replaced with the modern convenience of magic bulbs. Four of these magic bulbs were the expensive variety that allows a pony to adjust the light’s brightness and dimness with a dial. These lighting devices while common in higher institutes like Celestia’s School for the Gifted, and Canterlot University- Canterlot Castle has largely fallen behind. Ironically, the ‘old fashioned’ princess is the one keeping up with the times. The few candles not replaced were relocated to a chandelier now hanging over the table, but not our table. This new table resembled a desk missing the upper storage compartment, and was carved from a mountain. The actual table and legs were roughly the thickness of a Minotaur's bicep.   Ignoring the massive ornate moon carved in the center, in the correct lighting, a pony could see original star configurations etched into the sides of each leg. I moved closer until I was standing next to it, mesmerized by its size and the craftwork that went into the creation of this example.  “It arrived a fore night ago.” I turned to the corner nearest the door and found Luna as she separated herself from shadows.    I fought the urge to shiver wondering if she had taught the thestral this or learned it from them? Why would a thestral need such a skill...   “You shiver Knight Hooves. Should we light a fire?” Indeed I was.  “I..a glass of water will suffice.” It wasn’t the temperature that bothered me, but I couldn’t bother her over trivial matters. Her ears perked up, but her face remained unchanged as she processed my request before levitating a pitcher and a glass onto the table. She extended a hoof towards the table as two pillows fell on opposite ends.  “Please, let us continue in some comfort. Dost thee fancy some nourishment before we start?” “Thank you Luna, but the water is more than enough for me.” and I really mean it.  “Very well Idol. Let us proceed.”  Following her lead, I took the pillow closest to the pitcher and glass, as Luna took the one across. A muffled hissing captured my attention and found three pieces of parchment, a jar of ink and a quill that resembled one of Philomena’s feathers carefully levitating to the table.  Luna wetted the quill tip with her tongue before dipping it into the ink; wiping the excess off on the jar before scribing something onto the parchment with an elegance only a princess could achieve. I only heard my worried breathing as the quill floated over the parchment with a swiftness and quietness..well...unheard of.  “Idol.” The quill stopped, and she looked up. “Explain to us, when did the symptoms first manifest?” She dipped the quill in the ink once more as I went over the details in my head.  “To start your highness…” “Please Idol, Luna is acceptable.” I wanted to fight it, but held my tongue and continued.  “To start..Luna. I found myself noticing three days after our session, around the second lunch call, I was eating…” I stopped when she tapped a hoof against the table” It was lunchtime.”  “And how did you notice...” she twirled her left hoof in thought for a moment before placing back down. “...notice this aliment. In our vision, your health seems fine, but Celestia notes an increase in your emotional state.” “I found the food..lacking.”  There was a snapping, and thought I might have popped the pillow, but realized pillows don’t pop. They spill.  “Pardon us.” Luna asked as she discarded the quill somewhere to her left. “Thy taste were hampered…”  she said more than asked, before searching for a quill not snapped in two.  “The food tasted bland. I tasted something other than love…”  “Tis our understanding Guard food is made with love, as it is made with good food.”  That remark caught me by surprise. In all my spent time with Luna, I’d never heard much in form of comedy. Usually, the jokes were reserved for me because of my quirks or the other guards tell me. But what made her comedic statement vastly different was how I felt the sensation that follows after drinking one of those fizzy drinks.      I lost control of the breathing after that as my chest began hurting. To my horror and slight amusement found it enjoyable as my chest inflated and deflated so rapidly I couldn’t breath.  Instead of panic, the princess followed suite and joined me. “You jest with Us!” I noted the mirth in her voice carried as she batted a wing at me.I tried to affirm that I had enjoyed the mild attack of our food, but found the formation of words difficult when having muscle convulsions.   “Our jab was not funny, but nonetheless we appreciate the gesture.” I was trying to control my laughter using the breathing technique Topaz showed me.  “Breathe in. breathe out.” I mentally recited the chant as I fought to regain control of my mind and body.  The exercise itself didn’t provide any real benefits, instead acted like a checkpoint slowing down my body while providing a focus for me latch onto.  This distraction was greatly needed and became a therapeutic like massage for my mind, washing away the stress and uneasiness that had largely been left unchecked. This isn't to say I had done nothing to curve its accumulation, far from it.  Many activities that have been praised for their relaxing nature, like going with co-workers for a drink or taking Nymph to the park I partook in.  A drink with my fellow guards did little besides drain my bit pouch and provide me with knowledge about them I shouldn’t be privy to. While escorting Nymph to the park wasn’t exciting, it did dig up questions and allegations from the parks residents I couldn’t answer. Claiming your ‘niece’ dyed her fur every day isn’t the best excuse given how expensive certain dyes are to buy, especially for a foal.  What I found to be the biggest surprise this time was how well I was feeling.  A little bit of laughter followed by a soothing chant and suddenly, I found my ability to think. If laughter really is the best medicine, than I may have to seek out the pink baker and in the pony and thank her for my earlier diagnosis of needing more smiles.  “You’re welcome!”  I cease everything in that split second. The shroud dulling my senses during my trance was removed, returning me Luna’s bedroom. A changeling’s greatest asset was their ability sense raw emotions of another creature, whether it was for collecting love or gauging a potential threat   I was feeling a desire to lash out and crush, and to my surprise was coming from the other end of the table.   Her highness still sat across from me with another broken quill in her magic, while her muzzle had been contorted into a shape I guess could be agitation… scratch that.  IT WAS RAGE. The feeling so thick with intent I was almost choking on it, making it harder to keep the fin along my neck from rising in respo… oh.   “You…” I gulped just in time, for a second later I felt the crushing sensation of Luna’s cold magic around my neck.    “You who haunt their dreams and stalk their shadows!" “Wai…” The magic clamped harder around my throat, cutting off my ability to speak.  “Silence.” Luna commanded.  Rising from her pillow, Luna cautiously moved around the table one leg at a time. Her eyes in constant motion looking for any hints of a potential ambush that would never come.  I could only watch while her body readied itself to chase after shadows and conjurings of her mind. I tried telling her there is nothing but a lack of light in the corners, but her grip left me capable of little else than some choking but mostly struggling.  Luna leaned in, her muzzle just a nose away from mine… “You foolish and ill-advised creature…” She backed to watch me as I struggled for bigger gulps of air. While doing so, I tried reaching for her with a hoof but she leaned in to quickly slap it away. “You nearly ruined my niece’s wedding, but above all…” she pinned my head to the table, I could feel her breath next to my ear as she whispered “...purposely assaulted my little ponies.”  She relaxed her grip around my neck, allowing me some much needed air. Seeing an opportunity to explain myself I tried calling out her.  “Pri..ss…” Luna clamped harder around my neck. “We are not your Princess, monster!” she emphasized this by pressing my head harder against the table. This table’s resilience is admirable.  While making my acquaintance with the table, I noted the princess left my side for the comfort of her own. It wasn’t the way Luna walked but how she presented herself in this manner, and for the second time in my life I felt fear.  The first, hearing that the Queen had summoned me. The second time… Her highness Luna radiated with an anger never seen before. Wisps of silver hued magic leap off her withers and wings while her mane had taken on a form more like Celestia’s mane.  Instead of the singular cloud of endless energy, her mane split, parted, and levitated individual strands high into the air; no single strand of mane touched or intertwined with another, each keeping to their space as threads of magic traveled the length.   Intimidation more than trepidation held my tongue as I did my best to ignore the unsettling rage directed at me. I had given up on doing anything that the princess may take offence to: breathing was high on the list at the moment.  I felt my carapace rattle as Luna peered into my very being with those voidless eyes. “You will tell us everything before we enact judgement. Dost thee understand?” I tried to answer, but resorted to nodding yes when the magic around my neck silence my attempt. “Good.”  Her magic loosen up allowing me my desperate gulps of air and enough movement to sit up.  I matched her gaze with my own, just with less hate and more fear, before telling Luna everything. My life in the hive: meeting topaz, joining the guard, my fears, my regrets, but above all my secrets.  All of them, the ones Topaz knew about and the ones she didn’t. > The awakening of a pony named Idol Hooves Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recounting the events that led to my current seating arrangement had taken far longer than anticipated. By the time I had arrived by Luna’s request, the moon had just risen signaling the time was no later than 6 after noon. The clock I had used in my past visits was no longer hanging on the wall, and with its removal meant my only way of measuring time. The large balcony windows did nothing to ease this handicap in any real capacity than tell me I’m very late for dinner.  A rapping sound snapped me out of this reflection, drawing my attention back to my employer and current keeper. She had long ceased documenting my nefarious deeds and shameful secrets around the evening of Shining Armor’s and my graduation from the guard. Mostly likely to conserve the writing supplies for my present infractions.  Even with my deception, her highness was still merciful. Luna’s magic had given up its stranglehold over my neck allowing me substantial more freedom than before, but I was forced to remain seated in my changeling form.  A natural form I have increasing feeling uneasy and uncomfortable remaining in even while sleeping. On one occasion I’d woken up to find not only had I stayed a pony, but unconsciously went through the effort recreating spots of matted fur and entangled strands of mane to add to the illusion of a ‘morning’ pony. In short, while thankful for the freedom I felt exposed sitting here while Luna scrutinized me with everything but a magnifying glass. All of this while ‘encouraging’ me to speed my tale up.  So, I jumped to a time during my second year in Canterlot, when Shining Armor and I had to detain a rogue cat terrorizing a local neighborhood’s potted plants. This proved to be insufficient enough of a jump, and her highness vocalized her displeasure. “ENOUGH!” Luna slammed both hooves onto the table, and to my amazement it resisted the assault with a quality that could only be purchased for a vast price. “The table exceeds all expectations, your highness.”  “Tis not about the nice table!” I felt magic tighten around my neck for the first time in twenty minutes. ”Expedite thy story-considerably!”     I nodded quickly, and decided to continue revealing my history at a much later date. I ran over many dates and memories trying to determine what would meet the princess’ orders… “Topaz had fallen ill…” “Enough of th…” “... Shining Armor and Cady came by to visit...” Her hooves hit the table once more with enough force to cause a small crack to run along the edge. The damage looked very minor but once she removed her hooves did the full extent become known; the crack actually grew as the abuse from earlier took effect, splintering off like fractured glass until finally dying out once it reached the carved moon in the center.  “Tell us of the invasion!”  “It happened!”  “Imbecile! We were there!” “As was I!”  “Ah ha! Progress.”  Her magic suddenly gave away and I was granted the gift of air once more.  I chose to remain silent lease I spur further aggression from her highness, but as I watched the more I noticed something had taken hold over her. The anger was still there but no longer as vibrant, having taken a back seat to the newest sensation to grace the two of us this early night- excitement.  “We told thee no secrets would be kept from us…”  Luna’s magic graced us once more to my trepidation, but to my good fortune only to cast a spell on the parchment from earlier. I watched and listened with trepidation as the magic hummed with irregular infrequencies that made my nerves twitch; the magic hummed with the consistency of a flickering candle, never steady as it crackled and popped with a hidden power that could consume me if it so wished.   “Now…” my ears pricked up at the word, happy to hear something besides the hum of magic in use. I still held my tongue.  “We shall attempt this once more, and this time don’t tempt my patience. What is your mission?” “To live another day.” I blurted out before I even knew I had said anything. This earned another ‘reminder’ to keep my mouth shut by reintroducing me to table. I didn’t even try fighting it anymore- my neck and muzzle just hurt too much.  “I mean it! Cease this pointless discourse and answer the questions presented.” Her highness eased up once more and as before I righted myself trying to maintain a semblance of posture.  Luna paid it no heed and launched into another question. “You have one more chance monster. One more chance before I break everything your body has to offer before dragging you before my sister. Do you understand?”  I nodded, wincing from the pain but managed not to voice my displeasure. Her highness stared me down looking for any further signs of disobedience before pointing a hoof at me.  “You were present for the invasion, were you not?” I nodded, but quickly spoke as I felt the sharp rise in her hatred.  “Yes.” “What was thee purpose?”   “I was performing my assigned duties, ranging in various states of import…” “Infiltration of the Guard.” Luna declared as she wrote it down on the parchment. I wanted to correct her highness, to finished my explanation of said duties but sank my fangs into my bottom lip to prevent that. No way did I desire to leave this plane of existence for testing an alicorn’s patience.  The scratching of quill on parchment ceased, telling me it was time to resume this “questioning”.  She would ask and I would answer, but not all were to her liking and often than not I found myself talking to the table. How the damaged table continually withheld against my aching head only stood as a testament to its craftsponyship and likely high price. She grew increasingly frustrated to the point my head was firmly attached to the table with a gradual increasing pressure to keep me from moving. Luna’s line of questioning became less thought out and more jumbled as she went from ask for detailed accounts  of my ‘fellow accomplices’ to what route I took to enter and exit the castle. To what purpose this lead to, only Luna seemed to know and from the feelings radiating around her only reinforced there were no structure behind them anymore.  “You’re not telling me everything.” the magic slid across my neck, forcing me up so she could look me firmly in the eyes.“I can smell it...the fear...the secrets.”     She watched me in a manner akin to a hungry timber wolf, waiting for the first sign of weakness- in this situation, waiting for me to trot over her established boundaries. To avoid such an incident limited my movement to nothing but the calculated conditioning of a guard in drill or how a hive drone conducted themselves on a daily basis.  “Se..crets?” As other ponies, I had experiences and knowledge no pony but myself should be privy to. Two noticeable events came to mind, but I quickly pushed them back to avoid setting off my ‘excitable’ liege looking for that weakness. “Oh order.”      Her highness’ expression shifted once more, the corners of her mouth pulled back as her lips parted, revealing fangs I knew weren’t natural for a pony. “Yes. Secrets.” her voice verberated with a sinister intent as dark wisps of magic (shadows maybe) casually flailed around the length of her horn.     I didn’t even attempt to maintain my posture, and promptly tried to flee. Attempted. Her magic had anticipated my fearful retreat and raced out with a speed I thought only Twilight’s friend was capable of, and quickly latched onto my neck followed by another two grabbing my right foreleg and rear left leg leaving me immobile. Trying to run and even flying away yielded nothing but increased pain as the phantom magic guided me back to the frightening echo of the princess I knew. I fought as best I could but the damage from earlier was already done, and in the end I found myself back on the table with my head firmly held against its cracked surface.  “Hello changeling...welcome back.”  I tried yelling, not to alert my companions stationed outside these very doors, but for my own sake. I felt fear...shame for my unfiltered display and what it meant for the image of the Guard, but right now I don't care.  I struggled before Luna’s magic clamped over my muzzle.  I had to watch as she lumbered around the table keeping in my line of sight until I could only hear her misplaced hoofsteps and feel the phantom touch of air running along my back and wings.  “You can’t hide them forever.” Luna whispered into my ear, making me flinch from the chill her words produced.  The next thing I knew…I can’t recall the exact feeling, but what I could recall was how invasive it had been.  My fin kept contracting/decontracting in an endless struggle of wanting to display itself and remain retracted as cold spots the size of needles points prodded my head. My voice having ceased so I could fight for air, but my lungs wouldn’t open as the cold spots finally settled along my next and back of my head. My memories began stirring like pages of a book being repeatedly flipped back and forth with no true reason than to make noise. Yet, with each flip I found myself reliving these moments for a second time: the rough sandstone under my hooves as I worked it from the wall, to the fear of wondering the sands alone to as recent as joining my fellow guards on another training exercise to Manehatten.  Everything came back- the sights, sounds, feelings, and taste. What everypony had said, what they tasted like, their movements, their quirks, and the happenings in between that left me questioning myself further. I wasn’t pony. I knew that, but if I’m living as a pony, than shouldn’t I be acting like a pony? It's the never ending tunnel condition, or the fear of it never ending leaving one trapped in an endless loop. My only problem was I had dug the tunnel myself.  My (abit horrifying) fascination with it had doomed me just like the queen had predicted all those years ago, leading me to my current predicament. In between the unorganized exploration of my mind, I knew what Luna searched for and a part of me was actively challenging her. Nothing too direct  but enough to keep shifting my memories around so that they would lead her further into other matters than one secret I held.   A good plan by normal standards but her highness specializes in the field of the dream and mind, so for me to have any chance at directing her efforts elsewhere than I would have needed  many years of study before I could implement the theory into practice.  I had none of these schooling save for a book on dream meanings under my non existent guard belt. So her highness was left virtually unopposed.  Luna searched my memories with sinister purpose, but didn’t know what to look for and I used that to my advantage. She browsed my mind looking for information of the attack, and decided to focus my thoughts of time in the hive.  My hope was these assorted memories of me digging tunnels would keep her distracted long enough to figure something out. “Where is it?” Luna screeched has the memories suddenly began moving too fast for me to keep track of, blurring together almost entirely.  Suddenly I was in the Everfree. Shining Armor, Cadance and other poines I’ve met were hitting trees with their bare hooves until they exploded into smaller pieces before moving to another tree. Their voices weren’t their own, replaced by the low humming drones of my class used to communicate. Than I was in a city of sorts, the name escapes me but I was walking on the central road in my first form I ever used. The robes concealing me from the eyes that started appearing from the walkways, these changelings fluttering their wings and displaying their head fins in disapproval.  I started running.  Luna’s laughter echoed around me like a fall breeze, I tried to pull the robes closer but my changeling hoof only found my standard guard armor in its place. I stopped to take in my new appearance when I noticed the street had turned into a familiar white marble… I turned around and found Luna’s door blocking my path. I took a step forward and the doors opened, revealing not my princess’s room but the streets of Canterlot.  The streets were cloaked in night, but the street vendors were still open selling their wares as if it were daylight. I walked the streets, making an effort not to bump into any pony using the streets. Where I stumbled upon.. I don’t know.  It was a stray thought that crossed my mind until it became more. Two voices I had hoped to never hear again… “...Is there...displeasure… with our products?” I blinked and there they were, the con-artist brothers, once again questioning my accusations.   When I confronted them, I nearly gave in to the emotions I fought so hard to control, but now, in my broken state I did no such thing. “YES!” I lunged toward the hairless lipped one known as Flim. I don’t know what I expected to have accomplished, but once I went through him and landed on the street again was when I gave up.  The Stars were out now, but as I watched them, entire sections of the sky flickered like a bad bulb before disappearing. Ponies around me oohed and awwed as they wound these boxes up to project more stars into the sky, watching as it flickered once and with a load pop, break the box.   As I watched the world began to fade, cracks in the sky formed and entire chunks splintered off to reveal the nothingness of the beyond underneath. The laughter and sounds dimmed until only a single voice was left, the sour taste of sadness graced my tongue as it spoke a wordless exchange.    I watched the world fall apart, one word tickled my ear and the than world ceased.  “Idol.” The dream fell apart.  Mimicking a mirror shattering, the sky was the first to lose its structure followed by the ‘ponies’ just disappearing. I took but two steps before my hoof broke through the stone into the open space that filled the empty space of this dream.  As I fell through the stone road was I able to pull myself out of the crumbling mess of my mind, separating the two realities of the past and present.  Comparable to a newly hatched nymph, I struggled to gain control of my severely hampered senses into working condition. My hearing could only detect the muffled frequencies of a pony talking and a dull ping repeating every other second.  I attempted to sit up, but immediately gave up when my wings tried fluttering in response. Moving my right forehoof only caused my left ear to twitch while trying to move my left forehoof caused my eyelids to blink.  To my surprise, the light prodding of magic graced my body before washing over me like a cold shower my some of guards love taking. With my senses returning to workable functionality(as defined by the Royal Guard Codebook) I began registering the feeling in the room; permeated in a sour mixture of anger, pain and fear, but there were two distinct tastes which didn’t make sense.  With Luna and myself as the only two occupants in her chambers, it left the source of these emotions to the only pony that could produce them. I all but faltered at the sight. Luna’s mane had lost the remainder of its magic to the point it no longer even waved as Celestia’s mane. The hate that clouded her eyes gradually cleared by the turquoise orbs I’d known for the past several months, floating to the surface the longer I stared. “You told us…”  “What’s causing this fear?” I asked myself as I watched this rash reversal from nightmare to the timid mare that graced our lives some months back. I took that first step and addressed her.  “...ig..hness?” I managed to whisper, my voice coming back from that assault. I half expected retaliation of sorts but all that came was a soothing touch around my hoof.  “Yo..you are our knight…” the magic grasping my hoof squeezed a little more firmly this time “... you are Idol?”  I hesitated, and Luna noticed this right away, but never let go.  To turn away (especially now), would be a grave insult her highness and my honor as one of their servants. What I found only compounded to my early observation of a sudden reversal of her mood. The hatred had finally dissipated, leaving behind a heavy sadness sloshing around with every blink, trying to subdue its presence. All of this physical infliction and rapid flinging of raw emotions rattled me to my very LC (Love Collection) chamber.  I couldn’t bring myself to fight her hold over my hoof.. so afraid.. so unsure oh to proceed.  Eventually, Luna released my hoof and fell onto the table. I followed suit shortly after. We said nothing having no real strength to speak or do anything besides stare at each other from our respective spots on the table.  This lasted for a full six minutes before the princess decided we must on, starting with a question I found lacking in detail. “How Idol?” I adjusted myself so I could fully meet her eyes. “Pa..ardon?” I had to force the word out, while trying not to think of what she had just did to me. If Luna noticed my fear, she didn’t say or acknowledged it.  She raised her left forehoof and gave rolled it once before tapping the table twice.  “How did you avoid detection for so long?”  Her question caught me off guard. That admittance alone I found conflicting giving my whole duty was to be on guard, and yet, the implication that I had subverted the enlistment left my speechless.     Did her highness believe my enlistment was planned? Our eyes met once more as we both searched for something, I for confirmation of this implied betray while her highness looking for this revelation to be proven wrong. To be relieved of the impending guilt. After the constant barrage of foreign emotions and unchangeling like behavior on my part, the words I needed to say failed me. Continuing a night of firsts, an urge for action was needed and I obeyed. With no warning on my part, I used my magic don the fur I'd developed a liking to. Her highness jumping off the table and into a loose fighting stance with her glowing horn lowered at me.  “This is..how?” I asked since I really didn’t know how else to answer the question, hoping Luna would set me straight if this was appropriate.      Her magic cease flowing as her body became relax to straighten out, standing with the grace expected and demanded of her stature. “Idol is all I’ve ever known your highness..Luna.” I don’t know why I used her name but lately oddities like that were becoming a theme of the night.  “Could you repeat that? The transformation I mean.” Luna added the moment I tilted my head at her question. Even after clarifying the request, I didn’t react right away having just gotten comfortable, but nonetheless her highness gave me a command.  Lifting myself off the table, I made sure to take a step back from the nice(but broken) table and pillow before doing what was asked of me. I hesitated before reverting back to my nat..changeling form.  She didn’t move this time, opting to just watch as I moved my wings to test their ability to function. I nodded when they gave off a high pitch ringing, a characteristic of healthy, and undamaged wings. I raise the fin along my neck so it could sit proudly atop my head. In the hive, a lowly changeling as myself would never be allowed to display our head fin for fear of the act seen as a challenge. During my first months in Canterlot, I had avoided styling my mane for this exact reasoning, believing the more bizarre the style the higher standing one held- to this day I keep my mane at appropriate guard regulations to avoid potential conflict. Once we were both ready, I released the magic and to my comfort, found myself looking at pony hooves again.  “Again.” Luna commanded, and I obeyed.  We kept this up for another five minutes before she asked me to stop, allowing me to remain as my pony self.  When her highness started giggling uncontrollably I felt fear for my life. It seemed the princess was done toying with me and was going to serve me my discharge papers.  “You look identical! The difference being the fur.” Her statement left me feeling exposed enough that I did a double take to see if I had forgotten anything during the constant transformations.  To my relief nothing was out of place, but it didn’t stop Luna’s laughter. I wanted to inquire about her uncontrollable joy in the hopes of possibly discovering the source, hoping I wasn’t it... I was. Well more like I was apart of the reason for this unannounced merriment.  It turned out her highness found great amusement in my forms, seeing a resemblance between the two I couldn’t see. She tried explaining the similarities between the two(mostly about the fur) but I knew ponies had fur and changelings didn’t- it’s one of the characteristics that made the two species different.  She shook her head and plucked the mirror from the little washroom her bedroom provided, and not a little hoof mirror either mind you but the actual wall mirror.  “Look!” she nearly shoved the mirror into my face. “Change and look upon thy self.”   I did as suggested and squinted as the brightness from the green flame of my magic shifted between the forms, back and forth looking… “I am..Idol?” she snorted at my confusion, but I noticed the smallest signs of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth and that little display eased every muscle in my body.  The mirror quickly retreated, flipping around so her highness could gaze into its surface.  “Tis broken?” she asked while angling the wall mirror every direction she could think of searching for defects.  “I’m unaware of any potential problems your highness. Perhaps it's just me?” I suggested while looking over my ponyself again.  Luna’s insistence of me checking myself persisted strongly enough to leave me feeling uneasy. For her to strongly suggest that must mean something is wrong with my appearance to be of great concern and/or discomfort to the ponies around.  “Na..na my knight. Your aren’t the one broken.” Her highness levitated the body mirror back to its home on the washroom wall before turning to address me. “It’s the convenience of society that is fractured.”  I tried to object her statement as it was this pony society that had given me so much to thrive in this land but the look she gave me was one I was well acquainted with. Having learned of this from my time nursing her health back, I’ve become aware of several signs to distinguish her various moods. And so I figuratively bit my tongue and waited for her to finish speaking.  Her gaze shifted from me to the notes she had written during my ‘interrogation’ and with a quick use of magic ripped a strip of parchment from the top. With this piece she brought the quill over and hastily scribed something upon it before passing it to me. I read it twice to clarify what I had just read, even seeking confirmation from Luna herself.  “It’s the least we can do for our unjustified aggression. Nothing will ever be but we hope this could be our first step toward reconciliation.”  “Your highness, there is no need for this.” I started out, but once more she silenced me with that look and a raised hoof.  “Please Idol, say no more and accept it on our insistence.Your duties will be managed appropriately so please of faith nothing will be amiss during your absence.” I reread the piece of parchment looking for a possible misswording I could use to skirt the order, but after a moment gave in.  “At your request, I will refrain from my duties for the time being.” “It will not be forever dear Idol, just long enough to recuperate.” As her highness spoke, I noticed her ears struggling to keep from pinning back, and I wondered if the words were for my own comfort or her.  I carefully stood up, slow to give a bow because of my body’s tenderness, when Luna stood up to join me.  “Hold still dear knight.” She whispered as her horn pulsed once and than most of the hurt went away, mostly. “You didn’t have to but I appreciate it.”    “I did Idol, and nothing will ever clear what I’ve done to you. But I fear our fellow ponies..your comrades will react in a similar manner.”  A fair concern to be, well, concerned about. I hadn’t even began imagining the repercussions of my reveal when Luna started talking again, likely sensing my realization.  “I say this from experience and with a weighted heart, Idol, promise me nopony will learn of this. Not even my sister.” “Your Highness!”  “You mustn’t! My own anger at not helping guided my hoof tonight, and what of the ponies that experienced it in the flesh?”       Her reasoning sound, and unable to suggest a better alternative once more nodded my agreement. Before and after Cady and Shining’s wedding, I had no intention of revealing myself to anypony for the simple reasons of the orders placed upon me, and it served no meaningful purpose.  Now I had even more reason not to, and the added worry what could happen if Nymph became too careless.  “Promise me Knight Idol. For your wellbeing more than my sanity.” I let the magic flame eat away at the image I knew as Idol so only the nameless changeling remained. This time her highness didn’t even flinch.  “I, Idol Hooves, swear an oath to reveal myself to no pony but her highness, Princess Luna.” I don’t know if that was the promise she wanted, but my own dealings with Luna hinted at a proclamation in this manner would give the words more worth. “Under the lights of our domain, witnessed by the moon and stars do we, Princess of the night and Equestria, Luna, accept thy declaration.” I gripped the slip of parchment Luna had scribed for me as I left her chambers for the night. Flipping it over revealed the remnants of her ‘session’ in the form of incomplete notes of my first year in Canterlot from what I could decipher under the blotches of ink. My fellow guards would find a similar written slip on their desk tomorrow, giving me permission to postpone my duties for the rest of the week and the weekend. All approved and taken care off without any need to alert Princess Celestia or other command structures to this sudden change.  I tried. I really did try to change Luna’s mind on this matter but on her own admission (and reaction) figured they weren’t ready to for my reveal. Unable to offer any sort of counterargument, I accepted this reality and made my promise to Luna she would be the only pony privy to this knowledge.  Outside of Topaz and Nymph of course.   Returning the slip of parchment to the pouch I kept under my armor, I tried to focus on the task at hoof. During these late hours the roads were nearly emptied meaning the time needed to reach home would nearly be halved, but my injuries negated this advantage.   My trek back was made all the more difficult by Luna’s moon, my eyesight still unable to filter out the light at the current moment. I had to pause many times to allow my eyes enough time to adjust and even than still struggled to fully see the path around me. To offset my temporary handicap, I resorted using the changeling method of using pheromones to guide me.    One of my first culture shocks was learning ponies couldn’t produce enough pheromones to use as a means of identification and trail marking.  This is the same trail I used to lead exiles to Topaz’s home to trade their crystals when I was unavabilie, provided they displayed no ill intent. This method had proved not only practical but useful over the years but now I questioned if it was just a fluke of fortune given Topaz’s recount of the starved changeling she had encountered. This raised many concerns for I’ve never met the individual described leaving me to conclude someling broke protocol and informed the changeling themselves..  “I’ll have to remove the trails once I’m feeling better…”  Out from under the moonlight and into the comforting darkness of my abode, I relieved myself of my helmet by carelessly dropping it onto the floor. I ignored the protective head piece on the floor and moved to the kitchen in search of substance, the kind that didn’t involve insects or my favorite, aged Hydra.     Flickers of moonlight shined through the blinds, this time providing me enough light not to hinder my sight as I walked to the fridge. A note was fastened to the door with a magnet and with the ink reflecting the moonlight off it, I could make out the message Topaz had left me detailing Nymph will be spending the night at a friend’s home.  I really need to sit Nymph down and explain the potential dangers of working too much. With the note read, I opened the fridge door to browse its contents and to my underwhelming excitement discovered little in comfort food for po..changelings. Deciding to partake in eating later, I closed the door and dragged myself back into the main room where I settled on sitting down.  The couch groaned under the weight of my armor but held the weight with little protest after that, leaving me in the dark with the echoes of a lifetime stampeding in my head. I still ached but it didn’t bother me as it should.  Recounting my entire life to Luna had left me frizzled with questions and a mixture of feelings I just wanted gone. The years have swiftly passed me by as I followed the daily regiment of the Guard and living daily life as a pony, that I had barely paid any attention to matters outside my realm of existence- the questioning left me unsettled.  Just what had I missed? Some memories came to mind and as I reviewed these in a fresh light I finally understood some of the subtle gestures and mannerisms I had missed. So many I could write a book on pony behaviorism from my own experiences like water being poured into a glass. Nymph had developed more into a changeling unlike any other I knew from the hive or have met in exile, an unnatural union of pony and changeling customs I myself might find intriguing.   “Idol? Is that you?”  Topaz’s voice surprised me more than it should have and I have found its intrusion into the night a bit of a shock.  “Yes.” I answered, trying to hide the soreness of my ‘chat’ with Luna.  Her hoof steps clicked and clacked up behind me and before leaning her head over the couch.  I moved over to rest my muzzle in the crook of her neck. Her muscles contracted as the whiff of worry caressed my senses before she pulled back to study me, the darkness making it difficult for the non changeling.  “Spill it.” “I try not to.” Her hoof found my shoulder and this time I couldn’t mask the pain, she recoiled and I felt her worry wash over my shame. “What happened!” Her voice was louder now since Nymph wasn’t here, and with the stillness of night it only echoed.  Topaz backed away from the couch and went into the kitchen, only to return less than a minute later with a warmly glow guiding her. I blinked trying to adjust to the candle being placed on the little table in front of us asTopaz found a spot next to me- her hooves softly checking my upper body for discomfort.  She found it, and immediately unleashed a torrent of questions and worried statements trying to uncover the cause of my injuries. Following the written and real advice of my pony peers, I silenced her near rambling with another nuzzle.  “Luna found out about my past, and didn’t like the prospect of being kept in the dark.”  “She did this?” She asked with the quietness of a butterfly, but her worry for my health is appreciated. I reverted back, startling Topaz but she quickly returned to inspect my upper carapace.  “It’s still sore…” “Idol, its cracked.”  “I would be surprised if it weren’t.” Topaz’s hoof guided my head to the right so we could see eye to eye. She was tired and hiding it, well I might add, but her concern was enough to keep her awake. I knew she wanted to know, but didn’t ask for one reason or another. So, I saved her the trouble by recounting everything that led to the reveal.  Topaz was not only a good lecturer but a good listener as well. Throughout my recounting of today, she held any and all questions until the end even as my evening with Luna became too much for her to imagine. By the end of my recap, Topaz had moved closer but made no effort to further examine my bruises out of fear of further agitating the hidden wounds.  Instead, she unfolded her left wing to drape it limply over my withers. I accepted the act of kindness greedily but caught myself and returned the favor by wrapping my hoof around her and dragging her closer.The pain came and went but I could feel her muscles relaxing, and her breathing had slowed about 30% to an acceptable range for a tired mare.  “What now?” “I’m to continue my duties as normal only now with the addition of a weekly visit with Luna.” Topaz shifted in my grasp while mumbling what I assumed was a ‘how come?’ I waited until she settled down before answering her question by giving the reason Luna gave me. The promise I made to Luna had more sway over my agreement to these future meetings but didn’t feel it was important enough to mention that. “Topaz?” I asked when she never responded.  The reason became apparent when I looked down and find the tired mare had given in, having fallen asleep on my side. The additional weight didn’t bother me too much, but now I was more concerned with not waking her up than continuing my tale. “Good night Topaz.” I whispered in her ear before sitting back up, holding her a little firmer this time.  Her wing returned the favor and we both slept comfortably that night.      > The awakening of a pony named Idol Hooves Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My duties as a Day Guard require me to be awake and reporting to my superiors before Celestia herself raises the sun for the day.  The early time requirement wasn’t for every Day Guard, but reserved for a select few to give their Night Guard counterparts the chance to retire for the day. This changing of the guard lasted until the the final breakfast call had been made (at 9:45am) to allow continued, and well rested coverage of the castle at all times- there’s never one period where a guard isn’t on patrol.  My experience and dependability in her highness’s service had secured me one of these covet positions in the past two years before her highness, Princess Luna return altered my schedule.  So, when the sun continued warming my face, I knew I’d missed my traditional wake up time. I deduced this fact from two key details- the brightness of the sun and the silence of the house. An occurrence to a non-working pony under normal conditions, but while I’m not a pony I do work, and this forced pacifism to labor always left me feeling unsure.  The knowing that came with the guard structure had been a major facet in my eventual assimilation into Canterlot Society, or at least provided a solid foundation to learn from while Topaz’s home provided the other half. Our daily routine meant the three of us rarely interacted during the morning unless it’s during the weekend. Nymph’s classification as a home schooled filly allowed the young nymph a broader range of freedom, allowing her to work more often when not with Topaz.  A perk I found myself envious, and equally proud of.   Topaz’s position meant leaving for the university around the same time I depart for the castle, but if I’m still here then she must have left already… I wished she had the day off as well. My talk with Luna left me horribly fatigued and wanting somepony to talk with. Leaning my head back, I stared at the ceiling looking at nothing in particular as I casually tried to re-sort and repair my thoughts from the past two weeks.  My promotion elevated me into a role I was vastly unprepared to properly perform, but because my rank required it, I had to manage. Those I had previously served with, I found myself giving the orders as they sought me out with concerns or questions I had to balance with a fairness demanded from my new responsibilities.   This made life difficult in several aspects, namely the apprehension of the Changeling Hive.  That was my biggest worry before last night, before Princess Luna’s incursion into my mind. Did I enjoy the experience? Of course not. I found the whole process painful, invasive, and very sure it violated several major Equestrian laws against free will; her highness’s attitude even implied this was true, and by Order, I should be more upset than I am.  I should, but I’m not. In a strange way, it's a relief not having to lie anymore, even if it’s just between two ponies.  Luna’s reaction was derived from animosity of an unprovoked invasion by an unknown threat while napping. If I were to substitute Luna for another pony, say a guard that actually fought what would their reaction to me be? ‘What would Idol the pony do?’ A question I found increasingly in need of resolution.  Believing enough time had passed for this self reflection I forced myself off the couch, and onto my hooves. I couldn’t waste the day as some degenerate when there had to be something needing attention.  First order of business would be to confirm if the house was empty.  ‘Order, I’m hurting.’ My search confirmed I was indeed alone before heading for my pod downstairs.  The pod not only provided a changeling a place to rest but if infused with love could be used for healing minor wounds; I lacked the expertise to perform this feat, but could replicate it by sealing several of the love infused crystals in the pod.  Topaz once compared the process to making soup- I point out there wasn’t a heat source and I wouldn’t be eaten, but now I might say... “Peas in a pod?” I asked myself as I opened the chest where the crystals were stored, shifting through them for three that would suit my needs. A task I found increasingly difficult to fulfill with the newest wave of distrust currently plaguing Canterlot, making love collecting difficult.  This slump in collecting was only offset by the resident changelings having fled the city in the following days after the attack, but even with me possibly the last changeling in Canterlot, I keep some full crystals on hoof. I never knew when they might be needed. So I chose one large, and two small crystals instead in order to converse what little love was left.  With the crystals collected I flew into the pod, sealing the flap shut; the moment I finished the seal the pod began excreting the bacterial solution that made these pods so vital to the changeling way. Everything from sleep, healing, and to the subjection of targets for love extraction. An act I haven’t witnessed, thank Order, but a necessary act that had ensured our continued survival until recently.   It was with these thoughts that accompanied me into the ‘empty mind’ that watched over every changeling while they rested, protected us from the probing whims of dream eaters, and comforted us changelings in the knowledge no creature would harm us.  The solution was already beginning to work as its sleep inducing effects racked my mind to a state of uneven thought. As my worries began fading away, I discovered a different topic to occupy myself with… “Do ponies dream of magic sheep?”  “...do...! Wre’s...Da...g… oooo...?”  That was all I could distinguish as the echoing of something small and fast kept hitting the side of my pod. With my ability to rest ruined, I opened my eyes to find the space in front of my pod empty. This was quickly corrected when a little black blob suddenly appeared, a small mass jotted forth and assaulted my pod once again.     “...ol!” ‘Nymph.’ With my assailant unmasked as my charge, I felt my body easing up as I drank some of the love solution. The three crystals had settled along the bottom, completely drained of their positive emotions. Lessons I’d attempted to install upon Nymph momentarily came forth as to why this happened, the pod solution acted as an amplifier for collected love, or other positive emotions making it easier for the emotions to transfer…  ‘Like broth does for flouring soup. I might officially correct my standing with Topaz later.”  I extended my left forehoof so I could motion for Nymph to move back before swimming to the bottom of the pod, and in one swift movement pierced it with my horn. Instantly, the crystals were expelled from the pod taking the solution with it; the drain and filter I’d dug did its assigned job and caught the crystals before they could be washed away.  Once the pod was completely emptied did I widen the opening so I could exit, hitting the ground  with a soft sploosh.  “YUCK!”  “It’s a natural process of life little nymph, one you should be familiar with.” This earned me the distinguished scoff of a grossed adolescent,.   “Yea, no thanks oldie. I’ll just take a bath like a normal ling.” That answer left perplexed until I moved my neck to look at the young nymph I’ve been tasked with. The little nymph that had her second  molt earlier than many nymphs in her generation, leagues above her peers in world experience, and entrepreneur adventures more fruitful than my own stood some pony lengths back; her facial and body expressions mirroring Topaz’s mannerism when she openly displayed her annoyance of a topic she didn’t wish to pursue. The idea that a changeling would find the act of resting and/or healing in a pod to be anything but remarkably useful was, to use a pony term, weird. For a great extent of this I blamed Topaz for Nymph’s refusal to continue applying her changeling upbringing in favor of the lazier, but convenient pony customs. My duties as a guard have provided me with a rich understanding of the ponies’ society, and as  Nymph’s second caretaker, tried to incorporate this into her teachings with little success. She listens to me with the courtesy of a pet fish while Topaz can get the filly to make her bed by asking. Children are a blessing I tell myself, but by Order and the princesses themselves, they can send one to an early retirement.  “What do you assume I was doing Nymph?” I asked as I carefully extracted myself from the floor, trying not to deform the soft carapaces. A task made difficult when the carapace gave my body the support needed to endure basic functions, like standing up.  “Anything really. The explanation I got during infiltration practice was pods add obstacles that may endanger the mission.”  I was standing on my own hooves, blowing on my carapace attempting to speed the drying process up. I stopped to correct my charge’s mistaken belief before continuing drying off. “Wrong little nymph. A pod is more than storing food for later, it’s what gives changelings the ability to survive.”    “I’m surviving just fine without one!”  “As of now…”I didn’t address her swift change in body positioning at my meaning, figuring it’ll correct itself once I finish my explanation. “You’re a nymph raised in the pony capital with a near unlimited supply of love, advantages many changelings, including the Queen herself aren’t privy to.” “Wh..what does that mean?” She asked while taking a step back as I moved closer.  “Simple.” I stated as I extended a forehoof toward her, poking her chest. “You’re special.” We departed my room after that, Nymph leading the way with a bounce in her trot. My admission had left her more sure of herself, and I wondered if this confidence might ruin her humility in the future.   For now, Nymph seemed happy, and so, I dropped the matter.    From the information gleaned from the now prancing nymph, I’d spent the rest of the morning recuperating and was entering mid-afternoon when finally woken. While thankful for letting me rest and not waste the whole day, I knew there was more to it than keeping with punctuality.   “Why did you wake me Nymph?”  “Why? OH! I was wondering if you saw my Daring Do Saddlebag?” “You potentially hinder my recovery because you misplaced your saddlebag?” She did nothing of the sort, but the idea I was only kept on track because of a misplaced bag sadden me.   “I didn’t misplace it!” Nymph had spun around to look up, and face me- buzzing her wings as she matched my gaze. I lowered my head to meet her halfway.  “Then where is Miss. Do now?” “If you would leave my things where I drop them, then I could find them!”  “Sound logic little one, but you were trained and raised better than other foals your age.”   “The training is incomplete, and I live with a mare who studies us for a living and you.” “Yes?” “That’s it. You’re the only changeling I know, and facts are facts…” She trailed off a bit there forcing me to respond.  “Facts indeed, but wouldn’t a guard be the perfect role model to emulate?” “Na, they’re too plain Jane, too dull.” That admittance hurt more than I cared to show. “But you’re one, so they can’t be that bad.” Maybe we both had a skip in our step.  We came to the living room before splitting up to look for her missing saddlebag, Nymph making for her room while I took everywhere else. My assumption being Topaz had placed the saddlebag in the closet during one of her ‘spring cleaning’ sprees even when she cleans as often as I get promoted.   I started my search in the living room, looking on the table, couch, under the table, under the couch, and the coat rack by the door before moving into the kitchen.   “It’s not in my room!”  “Did you check the closest?” I called as I checked the top of the fridge. As I did, I noted her little hooves scurrying down the hall until she appeared in the kitchen. Her fin half raised in a changeling display of annoyance on the cusp of becoming frustration.  “Yes…” was all she said before running back down the hall, I heard a door opening before hearing muted ‘found it’. I looked down as she reappeared with the sand beige saddle bag with the words “Daring Do’ stitched into the side. The bag wasn’t old but it already displayed the scars of constant use, and a poor maintenance routine. Topaz had purchased the bag for her as a tie into the latest book, even going as far to wait several hours in line before the bag’s release date. “I’m surprised you misplaced it so quickly after one night of use. I expected better.”  “Shows what you know! I haven't taken it since I went to another friend’s house, and they don’t know each other.” Her admittance left me seeking clarification before she shifted appearances, mimicking Topaz’s colors just with a redder tint in the mane and fur.  “One saw me with the Darning Do bag already, so I couldn’t bring it to the other’s house without being recognized.” “Surprising foresight of you.”  She beamed at the praise, before ruining it just as quickly.  “Thanks! Your guard bag was a real hit last night!”  I need to leave before I end up disciplining the little ling without Topaz’s permission.  “Let’s go Nymph.”  “Go where?” She asked while following me to the door. “I have some errands to run, and as your guardian I can’t leave you unattended.” “Yes you can. I’m almost eight!” “But not 11. It's approaching 2pm and if we hurry, we might catch Topaz during the changing of classes.”  Nymph and I trotted down one of the side roads I sometimes took to bypass the main street when departing for my shift. This road is still fairly busy but lacked the extra hooftrafic caused by the many tourists seeking the ‘Canterlot Experience’. This road is primarily reserved for the working pony who could responsibly find their profession’s supplies in one of the many shops.  I frequent the stores to purchase not only my potting supplies but Topaz’s various research needs as well. Her position at the University offered several discounts that often elevated me to a first name relationship with some of the owners. I greeted these owners as we passed, only two this time questioned my relationship with Nymph but didn’t pry further beyond that.  “Could we stop by the bookstore? I want to see if they got a book in stock.” “Daring Do was just released last month, I strongly doubt another would be released so soon.” “No, no.” she shook her head before turning back to unfasten the strap of her saddlebag. Her muzzle plunged into the bag, shuffled its contents around before redrawing with a folded envelope in her mouth.  She offered me the letter container, and I took it with my magic.  “Open it! Cold Front said I’m supposed to give it to a guardian.” the name didn’t make any noise with me, so I guess it’s one of Nymph’s friends. Opening it produced a single slip of parchment with hoofwriting far above the level of foal her age leaving me to believe this Cold Front had their parents write it for them. After reading it, I knew Cold Front wasn’t the author, and likely knew nothing of the letter.    “This is an invitation.” I looked to Nymph for clarification who stuck her tongue out in thought before her eyes widened in realization.  “Her parents were asking questions about my guardians and I told them about you.”  She then pointed at the invitation “They were surprised once I mentioned you and wanted to meet you, Topaz to.” This information was really surprising. When a pony actively sought me in the pony, the reason was either official or academic business relating to the various training methods the guard uses. With the exception of Shining Armor’s family, a pony had never invited me over to visit.  “Why would they want to meet us?”  “Ponies talk.” We made a left onto one of the busier side paths, greeting other ponies as we passed.  “Indeed, but it doesn’t explain their desire to meet me after one sleep over.”  “It’s common to meet the parents of their foal’s friend, it's a pony thing. Plus they’ve heard a lot about you from their neighbors and wanted to meet the legend himself!” “If they wanted to meet Captain Shining Armor, I regret to inform them he’s currently unavailable.“     “WHAT!?” She ran in front of me barring my path, while shaking her head left and right.“NO! NO! They want to meet you, Idol.”  She emphasized this poking my foreleg.  “Isn’t the customary meeting of the parents reserved for the third sleepover?” I was positive this was the standard procedure in most social encounters between two parties.  Nymph shook her head left to right. “Nope. You just have to invite them over, you know, like a normal pony would.” “Why would I want to invite them over when I’ve never met them before?” “That’s the whole point of it, Idol! To casually meet new ponies you normally wouldn’t!”  “Have you mentioned this to Topaz?” “She was already gone when I got home. You were sleeping downstairs, so I made myself breakfast before waking you. Had to make sure you’re still with us!”  Now I remember why I suggested calling her Newt. “I suggest Newt for her name.” “I like newts!” “We can’t call her Newt, Idol.’” “It’s short for nuisance.” “Well, I thought it was a fine name.” “Then we’ll inform Topaz during our meal, but regardless of her choice I’ll commit to the meeting of Cold Front’s parents.”  Nymph didn’t say anything as we made our final turn onto Canterlot’s main and busiest street. Our detour allowed us to bypass the main marketplace where most of the ponies(locals and tourists) gathered in mass, bringing us further past this choke point.  This didn’t really save any real noticeable time, but eased my senses greatly by not having to navigate that chaotic herd, and that was worth the extra distance traveled.  “My book!” And it made watching Nymph a little easier.  “You never clarified what book your friend recommended.” “It’s a coloring book, ‘Daring Do and The Rainbow Star’.” “A coloring book? Why not select something more readable, perhaps an actual book?” she was shaking her head so fast, I had to stop and place a hoof on her shoulder to make her stop.  Thankfully, the sudden contact brought her senses back. “Cold Front suggested it and it looked really cool! He even let me color some of the pages in!”  “Isn’t Cold Front a filly?” Till now, I had felt slightly better but now I was questioning this assessment, for my question spooked Nymph. “She! I meant she!” I may be oblivious to many things, but I’ve spent enough time (especially with Cady) to pick up on certain things. “Is this the reason for his parents request?” she didn’t answer my question this time, deciding to double down on shaking her head left to right. I trotted closer to lean my head down next to her. “I suggest wearing a ribbon in your mane next time, colts tend to like them.” “EWWW!” She screamed while running off.  We arrived at the university after a short stop at Donut Joe’s to acquire lunch for the afternoon.  Today we wouldn’t partake in his name sake, instead venturing forth to sample a newer item known as a Donut Sandwich. The concept confused but excited me for a reason I can’t explain than having a real reason to eat a donut anytime of the day.  It was one of these sandwiches I’m currently enjoying as Topaz questioned Nymph about her sleepover.  “...invite them over next weekend! OH! Idol and I could wear our matching evening outfits...we haven’t worn them in over a month.” “NONONONONONO….” I lost count after the sixth no, content to enjoy the rest of my donut sandwich.  Topaz became lively at the reveal of Cold Front’s true gender, already trying to make plans for future meet ups with the colt’s parents. Nymph responded in kind by strongly resisting... ‘When did Nymph’s mane turn green?’ I just noticed her colors had shifted once more during their exchange, but instead of red tinted colors, she had somehow perfectly mimicked Topaz’s mane and fur.  “Alright! We’ll only just invite your coltfriend over instead.” Topaz caved, unable to gain any ground with her plan. “He’s not my coltfriend!” This went on for the first half of our shared lunch,Topaz having stolen a single bite of the donut sandwich while Nymph forfeited her lunch in order to fight the allegations being levied against her.  As a guard in her highness’ service, I should intervene to keep the peace, but I needed to finish this sandwich first before any parasprites could find it.  “Alright, Nymph. Cold Front is not your coltfriend.” Topaz conceded, before grabbing the sandwich with her left wing.  “He’s not my coltfriend...” She mumbled before joining us by finally unwrapping her own sandwich.    “These are really good! When did Joe start selling these?”  “Only recently from what I’ve gathered. Donut Joe mentioned the inspiration being a desire to eat donuts anytime regardless of the time. I fully approve.”  Topaz nodded her agreement while taking a moment to look over a stack of papers next to her, before returning to the now half eaten sandwich. Nymph sat there silently after taking a single bite of the tantalizing dish, I got Topaz’s attention by using my magic to grab her hoof. She turned to look at me while trying to finish chewing, I inclined my head toward Nymph who remained oblivious to the world around. She swallowed the food and mouthed something to me. ‘She’s been like this.’  ‘How long?’ I mouthed back. ‘Since our visit with mother.’ I felt my ears straightening at that admission, understanding the implication.  Against my decree, Topaz introduced Nymph to her mother almost a month after she moved in with us. My anger turned to surprise once I saw how quickly the two bonded even with the wild rumors constantly circulating around that time. I turned once more to Nymph who by now had given up on finishing the portable breakfast in favor of looking everywhere in the room but the partially eaten food item. I faked a cough to gain her attention.  “Donut Joe would cry if he were here.” I motioned toward the sandwich, but all that produced was a mumbled apology. A clear contrast from just her  demeanor moments ago, and I couldn’t allow that to remain.  I stood up from the spare chair by the desk so I could relocate to sitting on the ground next to Nymph. I left the sandwich alone, much to my desire to not waste such a delicacy. “That was a joke young one..”  “It wasn’t very good.” “I’m still practicing.”   “Clearly.” her voice lacking the usual innocence that marked her normal self, and this unsettled me more. Even before relocating to Topaz’s home, she never displayed such sadness, she never looked so..defeated.  “It’s about Vivi isn’t it?”  “Who?” “Grandma.” she fell silent after that, I looked up to Topaz who was wearing her own frown as well. Before I could continue Nymph surprised us both by engaging in the discussion. “She doesn’t want to see me.” She told us with a little less warmth I’m accustomed to hearing. Not to say she was spiteful, just stating a fact from her own view.  “Topaz had briefly mentioned Vivi having a fright but gave little details about it.” “Grams fainted.”  “She is getting up there…” “She fainted after seeing my real self!” I was thankful the door was not only closed but the professor offices had sound muffling spells that could be applied at their own discretion.    “You revealed yourself?” “On accident, I swear! I got bored and heard noises thantherewasalightthangramswasonthe ground…” Her explanation broke down into a mess of struggling sobs, catching me unprepared while Topaz had already responded and scooped her up.  Being in somepony’s hooves eased Nymph’s distress enough to soften the crying, but one provocation would shatter this truce. Topaz and I choose to remain quiet while trying to comfort the upset foal, but it didn’t stop me from mouthing my plan.   ‘I’m going to see Viridian tomorrow.’     Her look shifted from me to Nymph who still clung to her with a fright that Topaz would disappear if she let go. The desperation of the act ended all potential arguments my landlord, and best friend might have had about it.  She nodded her approval and with that I nestled closer to Topaz’s right side, and lowered my head next to Nymph so she could better hear. It was rough, nearly all forgotten but I could still remember a little bit of the melody The Nurse used to sing it to my brood to calm us, and I assume she did the same with Nymphs as well.  It wasn’t the best, and to a pony was nothing but a mixture of muffled and high pitched noises, but to two changelings it was the closest thing we had to a mother’s song. I could feel Nymph lean into the side of my head as a kitten rubs against a pony’s leg, and I wondered if she was trying to completely embrace the melody’s vibrations.  Now, I’m no entertainer in the slightest, and never claimed to have a talent for it, but Nymph found it enjoyable enough to rest her eyes. Even when the original melody had ended, I kept repeating the verses until I was confident enough the little nymph was asleep before trying to separate myself without waking her. This became easier when Topaz worked her wing in between us to keep her firmly in place.   “I’ve never heard that before, let alone knew you could sing.”  “All changelings can ‘sing’ in the old language, but until now I never had a reason.”  “Maybe you could…” I didn’t catch what Topaz asked, but made an educated guess once she rested her head on mine. I didn’t fight it as I tried to recall what little words I still knew. “...over the mountains, with hearted gems…”  We excuse ourselves from the university once we were sure Nymph was calmed and fast asleep, curled up on Topaz’s back so her wings folded over her.   Our walk back was silent, but that meant nothing wasn’t being said. We talked with our bodies, rubbing against each other as we walked down Canterlot’s Main Street, just before it opened into the famous square associated with the romanticized ideals of ‘making it big’ in the city. We didn’t need to talk to know we were there for each other, as a pillar is to a roof, but we knew we couldn’t continue ignoring the issue any longer. Topaz took the lead once more. “You really going to see mother tomorrow?”  “With your permission of course, but I would solicit the need to swiftly address this matter.” “Have you been reading the dictionary again?” “Within reason, but I fail to see its importance when we have…” “I’m aware, Idol. I just don’t know how to approach it.” Her head fell limp against my neck as we kept our pace, the brewing mix of worry and similar emotions associated with it left me fighting the urge to cough the taste up.  “To wait will only prolong the problem.” “So can acting too quickly, especially with a clouded mind.” she noted.  We made a left turn as we crossed into the open space of the plaza, as the evening rush started to trickle in from the other streets.  Topaz resumed walking upright as she felt Nymph shift before settling down once more. We said hello to a couple of ponies we’ve frequently encountered before, and even had the privilege of enjoying lunch with them given their busy schedule. I made the comment we should try to arrange another lunch once she finished her modeling tour.  Topaz didn’t share the same enthusiasm at the moment, eager to resume our current discussion before making any future plans. She did mention anything up to the month before Hearth’s Warming was perfect for her, and after noting this we continued with our discussion.  “A fair point, but we...I” I glanced at the wings covering Nymph “don’t feel comfortable letting this fester into something worse.” “So do I Idol, but…” She noticed my glance and looked over her left wither, parting the wings enough to see Nymph before covering her once more. “...but what else can I do without potentially making it worse?” “You’re Vivi’s own daughter, so I doubt you’ll make it worse.” “We haven’t spoken since the wedding.” I was taken back enough to suddenly stop walking to process Topaz’s emotions, trying my best to look for the one that will tell me this was a very terrible joke.  “Idol?” She asked, trotting over quickly when she noticed I wasn’t beside her. “Idol, what’s wrong?” “You're not joking.”  “Of course I’m not! Why would I joke about something so serious?”  “I’d hope this was a simple misunderstanding.”  “Well, it wasn’t.” My thoughts turned to Nymph once more, and the sudden realization of her actions these past two weeks finally made sense. I’d originally thought her increased outings with the local foals were nothing more than work and social visits... “She was escaping.”  It was this final confirmation that made my planned visit to Vivi’s house all the more important.    “Then my trip to Viridian’s home is even more vital than first assumed.” “Just be careful Idol. I love my mother dearly, and I don’t want to think about not seeing her again.” “If Order allows, you won’t have to make that decision.”  This subject dictated our conversation for the rest of the walk home, but this time there was less anxiety as she spoke.  I spent the next two days trying to get a hold of Miss. Viridian with no luck.  The morning after our discussion ended in failure when she didn’t answer the door, but a kind neighbor that recognized me informed me of her departure sometime last week. With nothing else to go on, I thanked the kind mare and left Vivi a note in the chance she would arrive soon. Yesterday, I discovered the note missing but once again there wasn’t a reply to my knocking, and with no neighbor to keep me informed of her possible return, I left deciding to try again the next day. This time (with Topaz’s reluctant approval) decided to set up a watch starting early in the morning before the sun was up in the chance she would finally show, and by the princesses, she did- appearing as Luna lowered the moon for Celestia to raise the sun.  She was a mess. Topaz’s mother favored the traditional look of Canterloians, dressing in clothing other cities considered formal wear as common ‘around the home’ wear. Today she wore a simple pink robe with matching slippers you might buy as a gift, while her mane hung loosely by her neck- un-ironed and damp looking from this distance. Her movements were even slower than before, more careful and stiff as if the act of moving was a danger.   As I slowly left my spot in the tree about a block away, I noted how weary she watered two potted plants with no enthusiasm. The closer I got the more certain I became Nymph wasn’t the only one affected by the accidental reveal. ‘She hasn’t even noticed me.’  By the time I calmly walked  the distance Vivi had just finished over watering the first plant when she finally heard the clipping clops of my hooves, and nearly dropped the watering pail when she realized it was me. “Viridian.” I called out as I neared her walkway, deciding to wait on the road until permitted to approach. “I.Idol! Oh!” She addressed me before setting the watering pail down.  “Please, allow me.” I offered. To my relief she accepted and waited by the plants until I could make my way up to her doorstep. Accepting the pail, I began watering the second plan as we exchanged pleasantries before getting to the bedrock of my visit, one she was expecting as her body stiffen in anticipation. Not wanting to wait any longer I went ahead and asked.  “Could we talk Vivi?” I used her informal name hoping the familiarity would lessen the tension.  “Sure. Ple..please, come in.” she stumbled a bit from the nervousness, but still managed to invite me in. So far, I haven’t been turned away yet which means I’m off to a good start.  Following close behind, we entered her home and to my surprise found it much the same from my last visit. Every piece of furniture remaining spotless, and unused while the carpet they rested on seemed just as new… “Idol dear, the carpet.” “Sorry.” I apologized and diverted myself around the carpet. She guided me to the small table next to the set up, gesturing toward one of the two chairs present- having been here before, I knew which one to take. “Would you be opposed to some tea?” “Not at all, Vivi. I'll greatly enjoy a cup.”   “Is Early Way fine?” “It is.”  She left to begin boiling the water for our tea, leaving me to entertain myself until her return. The urge to continue talking plagued me like Candy’s cheery nature, but the delicate nature of my visit meant I needed to be patient. I settled to watching Viridian prepare the tea, and her movements now were less stiff, but mimicked a pony hiding something; she couldn’t stand still as the need to switch between hooves became more prevalent as the water began to boil.  The need for movement isn't self incriminating, but how her triceps and extensor muscle kept contracting and releasing usually reflected a sense of nervousness as her possible anxiety climbed.  Seeing this is what made me tight lipped until the water boiled, poured our cups and brought them over.  With the tea finished, we partook in the silent first sip to enjoy the brew while it was still hot and fresh before tackling the matter at hoof. Hopefully, the discussion will go as well as that wonderful first sip.  “This blend is different.” “You have an excellent sense of taste Idol, the blend is grown along the east coast, south of Manehattan.” “How does this differ then the blends on the west coast?” “Normally, this wouldn’t matter, but with its proximity to the harbor and all the trade it brings in..well.. somepony decided to try cross pollinating the local leaf with another. ”  “I’m surprised this hasn’t taken off yet.” I took another sip, finding the ‘sunny’ flavor becoming addicting the  more I drink it. “Oh it has, the price for a few leaves is beyond reasonable. It's legal piracy!” I felt the buried fear underneath the more she talked about the tea and how her stallion friend grew this new hybrid tea, and I didn’t know how to approach it. We were ‘talking’ now while enjoying some tea, and I didn’t want to upset her too quickly knowing how she reacted and personally witnessing her drone like state outside. So, I nodded along while injecting my own input until the opportunity would present itself.  To my amazement, Vivi would do the work for me when she abruptly ended the story with a question. My assumption for this change in direction wasn’t derived from a want to work this problem out, but a desire to get me out as quicly as possible. “You’re here about that cha..Newt. To tell me that I hit my head and imagined my grandfoal as one of those creatures?” I could almost choke on the anger laced fear, and had to keep myself from displaying my disgust at its taste.   I did this by taking the offensive with my question.  “What if I told you didn’t imagine it?” She nearly knocked over the cup trying to scoot away from the table.  “Next you’ll tell me you’re one as well!”  I didn’t say anything, taken back by the statement. I would have remained quiet pondering if maybe telling Viridian would violate Princess Luna’s decree since she already knew about Nymph, and now unintentionally levied an acurate accusation against me? Perhaps not, but her highness said no pony was to know and not wanting to go against her word played it safe.  I borrowed one of Nymph’s tricks and ignored the comment. “She misses you.” I watched as her breathing elevated into a rising panic while her iris became wide from fright. She tried standing up but couldn’t as her fear kept her pinned to the chair- I answered the question she couldn’t ask.  “We both knew. My ‘influence’...” I noted that word with my front hooves “... and Topaz’s occupation garnered enough interest to assume we were changelings.”  I waited for her to digest this revelation before resuming the story.  “The Nurse, or what she called herself, sought us out to raise Newt before vanishing once we agreed; Newt suffers from partial color blindness leaving her transformations ‘off’...”  “... the mane dye.”  I nodded, noting the fear working its course to allow the older mare a brief moment of rest. The panic subsided and with the breathing returning to normal, she collected herself enough to scoot closer to the table, but still had trouble making eye contact preferring the cup of cooling tea instead.  “We tried to correct it, but realized we could only control it enough to lessen the chance of drawing unneeded attention. The dye is a backup plan when Newt is unable to accurately transform. Topaz and her even developed a method to talk with hoof gestures in case Newt’s colors begin shifting.” “And you’re ok with this?” I hesitated before nodding. “Not at first. Topaz took to her the very first day, but it took me almost a week to accept her presence.” “HOW COULD YOU? SHE’S A MONSTER!” “SHE’S MY DAUGHTER!” We both went quiet after that, in shock by the other's outburst. I lost control in that moment and didn’t feel any regret about it; Viridian looked even more conflicted than before, and latched onto the fear to give her the foundation she desperately wanted.  I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming at the splitting pain burrowing into my head. Order above the pain was incomparable to anything I've ever felt in my existence and will likely never feel it again. The pulsing pain pushing against my head felt as if it seeped through my head carapace and nested in the past between it, and my mind, prodding it to find an idealistic resting space. I couldn't keep perfectly quiet, no pony except the princesses could muster the fortitude to resist its gnawing hooks. The suppressed, growl like gargle I was failing to hold back didn't add to my case in accepting Nymph, but undeniably must have hurt it; even through the unending pain I could taste the richly bold fear just gushing from Viridian, and to my horror found it satisfying. To know the mare that had called my da...aaarrrghhhh...cha..charge a.. a monster understanding her mistake filled me with a terrifying thrill I didn't want to know. The more I fought against its sickening pull, the harder it pulled back. Soon, the prodding pain began receding and with it my hyper awareness of Viridain's fear- I released my bottom lip. I became aware of the room once more, unable to recall the moment I lost focus, but with this revived alertness came the aftermath of such a display. The pain I felt was indescribable to accurately portray what my experience, and now able to think clearer understood it might have came off as aggressive. Viridian held a look I might never forget, especially since I was the cause of it. I tried to reach out with a hoof but she quickly scooted back almost falling out of her chair. "Vird..." “You should leave.” She quietly commanded, nearly inaudible. I didn’t argue with her request believing I would lose control of my already unstable emotions, and wordless removed myself from her table. She remained seated as she watched me push the chair in, waiting for me to make a  remark- she got it.  “They both miss you, Newt more so.” She didn’t say anything, so I continued “She misses you and doesn’t know why you hate her.” It was quick but I caught the moment her anger cooled enough for her features to soften, while desperately trying to maintain some harshness.  “Thank you for the tea, Viridian. You’re more than welcome to visit at your earliest convenience.” I left after that, making sure I shut the door instead of slamming it. I could hear and feel the emotions coming through the door now she was alone, and I was right there with her. The last few minutes shook me more than I thought possible, but to hear those words come from somepony else, let alone her… The noise had softened but continued in short, hiccup breaths before going mute for three seconds before the struggled, and heavy intake of more air was heard. We both were in turmoil, and to my dismay felt it should remain that way for now.  ‘You can’t rush a metamorphosis.’ Topaz once told me when I asked why the caterpillar refused to enhance his cocoon with love. I later learned it couldn’t, but she informed me the change just came naturally on its own. The same understanding could be applied here, what damage had been done could be corrected with time. But just how long should I wait when Topaz and Nymph were hurting now?  It’s a question I will have to answer another day once my mind isn’t clouded, and the raw emotion had settled down after that unscheduled storm. Looking up confirmed that the sky was indeed clear of any stray clouds, but the quiescent air left the feeling a storm had just passed.  I didn’t trot so much as shuffled my way down the path toward the street, conflicted about my behavior; already wondering if I had waited just another day could we have settled the matter differently? Maybe the four of us would have been drinking tea by the end of the week instead if Idol the pony had been there? Or Idol the changeling had been there? I stopped just at the intersection leading north toward the district known as Old Canterlot, and south to the marketplace and train station. Besides the castle and Shining Armor’s family, I had no reason to travel north, but the thought of returning home heavy with this anger didn’t appeal to me. That left me standing there lost on what to do, no closer to figuring out my destination, or who was standing here right now.  Was it Idol the exiled changeling that ignorantly stumbled his way through life, or Idol the pony, the known and trusted guard, devoted partner and father? Maybe both? Order had always protected me while I stumbled my way through life, leaving many questions unanswered for me to answer later.   This time however, I felt none of its guiding presence leaving me worried that I finally crossed a forbidden threshold and lost its light forever. My curious and more analytical side Topaz had greatly nurtured all these years sought another approach, one diving more into theory than fact with no clearer definition. What if I had matured enough to no longer need Order’s protection? That I had somehow become my own being capable of making my own choices no matter how good or terrible they may be. Exploration into the subconscious was never my area of expertise, but the requirement to dive into a pony’s inner being left only one I knew who could...   I decided I needed to go home and inform Topaz of my visit and what had transpired between us. Another ‘talk’ I’m not looking forward to having, but knew I needed to be the one she heard it from, else I only further flame fire as I heard.  My trot slowed down to a near walk as my doubts held me back before I began running for home.  > End - An exile no more. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My walk back was more of a trot than an actual walk. Life was slowly returning to normal as many ponies finally began to feel confident the worst was over. Many still sought the safety of their homes once their business for the day had concluded, but a few undeterred by the experience took advantage of the lack of bodies.  I was thankful for this because it not only meant fewer ponies to avoid as I raced home, but it meant less would be concerned by my disrespect for the proper speed of the street.   This pace served a purpose besides the quickness home it offered, but the opportunity to focus on a single task as I let my emotions simmer from my ‘talk’ with Viridian. The constant intake, and expenditure of air forced my lungs to inflate and deflate at a rate I wasn’t used to, but relished the feeling as my body expelled the negativity.  The sudden exercise felt great as a therapeutic, so much that I altered the course to run through another section of the city just to prolong this gallop. Nothing that would consume most of the day, but long enough to completely clear my mind before discussing the events with Topaz.        This vigorous workout was overdue, and the strain reminded me of the first two weeks of basic training about a decade ago, a time I missed for its simplicity when it came to my role in the world. Now, I cherish these life experiences far more than anything I could ever own.   The Princesses of Equestria were who allowed a lost changeling to traverse this path in the first place, and nothing short of mind alterations would make me forget that chance. Topaz was another important pony who even made this possible, and nothing I could ever do would be enough to fully express my gratitude.  It was why I went above and beyond for her than any other, because like the princess I wanted to be there for the pegasus.  It was this need that propelled me to seek Viridian in the hope of repairing their relationship when I  could have let mother and daughter settle their own disagreement. I believed my years of drill and conditioning made me the perfect candidate to survive such an emotional encounter relatively intact, sparing my landmare and greatest friend of experiencing it herself.  I greatly believe I made things worse. I began slowing down as I neared my street, exhaustion finally became too much. My strength left me so suddenly that I almost tripped, but my faster reflexes prevield and I managed to catch myself and remain upright.  I had trouble breathing for a moment as I tried to reclaim the lost air, before rolling my tongue out like a dog panting in the summer. I mimicked the action thinking if it worked for them, then it should work for me, but it became apparent that would be the case. The desperate need to replace what was lost only made the problem worse; the quicker I inhaled and exhaled only further deprived me as it cut off the oxygen flow, leaving me scraps when I needed a full course meal.  This understanding came forward, and the techniques passed on by former instructors took over to correct this shameful display: take one big gulp of air, hold two seconds, release, and repeat.  I kept this up until the strain of my run  became tolerable before resuming my walk, still out of breath but not gasping. I politely greeted a couple of his neighbors who were outside and waved to me before carrying on with their day. Nothing else imparied the trek home, and the familiar mail box I had repainted several months earlier appeared with its little flag raised.  I quickly checked for any new mail, and after deeming it a mistake on my part and not the postal service made my way toward the door.  I knocked twice, paused, and then knocked once more as agreed upon by Topaz and myself to inform the other who was at the door. Only when this message went unanswered did I unlock the door and entered.  “Topaz. Nymph.” I called out as I closed the door behind me, trying to listen for their hoofsteps or chatter.  The house didn’t seem ransacked, nor did any items appear to be missing.  Ever since my talk with her highness, Princess Luna, I had been feeling an increasing sense of paranoia that my fellow guards would forcibly remove the door and whisk the three of us away.  The assurance of her highness, and my own understanding of Guard protocol dispelled most of this fear, but not enough to keep my heart from beating a little faster.  Looking around the hous revealed a note on the fridge left to inform that Topaz had taken Nymph to her office at the university meaning I would be alone for the foreseeable day.  With my plans changed, I had nothing to do, but wait for their return later this evening. With their departure, I found myself relishing the silence as I entered our home swaying my head left to right trying to shake loose the conversation from my mind. My hooves moved on their own, and I followed not sure where they were taking me as I began combing through the confrontation.  I couldn’t deny it was anything but.  Only when I bumped into the wood paneling of one of the walls did I set aside the analytical work for later, and to discover I had ended up in front of a closed door. Several feelings not my own were seeping through the other side, faint lligerings of aged love, and bits of every other emotion one could experience in their field of a professional friend.  ‘Nymph.’ I took a slight step back to fully consume the door before me, my eyes leisurely moving from the large wonderbolt poster plastered like wallpaper to several engravings done by the foal herself.  We rarely entered her room without her knowledge, as a form of establishing clear boundaries for the growing nymph; a sign of trust passed onto her, and to give the high-maintenance foal a place to call her own. It was the thought of entering without her knowing that drove me to backtrack, and further doubt myself for ever considering breaching that trust.  Turning around I made my way  down the hall, past Topaz’s room and into the living area once more where I stood about a pony length back to keep the green flame washing over from catching the couch on fire before taking a seat.  During my years of service to the princesses, I had become very accustomed to remaining in my pony form for most of the day, and even at home. It became more than a cover to blend in better, and over the years had grown enough to become something more permanent, that I often find  myself interchanging changeling and pony habits together. The more years that passed, the harder I found keeping the two from becoming a single identity.  This made the deliberate transformation from pony to changeling the more concerning.  I leaned into the couch so it could support my back and neck as I looked up at the ceiling. It was the only surface to be spared of any graffiti associated with Topaz’s long running project on the supposed connectivity of all species by an unseen force, but it wasn’t from a lack of trying. She would forget to look up if she drew anything on the ceiling.  It was this reason I often stared at the unmarked ceiling when the need to ‘escape’ followed me home, and this past month made up the majority of these moments. Its plain, and unassuming dull white made it easy for me to stare up for long periods of time without the need to blink: perfect for quiet contemplation.  Here my thoughts could wander unrestricted in the hopes they might find something else of interest, but that eventually yielded nothing as each topic eventually led me back to today. No matter how I looked at it, I couldn't figure out a better way to alter the conversation that would have produced a positive outcome for everypony. “What would somepony do in my situation?” Excluding the other exiles, I was alone in this matter of self-discovery.  I set up as a stray thought hit me, giving me a new sense of direction the more I pondered it. While no pony would understand what I was going through, there was one pony that did attract unusual experiences on a regular basis.  “Twilight Sparkle.”   That young mare had a habit of getting into all sorts of unsual situations, but would compile these experiences into a letter so Princess Celestia could catalog for later use. Perhaps I could do the same, or something similar? Leaving the comfort of the couch, I made for the drawer that stored our writing material; a quick search provided me with the parchment, ink, and quilI I will need for this experiment. Taking a seat at the table I began to assemble a draft of what I wanted to say, but after one too many mistakes gave up and started over. I did this about thrice, but each attempt only increased the flood of words spilling onto the pages until my fourth attempt provided a semi-coherent letter.  By no measure of academic standards was the letter a work of pony achievement, but hopefully it would be to enact a response I desperately sought. I sat it aside and took another blank sheet, making note I will have to purchase more to replace the sheets I carelessly wasted, before copying the fourth sheet while making necessary edits as needed.  Once finished, I sat the quill down to give the letter my full attention as I proofread it two more times before taking one final sheet of parchment, and wrote the final edition of my letter. Sadly, in my haste and eagerness to spend the letter off, I had overlooked a crucial detail when applying my endorsement of the letter’s contents.  I felt the need to apply hoof to my head in frustration over the simple mistake, but I had already wasted too much parchment in drafting this single letter, and lazily crossed it out. The letter will have to do for now, but by the princess’ honor I will make it up to her highness at a later date.  Dear Princess Luna, Sovereign of the Sky, and Dreams,  I, Idol Hooves, your loyal subordinate in the all but the most questionable actions one could ask another to perform, pen this letter in the efforts to seek your patronage.  With your blessing, I spent the next three days adjusting to the sudden spike in ‘free time’ by becoming more involved with the affairs of my roommates. What I learned occupied my time as I sought to help my roommate and first friend, Topaz Showers, in a matter involving her mother. The conversation could have gone better.  The details will be kept private for the sake of privacy, but will divulge I left conflicted in my understanding of where I fit in society. In the decade since joining The Guard, I struggled in adapting to the world around me, but with the help of my first  friends, Topaz and Captain Shining Armor, I stumbled my way through with little injury.  With the sudden invasion and repulsion of my former family, I’ve come to notice certain restrictions placed on me have begun to diminish with each passing day.  I am fearful. These rules, just like The Guard, gave me comfort in knowing there were predetermined boundaries I may/may not cross while in a foreign kingdom. With certain confidence, I claim to have finally become accustomed to this way of life, and no sooner do I find myself stumbling once more. My very identity is questionable while the only defined rules I had followed faithfully are null, and I broke one this very day. Yet, I feel no remorse for this desecration of law, but instead find its discardition morally acceptable when the choice between upholding it or my daughter is justified.  I will elaborate further on this revelation during our next meeting.  The only  █████████  in the Guard,  Idol Hooves Dearest Idol Hooves, Corporal of the Sun Guard, 2nd Royal Detachment,  We have received your letter and respond with a mixture of emotions I feel would only be lost in words. A DAUGHTER! None of our sharded time has the mention of a foal been brought forth, by you or the many ponies of Canterlot that know of you. While surprised, and curious by this revelation, I find the evidence of her existence too sudden and convenient given the nature of our recent experience. Will I be so forward in suggesting she may be related to thee by other means?  Do not answer by letter.  In regards to your predicament, you have our sincerest apologies. Please seek what comfort my word has, in that, I will offer words of solace for thy...roommates.  Your constant infringement of another's welfare is well known to the ponies of Canterlot, and continues to weigh upon me. A fool I am for not realizing sooner. In regard to your question dear Idol, we hold the right to say you worry too much.  The act of feeling concern for others is a natural part of a pony’s character, but even more so when they’re closest to you. Have faith in this ‘magic of friendship’ my sister proudly promotes, and the matter will sort itself in time. No understanding of magic is needed to know time will cure any wound if given a chance to heal.  Yet, if the conflict still persists by your next visit than we shall take a bigger interest in the matter.  Unfortunately, we have nothing more to offer than an ear to lend and a few words to give when needed, but don’t fret Idol. What afflicts you will come and go as certain Celestia and myself raise and lower the moon. If you still feel lost or unsure, don’t be afraid to seek those close to you, for they will be the solution to a quicken recovery.  Till our next letter or meeting my little pony,        Luna Astra Dear Princess Luna Astra, Sovereign of the Sky, and Dreams, Your offered support and words do bring me some comfort, and I want to offer my appreciation.  To address the alicorn in the room, I do have a daughter now, but it wasn’t until this very day that I officially made the declaration . I, with Topaz, have raised her for nearly a year in secret because of her natural gift of blending in with ponies. Perhaps once this matter is laid to rest, and with their permission you could meet her; behind her admiration for the Wonderbolts, and Daring Do in the sixth spot, is the desire to meet an actual princess.  She’s truly fascinating on many levels above my own understanding.  Topaz attributes her inherent skills to the environment around her, but I counter with their development to a more biological foundation regarding our people. I am under the growing suspicion there may be a more primal motive for her increasingly advanced displays we’ve been seeing since her arrival, a higher calling she is destined for. The city has your highness and Celestia to guide  the citizens, but there could always be more. Worried about the approaching young adult years, Idol Hooves Luna set the newest letter down after reading it multiple times over the course of one full day trying to digest and process the information he had willingly provided.The details were not only shocking, but mildly disturbing if his assumption proved to be accurate, and she wouldn’t know until actually meaning said daughter of his.  The cold iron of her shoes soothed the sides of her face as she rubbed them in an attempt to mellow out the forming migraine. So many questions and concerns assaulted her head with the ferocity of Ursa Major, and her lazy face massage did nothing to ease the pain nor the questions.  “Idol Hooves…” She whispered while waiting for the migraine to subside. “...how could you unintentionally cause all of this stress.” The migraine finally gave up, but her face massage continued as the revelation of his letter became clearer.  “Only you could so casually raise a queen.” > Alternative Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our discussion didn’t settle the matter entirely but it didn’t end in disaster either. Her fear is justified if I’m to be honest, but her emotions didn’t really suggest that was the whole reason.  The fear was only a smaller part of the larger whole, where I think its not seeing a changeling itself but the thought her grandfoal had been replaced by one. She seemed receptive enough that this wasn’t the case but she’ll have to be the one to realize that on her own.  There was one more thing I needed to do but felt this info was of the vital variety and thus headed back home. The return trip didn’t last as long since I was following the herd of ponies this time instead of fighting them, and before long exited onto the side street I knew lead to home. I had assumed Topaz and Nymph would still be here but after a couple of knocks with no answer told me this wasn’t true.  I unlocked the door and called out to them just to make sure they weren’t home before looking for some parchment and quill so I could write out what had happened. Not a long letter mind you, just a couple of paragraphs with the important details before folding it in half and setting it on the table in the kitchen.  I don’t know how long I’ll be away, but at least the knowledge of what happened has been delivered. Checking the time, only fueled my haste to leave.  I had roughly three hours before the next guard shift started, and I must hurry. I had kept her waiting two weeks too long, and Order above, I won’t keep her waiting any longer.  “...The Grindhouse.”  I haven’t been here since Mothchaser first brought me here right after my one and only triple shift. I didn’t approach the establishment right away, having decided to wait a block away to obverse it without being seen. From my recollection, the shop wouldn’t for another hour and while this would be the ideal time to seek her out, I couldn’t bring myself to make that first step.  All I have to do is walk up and knock; just place each hoof in front of the other, lift a forehoof and knock, Mothchaser will answer and we’ll finally have our talk.  'What a disgrace to the guard I am.'  I survived being exiled and found a home among the ponies, where I dedicated my life to protecting them.  I’ve fought timberwolves, detained criminals, and performed every patrol schedule to the exact letter, while learning the art of sculpting and raising a changeling nymph on the side. And none of this experience gave me the courage to initiate a simple knock? ‘I would have better luck getting Nymph to wear that bow.’ I thought as I lost my bravado. I was in the transition of becoming less exposed by relocating to a less visible spot behind a building when I caught the overpowering emotions of a confused pony; a combination flavors I’ve seldom sampled from official gatherings, let alone from a single pony.  A pony I’ve had the opportunity to taste on multiple occasions over the past decade, with our recent meeting ending in complete disaster. The mare I’ve been trying to talk to for the last two weeks...   “Hello Mothchaser.” I greeted her as I turned around to find the thestral weighted down with the contents of her shopping. She couldn’t even fake a smile to return the greeting, instead, averting her eyes to the ground as she mumbled what I thought was ‘hello’. We fell into a lapsed silence after that. Unable to find the words I’d been wanting to say for the last two weeks, I reached out. The contact wasn’t planned, and Mothchaser certainly didn’t expect it based on the ear splitting screech she gave out while jumping back just out of my reach. “Moth..I’m sorry.” Her reaction was nothing like I expected, far from it. Based on my accumulative knowledge built upon years of working together, I had thought she’ll be more receptive to a brief touch on the withers.  Mothchaser looked equally perplexed as I felt. The thestrals I’ve come to know through work and basic camaraderie forged by the participation from after shift activities never display any timid characteristics. This unwilling to display any perceived weakness, especially in public, has evolved into the expected imagine as confident hunters of the night. A ponysona the thestral tribe has come to embrace and even strive to uphold not because the lie was needed, but because it became a goal. A role model of sorts. The Mothchaser I know followed this to the unwritten rule to the exact letter, and not the mare averting her gaze every time we tried talking.  “I..it’s fine Idol. You just startled me is all.” She regained her voice, but I could feel the hollowness in her words. The enthusiasm and vigor she normally spoke with were absent, and seemingly replaced with a young pony having just joined the guard.  “No. No, it’s not fine Moth. I hurt you, unintentionally, but hurt you all the same.”  I took a step toward her, but stopped once I saw her muscles contract first, causing her to jerk back before I felt it- surprise and want. The taste alone left me feeling like I’ve discovered sugar all over again, and the thought left me eager to try it…  Stepping back, I shook my head clear of this distraction and returned my focus back to Mothchaser, who now appeared conflicted based on her unsure hoof placement. She would meet my gaze ready to say something before retreating back only to halt, and return to her previous position before looking toward her shop and back at me. I turned to look at the shop expecting to see patrons lining up or her brother watching us through the window, but found a quiet shop on a mellow street.     “Could we talk?” I finally asked after two weeks of waiting.  The question consumed Mothchaser, letting her abandon the timidness so she could move toward me, nodding excitedly.     “Ye..yes! I’ll love to talk!” I set at the serving counter sipping a ‘Cottage Special, a newer addition to the updating menu and as described to me is a softer touch to their House Special.This drink resembled the House in every way- color, smell, taste, ingredients and how it was prepared. “I taste a hint of..mint?” I brought the cup once more to my lips, sampling it to confirm my assumption. “There’s no actual mint leaves in the blend…” Moth started before turning around to open one of the cupboards labeled tea to grab a small bottle, half full of an emerald colored liquid. She placed it directly in front of me for my inspection, the aroma it produced told me what it was.  “Mint juice.” “Mint extract actually.” “Indeed.” I agreed, conceding my knowledge on operating a brew house is severely limited.  She then took an empty mug off the counter behind her and placed it next to the bottle. Her leather wings grabbing the mint extract to pour a very small amount into the mug, before setting it down to place a single tea leaf over the poured extract.  “The mint isn’t actually apart of the drink, but used to coat the sides of the mug with a tea leaf.” Moth demonstrated this by using her wings to hold the mug while using the other to gently rub the liquid around until every surface was covered . “This blend is still being refined, but I’m hopeful it’ll turn out..” “Might I make a suggestion?” Mothchaser set the mug down leaving the tea leaf inside as she looked up, her eyes bearing a little more of their previous shine as she, ‘tasted’ my question before nodding.   “The flavor is acceptable but leaves a taste that hampers my desire to eat or drink anything else. Perhaps it would be better as a seasonal brew?” “Because it's that bad?”  “Because the drink feels me with a warmth and a taste that reminds me of the Castle Hearth’s Warming Eve pudding.” “Pudding. It tastes like pudding?” I could feel her irritation at my comparison of the minty beverage to a dessert. Not the best example I could have used but felt it adequate enough to build my argument off of.  “I meant as a festive drink you only brew and sell it during the cold months.”  I took another sip finishing the beverage off much to my delight. I sat the now empty mug down as Moth took her own mug in wing to mix herself one of her own creations.    “Festive could work…”  Moth didn’t follow her own recipe this time by tweaking the ingredients, and adjusting the amounts. She finished mixing but stopped as her ear swiveled left and right as if they were looking for something, before darting off the fridge to pull out a small white box. I watched as she removed the cover to reveal an assortment of chocolates, some decorated with a drizzled chocolate sauce with the other half plain- she plucked the darkest, plain one and dropped it into the mug.  “...but I wanted a year-round drink.” She took a sip, smacked her lips twice before a large force rushed down her spine, causing her to shudder as the wonderful sensation… “Yuck. Undrinkable.”  The chocolate couldn’t be that bad?  “I rather enjoy chocolate.” “Same. Just not salted caramel melting in mint tea, kinda kills the mood.” I didn’t respond. The drinks allowed us the chance to ease into the thought of addressing the issue we’ve been ignoring, but with the tea drank and our unwillingness to continue… “How’s patrol?” “Fine. I stopped another herd of colts disturbing the peace, they were ‘terrorizing the good citizens’ as the report went. “ ...we made small talk. The nature of our talk held little structure as we traded topics back and forth, becoming increasingly excitable the more we socialized. We chatted about work and its less adventurous days before sharing memorable moments we’ve experienced; I started us off with the time I leaped off a bridge to catch a thief, while Moth countered with the time she took part in a fruit smuggling raid along the east coast.  I retorted with the time I was temporarily stationed in the Appleloosian Desert during the ‘hot’ years of the Buffalo-Pony conflict where I was given a name by both sides for my actions that day.  “The Rock?” Moth laughed, her lips reeling all the way back to expose her fangs. I didn’t flinch, but joined with my own mild laughter as I explained how I got it. “I’m unmoving, and stoic against the world around me. It means I simply am, and the Buffalo respected my honesty.” “What did they town folks call you? She asked leaning a little closer to hear my reason, I followed suit while trying to hide my slight embarrassment.  “The agreed upon name by the town was Iron Apples.”  Moth lost it, reeling back so her wings could cover her face as she screeched. I held my position like a guard should, but found her merit enduring and honest enough to accept it.  I waited until she exhausted her amusement from the story, but wouldn't mind listening to that laugh a bit longer.  “This..ha..this is true?” She asked while trying to regulate her breathing, and I nodded. A little disappointed she would question the integrity of the story, but understood the circumstances involved did provoke a sense of doubt often than not.  “It sounds fabricated, but every word is true as Celestia raises the sun.”  “So that’s why the Element of Honesty is so friendly with you.”  “Lady Applejack has admitted to family living there so it's possible she has been informed. It’s a title I don’t like advertising.”  “Well…” She returned to the counter to lean on it, I waited while she used the claw of her left wing to curl a lock of her mane. How she maneuvered her wing to perform this caught my attention briefly”...a moth to a flame.” “Excuse  me?” I asked, coming back to my senses. She didn’t laugh, but the sparkle in Moth’s eyes as she exposed the fangs left me feeling unsure.  “It’s a saying us thestrasl use, means we got something we like.”  “Got what?” I asked looking around the shop for anything I might have missed on my way in, but turned around once she started giggling.    “Don’t worry about it Idol, it’s not important right now.” she told me as she swiped a hoof at me, but I knew it to be the pony way of saying ‘it's fine, let's move on.”   Not wanting to press, took the advice and resumed our conversation where we left off. Mothchaser listened to my story before chiming in with her own story about how she earned her own ‘titles’. I listened and asked questions when appropriate, and found the responses peaking my interest the more she explained.  I never made the effort to learn more of the world around me, only showing an interest when it coincides with my duties. My interactions with the thestrals was limited to those of the Night Watch, and while welcomed into their culture, I never ventured further than the occasional gathering. Not because of any fear or prejudice, but for the simple reason I’d never felt the need to.  As I sit here listening to Mothchaser, I wonder what else have I missed? What other aspects of life have passed me by that I might never experience because of my self isolation?  “Order above.”  “Uh? You say something Idol?”  “I was just reflecting on some personal matters I feel might be lost to me.”  “Did you want to talk about it?” She asked me, the absence of her earlier smile meant she was worried.   I was fine physically fine, but mentally my thoughts refused to be repaired but not from a lack of effort.  Until the failure of the invasion, I’d lived to the best of my abilities as a displaced changeling among ponies, and for a decade I managed. With help from Topaz and her highness’ guard, I developed a schedule to keep me occupied, and productive while obeying the commands placed upon me; I found a purpose..an outlet for my radical questions, and life was good as the ponies often told me.  Now, I struggled to keep that life functioning without the commands to guide me.  I couldn’t think of any other explanation for my mind's infliction than the sudden loss of the structure I’ve relied on my entire life. The trepidation of being exiled from the hive mirrored my current mood, and only because of Topaz and the Guard I’ve been able to function to some degree while rebuilding myself.  I had no guidelines, orders other than my own to follow and lead me; to have the power to make a decision without knowing the boundaries terrified me. How can a changeling..a pony willing make these choices everyday without the fear of crossing some threshold they couldn’t uncross?  I looked up and noted Mothchaser still held her concern for my well being, and if I were honest, hated how she worried. My problems were my own and for her to fret over them only caused the thestral unnecessary stress, and distracted her from the more important matters of her life. I wanted to tell her no, that nothing besides mild exhaustion and  paperwork were my only aliments and would clear up soon. But I didn’t. Instead, I dragged her further in by seeking her offered support.  “Have you ever felt..uncoordinated? That everything you sought for stability would be its undoing?” I added that last part when I noticed her features shifting to a mild confusion.    Her mouth lost its foal like innocence as it fell into the wary, and heavy expression of a venerable adult struggling with the difficulties of life. Her amber colored irises dimmed to a near hazel as the window shut itself off from the world, I leaned back as well and found the captivating mare had aged. Her youthful mannerisms I found so enduring had quieted down as she entered a deep reflection- I shuddered as I cautiously nibbled on the two feelings drifting my way.  “I have Idol.”  I waited for Moth to continue, but gave up when she refused to talk let alone look my way. Now, I try to respect one’s boundaries by not shifting through their emotions, a practice that made understanding the moods of a pony more difficult, but helped me in deciphering the many gestures they displayed. This understanding made me curious in the common usage of these gestures and how it enhanced an interaction between two beings, and with a little lecturing from Topaz began applying them slowly into my daily life. Right now, this very understanding told me nothing more than Mothchaser was hurting deeply.  Looking back years later, I still can’t explain what made me reach to comfort her the way I did, but it was a decision I will never regret.       Before I understood what I had done, my hoof had already reached out to seek her own; she didn’t even realize what I was doing until her hoof was safely cradled in mine, our hooves twisting so they both could interlock with the other.  We both stared- I at her while she at her hoof.  “Idol.” “Moth.” Nothing else was said after that with both of us having addressed what had happened, but not willing to do anything about it. So we remained like that for what felt like hours, but was only minutes because of the stillness of the world around us. When she squeezed my hoof, I would return the action leading her to repeat it.  But after the fourth time, she finally made the effort to free her hoof.  “Idol, please.” “Do you want to get some coffee with me?” I blurted out.  I watched Moth’s expression as a reflection of my own feelings at this moment. Her mouth opened and closed as she struggled to find the words to reply, while I kept my mouth shut trying to mentally figure out why I asked the question at all. I came here in the hopes of talking, and possibly repairing our friendship to an acceptable level when the strange feelings began to surface.  They urged me to keep talking to the thestral, to be near her in the hopes of seeing her smile again. Conflicted and confused by my actions and own feelings, I stood up already accepting her silence as my answer when I was pulled back into my seat by the very mare.  She was leaning on the counter this time so our muzzles were only a hoof away, when she shattered my disbelief with a single word.    “Alright.”   “Pardon?”   “How about this weekend, after my shift?” I looked at Mothchaser, who in her family’s dimly lit shop appeared to be a tad brighter than her surroundings. I blinked trying to rid her of the haze that had suddenly surrounded her, but every time I did the effects only grew in brightness.  Did she always have dimples?  “I uhm..yes, that would be satisfactory with me.” She didn’t laugh more so than giggle at my falling speech. Lost in my own studies of her glowing features, wondering how had my training and experience failed to notice it before? “Great. How about some coffee, and muffins from this little place I know of?” She punctuated this by leaning forward until we were nearly muzzle to muzzle.  “I like Donut Joe’s.” The warm air escaping her muzzle told me she found amusement in my statement. “I meant here you silly golem.” I thought about correcting her but felt it wasn’t necessary to address it this moment.  “There’s still time to make corrections at a later time.” We both moved until finally our muzzles bridged the gap and connected. The glow surrounding Moth hadn’t dimmed but actually grew brighter as Celestia’s own day would during great displays of merriment.  “Your eyes…” She mumbled, the rest lost under her breath.  “...are not amber as I had thought.” The glow around her continued to only brighten as we held our formation of ‘booping’ our muzzles together. We were about to fall into a silence when I felt another presence appear, full of jubilance.  The mechanical soundings of gears and springs broke the impending silence before it ever began, and as with thunder came the flash. Mothchaser broke our connection to address this challenge.  “Hearth's Warming cards!” “PRIS!” was her war cry before leaping over the counter to pursue her brother up the stairway behind me, his laughter nearly overlapping Moth’s own angry name calling.  The shop wasn’t expected to open for another 20 minutes by my guess, and as a newly ‘committed’ stallion was unsure what to do. From my own learning and told to me by my peers, I decided it’s in my good health to wait here and support my mare. “Go..uh..get him?” I yelled, unsure if these words of support were correct just as a loud THUMP echoed from the floor above.