> Super Smash Bros. Ultra Force (Condensed Version) > by FandomPlays1234 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Failure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmond sat in the chair as the scientists ran back and fourth with clipboards in their hands. Almost a month had passed since he was called in by the Drake labs to volunteer as a test subjects for their activities and this was his 4th test run. Although his family found it quite unusual for a popular student like Desmond to be called in considering he could be doing other things like finding himself a girlfriend, but his parents eventually agreed. "How are you doing Desmond?" asked a voice. Desmond looked up to see a young woman walk up to his seat. She wore a lab coat and jeans and her bright aqua colored eyes sparkled in the light. Her silky brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. "I'm doing fine Professor Emilia," said Desmond. "Great, you know the drill," said Emilia. "Of course, i just hope nothing can go wrong," said Desmond. "Oh you," giggled Emilia gently tapping him on the nose. "You know that if something goes wrong, I'll be sure to abort the test," "I know," chuckled Desmond. Emilia smiled at him just as the door leading into the observation room opened and someone stepped in. Emilia turned around to see a man standing there. He was also wearing a lab coat along with long brown pants. He had short black hair and an eye patch over his left eye. "Oh Dr. Drake, is something wrong?" asked Emilia. "Professor, how long are you planning on talking with this guinea pig?" asked Drake. "Well Dr. you know you don't mean that right?" asked Emilia. Drake glared at her with his one red eye. "Stop wasting time and begin the test," said Drake as he walked back in the observation room. "Sorry Desmond," apologized Emilia. "No worries professor," said Desmond. "Well anyway you know the drill," said Emilia. "Of course," said Desmond. "Then I'll see you after the test sweetie," she said kissing him on the cheek. Desmond had gotten used to this by now. She had a tendency of doing something like this, but he knew it was to keep him calm. Drake however was not something he could just forget. Ever since day one, Drake had rubbed him in the wrong direction. Desmond had a bad feeling about Drake. For some reason he felt that Drake couldn't be trusted, however he couldn't do anything about it and neither Emilia only because he was the head of the lab. "Fire up the D-Mension Rifter," ordered Drake. The scientists continued to work on their keyboards as Drake and Emilia stood behind them, observing their work. "D-Mension Rifter fired up to max power sir!" announced one of the scientists "We've failed the previous tests," said Drake. "I'm not letting this one slip from my fingers," "Firing the D-Mension Rifter in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" announced the scientist. Emilia watched as the chair entered the large gap in the center of the rifter. Emilia could hear the whirring of the machine as it roared to life. She waved as Desmond smiled at her. "Fire!" Drake ordered. The scientist hit a large red button as volts of electricity came together and connected behind Desmond. "Sir a rift leading into another dimension has opened up!" announced one scientist. "Keep it going, don't stop," ordered Drake. The scientist continued to work as the lab began to shake. "Doctor," said Emilia. "We're not stopping," said Drake. Emilia clutched her clipboard with a worried expression. As the scientists carried out their work, the rift behind Desmond grew wider and the shaking became more violent. "Doctor," said one of the scientists. "Keep going," ordered Drake. "Sir, the rift is causing the balance of this dimension to be thrown off course!" explained a scientist. "If we continue like this then our dimension might break down!" "That's not going to stop me," said Drake. "Doctor!" Emilia exclaimed. "Don't try and stop me Emilia," said Drake. "Doctor stop the machine!" Emilia ordered. But Drake didn't listen. Suddenly the rift erupted as the entire room was swallowed by a bright light. Drake, Emilia, and the scientists shield their eyes as the light poured into the observation room through the glass windows. After the light died down, Emilia lowered her arm to see a giant rift had opened up behind Desmond. "Doctor," said Emilia. Drake opened his eyes and looked up. The serious look on his face melted off and was replaced by a look of astonishment. The scientists gasped when they saw the large tear. "Did it work?" asked Emilia. Drake didn't say anything as the scientists ran around and checked their monitors to see if anything had changed. "Good news Dr. we have successfully opened up a rift to another dimension and the balance of our dimension has returned to normal," explained another scientist. "It worked," said Drake. "It worked?" asked Emilia. "It worked," answered Drake. "It worked!" cheered the scientists. The entire room was filled with cheers as the scientists celebrated their success. They hugged and gave each other high fives as they jumped up and down with glee. Emilia laughed as the scientists ran around and celebrated. A scientist chuckled and looked at his monitor only to notice something strange. His smile melted off his face as he examined the monitor closely. "Hey bud what's wrong?" asked another scientist. "Hey you see this?" asked the first scientist. His friend looked at the monitor over his shoulder and felt his heart drop. "What?" asked the second scientist. "Hey what's wrong you two?" asked a third scientist. At that moment the alarm went off indicating an emergency procedure. "What's going on!?" asked Drake. "Dr.!" the second scientist yelled. "Opening this rift was too much for this dimension to handle!" "Everything is getting sucked in!" the third scientist yelled. "Everyone grab your belongings and get out," ordered Drake. He was getting everything as the scientists ran around grabbing everything that was theirs. "Um Dr. are we not going to bring Desmond back?" asked Emilia. "If you think we have time for that then you must be crazy," said Drake. "But Dr. we can't just leave him out there," argued Emilia. "Emilia listen to me," said Drake grabbing her shoulder. "Sacrificing one human isn't a big deal, besides I need my team to continue this project," "One human?" asked Emilia. "Dr. that boy has a family!" argued Emilia. "If you want to save that boy then no one is stopping you," Said Drake grabbing his briefcase. "Just so you know no one is saving you either," He walked out the door along with the other scientists. Emilia sighed as she went over to the dashboard and released the restraints on Desmond's chair. She could see Desmond struggling to get out as the rift continued to suck things in. She opened the door as a huge gust of wind started pulling her in. Slowly but steadily, she began making her way towards Desmond. "Desmond!" Emilia yelled over the sound. "Professor!" Desmond responded. "Help me!" "I'm coming, hang on!" said Emilia. Desmond grabbed onto one of the tables as the chair that he was sitting in was torn out of the ground and pulled in. Desmond yelped as he slowly made his way to Emilia. She struggled to stay in place as she reached out to him. Desmond had managed to get close enough to grab a hold of her hand. She used all her strength to pull him into her arms. "I have you kid," said Emilia. She tried to turn around and walk back while Desmond clutched onto her coat, but she accidentally slipped on a puddle of liquid causing her to fall. The two were immediately sucked closer to the rift as they grabbed onto nearby objects. "Professor!" Desmond yelled. Emilia looked behind her as the rift's suction grew stronger. She looked at Desmond with sad eyes. "I'm sorry," she said before her grip slipped and she was sucked in. "NO!"Desmond screamed. He looked back up to see the door. Gritting his teeth he tried to make his was to the door, but not before a desk knocked him back. Desmond yelped as he was sucked into the rift. The rift continued to suck things in for another 20 minutes before it closed and everything went silent. > Chapter 1: Lilith the Changeling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey are you ok?" "Come on wake up, please wake up," Desmond groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. "Wha, who?" He blinked trying to refocus his vision. "Oh thank goodness, you're alive!" sighed the voice. "Wha?" Desmond groaned. He was finally able to refocus and saw the strange creature standing above him. It had a black body with a horn sticking out from the center of it's forehead, and two small ears on either side of it's head. It stared down at Desmond with it's deep blue eyes and two small fangs could be seen hanging out of it's mouth. "Who, who are you?" he asked. "My name is Lilith, I'm a changeling," said the creature cheerfully. Desmond sat up and and winced as he put his hand to his head. "Hey are you ok?" asked Lilith. "Yeah I'm fine, I must've hit my head against something," said Desmond. "I'm Desmond, Desmond Docks," "What did you call yourself?" "Lilith, Lilith the changeling," she answered. "And what exactly is a changeling?" asked Desmond. "It's a creature that can change it's outward appearance to look like others," explained Lilith. "Uh huh," said Desmond. He looked up towards the sky and saw that the entire sky was covered in black clouds. He inspected his surroundings and saw that the land he was on was completely desolate. Not a single form of life could be seen. All the plants were withering and not a single animal could be seen walking around. "Where?" asked Desmond. "Is something wrong?" asked Lilith. Desmond turned around and stared at her with a serious look. "Where is this place?" asked Desmond. "Oh um, you're in Ultra World or at least what's left of it," said Lilith. "What's left of it?" asked Desmond. "It's a bit of a long story," said Lilith. "Well I would ask to hear it but..." At that moment Desmond could hear the sound of voices from the distance. Looking around though, he was unable to pinpoint the direction where the voice was coming from. "What was that?" asked Desmond. He turned to face Lilith and noticed that she looked extremely worried. "Lilith, is something wrong?" asked Desmond. "No, we can't stay here," said Lilith. "What?" asked Desmond. "We can't stay here, come on we have to find somewhere to stay," said Lilith grabbing his arm with her magic. "Whoa, whoa stop right there, I'm not going anywhere until you explain what's going on," said Desmond. "Don't you get it, there's no time!" said Lilith. "If we stay here, THEY'LL catch us," said Lilith. "Who's they?" asked Desmond. It wasn't until that moment that Desmond realized that the voices were getting closer in they're direction. "It came from this way!" exclaimed one of the voices. Soon the sound of footsteps approaching, alerted Lilith as she began to panic. "No, please Desmond you have to come with me," pleaded Lilith. "Why?" asked Desmond. "I'll explain everything once we find shelter," said Lilith. "Please you have to trust me," "Ugh ok fine," groaned Desmond. Lilith sighed as she ran in one direction and stopped to face him," This way hurry," she said. Desmond walked over to her and as Lilith turned around, Desmond noticed to figures standing there. Lilith stopped and took a step back. "Well, well, well if it isn't the changeling," laughed one of the figures. "No not you!" gasped Lilith. Desmond looked at Lilith and confusion then looked at the two figures. Both were wearing shiny black armor and helmets with visors covering their eyes. The figure one the left held a spear, while the one on the right had a sword drawn from it's scabbard. He noticed a strange mark inscribed on their chest plate. The mark resembled an upside down Omega with a circle in the center. Eight curves spun in the same direction resembling a spiral in the circle. He looked up at the two figures. "Please we don't want any trouble, just let us go and we'll do whatever you want," pleaded Lilith. "Hmm a nice offering but I'm afraid we can't accept it," said a voice from behind. Both Lilith and Desmond turned around to see more of those figures walking up to them. The figure in the center was wearing the same armor as the others, but wore a cape around his neck and was missing the visor. The mark on his chest plate was also red compared to the others who had blue marks. "You," whimpered Lilith. "It's nice to see you again changeling," said the figure. He looked towards Desmond and smiled. "Well, well it seems you've made a friend," he laughed. "Who are you?" asked Desmond. "Son, I am one of the two generals of the Ultra Space Empire," said the man. "You may call me Bruno," "Bruno eh?" asked Desmond. "Desmond we can't trust him, come on we have to get out of here," said Lilith grabbing his arm. "Oh come now, leaving already?" "We just got here," groaned Bruno. "Yes, we're extremely busy, so we would really appreciate if you'd move out of the way," said Lilith. "I'm afraid we can't do that," said Bruno. "What?' asked Lilith. "We promised Chrysalis to bring you back after you betrayed the hive," said Bruno. "I don't work for Chrysalis any longer," said Lilith. "Oh right you work for that other changeling Thorax," said Bruno rolling his eyes. "But even if you work for Thorax you still look like one of Chrysalis's changelings," "That's because I recently joined Thorax," said Lilith. "Oh right, you're a renegade changeling," chuckled Bruno. "That's right!" exclaimed Lilith. "And because you're a renegade changeling, you have to suffer the consequences of a renegade changeling," said Bruno. "Get them!" ordered Bruno. The figures reached out to grab them, but not before Desmond grabbed Lilith by the hoof and ran past the soldiers. "Hey what the!?" yelped one of the soldiers. "If you want her you'll have to catch us!" proclaimed Desmond. Lilith pulled away from Desmond's grip and began running in one direction. "This way!" said Lilith. Desmond quickly followed her as a horde of soldiers ran after them in pursuit, Bruno's voice yelling at them to go. > Chapter 2: Desmond's Choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmond and Lilith moved quickly in order to lose their pursuers. Sometimes they even had to hide or lay a fake trail, but even then the Ultra Space Empire somehow always found them. Desmond questioned Lilith about their destination but she wouldn't reveal it to him. Eventually after constant days of running, Lilith and Desmond found themselves in front of a large old castle. "This place?" asked Desmond. "That's right," answered Lilith. "But it doesn't look like anyone lives here," said Desmond. Lilith ignored Desmond's comment and walked up to the large double doors and knocked. A voice from the inside responded. "What's the password?" asked the voice. "Klutzy Draconequus," answered Lilith. There was a click followed by a loud groan as the doors swung open. "This way," said Lilith walking in. Desmond hesitated but followed Lilith in. The inside was almost as bad as the outer appearance. The walls were crumbling and covered with vines. "What is this place?" asked Desmond. Desmond turned to face Lilith only to find she had stopped. "Your Majesty, it is I Lilith, ambassador from the changeling kingdom, are you available?!" Lilith asked. Desmond looked at her with confusion but within moments he could hear the sound of footsteps echoing throughout the entire castle. He looked up the large fleet of stairs going up, and saw six figures walking towards them. "Ah Lilith you've returned!" said the figures. He was wearing a large blue robe with white stars. He had a large beard and brown hair and a large golden crown with red and blue jewels on top of his head. Desmond noticed that Lilith was bowing down and quickly followed her example. "Hmm Lilith who might this be?" "This is Desmond Docks, your majesty," said Lilith. "I found him unconscious in the hollow desert," "Desmond eh?' chuckled the man. "Raise your head young one and look at me," Desmond did as he was told and looked up. The man looked at him as if he was examining his face. "My, my what a truly amazing person you are Desmond, a perfect fit for my daughters," chuckled the man. "I beg your pardon?" asked Desmond. "Um your majesty, perhaps an introduction first?" suggested Lilith. "Ah yes how rude of me," said the King. He looked back at Desmond and put his hand to his chest. "I am King Giovanni of Ultra World, it's a pleasure to meet you," "It's an honor to meet you too your majesty," said Desmond. He looked over as two girls stepped forward. One was taller and had blonde hair while the other was a little shorter and had hazel colored hair. They both had sparkling brown eyes and wore extremely fancy dresses and crowns. "Greetings, I am Princess Mavis, the eldest daughter of King Giovanni," said the tall girl. "And this is my younger sister Syrup," "Hiya!" she said cheerfully. 'It's nice to meet you both," said Desmond. Next three men dressed in full armor stepped forward. One carried a sword while the other two carried spears. The man in the center had short black hair and eyes of the same color but the other two wore helmets that covered their faces so Desmond couldn't fully distinguish them. "Desmond, I am Luther, Commander of the Ultra World Army," said the man in the center. "To my left is Floyd and to my right is his twin brother Lloyd," "Hello," they both said in unison. "Hello," Desmond responded. "Your majesty, I'm afraid, we have a problem," said Lilith. "Is it U.S.E?' asked Giovanni. Lilith nodded. "They've spread much farther than I originally expected," said Lilith. "Damn, those guys just don't give up do they?" growled Lloyd. "Ah right we should probably owe our friend an explanation here," said Giovanni looking at Desmond. "Yeah I'm really confused," said Desmond. "It started many years ago, before, Ultra World was a world filled with beauty and life," started Mavis. "This beauty was protected and preserved by six beasts that also helped kept the balance of this world in check," "All was good until U.S.E. showed up," said Syrup. "Ok and what is U.S.E?" asked Desmond. "U.S.E. or The Ultra Space Empire is an organization that seeks to conquer worlds for their own selfish gain," explained Giovanni. "They invade and attack other worlds hoping to bring them under their control," "There had been times where the people of these worlds tried to fight back, but U.S.E. were too strong for them," added Luther. "We were one of those worlds," "I assume you lost that battle," said Desmond. "We were forced to hand our kingdom to U.S.E. and their tyrannical dictator, a man that goes by the name Drigma," explained Floyd. "Drigma?" asked Desmond. "Drigma is the leader of U.S.E, he is a man of pure cruelty," said Lilith. "He sees U.S.E. as the true ruler of worlds and himself as the supreme god of the universe," "His followers believe he's trying to create an ideal world where the strong controls the weak, but in reality, he's selfishly taking what belongs to others," added Mavis. "He tortures, lies, cheats, steals and even kills others only to get what HE wants," added Syrup. "For so long, our kingdom has been under the control of Drigma and the Ultra Space Empire," said Giovanni. "But we haven't given up hope," said Luther. "We believe that there is someone out there who will be able to free us from these chains of slavery and bring U.S.E. to it's knees," "But as of now the only thing we can do is form a resistance to counter U.S.E," said Lloyd. "Unfortunately, these resistance movements were too weak compared to U.S.E. who has full military power and our freedom has constantly been delayed," said Floyd. "But we're not going down just yet, Mr. Docks we want to ask you, will you lend us your strength and create a resistance movement that can defeat U.S.E?" pleaded Mavis. "Well what do you think?" asked Lilith turning to Desmond. "From what I've heard, it seems like they're in a tough spot," said Desmond. "But I gotta ask, why me?" "Please, for many years, heroes that have appeared in this world has failed, we believe that you could be the one to save us," said Giovanni. "I'll see what I can do," said Desmond. "Oh thank you so much!" cheered Syrup. Desmond smiled as he watched the group celebrated. Just then a flash of light appeared above them. Desmond looked up to see something descending from the light. "What is that?" asked Desmond. "No, it can't be," said Giovanni. "It is!" said Mavis. Confused, Desmond looked closer as the outline of a giant bird took form. As the light died down, Desmond could see a phoenix with golden feathers covered in a rainbow aura, flying above him. "Greetings Desmond," said the phoenix. "Who are you?" asked Desmond. "I am the light of life, the being that gives this world the beauty and nature, I am Omega the Guardian Beast of Life," said the phoenix. > Chapter 3: A Hero is Born > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmond watched in awe as Omega hovered in front of him. He could almost feel the burning heat from his feathers sink into his skin. "I know what you must be thinking," said Omega. "There's no need to fear me," "What do you need from me?" asked Desmond. "I was listening to your little conversation," said Omega. "And I want to thank you," He turned to face Giovanni and the others with a calm look. "I have decided," said Omega. "My lord?" asked Giovanni. "I can see it," said Omega. "This one has potential," "Wait you don't mean?" asked Mavis. Omega gave a slow nod and then turned toward Desmond once more. "Let me present you with these," said Omega. Desmond shielded his eyes as the rainbow jewel on Omega's forehead began to glow. Three orbs of light slowly emerged and hovered over to Desmond before expanding and revealing three items. Desmond took one look at the items and looked up at Omega. "Go on, take them," said Omega calmly. Desmond stepped forward. He hesitated but reached in and picked up the first item. It appeared to be a folded piece of black cloth. Once he removed the item, the orb of light vanished. Curious, he unfolded the cloth to reveal a large black cloak. Surprised he looked up at Omega who nodded. He carefully slipped the cloak on and faced Lilith. "How do I look?" he asked. "Like a hero," said Lilith. Smiling he turned around and reached into the second orb. Grabbing onto the second item, he pulled it out revealing a black scabbard. "A sword?" asked Desmond. "Not just any sword," said Omega. "Draw it," Desmond grabbed the hilt and drew the sword causing it to ignite and burst into flames. Desmond yelped as he dropped the buster sword onto the ground. "Calm down, it's made to do that," said Omega calmly. Desmond reached over and picked up the sword once more and held it up. "This sword is crafted out of the most powerful magic in all of Ultra World," explained Omega. "Made using obsidian and my fire magic, this buster sword can cut through even the thickest steel," "Amazing," said Luther. Desmond returned the sword into it's scabbard and slung it over his shoulder. He then turned to the final item and pulled it out. It appeared to be some sort of small visor. "Is this?" asked Desmond. "Indeed it is," said Omega. "I should probably mention that there is a power button on the right side of the lens. Desmond turned it onto the right side and saw a small power button. "Just tap it and it should activate," said Omega. Desmond placed his finger over the power button as it whirred to life. He slowly lifted it and over his eyes. The inside of the visor had a screen but remained black. "Um my lord, I can't really see anything," said Desmond. "Patience my friend, they should reveal themselves to you any moment," said Omega. "They?" asked Desmond. At that moment the screen went from black to green as an outline of a person appeared on the left side of the screen. The outline quickly began filling itself in to reveal a young girl with short purple hair and sparkling blue eyes. She appeared to be wearing a white headband and a black cloak that closely resembled his. "Hi there!" she giggled. "You must be Desmond right?" "Yes I am," said Desmond. "Well nice to meet you, my name is Ritsu, I'll be your guide from here on out," she said. "My guide?" asked Desmond. "I'll help you out by pulling up maps and scanning areas you need to inspect quickly," explained Ritsu. "Nice working with you," "Same here," said Desmond. Suddenly, the outline of a second person appeared and began coloring itself in to reveal the floating head of what appeared to be another young girl. She had short brown hair and eyes of the same color. "Um hello, are you Desmond?" asked the girl. "Yes that's me," answered Desmond. "Oh nice to meet you, I'm Alter Ego," said the girl. "Are you another guide?" asked Desmond. "Um yeah maybe, I'm only good at hacking though," said Alter Ego. "I suppose I ask you if I need to crack a code or something," said Desmond. "Yes, that's right," said Alter Ego. "Well it's nice working with you," said Desmond. Just then, the outline of a third figure appeared on the right. Except this time it wasn't a person. The outline colored itself in revealing a red square ending with the curve at the top. It had two arms in the shape of electric bolts and small stubby legs at the bottom. A small spike protruded at the top and two in the center was a small blue screen. Above the screen was two white ovals with blue smaller ovals inside the white ovals. "Hiya, you're Desmond right?" it asked. "Yeah," said Desmond. "Nice to meet ya, I'm called the Rotom Dex, but you can call me Rotom," it said. "Rotom, eh?" asked Desmond. "And I assume you'll be giving me information on Pokemon?" "Wow you're good," said Rotom. "That's right, if you need any information on Pokemon, I'll help you out," "Great," said Desmond. "Well that looks like all of us," said Ritsu. "What just the three of you?" asked Desmond. "For now yes," said Alter Ego. "I see," said Desmond. "So you must've met your three guides yes?" asked Omega. Desmond removed the visor and looked up at Omega. "Yes my lord," said Desmond. "Well then I suppose you should begin your task," said Omega. "As for me, I must be going as well," "Wait, we will meet again right?" asked Desmond. "Maybe we will, maybe we won't only time will tell," said Omega. "But remember this, whether we meet again or not, as long as you're determined, then you won't even need to see me," Desmond smiled. "I love that look, I wish you luck Desmond Docks," said Omega. He flapped his wings as he ascended towards the heavens and vanished in a flash of light. Desmond looked over to Giovanni as he approached him. "Do you think you can get started?" asked Giovanni. "No need to wait right?" asked Desmond. Giovanni chuckled. "Of course not," said Giovanni. "Now I received word from the nearby village saying that U.S.E. was causing trouble, I need you to go investigate," "Right away," said Desmond. "Just go ask our two security guards, Caroline and Justine, to let you out," said Giovanni. "Understood," said Desmond. "Let's go Lilith," "Good luck you're going to need it," said Giovanni. Desmond and Lilith turned and walked towards the door where two silver haired girls in security uniforms were waiting. "So Caroline and Justine from Persona 5 eh?" asked Desmond. "Hmm you're very sharp kid, I like it," said Justine. "You remember the password?" asked Caroline. "I've learned it from Lilith," said Desmond. "Good Luck," they said in unison as they opened the double doors. Desmond and Lilith looked at each other, smiled and walked out the door. Their adventure had begun. > Chapter 4: U.S.E. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ritsu completed scanning the area as Desmond and Lilith made their way to the village. "According to the scans most of the desolate land you see here aren't claimed by U.S.E," said Ritsu. "Guess they don't want any empty land," said Desmond. "It's strange though," "Why's that?" asked Lilith. "This land could easily be used for crops," said Desmond. "Or maybe for setting up camp," "It's even more confusing considering that U.S.E. isn't normally the kind of group that would just leave behind empty space when they could CLEARLY use it," said Alter Ego. "Why do you think they would just leave this land empty?" asked Rotom. "Only one way to find out, maybe," said Desmond. "Look over there," said Lilith pointing a hoof in front of them. Ritsu, Alter Ego, and Rotom quickly moved to the bottom left side of the screen as a village pixelated into Desmond's view. "That's it isn't it?" asked Desmond. "Yes," said Alter Ego. "Let's go," said Desmond. He began walking towards the village with Lilith following behind. As they entered, Desmond noticed the several houses were in ruins and people were chained as U.S.E. soldiers walked behind them. Most of the villagers were either cleaning the shoes or armor of the soldiers while others giving massages and washing their feet. The villagers clothes were in rags and all of them looked extremely tired. "How terrible," said Lilith. "How long do you think U.S.E. has occupied this village?' Desmond asked. "At the most, about a month," answered Ritsu. Desmond gritted his teeth. 'What a terrible group scumbags," Desmond said. "Wait, stop," said Ritsu. Lilith turned around as Desmond stopped walking. "What is it?" asked Lilith. "Ritsu says there seems to be some sort of commotion up ahead," said Desmond. "Let's go check it out," suggested Lilith as she continued walking. Desmond sighed as he followed her. They eventually came to a large opening where a group of U.S.E. soldiers were huddled around something. "What's going on here?" asked Desmond. "I can check it out," said Lilith she slowly flew up to see two U.S.E. soldiers throwing stones at four creatures in the center. One was a black and white cat with blue eyes and a yellow scarf wrapped around it's neck. It had a black pouch wrapped around it's waist. One was a small pink creature with a round body and two ears. It had short stubby feet and ears and shiny green eyes filled with tears. A small curl drooped over it's eyes. The last two were what appeared to be yellow mice. One was bigger and had red cheek, black tipped ears, and a zigzag tail. The second mouse was smaller and had pink cheeks and a black tail. Both had short hands and feet. All four appeared to be badly injured as U.S.E. soldiers continued to pelt them with rocks. Lilith flew down and explained what she saw to Desmond. "From the description you gave me, that would be Morgana, Pikachu, Pichu, and Jigglypuff," said Desmond. "You know them?" asked Ritsu. "They may not come from my world, but they're seen as celebrities," answered Desmond. "You said they were being abused?" "Two soldiers were throwing rocks at them, poor things," said Lilith. "Well we're going to change that," said Desmond walking towards the crowd. As they got closer they could hear what they were saying. "Yeah get them!" yelled one of the soldiers. "This is what happens to those oppose U.S.E!" boasted another. "Leave us alone!" pleaded a voice. "What, there's nobody here to stop us!" laughed a third soldier. "How about you turn around," suggested Desmond. The soldiers stopped laughing and turned to face him and Lilith. "And who are you?" asked one of the soldiers. "I am Desmond, but most of my friends just call me Des," said Desmond. "We heard about your activities U.S.E. so we came here to put an end to your crimes," "Ha, stop us?" laughed another soldier. "Don't talk so big, you don't look so tough," "I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you," said Desmond. The soldiers stopped laughing as they glared at him. "You tryin' to piss us off brat?" sneered a third. "You're just a kid, you can't do nothin," "Plus you only have that renegade changeling with you," said a fourth. "You can't take on all of us," "Say what you want, but I'm taking those guys with me," said Desmond pointing to Morgana and the three Pokemon. "Don't even think about it," said a fifth. "Or what who's going to stop me?" asked Desmond. "You think this is a game kid?" said a soldier walking up to him. "If you don't want trouble get out," He placed his hand on his shoulder. Desmond smirked as he grabbed the soldier with his left hand and twisted it causing him to scream and back away. Desmond quickly drew his sword causing it to ignite and slashed the soldier across the stomach. The soldier crumpled to the ground holding his stomach in pain. The others looked at him. "Seriously down in one hit?" asked Desmond. "Wow I would've expected something more impressive, but if you're going down THAT easily then the rumors must've been false," "You're going to pay for that," sneered another soldier. He let out a war cry as he rushed at him with a knife in hand. Desmond quickly dodged the attack and slashed diagonally down the soldier's torso. The soldier collapsed on the ground whimpering. "Anybody else?" asked Desmond. "Oh yeah, yeah the rest of us," sneered a soldier. "Don't think you'll get out of this village alive, not after what you did," He drew his sword as the rest followed his example by drawing their weapons. "Alright, hopefully you'll put up much more of a fight," said Desmond. "Lilith get the critters and move out of the way," Lilith quickly ran over to Morgana and the three Pokemon guiding them over to the side. "Hey get away from our toys!" ordered a soldier. "Sorry but you're opponent is me," said Desmond raising his blade. "You wanna die so badly?" growled another soldier. "Fine we'll grant that wish," "Get him!" he ordered. The soldiers charged at Desmond, weapons ready. Lilith held Morgana, Pikachu, Pichu, and Jigglypuff as she watched Desmond strike down every soldier that came at him. One by one the soldiers fell and before long Desmond had single handedly defeated 30 U.S.E. soldiers. Once it was over, he walked back over to Lilith who stared at him in awe. "What?" asked Desmond. "Oh no it's just that I didn't know you could fight like that," said Lilith. "Well now you know," said Desmond. "How's Morgana and the others?" "They're hurt bad," said Lilith. "Then we should take them back to the castle to treat them," said Desmond. "Let's go," he said as he began walking. Lilith got to her feet and ran by his side while carrying the four. As they walked off, the villagers and other soldiers who were watching, gathered in the center and watched Desmond and Lilith get farther. "Well that could've gone better," said one soldier. "What do we do now?" asked another. "I'll tell you what, go get the big boy, we'll see how Mr. Show off handles an Elite," said a third. > Chapter 5: Operation Liberation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmond held Morgana and Pikachu in his arms while Lilith carried Jigglypuff and Pichu. Once they reached the castle doors, Desmond walked up and knocked. "What's the password?" asked Caroline. "Klutzy Draconequus," answered Desmond. The double doors creaked open as Desmond and Lilith quickly squeezed through the opening and walked in. "Geez what's got you worked up?" asked Justine. "We got some injured animals that's what," said Desmond. "Let us see," said Caroline walking up to them. Desmond held out Morgana and Pikachu while Lilith showed her Pichu and Jigglypuff. "Hmm clearly," said Caroline. Desmond could see Justine pulling out a walkie talkie from her belt and speaking into it. "U.S.E?" asked Caroline. "Yes, the villagers there were also in pretty bad shape," answered Lilith. "Yeah I thought so," said Caroline. Suddenly one of the doors leading to the left hall burst open as Giovanni, Mavis, Syrup and two other figures ran in. "We heard the news," said Giovanni. "How bad is it?" asked Mavis. Desmond and Lilith walked up to them with the four in their arms. Giovanni, Mavis, and Syrup gathered around them to see the badly injured animals. "Oh no," whimpered Syrup. "Such cruelty, this cannot be forgiven," said Giovanni. "It's U.S.E. isn't it?" Desmond nodded. "Is it the organization you mentioned sir?" asked one of the figures. Desmond and Lilith turned to face them. "Um sorry who are you?" asked Lilith. "Oh forgive us we should've introduced ourselves before we interrupted," said the male figure. He appeared to be wearing white and bronze armor with a scabbard slung over his shoulder. He had a bluish black colored hair that matched the colors of his eyes. "Oh no need for that," said Desmond. Looking at them both. "I know who you are," "You do?" asked the female figure. She was wearing an identical suit of armor as the male but had green eyes and blonde colored hair that was tied back into a ponytail and instead of sword, she carried a lance. "Hmph, it would be rude not to recognize the prince and princess of Askr would it not?" asked Desmond. "Wha?" asked Lilith. "Lilith, I want to introduce you to Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena of Askr," said Desmond. "It's an honor to meet you Lilith," said Alfonse. "Hi, I hope we can become good friends!" cheered Sharena. "Uh yeah," said Lilith. "Ahem back to more important notices, we need to treat their injuries," said Giovanni. "Give them to Mavis and Syrup and they'll take them to the medical room," Desmond and Lilith handed Morgana, Pikachu, Pichu, and Jigglypuff to the two princesses as they walked off. "So how'd it go?" asked Giovanni. "Not so good, the village is completely under U.S.E. control," said Desmond. "And you?" "Right now I'm planning out what we can do for the future with Luther, Lloyd, Floyd, Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna," said Giovanni. "So Anna IS here," said Desmond. Giovanni nodded. "They heard about you so they came to check things out," said Giovanni. "By the way do you have any plans?" "I was going to head back to the village to try and get rid of U.S.E, but if there's something you need me to do then go ahead," said Desmond. "Oh no it's fine, actually it's about the village I wanted to talk to you about," said Giovanni. "Alright," said Desmond. "We need to talk about it with Anna and Luther," said Giovanni. "Lead the way," said Desmond. So Giovanni led Desmond and Lilith to a small meeting room where Luther, Lloyd, Floyd, and another female figure were waiting. After Desmond introduced Lilith to Anna, Giovanni explained about future plans that he had for Desmond and his resistance movement. He had covered information regarding saving past resistance members from U.S.E, forming alliances with leaders from other countries, recruiting new members, and vice versa. "I know this is a lot of information to take in, but I believe this is absolutely necessary in bringing U.S.E. to it's knees," said Giovanni. Desmond scratched his chin as he processed the information. "Of course you won't be doing this alone, you'll have your resistance," said Anna. "Ok I understood most of the information, but one quick question," said Desmond. "Shoot," said Giovanni. "I'll be in charge of this whole operation?" he asked. "Well this IS your resistance movement," said Giovanni. "You know what you've convinced me, it sounds difficult, but I'll do it," said Desmond. "Really!?" asked Giovanni. "As long as I have my resistance movement, then Operation Liberation shouldn't be too difficult right?" asked Desmond. "Operation Liberation, yeah I like that," said Giovanni. "Has a nice ring to it," said Alfonse. "No objections here," said Anna. "Yeah, I'll follow you all the way Des!" cheered Sharena. "Then it's settled, Operation Liberation, carried out by the Ultra Smash Force Resistance Movement," proclaimed Desmond. "Ultra Smash Force?" asked Lilith. "The name of my resistance movement," answered Desmond. "Doesn't that sound a little over the top?" asked Lilith. "Nah it's fine," said Desmond. "I like it," said Giovanni. "Also has a nice ring to it," agreed Alfonse. "You just keep coming up with awesome names don't you Desmond?" chuckled Anna. "Yeah Ultra Smash Force!" cheered Sharena. "Hey if you already came up with a name for your resistance movement, how about a logo?" asked Giovanni. "Actually, can I get some writing utensils?" asked Desmond. Luther ran out of the room and came back with some paper and pencil and handed them to Desmond. As soon as he got them, Desmond began scribbling something. The others waited in anticipation as they awaited Desmond's creation. Once he was finished, he held up the paper for everyone to see. It showed an upside down Omega symbol like the U.S.E. logo. The only difference was the Smash logo had replaced the circle with eight curves. "What do you think?" asked Desmond. "Ok at this point, I think you're just copying U.S.E," said Lilith. "Is it bad that I actually like this?" asked Sharena. "I don't think plagiarism is a thing here in Ultra World," said Luther. "Even if it was, who cares, it's not like U.S.E. can do anything about it," said Lloyd. "Honestly, I think it's nice," said Anna. "I agree," said Alfonse. "Desmond is just too good at everything," said Floyd. "Then it's settled, this is the official logo for the Ultra Smash Force Resistance Movement," announced Giovanni. Everyone in the room cheered except Lilith who still had a look of skepticism on her face. "I still think there was a better way of doing this," said Lilith. "Oh come on don't be like that," said Desmond. "The name of the resistance movement nor the logo matters," "What DOES matter though is what we're here to do," "Yeah I suppose you're right," said Lilith. "Well anyways, since we cleared this up, if you're ready do you think you can head out immediately?" asked Giovanni. "You can leave it to us!" said Desmond giving him a thumbs up. "Then I wish you luck," said Giovanni. "Oh and one more thing, Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena will be accompanying you," "Great thanks," said Desmond. "Go get 'em slugger," said Giovanni. Desmond walked out the door as Lilith, Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena followed him out. The time had come, Operation Liberation was now in action. > Chapter 6: Ultra Space Elites > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmond, Lilith, Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena made their way back to the village, now armed and ready for battle. When they reached the village, Desmond noticed that something was different. Before the villagers were busy tending to the soldiers. This time though they watched as the five walked through the streets of the ruined village. "Why are they staring at us?" asked Alfonse. "Let's just say Desmond kinda slaughtered some soldiers earlier," said Lilith. It wasn't long until they reached the plaza where a group of U.S.E. soldiers were waiting. 'Well, well look who we have here," sneered one of the soldiers. "A welcoming party for us?" asked Desmond. "How thoughtful," "More like a death sentence," said the same soldier. "We saw what you did, it's payback time!" proclaimed another soldier. The others cheered in agreement. "Fine, just so you know we won't be going easy on you," said Desmond. "Oh you're not fighting us," said the first solider. Desmond looked at him with a confused look. The soldiers moved out of the way as one of the soldiers stepped forward. But upon closer inspection, Desmond noticed that this particular soldier looked different compared to the others. He was wearing the same armor and helmet as all the other soldiers, but unlike the others he wore a cape. The U.S.E. logo on his chest plate was also green rather than blue. "Hmph so you're Desmond eh?" snickered the soldier. "What another U.S.E. soldier?" asked Lilith. "You don't looks so tough," "Tch, how foolish to think that you would mistake me for the amateurs," said the soldier. "I am nothing like them," "Then who are you?" asked Desmond. "I am much more than just a normal soldier," he said. "Much more powerful, much more skilled, you could even say that I'm an Elite compared to them," "An Elite Soldier?" asked Alfonse. "That's right, as for my name, I am Octavious of the Ultra Space Elites," he said. "Octavious?" asked Sharena. "Ultra Space Elites?" asked Anna. "Desmond be careful, he's one of the seven Elite soldiers of U.S.E," said Ritsu. "Elite soldiers?" asked Desmond. "You heard what he said, he's more powerful and skilled compared to all the low ranking members of the organization," said Alter Ego. "Then that's what I like to hear," said Desmond drawing his sword. "A real challenge," "Hm willing to face me I see," chuckled Octavious. "Fine let's see if what my troops says is true," He turned to one of the soldiers standing on the side. "My mace," he ordered. The soldier nodded as he handed him a large chained mace with a golden tint. He turned to face Desmond and pointed the spiked ball at him. "Let's see if you're good as my men says you are," "Bring it on," said Desmond raising his burning blade. "We should probably back up," suggested Anna. Lilith, Alfonse, and Sharena took her advice and moved away as the soldiers followed their action, leaving Desmond and Octavious to face off against each other in the center. For a moment they stared each other down with their weapons drawn, then Desmond charged at Octavious. He held the blade up getting ready to strike, but Octavious swung the spiky ball with his chain and hurled it at him. Desmond quickly moved out of the way and lunged at Octavious.But he sidestepped and slammed his knee into his stomach. Desmond winced as he stepped back. Octavious tugged on the chain, causing the ball to fly straight into Desmond's back, knocking him down. "Desmond!" Lilith gasped. Octavious caught the spiky ball as it flew back into his hand. "Desmond are you alright?" asked Ritsu. "I'm fine," grunted Desmond. He slowly rose to his feet and raised his blade. "Hmph, still got some in ya I see," sneered Octavious. "How about this?!" Octavious swung his mace around and hurled it at Desmond again. This time Desmond deflected the ball with his sword sending it flying back into his hand. "Not bad, but not good enough!" he exclaimed. He hurled his mace at Desmond again, but this time the ball went past his leg, curved as the chain wrapped itself around his legs, and landed on the ground behind him. Desmond yelped as he fell backwards. "How you like that!?" laughed Octavious. "Yeah, get him young master Octavious!" cheered one of the soldiers. "That'll teach you not to mess with U.S.E!" exclaimed another. "The Elites rock!" proclaimed a third. "Come on get up Desmond," said Alter Ego. "You can do it!" said Rotom. Desmond grunted as he struggled to remove the chain off his legs. "What's wrong, can't get if off?" snickered Octavious. "You bastard," growled Desmond. "Heh, sorry but I won't let you go that easily," snickered Octavious. He tugged on the chain as it tightened around Desmond's legs. He winced and held his legs as Octavious laughed wickedly. "Not so tough now are ya?" Desmond continued to struggle with the chains when he noticed his sword lying on the ground next to him. That's when it hit him. "Ok I'll admit it, I can't escape," said Desmond. "Ho, ho admitting defeat are you?" chuckled Octavious. "I never said I was giving up," said Desmond. "What?" asked Octavious. Desmond looked up at him with a deep smirk on his face. Octavious's smile faded and was replaced with a look of confusion. "What?" he asked. "Oh nothing," said Desmond. "Just find it funny how you forgot that gold can melt," "Yeah at very high temperatures," said Octavious. "Exactly," said Desmond grabbing his sword. Octavious followed his movements, but by the time he realized, Desmond raised his blade and brought it down on the golden chain, causing it to shatter. "No!" Octavious yelled. Desmond quickly removed the chains and kicked Octavious in the face causing him to step back. Desmond got to his feet and stepped back holding his sword up. "How did he do that?" asked Sharena. "Oh Desmond you clever boy," chuckled Lilith. 'What is it?" asked Alfonse. "That sword is made from Omega's fire and magic," explained Lilith. "His flames are said to be extremely hot considering that he's technically a phoenix," "So he used the flames on his sword to break the golden chain," said Anna. "Very clever indeed," "Not so tough now are ya?" snickered Desmond. "Why you little," Octavious growled. He rushed forward and attempted to punch Desmond. But Desmond quickly moved out of the way and kicked him back onto the ground. Octavious sat up as Desmond raised his blade. Octavious shielded his face, but instead of slashing him, Desmond slammed the butt of his sword against his head knocking him out. "You put up a good fight there buddy," said Desmond. He looked up to see all the soldiers staring at him. "Unless you wanna end up like you're buddy, get all your belongings and leave this village at once," ordered Desmond. The soldiers growled as they ran off in every direction. Two soldiers ran up and dragged Octavious away from Desmond. "We'll remember this!" exclaimed one of the soldiers. Desmond watched as the soldiers abandoned the villagers and ran off. Desmond returned his sword as Lilith, Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna ran up to congratulate him. "You did it!" cheered Sharena. "Yes truly a magnificent battle you've shown us Desmond," said Alfonse. "It was nothing," said Desmond. "Excuse me sir," said a voice. Desmond turned around as a group of villagers approached him. "You must be Desmond," said the villager. "Yes," said Desmond. "I want to thank you for saving our village," said the villager. "No problem, I was only doing what's right," said Desmond. "Please if you would, stay for lunch will you?" asked the villager. "We may not be in good condition, but we want to repay you somehow," Desmond looked at the four and nodded. "Well if you insist," said Desmond. So Desmond and his friends ate lunch with the villagers and stayed with them for a while. Eventually they said their goodbyes and headed back to the castle to report to Giovanni. > Chapter 7: Land of Clowns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After having lunch with the villagers, Desmond and his group made their way back to the castle. Upon reaching the front gates, Desmond noticed a familiar green pipe sticking out of the ground. Not saying a word about the pipe, Desmond approached the door and knocked. "Password?" asked Caroline. "Klutzy Draconequus," answered Desmond. The doors slowly opened giving access to Desmond and his party. Desmond noticed that Giovanni was waiting for them along with four other figures, one owl and a small purple dragon with green spines. "Oh Desmond, you've returned!" said Giovanni. Desmond looked at the four figures who were standing next to Giovanni. One of the four wore a pink dress and white gloves. She had blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that seemed to light up the dark castle. A small yellow crown sat on top of her head. The girl next to her looked to be almost Desmond's height. She also had a small crown on top of her head indicating that she was also a princess. However compared to the girl next to her, this one wore a brown long sleeved shirt and white skirt. Her brown hair ran all the way down to her waist and her yellow eyes seemed to glow. Two small cat ears popped out of her hair and twitched. Upon making eye contact with her, she gave Desmond a mischievous small and a small wave. It was strange considering Desmond wasn't one to feel uneasy, but this one made him uncomfortable. He quickly averted his gaze and looked over to the girl next to her. This one didn't have a crown on her head which gave Desmond the idea that she wasn't a princess like the other two. She wore a traditional shrine maiden outfit with a large red bow tied to her black hair. Desmond looked behind them to see a large anthropomorphic goat wearing a blue robe. The goat had a large yellow beard around his chin that matched his yellow hair. Again, a small yellow crown sat on top of his head. "Ah yes our visitors," said Giovanni catching his gaze. "I should probably introduce them," But before he could say anything, Desmond stepped forward and looked at the princess in the pink dress. "Princess Peach yes?" he asked. "Oh, you know me?" she asked in a surprised tone. Indeed I do your majesty," said Desmond. "She's a princess?" gasped Sharena. "She does have the crown," said Alfonse. Desmond then turned his attention to the goat. "I believe it's King Asgore," said Desmond. "Oh ho, my, my someone who knows me," he boomed. "Yes, I know you your majesty," said Desmond. "Unfortunately, these two don't look familiar," he said looking at the other two. "Well then I guess this is where the introductions comes in," said Giovanni. He cleared his throat as he put his hands on the shoulders of the girl with the shrine maiden outfit. "This is Reimu Hakurei," he said. "Oh from that one game," said Desmond. "Touhou right?" asked Desmond. "So now you know me?" groaned Reimu rolling her eyes. "Hey I wasn't born in Japan, I know nothing about your game," said Desmond. "Well anyway, if you know Reimu then let's move on," said Giovanni. "This is Princess Illya," said Giovanni introducing the other princess. "I don't think I've heard of her," said Desmond. "Oh no, that's because she recently took the throne," said Giovanni. "She's the current princess of dreamland," "Oh so you know Kirby?" asked Desmond. "Guess you could say that," said Illya. "So you're Desmond eh?" "Um yes?" Desmond answered in a confused tone. "Nice to meet you," said Illya holding out her hand. Desmond looked at her hand then back at her. "Oh come now, don't tell me you don't know how to shake someone's hand," chuckled Illya. "Oh no it's just that, you're royalty," said Desmond. "Aren't I supposed to bow?" "Pfft, come on," laughed Illya. "Just because I'm princess doesn't mean I have to act like one," "Come on shake my hand," Desmond hesitated but eventually took her hand. Suddenly, Illya's smile faded as she stared at their hands. "Um is something wrong?" asked Desmond. Illya smiled. "I guess it was true," said Illya. Desmond looked at her in confusion. "Oh come here you," she said pulling him in. Desmond yelped as she wrapped her arms around him and embraced him. The others watched in shock as Desmond's face turn red. After a while Illya let him go, allowing Desmond to go back into his spot. "Thanks for the hug sweetie," she cooed. "Sweetie!?" Desmond yelped. Illya giggled and looked back at him She raised one of her hands up to her cheek and curved her fist making it look like a paw. "Meow," she cooed cutely. Desmond felt his face grow hot as she watched Illya laugh. "Aww, I made you blush how cute," she giggled. "Illya please, can we just get to the point?" asked Giovanni. "Yes of course, my apologies your majesty," said Illya. "Sorry about that Desmond," said Giovanni apologizing. "She is well known to be the mischievous type," "No, it's fine," said Desmond readjusting himself. "Now is there something you wanted to discuss?" he asked. "Yes," Giovanni answered in a serious tone. "Is it about U.S.E. sir?" asked Lilith. "I can't say for certain," said Giovanni. "But maybe if you hear they're side of the story, you'll understand," Giovanni looked at the four and nodded. "Alright what seems to be the problem?" asked Desmond. They all looked at each other and nodded. "We've had a bit of trouble with a couple of jokers you might say," said Asgore. "But before we get to that, do you perhaps recognize these individuals?" He pulled out a roll of paper from his robe and unrolled it. Desmond took the paper as Asgore handed it to him and looked at it. It appeared to be a wanted poster with pictures of five jesters. One wore a black cape with black shorts and yellow slippers. It wore a black and blue jester's hat on top of it's head. It had a small grey tail and a huge smile on it's face. It wore an accessory around it's neck to make it look like a clown. Another wore a yellow and purple robe and black pants and floppy shoes. It wore a large yellow and purple hat on it's head, and a white and black mask with black and yellow eyes. The third was a small pink arm less creature with a blue and red hat with white triangles and circles. It wore a large red bow and brown shoes. The fourth was a young girl with long yellow hair and magenta colored eyes. She wore a dress with red and white stripes and white stars on a blue background and socks with the same pattern. She had two transparent wings on her back and a large purple hat with white dots and three bells on her head. The fifth was a clown with red and white face paint and glowing yellow eyes. He wore a blue and red outfit and floppy shoes of the same color. A small black top hat sat on top of it's head. "Well?" asked Peach. "For the most part, I recognize some of these guys but there is one I don't remember seeing," said Desmond. "Who do you recognize?" asked Illya. "Jevil, Marx, Dimentio, and Beppi the Clown," answered Desmond. "I can't recall seeing the girl though," "That would be Clownpiece," said Reimu. "Ah so she's from you're world is she?" asked Desmond. "And how are they causing trouble?" asked Anna. "They've been making a lot of noise and creating chaos wherever they go," explained Illya. "Playing pranks, stealing and making a mess out of everything," "Have you tried stopping them?" asked Alfonse. "We did, but because they're members of U.S.E. we can't do much," answered Asgore. "And I suppose you came to talk to us because you need our help right?" asked Desmond. "Please we can't do this alone," pleaded Asgore. Desmond looked at Lilith and nodded. "Very well, we'll see what we can do," said Desmond. "Oh thank you so much, we really appreciate your assistance," said Peach. "And I suppose you want us to head out immediately?" Desmond asked Giovanni. "Hold on, no need to rush," said Giovanni. "I want to introduce you to two more of our members,"Confused Desmond watched as the small purple dragon with green spines walked out from behind him and a small fluffy white owl landed on his shoulders. "Do you know these two?" asked Giovanni. "Feh and Spike right?" asked Desmond. "That's right," said Giovanni. "These two are our personal messengers," "Not really," said Spike. "Anyway nice to meet you," "Same here," said Desmond. Spike looked at Lilith. "Hey no worries, Giovanni told me that you work for Thorax," said Spike. "So he let you know in advance eh?" asked Lilith. "Pretty much," said Spike. "Anyway, I was thinking you might wanna take Spike with you," said Giovanni. "Wait why?" asked Desmond. "Spike can send letters through his fire breath," explained Giovanni. "Which means if you need something during your quest, you can have Spike send letters to us," "Ok and what about Feh?" asked Lilith. "She'll be the ones delivering letters to you," said Giovanni. "Ah, so Spike is for sending and Feh is for delivering, makes sense," said Desmond. "Exactly," said Giovanni. "Well nice having you here," said Desmond. "Thanks Des," said Spike. "Anyway, that's it," said Giovanni. "Once you're ready, please set out at once," Desmond looked at Lilith and Spike and nodded. "Well then we're off," said Desmond. "I'm afraid Sharena, Alfonse, and Anna have to stay here with us," said Giovanni. 'Alright, see you soon I guess," said Desmond. "Yes," said Alfonse. "Good luck out there!" cheered Sharena. So Desmond, Lilith, and Spike said their goodbyes and walked out with Peach, Asgore, Reimu, and Illya. > Chapter 8: The Masked Thief > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desmond, Lilith, and Spike stepped out of the warp pipe and walked over to Peach, Illya, Reimu, and Asgore who were waiting for them. "This way," said Asgore. The four lead Desmond, Lilith, and Spike into a small town where several U.S.E. flags flowed in the wind. Upon entering, they noticed several U.S.E. soldiers roaming around. Just like the last village, the people of this small town were chained up and caring for the soldiers. Their clothes were in rags and mos of them were bruised. Desmond witnessed one of the soldiers kick down a villager and began whipping him after he dropped a vase with water. "Such cruelty," said Lilith. "Where exactly are we going?" asked Spike. "To the capital," said Reimu. "The capital?" asked Lilith. "We're going to confront the current ruler of this kingdom," explained Asgore. Just then the group was stopped by two U.S.E. soldiers who were blocking the path. "Halt!" ordered one of the guards. The group stopped as they blocked their path with their staffs. "Where do you think you're going?" asked the second guard. "To the capital," said Illya. "Sorry, but we can't let you do that," said the first guard. "We want an audience with the king," said Peach. "Forget it, it ain't happening," said the second guard. "I swear if you don't let us pass..." growled Reimu. "What?" sneered the second guard. "What're ya gonna do eh girl?" "You'll live to regret it," said Desmond walking up to the guard. "Eh who are you?" asked the first guard. "Desmond, but my friends call me Des," said Desmond. "I'm going to ask nicely, let us pass or else," The second guard grabbed Desmond by the collar of his cloak. Asgore stepped forward to help him, but Desmond held him back. "Are you threatening us kid?" hissed the guard. "I am," said Desmond. "You wanna die?" sneered the first guard. "Not if you go first," said Desmond. "Why you little," the second guard grabbed his staff getting ready to strike. But before he could bring down his staff, Desmond grabbed the wrist of the first guard and pulled him closer. He then picked him up and held him up as the second guard drove his staff into the back of the first. The guard screamed in agony as Desmond shoved him into the second guard knocking them down. As the second guard struggled to get up, Desmond jumped over the gate, grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground, knocking him unconscious. He dusted himself off and looked back to see the others staring at him with surprised looks on their faces. "What a man's gotta learn how to fight if he wants to protect," said Desmond opening the gate. While, Peach, Illya, Reimu,and Asgore remained in their shocked state, Lilith and Spike walked through to join Desmond. "Well you comin or what?" he asked. "Oh right yes," said Asgore snapping back into reality. Peach, Illya, and Reimu quickly refocused and rejoined Desmond as well. "I gotta thank your for helping us get past those guards," said Asgore. "Normally it would be extremely difficult getting past them," "Why's that?" asked Lilith. "Recently there's been rumors going saying that someone has been stealing things from the empire," explained Reimu. "Now you would think that empire might as well been searching through their own ranks, but according to the rumors, this thief has been stealing weapons and supplies from the capital," "Weapons and supplies huh?" asked Desmond. "Because of the thief's activities, the empire has been extremely skeptical and came to the conclusion that someone from the town might be attempting to start a rebellion, therefore they've increased the number of security and made it almost impossible for anybody to reach the capital," added Illya. "Did the activities stop? asked Spike. "No, the thief kept going and more things continue to disappear from the capital," answered Reimu. "Well hopefully, whoever this thief is, they're doing this for a greater cause," said Desmond. He continued to make his way to the capital with his party tagging behind him. Along the way, he had to go through five more gates guarded by U.S.E. soldiers before reaching the castle. "This is it eh?" asked Desmond standing in front of the double doors. "Yes, the castle," said Illya. "This looks kinda creepy," said Spike. "Be careful Desmond, I can sense a lot of dark energy coming from this place," said Ritsu. "Let's go," said Desmond. He put his hands on the double and pushed it open. The doors groaned loudly and a gust of warm air blasted the group in the face. "Whoa," said Spike. Without saying another word, Desmond stepped into the dimly lit castle. Lilith swallowed hard as she followed him in. Spike, Asgore, Peach, Illya, and Reimu quickly rejoined Desmond. Desmond tapped the right side of his visors. "Ritsu can you scan the castle for any enemies?" asked Desmond. "Yes sir," said Ritsu saluting. Ritsu closed her eyes as a wire frame version of the castle appeared on screen. "Scan complete, there aren't any enemies around here, but there is a room where I can sense strong dark energy. "Let's head to that room," said Desmond. "Roger," said Ritsu. The map of the castle zoomed in on a highlighted room on the second floor. "I've labeled the room for you," said Ritsu. "Appreciate it," said Desmond. he removed his fingers from the visor and looked up the flight of stairs. "Up there?" asked Spike. "Yes, answered Peach. Desmond began climbing the stairs with the rest of party following him. Spike looked around nervously as he climbed up the flight of stairs. Eventually they came cross another pair of double doors at the top of the stairs. "In there," said Asgore. A bead of sweat down Lilith's cheek as she looked at the door. Spike swallowed hard as he clung onto Lilith. Desmond took a deep breath as he slowly approached the doors. As he got closer, he could see the U.S.E. logo imprinted on the front. Nervously he put his hands on the door and looked behind him. He could see Asgore clutching onto a large red trident and Reimu holding onto a thin staff with two white ribbons and several cards. Illya had drawn a large silver blade sword while Peach watched with a nervous look on her face. Spike had a scared look on his face while Lilith held him. He turned back towards the door, pushed it open and stepped inside. Inside, he could crumbling walls with brightly lit torches. Several yellow flowers that were on the ground had withered and left dead brown branches. Black thorns choked the walls and a large banner with the U.S.E. logo hung behind a large stone throne on the other side of the room. Several figures stood across from where Desmond was standing, while a large creature was settled on the stone throne. "Well, well what do we have here?" growled the creature on the throne. Desmond stepped forward with his party behind him. Looking next to the throne he could see two more figures that he didn't recognize, but next to the two was Jevil and Dimentio. "Desmond," said Lilith. "Hmph, what a bunch of disrespectful grubs," sneered the creature as he got off his throne. The thing was big and had yellow scales all over it's body. It had a large snout with razor sharp teeth on the inside of it's mouth. Two large horns were sticking out from either side of it's head and the creature's red hair swayed. It had a large green shell with multiple spikes protruding from it, on it's back. "Honestly, I was wondering who this king was, but I wasn't expecting you, King Bowser," said Desmond. "My, my what such disrespect you show our king," said the figure on the right. Desmond looked over to the female figure standing next to Bowser. She had silky red hair tied back into a ponytail and wore a black vest and skirt with black boots. A green U.S.E. logo was imprinted on her vest. Her green eyes gleamed from the nearby torches. 'Oh come now, don't give me that look," she chuckled. "And you are?" asked Desmond. "Dear, you may call me Malty Melromarc," she cooed. "Malty eh?" Desmond looked to Bowser's left and saw the unicorn on the right. But upon closer inspection, Desmond noticed that the unicorn's horn was broken. She had a dark purple coat and berry colored mane. She wore black armor with the U.S.E. logo imprinted on her flank armor. Her turquoise colored eyes glared back at Desmond and his party. "It's Tempest," said Spike. "Who?" asked Desmond. "Tempest Shadow, she used to be an enemy of my friends, but then she became good, I don't know why she's here though," explained Spike. "Whatever the reason, she works for U.S.E," said Desmond. "Of course,after all they promised me my horn," said Tempest. "What are you doing here anyway?" "We got reports saying that your little clowns were causing trouble," said Desmond. "Yeah so what if we were?" cackled Jevil. "We came to ask you to stop," said Lilith. "Ha not a chance," laughed Dimentio. "We don't wanna have to do this by force," said Asgore. "You dare give me orders!?" growled Bowser. "After sending one of your little rats to steal our things, you have no right to give us orders," "If you're not going to listen to us, then we might as well dethrone you right now," said Desmond as he drew his sword. Malty and Tempest quickly jumped in front of Desmond to protect Bowser. "You really think that's going to stop me?" asked Desmond. "I'll take you both on if I have to," "Hmph, alright if that's how you want to play it, " sneered Tempest. Her horn began to spark as she began charging up an attack. "Take this!" Tempest exclaimed as she hurled a ball of blue electrifying energy at Desmond. He lifted his blade, getting ready to move when something jumped out of the shadows and in front of him. The figure took a defensive position as the blast was reflected back at Tempest. She quickly jumped out of the way with Malty as the blast struck Bowser in the stomach and sent him flying into his throne. By the time Desmond and his party could figure out what just happened the figure disappeared in a burst of blue flames which then revealed the person standing there. "Well, well looks like I made it just in time," said the figure. Malty and Tempest ran over to help Bowser back on his feet. "And who are you?" growled Bowser. The person was wearing a black leather coat and red gloves. He had black pants and boots and his frizzy black hair flowed back and forth. "Why don't you ask Desmond?" asked the figure. He looked back at them with a smile. "You know who I am, don't you Des?" he asked. Desmond lowered his sword as he stared at him. "No way is it?" asked Desmond. "Hmm so you DO know me," chuckled the figure. He turned to face Bowser who was now fully on his feet. "But you know, a little introduction wouldn't hurt," he said. "I am Ren Amamiya, but my friends call me Joker," > Chapter 9: Monsters and Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lilith quickly pulled away from the window as the footsteps of the U.S.E. soldiers zipped past them. Once the sound of their footsteps disappeared, she slowly looked out the window once more to see what was going on. She could see U.S.E. soldiers running around the village as they continued to search for them. "How is it looking?" asked Reimu. "No good, there's too many of them," said Lilith. "Damn that means we can't leave," cursed Desmond. Desmond and his party were forced to leave the castle after they learned that Joker was the thief stealing from U.S.E. Having taken shelter in Joker's secret hideout, Desmond and his party were discussing on their next course of action. "What do we do now?" asked Peach. "We're not sure yet," answered Asgore. "Honestly I would've enjoyed beating on those Ultra Scumbags back at the castle," groaned Desmond. "That castle has an unbelievable amounts of soldiers," said Ritsu. "Even if you were able to take out Octavious and multiple U.S.E. soldiers back at the village, the numbers in the castle were too great," "But it's strange," said Lilith. "What is?" asked Illya. "When we first entered the castle, it was pretty much desolate," said Lilith. "How come hundreds of soldiers just randomly appear out of nowhere?" Desmond tapped the side of his visor and repeated the question to Alter Ego and Ritsu. He nodded as he talked with his virtual guides. "I see, yeah that makes sense," said Desmond. "Got it, I'll explain it to them," he removed his fingers from his visors and looked over to the group. "What did they say?" asked Lilith. "So according to the scans that Ritsu had performed during our meeting with Bowser, there was something that she caught that seemed disturbingly unusual," explained Desmond. "Now what I'm about to explain is a lot of information, so I want everyone to listen carefully," Lilith, Spike, Joker, Illya, Peach, Reimu, and Asgore gathered on the couch as Desmond dragged the large whiteboard over. "So first things first according to Ritsu's scans and Alter Ego's research, there is a perfectly good reason why everything looks to be in ruins," explained Desmond. Everyone looked at each other in confusion then back at Desmond. "Lilith, do you know about the six guardian beasts that keeps the balance of this world?" asked Desmond. "Yeah, but most of it just sounds like fairy tales told by Thorax," answered Lilith. "Well then let's hear it," said Desmond. "Everything you know about the beasts," "So of course it's like Ritsu said, there's six beasts that's keeping the balance of this world in check," repeated Lilith. "Each of these beasts posses the ability to overpower themselves which is why they were sealed away in their respective alters in order to prevent them from abusing their powers," "And these six beasts are?" Desmond asked as he began scribbling on the board. "Omega the beast of Life, Alpha the beast of Spirits, Delta the beast of Trinities, Beta the Primal beast, Ultra the Beast of Death and Destruction, and Gamma the Beast of Light," answered Lilith. "So as you can see here, these beasts each have the power to destroy the world, therefore each and every one is extremely dangerous in their own way," explained Desmond. "Now originally these beasts were supposed to be sealed away for eternity but..." "It's when U.S.E. showed up isn't it?" asked Illya. Desmond nodded. "Ever since U.S.E. showed up, every single form of life has died and everything fell into ruins," he explained. "The world fell into permanent darkness, and the only forms of life that are existing are U.S.E. are the humans and U.S.E," "Now why do you think that is?" Everyone looked around in confusion then back at Desmond. "Well according to Ritsu, there's this mysterious aura floating around that can easily destroy and kill," said Desmond. "Only by coming into contact with this mysterious aura will then cause the life forms to die and every inanimate object to look as if they were falling apart," "But we're alright," said Spike. "There's two reasons, first it doesn't affect us physically but rather when we're quote on quote ,infected, by this aura," explained Desmond. "The second is that this aura, for some reason, doesn't affect the summoners that released the beast that corresponds with the aura itself," "The hell?" asked Joker. "I'm as confused as you are considering that Spike is a dragon, Feh is an owl, and Lilith is a changeling," said Desmond. "But from Alter Ego's research, he has discovered that any creature able to communicate with humans is considered a ,human, and therefore has the same effect as humans do," "That's bullshit," said Illya. "I know but that doesn't mean humans are safe," said Desmond. "Now unfortunately that's all the information that I've received from Ritsu, so even I don't know everything," "Wait that's everything?" asked Reimu. "So what are we going to do?" asked Peach. "Ritsu suggested we go talk to an expert," answered Desmond. "Someone who has more knowledge of this strange aura than we do," "But who can we talk to about this?" asked Asgore. "I know someone," said Joker. "Well I say someone but really it's two different individuals," "I assume it's the same suggestions as Ritsu's?" asked Desmond. "I'm not sure what she suggested, but I have a feeling it's pretty close," said Joker. "So apparently, there's two individuals in this village that knows a thing or two about strange phenomenon," explained Desmond. "The first is Dr. Sam Owens who is said to be dealing with creatures from another dimension," "And the second one?" asked Reimu. "Dr. Stephen Strange, who apparently wields the abilities of some sort of mystical power," explained Desmond. "I know where they are," said Joker. "Hold on, Ritsu actually gave me a bonus," said Desmond. "A third?" asked Spike. "Her name is Dr. Alphys, and according to Ritsu, she's a monster able to use magic," explained Desmond. "Unfortunately I don't know about the third one though," said Joker. "Well anyways, what's your plan?" asked Lilith. "We find these two, maybe three, doctors and get more knowledge about this strange aura," said Desmond. "If my assumptions are right and Ritsu's scans are to be trusted, then maybe we can figure out how we can defeat Bowser and his minions," said Desmond. "And by defeat you mean..." said Asgore. "Yes," answered Desmond. "Bowser has been infected by this aura," "But wait, he doesn't look like he's dying, are you SURE he's infected?" asked Peach. "That's what we're going to find out," said Desmond. "But first, we have to find a way to get to Dr. Owens and Dr. Strange," said Illya. "Actually what I was thinking is sending someone to go to with Joker to find these two and bring them back here," said Desmond. "It be better to go in small groups so that we don't drag attention to ourselves," "And the rest who stays here?" asked Reimu. "Start working on battle plans," said Desmond. Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement. "Um sorry to interrupt, but wouldn't it be faster if we sent two groups at once?" asked Asgore. "That would work, but unfortunately Joker's the only one who knows where they are," said Desmond. "I know where Dr. Alphys is," said Asgore. Everyone looked at Desmond. "Alright fine, but try and keep attention to yourself alright?" asked Desmond. "That can be arranged," said Reimu. "Wait you're going with him?" asked Lilith. "If he runs into trouble, he's going to need someone to be there," said Reimu. "Plus I'm looking for someone myself so..." "Fine," groaned Desmond. "Lilith do you think you could go with Joker?" "Sure thing," said Lilith. "Good, then the rest will stay here and hold down the fort," said Desmond. "You know who's in your group so you may leave once you're ready," They all looked at each other and nodded. "We'll be back," said Lilith. "Good luck and be careful," said Desmond. With that, the four walked out the door in search of the three doctors. > Chapter 10: The Hunt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joker led Lilith past several more U.S.E. guards that were searching a villager's house. They sneaked their way past a couple more that ran past them. "How much further?" asked Lilith. "Just a couple more blocks," said Joker. He led Lilith into a nearby alleyway, not noticing the figure standing several feets away from them. The figure watched them from behind the mask that concealed their face as they spoke into the mic. "I found them," they said. "Good," responded a male voice. "Is it the renegade changeling we've heard about?" "Yes," they answered. "Well done, keep an eye on them," said the voice. "We want to make sure that U.S.E. doesn't interfere with their goals," "Understood," she said. A small click could be heard as she looked in the direction of the alleyway. "Keep an eye on them huh?" a smile formed on her face as she followed after them. "Well here we are," said Joker. Lilith took a glance at the crumbling building in front of her. Like every other building in the town, the walls were cracked, windows were shattered and black vines crawled all over the walls. "Geez looks like it had better days," said Lilith. "Yeah no kidding," said Joker. He walked up to the gates and pulled on it. The gates creaked loudly as they slowly opened. "Ladies first," said Joker. Lilith rolled her eyes as she walked through. Joker walked up to the door and knocked. Lilith looked around her surroundings as they waited. After a while a voice on the other end responded. "Who is it?" asked the voice. "My name is Joker, is Stephen Strange available?" he asked. The door creaked open but stopped due to a chain lock. Curiously Joker and Lilith looked through the crack as a pair of eyes stared back at them. "What business do you have with Dr. Strange?" asked a man's voice. "There's something we would like to discuss with him about," answered Joker. For a moment, the person on the other side said nothing but eventually closed the door. The sound of chains rattling could be heard on the other end. Eventually the door opened all the way as a man in a blue robe and red cape appeared. A large brown belt was tied around his waist and a small golden pendent hung around his neck. "Come on in," he said as he walked back in. Joker and Lilith looked at each other before entering the house. Asgore walked up to the gate of the old laboratory as Reimu cautiously eyed their surroundings. Asgore hit a button on the gate and waited. After a while a woman's voice picked up. "He, hello?" she asked. "Alphys , are you there?" asked Asgore. "King Asgore, is that you?" the voice stuttered. "Alphys please, can you let us in?" Asgore asked. "There's something I want to talk to you about," "Uh yeah, hang on let me open the gates," said the voice. The intercom clicked off as the old rusty gates creaked open. "Can those gates be any more annoying than it already is?" asked Reimu covering her ears. "It must be the rust," said Asgore. "Could this be the effect of that mysterious aura?" "We're about to find out," said Reimu. Asgore nodded as he walked through with Reimu. As the gates closed shut, they failed to notice a tall figure standing on top of one of the buildings. Their titanium based claws clamped together as they watched the two enter the lab. The figure placed his claws over the earpiece as a incoming call came in. "Did you find them?" asked a man's voice. "Yes sir," he answered. "They've entered the lab," "Hmm fools, I bet they think they can escape with the professor," sneered the voice. "Would you like me to engage?" he asked. "No, unless we get approval from General Zenith, you are to remain on watch for them," answered the voice. "Understood, I'll be watching from outside the lab," he said. "Be careful Prowler, Zenith is depending on us," said the voice. "I know, I'll be sure to do this right," he said. The microphone clicked off as the masked spy jumped off the building. The dimly lit room grew dark as the screen turned off. The man slipped the hologram into his pocket and returned to the next room where the others were waiting. "Well what he say Mephilas?" asked Iggy. "He said he was going to watch them from outside the lab," answered Mephilas. "Hasn't Prowler been getting a lot of action lately?" asked Kamoshida. "I agree, we should be out there catching those freaks!" exclaimed Larry. "Calm yourself fool," sneered Sakuya. "I can't believe I have to deal with you kids," "Hey papa said you better be nice or he's reporting you to General Zenith," said Morton. Sakuya clenched her teeth. "Why you little," she hissed. "That's enough Sakuya," ordered Remilia. "Leave them be," "Yes mistress Remilia," said Sakuya. "Why exactly did I get put with you guys again?" asked Loki. "General Zenith's orders," answered Mephilas. The Werewolf growled as it stood next to him. "Hmph, if I wasn't a flower, I would've gone out on my own by now," groaned Flowey. "I don't think any of us would want to be here at this moment," said Wendy. At that moment, the doors opened as Zenith entered followed by Dracula and Adele. "General Zenith," said Mephilas. "We got word from Commander Zo," said Zenith. "What did he say?" asked Flowey. Zenith walked over to the table and placed a small black jewel in the shape of the U.S.E. logo and pushed down on the circle. The center circle slid opened as a holographic version of three figures appeared. The man in the center wore black chest armor in the shape of a skull and leg armor of the same color. He wore a black cape with the U.S.E. logo imprinted on it. A purple U.S.E. logo was imprinted on his chest armor and a large black scythe was slung over his shoulder. He had glowing red eyes that was so intimidating, that even the noisy Koopalings quieted down. To his right was a skeletal version of Bowser with glowing yellow eyes and on his left was a large purple beast with glowing yellow eyes and a long tail that ended with a sharp barb. "Commander," said Mephilas. "Mephilas, how has things been over there?" asked Zo. "So far so good," answered Mephilas. "Very good," said Zo. "Right now, Lord Drigma is working desperately to bring back Ultra but recently he couldn't focus," "Why's that?" asked Mephilas. "Something's been bothering him, my guess is the legendary hero everyone's been talking about," suggested Zo. "Well no worries Commander," said Mephilas. "My men are working to put an end to his activities," "Hmph very good," said Zo. "Lord Drigma trusts you, don't let him down," "Yes sir," said Mephilas. "Is that all?" "No, it would appear that a new challenger has revealed itself," said Zo. "Who is it?" asked Mephilas. "I won't say who they are," said Zo. "But I will tell you they are pretty sneaky when it comes to things like this," > Chapter 11: Secret of Ultra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Strange passed the cup of tea to Lilith and began pouring in another cup for Joker. "Thank you doctor," said Lilith. "Your welcome," said Strange. "Um so Dr. if you don't mind..." said Joker. "I know, I know," said Strange. "You want to hear more about Oblivion Aura correct?" "The what aura?" Lilith asked sipping her tea. "Oblivion Aura," repeated Strange. "It's U.S.E's main energy source," "U.S.E's main energy source?" repeated Joker. "I'm sure, you've heard about the six beasts right?" asked Strange. Both Joker and Lilith nodded. "Well Oblivion Aura is the life source for Ultra, the beast of destruction," "Well that makes sense," said Lilith. "We've heard some things about Oblivion Aura," said Joker. "But we would like to know how it can affect humans," "Well, before we get to that, I've gotta ask you two something," said Strange giving Joker his tea. "What is it?" asked Lilith. "Do you know what U.S.E. is planning to do with this aura?" asked Strange. Lilith and Joker looked at each other, then back at Strange and shook their heads. "They're trying to resurrect Ultra," said Strange. "What!?" Lilith asked in a surprised tone. "You heard me right, but it's not that easy," said Strange. "Because Ultra was sealed away in the Altar of Destruction many years ago, he's been completely drained of energy and the only way to bring a guardian beast back is to feed it some of it's energy source," "How does that work?" asked Joker. "First off, U.S.E. needs to harvest Oblivion Aura," explained Strange. "Now even though Ultra has been drained of Oblivion Aura, as long as the Alter itself is flowing with it, Ultra can't actually die," "So the Altar of Destruction has Oblivion Aura?" asked Lilith. "Not exactly," said Strange. "You see every Altar contains a jewel that protects the beasts," "Oh I've heard about this," said Lilith. "Isn't the Prism of Chaos the thing that's protecting Ultra?" "Yes, and actually the prism itself is overflowing with the energy source for each of the six beasts," "Ok that makes sense, but then where does the humans come in?" asked Joker. "Patience we're getting to that," said Strange. "Here let me show you something," said Alphys as she began typing on her keyboard. Asgore and Reimu looked up at the screen as a giant black prism appeared on screen. "Is that?" asked Asgore. "The Prism of Chaos," growled Reimu. "You see how this works is, each Altar has a priest protecting it," explained Alphys. "These priests have the ability to create smaller jewels using the jewels protecting the beasts," "The same applies for the Prism of chaos I assume," said Asgore. "Yes, using the Prism of Chaos, the priest of the Altar of Destruction is creating something called Void Jewels," explained Alphys. "Void Jewels?" asked Reimu. "Void Jewels, contains the Oblivion Aura that Ultra needs," said Alphys. "U.S.E. is using the Void Jewels, they get from the priest and attaching it onto their victims, infecting them with Oblivion Aura," "And the side effects?" asked Reimu. "Well, anybody who gets infected will fall into a coma like state in which they will lose conscious and become extremely hostile, destroying and killing everything and everyone that comes across them," explained Alphys. "Now I know that sounds bad, but that's not all," "What?" asked Asgore. "Not only do the victims fall unconscious and become hostile, but their life energy will be drained the longer they are infected," explained Alphys. "Once a victim is completely drained of their life energy, their body will shut down and die," "What!?" gasped Reimu. "The life energy that is drained from the victim will be transformed into Oblivion Aura and absorbed by Ultra, giving him more strength eventually leading to his resurrection," explained Alphys. "Does this apply for every victims infected with the aura?" asked Lilith. "Plus every living creature that's not human," added Strange. "The Oblivion Aura that's floating around us is constantly sapping every creature of their life and transforming it into energy that Ultra can consume," "Is there anyway we can help the victims?" asked Joker. "As of now, I haven't managed to find a solution," said Strange. Lilith and Joker looked at each other and nodded. "Dr. Strange would you mind coming with us?" asked Lilith. Strange looked at her with a confused look. The dark clouds above the town flashed with thunder and lighting as the anthropomorphic goat stood on the roof of the crumbling building, his black cloak flowing in the wind. He looked up as the young witch with blonde hair flew down. "How was it?" he asked. "Not good," she answered. He bit his lips. "Damn, if only dad was here," he said. "Reimu hasn't returned as well," said the witch. "We should turn back," said the goat. "But Asriel, I can keep searching," she protested. "Marisa, I know you're worried, but if we stay out here for too long, then they'll find us," said Asriel. Marisa was about to protest when someone interrupted them. "Too late for that don't you think?" snickered the voice. Asriel and Marisa turned around as Mephilas walked out of the purple fog followed by Dimentio, Sakuya, and several U.S.E. soldiers. "Hello young prince," snickered Mephilas. "You," growled Asriel. "Sakuya you again!" hissed Marisa. "So Marisa, we meet again," said Sakuya fiddling with one of her knives. "What do you want?" asked Asriel. "Oh don't be playing with me young prince," chuckled Mephilas. "We know exactly what you're up to," "Master really thought that we weren't gonna notice eh?" laughed Dimentio. "Honestly I don't think Lucina would even come close to fulfilling her mission," "Wha, how do you know!?" gasped Marisa. "Oh please," snickered Sakuya. "If it wasn't for Ludwig, we wouldn't have been able to hack into Snake's computers," Asriel's eyes widened as he tapped on his microphone. "Snake, snake are you there!?" Asriel asked in a panicked tone. But the only thing he could hear was static "It's useless," snickered Mephilas. "You bastards," growled Marisa. "What a shame ain't it, knowing that Prowler might have already gotten to the king," snickered Mephilas. "The king!?" gasped Asriel. "No you wouldn't," "It's too late, we already sent him after the king and the shrine maiden who went to visit Alphys in her lab," laughed Dimentio. Asriel clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger. "What can't speak?" sneered Mephilas. "Seems like the shock robbed you of your voice," "Marisa, we're going to Alphys's place," said Asriel. "Sorry but we're not letting you through," said Mephilas. He snapped his fingers as the U.S.E. soldiers blocked their path with their weapons. "I don't think that's happening," said Marisa. "No it's happening," said Asriel. "What?" asked Marisa. "Cause you're going to Alphys's place while I hold them off," said Asriel. "What are you crazy!?" gasped Marisa. "Please, Marisa, my father and your friend could be in danger," said Asriel. "Plus, Master Hand gave us a mission, we're not letting it go to waste!" Marisa looked into his eyes and saw the determination burning wildly. Marisa nodded as she hopped onto her broom and flew off. Asriel wiped the tears from his eyes and faced Mephilas. "How sweet, too bad you won't survive," snickered Mephilas. "We'll see," said Asriel. "When I cut you all down," Asriel growled as the chaos sabers appeared in his hands. "Funny," laughed Mephilas. "Get him!" The soldiers let out a war cry as they charged. > Chapter 12: Ultra Battles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lilith, Joker, and Dr. Strange walked out into the streets where the screams of terrified villagers rang out all over the place. "What's going on?" asked Lilith. "Stephen is that you?" asked a voice. The three looked to their left to see a man wearing a lab coat running up to them. "Owens, whats going on here?" asked Strange. "It's U.S.E," he said. "They're wreaking havoc again," he looked at Lilith and Joker. "Oh and who are these two?" asked "I'm Lilith, and this is Joker," she said introducing themselves. "Dr. Sam Owens," said Owens. "Perfect timing we were just going over to your place," said Joker. 'Wha?" asked Owens. But before anybody could say anything, a loud explosion rang out in the town followed by more screams of the people. "What was that?" asked Lilith. That's when she saw a pillar of smoke coming from one direction. "Let's go check it out," said Joker running in the direction of the smoke. 'Hey wait for me!" said Lilith running after him. Strange looked at Owens and ran after them with Owens following behind. Desmond ran out of the abandoned house with Spike, Peach, and Illya as villagers ran around screaming. They had been in Joker's underground bunker when they heard the explosion and came running out. "Jesus," said Desmond as one of the villagers ran past them. "What's going on?" "Over there!" said Spike pointing at a pillar of smoke rising in the distance. "The hell?" asked Desmond. "Let's go check it out," said Spike. "Hold it, we need someone to stay here," said Desmond. "Alright I'll stay here," said Peach.. "You sure?" asked Illya. "Yeah don't worry about me," said Peach. "We're counting on you," said Desmond. Peach nodded as Desmond, Illya, and Spike ran off in the direction of the pillars of smoke. Reimu crashed into the wall of a nearby building as Alphys ran up to her. "Oh dear, are you alright?" asked Alphys. "Yeah I'm fine," said Reimu. She winced as she clutched her arm. "Oh no you're hurt," said Alphys. "No, this is nothing, I'm fine," said Reimu. Suddenly Asgore crashed on the ground in front of them. "King!" Alphys gasped. "No it's ok, I'm fine," said Asgore. He looked up as their attacker jumped out from the shadows. He approached them as his titanium claws whirred to life. "Hmph, still not dead yet huh?" asked Prowler. "What do you want from us?" asked Asgore. "Like I said the professor," growled Prowler. "And we said we're not giving her," said Reimu. "Still not listening eh?" asked Prowler. "Fine, then I'll just have to kill you," Reimu and Asgore glared at Prowler as he raised his claws. He didn't wait for a response as he ran towards them with his claws at the ready. But before he could reach them, a stream of rainbow aura zipped past them and into Prowler knocking him back. "What?" growled Prowler. "What was that?" asked Alphys. "Well, well Reimu so this is where you were hiding," a familiar voice spoke up. Reimu looked behind her as Marisa flew down on her broom. "Marisa," said Reimu. "Hmph friends huh?" sneered Prowler. 'And I assume you're this Prowler U.S.E. is talking about?" asked Marisa. "Hmph very sharp young lady," said Prowler. "Unfortunately, your sharp wits won't save you now," "Is it because I'm alone?" asked Marisa. "Sorry but I never said I was alone," "What?" asked Prowler. Suddenly a mysterious figure jumped out from behind him and slashed him in the back with a sword knocking him down. The figure landed in front of Asgore, Reimu, and Alphys. "Hmm, seems like I made it in time," she said. "We we're just starting Lucina," said Marisa. "Who?" asked Reimu. The figure raised her head and removed the mask revealing her face to the group. "Whoa," said Alphys. Lucina turned around as Prowler got to his feet. "Why you little," growled Prowler. Lucina raised her blade preparing for an attack. Prowler's gauntlets whirred to life as he held up his arms "Let's dance," said Lucina. Asriel flew through the window of one buildings as Mephilas, Dimentio, and Sakuya walked in through the hole in the hole. "Give it up prince, you don't stand a chance," laughed Dimentio. Asriel planted one of the sabers in the ground as he got to his feet. "Never," grunted Asriel. He wiped the bloods off his face as he glared the three. "Stubborn aren't you?" snickered Sakuya. "No worries, we'll finish you off as quick as possible," She held up three of her knives as she walked over to him. "Stay back," hissed Asriel. "Or what?" asked Sakuya. At that moment of the soldiers outside screamed as he came crashing in through another window. "What the hell?" asked Dimentio. "Sorry to crash your party but I think you forgot to invite us," said a voice behind them. Dimentio and Mephilas turned around as Desmond, Illya, Spike, Lilith, Joker, Strange, and Owens walked in. "You!" hissed Mephilas. Desmond and Illya both drew their swords, as Lilith transformed into a large bear and Joker pulled out his knife and gun. Dr. Strange held up both of his hands as small orange circles appeared in front of them. "I suggest you get away from him," said Illya. "Not a chance," growled Mephilas. "Sakuya watch the prince," "Yes sir," said Sakuya. "So Dimentio we meet," chuckled Desmond. "You know me do you?" snickered Dimentio. "Well then allow me to introduce myself to your friends," "Forget the introductions Dimentio, we're here for a mission from Lord Bowser," sneered Mephilas. "I would assume every U.S.E. member in this town works for the king correct?" asked Strange. "Yes, but Lord Bowser abides by General Zenith's orders," answered Mephilas. "I don't know who Zenith is, but I'll personally confront him if you don't leave," ordered Desmond. "Who do you think you are giving us orders?" asked Sakuya. "We would ask the same of you," said Joker. "We're only following orders," answered Mephilas. "Then here's a new order, tell your general or whoever to pull their troops out of this village," ordered Desmond. "Forget it kid," sneered Dimentio. "Fine that's how you want to play it," said Desmond raising his sword. "Oh this will be interesting," said Dimentio as he stepped forward with Mephilas.The two groups locked eyes with each other before charging. > Chapter 13: Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mephilas placed his hands on the ground to stop himself from skidding further back. Both Dimentio and Sakuya returned to his side as Desmond walked out of the ruined building with his party behind him. "You put up quite a fight there kiddo," said Mephilas catching his breath. "I should say the same for you," said Desmond. Mephilas was about to say something when a catchy jingle began to play. "What the hell?" asked Asriel. Mephilas tapped on the earpiece and began talking into it. "Mephilas here," There was a short pause before he continued in a surprised tone. "What go back to the meeting spot?" Sakuya and Dimentio looked at him with curiosity. "I understand, very well we shall head back at once, have the Halberd be ready to pick us up," he said. He looked towards Desmond and smirked. 'Well unfortunately we would've loved to continue beating you into a pulp but you got lucky this time, we have other business to take care of so until next time," He turned to Dimentio and Sakuya. "Let's go, back to the plaza," The two nodded as they followed after Mephilas. "Hey get back here!" Illya ordered as she ran after them. "Let's go," said Desmond as they followed after Illya. Prowler jumped back to avoid Lucina's attack and onto a badly damaged fountain. 'Give it up Prowler you're outnumbered," said Asgore. "Not a chance, not until I complete my mission," said Prowler. That's when his earpiece began beeping. He put his claws on the earpiece and began to speak. "This is Prowler speaking," He froze. "Return to the meeting spot?" "But why?" he asked. There was a short pause before he continued. "But I haven't captured the professor yet," There was another short pause. "I understand, I'll return at once," He removed his claws from his earpiece. "You got lucky this time you rats, but this isn't the last time you'll see me," He jumped off the fountain and began running in one direction. "Hey stop!" ordered Asgore. "Marisa go after him," said Reimu. "On it," said Marisa as she took off. "We should go too," said Lucina. She helped up Asgore and the party began following after Prowler. Mephilas, Dimentio, and Sakuya continued to make their way to the plaza with Illya high on their heels. "Damn girl," cursed Mephilas. "Forget about her, we have to get back to the Halberd," said Dimentio. The three eventually reached the plaza and quickly ran to the center. "We made it," said Mephilas. "But the Halberd isn't here," said Sakuya. Suddenly the sound of footsteps could be heard coming from another direction. The three looked over to see Prowler running out from one of the streets. "Prowler you made it," said Dimentio. "I don't what this emergency is but I haven't been able to capture the professor," said Prowler. "Neither have us," said Sakuya. Suddenly the sound of footsteps began approaching as Desmond and his party ran out of the streets, still in pursuit of Mephilas, Dimentio, and Sakuya. "Stop!" Desmond ordered. "You were followed?" asked Prowler. "I bet you were too," said Mephilas. Prowler turned around as Marisa flew out from the alleyway. "Stay where you are!" Marisa ordered. "Damn," cursed Sakuya. Soon Asgore and his party appeared running after Marisa and Prowler. "We've got you now!" said Reimu. "Where's the Halberd?" grumbled Prowler. "Reimu, is that you?" asked Lilith. "Yeah, looks like you guys found Strange and Owens," said Reimu. "And you've got Alphys with you too," said Spike. "Ahem guys, I know you're happy to see each other again, but can we refocus on U.S.E?" asked Desmond. "Oh right," said Alphys. They all quickly turned their attention towards the four in the center. "Damn," cursed Mephilas. "You've been cornered give it up," said Asriel. Mephilas bit his lip nervously as the two parties closed in on the four. "Surrender now!" ordered Lucina. As the four were pushed back closer to the center a loud humming echoed throughout the plaza. "What is that!?" yelped Illya. That's when a large battle cruiser appeared over their heads. The group looked up as a large battleship hovered over their heads. A large grey mask was attached to the bow of the ship and a large cannon was hanging underneath the bow. The sides of the ship was covered with large cannons and two large bat wings were attached on the back of the ship. A large cannon sat on top of the ship along with a tower like cockpit. "What the hell is that!?" asked Marisa. "Finally!" said Dimentio. The battleship hovered over them and came to a stop. One of the hatches on the bottom slid open as a tractor beam shined down on the four. "Haha, tough luck folks but we're outta here!" laughed Mephilas. "Hey stop!" exclaimed Desmond. But before anyone could catch them, the four were immediately pulled into the battleship. The two parties ran towards the center but the hatch closed and a loud humming could be heard as the engines whirred to life. "Oh no, at this rate their going to escape," said Spike. 'Wait, Marisa, do you think you can fly up there?" asked Alphys. "Yeah why?" asked Marisa. "I want you to go up there and put this on," said Alphys handing her a small blue chip with a flashing red light. "What's that?" asked Strange. "It's a tracking device I developed," answered Alphys. "Once it's on there we should be able to follow them," "Got it," said Marisa taking the chip from her hand. They watched as Marisa flew up to the battleship. Once she was underneath the ship she attached the chip as the red light began flashing. She quickly flew down and rejoined the others. Alphys pulled out a small tablet and turned it on. On the screen was the U.S.E. logo and a small green triangle. "The green triangle is us," said Alphys. The battleship roared to life as it took off in one direction. "Come on, let's go back to the bunker, we still have some things to discuss," said Desmond. Everyone nodded as they began walking back to the abandoned house. Mephilas, Dimentio, Sakuya, and Prowler were greeted by the Koopalings, Loki, Kamoshida, Remilia, Jevil, Marx, Clownpiece, Beppi, Malty, Tempest, and Bowser as they got off the platform. "It's about time you came," said Prowler. "You can blame Zenith for that," said Bowser. "Where were you guys anyway?" asked Dimentio. "Leaving Zenith, Dracula, and Adele at our next destination," explained Tempest. "You know Dracula's castle is far from this place. "And the soldiers?" asked Sakuya. "We've issued an order telling them to leave behind everything and return to Dracula's castle," said Malty. "Hmph, I was so close to getting my hands on the professor," said Prowler. "It can't be helped, an emergency is an emergency," said Bowser. "And what exactly is this emergency?" asked Mephilas. "It's Adele's sister," answered Loki. "She's been spotted near the castle with some others one of which is rumored to be a resistance movement member," "So there's still some members walking around eh?" asked Mephilas. "Zenith will explain everything when we get there," said Bowser. "For now just rest up," He began walking off with the others leaving the four behind. They all looked at each other and shrugged as they followed after Bowser. The battleship Halberd flew through the skies as it made it's way to Dracula's castle.