> Tempus Alicorn > by cerealkiller78 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The vibrant, glistening crystals along the pathways of the forest settlement of Bridlewood danced as they shimmered and shone. The clopping of hooves sounded as a light amber earth pony with an aqua green mane and tail approached, with a cutiemark consisting of a golden shield with a teal horse shoe in the center and a teal heart on either side of the shield. His chocolate brown hooves trotted through the vast expanse of the forest, until he entered his destination, and a bell clanged, signalling his entry. "Welcome to the Crystal Tea Room!" A voice called happily as a new pony entered from the back. "The tea tree with every tea treat! What are you craving for? Green Tea? Jasmine? Oolong? Maybe some herbal tea?" The pony had a grey coat with a white mane and tail. "Or maybe you're not here for tea at all...but rather, a challenge?" He raised an eyebrow. "I've got a great one of a kind ancient artifact." He went to retrieve a crystal with an alicorn in it. "The Tempus Alicorn Artifact. Said to be able to transport its wielder through time itself..." The artifact glistened. The Earth pony surveyed the artifact with a scrutinizing look. "Time travel huh?..." The Earth pony asked skeptically. "Something tells me if you believed that to be true, you wouldn't be willing to risk parting with it so easily. Also, you probably would be off galavanting through time." "I-uhh-well...ok, fine! It's a dud! But it's still a fancy trinket, and you know you want it..." "Not really..." The Earth pony replied, unimpressed. The unicorn huffed in annoyance. "Your loss then...what kind of tea?" He went behind the counter to get a teacup. "Actually Alphabittle, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" "A favor? I'm not in the business for favors, I'm in the business for tea and wagers. In fact, looking at you closely, I'd wager I've seen you before..." "Ya...I was here with Izzy when Sunny won your crystal in that dance game." "Oh wait, now I remember! You're that sheriff guy, what's-his-face." "Hitch Trailblazer." He clarified. "Why should I do you any favors?" He questioned as his horn lit up and he refilled tea for ten ponies at once. "For starters," Hitch stated as he watched. "If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be able to do that..." "...Touché." He admitted. "Alright sheriff, what's your big favor you need?" He finally conceded. Hitch opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the door bell clanging to signal a new entry. It was a unicorn who, by the looks of it, was drunk. "Tea!! Time for tea! It's always tea time!" He chuckled to himself as he stumbled into a table before managing to sit down. Alphabittle sighed. "Hold that thought..." He directed his attention to the newcomer. "What can I get you friend?" He called. "A party of tea, and don't let it be, without me." The unicorn drunkenly replied. "...How about some herbal tea?" He levitated a pot of said tea over to the unicorn, and poured him a cup. The unicorn shot it down in one gulp, and poured himself another cup, while chuckling. Alphabittle turned his attention back to Hitch, and sighed. "There's a loony in here at least once a month..." He grumbled. "Now, where were we? Favor or something?" "Yes. Well, Sunny's birthday is coming up, and I wanted to give her something special." "An engagement ring?" Alphabittle questioned bluntly. "Wha-I-NO!!" Hitch sputtered, blushing deeply. "No! Just...a crystal necklace or something." "Oh, so you're taking her out." "We are NOT dating! We've been friends since we were kids!" "Doesn't mean it can't bloom into something more..." Alphabittle winked. "Look, I'm just looking for something crystal to give her for her birthday." Hitch insisted. "So, you think I should provide you with a gift to give your mare friend-" "She is NOT my mare friend!" "She's a mare and your friend, is she not?" He raised an eyebrow teasingly. Hitch's face was slowly turning beet red. "You think I should provide you with a gift to give her, even though she took my own special crystal?..." "And gave you and every other unicorn your magic back, and united us all, so I don't have to disguise myself as a unicorn everytime I come here." Hitch reminded. "Think of it as thanking her for the big favor she did for you and all the unicorns." Alphabittle thought about it. "You're right." He finally said. "Give her this." He retrieved the Tempus Alicorn Artifact again. "What? But, you obviously didn't even want it. How is this thanking her?" "Your favor was for me to provide you with something crystal as a gift to give her for her birthday. I'm providing you with an ancient crystal artifact." "How do I know if it even is ancient or if it has any value to it at all? You lied and said it was capable of time travel!" "My words were "It is SAID to be able to...and I was the one who said it." He replied smugly. "You're such a cheat!" "Take the trinket or leave it." He trotted away, ignoring the insult. Hitch glared after him, before looking down at the Alicorn crystal again. "Better than nothing, I guess." He mumbled and put the artifact into his saddlebag, before leaving the establishment. .................................... Hitch grumbled to himself as he left Bridlewood, going on about conniving, cheating ponies, and fake artifacts. He took the artifact out of his saddlebag, glaring at it. "Tempus Alicorn, capable of time travel...Bah humbug! Hunk of junk probably isn't even real crystal." He complained. "He probably would've told me to do something absurd to activate it too, like clicking my hooves together..." He clicked his hooves together. "Or stomping them!" He stomped angrily. "Then again, he would probably make it more embarrassing, like twirling like a ballerina!" He twirled around, doing a pirouette, before coming to a stop and seeing a young unicorn colt, staring at him. "...HAHA!! You dance like a girl!" He laughed before galloping away. "Kids..." Hitch grumbled. "But then again, maybe he'd make it something cliché, like rubbing the artifact." He rubbed the artifact, when suddenly, the eyes on the alicorn flashed red. "DAH!!" He dropped the artifact to the ground. Suddenly, a portal opened up in front of the Alicorn artifact. Inside the portal, there was what appeared to be a magnificent throne room. "What the..." He stared into it. "No...there's no way..." He looked around him, making sure no one was around. Picking up the Tempus Alicorn, he took a deep breath, and stepped through the portal. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal closed behind Hitch as soon as the Earth pony stepped through to the other side. He took in his new surroundings. There were vast pillars, and stained glass windows which seemed to tell stories of times past. There were two thrones in the center of the massive throne room. One had the symbol of a sun on it, and the other had the symbol of a moon on it. They were currently vacant, and the throne room was completely empty. Hitch looked around carefully, making sure the place was indeed completely empty. When he was convinced he was alone, he looked back at the thrones. Setting the Tempus Alicorn on the floor, he approached the throne with the moon. Clearing his throat, he announced grandly. "Presenting, Prince Hitch Trailblazer the great!" Seating himself on the throne, he looked over to the throne next to him with the sun symbol. "Ahh, yes Sunny, with you at my side, we shall rule Equestria together. What do you want? The moon? I'll lasso it down for you..." He winked at the vacant throne. "Careful there, princey..." A voice suddenly said, startling Hitch as he looked around frantically but saw nopony. Suddenly, a figure popped into existence right in front of him. "Celly's mine." "Gah!!" He jumped off the throne. "I wasn't doing anything!" "Really, because it looked like you were playing out some fantasy of you and Celly ruling Equestria together. I'm pretty sure when Luna finds out about you taking her throne for yourself, and having a crush on her sister...thou shalt surely die." As terrified as Hitch was at being found out, he couldn't help but stare at the strange creature speaking to him. He looked serpentine, but was comprised of several different creatures. He had a lion's paw, a griffin talon, two mismatched wings of a pegasus and bat, a lizard tail, two mismatching legs of a reptile and a goat, and two mismatched horns. The creature raised an eyebrow. "Why are you staring at me like that?..." "I...uhh, don't mean to be rude, but...what are you?" He asked. The creature huffed. "Rude indeed..." His eyes landed on the Tempus Alicorn. "Hey, what's this?" He went and picked it up. "T-That's mine! I need it!" Hitch panicked. "Breaking and entering into the royal throne room, usurping Luna's throne, and playing pretend on the sacred thrones, and you think you have a right to have this back?... whatever it is. For all I know, you could have stolen this!" "I swear I didn't steal it, but I really need it back! You may not believe me when I say this, but it's capable of time travel! I'm not from this time! I'm from the future and I need to get back!" "Time travel, you say?... So, you use this artifact to go to whatever time in history you want, steal all of its valuables, and vanish without a trace, taking it all back to your own time in the future." The creature concluded. "Yes! I-No! NO! That is NOT it at all!" Suddenly, a new, female voice was heard, approaching the throne room. "I don't know, Sunset. I just can't see cell phones ever becoming a thing in Equestria. That's human stuff. We ponies in Equestria have quills and burping baby dragons." A purple alicorn entered the throne room, dictating to a young green and purple dragon who wrote her words into a journal as he followed her. Hitch stared. That alicorn...she was the one Sunny had a toy of when they were kids...she was identical to that toy. "Oh, hey Discord!" She greeted. "Do you know where Celestia is? Sunset is trying to convince me that Equestria needs cell phones and updated technology, and I want Celestia herself to tell her once and for all, that no...no, we don't." "Ahh, Twilight, your timing is impeccable." Discord directed his attention toward Twilight. "Celestia is in a meeting right now, but there is a time thief here, who has no regard for the royal thrones. He seated himself in Luna's throne and was playing out some fantasy of ruling with Celestia!" He accused. Twilight blinked. "...what?" "He said that this artifact is capable of time travel." He showed her the Tempus Alicorn. "He travels through time, taking treasures and riches, and vanishes without a trace back to his own time." "I do NOT!! This is all a huge misunderstanding!" Hitch insisted. "It does seem plausible...and why were you in this throne room in the first place? How did you get past all the guards? Unless, you used your artifact...and to seat yourself in Princess Luna's throne? This is a royal throne room, not a furniture store, and certainly not a playhouse to act out your fantasies. This is a serious offence against the Princesses themselves!" "I know, and I'm extremely sorry! If you just let me have that artifact back, I will be out of your hair forever." "Oh, I don't think so. As the princess of friendship, I'm confiscating this." She took the artifact from Discord. "I'm also putting you in custody until Princess Celestia and Princess Luna can know about this, and decide what should be done." She turned to the entrance to the throne room. "Guards!" She called. Two guards ponies entered the throne room. "Put this pony in a cell until Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna decide what should be done with him." Twilight sighed as the guards led the Earth pony away while he kept protesting. "Sometimes, I really don't like this job..." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight, quit pacing. You're going to wear the floor out..." Spike deadpanned. "What if it really was all a simple misunderstanding?" Twilight questioned, as she continued pacing. "The guy sat in Luna's throne and was fantasizing about ruling with Celly..." Discord reminded. "Pretty questionable if you ask me..." "Twilight Sparkle, quit pacing. You're going to wear the throne room floor out." Celestia spoke as she and Luna entered the throne room. "Oh, thank Celestia you are both here!" Twilight turned to them in relief. Celestia raised an eyebrow. "...You're welcome?" Luna grumbled under her breath. "Ponies never say "thank Luna..." "There was a pony here that Discord claims he saw seating himself on your throne Luna, and fantasizing about ruling with you, Celestia. I don't know if it's anything to worry about, or if he was just fooling around." Luna looked angry and offended. Celestia appeared confused, more than anything else. "How did a random pony get into the throne room? How did he get past the guards?" She questioned. "Well, that leads me to the next part..." She held out the Tempus Alicorn. Celestia's horn lit up as she took it in her magic to inspect it. "What is it?" She asked, studying the alicorn features of the artifact. "He said it is capable of time travel, and that he is from the future." Discord spoke. "It's a large stretch to believe such a claim, I know." Twilight added. "But we don't know how else to explain how he got in here." "What is his name?" Celestia asked. "He called himself Hitch Trailblazer, or more specifically; "Prince Hitch Trailblazer the Great." Discord air quoted, while rolling his eyes. "Hitch Trailblazer..." Twilight tried the name on her tongue. "Where is he now?" Celestia asked. "I had the guards put him in a holding cell." Twilight explained. "Precisely where he should be." Luna spoke bitterly. "But, what if it was all just a simple misunderstanding? Let's say he finds this relic, and it takes him to our time, and to the throne room, specifically. He could have just been fooling around because it was his first time travelling through time." Twilight reasoned. "It wouldn't change the fact that he disrespected the thrones..." Luna grumbled. "Mine specifically." "But, if he meant no harm by it, can we really imprison him for it? I mean, no harm was actually done..." Celestia turned to Twilight. "Twilight, what do you think?" "Well..." Twilight looked deep in thought. "What if we were to go to his time, find out from those who know him who he really is, and if he should be let go or not?" Twilight suggested. "A reasonable suggestion..." Celestia commended. "If we knew how to activate the artifact." She finished. Discord suddenly took the artifact from Celestia. "If only it could be something as cliché as rubbing the artifact." He rubbed its surface, and the alicorn's eyes flashed red. "SWEET CELESTIA'S BARBEQUED ALICORN WINGS!!" He screeched as he dropped it, before it opened a portal into a forest. Discord stared. "...Well...that...worked." "...My barbequed alicorn wings?..." Celestia deadpanned, staring at him. "Nevermind that." Discord waved it off, gesturing to the portal. "Looks like we have our destination." "What makes you think you're coming?" Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Uhh, hello Celly!" He threw his paw and claw up. "I did just activate the artifact...your welcome." "By accident." Celestia pointed out. "It still worked." Discord insisted, before picking the artifact up again. Celestia sighed. "Fine." She finally relented, before focusing on the portal. She stepped up to it, looking through to the other side. "Here goes nothing..." She extended a hoof and put it through. She could feel grass on the other side, and could see her hoof in the portal, as she moved it around. Deciding that it must be safe, she walked forward, through the portal. She was in a vast forest now, towering trees all around. She turned around and saw the others on the other side, staring. "It is safe, don't worry." She assured. "...COOL!!" Twilight squeed, picking Spike up and rushing through the portal, joining Celestia on the other side. Luna followed through, joining them, before Discord came through last with the Tempus Alicorn, and the portal closed. "Why did the portal not close until we were all through?" Twilight wondered. "Discord came through last, and he had the artifact." Luna pointed out."It appears that when the artifact is put through the portal, it closes again." She reasoned. "Huh...that is interesting..." Twilight spoke blankly as she looked up at the sky. "What is it Twilight?" Celestia asked. "Well, if we are in the future right now, in a time where we would all be gone already, then how is it that the sun is still in the sky? I'm assuming if we stay long enough, night will come as well. How would the sun and moon be moving by themselves now?" Twilight wondered. Celestia and Luna looked worriedly at eachother. "Uhh...Certainly not because we were faking it..." Celestia chuckled nervously. "Oh, I'd never think a thing like that!" Twilight laughed. "How would you," She gestured to Celestia, "have banished Luna to the moon then?" "Uhh...Certainly not because it was staged..." Celestia sweated snowball sized droplets. "See? Such a thought is just ridiculous! I'm glad I can always trust you both!" Twilight smiled from ear to ear. "But alas, I fear we will never know the mystery to the sun and moon rising and falling on their own in this time..." She sighed. "Oh well, some things are just not meant to be revealed." "Yup! Mystery indeed! Well, Let's travel onward shall we?" Celestia moved to get out of the conversation. "Uhh...Twilight..." Spike tried getting her attention before Celestia pulled him aside suddenly. "Spike...you're a dear." Celestia said sweetly. "But let me just say..." She lowered her voice dangeously. "I will teleport you to Pinkie Pie's house to make cupcakes with her, and then send those cupcakes to the Rainbow Factory if you say one word!" She hissed. Spike stared at her. "Ahem..." She addressed the group once more, speaking sweetly. "Come everypony, let us not waste time..." With that, she trotted on, gracefully. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some time of travelling, they happened upon a village in the forest. "Oh, look!" Twilight watched the ponies going about their business in the village ahead. "Ponies living in treehouses! I wonder if they have a library??" She squeed, and trotted on ahead. "Hey! Check out the buffet!" Spike oogled some shimmering crystals in the ground. "Don't think about it Spike!" Twilight scolded. "It may not be taken well by those who live here." "But-but-but-" Spike protested as they trotted by them, crossing his arms and pouting. As they entered the town, Twilight noticed something was off. "Uhh...why is everypony staring at us?" She questioned, as indeed, everypony had stopped what they were doing, and were staring at them. Some were whispering to eachother. Twilight attempted to ignore them and move on. "Oh, look!" One tree in particular stood out to Celestia. "The Crystal Tea Room! I think we could all use a bit of tea right now." She opened the door, as a bell clanged. "Welcome to the Crystal-" The pony cut himself off when he saw them. "What in Equestria?..." He questioned quietly. Once again, everypony in the tea shop was staring at them. "You...you're alicorns...and a dragon, and..." He looked at Discord. "Uhh...whatever you are." Discord humphed in annoyance. "Oh..." Celestia spoke. "I guess you don't have many alicorns around here." "Many?? There is only one I know of in existence in all of Equestria! And that happened only recently! I thought Sunny was the only one!" "Sunny?" Discord asked. "Ya, Sunny Starscout?..." "Oh..." Realization dawned on Discord and the group as they looked at eachother. "Me thinks we made a mistake..." "What do you mean?" "Does the name Hitch Trailblazer ring a bell to you?" Luna asked. "Hitch? What about him?" Alphabittle asked. "Well...crazy story..." Discord spoke as he took the artifact out. "We aren't from this time. This Hitch Trailblazer came to our time with this artifact, and sat upon one of our ruler's thrones." "Mine..." Luna spoke bitterly. "He was fantasizing about ruling Equestria with this...Sunny." Discord continued. "I thought he was talking about our princess of the sun, Celestia." He gestured to Celestia. "He is currently in prison in our time." Alphabittle was staring at the artifact, while at the same time, appearing to be struggling not to laugh. "Oh, Sugar, Honey, Iced Tea!!" He burst out laughing. "That artifact is mine! It's the Tempus Alicorn ancient artifact! But I...I had no idea it actually worked! I'm rich!!" He cried happily. "Wait, it's yours?" Twilight asked. "Ya, it's mine! Now give it here!" He grabbed it from Discord suddenly and kissed it. "Ya baby!!" He laughed. "And I always knew Hitch had a thing for that mare!" He looked back at them. "Where did you say he is now?" "In prison." Celestia said. Alphabittle laughed again. "Hitch in prison?? A sheriff is in prison?" He laughed. "He's a sheriff??" Twilight asked, surprised. "Oh ya, he's the sheriff of Maretime Bay. Poster boy for justice." Alphabittle explained. "So, he doesn't deserve to be locked up?" Celestia asked. "Oh no. He, along with his friends actually helped Equestria. You see, for the longest time, there had been no magic in Equestria at all." "No magic??" Twilight asked, shocked at such a thought. "Nada." Alphabittle confirmed. "And the pony species were all pitted against eachother." He kicked at the ground. "I, uhh...was one of them." He admitted. "Unicorns hated pegasi and earth ponies, and vice versa all around." He explained "Sunny, Hitch, and their friends united us all together again, and magic returned to Equestria, and Sunny became an alicorn." He finished. "This was all very recent. Unfortunately though, she lost her home in the process. There was one pony in particular who wanted to start an all out race war, and Sunny's home ended up getting destroyed." "That's terrible!" Twilight cried. "Yes, it is." Alphabittle agreed. "She is currently staying with-" The door opened, and a unicorn and another alicorn entered. "...Izzy Moonbow." Alphabittle finished. "Hey Alphabittle!" Izzy greeted."Can Sunny and I get...some...tea..." She trailed off as she saw the other alicorns in the room, along with the little dragon, and Discord. "...WOW!! I didn't know there were other alicorns in Equestria!" Izzy squeed excitedly. "and is that a little baby dragon?? He's so cute!!" "Hear that Twi? She thinks I'm cute..." Spike winked at Izzy. Twilight rolled her before approaching the newcomers. "Hello! I'm-" "Twilight Sparkle..." Sunny finished in a whisper. "You're...you're Twilight Sparkle..." She looked at the others. "Spike...Celestia...Luna...Discord." She stated all of their names quietly, in awe. Twilight, along with everypony else looked at Sunny quizzically. while Discord simply looked pleased that SOMEPONY knew who he was. "You know who we are?..." Twilight asked, surprised. "My dad used to tell me stories of you all when I was little. Along with stories of Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy...and Sunset Shimmer." Twilight stared. "...Your dad knew about ALL of us? What about everypony else??" She looked at Alphabittle and Izzy, for any sign of recognition from them. "This is the first time I'm hearing of any of you." Alphabittle said. "Same here." Izzy agreed. "I was just surprised to see more alicorns!" "How did your dad know about all of us?" Twilight wondered. "I don't know...other ponies would just tell me he was making up stories as he went." Sunny said. "How...how are you here right now?" She asked. "Does the name Hitch Trailblazer ring a bell?" Twilight asked. "Yes, we've been friends since we were kids. He heard some of my dad's stories too." Sunny explained. "Well, he used that artifact," She pointed to the Tempus Alicorn. "to travel back to our time. He ended up in our throne room, and got caught by Discord sitting on Luna's throne." Twilight told her, while deliberately leaving out the fact that her childhood friend most likely has a crush on her. Sunny burst out laughing. "Oh Faust! That must have been quite awkward." "Ya...I kind of mistook it for him trying to take over Equestria or something...I had him put in prison." She admitted. "I'll be sure to let him go, now that things have been sorted out." "You put him in prison??" Sunny laughed. "That's ironic, cause he's a sheriff!" "So, I've heard." Twilight said. Celestia turned to Alphabittle. "Alphabittle, was it?" Celestia asked, remembering Izzy's name for him. "That's me." He replied. "Will you so mind as to rub that artifact please?" "Uhh, strange request, but ok..." Alphabittle rubbed the surface of the artifact, and its eyes flashed red, before opening a portal back to the throne room. Everypony watched it in awe. "Well, I'll be..." He stared. "All I had to do was rub it to get it to work??" He asked in shock. "How cliché is that?" "I will be right back, everypony." Celestia said, and stepped through the portal. She appeared on the other side, and trotted off. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a bit of waiting, Celestia returned, with Hitch. "Oh, thank mayonnaise!!" Hitch shouted, when he saw the waiting portal back to his time, and galloped for it, going through. "I am NEVER doing that again!" He shouted when he was back in the Crystal Tea Room. "SUNNY!!" He scooped her up suddenly. "I LOVE YOU-" Realizing what he was doing, he put her back down. "I, uh...I mean..." He stuttered. "...You love me?" Sunny asked. "I- uh...I do?" He answered stupidly. "Well...Maybe I love you too..." Sunny suggested. Celestia stepped back through the threshold of the portal. "Well, I am relieved we got that sorted out. Our apologies Mr. Trailblazer." "Same...about the throne thing, I mean." He looked apologetically to Luna, who still looked a bit sore about the whole incident. She sighed. "I'll get over it..." She muttered. "Well," Celestia spoke. "I think our time here is done." "Not quite..." Twilight looked at Sunny. "Where is your home?" "Uhh, I'm currently staying with Izzy..." Sunny replied, uncertainly. "No, I mean your original home." Twilight clarified. "Uhh, Maretime Bay, but-" "Excellent!! Can you take us there?" Twilight cut her off. "...But my home there is gone." Sunny finished. "Oh, ye of little faith, Sunny. WE have a draconequus." Twilight looked at Discord. Discord gasped, and looked at Celestia. "If I do this, can I get my own throne??" He asked excitedly. Celestia sighed. "I will THINK about it..." Squeeing in delight, Discord snapped his fingers, and they all appeared in Maretime Bay, at the ruined lighthouse. "How did he just..." Alphabittle wondered as he looked around "Ok, forget what I said..." Twilight said to Sunny. "I guess Discord brought us here." "Aight, let's get this show on the road!" Discord snapped his fingers, and he was suddenly in a construction worker's uniform. He made measurements on the remains of the lighthouse. He removed dirt with a cat, in which this case, "cat" refers to a construction machine, not a cute kitty cat, otherwise, a bunch of angry readers, who are also avid cat video viewers would by no doubt, sue the author of this story for every penny she's worth...(And trust me, I have no money.) He then came in like a wrecking ball- "DISCORD!!" Twilight screamed. "What are you doing with a wrecking ball?!! You're supposed to be fixing the place!!" "Ok, ok, sheesh..." Discord snapped his fingers, and the lighthouse was put back together. Except it was upside down, inside out, and floating in mid-air. "What the- DISCORD!!" Celestia shouted. "Looks homey to me." Discord snapped his fingers again, and a disembodied hand patted him on the back. "Fix it now!" Celestia demanded. "Fine, fine, don't get your panties in a bunch..." Discord snapped his fingers again, and the lighthouse was restored to its original untouched state. Sunny gasped. "Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She threw her arms around Discord. "Oh, shucks, anything for the new sunbutt." Discord replied. Sunny broke the hug, and turned to Hitch and Alphabittle, who were arguing about something. Finally, Alphabittle turned away from Hitch, and approached Sunny. "Sunny, uh, hey, well...this is yours." He held out the Tempus Alicorn Artifact. "What?... but I thought it was yours?" Sunny replied, confused. "Well, it was...but now, it's yours. Birthday gift from loverboy over there." He gestured to Hitch. "and, well, consider it also a thank you for what you did for all of us..." Sunny's eyes welled up. "Oh, Alphabittle...You DO care!!" she threw her arms around him next. "Ugh, alright, don't go getting all sappy on me." Sunny broke the hug and turned to Twilight. "Do you mind if we come see you all, and your world every so often?" "Why, I was going to ask you if you mind if WE come here every so often!" Twilight laughed. "Pinkie would never forgive me if I don't let her throw a "we've got new friends from the future! Let's go see them!" party, once I tell her and the others about this. But, of course, you'll need to be the one to open the portal for travelling back and forth." "Of course!" Sunny replied happily. Twilight turned to Alphabittle. "I have been wondering, Alphabittle. You said that, for the longest time in Equestria, there was no magic, and it only just returned recently." "That is true." Alphabittle confirmed. "Then, how did you, or anypony else get their cutiemark without magic?" Twilight wondered. "Uhh..." Alphabittle bit his lip. "...Certainly not because we just tattooed them on!" The End.