> The Drake Six > by JNKing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Episode One: Dragon Quest Re-Told > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Tree… another tree… grass… some more trees…” Deciding the ground wasn’t interesting enough, Spike the Dragon looked up. The late morning sky sported a large scattering of small, white puffy clouds. The wind blew past Spike, gently massaging his purple and green scales. While it felt nice, it didn’t help to quench how tired and frustrated he was.  “Cloud… bird… cloud… another cloud… ugh…” Spike groaned and paused to adjust his pack, thinking over what had gotten him to hike out into the middle of nowhere on a quest to discover what he really was.  He was a dragon; young as he might be, the scales and fire breathing were a dead giveaway in that regard. But what bothered him was what ‘kind’ of dragon he was.  It had all started with the dragon migration. Getting to see dozens if not hundreds of his own, fully grown fellow dragons making their way across the sky. His supposed friends – or rather, the friends of his master, Twilight Sparkle - had found the sight to be rather enjoyable.  Spike had almost enjoyed it too, until he made the mistake of associating himself with the dragons above. His choice of words had resulted in a barrage of teasing. He could still hear Rainbow Dash’s voice echoing in his head.  One lame dragon…  Granted, Rarity had said he didn’t need to be like other dragons, but it had come with a hefty dose of condescending baby talk. Which had done nothing to soothe the growing crisis in Spike’s heart.  If he wasn’t like other dragons, who was he really? Where did he come from? Who was he really supposed to be?  Twilight was supposed to be the bookworm; knowledgeable on every subject. But her brain and her library failed Spike. Apparently, ponies knew next to nothing about dragons due to being too scary for them to study.  Well, Spike refused to let fear take hold of him. He was going to discover who he was if it was the last thing he did.  Unfortunately, while the idea had been sound several miles back, travel without wings was proving to be a very difficult feat.  But Spike couldn’t bring himself to go back either. Not to the ponies who had mocked him for not being a full dragon. Not to Rarity, who still saw him as some cute little kid that needed to be coddled. He had to press on.  But he sure wouldn’t have minded some company along the way.  Right as he thought about company, he came to a wide river. He grimaced, gazing down at the rapidly swirling water. He’d have to cross this to continue his journey. The only question was how? Slowly, Spike edged his way along the river bank, looking for a raft or a bridge or something.  However, as he walked along, he failed to notice a pair of green eyes watching him from under the shoreline.  That being said, it was hard to miss the tsunami that suddenly burst out of the water, hoping to wrap him up in its wet embrace.  Spike reacted on instinct. His fire breath spat out and evaporated the wave that came for him. From the water, a sea serpent fell out, tumbling into the forest.  Spike blinked at the serpent; he remembered Twilight talking about a ‘Steven Magnet’ that she and her friends had encountered. But this sea serpent looked nothing like Steven.  He was a bright cyan blue, almost like Rainbow Dash, with a scraggly dark green mess of hair that had a serious case of bed head. His mustache was also thinner, more like catfish whiskers than the fashionable lip hairs that Rarity had gushed about helping. And while this sea serpent was way smaller – looking just about Spike’s age - when he turned, Spike noticed that he was more ripped. Almost like the pegasus Bulk Biceps. It was clear that the sea serpent spent way too much time working out.  The sea serpent flexed his muscles in an even greater display of his assets before putting up his dukes.  “Put em uh – PUT EM UH!” the sea serpent hissed in a husky, mangled voice. “I’ll fight ya wid yer parents if ya want! I’ll fight ya standing on one hand!” He did so. “I’LL FIGHT YA WID MY EYES CLOSED!” He shut his eyes and started whipping his tail around. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t even come close to hurting Spike.  Spike backed a fair distance, leaving the fight-happy sea serpent free to return to his river. “Um… why do you want to fight?” “Oh, you dink I can’t fight, do ye?!” the sea serpent barked. “Come at me and see! Just cuz you dragons use fire and I use water don’t mean nuddin! I’ll be just as strong a warrior as you’ll be one day!”  Spike felt his heart tango in his chest. “Dragons are… meant to be warriors?” “De greatest warriors!” the sea serpent declared. “Capable of downing mountains, dey are! Dey…” he paused, his stance lowering as he gazed at Spike in confusion. “You… don’t you know dat? Where’re yer parents?”  Spike glanced away. “I, uh… I don’t have parents. I wasn’t raised by dragons.”  “Oh…” the sea serpent looked down, disappointed and even a bit ashamed.  It was almost funny; one moment, the sea serpent had looked ready for a brawl. Now he looked like he needed a hug.  “But…” Spike noted, just as much for himself as the sea serpent. “I’m going to find them. I’m going to find out who I really am supposed to be.”  The sea serpent perked up. “You are?” He smiled. “Den I’m coming wid ye!” Spike blinked. “Pardon?” “I’ve always wanted to be just as strong a warrior as a dragon!” the sea serpent explained. “And if yer going to learn from em… well, yer my best shot to learn der ways!”  “But uh…” Spike glanced at his watery body. “Won’t you need water? The Dragon Lands aren’t known for their cool springs.”  The sea serpent grimaced, before diving back into the river. For a moment, Spike feared that was it. But then the sea serpent returned with a huge jug, filled to the brim with water.  He laughed in triumph, before glancing back. “Hey, you need to get across dis river to reach de Dragon Lands, don’t ye?”  Spike reluctantly nodded.  “Den it’s settled!” The sea serpent swam back to Spike’s shoreline. “I’ll get ye across, if you take me wid ye!” He held out a talon. “Deal?” Spike wasn’t too sure about having the fight-happy serpent along. But at the same time, it would save him however long it would’ve taken to find another way across the river. With a shrug, Spike shook his hand. “Deal.”  The sea serpent grinned. “Name’s Jackknife, by de way,” he added, swimming around and lifting a section of his tail for Spike to climb onto. “And you?” “Spike,” the young dragon introduced.  Jackknife smiled. “Nice.” He grinned up at the Dragon Lands. “Hang on, Spike; we’re gonna have some adventures!”  # As it turned out, having Jackknife along wasn’t as bad as Spike feared it would be. The sea serpent may have been lacking in years, but those years were packed with adventures and stories to help pass the time. And on top of it, his watery heritage gave him power over liquid, allowing him to pull water from grass, trees, plants… pretty much anything to ensure that Spike’s water flask never went dry.  Unfortunately, Jackknife’s thrill for combat also meant that he kept jumping to fight anything and everything that even so much as crossed their path.  At first, it was rather annoying, having to drag Jackknife back from fighting squirrels, rabbits, and even a pony that was just minding his own business. But then… Jackknife paused as a massive CAW ripped through the air. Spike winced, already sure he was going to try and challenge whatever bird had made the sound. But this time, Jackknife’s blood knight smile was replaced by a frown.  “Dat didn’t sound like a challenge,” Jackknife noted.  Spike paused as another CAW sounded. “It sounds almost…” “Like a cry for help!” They exchanged a look. Despite not knowing himself, Spike was certain he didn’t like the idea of not helping others. And so, for once, he ran with Jackknife to explore the sound.  They reached a clearing, where they found two griffons fighting.  Except… wait. Spike blinked in shock: one of them wasn’t a full griffon. Griffons were supposed to be part bird and part lion. But one of the griffons was part dragon instead. Where he should have had a feline back side, he instead had bright gold scales, with a fan-like bird tail and eagle-like talons.  However, those scaled talons were proving to be of little aid against his opponent, who had a lasso wound around the bird-dragon’s neck, and was yanking him backward.  “Get off me!” the bird dragon squawked. “Leave me alone!” “Get back here, you useless hybrid!” the griffon roared back. “You’ve been a disappointment for too long, and now I’m gonna get some use out of you.”  With a very brutal yank, the pure dragon yanked the hybrid into the ground. Spike didn’t even need to turn before Jackknife shot out like an actual snake, his fist burying into the pure griffon’s beak.  “BEAST!” he roared as he delivered another haymaker, knocking the griffon off her paws. “BRUTE! HAVE YOU NO HONOR!” The griffon-dragon hybrid took his chance to flee, racing right for Spike and huddling scared behind him. The pure griffon raked at Jackknife with her talons, but the sea serpent took the blows like a champ, the water from his gourd rising up, covering and healing the wounds fast, allowing him to counter with a punch to the griffon’s chest. The griffon backed up, staring at Jackknife in fear disguised as anger. “What the heck do you want, you little shrimp?” the griffon demanded. “Give me back my nephew!” Jackknife, however, was already moving, upper cutting the griffon and sending her to her back.  “Dat boy’s yer nephew?” Jackknife snarled. “Den treat him like one. Not as property!” “He’s mine!” the griffon growled, pulling herself back up. “Get outta my way before I fix you! He’s going to the fighting pits!”  Spike growled and stood, flames bubbling around him. “He’s not going anywhere with you,” Spike warned. The griffon glared between the two. Privately, Spike didn’t like their chances; the griffon was full grown, while they were still pretty young. But luckily, griffons seemed to be cowards, as the griffon glared at the hybrid, who still quivered in the trees. “This ain’t over, Swift,” the griffon warned. “Your dad left you with me. That makes you my property!”  Jackknife hissed, and the griffon quickly backed up from the serpent, fluttering to the trees and then taking off for the air.  Spike let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Jeez, Jackknife,” he mumbled. “You are seriously crazy.” “Maybe,” Jackknife said. “But a man’s free danks to it.” He looked over at the hybrid – Swift, was his name? “You okay, brudda?” Despite being part dragon, the hybrid was shaking like a leaf. “I-I think so,” he mumbled, looking up at the two in gratitude. “T-Thank you… uh…”  “Jackknife,” the sea serpent replied, before indicating Spike. “Dis is Spike.” “Hey,” Spike greeted.  “H-Hi…” the hybrid mumbled. “I-I’m Swift.”  Jackknife chuckled. “I’ll bet. If dat idiot hadn’t had dat rope on ye, I bet ya would’ve out-raced her easily.” Swift managed a timid smile. He reminded Spike a lot of Fluttershy; their coats even managed to be a similar shade of yellow. Though his eyes were more of a pure sky blue as opposed to Fluttershy’s moderate cyan. “What happened with you two?”  Swift swallowed. “That… griffon wasn’t entirely wrong. S-She was my aunt.” Jackknife grimaced. “Dat sucks. But…” He glanced at Swift’s draconic flanks. “Uh… what about…?" Swift sighed. “She said that my parents fought over me. She told me dragons had always been greedy. Once my egg had been lain, my dad insisted that I belonged with the griffons. My mother insisted I belonged with the dragons. Aunt Hawk back there says that my dad gave me to her, since I was his by right.” Swift hugged himself, curling up to hide his draconic side. “But I hated being with the griffons. They always made me feel weird; looking at my scales like they weren’t normal. Pushing me to be some sort of brute when I didn’t even like fighting…” He nodded at where he had gone. “She planned on selling me to a fighting pit. I…” he gasped. “We can’t stay here. She’ll be back, probably with friends!”  “Right,” Spike said. “Let’s go!” The group quickly ran from the clearing, though Jackknife and Spike still looked on Swift with pity.  “You mind coming with us to de Dragon Lands?” Jackknife asked.  “I’m not sure if you had another place to go, but…” Spike added.  “Oh, no,” Swift said. “No-no, I… wanted to go to the Dragon Lands too. I was hoping… if I didn’t have a place with the griffons… maybe I’ll have a place with the dragons.”  Spike gave him a sympathetic look. It seemed he wasn’t the only one that wasn’t sure where he belonged. He patted Swift’s shoulder. “You and me both, buddy.” Swift smiled kindly at Spike’s support, and together, the three left the clearing far behind.  # Having Swift with them made the journey even better. Unlike Jackknife, Swift was a much more cautious fellow, and where Jackknife wanted to challenge everything they found, Swift wanted to stay away from anything that came across their path. At first, it was nice to have someone who didn’t need to constantly be held back from attacking anything that moved. But Spike still found his patience being tested when Swift almost insisted they take an alternate, longer path to the Dragon Lands after being spooked by a tree branch on the path ahead of them.  Granted, Spike knew better than to get angry at Swift; after all, the poor bird-dragon had suffered horribly under his abusive aunt. But still, Spike would’ve preferred not having to be the middle man to Jackknife’s crazy aggression and Swift’s rampant paranoia. Ironically, right as he thought of a middle man, the group reached the mountains that led to the Dragon Lands. On their way up the mountain, they passed by a cavern.  Night was falling fast, and it had been quite a day of travel. Spike was tuckered out; Swift was drooping as he walked, and even Jackknife, for all his bluster, was starting to pant raggedly. “We should…” Spike recommended. “Take shelter. Rest for the night.” He nodded at the cavern. “We can stay here and then head out in the morning.” Swift shivered as he glanced at the cavern. “Are you sure?” he mumbled. “It looks really scary?” “Aw, don’t worry, brudda,” Jackknife promised. “I’ll protect ya!” He stood at the foot of the cavern and put up his dukes. “Alright, listen up, whoever’s in here!” Jackknife boomed. “We’re spending de night here! Ya got a problem wid dat? Come out and tell us to our faces!” It was almost funny how quickly a growl sounded from within. Swift yelped and hid behind Spike, who shielded Swift as best he could. Jackknife, meanwhile, stood ready to fight. Yet, Spike noticed the growl wasn’t malicious. In fact, it sounded more like a groan. Like someone was hurt.  Curious, Spike ventured past Jackknife and into the cave. “C-Careful, Spike,” Swift warned.  But the groan sounded again; whoever was in the cavern was in terrible pain. Taking his bundle, Spike lit his stick, using it like a torch. And inside the darkness… he found a dragon.   Except… Spike winced at the sight. He remembered both the red and green dragons he had encountered with Twilight and her friends. This dragon looked like she used to be one of them… but something really bad had happened.  She wasn’t as big as the dragons he had met for starters; bigger than Spike and his group, maybe, but not enormous. More around Celestia or Luna’s size. Deep lines were etched into her face, like she was constantly in pain. And she had good reason to be: her body was covered with brutal looking scarring, looking like someone had fed her into a meat grinder. Upon closer inspection, Spike realized that the red scaling on her weren’t natural scales, but some sort of bandages, likely covering injuries too brutal for even his eyes.  Her eyes – sunken and light pink, like they had all the fire sucked out of them – gazed at him, less in fear or suspicion, and more tired resignation. Like a fly she had long given up trying to swat. She sat slumped in a corner, her body so still Spike feared for a moment she was on death’s door.  “Um… sorry to disturb you ma’am, but… my friends and I…” “You can do what you want,” she replied morosely. “I can’t stop you.”  Spike tilted his head, while behind him, Jackknife walked up, blinking at her in confusion. Swift poked his head in around the corner, still looking ready to bolt.  “What de heck happened to ye?” Jackknife mumbled in horror. The dragon gave a sad, pained smile of dark amusement. “What didn’t happen?” she mumbled, lowering her head.  Spike’s heart wrenched in sympathy for her. He took a knee, wishing he could do something for her wounds. “Who… are you?” She gazed down at him in thought. “Blazing Phoenix,” she replied. “You can call me Blaze, if you want. Once… I was a proud dragon.” She looked around at the empty cavern. “This cavern once shimmered and shined with the spoils of my conquests. Tended by diamond dogs that I had forced to serve me.” Her head lowered. “But I pushed my luck; I underestimated just how strong diamond dogs could be.” She gazed down at her scales. “And they made me pay for it.”  Swift shivered, while Jackknife stared at her scars in horror. Spike hesitantly reached out. “Is there anything we can do?”  She gazed at him. “Stay?” she asked. Spike’s heart lurched at the pleading tone in her voice. “It’s really… quiet here.”  Jackknife and Spike exchanged a look before Jackknife nodded. Swift still kept a fair distance from the dragoness, but Spike sat himself next to her. Blaze might have smiled, if it didn’t look like it would hurt for her to do. “Why did you come here?” Blaze asked.  “We…” Spike glanced at Jackknife before looking at Swift. “We weren’t raised by dragons. We wanted to know what you guys were really like.”  “When yer not… er…” Jackknife looked away from her.  Blaze frowned; ironically, it looked easier for her than smiling. “If you’re hoping that we’re great and powerful beings… well, you’d be right about powerful. But Great is… another story entirely.” She gave Spike a very worried look. “I was a slaver before my slaves got their revenge on me. You shouldn’t get your hopes up about the others.”   Spike winced. Swift had already made him nervous with how his parents had apparently fought each other over him. Now with Blaze warning him against them… he started to fear that who he was supposed to be didn’t line up with who the ponies had made him into.  But… he couldn’t help but wonder. Is that a bad thing… or maybe a good thing?  # The next day, Spike awoke early, sleep eluding him worse than Angel Bunny on the days Spike was asked to care for him.  Luckily for him, Jackknife and Swift were similarly restless, ready to see the Dragon Lands in their entirety; regardless of whether it came with glory or disappointment.  “Ready to go?” Jackknife asked, already at the cavern entrance.  Spike nodded, before they heard Blaze sighing.  “So soon?” she mumbled, the sad tone in her voice back.  Spike paused, hating the idea of leaving her. “Don’t you want to come with us?” Blaze looked down at her scars. “I’m a failure among dragons,” she said. “You won’t earn many friends with me around.”  Jackknife laughed. “I ain’t looking for friends; I’m looking for warriors.” Blaze gazed at him with concern. “You won’t find many here.” Spike sighed. “Look, do you want to come with us, or not? Regardless of how bad dragons might be, we need to see them for ourselves.” Swift nodded. “My mother might be among them,” he added. “I have to find her.” Blaze blinked at Swift’s mention of mother, before noticing his draconic flank. She sighed, before hefting herself up to her feet, and limping after the group.  Though Spike did wonder if it was a good idea to bring Blaze at first – her old, worn body proved to be very bad at climbing, and her wings had holes in them preventing her from flying – they soon managed to reach the top of the mountain. And gaze upon the Land of Dragons.  Jackknife’s water steamed in the heat; the dragons were situated along what looked like a volcano. There were several full-grown dragons – which made Spike shiver – but down near the base of the volcano, the group noticed a group of what looked like younger dragons. Still older than Spike, most definitely, but not the full-grown beasts that were roaring and snarling at each other from within several caverns. “Well,” Spike noted. “There’s teenage dragons. That might be more our speed.” He glanced down at an obsidian black dragon that was getting yanked around by them.  “And… size.”  Jackknife huffed, eying a brilliant white – but full grown – dragoness that had her eye on them, but shrugged, following after Swift and Spike as they cautiously approached the teenage dragons.  Blaze limped along behind them, pausing long enough to notice a very strange serpentine like dragon that seemed to be following them. Narrowing her eyes, Blaze ended up tripping and tumbling down after the others, landing in a heap on the ground. “Ow…” Blaze moaned.  Swift moved to help her, while Spike nervously glanced at the dragons, who noticed Blaze’s spill and laughed. “Um…” Spike almost went for a wave, but they turned away, focusing on the obsidian black dragon that seemed to be in the center of them.  “Alright, give me her first,” a red dragon was insisting, yanking the black dragon to his chest. “I saw her first.” “No ya didn’t,” a brown beefy dragon demanded, pulling her away and gripping her around the belly. “She was totally all over me!”  “Me first!” a purple lanky dragon said, yanking her away as well.  Spike stared in shock as the teenagers fought over what had to be a dragoness like she was nothing more than a gem. Twilight and her friends would never have allowed such harassment.  “H-Hey!” Spike said. “You can’t treat her like that!” The dragons barely glanced at Spike. “Back off, Shrimp; she won’t even be interested in ya.”  The black dragoness did give Spike a small look of pity before she was yanked away by the brown dragon.  Spike growled, fire burning up around him, before Jackknife stepped forward with a grin.  “You and me, brudda,” he said. “Just like wid Swift.” “Uh, are you guys sure?” Swift asked worriedly.  “I can’t protect you,” Blaze warned. But Jackknife was undeterred. And as the red dragon pried the black dragoness away from his fellows, Jackknife seized his shoulder.   “Hey, jackhole!” Jackknife started to say.  But the red dragon whirled, and faster than Spike could blink, Jackknife was on the ground.  “Hey!” Spike screamed, only for the red dragon to punt him like a football.  “Spike!” Swift screamed.         Spike fell into a bundle of feathers – Swift catching him no doubt – as a sudden flurry of blows sounded.  Spike blinked the haze out of his eyes – from the sound of it, Jackknife was getting beaten. But as he forced himself up, he was surprised to discover the black dragoness fighting back.  In two smooth motions, she smashed the purple and brown dragon’s heads together before lunging forward and decking the red dragon, sending him to the ground faster than Jackknife.  “W-Whoa, what’s the matter, babe?” the red dragon stammered. “I was just…” The black dragon straddled him and dealt him two more devastating blows, knocking him out cold. Glaring at the other two dragons, they quickly went from trying to grope her to trying to flee her.  And they might have gotten away too, if one of them hadn’t screamed, “Crazy witch!” Her eyes contracting, the black dragon unleashed a white fireball that smacked the head of the dragon who’d spoken. His face ground a small trench into the ground, and he lay where he had fallen.  The dragons taken care of, the black dragon turned to Jackknife, who was nursing a black eye. He glared up at her as she looked down at him. Spike tried to jump to Jackknife’s defense, but Swift held him back. “What are you doing?” Spike demanded. “We can’t leave him.” “Did you see what she did to those three?” Swift demanded. Before they could argue about it, the black dragon’s face split into a grin, and she offered a hand to Jackknife. “That’s a heck of a way to say hello, right?” she asked with a chuckle. “I’m Night Fire, but you can call me Night, or Knight, whichever works for you. Who’re you, Scrappy?” Jackknife glanced at Spike before hesitantly taking her hand. “J-Jackknife,” he said, before indicating Swift and Spike. “Dat’s Spike ‘n Swift.”  “OOO!” the dragoness cooed, racing over to them. “Now I wonder which is which?” she lifted a hand before they could speak. “Wait-wait, let me guess.” She scratched her chin before pointing at Spike. “You’re small, so you must be Swift.” She grinned at the actual Swift. “And your feathers look like spikes, so you must be Spike!”  Spike and Swift glanced at each other. “Uh, actually, I’m Spike,” Spike introduced. “He’s Swift.” Night blinked at both of them. “Huh,” she mused. “Well… I guess that works too, I guess.”   Spike untangled himself from Swift. “But… what about you? Why were you letting those guys push you around if you could handle them?” Night chuckled. “Because it made them happy, of course.” She chuckled. “Originally, I had offered to love on all of them, but then they started getting greedy.” She shook her head. “I tell you, dragons have such a strange aversion to sharing these days.”  Jackknife rubbed the black out of his eye. “So…” he grumbled, disappointed. “Ya didn’t need us?" Night’s gaze softened in sympathy, and she helped Jackknife rub the black out of his eye. “Don’t get me wrong,” she assured him. “I appreciate the aid.” She grinned. “In fact, let me make it up to you guys.” She peered around at the three male dragons. “You’re a colorful bunch? What brings you to the Land of Dragons?” Spike straightened. “I wanted to learn more about dragons,” he said. “I was… well… I was raised by ponies.” “I was raised by griffons,” Swift added.  “And I’m a sea serpent that wants to learn how to be a dragon,” Jackknife added. Night looked expectantly at Blaze, but she just shrugged. “Don’t look at me,” she said. “I just didn’t want to be lonely, and these guys spent the night at my cave.” Night paused, glancing at Spike. “Don’t you think he’s a little young for that?” she asked.  Blaze balked. “NOT LIKE THAT!” Spike blinked before backing away from Blaze. “Ugh, no! Gross!”  Night cackled at their reactions. “I’m messing with you guys,” she said, before containing herself. “Alright, sorry, but in all seriousness, I may know just the dragoness who can help you.” She motioned. “Follow me.”  Spike followed, though he still couldn’t help but watch Night in intrigue. The way she handled herself – friendly and kind – it reminded him a bit of Pinkie. Though Night seemed much more ‘sane’ than Pinkie.  Yet, there was something else about her. Something vaguely… familiar. But he couldn’t quite put his talon on it.  The answer evaded him as Night led his small back up the volcano and around to a cavern situated at the base of the mountain.  Unlike Blaze’s cavern, Spike noticed a shimmering glow from within. Before he could even ask, they entered the cavern… and Spike found himself looking at the biggest treasure trove he had ever seen.  It put the green dragon’s own horde to shame; with entire mountains of stacked golden bits, piles of carefully carved gems and… Spike paused. “Are those books?”  Indeed, they were: an entire library’s worth of parchment, scrolls and books, all carefully arranged and organized on mahogany shelves. As Spike watched, he saw Diamond Dogs tending to the books and treasures.  But unlike the diamond dogs he had encountered with Rarity, these dogs were more refined. Their vests were cleaned and washed so that they flowed like silk against the dog’s furry bodies. And as Spike watched, a young-looking pup with golden fur actually pulled out a book and read it. Spike didn’t even think Diamond Dogs could read.  Spike was cut out of his pondering when Night stepped forward.  “Knock-knock-knock!” She called, catching the attention of the diamond dogs. “Can we enter-enter-enter?”  The pup with the book jumped at the sound of Night’s voice, before glaring up at the cavern entrance. “Darius!”  “What?” a voice replied – Swift jumping as they spotted a brown diamond dog with a crossbow watching over the entrance. “They didn’t enter yet.”  The golden pup rolled her eyes before turning. “Diamondback, we have visitors!”  A strange rumbling sound echoed – less like a dragon’s growl, and more like something very big was approaching them with rapid footfalls.  Before Spike could glance at Night, the owner of said footfalls made her appearance.  Spike’s heart skipped a beat; it was the white dragoness Jackknife had been watching. On closer inspection, Spike realized the dragoness was almost exactly like Rarity. Of course, there was an obvious difference – this new dragoness was… a dragon, obviously, and one the size of the green dragon Spike had met – but everything else reminded him of his crush: Beautiful white scales, embedded with diamonds so that they sparkled like miniature stars. A purple robe that draped over her figure, combined with her tail being wrapped around her neck like a scarf, decorated with fur and feathers to give it a scarf-like appearance. Lapis blue eyes that shined with intrigue at the sight of the dragons at her doorstep. And when she spoke, it was even with that lovely accent that always made Rarity sound like someone of great importance.  “Ah, my darling Night Fire,” the dragoness declared, scooping the dark dragon up and giving her two pecks on the cheek before gazing at Spike and his friends with intrigue. “You’ve brought me more treasures!”  Jackknife and Spike glanced at each other. “Uh, pardon me… uh…” Spike stammered.  “Hang on a sec, we ain’t treasure,” Jackknife protested.  The dragoness merely tittered like he had said something amusing. “Ah, yes, of course, where are my manners? You aren’t treasures just yet. What are your names, my dears?” Spike’s heart skipped at the way she called him ‘dear.’ “Uh, Spike… your, uh… ma’am.”  Jackknife glared at him before glaring up at the dragoness. “Jackknife.” Swift hid behind Blaze. “S-Swift,” he mumbled.  Blaze rolled her eyes. “You already know who I am, Diamondback.”  Diamondback sucked in a breath at the sight of Blaze’s injuries. “Ah, yes, I know you very well, Blazing Phoenix. I had hoped you would come to my doorstep one day; knowing I could help you with those horrid scars…” She paused before remembering the others and giving them a bow. “E-Either way, as you might have surmised… my name is Diamondback, my darlings. And I wish to be your friend.”  Spike tilted his head while Jackknife raised an eyebrow. “You do?”  “Of course, please…” She swept them in, past the library and to what looked like a dining area. “Shiva? Celine!”  The golden furred pup, along with an older, white furred diamond dog, ran up to Diamondback’s side.  “Please, be a darling and get our new friends some refreshments,” Diamondback asked.  “At once, Alpha,” they said together before heading off. “And make sure to get some for yourselves,” Diamondback called after them. “Blazing Phoenix finally showed up, and I want her to know how you properly care for your treasures.”  Blaze flinched as a small growl rumbled up from the dogs. Jackknife cautiously prepped his fists, but Diamondback waved him off. “Oh, don’t be scared, Jackknife dear,” she said. “My diamond dogs are very well behaved.” “You… have diamond dogs as pets?” Spike asked.  “Pets?!” Diamondback laughed at the notion. “Please, my friend. They’re my treasures.” She waved a hand over her horde. “You see, Greed is a power source for dragons. The more treasure you have, the bigger and stronger you become.”  Spike paused. “Right,” he mumbled, remembering his own experience with Greed. “But… it turns us into monsters too.” Diamondback rested a sympathetic claw on his shoulder. “Only if you lack the maturity to handle the power boost,” she said, smiling motherly. “Don’t torture yourself if you lost yourself to the Greed once. You’re still young; you can still learn.” Her grin widened. “Especially now that we’re friends." Jackknife tilted his head curiously. “What do you mean?”  “Most dragons contend themselves with mere silver and gold. But I want more than measly metal.” Diamondback lifted her arms. “I demand the finer things in life: status and knowledge, power and sex.” “He’s too young for that,” Night noted, pointing at Spike, who gave her a confused, but slightly relieved grin. “Luckily for him,” Diamondback replied. “I’m also interested in the most important treasure of all: friendship.”  The dragons stared up at her in disbelief. Except for Night, who was cackling at their reactions.  “Oh, don’t be rude, Night, dear,” Diamondback chastised. “You had the exact same reaction when I told you.” “And I bet I was every bit as amusing to look at as they were,” Night replied with a laugh.  Diamondback rolled her eyes. “An unfortunate consequence of being ahead of the times,” she dismissed, as her dogs returned with several platters of gems. Smiling, Diamondback stroked the head of the white dog, as Spike couldn’t help but drool at the refreshments before them. “But it matters little.” She gazed at Spike. “You are a dragon raised by ponies. Surely that makes you smarter than most of the lizard brains who lurk in these lands, content to either guard their pathetic sticks in the grass or try to steal from their betters.” She took a breath, and her form shrunk, coming to level with Spike. She gave him a warm smile. “Why did you leave Equestria, Spike? What do you seek here?”  Spike gazed up at her longingly. “To know who I am. What I’m supposed to be.”  Diamondback hummed, looking to the others.  “To find my mother,” Swift said when she looked at him. “To become a warrior worthy of fighting dragons,” Jackknife said with a grin.   Diamondback grinned again. “I can help you with that.”  Blaze scoffed. “Why?”  Diamondback smiled and rose, heading to her library. “An unfortunate side effect of Greed is that it’s easy to forget what you already have. Easy to take it for granted in light of what you can get next.” She turned back to them. “But it’s not enough to merely own something; you need to care for what you have. Especially when what you have can think for itself.” She smiled at Blaze. “I think you more than understand the risks behind mistreating your living possessions, Ms. Phoenix.”  Blaze looked away with a grimace, avoiding looking at the Diamond Dogs, while Diamondback led Spike, Jackknife and Swift into the library, Night following after them.  “Knowledge is just as valuable a treasure as friends or gold,” Diamondback said, plucking a book from her stores and looking back to the trio of male dragons. “Stay with me, and I will help you find what you seek.” She grinned at Spike. “I will help you see, Spike, that you are just you. A wonderful, unique life whose experiences, skills and insight on the world makes him just as valuable as any of the jewels in this horde.” Spike felt his heart lift at the praise: he wasn’t a lame dragon. He was just himself. And that was okay.  As he smiled at her, Diamondback looked to Swift. “Griffons and dragons are not often seen together,” she admitted. “But that will only ensure it is easier to track down the dragons who have worked with griffons in the past.” She pat Swift’s shoulder. “We will find your mother, my child. I promise it.”  Swift smiled as Diamondback looked to Jackknife.  “And you, my brave warrior,” Diamondback promised. “I will help you learn the ways of dragon guardians. So that anyone you fight will dread facing you again on the battlefield.”  Spike, Jackknife and Swift all glanced at each other. Diamondback was making a pretty great deal. But then… “Diamondback!” Darius’ voice called. “Got an intruder. Wait… three of them!”  “Wait, hey!” voices shouted.  Spike gasped. “Twilight? Rainbow Dash?”  “Not again!” a very familiar voice screamed.  “RARITY!”  Spike ran back to the cave entrance, finding several dogs surrounding the trio of ponies. Rainbow Dash was ready to square off, as was Rarity. Twilight’s horn was aglow in warning, while the diamond dogs aimed spears at them.  “Wait, don’t hurt them!” Spike called out.  “Luke, Myst, Logan, stand down!” Diamondback ordered.  The diamond dogs quickly backed up at Diamondback’s words, while Twilight ran to embrace Spike.  “Spike, I…” Twilight started to say, before noticing the books. “I…” she looked up at Diamondback and the other dragons. “Uh…” She looked up at Diamondback. “Who… are you?”  Diamondback grinned. “Your new friend,” she replied.  “Huh?” Rainbow Dash asked. “But… why aren’t you roaring at us? Or… attacking us?” Diamondback rolled her eyes. “Is that what you expect ‘all’ dragons to do, darling?”  “Darling?” Rarity mumbled, miffed at the dragoness’ use of her word.  “My friends,” Diamondback said. “Who we are is not the same as ‘what’ we are. Just because I am a dragon doesn’t mean that I can’t recognize the value in friendship or knowledge.” Spike grinned. “She’s right, Twilight,” he said. “Some dragons may be scary and fierce, but there are plenty more that can be kind, generous and caring.” He glanced at Swift, Diamondback and Night as he spoke. Twilight gazed at Diamondback and her horde with wonder in her eyes. “If…” she swallowed. “If it’s not too much trouble then…” she stepped forward hopefully. “Could… we be allowed to share some of your knowledge with Equestria?” Spike glanced up at Diamondback with a grin. “It’s important to care for your possessions, right?” he noted.  Diamondback tittered at Spike’s words. “You’ve been paying attention,” she praised. Spike looked to Twilight. “How about this,” he said. “I can stay here and copy down the information Diamondback has, and then send it to Celestia.” He looked again at the library stores. “There’s quite a lot, so I’ll probably be away for a while.” “You won’t be alone though,” Night added.  “Heck no,” Jackknife added. “It was fun traveling wid ya, Spike. I’d hate for our adventure to be over just yet.”  As Twilight looked at the friends Spike had made over his journey, she couldn’t help but grin. Spike wondered if she was remembering how she met her own friends. After a quiet pause, she hugged Spike.  “Just don’t forget us, okay, Spike?” Twilight asked.  “Please,” Rarity added. “I know we don’t make it easy to see, but we do genuinely care about you, Spikey.”  She nudged Rainbow Dash, who grimaced before hanging her head in shame.  “Yeah, and… I’m sorry for what I said back at the migration,” she said. “You’re not lame.” She glanced at his dragon friends, and Spike followed her gaze with a grin. “Nope,” he replied. “I’m about to find out just what dragons know about friendship.”  Diamondback chortled. “Then strap yourself in, my new friend. You’ll have quite a lot to learn.” > Episode 2: Self-Defense > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “When Diamondback said I had a lot to learn,” Spike groaned as he tried to keep pace with the diamond dog ahead of him, “I thought she meant studying in that library.”  Despite his words, he found himself running the length of the mountain that Diamondback used as her lair. Flitting ahead of him was one of her diamond dog servants - a spry little pup with cinnamon brown fur and playful brown eyes.  “And what happens if those books get stolen?” replied the dog - Lizzie, he remembered, was her name. She waved one of Diamondback’s books at him. “You gonna be able to catch a little old thief like me? Or are you gonna be left huffing and puffing as I get away with your stuff?”  Spike groaned and tried to pick up his pace, even as the sound of metal ringing from inside the lair reached his ears from above. “Why can’t I just learn how to shoot like Swift is doing with Darius? I wouldn’t need to move fast if I could just…” He hocked a fireball like he was spitting, but the fireball didn’t even get close to Lizzie before spattering against the boulders.  Lizzie gave him a coyly unimpressed look before turning and continuing to run. “Keep up, buttercup,” she teased. “Just one more lap down the mountain and back up.”  Sighing, Spike kept pace with the pup, desperately reaching for the book.  However, as they skidded to a stop at the base of the mountain, Spike found a surprise waiting for them: a familiar griffon leading an entire flock of the bird-lion hybrids, all glaring at Spike.  Spike bit back a curse. “Hawk?” he whispered.  “Where’s Swift?” the female griffon growled. Lizzie growled, putting herself between the griffons and Spike. “No one here by that name,” she snarled. “Don’t play coy with me,” Hawk snarled. “I know he’s here. He belongs to me, not your scaly masters.”  “Wanna take that up with them?” Lizzie shot back, before letting loose with a howl.  Hawk shot forward to silence the pup, but Spike moved quicker, catching Hawk’s punch and throwing her off guard. However, Hawk wasn’t alone this time, as another griffon caught Spike with a kick that sent him to the ground.  “You’re not dealing with me alone anymore, kid,” Hawk warned him. “That hybrid belongs to me.” She seized Spike by the head. “And I will do whatever it takes to…” However, she was cut off with a roar. The griffons looked up as a familiar blue sea serpent launched out of Diamondback’s lair, roaring a battle cry as he dove down on top of them.  One of Hawk’s friends moved to intercept, only to get crushed under Jackknife’s weight. Springing off the downed griffon like a springboard, Jackknife punched Hawk away from Spike, and proceeded to envelop her in a brutal series of punches.  "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!" Jackknife roared as he punched. As Hawk was forced back, her other friends tried to help, only for a volley of arrows to fall upon them. Spike was pulled back by Lizzie, looking up in awe as Darius and Diamondback rained arrows down from above. The griffons squawked and cried out as the sharp points pierced their feathered wings, but with Jackknife keeping them from mounting a proper defense, the birds were quickly forced to take to the air.  “C-Curse you,” Hawk snarled. “Just wait until I…” Whatever she was going to do, Spike didn’t get to hear it, as Jackknife punched her hard enough to send her spinning into the air. “YOU WANT SOME MORE?!” Jackknife dared, flexing his muscles at them. “COME GET SOME!”  However, the griffons seemed to have more than enough, as they scrambled back into the forest, Hawk giving the lair a seething look of hatred before being swallowed up by the shadows. Spike let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Thanks, Jack.”  Jackknife, however, glared at the forest with an almost… disappointed look. Like he had been hoping for more. Before Spike could comment on it, Jackknife huffed and turned back to him with a grin.  “Anytime, brudda,” he said, before glancing up at the mountain. “Alright, so… can Swift ‘r someone get us?” “Oh, no,” Lizzie laughed. “Spike’s not gonna learn how to get stronger if he lets others carry him around. Besides, how else would his run have allowed us to see those griffons sneaking up on us?” She started jogging up the mountain. “Come on, boys. This is healthy for you!” Jackknife and Spike exchanged a look before Jackknife shrugged, keeping pace with Lizzie as she ascended the mountain. Spike groaned before reluctantly following them. ## By the time Spike, Jackknife and Lizzie returned to the lair, Spike was completely winded. With his lungs barely working, he dragged himself past a shivering Swift who was being tended to by Night Fire, past the library where Jackknife promptly started to read scrolls on ancient martial arts, and to a pile of mattresses and feathers that served as bedding, where Diamondback was fitting Phoenix with what looked like bits of armor.  “Another rough jog?” Diamondback teased.  Spike merely slumped onto a bed with a groan. “Please tell me you didn’t have to do any of that,” Spike moaned.  “Alright then,” Diamondback replied. “I didn’t have to do any of that.” Phoenix and Spike glared at her. “Are you lying?” Diamondback shrugged. “You did plead with me to say it.”  Spike sighed, while Diamondback just chortled. “Oh, my sweet little hatchling,” she soothed, leaving Phoenix to tend to Spike. “Your body is the first and most precious treasure you’ll ever have. You need to treat it with the respect and care it deserves.”  Spike rolled onto his side. “It feels like I treated it with everything but respect and care.”  Diamondback waved a claw. “Nonsense. The pain will become more bearable. And, in the meantime, training your body makes you more adept at protecting what is yours.” Spike hummed. “Twilight never taught me to do any of that,” he admitted. “She just had me carry her books and write her letters.”  Diamondback frowned while Phoenix looked away in shame. “Well, things will be quite different here,” Diamondback replied.  Before Spike could respond, Darius the Archer’s howl sounded.  “We got rogue diamond dogs,” he said. “Not our pack; looking for trouble.” Jackknife immediately shot up. “I got dis one!” he claimed, racing away to where Darius had called.  Diamondback grimaced at Jackknife’s eagerness to fight, but Spike yawned, too tired to question it.  ## As the days went by, Spike started to get into the routine of his morning jogs. It grew easier for him to keep pace with the diamond dogs, and he even saw the wisdom in keeping an eye on the borders of Diamondback’s territory.  However, it also allowed Spike to see just how risky Jackknife’s gung-ho behavior was.  During one of his jogs, he came across the teenage dragons that had been harassing Wing. The red dragon glared at Spike, but otherwise made no move towards him.  “Well-well,” the red dragon growled. “If it isn’t the shrimp. Having fun as one of Diamondback’s treasures?” “Oh, she won’t be so friendly once he undergoes the Molt,” the brown dragon noted.  “Or if you try to take any of her things for your own,” the purple dragon added.  Spike ignored them - words were a poor way to hurt somebody, at least, that’s what he thought - but evidently, someone thought differently.  With a sudden roar, Jackknife leaped out of the lair and dive-bombed the dragons.  “Ain’t gonna catch me off guard dis time!” Jackknife promised, as he smashed the red dragon’s face into the ground, and uppercut the brown dragon into the air.  The purple dragon tried to back up, raising his hands in surrender, but Jackknife was undeterred, launching forward and decking the dragon into the ground.  All three scrambled backward, but Jackknife kept coming at them, cackling darkly as he prepared for battle.  But Spike noticed the dragons going into full retreat. What Jackknife was doing wasn’t self-defense.  “Jack, wait!” Spike insisted, grabbing Jackknife’s tail.  Jackknife whirled on him with a hiss, causing Spike to let go. But Jackknife’s face fell as he realized what he had done. Unfortunately, it also fell into disappointment when he looked back to find the other dragons gone; vanished over the horizon.  “Why’d ya do dat, Spike?” Jackknife asked. “I was keeping ya safe.” “They weren’t doing anything but talking,” Spike insisted.  Jackknife huffed. “Words can be a lot more powerful dan ya dink. I would’ve thought being around dem ponies would let you know dat.”  Grimacing, Spike finished his patrol/run, before reaching Diamondback. Passing by Night Fire training Swift, he found Diamondback continuing to fit bits of armor to Phoenix.  “Doing better, I see?” Diamondback asked, before noticing Spike’s downtrodden expression. “Or… not doing better?” Spike sighed. “It’s Jack,” he said, looking back as Jackknife joined Night Fire and Swift’s training. “I’m worried that he’s taking ‘defending our territory’ a bit too far.”  Diamondback hummed. “Spike,” she warned. “This isn’t Equestria. There can be very dangerous things out here that will try to take what’s yours.” Spike gave her a pleading look, and she gave him a motherly smile.  “Nevertheless,” she replied. “I’ll keep an eye on him, and see for myself. If he’s acting far too aggressive, I’ll help you…” “Hey!” Darius barked.  Instantly, Jackknife shot out of the lair, Night Fire and Swift staring stunned at his speed. Diamondback’s face fell as Spike resisted giving her an ‘I told you so’ look. Instead, he ran to the edge of the lair, where the others joined him to find Jackknife chasing away…  “Fluttershy?” Spike stammered.  The poor yellow mare was crying as she fled, a basket of gems and books scattered across the mountain side. Twilight was yelling at Jackknife, as he yelled back. “What is wrong with you?!” Twilight was screaming. “We were only trying to make sure Spike was alright.” “Well, ya shouldn’t have spooked de watchman,” Jackknife insisted, pointing to Darius. “I heard him bark; ya should’a made yourselves more clearly allies.” “We’re Spike’s friends!” Twilight screamed. “On top of that, we’re ponies! How threatening can we be?”  As the two argued, Spike glanced up at Diamondback, who sighed.  “Okay, that’s a bit too far,” she admitted.  ## A short while later, Jackknife sat with his arms crossed, surrounded by the other dragons.  “Jack,” Spike began. “We have a serious problem with your attacking people.” Jackknife sighed. “Look, if dis is about de ponies…” “The ponies weren’t your enemies,” Diamondback said. “I won’t deny that there are some people we need to be careful of, but throwing yourself at every possible threat is not going to be as effective as you think.” “Take it from me,” Phoenix added. “I thought I could use force on everything.” “And how’d that turn out for you?” one of the dogs snarled from the corner.  Phoenix looked down at her scars. “I think we both know the answer to that one,” Phoenix replied quietly.  “Please, Jackknife,” Swift insisted. “Defending everyone is admirable, but hurting people who don’t deserve it makes you just as bad as… well…” “His Aunt Hawk,” Night Fire admitted. “I’m sorry, but it’s true.” Jackknife hissed. “Look, I’m just trying to keep you guys safe, alright?” he said. “I know you all think I can’t, but I can. I kept the griffons at bay, I kept the dragons at bay…” “Sort of…” Spike grumbled, but Jackknife was on a roll. “Look, I’m sorry about the ponies,” Jackknife said. “But those other guys? They ain’t gonna be nice like that.”  Diamondback sighed. “All I’m asking is that you show a little more restraint, Jackknife,” she said. “It would be horrible if something bad happened to you because you didn’t think before jumping into a fight.”  “Nothing’s gonna happen,” Jackknife assured them. “Nothing can beat me.” He got up and left the dragons behind.  Spike grimaced as Phoenix shook her head. “An attitude like that is gonna get him hurt,” Phoenix noted.  “Indeed,” Night Fire said. “If talk ain’t gonna work… then we may need to try something more drastic.”  ## As they set their plan in motion, Spike found himself remembering Rainbow Dash; how she had let her pride go to her head as well. Admittedly, this was a bit different from how Twilight and the others had handled her, but Spike supposed Jackknife’s confidence was a bit different from Rainbow Dash’s.  His thoughts were chased away, however, as the watch dog barked. “We got something!” As usual, Jackknife was out the lair and dive-bombing whatever had come for them. Shaking his head, Spike walked out to watch as he plummeted right into their trap: a cloaked figure which turned out to be Night Fire, unleashing a barrage of flames that evaporated Jackknife’s water. As he yelped from the burst of fire, Night Fire stepped back as he plummeted right into a net, which she quickly tied up, leaving him defenseless. “H-HEY!” Jackknife protested as she grinned down at him.  “Still think nothing can beat ya?” Night Fire asked with a coy grin.  Jackknife struggled against the net, but eventually realized that he wasn’t getting out. “Okay, what d’you want?” he grumbled.  “Oh, nothing much,” Night Fire replied. “I know, surprising for a dragon. But… let’s start with you promising to…” “Get the bird-dragon!”  Spike’s eyes bugged out as the griffon bandits made a rush for the lair.  “No-NO!” Jackknife yelled. “Night, cut me free!” Before Night could try, however, another griffon shot up and engaged her in combat. Dodging her bursts of flames, the griffon shot back and forth, Night Fire struggling to keep up as Hawk and the others rushed for the cave.  “Guys?!” Spike yelled, before Diamondback stomped out, followed closely by her diamond dogs.  “Spike, keep Swift safe,” Diamondback growled, the griffons freezing as she loomed over them. “I’ll deal with these… ‘ladies and gentlemen.’” Hawk snarled at the head of the flock and tried to rush Diamondback… but the dragoness back-handed the abusive griffon back into the forest. At the same time, several other griffons tried to follow after Spike, only for Phoenix to come out, decked out in blood red armor. She lifted a cannon attached to her arm, and a ball of lava shot out, forcing the griffons back into Diamondback’s sight and allowing her to swat them like flies.  As the griffons began to lose ground, Night Fire made a diving leap and sliced through Jackknife’s bindings. The sea serpent reared up with a roar, and caught the griffon bandit fighting Night Fire by the neck, allowing both of them to choke-slam the griffon and send it tumbling back down the mountain.  Soon enough, the others followed suit, Diamondback and Phoenix scaring them off, while Darius and the other diamond dog archers kept the griffons flying away with a barrage of arrows.  As the last griffon fled over the horizon, Jackknife and Night Fire rejoined the others, Night Fire rubbing her head sheepishly. “Okay,” she noted. “That didn’t go exactly as planned.”  “Perhaps,” Diamondback mused, before smiling at Jackknife. “Or perhaps, someone here learned that he doesn’t have to do all this alone.”  Jackknife looked down in shame. “I didn’t mean to…” He sighed and looked up. “I just wanted you guys to know I could protect ya.”  Night Fire pat his shoulder. “Hey,” she said. “You did a great job protecting me against that griffon.” She grinned. “But you don’t need to protect us alone. We’re a team, okay? We’ve got your back, just like you’ve got ours.”  Jackknife smiled at her before grinning up at the others. “Danks, guys,” he said.  Spike and Swift grinned as Phoenix and Diamondback nodded.  ## “My friends, Twilight and Princess Celestia,” Spike wrote.  “The Land of Dragons is a much more dangerous place than Equestria, but not as dangerous as some would like to believe. My friend Jackknife was eager to prove his strength and dedication to our small group. But he also learned that he doesn’t have to face every challenge alone. For strength alone is not all that matters in a fight. It’s about being smart, thinking before acting, and always remembering when you have friends by your side, ready to help. I look forward to sharing more of the lessons I’m learning here.  Your faithful dragon friend, Spike.” > Episode 3: Forgiveness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike had always noticed the dirty looks diamond dogs gave Blaze (or Phoenix, as she preferred to be called now). But their dislike for the older fire dragon reached a head when Diamondback tried to repair Phoenix’s wings.  “Alright now, darling,” Diamondback said, stepping back as she adjusted a fire-launcher on Phoenix’s back. “If this works the way it should…”  She pressed a button… and Phoenix was launched into the sky, her head getting embedded into the roof.  “Oh, my gosh!” Spike yelled. But as Night Fire and Swift moved to help her, the group heard a round of malicious laughter emanating from the dogs.  Spike gave a hard glare to the dogs as they cackled, pointing up at Phoenix as she, Night and Swift struggled to pull her head out from the ceiling. However, they only silenced themselves when Diamondback gave them a withering look.  “It was a first trial run, alright?” Diamondback demanded. “I’ll get the kinks fixed in due…” “Oh, no your Grace,” Shiva - who seemed to be the eldest of the diamond dogs - said, bowing to her. “We weren’t laughing at you.”  “We were laughing at her,” added one of Shiva’s sons - Kodo, Spike believed he was called - pointing up at Phoenix as she yanked herself loose, and fell screaming back down to the ground. Kodo tittered a bit at Phoenix’s spill.  “But why?” Spike asked. “You guys weren’t part of her horde in the past, were you?” Shiva sighed. “Unfortunately, they’re friends with someone who was.”  “Myst,” Kodo agreed.  Phoenix visibly tensed up at the mention of Myst. “Oh, no…” “Yeah,” Kodo growled. “Don’t think we didn’t find out about what you did to her…” “That’s enough,” Diamondback said. “Is Myst around?” “No,” Shiva reported. “She’s been keeping to the mines ever since these guys arrived.”  Spike winced. “Well, she shouldn’t just wallow in anger,” he noted. “Whenever the ponies had problems, we’d try and talk it out.”  Shiva looked doubtful, while Kodo laughed and stormed off, along with most of the pack.  “Forgive me, Spike,” Diamondback mused. “But I doubt that my dogs are going to be quite as forgiving as your pony friends.”  “We won’t know if we don’t try, right?” Spike asked. “And after all, a dragon looks out for their possessions. If their possessions are sad, then… that’s not really caring for them, yeah?”  Diamondback grimaced, but didn’t protest, as Spike walked over to Phoenix.  “Phoenix,” Spike asked. “You alright?” Phoenix pulled off her helmet and glared at Spike, indicating a massive knot on her head. Spike winced at the injury.  “So… would this be a bad time to try and help you with your past?” Phoenix’s gaze turned to confusion. “How would we even do that?”  ## Spike’s hopes began to fade the second they brought Myst out. The diamond dog looked far older than even Shiva, with black fur streaked with gray and white. But the worst part were the scars; long red gashes that showed clear through her fur. A white mask covered the upper part of Myst’s face, and Spike got the impression from the streaks of red underneath that he didn’t want to see what was under them.  He looked to Phoenix, who looked almost sick at the sight of Myst. “Tell me those scars weren’t…” Phoenix could only stare at Spike in dismay. Spike sighed.  “Of course,” Spike bemoaned.  Just as Spike started to wonder if it was a bad idea to start this, Myst noticed Phoenix.  “What is she doing here?” Myst growled, storming over to Phoenix.  Spike struggled to stand tall, before Diamondback graced him by joining him in keeping Myst away from Phoenix.  “She’s one of my treasures now,” Diamondback said. “She’s not your master anymore, Myst.”  Myst still glared at Phoenix. “You better not expect her to be in the same living space as me or my pack.”  Spike glanced worriedly at Diamondback, before jumping in.  “Wait,” he said. “I saw something in one of my comics.” He winced. “Er, granted, it usually ended badly, but here we could make it work.”  Taking a marker, he drew a straight line on the floor.  “There; you’ll both have your own space,” Spike offered.  Myst chuckled. “Is this kid serious?”  Phoenix sighed. “Look, Myst, I know what I did to you was wrong. But it’s different now.” She removed her helmet and let her scars show. “I’ve changed from the dragon you know.”  Myst glared up at her scars, though Spike hoped he saw a bit of sympathy in Myst’s eyes. “Physically, sure,” Myst noted. “Mentally’s harder to gauge.”  Diamondback grimaced. “She’s right on that, Spike,” she noted. “Words are just wind at the end of the day. It’s action that will really matter.”  Spike hummed, before nodding. “You’re right,” he said. “So… if you guys need anything,” he pointed to Phoenix. “Phoenix is your dragoness.”  Myst and the other diamond dogs cocked eyebrows at Phoenix. “Does the boy really speak for you, ‘Master Blaze?’” Myst sneered.  Phoenix bristled at the use of ‘master,’ but bent her head. “Whatever you guys need,” she promised. “I’m not your master anymore.”  Myst hummed. “Well, in that case…”  ## When Spike found Phoenix next, she was in the tunnels underneath Diamondback’s encampment. Though the tunnels were far too small for a dragon - even one Phoenix’s size - she was forcing her way in, chipping apart rocks and searching for diamonds while several other dogs - looked after by Myst - relaxed and watched her.  “Careful on that next ridge, Blazey,” one of the dogs - Kodo - noted. “Rocks almost caved in on us; wouldn’t want your skull getting crushed before you got the last of those diamonds out.”  Phoenix squirmed in the tight spacing. “That would be tragic, wouldn’t it?” she deadpanned.  Spike winced at the way Kodo laughed and even how Myst was smirking. He edged as close to Phoenix as he could. “Uh, Phoenix?” he asked. “Are you alright?”  Phoenix pulled her head out, covered with soot. She sighed. “”You said it yourself, Spike,” she said. “I need to make up for what I did to these guys. If this helps…” she shrugged before taking a breath and digging back into the tunnels.  Uncertain, Spike nodded before heading back. However, he barely got halfway when… CRASH! A scream sounded, fighting against the sound of laughter. Spike spun back and ran, finding Phoenix kicking and screaming under a pile of rocks. Kodo and Myst sat nearby, laughing their tails off. “What’s wrong with you two?!” Spike demanded, trying to pull rocks off the screaming dragoness. “Help her!”  “Hey, didn’t we warn her?” Kodo asked, glancing at Myst, who shrugged with a grin.  Luckily, Shiva showed up. Glowering at both of them, she let loose with a howl. And a few seconds later, Diamondback was arriving. With her strength, Spike managed to pull Phoenix free, though the dogs continued to laugh at her as she shook herself off.  “I’m alright,” Phoenix said, even as her scars had reopened and blood dripped across her cracked scales. “I’m okay.” “You’re not okay, darling, let me get you back,” Diamondback said, Spike helping her carry the dragoness back.  As they returned, Spike glared at Myst and Kodo, who were rolling their eyes as Shiva lectured them.  “This doesn’t feel right, DB,” Spike noted. “I’ve always been for forgiveness, but this doesn’t feel right.”  Diamondback checked over Phoenix’s wounds with a grimace. “We weren’t the ones that were affected, Spike,” she said. “This conflict is between Myst and Blaze. They need to sort it out themselves.”  ## Despite Diamondback’s words, Spike continued to see Phoenix get treated as a servant to the diamond dogs. He watched as she got gems they couldn’t normally get themselves, took the fall for actions that they did, and even actually dressed up in a maid’s outfit and served them.  All the while, he felt his patience wearing thinner and thinner. Until one day, he woke up and found Phoenix and Myst gone.  Enlisting Lizzie as a tracker, Spike tracked Myst down to a mountain, where she saw Phoenix struggling to climb with the faulty jet pack Diamondback had been making for her.  “What are you doing this time?” Spike demanded, as Myst shushed him with a grin. “Dear ‘Master Phoenix’ is going to retrieve a Roc feather for me,” Myst replied. “I’ve always been curious in how Rocs will react to adult dragons.”  Spike paused, remembering what he had read about Rocs. How they…? He gasped. “But Rocs feed on dragons!”  Myst shrugged. “That’s her problem. Not mine.” Spike seethed, before suddenly roaring out. “Okay, you know what, THAT’S IT!”  Myst spun back as Spike felt himself growing, but was too angry to comment on it. “I GET THAT YOU SUFFERED UNDER BLAZE, BUT SHE’S TRYING TO CHANGE!” Spike boomed at the dog. “ALL YOU’RE DOING IS HANGING THE PAST OVER HER AND FORCING HER TO DO DANGEROUS THINGS! AND FOR WHAT? IT’S OBVIOUS YOU’RE NOT FORGIVING HER! YOU’RE JUST MAKING HER SUFFER OUT OF SOME PRETENTIOUS DELUSION OF JUSTICE! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, DOG, YOU MAY HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM ONCE, BUT RIGHT NOW, YOU’RE JUST AS BAD AS BLAZE WAS!”  Myst stepped back, cowed by Spike’s appearance. But at that moment, the cry of the Roc sounded.  Spike looked up as the Roc burst from it’s lair, knocking Phoenix away. Phoenix struggled to use her jet pack, as the roc shot down towards her. “PHOENIX!” Spike roared, blasting a fireball at the Roc.  The Roc dodged his blast, but it gave Phoenix time to spark her jet pack. She soared back to Spike, the Roc on her tail, as Spike prepared another blast.  However, just before the roc could try to snatch at Spike, Myst jumped over Phoenix and drove into the Roc’s face, her teeth sinking into it’s eye. The Roc shrieked in anger and shook his head, dislodging Myst, only to get another face-full of flames from Spike, and a boulder to the wing from Phoenix.  Shrieking in pain, the roc spiraled away, flapping back to its lair, as Phoenix, Spike, and Myst caught their breath.  Phoenix withdrew a feather from the roc and threw it at Myst’s feet. “There’s your stupid feather,” she hissed, her voice cracking with anger.  For a moment, Spike feared that Phoenix was about to give Myst far worse than a feather. Evidently, Myst did as well. But Phoenix ultimately turned away and stomped off. Glancing at Myst briefly, Spike went after Phoenix, as the dragon collapsed next to a cliff, choking back sobs.  “Phoenix?” he asked.  “I’m trying, Spike,” she whispered. “I’m trying… so hard. But she…” she shook her head. “I don’t know if I can do this anymore.”  “Hey-hey,” Spike hushed, hugging her. “It’s okay…” “Phoenix?” a voice asked.  Phoenix glared back at Myst, as she set the feather down before her.  “I…” Myst sighed and lowered her head. “I’m sorry.”  Phoenix’s gaze turned to confusion. “What?” “I let being a victim become a way of life,” Myst admitted. “If you always make yourself the victim… you can justify being awful all the time. Even when others have gone beyond the point of deserving it.” She lowered her head in regret. “I should never have pushed you so far. What I did… was unforgivable. But all the same… I’ll accept whatever punishment you deem necessary.”  Phoenix and Spike shared a look, before Phoenix sighed and looked back at Myst.  “Myst,” she said gently. “I won’t deny what you did was wrong. And it hurt me a lot. But…” she looked away. “I still did wrong by you. I don’t want to be that person anymore.” She sighed. “So… just stay away from me, okay? I won’t bother you or yours anymore… if you’ll stop holding what I did over my head.”  Myst looked up nervously, but Phoenix’s glare dissuaded protest. She nodded.  Spike grimaced. “This… was a little more heartwarming in my head.” Phoenix gazed at Spike with tired eyes. “Not every story has a happy ending, Spike. What happened between Myst and I… it can’t be solved with a couple of speeches and nice acts.” She gave a small grin. “But we can make progress, even if it’s in tiny steps.” She nuzzled Spike’s head. “Thanks for convincing me to take the first step.”  She then headed back home, Myst giving her some space before following after her. Spike watched them go with a ponderous expression.  ## Dear Twilight and Princess Celestia,  Ponies often enjoy the benefits of harmony; when conflict arises, especially between friends, it’s easier for us to bury the hatchet and move on. Not so much for the Outskirts; when conflicts or grudges are made, they can be much harder to overcome, especially when one side is not fully ready to forgive. My friend Blazing Phoenix showed me this when she sought forgiveness from one she had hurt in the past. The one she had hurt, Myst, used her pain to inflict suffering on Phoenix, justifying it by claiming she had been the victim. But in exploiting the pity one should have for a victim, Myst became just as bad as Phoenix had been.  Forgiveness is a two-way street; in order for true peace to be achieved, both sides must be willing to move on from the pain of the past. And not even victims should be allowed to use their pain to inflict suffering on others.  Your dragon friend, Spike > Episode 4: Courage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawke had returned.  Spike knew it from the look in Swift’s eyes as he shot into Diamondback’s cave. A far contrast to when the griffon-dragon hybrid had left, having just learned where his dragon mother might be. He had been so eager to learn more about his heritage.  Yet barely an hour after he left, he shot back into the cave, his feathers fluffed up and his eyes shining with betrayal and fear.  “Swift?” Night asked, as he fled into the deepest reaches of the cave. “Swift, what happened?” She glanced at Spike. “Family reunion went that bad?” Spike shrugged and raced to find Swift, eventually finding him burrowing into one of the mine caverns. Spike just barely managed to grab his tail, though the grab caused Swift to yelp, scattering feathers everywhere. “Swift, hang on,” Spike pleaded. “Just… talk to us. Tell us what happened?”  Swift shivered in his corner. “It… was… Hawke.”  Instantly, Spike understood. He knelt to Swift’s level. “Tell me what happened.”  ## Swift’s day had started off so exciting; Diamondback had figured out who his mother was, and where she was at.  “Her name is Sunny,” she noted. “Ironic name, though she could’ve chosen it for her firepower. She usually hired griffons to find her things in exchange for her protection.” Swift gazed up at Diamondback in hope. “And… you know where she is?”  Diamondback handed him a map. “Should be in the highest mountains,” she said. “After all, griffons like high altitudes, and she likely wanted to be closer to her namesake.”  So, off Swift had gone. Full of hope and eagerness. Finally, he was going to see the dragon who birthed him.  Sure enough, he soon saw a mountain that was teaming with griffons. Granted, he had been hesitant as he approached; some of the griffons had looked similar to the griffons Hawke had been around.  But they left him alone, only sparing him intrigued looks at his dragon heritage as he flew into the cavern and found his mother.  Her treasure trove was filled with treasures that seemed based on how shiny they were. On top of gold and silver, he spotted a few pieces of glass that probably held little value, but sparkled like diamonds.  And all too soon, he found her: Sunny was full grown, with scales almost as bright as Celestia’s sun itself. She even had Swift’s blue eyes. Though they had a strangely cold light to them as she glanced at the approaching Swift.  She looked him up and down with a grimace, focusing on his back half. “Huh. You ain’t like most of the birds I find.” She peered at him. “Who are you?” Swift smiled in hope that they were getting somewhere. “My name is Swift,” he said. “I-I think I’m your son.”  Sunny’s eyes widened, and she stood in glee. “Well, how about that?” she mused with a grin. “Decided you didn’t like being with the griffons?”  Swift fluttered closer. “No,” he admitted. “They were mean to me; never accepted me, I… I was hoping you would.”  Sunny grinned. “Then I imagine you wouldn’t mind bossing them around, yeah?”  Swift’s face fell. “W-huh?”  She pointed. “I know some of those griffons are stiffing me on gold,” she said. “If you’re my son, you can shake them down for me. It’s not good when I have to waste time on the weasels; makes them think they’re important or something like that.”  Swift blinked at her. “But I…”  “Seriously?” Sunny asked, her smile fading. “You never learned how to fight?”  “Well, no, but…”  “Unless…” Sunny’s gaze grew disappointed as she sighed. “Of course.”  “Please, wait!” Swift tried to beg, but then a new voice piped up. “What did I tell you? I told you he was a weakling.” Swift’s pale feathers grew cold as Hawke flew up next to Sunny.  “The boy’s useless to you,” Hawke said. “It doesn’t matter if he was loyal; he can’t defend for anything.”  “H-Hawke?!” Swift stammered, flying backward, while Hawke only flew closer to Sunny. “Let me take him,” Hawke recommended. “I know a few places that will pay big money for him.”  “MOM, DON’T LISTEN TO HER!” Swift protested, but Sunny looked at him with at most intrigue.  “Are you going to let her talk about you like that?” Sunny asked, indicating Hawke. “Go on. Stop her. Prove why I should keep you around.”  Hawke smirked. “Yeah, runt,” she dared. “Prove how useless you are to her.”  Swift shuddered, his feathers shedding from stress. He hated fighting, and it was even worse knowing that Jackknife and Spike weren’t there to help him. But with his mother watching, he knew he had to try. He had to earn her respect. So, with a shaky breath, he shot forward… and was immediately redirected into a wall.  He fell into the treasure trove, Sunny watching him unsympathetically.  “Get up,” the dragon said. “Nah, he’s done,” Hawke replied.  Trying to prove her wrong, Swift got back in the air… but Hawke smashed him into the wall and sent him back to the ground.  Sunny was frowning in apathy. “Get up,” she said. “Nah, don’t even try,” Hawke said. “You know you’ll fail.” Swift tried to rise to his mother’s command, but he didn’t even get off the ground before Hawke flew into him, tossing him across the treasure trove as he yelped in agony.  Sunny sat back with a sigh. “That’s a shame,” she noted. “Usually, dragons can count on their children defending their hordes until the Greed starts to take them.”  Hawke laughed, plucking his feathers out of the air. “This little coward can’t defend his own feathers, much less your horde.” Hawke flew back up to Sunny’s ear. “I, on the other hand, can promise quite the bounty for who I can sell the runt too.”  Swift gazed up at his mother pleadingly. “Mother, please,” he almost cried. “Don’t listen to her.”  But Sunny shook her head in disappointment. “Sorry, kid,” she said. “But if you really wanted my help, you would have proven yourself.” She shifted away. “He’s all yours, bird.”  “MOTHER!” Swift screamed as griffons flew in and surrounded him.  She didn’t even look at him as the next beatdown began.  ## Swift lowered his head as he concluded his story. “I barely managed to get away from them,” he said, before his gaze turned bitter. “No thanks to that… wicked old hag.”  Spike pat Swift’s head, but Diamondback gasped in alarm. “Swift Winds, such language!”  Spike looked back at Diamondback. “But… that’s cruel, what she did.”  Diamondback gazed on them with pity. “Unfortunately, that’s how a lot of dragons will work,” Diamondback noted. “She wasn’t lying when she said dragon children will often defend their parents’ hordes. You could have really impressed her if you had stood up to your aunt, Swift.”  Swift glared at Diamondback. “You didn’t spend years being told by your aunt and father that you were never good enough,” he hissed. “You didn’t spend years getting beaten down by her every day.” He shrunk into his corner. “All those years… I thought my mom would accept me.” He began to cry. “What a joke.”  Spike winced at his words and hugged the hybrid, trying to let him know he still had people who cared for him.  ## Unfortunately, the incident had hit Swift even harder than he had implied. For the next few days, Swift refused to leave his little spot. Night brought meals to him regularly, and Jackknife, Spike and Phoenix took turns talking to him, but no matter what, Swift never left his spot. And any attempts to try otherwise resulted in him burrowing himself deeper into the tunnel he had found refuge in.  Then the day came where they saw Hawke outside. While Jackknife stood ready to chase her off, Spike went to Swift.  “Swift,” he pleaded. “You can’t stay in there forever.”  “Why not?” Swift asked. “There’s nothing for me out there.”  “There’s food,” Diamondback pointed out, coming to Spike’s side.  “And friends,” Night added.  Swift burrowed deeper away from them. “And danger!”  Diamondback sighed. “Danger is a part of life, darling,” she said. “Every day, you’ll take a risk. The only thing you can really choose is what you’ll risk it for.”  Spike and Night exchanged looks with each other at Diamondback’s wisdom. Then… “DB!” Jackknife called. “We got trouble out here!” Diamondback sighed. “Just think about it, darling,” she told Swift, before rising and heading to the outside. Giving Swift a sad look, Spike ran after Diamondback… and promptly froze so he could hide behind her.  Swift’s mother Sunny was there; with a legion of griffons. Jackknife stood ready, along with Diamondback’s Diamond Dogs, but for once, Jackknife didn’t look eager for a fight. “Ah, good, Diamondback,” Sunny said. “I understand that you have something of mine.”  Diamondback jutted her chin out. “Interesting,” she mused. “Because according to Swift, you don’t really want him.” Sunny shrugged. “Not really,” she admitted. “But I do want the gold on the price tag he’s got attached to him.” She indicated Hawke. “Hawke here says she can get at least 50 thousand bits from him.”  Diamondback hummed, glancing at the griffons and their readied weapons. “So, if I pay his weight in gold,” she mused. “You’ll leave him be?”  Sunny shrugged. “If you’re that willing to take on a useless thing like him, sure.”  Hawke gave Sunny a scandalized glare, but Sunny didn’t even glance at the evil griffon. Jackknife, however, snarled. “He ain’t useless!” He snarled. “He’s cautious, dat’s all.”  Sunny scoffed. “Too cautious,” she replied, glancing at Diamondback. “Are you sure you want to buy him? He didn’t seem that impressive when I first saw him.”  Diamondback took a breath, pondering her words, before a small voice piped up from behind them.  “Then… let’s see if I can make a better second impression.”  Spike looked back, and his eyes lit up as Swift reluctantly came out.  Sunny gave the young hybrid a scathing glare. “So, you’ll defend Diamondback and not me? What makes her better than your mother?”  Swift shivered as her words washed over him. Spike feared he was going to flee and make another fool of himself. So, he stepped forward and stood next to Swift.  “Because we make sure he doesn’t have to face threats alone,” Spike declared.  Sunny laughed at Spike’s small size, unaware of Night and Jackknife stepping up next to him. Then the Diamond Dogs formed ranks around him.  Everyone was ready to charge forward and beat down Sunny, Hawke and the rest of those griffons… before a bag of gold suddenly flew through the air and into Sunny’s claws. Sunny stared down at the bag and then at Diamondback.  “51 thousand,” Diamondback said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Go ahead, count it up. I’ll wait.”  Sunny quirked an eyebrow, but began counting the gems, as Hawke gave Diamondback a scathing glare.  “Seriously?” she demanded. “You’ll give up your treasure for this runt?” She pointed at Swift, who bristled and growled at her. “What can you even do with him? He’s weak! He’s a coward! He’s…” “Had enough of your CRAP!” Swift roared, leaping up and stabbing her with his beak.  Hawke wrenched him away, clutching at her shoulder with a roar of rage, before lunging at Swift again.  Briefly, the two birds wrestled in the air. Jackknife blasted a beam of water, hitting Hawke and knocking her off course. Taking advantage, Night shot up, head-butting Hawke away. Her attack allowed Swift the opportunity to stab the angry griffon with his beak again, before Phoenix lunged up with her jet pack and kicked Hawke in the stomach.  Hawke backed up, screeching as her griffons started to rush in.  Night pulled Swift back as Jackknife, Phoenix, the diamond dogs, and even Spike prepared for battle. But then…  “ENOUGH!” Sunny barked, making her griffons freeze in mid-air. She placed the last of the gems and gold into the bag Diamondback had tossed her. “It’s 51 thousand. Just as she promised.” She tucked the bag under her wing. “We got nothing to fight about now.” Hawke whirled on Sunny in stunned shock. “But he… he stabbed me! I was supposed to sell him, he…” “He’s been sold,” Sunny replied, glancing at Diamondback with an intrigued grin. “Why she wants to invest in him is her business.” She gave Hawke a fiery glare. “Unless you were planning on screwing me over and keeping some of this for yourself.” Hawke wilted under Sunny’s gaze, and bowed her head in submission. Sunny turned back to Diamondback.  “Pleasure doing business with you, DB,” she said, giving a curious look at Swift. “I hope he doesn’t disappoint you like he disappointed me.”  Swift bristled, Night and Spike glaring darkly at Sunny, but Diamondback merely grinned. “We’ll see,” she replied neutrally, before turning her gaze to a fuming Hawke. “Now why don’t you run along, little hawk. The grown-ups are done talking.”  Hawke seethed, fire bubbling in her eyes. But with Sunny glaring at her, Hawke was only able to give Swift another death glare before reluctantly following after her patron.  As they left, Swift’s trembling started up again, and feathers shed from him like water.  “Easy, buddy,” Spike said, trying to sooth him as Night hugged him. “I can’t believe I just did that,” he mumbled.  “You gave her a start, that’s for sure,” Jackknife praised, wiping the red off Swift’s beak.  “I can’t believe I just did that…” Swift whimpered again.  “Calm yourself, Swift,” Diamondback said. “You’re going to need to be able to face conflict like that.” “But…” Swift whimpered. “I just made her angry. She’ll be back, won’t she?” “Most likely,” Phoenix admitted. “But you made a huge step today. You fought back.”  “And someday,” Night promised. “You’ll send her packing yourself.”  Swift managed a smile at that idea. Swift pat his side.  “And until that day,” he reminded Swift. “Never forget that you got us.”  Swift’s fear faded as he brightened, and he hugged Swift closely, as the others also got in on the group hug.  ## Dear Twilight and Princess Celestia, I’ve often heard that courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the ability to act even when fear is influencing you. Swift proved those words to me when he stood up to his abusive aunt and neglectful mother. Despite being scared out of his mind, he still found the strength to stand with his friends and prove that he was more than what his mother and aunt thought he was. And while he hasn’t dispelled the threat that his aunt will pose to him, he’s made the first big step by refusing to let her decide who or what he is.  I hope to be able to share praise on who Swift becomes, alongside my own growth and development in the weeks to come.  Your faithful dragon friend, Spike > Episode 5: Joy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “NIGHT FIRE!”  The booming roar jolted Spike from a moment of researching Dragon Greed with Diamondback. Though Spike nearly jumped from his scales, Diamondback just gave an irritated glance.  “Darius, who’s yelling?” she demanded of her diamond dog guard.  “Minotaur,” Darius replied back. “He doesn’t have his weapons, he’s just… standing there.”  “NIGHT FIRE!” the minotaur’s voice boomed again. “I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!”  Night Fire rolled her eyes. “Hang on, guys, I got this,” she promised, racing outside. “STONE!” she roared back. “I KNOW YOU’RE OUT THERE! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” “GET DOWN HERE; I’M IN THE MOOD FOR SOME-” “HEY-HEY!” Night Fire roared over his description. “I GOT A LITTLE ONE UP HERE; WATCH YOUR MOUTH!”  “I’m not that little,” Spike protested, but Night Fire merely waved at him to be quiet for now.  “PICK UP ALE ON YOUR WAY DOWN HERE,” the minotaur boomed.  Darius relaxed at his perch. “Alright, he’s heading off,” he said, before looking to Night Fire. “So… what was that about?” Night Fire sighed. “Just my way of spreading joy and happiness to everyone,” she replied, glancing at Diamondback. “You got any ale up here?” Diamondback gagged. “Why would I settle for such a primitive brewery? I have wine, freshly made from the vine!” She indicated a garden filled with fruits and vegetables. Night Fire laughed. “Yeah, that’s too refined for him.” She sighed. “Alright, I’ll pick some up on my way.” She flared her wings and took off.  “Wait, Night!” Spike tried to protest, but she was gone before he could say anything. He glanced back at the others, noticing Swift had a very worried look.  “Should she be around that guy?” Swift asked. “He gives me a bad vibe.”  Spike pondered it. His only real experience with a minotaur was Iron Will; the one who had apparently trained Fluttershy to be extra aggressive. But even then, Iron Will hadn’t come across as dangerous; just really passionate and a bit over-the-top.  “I’ve seen her before with that guy,” Phoenix said. “She said she lost a bet with him, so she’s been helping him out whenever he needs her.”  “Not sure I wanna know what that kind of help entails,” Darius admitted. With Swift still looking concerned, Spike jumped onto his back. “Let’s follow her and make sure she’s okay,” he replied.  Grinning, Swift nodded and made for the exit, before Jackknife followed them.  “Hey-hey, don’t leave without me,” Jackknife noted. “Ain’t no way I’m gonna let some glorified bull hurt one of our friends.”  Spike glanced at Phoenix and Diamondback. “You guys wanna come with?” Phoenix shrugged. “You go on ahead. I won’t be much use if things get violent.”  Diamondback gave them a grin. “I have faith you three can handle this, Spike,” she promised. “Do make sure Night is in one piece.” She glowered. “Those minotaurs will not want me showing up on their doorstep if I find out they harmed one of my treasures.”  With Swift shivering at Diamondback’s implied anger, he followed after Night, with Spike and Jackknife right behind him.  ## Night Fire’s path led them out of the Dragon Lands and to less fiery regions. Not that Jackknife was complaining; he much preferred cooler environments.  But the reprieve from the heat was a poor substitute for what they found out Night was up to.  Surrounded by five minotaurs, with the ‘Stone’ one straddling her back, Night Fire was being forced to carry the bulky minotaur. Almost like a work horse.  Spike found himself getting off of Swift in a hurry. Normally, he had nothing against riding; after all, due to his smaller size, it was thanks to Twilight letting him ride her that he was able to follow her around.  But Stone was way too big for Night Fire. And as the poor dragoness collapsed under his weight, the minotaurs only let out raucous roars of laughter, completely unsympathetic to her plight. “See boys?” Stone boomed over the laughter. “Those dragons think they’re so tough. Well look at this one; now nothing more than my ride!” He dug his hooves into her side, and Night Fire struggled to lift him up.  “What’s the matter, dragon,” one minotaur mocked her. “Too heavy?” “Maybe she prefers to be ridden another way,” another minotaur noted. “Why don’t we indulge her?”  “BEASTS!” Jackknife roared, having already rushed down and sunk his fist into the back of one minotaur’s head. “BRUTES! SHE’S HAD ENOUGH!” The minotaurs just laughed harder, picking up their axes.  “Well, look at this,” Stone cheered. “Another dragon waiting to be broken.”  Jackknife smirked. “Yer gonna have a hard time breaking water,” he noted, before he and the minotaurs began to brawl.  As Jackknife held off the bulls, Spike and Swift raced to an exhausted Night Fire’s side.  “Hang on, Night,” Swift said, pulling her to his back.  “We’re gonna get you out of here,” Spike promised.  “W-What?” Night Fire stammered, trying to slip off Swift’s back. “But guys, I need to stay.” Swift and Spike stared at her in disbelief. “Pardon?!”  “I need to stay,” Night Fire said, indicating Stone as he fought Jackknife with wild laughter. “I make him happy. I make them all happy.” “By letting them sit on you?” Swift asked in disbelief.  Night tilted her head. “Didn’t you let Spike sit on you to get here?” “I don’t weigh a billion pounds,” Spike protested.  “Neither does he,” Night Fire replied. “He only weighs, like… what? Maybe five hundred or something?”  Spike face palmed. “Look, the way he’s treating you isn’t right. You don’t deserve that.”  “But it makes him happy,” Night protested in kind. “I told you, Spike; I like making people feel good about themselves. And if this makes them happy, then I gotta do it.”  “Why the heck would you want to make this brute happy?” Swift demanded.  “You didn’t see him when I did,” Night explained. ## When I found him, he had just been beaten senseless by his own people. He was lonely, depressed, and needed some sort of sign that he was still worthy.  When I found out what was wrong, I challenged him. And when he triumphed over me, you should’ve seen the life return to his eyes. It was like he was reborn.  Sure, it meant I’ve had to… do some things that I’d rather not elaborate on. But it keeps him from going back to that depressed state he was in. ## “And isn’t there enough cynicism and bitterness outside Equestria, Spike?” Night Fire asked. “Wouldn’t it be better if we could get some happiness out here?”  Spike was thunderstruck. He found himself praying that Pinkie Pie never had to encounter a dilemma like this. At that moment, Jackknife yelped as he hit the ground, Stone bearing down on him and kicking him in the chest.  “C’mon,” Stone dared, kicking at Jack again. “That the best you got, snake? Yer girlfriend fought harder than this.”  As Jackknife cursed and struggled to get back up, Night flinched at his abuse. Spike glared at Stone before looking to Night.   “The way he’s acting doesn’t make us happy,” Spike noted. “It’s certainly not making Jackknife happy.”  Wincing as another minotaur caught Jackknife by the arms, allowing Stone to punch the poor sea serpent in the gut, Night hesitantly got up and approached Stone. “Hey, Stone?” she said, reaching out for him. “He’s had enough. You can…” But Stone whirled around and back-handed the dragoness, sending her into a spin. “I’ll decide what I can and can’t do,” Stone snarled at her. “All you need to do is worry about whether I’m in a good mood or not.”  But then one of Stone’s friends saw Swift. He leered at the hybrid.  “Hey, Stone,” the crony noted. “Ain’t that the hybrid that griffon said she’d sell us?” Swift whimpered, backing up behind Spike as Spike stood ready to defend him.  Stone just laughed at Spike’s defiance. “Aw, is some little hatchling going to protect that little sack of gold? You think you can take on all of us, wimp?”  The minotaurs laughed, but Spike only had eyes for Night, who was looking between the two with horror.  “Moment of Truth, Night Fire,” Spike said to her. “Who’s happiness is more important; ours, or theirs.”  Stone guffawed at his words. “Obviously mine, you pathetic runt.” He reared his hoof back to punt Spike like a soccer ball. But in that moment, Night reacted. Seizing his hoof, she flipped him to his back, her eyes narrowed in tranquil fury.  “Not to the point of hurting kids,” she snarled.  Stone sneered, rolling back to his hooves as his minotaurs surrounded both of them. He briefly glanced at his cronies nervously, but quickly flicked his eyes back to Night’s with defiance. “Looks like someone’s forgotten her place,” Stone growled, cracking his knuckles. “No matter; I’ll make sure you re-learn it soon enough.” However, Swift got a burst of courage, and shot forward, sinking his beak into Stone’s flank. The minotaur roared in rage, but Jackknife chose that moment to get a second wind, socking one of his cronies in the tail bone. At the same time, Night Fire leaped up and kicked one crony in the face while punching another in the throat.  Even Spike got in on the action, rushing forward and unleashing a burst of fire that set another crony’s fur ablaze. The crony ran away screaming, as Spike ran into Stone’s legs, helping Spike trip him up as Night and Jackknife buried their fists into Stone’s face, slamming him into the ground hard enough to form a small crater.  As Night got up, she glanced at the other minotaurs, who had either run away or were whimpering and groaning on the ground. Her expression deflated as she looked down in regret.  Spike, however, touched her side, causing her to look at her. “It’s not bad to bring joy and happiness to others,” he promised her. “But it shouldn’t come at the expense of your joy and happiness.”  “Or the joy and happiness of your friends,” Jackknife added. “Cuz believe me; seeing you get treated as a toy wasn’t fun for us.”  “Surely, it wasn’t fun for you,” Swift noted.  Night cricked her shoulders. “I guess…” she mumbled. “I just…” she crossed her arms over her chest. “Bringing joy and happiness to guys like these was how I stayed alive.” She grimaced. “Though I guess that falls a little short seeing how we handled these guys.” Spike smiled. “But that’s the thing; you were probably alone back then. You aren’t now.”  Night grinned at Spike before giving him a hug. “Thanks, big guy.”  Spike’s eyes glowed with happiness, before the four set off for home.  Spike could already envision his next letter to Twilight:  Dear Twilight and Princess Celestia, While it’s important to bring joy and happiness to others, it shouldn’t be a one-way street. My friend Night Fire learned this lesson when, in an effort to bring positivity to the world, she allowed others to derive sicker pleasures from her suffering.  This kind of behavior should not be encouraged; if you want to make someone happy, you should also be able to gain happiness from the act as well. Someone’s positivity should not come at the expense of your own, or the ones you care about.  I hope that I can help Night Fire find the balance between making others happy and making herself happy the way Pinkie Pie manages.  Until then, we’ll keep at it.  Your faithful dragon friend… However, just before Spike could complete his letter, they rose above the mountains, and Swift faltered. “Guys, do you see that?”  Spike followed his gaze, and his eyes widened in shock.  From their vantage point in the sky, they could see the castle of Canterlot.  But something was off about it. It looked like it was shrouded in some kind of black and pink bubble.  “Swift, can you get us a little closer,” Spike asked.  Swift nodded, even as he looked nervous approaching the strange blob. Soon enough, Spike saw why.  The bubble wasn’t pink and black; it was predominantly pink. The black parts were from some sort of insectoid horses banging on the shield.  Trying to get into the city. > Episode 6: Greed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Canterlot’s under attack!” Spike cried out as they re-entered Diamondback’s den.  “You should’ve seen the place, guys,” Night Fire stammered. “It was like one of those nobles kicked over a hornet’s nest - only the hornets got frisky with ponies. So now these hornet-pony hybrids are all over them!” Diamondback gasped. “Changelings…” she muttered.  Jackknife growled. “Changelings…” he copied her mutter, before glancing at Spike. “What the heck are those?”  Diamondback swept into her library, and withdrew a scroll. She unfurled the scroll, displaying some of the strange insectoid ponies they had seen. “Also known as aufs or oafs, as I like to call them,” Diamondback read, “They are succubi-like creatures that feed off the love of others. To that end, they’ve adapted to be able to change their appearances to match that of the ones you love.”  “Ah, hence the name,” Jackknife noted.  “B-But why are they looking like insects?” Swift asked. “Shouldn’t they be trying to make themselves look like whatever the ponies in Canterlot love?” “If that’s the case, then they should make themselves look like gold,” Night Fire grumbled. “That or the noble’s own rear ends.”  Spike gave her a surprised look, but didn’t have time to ponder it, as Phoenix limped up. “It must be a dominance display,” Phoenix noted. “The changelings are letting every other species know that Canterlot belongs to them now. They can’t do that in disguise.”  “But it doesn’t belong to them,” Spike insisted. “It belongs to the princesses.”  Diamondback gave him a look that Spike found very ominous. “What are you talking about, Spike? You lived there; were you the only dragon that Celestia hatched?” Spike blinked. “I, uh… I think so.” “Well, then the answer is obvious.” Diamondback’s grin widened. “Canterlot belongs to you. Not the princesses, and certainly not the changelings.” Spike blinked in shock at her claim. He then felt fire bubbling inside of him. A very familiar fire.  “Oh, no…” Spike mumbled. “The Greed…” He clutched his chest as his muscles started to expand. “I-I can’t think like that! I…” “Spike?” Night Fire whispered, holding him close. “Don’t focus on it! You’re not ready for the Greed.”  “Indeed he’s not,” Diamondback agreed. “But that’s why you became my friend.”  Spike barely managed to focus through the rush of emotions the Greed was causing him. “W-What are you talking about?”  “Since you’re one of my treasures,” Diamondback noted, the others stepping back as she started to grow. “Then your treasures are mine by default. And that means Canterlot is mine too.” Before Spike could protest, she gave him a disturbing grin. “Thus, by trying to lay claim, the changelings are stealing from me.”  Even the diamond dogs backed up at the vicious tone that had entered Diamondback’s voice.  “And I will not let them take what is mine.” Diamondback turned to her dogs. “Prepare for combat, my friends. The changelings wish to lay claim upon my land? They will see just what kind of hornet’s nest they’re dealing with.”  ## Spike didn’t know what to do.  On the one hand, Canterlot and Equestria had been his home for several years. Alongside Twilight and Shining Armor, he had been raised there. Twilight Velvet, Night Light and Celestia had worked together to give him and his siblings a home, an education, delicious gems and a purpose in life.  And now was he about to pay them back by letting a dragon lay claim to their land?  Granted, Diamondback didn’t seem like a bad sort of dragon. She had welcomed him into her home; taught him about his race. Given him friends and a home as well. And the Diamond Dogs who already worked for her seemed to like her well enough.  But then he remembered how Rarity had gotten along with Diamond Dogs. Could he count on such rivalries being quelled by Diamondback? And what if Celestia opposed the idea of Diamondback ruling? What if in trying to help his old home, Spike only brought more conflict and maybe even ruin to it?  None of his pondering was helped by the Inner Greed. He could feel the monster he had become, churning inside him at the thought of owning all of Canterlot.  “All of Equestria,” The monster grumbled. “All mine! Diamondback deserves none of it. She will take it all for herself! She is a threat! She must be fought!”  But Spike would not lose himself. He had caused enough destruction by giving into his greed once. He could not do that again.  As he writhed and struggled, Night Fire, Phoenix, Jackknife and Swift watched over him. Though all of them were similarly stumped on what the right decision was.  “Maybe it’s for the best,” Night Fire noted. “I mean, from what I’ve heard, Celestia doesn’t do much to curb the behavior of some of the nobles of Canterlot. Maybe Diamondback can whip them back into shape.”  “It doesn’t feel right though,” Swift noted. “Dragon’s Greed is a very addictive feeling. Can we trust Diamondback to handle having an entire nation?”  “I saw the look in her eyes,” Jackknife growled. “That kind of power’s gonna drive her mad. We can’t let her go through with it.”  “If we do nothing,” Phoenix noted, “The changelings will take Canterlot. They wouldn’t be showing their true forms if they weren’t certain that they could stake a claim.”  “No…” Spike moaned. “C-Can’t let them…” The others immediately went to his side.  “Spike, stay with us,” Night Fire warned.  “If you let the Greed take control,” Swift noted, “You and Diamondback will come to blows. You can’t save Canterlot by fighting each other.”  “But if he doesn’t fight,” Jackknife noted. “Diamondback will assume he’s giving Canterlot over to her. Not even she can handle the kind of Greed that’ll produce.”  “I can… barely handle it… myself…” Spike moaned. Night winced, tending to Spike… only for the sound of paws to draw their attention.  The group turned as the diamond dogs - led by the silvery wolf Kodo - came to them. Axes in hand.  “What’s the meaning of this?” Phoenix asked.  “Diamondback’s orders,” Kodo replied. “She doesn’t trust Spike to handle the Greed. She wants him chained up so he can’t get in the way.”  Jackknife rose threateningly. “You mean so he can’t push his claim to Canterlot and Equestria.”  Kodo tightened his grip on his ax. “Don’t make this difficult, man,” he warned. “Diamondback’s been good to my family. I can’t risk angering her right now.”  Swift reluctantly stepped up to Jackknife’s side. “And we can’t risk Diamondback becoming just as bad as Sunny.”  The dogs growled at the comparison, leading to Night Fire jumping between them.  “Whoa-whoa-guys, come on,” she said with a practiced laugh. “Maybe there’s a way we can… work this out so everybody wins.” “I ain’t seeing that happening, Night,” Jackknife noted.  “Me neither,” Kodo growled.  As Night Fire tried to hold the group at bay, Phoenix pulled Spike to her chest. “Trust me,” Phoenix whispered. Spike groaned, his Inner Greed struggling to push past his willpower. “Don’t… have a lot of… choices…”  Before Phoenix could respond, chaos broke loose.  “Jack-KODO NO!” Night Fire screamed.  But Jackknife and Kodo launched at each other, the diamond dogs attacking the dragons. Swift leaped backward, grabbing stones and chucking them like a professional buckball player.  “Sorry-sorry-sorry,” Swift stammered as he dented helmets and knocked dogs to the ground.  Night Fire, meanwhile, was stuck in a three-way fight with Jackknife and Kodo, as the two brawled each other out.  With Swift providing cover fire and the leader occupied, Phoenix was barely able to sneak her way out of the den, Spike in tow.  “Okay, Spike, we’ve gotta set some ground rules with Diamondback,” Phoenix said. “This is getting out of hand.” “It’ll… get out of hand…” Spike whimpered, as his inner Greed threatened to break loose. “...anyway…” Phoenix gazed ahead, as she saw Darius getting thrown into a cell by Shiva. “All I said was that I hope Diamondback knows what she’s doing!” Darius protested.  “We have to have faith in her,” Shiva said. “Otherwise we’ll be joining you.”  Phoenix winced and limped away from the dogs. But then Spike’s Inner Greed gave a particularly bad lurch, and he cried out in pain.  “Phoenix?” Shiva asked. “HEY, PHOENIX!” Phoenix broke into a run, but she was still a very battered, old dragon. And it wasn’t long before the dogs started to close in on her.  As they reached the library, Phoenix groaned and threw Spike into the library.  “Think of something, Spike,” Phoenix yelled as she gripped the edges of the cavern. “You’re smart. Focus on your brain! I know you can think of something!” “Phoenix…!” Spike pleaded, reaching out for her.  But with strength that looked like it was agony to utilize, Phoenix pulled down the cave opening, caving it in and trapping herself with the dogs.  Spike was alone. With a mountain of knowledge behind him.  “A mountain of knowledge that’s MINE!” His Inner Greed roared. “ALL MINE!”  “NOOOO!” Spike screamed, stumbling over to the books as his form bubbled and swelled, growing in size… and strength.  He could feel his mind fading into the Greed. He wasn’t going to win this! As his form swelled from a tiny hatchling to a full grown dragon, a stomping sound drew his attention, as Diamondback entered. She had changed as well; she was bigger and more muscular. An insane light shined brightly in her eyes.  “I knew it,” she snarled. “You’re going to take what’s rightfully mine, aren’t you?”  Spike snarled, his mind slipping as the Inner Greed took over. “Equestria is MINE!” He indicated the library. “ALL OF THIS IS NOW MINE!”  Diamondback sneered, crouching into a feral combat pose. “Prove it!”  Spike roared and charged her, the two slamming their heads with a BOOM that shook the cavern.  Spike recalled the destruction he had caused to Ponyville. He viciously beat at the inside of his mind, even as his body pummeled Diamondback’s.  But the dragoness wasn’t called Diamondback for nothing. And though Spike’s fists had destroyed buildings of Ponyville, they didn’t even dent Diamondback’s scales.  “Is that the best you can do?” Diamondback mocked, before biting at his neck.  Spike roared in agony as his spikes broke under her teeth.  “Pathetic.” Diamondback threw him at her treasure trove, sending coins and scrolls flying into the air. “Equestria can’t be yours. You’d lose it in a fortnight!”  “No!” Spike’s no-longer-inner beast roar. “NO! I WON’T LOSE!” “Lose… lose?” In the depths of his mind, Spike recalled.  Reading over the scrolls with Diamondback. In the very cave they now fought in. They had come across the history of dragons.  Spike had been ecstatic. “Diamondback, is this true?” He showed her a picture of dragons standing protectively over towns. “Dragons used… to be guardians?”  Diamondback had taken the scroll, eyes filled with pride. “Indeed we did,” she noted. “We were the protectors of the realm. Naturally inclined to protect that which we cared about, we safeguarded the nations from any threat.” Her eyes grew sad. “Unfortunately, what we considered ‘under our protection’ mutated into us thinking it was ours by right. ‘Protectiveness’ was lost to ‘Greed,’ and Greed corrupted our kind.”  Spike blinked, returning to the fight, as Diamondback straddled his Greed form and beat at his face with brutal hammer fists. “This isn’t right,” he realized. “We weren’t meant to be greedy tyrants. We were meant to be…”  “Guardians!” He lifted his arms and blocked Diamondback’s next blow, guarding his face.  “I need to guard my body!” Spike realized, catching Diamondback’s head before she could headbutt him. “I need to guard my friends!” He felt his mind syncing with his Greed, as he forced Diamondback off him. “I need to guard my home!”  With both his mind and his Greed in sync, he forced Diamondback to the ground, straddling her as she once straddled him. “Diamondback,” he called out. “I know you’re still in there.”  Diamondback snarled and writhed under him, but he kept her in check.  “You said that as dragons, it was our duty to protect, not just claim.”  “Stop talking!” she roared, blasting fire at his face. But he countered with flames of his own.  “Equestria is mine to protect!” he said. He shut his eyes. “But I can’t do it alone.”  Diamondback paused, staring up at him. Spike felt his Inner Greed start to fall out of sync. But he spoke fast.  “Help me,” he pleaded with Diamondback. “Help me save Equestria. Not so that you can own it, but because it needs your protection. Just like I needed your protection. Just like Swift did. You told us once that not all treasure was in silver and gold. And that treasure needs to be taken care of.”  Diamondback started to shrink, as did Spike. The voice of the Inner Greed grew quieter. Emboldened, he kept going.  “You can’t ‘take care’ of Equestria by ruling it,” Spike insisted. “We just need to protect it. Let the Princesses worry about ruling. As long as it’s protected, it’ll be okay.” He smiled. “Because that’s what dragons do. We protect what we care about.”  The light of Diamondback’s soul returned to her eyes. She had shrunk back down to her normal form. “S-Spike…” she mumbled. “I… you’re right.” Her head looked down in shame. “How could I have let myself become so blinded? I…” Her eyes widened. “What… happened to you?”  “Huh?”  Spike looked down. Though he had shrunk from his original monster form, he wasn’t back to being a hatchling anymore. He stood at least as tall as Princess Celestia, with broad shoulders and honed pecs.  This is what I’m supposed to be, Spike realized. A guardian. A protector. At that moment, Jackknife and Night Fire ran in. “Alright, DB, enough with the…” Jackknife paused, staring at Spike in shock. “Whoa!”  “Spike!” Night Fire stammered. “When did you get a growth spurt?” She looked between him and DB and turned pale. “Tell me you didn’t…?” “Get your filthy mind out of the gutter!” Diamondback sneered at Night Fire, pulling herself up and brushing herself off… before sighing and sinking into a bow. “I let myself go,” she admitted. “Spike brought me back. He reminded me of what I had always hoped: that dragons were more than just greedy tyrants.”  Jackknife and Night Fire exchanged a look with each other, as Swift and Phoenix flew in. “So…” Jackknife asked. “Does that mean…” “We’re going to Canterlot,” Spike said, stepping up. “And we’re going to save the ponies. Not so that they’ll belong to us… but because it’s the right thing to do.” He smiled. “It’s what dragons do: we protect what we care about.”  Jackknife grinned while Swift gave Spike a thumbs up. Phoenix and Diamondback exchanged grins, while Night Fire shook her head with a grin of her own.  “Alright then,” Night Fire noted. “Let’s get ready to kick some changeling plot.”  ## Twilight and Princess Celestia, We saw the changelings begin their invasion. Hopefully, by the time this letter reaches you, we’ll have helped you repel them.  I’m sorry it took so long for us to get there; we had an incident where the Greed got away from us: tried to convince me and especially Diamondback that we deserved a very hefty reward for saving you. A reward beyond what I feel you’d be comfortable with giving. After all, not all rewards are in the material gains. Sometimes, the mere act of being generous can be reward enough. Especially when it reminds you of who you really are. Because dragons were never meant to be just greedy hoarders. We were meant to be Guardians.  Protectors of the Realm.  And we’re going to prove that.  See you soon. Your best friend and guardian, Spike > Episode 7: Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was almost glad Spike wasn’t suffering with her.  It should have been a day of joy and happiness: Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor, was going to get married. And to an alicorn princess of all things: Princess Cadence. Twilight’s former babysitter.  But the day was ruined by Queen Chrysalis of the changelings, who had taken Cadence’s form and tried to pose as her for the wedding.  When Twilight had exposed the evil queen for what she was, she had retaliated with a horde of changelings, turning what should have been a wonderful, perfect day into a nightmare. And though Twilight and her friends fought bravely alongside the Royal Guard, there were simply too many changelings for them to take on alone.  They needed the Elements of Harmony. And as Twilight had discovered, the changelings had already intercepted and taken the gems for themselves.  As the horde closed in around Twilight and her friends, she began to realize that it was truly all hopeless.  But just before the changelings could fully capture them… a shadow fell over the sun. Even the changelings paused in confusion, looking up at what had blocked out the light. “Luna?” Pinkie asked curiously.  But it was not a second eternal night. Twilight’s eyes bugged out as she saw a horde of dragons bearing down on the castle.  And the one in the lead…  “Is that… Spike?!” Twilight demanded.  “No way!” Rainbow protested.  Indeed, though the dragon in question was far bigger and muscular than Spike had ever been, there was no denying that purple and green color scheme. And the point was driven home as Spike slammed into the ground between Twilight and the changelings, and unleashed a shockwave of flames that blasted the insectoids back.  “Not my Twilight, you freaks,” Spike snarled, as the rest of his friends touched down as well:  Jackknife landed in front of Rainbow Dash, squashing a changeling into the ground before whipping his serpentine tail like a flail, clearing a whole section of monsters.  Swift opened his wings, keeping him from landing, and created a gust of wind that blew the changelings back from Fluttershy.  Phoenix squashed five changelings that were ganging up on Applejack, and sent twenty more packing with a roar of flames.  Night Fire ricocheted between thirty changelings before leaping into the air. “THE FUUNNNN HAS ARIIIIVVED!” She then landed in front Pinkie with a grin. “Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.”  And finally, Diamondback landed with a rather spectacular BOOM that created a shockwave throwing the rest of the changelings away from the ponies. She lowered her wings, and the diamond dogs clambered down from her back.  “Secure the city,” Diamondback ordered them. “Not one changeling will remain to lay a stake on this land.”  “Yes, ma’am,” the dogs barked, before racing after the few changelings still left standing. Twilight and the rest could only stare in open-mouthed shock. “S-Spike?” Twilight stammered, approaching her friend. “Is that… you?” Spike grinned. “You didn’t think we’d just leave you to handle this alone, did you?” Twilight smiled lovingly at him, while Rainbow laughed.  “Dude, I could kiss you right now!” she cheered.  “Uh, hate to be a party pooper,” Applejack noted. “But we still got a problem!” She pointed, as the others found even more changelings coming after them.  Led by the Queen herself, who hissed in anger at the sight of the dragons.  “No-no-NO-NO-NO!” The Queen was shrieking. “This was my day! The day that Equestria fell to the Changeling Hive of Chrysalis!” She pointed at the dragons. “You hold no claim here, dragons!” Diamondback smirked. “On the contrary, ‘Your Grace,’” She said with a mocking bow, “We have had a claim here much longer than you realize.”  Chrysalis sneered. “What are you talking about?”  Spike stepped forward. “This is my home,” he said bravely. “The ponies here are my family.” Flames flickered around him as he grew bigger. “My TREASURE!” He began to tower over Chrysalis, but remembered his greed and took a breath.  “They are mine to protect,” he declared. “Mine to safeguard from every threat.”  Diamondback stood by him. “Including you,” she growled, pointing at Chrysalis with a rapier.  Chrysalis covered her fear with a laugh. “If this place holds such meaning to you, then why are you not its ruler? Why did you fail to safeguard it’s greatest treasure: the Elements of Harmony?” Six changelings rose up behind her, smugly holding up the gems. Spike and the dragons snarled, standing ready to fight. Unfortunately, the horde of changelings stood ready to fight as well. And this time, they clearly weren’t going to be easily knocked back by surprise attacks.  Twilight stood in fear for her dragon. For her surrogate son and all the friends he had made. There had to be a way to ensure they didn’t get hurt defending her.  Then it came to her: all the letters Spike had sent. The lessons each of his friends had learned!  A victorious grin came to Twilight’s face, and she stepped forward, standing alongside the dragons.  “You’re wrong, Chrysalis,” Twilight declared. “You think you can just take the Elements of Harmony like that? The spirits of the Elements of Harmony reside not just in us, but in them as well.” She indicated the dragons.  Chrysalis sneered. “What madness has possessed you, little foal?”  Twilight unveiled the letters Spike had sent her, and read from them.  “Phoenix, who understood the sins of her past and sought forgiveness for them, represents the spirit of… HONESTY!”  Immediately, the gem of Honesty was yanked from the changeling holding it. The changelings backed up as Phoenix stared in shock at the gem now circling her.  “I, uh… okay?” Phoenix mumbled. But she couldn’t say much more as Twilight continued.  “Jackknife,” Twilight continued, “Who pushed himself to the limits to defend his friends, embodies the spirit of… ‘LOYALTY!’”  The gem of Loyalty freed itself from it’s changeling captors, and swirled around Jackknife as he pumped his fists.  “So just guess what I’ll do to you, punks,” Jackknife challenged, completely uncaring of the magic around him. Chrysalis snarled. “STOP HER!” she roared. The dragons, however, moved to defend the unicorn, Spike bashing one of the changelings in the face. “Hurry it up, Twi,” Spike recommended as they held back the changelings swarm.  Twilight quickly shuffled her papers. “Swift Winds, who found the strength to stand up to cruelty for the sake of others, constitutes the spirit of… ‘KINDNESS!’”  The changelings tried to flee with the gems, but the gem of Kindness escaped them, empowering Swift as he summoned a gale force wind to keep the changelings back.  “ENOUGH!” Chrysalis screamed, trying to shoot Swift out of the sky.  Swift dodged, and countered her with wind, but his expression was one of fear. “Spike, can you friend go a little faster?”  “She’s doing what she can,” Spike said, “Just hang on a little more!”  “Night Fire,” Twilight continued, finding her page, “Who put her own happiness on the line for the sake of others, characterizes the spirit of… ‘LAUGHTER!’”  “Laughter?” Night asked. “Shouldn’t it be like, ‘joy’ or something… OKAY, WHOA!” she yelped as the gem hit her alongside a horde of changelings, with her barely able to keep the changelings back with a burst of fire.  Chrysalis was seething, rushing to impale Spike with her horn, only for Diamondback to cut her off.  “Diamondback!” Twilight cheered, before going back to her notes. “Who discovered the secret origin of dragons as guardians rather than hoarders, exhibits the spirit of… ‘GENEROSITY!”  “NO-NO-NO-NOOOO!” Chrysalis screamed, desperately blasting at Diamondback, only for the gem of Generosity to go to her, twenty five changelings dragging it all the way, only for Diamondback to smugly flick them away before standing tall over Chrysalis.  “And all of these Elements,” Twilight continued. “Were brought together and ignited by a single spark.” She gazed lovingly at Spike. “By Spike; the element of magic.”  Spike grinned back at her, before looking up as the entire horde tried to stop the Element of Magic from going to him. Surging forward, Spike blasted them away with his fire, and grabbed the Element of Magic from them.  Chrysalis tried to blast Spike away, but Diamondback batted her spell aside. At the same time, Jackknife pummeled Chrysalis with his first, before uppercutting her into a blast from Swift, followed by a stomp from Phoenix to keep her down.  As Chrysalis and her horde tried to rise back up again, the dragons joined together, as their Elements combined, forming a massive rainbow beam that hit Chrysalis and her changelings full force, blasting them away from Canterlot. As the elements powered down, the others saw that they had created armor around the dragons, almost like ceremonial guard armor.  Jackknife whistled as he checked out his armor. “Heh-heh, it got my abs right,” he noted, hammering on the chest plate.  “Eh, I think I look better without it,” Night Fire replied.  “Oh, my, it even got my diamonds,” Diamondback gushed.  “How is this thing not triggering my scars,” Phoenix mused. “I normally can’t wear anything like this.” “Does this make my butt look big?” Swift worried. However, Spike only had eyes for Twilight, as the pony and dragon embraced lovingly.  “Oh, Spike…” Twilight whispered. “Thank you.”  “Hey, it wasn’t just me,” he noted, smiling at his friends. “I had a lot of help.”  “No kidding,” Applejack noted, turning and smiling up at the dragons. “Thank you. All of you.”  “This can’t be just a wedding now, you know?” Pinkie noted. “It’s gotta be a ‘thanks for saving us/congrats on being new Elements’ wedding!” She cheered in glee. ## After much partying and celebration - both for Shining and Cadence as well as the dragons - Diamondback approached Celestia.  “Princess Celestia,” Diamondback noted with a grin. “Or should I call you… ‘My Queen’ now?” She tapped at the Elemental Armor she wore. “You know… considering…?” Celestia smiled and waved aside Diamondback’s thoughts. “Only if you want to,” she replied. “After all, you are technically of the Dragon Lands, and thus do not have to submit to my authority.”  “Even though we now bear the Elements of Harmony?” Diamondback asked.  “The Elements should not just be restricted to just ponies,” Celestia replied. “Anyone who is willing to accept the values of friendship should not be refrained from wearing them.” She approached Diamondback. “And I must say, I’m happy that it got to be you and your friends that proved that friendship is not restricted to the ponies of Equestria.”  Diamondback smiled back. “Well, it’s only fitting, considering dragons used to guard the treasures of the world.”  Celestia grimaced. “But the dragons had to guard it alone. No doubt contributing to them being corrupted by Greed. I would rather you not have to face such things alone.” She stood. “As of now, consider Equestria your home just as much as the Dragon Land.” Diamondback blushed. “Oh, careful, Princess,” she said. “My Inner Greed might explode from sheer bliss.”  Celestia paused and stepped back. “Right, of course.”  Diamondback took a breath. “Regardless, we will be more than happy to watch over Equestria and aid it in times of need.”  Celestia nodded gratefully. “I imagine that will make many ponies very happy.” She turned notably to a certain Princess of the Night, who was watching Night Fire as the dragoness danced with Pinkie Pie.  Though Night Fire didn’t notice her, Luna couldn’t help but cover her mouth with a hoof.  “It can’t be…” Luna mumbled, too quietly for anyone to hear. “Star Wing?” > Episode Eight: Of Dragons and Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you sure this is a good idea, Spike?”  Spike gave Night Fire a surprised look as he and his fellow dragons stood at the entrance to Ponyville. For that matter, most of the others were looking at Night Fire as if she had started speaking in another language.  “Why wouldn’t it be?” Spike asked. “We’re Element Bearers now. I thought it’d be kinda nice for you guys to meet your pony counterparts.”  “Yeah,” Jackknife noted. “I thought you’d have a lot in common with the ponies. Considering both o’ ya like spreading peace ‘n harmony.”  “Not all ponies are eager to be nice,” Night Fire said. “Unfortunately, I can confirm that with first-hand experience.”  Spike grimaced, already thinking about those two fillies that bullied Applejack and Rarity’s sisters. Who knew what other kinds of ponies Night Fire had likely met? But he forced himself not to think about them. “Trust me, I know these ponies. They can be a bit eccentric at times, but they ultimately mean well.” At that moment, Pinkie Pie zipped up to the dragons with an eager look in her bright blue eyes. Swift yelped and jumped behind Jackknife, but the pink mare meant no harm.  “Hi again,” she greeted cheerfully. “I’m Pinkie Pie. I’m pretty sure we met in Canterlot, but I just wanted to say it again. Are you guys coming to visit Ponyville? I really hope you are! We’ve got so many great things to share with you guys! Should I welcome you to Ponyville? I did already welcome you to Canterlot, but this isn’t Canterlot! Alright, I’m gonna welcome you to Ponyville! PREPARE TO BE WELCOMED!”  She shot away, and the others only got a chance to glance at Spike again before Pinkie returned, this time with the strangest wagon they had ever seen. Without giving time for questions, Pinkie launched into song: Welcome welcome welcome A fine welcome to you Welcome welcome welcome I say how do you do? Welcome welcome welcome I say hip hip hurray Welcome welcome welcome To Ponyville today With a final drum roll, her wagon suddenly exploded with confetti, before producing a cake, which she offered to the group with a grin. The cake even had ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ scrawled on it in frosting. Spike grinned at the flabbergasted looks of his friends. “Well, meet Pinkie Pie. The Element of Laughter.”  Jackknife chuckled, glancing at Night. “Well, Night. It was nice knowing you.”  Night tried to grin, though it looked more like a wolf baring its teeth in self-defense. “Joy…” she mumbled.  Pinkie instantly zipped up to Night. “You’re the Element of Laughter too, right? I remember Twilight saying that you embodied laughter during the fight with the changelings! Do you remember the fight with the changelings? That was so awesome, the way you just shot down and just…”  As Pinkie started re-enacting the battle, Diamondback sighed and turned to Spike. “You know what? I’m up for this; where’s Generosity located?” “You mean Rarity, right? I can show you,” Spike offered, only for Night Fire to grip his legs.  “Please don’t leave me with her!” Night pleaded, glancing back at Pinkie Pie, who was making funny faces at a rock. Jackknife pulled her up. “C’mon, Night, it’s just a pony,” Jackknife noted, glancing over as Pinkie mimed using what appeared to be a minigun to blast at imaginary changelings. “A very… eccentric one.”  “I promise,” Spike said. “Pinkie means no harm. She just wants to be your friend.” He gave Night a pleading expression. “Give her a chance. For my sake.”  Night sighed. “I can’t resist those eyes,” she admitted before smiling. “Alright, Spike. I’ll see what I can do.”  Though Swift didn’t help matters by darting around Pinkie like a nervous cat with a dog before zipping into Ponyville. Swift sighed and headed after him to set them up with their counterparts.  “Please let this turn out okay,” Spike found himself praying.  ## Spike managed to get the other dragons set up with their counterparts before everything went wrong with Night Fire.  Even then, Spike had been on edge; while Phoenix had a nice enough meeting with the Apple family, Rarity had looked utterly horrified at the horde of dogs Diamondback had brought with her, Fluttershy and Swift had been left staring in utter fear at each other, and Jackknife and Rainbow Dash were watching each other with the air of two brawlers about to duke it out.  Spike was going to need help to make sure that the meeting of the dragon and pony elements didn’t destroy Ponyville. And to that end, he sought out the smartest pony he knew.  He didn’t even have to knock before Twilight showed up at the door, a notepad and quill floating alongside her. “Everyone set up for now?” “Yep,” Spike replied.  “What are the odds they’re going to hit it off and become friends?” Twilight asked. Spike grimaced. “I’d say we’ve got about an 83% chance of things crashing and burning,” Spike replied, glancing over as Pinkie meandered nervously over to them. “Emphasis on the ‘burning.’”  Twilight tilted her head, before spotting Pinkie. Indeed, the party mare’s face was covered in soot. “Oh, no! Pinkie!” She darted over. “Are you okay?” Pinkie shook off the soot, and revealed a grin. “Don’t worry, she just produces fire when she takes off.”  Spike ran over as well. “But… what happened?”  Pinkie grimaced. “Quick question,” she said. “Did she ever talk about Princess Luna?”  Spike paused. “Um… no.” “Why?” Twilight asked.  “Because I couldn’t help but think,” Pinkie noted. “During the party at Canterlot, Princess Luna kept looking at Night. Almost like she knew her.” Pinkie paced before them. “I kept going over every possible outcome: could they be family? Old friends? Secret lovers?” She turned back to them. “The mystery was too good to pass up. So I asked, and Night got REALLY cagey.” Pinkie glanced around before adding in a conspiratorial whisper, “She and Princess Luna know each other. I’m sure of it.” Spike and Twilight winced. “Pinkie,” Twilight said gently. “Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to pry into her personal life.”  Pinkie rubbed some more soot out of her mane. “Call me crazy, but I think she gave that impression when she took off and left fire in her wake,” Pinkie noted. “It took most of the walk over here to get all the soot out of my fur.”  Spike gasped. “She didn’t try to burn you, did she?” “Of course not, silly,” Pinkie assured. “She’s cagey, but she’s not mean. She just flew away. And…” Pinkie’s smile faded. “I don’t want to make the same mistakes I made with Cranky. I really want to be Night’s friend. And delving into her past was…” she grimaced. “Not the best way to do that.”  Twilight smiled. “You’re growing up, Pinkie,” she noted happily.  Pinkie swatted at her playfully. “Don’t tell anyone,” she warned. “I got a reputation to keep up.”  Spike laughed. “C’mon,” he said. “Let’s talk to her.” Before he led Pinkie away, he pointed at her. But before he could speak, she saluted.  “And no bringing up her dark past,” Pinkie noted, before giggling. “Dark… and she’s got black scales.” She tittered, before shaking it off. “Okay-okay, I’m good.”  As the two headed off to find Night Fire, Twilight glanced back at a green candle burning with Spike’s dragon fire. In Spike’s absence, she had been using said candle to communicate with Princess Celestia. Curious, Twilight began writing on her notepad. “Dear Princess Celestia…” ## Pinkie and Spike found Night Fire with - of all ponies - DJ Pon 3, dancing to her wub music as the sunglasses wearing pony jammed away to her own music. Glancing at each other with twin grins, Pinkie and Spike danced to the beat, heading up alongside Night. Night jumped at the sight of Pinkie, but Pinkie didn’t start bombarding her with questions. Instead, she just enjoyed the dance. “Great place for dancing, right?” Pinkie noted.  Night grinned hesitantly. “Yeah. She really knows her beats.” She paused. “Granted, your welcome song was also pretty fun.”  Pinkie laughed. “That’s just one genre of music. There’s all kinds of ways to have fun with songs and dances.” She grinned. “Want me to show you?”  This time, Night’s grin was brighter. “Sure!”  And as the two danced together, Spike slowly let himself back away, letting the two girls bond over a shared love of dancing. ## Much later, Spike saw the two exit DJ Pon 3’s dance club, laughing and joking together like old friends.  “And ever since then,” Night was saying, “I can’t help but call it a ‘horizontal tango.’”  “That’s awesome,” Pinkie said in glee. “Almost like the time I managed to turn the Gordonian knot into a… a…” Her eyes widened.  Tilting her head, Night turned… and her own eyes widened at the sight of Princess Luna.  Luna smiled softly. “Hello,” she said shyly.  Night turned to Pinkie, who backed up, starting to blubber. “N-No,” she whimpered. “I-I left that mystery alone. That was your business, I didn’t…” “Calm,” Luna said gently. “I’m not here on Pinkie Pie’s behalf.”  Night Fire still gave Luna a cautious look. “Then why are you here?”  Luna glanced at Pinkie again. “That is a matter we should discuss in private.” She motioned to an empty alleyway nearby. Pinkie - understanding - bowed backward.  Night Fire watched her go, but after a look at Princess Luna’s shy but determined face, Night Fire sighed. “I guess it was only a matter of time,” she admitted. She followed Luna into the alleyway. Pinkie winced and grimaced, looking like she wanted to eavesdrop, but also didn’t want to disturb her new friend. Spike, however, walked up next to her and nodded assuringly, before peeking over into the alleyway.  Intrigued, Pinkie perched her head over Spike’s to watch.  And both of them had to resist gasping as Night Fire’s body was engulfed in green, changeling like flames.  But what emerged from the flames wasn’t a changeling. She still had Night Fire’s black and white color scheme. But her dragon form had been replaced by a more pony form. One with black, thestral wings.  And an alicorn horn. Tears dripped from Luna’s eyes. “My beloved Star Wing.” She pulled Night Fire - or Star Wing? - into an embrace, and the alicorn leaned her head into the elder alicorn’s shoulder.  “Mother…”  Pinkie couldn’t hold back her gasp, but when Star Wing looked over, she sighed, and motioned for them to join her.  Hesitantly, Pinkie walked in, followed by a sheepish Spike. Star stood before them with a small grin.  “Well,” Star said. “You guys figured it out.”  “I’m sorry,” Pinkie whispered. “I didn’t… it was just…” Star raised a hoof for silence. “It’s okay,” she promised, before assuming her Night Fire form. “I just feel more comfortable like this.”  Luna nodded. “She was born shortly before I became…” Luna left the ‘Nightmare Moon’ part unspoken.  Night nodded. “Even before she became Nightmare Moon, people saw her and me as evil. So when she finally succumbed, I knew I had to leave as well.” She gazed at her talons. “As a dragoness, I got to live a life free of discrimination. Free of being hated for what I was.” She paused. “Well, I did get some flak for being a girl, but… I would’ve taken that any day over being seen as some freak child of an ‘evil’ alicorn.”  Pinkie gently touched Night’s talons. “You’re not the daughter of any kind of evil,” Pinkie said gently. “And it doesn’t matter what you look like.” She smiled. “Whether you want to be Night Fire or Star Wing, you’ll always be my friend.”  Night’s eyes shined at that statement, and she pulled Pinkie into a hug. “Thanks, Pinkie,” she said happily.  Spike touched her shoulder. “And if you want,” Spike assured. “We can keep this secret. No one needs to know who you are.”  “No one except us,” Luna added with a smile.  Night Fire smiled at all of them and gave them a bear hug. “You guys are true friends,” she said happily.  And Spike was happy to hold her, for as long as she needed.  ## To Twilight and Princess Celestia,  Whether it’s in joy or laughter, friendship is best spread through positive feelings. Pinkie Pie and Night Fire discovered this through their interactions with each other. For while Pinkie may delight in making others laugh, and Night Fire prefers to bring joy in ways that are less straightforward than humor, both of them find true happiness when they succeed in making others happy as well.  After all, we all love having friends because they make us feel good about ourselves. That was what got me to befriend Night Fire and my other dragon friends. That’s what got you and the Mane Six together as well, right Twilight?  I’m so happy I got to meet these guys, and I look forward to many more adventures with them.  Until then, Your faithful dragon friend, Spike > Episode Nine: The Race > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In hindsight, Spike knew that pairing Jackknife and Rainbow together would cause some issues. One only needed to remember the fiasco that had occurred during the Running of the Leaves between Rainbow and Applejack. Hence, Spike was not pleased to discover Jackknife and Rainbow at the exact same place where the Running of the Leaves had taken place. Even worse, Jackknife was tying Rainbow’s wings down the same way Applejack had.  “Hey-hey-hey,” Spike said. “What are you two doing?”  “Just settling a little score,” Jackknife replied. Rainbow indicated Jack. “Poseidon here rules the ocean in terms of speed.” She puffed out her chest. “Which I guess makes me Zeus, cuz I rule the skies.”  Jackknife chuckled. “Well, that makes sense? Cuz from what I recall, Zeus does love his women.”  “Don’t get off topic,” Rainbow snapped. “Point is, each of us is the fastest in one element.” She indicated the race track. “But we haven’t decided who’s fastest on land.” “Just… don’t go overboard,” Spike reminded her. “You remember what happened with Applejack, right?”  Remembering the various bruises and more importantly the nearly ruined friendship from that episode, Rainbow grimaced and nodded her head.  “Don’t worry, Spike,” she said. “I’m gonna give a fair, clean race.” She went up to Jackknife and offered her hoof. “May the best… creature… win.”  Jackknife grinned. “I’ll take those odds, Zeus,” he replied, matching her hoof with a bro fist.  Chuckling, Rainbow and Jackknife took up their starting positions, as Spike grabbed a nearby stick.  “Alright you two,” Spike said. “Ready?”  Jackknife arced his tail like a scorpion, while Rainbow Dash planted her hooves in preparation.  “Get set.” Rainbow’s wings strained against the bindings she had placed on them. Jackknife’s gills fluttered visibly as he got excited to go.  “GO!”  Instantly, the two shot away, Spike barely able to keep up with them.  For a time, the two remained neck and neck. Jackknife lacked back legs, but he made up for it with his powerful arms, which yanked him along while his tail fin smacked the ground and propelled him forward. Similarly, Rainbow Dash had proven herself as a capable runner even without her wings, and even started to outpace him.  However… was that a glower Jackknife was shooting Rainbow? Was that alternate step just a stumble… or was Jackknife about to trip her? “Jack? JACK!” Spike shot after him. “No tripping, man. Rainbow promised to give you a clean race, and you should give her the same.”  Rainbow almost stopped and glared at Jack. “Were you seriously…?” “NO!” Jackknife said, already inching away from her. “I just didn’t wanna hit you with my tail.” He indicated his tail, which was indeed kicking up a bunch of dust as it compensated for his lack of legs.  “Oh.” Spike and Rainbow deflated.  “Uh… sorry, I…” Rainbow tried to say.  “I mean, if you wanna eat my dust,” Jackknife noted with a grin, before taking off into the lead.  Rainbow dodged the dust from his tail, her grin back on at full force. “Oh, you wanna play, big guy? Alright, let’s play!”  “Fairly!” Spike warned, but Rainbow Dash was already gone. Spike grimaced and flew after them.  ## For a short time after that, things seemed to be normal; the sea serpent and pegasus stayed neck and neck, but they also seemed to be playing it pretty fairly.  Yet, at the same time, Spike felt guilt tugging at his heartstrings. Jackknife was supposed to be his friend. His fellow Element. He shouldn’t have been so quick to judge him. Just because he had been a little too passionate in the past didn’t mean he couldn’t control himself. Right?  Spike gasped. Wait a minute! Rainbow’s arc was taking her right for some trees? Was she about to try some sort of parkour trick? Was she about to cheat? He shot towards them. “RAINBOW, DON’T YOU DARE…!” Once again, the racers skidded to a stop.  “I’M NOT CHEATING!” Rainbow said quickly, raising her hooves in alarm. “I swear I wasn’t!”  “Dude, will you butt out,” Jackknife growled. “We’re trying to run a race here.”  Rainbow paused, glancing at him. “Wait, you’re… not going to keep running?” “Not until you start running too,” Jackknife said. “If I’m gonna beat you, it’s gonna be fairly.”  Rainbow grinned at that. “Well, are you sure you want to win?” Her grin turned to a smirk. “After all, if we’re going by Greek Terms, you’d have to call yourself Gaia.”  Jackknife puffed out his chest. “I can pull off a girl’s name.”  “Let’s see if you have to,” Rainbow replied, taking off with Jackknife in pursuit.  Spike watched the two go, laughing all the way. “Huh,” he mused. “Maybe I’m getting too paranoid. They seem to be getting along okay.”  But the race was only halfway done. And with memories of how Rainbow got when she was competitive… Spike went back to the finish line as fast as he could.  ## The finish line was coming up fast. Spike watched from above as Rainbow Dash and Jackknife made the final sprint.  Jackknife was huffing and puffing, his biceps bulging as they dragged him across the ground. Rainbow Dash was keeping up with him, yet… her eyes kept darting to him. For that matter, Jackknife’s eyes were darting to her.  Spike began to sweat. Were they going to pull something? Was something about to happen? Were they going to start fighting?!  Spike remembered when Jackknife brawled; how he had managed to floor an adult griffon with a few punches. How he had been ready to go toe to toe with full grown dragons. Could Rainbow Dash stand up to that? Was she risking too much?  The paranoia was too much. Spike sprinted between them. “STOP!” he roared. Jackknife and Rainbow skidded to a stop before him, staring at him in shock.  Spike glanced up and between them. They were a foot from the finish line… but the only thing Jackknife and Rainbow were doing was staring at Spike in shock.  Not one hostile move had been made towards each other.  “Uh…” Spike mumbled, deflating as his form actually began to shrink down to his hatchling form. Jackknife and Rainbow, for that matter, glanced at each other, before sighing.  “I got only myself to blame for this,” Rainbow admitted.  “Heh, me too,” Jackknife noted.  Spike looked up at them. “W-Wait, what?”  Jackknife gave Spike an apologetic look. “Look man, I know I can be… brash. And aggressive. And I’ll always like a good fight. But… I don’t want you to think that I only want to hurt others. That ain’t my style.” “I know I was a jerk before you left,” Rainbow added. “But… after you took off, I realized that I was acting a bit too aggressive and mean, even towards the people that should be my friends.” She walked over to Spike. “Spike, I promise, I’m going to give Jackknife a fair race. That’s what I said, and I intend to keep that promise.” She even made the proper motions for a Pinkie Promise. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Jackknife blinked. “Wait, stick a what in your what?!”  “It’s a Pinkie Promise,” Rainbow explained. “And when you make a Pinkie Promise, you keep to it.” Pinkie popped up between them. “For-EVER!” she noted in an ominous whisper. Jackknife backed up, staring at where Pinkie had been - though she was now long gone. Blinking for a moment, he shook off his confusion and looked back as Rainbow gave Spike a pleading look.  “Please, Spike,” she said. “Trust me. I won’t let you down.” She turned to Jackknife. “Hey, Poseidon. You got enough in you for one more lap?”  Jackknife glanced at Spike, but rolled his shoulders and grinned. “Always, Zeus.”  Smiling at his nickname for her, Rainbow nodded, and the two of them took off again, racing right across the finish line and continuing onward.  As they ran another lap, Spike watched them with slight awe. Rainbow had really grown up from the mare he had left behind for calling him a lame dragon.  And she wasn’t the only one; as Jackknife raced against his equine counterpart, he raced honorably. Not once did his arms reach out to trip her up, even as he started to fall behind.  And as they came upon the finish line again, Spike watched with a huge grin as Rainbow Dash crossed first, followed shortly afterward by Jackknife.  Panting but grinning, Rainbow Dash gave Jackknife another bro-hoof-bump. “Not bad, big guy.”  Jackknife chuckled. “Eh, I’m more built for strength anyway,” he replied. “So, should I call you Gaia, now?”  Rainbow chuckled. “Nah, I like Zeus more.”  Jackknife laughed and clapped her shoulder. “Then go find yourself a mare to celebrate with.”  Rainbow scoffed, but she was laughing as she nudged him. “How about milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner first. My treat.”  “Nah-nah, my treat. Loser buys,” Jackknife replied.  And as the two headed off, Spike found himself already planning out his next letter to Twilight and Celestia.  ## My friends Twilight and Princess Celestia, Trust is easily one of the most important values to have in a relationship. It can take a very long time to build, and a very short time to break.  My friends Jackknife and Rainbow Dash discovered this when the mistakes of their past reared their heads, and made it hard for me to believe they had learned from their past errors. Yet, despite that, they proved themselves worthy of trust - both with me and with each other.  But, of course, they weren’t the only ones that needed to prove they could trust me. I also needed to be able to trust them to handle themselves with grace and dignity.  And through actions, I believe we both proved that our trust was well-placed.  I truly hope that, as the Elements of Loyalty, not only will Jackknife and Rainbow Dash continue to prove why they should be trusted, but that we will prove ourselves worthy to be trusted by them. Personally, I’m willing to believe that they won’t disappoint. And I hope that I’ll be able to confirm that in the future.  Until then, my friends. Your trusting dragon friend, Spike > Episode Ten: A Dog And Pony Sequel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was hoping that Diamondback and Rarity would get along. Both of them were already so similar. And with Diamondback already interested in learning about friendship, surely the two would be capable of bonding, right?  Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to be the case. For as Spike left Jackknife and Rainbow to their competitions, he found Diamondback storming out of Ponyville, some of her dogs under her arms, and with a very insulted ‘Well, I never’ look plastered across her features. “Oh, no…” Spike groaned, before racing over to block Diamondback’s path. “Diamondback? Diamondback, what happened?”  Diamondback harrumphed. “For a Pony Element of Generosity, that ‘Rarity’ is one of the most close-minded individuals I’ve ever met.” She pet one of her diamond dogs like it was a chihuahua. “Having the nerve to insult my diamond dogs…” she snorted. “You insult my treasures, you insult me, darling!”  Spike glanced at the dog in question - Kodo, he remembered his name being - and his heart skipped a beat. “I… may know what you’re talking about,” he admitted. “You see, a while back, Rarity had a… bad encounter with…” “I’m aware of her previous misadventure,” Diamondback said shortly. “And I’ll tell you the same thing I told her: my dogs are well-behaved, loyal to me, and properly raised. They’re nothing like whatever stray mongrels she came across. But does she listen to me?” Diamondback scoffed again. “No! No, apparently because my dogs are diamond dogs, they are worthy only of suspicion!”  Spike raised his hands placatingly. “Okay-okay, I’ll see if I can talk some sense into her.” “See that you do, darling,” Diamondback said, nose in the air as she continued out of Ponyville. “I’ll be waiting outside this town’s borders.” She shot a glare at a mint-green pony that ducked behind a building. “Assuming these other ponies aren’t a bunch of close minded HYPOCRITES like their so-called Element of Generosity!”  “I got it, it’s okay,” Spike struggled to assure her. “Please, stay calm. I got this.”  Diamondback set her dogs down and continued to tend to them, while Spike headed towards the boutique.  Of all the ponies that had to make things difficult, it had to be Rarity, Spike bemoaned. Would he even be capable of chastising her? Seeing those beautiful blue eyes be narrowed in rage or frustration at him?  He groaned, trying to shake off his crush on her, before finding himself joined by the best ally he could have asked for.  “Things not going well, huh?” Twilight asked.  “How did you…” Spike started to ask, but Twilight spoke over him. “Spike, I could hear Rarity and Diamondback arguing from halfway across Ponyville.” She paused. “Granted, not too well to hear what they were arguing about, but I could tell they were angry about something.”  Spike sighed as the boutique came into view. “I guess we’re gonna find out what they were mad about soon enough.”  As they entered the boutique, Spike wondered if Diamondback’s rage had been strong enough that she had destroyed anything.  But his suspicion was replaced with guilt, as he found Rarity’s boutique completely immaculate as always.  Which still begged the question: what had happened? Did Rarity do something? “Rarity?” Twilight called.  “One moment!” Rarity’s voice snapped upstairs.  Curious, Spike headed up, and found her desperately smoothing out a dress inlaid with purple amethysts. She scrubbed at it with a vengeance, murmuring dark threats under her breath.  “Rare?” Spike asked, worriedly.  Rarity glared up at him, before scoffing. “Let me guess,” she said. “Diamondback complained to you about how I’m some cruel, close-minded witch? All because I wasn’t about to let one of her little thieves make off with my dresses?” Spike glanced at Twilight as she joined him. “What are you talking about, Rarity?” Spike asked.  “The Diamond Dogs,” Rarity exclaimed, turning to him with a whirl. “She swore up and down that they were better than the brutes that tried to turn me into a work whorse, but I saw the truth!” She indicated her dress. “I saw one of those little thieves trying to rip the gems off of this dress!” She indicated several missing spots. “He’s already managed to take at least five of them!”  Spike deflated. So much for an easy misunderstanding.  However, Twilight was not so easily deterred, holding up her quill and paper. “Can you remember what he looked like?”  Rarity groaned. “Oh, I don’t know, they all look the same, somewhat or other.” Before Spike could grimace at her comment, she groaned and thought. “I think he had… silver fur? Yes, silver fur and one eye.”  Twilight glanced at Spike. “Do you know any of Diamondback’s dogs who have silver fur and one eye?”  Spike thought about it, remembering the dog that Diamondback had been carrying. “First one that comes to mind is Kodo,” he admitted. “But… he’s the Alphas’ son.” He glanced at Rarity. “You’re making quite the accusation there, Rarity.”  “It’s true!” Rarity insisted. “He’s a thief and a brute just like the other Dogs, and I won’t allow him or any other dog to take advantage of me.”  Twilight sighed. “I can see that this has been… a burden for you,” she said, backing up and taking Spike with her. “Why don’t we give you a chance to cool down?”   Rarity scoffed before going back to checking over her dress. “As if a Diamond Dog could change…” she muttered as Spike and Twilight backed out of the boutique.  Spike sighed. “Well, that sucks,” he said.  “It’s not over yet,” Twilight said, “We’ll need Kodo’s side of the story if we want to connect this all together.”  “But Twilight,” Spike protested. “Kodo’s one of Diamondback’s. We try to question him, Diamondback will think we’re taking Rarity’s side.”  “It’s not an accusation to ask him some questions,” Twilight insisted. “Besides, Diamondback’s way more reasonable than most dragons. Surely she’ll see that we only want to make peace.”  ## Unfortunately, Twilight put too much stock in Diamondback’s willingness to be generous. “You just want to lump all my dogs together into an antagonistic little pile of villains, don’t you?” Diamondback sneered. “Slander and lies! He did nothing wrong, and you and Rarity both should be ashamed of being such a close-minded species-ist.” “I’m not saying he’s connected,” Twilight insisted, “I’m just curious what his side of the story is.” “I already know his side,” Diamondback snapped back. “He was minding his own business, and Rarity let her past blind her to the truth. Whatever the other Diamond Dogs did to her, my dogs had nothing to do with it!”  Spike sighed. He could tell that this arguing was going to go on forever. Unless… “No one’s accusing your dogs of anything,” Twilight said. “We just…” “Twilight,” Spike interjected. “Just let this go.” “What?” Twilight stammered. “But Spike…” “Please,” Spike gripped her shoulders, gazing at him pleadingly to trust him. “Diamondback’s dogs are nothing like the dogs who took Rarity. I’m willing to trust them. Don’t you trust me?” He put emphasis on the last sentence, gazing into her eyes.  Twilight’s own eyes widened as he realized what his plan was. She nodded. “Of course, I trust you, Spike.”  Spike smiled. “Then please, go to Rarity and…” He glanced at Diamondback, who was watching them with narrowed eyes. “And ask her for an apology.”  Twilight grimaced, but Spike tightened his grip briefly, wishing he could share his full plan with her.  “Please,” he said. “I know what we need to do here.” He grinned on the last part.  Twilight glanced at Diamondback again, but after looking at Spike, she gave a nod, and backed off. “Okay,” she said. “Okay.” She turned away and left for the boutique.  Spike looked to Diamondback, who let out a slow breath.  “Thank you, Spike,” she said, brushing his cheek with her claw. “It’s nice to know I can count on you.” She kissed his head and strode over to her dogs.  For a moment, Spike froze where he was. Why did that feel better than when Rarity did it?  But he quickly shook off his feelings. He still had work to do.  With Diamondback placated, Spike went towards her dogs. He quickly found Kodo huddled in a corner, with his tail tucked and his ears lowered.  “Kodo?” Spike asked.  The diamond dog looked up, his one blue eye wide with worry. “Mr. Spike,” he said, glancing over at Diamondback. “I…” Spike lifted a hand, waiting until Diamondback got preoccupied with something from Shiva. He then gave Kodo a firm look. “Tell me what really happened at the boutique?”  Kodo sighed. “The mare kept looking at us like we were going to steal everything from her. She just…” he grimaced. “She was acting very snobby. Diamondback told us to prove her suspicions wrong by being good. And I was trying, but…” he sighed. “I found this beautiful purple dress with amethysts on it…” The dress Rarity was working on, Spike realized, though he didn’t say anything, letting Kodo continue.  “...and…” Kodo licked his lips nervously.  Spike comforted him. “It’s okay; you’re not in trouble,” he said. “Just tell me what you did.”  Kodo gazed at Spike worriedly… before unveiling five amethysts in his claws. The same ones Rarity had said were missing from her dress. Spike stared at Kodo in horror. “You stole from Rarity?”  “It was only a few,” Kodo tried to insist. “I was trying to help with the dress - show that we were different - but I didn’t know what I was doing, and some of the gems fell. And when I picked them up, I figured…” “Kodo,” Spike struggled to keep his voice down, glancing at Diamondback. “Diamondback and Rarity are at each other’s throats over this. You need to tell Diamondback.” Kodo looked up at Diamondback in fear. “But… what if she gets angry at me?” he whimpered. “I wasn’t trying to be mean or anything. I even thought she’d like some of them; she loves amethysts!”  “Kodo!” Spike said firmly. “Rarity went through a very bad experience with diamond dogs. You can’t do things like that; it only proves her assumptions right, and makes things even worse.”  As if to prove his point, Diamondback turned, a growl forming on her face as Rarity stormed over, Twilight struggling to keep Rarity back.  “Rarity, just leave it alone,” Twilight pleaded, but Rarity was a mare on a mission.  “So,” Rarity snarled. “You want an apology, do you?” She glared at Spike. “You steal my gems, you steal my dragon, and now you want to steal my dignity?!”  “Your dragon?” Diamondback sneered. “Who knew the Greed was capable of affecting creatures outside of dragons?”  Rarity turned red in the face. “I will not stand for this.”  “Then don’t!” Diamondback growled, nudging her with her claw and forcing Rarity to sit down hard.  Spike winced. Glancing at Kodo accusingly, he ran over to help Twilight in keeping the two girls apart.  “DB, stop,” Spike pleaded. “You’re better than this.” “You… you traitor!” Rarity hissed at him. “Taking this beast’s side after her thieves steal from me!” She glared up at Diamondback. “I want my amethysts back!”  “We don’t have them, because we’re not thieves!” Diamondback snarled. “My dogs are the epitome of good. And it’s not their fault you’re stuck in the past!”  However, Rarity followed Spike’s gaze, and saw Kodo looking on in guilt. “If I’m so stuck in the past, why don’t you prove it.” She pointed at Kodo. “Where are my amethysts, dog?”  Kodo flinched, before Diamondback stepped between them. “Don’t blame my dogs for your incompetence.”  Rarity’s horn began to glow ominously. Twilight tried to refute it with her own horn. “Rarity, stop!”  Diamondback, however, laughed, towering over all of them. “You don’t want to test me, child,” Diamondback warned.  “DB, please,” Spike pleaded, gazing at Kodo. “Stop this!”  Kodo’s eyes darted back and forth. It looked like Rarity and Diamondback were seconds away from tearing each other apart. However, as Rarity screamed and lifted Twilight out of her way with a spell…  “STOP!”  Left with no other choice, Spike raced under Diamondback and grabbed Kodo, yanking the amethysts from his claws and holding them up. “Stop-stop-stop!” Spike said, pulling Kodo to the center of the conflict.  Diamondback stared at the gems and Kodo in shock. “Spike…” she stammered, “Did you…?” “Who’s side are you on, Spike?” Rarity demanded. “You claim Diamondback’s dog is in the right, then you suddenly try to frame him or something?” “I’m not framing anyone,” Spike said. “I’m stopping you two from making a horrendous mistake.” He turned to Rarity. “Rarity, what the diamond dogs put you through was horrendous. I won’t deny it, and I’m sorry it had to happen. But it doesn’t justify you acting like a complete lunatic and hating all diamond dogs on principle. Diamondback has raised these dogs better than that.”  Rarity glared at the amethysts in his talons. “Not nearly good enough,” she muttered.  Diamondback opened her mouth to retort, but Spike turned on her.  “Don’t argue with her, DB,” Spike said. “Your diamond dogs are better than most, but that doesn’t make them perfect. Unless you forgot what they did to Phoenix.”  Diamondback winced at the reminder, and even Kodo looked down in shame.  “I’m sorry, DB,” he whimpered. “I… I only thought…” He stopped and shook his head. “No, there’s no excuse for me stealing from those we’re supposed to befriend.” He lowered himself to all fours. “Please forgive me.”  Diamondback gazed down at her dog with sorrow, before inclining her head. “I’m sorry, Rarity,” she said. “I… suppose I… overestimated my dog’s integrity.”  Rarity, however, didn’t look pleased with her victory. As she gazed at Kodo and saw how frightened he looked, she lowered her head in guilt. “I… I’m sorry too,” she admitted. “Spike is right; I shouldn’t have let my past experiences turn me into a brute as well. I was far too harsh.” She gazed up at Diamondback. “Can you… forgive… an imperfect mare?”  Diamondback managed a small smile. “As long as you can forgive an old dragoness that doesn’t know as much as she thinks.”  Spike and Twilight smiled hopefully, before Kodo looked up. “So… what can I do to repent?” he asked.  Diamondback glanced at Rarity, who gave Kodo another ponderous look before sighing.  “If you can learn from this experience and do something about those sticky fingers of yours,” Rarity said, “I could use a model for some stallion suits. Dresses are all well and good, but I could also use some items that stallions might be interested in.”  “He’ll do it,” Diamondback replied, before glaring at Kodo. “And should he ever shame his pack again, I will personally see that he never does it again.”  Kodo gulped and nodded in submission. With the thief taken care of, Diamondback and Rarity gave each other another worried look. “So…” Diamondback mused. “Did you… want to continue work on that diamond studded dress?” “Oh, yes, actually,” Rarity admitted, her eyes brightening again. “The way you’ve embedded the diamonds with the scales is a marvelous pattern that I’d love to work on more.”  Smiling, Diamondback went back into Ponyville with her, as Twilight and Spike watched on.  The Alpha Shiva came up to them apologetically. “Apologies for all of this,” she said. “Rarity was just… acting…” “Like Rarity, right?” Spike asked.  Shiva blushed sheepishly. Her tail flicked between her legs before Twilight pat her shoulder.  “We’ll try and make sure that she doesn’t act so mean to you guys from now on,” she promised.  Shiva grinned. “And we’ll make sure to not give her any reasons to get mean,” she offered.  Spike smiled. “Sounds great.”  ## Dear Princess Celestia,  It’s easy to want to help our friends, especially when our friends have helped us in the past.  It’s a much bigger challenge to be willing to help those we’re suspicious of or just don’t like.  Rarity, Diamondback and the Diamond Dog Pack learned this today, when a misunderstanding nearly made Rarity and Diamondback do something they would have regretted for a very long time.  Luckily, one of the diamond dogs, Kodo, was able to bring peace by remembering that just because we don’t like someone doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still try to treat them with respect and courtesy. Because sometimes, what we dislike in others is stuff we dislike in ourselves. So instead of blindly hating, maybe it’s better to find that common ground, and use it to turn hate into something kinder and better. Hopefully, Rarity and Diamondback can accomplish that in the future.  Until then,  Your dragon friend, Spike > Episode Eleven: An Appropriate Response > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With both Night Fire and Diamondback’s outbursts on his mind, Spike was pretty sure there would be a few ponies that didn’t fully trust his new dragon friends.  Unfortunately, one of those ponies turned out to be Fluttershy.  As Spike learned when he went to check on Fluttershy’s cottage, and found no sign of the dragon-griffon hybrid Swift.  “Uh, Fluttershy?” Spike asked, knocking on her door.  Fluttershy reluctantly opened the door, before noticing it was Spike. “Oh, hi Spike,” she said softly.  “Are you okay?” Spike asked. “Where’s Swift?”  “Oh, um…” Fluttershy glanced away. “He… he wandered into the forest. Said he…” she gulped. “Said he didn’t want to bother me.” Spike tilted his head. “Why would he be bothering you?”  Fluttershy looked down. “I…” she winced, letting out a small squeak of nervousness. Spike found himself recalling what had happened with Gilda, a full-blooded griffon. While he didn’t think Swift was anything like Gilda… “Has Swift… done anything to you?” Spike asked, wincing at how ominous that sounded. “We don’t want a repeat of what happened with Gilda. You know that right?” Fluttershy didn’t meet his gaze. But before Spike could leave, Fluttershy told him what happened:  ## At first, Swift and Fluttershy had just spent a minute… looking at each other. Nervousness was clear on both their faces, and neither one knew whether it was a good idea to make the first move or not.  The whole time, Fluttershy couldn’t help but think of Gilda. Swift had the same sort of feathers and beak and talons.  Yet… there was something a little different about him. His eyes were a much softer blue as opposed to Gilda’s harsh gold. He didn’t carry himself with the same angry attitude she had.  Fluttershy started to gather her wits about her: she was supposed to be the Element of Kindness. She shouldn’t let old fears get ahold of her. She was better and stronger than she was before. She could do this!  So, she approached Swift, and tried to speak. “H-Hi…” But at that moment, Swift had gotten distracted by a bird flying by. And at Fluttershy’s word, he jumped and backed up into a tree. And a bee hive fell on his back.  Swift reared up with a shriek… and in that moment, Fluttershy didn’t see him anymore.  She saw Gilda. Raging at her over just being in her way. In Swift’s cry, she heard Gilda’s roar. ## “I… I ran back inside… and I didn’t come out even when he knocked.” Fluttershy looked down in shame. “I’m sorry, Spike.”  A bad feeling grew within Spike’s chest, and he turned to the forest. “Okay, hang on,” he said, “I’ll go find him and explain.”  Please, Swift, he thought as he searched. You’ve always been the kindest of us. Please understand. ## Spike found Swift conversing with birds.  It was actually quite interesting to watch: as Spike approached the bird houses, he couldn’t help but gaze in awe at how perfectly Swift was replicating bird songs.  The birds would twitter and tweet at him, and he’d patiently let them sing before twittering right back, with them happily falling silent to listen as well. It was beyond anything Spike had seen Fluttershy do; she had always conversed with her birds in the native tongue.  Remembering Twilight’s first meeting with Fluttershy and how she had scared the birds away unintentionally, Spike chose to sit and wait for Swift and the birds to finish their songs. It took a while, but at least the music was nice to listen to.  Eventually, Swift turned away, a small smile on his face. Though the smile quickly dropped as he saw Spike.  “Oh, hey Spike,” he mumbled, turning back to the bird houses. “I’m uh…” “First meeting didn’t go well?” Spike asked.  Swift didn’t say anything, but Spike saw the shake of his head. Spike sighed and walked over to him, sitting down next to the hybrid.  “You’re not in trouble, you know?” Spike assured him. “I just want to know what happened.”  “Well, it wasn’t anything… dramatic,” Swift said. “No arguments or explosions like with DB or Night. But… the whole time I was there… Fluttershy kept… looking at me.”  Spike nodded. “She kept looking at your griffon half.” Swift nodded sadly. “Yeah. And I could tell I frightened her. And it…” His feathers drooped as he looked down. “And it reminded me of something.”  Spike nodded encouragingly, motioning for Swift to tell his story. ## It had been years ago; when Swift was still growing up. He had been training with Hawke, trying to figure out how to fight.  But as Hawke had thrown him to the ground, his rough landing had disturbed a mouse nest. A little white mouse poked her head out of the dirt. And for what felt like an hour, Swift and the mouse just gazed at each other.  The mouse didn’t look on Swift with anger or rage the way Hawke did. It looked at him with cautious curiosity. It was a new feeling, to be regarded as something new rather than a disappointment. Even if it was from something as simple as a mouse.  Hesitantly, Swift started to raise his talons in a show of harmlessness… only for Hawke to stomp his beak into the dirt and spring at the mouse herself.  As Swift pulled himself up, his heart settled by a fraction as he saw the mouse get away from his cruel aunt. But when the mouse looked back, it no longer held that curiosity. It was replaced with fear.  No longer was Swift seen as something new. Now he was seen as something scary. Something dangerous. A… “Freak,” Hawke spat at him. “How dare you not make that thing afraid of you! You’re a hybrid; dragon and griffon unnaturally aligned. Everything should be afraid of you! EVERYTHING SHOULD RUE THE DAY THEY MET YOU!”  ## Spike could only shake his head as Swift started trying to smooth his bristling feathers down.  “I know what she said was wrong,” Swift said. “But… when Fluttershy looked at me… it was just like that little mouse. The look in her eyes just said… ‘You are a monster.’ ‘You are a freak.’” He looked down. “Everything my aunt wanted me to be.”  Spike stood and gripped Swift’s shoulders. “You’re not a freak, Swift,” he assured his friend. “And Fluttershy doesn’t think that either. She just had a bad run in with another griffon.” He grimaced, almost wanting to compare Gilda to Hawke, though he wasn’t sure if even Gilda deserved to be compared to that horrendous bird Swift had to call family.  “I don’t know how to change her mind,” Swift admitted, gazing down at his feathers. “How am I supposed to change what I am?”  At that moment, a bird flitted down next to Swift’s shoulder, and offered him a worm. As Swift took the worm in confusion, the bird twittered at him, and nipped affectionately at one of his feathers, trying to smooth it back down.  Spike smiled. “Maybe you don’t have to,” he noted. He hesitantly offered a talon to the bird, before pausing. “Er… can you tell the bird that…” “He calls himself Thunder Talons,” Swift replied with a vague grin.  Spike chuckled. “Alright then… can you tell Thunder Talons that I have an idea?”  Swift twittered at Thunder Talons, who tweeted back. Swift snickered. “He says you can tell him yourself; he knows how our tongue is spoken, even if he can’t replicate it.”  ## Spike returned to Fluttershy’s cottage with Thunder Talons and Swift in tow… only to find that Fluttershy had the same idea. Heading out with a bucket of bird seed, she froze as she saw Swift again.  Swift, for his part, froze as well. Caution and fear shined bright in his eyes.  “Remember the plan, buddy,” Spike soothed, grinning down at the little songbird in Swift’s talons. “Can you give him a, uh… talon?”  Twittering, the bird flew out of Swift’s talons and landed on Fluttershy’s nose. It began to tweet at her as she stared cross-eyed at the songbird.  “Oh!” Fluttershy gasped, bringing the little bird in. “While hello Timothy.”  The bird began a series of chirps and tweets.  “Is that right?” Fluttershy asked.  More tweets and a few twitters.  “He did?” she exclaimed.  Swift leaned over to Spike as Thunder continued to tweet. “Is this… normally how conversations go with them?” “More or less,” Spike admitted.  Swift smiled fondly at that, but then Fluttershy gazed up at Swift, her eyes turning from worry and caution to shame. Letting Thunder Talons fly off her nose, the yellow pegasus hesitantly walked over to the two.  At first, Swift and Fluttershy avoided eye contact. But then… “I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said.  Swift and Spike looked at her in surprise.  “You’re nothing like… like Gilda,” Fluttershy said. “And it was wrong of me to see you that way.” She teared up. “I just…” She sniffled. “She was so scary. And I didn’t know what I did wrong…” Swift winced, glancing at Spike before hesitantly coming forward. “Hey-hey,” he said. “It’s okay…”  Fluttershy looked up at him, and he backed up, holding his arms up in a show of harmlessness. Spike, however, gently nudged him. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “Keep going.”  Swift still looked very uncertain and worried. But as Fluttershy gazed at him, the fear being replaced with the curiosity that Swift had spoke of, the hybrid gently embraced Fluttershy with a hug.  “I…” Swift admitted. “Don’t know if I’m doing this right. I never…” Smiling faintly, Fluttershy embraced him as well. “Just like this,” she said gently.  Tears coming to his own eyes, Swift hugged Fluttershy close. And in that moment, all the fear and doubt melted away from them.  Then the doubt briefly came back to Swift. “Um… how long do we…”  Fluttershy chuckled and released him. “That’s enough for now,” she said, separating from him.  The two grinned awkwardly before Swift glanced up at Thunder Talons. “So… did you know he likes to go by Thunder Talons?”  Fluttershy giggled. “I thought that was just what his rivals called him,” she admitted.  “Well, he takes a lot of pride in it,” Swift admitted. “Same for Shiny Feathers; I think we can both assume why he likes his shiny feathers, right?” Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, I know exactly why. He always wants me to leave out bird baths and plenty of things for him to wash himself with.” Swift shrugged, preening his own feathers. “It’s important to keep one’s feathers clean.”  Fluttershy brushed at her own wings. “Sure, but… I worry sometimes about him.” The two chuckled and continued to bond over their avian friends. And as they talked, Spike found his work to be once again complete for now. Leaving them to their bird talk, Spike returned home to make another letter:  ## My friends Twilight and Princess Celestia, Kindness always takes a special kind of courage; the courage to believe that a person is a friend you haven’t met yet.  It can be difficult to see others like this; especially when you’ve been hurt in the past, and don’t know who you can trust.  Fluttershy showed me this when interacting with Swift, as it was apparent that her encounter with the griffon Gilda left her less than certain that Swift could be a friend.  But Fluttershy and Swift both share the hearts of lions. And utilizing the courage to step up and take a chance with each other, I’m happy to say that not only has Fluttershy made a new friend, but she’s also come to see that while some griffons can be mean or nasty… …Some of them can be as sweet as songbirds.  Your assistant and friend, Spike > Episode Twelve: Anchor of the Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike always knew Applejack as a reliable pony. A hard worker and a good friend, the cow-mare always did her best to be the one that ponies could count on. And while it had gotten her in trouble once or twice in the past, Spike still trusted Applejack almost as much as he trusted Twilight.  Hence, he was pleased to find Sweet Apple Acres completely intact when he went to check on how Phoenix and Applejack were getting along. The dragoness herself was visible in the thick of the apple trees, carefully plucking the apples off the trees and sorting them neatly into the buckets.  Spike gave a wave towards Phoenix, but if the dragon saw him, she didn’t show it, focusing on her work.  Eh, Spike shrugged it off, Applejack always does ask for hard work.  Speaking of Applejack, Spike saw the cow-mare prepping a bale of hay for the barn. Heading over, he put his muscles to work helping her.  “Phoenix doing okay?” Spike asked.  “Darn tootin,” Applejack said happily. “I’ll say, I wasn’t sure she could handle the work, what with all her scars and stuff, but she’s proven herself a good worker.”  Apple Bloom came by with a newly emptied wagon of apples. “She could stand to be a better conversationalist,” the young mare grumbled.  “Apple Bloom,” Applejack scolded. “Her past is her business, ‘n no one else’s.”  “Just sayin,” Apple Bloom replied with a shrug. Spike however, watched her with worry.  “She hasn’t… snapped at anyone, has she?” Spike asked worriedly.  “Ya mean like with DB and Rares?” Applejack asked. “Thank Celestia, no.”  “But she’s still sorta… cold,” Apple Bloom noted. “Weird, calling a dragon cold, but… she only ever responds when Applejack asks her to work. Rest o’ the time… it’s like something’s buggin’ her.”  Spike glanced back over at Phoenix. “Is that right…?”  ## Phoenix didn’t react when Spike showed back up with Apple Bloom. “Watch,” Apple Bloom noted to Spike, before striding up to Phoenix. “Heya Phoenix. Nice work on them trees.”  Phoenix didn’t glance at the filly. “No problem,” she said.  Apple Bloom glanced over at Spike before adding. “Ya know, Granny’s planning on cooking up some classic Apple Family Pies.”  Phoenix turned around. “Can I help?”  Apple Bloom waved her off. “Naw, Granny’s been doing this sorta thing for years. But if ya want her to make some pies for ya… surely dragons can enjoy more than just gems, yeah?”  Spike watched in intrigue as Phoenix paled, and looked away. “I’ll be fine,” she replied, before nudging some of the baskets over to Apple Bloom. “You should… probably get those to your sister.”  Apple Bloom hesitantly took the buckets. “With this amount of apples, it wouldn’t be any trouble. You’ve more than earned it…”  “Just…” Phoenix turned a bit faster than she should have, and for a brief moment, Spike saw a flash of anger in her eyes. But before it could affect the filly, Phoenix got control over herself. “The amount won’t matter if it doesn’t reach the barn. Get them to your sister.” She then walked away before Apple Bloom could say more.”  Apple Bloom glanced at Spike with a raised eyebrow. “See? Weird, right?”  Spike recalled Phoenix’s time with the diamond dogs. An idea came to mind. “I might have an idea what’s going on,” he admitted, before following Phoenix. He paused when he noticed Apple Bloom following. “You should probably stay here.” “But…” “Trust me,” Spike promised. “This is a dragon thing.” He gave her a brotherly smile. “I’ll be okay.”  Apple Bloom sighed, but reluctantly started to bring the apples Phoenix had picked over to Applejack. Spike, meanwhile, continued after Phoenix. He didn’t need to go far; finding Phoenix already working on another apple tree. He leaned against the trunk.  “You doing okay, Phi?” he asked.  Phoenix sighed, looking down at Spike. “Well, I haven’t yelled at them yet,” she noted. “That’s good… right?”  “Why would you yell?” Spike asked, before remembering. “The dogs?” Phoenix shut her eyes and nodded. “I was awful to them,” she said. “Constantly roaring at them for not working hard enough… But they were working hard; some of them had broken their arms trying to fill my quotas.” Phoenix traced one of the scars on her arm. “One of them went to me… fractured bone sticking out of his elbow… and I…”  Spike patted her side. “Let it out,” he encouraged.  “I just… I said ‘well, that’s why you have two arms,’” she admitted. “Then I kicked him back to work… threatened to eat him if he didn’t get going.” She traced the scar on her arm again. “I just know one of his family members was the one who cut me here. They wanted me to remember how he felt.” “Phoenix,” Spike said gently. “You’re not that person anymore. You’ve changed.” “Yes,” Phoenix said. “I have.” She gazed at Spike with fear in her eyes. “And I don’t want to go back to being that person.”  Spike shrugged. “So, don’t. I mean, is it really that hard?”  Phoenix looked down in shame. “It… kinda is,” she admitted. She looked over at the Apple Family. “I see them… smaller than me, just like the dogs. And I can feel that part of myself from the past… I can feel it telling me that they’re too slow. That they’re too weak. That they need ‘proper’ command.” She held her head. “I’m scared of myself, Spike.” She looked back at him. “How do I shut it off? How do I make sure that the diamond dogs truly killed that evil part of me?”  Spike gazed up at her, at a loss for words. What did he know of turning his back on evil urges: the closest he had gotten was his struggle with the Greed. And ever since his fight with Diamondback, that particular voice had gone quiet. He wasn’t sure it was the same as what Phoenix was feeling.  Then he got a thought; maybe he didn’t know how to help his friend… but he did know someone who might be of more help.  “Let me make a call,” he asked Phoenix, “I’ll be right back.” Phoenix watched him go with a lost look in her eye. “Don’t take too long,” she asked, before returning to her work.  ## Luckily, while Night Fire didn’t seem eager to return to her pony life, she was at least okay with being around Luna. After asking around, Spike managed to find Pinkie, Night Fire and Luna at - of all places - an arcade alley. Where Night Fire and Pinkie were engaged in an epic brawling game.  Spike snickered as he recognized how Luna was able to walk about in public: dressed in a penguin suit complete with a bow-tie to make the suit look almost like a tuxedo, Luna was employing the ‘Not My Problem’ Spell; a rather humorous bit of magic where instead of taking on some sort of disguise, the spell influenced anyone who looked in her direction to decide that what they were looking at was uninteresting and thus ‘Not their problem.’ For some reason, the spell worked better when the pony or object it was hiding looked unusual, hence the penguin suit. Indeed, Spike could feel the spell probing at his mind, exerting effort to convince him to not pay attention to the most certainly strange thing just a few feet away. But he most certainly had a problem now. One that required input from someone who had made huge mistakes in the past, and was seeking to atone for them. “Body slam!” Luna hissed under her breath. “Body Slam! Oh come on, you foal! Hit him!”  “You know, your commentary is more distracting than helpful, Loo-Loo,” Night Fire shot back as she guided her character away from Button Mash’s attacks. “Just saying.” Luna still struggled not to hop from hoof to hoof as she encouraged Night to victory. Spike almost considered it as mercy to tap her shoulder and draw her attention away from the battle.  “Ser Spike?” Luna asked in intrigue. “What brings you here?”  “One of my friends needs your help,” Spike admitted. “She… made a pretty horrible choice in the past, and… doesn’t know if she can bounce back from it.”  Luna’s eyes widened in sympathy. She looked over at Night Fire, but it was clear her input was not needed as the dragoness started to turn the tables on her pink opponent.  “Watch out, Pinkie,” Night warned with a grin. “I got them happy feet. Wombo combo!”  “THAT AIN’T FALCO!” Pinkie screamed. “THAT AIN’T FALCO!”  As the girls enjoyed their game, Luna sighed and turned fully to Spike. “Show me the way,” she said.  ## They found Phoenix later that evening, watching from the trees as the Apple Family gathered for dinner. Judging by how Applejack gazed in Phoenix’s direction, it was clear the cow mare had offered Phoenix a spot, but Phoenix had refused.  Sighing, Spike brought Luna over to the fire dragon, who perked up at the sight of Spike, though her gaze became more conflicted when Luna arrived.  “Princess Luna?” Phoenix realized, before quickly sinking into a bow. “I, uh…” “Soothe, my friend,” Luna said, settling herself couchant next to Phoenix. “Spike tells me your past haunts you.”  Phoenix gazed at Spike, but he smiled reassuringly. Sighing, Phoenix’s head drooped. “You could say that,” she admitted, gazing at the Apple Family with a longing to her eyes. “These guys are really good ponies. And I…” she shook her head. “I ruined a really good deal back home. I don’t want to ruin this.”  Luna touched her side. “Trust in me,” Luna said. “I know the pain of ruining a relationship. I let jealousy and envy turn me into…” Phoenix touched Luna’s shoulder. “You… don’t need to say it,” Phoenix promised. “I understand.”  Luna nodded, but still gazed up at Phoenix. “I was convinced that my sister would never forgive me. That the ponies would always see me as… something else.”  Phoenix huffed. “Yeah, the diamond dogs definitely still see me as a monster.”  “But these aren’t the diamond dogs,” Luna reminded her. “They are ponies who only seek your friendship.”  Phoenix grimaced. “But what if they were better off without it?”  “They won’t know if you never try,” Luna replied. “Do you truly wish to be alone, Blazing Phoenix? To suffer in silence for all time?” Phoenix looked back at the Apple Family as they got the table set. Laughter and excited story sharing sounded and echoed even over to them.  “No,” Phoenix admitted. “I want a family again.” She struggled not to cry. “I just…” “Be honest with them,” Luna said, before cracking a grin. “And… be careful with the volume. We have learned first hand of what being too loud can do.” Phoenix cracked a smile. “Yeah,” she admitted. “Me too.” Taking a breath, she stood up, cracked her neck, and came down to the house.  Applejack immediately ran over. “Hey, Phi,” she said. “Changed yer mind, did ya?”  “A bit,” Phoenix said, before looking down. “Applejack… I wasn’t a good dragon in the past.”  Her somber tone brought the attention of the rest of the Apple Family, who came out to listen to her.  “I did bad things to innocent dogs,” Phoenix explained. “And they only got me to stop by…” she indicated her scars.  Applejack gazed on them in sympathy. “Gosh,” she mumbled. “That… can’t have been easy.” “It wasn’t,” Phoenix said. “But it taught me about how I can’t take advantage of others. I can’t always expect power or strength to keep me alive. But most importantly… it taught me to have respect for my fellow creatures. No matter how small they are.” She lowered herself down. “I was so afraid that I would cause an accident; that I would hurt you or make you hate me like I made the dogs hate me. So… if I’ve been aloof or cold lately…” Applejack nodded. “It’s cuz ya want to make sure ya don’t make the same mistakes, right?” Phoenix nodded.  Applejack smiled. “Well, ya know one way that helps with not wanting to hurt folks?”  Phoenix tilted her head. “What’s that?”  “Knowing who they are,” Applejack replied. “Empathy’s one sweet bit o’ sugar.” She held the door open. “C’mon, ya’ll. Let’s turn this dinner into a picnic. Tell Phi here some o’ our stories.”  Apple Bloom eagerly came out with a big slice of apple pie. And as Phoenix started to smile hopefully, she gazed at Spike and Luna with gratitude.  Spike smiled back before looking up to Luna. “Thank you, Princess,” he said. “I… don’t know how to repay this.” Luna grinned. “Perhaps you could tell me your friendship lesson for the day,” she offered. “I’d love a reason to be able to share something with my beloved sister.”  Spike chuckled at that. “Well, alright, as long as Twilight gets a copy too…” He gathered himself and began to recite:  ## To Twilight and Princess Celestia, While Twilight would hearken the past as similar to a history book, today, I would make the comparison to an anchor, as a particularly dark past can drag someone down and make them think that they can’t move on from it.  This is a problem my friend Phoenix endured, as her actions in the past left her scared and unable to believe that she could be trusted with friends again.  But, with the help of Princess Luna and the understanding of Applejack, I feel that Phoenix has learned a valuable lesson: We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it. Just like how a snake sheds its skin, we must shed the past’s hold on us. Be honest with yourself, learn from what happened, and move on.  Phoenix’s past was dark, but if she can finally let go, she’ll hopefully find a brighter future.  And I hope to help her find it.  Your honest dragon friend, Spike > Episode Thirteen: The Crystal Empire Pt. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia smiled gently as she read Spike’s latest friendship report. Her hopes were truly coming to life. Dragons were just as capable as ponies in learning about friendship, harmony and peace.  And if dragons could learn… who was to say that others outside of ponykind couldn’t learn as well. Celestia was broken out of her hopeful thoughts as a royal guard entered the throne room.  “News from Northern Equestria, your highness,” the royal guard declared, handing a scroll over to her. “Thank you, Phalanx,” Celestia thanked the guard, before unfolding the scroll.  What she read sent a flurry of emotions through her. She looked up, a plan already forming in her mind.  ## For the first time since he had gone to the Dragon Lands, Spike burped up a scroll from Princess Celestia. And for the first time in… ever, he found that the scroll wasn’t addressed to Twilight.  It was addressed to him. Him and all of his dragon friends.  Needless to say, the news drew pretty much everyone - dragon and pony alike - over to see what the Princess had to say.  “My honorable dragon Elements of Harmony,” Spike read, “I hope that your stay in Equestria has proven comfortable and relaxing, and that my subjects have been open and kind to you.”  “Sort of,” Night admitted, grinning at Diamondback and Rarity, who both blushed and looked away from each other.  Rolling his eyes, Spike continued. “It pains me to involve you in pony matters, but a situation has cropped up that I believe could benefit greatly from your assistance. Please, join Twilight Sparkle, and meet me in Canterlot at your earliest convenience. We will discuss the matter more there. Yours sincerely, Princess Celestia.”  “The Princess wants us to visit?” Swift asked, his feathers already puffing up from nervousness. “As in… go to the capital?”  “What’re you fluffing up for, buddy?” Jackknife asked. “Ya were there already, remember? We beat up a buncha changelings.” “Well, yeah, but we had to be there, or the changelings would’ve taken out the kingdom,” Swift justified. “This is gonna be without a fight. With people staring at us. Probably thinking we don’t belong.”  “But you do belong,” Fluttershy assured Swift. “It’s like you said, you helped save the entire city.”  Diamondback still grimaced. “She tried to make it seem like a simple visit,” she noted. “But I get the sense that there’s more to it than that.”  “I agree,” Phoenix noted. “Any situation that could ‘benefit greatly from our assistance’ has got to be something big.”  “Or it could be something minor,” Applejack noted. “Ya never know until ya get there and see for yerself. So let’s quit with the guessing and get with the going.”  Spike glanced over as Twilight’s library started shaking from a racket going on inside. “I think someone’s way ahead of you,” he noted with a wry grin. One the dragons and even most of the mares returned with chuckles.  ## In Canterlot, Celestia gazed out to the North, where she could faintly see snow over the horizon. Luna joined her.  “Tia,” Luna said gently. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go as well?”  Celestia grimaced before sighing. “Concern for Night Fire?”  Luna swallowed and looked away. “I…” “It’s okay, Luna,” Celestia assured her, gazing at her sister with a soft smile. “I understand if that particular secret isn’t ready to be revealed.”  Luna gave a surprised look to Celestia, but Celestia returned her eyes to the horizon.  “You know my fears,” Celestia said. “If we stretch ourselves too thin trying to solve every problem in Equestria, a day will come where we burn out. And if there is no one ready to replace us on that day… Equestria will fall.” She shuddered. “That day came dangerously close when Chrysalis invaded.”  Luna winced at the memory. “I should have…” she started to say, but Celestia soothed her with a wing.  “We cannot change the past,” she said. “We can only influence the future.” She looked back out the window. “We need to be able to have faith that our little ponies will be able to solve problems without us… and that they can rely on the help of any friends they make along the way.”  “But to reduce such a task to a… some sort of… test?” Luna asked.  “I’d like to think of it as something less… ‘academic,’” Celestia admitted. “Can you?” Luna asked.  Celestia thought for a moment, before sighing. “No, I suppose I can’t.”  Luna gave her sister a deadpan look, before a knocking sounded at the door.  “Did you seriously just knock at the throne room door!?” Swift’s voice shrilled. “What was I supposed to do?” Diamondback replied. “Give a little ‘Yoo-hoo; dragons here’?”  Night Fire giggled at Diamondback’s mock voice. “That would admittedly be kinda funny.”  Luna smiled faintly at the sound of Night Fire’s voice, before Celestia hugged her.  “Trust me, little sister,” Celestia asked. “I wouldn’t ask them to do this if I didn’t think they couldn’t handle it.”  Luna sighed. “I will hold you to that, Tia,” she murmured, as the two took their places at their thrones, and nodded for the guards to let the group in.  As Spike and his friends entered, Twilight hurried in with a bunch of paper and quills.  “You wanted to see us, Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked. “For a test or something? If it’s about the dragons, we’ve done our best to make them feel at home! A-A few hiccups here and there, but…”  “Calm,” Celestia said, soothing Twilight with a wave of her hoof. “This is…” she noticed Luna giving her a raised eyebrow and sighed. “A different kind of test.” She gazed at the dragons and ponies assembled. “The Crystal Empire has returned.”  Diamondback gasped in shock, while Twilight gasped in a panic.  “The what? But… I-I didn’t… I thought I studied!” Twilight almost went into a panic attack before Spike took her in his arms and calmed her down.  “Easy, Twilight, easy,” he said.  “Calm yourself, Ms. Sparkle,” Diamondback said. “The Crystal Empire dates far back before your time. Phoenix and I were quite young when it was around.” “Quite young?” Phoenix scoffed. “I’m pretty sure I was barely out of my egg, DB. You saying you’re older than that?”  “That’s going to make any interaction between you and Spike even weirder,” Night Fire noted, glancing at Spike. “Then again, you’d be too young for that anyway…” “Jack!” Spike complained.  Jackknife threw a glob of water at Night Fire. She coughed and sputtered.  “What, I was saying…!”  “Children-children!” Diamondback said sharply, gripping Jackknife and Night Fire. “I believe the Princess was about to explain.”  Celestia nodded in gratitude. “Indeed. Few remember the Crystal Empire existed at all. But it held within it….”  “The Crystal Heart!” Diamondback said grandly. “An incredible gem of epic power. Through its magic, the Crystal Empire was able to thrive within the Frozen Tundra; a normally inhospitable place for any creature.”  “Indeed. Thank you, Diamondback,” Celestia said gratefully, though her smile faded. “Unfortunately, one thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn who’s heart was as black as night…” “Hey…” Night Fire mumbled.  “...took over the Crystal Empire,” Celestia declared ominously. Luna rose. “My sister and I were able to best him in single combat. But not before he put a curse on the Empire.”  “A curse that caused it to vanish into thin air,” Celestia agreed.  “But now it’s back,” Diamondback noted. “And that means the Crystal Heart is back alongside it.”  Spike glanced at DB. “DB, remember the Greed,” he warned.  Diamondback shook herself off and grinned gently at Spike. “I remember,” she assured him. “I’m fine.”  “Please do be,” Celestia said. “If the Crystal Heart is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected from it across the Empire and even across Equestria.” Her face darkened. “But if hatred, fear and yes, even greed, take hold…”  “It’ll spell bad times for the entire world,” Night Fire guessed.  “Precisely,” Luna agreed. “Which is why we need your help to find a way to protect it.”  Twilight still looked horrified. “You want me to protect an entire empire?”  “Not alone,” Celestia said. “Measures have already been taken to secure the Empire, but the Crystal Heart still needs to be found. And even if it is found, we do not know if Sombra has cursed it as well.” She looked to the dragons. “It is my hope that the Elements of Harmony will be able to purge any corruption from the Crystal Heart, and charge it with the hope and love needed to reflect peacefully across not just Equestria, but the entire world as well.”  Swift looked nervous. “And… Twilight and her friends can’t suffice?”  “Normally, I would have faith in my student and her friends,” Celestia admitted. “But Sombra was a terrifying force back when we fought him.”  “We barely escaped with our minds and bodies intact,” Luna noted grimly.  Night Fire grimaced. “Did you have to put it that way?” she asked.  “That is why I would like you and your friends with them, Spike,” Celestia said. “Two sets of the Elements of Harmony will do far more good together than apart.”  Spike gazed hopefully at his fellow dragons, and was relieved to see them nod and grin.  “Y'all want our help, Princess,” Jackknife said. “You got it!”  The others nodded or spoke assent. Encouraged by their words, the Mane Five spoke up as well, giving Twilight the courage to stand up and nod in determination.  “Thank you,” Celestia said. “Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor have already journeyed to the Crystal Empire to aid scouts and reconnaissance. Regroup with them; they will be able to tell you more about what avails the Empire.”  The group nodded and began to head out. Just before they could leave…  “And Spike,” Celestia said, walking up to him and giving him a motherly smile. “You’ve picked your friends well. I have every confidence that you will succeed.”  Spike grinned. “Thanks Princess. That means…” He chuckled. “It means a lot.”  He then raced out to catch up to his friends.  ## Spike worried the winter chill would freeze his friend’s resolve.  Yet as the group stepped off the train and into the snow, Spike was pleased to see them not complaining.  For the most part. “Ha!” Rarity said, all dressed up in a winter outfit. “And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves.” Jackknife laughed back. “Keep yer scarves, Rares.” He hopped right into the snow, coming out briefly frozen, but breaking the ice off. “Ice is just water in a new form.” He started swimming happily in the snow.  Phoenix stepped out in a similar winter coat to Rarity. “Please note, he doesn’t speak for all of us,” she noted.  Rarity pat Phoenix’s head. “Oh, don’t you worry, you poor thing. Diamondback and I worked hard to make sure that my winter gear could fit all of you.”  Phoenix grinned and nodded at DB. “Thanks, girls.”  “But, of course, my dear,” Diamondback assured, before clapping her hands. “Now… what about that Crystal Empire?”  Swift struggled not to get blown away by the winds. “I, uh… I don’t think we’ll be able to see much through this storm!” He was nearly blown off his feet, before Fluttershy and Applejack managed to right him.  “Princess Celestia said Shining Armor was here,” Spike noted. “That means he must have left…” “Scouts, right?”  A pair of pegasi came out of the snow, twin grins on their faces. Twilight gasped. “Eagle Flies. Flash Sentry!”  “Ms. Sparkle,” Flash replied with a bow. “Prince Armor’s right this way. He sent us to make sure you had a safe trip here.”  “He’d have our hides if we just let his baby sister get lost out in the snow,” Eagle noted with a shudder.  “Oh, you wonderful darlings,” Diamondback cooed. “You’re so sweet, but remember, she’s being escorted by six dragons and five mares more than capable of handling themselves.” “Darn straight,” Rainbow agreed. “What do we got to be afraid of?” Flash and Eagle glanced at each other, their smiles fading. “Let’s just say that the Empire isn’t the only thing that returned.”  The levity faded from the other’s faces, Swift’s in particular. “W-What do you mean? What came back with them?”  Flash’s nervous look said it all. Diamondback’s jaw dropped.  “Impossible!” she muttered.  “What?” Spike said. “You’re not saying that… King Sombra came back.”  The mere name somehow caused the already chilly weather to get chillier. A shadow seemed to fall over the snow. The pegasi gulped and motioned for the group to follow, heading into the snow banks. Cautiously, the others followed after them.  “He keeps trying to get in,” Eagle explained as they fought against the wind. “Princess Cadence and Prince Shining have kept him at bay, but it won’t last forever!”  “We need to find the Crystal Heart,” Diamondback noted. “With it, we could use the Elements to strengthen its power…” “And abolish Sombra and save the Empire,” Twilight realized with a grin. “Diamondback, you’re a…”  However, her smile faded to horror. Diamondback tilted her head.  “Go on, I’m a what?” Diamondback asked, unaware of the shadow falling over her.  “ABOUT TO GET WHACKED!” Jackknife yelled, hurling a snowball right by Diamondback, and pelting what could only be described as a shadow monster in the face.  Night Fire paused. “SNOW BALL FIGHT!” she cheered, before she and Jackknife started hurling snowballs the size of cannon balls at the shadow monster.  The shadow monster, however, reared up and let out a roar of rage.  Fluttershy shrieked in utter fear before picking up Applejack and fleeing. “Every pony run!”  “Right behind you!” Swift agreed, foisting up Diamondback and Phoenix.  “Oh, darling!” Diamondback yelped as Swift carted them away.  Meanwhile, Night and Jackknife continued to blast Sombra with snow, but they had lost the element of surprise, and the shadow monster bore down on them.  “Guys, watch it!” Spike yelled, tackling Night Fire out of the way while Eagle tackled Jackknife.  Leaping up to the clouds, Flash shot a burst of lightning at Sombra, but the shadow monster snarled and hurled a spell back. The spell turned the storm cloud into obsidian before exploding. Flash fell out of the sky, gripping a shrapnel coated wing with agony.  “Flash!” Twilight screamed, but Spike waved her off as he scooped him up.  “We got him, go!” Spike yelled.  “I’ll help!” Night Fire yelled, speeding past Spike and scooping Twilight up. With the dragons helping the ponies along, Eagle led them to a rapidly glowing ball of light in the distance.  “Come on, we’re almost there!” he said.  But the Shadow monster had other plans, and hurled more chunks of obsidian at them.  Growling, Diamondback leaped off Swift, batting the shards away and forcing the monster back with a burst of flames.  “This Empire is MINE, you hear me, you pathetic shell of a stallion!?” Diamondback snarled as she started to grow. “All MINE!”  Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “DB, no!”  But as Diamondback reared up, the Shadow Monster only started to chuckle in amusement… before a spell hit it and forced it back.  The group turned to find a phalanx of unicorns with horns aimed at the shadow monster. Leading them was… “Shining!” Twilight cheered.  “Twily, this way!” Shining yelled.  With the ponies and dragons racing for the phalanx, Diamondback glared at Sombra one last time before storming after them returning to a smaller size as the unicorns kept Sombra back.  Yet Sombra kept watching Diamondback with an intrigued expression. He chuckled ominously as he faded away into the storm, allowing the ponies and dragons to leap past the phalanx and into the safety of the Crystal Empire. As the group caught their breath, Twilight and the others found themselves staring at the Empire in awe.  “Whoa…” Spike mumbled.  “Sight to behold, isn’t it?” Shining said with a grin, before turning to the others. “Welcome to the Crystal Empire.”  Diamondback grinned, but Spike didn’t like the look in her eyes. “It’s so beautiful…” she whispered, before Phoenix smacked her.  “Stay focused,” Phoenix said, gazing at the city. “Hopefully the Crystal Heart will be here somewhere.” “Right,” Spike agreed. “We just gotta find it.” “I’ll show you around,” Shining agreed.  And with the unicorns still keeping the border safe, the group ventured into the Crystal Empire. > Episode Fourteen: The Crystal Empire Pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So…” Night Fire snarked as they beheld Princess Cadence, “Can we say the honeymoon’s over?”  Indeed, the time spent defending the Crystal Empire had taken a toll on the alicorn princess. Large dark circles hung over her eyes, and she slumped in the throne for the Crystal Empire. Yet, as she beheld Twilight, her eyes lit up in hope, and she even managed to do a strange sort of handshake-greeting with Twilight.  “One of these days,” Cadence noted. “We need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn’t hanging in the balance.”  Twilight gazed over her friend with worry. “Are you okay?”  “Cadence and I have been able to use our magic to spread love, light and protection,” Shining explained, his horn pulsing as he sent some energy over to Cadence. “That seems to be what protects it for now. But it’s given us no time to sleep or even eat.”  Swift grimaced. “You guys can’t go on like this forever.”  Shining sighed. “No. We can’t. But if our magic fades, even for a second…” Shining gazed out at the line of unicorn soldiers standing ready at the barrier. “I trained those stallions myself,” he noted quietly. “I don’t want to lose any of them to Sombra.” Spike pat Shining’s back. “You won’t,” he said. “Because we’re here to help.” “Heck yeah,” Night Fire cheered. “Strike a pose!”  Unfortunately, only Jackknife, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie indulged her. Night Fire shrugged and rolled with it.  “Well, if you could just find the Crystal Heart,” Diamondback noted. “You’d be able to protect the Empire without straining yourselves.”  “Problem,” Shining said. “We don’t know where it is.” He nodded at the town. “My scouts and soldiers have been trying to talk to the Crystal Ponies, but Sombra really messed them up. The most we’ve gotten is that they’d hold a Festival - a ‘Crystal Faire’ - to renew the spirit of love and unity in the Empire so that it could be protected from harm. And even that required the Crystal Heart, which they claimed Sombra hid away somewhere they’d never see again.”  “Hmph,” Diamondback huffed. “Somewhere ponies would never see it again.” She grinned. “But he never said dragons.”  Spike quickly stepped in. “Maybe there’s something we can do to find it. In the meantime, we should think about setting up this faire.” “Yeah,” Pinkie said. “I mean, even if you guys find the Heart, it won’t be able to do anything without love and happiness. And what better way to whip up some love and happiness than with a party.”  “We have to time it carefully, though,” Shining noted. “If Sombra senses that party, he’s going to increase his attacks. And I don’t want any more pressure put on Cadence.”  “Sounds like you need someone at the gates with yer men,” Jackknife noted with a grin. He cracked his knuckles. “I’m in.”  Shining grimaced. “Are you sure? My men aren’t used to fighting alongside dragons.”  “Didn’t you see what he was capable of with the snow?” Night asked.  “He’s definitely our strongest,” Spike said with a grin. “He’ll be invaluable for holding the line.”  Jackknife smiled happily, but Shining’s grimace didn’t fade.  “As long as you can remember to stay focused on Sombra,” Shining replied.  Nodding, Jackknife headed for the front lines, while Spike turned to Pinkie. “Can you guys handle the festival?” Pinkie scoffed. “Can we handle the festival?” she noted cheekily to Rainbow Dash before striking a pose. “You can count on us.”  “Alright,” Spike said, turning to the others. “That just leaves us to find the Crystal Heart.” However, as the dragons nodded amongst each other, Twilight raised her hoof. “I… think I might have an idea where he hid it?”  Diamondback grimaced, but the others looked to Twilight in intrigue. “What’ve you got?” Night Fire asked.  “Well,” Twilight noted, indicating the castle. “This castle was his base of operations, right? Maybe he could count on the fact that no pony would dare try to look for it. They’d be too afraid of him.”  “Alright,” Spike said. “Then this castle is where we’ll start looking.”  ## Unfortunately, as the sound of Pinkie’s festivities began to sound from outside, the dragons proved to have very little luck scouring the castle.  “Welp, I found the lavatories,” Night Fire noted, “I didn’t need to know that Bricklebit was actually a thing.”  “Bricklebit?” Spike asked.  “A way to get gold,” Night Fire replied.  Swift tilted his head. “A way to get gold… how?” Night Fire’s face was deadpan. “Don’t ask.”  “HEY!” a voice shouted, drawing the dragon’s attention as a Royal Guard stormed in. “Who sent the Sea Serpent for reinforcements?”  Night Fire stepped up. “He said he was good with snow.”  “He’s freaky,” the royal guard insisted. “Can’t you send, like… Spike or something? I mean, he’s at least familiar, and he’s got flames.”  “But what am I supposed to do, I’ve got no talent for fighting,” Spike insisted. “But you’re… I dunno, taller?” The stallion winced as the others glared at him.  Swift, however, stepped forward. “Jackknife can be trusted. He’s a good guy. Though, if you think he needs help…” he swallowed nervously. “I’m willing to help out.”  The others glanced at him. “Swift,” Night noted. “You do realize that’s going to put you near Sombra, right?”  Swift swallowed again. “I was kinda trying not to think about that,” he admitted.  The stallion deflated. “You’re seriously sending me the cowardly lion of the bunch?”  Diamondback snarled down at the stallion. “In about five seconds, you’re about to be sent back with nothing,” she warned.  “DB, wait!” Phoenix said.  “Yeah, it’s okay,” Swift replied, taking a breath. “My time with Fluttershy showed me that sometimes, we have to take risks if we want to succeed in life. Taking a risk worked with her; it’ll work now.” He stepped forward. “I promise; Jackknife and I will keep you guys safe.”  The stallion didn’t look fully convinced, but he ceased his complaining as Swift went with him.  Night hugged Spike with a coo. “Our little baby bird is growing up so fast,” she noted.  Spike smirked at Night. “I thought you said I was too young for things like this.”  Night yelped and dropped him. “Why’d you have to put this in that territory! UGH!” She stormed off. “Disgusting!”  The others laughed, but their laughter quieted as a strange chill fell over the palace. Following the chill, they ended up at a throne room. Up on the throne, they noticed a black crystal at the crest of the throne’s backrest.  Diamondback cautiously held a hand out to it. “There’s magic in that,” she mused. “Unicorn magic.”  “I can get Twilight,” Spike said, “She didn’t want to be left out of this anyway, so…” But then he noticed Night Fire grimacing. Remembering her secret, he elected to ignore it. But before he could leave the room… “Wait,” Night Fire said. “Don’t involve Twilight in this. She shouldn’t risk getting hurt by this type of magic.” Diamondback blinked. “Well, then what do you suppose we do?”  Night Fire breathed as her form began to glow. “You let an expert handle it.”  Diamondback and Phoenix backed up in shock as Night Fire returned to her original Star Wing form.  “Star?” Spike asked as she revealed herself. “Are you sure?” “Pinkie taught me that friends will accept me for who I am, especially when I can make them happy.” She grinned as her horn glowed. “And I imagine it’ll make you guys really happy to know that I know dark magic.” She promptly proved it by zapping the crystal, revealing a spiral staircase in the center of the room.  However, just as Diamondback began to descend, thunder rumbled outside.  The group raced to the window to see Sombra beating on the shield. Jackknife, Swift and the guards were doing what they could - Spike smiled as he saw Jackknife actually save the same stallion who had doubted him - but they were only giving Sombra pause, not driving him off completely.  “Cadence’s magic is fading fast,” Star muttered. “We better speed this up.”  “Wait,” Phoenix noted, pointing down as Applejack and Rarity struggled to calm the Crystal Ponies. “Those ponies are terrified. They need to know that we’re handling this.”  “We can’t stop now,” Spike said. “Not when the Crystal Heart is so close.” “We don’t have to,” Phoenix replied. “Applejack taught me that empathy is the key to being a good leader.” She stepped back. “I’ll help them calm the ponies down. You guys get the Crystal Heart and meet us at the podium where it’s stashed.”  Spike wasn’t sure. But in his moment of doubt, he noticed something bad: DB was missing.  “DB?” He ran to the spiral staircase as a sound emanated from it.  Star cursed, turning back into Night Fire. “Go!” she said to Phoenix, who nodded and ran for the ponies as Night leaped down the spiral staircase. Spike almost followed… before deciding to take the stairs themselves.  Yet, as he raced down, he heard an ominous smash.  “Diamondback?” Night’s voice echoed. “What the heck are you doing?!” A crash sounded. “OW!”  When Diamondback’s voice sounded… Spike’s blood went cold at how it oozed with the Greed.  “You won’t take it from me! IT’S MINE, YOU UNDERSTAND! ALL MINE!”  “No-no-not again!” Spike bemoaned. But as he reached the bottom, his fears were confirmed: Diamondback stood over a beaten Night Fire, already growing as the Greed corrupted her mind. But when Diamondback whirled on Spike, something was wrong: her eyes weren’t their usual blue.  They were green, with purple tendrils trailing from them.  “DB?” he asked.  “You won’t take it from me!” She snarled at Spike. “It’s MINE!”  Spike yelped and dodged as Diamondback reduced one of the stairs to dust. “DB, remember your lessons!” he pleaded. Diamondback snarled as she pursued him.  “Rarity and you nearly tore each other apart over a misunderstanding!” Spike insisted, catching Diamondback’s arms and holding her back. “You only succeeded that day because of compassion and a willingness to understand.”  Diamondback’s eyes widened, and she shut them in concentration. “Come on, DB,” Spike encouraged. “Remember; compassion was the key! Understanding led to greater cooperation. Fight this! Fight it!”  Diamondback roared, and threw Spike backward. He hit the wall and slid down next to a still recovering Night Fire. For a split second, Spike feared that he hadn’t gotten through.  But as Diamondback shook her head and gazed at him, Spike sighed in relief as she shrunk down to a more natural size, and her lapis blue eyes shined with control again.  “Oh, darlings,” Diamondback bemoaned, helping them up. “I’m so sorry.” “It’s alright,” Night Fire noted, indicating the door that DB had been standing next to. “That was more dark magic; a door that leads to your worst fear.”  Spike quickly backed up. “I… don’t need to know what that’ll show me.” “Me neither,” Night agreed, turning back into Star Wing and using another burst of shadow magic. This time, the door opened to a light blue staircase snaking up the exterior of the tower.  ## Unfortunately, it also didn’t seem to have an end.  “Is this more of his magic?” Spike asked. “A staircase that goes on forever?”  Diamondback panted behind him. “I don’t know darling,” she mumbled. “I don’t…” she groaned as Night Fire fluttered by them on wings. “Don’t worry, guys,” she said. “I got this.” She shot up for the tower, as Spike and Diamondback kept on after her, Diamondback unable to open her own wings due to her larger size.  At first, Spike felt some comfort. As he heard the cheers of the ponies, he could assume Jackknife, Phoenix and Spike were playing their part in keeping the ponies safe.  But then he started to hear Sombra growling. He heard the cheers turn to screams. And worst of all… he heard a scream from above them.  “Night Fire?” Diamondback yelped.  “Come on!” Spike yelled.  Yet as they raced up the tower, the top began to grow obsidian black. And as the two dragons burst out onto the top of the tower, they found out why: Night Fire was trapped in a cage of slowly growing obsidian, which was slowly overtaking the tower and hiding Night Fire from view.  “Sorry, guys,” Night whimpered from within the cage. “I didn’t account for booby traps!” “Night!” Spike yelled.  “Don’t worry about me!” Night insisted. “Get the Heart!”  She pointed out of her cage, and Diamondback and Spike saw the Crystal Heart - a pulsating block of crystal, pumping like a rapid heart as the obsidian crept towards it.  However, when the duo stepped towards it, the obsidian creeped towards them like a territorial snake. Diamondback yelped, and on pure reflex, grabbed Spike and threw him to the Heart.  And with barely enough time to spare. She had just thrown Spike when the obsidian shot at Diamondback; knocking her to the ground and pinning her to the floor.  “DB!” Spike yelped, before having to avoid another obsidian attack.  “Spike!” Night Fire yelled. “Forget about us! Get the Heart out of here!”  Spike yelped as he dodged more obsidian. “But guys…!”  “Just get it to the Faire,” Diamondback insisted. “Rarity and Pinkie Pie and the rest of the Elements are there! All you need to do is let them power it up!”  Spike gazed sorrowfully at his friends. But as the obsidian crept closer - Sombra’s laughter emanated from it. And Spike knew he had little choice.  Turning to the window, Spike noticed Swift hovering in the air. The poor bird dragon was watching in horror as Sombra overtook the Empire. Jackknife and the guards were fighting side by side, but they were rapidly being forced back.  Spike had no time to go back through that tower. He leaped from the window, one final obsidian snake sailing over his head as he plummeted.  “SWIFT!” He yelled as he tumbled, having no wings to break his fall. Luckily, Swift heard him. And with a yelp, the bird dragon hybrid shot up, catching Spike in mid-air before gliding back down towards Phoenix, the Crystal Ponies and the Pony Elements.  Spike held up the Heart. “The Crystal Heart has returned!” he claimed.  “Use the light and love within you!” Phoenix pleaded with the ponies.  “Ensure that Sombra never hurts you again!” Twilight agreed.  Sombra roared in outrage, but Jackknife and the guards kept him back. And as the Pony Elements and the Crystal Ponies powered the Heart up, an explosion of light covered the land, and Sombra let one final scream out before he was blasted from existence.  Jackknife whooped in glee, even sharing a hug with the stallion that had distrusted him. Up above, Night Fire and Diamondback poked their heads over the tower, freed from their restraints.  And as they all smiled at each other, Spike hugged Swift close, as they watched an aurora borealis form in the winter sky.  ## “You have saved us all,” Celestia said happily.  Spike and his fellow dragon friends all grinned as they stood before Princess Celestia once more.  “A long time ago,” Celestia said. “Ponies feared dragons and all those that were not ponies. But today, the six of you have proven that appearances matter little. It’s what is in your heart that counts.”  Spike saluted. “We’re just happy we were able to help.”  Jackknife grinned. “And if there’s anyone else that needs us…” “We’re prepared to take it on,” Night noted.  Celestia grinned. “I don’t doubt it for a second,” she said. “I imagine many more adventures await you. And I’d be loathe to delay you from them.” “That’s what I’m talking about,” Night noted. “Who’s up for some exploring?”  Jackknife cheered and even Swift managed a smile. Spike, however, motioned for them to wait, before finding Twilight, and giving her a hug.  “No matter what,” he promised Twilight, “I’ll come if you need me.”  Twilight smiled and hugged her little brother tight. “And I’ll do the same if you need me.” > Episode Fifteen: The Dragon Kingdom Arc - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shiva was waiting for the group as they returned to Diamondback’s cave.  “Alpha Diamondback,” Shiva said, happily handing over a scroll. “I believe we found it.”  As Diamondback unfurled the scroll with a grin, Spike glanced at the others, who shared looks of confusion. “Found what?” Diamondback grinned at them. “You know how we discovered the Crystal Heart?” “Technically, the ponies discovered the Crystal Heart,” Phoenix noted.  “Agree to disagree,” Diamondback refuted before turning away. “The point is, why should we stop there? There’s plenty of other mythological places that we could find.” “Like what?” Spike asked, Twilight’s curiosity bleeding off into him.  Diamondback showed the scroll, depicting some sort of kingdom. “The original Dragon Kingdom, of course,” she declared.  Spike took the scroll with an awed look, while the others gathered around.  “You mean to tell me you guys had a whole kingdom beforehand?” Night asked in glee.  “But of course,” Diamondback replied. “I told you that before dragons became greedy hoarders, they were once the Guardians of the World.” She tapped the scroll. “According to ancient legends, the Dragon Kingdom is still around. However, after far too many of their subjects lost themselves to the Greed, they sealed themselves away and hid themselves to ensure that no one could corrupt the rest of them.” “How’d they avoid corruption?” Phoenix asked.  “I imagine with discipline and martial arts,” Night noted with a grin. “Dragon Monks…” she giggled. “Oh, I’m with DB now, we definitely have to find these guys.”  “But how?” Swift asked. “You heard the legend, the Kingdom was sealed. It doesn’t sound anything like the Crystal Empire, which literally came back after it’s curse wore off.”  “But the Dragon Kingdom isn’t held by a single curse,” Diamondback replied. “It’s sealed. And if there’s one thing my dear diamond dog Celine has taught me, it’s that even the most disciplined of factions can have their eager and adventurous youths. Speaking of which…” she turned to Shiva. “You said you found it.” “At least a way to it,” Shiva replied, leading them over to a group of dogs stationed around a reflecting pool. But Spike noticed something interesting about the pool; instead of depicting the dogs’ reflections, it instead depicted a familiar sight. “Is that… the Ever-Free Forest?” he asked.  The others didn’t reply; their attention was on a draconic figure wandering the wilderness. Strange dark crystal shards jutted from his green-scaled back, barely covered with damaged armor that seemed to be made of a dark metal. His spines, which were a gradient from red to orange and flickered like fire, only reached down to the base of his neck. Several scars adorned his body - while not as many as Phoenix, there were still more than enough to show he had seen battle. He also limped as he walked on all fours, but his icy blue eyes shown with determination as he marched onward to his destination.  Diamondback’s grin widened. “Ladies and gentle-dragons,” she declared. “I believe we have our ticket into the Dragon Kingdom.”  However, at that moment, the reflection altered. Green eyes glared out of the darkness at the dragon. As he formed a combat stance, drawing dual swords made of a combination of red metal and steel, timber wolves came out, jaws drooling in anticipation.  Spike stiffened. “Timber wolves,” he whispered. He turned to the exit. “We gotta get to him first.”  “Celine’s the one giving us this info,” Luke noted. “She might be able to help.” “She’s my daughter,” Shiva refuted. “I’d rather know she has the extra security.” She nodded at Spike. “Please. Make sure she doesn’t get hurt.” Spike nodded.  “Don’t worry,” Jackknife replied. “We’re on it.”  Together, the six ran back out of the cave, ready to help this resident of the lost Dragon Kingdom.  ## They found the dragon right as he had forced the timber wolves to enter their next form.  Drawing together into a monstrous beast of rock and wood, the Alpha Timber wolf roared in challenge to the dragon.  Celine had stayed back, watching in awe before Jackknife rushed in. “Jack, wait…” Celine tried to say. But Jackknife had never been the most cautious of the bunch, and smashed the timber wolf on the head.  The green drake cast a slight glare at Jackknife. “Hey! I had it under control!” At first, Jackknife ignored him, wrenching up the timber wolf’s head, and allowing the green drake to to stab it in the heart at the same time as Night. Together, the two wrenched the timber wolf apart, the other dragons stomping and scattering the bark so that it couldn’t reform. However, as the timber wolves retreated back into the forest, the newcomer’s reaction was… Less than pleased.  He sat down and crossed his arms before glaring at the group. Though his voice was calm, it was also cold. “I had that thing under control. Why did you think that you could barge into my fight? I don’t even know who you are.”  Night started to reply, but Jackknife beat her to it.  “We’re the guys who just saved your tail, Scars. Act tough all you want, but we saw how close you were to becoming that wolf’s…”  The smaller dragon narrowed his eyes. “Oh, that’s it, Seaweed Brain!” He jumped Jackknife, and the two began to brawl.  “Whoa-whoa, guys, hey!” Night yelled, trying to push the two back as they began throwing fists and swears that caused Phoenix and Spike to cover Swift’s ears as he tried to cover Spike’s.  Diamondback quickly put a stop to it by stomping in with her bigger dragon form.  “GENTLE-DRAGONS!” she boomed. “GENTLE-DRAGONS!” She plucked both dragons up and held them apart from each other. “Enough of this!”  “Hey, he threw the first punch!” Jackknife protested.  Diamondback groaned and set the green dragon down. “Night, kindly tend to him while I have a ‘talk’ with our friend?”  Diamondback stomped away with Jackknife in tow, while Night rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.  “Sorry about that,” she said, before sighing. “Look, you don’t know us. I get that. So… let’s introduce ourselves.” She indicated herself. “I’m called Night Fire. Our punch-happy friend was Jackknife, and the diamond-fanatic is Diamondback.” She indicated the others. “The scarred one over there is Phoenix.”  “Hey,” Phoenix noted with a nod.  “The purple and green one’s Spike…” “Hi,” Spike said with a wave.  “And the one with the feathers is Swift.”  “Please don’t beat me up,” Swift asked. “I-I didn’t interfere in the fight.”  Night Fire turned hopefully to the dragon. “What about you? What’s your name?” The green dragon took a deep breath to calm himself down. “My name is Astral Flare. I’m sorry I lost my temper, I’ve just had a long day.” He coughed into his hand, only to find blood on his palm. “Well, that’s not good.” He nearly fell face-first into the ground.  Night Fire caught him. “Oh, crap…” she muttered, “Diamondback!”  Celine ran over. “Don’t worry, I saw the whole thing, hang on…”  ## When Astral awoke, he found several diamond dog doctors working on him.  “Before you say anything,” Diamondback noted. “I want you to know that they aren’t like some of the other dogs you’ve probably seen. They’re all clean, disinfected and have been highly trained in being able to tend to dragons.” “We were meant to help dragons in any way,” Celine admitted. “You know how some kobolds serve dragons? Essentially consider us kinda like kobolds, but fuzzier.”  Indeed, he found that most of his wounds had been taken care of, and he was feeling much better. “Thanks for the help,” he said. “And again, sorry about earlier. Is there any way I could help you out with anything?” He tried to get out of the bed, but Celine quickly blocked his way. “Hey, easy,” she said. “You still need a lot of rest before you’re ready to go out adventuring again.”  “You don’t understand,” he insisted. “If I don’t get back, there’s going to be trouble back home.”  “Well…” Spike offered. “Where is home? Maybe we can help you get back.”  “At the very least,” Celine admitted. “Having them with you would make us feel a bit better about letting you go early.”  “Well, part of the problem is that there’s a rule about only dragons allowed,” Astral explained. “Plus, it’s currently floating above the western part of that forest.” Astral paused, covering his mouth. “Oh my Bahamut, I was not supposed to say that. I need to warn the King about this!”  “Take it easy,” Spike assured him. “Everyone here is either a dragon, or helps dragons.”  Swift shuffled his feet slightly, glancing self consciously at his feathers. “Um… by ‘only dragons allowed’... y-you don’t suppose hybrids fall on the uninvited list?” “Oh, come on, Swift, that’s stupid,” Jackknife insisted.  “You’re just saying that cuz you’re a sea serpent,” Night noted. “So you’re definitely off the list.” “Oh yeah, well…” Jackknife paused, grimacing in frustration before declaring, “BABBA BOOEY!” Night stared at him. “What?”  “I don’t know, I didn’t want to not have the last word!” he declared, turning away with a pout.  Diamondback and the others stared at him for a moment, before Diamondback sighed. “Look, Astral dear, I know we got off to a rough start, but you can trust me when I say that the Dragon Kingdom is in no danger of harm from us.”  “That’s not why it’s in danger,” Astral replied. “I can’t explain now, but I can tell you on the way.” Swift blinked. “Y-You mean… all of us can come?” Astral shrugged. “I mean, I was just told that it was dragons only, so I believe that hybrids are allowed.”  “Well, no better way to test it than by trying it,” Night noted. “Let’s go, team!”  ## Astral led the group to an archway that was standing by itself. It was made of a sand colored stone with the edges lined with a glowing green crystal. To the right of the opening was a circle made of red metal.  Diamondback hummed, tracing the metal with her talon. “This doesn’t quite match up with what I read about the dragon kingdom.”  “I know that this is weird,” Astral admitted. “But it is literally the only way into the kingdom without taking down the seal.”  Night joined Diamondback, gazing up at the portal. “So… have you had any visitors then? Anyone who discovered this thing and tried to use it?” “No,” Astral answered. “It’s actually useless unless you are from the Dragon Kingdom. It works by allowing those from the Kingdom to be able to get around.” He walked up to the metal plate. “I’ll be able to get you to the entrance platform on the outside ring. Trust me when I say…” he grinned. “It’s an incredible view.” He placed one of his hands on the metal plate. “Let us be off.”  His horns glowed an icy blue, and the light traveled down his arms and connected to the metal plat. The glow spread across the stone, forming ancient runes that produced a strange liquid that filled the space, forming a portal.  Jackknife rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Oh, wow, so it produces liquid. I can do that too, buddy boy.”  The others ignored him, Phoenix gazing up with intrigue, while Wing, Swift and Spike had their jaws on the floor. Diamondback, however, was beaming more than the diamonds that adorned her body.  “It’s… beautiful…” she whispered.  “So,” Astral said with a smirk at their expressions. “Who wants to go first? It’ll turn off after I go through.”  Diamondback immediately stepped forward. “Allow me, darlings,” she declared, smiling like the happiest child alive as she approached the portal. “A lifetime of researching and learning… and finally… I get to see where we began.” She almost began sobbing in excitement as she stepped through the portal.  Spike quickly jogged after her, reaching out to pull her back just in case.  Night and Swift exchanged glances, before Swift hugged Night. Smiling, Night picked Swift up and stepped after the two.  Phoenix and Jackknife stepped up as well, though Jack gave the portal an ominous look.  “What’s the matter?” Phoenix asked with a grin. “Scared?” Jackknife scoffed. “You wish,” he growled, before he jumped through.  Phoenix glanced at Astral. “Level with me,” she said. “What are we getting into?”  He shrugged. “Well, for me, it’s just heading back home. But it’s going to be an adventure for you and your friends.”  Phoenix hummed, before offering her hand to him. “Together,” she partially asked and partially requested.  He took her hand, and together, they walked through, reaching the Dragon Kingdom.  > Episode Sixteen: The Dragon Kingdom Arc - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group gazed in awe at the Dragon Kingdom: an enormous tree with leaves of every color, surrounded by a city that was comparable to Canterlot in beauty. Surrounding the city were the concentric circles with water between each ring. The innermost circle reminded the group of Ponyville, with it’s rural look.  The one beyond that was full of farmland, covering the entire middle ring.  And finally, the outer ring - the one the group was standing on - was a giant wall, that, according to Astral, contained the seal that hid the kingdom away from any and all enemies.  “Well,” Astral said. “I need to file my report, so we’ll have to head towards the main city for now. But maybe later, I could give you a tour of the place.”  “That would be marvelous,” Diamondback noted, her eyes sparkling with delight. She had to be dragged along by Night as they followed after him, gazing at the different aspects of the kingdom.  They saw some of the dragons getting fruits and vegetables from the various farms they passed over. As they passed a village looking ring, they saw several hatchlings running around in the playground of one of the schools.  Night smiled at the sight, glancing at Spike with a grin. He nodded back, noting the resemblance to the Crusaders and their fellow fillies.  Eventually, they reached an open gate of the city, where Astral landed and headed for what looked like a phone booth. As he proceeded to deliver his report, the group noticed that every dragon in the kingdom walked around on all fours.  “So,” Night noted, since she already tended to go around all fours. She glanced at Diamondback, Spike and Phoenix, who still stood bipedal. “Should we ask Diamondback and Spike to…”  “Nah,” Astral replied. “You’re not insulting us by walking around that way. We mostly do it because we choose to. You all will be fine.”  Smiling in satisfaction, Diamondback made tracks to what seemed to be the main headquarters. There, they saw a lovely periwinkle dragoness with a salmon colored underbelly and wing membrane, and a thin, curvy figure. Her five horns had a semi transparent cyan frill, which gradients from the color of her head to connect them. Her eyes were sage green, and she wore a fitted cyan vest with a silver icicle design, held together with three metal fasteners and a red waist sash.  Her eyes focused on Astral as he followed after Diamondback, having just finished his report. When the two dragons looked at each other, the periwinkle one ran up to Astral and gave him a big hug; one the green dragon returned.  “Astral, my friend,” she said. “I’m so glad that you returned.  “Same here, Aurora,” Astral replied, letting go of her and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “I’m glad that you’re here.” “Same,” she replied… before smacking the green dragon in front of her. “WHOA!” Night yelped while Swift dove behind her.  “Da heck…?” Jackknife stammered as Phoenix grabbed a similarly shocked Spike.  “Ow!” Astral yelped. “What was that for?”  “For making me worry, you idiot,” Aurora shot back. “You’ve been gone for three days!” “I got lost in the Everfree!” “Excuses!”  The two continued bickering as the Drake Six watched.  “Should we… stop them?” Swift asked.  “Nah, let em fight it out,” Phoenix replied.  Jackknife offered some rubies. “Five on the periwinkle one.”  Phoenix glowered at him, but Night stacked on two gems of her own.  “Three on them being a couple,” Night replied. “Romance, am I right?”  Spike rolled his eyes before stepping forward. “Um… excuse me,” he said, in an attempt to break the two up. “Sorry to interrupt, but…” “It’s an honor to meet you, my dear,” Diamondback said eagerly, giving a bow. “My name is Diamondback. These are my friends: Spike, Swift, Jackknife, Night and Phoenix. We… or at least, I… have spent many decades researching your glorious kingdom. Please know that if you require anything, we are very eager to help in any way we can.”  “Oh, well it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Aurora said, giving her own bow. “I am Lady Aurora Frost of the House of Snow, but you can call me Aurora. All my friends do, and any friend of Astral’s is a friend of mine. Would you like a tour of the main city?” “That would be simply lovely,” Diamondback replied. ## The tour started off well enough, as Aurora showed them the gate they had entered the city through, along with some of their most popular places. They saw a stadium where children held war games after school, Dragofang National park, multiple shopping districts, homes of various nobles that ran the kingdom, and finally the main courtyard where they held yearly harvest festivals.  However, as Aurora was showing them the main courtyard, several guards walked up.  “Who are these outsiders?” one guard demanded.  “Well, sir,” Aurora said, her posture tense. “These are visitors to our kingdom. I was just showing them around the city, as any citizen would.”  Phoenix noticed Aurora’s tense body language as the guards inspected the group. “Is this… normal?” Phoenix asked.  “No,” Aurora admitted. “Usually, only one guard comes over. A group is… rare.”  One guard pointed at Jackknife. “That’s not a dragon, that’s a sea serpent.” “There’s something wrong with that dragon,” another said, pointing at Swift’s feathers, as he covered them self-consciously.  “And something stinks about those two,” a third guard claimed, pointing at Spike and Night. “They reek of pony!” “Hey,” Night protested. “Just because ponies got good shampoo doesn’t mean you gotta be rude about it.”  The leader guard banged his spear against the ground. “They should not have been allowed in here. Who let them in?” Astral stepped forward and faced the leader of the guards. “I was the one that allowed them to enter,” he said. “They helped me in my time of need, so I returned the favor.”  The lead guard glared at him, before smacking his spear hard into the side of the green dragon’s head. “WHAT THE HECK?!” Night shrieked.  The leader picked up Astral and flung him over his shoulder. “I’ve got this garbage,” he said. “You four grab the rest.” “Get your claws off me!” Jackknife snarled, beating at the guards as they converged on the others.  “W-Wait a minute,” Phoenix tried to say, but Diamondback yanked her back. “You can’t help them if you get arrested yourself,” Diamondback hissed.  Indeed, the guards didn’t even give Phoenix or Diamondback a second look.  “Come on, you lot,” the lead declared. “To the dungeons with you.” As Jackknife, Swift, Night, Spike and Astral were led away, Spike turned to look at Diamondback pleadingly. “Don’t worry, Spike,” Diamondback mouthed. “We’ll get you out before you know it.” She sighed, turning to Aurora. “I don’t suppose you know who those guards answer to, do you?” The periwinkle dragoness sighed. “Unfortunately, yes.” Her tone reeked of annoyance, and she started walking towards the middle of the city. “Come on. We need to go to the Council Citadel.” ## Aurora led them to the Council Citadel: a large cylindrical building that was wider than it was tall, with a large glass dome at the top. It would have looked exactly like many of the buildings near the castle, if it not only was distant from them, but also had the flags of each of the kingdom’s noble houses. “This is the Council Citadel,” Aurora explained. “It’s where the leaders of the houses meet up when we have our monthly council meetings and for trials.” She entered the Citadel, Phoenix and Diamondback staying close as guards watched them. “The one we seek should be in the Archive Wing, where we house many old documents.” “And pray tell, darling,” Diamondback said. “Who is the one we seek?”  She sighed. “His name is Lord Shade Fang of the House of Steel. He and his family have been the ones who fund the military and the blacksmiths in the kingdom.” She stopped in front of a set of double doors. She took another breath to steady herself. “Let’s get this over with.”  ## Within the Archive Wing, Diamondback and Phoenix spotted what had to be Shade Fang; a black-scaled dragon with a silver underbelly and wing membrane. His yellow eyes sparkled with a cunning light, and his three horns were swept back like a slicked back hairstyle. He had no spines, but he did have a large scar going down the right side of his face, which missed his eye and passed over his mouth.  He was currently reading a book - from their vantage point, Diamondback was able to see that it had something to do with ‘secret entrances,’ when he perked up at the sound of Aurora’s voice. “Shade!” she called. “Get your sorry rear over here before I have to find you!” As he turned, Diamondback and Phoenix recognized the look in his eyes. They had seen it on plenty of other male dragons before. Phoenix perched herself closer to Aurora, just in case Shade planned on stealing her away right then and there.  Fortunately, the Dragon Kingdom was more civilized than where Phoenix had grown up.  “Why hello there, beautiful,” Shade declared in a smooth, suave tone. He rubbed a finger under her jaw, barely noticing Phoenix tensing up. “Is there anything you desire from me, Aurora.”  Diamondback subtly grabbed Phoenix’s hand before she tried to deck the sleazy dragon. Luckily, Aurora was no helpless damsel, and brushed Shade’s hand away.  “You’re guards arrested Astral and the friends of these two dragonesses,” Aurora said, indicating Diamondback and Phoenix. “Just a half hour ago.”  Shade chuckled. “Well, there’s nothing I can do this time.”  “What do you mean?” Ice formed on Aurora’s front claws. “You’ve been able to help him out before. What makes this any different?”  “Well,” the black dragon replied with a ‘sad’ smile. “I only had those few chances to help our ‘friend’ because he had only minor offenses. This time, he broke a big rule, so… my claws are tied.”  Phoenix grimaced. “How do you know what rule he broke?” she started to ask, but Diamondback yanked her back.  “Speak when spoken to,” she hissed to Phoenix. “This isn’t the Dragon Lands, where barbarism is the norm. Dragons are more civilized here, are they not?”  “Thank you for that, madam,” Shade replied. “Yes, we are definitely better than those barbarians down in what you call the Dragon Lands.” Shade then did a double take to the two dragonesses. “I’m sorry, I seem to have forgotten my manners. Who might the two of you be?”  “Diamondback, my Lord,” Diamondback replied with a curtsy, before indicating Phoenix. “This is Blazing Phoenix. We were hoping you’d be able to help dear Astral along with his friends, but… if that is an impossibility…”  Aurora, however, barely noticed their conversation: she had clearly hoped that there was a way to help Astral and his new friends, but it seemed there were no legal ways to do so. She barely noticed as Shade put a claw on her shoulder.  “Look,” Shade said. “If I was able to, I would help him. But I can’t.” He then brushed her chin, moving her head so that she was looking him in the eyes. “I may not be able to help Astral this time, but maybe if you come over to my place tonight… I can help you forget your troubles.”  Phoenix bristled, the scars across her face rippling in disgust, but Aurora beat her to the punch; back-handing Shade away.  “You dare ask me something like that?” Aurora snarled. “After telling me you have nothing that can help? Fine.”  She turned to Phoenix and DB, the latter two noticing that she was holding back tears. “I’m leaving now. If you want to talk to this scumbag, go ahead. I have to go prepare for the trial tomorrow. They’re usually held the day after an arrest if the crime is bad enough.”  Phoenix nodded. “Sure. I’ll help you.” She followed after Aurora as the periwinkle dragoness stormed out of the room, her tears flowing as she headed back home.  Diamondback stayed behind, tapping her cane with a grimace. “Well,” she mused. “That was… abrupt.” She turned to Shade, hesitantly reaching out for his face. “Are you alright, Lord Fang?”  “Quite fine, thank you,” Shade replied, casually wiping the blood from his lip and watching Aurora go. “That dragoness is definitely the most beautiful and dangerous rose of them all. She has my whole attention.” He paused. “So much so that I almost didn’t notice you.” He chuckled as he turned to Diamondback. “My apologies. Now, is there any other way I can help you today?”  “Well,” Diamondback noted. “Perhaps I can clear up any misunderstandings the guards may have had about the visitors that were arrested alongside Astral. You see, they were part of an expedition team that aided me in being able to return to…” she gazed around. “Where I believe I belonged.”  Shade raised a brow and gestured for her to continue.  “I’m afraid that the outside world has become so barbaric,” Diamondback bemoaned. “Dragons reduced from noble guardians to primal hoarders. The only ones with any sort of class left are ponies, and even they would be lost were it not for my timely intervention.” She sighed. “If only the rest of the world could benefit from your kingdom’s splendor.”  “It is a shame how low the dragons have gotten in this glorious kingdom’s absence,” Shade agreed, a cunning light appearing in his eyes. “Perhaps you could be of assistance to a little project of mine.”  “Oh?” Diamondback gazed at him with a curious and eager light in her eyes. “Do tell.”  “I had planned on bringing this kingdom back to the world we’ve sealed ourselves from,” the black dragon explained. “I believe that you hold the key to bringing that goal to fruition.” He indicated the room. “You’d have full access to the archives in order to help us find a way to bring the dragons back together. I do believe we have the same dream for the world, so why not team up and bring about a better world?” Why not indeed?  As Diamondback nodded, quite pleased to have already made such a good start into being part of the kingdom, something nagged at the back of her mind.  Her friends still needed her. She couldn’t abandon her treasures.  Of course, she wouldn’t do that, she assured herself. There had to be a way to help both her friends and maintain a place in this kingdom.  Yet, at the same time, that nervous feeling demanded to be acknowledged: if she had to make a choice between maintaining her place in the kingdom and aiding her friends… could she really give up something she had wanted for so long? > Episode Seventeen: The Dragon Kingdom Arc - Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, in the dungeons of the Dragon Kingdom, the dragons hung out in cells.  Spike paced fitfully in front of his cell door, looking around at his compatriots: Jackknife was sulking in a corner, tending to a black eye he had gotten fighting the guards. Night was lounging seductively on the cot she had been provided, stealing flirtatious glances towards the guards. And Swift was huddled in another corner, shivering in utter fear.  “We’re in a cell…” he mumbled. “I hate being in cells. This is why I wanted to get away from Hawk.” “Hey, take it easy, Swift,” Night replied. “You’re showing too much Beta behavior; that’s not gonna get you far in prison.” “You talk like you’ve been in here before,” Jack noted.  “I have,” Night replied, before looking up at them. “Word to the wise: don’t drop the soap. I mean, I will, but I don’t imagine you guys share my tastes.” She grinned at Spike. “But then again, you might be too young for me to explain that…” “Will you stop it with the young thing?” Spike demanded with a sigh. “Look, Diamondback and Phoenix are still out. They can help us.” “You sure bout that?” Jackknife asked. “Diamondback’s always had a problem with the Greed. Who’s to say she won’t toss us under the bus for a place of high prestige?”  “Don’t think about our friends that way,” Spike insisted. “Phoenix will help her; they’ll get us out.”  Swift looked up in hope at that, and his hopeful look softened something in Jackknife. “Yeah, yer right,” Jackknife replied, turning away. “Though we wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for Astral.”  Night rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re still miffed about his whole ‘tough’ act. Guys gotta act tough; they don’t got the beauty we females can use to get by. They gotta get by on strength. You know that, don’t you, Jack?” “I still think it’s all too coincidental,” Jackknife replied. “We find the one guy who can get us into the Dragon Kingdom, and he leads us right into the dungeons.” “Not all of us,” Swift pointed out. “DB and Phoenix are still there.”  “Well, let’s hope they don’t join us,” Spike replied. “As much as I’d love a friend’s reunion, they may be our best chance at getting out of here without ruining any chances of getting to come back.”  “Assuming this place is even worth coming back to?” Jackknife asked.  At that moment, Astral was thrown in, and the others gasped; he was beaten, broken and bloodied up by the guards.  Swift shrunk even further back into his corner with a whimper of terror, while Spike and Night immediately ran to his side.  “Oh geez, Astral,” Spike stammered.  Night glared at Jack. “Still think this was all on him?” Jackknife grimaced, but sighed and got up, walking over and placing his hand on one of Astral’s bruises. “Alright, tough guy,” Jackknife said. “Try not to squirm too much, this’ll help with the bruising.” Astral only nodded his head as tears rolled down his face. “I’m sorry.” Jackknife paused at his tears and Night immediately held him. “Oh, Astral, what’s wrong?” she asked.  “Aside from the obvious?” Swift noted.  “It’s my fault we’re in this mess,” Astral confessed, leaning against the wall with help from Night. “I just wanted to bring some change to this place. Because I can see that we don’t have to hide ourselves away anymore.” He gazed up at the dragons. “We can open our doors and help others with the gifts we were given.”  Night glanced at the others with a grin, but Astral sighed, chasing away any reason for her grin to be returned.  “But now, because of me, you were all arrested. And tomorrow, we’ll most likely be charged for treason.” “Not if Diamondback or Phoenix have anything to say about it,” Spike replied.  “Yeah,” Jackknife agreed. “They ain’t gonna leave us hanging.”  “I hope that’s the case with Diamondback,” Swift mumbled softly.  “Wait, though, something doesn’t make sense,” Night noted. “Why would they try us for treason? What did we do aside from come in here?”  “Remember when I gave that report earlier?” Astral asked. “It was about what happened before I ran into those timer wolves.” He looked down at his left palm as he continued. “I was attacked by someone from our kingdom.” Night’s ears flattened while Spike straightened. “What? Who?” “I couldn’t tell who, but they obviously had been using dark magic for a while, and not for anything good. This guy reeked of corruption.”  Night grimaced. “Which should make him easy to spot in a crowd,” she muttered.  “Wait, Night,” Spike said. “We need all the details.” He looked to Astral. “Tell us everything you remember about that day.”  Astral did so:  ## A couple of days ago, in the Everfree Forest, Astral had been sent to investigate reports of suspicious activity near the gateway on the ground. Rather tedious and boring stuff… until he heard what sounded like something collapsing.  Investigating, he drew his swords as he headed to where the sounds came from. He arrived at han old abandoned quarry. Something was at the bottom of the quarry. Something that gave him a shaken feeling in his spine. Thinking it might be related to why he had been sent there, Astral went down to the quarry to investigate further. Spreading his wings, he silently glided down, thanking the blacksmiths for making his armor with runes of silence. Landing in the middle of the quarry, he looked around, but didn’t see anyone.  “Hello?” Astral called out. “Whoever is down here, come out and show yourself. You caused some distress back home, so come on back and stop whatever you’re doing.”  No one responded. Humming, Astral sheathed his swords and explored one of the excavated entrances to the quarry. He found his way down a tunnel, and reached the living quarters of someone who seemed to still be in charge of the place.  The lights inside were still on.  Exploring, Astral found that it was just one room with supports keeping the roof from collapsing. The room was sparsely furnished save for a table, eight chairs, a board for hanging up papers, and a fireplace in the corner that held a controlled, yet roaring fire.  The board caught his attention, and he found multiple blueprints for every important building of the main city, minus the Council Citadel.  Footsteps drew his attention. He turned, drawing his sword on the newcomer: a figure wearing a skull mask and a brown, tattered cloak.  “You shouldn’t be here, young guard,” the figure spoke, his voice altered by runes in the mask.  “Neither should you,” Astral replied. “You’ve been prowling around here for a while now. How about I take you home; we can discuss these papers on the wall.” He glanced back at them. “Why do you have blueprints of every important building that is used by the higher-ups of the government?”  “For that to be explained,” the figure replied, drawing a double scythe. “You’ll have to defeat me.”  Astral had never seen such a weapon before. The staff-like bar was completely black, and almost seemed crystalline in nature. The blades were dark red in color and serrated.  ## “That’s when the guy jumped me,” Astral concluded. “I could barely stop him. And the magic barriers I tried to defend myself with couldn’t even block his attacks.” Astral hung his head. “Just before he could slit my throat… he left. He told me that not only was he going to spearhead a coup… but that the next time I returned to the kingdom, I was going to regret finding out about his plans.”  The others stared at him in shock.  “Wow,” Night finally noted. “Celine really left out a lot.”  “Hey, go easy on her,” Spike said. “She likely only saw him while he was limping away.” “It sounds like it was also for the better that she didn’t get involved in that,” Swift added.  “Unfortunately, I still got you all involved,” Astral noted. “At this point, I’m pretty sure one of the heads of the nobility is the guy I fought with.” Astral pulled himself up and walked over to the window of the cell, looking at the night sky. “As I was getting ‘processed,’ I learned that I was no longer a guard, and that we were going to be tried for an attempted coup.”  Night hummed. “Not the first time that’s happened,” she mused. “But, hey, this could still turn out okay?” “How?” Swift demanded. “We’re locked in here, and whoever is planning this clearly has some sway over the guards.” “But Phoenix and DB are still out there,” Spike noted. “Which means that if we can get some sort of message to them about this, they might be able to do some investigating of their own, find out who this guy is, and then expose him at the trial.”  “Then we can punch his face in, right?” Jackknife asked.  Spike winced. “Eh, save that for when we’re not at risk of causing more diplomatic incidents.” “We’re on the verge of a ‘democratic accident,’” Jackknife shot back, causing Night to giggle at his mispronunciation.  “Uh, slight problem,” Swift noted. “How are we supposed to get a message to them from in here?”  Night and Spike gazed up at the night sky, pondering the answer to his question. ## Aurora was looking through multiple books on the nation’s laws. Books were in piles all over the room; some of which were thrown across the room.  “Argh, this is so stupid!” she shouted, throwing yet another book. Phoenix barely glanced up from her own book. “Ten points,” she mumbled forlornly as the book bounced off one of the other books.  “How can I help our friends get out of this situation if I can’t figure out who would frame Astral?”  Phoenix sighed, shrugging. “Only thing I knew was violence and being honest.”  Aurora threw herself onto her bed. “Go get some fresh air, then. It sounds like you need it.”  Phoenix nodded. “Yeah,” she admitted. “Guess I do.” She headed outside to breathe the night air. As she did so, she gazed towards where the dungeons were… and then towards where Lord Shade resided.  Diamondback had not come back yet. And Phoenix feared that once again, Diamondback had risked falling to her Greed.  If that had happened… getting the others free was going to be a much bigger challenge than before.  Phoenix sighed, looking down… and finding a message on the ground. Picking it up curiously, she ventured inside.  “Aurora,” she called. “You might want to see this.” ## Morning came fast, and with it, the trial.  As Astral, Spike, Night, Jackknife, and Swift were led in, their hearts dropped at the sight of Diamondback next to Lord Shade. However, their hearts lifted a tad at the sight of Aurora and Phoenix standing ready to defend them.  Guards chained the five to the ground so they couldn’t escape.  “Everyone rise,” a guard said. “For the arrival of King Bahamut!”  A thunder cloud appeared on the ceiling, striking lightning at the judge’s seat. A dust cloud was kicked up by the lightning, and when it dissipated…  A massive dragon stood before them; dark silver scales with a bronze underbelly and wing membrane. Golden eyes gazed down with centuries of experience. White hair grew around his head to form a beard. Six lightning shaped horns enshrouded his head - three on each side. A large scar ran across his muzzle. He didn’t have spines, but did have a golden circlet crown on his head, and muscles rippled across his massive frame. The Dragon King stood tall. Or at least a magic hologram of him.  Night whistled, before getting elbowed into silence by Spike.  As King Bahamut took his seat, Shade stepped forward. “Astral!” he declared. “You are charged with breaking the rule of only dragons being allowed in this kingdom. You are charged with treason for staging a coup!”  Several dragons booed. “That’s rubbish!” they roared. “That’s stupid!”  “There will be order in this court,” Bahamut rumbled, his voice instantly silencing the dissenters. Bahamut turned to Astral. “How do you plead against these accusations?”  Astral stood tall. “I’m guilty of the former, but innocent of the latter.”  Bahamut’s expression didn’t change. “Explain.” “I was injured,” Astral explained, indicating the dragons by his side. “These four and the two dragonesses there…” he indicated Phoenix and Diamondback, “Saved my life. They showed me something that I believe this kingdom needed to see: that the world has changed, and we don’t need to stay hidden anymore.”  “That’s right,” Spike said, letting his Element of Harmony shine out. “The Elements of Harmony - once said to be only obtainable by the Ponies of Equestria - were shared with us. We believe that Harmony and Peace can be spread to every creature all over the world.”  Shade flew closer. “And you believe him?” he asked Astral.  Yet, as Shade drew closer, Astral stiffened, sensing corruption.  Corruption that drew Night’s attention as well. She glanced at Astral and motioned her head at Shade, asking if it was the same corruption he had sensed in the cloaked figure who attacked him. A small nod confirmed their suspicions.  “I do,” Astral said. “As I also believe that you were involved in the attack on my life.” The crowd gasped as Shade scoffed. “Slander and lies,” he claimed. “I have been nothing but a devoted member of this council and a friend to this community.” Diamondback rose, giving a small grin to Spike. As Spike perked his ears in hope, Diamondback lifted up a gem.  “Then how do you explain these corrupted crystals I found on your person?” Diamondback replied. The dragons all gasped, while Phoenix and Aurora exchanged hopeful looks.  “If you aren’t corrupted,” Diamondback continued, waving to Aurora, who held up a potion. “Then you’ll be able to handle this potion just fine.”  Aurora approached him. “Drink, Shade. Drink, and prove your innocence.” Shade glared at her and then at the potion… before he chuckled darkly. “You disappoint me, Diamondback,” he said, before turning to King Bahamut.  “No, Lord Fang,” King Bahamut noted. “You disappoint me.”  “You will never understand,” Shade replied. “Astral may be right, in that we no longer need to hide. But he has the wrong reasons.”  “I’m afraid you are the one in the wrong, Lord Fang,” Diamondback replied, as a rapier formed in her hand and she pointed it at him. “You spit on everything that the dragons of old upheld. We were guardians; protectors of the realm. You would turn into the very same greedy and selfish hoarders that the barbarian dragons have become. As a dragon who believes in the ways of the old, I cannot in good consciousness allow you to soil this Kingdom as countless dragons have already soiled our species’ reputation!”  Shade merely glared at her, before both rushed each other. And as they clashed blades, the court erupted into chaos, as King Bahamut’s hologram evaporated into smoke.  The coup was underway.  Phoenix and Auruar raced to the prisoners, Phoenix melting the chains on Jackknife and Swift while Aurora froze and shattered the chains on Astral, Night and Spike.  “Come on,” Spike said, as Diamondback began to get driven back by Shade. “We gotta help her.”  As they ran over, Diamondback was forced back several feet as Shade advanced on her, twirling his double scythe.  “Did you really think you could beat me?” Shade demanded.  “Honestly?” Diamondback asked. “I did. But on the off-chance I was wrong, I took out a little insurance policy.” She ducked as Astral leaped over her, blocking a blow from Shade’s scythe.  “If this is your ‘insurance,’ then you’ve under-prepared,” Shade noted, kicking Astral back as guards converged on them. “This whole thing was my plan. While you deal with this, I will go and kill the King. And I will rule in his place.” He threw his scythe upward, shattering the glass dome and flying for the King. The others tried to stop him, only for the guards to get in their way.  Spike growled before turning to Astral. “Go!” he said. “We got these guys.” Nodding, Astral took off after Shade, the Drake Six stopping the guards from blocking him. As Astral took off after Shade, the Drake Six and Aurora fought their way to the entrance.  “Hurry after him,” Aurora told the Drake Six. “They must be going for the castle.”  Nodding, Spike led his friends towards the castle, while Aurora used her ice powers to seal off the building.  ## The group reached the castle to find Astral blocking Shade from the entrance.  “If you want to kill the king, old friend,” Astral declared. “Then you need to beat me first.”  Shade scoffed. “That will be easy,” he replied.  Spike and Diamondback moved to attack Shade, only for more guards to get in their way.  The group desperately fought them off, but the guards kept them in check as Astral and Shade fought.  Though Astral held his own for the most part, Shade fought like a demon, slashing Astral several times.  “Astral!” Jackknife yelled. “Don’t let that snake get past you!” “You’re stronger than him,” Diamondback declared. “He fights with dark magic. He fights only for himself. Draw on your need to protect, my friend. This Kingdom is your treasure! Yours to protect! Yours to uphold.” “You are a guardian, Astral,” Spike declared. “Guard!”  Encouraged by their words, Astral launched at Shade one more time. Shade launched at him, and the two passed by each other with a final clash.  Silence fell over everything. Up above, King Bahamut watched, himself silent as the grave.  Astral fell to his knees, a large cut across his chest rapidly turning red, before he collapsed. “ASTRAL!” Phoenix screamed, blasting the guards back with a burst of fire.  As the Drake Six converged on Astral, Shade turned to him with a grin… only for his grin to fade. He looked down as an X of red formed on his chest as well. His scythe fell to pieces, cut in half.  And the dark dragon collapsed as well.  Jackknife nudged the others aside, getting Astral back to his feet. “C’mon, buddy,” he said. “Keep that blood in.” Holding his shoulder, Jackknife willed the blood back into his buddy, calling on his power over liquid to keep Astral from bleeding out. And as Spike and Phoenix sealed the wound, Astral limped over to Shade, and raised his sword in victory.   King Bahamut gave him a rare grin. “This battle is over,” King Bahamut claimed to the guards. “Your coup has failed.”  The guards lowered their heads, obeying their king, and surrendering.  ## A couple of days later, the group enjoyed a banquet in their honor.  King Bahamut gazed over them with a grin. “These six proved Astral’s words true; there is hope that dragons can once again interact with the rest of the world. Henceforth, the seal will be removed forever. Let our fellow creatures - no matter the species - know that the Kingdom of Dragons will accept allies, and be ready to aid in facing their enemies.”  As the dragons cheered, Astral and Aurora turned to the Drake Six with gratitude in their eyes.  “Thank you all,” Aurora said. “If it weren’t for you, none of this would have happened.” Spike smiled. “I’m just glad everything worked out.” He pat Diamondback on the shoulder. “And that someone was looking out for us.” Diamondback scoffed. “Oh, my darlings; you give me too little credit. I can be dependable.”  Phoenix did a double take towards Swift and Jackknife. “Then maybe you can help Swift get a lid on Jackknife before he drinks too much.”  “NO-NO, I’M TELLING YA MAN,” Jackknife was slurring. “I AM A SEA DRAGON! NO ONE’S AS GOOD AT HOLDING THEIR LIQUORE AS I AM, MAN! I WILL DRINK YOU UNDER DIS TABLE! C’MON! WHO WANTS TA GET DRUNK UNDER DE TABLE?!” Diamondback sighed. “I got him,” she said, running over.  Spike chuckled, before noticing Astral and Aurora heading over to a balcony. Astral gazed happily up at the stars, with Aurora leaning on his shoulder.  “It took a lot of courage to spare Shade’s life,” Aurora noted. “The mark of a good dragon.” She gazed at him. “One I could see myself spending the rest of my life with.” Astral smiled gently at her. “My life is a perilous one… but I wouldn’t mind having you in it for as long as it lasts.”  They touched heads, and almost touched lips… before Night sauntered by with two strapping dragons by her side.  “Oh, hey, you guys are hooking up too?” Night asked. “Cuz Ignitus here says there’s a really good hotel we can visit.”  Astral blushed bright red and looked for something to throw at Night, but with two hunky dragons at her side, there wasn’t much he could do except join the others in laughing.  ## Unfortunately, not everyone else was laughing.  Back at the prison, some of the remaining coup members and the guards looking over them were instead gurgling their last breaths as Shade flew away from the Kingdom.  As he landed, he glared back at the Kingdom with fury.  “Curse you, Astral,” he snarled. “And you as well, Diamondback. You and the rest of your Element cursed friends. This isn’t the last that you’ve seen of me. I will have my revenge!”  “Revenge?” a voice purred, seductive, yet tinged with a buzz like insects.  Shade turned as Queen Chrysalis came out of the darkness.  “I believe,” she said alluringly. “I can help with that.”  ## But her help would not come with immediate results. For as the sun rose on the next morning, the Drake Six were able to make their way unmolested back to the surface.  Though they weren’t entirely uninterrupted: before they could depart for home… Astral and Aurora joined them with some luggage.  “Oh?” Diamondback mused. “Do you two intend to do some traveling?”  “We were hoping we could join you,” Aurora admitted. “I lived in the barracks my whole life,” Astral explained. “I kinda want to see what else is out there.” “And I’m rather tired of my stuffy old job,” Aurora agreed. “I want to see Ponyville; from what Phoenix mentioned of it, it’s quite a place.”  Phoenix smiled. “I know one pony that won’t mind the extra visitors,” she admitted.  Night chuckled. “Oh yeah; you guys are gonna love it there.”  Spike gasped. “Speaking of which… I should inform Twilight about what we learned.”  “Oh, come on,” Night said. “If she were worried, she would have written, right?” Right on cue, Spike burped up a huge amount of letters. Judging by the amount, it was safe to say a lot of them were demanding updates on how he was.  Smiling, Spike began his friendship letter:  My friends Twilight and Celestia,  We will all struggle between the path that is right, and the path that is easy, but each of our struggles are different. And what might be difficult for some, can be easier for others.  I discovered this along with a secret among dragons that Diamondback was eager to discover and explore. I feared that the temptation of Greed would overtake her, yet she proved to me that her generous spirit is stronger than any form Greed could take.  And thanks to her, we’ve made new friends that I imagine you’re going to enjoy meeting. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you again soon.  Your ever faithful dragon friend, Spike > Episode Eighteen: The Wings of Hate Arc - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike wondered if Hawk specifically came at them on that day because said day had been going rather well.  As the group watched their new friends Astral and Aurora settling into Ponyville - Applejack helping them set up a blacksmith and ice sculpturing shop - Spike almost found himself wanting to stay back rather than go on another journey.  “What do you guys think about sticking around here for a bit?” Spike asked. “I can touch base with Twilight, you guys can touch base with the other Elements…” Night Fire gasped. “I could go see my mom again,” she remembered. She smiled. “That’s something I wasn’t able to do in… ever, if I’m being honest.”  “Why not?” Diamondback agreed. “After that whole business with the Dragon Kingdom, I imagine we could all use a little break.” “Eh, I can take it ‘r leave it,” Jackknife replied. “I mean, some of us spent too much time in cells. I wanna make up for that.”  Right at that moment, a bolt of magic shot from the mountains, and hit Jack square in the back.  He thudded to the ground, encased in what looked like either diamonds or ice.  Swift immediately spun to the source. “Sniper!” he barked. “Get down!” The dragons scattered to various hiding places, but no more shots came down from on high. Cautiously, Spike poked his head out, staring up at where the shot had come from. Night poked her head out as well. “What the heck was that?” she whispered.  Spike shook his head in confusion before looking to Jack. The poor sea serpent was frozen stiff, his eyes darting around from inside his icy prison, wide with shock and outrage.  “What the heck is that stuff?” Phoenix asked.  Night and Spike exchanged a glance. “Well,” Night noted. “It’s definitely magic of some sort.”  “Not unicorn though,” Spike noted, indicating the lack of sparkles. “It’s something else.” He turned. “Maybe we should take this into Ponyville and have Twilight…” “Spike, no!” Diamondback said. “Are you crazy? What if this is some sort of infectious magic; the kind that could spread to Twilight or the ponies?”  Spike winced. “Shoot, that’s right. I can’t let Twilight get hurt for her curiosity.” He grimaced at Jack. “But what are we supposed to do with him?”  Diamondback grinned. “You forget, I have an entire library on various topics. Give my dogs five minutes, and I’m sure we could come up with something.” She chortled as activated a magical link to her dogs. “Shiva, could you be a dear and start researching types of magical ice?”  Her grin slowly faded.  “Shiva?”  The others glanced at each other. “DB?” Swift asked.  Diamondback tapped at her comm. “She’s not answering. That’s peculiar.” Her eyes widened. “Unless…”  Instantly, Diamondback was in the air, flying back towards her home.  “DB!” Spike yelled. “D…” he groaned and hopped onto Swift. “After her!” Swift obeyed, leaping after DB with Night in hot pursuit. Phoenix almost followed, before remembering Jackknife. With a groan, Phoenix took the plunge and seized Jackknife’s body.  Thankfully, whatever magic was containing him didn’t spread, and Phoenix was able to hoist him over her shoulder, and race after her friends as they sped after DB.  ## When they reached Diamondback’s home, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Her cave still sat perched at the top of the mountain as it had been before.  But Spike immediately noticed a lack of any diamond dogs.  Evidently, Diamondback did too, as she stormed into her cave, yelling for her dogs.  “Shiva?!” she screamed. “Luke? Celine!”  Night gasped. “DB, wait!” she said. “What if it’s a…” DB had just raced into the cave and out of sight… when an explosion ripped right through the mountain.  “...trap?” Night squeaked out before the shockwave of the explosion hit them.  Night, Swift and Spike were flung through the air, crashing hard into Phoenix and Jackknife.  As the five dragons tumbled to a stop, however, they didn’t even get time to worry for Diamondback and the Diamond Dogs.  A strange variety of animal-men rose from the shadows and set upon the five dragons.  Jackknife was still contained in ice, and was immediately snatched away. When Phoenix tried to pull him back, some sort of weird bear man kicked her in the calf, sending her to the ground before getting her in a stranglehold.  Night lunged to try and help Phoenix, only for several diamond dog-like creatures to tackle her to the ground. Briefly, Night flung them off herself, but more minions quickly surrounded her.  She was going to need help! Spike pulled himself off a still groaning Swift, and ran to assist Night as she was dog-piled. However, a new creature stood in Spike’s way: some sort of simian like creature with a monkey tail and a mischievous face, marred by a brutal looking scar that stretched from his lips to his ear, giving him a distorted glasgow grin.  He twirled a wooden staff and aimed it at Spike. “Go ahead, Dragon Boy,” the creature declared. “Try to be a hero.”  Spike glanced briefly at Night; she managed to punch two of the creatures off her, but five more took their place. Glaring at the monkey creature, Spike roared and let out a plume of green fire.  Unfortunately, the monkey flipped over the blast, and cracked Spike across the back of the head. Still unused to combat, Spike hit the ground, clutching his head, before the creature’s hand-like foot gripped his nape like he was a stray kitten.  “Pathetic,” the monkey creature said, glancing apathetically over at the dog pile containing Night, which stopped shivering with Night’s resistance. As for Phoenix, she was starting to turn blue as the bear-man held her in an unrelenting sleeper hold. The monkey man turned. “Verko, are you sure these guys are worth this much trouble?”  Spike wriggled to look at Swift, who had gone stock still as some strange mole creature waddled up before him.  “Don’t be angry that there wasn’t much of a challenge, Luco,” Verko replied. “Be glad that the plan went off without a hitch.” He knelt down and gripped a still recovering Swift by the beak, though his interest seemed to be more in Swift’s draconic flank. “After all,” Verko’s voice oozed with malicious glee. “This one was promised to me far too long ago.”  “And now,” a horribly familiar voice noted, as another figure came out of the shadows. “I finally brought him to you.” Swift’s feathers turned pale as his eyes widened in terror. “Hawke…” he whispered. “Why…?” Hawke sneered down at her nephew. “Did you honestly think I was going to be denied, boy?” She almost kicked at him, but Verko stopped her.  “Hey-hey!” Verko snapped. “No damaging my merchandise.”  Hawke rolled her eyes, but stepped back, fixing Swift with a smug glare. “All you had to do was accept the leash, and go with Verko here like a good boy.” She grinned cruelly at the rest of the dragons. “But since you wanted to be selfish… all of them get to share your fate.”  Spike tried to push himself up, only for Luco to push him back down. The motion caught Hawke’s attention, and she strutted over to Spike.  “What’s the matter, runt?” she mocked. “Misery loves company, doesn’t it? Or does your friendship not extend to sharing some time in slavery?”  “You leave him alone!” Swift roared, yanking himself away from Verko.  Verko sneered and readied himself to snap his fingers, but Hawke waved him off, using her wings to rise into the air.  “And what are you gonna do about it, wimp?” Hawke demanded of Swift. Swift trembled, giving a nervous look to his friends, and at all the goons surrounding them.  In his moment of distraction, Hawke struck, launching down to slash at his beak. But she missed.  Spike pushed himself up in shock, and even Luco was too delighted to stop him: Swift dodged Hawke, and retaliated with a swipe of his own.  Feathers - Hawke’s feathers - flew into the air as she stumbled back, clutching at her neck where Swift had slashed her. Her eyes were wide in disbelief, before Swift shot at her again, his beak stabbing into her chest and eliciting a scream of agony from her.  “That’s it, kid,” Luco cheered. “Yeah; give us a fight, why don’t ya?” “Go, Swift!” Night cheered from under her dog pile.  “Gggugg…” Phoenix choked out, her eyes starting to roll up in her head.  Spike noticed. “Swift, Phoenix needs air!”  Noticing, Swift jumped back, as Hawke’s disbelief turned to rage. With a shriek of fury, she launched at him, but Swift used her fury like a bullfighter, redirecting her right into the bear man.  The bear man was sent tumbling, while Phoenix flopped to the ground, the rapid rise of her chest the main sign that she was still alive. Seething, Hawke glanced at her prone form, and an evil look came into her eyes.  Spike gasped. “No-no-NO!” But Luco forced him back down, as Hawke struck for Phoenix.  “HEY!” Swift yelled, launching at her.  But just like how he had used Hawke’s anger against her, now she used his worry against him. Catching his strike, Hawke redirected Swift into the ground and pinned him by his shoulders.  “You stupid…” Hawke sneered as she slashed at Swift’s face, “Ungrateful… pretentious… whiny little…” Swift’s screams drowned out her curses as she carved into him. His feathers were flying and Spike feared it wouldn’t be long before blood started to show.  “Stop it!” Spike screamed, pushing with all his might against Luco… but the monkey man stood on his back and forced him to the ground. Same for Night, as ten more goons jumped onto her to hold her in place.  Poor Phoenix was barely coherent, coughing feebly as she squirmed pitifully over to Jackknife, who was only able to let out a low moan of humiliation as the ice held him.  As the bear-man walked over to make sure Phoenix couldn’t do anything else, Swift began to go limp from Hawke’s abuse, and Spike feared that this was the end for them.  But as Verko sauntered over, waving for Hawke to stop… a frightening roar shook the ground before them.  Everyone turned as Diamondback marched out from the rubble of her mountain, her lapis blue eyes nearly pupilless with rage. Her purple robe was burned and shredded, revealing a very muscular frame underneath that - under different circumstances - Spike would’ve found very attractive.  But there was nothing attractive in the look of cold fury Diamondback had, as with a running kick, she punted Luco off Spike’s back, and sent him hurling over the horizon.  At the same moment, Swift found a second wind. Seizing the distracted Hawke, he buried his beak in her neck, and she gagged as he managed to puncture something. Hawke threw him back, but clutched at her neck with a gagging sound, stumbling back and away from him as Swift squirmed free and kicked her away, his wings flapping and creating a gust that threw Hawke into the forest.  At the same time, Diamondback yanked the bear-man harassing Phoenix up by his collar, delivering two brutal punches to his jaw and stomach before hurling him into the ground hard enough to create a crater.  At the same time, the entire diamond dog pack launched onto the dog-creatures burying Night. And as the diamond dogs ripped away their mobster counterparts, Night was finally able to break free and aid the pack in beating down their attackers. With a final roar, Diamondback swung her tail and shattered Jackknife’s icy prison. With a roar of his own, Jackknife launched up to battle… only to find the mooks taken care of:  Night and the dogs stood over the beaten mobsters, Phoenix was still against a tree and recovering, Swift staring after where Verko and Hawke had fled, and Diamondback took a calming breath before going over to Spike.  “Are you alright, darling?” she asked, offering him a hand. “Y-Yeah,” Spike said, taking her hand and pulling himself up. “What about you?” She sighed, glancing down at her ruined robe and up at her ruined cave. “I’ve been better,” she admitted. She turned to her dogs. “Everyone alright?” Shiva turned to her. “We’re fine,” she said. “It doesn’t look like that blast was meant to kill anyone; just incapacitate us long enough for them to capture us.” She turned. “Myst, did you get everyone?” Myst scoffed. “Like I was going to let another psychotic tyrant take even one diamond dog as his slave?” She paused. “No offense, Phoenix.” Phoenix shrugged. “It’s…”  “APPLESAUCE!” Jackknife complained, kicking at one of the unconscious dog mooks with a snarl. “Stinkin’ cowards!” he snapped. “Encase me in ice so I can’t do diddly-squat?! I said I wanted to MAKE UP for being in a dang cell all the last adventure!”  Spike suppressed a grin at Jackknife’s rather comical tantrum, but Swift’s voice knocked the grin clean off Spike’s face.  “You’ll get your chance, Jack,” Swift replied.  The others joined him, finding him staring down at Verko’s footprints. Alongside the mole creature were prints from a griffon. Prints speckled with a dark substance. A dark substance that grew less and less prominent as the prints stopped, implying Hawke had managed to take to the sky.  Swift glared up at the clouds. “Hawke’s still out there,” he growled. “And I think we can assume she’s not going to stop until she’s taken everything I care about.”   Night sighed and stretched. “Welp,” she noted. “Not the first time I’ve had someone swear vengeance against me.” She pat Swift’s back. “When she comes back, we’ll handle her.”  Spike tried to smile, but his smile faded when Swift didn’t even grin back. His eyes - now an odd ice blue - were narrowed on the horizon. And when he spoke, it was in a far more pronounced growl than his usual nervous twitter.  “No,” Swift said. “She’s not coming back.” He turned to the others, and even Diamondback stepped back from the look in his eyes. “We’re tracking her down. And we’re gonna make sure she never gets the chance to hurt any of us again.” > Episode Nineteen: the Wings of Hate Arc; Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though he knew Twilight wouldn’t think so, Spike felt she wasn’t missing out on seeing the Griffon Homeland.  The place looked like it had once been a mighty kingdom: set at the top of a mountain, perched in a tree that made the Tree of Harmony look like a Hearth’s Warming decoration.  Unfortunately, time had not been kind to the tree of Griffonstone. Where the Tree of Harmony stood tall and bright, the Tree of Griffonstone leaned over like a decrepit old keffel. The various houses - placed in small nests like birds - were ramshackle and seemingly ready to fall apart at a moment’s notice. And the castle - a pointed structure of stone - looked more like a ruin, with no one going in or out of it.  Yet, when Spike turned to Swift, the only thing Swift seemed to focus on was a particular nest situated down at the base of the tree.  “Home sweet home,” Night Fire mused. “Right, Swift?”  Swift scoffed. “Nothing sweet about it,” he replied, before taking a breath and heading towards the house. “DB, you got the bits I told you about?” Diamondback chortled, a bag at her belt jingling merrily. “Darling, when don’t I ever have bits?”  “Keep them handy,” he said. “Griffons are honestly greedier than dragons; they won’t help unless you pay them.”  Night lifted a finger like she wanted to protest, but eventually slumped over. “He’s right,” she admitted. “Griffons have always been the more ‘mercenary’ of the species I’ve encountered.”  “C’mon,” Jackknife protested. “Everyone said dragons were super greedy, and yet we’re different. Surely there’s exceptions.” He went up to one griffon. “Yo, you ever seen some cranky old bird named Hawke?”  The griffon glared him up and down. “You look like a loser,” she sneered, before taking off.  Jackknife gaped before nearly rushing her. “WHY DON’T YOU COME BACK AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE, YOU BAG OF…” Night and Phoenix held him back. “Dude, not worth it,” Night insisted. “Not worth it, let it go!”  “Also, she technically ‘did’ say it to your face,” Phoenix pointed out. “Phi, with all due respect,” Night asked. “Shut up.”  Jackknife wrenched Night and Phoenix off him, but didn’t pursue the rude griffon. Granted, he didn’t get the time. Swift marched right past them and made his way to the house that had caught his attention.  While not the worst looking house, Swift stared at it like it was covered in pigeon droppings. Yet all it was really covered in was a thin layer of dust. The windows were a cold black, and the door was busted down. When Spike dared to venture inside, all he found were four walls and a roof. Any furniture was gone. “I’m not the biggest expert on griffons,” Spike admitted. “But it doesn’t look like anyone’s home.” He went back outside. “You’re sure this is where Hawke lived?”  Swift still glared up at the house. “It’s where I…” he grimaced. “No… I didn’t ‘live’ here. I suffered here.” His claws twitched. “Every day, she’d drag me out here and make me fight. ‘Too weak,’ she’d always yell. ‘Too slow. Too soft.’” He glared around. “And no one ever bothered to help. No bits in it for them, I guess.”  Despite his words, Spike noticed one younger griffon that actually looked ashamed. She was hiding behind another nest, but her arctic blue-gray coat stood out from the dead brown hay. She had a very round face with a little beak like a sparrow, and some of the feathers at the back of her head were tied back to resemble a ponytail.  Curious, Spike walked over, Diamondback accompanying him with a bag of gems ready.  “Hello,” he said to the griffon.  “Oh, hello,” the griffon said. “I-I see you took interest in Hawke’s old residence.”  “Indeed,” Diamondback said with a small grin. “She’s an old friend of ours…” Swift scoffed again.  “...and we were curious where she had ended up.” Diamondback lifted some bits from her bag. “I don’t suppose you would know where she was.”  The griffon’s eyes glittered at the gold, but she hesitated before taking it. In her moment of doubt, another griffon - this one brighter blue, and younger than the first by a wide margin - shot over and snatched the bits away.  “She’s been gone,” the blue griffon said. “Ran off to who knew where. And after she didn’t show up for a few weeks, some griffons got cocky and took everything inside.” He shrugged. “She never came back to try and track them down.”  Swift and the others blinked, glancing back at him. Except for Jackknife, who was now happily ranting at and keeping back the griffon who had insulted him, as she had similarly been drawn by the sound of gold. Night and Phoenix wisely stood ready to break up any brawls that came about from Jackknife and the griffon arguing. “And you don’t know where she ran off too?” Diamondback asked, dipping her hand back into her bag and making it jingle.  The blue griffon grimaced, clearly wanting more, but it didn’t look like he had any idea where Hawk had been.  Luckily, the first griffon spoke up. “I think so,” she said. “Last time I heard, she went down to Kludgetown. Was hoping to make some sort of trade or purchase.”  Swift nodded. “That’s where Verko came from,” he growled. “Where she was planning to sell me off to.”  Diamondback glared at him. “Where she was going to sell ‘us’ off to,” she reminded him. Spike shivered at the thought of being sold off like property, but Diamondback kept a neutral smile, paying the young griffon twice as many bits as the first one.  “That helps us immensely,” she said with a soft smile. “Thank you, my dear.”  The first griffon blushed, while the second one rolled his eyes and sauntered off.  “Alright,” Spike said, turning to the others. “We ready to go to Kludgetown?” “Wait,” the first griffon said, gazing at them with curious turquoise eyes. “Who are you guys?”  Spike smiled at her. “I’m Spike,” he said.  “Diamondback,” the dragoness replied, glancing at the other four, as Swift continued to glare at his home, and Jackknife had now gotten into a fist fight with the other griffon, that Night and Phoenix were failing to break up. “That’s Swift, Jackknife, Night Fire and Phoenix.”  The griffon smiled. “Nice to meet you,” she said. “I’m Gabby. And… are you guys from the Dragon Lands?” Spike chuckled. “Well, specifically, I’m from Equestria.”  The griffon gasped. “Equestria?” her eyes sparkled. “Wow… it’s really true that friendship thrives there, huh?”  A sudden smashing sound made Spike’s heart jump into his throat. It even caused Jackknife and the griffon to pause in their brawl. Everyone spun to find Swift’s childhood home reduced to a pile of dusted rubble.  Swift slowly folded down his wings, glowering at the wreckage, before turning away.  Spike watched him take off, grimacing at the look of shock Gabby was giving him. “For the most part,” he answered, turning back to her. “It’s not perfect… but we’re trying.” He glanced at Diamondback before taking another bit and flipping it to Gabby. “Thanks again.”  Gabby gazed at the bit before taking one from the set Diamondback had paid her with and flipping it back to him. “Hopefully, I’ll be able to help you again someday,” she said, pointing to the bit. “Keep that just in case we meet again.” She blushed. “Cuz… y’know… I might want it back.” Spike chuckled and pocketed it. “You got it.”  With that, Spike turned back to the others, as Diamondback plucked Jackknife up like a naughty puppy, and tossed a few gems to the griffon he had beaten up. “Alright, everybody,” Diamondback said busily. “We’ve still got a job to do. To Kludgetown.”  “Kludgetown?” Night Fire stammered, looking horrified for a moment. “Aw, crap.”  “What’s up?” Spike asked. “It can’t be worse than here,” Phoenix noted.  “HEY!” the griffon Jackknife had fought cawed, only for Diamondback to bean her on the head with another bit. Night Fire managed a faint but clearly unamused chuckle. “You’d be surprised,” she replied.  ## Spike and the others soon discovered exactly what Night Fire was talking about.  Where Griffonstone at least had some dignity in both the tree and the castle, Klugetown looked like an imaginative homeless child had tried to make something out of garbage scraps.  The wood was ramshackle, the walls peeling. A faint greenish-gray cloud of dust hung over everything. And while the residents were diverse, they weren’t exactly appealing to look at. With various fish-men, pig-men, cat-men and other kinds of hybrids Spike couldn’t even name. All yelling at each other, fighting each other, or trading off things for gold.  “Stay frosty, gentle-dragons,” Night Fire said as they entered the city. “There are many hives of scum and villainy across Equestria, but Kludgetown is definitely one of the top five.”  “He-ey, Night Fire,” one pig-men crowed at the black dragon. “Better be going back to the brothel! We missed ya!” A round of ugly laughter sounded. Jackknife rounded on them with a snarl, but Night Fire pulled him back. “Don’t,” she said. “Remember how those suckers ambushed us. They want us to get riled up.” “Hey, how much for the gecko?” a fish-creature barked at them. Spike turned. “Who you calling a gecko?”  Diamondback stepped forward with a practiced laugh. “My friends,” she said, “Aren’t for sale.”  “How about them diamonds then?” another creature offered. “I’ll give ya a hundred in gold for em. Rip em right off yer skin.”  Diamondback blinked in indignant shock - her diamonds were worth way more than a hundred - but the creatures slowly started to crowd them, making various bids.  “Gimme the white one,” a deer creature claimed.  “I want the red one!” one of the pig-men said.  “Why? She’s all busted up!” another pig-man noted.  “I like em broken,” the first pig-man replied with a leer.  Phoenix growled, while Spike and the others began to group up back to back as the creatures honed in on them. “I need another round with Night Fire!” “I’ll take the water one!”  “I want all six for my collection!” Night Fire took in a breath. “Alright,” she said. “Get ready to fight, guys.” Jackknife grinned and pumped his fists, before… “Hey, that’s the hybrid Hawkeye promised to sell me!” In that moment, Swift’s eyes widened, and he let loose. “BACK OFF!” To the other dragon’s shock, Swift’s shout produced a gale force wind that threw the various bidders backward and sent them tumbling over themselves.  As the bidders were left groaning on the sands, Swift marched over to the fish-creature that had spoken.  “Where is Hawke now?” he snarled. “Tell me where she is!”  “Swift?” Spike asked.  However, the fish-creature was getting back up. “Y-You think I’m gonna let a wimpy half-breed tell me what to do?”  “Funny,” Jackknife snarled. “Yer looking pretty half-breed-ish yerself.”  “You shut your mouth, you…!” Swift didn’t give him the opportunity to say more, seizing the fish-man by the collar and carrying him up into the sky.  “SWIFT!” Spike said, but Night Fire held him back.  “Sorry, buddy,” she said. “But this is the best way to let these people know we ain’t messing around.”  Unfortunately… the fish-creature laughed.  “You honestly think you’ll get any information this way?” the fish-man demanded from on high. “You drop me, I die. Then you get nothing.”  Spike shivered at how cold Swift’s voice was.  “What makes you think you’re high enough to reach terminal velocity?”  The fish-man then screamed as Swift dropped him. He watched coldly as the creature plummeted out of the clouds and hit the ground with a brutal CRACK.  Spike flinched and even Jackknife grimaced. “Uh, Night?” Jack noted. “You sure he needs to do that?” Night swallowed, glancing around at the other creatures as they scrambled back from the group. “Well, he definitely made his…” Swift then shot down and slammed into the fish-man’s chest, causing another series of snaps to sound along with the fish man’s scream of agony.  “...Point,” Night squeaked out.  Swift, on the other hand, seemed to be in his own little word, seizing the fish-man and yanking him close. “Any more bones you want me to break?” he demanded. “WHERE’S HAWKE?”  “Y-You’re out of your mind…” the fish-man whimpered.  Swift shoved him to the ground before grabbing one of his arms.  “Whoa, Swift, NO-NO-NO!” Spike yelled.  But Phoenix got there first. Barreling into Swift, she knocked him away from the fish-man, giving him a terrifying glare that made Swift back up.  “Enough,” Phoenix growled, before turning back to the fish-man. “Diamondback,” she said. “Get over here.”  As Diamondback raced over, intimidated herself by Phoenix’s glare, Spike, Night and Jack grouped around Swift. “Dude,” Spike said. “What’s the matter with you?”  Swift didn’t look at him, the anger quickly overtaking the fear Phoenix had instilled in him. Night gazed on him with sadness.  “It’s this place,” she realized. “You were property here. That’s all Hawke and Verko wanted you to be.”  Swift lowered his head, the anger fading to resignation.  “Hey,” Jackknife said, patting Swift’s shoulder, “We ain’t gonna let them take you, okay? You got us.” “That’s not it,” Swift admitted, before Spike realized he wasn’t looking at the ground. He was looking at the Element of Harmony, fastened on a necklace with his emblem resting on his chest.  “Kindness,” Spike realized. “Swift… you don’t need to be this… cruel.”  Swift looked up at him. “But you saw what they were like,” he said, indicating where the merchants had been. “You saw the griffons. Kindness is just weakness to these people. Something to exploit and take advantage of.” Swift folded his wings over himself. “I don’t want to be property again, Spike. I don’t want to be taken advantage of again.” He lifted the Element from his neck. “And if Kindness is just going to get me hurt…”  Spike stopped him from ripping the Element away. “It’s easy to react to bad things,” Spike said. “But whatever reaction you have… it only shows how much control people really have over you.”  “He’s right,” Night said, leaning down next to Swift. “Whatever happens, no one should determine your state of being. If you can control how you feel at any moment, no matter what happens, you can respond in any way.”  Spike nodded. “Don’t let Hawke control you, Spike. Don’t let Verko control how you feel.”  “Fight them, of course,” Jackknife added. “But… don’t let em change who ya are inside.”  Swift gave Jackknife a deadpan look. “This coming from the guy who beat up a griffon for calling him a loser?”  Jackknife, however, grinned. “She struck first,” he replied. “But I didn’t fight her cuz she made me angry.” He indicated Night. “I fought her because she attacked Night.”  Night blushed. “You’re a regular guardian, aren’t ya, Jack?” she teased. “That’s who Jackknife is,” Spike replied. “But this isn’t about who Jackknife is.” He pointed at Swift’s heart. “It’s about who you are. Who are you, Swift?”  Swift looked down at his Element again. Spike sighed and patted his shoulder.  “Think about it, buddy,” he said, before turning to Phoenix and Diamondback.  Phoenix and Diamondback walked back to them with twin sighs. The merchant had limped away to whatever Kludgetown had for medical treatments. “Well?” Spike asked.  Diamondback sighed. “She’s with Verko. We find him, we find her.”  Spike nodded. “I don’t suppose he said where Verko is, did he?”  Phoenix nodded. “He’s got his own little underground base.” “Fitting for a mole,” Diamondback mused. “Diamond Dogs have so much more class.”  “That’s just because you trained em, DB,” Night replied.  Diamondback merely preened. “Marvelous, aren’t I?” she noted.  Spike rolled his eyes, but grinned as he turned to Swift. “Alright, we’ve got a location. Let’s teach Hawke a lesson.”  Swift looked up with a determined glare, while Night and Jackknife exchanged grins. Phoenix, however, winced.  “That… might be more complicated than you’ll like.” Spike tilted his head while Swift looked up curiously.  “Hawke failed Verko and got his minions hurt,” Phoenix said. “She’s not his partner anymore.” Swift blinked, not wanting to believe. “You can’t be serious.” “W-Wait,” Jackknife said. “Then… where is she if she’s not with him?” “She’s still with him,” Phoenix said gravely. “She’s just one of his slaves now.” > Episode Twenty: Wings of Hate Arc - Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamondback had mentioned that she had trained her dogs in a variety of skills, but even then, Spike was not prepared for just how many skills they had. Cutting through the dirt like water, the dogs tunneled deep down underneath Verko’s base. The mole man had set his base far underneath the granite of Kludgetown, but Diamondback’s dogs still found a way to go deeper than him.  Carefully, with the stealth skills of commandos, the dogs dug into one of the corridors of Verko’s base.  “Two guards on patrol,” Darius reported.  Myst nodded, signaling Luke with her. The two tunneled under the corridor, and Spike got to watch alongside Darius as they opened a sinkhole underneath the guards.  The guards went in, and Luke and Myst came out. Clean as a whistle.  “Wow, DB,” Spike mumbled, as the dogs opened the tunnel into the base. “I knew your dogs were good, but I didn’t think they were this good.” Diamondback smiled at Myst, who puffed her chest up with pride. “We had to free other dogs from tyrannical dragons just like this. Speaking of which…” the diamond dog sniffed the air. “The slaves should be just above us. Move out.”  The dragons followed behind the diamond dogs; Night Fire creeping right alongside the dogs, with Swift and Spike in between and Jackknife reluctantly taking up the rear. Diamondback and Phoenix stayed by the exit, ready to either bring freed slaves away from the horrible place, or to shut up the hole should any more guards try to cut them off. As Spike moved next to Swift, he kept an eye on the griffon-dragon hybrid; Swift’s blue eyes were dead-set ahead of him. His entire body was as tense as a stretched rubber band.  “Swift,” Spike asked gently. “Are you okay?” Swift shook his head. “Not a good time to ask me that,” he said. “I just… I need to see her. You know? I need to know what kind of fate she got.”  Spike looked up as Myst and Night carefully opened a door. “I think we’ll find out soon enough,” Spike admitted, as the doorway opened to the first slave holding.  Two rows of cages stood out to them, all of them holding slaves. The slaves were quiet, only faint whimpers emanating from a few of them.  Moving like a cohesive unit, the dog pack struck. The guards patrolling were tackled to the ground and silenced, while Myst herself broke open the first lock.  “W-Who…?” the slave inside whimpered as Myst opened the door.  “Allies,” Myst said, seizing the slave. “We’re getting you out.” “N-No, it’s a trick,” the slave insisted. “A trick! I-I’M…” Spike flinched as Myst clocked the slave upside the head, knocking him out and hoisting him onto her back.  “What the…?” Spike demanded.  “I know, harsh thing to do,” Myst admitted. “But slaves that have been broken that badly won’t come otherwise.” She handed the unconscious slave off to Luke, who carried him back to Diamondback and Phoenix. “Trust me, kid,” she added to Spike. “He’ll thank us later.”  The other slaves who witnessed Myst’s act seemed to realize as much. That or they feared being hit enough to be silent. As Myst, Luke and the others broke open the locks, Night, Spike, Swift and Jack gently moved the slaves out and back to the corridor. Yet, at the same time, there was no sign of Hawke.  “Hey,” Spike asked one slave, who winced at his voice. “Did you see a griffon? Female with gray feathers?” “I don’t know, sir, I don’t see,” the slave said. “B-But they have three levels of us; one’s for breaking us in, the second’s for conditioning us, and the third’s… well, here.”  Spike’s heart dropped into his throat. He turned to the others. “Guys, there’s more slaves than just here.”  Jackknife frowned, while Night and Myst exchanged somber looks.  “Well,” Myst said. “We knew it wasn’t going to be easy.” She nodded to her dogs. “Get the rest of these guys out of here and then head to the next level. We don’t leave a single slave behind.”  Spike nodded with a grin, before looking for Swift. “We’ll find her, Swift… Swift?” Swift was staring at one of the last cages with the same look he had while gazing at his childhood home.  Walking over, Spike saw what had caught his attention:  They had found Hawke.  Or rather, what used to be Hawke. The griffon was almost unrecognizable from the aggressive bird that had menaced Swift in the past.  Angry lashings turned what few gray feathers she still had red. Chains dug into her wings and talons, pinning her back to the cage wall. Her beak was bent at an odd angle, like someone had tried to make her beak spin like a cartoon duck. And her legs…  Night immediately pulled Spike away. “You’re far too young to know what that is,” she insisted. “Besides, we have others to help.”  But Spike pulled himself free of her. His main focus was on Swift.  “Swift, buddy,” he said, reaching out for his friend.  “S-Swift…?” a rattling croak emanated from the cage. With what looked like the last of her strength, Hawke managed to turn her head, and her blue eyes - so similar to Swift’s, and yet also so dead inside - landed on her nephew.  Swift’s talons clenched, scraping small trenches into the stone beneath. His feathers bristled like an angry wolf. If he had teeth, Spike was certain they’d be trying to clench in rage.  But it was hard to be angry at something that looked so pathetic. “Swift, remember what we…” Spike tried to say, but Night placed a hand on his shoulder. When he looked into the black dragon’s green eyes, she only shook her head at him, before turning to Swift.  “Do what you think is right, Swift,” Night said. “No one should judge you for it.”  Swift lowered his head by a fraction, his eyes shutting with a sigh. When he finally opened them… “Save the rest,” he said. “I won’t be far behind.”  Nodding, Night pulled Spike away from his friend. As they ascended to the next level, Spike looked back one more time.  Swift and Hawke were still staring at each other. Spike couldn’t discern the emotions flying across Swift’s face.  And a part of him wondered if even Swift knew what emotions he was feeling at the time. Unfortunately, Spike didn’t have long to ponder. Halfway through freeing the second batch of slaves… an alarm began to ring. Night sighed. “Yep,” she muttered. “They had to use their brains eventually.” Myst cursed. “We’re not finished yet,” she insisted. “We still have a level and a half to go.”  “Then get on it,” Night said. “I’ll entertain our hosts until you’re done.”  “Alone?” Spike asked.  “No way,” Jackknife insisted. “I’m coming with you.”  “Myst will need you to get the slaves home,” Night insisted. “Besides, I’m the fastest.”  “That’s up for interpretation,” a voice replied.  The others turned as Swift joined them. Spike gave him a wary look.  “Swift?” he asked.  Swift just shook his head at Spike before turning to Night. “You and me,” he said in a voice that struggled to remain firm. “Let’s get these guys the time they need.” Night grinned. “You got it, partner.” She gave him a fist bump before the two ran off to head off any approaching guards.  Spike glanced at Jackknife. “You think he’s okay?”  “I dunno,” Jackknife admitted. “I just hope whatever he did with Hawk gave him peace.”  “He’s not the only one,” Myst reminded them. “Let’s go!”  Working fast - especially as dragon roars battled against the sound of chains and slaver shouts - the dragons and dogs freed the rest of the second level, and moved onto the third.  Whatever Swift and Night were doing, it kept the cell blocks free of guards. And before Spike knew it, they were escorting the last of the slaves down to the exit.  “That’s the last of them,” Myst said with a grin, before turning back. “Someone should get Swift and Night.”  “On it,” Spike and Jackknife said at the same time. They exchanged grins.  “Jinx,” Spike noted.  “I’ll get ya some soda ‘r something after this,” Jackknife replied.  Together, the two dragons raced off to find their friends.  At first, it seemed pretty easy; they just had to follow the unconscious bodies. And in time, they came across Night as she choke-slammed one guard before catching another around the neck with her tail and throwing them into a wall.  However… Spike grew pale. “Where’s Swift?” Night leaned against the wall, panting raggedly. “Too many…” she mumbled. “So many guards… Swift… he said he’d… distract… buy me time…” She leaned over. “Holy crap…”  Jackknife cursed. “She’s outta it,” he noted, gathering her up in his arms. “I’ll get her back. You find Swift.”  “Got it,” Spike agreed, racing down towards hopefully wherever Swift was.  “I’ll come after ya if ya don’t show up soon,” Jackknife added. Giving a quick salute of affirmation, Spike ran down the corridors, looking for some sign of his bird-dragon friend.  Without unconscious bodies to follow, it proved a lot more difficult. However, Spike’s ears soon picked out the sound of bird caws.  “Swift,” he thought, running towards the sound.  However, his heart dropped as he heard just how riddled with pain Swift’s cries were. They also fought against ugly laughter.  “Hang on, Swift,” Spike wished he could call out. “I’m coming!”  Unfortunately, as Spike finally reached the source of Swift’s cries… what he saw made him stop dead in his tracks.  Swift had been overwhelmed; what looked like all of the remaining guards in the base had dog-piled him, pinning his wings and arms down until he couldn’t move an inch.  Verko stood over the bird dragon with a smug grin, already favoring a red-leathered whip.  “I gotta say, I’m impressed, boy,” Verko noted. “If anything, Hawke wasn’t accepting enough money for what you can do. Dumb as a bag of rocks, I’ll admit, but I can handle dumb.” He uncoiled the whip. “Makes it easier to make you do what I want.”  Swift cawed defiantly up at the slaver, but there wasn’t much else he could do. And as the whip rose, Spike remembered what had happened to Hawke, and got a horrifying vision of the same fate befalling Swift.  “NO!” Spike roared, blasting a stream of green fire. Verko’s whip disintegrated, but the mole-man jumped back, several of his guards quickly moving between Spike and the slave driver.  “Spike?” Swift stammered. “No, get out of here!”  “Not without you!” Spike insisted, preparing another fire blast even as the slavers grinned lecherously down at him.  Verko laughed. “Well-well,” he noted. “Looks like Hawke’s assumption about you was incorrect. Loyal enough to follow him into the slaver pits. I can respect that. In fact, I love it.” He nodded at his guards, who began to move in on Spike. “Once I get you loyal to the right people - me, namely - I imagine we’re going to do some great things together.”  Spike snarled and spat fire, but the guards were smart enough to leap back and avoid the flames. Spike could keep them back forever. And in the meantime, Swift was already getting dragged up. There was even less time before they used him as a hostage.  Spike didn’t know how to handle this. How was he supposed to get Swift and himself out of this? “Come on, come on, you lot,” Verko said, unaware of a pair of eyes opening in the shadows behind him. “These two aren’t the only slaves we need to recover. I want the rest of their friends. And…” Suddenly, his commands were cut off into a squeal of agony. Every guard turned, and Spike’s heart leaped into his throat.  Hawke had leaped out of the shadows, and was wildly smashing Verko’s head against the ground. A wrathful scream bubbled out of her bent beak as she drove his skull into the concrete. Again and again. The guards moved to yank her off him. But before they could touch her, a red light lit up behind her.  Spike’s breath hitched. “Explosives!”  “Swift, look out!” Spike yelled, before the explosives went off.  The shockwave threw Spike into a wall, sending him dazed and disoriented to the ground. As more explosions echoed around him, Spike pulled himself back up… only for talons to close around his shoulder.  As he was pulled up, Spike feared for a moment that Verko’s guards had caught him. But his fears were allayed as he gazed into the blue eyes of his friend Swift.  “We have to get out of here!” he said as another explosion knocked some of the ceiling down onto the ground. “What the heck did Hawk set off?” Spike demanded as they fled.  “I don’t know!” Swift admitted.  Unfortunately, as another explosion rocked the base, the ceiling ahead of them collapsed. Their way out was buried under a ton of rock and stone. Spike doubted that Diamondback or her dogs would be able to dig through to them in time.  Spike jumped backward as another stone tried to crush them both. But as he looked back… “Hey!” he noted, pointing upward.  Swift followed his gaze, and spotted Hawk. The ceiling collapsing had opened up a small hole with light shining down. Like a mouse in a flaming bucket, Hawke was clawing away at the sand and dirt, opening a path for herself.  “And maybe for us,” Spike realized, hopping onto Swift. “Up,” he said. “Help her.” With more stone and rock collapsing before Swift could argue, the bird dragon shot up to the possible exit, and rammed into Hawke with his shoulder.  Spike almost yelled at him for keeping his grudge… until he saw his shoulder check throw Hawke through the hole, pushing both her and themselves out to freedom.  The trio barely got the chance to catch their breath before they felt the earth start to sink below them; Verko’s base flooding with the rock, sand and stone from above.  Spreading their wings, Hawke and Swift took to the sky, Spike hanging onto Swift for dear life. Safely in the air, the three watched as Verko’s slave base was destroyed, the last fires and smoke being suffocated by the overwhelming sand.  Spike breathed a sigh of relief before looking over to Hawke. The griffon hovered in the air, hugging her scars and trying not to look at Swift.  “I…” she mumbled, trying to look at her nephew. “You…” “Save it,” Swift said. His eyes hadn’t left the sinkhole. “Don’t ever let me see you again. Not near me or my people.”  Hawke flinched at his words, but as she gazed back down at Verko’s pit… something of an understanding came over her.  She nodded solemnly, and turned away, flying over the horizon and out of sight.  Swift took another slow, solemn breath, letting the desert air fill his lungs. Spike pat his shoulder.  “You did good, Swift,” he said. “That can’t have been easy… but you did good.” “We’ll see,” Swift replied. He turned as he saw their friends coming out of the tunnel they had used to burrow to Verko’s, slaves in hand. “There’s a chance that she will come back to hurt us.”  Spike blinked. “After you saved her life?” “Like I said,” Swift replied. “Some see kindness as a weakness. They’ll take advantage of it. Concepts of mercy? Compassion? All just things to take advantage of.”  Spike touched Swift’s shoulder. “You’re not like them,” he reminded him. Swift breathed again. “No,” he admitted. “I’m not. But there are still plenty of people like that. With Hawk as one of them. And I want to be prepared for when they - or she - try to take advantage of me again.” He grinned faintly as Jackknife and Night spotted him, whooping and hollering in glee. “I’ve got a great thing going with you guys,” Swift said, smiling for the first time since they had started searching for Hawke. “And I don’t want to lose it.”  Spike smiled at his friend and hugged him. “You won’t,” he promised.  “YOU TRICKSTERS!” Night screamed, cannoning into them and enveloping her friends in a bear-hug. “Do you have any idea how much you scared us.”  “I was ready to run right back in there to get you!” Jackknife protested. “Didn’t I tell you that, Spike? Didn’t I?!”  “You two really are foals, you know that,” Diamondback chastised, even though she was grinning.  Phoenix didn’t say anything, merely hugging the two with a smile. And as Spike saw Swift light up as he was embraced by his friends - no, his family - Spike could already envision his next letter to Twilight.  My friends Princess Celestia and Twilight, The world outside of Equestria isn’t always about harmony and friendship. It’s about survival and selfishness too. And oftentimes, elements like kindness and generosity can easily be considered weaknesses to exploit, especially when they are given to the wrong people.  My friend Swift struggled with this when a surprise family reunion sent us on an adventure outside of Equestria that has now resulted in the freedom of several former slaves, including Swift’s aunt Hawke.  Even now, Swift partially believes that his act of kindness towards Hawke will go unappreciated. That she will come back and try to hurt him again. But without her aid, I fear that we would have become slaves ourselves. And I truly hope that Swift turns out to be wrong about Hawke.  That the next time we see her… maybe… just maybe… she’ll be changed by the kindness he showed her.  After all, no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. Because if we want to change the world, we can start with one random act of kindness at a time.  Your faithful dragon friend, Spike > Episode Twenty One: The New World Arc; Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike had to read Twilight’s letter twice to fully comprehend.  “She’s… a princess now?!”  The letter was passed around the other members of the Drake Six - even Diamondback’s Diamond Dogs got a chance to see - but there was no denying her words:  “After a wild misadventure with an unfinished spell of Starswirl’s,” Night Fire read. “I - that is to say, Twilight - was blessed with the power of an alicorn, and given the title of Princess.”  Diamondback read over her shoulder. “Please join me and my friends and family at the Crystal Empire, where the Princesses of Equestria are convening a summit in five days to decide my duties and role in the preservation and prosperity of Equestria.” She looked up at Spike with glee. “First a Royal Wedding and now a Princess Summit? My word, Spike, being your friend just opens up all sorts of wonderful opportunities, doesn’t it?”  Spike didn’t reply, sitting down in shock. “Twilight… a princess. I mean, I knew she always had dreams of making Celestia proud, but… a princess.” He glanced over at Night Fire, though she was quick to wave him off. “Whoa-ho, don’t think I got any answers, buddy,” she replied. “I left that life centuries ago.”  “It’s still a part of you,” Phoenix noted. “Just as it’s going to be a part of Twilight’s life.”  “We need to go see her,” Jackknife noted. “Whatever she’s becoming, she’s still Spike’s friend. That makes her our friend.”  “I imagine she’d need that kind of support,” Swift noted, looking down with a sigh. “The amount of pressure she might be under…” Spike flinched at that thought. Once, he had been her number one assistant. Always there to aid her in her work. Now, here she was about to become a princess, and she didn’t have him.  “Yeah,” he said. “Let’s go. We should be able to reach her just before the Summit starts.”  ## He was right;  Thanks to Night Fire, Swift and Diamondback’s superb flying, the group reached the Crystal Empire right as their pony counterparts arrived by train.  Spike had to do a double take when he saw Twilight again; where once she was a quiet, bookish unicorn, now… she was still a quiet, bookish unicorn.  But one that now had wings. “He-ey,” Jackknife praised. “Nice wings, Sparks.” He fist bumped Rainbow Dash. “Ya got a new flying buddy, partner.”  “Almost,” Rainbow Dash replied. “She’s still got to work through the whole ‘never been off the ground’ thing. But she’s getting there.”  “Thank goodness,” Fluttershy and Swift mumbled, before glancing at each other in shock.  “Jinx,” Night Fire teased.  As Fluttershy and Swift waved Night off, Spike looked to Twilight. “How are you doing?”  Twilight glanced at her wings. “Excited. Nervous,” she glanced up at the castle. “But mostly nervous. Even with wings and a crown… I’m not sure if I really ‘feel’ like a princess.”  “Well, no wonder,” Diamondback noted, brushing the top of her head. “Where is this crown?”  Rarity gasped. “You haven’t forgotten it back in Ponyville, have you, dearie?” Before Swift or Diamondback could fly into a panic, Twilight quickly revealed the crown in her bag. “I’ve got it,” she assured them. “I just… feel a little self-conscious about wearing it.”  “You are a princess now, Twilight,” Rarity claimed. “Embrace it!”  “You won’t get used to it if you run from it,” Diamondback agreed.  “So long as ya don’t forget where ya came from,” Jackknife added. “Don’t start becoming no snob that thinks she’s too good fer her old friends.”  Spike chuckled. “Now that, I’m sure she would never do that. Right?”  Twilight smiled. “Right.”  Yet, as the group made their way into the castle, a horn fanfare greeted them.  “Her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” one of the guards announced, drawing the attention of the princesses.  Diamondback cleared her throat importantly, causing the guard to double take.  “Oh, and, uh… and the Dragon Elements of Harmony!”  The horn fanfare wasn’t as impressive as Twilight’s - a fact Spike was certain Diamondback noticed - but the princesses didn’t give her time to complain, rushing over and greeting Twilight. Or, at least Celestia and Cadence did. Luna and Night Fire made a beeline for each other, conversing in quiet tones.  “Twilight!” Cadence laughed. “I haven’t seen you since the coronation.” She looked to Spike. “And Spike, I haven’t seen you for far longer.” She gave him a big hug, almost cracking his ribs. “Nice to see you too, Cadence,” Spike managed to squeak out.  “It is good to see you all,” Celestia said with a smile. “And you as well, Princess Celestia,” Diamondback greeted. “Have you used a de-aging spell. You’re more radiant than ever.”  Celestia chuckled. “You flatter me, Lady Diamondback. I’m sure you and the rest of your friends have much to discuss and share.” “Like you wouldn’t believe,” Jackknife noted, pulling a blushing Swift close. “When I tell you guys what Swift here was doing…” “Hang on, guys,” Spike said. “Twilight and the Princesses have things to discuss, don’t they?” “Indeed,” Celestia replied. “But they can wait until tomorrow.” She stepped closer to Jackknife and Swift. “I personally am quite curious about your travels. Let us catch up before bed, shall we.” “Yes ma’am,” Jackknife agreed, pulling Swift along. “Now, as I was saying about Swift here…” As Jackknife regaled everyone with the tale of Swift’s fight against the slavers of Kludgetown, Spike noticed Twilight hanging back with a sigh. He immediately went to her side.  “What’s wrong, Twilight?”  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I’m just… worried. Princess Cadence was given the Crystal Empire to rule over. What if, now that I’m a princess, Celestia expects me to lead a kingdom of my own?” Spike pondered it - leading a kingdom to him sounded pretty awesome - but then a small shadow fell over them.  “I don’t think that would be a wise choice,” Phoenix noted.  Spike sighed. “Phoenix, Twilight… well… she isn’t…” He wasn’t sure how to say that she wasn’t like how Phoenix had been.  Though Phoenix seemed to understand.  “She may not be who I was,” Phoenix said. “But it doesn’t mean she won’t make mistakes.” She looked to Twilight. “Leadership is a massive responsibility, Twilight. And the more people you lead, the harder it will be.”  Spike gave Twilight a worried look, and indeed, she was turning a pale shade of green. He nudged Phoenix’s side. “Can you not make my friend sick with worry?”  “I’m only giving the truth,” Phoenix replied. “But, if it helps…” she gave Twilight a sincere smile. “Celestia wouldn’t have chosen you if she didn’t think you could handle the job, Twilight. You’ve never stopped trying to make her proud, why stop now?” Twilight managed a faint grin of her own. “Thanks, Phoenix,” she replied, before following after the others.  Spike and Phoenix watched her go, before Phoenix looked down with a sigh. Spike noticed.  “Thanks,” he said. “I know you probably just said what she wanted to hear…” “If I lied, I wouldn’t be a very good Element of Honesty, would I?” Phoenix noted.  “Elements can stumble,” Spike replied. “I remember when they went up against Discord. The chaos spirit managed to get Applejack lying like a regular con-artist.”  Phoenix gave a nervous swallow. “Sounds like I should try and avoid Discord.”  Spike noticed an odd inflection of fear in her voice. He pat her side. “You okay?”  Phoenix gazed down at him. “You guys gave me a second chance,” she said. “At life. At friends… at home.” She hugged him. “I don’t want to waste it.”  Spike hugged her back. “Then don’t,” he said, pulling her along. “C’mon. Let’s see what the others have been up to while we’ve been away.”  Smiling slightly, Phoenix followed after Spike as they joined their friends.  ## That night, Spike was sleeping soundly, dreaming of a massive pile of gems; Diamondback and Rarity waiting just for him… He was jarred out of his dreams as a hoof stepped on his tail. He shot up, seeing a strange figure stumble for the door.  A glint of gold vanishing under some kind of cloak.  “Hey!” Spike yelled, but the figure bolted out the door.  “My crown!” Twilight yelled. Spike briefly turned to see Twilight staring at her nightstand. Her crown had been placed there. And technically was still there. Except… wait! Spike saw that the crown on the nightstand had no jewels. It didn’t sparkle the same way the original had.  It all clicked as Twilight pointed to where the figure was vanishing out her door. “She’s got my crown!”  Spike surged out of bed. “Stop!” he yelled. “Thief!” As he burst out, he bellowed down the hallway. “THIEF! SOMEONE’S STEALING TWILIGHT’S CROWN!”  The rest of the Mane Six stumbled out groggily, but Night Fire was instantly out and racing after the thief.  “Aw, hell yeah!” Night Fire declared gleefully. “Finally, some action!”  “Action-hog!” Jackknife yelled, appearing out of the ground to block the figure’s way. “Ho, now, you whipper-snapper! There is no escape!”  The figure proved him wrong by teleporting, causing the cloak they were wearing to smack right into Jackknife’s face. As he ripped the cloak to shreds, the others took off after him, Twilight teleporting in front of the thief, only for the thief to dodge around her. However, as the thief reformed from dodging Twilight, Night Fire took advantage and tackled into the thief, sending both of them tumbling into some sort of store room containing a variety of objects, including a strange mirror.  As Night Fire and the thief tumbled to the ground, Twilight’s crown flew out of the thief’s bag, bouncing right for the mirror.  Phoenix barreled through the door. “I got it!” she yelled, snatching the crown right as she stumbled into the mirror.  Spike flinched, expecting her to break the mirror, but instead… Phoenix sunk right through, almost like the surface was water.  “PHOENIX!” Spike and the other dragons yelled.  Night Fire hoisted the thief up and slammed her against the wall. “What did you do with our friend!” she snarled.  “And my crown!” Twilight added, aiming her sparking horn at the thief.  The thief managed a snide grin. “Sorry it had to be this way, Princess.” She said the word with such utter loathing that Spike backed up, ready for some sort of attack. But instead, the thief let loose with a flash of light, teleporting out of Night Fire’s grip and over to the mirror. Before the others could stop her, she jumped through the strange portal and out of sight.  “Hey!” Night Fire yelled, but Swift stopped her from jumping through, while Diamondback did the same for Jackknife.  “Lemme go!” Jackknife yelled. “We gotta help Phi!”  “We don’t know what that mirror is!” Diamondback refuted. “Or what it did to her. We need the Princesses.”  Spike grimaced at the thought of Phoenix being left alone, but he nodded. “She’s right. The Princesses will know what this is.” “And maybe who that was as well,” Fluttershy added.  # They were right.  “Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia said morosely. “A former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she became cruel and dishonest.” She gazed at the mirror solemnly. “I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path.” She turned to Twilight. “One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown.”  “And replacing it with this shoddy knockoff,” Diamondback noted, holding the fake crown with a glower of disgust.  “It’s a classic thief’s move,” Night noted, taking the crown herself. “Replace it with a fake, and by the time people notice the truth, you’re long gone.” “But I don’t understand,” Twilight said. “Where did she go?” “And more importantly, where’d she take Phoenix?”  Celestia gazed at the mirror with trepidation. “You’ll soon know more than I do.”  “Truly,” Luna agreed. “This is no ordinary mirror; but a gateway to another world. One that opens every thirty moons.”  Swift gasped. “So, Phoenix is… in another world?”  “Indeed,” Celestia said. “One that Sunset Shimmer has seemed to make her own, rather than staying here where I could’ve found her.”  “Then our goal is clear,” Night Fire noted. “Go into this new world, find Phoenix, make sure she still has the crown, and then get back before Sunset can stop us.” “Indeed,” Cadence agreed. “Without the Elements of Magic or Honesty, neither of your sets will be able to channel their power. Equestria - no, the entire world - will be left without one of its most important means of defense.”  “And if Sunset Shimmer manages to take the crown from Phoenix,” Luna added. “She will no doubt use it to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm. They will not have the power to defend themselves.” “Then what are we waiting for,” Rainbow Dash asked. “Let’s go!”  Celestia grimaced. “I’m afraid I can’t let you go.”  “What?” Rainbow Dash demanded.  “Why?” Jackknife asked. “She’s our friend.” “Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world,” Celestia explained. “It could create havoc that will make it impossible for anyone to get the crown back.” She gazed at Twilight. “I’m sorry, Twilight, but this is something you must do alone.”  Twilight shivered. Unable to see his friend - no his big sister - so scared, Spike stepped up.  “I’m going with her at the very least,” he said. “Phoenix is my friend, and I carry the Dragon Element of Magic. One more of us can’t do that much damage.”  Celestia looked unsure, but Luna stepped up.  “We don’t have time to argue this,” she noted. “Time is of the essence. On the third day, when the moon reaches its peak, the gateway will close. And once it does, it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return.”  Spike nodded and took Twilight’s hand. “Then c’mon, Twilight,” he said. “Let’s get our friend back.”  As he and Twilight stepped through the portal, Spike set his jaw in determination.  “Hang on, Phoenix,” he said. “We’re coming for you.”  ## “Oh, you poor thing,” Fluttershy’s voice whispered.  Phoenix’s eyes opened with a groan. She was lying on some sort of grassy field, with Fluttershy… Wait a minute. Phoenix’s eyes shot up. That was Fluttershy… and yet it wasn’t. She stood bipedal; wearing a white tank top and a green dress skirt. One hand clutched Twilight’s crown, the other reached out to touch Phoenix’s head… and as the strange humanoid Fluttershy rubbed Phoenix’s ears, Phoenix realized she didn’t have horns.  She looked down. Her body… it… there was no way it could’ve happened… “Don’t worry,” Fluttershy soothed. “I’ll take care of you.”  Phoenix could only stare up at the human Fluttershy in disbelief. This was beyond karmic justice.  Somehow, someway, the portal had turned Phoenix into a dog. Just like the very diamond dogs she had abused.  And though this new version of Fluttershy seemed kind, she still stood taller than Phoenix. As did several other similarly humanoid creatures. For once, she was now just as small and weak as the dogs she had once hurt.  Phoenix laughed at the irony. > Episode Twenty-Two: The New World Arc; Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While it was nice to be back with Twilight, Spike really wished it was under better circumstances.  Granted, going into a different world to retrieve a friend and a treasure wasn’t bad on its own. Spike dared say that it almost sounded fun on paper. But being shifted into a dog and a human? That was… a bit more difficult to understand.  “I don’t get it,” Spike muttered, as he struggled to move about on four legs, while Twilight struggled to move around on two legs. “Why did you get the bipedal form, and I get the furry quadruped form?” “It must have something to do with the magic of this new…” Twilight was cut off from her theories as she pitched forward and face planted onto Spike’s back. “Oof!”  “My spine…” Spike mumbled, as he nudged Twilight back to her feet.  “Sorry,” Twilight mumbled, red with embarrassment. She struggled forward into what seemed to be some sort of castle. “C’mon, Spike. I do ‘not’ wanna be like this for longer than I have to.”  Spike padded after her. “Right, which means finding Phoenix and your crown as soon as possible.” He sighed. “Let’s just hope Phoenix remembered to hang onto the crown.”  “Well, I haven’t known her for that long, but she seems pretty determined,” Twilight noted. “And, hey, if you got turned into a dog, maybe she did too.”  Spike huffed. “That’d be ironic, given how she treated dogs in the past.”  Suddenly, the two heard a dog growling further down the hallway. Twilight brightened.  “That’s gotta be her!” Twilight said.  Spike, however, grimaced. “It also sounds like she’s in trouble. Let’s go!” The two ran as fast as they could on their disjointed limbs, rounding a corner to eventually find the source of the growling.  Just as Spike hoped, it was Phoenix. In full dog form and growling at someone while… was that Fluttershy holding her back? “Get that dog back before I have it sent to the pound,” yelled whoever Phoenix was growling at. “It’s bad enough that you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn’t pick up things that don’t belong to you!”  Fluttershy looked down as she tried to soothe Phoenix. “It… doesn’t really belong to you, either…” “Excuse me!” the bully yelled, causing Phoenix to snarl louder.  “Nothing!” Fluttershy yelped, yanking Phoenix back before she could use her teeth.  “That’s what I thought,” the bully snarled. “It’s as good as mine and you know it. You really are pathetic. It’s no wonder your only friends are freaks and stray animals.”  The bully aimed a kick at Phoenix, but Twilight spoke up. “How dare you speak to her that way!”  The bully turned, and Spike himself growled. The bully was Sunset Shimmer; the thief who stole the crown in the first place. “What did you say?” Sunset growled.  Twilight tried to get in her face. “I said…” but on her lopsided legs, she was barely able to avoid falling down. Luckily, she regained her feet, but not before Sunset’s frown had turned into a smirk.  “You must be new here,” she noted. “I can speak to anyone any way I want.” She knocked past Twilight, sending her stumbling into a locker, and sauntered off, Phoenix growling at her until she turned a corner and went out of sight.  Fluttershy hesitantly checked on Twilight, speaking to her in a hushed voice. As she did so, Spike turned to Phoenix, who’s hackles had lowered with Sunset’s departure.  “Phoenix?” Spike whispered. “Is that…” “Sh…” Phoenix whispered, silencing him with a paw. “These guys aren’t used to talking dogs.” She indicated Fluttershy. “I tried talking to her, and she nearly committed herself.”  “Oh! Right,” Spike nodded, shifting to his haunches and keeping quiet when Fluttershy briefly smiled at him. When she looked back at Twilight, he leaned over to Phoenix. “So… do you still have… the crown?”  Phoenix’s ears drooped and she looked down. “I’m so sorry…” she mumbled.  Spike winced. That wasn’t good. “Why? What happened?” She nodded at Twilight right as she spoke. “Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn’t a crown, was it?”  Fluttershy gasped. “How did you know?”  “Lucky guess,” Twilight replied. “Do you still have it?”  Fluttershy shook her head, making Phoenix wince again. Twilight, however, was undeterred.  “But you know what happened to it.”  Fluttershy nodded. “I didn’t want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.”  Spike blinked. “Principal?” “Apparently, that’s their definition of a ruler here,” Phoenix replied. “It is pretty similar to ‘princess,’ don’t you think?” Spike shrugged. “I guess.” He perked up as Fluttershy gave Twilight directions to Celestia’s office. “Let’s go see her.” Unfortunately, before Phoenix could follow… Fluttershy picked her up.  “You’re not really supposed to have pets on school grounds,” Fluttershy explained to Twilight, indicating Spike. “But I do know someone that can look after them until after class.”  Twilight and Spike exchanged a glance. “Who?”  ## Spike hadn’t considered how Night Fire would translate over to this new world, considering she was technically an alicorn who disguised herself as a dragon.  Though, even if he had, he never would have considered what her human counterpart turned out to be.  At first glance, Night Fire was human - bipedal with hands just like Twilight and Fluttershy. But where other humans seemed to wear skirts, shirts and boots, Night Fire dressed head to toe in a fursuit, making her look like some sort of weirdly tall Diamond Dog. Her face was initially concealed by a cartoonish dog mask, but when she flipped open the mouth, her electric green eyes shined out alongside her sparkling freckles and shiny white teeth.  “Flutters!” she greeted, immediately scooping Phoenix and Spike up into a hug. “More animals for me to babysit?”  “If it’s not too much trouble,” Fluttershy whispered.  “Not at all, not at all,” Night Fire replied, picking up the two dogs. “Why these two look just like the ones that got adopted by some do-gooders out in the city. They’ll fit right in with the rest of our animal friends.”  As she spoke, she carried Spike and Phoenix over to a wide open pasture. To Spike’s delight, he could even see versions that resembled their other friends: a snake that resembled Jackknife, a fidgety looking bird that resembled Swift, and even a poodle that resembled Diamondback. “You girls get your education; these guys are safe with me.”  Twilight looked uncertain. “Spike, are you sure…?” “It’s okay,” Fluttershy assured Twilight. “Night Fire’s a little eccentric. But I’ve never been able to trust anyone else with caring for animals.”  “I am the Animal Whisperer,” Night Fire declared. “To some, I am merely the Vice Principal’s outcast daughter Star Wing. But inside me is Night Fire!” She indicated her suit. “A dragon-wolf hybrid who is friends with all animals!”  Twilight stared in utter disbelief, but Spike smiled at her and nodded assuringly. This was ultimately how Night Fire acted.  And things got even better when Twilight eventually left to try and get her crown back. Night Fire set Spike and Phoenix down and gave them a knowing look.  “Alright guys,” she said. “What’s your story? Don’t be afraid, I’m completely on your side.”  Spike and Phoenix exchanged a glance. Fluttershy had not reacted well to Phoenix talking. Would Night Fire be any different.  The fursuit wearing human seemed to comprehend their confusion. “Shy ones, ain’t ya?” she noted. “Not to worry! I’ll show you.”  Night Fire walked over to the serpent that resembled Jackknife, and let him curl upwards onto her arm. “Jacky, my boy,” Night Fire greeted. “Wanna show our new friends how trustworthy we are?”  Jackknife gave Spike and Phoenix a judgmental look, his tongue flicking out between his lips. Then he spoke.  “The scarred one looks like she’s been in some fights. Bet I’m a better fighter than she is.”  Spike couldn’t help but grin. “Yep. That’s Jackknife alright.”  But he got another shock when Night Fire spoke back. “Now Jackknife, we don’t introduce ourselves to people by fighting them. Remember that Sunset witch.”  Jackknife hissed. “If it wasn’t for that dern boot, I’d have that weirdo in the hospital!”  “Red alert!” the bird resembling Swift squawked. “You spoke of the devil! Sunset Shimmer incoming!”  Night Fire quickly bundled Spike and Phoenix behind her, and adopted a stance resembling a guard dog. True to Swift’s words, Sunset was glaring at Night Fire. However, this time, she wasn’t alone. Two boys were standing behind her.  Spike tilted his head. “Snips and Snails?” he thought, remembering the two trouble-making colts that had gotten Trixie’s home destroyed. “Still being the bane of Vice-Principal Luna’s reputation, Star Wing?” Sunset noted.  “But I thought she was called Night Fire,” Snails mumbled.  Snips nudged his friend. “Sh, quiet dude, she’s weird.”  But Night Fire indicated Snails like he got it. “No, he’s right on the money.” She indicated her fur suit. “It’s Night Fire. Born from the forbidden love between…” “I don’t care,” Sunset cut her off. She pointed at Spike and Phoenix. “You just keep those mongrels away from my school.” He glared at Spike in particular. “That one’s owner is up to something. And I’m not going to let her ruin everything for me!”  Night Fire, however, crossed her arms with a smirk. “Ruin everything? You sound scared, Sunny.”  “I’M NOT SCARED!” Sunset screamed, getting in Night Fire’s face.  Spike’s hackles bared, while Phoenix and Diamondback growled, Jackknife hissed, and even Swift flared his wings with a caw.  Sunset watched them all warily, which only made Night Fire smirk more.  “Clearly,” Night Fire replied, ushering the animal friends away. “Make your nefarious plans, Sunset Shimmer. And we will see what fate has in store for you.”  Sunset glared at her, but Night Fire did not back down. Finally, Sunset scoffed and turned away.  “I don’t know why I’m wasting time with a freak like you,” she said. “I have more important things to do.”  “Yeah,” Snails agreed. “Important things.” “Uh, yeah…” Snips said. “Like, uh…” “Just c’mon man,” Snails said, pulling him along as Sunset stormed off.  Night Fire shook her head. “She’s the villain in this story,” she mused. “Yep-yep-yep.”  Spike glanced at Phoenix, and took the plunge. “More than you know.”  Night Fire turned to him, but there was no surprise in her eyes. Only elation. “I knew I could get you to open up,” she noted happily. She crouched down. “Okay. What’s your story?”  Spike chuckled nervously. “Well… it’s kind of a crazy story…” “Try me,” Night Fire invited. “I’m pretty crazy.”  Spike glanced down at her fur suit. “Clearly.”  However, before he could begin, he noticed Phoenix gazing after Snips and Snails with a sad air. “Phi?” he asked.  “They serve her,” Phoenix noted. “But she acts… just like how I did.”  Night Fire looked back at them. “Like a… well…” She glanced down and wisely decided not to elaborate. Spike nuzzled Phoenix’s side. “There’s nothing you can do for them,” he insisted.  Phoenix grimaced. “I don’t believe that,” she said. “If they’re being forced to do stuff they don’t want to do… I can’t just sit by and let Sunset abuse them.”  “I can help,” Night Fire insisted, drawing closer. “Whatever you guys need, just tell me.” She grinned at them. Phoenix gazed at Night Fire with trepidation. “But… you don’t know us.” “Then help me,” Night Fire replied. “Help me understand. Who are you? Where did you come from? And what are you seeking?”  Spike and Phoenix exchanged a look, but Spike shrugged. Any allies were better than none. And if this Night Fire was anything like the Night Fire back home.  “Alright,” he said. “But like I said… it’s gonna be pretty crazy…” > Episode 23: The New World Arc; Part Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As crazy as Night Fire was, Spike expected her to call even his explanation crazy. The idea that he and Phoenix were dragons from an alternate universe out to get back a magic crown stolen by Sunset? Surely even a girl who thought she was some kinda dragon-wolf hybrid would think that was nuts.  Luckily for Spike, he couldn’t have been more wrong.  Night Fire clapped in glee. “This is so exciting!” she declared happily. “Dragons from alternate dimensions coming to see ME?!” She practically danced in joy, before pausing. “Hey! Do dragons steal princesses, or do they just have crushes on them and want to be loved?”  “Crushes and that’s not the point,” Spike insisted.  “Yeah,” Phoenix said. “Right now, we need to stop Sunset from taking that crown and doing who-knows-what to your school.”  Night Fire pounded her fist into her hand. “Right. It’s time.” She turned to Diamondback the poodle, Jackknife the snake and Swift the parakeet. “Alright lady and gentlemen. Our world is in danger, and it’s up to us to save it.” She threw a notepad to Swift. “Captain’s log!” she declared, causing Swift to start trying to write. “We’re embarking into hostile environment.” She turned to Diamondback. “DB, Princess Twilight will need to win the hearts and the minds of the natives!” She turned to Jackknife. “Jack; we’ll need special tactical equipment.” She turned to the school. “We’re going to face extreme peril… Swift probably won’t survive.”  Swift dropped the pen he had been trying to manipulate with a gasp. “What?!” “Oh, he’ll survive, I’m just being weird,” Night Fire admitted.  Spike sighed and turned to Phoenix… only to find Phoenix heading towards the school. Spike blinked. “Phi?” Phoenix ignored him, focused on one of the corridors in the school. Spike followed, and saw just what had caught her interest: Twilight and Sunset were at it again.  “But I’d cut down on the chatter if I were you,” Sunset was sneering to Twilight. “Don’t want everyone to know you don’t belong here, now would you? You wanna be a princess here? Please.” She turned away. “You don’t know the first thing about fitting in.”  Spike growled at the hurtful words, but Phoenix motioned for him to be quiet. She peeked up over the window, as Sunset sauntered past a corner, and right to Snips and Snails.  “I want you to follow her,” she said. “Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me.”  Snips saluted. “You got it, Sunset Shimmer.”  Sunset turned away with a grin, causing Spike and Phoenix to hide again. “When the crown and it’s power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world. Not that she would’ve been much safer had she stayed in Equestria.”  Snips giggled. “Yeah, in Equestria.”  Sunset whirled on him. “What are you still doing here? Go!”  She kicked at the boy, and Phoenix snarled, only for Spike to pull her down as Sunset stormed past them.  “Evil tyrant,” Phoenix snarled, looking after Snips and Snails. “We can’t let them think that’s okay.”  “Not to worry,” Night Fire replied, unveiling a key. “Look what I got.”  Spike tilted his head. “A key?” Night Fire promptly unlocked the window and opened it. “Alon-Ze!” Night Fire declared, jumping in with DB, Jack and Swift following after.  Phoenix and Spike exchanged a surprised grin, before jumping in after them. ## They soon found Snips and Snails outside the library.  “Got your phone?” Snips asked.  Snails pulled out his phone. “Got yours?”  Snips pulled out his own, before Night Fire joined them.  “Got mine!” she declared, happily showing off her own phone.  Snips and Snails yelped, jumping back from her.  “S-Star…” Snips stammered. “I-I mean, Night Fire. W-What are you doing here?”  “Wondering what you’re doing here,” Night Fire replied, glancing inside, and doing a double take at the antics Twilight was getting up to. It was clear the poor girl was adjusting very badly to life as a human instead of a pony. “Oh my…” “I know, right?” Snails noted, trying to record it with his phone. “This’ll be perfect for Sunset Shimmer.”  Night Fire exchanged a glance with Spike and Phoenix, and grabbed Snails phone.  “Yeah, glad you mentioned that,” Night Fire noted, “Uh… why are you doing what she says?”  Snails and Snips glanced at each other. “She… lets us hang out with her if we do?” Snails offered.  “Yeah, she’s hot,” Snips added.  Night Fire grinned. “I’m hot.”  Snails tilted his head. “That’s probably just because you’re wearing a fur suit.”  Night Fire’s face fell. Sighing, Phoenix stepped forward.  Spike realized what she was doing too late. “Phi, wait…” But his small bark only drew the boys’ attention, and they stared down as Phoenix came up to them.  “Boys, listen to me,” she said. “You can do so much better than Sunset. She doesn’t deserve your loyalty and if you do this…” “AHHHHHHHH!!!” Snails screamed.  “TALKING DOG!” Snips agreed, the boys booking it for the hills.  In an instant, students and teachers were out in the halls, staring in shock at Night Fire and the animals she had with her.  Spike huddled close to Night Fire’s legs, glaring at Phoenix as she looked down in horror.  “Uh…” Night Fire mumbled, before picking Spike up. “Looks like my ventriloquism act is a real DASH.” She glanced at Spike. “Right Spike?”  Before Spike could reply, she made his mouth move like a puppet.  “Oof, Night Fire,” Night mumbled out of the corner of her mouth. “If you’re gonna go with jokes like that, you’re in for a ‘ruff’ time.”  Night Fire struck a pose with Spike on her head. Only one student giggled.  ## Night Fire sat in the Vice Principal’s office, her head down in shame. Spike curled up next to her with a small whimper, Phoenix covering her own head in shame. Diamondback sat regally, while Swift fluttered over to Night’s shoulder, and Jackknife slithered around her arm, both looking at her in concern.  Though luckily, Vice Principal Luna seemed to only be more disappointed than mad.  “Star,” she said. “How many times have we discussed this?”  Night Fire shifted. “Um… it’s Night…” “Don’t,” Luna said, her soft tone dropping.  Night flinched in her seat. “Yes, ma’am.”  Luna stood. “You and Fluttershy know that pets are not allowed on school grounds. We simply do not have the proper environment for them to thrive in.”  “I know, it’s just…” Night winced. Even though she had accepted Spike’s story, Spike knew in his heart that his story would seem ludicrous to anyone else. Thankfully, Night seemed to realize this, before picking Spike up. “Spike here really missed his human friend. Uh, Twilight, I think her name is.”  Luna checked her watch. “Well, luckily, the school day is just about over, so you can reunite them sooner rather than later.” She moved to open one of her drawers, before sighing. “I can’t keep covering for you, Star,” she noted, turning back to her. “These ‘fantasies’ of yours… they are a horrible way to impress yourself upon people.”  Night Fire grimaced. “They aren’t fantasies,” she said. “They’re who I am.” She gazed up at her mother, and Spike was shocked to see tears in this otherwise perky girl’s eyes. “I thought you’d accept that by now.”  Luna looked away in regret, but opened the drawer and pulled out some plain looking clothes; a sweater, t-shirt, jeans and boots. “I have my duties as vice principal,” she said. “And this is the last time I can choose you over them.” She pressed the clothing down before Night Fire. “Get yourself dressed in these, and then return your animals to their proper homes. We’ll discuss this more in depth tonight.” Then she walked over to the door, and shut it. However, they could see her silhouette outside, waiting for Night to get properly dressed.  Briefly glancing around for an escape, Night sighed, and reluctantly began to peel herself out of her fur suit.  “I’m sorry,” Phoenix whimpered.  “Sh,” Spike hissed, remembering how Snips had reacted. “It’s not your fault,” Night whispered.  “But it is,” Phoenix whispered. “Who was I to assume I could get through to that poor kid?”  Night managed a smile at her. “Someone with a good heart,” she replied, before letting her fur suit hit the ground.  Spike turned away, trying to give her some element of privacy… and his eyes widened at what he saw.  “The crown!” he whispered, drawing Phoenix and even Night’s attention.  It was right there; sitting on a red cushion with a glass casing.  Phoenix stepped towards it. “We could… just grab it,” she noted. “Just take it and go.”  Night winced. “But… Mom will know I took it,” she said. “She’ll be furious at me if I lose it.”  Spike flinched as well. “Night, I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “But we need that crown. Sunset will do something terrible with it if we don’t…” “Star Wing, it does not take that long to get dressed,” Luna barked. “Move it!”  Night winced, glancing back at her mother. Spike desperately tried to think of something he could say - some way he could convince her.  But then Phoenix spoke.  “No.”  Spike turned to her. “Phi?”  Phoenix shook her head. “I’m not getting Night in more trouble than she already is,” she insisted. She looked up at Night. “We’ll find another way. Don’t get yourself in more trouble than you already are.”  Night gazed down at Phoenix with a look that spoke of a shattered heart. “But… Sunset’s evil scheme…” she looked over at Swift and Jackknife, who puffed themselves up with pride.  And Spike saw a bit of Night’s old energy come back. ## They found Twilight wandering out of the library with a terrified look. “Oh, Spike!” Twilight said, racing over to scoop him into her arms.  “Hey, Twi,” Spike said. “You okay?”  Twilight glanced back. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I did as much research as I could; tried to understand how this place works… but I forgot to think about where we’re gonna sleep tonight?”  Spike and Phoenix exchanged a small grin. “How about back home?” Phoenix replied, before Night Fire stepped between them, holding up the crown. Twilight’s jaw fell open. “Wha… bu… but how?!”  “Had to visit my mom,” Night Fire replied with a grin, though her grin faded as she glared down at her lack of a fur suit. “She stepped out to make me dress in this stuff, and big boy Swift here…” she pat the bird’s beak. “Managed to carry the crown right out the window.”  Phoenix chuckled. “I guess you were right about Swift probably not surviving: you were just talking about his reputation at school.”  “A trivial sacrifice when the world’s at stake,” Night replied with a grin, before stroking Swift’s feathers. “Ain’t that right, my courageous eagle?”  Twilight gazed in awe at Swift as he puffed his chest out with a proud twitter. “N-Night Fire,” Twilight stammered, holding the crown to her chest. “You have no idea how much this means to me…” “I’ve got a few ideas,” Night replied, grinning at Spike. “I was always hoping alternate dimensional dragons would one day come to see me.”  Twilight’s grin faded, and she stared at Spike. “You… told her?” “It worked out, didn’t it?” Spike offered, pointing out the crown.  Twilight gazed down at it, and her resolve strengthened. “Yeah,” she said. “Let’s get this back.”  The group began to run back for the school. But as Phoenix paused to clench at one of her old war wounds… she noticed Snips in the shadows.  “Er… talking dog,” Snips whispered, offering a treat. He tried for a silent whistle that only resulted in spit. “C’mere. C’mere!”  Phoenix glanced back at the others, but her worry for the boys got the best of her, and she walked back.  “Listen,” Snips said. “You were right. We deserve way better than Sunset. Can you help us with your… magic talking dog powers?”  Phoenix’s ears perked. She drew closer. “Of course, I can,” she replied. “You just need…”  Suddenly, something heavy slammed down on top of Phoenix. She was flipped to her back, and hog-tied with rope. Before she could bark or cry out for her friends, more rope bound her muzzle shut.  From the shadows, Phoenix’s eyes widened as Sunset leered down at her.  “I just need that crown,” Sunset growled. “And you’re going to help me get it.” > Episode 24: The New World Arc; Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They made it back to the mirror before they realized something was wrong.  Twilight, of all people, was the one who seemed to sense it at first. Just before Spike could leap through the portal back home, he noticed Twilight looking back, ponderously.  “Twilight?” he asked. “You okay?”  Twilight clutched the crown close to her chest. “The human versions of my friends…” she said. “Sunset manipulated them against each other. They all think so little of each other. Yet… I’m sure that wasn’t always the case.” She looked down. “While I was researching, I found a book with pictures of them. And they seemed like really good friends before all this started.”  “They were, honestly,” Night Fire admitted, petting Diamondback as she gazed longingly into the portal. “They were an inseparable team. I think that’s why Sunset drove them apart. Together, they would’ve kept this school from falling under her sway.”  Twilight’s face set in determination. “Then I’m coming back,” she decided.  Spike blinked. “Huh?” Twilight indicated the crown. “Sunset still left the fake one back in Equestria. And there’s still two more days until the portal closes for good. I’ll take my crown back, bring the fake one here, and then see what I can do to repair their friendship. I owe them that much.”  Spike grinned at Phoenix… or rather, tried to.  His companion was gone.  The fur raised on the back of Spike’s neck. “P-Phoenix?”  “Right over here,” a voice called.  The group turned and gasped in horror: Phoenix was trussed up like a chicken, Sunset Shimmer’s boot on her neck. And a sledgehammer placed right next to Phoenix’s head. “Phoenix!” Spike yelled, nearly running at Sunset before Twilight scooped him up.  “Don’t you dare hurt her!” Twilight snarled.  Sunset huffed. “Hard to do,” she noted, glancing at Phoenix’s various scars. “She’s beaten up enough as is.”  Twilight and Spike narrowed their eyes, while Night Fire shifted behind them. Sunset tsked.  “You know,” she noted to Spike. “I always figured you and your little group of wandering do-gooders would be a problem. I had to sacrifice what little magic I could use here to make sure you stayed out of the way… for what good that did…” she added, shooting a venomous look at Night Fire.  Night Fire glanced at Twilight. “What’s she talking about?”  Twilight could only shrug.  “Imagine the irony now,” Sunset continued. “That, in the end, you’ll actually be the ones to get me what I want.”  Spike narrowed his eyes with a growl. “And why would we do that?”  Sunset hefted up the sledgehammer. Her meaning became clear.  “You wouldn’t dare!” Twilight protested.  “It doesn’t need to happen,” Sunset replied. “As long as you give me the crown.”  Phoenix shook her head at them. Spike’s heart broke at the utter regret and heartbreak in Phoenix’s eyes. Though muzzled and gagged, her eyes pleaded with Spike: Don’t do it; don’t sacrifice yourselves on my behalf. Don’t… But then Spike noticed the tremble in Sunset’s hands. The flash of nervousness in her eyes. He smirked.  “You don’t have it in you, do you?” he asked.  “What are you talking about?” Sunset demanded. “I will get that crown. What makes you think I care about some worn out dragon?”  Phoenix, however, nodded encouragingly at Spike, motivating him to continue.  “You were a Pony of Equestria,” Spike replied. “A student of Princess Celestia herself. You were taught to bring balance and harmony, not spite and hatred.”  “W-Worthless teachings from a worthless teacher!” Sunset spat.  Twilight reared up in indignation, but Spike kept his grin.  “Prove us wrong then,” he said, glancing at Phoenix, who smiled back at him with an approving nod.  Sunset looked down at Phoenix, who grinned up at her in defiance. Her eyes darted back to Spike, then Twilight, and to the crown in Twilight’s hands.  Her arms trembled… and she sighed, setting the sledgehammer down.  “Okay, fine,” she admitted. “You win. I don’t have it in me.”  Spike and Twilight exchanged a happy grin… that turned to horror when Snips and Snails made their attack.  Running out from the shadows, they shoved Night Fire hard, sending her careening into Twilight.  “TWI!” Spike yelled. “NIGHT!” As he and his fellow animals descended on the duo, however, Twilight hit the ground hard, and her crown bounced out of her hands.  Right into Sunset’s.  “No!” Spike barked, rushing for her.  But he was too late: Sunset swiftly donned the crown, and a burst of magic energy threw everyone backward.  When the smoke cleared, Sunset floated before them; her skin turned lava red, wings sprouted from her back, and her eyes had turned black with ice blue pupils.  “At last,” she rumbled. “More power than I could ever imagine!”  She fired a strange beam at the portal, drawing what seemed to be magic to her. Using said magic, she proceeded to fire a spell that brought student after student to the school yard.  Including…  Twilight gasped. “My friends!”  Night Fire stood tall. “Go talk to them,” she said. “Convince them to help.” She cracked her knuckles. “We got this witch.”  Sunset sneered down at the daughter of Luna. “Do you now?” She fired another beam of magic; this time at Snips and Snails.  When the smoke cleared, they had been shifted into demonic forms as well.  Snips cackled in delight. “This is gonna be so cool!”  Night Fire, Spike and the other animals slowly backed away as the demonic duo advanced on them. But then suddenly, Phoenix leaped onto Snips back, the shockwave having freed her from her bonds. She tore at his hair with wolf-like viciousness as he cried out in surprise.  “Phoenix!” Spike stammered.  “Focus on Sunset!” she said, dodging a blast of magic from Snails and leaping on him. “I’ve been far too nice to these idiots for far too long!” She bit his hand and threw him into Snips. “Time to show them who they really should’ve been taking orders from.”  However, as she spoke, Snips managed to kick her away from him. Spike turned to his friends.  “She needs help!” he insisted.  Night only had to turn to Jackknife, Swift and Diamondback, and they responded, rushing Snips and Snails and engaging them in battle.  As the four did battle, Night and Spike raced to block Sunset from Twilight, as she appealed to her friends.  Sunset sneered at the sight of Spike and Night. “When will you idiots stop getting in my way?”  “Right around when you stop acting like a crazy person and give Twilight back her crown,” Night replied, Spike barking in agreement. Sunset snarled at Night Fire. “You’ve always been the biggest problem, Night Fire. First, you couldn’t just turn into a simple dog before the portal closed and cut off my access to magic. Now, you still continue to deny me my rightful claim?!”  “Rightful claim?” Spike demanded. “You stole Twilight’s crown. You’re a thief!”  “The only ‘rightful claim’ you own is one to an asylum,” Night Fire agreed.  “I WILL NOT JUST RULE THIS PATHETIC LITTLE SCHOOL!” Sunset roared in anger. “I want Equestria.” She fired a new spell; this one making several students' eyes glow as they let out zombie-like moans. “And with an army of humans behind me, I’m going to get it! Whether you want it or not!”  Spike and Night Fire prepared for a fight, even as Sunset rose higher, and the zombified students started to approach them.  However, just before things could descend into violence… Twilight stepped up between Spike and Night Fire. “You’re not going anywhere near Equestria,” Twilight snarled.  “Oh please,” Sunset scoffed. “What exactly do you think you’re going to do to stop me?” She glanced at Spike and Night Fire. “I turned these idiots into simple animals with just a fraction of the magic I now wield. What do you possibly think you can have against that?”  Rainbow Dash stepped forward. “Us,” she replied, as the Humane Five stepped up, placing themselves between Sunset and Twilight.  Sunset rolled her eyes, before blasting at them with a spell. The spell was clearly meant to either throw them aside or do something worse.  But… it didn’t. Instead, it seemed to hit some sort of barrier. One that only strengthened as Twilight stepped up.  “The magic contained in my element was used to unite those that helped create it.” She indicated each of her friends. “Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty.”  As she said each one, each of her friends glowed, strengthening the barrier and forcing the spell back, even as Sunset tried to push past it.  “Snips, Snails!” she screamed.  But both boys were down for the count: Phoenix and Swift sitting triumphantly on Snips, while Jackknife had hog-tied Snails with his own body and Diamondback sat on Snails’ face. “The Elements may create power beyond anything you can imagine,” Twilight continued to Sunset. “But it is a power you don’t have the ability to control.”  Sunset seethed, and screamed as she forewent the spell and beat futilely on the barrier blocking her.  “The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight said, her voice beginning to echo. “But you cannot wield it. Because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of FRIENDSHIP!”  With the force of a bomb, a purifying wave of light threw Sunset away. The zombie-like glow faded from the student’s eyes. And - much to Spike’s shock - he changed. Phoenix did as well. Night… didn’t really change as much, but Jackknife, Diamondback and Phoenix all underwent changes:  They all became humans; humans that were much bigger and stronger-looking than Twilight and her fellow students. They wore what looked like military fatigues, fresh from some sort of army or marine camp. Spike even found tattoos on his arms; depictions of his own dragon form, curb-stomping an enemy base.  Night was no different; she had shifted from a scrawny teenager to a full-fledged woman.  Snails yelped as he found himself crushed under Jackknife and Diamondback’s excessive bulk, Swift and Phoenix quickly jumping off Snips before he suffered the same fate.  And as they stared in awe at their new human forms, a new light came into Night Fire’s eyes.  “I… remember,” Night stammered, turning to Sunset. “She popped up out of nowhere. There was something wrong about her. We were supposed to investigate her when…” she clutched her head. “What did she do to us?”  “Most likely a memory spell, combined with a shape-shifting spell,” Twilight replied. “Though using them must have drained her magic reserves, ensuring she couldn’t repeat the trick again on the likes of us. But no more.” She turned to Sunset’s battered form. “Any power you’ve had in this world is gone, Sunset. Tonight, you’ve shown everyone who you really are.”  Sunset could only lower her head in shame, defeat… and a tinge of regret.  Night sighed. “This is gonna be difficult to explain to the chief. Magic on Earth?” She chuckled. “He’ll laugh the freckles off my face.”  “That is assuming he doesn’t penalize us for being MIA this whole time,” Diamondback noted. “I doubt getting turned into animals is going to seem like a good excuse.”  Spike chuckled. “Well, I wish you luck in handling it. But Twilight, Phoenix and I need to get back.”  Night nodded. “I imagine so. We’ll handle Sunset for you.”  “A-As long as we’re sure she won’t use any more of that magic,” Swift said. “I don’t want to be turned into a bird again.”  “Pft,” Jackknife scoffed. “Says you; I kinda liked being a snake.”  Spike left them to argue, before going over to Phoenix. “You okay, Phi?”  Phoenix gazed at Snips and Snails with a sad light. “I wish it didn’t have to come to violence,” she admitted. “They’re just kids… especially when I see them at this height.”  Spike patted her broad shoulder. “You did what had to be done. Let’s just hope we never have to do that again.” Phoenix sighed, looking up at the stars. “But we might,” she admitted in a resigned tone. Spike grimaced. “Maybe,” he admitted. “But we’ll try to save fighting for when we have no other choice.”  Phoenix turned back to him with a nod. “Agreed.”  They turned as Principal Celestia came forward, having found the crown, and giving it back to Twilight. “I believe this belongs to you,” she said. “A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight.”  Twilight beamed up at her teacher’s counterpart. “I do.”  Phoenix exchanged a grin with Spike. “Good advice,” she mused.  “Celestia does usually try to give the best,” he admitted, before Twilight stepped up between them, the crown safely back on her head.  “Come on, you two,” she said, “Let’s go home.”  Waving a final goodbye to everyone, Spike followed Twilight and Phoenix through the portal, already thinking of his next friendship report: My Princesses Twilight and Celestia,  There will be those who lead through fear and abuse, and we will feel naturally inclined to try and protect those who become victims of poor leaders. However, we cannot let our pity get in the way of ensuring the safety of all.  Phoenix learned this the hard way during our adventure to the human world, when she had to fight against those cowed into submission by Sunset Shimmer.  Though she stumbled and made mistakes, Phoenix ultimately showed that, while those victimized by others will have her pity, harm upon others will never be permitted. Not by the Forces of Equestria, and certainly not by the Drake Six.  Though I do hope that we will not have to fight against such victims again, Equus is a big world, and the world beyond it even bigger. All I can say is that we must be prepared for anything.  Ponies and Dragons alike. Your faithful dragon friend, Spike > Episode 25: Sequestria Arc - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike realized he was far too used to instant messaging.  With his fire, he could send notes, letters and messages instantly to the Princess, to Twilight, or to anyone he pleased. Being forced to walk or fly over long distances? Through wind, rain, sleet or snow? He had the luxury of never even considering such a struggle.  Thus, it was quite a shock to him when he saw the gray wall-eyed pegasus Ditzy Doo flap right into Diamondback’s home with an utterly exhausted looking sea serpent. One who was clutching some sort of letter written on seaweed.  “Special delivery for Mr. Jackknife,” Ditzy declared happily. The sea serpent groaned, lifting his head. “Thanks, bubbly pegasus,” he mumbled, before collapsing again.  Ditzy merely held herself high, so happy with herself she didn’t even seem to realize that the sea serpent was on the edge of unconsciousness. However, Jackknife’s eyes widened in shock, and he bundled the other sea serpent into the cave. “Get me some water,” he ordered.  “And some muffins for Ditzy,” Spike added, earning a gleeful look from the wall-eyed pegasus. “She’s more than earned them.”  After paying Ditzy off, the other dragons gathered round as Jackknife poured water over his dried up counterpart.  Spike felt a slight jolt in his heart at how similar the other sea serpent was to Jackknife. Granted, the other sea serpent was a brilliant algae green as opposed to Jackknife’s ocean blue. Where Jackknife prided himself on his muscles, this sea serpent was smooth-chested and lean, looking more built for speed than strength. And when his eyes fluttered open, they were ocean blue, just like Jackknife’s scales.  Jackknife sighed as the sea serpent came to. “Dangit Storm,” he muttered. “‘What the heck were you thinking, coming out all this way?”  Night Fire looked up. “Storm? You know this guy?”  Jackknife sighed as the sea serpent - Storm - looked around in bemusement. “Yeah,” Jackknife admitted. “Storming Seas. We, uh…” Jackknife looked away. “We go pretty far back.”  “Jack…” Storm mumbled, pulling himself up to a sitting position. He grinned up at the sight of the burlier sea serpent, though Jackknife didn’t seem as eager to meet his gaze. “I-I’m so happy I found you.” He reached out, but Jackknife turned away. “Can I assume the others feel the same way?”  Storm’s hand lowered, and he looked down in guilt. “You know I never felt like they did.”  Spike and Night exchanged a glance, while Diamondback stepped forward.  “Um, is there something we should know, Jackknife?” Diamondback asked. “What’s going on between you two?”  Jackknife sighed. “Long story,” he admitted, turning back to them. “Short version is; my people didn’t agree with a lot of the world views I held. I left em behind to see if I could prove myself right… and that led me to you,” he nodded at Spike.  “Not all of us disagreed with you, Jack,” Storm noted. “I always looked up to you. I never agreed with what Queen Novo or Sapphire had to say about you. And right now, their judgment is going to get us in serious trouble.”  Jackknife paused, looking back at Storm. “What’re you talking about?”  Storm fiddled with the fins on his arm. “There’s some sort of dark force amassing in the north section of our territory. I don’t know what it is - no one does - but it’s got the sea ponies terrified.”  Diamondback blinked. “Sea ponies?” She looked at Jackknife. “So the rumors are true: sea ponies and sea serpents live together?” “No way,” Spike mumbled. “Did you… well… were you… similar to how I was with Twilight?” Jackknife snorted. “You remember that life, right Spike? Being laughed at and being seen as lame for taking orders from ponies. Well, it shouldn’t have been the same thing.” He turned to the others. “The Sea ponies were a buncha hippogriffs - though I like to call em hypocrites. We sea serpents gave em sanctuary from some freak that destroyed their home - gave them the means to survive underwater - and before ya knew it, they were suddenly running our home.” He turned to Storm. “What’s next? Has Queen Novo fully taken over; thrown Queen Sapphire to the shores?”  “No, at least… I don’t think so. It’s been a while since I’ve been there.” Storm admitted. He shook it off and gazed pleadingly at Jackknife. “But Jack, please listen: the thing that drove the hippogriffs to us; I think it’s coming back. Queen Novo just wants to try and stay hidden and let it pass us by, but I’m really worried that even if it passes us by, it could do some serious damage to you or to the lands beyond.” Storm swallowed. “I’ve been traveling for weeks, trying to find you so I could…” “What?” Jackknife asked. “Enlist my aid? I think you forgot how I got the blue laughed off my tail for even suggesting we try to interact with the surface world.” Storm looked down with a hurt expression. “I wasn’t laughing.” Jackknife grimaced, before sighing. “I’m sorry, man,” he said in a gentler tone. “Ya proved as much coming out here.”  Night glanced between them before hesitantly going over to Jackknife. “Jack,” she said. “Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check this place out. At least to make sure that it doesn’t become a problem for Equestria or the Dragon Lands.”  Diamondback laughed. “As if something could ever threaten the Dragon Lands…” she boasted.  “It’s not just the Dragon Lands we need to worry about,” Spike noted. “Equestria has already had to deal with the likes of Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra… it doesn’t need anymore dictators or tyrants.”  “At the very least, we should try to get Storm back home,” Swift offered. “If he’s been traveling for weeks on his own, we shouldn’t force him to make the journey back alone.” Jackknife cracked his knuckles anxiously, turning to Phoenix. “What d’you think, Phi?”  Phoenix glanced at Storm before giving Jackknife a hard glare. “I’m getting the sense that this guy was your friend, Jack.”  “Still is,” Storm replied with determination. “Or… still wants to be.”  Jackknife gave Storm a small smile, but Phoenix pressed forward.  “Whatever happened between you,” Phoenix said. “Is it really worth risking his life? The lives of your fellow sea serpents? The lives of innocents?”  Jackknife glowered, baring his fangs as he looked away. However, with a sigh, he lowered his arms.  “Alright, fine,” he said. “I can at least get Storm back safely.” He glared at the green sea serpent. “But if Queen Sapphire says one word that’s essentially just blindly agreeing with Queen Novo, I’m out.” He indicated Spike and the other dragons. “These guys have been better friends - better family - to me than anyone back in that underwater dump.” He paused. “Except you, o’ course.” Storm nodded all the same. “Thank you, Jack,” he said, before turning to the others. “Thank you all.” He looked down. “I always thought that our leaders were being fools to send you away or treat you badly. Maybe this can be the chance you need to show them what you were talking about.”  Jackknife huffed. “I guess we’ll find.”  However, before they could set out… Spike felt a strange ‘drop.’ Like his stomach had just fallen into his intestines.  “Do you… feel that?” he asked.  Diamondback looked down at the necklace that housed her element… and gasped in horror. “It’s gone out!”  The others gathered round, staring in shock as the power seemed to drain out of Diamondback’s Element of Generosity.  A few seconds later, all the other dragons felt it too: their elements drained out of them like water out of a leaking bucket.  “W-What’s happening?” Swift stammered.  Spike grabbed the nearest pen and parchment and scribbled down a message:  Twilight!  Elements are fading!  What’s going on? Rolling up the parchment, he blasted it with his messenger fire. Storm stared at him in disbelief.  “Er… what was that?” “Messenger fire,” Spike replied, “I can send messages to some of my friends.” Storm gaped at him. “And meanwhile, I had to spend weeks traveling all over?” He crossed his arms with a pout. “Lucky!”  Spike could only shrug, before he felt the telltale buildup of a message returning.  Burping out Twilight’s response, he gathered the others around and checked Twilight’s response:  Spike, don’t panic.  Had to give Elements back to Tree of Harmony to free Celestia and Luna from Plunder Vines.  Tree provided some sort of box that we need keys to open.  Will be sorting it out.  For now, just stand by.  Hope you’re safe out there. Twi Diamondback snatched the message away. “Is she serious?” she said. “She gave up the Elements?!”  “What happened to the Elements being one of the most important weapons Equestria had,” Phoenix agreed. “D-Does this mean we just went through that whole Sunset Shimmer scandal for nothing?”  “I wouldn’t call that nothing,” Night noted. “We got to find out an alternate version of me is a…” “Be serious, Night!” Swift stammered. “Without the Elements…” “Guys, snap out of it,” Jackknife barked. “Even without the Elements, we’ve still proven capable of kicking tail.” He pointed to Swift. “Just look what we did to the slave traders in Kludgetown. Or the Dragon Kingdom. Or even the Crystal Empire. All of those we solved without the Elements.”  “That’s exactly why Seaquestria needs your help,” Storm agreed. “Whatever’s threatening the borders…” “Storm, do us a favor and stop,” Jackknife growled.  Swift, for his part, was starting to fluff up in stress. “Do you guys really think we should be checking out Seaquestria? What if Twilight and the others need our help to unlock whatever this alternate to the Elements is?”  Spike checked his message. “I’m pretty sure that she would’ve told us to bring back up if she needed us.”  “But guys,” Phoenix noted. “If we go back to Equestria, Seaquestria will be left vulnerable.”  Storm nodded vigorously. “And even if Seaquestria is left alone, it’s as I told you guys: something big is heading your way and it’s heading there fast. No one in Seaquestria wants to do anything about it.” He looked pleadingly to Jackknife. “You’re the only one that spoke up about us trying to help others, Jack. I believe that you have the power to stop whatever’s amassing in the North.”  Jackknife gazed at Storm, gently taking his hands. Bitterness still shined in his eyes, but there was something else there too. Something Spike couldn’t quite place, but knew to be something more than anger or bitterness.  After what felt like an eternity - likely longer to Storm - Jackknife sighed and looked to the others.  “I’m going back,” he said. “If anyone wants to stay and see if they can help Twilight, I won’t argue. But I gotta see what Storm’s yapping about.” He looked back. “And I don’t want to make him take the return trip home alone.”  Spike immediately stepped forward. “I’m with you, Jack,” he said.  Night Fire stepped up as well. “Through thick and thin,” she agreed.  Phoenix was the next one up. “Let’s keep those innocents safe.”  Diamondback shrugged and joined them. “I suppose it could be interesting to see Seaquestria in it’s glory.”  Swift shuffled in place, glancing back towards Equestria longingly. But with Storm gazing at him with big blue eyes, Swift caved and walked over to join them as well.  “I hope Twilight knows what she’s doing,” Swift noted. “I got faith in her,” Spike assured. “She’ll handle the Elements, while we handle whatever’s looking to ruin our day.” He turned to Storm and Jack. “Alright, guys. Lead the way.” > Episode 26: Seaquestria Arc; Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite his worry for Twilight, Spike felt he and his friends had made the right decision; especially when they saw what had become of the Hippogriff home.  Or rather, what was left of it. A lonely gray mist hung over the abandoned ruins. Sad buildings sat covered in moss and dust. Dead trees reached out feebly with rotten branches.  “Kinda a dump, right?” Jackknife asked, noting the expressions on everyone’s faces. “Now ya can see why I left.”  “Come on, Jack,” Storm asked. “You know this is just the outer level.”  Spike perked. “Outer level? Like a… camouflage or something like that.” “Exactly,” Storm said happily. “People don’t pay that much attention to abandoned ruins. Well, except for archeologists, and explorers…” “And overall adventurers,” Night Fire added, eagerly looking around the ruins. “We always know that ruins like this hold some sort of secret.”  “But usually, you have to know where to look,” Storm noted. “Or what to do.” Taking a breath, he gave a soft, crooning whistle.  For a moment, the dragons waited, listening as the whistle echoed off the sad buildings and faded away into the gray, ghostly mist.  But then, off in the distance, a humming, melodic tune answered.  Storm grinned at the shocked expressions on the other non-sea dragons. “This way,” he said.  Jackknife followed with a glower. “And be ready,” he added.  “For a fight?” Swift asked.  “Can’t be,” Spike said. “Storm said you guys needed help.” “And I told you,” Jackknife replied. “I didn’t leave these guys on the best of terms.”  The group followed Storm regardless, arriving at an abandoned pool. Though the rest of the ruins were gray and bleak, there stood a single bit of color: a pink water lily. Behind the water lily, something resembling a cross between a pony and a sea serpent poked its head out and gazed at Storm curiously with big blue eyes.  “Storm?” the creature asked.  “Hey Skystar,” Storm said.  With a burst of water, the sea creature leaped from the pool and embraced the younger sea serpent.  “Storm!” she cheered. “You’ve been gone for weeks! I was so worried you weren’t coming back like…” she caught sight of Jackknife.  Jackknife grimaced and looked awayl… only for his eyes to widen as Skystar embraced him like a long lost brother. “JACKKNIFE!” she cheered… only to freeze and look around with horror, as if worried she drew the attention of something. Storm glanced around worriedly too. “We should probably discuss this back home.”  “W-Wait,” Swift said, “What about the dark forces?” “Indeed, we should stay focused on why we’re here,” Diamondback noted, giving a wary look to the pool. Skystar, however, gazed at the rest of the dragons with awe in her eyes.  “Oh… My… Goodness,” she whispered, turning back to Storm and Jackknife. “How did… are they your…” “They’re my friends,” Jackknife said with a grin. “They got my back. All the time.” He added with a glare at Storm.  Though Storm wilted under Jackknife’s gaze, his barb went right over Skystar’s head.  “That’s incredible!” she said, careful to keep her voice down this time. “I’m totally taking you to see my mom.”  Now it was Jackknife’s turn to wince. “That ain’t necessary…”  “Nonsense,” Skystar insisted. “She’ll want to know you’re okay. Same for Queen Sapphire. Come on!” Before Jackknife could protest, Skystar waved a fin, and the pool suddenly surged up with a wave, swallowing the dragons up as Diamondback let out a shriek.  “DB, you okay?” Spike stammered.  Diamondback shivered, even as an air bubble formed over her face. “I’m not exactly a fan of water,” she stammered, shivering in the liquid.  “It’s a fire thing,” Phoenix admitted. “You guys can feel it too, right?”  “Eh,” Night replied, already trying to challenge Skystar to a loop-the-loop competition.  Spike had to admit, the cool water did seem to have an ominous presence around him, like if he didn’t have the air bubble to let him breathe, drowning would be too easy.  But Skystar and Storm were watching over them. And with the threat of whatever dark forces they had yet to challenge looming over them, they followed the two sea creatures through the darkness, and to a glowing underwater kingdom.  More sea ponies and even sea serpents like Storm and Jack emerged to watch them. Spike caught sight of a particular sea pony with pink fur, who tried to approach them, only to be held back by an important looking sea pony with darker green scales.  Heading straight into the castle, they soon found themselves in an underwater variation of a throne room. Just like Celestia and Luna, two thrones stood on a small mountain of coral.  A sea pony and a sea serpent sat on each: the sea pony was a brilliant white with some sort of purple frill resembling hair. The sea serpent beside her was a beautiful sapphire blue, with even deeper blue eyes that were locked with the purple eyes of the sea pony, as they engaged in some sort of conversation.  Spike noticed Jackknife glaring at the sea serpent’s seat; much like Luna’s, it was smaller and more shunted to the side than the sea pony’s seat. “Mother!” Skystar called. “Auntie Sapphire. Look what I found.”  The sea pony rolled her eyes. “Is it another shell?”  However, the sea serpent turned to Skystar, and immediately caught sight of Storm and Jackknife. Her eyes widened. “No, Novo, it’s… much more than that.”  The sea pony - Novo - glanced at the group… and gasped. “Storming Seas! You…” she then noticed Jackknife, and glowered. “...brought Jackknife back.”  Jackknife glared right back and cocked a sarcastic salute. “Nice to see you too, Nova.”  “It’s ‘Queen Novo,’” Sapphire reminded him sharply. “And you better have a good reason for coming back here, Jackknife.”  Jackknife scoffed. “Ask Storm; he’s the one who dragged me and my friends back.”  Sapphire groaned. “Storm, how many times did I have to tell you? Whatever’s going on with the surface is not our concern.”  “It will be if you bring surface dwellers down here,” Novo grumbled.  “It will be a threat regardless,” Storm insisted. “Your majesties, I really do believe that Jackknife can help us. His family saved the hippogriffs in the past.”  “At great personal cost,” Jackknife added with a glare at Novo, though she merely turned her nose up at him. “And now he’s got friends,” Storm added. “Really powerful friends.” He grinned over… only to find Night had somehow flipped herself upside down. Diamondback blushed at the sight and tried to flip Night back right side up.  “HEY!” Night snapped, pushing herself away from DB. “I like this.”  “Make yourself look presentable!” Diamondback seethed.  “No!” Night pouted and pushed herself further back, slamming into a wall, and drifting away. “Ow.”  Diamondback rubbed the bridge of her nose, before taking a breath and trying to swim gracefully up to the royals. “Your graces,” she said gently. “Queen Novo, the savior of the hippogriffs…” Jackknife made a gagging noise in the background, “...and Queen Sapphire, the light that shines in darkness. We intend no ill upon your kingdom. We only seek its safety. No matter what conflicts have arisen between your subjects, our goal is solely protection and defense. Nothing more.”  Novo grinned at Diamondback’s praise, while Sapphire chuckled. “At least one of them knows how to forge words like silver,” she mused. “You should take lessons from them, Jack.”  Jackknife narrowed his eyes with a scoff, while Novo sighed dramatically.  “Fine,” she said. “If you’re truly the guardians you say you are, I suppose you can handle whatever is going on up at the surface. But that also means that you won’t mention we were here. Even on pain of death.”  Swift and Spike exchanged terrified looks, but Jackknife laughed.  “And she speaks for you as well, Saph?”  “We both speak for the good of Sequestria,” Sapphire replied.  Jackknife chuckled and shook his head. “Then Sequestria’s gonna be remembered as the land of cowards and toads.” Novo drew herself up with a dark look. Skystar and Storm both exchanged horrified looks. “Is Toad a bad word in these parts?” Night asked. “Hope you guys never visit the Mushroom kingdom if that’s the case.” But no one had time for Night’s feeble attempts at comedy. “Jackknife, why…” Storm stammered, while Skystar swam to her mother.  “Mother, wait, he didn’t mean it the way you’re thinking…” But both Sapphire and Novo glowed with an ethereal light. And the next thing Spike or any of the dragons knew, they were flung out onto a rocky beach. Night coughed and sputtered, shaking herself off like a dog. “Smooth, Jack,” she noted. “I can tell you were the real life of the party back there. A regular…” “Oh, shove it!” Jackknife snapped, stomping out of the water and glaring around at the mountains that had replaced the former hippogriff home. “All of em are either cowards or weak-willed toads and you can see that. Storm dragging me back, and then those dumb queens making us do their dirty work?” He looked around. “Oh, great. Storm ain’t even here. He dragged me back and ran!” “W-Well, maybe the queens just stopped him,” Swift offered.  “Either way, I thought we agreed that this dark force was a threat to all of Equestria,” Phoenix protested.  “Well, it wouldn’t be if the people of Sequestria had even one set of cojones on them!” Jackknife snapped.  Night gasped and covered Spike’s ears. “Language, Jack,” she chastised. “He’s too young for that!”  Spike swatted Night’s talons away. “Stop it!” he said, before looking to Jackknife. “Look, Jack, I know that I’m probably stepping into hot water here…” “Oh, you are throwing yourself into a boiling pot, buddy boy,” Jackknife said, keeping his back to them. “Nova has always forgotten that she and her people are alive solely because of the sea serpents! We risked our tails and our freedom to help them, and now that they have a chance to repay it, what do they do with it?” He indicated Diamondback. “They leave it to us. Ruddy cowards, the lot of them. And Saph’s no better; just going along with what Nova wants. Like she owes Nova instead of the other way round?” He looked back. “Maybe…” He went silent.  Spike cautiously approached him. “It’s okay, Jack,” he said. “Speak your mind.”  Jackknife looked back at him, worried, but let his anger vent. “Maybe we should just leave this to them. Whatever this dark force is… just… let em…” “Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?!” Night stammered, scandalized. “We just promised we’d defend them.”  “Indeed,” Diamondback said. “We can’t break our promise now!”  “You made a promise to someone that’d abandon you at a moment’s notice!” Jackknife protested, turning back to her. “They’re more than happy to have you defend them, but you can’t expect them to lift a finger to do the same. Why should we help those that would never help us back?”  Diamondback bristled, but had no words. Phoenix backed up and even Night looked conflicted.  But when Spike looked to Swift… he saw Swift looking up at something. And shaking in utter fear.  “Does anyone deserve to be left to that?” he whimpered, pointing up.  The others followed his gaze, and their eyes widened. A fleet of ships were rising over the mountain, shrouded in black fog. Faintly, they could see furry armored beasts milling around on the deck, preparing spheres cracking with a sickly green light, or sharpening blades that looked like they could cut through steel like hot butter.  But the thing that drew Spike and Jackknife’s attention the most was the sigil emblazoned on the mast: two cyan lines, jagged like lightning bolts, almost like the cruel eyes of some vicious predator.  “W-What is that?” Spike asked.  “It can’t be…” Diamondback mumbled.  Jackknife, however, deflated in resignation. “That’s the sigil of the Storm King,” he admitted. “The evil that we saved the hippogriffs from in the first place.” > Episode 27: Sequestria Arc; Part Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike watched Night and Swift with worried eyes as they hovered close to the Storm King’s ship. Diamondback, Jackknife and Blaze were grouped up next to him on the mountain wall, and Diamondback even had a magic communication device that they could talk to the impromptu scouts with, but Spike still feared for Night and Swift’s safety.  “What do you two see?” Diamondback asked. “A lot of Yetis,” Night’s voice replied. “Looks like they’re experimenting with different kinds of weapons. They have these weird orbs with them, they…” Night gasped. Spike straightened. “Night?”  “Don’t take chances, you guys,” Jackknife warned.  “Aw, you care,” Night teased, before her voice grew serious. “Seriously, though, we’re fine. They just used one of the orbs to turn one of their own to obsidian.”  This is freaky,” Swift said. “What if they see us?”  “We’re right here, darling,” Diamondback assured Swift. “Don’t worry; we’ll come running if anything happens.”  “Unlike some creatures,” Jackknife muttered bitterly, glaring down at the water concealing Sequestria. Spike pat Jackknife’s shoulder. “Don’t let them get to you, man.”  “How can I not?” Jackknife replied. “We’re out here trying to handle this, while they sit nice and cozy at the bottom of the ocean. We do this, we’re telling them they can order us around like slaves.”  “And if we don’t do this,” Blaze replied curtly, “We’ll be allowing this ‘Storm King’ to have free reign over Equus.”  Jackknife seethed, but sighed in resignation. “Yeah,” he admitted. “Alright. So how’re we handling this?”  Diamondback grimaced. “Easiest thing to do would be to simply blast a hole in the ship, but we have no idea what kind of defenses they have in place.”  “So, let’s find out,” Night replied. “I’m going in, Swift. Cover me?”  “Night, be careful!” Swift stammered.  But the black dragoness was never one for hesitation or caution. And as the group watched, she flew onto the ship and out of sight.  A few seconds later, Swift chimed in. “Okay, she got below deck, but I can’t see her anymore. Oh, Night, what are you thinking?”  Seconds ticked by. Minutes felt like hours. The dragons watched Swift with bated breath, waiting for him to chime in with the good news that Night was out.  But whatever Night was doing took time. And as the time dragged on, Spike and Jackknife started exchanging glances. Fearing that something had happened.  “She’s taking too long,” Jackknife said. “We gotta go in after her.”  Diamondback grabbed him before he could try to reach the ship. “Don’t be a fool, Jack,” she said. “You rush in there, you’ll only make things worse.”  Jackknife threw off Diamondback’s hand. “I am not Sapphire,” he snarled. “I’m not Nova or Storm or any of those cowardly toads. I won’t leave my friends hanging!”  He rushed up the mountain, eluding the others' attempts to grab him. “Jack!” Spike pleaded, but the sea serpent was set on his goal. Spike cursed and followed him, pursued by the others. As they made it to the top of the mountain - with the ship hovering just below them - Jackknife took a deep breath.  “Jackknife, please think!” Diamondback pleaded.  But Jackknife didn’t even look back, and with a roar, he leaped off the mountainside, plummeting towards the deck before landing on two Yetis with a wet SPLASH!  “COME ON, YOU MISERABLE BAGS OF FUR!” Jackknife roared, pummeling the first Yetis to run his way.  Spike didn’t even think: as one Yeti rose up with one of the ominous orbs Night had talked about, he launched himself off the mountain, drop kicking said Yeti away and spewing fire at any Yetis who similarly tried to sneak up on Jack.  Seconds later, Swift made a strafing run, catching several Yetis and tangling them up in the rigging. Diamondback and Blaze landed shortly as well, both looking incredibly reluctant, but blasting fire and kicking away Yetis all the same.  For a time, the five actually did rather well; the Yetis scattered, either leaping over the side of the ship with their fur on fire, or laying unconscious in a pile of beaten bodies. Spike dared to think they could actually take the ship.  But then the door burst open, and Night came out. At first, Spike dared to hope that she was making a grand entrance to clear away the last of the Yetis.  But then Night crumbled in a defeated heap before them, and Spike realized the truth: she hadn’t come out of her own free will. She had been thrown.  The victor of her fight stepped out, and Spike had to blink twice to comprehend what he was seeing: it was a pony.  A unicorn, more specifically. Though it was hard to tell, considering her horn was broken. A jagged, sparking mess of a horn dominated her forehead, and her dark red fur was covered up by black armor.  Jackknife beat his chest and rushed at her with a roar, but the unicorn merely smirked. Ducking under his punch, she uppercut him into the air, catching his tail before gravity could catch him, and slamming him right on top of Night.  “OW! Geez, lady!” Night groaned. “You already broke one of my ribs!”  “And you’ve already invaded my master’s ship,” the unicorn replied in a cold tone before turning her ice blue eyes to the others. “You all are going to see what happens when you provoke the wrath of the Storm King.”  Jackknife tried to force himself up, while Diamondback managed a grin.  “You honestly think you stand a chance against four dragons, darling?” Diamondback mused. “She’s right,” Spike said, before gathering his flames. “This is over.”  “No,” the unicorn replied, her grin not fading. “Now it’s fun.”  Night giggled. “Y’know, I’d like her if she didn’t kick the crud out of me.”  Spike glared at Night before unleashing a torrent of flames.  The unicorn, however, front flipped over his barrage, Swift’s intervention keeping him from getting his head kicked below deck. The unicorn was worse than wind, ducking in and out of Diamondback and Blaze’s punches. And every time she answered back, the unicorn’s kicks were worse than an angry mule’s. Swift’s fast flying was the only thing keeping them from joining Jack and Night on the ground.  Except… wait. Spike noticed with relief that Night and Jackknife were already picking themselves up. If they could just join this fight: surround and pin down this slippery fighter…  “What’s a unicorn doing here?” Spike demanded as he avoided another swipe. “Who are you? And what do you get out of working with the Storm King?”  The unicorn regarded him with a cold look; one that Blaze capitalized on, allowing her to kick the unicorn into the mast. The unicorn’s glare didn’t falter, even as the dragons closed ranks around her, “My name is Tempest Shadow,” the unicorn replied. “And if you haven’t noticed what I ‘get’ out of working with the Storm King… let me make it a little clearer.” The jagged stump of a horn on her head sizzled and popped with light. Blaze gasped.  “Everyone back!”  “GET DOWN!” Night screamed.  But it was too late: with a scream, the unicorn unleashed a shockwave of pure, destructive magic.  The next thing Spike knew, he had skidded halfway across the ship, and hit his head on one of the crates containing the orb. Through fuzzy vision, he saw one of the orbs slip out of the crate and fall right onto his chest.  The orb shattered, and obsidian began to creep across his body. Freezing his limbs down and encasing him in a skin-tight cage.  “I… don’t get it,” Night’s voice mumbled, getting through to Spike’s panicked brain. “The Storm King gave you power?”  “He taught me how to harness my power,” Tempest’s voice replied. Spike just managed to focus on her eyes as she glared his way. “And once he has what he wants, he’ll restore my horn.”  She strode into Spike’s narrowing field of view and pointed around at his friends, all of whom had been knocked out by the blast.  “This,” she declared. “Will be nothing compared to what I can do.” A cold smile flitted across her snout. “Who knows? You might live long enough to see it.”  With that, the obsidian closed over Spike’s eyes, and he was plunged into darkness. ## When Spike came to, he and the rest of his fellow dragons were still encased in obsidian. But their surroundings had changed.  They seemed to be inside the ship now, in front of some kind of throne room. A Yeti - thinner than the ones they had met, but also bigger in height - lounged on the throne, regarding the dragons with a curious air.  His focus, however, seemed to remain on Jackknife, who struggled and fought against his bindings.  “Oh yes, keep struggling,” the big Yeti goaded. “I’m curious to know just how effective my obsidian orbs are gonna be.” He paused. “Obsidian orbs? Should I call them that? I need to workshop it…”  “Can we assume you’re the Storm King?” Spike asked.  The Yeti glanced up at Spike with an appraising look. “Oh, you’re a smart one, aren’t ya?” he noted, before standing and posing dramatically. “Indeed. I am the Storm King. Bask in my radiance!”  Diamondback scoffed while Jackknife spat. Night, however, called out. “Take off your armor; it’ll be easier to bask that way.”  “Night!” Spike protested.  “Oh, right, sorry, Spike,” Night apologized. “I forgot you’re too young for that kind of stuff.” “Surprising,” Spike deadpanned. “Considering you never shut up about it.”  “Speaking of shutting up,” the Storm King noted. “Tempest.”  Tempest came out of the shadows, her glare silencing Night and Spike better than any shout or order.  “That’s better. Now then…” the Storm King strode up to Jackknife. “I think I recognize you, snake boy. Aren’t you one of the Sea Snakes who stole my hippogriff slaves?”  Jackknife snapped at him, but the Storm King was wisely out of reach. “My father gave his life to stop you!”  “And how’d that turn out for him?” the Storm King asked with a knowing grin. “Your kind still look back on saving the hippogriffs with fondness? Can you still say it was a good idea?”  Jackknife tried to glare at him, but even Spike could see the doubt in his eyes.  “N-No one deserves to be enslaved!” Spike cried out.  “Not even if they try it first?” the Storm King asked, turning and walking over to Spike. “We tried to live in equality with the hippogriffs, you know? Yeti and hippogriff together, working as one towards a ‘better goal?’” The Storm King scoffed. “A ‘better goal?’ Right. Because we were apparently ‘stronger,’ we were trusted to handle all the tough work, while the hippogriffs got to laze around and order us about.”  “I highly doubt that,” Diamondback snorted.  “Tempest has told me how ponies keep dragons as pets,” the Storm King replied. “And is it really that surprising? The weak will always try to find ways to use the strong. That’s their power: they can’t use brawn, so they gotta use brains. Find ways to exploit the strong, and make them do all the things the smart can’t.”  Spike shook his head, wanting to argue. “It’s not about exploitation or manipulation,” he insisted. “Dragons and ponies can be friends…”  “Only if they can be controlled,” the Storm King replied. “Like you, I guess; since you clearly swallowed their propaganda. Probably like the Sea Snakes; or should I call them the Sea Scarves. Is that what the hippogriffs are using them for now?”  He grinned at the look of doubt and fury mixed on Jackknife’s face. Spike noticed Tempest glancing over to the side, as if curious in something.  “Where have they gotten to, by the way?” the Storm King asked, crossing back over to Jackknife. “I personally wouldn’t mind a little reunion. See how far we’ve all come since we last crossed paths.” He made Jackknife look at him. “Do you really think they’re worth protecting?” Jackknife’s fury was fully fading into doubt. “I…”  “I mean,” the Storm King shrugged. “Where are they now? Cowering in some hole, while you do their dirty work? Again?”  “Jackknife, he’s toying with you!” Spike cried out. “Don’t listen…!” Blaze tried to agree, only for Tempest to kick Blaze in the teeth.  “Blaze!” Jackknife barked, only for the Storm King to wrench his head back to focus on him.  “Why let your friends get hurt for someone that doesn’t care,” he said. “I broke free of their shackles, why can’t you?” He grinned. “Tell me where they’re hiding. I think you’ll like what I got planned for them.”  Spike couldn’t speak with Tempest marching around them, but he gazed at Jackknife, hoping the sea serpent could see him out of the corner of his eyes. Pleading with all his being, don’t listen. Please, Jack; you’re better than this! Don’t listen! Jackknife took a low, shuddering breath. And then… “You’ll have to kill me,” he replied. “Cuz I ain’t giving them up.”  The Storm King frowned. “That’s disappointing.” He glared at Spike. “Or maybe… you just need the shackles from another master race removed.” He turned to one of his Yeti guards. “Set a course for Equestria.”  “NO!” Spike yelped, but his bindings were still too strong, and the Storm King merely grinned at his outburst in triumph.  “Let’s see if these guys still want to resist me when I steal the magic of their masters.”  “We are no one’s servants, sir!” Diamondback snapped. “Sure,” the Storm King replied. “At least… you will be.”  Night deadpanned at him. “You’re not fooling anybody with that sympathetic angle, buster. We know you want us to be your servants.”  The Storm King shrugged. “Eh, it was worth a shot,” he replied, before waving his arm. “Take em away.”  The guards moved forward, lifting the dragons up and carrying them out of the throne room and down a long corridor to what was probably the dungeons.  Despite the predicament, Spike gave Jackknife an appraising look. “That was really brave, what you did, man.”  Jackknife didn’t look at him, still struggling in his binds. “Yeah-yeah, I’m a sap and an idiot. Let’s talk about this after we get free.” “I think you mean ‘if’ we get free,” Blaze muttered, straining against her bonds. “These obsidian things are too strong.”  “Can you not?” Night demanded. “You’re terrifying Swift.”  Indeed, Swift had not said a word. When they looked over, he was staring ahead in complete fear. Or… was he?  Just as Spike followed his gaze, a flash of yellow, pink and green struck.  The guards hit the ground, unconscious, as Sky Star, Storm and a third young hippogriff started chipping away at the dragon’s bindings.  “Storm?” Jackknife stammered. “You… came for us?”  Storm hugged Jack. “No one gets left behind,” he said.  “You helped us, now it’s time to repay the favor,” Sky Star agreed.  They started to head towards the exit, but Spike stopped them.  “Wait,” he said. “This ship is going for Equestria. If we try to leave now, it’ll just give them free reign to attack.”  Storm gasped, before nodding. “You’re right,” he said. “We need to take out it’s engines.”  “I saw a map of the place,” the pink hippogriff noted, pulling up a hastily drawn map. “I can get us there.”  “Alright,” Jackknife said, turning to the others. “You guys get outta here. I got ya into this mess, so now I’ll get ya out.” Night chuckled. “Dude, just because you were the Element of Loyalty doesn’t mean you get to hog all the ‘stand by me’ moments.”  “Indeed,” Diamondback said, standing proudly alongside him. “We do this together.”  Swift stepped up. “As friends.”  “As family,” Storm said, clutching Jackknife and Night’s arms.  Jackknife gazed at him and the others with gratitude. His smile would’ve lit up the dark side of the moon.  “Alright,” Jackknife said, turning for the engine room. “Let’s bust this ship.” > Episode 28: Sequestria Arc; Part Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike couldn’t help but gape at the engine room when they reached it. “They… they’re using lava?!”  Indeed, they were. Angry red molten magma oozed overhead, pumped along by a row of yellow turbines the size of grain silos. The turbines churned and hummed, pulling the lava from a large pool of the volcano juice below. Pressure gauges hissed and computer terminals beeped all along the opposite end of the wall. A single yeti was hunched over one of the consoles, but he was so involved in his work, he didn’t notice Night until she rammed his head into the console, knocking him out cold.  The rest of the group filed in. Storm, Sky Star, Jackknife and the pink hippogriff (Silver Stream, she had introduced herself as) were dripping with sweat in seconds.  “I-I don’t get it,” Storm mumbled. “How are they able to use lava? I thought the ship was made of wood.”  “It must be some form of magic,” Diamondback offered, checking the other consoles with a pair of what looked like reading glasses. “Perhaps a containment field to keep the lava from burning through the metal.”  “Could also be made of dragon scales,” Blaze offered, peering at the pipes that the lava was oozing through. “We can swim in that stuff just fine.”  “But I’m betting the others can’t,” Jackknife noted with a grin. “We deactivate whatever magic’s at work here, and the ship should burn itself up.”  Diamondback hummed with uncertainty. “It’s possible, but I’m not seeing any indications of magic.”  Spike chuckled as he walked up to one of the consoles. “Where’s Twilight when you need her, right?” he sighed. “She’d probably know what magic was working here in a snap.” “Don’t give up,” Wing insisted, trying to work the console the yeti had been typing on, only to grimace as she realized the screen was shattered. She shattered it further with another punch and moved onto the next console. “Spike and I can try to figure this out, but I’m also thinking that if two of our number can dive into that lava and see about chipping away at the bottom floor… it might not be a bad backup plan.”  “I can do that,” Phoenix replied, vaulting over the side and cannonballing into the lava. Briefly popping back up to give the group a thumbs up, the scarred dragon dove back down.  Diamondback groaned as she reluctantly pulled off her purple robe. “That lava’s going to ruin my diamonds,” she bemoaned. Nevertheless, she took a breath, and swan dove down into the lava as well.  As Spike and Night turned back to the consoles, Jack, Swift, Storm, Sky and Silver all exchanged glances.  “So,” Silver asked. “Can we… do anything to help?”  Before Spike could reply, they heard the pounding of feet on metal steps; so many creatures coming down the stairwell, they could hear them over the engines.  Not a good sign.  Jackknife, however, grinned and flexed his muscles. “We can handle our hosts.” He pointed at Spike and Night. “Keep working on that, guys. We’ll buy you as much time as you need.”  “But, Jack…” Swift stammered. But Jackknife was already racing towards the noise. Groaning, Swift glanced at the other residents of Sequestria.  “Try not to get yourselves hurt,” he recommended. “If the Storm King knows you're here…” “If Jackknife didn’t break,” Storm said firmly, “Neither will we.”  “Normally, I’m more about friendship than violence,” Sky Star admitted. “But in this case… I think I can make an exception.”  “Yay for teamwork!” Silver cheered.  Together, they ran after Jackknife. And before long, the sounds of combat emanated from above.  Spike couldn’t focus on what Jack and the others were up to. He had to figure out how to shut off the machinery.  “C’mon, Spike, think,” he thought desperately. “What kind of machines did Twilight use in the past?”  He recalled the lab that they had underneath her treehouse library. The strange brain reading device that she had tried to use on Pinkie when figuring out her Pinkie Sense. That had to be similar to these machines, right? But how had it worked? Spike heard a burst of flames, and turned. Night had shifted her right talon back to an alicorn hoof, and was touching the machine with a concentrated glare.  “Anything?” he asked, hoping that her secret pony heritage might prove useful. She grimaced. “I’m not getting any magic from here,” she admitted. “If anything, it feels more like this stuff repels magic.” She gave him a worried look, though she tried to cover it with a nervous grin. “I don’t think spells are going to work on this one, buddy.”  Spike, however, turned back to the console with a grimace. “Well, at least we have a plan B,” he noted, glaring up at the pipes. “Let’s see what we can do to start making these things leak.”  Grinning, Night spread her wings and launched up to the pipes. Spike similarly ran back to look for some sort of tool or weapon he could start breaking pipes with.  No sooner had he started looking, however, before Silver Stream raced up to him. Her eyes were wild and panicked, and she was hauling a disoriented looking Sky Star alongside her. “Are you guys any closer to bringing this ship down?” she asked.  “Consoles are a no-go,” he replied, “We have to bust the pipes.” His heart skipped a beat as he heard Jackknife roar. “How are the others doing?”  Silver merely glanced over at Sky Star, who’s eyes were rolling dizzily.  “Mommy, I don’t wanna go to school in the morning…” she mumbled deliriously. “Okay, that’s probably self-explanatory,” Spike admitted. “But what about Swift, Jack and Storm?”  Silver looked back as the trio were driven around the corner.  Spike’s heart sunk: Tempest was at the forefront of an army of yetis. She kicked, grappled and flipped, driving Jackknife, Swift and Storm slowly but surely backward. Every time one of the three almost had an advantage, one of the yetis would jab at them with spears, forcing them back.  Bringing up the rear was the Storm King himself, watching the whole fight like it was an entertaining game. “Arrogant jerk…” Spike growled, before pointing Silver back to Night. “Get back to Night. See what you can do to bust open the pipes.”  Silver yelped. “But there’s lava in there!”  “You’ll have to be very careful,” he replied. Silver glanced at Sky Star, before her eyes lit up.  “I got a better idea.” She spread her wings and took flight, flying past the lava container to the lowest part of the ship. “Tell Jack and Storm to come with!”  “Jack and Storm, but…” Spike turned. Jack was indeed the main one holding back the Storm King’s forces. But then Spike remembered how they were just above the ocean. Above water.  Jack was a sea serpent.  It clicked in his mind, and he rushed forward, blasting at Tempest and her yetis with a barrage of flames.  “Jack,” he called as the yetis fell backward, patting out burning tufts of their fur. “Silver and Sky need you at the bottom of the ship." Jack stared at him in shock. “I can’t leave you guys to fight this.”  “We can’t win this by just fighting. Please!” Jackknife still looked conflicted. “I’m not…”  “You’re not Novo,” Spike promised, touching his shoulder. “You’re gonna win this for us. Just let me handle this.”  Jackknife gazed at him - almost for too long, as Tempest tried to kick them both, only getting stopped by Swift.  “Can you gentlemen save your heart to heart for later,” Swift pleaded as Tempest began to beat him.  Jackknife swore, but pat Spike on the shoulder. Grabbing a battered Storm, he dove over the side and after his hippogriff companions, while Spike took his place at the forefront, blasting at Tempest and forcing her away from Swift.  Swift scrambled to Spike’s side. “I-I don’t suppose I could join Jack down below, can I?” he asked.  “Can you control water?” Spike asked.  “I, uh… I don’t know,” he admitted.  The Storm King’s laugh drew their gaze.  “You could control confetti for all the good it’ll do you,” the Storm King mocked. He indicated the metal around the ship. “This metal is built to repel every kind of magic. Unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, even dragon and sea serpent.”  Spike glanced at the yetis still putting out their smoldering fur. “If it’s so great, your men should have covered up better.”  The Storm King grimaced. “Yeah well… you try wearing armor when you got fur on. I don’t suppose you can, giving the scales and everything, but it really heats up in there.”  Spike prepared another blast of flames. But just before he could try and come up with a cool one-liner before the fire… “It’s about to get a lot hotter!” Night yelled.  Swift looked back and screamed, diving out of the way as Night wrenched a lava pipe open and blasted the molten magma like a fire hose.  Tempest dodged out of the way, but while the magic repelling armor managed to hold up against the lava, several of the yetis started wailing in terror as the lava began to disintegrate their fur, rapidly going for their actual bodies.  “No, you idiots!” The Storm King roared, before turning to Tempest. “Tempest, shut that off!”  Tempest rushed at Night, who tried to aim her lava hose down at her. But just before Tempest could reach the black dragoness… the lava flow cut off, and dripped uselessly down before her.  Night stared at the lava in shock. “Wait, what…?” Tempest silenced her with a kick, knocking her away from the pipe.  “Night!” Spike yelled, before noticing the entire room start to flicker. Steam began to hiss up from below, as the light of the lava dimmed.  Everyone looked down: Diamondback and Phoenix had punched through the bottom of the lava container. And meanwhile, Jackknife, Storm, Sky and Silver had busted through the bottom of the ship, and managed to summon a massive torrent of water that was spreading upward into the lava container, rapidly cooling the lava and turning it from molten magma into obsidian.  As they did so, however, they felt the ship begin to drop and lose altitude.  “Idiots!” The Storm King yelled. “You take out this engine, we all go down!” “That’s what you think,” Jackknife replied, before pushing Storm into the water spout they had summoned. “C’mon, guys! We’re getting out of here!”  Swift dragged a battered Night into the water spout, while Diamondback and Phoenix lunged in after him. Spike jumped off the balcony, bouncing rather painfully off the obsidian and diving towards the exit as Silver and Sky escaped.  Tempest leaped down to stop him, but Jackknife intercepted her with an uppercut.  “Jack!” Spike tried to yell, but he hit the water spout and was sucked down into what felt like the world’s largest water slide.  For a moment, it felt like he was in free fall. Through a haze of water, he saw the cliffs rise up before him, before he was deposited into the water near the shoreline they had been kicked out from Sequestria. The others were already at the shoreline, with Night jumping forward to pull Spike to safety.  Back on dry land, Spike saw Silver, Sky and Storm controlling the water spout, dragging the Storm King’s ship downward. For a tense moment, their gazes grew strained, and Spike feared they were going to send the Storm King’s ship crashing right down into the waters that held Sequestria.  But then Jackknife soared down the waterspout, briefly vanishing into the depths at speeds that convinced Spike he could hit Sequestria with enough force to cave a roof in. But just as quickly, Jackknife surged back up to the surface. And together, sea serpent and hippogriff alike forced the water spout up like a massive fist, flinging the Storm King’s ship up into the sky. It became a small, star-like dot - yet even then, Tempest and the Storm King’s screams were audible - then it dropped over the horizon, and out of sight. The others paused to catch their breath: Diamondback and Blaze in particular looked exhausted, Diamondback bemoaning the charred state of her diamonds. Spike wandered over and pat their shoulders.  “Nice job, guys,” he said.  Phoenix grinned despite her exhaustion. “Tell that to Jackknife,” she said. “He got the bottom of the ship open enough to get the water in.”  Jackknife, however, looked to his companions from Sequestria. “Thank them,” he said. “Silver’s the one who came up with the idea… and there was no way I could ‘a done it alone.”  Sky and Silver beamed and hugged Jackknife. Storm looked like he wanted to hug, but decided against it.  Swift watched where the Storm King’s ship had gone warily. “He’ll come back,” he noted. “Won’t he?”  “Most likely,” Night admitted. “But, we know he’s out there, and we can tell the others to prepare.”  Sky nodded. “If he starts causing trouble,” she told Jackknife. “You let us know.” She offered her hoof. “It’ll be an honor to fight by your side again.”  Jackknife gazed at her and gave a rare grin. “Yer a lot better than yer ma,” he noted, shaking her hoof. “It’ll be good to work with you again as well.”  Sky blushed. “My mom has her way of doing things, and I have my own way.”  Silver gasped. “Speaking of which, we better get back before she realizes what we did.”  Sky winced. “Yeah.”  “Don’t worry,” Jack said, patting her shoulder. “I won’t be far. And if ya need me again, well…” he grinned at Storm. “I think we both know who’ll make an ideal messenger.”  Storm held himself high. The pride in his eyes shined so brightly, Spike wished he knew what Celestia had done to his fire to allow instant messaging. “You’ll see us again,” Spike promised. “I want to show you how to do that instant message fire thing.”  Storm chuckled. “It might have to be instant message water or something like that, but… I’d like that.”  The dragons picked themselves up, and prepared to take flight. “Until next time, guys,” Night called.  “We look forward to it,” Silver said happily, before she, Sky and Storm dove back underwater, returning home.  Spike smiled happily as the group made their own way home, already planning his next friendship letter:  My friends Twilight and Celestia, Time is often said to be like an ocean in a storm; unpredictable, uncontrollable, and filled with twists and turns that are sure to cause trouble.  It can turn the closest of friendships bitter and scornful, and make what used to be great memories somber reflections of mistakes made.  Jackknife discovered this when a chance encounter with an old friend from his past led us to have to fight a foe that proved to be a threat not just to Jackknife’s old home, but to Equus as a whole. A foe called the Storm King, whom we should make preparations against in case he returns.  For while it is likely the Storm King escaped with his life, we are lucky to have escaped with ours. And during our battle, Jackknife proved that while time can make old friendships bitter and hateful, if regret is shown from the right people, pettiness and anger can be only fleeting things. And the memory of better times, combined with the honorable soul of a good person, can keep people from making mistakes that they would have made out of emotional anger or pettiness, and instead allow old friends to work together towards a common, more noble goal.  I’m very proud of Jackknife and the path he took on this adventure, and thanks to his efforts, I hope to aid Equestria in extending an olive branch to the sea serpents and their friends, so that we may all find a way to stand united against the darkness of the world.  Looking forward to seeing you again, and sharing more of my findings.  Your loyal friend, Spike the Dragon > Episode 29: The Alicorn Arc; Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a constant stream of adventures - from traveling to alternate universes to exploring new cultures and kingdoms - Spike wasn’t ashamed to say it was nice to be back in Ponyville.  At least among the ponies, Spike could be certain none of them would betray them or ask them to go on dangerous adventures for them. Instead, everyone seemed eager to share their own adventures or get back into the swing of their own agendas. As Rainbow Dash and Jackknife ran off to compete in more friendly competitions, Diamondback started sharing gossip with Rarity, Phoenix got an offer to lunch with Applejack, Swift went off with Fluttershy to talk to some of the birds, and even Night started gossiping with Pinkie Pie.  Only one pony was missing though. “Where’s Twilight?” Spike asked.  “Oh, she’s probably still doing research in the library,” Pinkie replied. “We’ve had quite a series of adventures ourselves, if you want to hear about it.” “I do,” Night said giddily, “Preferably with m… er, with Princess Luna.”  Smiling privately to himself, Spike set back off for the library.  On the way, he came across a familiar face, hammering out swords and crossbows.  “Astral!” Spike greeted.  “Hey, Spike,” Astral said, though his eyes didn’t turn far from his work.  “I see you’ve been busy,” he noted.  Aurora came out from a small shop next to Astral’s forge. “We’ve managed to come up with a pretty neat business,” she said. “Astral’s been making weapons and armor to help those that want to protect the town.”  “Had some difficulty with Rarity since she wanted the armor more fashionable than protective,” Astral admitted. “But, we figured it out.”  “And at a good price,” Aurora agreed. “I’ve been selling his weapons and armor, along with any commissions for ice sculptures.”  “That’s awesome,” Spike said. “And… you’ve been making sure the town’s safe.” “As well as we can,” Astral replied, cooling his latest sword in water. “Thankfully, nothing bad’s come this way so far. But… I still want to be prepared.” He grimaced. “I know Shade’s out there somewhere. Plotting.”  Spike nodded. “He might not be the only one,” he admitted. “We… may have ticked off a few powerful people ourselves.”  Aurora sighed. “The life of an adventurer, right?”  Spike shrugged. “Makes coming back here all the sweeter. Speaking of which, have you seen Twilight?” “She’s been shut up in her library for a while,” Aurora admitted. “She’s been trying to figure out some sort of problem with the Elements of Harmony.” “Either the Elements or the Tree,” Astral noted. “Remember those plunder vines?” He shuddered. “Awful stuff. I’m glad they managed to figure out how to stop them when they did.”  Concerned now, Spike quickened his pace towards the library. His heart briefly relaxed as Twilight’s home came into view: the Golden Oaks Library.  But his heart rate picked right back up as he went inside, and found - not Twilight at her usual spot - but Sweetie Belle, scribbling something down as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom lounged about with bored looks. At least, until they saw Spike. Scootaloo perked up like a plant exposed to sunlight.  “Spike!” she cheered.  “Spike?!” Sweetie and Apple Bloom jumped up as well, before all three girls tackled him in a hug.  “Whoa, hey, girls,” Spike said, grateful that his new bulk kept him from getting flattened. “What are you guys doing here?” “Seeing if we can get our cutie marks in being number three assistants,” Apple Bloom noted.  “Get it?” Sweetie asked. “Cuz there’s three of us. And Owlowiscious already got the number two spot.”  All three gave a glance at said owl, who was snoozing peacefully in the shade of a bookshelf.  Spike spared the owl a brief, unsure glance before returning his gaze to the girls. “So…” he asked, a tad nervous. “How’s it working out for you?” “Boring,” Scootaloo admitted with a roll of her eyes. “All she has us do is carry books or write messages. Honestly, I’m really glad you’re back, Spike. You can take over for us, right?”  “Scoot, c’mon,” Apple Bloom said. “Spike’s happy with his dragon friends.” She glanced at him. “Right?” Spike wasn’t sure how to answer at first; on the one hand, he did enjoy adventuring with Night, Jack, Swift, Phoenix and DB.  Yet, at the same time, seeing the fillies doing his old job - the job that he had been working with ever since he was old enough to write - did cause a twinge of irritation in his heart. He was Twilight’s number one assistant. The first. Surely the best, right?  Stop it, he chastised himself. Surely, you didn’t want to be her assistant all the time, right? That’s the whole reason you left to discover yourself. To see who else you were. Twilight was going to need someone to pick up the slack while you were gone. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you anymore. Right? “Er…” Spike said out loud. “Where is Twilight? Can I talk to her?”  “Sure,” Sweetie said. “I mean, she’s down in Canterlot…” “Important business with the Princesses,” Apple Bloom interjected.  “...but she did want us to send word to Night Fire that Princess Luna wanted to see her immediately,” Sweetie continued.  Scootaloo looked at him hopefully. “Can you take it to her? I mean, you know Night better than us, and…” Spike grinned despite himself. And it’s clear you don’t really want the job. He couldn’t decide if he found that cute or a relief.  Either way, he took Sweetie’s message with a grin. “I’ll get it to her as soon as possible,” he said. “Thanks, Spike,” Sweetie said. “Twilight always did say you were the best.”  Beaming at that thought, Spike headed back out to find Night.  Luckily, being friends with Pinkie meant Night wasn’t hard to find: all Spike had to do was follow the sound of fireworks.  He soon found Night and Pinkie gleefully using some of Astral’s crossbows to fire special arrows with fireworks on them into the air. Taking careful aim, Pinkie made one firework explode in the shape of a cake.  “Not bad,” Night praised. “Not bad. Now let me try.” She aimed her crossbow, and shot off a firework that exploded to resemble a dragon posing in a martial arts form. “Oh, exotic,” Pinkie cheered.  They started to reload, before Spike came between them.  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said, “But Twilight had a message for Night.”  Pinkie chortled. “Only a few minutes back and already Twilight’s number one assistant, aren’tcha, Spike?”  Spike blushed, still uncertain about how much he liked that, though Night didn’t leave him hanging. Plucking the message from Spike, Night’s eyes narrowed as they darted over the parchment. Spike wasn’t sure, but he swore Night re-read the message at least three times.  “The Princesses need me in Canterlot,” she noted. “Well, that makes sense,” Pinkie noted, glancing around before lowering her voice to below a whisper. “Can’t have a proper mother-daughter reunion with guards and politics getting in the way, right?”  Night chuckled. “I guess not.”  Seized by a sudden impulse, Spike interjected. “Can I come with you? I heard Twilight’s there, and…” Night grinned. “Say no more, buddy. All of us got to interact with our pony kin. It’s not fair that you don’t get to.”  With a cheerful farewell to Pinkie, Spike and Night took to the sky, looking forward to what should’ve been a happy reunion with their families.  # The two dragons’ good mood began to evaporate as they reached Canterlot… and found it once again encased in one of Shining Armor’s shields.  “That’s… odd,” Spike muttered.  “They’re not under attack from changelings again, are they?” Night asked.  “I thought Twilight would’ve mentioned that,” Spike replied.  “Well, she did mention giving up the Elements. Maybe they’re on high alert until they fix that.”  “Maybe…” Spike muttered, but he wasn’t so sure.  Cautiously, the two landed right outside the shield, in full view of the guards. Spike’s heart skipped a beat as several crossbows aimed at them. “Name and business,” one of the guards shouted.  “Spike and Night Fire,” Spike called out. Night held out Twilight’s letter to her. “We’ve been summoned on the order of the Princesses.”  “Let them through,” Shining Armor’s voice called, before the shield opened just enough to let them in.  Spike and Night walked through, Spike giving a hopeful look up to Shining. But his adopted big brother’s face was focused, and he spared Spike only a nod before sealing the shield once more, his eyes concentrating on the horizon.  “Okay, now I’m freaked,” Spike admitted. “He wasn’t that focused even during the changeling thing.”  “To be fair,” Night offered, “That was also supposed to be his wedding. This time there’s nothing to distract him… I think.” Despite her clearly attempting to comfort him, Spike found that the only comfort his heart would allow was seeing Twilight. Especially when they walked through Canterlot, and found the place deserted. A few fearful eyes poked out of homes and houses, watching them, only to duck back away into shadows whenever the two dragons looked around.  As they were ushered into the castle by more guards, Spike almost broke out into a sprint. What was happening? Was Twilight in danger? What had happened while he was off fighting the Storm King? Spike all but burst into the throne room, Night almost struggling to keep up. There, his heart relaxed as he spotted Twilight. Safe and sound, if a little worried looking. “Spike,” she said in relief, racing over and hugging him.  Spike hugged her back, holding her like he’d never let go. Vaguely, he noticed Night race over and embrace Luna as well. Seemed everyone was finally back together.  “I’m glad you all came,” Celestia declared, drawing Night and Spike’s attention back to her.  Celestia stood tall on her throne, Cadence off to the side. Spike’s heart rate sped up again at their expressions. Usually, Celestia had a relaxed, even coy look to her, while Cadence was often glowing with positivity.  This time, however, both of them held only faint, formal smiles. The kind that were hiding a lot of stress and worry. Spike knew; he had seen that same sort of smile on Twilight when she was cramming for a massive exam. “What’s going on?” Spike asked. Celestia sighed. “I’m afraid I have put too much trust in the effect that friendship can have upon others.”  Spike and Night glanced at each other.  “W-What are you talking about?” Night asked.  “Discord,” Twilight said, lowering her head in shame. “W-We freed Discord.” Spike’s jaw dropped. “You… WHAT?!” He looked at Celestia. “When? How? Why?!” “Wait, Discord?” Night asked. “You don’t mean…” “The immortal spirit of chaos,” Luna admitted. “Yes.”  “While you were gone, Spike,” Celestia said. “I had Twilight and her friends free Discord. It was my hope that being exposed to friendship would change his heart… the same way it changed Luna’s.”  Night looked at Luna, who sighed and lowered her head, before Twilight groaned.  “It’s my fault,” she admitted. “My friends and I never fully trusted Discord. Fluttershy was the only one who even considered giving him a chance. The rest of us…” “Barely tolerated him?” Night asked, a dangerous tone of bitterness in her voice. One that she noticed when the others looked at her, and shook off. “So, uh… we go after Discord, right?”  “Unfortunately, there is something much worse than Discord,” Celestia replied.  Cadence stepped forward and flared her horn, revealing an image of a blood red centaur.  “Tirek,” she explained. “He came from a distant land, intent on stealing Equestrian Magic.”  As the dragons watched, Tirek seized a unicorn and inhaled like he was going to eat the unicorn. But instead, a strange burst of magical energy was sucked from the unicorn and down Tirek’s gullet, making the centaur appear stronger while the unicorn flopped weakly and pathetically to the ground.  “With Discord’s aid,” Celestia continued. “Tirek has stolen enough magic that he now has the strength to steal flight as well. Without pegasi to control the weather, there will be no rain in Equestria.” “None that you can control, maybe…” Night muttered, but Luna’s gaze dissuaded her snark.  “It does not stop there, my Star,” Luna said. “There is word he has gone after the Earth Ponies as well. Without their strength, they will not be able to tend the land. The outskirts of Equus may have managed to get along well without pony control, but you’ve seen how lawless they are.” Her eyes were grave. “If Tirek gains sole power over our land, we will be worse off than the Outskirts.”  “But…” Spike looked to Twilight, desperate to quell the horrified and scared look on her face. “C-Can’t you guys do something about it? I mean… you’re Princesses! You’re alicorns! You’re stronger than any pony in Equestria.” Celestia’s gaze was downtrodden. “Unfortunately, if we try to stop Tirek, we will only give him the opportunity to steal our magic as well. And if he takes that…” “His power will know no bounds,” Luna said gravely. “And all hope will be lost.”  Spike, Twilight and Night exchanged horrified looks. “There has to be something we can do,” Night said.  Celestia nodded. “Indeed there is.” She turned to Twilight. “The Tree of Harmony. In sacrificing the Elements of Harmony, it gave forth a locked box. How much progress have you made towards unlocking it?” Twilight straightened. “My friends and I discovered that by facing a situation where living up to our respective Elements wasn’t easy, but we pulled it off regardless. Each of my friends managed to make the right choice and embrace their element, and by extension, helped somebody else make the right choice too. In return, each of those ponies gave something to my friends, which turned into a key that for the chest.” Her head lowered. “I… I’m afraid I’m the only one who has yet to reach that key.”  Celestia nodded. “Then you must hurry and find someone that will challenge your ability to live up to your Element, and find a way to receive that key. In the meantime…” she turned to the other Princesses. “We must rid ourselves of our magic before Tirek has the chance to steal it from us.”  “What?!” Night stammered.  “Tirek is set on possessing every form of magic in Equestria,” Luna insisted. “Alicorn magic included. When he comes for us, we cannot have what he is looking for.”  Twilight swallowed worriedly, but stood tall. “I’m more than willing to do my part, and give up my magic.”  Spike winced, but Luna spoke before he could. “You misunderstand. Our magic cannot just disappear into thin air, Twilight. Someone must keep it safe.”  Twilight exchanged a terrified glance with Spike. “And that someone is… her, right?” Spike asked, pointing at Twilight.  “Actually,” Celestia said, “Discord knows that Twilight is now a princess and will likely share this with Tirek. Our magic would not be safe with her.” “We need someone who has kept not just her status as a princess secret,” Luna said, “But also her status as an alicorn.”  Night’s eyes widened in alarm as everyone looked right at her.  “We need you, Star Wing,” Celestia said firmly. “You are the one who must keep our magic safe.” > Episode 30: The Alicorn Arc; Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A benefit to being Twilight’s assistant was that Spike had gotten good at researching others, including his friends. As he gazed at Night, he recalled what he had learned about her:  Many centuries ago, there had been a little alicorn princess named Star Wing. The life and joy of Princess Luna… and source of derision and scorn by the rest of the Equestrian nobility. Everywhere Star Wing went, unicorns would watch her. Always with narrowed eyes of suspicion. Almost as if they were waiting - even daring - her to attack.  They never acted this way towards Luna. For in the years leading up to Nightmare Moon, she glared right back at them, almost yearning to stamp in their skulls or snap off their horns. The tension between sisters had been reaching a boiling point, tended to by the unicorns and their hatred of Luna and her precious night.  Star, on the other hand, had never returned their malicious glares, answering instead with smiles and waves.  Some had just dismissed her as naive. Childish. Idiotic.  But Little Star thought she knew better. For every day, she endured the scornful glares and whispers, venturing to the massive library that the Castle of Two Sisters held. There, she found tales and legends of great heroes. Powerful knights who slayed the fiercest dragons. Other alicorn princes and princesses who protected harmony itself.  But Star’s favorite tales were of heroes descended from darkness. For in her mind, it was better to overcome evil nature through great effort rather than to simply be born good.  And no matter what derision or scorn was sent her way, Star could always hope that one day, she would prove herself to be more than her dark nature implied. She would be a hero.  She would save Equestria.  Now, a thousand years later, Star Wing - enclosed within the draconic body and visage of Night Fire - was told that she could be the key to saving Equestria. Yet, within the sparkling life that filled her electric green eyes, Spike saw, not just excitement, but also fear and nervousness. “Star,” Cadence said gently. “Do you understand what we’re asking of you?”  Night glanced at Spike, who shivered at the terror in her eyes, before taking a breath. “I… understand,” she admitted. “This is… this is just a bit of a shock, you know? I left behind my role as a princess centuries ago.” She looked down. “No one wanted me here. No one wanted my help.”  “As you said,” Celestia said. “That was centuries ago. And even now, this task does not ask for glory. You must keep this magic a secret. Even your friends being aware of the power you carry could put them at great risk.”  Luna stepped forward and rested her hoof on her daughter’s shoulder. “I know we ask a great deal of you, my daughter,” she admitted. “If you do not think you can take on this responsibility…” “No, I can,” Night said. Taking a breath, she let her draconic visage drop, and stood tall in her original alicorn form. “I already failed Equestria once. I will not fail again.”  A pained expression crossed Luna’s face. Regret twinged Celestia’s features as well. But before Spike or Twilight could ask, the sisters shook off their emotions as one.  “Then let us begin,” Celestia declared. As one, the four alicorns lit up their horns, channeling their magic into a large sphere of pure energy. Spike found himself backing up as Twilight joined them, his heart racing at the amount of power surging through the sphere.  But if Star Wing felt the same terror he had, she did not let on. Crossing boldly beneath the sphere, she raised her horn and touched the bottom of the sphere. Slowly, it shrunk down, the magic coursing through Star’s body. The star-like freckles across her face, wings and body sparked and crackled like a galaxy of stars going supernova.  For a brief moment, Star collapsed to her knees. Spike almost stepped forward, worrying for her safety, but Star waved a wing at him.  “Don’t!” she barked, pushing herself back up. “I got this.”  With a herculean effort, Star absorbed the last of the sphere into her horn. The tip smoked and burned from the exertion, and even as the last vestiges of magic were drained into Star, flickers of lightning crossed between the spots on her body, forming constellations across her body in their wake.  But Star took a few more shaky breaths, and shifted back into Night Fire. Her dragon form was bigger - it would tower over even Diamondback - and lightning still continued to dart between the star-like spots on her scales.  Celestia breathed. “It is done.” She turned to Twilight. “Twilight. You must find the sixth and final key. The fate of Equestria depends on you both.”  Twilight looked pale. Her knees wobbled, and likely not just from the exertion of giving up her magic. Spike gently picked her up and set her on his back.  “Don’t worry, Princesses,” Spike promised. “We’ll figure something out.”  ### Yet, as the two dragons returned to Ponyville, Twilight looked utterly lost. “C’mon, Twilight,” Spike encouraged. “You’ve always figured out problems before. You said it yourself; each of your friends managed to help change the life of someone else, and received something as a result. What can you do that’ll change someone’s life?”  Twilight still pondered it, before glancing over at Night Fire. The dragoness was taking slow, deep breaths, as lightning continued to make constellations across her star-like scales.  “Er… Night Fire?” Twilight asked, flinching when Night’s eyes - brighter than usual - settled on her. “Or… Star Wing? Sorry, I’m not sure…” “Let’s stick with Night Fire,” Night suggested. “We’re kinda in public right now.”  “Right, sure,” Twilight nodded. “Um… what did you mean about ‘failing Equestria once before?’”  Night flinched at the question, but with another glance at Spike… “I bet it was weird, huh?” Night noted. “An alicorn princess wandering the outskirts?” She was quiet for a moment. “Well, I, uh… I’d like to say I was out there because I enjoyed the scenery,” she chuckled feebly, before her smile faded, “But if I’m honest… it wasn’t my choice entirely.”  Twilight and Spike glanced at each other. “What happened?”  The lightning flickered across her body, making a shape not dissimilar to the Mare in the Moon. “I failed my mother.” Her eyes flashed angrily. “The nobles of the Castle of Two Sisters always hated my mother. Or maybe they just feared her and were covering it up as anger… either way it doesn’t matter. They couldn’t touch her - she was far stronger than all of them combined.”  Twilight gasped. “So they went after you?”  Night didn’t look at her. “They tried to punish me for everything. The slightest wrongdoing would set them up in arms. And they wouldn’t go for simple punishments like detention or a lecture. No, they wanted me locked up in high security prisons. With the nastiest criminals as cellmates.”  “B-But Celestia didn’t let that happen, right?” Twilight insisted. “She wouldn’t…” “She was a very different mare back then,” Night growled, the constellations becoming more rapid. Showing ponies - alicorns - in pain. “The affection and love of the nobles twisted her mind; turned her against my mother and I.” Her claws clenched. “They burrowed their way into her mind. Misdirected her emotions… and got her to throw me into a cell with a… with a…” Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “A really bad criminal?”  Night merely nodded. Twilight went even more pale than before.  “N-No…” she whimpered. “How could she?”  “She thought the nobles loved her more than Luna did,” Night replied with a shrug. “She may have had a point.” She looked back at them, her eyes lidded with sorrow. “Nightmare Moon made her appearance not long after I was incarcerated.”  Spike swallowed. “But… you got out, right?”  “They let me out.” Night turned, gazing out as they flew over the Ever-Free forest. Over the Castle of Two Sisters. “Guards yanked me out. They said now was my time to be a hero. A dark creature was attacking Princess Celestia, and they needed me to stop it.”  She banked her wings and dove, Spike following her lead and Twilight hanging on for dear life. Night landed in the courtyard, looking up into the sky. “I ran in here… just as my mother had thrown Celestia down.” Her eyes were glazed, like she was back in the past. “I saw her… laughing in the silhouette of the full moon. It was my chance. My chance to be a hero; to prove I was good.” She almost stepped forward, her face lightning up at the old memory before pausing. Her face fell. “Then Nightmare Moon turned… and I couldn’t see a monster or a tyrant.” Tears formed in her eyes. “I could only see my mother.”  “Oh… Night…” Twilight whispered, tears forming in her own eyes.  Spike could feel tears in his own eyes, but didn’t know if they were welcome. He brushed them away, and tried to keep his voice level. “What happened?”  “We just… stared at each other,” Night admitted, gazing at the pedestal. Where Nightmare Moon must have once stood. “And it gave Celestia the timing she needed.” Night’s form flickered, fading between dragon and pony. “She came back with the Elements. My mother turned… tried to fight.” She looked back and forth, like she could see the two princesses dueling. “I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t want to fight my mother, but… I also wanted to prove myself to Celestia.” She lowered her head. “And in an instant, my chance was gone. My mother got overwhelmed by the Elements… placed in the moon…” the last of her form flickered and died, leaving only Star Wing, a small alicorn princess, slumped against the ground, tears streaming down her face. “And I knew I had failed.” She turned, looking towards the forest. “So I ran. I ran… and I’ve been running ever since.”  Twilight slipped gently off Spike’s back, limping over to Star. “And you found others?” she asked. “You found friends who… loved you for who you were?”  Star chuckled. “They liked Night Fire well enough… but I wouldn’t call what we had love. Respect, sure. Desire, sometimes. Good times…” she chuckled. “Oh, most definitely.” Her smile faded. “But never love. That was a foreign concept… even in the Equestria I knew.”  Spike stepped forward hesitantly. “Well… I definitely respect you,” he noted. “Not sure about desire, but… we had some good times, didn’t we?”  Star glanced at him with a smirk. “Careful, buddy,” she said. “I still think you’re too young for what some might think you’re implying.”  Spike scoffed and rolled his eyes, but Twilight stepped forward hopefully. “But you know what he means, right? You found friends who truly care about you. Who like you just for who you are.”  “Pinkie Pie, remember,” Spike offered. “She found out you were an alicorn, but she never said a word about it. Because it didn’t matter what you were, just who you were.”  “You’ve brought joy to so many people,” Twilight said. “But you also shouldn’t sell yourself short. Be willing to let others bring you joy as well. You don’t have to stand against the darkness alone.”  Spike stepped up and pat her shoulder. “You’ve got us,” he promised. “No matter what.”  Star smiled gratefully at them, before giving a coy grin to Twilight. “Well,” she noted. “Hopefully that’ll change my perspective.” She shifted back to Night Fire before glancing around. “Uh, let’s see… what can I give you, uh… ah-ha!”  She darted over to the pedestal that contained the Elements of Harmony. Breaking off a small pipe and even bending it into the shape of a key, Night darted over with a pompous demeanor.  “Twilight Sparkle!” Night declared in a grand voice. “You’ve changed me with your wonderful speech of friendship! I now present you with this token of my appreciation!” She handed the pipe over to Twilight. “Let it stand as a reminder that friendship can truly solve any problem!”  Beaming hopefully, Twilight raced out of the Castle of Two Sisters, Spike and Night in hot pursuit.  Descending down a set of stairs into a strange canyon, the dragons briefly slowed as they followed Twilight into an ethereal cavern, inside of which sat a glowing crystalized tree. Six branches spread out, each one gleaming with a crystalized version of the Elements. And right at its foot was some sort of chest, with five keys sticking out of it.  Breathing fast in excitement, Twilight held the key-shaped pipe out to the sixth and last keyhole… but nothing happened.  Twilight’s face fell. She shoved the pipe at the keyhole, but it was unfortunately too big.  “Did…” Night snatched the key away. “Wait, maybe if I bend it the right way…” But Twilight’s face had already fallen. “It didn’t work,” she whispered. “My friends’ objects only needed to touch the chest to transform. Something went wrong.” “But she changed me!” Night protested to the tree. “I have put the joy of others before myself! And now I’ll do better!”  The tree didn’t respond.  “HEY!” Night pinged the pipe off the tree’s surface. “DO YOU HEAR ME?! WE KINDA HAVE A CRISIS ON HAND! OPEN THIS CHEST!” She even grabbed at the lid and tugged on it. But even with the power of five alicorns pulsating through her, she didn’t even budge it.  Twilight shook her head. “It’s no use, Night,” she said forlornly. “We can’t force it. It has to be something that comes naturally.”  Night turned to her. “Look, normally, I’m all about ‘natural’ - sorry, Spike…” “Oh, for… I’m not that young!”  “...but we have a giant centaur maniac who’s going to destroy Equestria if we don’t figure this…”  “...done…” Night paused, fluttering her wings and rising up. Spike and Twilight grabbed ahold of her… and off in the distance, they saw that Canterlot’s shield had died.  “WHERE IS YOUR MAGIC?!?!” a voice echoed from the kingdom. Spike’s heart dropped into his chest. “He’s already at Canterlot,” he whispered.  “We’re running out of time,” Twilight said. But despite Night's best efforts - handing over stones, branches and even one of her own scales, and even at one point kicking the Tree of Harmony (which only resulted in a stubbed toe) - the chest remained stubbornly closed. Slowly, it dawned on the three that the Tree didn't consider Night's turn good enough for Twilight. With a resigned sigh, Twilight spoke. “Night. Get us back to Ponyville. Then take the dragons and head for the Dragon Lands.”  Night looked horrified. “But… I can’t leave you…” “If Tirek gets you - even finds out you exist - then the Princesses sacrifice will be in vain,” Twilight insisted. “Get as far away from Equestria as you can.” She cracked a small smile. “I can figure out the Tree of Harmony after Tirek finds out that I don’t have the magic either.”  Spike shook his head. “What if he gets frustrated enough to hurt you?”  Twilight paled, but tried to keep a brave face. “I’ll… think of something.” Night and Spike exchanged a glance, before Spike walked to Twilight’s side.  “At the very least, I’m staying with you,” Spike said.  “But Spike…” Twilight protested.  “You need to make sure Tirek doesn’t kill you,” Night said. “If I can’t be there, someone else needs to be.”  Spike nodded, gazing at Twilight. “I’m your number one assistant, remember.” He cracked a small grin. “I’ve had your back since I was hatched. Don’t ask me to turn on you now.”  Twilight smiled feebly, before nodding her assent. She then turned to Night. “Go,” she said. “I’m not sure how much time you have.”  Gazing at Spike with one more apologetic expression, Night spread her wings and shot away, leaving only a faint sparkle in her wake.  Together, Spike and Twilight headed back for Ponyville, Spike carrying Twilight when she started to run out of steam again.  “Okay,” Twilight said thoughtfully. “Maybe there’s someone in Ponyville I can help. Scootaloo wasn’t too happy about being the number three assistant, maybe I can talk to her and…” However, Spike suddenly ran into Night, who tackled him into a bush.  “Night, what the…?” Spike stammered, only for her to cover his mouth and point, her eyes wide and terrified.  Spike followed her gaze, and his own eyes widened. Twilight poked her head out, ready to protest, but both covered her mouth and pointed. Twilight’s own eyes widened as she saw what had happened.  Ponyville was covered in cages. Astral was desperately whacking at the bars of his cage, but each of his swords were turned into rubber toys on contact. Aurora similarly was trying to freeze the bars, but her ice turned into soapy foam upon contact.  In another cage, Jackknife, Swift, Diamondback and Phoenix were enclosed. Swift was cowering in the center, Diamondback feebly trying to comfort him, while Phoenix and Jackknife similarly struggled with the bars.  Yet another cage contained Diamondback’s diamond dogs, one of whom had her teeth turned to rubber when she tried gnawing on the bars, and even another contained the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were all shivering and holding each other in complete terror.  But the worst one had to be the cage containing Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and a sobbing Fluttershy. On top of which Discord was sitting with the smuggest smile Spike had ever seen. > Episode 31: The Alicorn Arc; Part Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Twilight hadn’t acted as quick as she had, everything would have been lost.  “Night, don’t!” Twilight hissed, her voice cracking in grief as Night nearly lunged at Discord. “If you expose yourself…”  “I ain’t about to show him my goods!” Night shot back, before realizing what she said. “S-Sorry, Spike, you’re way too young for…” “Will you knock it off, that’s not what she meant!” Spike snarled. “Think about Tirek! If he’s out there…” Right on cue, the centaur made his appearance, striding towards the cage containing the Mane Five first. Fluttershy was sobbing as he approached. “Why are you doing this, Discord? I thought we were friends!”  “Oh, we were,” Discord said, in a smug tone that made Spike’s blood boil. “But Tirek offered me so much more than just tea parties. Surely you saw this coming.”  “I didn’t,” Fluttershy whimpered as Tirek began to drain her magic. “I really didn’t.”  Seconds later, the deed was done, and the Mane Five lay magic-less.  Night swore, and Twilight let a single tear escape. But Twilight stopped Spike and Night from acting.  “Give me a second,” she said. “I-I need to think of a plan.” “We need to do something,” Spike said. “We gotta save them.”  However, at that moment, Tirek noticed the Drake Four.  “Dragons?” he mused. “What brought you down from your volcanos?”  Diamondback merely glared at him in defiance, while Jackknife spat at him and Astral tried to fling one of his swords at him. Swift shivered in Phoenix’s grip, as Phoenix stood protectively over him. “Oh, just some friends her little dragon picked up,” Discord replied. “Though, I could’ve sworn there were more of them…” “It matters not,” Tirek replied. In one quick inhale, he drained them of their fire and magic. “You really think that Princess Twilight will do anything for them?”  “If Twilight has magic to give, it will be yours,” Discord replied. “Soon, there won’t be a pony, dragon or any other creature of magic that can stand against us.”  Night gasped at the crafty look in Tirek’s eyes, quickly covering her mouth before Spike or Twilight could.  “Us?” Tirek asked. “Who said anything about us?”  Discord blinked. “Y-You did.”  Tirek smirked and lifted Discord with the magic he stole. “You’ve helped me grow strong. You’ve provided the means by which I can obtain Princess Twilight’s magic. And now, you are no longer of any use to me.”  Jaws all across town dropped as Tirek drained Discord of his magic, throwing him aside like a rag doll.  “But…” Discord whimpered, pulling up some sort of necklace he had been wearing. He held it out to Tirek. “You said this was a sign of your gratitude and loyalty! A gift from someone close to you!”  “My brother,” Tirek replied coldly. “Who betrayed me. It is as worthless as he is.”  As he turned away, Applejack and the others glared at Discord. “Surely you saw this coming,” she noted.  “I didn’t,” Discord whimpered weakly. “I truly didn’t.”  Tirek stopped at the cage containing the Cutie Mark Crusaders. That’s when his eyes turned, landing right on the collective trio.  “You might as well come out now, Princess Twilight,” he noted. “I know you’re there.”  Twilight, Spike and Night exchanged glances, but Twilight was looking right at Discord. Spike could see the gears in her mind turning.  “Stay back,” she whispered to her dragon friends. “And only attack on my signal.” She showed her signal with a wave of her hoof. “I got an idea.”  Holding her head high like Celestia, Twilight stepped out and glared Tirek down.  “You have something that belongs to me,” Tirek said. “And you’re going to give me what I want.”  “In exchange,” Twilight said, “You’re going to release them.” She indicated her friends. “All of them. In return, I will give you all the Alicorn magic in Equestria.”  “WHAT?!” everyone shouted.  “Don’t do it, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash yelled.  “What is she thinking?!” Diamondback stammered. “NIGHT!” Jackknife bellowed. “Why are you letting this happen?!”  Night winced, but Spike kept her back. Whatever Twilight was planning, he had to trust her. Tirek, thankfully, had eyes for no one but Twilight. “As you wish,” he declared, opening the cages. He almost threw Discord into one of them… but Twilight stamped a hoof.  “All of them,” she said, looking at a stunned Discord.  Tirek laughed. “After the way he has betrayed you, you still call him a friend?”  Twilight’s gaze was like steel. “Release him!”  Tirek huffed. “If that’s what you wish.”  He threw Discord to the others, Discord staring at Twilight with shock, and shame.  “Twilight…” he whispered. “I… I’m…”  But Twilight didn’t look at him. She and Tirek only seemed to have eyes for each other. “Your turn,” Tirek growled, stepping closer and inhaling.  But once again, nothing happened.  Tirek snarled. “What is this?! WE HAD A DEAL!” “We do,” Twilight said with a grin. “I promised you all the Alicorn magic in Equestria.” She turned. “Night. Give it to him.” Thankfully, Night understood… and buried her foot halfway down Tirek’s throat, before unleashing a blast of magic that threw him out of the town and into the countryside.  “Hey big boy,” Night noted, tossing one of her scales in her hand. “You want the Alicorn magic? Here it is!” She threw her scale. “Fetch!”  Tirek’s eyes followed the scale, and he leaped up and snatched it… only for it to blow up in his face.  “TREACHERY!” he roared. “DECEIT AND TRICKERY!”  “Pot? Is that you?” Night asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she moved forward. “It’s Kettle; nice to see you!”  Right on cue, she conjured a giant kettle, which smashed onto Tirek’s head, leaving him with a loopy expression before Night punched him further away into the countryside. As everyone watched the black dragoness run circles around the centaur, gasps and bits of shocked laughter emanated.  “But… how is she doing that?” Rarity stammered. “Dragons can’t absorb magic… can they?”  Spike and Pinkie Pie merely exchanged a grin, which they were able to hide with laughter as Tirek tried to rush Night, only for her to conjure a matador outfit. “TORO-TORO!” She declared, before turning intangible, letting Tirek run headfirst into a mountain.  Spike and the others cackled, before Spike noticed Discord weakly laughing as well.  “She’s better at my job than I am,” Discord noted. Though as Spike and Twilight looked at him, his face fell and he lowered his head in shame. “Tirek tricked me into believing that he could offer me something more valuable than friendship. But I see now that there is nothing worth more.” He looked at his medallion with sad reflection. “He lied when he said this medallion was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty. But when I say that it is a sign of our true friendship…” he removed the medallion and gave it to Twilight. “I’m telling the truth.”  Twilight gazed at the medallion, hope springing across her face. She looked to the others, who seemed to understand.  “You think that might be the last one we need.”  Twilight nodded, turning to the others. “We have to get to the Castle of Two Sisters.”  “I’d say we’ll keep Tirek occupied, but…” Jackknife trailed off as Tirek shrieked in frustration, stampeding around while tangled up in Night’s matador cloak, all while Night - now dressed in a cowboy outfit - was riding him like a rodeo bull. “YEEEEE-HAAAAWWWWW!” Night cheered. “RIDE EM COWPOKE!”  “YOU WILL DIE SLOW!” Tirek vowed, ripping through the cloak and trying to buck her off… only for Night to turn into another anvil right as she was flung over his head, burying his face in the dirt.  “I say we just enjoy the show,” Scootaloo noted.  Smiling, Twilight and her friends ran back for the Tree of Harmony, while Spike sat with his friends and watched Night and Tirek’s battle.  As Night battled against Tirek, she noticed the crowd watching her.  “You got this, Night Fire!” Jackknife cheered.  “Give him the what-for!” Diamondback declared.  But Night’s focus quickly turned to the citizens of Ponyville, as they began to applaud and cheer for her. “Night Fire! Night Fire! Night Fire! Night Fire!” they all began to scream and shout.  For a moment, Night got distracted - a hopeful grin spreading across her face… but one that faded as Spike noticed her conflict. But in her moment of worry, Tirek tackled her.  A collective gasp shot up as Tirek smashed Night into the ground. “NIGHT, NO!” Jackknife wailed.  “YOU MONSTER!” Aurora screamed as Tirek brought his fists and hooves down with relentless abandon on the dragoness. She was soon hidden in a cloud of dust and dirt. “You’ve humiliated and annoyed me for too long, dragoness,” Tirek snarled, digging into the dirt and bringing the beaten dragon up. “But no more! Your magic… is… MINE!”  He tried to inhale… but still nothing happened. And as the dust cleared, everyone saw that he wasn’t holding a beaten Night… but a shedded snake skin.  “W-What…?” Tirek stammered, before a shadow rose up behind him. As he turned, a beam of energy blasted him again, carving a trench through the countryside.  “I’m not just a dragoness,” Night’s voice declared from the shadows, her electric green eyes shining in darkness. “I am the reminder that darkness itself should not be feared, only the ones that misuse its power.”  Spike’s eyes widened. “No way…” he whispered. “Is she going to…?”  The crowd was silent, watching as ‘Night’ slowly began to walk out of the darkness.  “I have spent so long running; certain that others saw me as a monster… always hiding who I truly was inside. No more.”  She stepped out of the darkness… and another collective gasp rang out.  Night had shed her dragon form. She stood as an alicorn princess, tall, proud and ready to kick tail.  “I am Star Wing,” Star declared. “And THIS!” She shot forward and broke Tirek’s jaw with a punch. “IS!” She upper cut him into the air. “MY!” She caught his tail and spun him so fast he became a blur. “HOME!”  She hurled him towards the Castle of Two Sisters. He smashed into the Ever Free forest hard enough to leave a crater. And right on cue, Twilight and the Mane Five rose from the Castle, shining like diamonds as whatever power the Tree had was finally bestowed onto them.  “H-How…” Tirek whimpered. “How?”  “You may have stolen normal magic, Tirek,” Twilight said. “But there is one magic you can never take from us. The most powerful magic of all.”  Sharing a grin with Twilight, Star lifted up her friends. Silvery threads bound them to her, sharing the power of five alicorns with them.  As one, pony and dragon blasted Tirek with two pure white beams of light. And with a final scream, Tirek was blasted from existence, and flung into the deepest pit of Tartarus.  Carefully, the dragons and ponies lowered to the ground. Eyes quickly turned to Star Wing, as she stood tall and proud.  On closer inspection, Spike noticed that she hadn’t completely shed her dragon form: her tail was still draconic, as were her wings. Her eyes still retained slit pupils, and the teeth of a dragon gleamed as she smiled. Add to that, small bits of white scales sprouted up from her otherwise dark fur.  “I can’t believe it,” Rarity stammered. “All this time. You’ve been…” “She’s Star Wing,” Pinkie replied with a smile. “More importantly… She's our friend.”  Star’s eyes glittered with happy tears at Pinkie’s reply.  ### It didn’t take long for magic to be restored to the land, and before long, everyone stood gathered at Canterlot, with Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and even Star Wing seated on thrones.  All eyes were on Discord as he remained magicless, kneeling before the collection of alicorns. “Discord,” Celestia said in disappointment. “You betrayed Equestria to Tirek.”  Discord merely lowered his head in shame.  “Yet you also provided the means by which Star Wing and I could beat him,” Twilight noted.  “Indeed,” Celestia said. “For that, we will let you retain your immortality.”  “That being said,” Luna added. “The rest of your magic must be earned back.” Cadence revealed an orb that flashed and shimmered with the power of chaos. “Help others and show the goodness in your heart,” she said. “And your power will return, little by little.”  “A hundred good deeds gets you one percent of your power,” Star noted with a grin.  Discord chuckled. “Experienced fighters can do much with only a small percentage of that power,” he noted, though his smile faded as he looked back at Celestia. He gave a more respectful bow. “I have learned much from this experience, Princesses. Honestly more than my many centuries of mischief making could have taught. I will not make the same mistakes again.”  Celestia nodded, and Discord retreated back into the crowd, Fluttershy patting him on the back as he sat next to her.  “Star Wing,” Luna declared, causing Star to slip off her throne and stand before the princesses. “You have shown great courage and tenacity in the battle against Tirek.”  “Every pony here,” Twilight declared. “Owes you their lives.”  Star tried to make herself look casual. “Aw, c’mon,” she said. “Just part of being a hero, right?”  “Like the stories we used to read?” Luna asked wistfully.  “Your name shall stand among them,” Celestia promised, tears brimming in her eyes. “Star Wing… our history has been rift with tension and strife.” She gazed out at the crowd. “Star Wing knows better than anyone… that even I can be flawed, and make horrible mistakes.”  Worried murmuring sounded, but everyone stayed focused on the alicorns as Celestia looked back to Star.  “Star,” she said. “Should you wish it, we will gladly welcome you back. You would have your rank of Princess - this time, properly recognized as such by even the nobles of Canterlot…” “And our home would always be open to you,” Luna added with a smile.  Mother and daughter grinned at each other, while Star glanced at her hooves - which Spike noticed still had dragon talons around the edges.  “It’s a tempting offer,” she admitted. “But… I imagine that being a princess is going to mean a lot of paperwork. And I was never good at writing.”  The dragons chuckled, though the princesses looked more confused, and almost worried. Star sighed. “Princesses… Mother… for many centuries, I dreamed about coming back here. About being recognized as a princess… as a hero… as a living soul.” She looked back towards Spike and the others. “But… what I ended up finding on my journey… I kinda like it.” She turned to Twilight. “And even though the Tree of Harmony seemed to think I was full of bulls, well… Princess Twilight did encourage me to balance joy for myself and joy for others. I’d like to take her up on her advice.”  Celestia gave a small sigh. “So… you would rather not be a Princess again?”  “Don’t get me wrong,” Star noted. “I’ll still defend Equestria when it needs me. And visit when I can. But… not every alicorn needs to be a prince or princess. I’d like to showcase that.” She looked at Diamondback and the others. “If you guys will still have me, of course.”  Spike looked at the others - at Diamondback and Phoenix. Diamondback’s eyes were shining.  “Do you even need to ask that, darling?” Diamondback asked, before scooping her up in a hug. “You’re my friend. My treasure.”  “Our friend,” Phoenix added. “Our partner in crime!” Jackknife laughed as he clapped Star on the back.  “You never needed to hide anything from us,” Swift promised.  “What he said.” Spike joined her in hugging Star. The princesses glanced at each other, and the crowd cooed and murmured, but ultimately, Celestia turned back to Star, and nodded.  “It’s probably for the better,” Cadence noted, grinning at Twilight. “We already have one new princess already.”  “Indeed,” Celestia said with a grin. “Tell me, Princess Twilight. You have been wondering what you are meant to do as a Princess. Do you know now?”  “Yes,” Twilight said. “I believe that as Princess, I have the power to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria. That is the role I am meant to have in our world. The role I choose to have. But I didn’t defeat Tirek on my own - it took everyone.” She looked to the dragons. “Friends of all shapes and sizes. It is clear I am not meant to take on this task alone.” She turned to the dragons. To Discord and the Mane Five. Her horn flashed with power similar to the Tree of Harmony, and a crystal map of Equestria appeared before them. “Will you help me in spreading friendship across this world?”  The dragons grinned at each other.  “Twilight,” Spike said. “You don’t even need to ask.”  “Don’t think you’re hogging all the good deeds, Spikey,” Discord noted. “Star Wing said 100 good deeds for a percent of my power back. And I want to get started!”  “Careful, Discord,” Diamondback noted. “We don’t need to think you’re doing this out of greed.”  “Ah, I’m sure you’re the expert on that, aren’t you?” Discord teased. He adopted a sick pose. “Tell me doctor, will I ever live free of the Greed?!” The others chuckled, before Spike and Twilight shared a grin across the map.  “So,” Star said, as the map already began to flash with possible adventures. “Where to next?” > Episode 32: The Hunting Arc; Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though Twilight’s tree-library had been spared from Tirek’s wrath, that didn’t seem to stop it from getting an upgrade. As Spike discovered, when Twilight and the Mane Five’s yelps roused him from sleep.  As he pulled himself from bed, he discovered the reading table - where Twilight normally had books propped up against a carving of a pony head - had been replaced by a strange crystalline table. One with a holographic map of all of Equestria spread out before it.  “Whoa, Twilight,” Spike stammered, joining the girls. “When did you get this installed.” “I-I didn’t,” Twilight admitted. “It showed up just a few seconds ago.”  Spike got closer. “It’s incredible,” he murmured. “It’s got all of Equestria.” He pointed. “There’s Mount Aris where Jackknife’s people live…” He looked around and pointed again. “T-That’s Griffonstone - Swift’s old stomping grounds, and… is that the Dragon Lands?”  “Hi Mom and Dad,” Pinkie cheered, waving at a perfect holographic recreation of her rock farm. “But if this is Ponyville…” Fluttershy noted, pointing to a replica of their hometown, before drawing attention to six floating depictions of the Mane Six’s cutie marks hovering over a stretch of mountains. “Why are our cutie marks over there?”  Twilight rubbed her chin. “I don’t know. But it seems like the map wants us to find out. The tree… the chest… and now the map? I mean, how can we not follow it?”  “Y’know what?” Rainbow Dash admitted. “There’s a ton of room for dangerous adventure along that route. Count me in!”  “Shoot,” Applejack noted. “I reckon yer right.”  “Well, I was planning on organizing my baking sheets,” Pinkie admitted. “But okay.”  Rarity sighed. “Very well.”  Fluttershy winced. “Maybe I’ll just stay here.”  “Good idea,” Spike said. “I can gather up the Drake Six and we can check it out for you.”  “Whoa-whoa-whoa, hold on, buddy,” Rainbow Dash said. “You guys have already had a lot of adventures. Meeting griffons and Storm Kings and sea ponies… let us have a crack at this.”  “O-On second thought… yeah,” Fluttershy admitted. “I don’t want to force Swift to go in my place. He’s still scared of Discord and someone locking him up in a cage again.”  Spike winced. “He’s still scared about that?”  Fluttershy looked down sadly. “It was a horrible experience for everyone.”  Twilight nodded. “She’s right, Spike. You and your friends have already done more than enough for Equestria. Take a break. We can handle this.”  Spike gazed at Twilight with worry. “Are you sure? I mean, what if there’s something…” “The map wants us to go,” Twilight insisted. “Maybe… I don’t know, maybe going there will help us understand why it’s here. Why it gave us the chest and everything. I can’t just foist all that onto you and your friends.”  Spike reluctantly saw her logic, but a part of him still shivered at the idea of letting Twilight go alone.  “I… haven’t been around to be your assistant…” he muttered.  Twilight went over to him and hugged him. “But you’re more than my assistant,” she said. “You proved that. Time and time again.” She smiled at him. “We’ll be okay. I promise.”  Gazing into her eyes, Spike couldn’t find it in himself to contradict her anymore. But his heart still fluttered with anxiety. Anxiety that only increased as he watched Twilight and her friends pack, board a train, and head off for adventure. Fluttershy’s words about Swift bubbled up to his mind, and Spike set off, curious to see if Swift needed his help.  He found the griffon-dragon hybrid back at Fluttershy’s cottage, singing some sort of duet with some of the birds. “Hey Swift,” Spike called. “You doing okay?”  Swift yelped as the birds scattered, with Swift himself ducking into the tree. He poked his head out to look at Spike.  “Oh! Spike. Sorry,” Swift climbed out of the tree with a blush on his face. “The birds and I were, uh… well, we, uh…” His feathers completely puffed out, and he whispered, “We were having a rap battle.”  The embarrassed look on Swift’s face was all that kept Spike from busting out laughing. “Seriously?”  “I know it doesn’t sound like it,” Swift admitted. “But… it’s kinda fun. And it doesn’t involve any combat.” He perked up as he heard twittering further away. “Oh, and it’s still on. Look, I’ll talk to you later; I know you can’t understand it, but I can’t let him tweet what he’s tweeting lying down.”  Spike could only stare in amazement as Swift took back to the trees again and started singing back.  What happened to the Swift I knew who cowered at the sound of a raised voice? Spike mused. Eh, then again, bird voices are probably nicer to listen to.  With Swift still too busy tweeting to give more of an explanation, Spike went off to try and find some of his other friends.  He soon found Night Fire - or Star Wing, as she seemed to be going by now - in the middle of a massive group of ponies, regaling them with tales of adventures. “So, my eyes flutter open,” Star said dramatically. “And there, hanging right over me, was a thestral. All ready to sink his fangs into my neck. But then he stopped. He saw that I was awake.” She chuckled. “I asked him, ‘Is this true love’s kiss or something?’”  As a smattering of laughter rang through, Spike paused, curious in her story.  “He says, ‘you can’t be that stupid, can you?’ And I reply, ‘Well, do you want a stake through the heart?’ Guess what I’ve got aimed right at his chest.”  Several of the ponies laughed, as Star noticed Spike.  “Oh, hey Spike,” Star greeted. “Join us; I was telling some stories about the adventures I went on while on the Roads.”  Spike glanced at the crowd. “Can I assume revealing who you really were is going okay?”  “Going okay?” Star laughed. “It’s going better than I thought it would. Here I was, fully ready to believe I’d get rejected again.”  “Oh, come on, Star,” one of her audience said. “You saved us from Tirek. Why would we reject you.”  Star grinned. “Well, now that you mention it…”  As she launched into another story, Spike decided to leave her to her fans and continued on his way.  He found Phoenix working with Astral, the two hammering out a set of armor together and too focused on their work to talk.  Jackknife was in the middle of an argument with some weather ponies about how he could make clouds rain. Spike almost ran in when Jackknife made one cloud rain on a particularly moody looking pony, only for the situation to defuse itself as the sea serpent and the pegasi all started laughing at the trick.  As Spike watched Jackknife and the pegasi laughing, he then noticed Scootaloo, who was watching him curiously before Sweetie Belle ran over with some paperwork.  My paperwork, Spike remembered morosely. Before I left Twilight. Abandoned her. Wincing at his thoughts, Spike turned away… and noticed Celine - one of Diamondback’s diamond dogs. Curious as to where the eldest of their group was, Spike followed Celine, and found himself climbing up the same mountain where the Mane Six had once evicted a dragon. Once again, the cave at the top was filled with treasure. But this time, Diamondback was sitting back, reading from one of her many books as her diamond dogs either counted gems or patrolled the cave.  “Spike,” Diamondback greeted as he approached. “Brilliant Spike…” she looked around. “Do you think the ponies will mind if I take residence here? I remember the last dragon to camp out here wasn’t nearly as welcome.”  Spike chuckled sheepishly. “Yeah, well, to be fair, that dragon almost covered the whole town in smoke from his snoring.”  Diamondback tsked. “It’s a problem with the sinuses, it is, love,” she said. “Not to worry; I take medication for that sort of thing. You won’t even know I’m asleep until you notice my eyes are closed.” However, she then noticed Spike’s downtrodden face. “What’s wrong, dearie?” She patted the treasure next to her. “Come. Sit. Tell me what ails you?”  Spike sat next to her, gazing out of the cave entrance to Ponyville below.  “Did I make the right choice, DB?” he asked. “Leaving Ponyville and Twilight behind? I-I feel like I should be happy with where I’m at.” He grinned up at her. “I’ve got you and the others… and Twilight’s doing okay without me… I think.”  Diamondback tilted her head. “You ‘think?’”  “She’s got the Cutie Mark Crusaders helping her,” Spike explained. “So, I shouldn’t have to worry about her not getting along without me. But…” “But you feel like it’s still your job, right?” Shiva asked, coming up alongside the two. Spike nearly jumped at her input. But he couldn’t deny the truth. “Well… yeah.” He looked back at Ponyville. “As fun as it is being with you guys… Twilight was… so many things to me. A mother. A big sister. A boss. A teacher.” he shook his head. “I left to find myself, but… what if who I wanted to be was right there at her side?”  Diamondback pondered his words, before gasping in realization. “Shiva, do we still have the book on Riders?”  Shiva scoffed. “With all due respect, Diamondback, how could we have lost it?”  “That ruffian Hawke’s attack on my person,” Diamondback offered.  Shiva shivered. “Good point. Give me a second.”  The Diamond Dog vanished behind some treasure, and for a moment, Diamondback and Spike were left to wait. However, all too soon, Shiva returned with a small tome featuring a dragon with a minotaur on it’s back.  Diamondback opened the book with a grin. “Yes,” she said. “It seems to me, dear, that Twilight may be your Rider.”  Spike blinked. “R-Rider?”  “Keep your mind out of the gutter,” Shiva warned. “It’s exactly what it says.”  “Indeed,” Diamondback agreed, showing Spike pictures of dragons carrying all sorts of creatures: minotaurs, griffons with broken wings… there were even an earth pony or two situated on the backs of dragons.  Diamondback turned the book back to herself. “Several millennia ago, a dragon named Soot formed a symbiotic bond with a griffon named Gust: the dragon had been blinded in a battle long ago, while the griffon had lost the use of her wings. Finding each other, the two found that by helping each other, they became a greater whole: Soot was able to carry Gust around, becoming her wings, while Gust became Soot’s eyes. Other dragons derogatorily called Gust Soot’s ‘Rider,’ but their excellent teamwork was an inspiration to many dragons who had been crippled. Before long, ‘Rider’ went from a derogatory term to an entire faction. Proof that friendship and cooperation could be even more valuable than many of the jewels beneath the earth.”  Spike gazed at a picture of a unicorn and a dragon together. “Wow…” he mumbled. “So… Twilight and I… she could be… my Rider?”  Diamondback flipped the pages, and grinned. “It seems to be that way: Solaris, the parent of Celestia and Luna, was inspired by the Riders. And though time and betrayal from outside sources dwindled and eventually led the Riders to become little more than mythology, Solaris still hoped to bring them back. Not wanting to stoop to deliberately injuring dragons, Solaris took to the practice of finding abandoned eggs, and having them be hatched and raised by ponies, in the hope that by having a pony and a dragon imprint on each other, they could bring back the Riders, and the proof that species who work together are far more capable than any species or creature who stands alone.”  Spike almost thought he was glowing with glee. Could it be possible; could he and Twilight bring back one of the earliest showings that friendship and camaraderie were the best weapons to wield against darkness?  Oh, how he wished he could talk to Twilight now; tell her what he had learned. At the very least, he knew where she’d show up again.  He held his talon out for the book. “Could… could I borrow that?” he asked. “I imagine Twilight would find that very enlightening.”  Diamondback smiled and handed the book to him. “You both are my treasures,” she promised. “I know I can trust you.”  Spike beamed at her… and before he could stop himself, he gave her a hug. “Thanks, DB,” he said. “Thanks for standing by me.”  She was bigger than he was, but she caressed him gently with her talons. “Anytime,” she promised.  Spike ran back to the library, his mind buzzing with thoughts and questions. What would Twilight think of these ‘Riders?’ Why had they not been brought up before in pony history? Diamondback mentioned betrayal from the outside, but who would have wanted such signs of cooperation destroyed? And, of course, was it wrong to look at DB the way he had looked at Rarity? Both were so much older than him. And yet both were also such beautiful and strong females. Shimmering like jewels in the sun. Maybe… Unfortunately, his thoughts about Rarity and Diamondback were soon chased from his mind. For as he entered Twilight’s library again, a strange glitching, flickering light caught his gaze.  The map was still up; Twilight and her friend’s cutie marks hovering over the mountains.  But they were flickering. Fading. And all of a sudden… went out completely.  The book Spike had borrowed thudded to the floor. As he turned to get the others, he failed to notice a passage in the book as it’s fluttering pages came to rest:  ‘What ultimately seemed to cause the downfall of the Riders was ironically their greatest strength: loyalty. A dragon who lost their rider would often die of despair or waste away to nothing. For without their rider, these particular dragons often have little to no reason to live.’ > Episode 33: The Hunting Arc; End of the Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift was supposed to be the fastest; his name was literally Swift Winds.  So why did it feel to Spike like he was going as slow as a snail?  “Come on,” Spike pleaded. “Can’t you go any faster?” Swift panted raggedly. “I’m doing the best I can!” he pumped his wings faster, yet the mountains below them moved far too slowly. “W-Why couldn’t you ask Star Wing?”  “Because it would’ve taken too long to drag her away from her fans,” Spike insisted. “And Twilight needs my help now!”  “Why?” Swift asked. “Because a magic map malfunctioned?”  “That map’s not just any normal map,” Spike insisted. “Something really bad has happened to Twilight. I feel it in my gut.”  Almost on cue, his gut rumbled; they had been traveling for a full day and night now, without stopping. Swift’s stomach similarly groaned, and he drooped out of the air.  “At this rate,” Swift bemoaned, “I’m scared we’ll show up and collapse from exhaustion. Then we’ll just get locked up alongside your friends.”  Spike’s soul wailed in agony, but the look in Swift’s eyes was reminding Spike too much of how he used to look on his Aunt Hawke. That same fear of provoking someone who could hurt him… Spike wasn’t Swift’s owner. He was supposed to be his friend.  Even though his fear for Twilight still chilled his heart, Spike nodded in acceptance. “Let’s take a break, buddy.”  Gratefully, Swift dropped out of the sky, and landed on a nearby mountain ridge. “J-Just a quick break,” he promised.  ### Unfortunately, Swift and Spike’s ideas of a ‘quick break’ were rather divergent.  “Swift? Swift, wake up!” Spike pleaded, shaking the slumbering hybrid.  No luck; he was passed clean out.  Spike had no idea how he managed it. The young dragon himself was going out of his mind with worry. He shut his eyes and immediately got nightmares of Twilight being tortured. Violated. Maimed. Killed. He gazed out across the mountains. “I’m sorry, Twilight,” he found himself thinking. “I never should have left you. I was supposed to be your number one assistant.” He sunk to his knees. “Now what am I really?”  Almost on cue, Spike heard the flutter of wings. He turned hopefully to Swift, but the griffon-dragon hybrid snoozed on. Turning his gaze higher, Spike saw the night sky above flickering, before Star Wing dove down to join him.  “Star!” Spike stammered.  “Ya know, I was curious about that,” Star admitted, shifting back into her dragon form of Night Fire. “Do you think I still need this guise? I mean, word must have spread quickly and…” “We don’t have time for that,” Spike said, running over to her. “Swift’s passed out and Twilight’s in trouble.”  “Passed out?” Star immediately ran to Swift’s side and checked over him. “Is… wait a minute, is he hurt?” “No, just tired,” Spike admitted. “We’ve been traveling non-stop; I’m really worried that something happened to Twilight.”  “Why?” Star asked. “What happened?”  Spike felt his inner fire seething at having to explain everything yet again, but he forced himself to remain patient. There was no way he’d be helping Twilight by lashing out against his friends.  “This map appeared in Twilight’s library. It had her cutie mark - t-the cutie marks of the others - all hanging around somewhere in these mountains. A-And I saw those marks flicker and die out.”  “So, you… think the map was somehow able to track their vitals or something?” Star asked.  That thought made Spike’s heart skip a beat. “If that’s true, then… that means they…” “Hey!” Star immediately grabbed him. “Don’t go that far. Twilight’s a lot tougher than that. At least I think, I haven’t interacted with her that much. But I can get impressions.”  “Like how I’m a terrible friend?” Spike asked, his voice cracking.  Star gasped. “Spike, don’t think like that.”  “But I am!” Spike looked back across the mountains. “Twilight was my first friend. My… I don’t know if she was a sister or a mother, but she was the only family I had. And I left her!” He tried to stifle his tears. “She was my treasure. Just like how we’re Diamondback’s treasure. Friendship is the most valuable treasure that can be had and… I took her for granted.” He looked out over the mountains. “Now she’s out there somewhere, possibly in danger… and what am I doing?”  Star stepped up next to him. “You’re rescuing her,” she replied with a grin. “You’re her knight in shining armor.”  Spike huffed. “Gonna be hard to do when I’m still nowhere near close to finding her.”  Star hummed before hoisting Swift onto her back. “Well, luckily for you,” she said. “I always preferred the night.”  Taking on Spike as well, she spread her wings and launched back into the sky, the search back on.  ### However, as the dawn came and the sun rose on a new day, even Star began to drop out of the sky. Evidently, carrying two dragons - even with one being part griffon - was a lot even for an alicorn to handle. “Starting to…” Star gasped. “Kinda regret… giving up my mom and aunt’s power…” She landed on another mountain. “Really wouldn’t say no to the energy boost that would’ve given me.” Flicking her horn, she summoned an energy drink. “Oh well; at least I got caffeine.” With that, she started downing it.  Luckily, at that moment, Swift’s eyes started to flutter open. “H-Huh? Where are we?”  At the same time, Spike noticed something. A strange pink pony with a purple mane, racing along a mountain path with some sort of cart attached to her. The cart had several jars, each of them glowing with some sort of strange power. Swift’s eyes widened, and he shot over to Spike’s side. “Spike, why is Fluttershy’s cutie mark in a bottle?”  Spike tried to look. “What are you talking about? It’s too far away.”  Swift sighed, before pulling Spike onto his back. “Hang on.”  He jumped off the ledge. Star racing after him.  “Guys, wait for me!” she claimed, chugging the rest of her drink… and promptly gagging and coughing. “Sorry,” she said. “Wrong tube. Don’t mind me!”  As Star fell back, still coughing and hacking, Swift flew down towards the pony… just in time to see a dark blue pegasus with a white mane flying after her.  As Swift banked in the air, the pink pony turned and growled.  “Are you all so willing to give everything because of these strangers?!” the pink pony screamed, before revealing a unicorn horn. She blasted some snow off a cliff, deluging her pursuer in snow. Yet even then, more ponies rushed on by.  “We gave up everything for you,” one of the ponies yelled. “Because we thought you were our friend!”  Spike and Swift exchanged startled glances. “W-What’s going on?”  At that moment, Star shot up, her eyes swirling from caffeine. “CHASE SEQUENCE!” she cheered, before joining the ponies, scat-singing some sort of epic chase music.  The ponies slowed up in shock. “What the…?!”  But at that moment, Spike saw what Swift was talking about. The six glowing jars did indeed have cutie marks in them. He spotted Fluttershy’s butterflies, Pinkie Pie’s balloons, Rainbow Dash’s lightning bolt… and Twilight Sparkle’s stars.  Rage drove him off Swift’s back. He hit the ground running and grabbed at the cart. “What did you do to my treasure!” he roared.  The unicorn yelped and fired at him with her horn. Spike was sent reeling from the blast, right as the unicorn made it onto a bridge. Snarling, Spike took off after her.  “That cutie mark is mine,” he thought as he felt the Greed granting it’s power to him. “It belongs to my treasure. My Twilight! Give… it… BACK!”  However, the bridge began to crack as he grew. And whoever the thief was, she was a fast thinker. She fired another spell at the bridge, and as the stone cracked and shuddered, the magic and Spike’s weight proved too much.  Spike roared out as the stone gave way underneath him, and he plummeted into the ravine. “SPIKE!” Star yelled, diving after him and catching him by the snout. She shifted into Night Fire, and then into a Greed Empowered Night Fire, her wings buzzing like mad as she tried to pull Spike up. “Spike,” she groaned. “Lose some weight! Caffeine’s not helping!”  But Spike couldn’t stop thinking about Twilight. His treasure. His friend. Whatever this pony had done to her, she needed to be punished for it. Glaring at the ridge, he swung himself forward and managed to sink his claws into the wall.  “I’m on!” He declared, allowing Star/Night to let him go with a gasp. Spike scrambled as fast as he could up the ridge, only to find that the ponies who had been chasing their captor had gotten ahead of him.  “Come on,” Star said. “Swift flew ahead, but he’ll probably need help.”  Her words were unfortunately proven right, for as Spike and Star raced after the ponies, they found Swift encased in ice, his frozen form having fallen right next to a pair of skis one of the ponies was yanking out of the snow.  “Swift!” Star yelped, trying to tend to their friend.  But as Spike looked past them, he saw the thief heading for the caves.  “YOU THIEF!” he roared, pounding after her.  But even then, he knew it was hopeless. She had too much of a headstart, and while the Greed made him bigger, it didn’t give him wings. But just before she could escape into the caves, the white pony with the skis shot by, dropped by the dark blue pegasus. Knocking snow off the cliffs just like how the thief had done to the pegasus, he buried the thief in snow, and knocked the jars from her.  The jars shattered, and Spike watched as the cutie marks shot into the air, heading right for him.  He almost ducked, but the cutie marks sped past him, flying further off into the mountains towards… Spike’s heart leaped in joy. “TWILIGHT!”  “Spike?!” Twilight rose into the air, her eyes wide at the sight of him. “What’re you…?”  She paused, and then gasped. Spike tilted his head in confusion, before she teleported past him.  A blast of magic drew his gaze, as he saw Twilight protect the pursuing ponies from a blast of magic from the thief.  “W… I studied that spell for years!” the thief snarled. “How can you…?”  “I studied magic for years too,” Twilight refuted. “But what I didn’t know was that studying can only take me so far.” She looked back at the ponies. “Each of my friends has taught me something different about myself. It was their unique gifts and passions and personalities that helped bring out the magic in me. I never would have learned that I represent the element of magic without these five. And I certainly wouldn’t be here to stop you now.”  “Spare me your sentimental nonsense,” the thief declared. “I gave these ponies ‘real’ friendships they never could’ve had otherwise!” “How do you know that?” one of the ponies demanded. “You never gave us a chance.”  The thief seethed in rage, but Spike was seething with his own rage as well.  “More importantly,” he said as he stormed up. “You messed with my friend! My treasure!”  He unleashed a burst of fire, but the thief deflected it with a burst of magic. The force from his fire knocked her backward… but it also sent her into a cave.  Briefly trying to force his oversized body through, Spike prepared another blast of fire. However. “Spike, no!” Twilight said, racing over and pulling his head back. “I’m fine. It’s okay. I’m fine.”  “Fine…” Her words echoed through to Spike, calming him down and shrinking him down from his other form. As he relaxed in her grip, he saw Star fly over with a recovered Swift.  “Well,” Star noted. “That was fun.” She glanced at the other ponies. “Oh, right, intros. Um…” she glanced at her horn and wings before shrugging. “Name’s Star Wing. This is Swift Winds.” Swift shivered on her back, sipping desperately from a mug of hot cocoa.  “And that’s Spike,” she said happily. “So… who were you guys.” She pointed to the cave. “And who was the crabby lady?”  Twilight sighed. “Long story.”  “Short version,” the white pony noted. “Her name is Starlight Glimmer. And she fooled us all.”  They started to explain - something about Starlight running some sort of equality cult. But Spike couldn’t help but glare into the cave.  This ‘Starlight’ had nearly taken everything from Twilight. His mother. His sister. His treasure. Worse still, what had he even done to stop her? Star had to save him. Poor Swift nearly got frozen to death because of it. They had done nothing to contribute to Starlight’s capture or the restoration of Twilight’s cutie mark.  Spike took a breath. “I can’t let this happen again. I need to be better. I may be a dragon, but I was always Twilight’s number one assistant. It’s high time I started acting like it. > Episode 34: The Search in Griffonstone. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ponies learned to quickly get used to Twilight now having a dragon bodyguard. Wherever Twilight went, Spike wasn’t far behind. Thanks to the growth he had done in the Dragon Lands, he was able to carry her books under one arm.  Though, unfortunately, his attempts at a dissuading glare only got chuckles from the ponies around. Spike glowered at the thought of Starlight having a similar reaction. If he was going to protect Twilight from that maniac, he needed to step up his game. As it was, such an opportunity presented itself when the Cutie Map once again unfolded from their table, and revealed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s cutie marks over… “Griffonstone,” Twilight breathed as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie answered the summons, both giving wary looks to Spike as he stood protectively behind Twilight. “The map is summoning you two to Griffonstone; the very heart of the griffon kingdom! I don’t know if either of you have ready ‘Bygone Griffons of Greatness, but griffons were known to be…” “Rude, insensitive bullies,” Rainbow Dash asked.  “Or abusive family members,” Spike agreed. Twilight winced. “You’re talking about Gilda and Hawke, right?”  “No, we’re talking about the ‘other’ griffons we’ve come across,” Spike snarked.  Twilight turned to him. “You came across ‘other’ griffons on the outskirts?”  Spike face-palmed.  “Look, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “When Gilda came to Ponyville, she was a total jerk.”  “And Hawke’s no better,” Spike said. “Sure, she got a bit of an attitude check when we freed her from that slaver, but she still hurt Swift.”  “Swift’s part-griffon and he’s not so bad,” Twilight offered.  “I guess…” Rainbow Dash said. “But it could probably be his dragon blood making him nicer.”  Spike smiled at Dash’s words. Twilight, however, kept her eyes on the book in front of her.  “I don’t know,” Twilight said. “In ancient times, griffons were known to be just as greedy as dragons. Always hoarding bits and treasures. But after King Grover found the Idol of Boreas, he was able to turn Griffonstone into one of the most majestic kingdoms in the land.”  Spike hummed. “It didn’t look so majestic when we checked it out.”  Twilight turned to him. “Could you… show Rainbow and Pinkie?”  Spike scoffed. “Nice try, Twilight, but I’m not leaving your side again.” He looked at Dash and Pinkie. “Swift can go with you.”  Dash grimaced. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You just said that Griffonstone wasn’t a good place for him.”  “He wrecked his home there,” Spike said. “And he deserves to see the place without the lens of his abusive aunt over it.” He pat Twilight’s shoulder. “Plus,” he admitted. “I’m curious if Starlight might’ve gone that way. The griffons we met down there were straight up mercenaries; would do anything for a couple of bits. Starlight could probably get some help down that way.”  Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “Well, it… could be worth investigating.” She sighed. “Alright. But only if Swift’s okay with it.”  ### As it turned out, Swift was okay with it. “I’ve spent too long fearing that place,” Swift insisted. “I need to move on. Be better than I was before.”  Spike grimaced. “I… could ask the others to go with.”  Swift shook his head. “Nah, you guys got your own stuff going on.”  “Besides,” Twilight admitted. “I’m pretty sure if the map wanted others to come, it would’ve said so.” She pat Dash’s side. “Dash can help you handle whatever the issue is just fine.”  “In the meantime, Twilight will stay here where it’s safe, while I keep an eye on her,” Spike added, gripping Swift’s shoulder. “If you see even a hair from Starlight’s mane, you let me know, okay?”  Swift swallowed. “O-Okay, buddy.”  “Here,” Diamondback said, coming up with some sort of eyeball. “This is a seeing device.” She offered another one to Spike, “It will help you see what he sees, so if something does crop up, you’ll at least know about it.”  Spike smiled. “Thanks, DB,” he said.  “Yeah,” Swift admitted, looking relieved. “Thanks.” Taking another breath, he shook himself out, before lowering a wing for Pinkie. “Well, shall we?”  Dash briefly looked shocked - like she was thinking of taking the train - but with the risk of looking weak before her, she shrugged and took flight herself.  “C’mon, slow poke,” she encouraged Swift. “Last one to Griffonstone is a rotten bird’s egg.”  “No fair, I’m carrying Pinkie!” Swift complained, even as he rushed after Dash. Shaking his head at their antics, Spike made sure Twilight hadn’t wandered off, and looked into the seeing eyeball, making sure that Swift did okay. ### Though Twilight gave a disappointed groan at the state Griffonstone was in, Spike was more concerned about the griffons around it.  Every single one had a suspicious look to them. Granted, part of Spike knew that they were likely more suspicious of Swift and his friends than he was of them, but he couldn’t help it. With the threat of Starlight hanging over his head, everyone in Griffonstone looked like a potential enemy.  “These griffons are ‘exactly’ like I thought they’d be,” Rainbow Dash was saying.  “Maybe we should just find the palace so we can ask the King what’s going on,” Pinkie suggested. Swift grimaced, but before he could speak…  “We don’t have a king, losers,” a voice noted, Swift turning to see the griffon that Jackknife had gotten into a brawl with.  Rainbow Dash’s wings flared in anger. “Gilda,” she snarled.  “Dash,” Gilda hissed back. “Swift!” Pinkie declared, pointing a hoof at him.  Swift, however, ignored her. “You two know each other?”  “Swift, you’re supposed to say, ‘Pinkie!’” Pinkie protested.  But Swift only had eyes for Gilda, who glared him down too.  “Wait, you met her?” Dash asked.  Gilda huffed. “Figured you’d go with the loser half-griffon, Dash. Guess dweebs fly together, eh?”  Swift hissed. “Tough talk. I didn’t hear you talking that tough when Jackknife tanned your hide.”  Rainbow Dash gaped before grinning. “Jackknife fought her?” She sneered. “Well, clearly he didn’t knock enough sense into you.”  Gilda snorted. “And I’m used to you usually whimpering while Hawke beat you down.” She smirked. “She’s here, you know.”  Swift paled. “W-What?”  Gilda’s grin widened. “Yeah, came back all beaten up. Made the guys who stole her furniture look worse.” She examined her talons. “I’m sure she’d be real interested to know her nephew’s back in town.”  Swift hissed, his feathers puffing up. “Don’t you DARE breath a word…” “Or what?” Gilda sneered. “You finally discover some dragon blood? Did all those beatings she give you awaken something?”  Pinkie got between them. “Hey-hey,” she warned. “Swift, remember; we’re here to help Griffonstone, not destroy it!” She turned and gave Gilda a winning smile. “Look, how about you stop talking about Swift’s aunt and tell us where the Idol of Boreas is.”  Gilda laughed. “Don’t tell me you believe in that thing!”  “You better believe it!” an older griffon with the head of a vulture wheezed. “The idol was the best thing to ever happen to us.”  Gilda groaned as the vulture griffon haggled with Dash, but Swift was already looking around. Even on the other side of the world, Spike could feel his terror.  “Hawke’s back,” he whispered, looking to Twilight. “We should’ve sent Jackknife too. We should’ve…” “Sh, wait,” Twilight said, “What’s the older griffon saying about the idol?”  But Swift wasn’t interested in that story. He had already spotted Hawke’s old home. And sure enough, it had been rebuilt. Shoddily, admittedly, but the nest-like house was standing on its own, and a light shone out from the broken window.  Swift ran to it, almost like he was being drawn to it.  “No-no, Swift!” Spike shook the eyeball, but he didn’t know if it had some way to communicate with the bird-dragon.  As it was, Spike could only watch as Swift reached the front porch, gazing around with dumbfounded shock. Spike heard his heavy breathing, going from shocked to enraged. His feathers puffed up, and he raised his wings, ready to blast it down again… only for the door to burst open. A crossbow appeared, aimed at his heart.  “Don’t you dare try it!” Hawke’s voice shouted. “I just rebuilt this thing!”  For a moment, the two glared at each other, Spike hearing Swift’s rampant heart-beat even through the eyeball. “W-What are you doing back here?” Swift snarled.  “I live here,” Hawke replied shortly. She motioned at his wings. “Put down the wings, I’ll put down the crossbow.”  “How can I trust you won’t just shoot me?” Swift snapped back.  “Believe me, it’s tempting,” Hawke admitted, before sighing and lowering the crossbow first. “But I still owe you for freeing me from that Verko rat.”  Swift narrowed his eyes, but his wings did lower by a fraction. “You owe me a lot more than that.”  Hawke glared right back at him. For a moment, it looked like aunt and nephew were about to begin another brawl. But then…  “Swift?”  Swift turned as best he could, keeping his eye on Hawke as he beheld Gabby, who was gazing at him with all the excitement of old friends seeing each other.  “Swift, it is you!” Gabby said, before glancing behind him. “Uh… is Spike with you?”  Swift sighed. “No, but… I came here with some ponies. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. They’re further up the way. Looking to… help recover the Idol most likely.”  “Ponies?” Gabby gaped in glee. “Here to help the Idol.” She shot right past them at speeds that knocked Hawke’s crossbow out of her grip, and left her and Swift with some windswept feather styles.  Sighing, Hawke smoothed her feathers out. “How that girl remains so peppy, I have no idea. You’d think she’d have learned after the last pony…” Swift paused, and Spike’s breath hitched. “Last pony? What are you talking about?”  Hawke gave him a curious look. “That why you’re back here?” she asked. “Tracking some ponies? I know it’s not to see me.”  “You’re right on that,” Swift admitted. “That pony - Starlight Glimmer - attacked a pony that belongs to my friend.”  Spike briefly became aware of Twilight perking up. “Belong?” she asked.  But Spike ignored her, yearning for Swift to ask the question.  “She got away,” Swift admitted. “And we’re looking for her.”  Hawke hummed, picking up her crossbow and taking the bolt out. “Why can’t your friend go find her himself?”  “He wants to make sure his pony’s safe,” Swift replied. “Didn’t Sunny do the same thing? Protect her treasure while griffons like my dad did the dirty work?”  Hawke smirked. “Bet you’d make him pretty proud right about now.”  Swift hissed, his wings rising again. “Don’t think I’m afraid of you anymore,” he snarled.  Hawke just laughed. “I’m surprised you still are; seeing what Verko did to me…” she frowned, looking down as a haunted look came over her eyes.  For a moment, Swift paused, trying to comprehend how one of the scariest people he knew could look so sad and vulnerable.  But then the spell past, and Hawke looked up. “That ‘Starlight Glimmer’ pony was here alright. Was looking to hire some mercenaries. She’d need them for some sort of heist she’s got planned.”  “Heist?” Swift asked. “Details were after people got hired,” she replied. “Not before.” She looked away. “Either way, only a few griffons came along. She didn’t have bits in hoof, but she was a sweet-talker. Got a few of them to accept contracts that promised payment later. That’s why I’m not among them; contracts like that led to you finding me in a cell.”  Swift hummed. “And where is she now?”  “Do you think I’d still be here if I knew that?” Hawke demanded. “Griffons don’t care about anything unless it somehow gives them bits. That was how Sunny and your dad met up; both of them had treasures they wanted, and that was all they cared about.” Hawke glared away. “Your mom got your dad killed by exploiting his greed; having him rob other dragon hordes and sweetening the deal however she could.”  Swift tilted his head. “Was that… grief in your voice?”  “NO!” Hawke shouted.  Swift jumped back, his wings rising again, and Hawke went for her crossbow. But before a showdown could occur… “HELP! SOMEONE HELP!” Gabby was flying back.  “Gabby?” Swift asked.  “One of the ponies,” Gabby said. “R-Rainbow Dash, I think! She went into the Abysmal Abyss looking for the Idol of Boreas. She’s hurt and Pinkie needs help to get her out!”  Swift’s response was instant. Flaring his wings, he launched into the sky… and turned back. “Uh, where’s Abysmal Abyss?”  Hawke rolled her eyes, but Gabby beamed at him. “I’ll show you!”  Together, the two griffons took off. They found not only Dash in trouble, however, but Pinkie and Gilda as well. Down inside the abyss, Gilda was hanging onto Pinkie and Dash, who clung to her for dear life.  But right next to her, glinting in what little light could reach the abyss, was the Idol of Boreas. And Gilda was eyeing it.  Swift’s eyes narrowed. Tucking his wings, he dove into the abyss, riding the winds like a pro and angling for Dash and Pinkie.  But, right before he could flare his wings and grab them… “You’re worth more to me than some dumb chunk of gold,” Gilda yelled, yanking Dash and Pinkie up.  Swift froze. “Did she just…”  But in his moment of shock, the wind blew him off course. He slammed hard into the idol, and began to plummet.  “SWIFT!” Dash screamed, Pinkie and Gilda staring in horror.  Spike almost crushed the eyeball, wanting to go help.  But then a flash of dark blue sped by them, attached to a rope. It caught Swift, but fumbled the Idol, letting it fall into darkness. “Agh, whatever,” Hawke’s voice snarled.  “Hawke?” Swift stammered.  “GABBY!” Hawke yelled.  Up above, Gabby strained with the rope, pulling it like a bungee cord.  Together, Dash, Pinkie, Gilda, Hawke and Swift all surged up out of the abyss, landing with a collective THUD on safe ground.  Hawke extricated herself from the group, dusting herself off. Swift could only stare at her in shock.  “Hawke…” he muttered. “You…” Hawke didn’t reply. “Consider us even,” she said, before flapping her wings and taking off. Nearby, Gilda was having a much warmer resolution with Dash and Pinkie. But Swift couldn’t participate. He could only stare in shock as Hawke flew away, like saving his life was nothing.  Gabby hesitantly pat his shoulder. “Swift? Are you okay?”  Swift blinked, glancing at Gabby. “I, uh… I’m not sure,” he admitted. He glanced at the eyeball connecting him to Spike. “But I do know one thing. Starlight’s preparing for something big.”  “Yeah,” Spike agreed, even if Swift couldn’t hear him. “And she’s factoring us into it.” He closed his fist over the eyeball, careful not to crush it.  This was going to complicate things. > Episode 35: Among the Enemy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike wanted to laugh at the irony: while his team hunted for Starlight Glimmer, the Grand Equestria Pony Summit was underway.  A celebration of all the unique places that make up the wonderful land of Equestria, and his friend Star Wing couldn’t come because she was busy hunting down a pony who thought she knew equality and harmony better than the princesses. Of course, her plan wasn’t met with no resistance. Spike still remembered her mother Luna trying to dissuade her:  “My beloved Star, please think,” Luna begged. “Ever since you revealed your identity to Equestria, surely the Outskirts will know who you really are.”  “All they know is that Princess Star Wing made her return by fighting off Tirek,” Star had insisted as she assumed her dragon persona of Night Fire. “I’m not sure if any of them have made the connection, and I won’t know if I never try to find out. And we already learned from Swift that Starlight is hiring mercenaries for some sort of heist in Equestria. If it’s a heist, some of my old contacts on the outskirts might know more.”  “But darling,” Diamondback chimed in. “If your cover as Night Fire is blown, you could easily walk into a trap. Starlight was rather pleased to have Princess Twilight’s cutie mark. You put yours at grave risk.”  “No reward without risk,” Night Fire replied. “And if Starlight’s powerful enough to take an alicorn princesses’ cutie mark, then she’s someone we’ll need to keep an eye on.” She rested her head against her mother’s. “Trust me; I was out there for centuries. I know what I’m doing.”  And so, Spike found himself gazing at the seeing eye artifact Diamondback had gifted him and Night Fire, allowing him to watch his friend’s progression as she neared one of the various mercenary bars that had given her quests and adventures over the many centuries of her life.  But, of course, right before Night could enter…  “Spike, we need you!” Princess Cadence called.  Groaning, Spike shut off his connection to Night Fire and turned as Cadence entered the room. “Of course,” he said. “What can I do?” He then noticed Twilight staggering in, bags under her glazed, unfocused eyes. “Twilight!” He raced over and scooped her up. “What happened?”  Twilight groaned. “I’m sorry, Spike, I just…” she yawned. “Need a quick nap.” She snuggled up against his chest. “Tell the delegates I…” the rest was lost in a snore.  “She’s been awake for three days preparing for the summit,” Cadence admitted. “We need to make sure she gets some rest today. She’ll never be able to attend the reception in this condition.” She gazed up at Spike hopefully. “Can I count on you to see to it that she isn’t disturbed?”  Spike gave a salute before tucking Twilight into bed. “I promise. I won’t let you down.” He glanced at his seeing eye artifact. “And neither will Night Fire… I hope,” he thought privately.  ### With the doors shut and locked, the windows barred and Twilight herself having her ears plugged, nothing would stop Spike’s friend and sister-figure from getting the rest she needed.  Sitting protectively by her side, Spike delved into the seeing-eye artifact again, finding Night Fire just as she entered one of the taverns she had talked about. A sign labeled it as “The Cantering Cow.”  Spike shuddered at the sight of the place; a ratty, run-down inn filled with what looked like the scum of all Equestria. From grizzled old griffons to roughed up looking ponies to even a few dragons. All of them had a foul gleam in their eyes or what looked like blood among the grime that coated their bodies.  Spike had no trouble believing that some of them would help Starlight in destroying Equestria.  “And Twilight,” he thought worriedly.  Despite his worries, Night Fire strut through the bar like a pro. Matching each of the foul glares sent her way with a confident smirk. A smirk that just dared anyone to try their luck with her, because no matter how good they thought they were, she was better.  Spike was partially worried one of the dragons or even a minotaur he noticed in the corner might rise to her challenge. But for now, none did.  Night leaned her wings against the bar counter, glancing at the bartender - a pudgy minotaur with horns that were broken in such a way that they resembled antennae. “Night Fire, eh?” the minotaur rumbled. “You got the gold you owe me?”  Smooth as butter, Night withdrew a large bag of bits and dropped it before him. “That’s enough for my tab, enough for another pint, and there might be a bit more for you if you can… give me some pointers.”  The minotaur paused, glaring at her. “What kind of pointers?”  Night Fire grinned at him, even as her eyes watched several griffons who were eying her with intrigue. “The word is there’s some unicorn mare with an offer. Apparently there’s some good bits involved.” She eyed the griffons again. “Know anything about that?”  Before the minotaur or the griffons could respond… a pair of angry voices cut over, followed by a knock on the door.  Groaning, Spike shut off the artifact and raced over before they could knock again. He found two ponies glaring at each other outside.  “Can I help you?” he resisted snarling.  “My friend here,” the mare on the right said. “The distinguished pony from up Manehatten, and I are in a bit of a pickle, and we need the Princess Twilight to resolve it.”  Spike glanced at Twilight and his link to Night Fire. “Can you come back later then?”  “Oh, I wish we could,” the mare siad. “But we’re both supposed to give speeches about our local economies in five minutes, and we’ve been booked in the same hall!”  “I had the room first,” her stallion companion insisted. “And to be honest, my speech is more important.”  “Point of order there, sir, but I think that you’ll find my speech is the more important one,” the mare argued back. As the two argued back and forth, Spike shut the door and glanced at Twilight again. With the ear plugs he had given her, she was still sound asleep.  Worse still, Night Fire was right on the cusp of finding something out. Who knew how the bartender had replied. Spike had to get rid of those two somehow.  Opening the door, he was immediately beset by the two ponies.  “So?” the stallion demanded. “What did the Princess say?”  “Come on now, spit it ou!” the mare insisted.  “She said she wants you to share it!” Spike shot back.  To his surprise… the two ponies accepted it.  “If that’s what the princess wants,” the stallion decided.  “The princess is always right,” the mare agreed.  They walked off, apologizing to each other, letting Spike breath easier before pulling out his seeing eye again.  “Glad that’s over,” he noted. “Now, back to more important things.”  He delved into the seeing-eye artifact, and found Night Fire following some griffons through a dark passageway.  His heart hammered for a moment. Had Night Fire been captured? Was she okay?  He relaxed as the seeing-eye showed that Night Fire was fine. Still glaring at the griffons with that confident ‘just try to hurt me’ grin she had. Despite the danger, Spike couldn’t help but wonder if she had everything under control.  Then they entered a room with a single light on. Standing behind a small desk… Spike growled as he recognized Starlight Glimmer.  “This dragoness said she wants in on the plan,” one of the griffons said. “Not just any dragoness,” another griffon chimed in. “This is Night Fire. One of the best mercenaries I’ve worked with.”  “You flatter me, Gust,” Night Fire said, “But I prefer to let my talents speak for themselves.” She glared at Starlight. “But I can only do that if I know what I’m signing up for.”  Starlight glared Night Fire down. Right as she was about to speak… “Where’s Princess Twilight?!”  Spike yelped at the voice, fumbling his seeing eye and putting it away as an annoyed delegate stamped up to him.  “Combining those two talks was a disaster!” the delegate declared. “The hall was overcrowded and the speakers just shouted over each other!”  “Speakers, what…?” Spike slowly remembered the two arguing ponies. “Oh…” “Why would the princess have made such a decision?”  Several more annoyed delegates showed up, all chattering angrily about problems. Spike briefly glanced at the seeing eye, before frustration bubbled up.  “By order of Princess Twilight,” he growled. “BE QUIET!”  The ponies wisely went silent, before one stepped forward.  “I was really looking forward to the ‘Don’t Spend all your bits’ speech, but when I went into the hall…” he teared up. “A pony had taken my seat. A pony who used to be my friend!”  Spike glared at him. “Your friend took your seat? Why don’t you just…” “No offense,” the pony said over him. “But I don’t need some random dragon’s opinion. I want to hear what Princess Twilight thinks.”  It took all of Spike’s willpower not to throw the pony halfway to Manehatten. Luckily, as it was, there was someone to get angry for him.  With a burst of stone, the ponies yelped as Diamondback stood before them, a look of fury upon her otherwise immaculate face.  “What was that?!” she demanded, indicating Spike. “This is not just some random dragon! This is Spike of Clan Sparkle! Bearer of the Dragon Element of Magic and Loyal Assistant and Partner to Princess Twilight Sparkle. His word is the word of the Princesses!”  Giving Spike a wink, Diamondback stepped aside to allow him to speak. “And the princess would agree with me when I say no friendship should end over a seat,” Spike said. “You should forgive your friend.”  The pony gasped. “Of course! Y-You and the princess are so wise!”  But as he cantered off, Spike saw a chance to repay Diamondback for her aid. “Additionally,” he said to the other delegates, “This is Diamondback; Bearer of the Dragon Element of Generosity. As with Fellow Element Bearer Rarity, the success of our defense of Equestria depends on our cooperation and teamwork. Anything she has to say should be considered to carry as much weight as Princess Twilight Sparkle’s.”  Diamondback beamed at Spike, before turning to the crowd. “Indeed,” she said. “So, please; regale me with your questions and concerns, and I shall do my best to alleviate them.”  Smiling, Spike watched as Diamondback led the crowd away, leaving him free to see what had happened to Night Fire. Yeah, she had found Starlight, but would Starlight take the bait? The griffons didn’t seem to have made the connection that Night Fire and Star Wing were one in the same, but was Starlight similarly easy to fool? With worry rapidly overcoming his triumph, Spike was finally able to go back to his seeing-eye artifact.  And what he saw made his heart stop.  Starlight Glimmer was glaring eagerly into the seeing eye artifact, while in the background, Night Fire was chained up, her head down as if she had been knocked out.  “So,” Starlight growled. “Who’s spying on me? Who was stupid enough to think I wouldn’t recognize one of the dragons who helped those traitors chase me into the mountains?”  Spike fumbled over his words, unsure if Starlight was talking to him, but Night managed a pained laugh and glared up at Starlight. “You were stupid enough to attack an alicorn princess,” Night Fire replied. “We were pretty sure we could take our chances with you.” Starlight fumed at her insult, but managed a dry laugh of her own. “You mean I’ve attacked ‘two’ alicorn princesses.” She turned as Night Fire’s eyes dilated in shock, even as she tried to keep them narrowed in anger. “That’s right, Star Wing; I know it’s you under there. I doubt there’s many mercenaries out there that know what you did against Tirek.”  Her horn flashed, covering Night Fire in it’s glow, and Night Fire groaned in pain as the magic compressed around her. However, as it looked like Starlight was trying to crush the disguised alicorn, Night Fire managed a laugh.  “Nice try, horn head,” she growled. “But I’ve had this form for centuries. It stood up to kirin magic, unicorn magic and even centaur magic-draining.”  Starlight yelled in frustration, her magic shifting into a beam that left Night swinging in her chains, a burn mark on her chest.  “I TOOK AN ALICORN PRINCESSES’ CUTIE MARK!” she snapped. “I’ve trained and studied in magics that have been all but forgotten!”  Indeed, as she hit Night Fire with magic again, Night Fire saw one of her talons shifting back into a hoof. Her eyes widened in horror, fueling Starlight’s ego.  “And when I find what I’m looking for,” Starlight promised. “You and Twilight are going to regret stealing from me.”  Spike nearly crushed his seeing eye. “Stealing from you?!” he all but snarled.  Luckily, Night Fire realized that having a hoof instead of a talon could be useful, as she yanked her arm free of her restraints, and blasted Starlight back with her own magic. She chuckled darkly as her talon returned and she ripped away the last of the chains. “Why hello pot. Name’s kettle. Nice to meet you!”  She charged at Starlight, dodging another blast of magic. And as the two began to duel, the seeing eye was knocked to the ground, and crushed under what looked like a griffon talon.  The seeing eye on Spike’s side went dark. Briefly, he shook it, as if hoping it would be restored, but he knew it was pointless.  Briefly, he looked back at Twilight, but she was still resting. And it didn’t look like any delegates or anyone were going to come for her soon.  He could afford to leave her for now.  Racing away from the tower, he found the nearest guard. “Guard! Guard! There’s trouble on the outskirts! Princess Star Wing needs help!”  The guard blinked at him. “What are you talking about?”  “Princess Star Wing!” he insisted. “She went out on important business, and she got ambushed. She needs help!”  “Whoa, hold on, how do you even know…” “There’s no time!” Spike insisted, briefly glancing up at the tower. “By order of Princess Twilight, get a search party formed and head for the Cantering Cow on the outskirts of Equestria. Move!”  Yelping and quickly saluting, the guard scurried off, almost running over Princess Cadence, who watched the guard go in confusion.  “Spike?” Cadence asked, as Spike briefly agonized over following the guard or staying close to Twilight. “What’s going on?”  “Star Wing,” he claimed. “She was looking for Starlight Glimmer and she got ambushed. She’s in serious trouble!”  Cadence’s eyes widened, before she nodded. “Go find Luna. I’ll take care of Twilight.”  Briefly, Spike fretted; he didn’t want to leave his treasure - but he pushed that to the back of his mind. Cadence could be trusted. She was not only Twilight’s foal-sitter and sister-in-law, but his as well.  Going as fast as his legs could carry him, Spike bolted for Luna’s chambers. ### Thankfully, Diamondback had made it to Luna before him. Apparently, when her seeing eye artifact was destroyed, she had something to let her know about it.  Mere minutes later, Luna was leading the Drake Five as they flew towards the outskirts, Diamondback using another artifact that was apparently capable of tracing her shattered treasure.  But as the Cantering Cow came into view… it exploded in a shower of flames and magic. “STAR!” Luna screamed, flapping her wings harder.  The princess almost dove into the wreckage, but before Diamondback or one of the others could pull her back… Night Fire came out of the rubble, clutching a pony body. Spike dared to hope, for a moment, that Starlight Glimmer had been defeated at last. Luna wailed in relief, embracing her daughter with a rib-cracking hug. “My beloved Star,” she sobbed.  “MOM!” Night gagged, her eyes darting around as several surviving mercenaries and adventurers saw their reunion. “Mom, please… you’ll crush him!”  Him? That’s when Spike noticed the body that Night was holding. His heart sunk; it wasn’t Starlight. It was the guard that he had yelled at and invoked Twilight’s name to go help Star.  “What… happened?” Spike asked.  Night gazed down at him with sorrow in her eyes. “I was so close, Spike,” she admitted. “So flipping close. Fought my way through her mercenaries… had her cornered. Dead to rights, and…” she indicated the guard. “And then he came bursting in. Said he had to rescue Princess Star Wing.”  Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “I…” Night shook her head. “Starlight shot a spell at him. I tried to defend him; knocked him out of the way. But it turned out… she wasn’t aiming for him.” She indicated the wreckage around them. “She was aiming for the liquor. The strongest stuff; the stuff dragons aren’t allowed to have since it’s too flammable.”  Spike swallowed back his own shame and guilt. “Did she…?”  “It was a question of either saving his life,” she indicated the guard, who’s own head was lowered in shame. “Or capturing her.” She looked down at the guard. “I couldn’t leave him.”  Luna touched her shoulder. “You did the right thing, Star,” she promised.  Night shrugged. “Hope so,” she looked back as the last adventurer ducked out of sight. “Because I think I can safely assume that this…” she let her Night Fire persona fade, assuming her natural alicorn state again. “...is probably only good for sentimental or fashion reasons now.”  Spike sat back, clutching his head. He had made that guard go after her. It was his fault that Starlight wasn’t captured right now.  “I’m sorry, my princesses,” the guard was whispering. “I’m so sorry. I panicked… didn’t think to get help.”  But Spike knew he was the one that should be apologizing. Yet he also feared that the day would soon come where an apology wouldn’t be enough to repair the damage Starlight would bring down on them. > Episode 36: Diamondback Investigates > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was so depressed he didn’t even have it in him to eat fire rubies.  Twilight had offered him one as a way to cheer him up, but how could he have any cheer? Thanks to him, Night Fire and a guard had been put in danger, a tavern had been blown up, and he still wasn’t any closer to finding out how Starlight was going to take revenge.  All he could do was look after Twilight, and even that was losing its charm fast. The most exciting thing they had done so far was help Princess Luna, and that had all been in dreams.  It was becoming more and more clear that Twilight had nothing to fear from Ponyville itself. The main threat lay with Starlight Glimmer; wherever the heck she was. “Spikey,” a voice sang, snapping Spike out of his thoughts. For a split second, he thought it was Rarity. However, he quickly realized it was Diamondback; the size and scales an obvious giveaway.  “Oh, hey, DB,” Spike said, offering her the fire ruby he had been mulling over. “You want it? I’m not exactly hungry.”  Diamondback gently lowered his offering hand. “I’ve got something much better,” she said, before raising another talon to his eyelids. “Close your eyes.”  Spike did as he was told, unsure what she was going for. A ruffle of cloth reached his ears, before… “Okay, open them.”  Spike did so, but had to blink again.  Diamondback was garbed in a large leather duster tied together with purple ribbons. A similar purple scarf adorned her neck, and she wore a black fedora with a purple wraparound, adorned with a white rose.  She did a small twirl and tipped the hat. “Rarity had it specially designed just for me,” she said happily. “Of course, she was making a new Femme Mystique Chic line of gowns, but only the finest seamstress in Equestria can get something that magnificent in my size.”  Spike’s face struggled not to deflate in disappointment. “Oh… kay? And this is important… why?”  “Well,” Diamondback said, struggling to hide her own disappointment. “She based this line off her favorite character, Shadow Spade. Do you know what Shadow Spade did, darling?”  Spike gazed blankly at her, trying not to look irritated. “No.”  “Neither do I,” Diamondback admitted, “But from what I can gather, she’s some sort of detective. And being in these garments is making me feel… investigative.”  Spike tilted his head. “Huh?”  Diamondback sighed, and grabbed him. “Just come along, darling.”  “Wait, what about…?” he almost said, ‘Twilight,’ but then remembered how the most threatening thing that had come near her was Moon Dancer, a pony that was mainly sad Twilight had forgotten about her.  Diamondback sweetened the pot even further with a snap of her talons. “Darius, dear!”  One of her diamond dogs sprang out of the ground with a salute. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am.”  “Be a darling and keep an eye on Princess Twilight for me and Spike, will you,” Diamondback said. “We have a meeting with another powerful unicorn mare to keep.”  “Right away, ma’am,” Darius responded, taking Spike’s place guarding Twilight’s room.  Spike followed Diamondback with uncertainty. “Another powerful unicorn mare. You don’t mean…” “But of course I do, darling,” Diamondback insisted. “The outskirts are outside Equestrian jurisdiction, which means it’s up to us to see where Starlight went, and what she’s planning to do.”  Spike’s eyes widened, and he eagerly followed after Diamondback. ## Spike’s hopes started to crumble as they reached the ruins of the tavern. “How are we supposed to find anything here?” Spike asked as he nudged aside burnt pieces of wood and overturned tables. “Anything of value was probably lifted by looters the second the Princesses left.”  Diamondback merely smirked as she traveled down a secret passageway - no doubt the same one the griffons had led Night Fire down. “Not all treasure is in silver and gold, darling. I thought you learned that lesson with me a long time ago.”  “Well, yeah, but…” Spike was cut off as Diamondback lifted a talon, hushing him.  Watching in intrigue, Spike saw Diamondback pick out a burnt feather. Probably from one of the griffon mercenaries. To his surprise, she ran the feather under her chin, sniffed at it, and even licked it.  Not exactly the behavior he expected from such a prim and proper dragoness. “Sparrow heritage,” Diamondback declared, “With a hint of lion fur. This griffon was part sparrow and part lion.” She hummed. “Interesting combination.”  “Okay, but what does that have to do with Starlight?” Spike asked.  Diamondback smirked. “Not much, but lions are the only felines that live in groups, which means they are also one of the few to recognize family as potential treasures.” She held up the feather. “We find a family of griffons with this type of plumage… we can draw their parent to us.” Spike’s eyes widened. “And if that parent is still with Starlight… he can tell us where she’s at.”  Diamondback’s grin widened. “Precisely.”  ## It still took an agonizingly long time to find the right match. Though Griffonstone was still heavily populated with griffons, Spike feared there were plenty more that would be impossible to trace.  Luckily, Diamondback was gifted in more than just fire. Returning to her dragon’s horde, she rifled through the various treasures that she had, before producing a strange pool of reflecting water. Placing the feather into the pool revealed an image of easily the roughest looking sparrow Spike had ever seen.  After another search that felt like it went on for far too long, the two were eventually rewarded with the sight of a nest that had a young sparrow-lion griffon testing his wings, as a concerned looking mother hen griffon watched on.  Her look of concern only grew as Diamondback and Spike touched down outside her nest.  “Good evening, madam,” Diamondback said cheerily, “We were hoping for a meeting with your mate.”  “He ain’t here,” was her curt and blunt reply. Spike seethed at her rudeness, but Diamondback merely smiled. “We’re happy to wait until he returns.”  “This ain’t no inn,” the griffon hissed, pulling her chick behind her. “I ain’t paying my bits to feed some lizard freeloaders.”  Spike stepped forward, but Diamondback put a hand in front of him. A silent ‘wait.’ “Then your mate better return fast.” Her voice got dangerously quiet, and she removed her hand.  Spike got her meaning. Already he could see fear entering the griffon’s eyes. Her wings starting to spread.  Spike shot forward before she could take flight. With his larger weight, he tackled her to the ground, wrenching her wings back in a sort of arm bar.  “MOMMY!” the chick wailed, before Diamondback similarly caught the little guy by the head.  “None of that, young one,” Diamondback said, her voice more of a lion’s purr. She turned to the mother hen, whom Spike had thoroughly subdued. “Send a message to your mate.”  The hen snapped at Spike, but his scales held up. “He’s not here. He’ll never come back! Griffons don’t care about anything but bits!”  “Let’s test that theory,” Diamondback replied, pulling out the feather in the reflecting pool again. She held it up to the young one’s face. “Say hello to Daddy, sweet one.”  The chick quivered in Diamondback’s grip. “H-Hello to Daddy… s-sweet one.”  “Excellent,” Diamondback praised. “Tell him you miss him and want him home.”  “I-I miss you,” the chick said. “A-And… want you home.”  “Very good.” Diamondback sat down.  “What now?” Spike asked, struggling to keep the griffon hen under control.  “Now we wait,” Diamondback replied. “If that reflecting pool works the way I was told it did, it will have sent a message to our mercenary friend. And if he works the way his heritage commands him to, he’ll be back to tend to his treasures soon enough.”  “Never,” the hen hissed. “He’d never fall for such a trick.”  Diamondback’s grin didn’t fade. “We’ll see.”  ## For too long, they waited. Spike was half convinced that the hen was right. Griffons didn’t care about families. They were nothing but greedy birds.  The thought made him angry. Made him want to twist the wings of the hen. See how long they lasted before… Spike paused. “Whoa, where did that come from?”  After all, it wasn’t the griffon’s fault. They were just pawns in this whole scheme. It was Starlight; that lousy stuck up horn head. Stealing the cutie mark off Twilight? His Twilight?  She is gonna pay when I find her, Spike found himself vowing. She’ll learn never to go after my treasures again! Diamondback shifted, and for a moment, Spike thought she might have been reading his thoughts. But her gaze was on something behind him. “Just as I thought.”  Spike turned and saw a griffon with the sparrow’s plumage soaring down towards them. Anger had twisted his eyes, and he was cawing in outrage at the two dragons on his property.  Diamondback matched his gaze with a grin… and let the chick go. As the chick flew for its father, the mercenary slowed up, reaching for his chick.  But in his moment of distraction, Diamondback nodded to Spike. And Spike leaped off the mother hen and tackled the father griffon to the ground.  The hen reared up with another squawk, but Diamondback was faster, snatching her right back up, while one of her diamond dogs burst out of the ground and held the chick back. With the family out of the way, Spike was able to wrestle the griffon mercenary to the ground. “There we go,” Diamondback said, striding up to the griffon. “Now, I hate to be a barbarian here, but we need some information.”  “Go to Tartarus,” the griffon spat. “You think I’ll help you, after you attacked my fa…” He paused. “M-My… my treasures?!”  “Your boss is attacking our family,” Spike snarled back. “Our treasures. We know you accepted the deal from Starlight Glimmer.”  The griffon twisted to glare at Spike. “That stupid horse? She has a job she needed doing, and she’ll pay us after.”  “And what is that job?” Diamondback asked, stroking the head of the griffon’s mate in a very ominous fashion.  To his credit, the griffon resisted. “No! No, I ain’t… I ain’t telling you jack!”  “Name’s not Jack,” the Diamond Dog noted.  But Spike was in no mood for jokes. His grip on the griffon’s head tightened. “Tell us what she’s planning, or we’ll clip your chick’s wings.”  Diamondback blinked up at Spike - to his credit, even he was shocked at what he said. But it did make the griffons freeze up.  “You wouldn’t dare!” the hen hissed.  “Diamondback?” the diamond dog asked.  Diamondback stared at Spike for a long time. She looked very uncertain. But as the griffon started to smirk - sensing weakness - Diamondback growled, and nodded to the diamond dog.  Reluctantly, the canine gripped the chick’s wings.  “Daddy?” the chick stammered as the diamond dog reluctantly started to twist.  “NO-NO-NO!” the griffon yelled. “Don’t…” The diamond dog stopped. But Spike couldn’t let them show weakness.  “Tell us what Starlight Glimmer is planning,” he growled. “NOW!”  The griffon gave a tortured look to his child, and then to his mate, who squirmed pitifully in Diamondback’s grip. He hung his head.  “Starlight’s planning to rob some kind of storage facility,” he said. “It houses a bunch of magic items. Unicorn made artifacts.” Spike’s eyes narrowed. He and Twilight knew of such a place. “Starswirl the Bearded’s personal collection of artifacts.”  The griffon nodded. “We help her out, we get access to some of those artifacts.” He glared at Diamondback. “You of all creatures should know how valuable treasures like that are.”  Diamondback wasn’t smiling for once. “Indeed,” she said. “It would be… a very hard offer to pass up.”  The griffon looked down. “And now, she’ll probably cut me out of the deal for blabbing.”  Spike nodded to the diamond dog, who released the chick. “Instead of focusing on what you could get,” Spike said, stepping off the griffon so he could embrace his child. “Focus instead on what you already have.”  The griffon didn’t respond, shielding his chick from them with his wings. Diamondback similarly released his mate, and together, the two dragons and their diamond dog helper left the griffons in peace.  “I…” Diamondback mumbled. “I had hoped that would be more of a triumph.” She shuddered. “I didn’t think holding a child hostage would be that… barbaric.”  Part of Spike wanted to agree with her. That whole interrogation had made him feel… wrong. Disgusting. No better than Tirek or Sombra.  But the other half was roaring in triumph. They knew Starlight’s next move. They could prepare against her.  And when she came in, hoping to use Starswirl’s genius to get revenge… she’d find Spike waiting for her.  And he’d show her what revenge was really all about. > Episode 37: The Siege of Starswirl's Sector > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is ridiculous,” the guard muttered.  Spike ignored him, standing firmly at the entrance to Starswirl the Bearded’s Archive. All of the most dangerous spells and magical devices were located there; artifacts and techniques that could alter the fate of Equestria itself.  Spike knew Starlight was planning to steal something from it - anything to try and get ‘revenge’ on his Twilight. But that wasn’t going to happen. Not on his watch.  Well, his and Jackknife’s watch. The sea serpent stood nearby as well, once again using water to make himself look even bulkier and more muscular than he already was.  “Seriously, you are not needed,” the guard insisted, clopping his hooves impatiently around Spike’s spot. “This is my spot, and I’ve guarded it just fine for decades.” “Yeah,” Spike grumbled. “You did a fantastic job against Chrysalis and Tirek.”  “Oh!” Jackknife cackled. “You wanna get some burn medicine for that, buddy?”  The guard seethed. “Well… they didn’t try to take any of the artifacts inside.”  “Sure,” Jackknife agreed. “They just took the entire kingdom instead. Fair trade, right?”  Spike managed a small grin, though his focus was on the outside.  The guard snorted, but finally turned away. “Y’know something?” he noted. “I liked you more when you were just Twilight’s assistant.” He stamped off.  Spike crossed his arms, a low growl bubbling in his throat. Jackknife noticed.  “You good, brother?” he asked.  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Spike replied.  Jackknife shrugged. “Dunno. Just heard bout how you and DB found out that Starswirl’s Sector was gonna be targeted.”  Spike looked away. While he had justified it to himself, there was still a part of him that felt it had been wrong. Threatening a parent’s child? It wasn’t like him. It was definitely not something Twilight would approve of. But then he thought of Starlight. Her indignant rage at Twilight? Her vow of vengeance? Her threatening Night Fire? The unicorn was dangerous and needed to be stopped.  No, worse, a dark voice in Spike’s mind growled. She needs to be punished. If what Twilight says is true, she forced several ponies to give up what made them special, and live under her tyranny. She’s no better than Tirek!  “Dude!” Jackknife barked. “You good? You look like you got force fed lemons.”  Spike blinked, and realized that he had been scowling. He sighed and shook off his emotions. “Sorry, Jack,” he said. “I just… really can’t stand this Starlight mare.” He sighed. “I wish I hadn’t told that guard to go after Night Fire. Maybe then, she could’ve caught Starlight.”  “Or Night Fire could’ve just gotten hurt,” Jackknife pointed out. “Ain’t nothing wrong with being concerned for friends, brother.”  “Except when it costs us,” Spike argued. “If we can’t trust each other to handle things… then why are we even a team? We need to be able to trust in each other’s skills and abilities.”  Jackknife frowned, pondering what he said. But Spike forced his gaze back to the entrances. He had no idea when Starlight had planned to undertake her heist. But he knew that she was taking him and his friends into account.  That had to mean a fight was about to go down.  Sure enough, a buzz went through their communication devices.  “Spike, intel was correct!” Diamondback’s voice crackled through. “We’ve got a patrol of griffons coming in from the south!”  Spike narrowed his eyes. “Have they started invading?”  “Not yet,” Swift’s voice emanated. “They’re circling, but they haven’t made a move yet.”  “Keep an eye on em,” Spike replied. “Starlight’s likely going to use them as a distraction while she sneaks into the archives. Do not let her minions pull you guys away for even a second.”  “Roger-roger,” Night Fire’s voice was laced with a chuckle. Even Diamondback suppressed a small snicker. Spike, however, narrowed his eyes.  “This isn’t a game, guys,” he warned. “We need to make sure Starlight can’t get at anything that could hurt my Twilight.”  “Your Twilight?” Jackknife asked.  Spike winced. “Y-You know what I meant!” He kept watching the windows, but he could feel Jackknife watching him.  “You sure that greed ain’t doing something to your head, brother?” Jackknife asked.  Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “N-No. Why?”  “You said we gotta be able to trust each other,” Jackknife pointed out. “But it ain’t just skills or abilities we gotta worry about. It’s also emotions. If you ain’t in control o’ yer heart…” Spike scoffed before he could stop himself. “Funny you should mention that,” he noted. “Remember how you were trying to fight everything that got near Diamondback’s home?”  Jackknife was silent for a moment. When Spike looked at him, there was hurt in Jackknife’s eyes.  “I… I’m sorry, man,” Spike said. “I…” “Yeah, I remembered it,” Jackknife finally said. “And I learned from it. Or did you forget when Rainbow and I had that race?”  Spike looked away. To be honest, he had forgotten that little experience; where he had been terrified of Jackknife and Rainbow Dash getting into a fight, only to find both of them had matured far beyond what they were capable of.  “Jack…” Spike started to say, but at that moment, their communication devices crackled to life.  “We got baddies!” Night Fire called out, before a squawk echoed over the comm link.  Spike’s heart skipped another beat. “Swift? Swift, you okay?” “Just fine,” Swift replied, as the caw of another griffon echoed. “Two less baddies to worry about.”  A thud made the the ground around them shake. “Make that three,” Night Fire added.  Before Swift or Night Fire could start some sort of body count competition, four griffons suddenly rushed into the entrance. “Get the drakes!” the biggest griffon yelled, beady black eyes glaring out from behind a plague doctor style mask.  “Bring it, bird brains!” Jackknife bellowed defiantly.  Spike smiled at how seamlessly they moved together, Jackknife slapping two griffons down with his tail before engaging them both in combat. Spike himself moved to fight the other two griffons, sword and shield in hand.  The biggest griffon immediately locked talons against Spike’s shield. “Back off, dragon,” he said. “This doesn’t concern you!”  “You don’t know anything!” Spike snarled, noticing the smaller griffon making a break for the door. Hurling his sword, Spike pinned the smaller griffon by his wings to the wall before shoving the larger griffon backward. “These archives belong to me! This kingdom belongs to me!” He began to grow in size and strength, soon squashing the griffon under his bulk. “Equestria is mine to protect!”  Despite squawking in pain, the griffon glared up at Spike. “Then you probably won’t mind the princesses being taken out, right?”  Spike froze, somewhat like the griffons that Jackknife had just encased in icicles. “What are you talking about?” Jackknife demanded.  The griffon grinned cruelly. “Our boss wants Twilight Sparkle to suffer for what she took from her. Some of my boys were considering taking something from her in return. Her wings… her horn…” His grin widened. “Her pride?” Spike knocked the griffon out with a headbutt, but his words still rang in Spike’s head. Was Twilight in danger? He had left her all the way back in Ponyville. If she was in danger… But what if she isn’t, another voice whispered in his mind. What if it’s just a bluff, to get you to leave the archives alone? “Spike?” Jackknife asked. “You don’t think…” “I don’t know, and that’s what’s scaring me,” Spike admitted, getting back on his comm link. “Swift, any griffons heading for Ponyville?”  For a moment, Swift was silent, but to Spike, it felt like an eternity. Spike found it harder and harder to breathe with every second of silence that passed. Finally… “Yeah,” Swift reported. “They broke off from the main flock and are heading that way.”  Spike’s heart leaped into his throat. Twilight hadn’t fought anything like them before. If they were planning to attack her…  “We’ve got to follow them,” Spike insisted. “They could be after Twilight!”  “Or they’re just trying to lure you away from the archives!” Diamondback pointed out. “It could be a distraction!”  “Well, it’s a good one,” Spike admitted, already heading to the entrance.  “Oi!” Jackknife barked, racing after him. “What did you just say? We have to trust in the others abilities! Twilight’s an alicorn; she’ll be fine!”  “But she’s never fought griffons before!” Spike insisted. “She may need backup!” He turned back to his comm link. “Night Fire, I need you now!”  He turned back to Jackknife. “You, Phoenix, Swift and Diamondback will stay here and keep the entrances covered. We’ll be right back.”  “Brother…!” Jackknife tried to say, but Spike clutched his shoulder. “Jack,” he said. “I trust in your ability! I know you won’t let me down.”  Jackknife held Spike’s eyes, before holding himself taller. “You got it,” he said. “I won’t fail.”  Spike nodded, before turning to Night Fire, who skidded to a stop before him.  “C’mon, dude,” she said. “They’re getting away!”  Spike leaped onto Night Fire’s back, and the two of them took off after the griffons.  “The Archives are safe with my friends,” Spike thought to himself. “I have faith in their abilities, their skills and their emotions. They can guard it better than I can right now.”  With Night Fire’s magic on their side, they quickly caught up to the griffons. Three in total. Spike hopped onto one, using the Greed to increase his weight and drag his catch down to earth, while Night Fire blasted the other one with a spell that plucked him like a roast chicken.  The third griffon, however, was craftier. And as Night Fire took out his second companion, he pulled off a barrel roll, stabbing his beak into the joints on her left wing. Night cursed in pain as her wing went limp. “Night!” Spike yelped, but the griffon laughed as he shoved her away, sending her spiraling through the air. “What’s it gonna be, big guy?” the griffon laughed. “Which princess are you gonna save?”  Spike wanted to have faith in Night Fire - like he hadn’t had faith in her before. She could make it; she surely had a handle on situations like this before. And besides that, Twilight was his… Spike stopped. Twilight wasn’t his. She didn’t belong to anyone. She was her own person; an alicorn princess.  Spike’s eyes widened. An alicorn princess… A grin spread across his face as he summoned a special brand of fire - one he hadn’t had to use for a while, but one that he remembered all the same. He dug into the pouches of the griffon he had brought down, grinning even wider as he found just what he was looking for. “You want a princess?” he yelled at the griffon. “I’ll give you more than that!” He lobbed what he had looted off the griffon; a glimmering bag of bits. Sure enough, despite the leader’s attempts to look towards Ponyville, his gaze was drawn to the glimmering bag of gold as it arced through the air.  And in the griffon’s moment of indecision, Spike followed up with a ball of sparkling green fire. As the ball exploded against the griffons face, he had time for one squawk of surprise before he vanished into thin air.  With the griffon taken care off, Spike ran full out for Night Fire, who had extended her other wing in an attempt to glide, though her fall was still rather steep.  “Hang on,” Spike said. “I got you! Don’t worry, I got you!”  Night Fire grinned down at him, and angled her body so that he could catch her. Her unbroken wing still slowed her fall enough so that when Spike was able to catch her, the momentum only sent him staggering a small bit before he righted himself.  “Thanks, buddy,” Night said, before glancing up at the griffon. “Though… you didn’t just disintegrate him, did you?”  Spike grinned and looked to Celestia’s tower. “Not exactly.”  Night followed his gaze, and her jaw dropped. “You didn’t…” But at that moment, Celestia’s tower glowed bright yellow, and the griffon’s squawk of fear combined with Celestia’s roar of outrage.  Spike grinned sheepishly. “I did.”  Night couldn’t hold in her laughter, even as Celestia appeared in front of them with a look of indignation.  “Spike,” Celestia said, trying to keep her tone calm. “Why did you feel the need to teleport a griffon mercenary into my tower?”  Spike shrugged sheepishly. “He wanted to see a princess.”  Celestia raised an eyebrow, but Night Fire interjected with, “The best princess?”  Celestia rolled her eyes, but not even she could stop a grin from forming on her face. “That is a subjective opinion,” she noted. “And one that probably isn’t shared with him, considering my reaction.” Her horn glowed as she repaired Night Fire’s wing, though she did give Spike a stern look. “Just don’t think that’s something you can do all the time, Ser Spike. I will not find it as amusing a second time.”  Spike bowed in understanding. And from his position, he was able to spot Ponyville, where Twilight was watching as Applejack and some fancy looking pony argued with each other.  Just another day in Ponyville. Free of chaos or mercenaries or delusional tyrants. Twilight was safe. With her friends.  Spike was able to breathe easier.  And the good news didn’t stop there: as he and Night Fire returned to the Archives of Starswirl the Bearded, they found Swift, Diamondback and Jackknife standing triumphantly around an entire flock of tied up griffons, all of the griffons hanging their heads in defeat.  “Your faith wasn’t misplaced, buddy,” Jackknife said happily. “The griffons tried to take the Archives, and they instead took their Ls.”  “Poor fools,” Diamondback mused. “And to think that Starlight managed to hire them on the promise of magical artifacts.”  Spike’s grin faltered as he noticed a lack of unicorns among the captives. “Speaking of that… where is she?” He then noticed something else. “Where’s Phoenix?”  The grins slowly faded from the others. Diamondback looked behind her. “I… she was right behind me.”  “I didn’t see Starlight anywhere when the attacks happened…” Swift muttered before gasping. “You don’t think…” Spike didn’t have time for thinking. Sharing a worried look with Jackknife, the two raced back into the Archives, Jackknife practically busting the door off it’s hinges as they raced inside.  “Phoenix?” Jackknife yelled.  “Blaze!” Spike cried out.  Their voices echoed off the artifacts, but Phoenix didn’t reply. Spike and Jackknife desperately searched the artifacts.  Everything seemed to be in place. Scrolls were still set on shelves, pedestals had artifacts on them. Except… Spike’s heart stopped: there was a very decorative pedestal, with two pony statues and three gem-like diamonds rising up. But right on the stand - guarded by two candles - there was only a blank space. As if something had been there before, but had been lifted.  Spike pointed a trembling claw at the pedestal. “Jack,” he said. “What was supposed to go there?”  Jackknife raced over to the pedestal, looking for some form of description. “I… I dunno,” he admitted. “Spike, I swear, my side was clear!”  Spike nodded. “I believe you… but what about Phoenix? Where is she?”  At that moment, a hum of magic sounded.  Jackknife and Spike spun, weapons at the ready, only to spot an artifact Spike had almost forgotten about:  A beautiful mirror, shaped like an oval, and studded with amethysts. The mirror that led to the human verse.  And it was rippling, like something had either gone in, or was coming out.  Jackknife and Spike readied themselves for battle… only to relax as Phoenix jumped through.  “Phi!” Jackknife ran over to her. “You good? What happened?” “Where’s Starlight?” Spike demanded.  Phoenix panted, catching her breath. “Just… give me a minute,” she said.  “Phoenix, we may not have a minute,” Spike insisted. “Starlight made off with one of the artifacts. Did you see her? Where is she?”  Phoenix stared up at Spike for a second… before turning her gaze to the mirror.  > Episode 38: Back to the Human World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Spike, hold on a second! WAIT!” Phoenix screamed.  But all Spike could think of was Starlight. She had one of Starswirl’s relics. She wanted revenge on Twilight. He had to stop her!  With all those thoughts driving him, he launched himself through the mirror, tumbling through a multi-colored tunnel of space and time. His body squashed and stretched like clay, contorting into the more humanoid shape he knew the human form needed him to be in.  As he felt reality reforming around him, he tucked and rolled onto soft grass… right into the business end of a minigun.  “Hands up, turn around!” Jackknife’s voice boomed in his ear.  Raising his hands on startled instinct, Spike suddenly found himself spun around and pressed right against the statue the mirror was situated into.  “Wait, listen to me!” Spike protested, even as he felt cuffs get locked around his wrists. “I’m looking for someone. She came through here!”  “Looking to cause more trouble, eh?” Jackknife’s human version growled, shoving Spike towards a waiting black van. “Well, not today!”  He threw Spike into the back of the van and slammed it shut. Spike was only able to look out through barred windows as the mirror glowed again, and a humanoid Phoenix was spat out onto the grass. Unfortunately, if Phoenix was going for a rescue, she didn’t get far.  “GET DOWN!” Human Jackknife roared, rushing at her with his minigun held high. “GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!” “IT’S ME, YOU DUNCE!” Phoenix roared, only for Jackknife to bash her to the ground. “IT’S ME!”  “I ain’t taking chances!” Jackknife snarled, cuffing her as well. In seconds, Phoenix got thrown into the van alongside Spike.  Spike could only stare at Phoenix in shock. Though her form had changed dramatically - she was now a badly scarred human with ratty blonde hair - her pink eyes still had a draconic shine to them as she glared at him.  “Um…” Spike shifted in his seat. “Did you… already go through this?” “No, you idiot,” Phoenix grumbled. “I managed to get back through the mirror before Sgt. Jackhole back there could grab me.”  Spike’s heart fluttered. “Then… you don’t suppose he grabbed Starlight too, right?”  Phoenix grimaced. “I don’t know, Spike, it’s possible. But if she tricked us…” “No, she couldn’t have,” Spike insisted, glancing out the window again as the van drove them to who-knew-where. “We had the exits locked down tight. She had nowhere else to go.”  Phoenix looked down, clearly not wanting to burst his bubble. “Let’s hope so. I told the others to stay back and make sure that the exits were still covered.”  Spike nodded, wanting to hope things would still turn out okay.  Spike remembered the human world: how Sunset had turned the human versions of him and his friends into animals.  As startling as Human Jackknife had been, he also gave Spike hope. If security was this tight, surely Starlight had been captured as well.  All they had to do was prove their innocence and Starlight’s guilt, and they could go home certain that the insane mare would never hurt Twilight again. ## Spike’s plan had seemed great in his head. However, as he was strapped down to what felt like an electric chair, the room dark save for a single lamp swinging overhead, bathing him in light like a searchlight, Spike’s heart was unable to be soothed by his brain.  ‘It’s okay,’ his brain wanted to say. ‘These guys are just human versions of our friends. We can work something out.’ His heart still beat hard against his chest, as if muttering, ‘Forgive me if I don’t believe you.’  His fear wasn’t helped when Human Diamondback walked in. Even though she didn’t have the height of her usual dragon form, Spike still couldn’t help but be awed by her regal aura.  Her white hair was tied back into an elegant bun, and her eyebrows had small diamond piercings embedded above them, giving her face a radiant shine and her lapis blue eyes an extra bit of flash.  In the darkness of her pupils, Spike could almost see his reflection: a well built but still rather thin human with green, ruffled hair and purple skin. His shirt was similarly green, with a picture of a dragon on it.  She glared at him for a moment, before unlocking his restraints. “Apologies for Jackknife,” she said. “We’ve been trying to be extra careful ever since Sunset turned us into animals.”  Spike let out a huge breath of relief. “I understand,” he said. “You guys are the protectors of this world, after all.”  “Trying to be,” Diamondback admitted. “Which is probably why you’re back, isn’t it?”  Spike shrugged sheepishly. “Wish I could say differently, but… yeah. one of our criminals tried to take refuge in this world. I’m here to track her down.”  Diamondback raised an eyebrow. “Her? Not ‘them?’”  Spike tensed. “What are you talking about?”  Diamondback turned, a remote control slipping out from the sleeve of her kimono. She pressed a button, and a screen - previously hidden by darkness - flared to life.  It showed three strange girls with red gems around their necks. Gems that flashed and glowed, producing strange fish-horse type creatures.  The creatures tried to attack two groups of people: Spike recognized the human versions of his friends: Jackknife, Swift, Diamondback, Night Fire and Phoenix - and the human versions of Twilight’s friends: Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack.  Even Sunset Shimmer stood among them, almost like she was leading both groups.  And equally strangely, all of them had instruments with them: Jackknife and Pinkie were beating on drums, Rainbow, Swift and Phoenix were rocking out on guitars, Rarity had a keytar while Diamondback strummed away on a piano. Fluttershy was shaking around some sort of tambourine, and Night Fire… Spike could only shake his head with a laugh: Night Fire was decked out in a belly dancer outfit, covered with bells and whistles, and performing some sort of elaborate dance. Though there was no sound, Spike could imagine the racket she must put up walking around in that sort of outfit.  Not understanding, Spike could only watch as the two bands' music produced a spectral pony and dragon, which fused together into some sort of dragony or kirin. United, the kirin attacked the three fish-horses, and not only blasted them to smithereens, but sent the three girls flying. Diamondback afforded herself a smile. “Impressive, weren’t we?” Diamondback asked happily. “Did you see Night Fire’s outfit? I designed that myself.”  “Very impressive,” Spike said, giving her a thumbs up.  “Oh, don’t I know it,” Diamondback agreed, before stopping and snapping her fingers under her own nose. “Er, but anyway…” she clicked another button, and the screen changed to show all three of the girls that had summoned the strange fish-horses now in cuffs and moping about in cells. “So, are any of these girls your criminal?”  Spike peered at the girls, but while one of them had pink skin and dark purple and green hair not dissimilar to Starlight, it was pretty clear she wasn’t Starlight. Her skin was a darker shade, and her face - while humanoid wasn’t quite right.  “I don’t… think so,” Spike finally decided. “No, none of them are her. Do you have any others?”  Diamondback grimaced. “None that have become a threat yet.”  Spike straightened. “What does that mean?”  Diamondback pressed another button, and this time, Spike got to see another human version of himself.  And one of Twilight.  It was uncanny: the version of him looked almost just like him. Though he did notice with a bit of a grimace that Human Spike was more muscular. The black excercise shirt he was wearing didn’t leave much to the imagination, and the camo pants were a lot more intimidating that Spike’s current attire of jeans.  He was currently watching over Human Twilight - who was wearing a pair of glasses - and grimacing as she pored over some sort of artifact. Human Spike stood right alongside her, examining the artifact himself, though neither of them seemed to have any idea what it was.  “What are they doing?” Spike asked. “Well, ‘you’,” Diamondback explained, pointing to the other human Spike, “Are making sure that she doesn’t poke her nose where it doesn’t belong. By some stretch of luck, this version of Princess Twilight adopted Spike while he was still stuck in the canine form Sunset trapped him in. After her spell was worn off, he managed to integrate himself into Twilight’s home. Recently, Human Twilight has gained an interest in studying the magic from your world. Luckily, Human Spike was able to get in contact with us, and we’re taking steps to try and keep her from causing any more trouble.”  Spike hummed, scratching his chin. “And… you haven’t seen any other incidents?”  Diamondback shook her head.  “No sudden arrivals or…” he pointed to one of the girls in the cells - the one that bore a vague resemblance to Starlight. “Anyone with pink skin or purple and green hair like that girl?”  “None,” Diamondback replied. “Jackknife’s been watching the portal day and night. We sometimes have to drag him away to make sure he rests.”  Another image revealed Human Jackknife scaring Human Twilight away from the statue while Human Spike tried to keep the peace.  “The only path I can see right now,” Diamondback said, “Is that your criminal deceived you.”  Deceived? Spike’s heart hammered in his throat. If Starlight had tricked him into wasting a bunch of time here… “I need to get back,” he said. “Equestria could be in trouble.”  Diamondback peered at him before nodding. “Phoenix will go with you. Night Fire was tending to her.”  ## It took all of Spike’s willpower not to sprint for the statue. Given how Human Jackknife was glaring at him, Spike imagined doing so would result in him getting a personal date with the ground again.  Though Spike didn’t have time to worry about a marine’s hostility.  “I don’t get it,” Phoenix whispered as they were escorted back to the statue. “I swear I saw the glass rippling after I noticed the relic was gone.”  “You don’t think she threw just the relic through and hid, do you?” Spike asked.  “I don’t know,” Phoenix said. “Maybe?”  Spike growled. ‘Maybe’s weren’t going to keep Equestria safe. “Oh no… what if we’re going back to a wasteland. What if she’s already…” “Hey!” Phoenix made Spike look at her. “We stopped her griffon mercenaries. We helped stop her from stealing your friend’s mark. Have faith in your friends, Spike. From what I’ve seen of them, they won’t let us down.”  Spike tried to find comfort in her words. And yet, when presented with the statue, Spike couldn’t stop himself from leaping through.  ‘Please be okay, Twilight,’ he thought desperately as he returned to Equestria. ‘Please don’t be hurt because I fell for Starlight’s tricks.’  When he opened his eyes, he was back in dragon form. Back in Starswirl’s sector. And the world seemed fine.  The others gathered around, asking where Starlight was. But Phoenix popped out behind Spike and started to explain, grabbing everyone’s attention long enough for Spike to sneak out and make a beeline for Twilight.  ‘Please be okay! Please be okay!” was circling his mind, followed by horrid thoughts of Starlight hurting Twilight.  But he barely made it out of Canterlot Plaza before running into Twilight.  “Spike!” Twilight cried out. “I heard that some griffons made an attack on Starswirl’s sector. What…?” She was cut off as Spike hugged her. Relief flooded his veins.  “S-Spike?” Twilight asked, carefully hugging him back. “Are you… okay?”  Spike sighed. “Just happy that you’re safe,” he said, pulling away and looking at her with worry. “The griffons were a distraction. Starlight Glimmer was there, and she took something.”  Twilight’s eyes widened. “Show me.”  He led her back to Starswirl’s sector. To the pedestal that now stood empty. Twilight tilted her head. “Huh… this had Starswirl’s notes on time travel spells. But his spells could only ever go back a week at most.”  Spike’s heart began to race again. “Twilight,” he warned. “Starlight’s capable of some pretty powerful spells herself. I mean… if she could remove cutie marks…” “But why would she want to go back in…” Twilight froze in horror, the answer already dawning on her. And at that moment, her cutie mark began to flash bright red. Almost like a warning.  “A summons?” Twilight stammered.  “The Cutie Map might know where Starlight is,” Spike declared, grabbing her and sprinting for Ponyville. “Come on!”  But as Twilight’s cutie mark continued to flash like an alarm bell, part of Spike feared that they were already too late. > Episode 39: The Time Travel Arc Part 1 - The Nightmare Timeline > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight Glimmer was waiting for them. Standing on the Cutie Map, Starswirl’s notes on time travel clutched in her magical aura, and a smug grin plastered across her face.  “Welcome home, Twi…” Starlight had to stop to deflect a blast of fire from Spike. “My-my, your dragon’s got quite the temper.”  “What are you doing, Starlight?” Twilight demanded.  Starlight laughed. “I’d tell you, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”  Her horn flashed, and some sort of portal opened up above them. Tossing aside Starswirl’s notes, she leaped into the portal.  “No you don’t!” Spike yelled, launching in after her. “Spike, wait!” Twilight screamed, looking back at their rapidly approaching friends.  But Spike had already gone through. And with the portal closing rapidly, Twilight had no choice but to snatch up Starswirl’s notes, and dive after him, the portal shutting tight behind her, and leaving the others stuck in the present.  ## If Twilight hadn’t jumped through, Spike would’ve fallen. The portal had opened at Cloudsdale. And despite his bigger bulk, Spike still didn’t have wings.  As he plummeted through the clouds and into open air, Spike briefly saw a yellow pegasus similarly falling.  But… he blinked. Could his brain be messing with him out of fear? That was Fluttershy, and yet… it was also a really young version of her. Before Spike could figure out what was going on, Twilight’s aura enveloped him, and she pulled him out of his free fall. Swooping down on her alicorn wings, she noticed Fluttershy as well, and caught her, depositing both Spike and Fluttershy gently on the ground.  “Spike,” Twilight stammered, holding him close. “Are you okay?” “I think so,” Spike said, before indicating Fluttershy. “But… what happened to… her?”  Twilight turned, as the young Fluttershy shrunk down, whimpering under their gaze.  “Fluttershy?” Twilight stammered. “But… how did…” She looked up. “Were we in… Cloudsdale?”  “But Starlight doesn’t even have wings,” Spike protested. “Why would she come here?”  Twilight looked back at the young Fluttershy, her mind racing. “You… don’t have your cutie mark yet, do you?”  Fluttershy meekly nodded, her tail covering her mark-less flank.  As the dots connected in Twilight’s mind, Spike looked up, and saw a streak of rainbow and blue soaring across the sky… only for a pink burst of magic to intercept it.  With a yelp of protest, a very young Rainbow Dash was knocked out of the sky, stopping the Sonic Rainboom that…  Spike’s eyes widened in pure horror. “What has she done?”  Twilight looked back as Starswirl’s notes began to glow. “I think we’re about to find out,” she whimpered.  Fluttershy yelped and jumped away from them, as Starswirl’s notes opened up another portal, sucking Twilight and Spike through to who-knew-where. ## The alicorn and dragon landed with a thump on something crystal-hard. Twilight groaned as she struggled to her hooves.  “I don’t know what Starlight’s up to yet,” she said. “But we better figure it out before it’s too late.”  “Um, Twilight,” Spike whispered. “I think it already is.”  Twilight gasped as they saw what had happened.  The Cutie Map now stood in a forest clearing. In place of Ponyville, what looked like trees from the Ever Free forest grew all around them. Shadows bathed the world in black, silver and purple hues. And when Twilight and Spike looked up, they saw a star-covered night, with the full moon shining down.  “Why would the map bring us back to a different time of day?” Twilight wondered.  At that moment, branches began to snap. Glowing green eyes glared out from the shadows at them.  Spike stood, flexing his muscles and preparing his fire breath. “Let’s figure that out later,” he said. “For now…”  He prepared to fight, but just before he could, Twilight gasped.  “I wouldn’t try that, friend,” a voice - a familiar voice - declared.  Spike spun… and his brain nearly fried in conflict.  Twilight had been grabbed by the neck, caught in a chokehold and held up like a pony shield. But the one who was holding her… “S-Star Wing?” Spike stammered.  It had to be her: the same mixture of dragon and pony traits. The same electric green eyes. The same black scales studded with star-like spots.  But there were also differences: The various red scars that poked up under her scales. The addition of purple and blue armor that she had never seen fit to wear before. And worse… the light of suspicion in her eyes as she watched him. As if he was an enemy that had to be destroyed. “How’d you know that name?” she growled, tightening her grip on Twilight’s neck. “Speak fast: I’d hate to hurt your little friend here.”  Spike’s dragon instincts screamed for him to burn this strange doppelganger of Star alive. But his friendship with her held him back. He raised his arms carefully. “Listen…” he said. “I’m not sure what happened, but… last I knew… we were friends.”  Star Wing hummed, looking him up and down, specifically at his muscles. “I won’t lie,” she admitted. “I wouldn’t mind having a friend like you.”  The way she wiggled her eyebrows gave Spike pause: usually she derided him as being too young for such things.  A flare of anger rose in his gut. Starlight is going to pay for this.  “Unfortunately, I can’t exactly say that I’ve met you before,” Star continued, glaring at Twilight. “Though I am pretty sure I’ve seen you.”  “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “What happened here?”  Star chuckled. “You really don’t know?”  “I don’t,” Spike insisted. “You said it yourself; you’ve never seen me, and I’ve never been here. So… what’s going on. Please, tell us.”  Star regarded him with a hum, before whistling. From the underbrush, several timber wolves marched out, their green eyes eerily similar to Star’s. They bared rock-like fangs at Spike, but with another whistle from Star, the only thing they did was nudge him towards a path.  “C’mon,” Star said. “If you’re new here, you’ll have to meet the Queen.”  “Queen?” Twilight’s eyes bulged. “You don’t mean…” Star laughed. “Now I know you’re not who I think you are. Round these parts, the top dog is Queen Nightmare Moon.”  ## By the time Spike managed to get his voice back from shock, Star Wing and her timber wolves had dragged the two to the Castle of Two Sisters.  But it no longer lay as ruins. Instead, it rose strong and powerful, decked out in silver and white quartz. It seemed to catch the moonlight; bathing in its iridescent glow. A single point of light over a darkness shrouded land.  “What…” Spike finally managed to stammer out. “How did she… how did your mother…” “I’ll admit, I was surprised myself,” Star admitted. “There I was, having lived as a simple mercenary for centuries, thinking I’d never be able to go home… and all of a sudden, the sun gets put right out of the sky.” Star mimed snuffing out a candle. “The moon came up, and it stayed up. Some of the more day-faring creatures weren’t happy, but night-mongers like myself weren’t too affected.”  “B-But…” Twilight stammered. “How are plants surviving? How is anyone not freezing to death.”  “I’ll admit, I was curious about that,” Star noted. “And in exploring, I discovered my mom had returned.” She looked up at the castle lovingly. “She got revenge on those nobles that had abused us. On the sister who abandoned her.” She tried for a smile, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “And she welcomed me back. Gave me the chance to be by her side again. As her Nightmare Knight.”  “But… surely you don’t… agree with this,” Spike insisted. “The Star Wing I knew believed in being a hero! She…” “And what constitutes being a hero in your eyes, buddy?” Star asked. “A hero to one person is a villain to another. My mother was willing to let me be her hero, where everyone else just dismissed me as already a villain.” She gazed at him. “Why shouldn’t I agree with the one that considers me a hero?”  Spike didn’t get the chance to answer, as they entered the Castle of Two Sisters. Awaiting them - on a throne that had replaced the two thrones of the alicorn sisters - stood Nightmare Moon.  Spike had never gotten the chance to meet her, and part of him wished that had remained so: pitch black fur, covered by dark blue armor. Her face was like Luna’s, but twisted with suspicion and hate. Her eyes were a bright greenish blue, with dragon-like slit pupils, and vampiric teeth. The smile she gave was more like a wolf baring it’s teeth.  “My Knight,” she purred, gazing at Twilight. “What has Ms. Sparkle done to incur your wrath?”  “What have I done?!” protested a voice - dangerously familiar. Spike winced as he saw another Twilight walk in. This one dressed in midnight blue robes and glaring at the alternate Twilight with suspicion. “I have been nothing but loyal ever since Nightmare Moon gave me the chance I should have had at the School for Gifted Unicorns! Who dares besmirch my reputation!”  “Relax, Twily, this isn’t you.” Star replied. “From what they’ve been telling me… they seem to be time travelers.”  Spike’s heart skipped a beat, but Star laughed at his horror.  “C’mon, kid; I may not be completely like the ‘Star you knew,’ but I’ve read more than my few shares of time travel adventure books. I recognize cliches when I hear them.”  “Time travel, you say?” Nightmare Moon mused, stepping off from her throne to join them. “Now that’s something I would like to see.” She glared at Twilight and Spike. “Tell me how you came by this magic to travel through time.”  “This isn’t possible,” Twilight was whimpering. “Celestia…”  “DO NOT SPEAK HER NAME!” the alternate Twilight snapped. “She was a foul ruler who couldn’t recognize greatness when she saw it!”  “Peace, my loyal Sparkle,” Nightmare Moon said with a laugh, before turning to the original Twilight with a grin. “My sister has been imprisoned in the sun for years. It is no less a fate than she sentenced me to, after all. Now…” She glared at Star, who nodded before tightening her grip on Twilight’s throat.  “The Queen of the Night asked you a question,” Star said. “And unless you want to join your sun-loving princess, you’ll tell her what she wants to know.”  Spike looked back and forth. They had to escape this timeline. They had to…  “Alright,” Twilight squeaked out.  “Twilight!” Spike protested, but at that moment, several guards stepped forward. One of them looked just like Rainbow Dash, and in that moment of hesitation and confusion… “We’ve got no choice, Spike,” Twilight insisted. “She’s right, you don’t,” Star noted, before noticing Twilight was gagging from lack of air. “Whoops, sorry.”  The Knight released her. Rubbing her throat, Twilight looked to Nightmare Moon. “A pony from my time used a spell to travel back and change the past. I was able to replicate the spell to follow her…” “And now you are going to give this spell to me,” Nightmare replied. “With it, I will ensure that the Elements of Harmony are never found, and my reign lasts forever.”  “One problem with that,” Twilight replied. “It requires a device that is in the Ever Free Forest. One that only I know how to operate.”  Nightmare Moon and Star Wing (or was it Nightmare Knight, Spike wasn’t sure) exchanged glances. Star nodded loyally, and Nightmare Moon huffed.  “Find this device, my Knight,” she said. “Learn how it works. And if they even think of trying to escape…” Quick as a whip, Star shot behind Spike, putting a blade to his throat.  “I’ll make sure it has an unfortunate end,” she replied. She leaned towards Spike’s ear. “Don’t resist, handsome. I’d hate to have to show how good I am at slicing through scales.”  Without much choice, Spike let himself be dragged back to the forest, as Twilight led Star and her wolves back to the Cutie Map.  Nightmare Moon thankfully stayed back; likely believing the Cutie Map could be brought to her. With her absent…  “Star…” Spike whispered as they walked. “Nightmare Moon isn’t the mother you remember.”  “She’s the mother that fate was kind enough to give back to me,” Star replied firmly. “Don’t try to make me think of betraying her now.”  “But what if we told you there was a way to get her back even better,” Twilight offered. The timber wolves snarled, giving an ominous background to Star Wing’s laughter. “And what could be better about her? She brought justice to the ones that hurt us. She let Celestia see exactly what it was like to be trapped in space.”  “And is that what your stories told you?” Spike argued. “That the right path was one of revenge and hate? There’s a world where Celestia made sure she was brought back as Luna. A world where Celestia apologized for everything. A world where she fell before you and Luna and begged your forgiveness. Isn’t that better than a world where she was merely defeated or tossed to space?”  Star grimaced, her knife point slipping from his throat.  “There’s a world where Luna and Celestia rule as one,” Twilight claimed. “And where you and Spike are the best of friends.” She looked over as the Cutie Map came into view. “And I promise you… we will do everything in our power to bring that world back.”  Star’s eyes narrowed in confusion, before Spike sighed.  “Sorry about this,” he whispered, before head-butting her hard.  As Star fell back, clutching at a broken nose, the timber wolves barked and rushed them.  Blasting them back with a wave of flames, Spike joined Twilight on the map as she whipped out Starswirl’s notes, and cast the spell once more.  Cursing, Star blasted a spell at them, but Twilight and Spike dodged right into the time portal, returning to Cloudsdale, with Twilight thankfully catching Spike before he could fall through the clouds again. As they rolled to a stop, Twilight glared around. “Okay,” she said. “All we have to do is find Starlight and…” Suddenly, the two were zapped and frozen in crystal. Starlight flapped around them with a smug grin.  “Finding her will be easy,” she claimed. “But stopping her will be harder than you think.”  Spike snarled from within the crystal.  “Sorry to disappoint you,” Starlight continued. “But I created that spell to send myself back. So even when you cast it, I still get sent back here. So you can watch me ‘erase’ the one thing that linked you with all your friends.” Her smug grin shifted to rage. “My village was a sanctuary of equality! Where no pony’s cutie mark allowed them to feel superior! It was a special place, and you and your friends took it away!”  Spike desperately struggled against the crystal, feeling it cracking against his muscles. But not fast enough.  “Now it’s my turn to take something special from you,” Starlight was continuing. “Without the Sonic Rainboom, you and your friends will never form your special cutie mark bonds. Cutie marks for cutie marks. Seems like a fair trade to me.”  With that, she let the crystal fall through the clouds again. But at that moment, Spike burst out with a roar… only to nearly fall again. Luckily, Twilight was able to catch him, and once again deposit him on the ground.  “Thanks, Twi,” Spike mumbled.  “No problem,” Twilight said. “At least now, we know exactly what we have to do.”  “Stop Starlight before she creates another bad future,” Spike muttered, cracking his neck. “Why not? What’s the worst that could happen, right?” > Episode 40: The Time Travel Arc - Part 2: The Dragon Timeline > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Countless timelines later… Even before Spike gave her the beating of a lifetime, Starlight was getting aggravated by the constant resets.  Though it had seemed like a good idea at the time - ensure she comes back so Twilight can’t fix the timelines - it also meant that Starlight found herself constantly being teleported back to Cloudsdale again and again and again.  For the most part, she managed to keep the Rainboom from happening - she even got Twilight to accidentally freeze Rainbow Dash with a mis-aimed spell.  However, as she once again found herself respawning at Cloudsdale, a blood-chilling roar cut through the air.  The next thing Starlight knew, a ball of purple scales and red-hot fury cannoned into her, knocking her out of the clouds and smashing her hard enough into the ground to shatter the protective shield she had put up - and nearly her spine along with it.  “ENOUGH!” Spike roared, having morphed into ten-thousand pounds of Greed-fueled Dragon rage.  “Spike, wait!” Twilight was screaming in the distance, but Spike’s fiery green eyes were locked on a now terrified Starlight. She tried to blast him with a spell, but the magic glanced off his scales, and he answered with a brutal punch that cratered the ground and blackened both of Starlight’s eyes.  “NO! YOU LISTEN TO ME!” The monster that had replaced Spike roared. “I HAVE BEEN TO A TIMELINE WHERE CHRYSALIS TURNED EQUESTRIA INTO HER BROOD SLAVES!”  Before Starlight could respond, he punched her again, cratering her further into the ground and knocking out several of her teeth.  “I HAVE BEEN TO A TIMELINE WHERE TIREK KILLED MY TWILIGHT AND MY FRIENDS!” Spike roared as he punched her again. “I HAVE BEEN TO A TIMELINE WHERE DIAMONDBACK AND SOMBRA - FOR SOME UNEXPLAINED REASON - GOT MARRIED!” Starlight was barely clinging to consciousness at that point. “H-Huh?” she mumbled, before Spike’s fist buried her further into the dirt.  “All of this… and countless sleepless nights before that,” Spike seethed. “And why? Because you want revenge? For Twilight stopping you from brainwashing countless helpless ponies?” Despite most of her bones being broken, Starlight tried to contort her face into a look of fury. “Twilight stopped me…”  “Celestia have mercy!” some voices screamed overhead.  Spike, Starlight and an approaching Twilight looked up as what seemed like every pegasus in Cloudsdale was staring down at them in horror.  “That dragon’s a beast!” another pegasus was screaming.  “A monster!” another pegasus agreed.  Among the masses, however, Spike noticed Rainbow Dash, watching in a mixture of shock and awe.  Already, Spike could hear the portal to time opening. “Aw, man…” he bemoaned.  Starlight tried to crawl away, but Spike grabbed her.  “Not this time,” he snarled. “This time… you’ll see what we went through!”  With Starlight clutched tight in his fist, Spike let himself get carried once again through time.  ## As Spike had mentioned, he had seen many horrible versions of the future.  One where Discord had taken over, and having found Swift, started turning everyone into more hybrids of each other.  One where Chrysalis had taken over, leaving only Zecora, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Jackknife and a handful of other survivors trying to stop her reign.  And undoubtedly the weirdest one - one where Sombra had come back, taken Diamondback of all creatures as a wife, with both leading a horde of diamond dogs and brainwashed ponies against Celestia.  But the one he managed to drag Starlight to made his breath catch in his throat.  The world had been reduced to a fiery landscape. All forests and villages had been burned away to nothing. Volcanic lava had replaced rivers and lakes. And high above, two suns scorched the land as they did battle with each other.  Vaguely, Spike could see that the ‘suns’ were actually figures. Giving off so much light that it was nearly impossible to discern features.  Twilight, however, gasped as she recognized one of the figures. “Celestia…?”  Spike squinted, trying to see through the fire. The alicorn-like figure did sort of look like Celestia. But something had changed. Her mane was no longer an ethereal borealis of color, but blazing fire. Her eyes were black with red slit pupils, and her white fur was tinged with red and garbed in bronze armor.  If Celestia could turn into a ‘Nightmare Moon’ style figure like Luna did, Spike was certain that was what it would look like.  Yet, even if Celestia had given into darker powers, it seemed she needed them. Fighting her was another dragon. One with bright orange and gold scales, wreathed in flames with red eyes narrowed in hatred.  Spike’s heart dropped into his stomach. He knew those eyes, even if they were red now instead of pink. He knew the figure, even though he had only seen it scarred and defeated before.  “Blaze…” he whispered.  With Blazing Phoenix and Daybreaker continuing to battle, Spike, Twilight and Starlight were left unprepared for when others came upon them.  “Dragon!” a voice boomed, drawing their attention. “Get away from the ponies!”  The trio spun, finding a battalion of ponies rushing towards them. But none moved faster than a familiar rainbow blur, who kicked Spike in the chest and forced him away from the mares.  “Wait…” Twilight stammered, but the future version of Rainbow Dash only had eyes for Spike. Eyes filled with hate.  “Not one more pony’s dying on my watch!” she declared, before spinning fast enough to produce a storm cloud. One she then hit to blast lightning at Spike.  Spike backed up fast, as the other ponies - royal guards, Spike recognized - formed a phalanx around Twilight and a battered Starlight.  “No, wait, he’s…” Twilight tried to say. But one look at Starlight - at what Spike did to her - choked the word ‘harmless’ in her mouth.  Not that Spike could blame her. He remembered the looks of fear that the pegasi had given him back in the past. How Rainbow Dash herself had looked on Starlight with such pity.  Pity she doesn’t deserve, the angry part of Spike raged. She caused all this! But as Rainbow Dash forced Spike into a retreat, he couldn’t help but look up at the battling figures in the air.  This can’t be… he tried to insist. I-I didn’t… Rainbow Dash pursued Spike far away from Twilight and Starlight. She only backed off when a burst of white fire blocked her, and Spike found himself aided by two familiar faces.  “Back off, Rainbow Gnat!” Night Fire roared, matching Rainbow Dash’s speed and kicking her away.  “At least go back to your herd before you die!” Diamondback taunted, swiping a flaming scimitar through the air.  Rainbow Dash sneered at them. “You won’t win,” she promised. “Queen Daybreaker took you down once, and she can do it again!” She shot away.  Night Fire growled, while Diamondback hummed. “We shall see, pony.” She turned to Spike. “Are you alright?”  Spike shook his head. “I…” He stared up at the sky. “What happened? Why are they…?” Night Fire tsked. “Sounds like that pony clonked you pretty good.” She hummed as she looked him over. “Huh. Surprised you don’t know, you look so much like him.”  Spike’s heart hammered in his chest. “Like who?” Right as he asked it, he knew he didn’t want the answer. ## “The dragon that started this whole war.”  Twilight’s jaw dropped. Over in a corner, Starlight managed a small smirk as Nurse Redheart - geared up like a combat medic - worked on knitting her broken bones back together. As for Twilight, she stood before the alternate version of her brother - tired, but unbroken, gazing at her like he was surprised to see her around.  “You mean…” Twilight stammered, struggling not to look at Starlight. “The dragon we were with… he… attacked a pony a long time ago?”  Shining Armor nodded. “From what we could tell, he beat the pony and then burned them to ashes. And then vanished before justice could be served. Up until then, dragons had been considered too scary and dangerous to be around. Even the use of dragon eggs were only reserved for unicorn students with high potential. After that blatant attack, however, we had to take action.” He looked up. “We gathered our forces and marched on the Dragon Lands, looking for the culprit. The dragons denied involvement and negotiations escalated. Finally, after Nightmare Moon tried to bring Eternal Night, the dragons thought she was trying to weaken them and attacked.” He shook his head. “We’ve been at war ever since.”  Twilight could only stare in shock, before lowering her head. Even Starlight looked slightly uncomfortable - though it could also be chalked up to Nurse Redheart stitching her bones together.  As Starlight winced in pain, Twilight turned furious eyes to her. She stormed over. “Give us a moment,” she resisted growling to Redheart, who backed off at the fire in Twilight’s eyes. Twilight glared at the beaten Starlight. “Do you see what you’ve done? Everything we’ve done in the past - even the smallest changes - have been snowballing into avalanches of trouble for the future.” Starlight groaned. “S-Spare me your overblown ego. Not group of friends… not even yours… are that important.”  Twilight grabbed Starlight with her magic. Ignoring Starlight’s cry as her still healing bones scraped against each other, she dragged her over to where she could see Daybreaker and Blaze fighting. Turning the land into a hellscape.  “LOOK AROUND YOU, STARLIGHT!” Twilight boomed. “Every world I’ve come back to is worse than the last! I don’t know why my friends and I are so important to Equestria, but we are! And what you’re doing leads HERE!”  “I…” Starlight gazed at the hellscape - at the future she had caused - before shutting her eyes and looking away. “Why? Why?! I was perfectly happy before you and your friends RUINED what I built!” Twilight glared at her. “And what could possibly be so bad that you’re willing to let THIS…” she indicated the hellscape, “Happen?” Starlight glared at her. “You want to know?” She looked to the scroll in Twilight’s saddlebag. “Let me show you.”  Her horn tried to glow, but Twilight countered with her own spell. “Not without Spike! I won’t leave him in this timeline!” She looked out across the landscape. “We just have to find him.”  “How?” Starlight demanded. “If the dragons and ponies are at war, what makes you think we’ll be able to track him down?”  ## For a moment, Spike wondered if he should go back. It had been his fault this timeline had happened. He had lost his cool - let his emotions run wild - and now the entire world was at war.  For now, he remembered. If I can get back to Twilight… maybe I can fix all this. But I’ve got to stay calm about it. His eyes brightened as he remembered Night Fire. And there just might be a way to get back. Finding Night Fire alone, Spike gently covered her mouth and pulled her further into darkness.  “I know you’re actually an alicorn,” Spike whispered.  Night Fire sucked in a breath, and tried to elbow Spike in the groin. He barely managed to pull back, and wrestled her into a sleeper hold.  “Wait, it’s okay!” he hissed. “It’s okay, I’m not going to reveal that to anyone.”  Night Fire paused in her struggling. “Why?” she mumbled out through his hand.  “Because I need to get back to two ponies that I was with,” Spike said. “And you can help me get there, can’t you?”  Night Fire huffed. “What makes you think that? What are the odds that I just think the dragons got it right.”  “Your mother is Princess Luna,” Spike said.  “Was Princess Luna,” Night corrected. “After she caused the whole war, it’s not really a good thing to be associated with her.”  “Wouldn’t that be ironic?” Spike asked. “The Princess of the Night started the war… and her daughter ended it?”  Night gave him a very curious look. “What do you mean, ‘end it?’”  ## Twilight and Starlight snuck after Rainbow Dash as she led them to a shadowy cavern protected from the fight above.  “This better be worth it,” Rainbow Dash growled. “Our spy’s given us intel that’s saved lives and kept us from being wiped out.”  “Trust me, Dash,” Twilight promised. “If Spike found her, we can ensure this war never even happens in the first place.”  Dash huffed. “I like the confidence. Let’s see if you’ve got the competence to back it up.” Reaching the cavern, Dash took a small horn, and blew into it, making a sound like a dragon bellow.  A few tense minutes later, a bird’s twitter answered back. From the darkness, Night Fire arrived, accompanied by Spike.  “Spike, thank Celestia,” Twilight cried, hugging him close. Starlight groaned and rolled her eyes, but Spike resisted the urge to beat her into the ground again.  “This better be worth it,” Night Fire growled. “The others are gonna start asking questions about where he went soon enough.”  “Stall them as long as you can,” Dash said. “Sparkle here’s got a plan.” She looked to Twilight. “Don’tcha?”  “That’s right,” Twilight said. “If all goes well, this will never happen.” She glared specifically at Starlight, who glared right back.  Quickly returning to the Cutie Map, Spike glared at Starlight, his eyes narrowing as she held out a hoof.  “Alright, give me the scroll, and I’ll show you,” Starlight said.  “Are you kidding?” Spike demanded. “Why should we…” “Spike,” Twilight said. “It’s okay. We made a deal.”  “What?” Spike looked to Twilight in shock. “Twilight, you can’t trust this…” he snarled at Starlight. “This piece of… this… She’s trying to ruin the future! How many timelines were messed up because of her!”  “She has a reason,” Twilight replied. “And she wants to show it to us.” She glared at Starlight. “So, let’s see what was so bad to justify all this pain and torture.”  Every part of Spike screamed for him to intervene. To bash Starlight’s head in and keep her from causing more trouble. But I caused just as much trouble, Spike remembered. By attacking her so blatantly, I caused this timeline to form.  “Please, Spike,” Twilight begged, giving Spike her best puppy dog eyes. “Trust me.”  His resolve faltered, and he nodded, letting her hand the scroll over to Starlight.  ## A few seconds later, they were watching Starlight’s dark and tragic past… “And just like that,” Starlight declared in a pained voice as the events unfolded before them, “My friend was gone. His family recognized his magical talent and sent him off to Canterlot. I never saw him again.”  Spike could barely believe what he was hearing. “Why not?”  “Because of his cutie mark!” Starlight said petulantly. “He got his, and I didn’t! He moved on, and I didn’t! I stayed here, and never made another friend, because I was too afraid another cutie mark would take them away, too!”  Spike and Twilight exchanged glances of disbelief.  “You know something?” Twilight asked. “There’s a pony like you out there, Starlight: her name’s Apple Bloom. She had a friend who got her cutie mark before her, and they drifted apart too. You know what happened?”  Starlight paused, curiosity overtaking her.  “Well, in the timeline where I find my friends,” Twilight said. “She found other friends as well. Friends that she has been with for life.”  “But she doesn’t get them in the timelines you made,” Spike added, his voice growling. “You know what she got instead?”  “I… I don’t care!” Starlight insisted, turning away and trying to use the scroll. Spike, however, was faster, and snatched the scroll from her. “Oh, is that right?” he snarled, “Well, then, how about we talk about someone you will care about… yourself!” Starlight paused.  “That’s right,” Twilight said, “We started looking for you in the alternate timelines. And you know what happens to you?” She glared into Starlight’s eyes. “You become a brood slave to changelings in one. Your village got crushed and destroyed by Tirek in another.” “Then there was the one where Discord found your village and turned you all into tiles on a bathroom floor,” Spike added.  “And one where Sombra and Diamondback’s diamond dogs found you and enslaved your entire village,” Twilight added.  Starlight tried to back up as Spike and Twilight bore down on her. “N-No-no, you’re lying…” “Then why don’t we find out what became of your home,” Spike replied. “But I can take a good guess what happened to it.”  ## The guess was correct, and despite his hatred for her and the fear she had put him through, Spike almost felt a twinge of pity as Starlight knelt, screaming in agony as she beheld her village, once again destroyed, but this time, burned to the ground by dragon fire. Her alternate counterpart now nothing more than a barely recognizable pile of ashes… and a skull on a pike. “If you’re too self-centered to see the damage you’re causing to others,” Twilight growled, “Then maybe you’ll be interested in how affecting the future affects you as well. And let me tell you; it doesn’t get any better for you. You think ‘losing a friend to cutie marks’ was bad. Try enslavement, torture and death because Equestria’s heroes weren’t there to save the land when it needed them!”  Starlight desperately turned away and tried to go for the scroll again, but Spike’s beatdown slowed her and her magic, and Spike was able to keep it away from her grip. Tears began to poke at her eyes.  “IT’S NOT FAIR!” she screamed. “WHY DO YOU GET TO BE SO IMPORTANT! HOW CAN A GROUP OF PONIES SO DIFFERENT BE THIS IMPORTANT!”  “Those differences were what made our friendship stronger,” Twilight replied back.  “Then why didn’t it work out with me and Sunburst?!” Starlight demanded. “We turned out different, and it tore our friendship apart.”  “So did Apple Bloom and Peppermint Twist,” Spike refuted. “But Apple Bloom - a child - managed to handle it. She found new friends and she moved on. And yet you - a fully grown mare - can’t do the same. You can bend time and space, but you can’t try to make a new friend?”  Starlight opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She looked down, tears streaming down her face. “I…”  “Why not try?” Twilight asked. “It’s a lot simpler than this,” She indicated the scroll and the destroyed village. “And if something that you can’t control happens that changes things, you’ll have an easier time working through it together. That’s what friendship is.” She paused before adding, “And it’s not just my friends that are important. Everyone is. When your friendship ended, it led us here.” She used the scroll to go to Cloudsdale again. “But just imagine all the others that are out there… waiting for you. If you just gave them a chance.”  Spike wasn’t sure that was enough. Part of him wanted to just punch Starlight again. But he got the feeling violence would only make things worse. He had to trust Twilight. He had to believe in her. Just as she believed in him. They had gotten through the past timelines together. And together, they would get through this one. Starlight looked up, watching as Rainbow Dash began the Sonic Rainboom. “How do I know they won’t all end the same way?” she asked, in an utterly defeated tone.  Twilight shrugged. “It’s up to you to make sure they don’t.”  With that, the Sonic Rainboom went off. And as they went through the time portal, they finally returned to their own time. With the Mane Six friends, and the Drake Six all back together. Ready to see Starlight face justice for her actions. > Episode 41: The Offer of the Phoenix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You have got to be kidding me!” Spike protested. The Drake Six and Mane Six sat grouped around the Friendship Map, constantly stealing glances at the door containing Starlight Glimmer.  Twilight sighed. “Spike, I know that she’s not your favorite…” “It’s got nothing to do with favoritism,” Spike insisted. “She nearly rewrote the entire world. How many destroyed timelines did we have to go through because of her?”  “Y’know what, yeah,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “I mean, I knew my rainboom was awesome, but her destroying Equestria by messing with it?”  “And let’s not forget how stressed she left us building up to this whole event,” Diamondback added. “I swear, Spike has some gray scales now.”  Spike paused and checked his body for gray.  Twilight sighed. “I know. But guys… think about it. She had the power to travel through time.”  “And if she’s that powerful,” Applejack agreed. “We can’t just send her on her way, can we?” “So lock her up in Tartarus,” Jackknife offered.  “We could turn her to stone like Discord,” Diamondback added. “I have a few artifacts that could do the trick.”  Twilight chuckled. “And remember what Princess Celestia did? She let Discord go.”  “Which led to him turning on you guys for Tirek,” Star Wing added. Twilight’s ears flattened, but Fluttershy stepped in.  “That isn’t fair,” Fluttershy said. “Tirek tempted Discord, and…” She flinched, but pressed on. “No offense, Twilight, but we didn’t exactly give Discord a good reason to think we were the better deal.”  “Exactly,” Twilight admitted. “Equestria doesn’t fare well without friendship. When even one friendship dies, the results are disastrous.” She looked to Spike. “You and I, Spike, we saw that first-hand.”  Spike sighed. “I know, Twilight,” he said slowly. “The only way we got through those timelines was together. I want to trust you.” He gazed at her with a careful eye. “But… befriending the mare who put us through all that pain? Letting her learn and study here like it’s a scholarship?” “It’s not a scholarship,” Twilight insisted. “It’s more… community service. I told her to try and adapt; to try and make new friends. She won’t have that opportunity if she’s in Tartarus or sealed in stone.” “Well, she might have the opportunity in Tartarus,” Star admitted. “But… yeah, they probably aren’t the type of people she should be making friends with.”  “Exactly,” Twilight agreed. “We’re the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. We should be doing what we can to unite the world. Not divide it.”  The dragons were silent, glancing at each other with uncertainty. But then… “She’s right.”  Everyone looked to Phoenix, who had been sitting quietly next to the door holding Starlight, gazing at it with a contemplative air.  “After my diamond dogs overthrew me,” Phoenix said, “I was… lost. I didn’t know where I wanted to go.” She looked at them. “I thought of atonement. I thought of vengeance. Sometimes, I even thought about just…” she paused, noticing the horrified looks on the others faces, and shook her head. “Well… I thought a lot of things.” She then looked to Spike. “When you and your friends found me… when you let me come along… it was a game-changer. I realized that wallowing in the past was only going to keep me in pain. By becoming friends with you, I feel that I’ve grown and developed in a way I never could have on my own.”  Swift nodded. “Yeah. Aunt Hawke always wanted me to be some type of attack dog. A feral animal. If I hadn’t met you guys, who knows? I might have become what she wanted.”  “I don’t believe that for a second, Swift,” Star said loyally.  “Yeah, man,” Jackknife said. “Yer strong in yer own way.”  Swift blushed. “Thanks, guys, but you’re missing our point.” He indicated where Starlight was. “Starlight’s at the same crossroads.” Phoenix nodded. “She’s seen the pointlessness of vengeance. Played right… we could get her to see the value of friendship by extending an olive branch instead of a weapon.”  Pinkie hummed, before pulling a literal olive branch out of her hair, along with a sword. She licked the sword, paused, spat, and then ate an olive off the branch.  “Olives are definitely tastier,” she admitted, earning her a blank stare from most of the others. “Not as tasty as cupcakes… but tastier overall.”  Twilight rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide her grin. “So… all in favor of teaching Starlight the ways of friendship?” She raised her hoof. So did Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Phoenix and Swift.  Spike glanced worriedly at Star Wing, who seemed to be agonizing over a decision. “Can we at least do something about her magic?” she asked. “Like, the princesses took Discord’s magic away, right? Maybe we can do something like that with Starlight. At least until we can tell she’s on the up and up.”  Twilight lifted a hoof to protest, but Star’s offer had Spike, Diamondback and even Jackknife and Rainbow Dash nodding.  “Offer one hand but arm the other,” Jackknife noted. “It’s not a bad idea.”  “And I have an artifact that will work perfectly for the case,” Diamondback added, getting up and briefly leaving the room. Twilight pondered for a moment, before Spike walked up next to her.  “We just want to make sure you guys are safe, Twilight,” he assured her. “After that whole journey through time… there were moments where I was scared I was going to lose you.” He rested a talon on her hoof. “I don’t want to risk that again.”  Twilight put her other hoof onto Spike’s, gazing up at him with a small smile… before both of them noticed Star giving them a curious look. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Star,” Spike said darkly.  Star snickered. “Sorry,” she said. “Old outskirt habits die hard.”  Twilight sighed, before giving Spike’s hand a squeeze. “Thank you, Spike,” she said with a nod, looking at Diamondback as she returned. “Do you have something?”  “Shiva brought it just in case,” Diamondback said, unveiling a solid chrome ring - perfect for a unicorn horn - with a multicolored gem. Jackknife whistled. “Looks fancy. Where’d you get it?”  Diamondback turned over the ring with a hum. “An old dragon warlord; one who had a fondness for unicorn magic.” She lifted the ring carefully, as though it had teeth. “He would use rings like these to capture unicorns - drain their magic into gems, which he would then eat to make himself stronger.” Spike instinctively drew closer to Twilight, watching the ring like they should be handling it with kid gloves. “That sounds dangerous.”  “Don’t worry, Spikey-dear,” Diamondback assured. “The warlord’s been gone for years. Celestia put a stop to his antics, but I managed to find this in the ruins of his old den.” She tapped the gem. “Just be sure to keep this gem safe after it’s taken Starlight’s power, and we’ll be able to hand it back as soon as she’s earned our trust.”  Phoenix nodded. “I agree with this,” she said. “Power makes you blind. And Starlight won’t learn anything if she thinks she can solve problems with her magic. That was my problem as well; thinking I could solve everything with a kick, a stomp, or a roar of flames.”  With a nod from everyone else, Twilight sighed and motioned for Diamondback and the others to follow.  They opened the door, finding a nervous Starlight pacing before them.  The mare gulped, but breathed out and gazed at them with resignation and regret. “I know there’s no excuse for what I did. But I want you all to know that I’m ready for whatever punishment you think is fair.”  “That’s good, darling,” Diamondback said, handing the ring to Phoenix. Walking over, Phoenix placed the ring on Starlight’s head.  Starlight winced as the gem glowed purple… then gasped as her cutie mark faded from her flank, embedding instead on the gem in the ring.  Starlight watched in shock as the gem popped out into Phoenix’s hand, before her ears flattened and she lowered her head with a humorless chuckle. “For what happened in my town?” “Unlike there, this is temporary,” Phoenix replied, before making way for Twilight.  “You’ve seen first hand what can happen when a friendship dies,” Twilight said. “And that’s why I’ve asked you here. If you’re willing to learn, I’m willing to teach you what I know.” She indicated the gem holding Starlight’s magic. “You already know how to use that magic. Learn about the power to make Equestria a better place - the power of friendship - and your magic will be returned to you.”  Starlight gazed at Twilight with a mixture of nervousness, but also gratitude. “That’s… more than I deserve, but…” she glanced at Spike, fear evident. “How do I start?”  “Starting is easy,” Twilight said. “All you have to do is make a friend!”  “And you got plenty of options right here,” Phoenix added. Starlight still watched Spike like he was going to jump her. “Uh-huh.”  Phoenix sighed, glancing at Spike. “Spike, can you…” “Yeah-yeah,” Jackknife grumbled, nudging Spike and motioning to the door. Keeping a careful eye on Starlight, Spike followed Jackknife out and let him shut the door.  Spike was half-ready for a lecture, but the look Jackknife was giving him was one of sympathy.  “You good with this, brother?” he asked.  “Yeah,” Spike assured him, watching out a window as Phoenix and Starlight walked side by side, talking things out. “I’m still nervous, though.”  “I ain’t blaming ya,” Jackknife replied. He was quiet for a moment, before asking. “What happened to us? In the… alternate timelines?”  Spike sighed. “What didn’t happen?” he mused. When Jackknife continued to gaze at him, he grimaced. “You, uh… the dragons didn’t take that well to you. In any of the alternate timelines.” He chuckled. “Me being there definitely had an impact.”  “So where were you?” Jackknife asked.  “Nowhere,” Spike replied. “By disrupting the rainboom, Starlight stopped Twilight from hatching me.” He shuddered. “I was never in the alternate timelines.”  Jackknife’s eyes widened, and he looked back at Starlight. “And Twilight really thinks the mare who caused that can be a friend?”  “It’s how ponies are,” Spike replied. “They’re not as strong as dragons or griffons, so they learn how to cooperate. Work as a team. It’s how they beat Nightmare Moon and Discord…” He chuckled. “And it’s how we managed to beat Chrysalis and Sombra, remember.”  Jackknife chuckled. “Good times.”  Spike laughed, but his smile faded. “In one of the timelines… I acted on impulse. I attacked Starlight. Beat her to near…” he couldn’t even say it. “And my actions caused the worst timeline. One where dragons and ponies were at war with each other.” He shuddered. “I don’t want to cause something like that again. I don’t want my anger to make me into something I’m not.” Jack’s smile faded before he looked to Spike with a determined look. “It won’t. We’ll see if this Starlight can be the same way. But I just want you to know… if she does start slipping… if she proves that it was wrong to trust her…” He offered his talon. “I got yer back. Ya ain’t gonna have to handle this alone.”  “Heck no,” Star Wing added, joining them. “Never forget, you got friends, buddy.”  “Like me,” Diamondback added.  “And me,” Swift added, joining them as well.  Jackknife laughed. “After defending her, man?”  Swift shrugged. “It’s like you said, Jack; offer one hand, but arm the other.” He watched as Starlight and Phoenix moved out of sight. “I want to believe Starlight can do good. But I also want to be prepared for the worst case scenarios.”  “So, it’s agreed then,” Spike asked, putting his fist in. “Together?” All four dragons put their hands in. “Together,” they said in sync. Spike smiled; though the future held many different possibilities, at least he knew he had his friends with him. Together, they’d protect the place from whatever came their way.  Whether that was a Starlight that didn’t learn her lesson, a returning villain, or even something else entirely.  With his friends by his side, Spike felt ready for all of them. > Episode 42: The Crystal Clearing Pt 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Spike trusted Twilight’s judgment, his instincts were harder to convince. After several solid months of fearing how Starlight was going to pursue vengeance, seeing her casually walking over and joining Twilight in the middle of the library as she pored over a list of scrolls was… disconcerting, to say the least.  At the very least Phoenix was there; the battle-scarred dragoness standing tall as a perfect guardian. Though even then, her look as she watched Starlight was still too sympathetic for Spike’s tastes.  Knock it off, Spike, Spike reminded himself, shaking off his dark thoughts and making himself notice the ring on Starlight’s horn. Starlight doesn’t have magic anymore. And if Twilight’s plan works, she won’t be using it for bad things anymore.”  It helped that Starlight at least had a regretful tone in her voice. “I still can’t believe you’re letting me stay here, Twilight. A-As your pupil… after everything I did.”  “Well, it’s less ‘pupil,’” Phoenix noted. “And more… ‘on parole.’”  Twilight grimaced. “I think I like student a bit more, if it’s all the same. Though I’m still trying to figure out what her first friendship lesson should be.” She went back to poring over the scroll she was currently on.  Starlight gave the scroll a nervous look. “Oh, well… looks like you’re really narrowing it down.”  Twilight laughed. “Oh, these are just the A’s. After this, I move onto the B’s.” She indicated an entire stack of scrolls and papers with a wide smile.  Phoenix noticed Starlight going pale. The dragoness seemed to get a bit pale herself. “Oh, dear…” she muttered, gripping Starlight’s shoulder supportively. “Twilight, I know your heart’s in the right place, but, uh…” she gave the papers a nervous look. “Maybe written material isn’t the best way to go about this.”  Twilight grimaced. “Well, like I said, I’m still paring things down before we go through them. It’s not like I’m going to force her to sit in a study hall reading.” “Even though that would be a dream come true for you?” Spike snarked from the corner.  Twilight raised a hoof to tell him off, but no sound came out of her mouth. She grimaced. “Those dragons really didn’t need to give you lessons in snark, Mister,” she finally huffed as she turned back to her scrolls, causing both Spike, Phoenix and even Starlight to chuckle.  “Look, Twilight,” Phoenix offered. “What she needs is experience. Let us bring her on an adventure or two.” She indicated Spike. “That was how Spike became friends with me and the rest of the Drake Six. We went on adventures and bonded…” she paused. “Er… kinda.”  Star poked her head in. “He’s still too young for what you’re implying, Phi,” she noted, ducking as Spike threw a towel at her.  “Get your mind out of the gutter, Star!” Spike snapped. “What are you even here for?”  “Haven’t you heard?” Star asked. “The Crystalling is going to be soon.”  Starlight blinked. “The what?”  Twilight gasped. “Oh, that’s right, I’ve been researching that.” She cleared her throat as she pulled another scroll from the library’s shelves. “Whenever a baby is born in the Crystal Empire, the parents bring it before the Crystal Heart. They get the purest shard of crystal they can find…” “Then pick a crystaller to present the baby to everypony who comes,” Diamondback declared, sauntering in with Rarity on one shoulder and some sort of cloth knitted with diamonds in it across the other. “The light and joy felt from the brilliance of a newborn feed into the crystal heart, increasing its power!”  Spike rolled his eyes at Phoenix, who grinned. Leave it to Diamondback to know something about crystals and gems. “And this isn’t just going to be any Crystalling,” Rarity claimed. “The baby born is a royal! Princess Flurry Heart; the newborn daughter of Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.”  “Shining…” Spike asked, before his eyes widened. “Twilight, that’s…” “Our brother, yeah,” Twilight said with a grin.  “But… how did I…?” Spike whispered.  “You were kinda busy chasing someone else down,” Phoenix noted, glancing at Starlight, who winced and hunched down with a sheepish look. “Which actually ties in rather well; why don’t we take Starlight with us for this? Let her bond with someone naturally.”  Twilight hummed. “I guess it could work…” she paused. “Though, um… there might be a complication.”  The others glanced at each other. “What do you mean?” Spike asked.  Twilight sighed and looked at Starlight. “Sunburst; the first pony you ever cared about?”  Starlight’s face fell. “He lives in the Crystal Empire, doesn’t he?”  Twilight nodded. “It sounds like he moved there pretty shortly after the Empire came back; one of several ponies that wanted to help the Crystal Empire get settled into the present-day era.”  Phoenix pondered it before smiling. “Well, maybe that’ll work out for the best,” she offered. “Sunburst was her first friend, after all. Maybe re-establishing that bond can give her an idea of how valuable friendship really is.”  “But if he’s helping the Crystal Empire re-establish their ties to the world,” Starlight protested. “Then he’s probably a really important wizard! What good would come from him associating with…” she looked down. “With a known criminal like me?”  Phoenix made her look at her. “What good came about from Spike associating with me?” she replied. “I was a slaver, Starlight. I abused diamond dogs, stole treasure… and Spike still befriended me.”  “To be fair,” Spike noted. “You weren’t doing any of that stuff when we met.”  Phoenix gave him an irritated side eye. “And now Starlight is doing even better than I was; where I was content to stew in despair and bitterness, she’s trying to learn where she went wrong and do better. She’s got a head start on me, and she shouldn’t be shoved away because of mistakes made in the past.”  Starlight still looked downtrodden. “What if Sunburst does it anyway?”  Phoenix grimaced, before Star dropped in.  “Then you accept that part of your life is done, and move on,” Star replied solemnly. “Trust me, Glimmer; I’ve lived for a thousand years. I’ve made friends, and I’ve lost friends. Some to time, some to greed, and plenty to mistakes and short-comings.”  Starlight stared at the black and white alicorn. “Then how are you still sane?”  Star managed a grin. “A simple quote, but one that carried me through the tough times: ‘everything in life is temporary. So if some things are good, enjoy them, because they won’t last forever. And if things are going bad, don’t worry; they can’t last forever either.’” She pat Starlight’s shoulder. “Remember the good times you had with Sunburst. And even if he shows that time of your life is done, take notes from Flurry Heart, and start a new friendship.”  “Like Twilight told you,” Phoenix noted, nudging Starlight. “There’s plenty of people here who’d love to be your friend… if you just give em the chance.”  “At the very least,” Spike added, “It’ll be easier than trying to destroy timelines.”  Phoenix once again grimaced at Spike’s words, but Starlight considered what was said, before looking up with a smile. “Thank you both,” she said, before taking a breath. “Alright.” She looked to Twilight. “Let’s go see this Crystalling.”  ## Starlight’s confidence seemed to fade the closer they got to the Crystal Empire. Though Phoenix stayed right by her side, Spike could see Starlight growing paler and paler, unable to join in the Mane Six’s excited chatter about the upcoming Crystalling and getting to meet Flurry Heart. Which Spike found ironic, since Star and Diamondback were easily able to join in, despite her towering over the others. “This isn’t gonna work,” Starlight was whimpering. “Starburst is gonna reject me. He’s going to be stunned that Princess Twilight would ever let a wretch like me be around…” “Hey-hey,” Phoenix hissed, making Starlight look at her. “It’s gonna be fine. You’re gonna be fine.”  “I don’t know,” Starlight still whispered. “C-Can you… give me some scars like you have?”  Phoenix stared at her.  “I-I dunno, maybe…” Starlight looked like a cornered animal. “Maybe it’ll look like I got more punished. Maybe it’ll make me look older. Maybe…”  “I’ll be right there,” Phoenix promised. “You’re not facing him alone.”  Spike noticed Swift watching her with worry as he and Jackknife sat over in a corner by themselves. Though Jackknife was watching Starlight with more suspicion, Swift glanced at Spike.  “Should I talk to her?” he asked. “I mean… we’ve had to meet up with old friends before.”  Jackknife scoffed. “Queen Novo wasn’t what I’d call a friend.”  “What about Storm?” Swift asked. “That went well, didn’t it?”  Jackknife grimaced, uncertain. Swift stood.  “Maybe I should tell her something about Hawke or Sun.”  “I wouldn’t,” Jackknife noted. “It would tie into what Star said,” Spike noted. “About moving on and finding new friends?”  Before the group could decide anything, the train rolled to a stop outside the Crystal Empire, and the group got a bit of a shock when they saw Shining Armor, looking like he hadn’t slept in days.  Spike and Twilight gasped. “Shining?!”  “H-Hi guys…” Shining mumbled, stumbling over his hooves. “Yeah, it’s me… I’m right here. Why wouldn’t I come meet my family? Though we have met before, right?” He chuckled.  Star tilted her head. “Has he been hitting the happy juice?”  “Star Wing!” Spike snapped. “Being a father is probably pretty stressful.”  “Nah-nah,” Shining insisted. “Being a father is amazing! And wonderful… and amazing… and confusing… and amazing… but surprising too, ya know?” He staggered again. “I mean, not that you’d know. You wouldn’t know. I know… you know?” He sighed. “Sorry, I haven’t really slept since Cadence had the baby.” He paused again. “Come to think of it, she hasn’t either.” He giggled. “It should would be great to get a break.”  “Of course,” Twilight said. “You two probably need all kinds of help.”  “Exactly!” Starlight burst out in a sudden rush of excitement. “You see Twilight? You’re an aunt now! That’s way more important than some friendship lesson…” “Hey!” Spike barked. “Thoughts like that nearly led to a timeline where Sombra took over.”  That got them more than a few stares from surrounding ponies. Phoenix gave Spike a death glare before transitioning it into a nervous laugh.  “What I think Spike means,” Phoenix interjected. “Is that you already did the work for Starlight’s lesson, Twilight. We can just follow it.”  Now it was Phoenix’s turn to get a death glare - this time from Starlight - but Twilight was too busy tending to Shining to notice.  “Phoenix,” Twilight said happily. “You’re a genius.” She turned to the others. “Come on, everybody. Shining Armor and I will head straight to the castle. Phoenix, Spike; you two can bring Starlight to Sunburst.”  Spike cracked a salute. “Aye-aye, Princess.”  Star tilted her head. “But, Spike, don’t you want to see Flurry? I mean, you’re technically her uncle… right?”  Spike waved her off. “Nah, I know you’ll be going to see Luna. You can tell me all about it.” He glanced at Starlight again, before adding in a whisper only Star could hear. “After hunting her for a few months, I want to make sure that this goes smoothly.”  Star shared a glance at a very nervous looking Starlight, before nodding. “Alright.” She pat him on the shoulder. “Good luck.”  ## A few minutes later, Spike and Phoenix were accompanying a now truly scared looking Starlight over to Sunburst’s house.  Though it did allow them to see some sights: like a massive statue depicting Spike, Jackknife, Phoenix, Night Fire, Swift Winds and Diamondback.  Starlight stared at it in shock. “Why…?”  “Because the Drake Six saved us all from King Sombra,” one pony answered, giving a bright smile to the two dragons. “Big fan,” the pony added in a whisper.  Starlight stared at them. “Um… when were you going to tell me about this?”  Phoenix and Spike exchanged a glance. “Well… it wasn’t that big of a deal…” Spike started to say.  “It most certainly is!” the fan exclaimed.  “That’s it!” Starlight said with another burst of excitement. “We’re not going anywhere until I get the whole story.”  “Stop stalling!” Phoenix growled - the first time Spike saw her actually get angry with Starlight. “The more you put off meeting with this guy, the worse you’re gonna feel.”  “I literally don’t know how I could feel any worse than I do right now,” Starlight insisted. “I have no magic, I’m still pretty sure this one,” she pointed at Spike, “Wants to kill me…”  Spike rolled his eyes with a sigh.  “And I’m about to meet with the only friend I ever made, who most likely isn’t going to want to be my friend again after he hears about the awful things I did!” Starlight stammered out, before covering her head. “I can’t do this, Phoenix, I can’t do this!”  “You can and you will,” Phoenix said.  “If you can learn how to travel through time,” Spike agreed. “You can talk to an old friend.” He glanced down at Twilight’s scroll that she had given them. “His house is just up here.”  With that, Phoenix seized Starlight and dragged her towards the door. “Guys, please,” Starlight started begging. “I’m too nervous! Oooh…”  But the two plopped her down on Sunburst’s doorstep, knocked on the door, and stood back as an orange unicorn stallion opened the door.  Starlight shivered before him. “S-Sunburst?”  “Yes?” he asked, looking concerned at how terrified she looked. “Can I… help you, or…?” “I-It’s me, Starlight,” she said. “W-We used to be friends?”  Sunburst tilted his head. For a moment, Phoenix and Spike feared that he didn’t even remember her. But then… “Starlight!” Sunburst’s eyes widened in recognition. “My goodness, it’s been so long! What, uh… what have you been up to?”  Starlight glanced fearfully at Phoenix, who motioned for her to speak. “Oh, you know,” Starlight said nervously. “Some of this, some of that, different… stuff.”  Spike pointed at his scroll - at Twilight’s seal. Starlight’s eyes widened in realization.  “R-Right now,” she offered. “I’m sort of Twilight Sparkle’s newest… student.”  “The princess of Friendship?” Sunburst asked. “Wow.”  “Heh, yeah,” Starlight mumbled. “Yeah, that’s… kind of why I’m here. I mean, I know you’re probably very busy.”  “What do you mean?” Sunburst asked, his posture becoming guarded.  “W-Well, it’s just…” Starlight shifted from hoof to hoof. “After magic school… I figured you’d go on to do important wizard work. T-That’s why you’re here, right; to help the Crystal Empire get accustomed to the new time period?”  Sunburst winced - was that guilt Spike saw on his face - before covering it with a grin. “Uh, yeah! Yeah, that’s me, yup.” He chuckled nervously. “Important wizard… really busy with the, uh… the re-accustomization and… stuff.” He laughed. “Right, well, good to see you.” He tried to shut the door… only for Phoenix to catch it with her arm.  “I don’t think so, buddy,” Phoenix said with a grin.  Sunburst backed up in fright. “Oh! Uh… aren’t you… you’re one of the dragons who helped protect the Crystal Empire… r-right?”  “That’s right,” Phoenix said, grinning at Starlight. “This is your lucky day, Starlight. You get to hear all about our little adventure after all.”  Spike gasped, getting what Phoenix was doing. “That’s right,” he said, showing himself. “You have any tea, Mr. Sunburst?”  ## A few minutes later, Sunburst and Starlight were sitting side by side, engrossed in Phoenix and Spike’s tale.  “And so everyone’s freaking out,” Phoenix said. “I’m about to rush Sombra in one final attempt to give them even a fraction of hope… and Spike leaps out of the tallest tower.” She pointed to the castle. “That one in fact…” “Clutching the Crystal Heart,” Spike agreed. “Swift - he’s one of our friends - he swoops in out of nowhere, catching me before I can fall to my death…” “And we return the Crystal Heart to it’s rightful place,” Phoenix concluded. “Saving the Empire and defeating King Sombra once and for all.”  That same fan cheered from outside. “We love you guys!”  Spike waved them off with a grin, though Phoenix more firmly shut the window on them.  “Wow,” Starlight whispered, glancing at Sunburst. “Did you get to see any of that?”  Sunburst winced, but kept his smile. “Heh, nah. I showed up after all of that happened.” he chuckled nervously. “I-I may be an important wizard, but that…” he indicated Spike and Phoenix nervously. “Well, that… uh…” He sipped his tea, and turned to Starlight. “W-What about you? What happened after I left for magic school?”  Starlight got tense. “H-Huh?” She looked at Phoenix and Spike, who both glanced at each other nervously. “I-I… don’t see what that has to do with anything. W-Why would you…”  At that moment, a scream echoed out over the Crystal Empire… followed by a shattering sound.  Spike raced out the door. “What was that?”  Starlight shot by him. “Let’s go find out!” she said in a rush.  In a split second decision, Phoenix grabbed Sunburst, dragging him along.  The four reached the Crystal Empire castle, where a series of shocking things awaited them. Spike wasn’t sure which one to concentrate on:  The baby alicorn burbling in Cadence’s arms.  The shattered crystal heart laying in pieces before them.  Or what Twilight was saying as they arrived.  “Without the heart, the Crystal Empire’s about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!” > Episode 43: Crystal Clearing - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike had fought changelings. He had fought a demon king. He had fought griffons, slavers, alternate timeline counterparts of his friends, and an insane time-traveling cultist.  But he had never thought he’d have to fight off living storms before.  Yet, as Twilight explained the situation - how Cadence and Shining Armor’s child was an alicorn, and her unstable magic had just shattered the Crystal Heart - Spike could already see storm clouds blacker than even Night Fire forming on the horizon.  “This far north,” Luna claimed. “The weather has a will of it’s own.” “And without the Crystal Heart’s magical protection,” Twilight added, “The entire city’s about to become a winter wasteland!”  Lightning flashed from the forming storm clouds, and the thunder rumbled over the entire empire.  Despite the ominous noise, Rainbow Dash flew up with a grin. “I could totally fly up there and bust those puppies! No problem!”  “I wouldn’t advise that, Rainbow Dash,” Celestia noted, before Night Fire flew up, assuming her alicorn Star Wing persona.  “At least not alone,” Star noted, turning to the dragons. “C’mon ladies and gents. We got a storm to stall.”  “Heck yeah,” Jackknife said with a grin, cracking his knuckles before following after Star and Rainbow.  Celestia still looked worried. “You won’t be able to hold back that storm forever.”  “Then find a way to repair the Crystal Heart,” Phoenix replied. “We’ll do what we can to hold it back until then.” She looked to Sunburst and Starlight with a grin. “Now’s your chance, guys.” Sunburst gulped. “C-Chance?”  “Chance to do what?” Starlight asked.  Phoenix pointed to Twilight and the Crystal Heart, which Diamondback was trying in vain to put back together. “Help Twilight figure out a spell to restore the Crystal Heart, and work together as you do so. You’ll be surprised the effects teamwork can have on friends.”  “B-But…” Starlight looked up at her horn. “I don’t have my magic! How am I supposed to help?”  Phoenix acted so fast, Spike’s heart jumped into his throat. Withdrawing the gem containing Starlight’s magic, she inserted it into the magic suppressing ring around her horn. Starlight’s cutie mark blazed to life on her flank.  “Now you do,” Phoenix said. “Now get to it!”  “And…” Spike tried to add in, but Phoenix snatched him and Swift before tearing after Jackknife, Rainbow and Star Wing.  And the storm that awaited them. ## Spike was surprised at how well they did at first. Rainbow Dash dodged through the lightning like a pro, bashing the storm clouds and forcing them back, ripping away black chunks and stomping on them to get rid of icy rain.  Controlling the water in the ice, Jackknife threw the icy shards of rain back into the storm clouds, willing them back as his muscles bulged under his scales.  Swift began flapping his wings, creating a tempest of wind that matched the storm’s and kept it at bay.  And Star Wing cleared away clouds by the dozen with several white beams from her horn.  “How are we supposed to help?” Spike asked.  Phoenix answered by unleashing a blast of fire. It was surprisingly small - though given her scars, it was likely that she hadn’t had to use fire in a while - but the fire managed to cut through the ice and melt some of the clouds into more rain - rain that Jackknife was able to use to strengthen himself.  Getting the idea, Spike breathed in and started blasting fire at the storm as well.  For a short time, Spike started to hope that they were keeping the storm at bay.  Yet, the thought of Starlight having her magic back still kept his heart beating far faster than it should have been.  “Phoenix, are you sure it was a good idea to leave Starlight with her magic?” he asked as he blasted one cloud out of the way.  Phoenix shot a fireball at another cloud and dodged a blast of lightning. “She’d have to be a crazy kind of stupid to try anything now. And she didn’t strike me as the type.”  “Considering she’s manipulated entire hordes of ponies and griffons in the past,” Spike said. “I’m not exactly comforted.”  “Guys!” Jackknife barked. “Less talking, more shooting!”  The two yelped and went back to fighting the storm.  But this time, the storm was starting to fight back. Brutal yellow javelins of lightning shot from the clouds, nearly frying Rainbow Dash into a rotisserie pegasus before Swift knocked her out of the way.  Phoenix growled and stalked forward.  “Phoenix, what are you doing?” Spike yelled.  “Diamondback had a scroll,” Phoenix said, as a burst of lightning struck dangerously close to her. “It called lightning ‘the cold fire.’ Maybe… just maybe…”  Another bolt of lightning curled out from the clouds. Yanking Jackknife out of the way, Phoenix punched the lightning bolt.  Her entire body lit up in yellow, and for a split second, Spike dared to hope she was actually holding the lightning at bay.  But then, just as the lightning shot back into the clouds, Phoenix was flung off her feet, skidding back to Spike’s side, her right arm blackened and several of her scars reopened.  “Phi!” Star and Spike shrieked, racing to her side.  Phoenix coughed, her eyes opening. “Did it…” she mumbled. “Did it work?”  The group looked up as the storm continued to bear down on them.  Phoenix groaned. “It didn’t did it?”  “Well, it did give us an idea,” Rainbow insisted, flying to another cloud and striking it. Lightning shot into the storm, hitting another lightning bolt and producing an explosion.  However, the explosion didn’t seem to deter the storm. And worse, even as the others raced back to the front line, Spike saw the storm starting to spread to the sides. Surrounding the Crystal Empire in shadowy storm clouds.  “The storm’s flanking us!” Spike yelled.  Star saw what he was talking about. She turned to the others. “Rainbow, to the right. I’ll take the left!”  “What about us!?” Swift asked.  “Just keep holding it back as best you can!” Star said, already flying off to the side to try and contain the clouds.  “And what about us?” Spike asked, indicating Phoenix, who tried to get up, but stumbled and fell back down, the lightning having taken too much out of her.  “Get her back to the Empire,” Jackknife barked, as he and Swift started to back up, their attempts at controlling the storm faltering without Rainbow and Star.  Spike didn’t want to leave Jackknife, but with Phoenix out of it, he had little choice.  Spike fired one last fireball at the storm before pulling Phoenix up and dragging her away from the battle zone. ## As Spike dragged Phoenix to the castle, he saw Sunburst and Starlight facing each other.  “I know it’s hard for you to understand,” Sunburst was saying desperately. “But not all of us end up achieving greatness!”  “Why wouldn’t I understand that?” Starlight was arguing.  “Seriously?” Sunburst demanded. “You’re the protege of the Princess of Friendship! I don’t think she picks just any pony for that.”  “Technically,” Spike huffed under Phoenix’s weight. “She’s more on parole than a protege.”  It was a sign of how stressed out Sunburst was that he didn’t even notice how bad Phoenix looked. “Whatever,” he said, giving Starlight a look of regret. “I’m sorry, but I’m not the big important wizard you were expecting.” He looked back at the castle. “I can’t fix that relic! I don’t know anything about saving an empire!”  Starlight looked flabbergasted. “But… you always knew so much about magic…” Sunburst shook his head. “Reading about magic is one thing. You don’t know what it was like at magic school! To know so much and not be able to do any of it.”  Anger traced Starlight’s features. “Well, you don’t know what it was like to be left behind!” As she spoke, everything else fell out in a rush. “And then getting so bitter that you steal the cutie marks from an entire village and then get defeated by Twilight and her friends, so you travel through time to get back at them, but they beat you again and teach you about friendship, and you’re so terrified ponies will find out what you did so then they’ll hate you and want you dead!”  For a moment, there was silence, broken up only by the sound of thunder from the storm around them.  Finally, Sunburst - his eyes wide in shock and awe - spoke:  “You traveled through time?”  Phoenix coughed out a laugh. “Impressive, isn’t it?”  Sunburst lowered his head. “I’m sorry we lost touch. I should’ve reached out. I was just… I was so nervous that you’d think I was dumb, but… I could’ve helped you. I could’ve…”  “There are a lot of ‘could’ve’s for both of us,” Starlight noted. “But let’s just say for now, that I know what it’s like to have something you’re not proud of.”  The two gazed at each other, with a greater understanding, before both of them blinked and looked to a still battered Phoenix.  “Oh my goodness!” Starlight stammered. “Here we are talking about friendship and… what happened?!”  “Oh, nothing major,” Phoenix insisted, trying to push herself off of Spike and nearly face planting into the ground. “That storm’s just, uh…” Spike looked over as the storm continued to roll over the Empire. Celestia and Luna had joined Star and Rainbow in trying to hold back the storm, but they were only slowing the storm’s progress, not stopping it.  “It’s gonna box us in pretty quick,” Spike reported. “So unless you guys have some sort of last minute method for fixing the Crystal Heart so the baby can have her Crystalling, we’re gonna need to consider getting out of here.”  Sunburst looked down in guilt… before his eyes widened. “Wait a minute… the Crystalling was supposed to happen. Of course!”  He shot for the castle. Starlight and Phoenix exchanged surprised glances before they and Spike raced after him.  ## In the castle, Cadence, Diamondback and Twilight had managed to reform the Heart. But they had barely managed to step back and admire their work before the Heart began to shatter again. Twilight tried to keep it together with her magic, but her magic proved to be the only thing keeping the Heart together.  “My spells aren’t working,” Twilight bemoaned. “I don’t know what else to do!”  Sunburst ran in. “I think I do. But we need to get the Crystalling underway.”  Swift flew in at that moment, dragging a frozen solid Jackknife.  “Well, do it fast,” Spike said. “We can’t hold back the storm anymore.”  With the black clouds surging overhead, the ponies brought both the Heart and the newborn foal to the front of the castle. Though fear shined in the eyes of the crowd, it was chased away by awe as the Crystalling began.  “Citizens,” Sunburst declared. “May I present the newest member of the Crystal Empire!”  As the light and love from the citizens made the Crystal Heart glow, Spike and his friends chanced another scared look at the black clouds rolling overhead.  Star Wing and Rainbow Dash rushed in.  “We can’t stop it any…” Star tried to say, only to cut herself off as the baby and the Crystal Heart glowed with power.  With a burst of magic light, the Crystal Heart was restored, and a brilliant burst of magic light chased away the storm and left everyone with shimmering crystalline coats.  “Um… never mind,” Star noted. “Crisis averted, huh, Dash?” Dash managed a nod, before tumbling out of the sky, utterly exhausted. “Y’know what?” Star noted. “That’s a brilliant idea, Dash.” She then tumbled out of the sky in exhaustion as well.  ## As the group prepared to return home, Starlight and Sunburst had one last conversation with each other.  As the two hugged happily, Twilight watched on with a ponderous expression.  “You okay, Twilight?” Spike asked.  “I don’t know, Spike,” Twilight admitted. “I feel like… I have a lot to learn about being a teacher. Or a warden or… whatever I am to Starlight.”  “What are you talking about?” Phoenix asked. “The lesson went perfectly. Those two got over their pasts and rekindled their friendship.”  “No thanks to me,” Twilight admitted. “I know a lot happened. I just wish I could’ve given her the attention she deserves.”  Phoenix hummed, rolling her healing arm. “Well, she definitely needed some guidance, but giving her the space to make her own decisions also worked out pretty well.” Spike chuckled. “That’s ironically how Celestia taught Twilight.”  Twilight’s eyes widened. “You know… I never thought about that. But… I guess it’s true.”  Spike pat her shoulder. “Maybe you’ll be a better teacher than you know.”  Leaving her to her thoughts, Spike walked over to join the his dragon friends. Yet, as he did so, he noticed Swift staring out the window intently.  “Swift?” he asked. “You good brother?”  “I…” Swift shook his head. “I thought I saw… a changeling.” He pointed. “Fluttering behind that snow bank.”  Spike ran over to join him, but he saw nothing in the snow.  “You sure?” Spike asked.  “I think,” Swift said. “I just…” he shuddered before looking to Spike. “You don’t think that Chrysalis might be coming back, do you?”  That thought brought Spike’s heart rate up again. He sighed. “Just when I thought I could relax.”  “Sorry, buddy,” Swift said. “But maybe… Starlight’s not the one we need to worry about right now.”  He looked back out at the snowbank and Spike found himself following his gaze, fearing the day when the Crystal Empire would be swarmed with changelings like how Canterlot had been. > Episode 44: Gauntlet of Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and his friends didn’t get long to worry about the changeling they saw, or about Starlight’s progress from former enemy to potential ally.  For as they pored over the Cutie Map, trying to determine their next move, they got confronted with a new problem: as Spike, Phoenix, Diamondback and even Swift and Star began to glow with an odd energy.  Spike scratched at his scales as they started to emit a burning sensation. “What the… what’s happening to us?!”  Diamondback’s eyes widened. “The Dragon Lord…” she whispered. “He calls for us!”  Spike and the others stared at her as they rubbed their burning scales. “Dragon… Lord?” Spike asked.  “You don’t mean…” Night glanced out towards Astral and Aurora who were using the latter’s ice powers to soothe their itching.  “I could do this for you all,” Aurora added, noticing the group watching.  “Please!” Spike asked gratefully.  As Aurora joined the group, so did Astral, though his gaze was on Diamondback.  “This never happened in the Dragon Kingdom,” he noted. “Is this some kind of disease or something?” “No,” Diamondback said. “The Dragon Kingdom was a secret, remember? This is from the dragon who likes to appear like he’s the one in charge; Dragon Lord Torch.”  “Fiery name,” Star deadpanned, grimacing as her Night Fire scales began to unconsciously form over her like a rash. “So, he figured out how to influence other dragons?”  “That’s why everyone thinks he’s in charge,” Phoenix replied. “He found something that lets him do this; whenever he needs us, he can put us in pain until we answer his summons.”  “Should we go as well?” Jackknife asked, glancing at Swift, who was grimacing, but not itching like the others.  “It’s not quite that bad,” Swift muttered, “Though that’s probably just because I’m a hybrid.”  “Well, I’m definitely going,” Star replied, shifting fully into Night Fire. “No way am I missing out on a chance like this.”  “Oh yes!” Twilight agreed, racing over with study supplies. “You could research them, maybe even help me write an article. This could be a chance to make a huge contribution to the knowledge of Equestria!” She paused before grinning nervously at Spike. “A-And, to be there for Spike, of course.”  Star and Spike glanced at each other with amused grins. “Don’t worry, Twilight,” Spike said. “I’ll be alright.” He took her supplies. “We’ll study everything we can, and come back to you with a full report.”  “Hey, don’t think yer going without me,” Jackknife said with a flex. “I’m still part o’ the Drake Six!”  “We’d never leave you, Jack,” Swift assured. “Just like I know you’d never leave us.”  The two friends grinned at each other, while Phoenix ran over to Astral and Aurora.  “Hey guys,” Phoenix called. “You up for an adventure?”  Astral and Aurora looked at each other, having the same thought: “When can we begin packing?” ## A few days later, the dragons found themselves back at the Dragon Lands.  Diamondback scoffed as she beheld the volcanic structures and rocks. “I forgot how droll this place is.”  “You do gotta admit,” Night Fire noted. “After the color of Equestria, this place could definitely use some paint.”  But their attention was quickly grabbed by Astral and Aurora.  “Shade,” Astral growled, glaring at the black dragon. Though Shade appeared to have more gray in his spines than before, the malicious light of cruelty still shined bright in his eyes.  “What does he want?” Aurora asked, her voice colder than ice. “What the…?!” Swift backed up behind Spike. “What’s he doing here?”  “Let’s find out,” Diamondback replied, strutting forward with a confident grin. “Lord Shade Fang. Fancy meeting you here.”  “Ah,” he mused. “If it isn’t the ones who caused my banishment all those months ago.”  “You dug your own grave by planning to betray the King, love,” Diamondback replied. “We just made sure you fell into it.”  Shade was barely paying attention to her, though, as his eyes locked on Aurora. Shoving past Diamondback and Astral, he ignored their scowls and grinned at the ice dragon.  “Aurora,” he greeted. “Beautiful as ever. Shall we leave this troublesome group to a spot where we can be together.”  Aurora sneered. “Not with that broken nose of yours,” she refuted, coating an unnoticed fist in ice.  “But I don’t…” POW! Shade’s head reeled back as he clutched his now broken nose. “Spawn of Tiamat that hurt!”  “Serves you right,” Night Fire noted. “That your idea of flirting? That was disgraceful.”  Their conversation was interrupted as the biggest dragon - rivaling King Bahamut in size - rose up from what looked like one of the volcanos. “DRAGONS OF EQUESTRIA,” the massive dragon boomed. “HEAR ME! I HAVE BEEN DRAGON LORD FOR LONGER THAN MANY OF YOU CAN REMEMBER, AND MY REIGN HAS BEEN EXTRAORDINARY!”  Despite their animosity, Diamondback couldn’t help but glance at Shade with an amused smirk. “Extraordinary? Him?”  Phoenix chuckled and nudged Astral. “How quickly do you think King Bahamut could fold this guy?”  But then Torch slammed his talon, and a burst of pain went through all the dragons. “AGREE WITH ME!” Immediately, the dragons started chanting. “TORCH! TORCH! TORCH!” For as soon as they began agreeing, the pain faded.  “Argh,” Spike muttered, rubbing at his itching scales, before noticing something. “Who is that?”  “It’s Dragon Lord Torch, dummy,” a lanky teenage dragon growled at him.  But Night Fire noticed what he was talking about. “He means the hot one,” she noted, indicating a cyan dragoness who was flying next to Torch.  The red teenage dragon stared at Night for a minute before saying, “That’s… his daughter, Princess Ember. And let me tell you, I wouldn’t even look at her if I were you. Torch’s fire is way hotter than she is. Will roast you to a crisp.”  Night didn’t take her eyes off Ember. “I think she’d be worth it,” she noted with a grin, before blinking and glancing at both the teenager and Spike. “Of course, you’re both probably too young for…” Spike bonked Night on the head. Encouraged, the other dragon socked her in the gut… only for Night and Jackknife to headbutt the red dragon and knock him out cold.  Before his boys could back him up, Torch seemed to get tired of the forced praise, and continued.  “UNFORTUNATELY, ACCORDING TO DRAGON LAW, IT IS TIME FOR ME TO STEP DOWN. SAD, I KNOW.”  The others glared at him until he lifted his paw dangerously.  “BE SAD!”  Several dragons tried to kick in, crying and sobbing and wailing. Though plenty didn’t participate, there were still thankfully enough to keep him from sending more pain down on them, and instead to continue. “THIS IS WHY I HAVE SUMMONED YOU! TO COMPETE FOR THE THRONE IN THE GAUNTLET OF FIRE!”  This needed no encouragement; every single dragon - even Diamondback and Lord Shade Fang - began to cheer in earnest, though Phoenix flinched down in horror, while Swift, Spike, Star and Jack glanced at each other in confusion.  “Gauntlet of Fire?” Spike asked.  Swift shrugged, and before Diamondback could explain, Torch continued, holding up some kind of staff with a ruby at the end.  “WHOMEVER HAS MY FEROCITY, STRENGTH AND DETERMINATION TO RETRIEVE THIS BLOODSTONE SCEPTER FROM THE HEART OF THE FLAME-CANO WILL BE CROWNED LORD OF THE DRAGONS! WE WILL GATHER AT THE CLIFF WHEN THE SUN IS AT ITS PEAK!”  With an explosion of flames, he lifted off and made for a series of cliffs nearby. Dragons surged to join him as Diamondback turned to the others eagerly.  “Darlings,” she said. “We have to get that scepter!”  “Uh, DB?” Night asked, noticing a dangerous green fire glowing in her eyes. “Careful, your greed is showing.”  Diamondback glowered. “And because of that, you’d rather let one of them win?” She indicated the other dragons as they eagerly followed Torch.  “Ha!” one laughed. “When I’m Dragon Lord, I’m going to make burps an official greeting.”  “Please,” another dragon refuted. “When I win, I will pillage Equestria for their pillows. Why should those ponies be comfortable while we sleep on rocks.”  Shade then stepped forward, gaining the others' attention. “When I become Dragon Lord, I shall lead us dragons to a new age. We shall show all other nations that we dragons are the superior species.” His words got a resounding cheer from several of the dragons.  The others went pale. “Okay,” Night noted. “Sounds like we’re competing.”  ## Unfortunately, the group ran into problems as soon as they assembled on the cliff.  Torch instantly noticed their group, locking on Jackknife, Phoenix, Diamondback, Night Fire and Aurora with disgust in his eyes. “AND JUST WHAT DO A BUNCH OF FEMALES AND A SEA SERPENT THINK THEY’RE DOING HERE?”  “Competing,” Night Fire replied. “Isn’t that why we’re all here.”  “NO, YOU’RE NOT,” he snapped. “THIS GAUNTLET WAS DESIGNED FOR A BIG, STRONG DRAGON TO WIN, BECAUSE IT TAKES A BIG STRONG DRAGON TO LEAD!”  Diamondback rose to her full height - which while it wasn’t as big as Torch, it was still bigger than most of the other dragons there. “I WILL SHOW YOU BIG AND STRONG, TORCH!” she boomed in a voice that made even Lord Shade Fang jump. “I DOMINATED THE DIAMOND DOGS THAT PESTERED OUR HORDES! I HAVE DEFEATED CHANGELINGS AND BEINGS OF BLACK MAGIC! THE BLOODSTONE SCEPTER WILL BE MINE!” She glared around at the others, and even her friends backed up at the fire in her eyes. “AND ALL WHO DENY ME MY RIGHTFUL CLAIM… WILL SUFFER FOR THEIR INSOLENCE!”  She glared up at Torch, and for a tense moment, the dragons waited to see if there would be a fight. However, the dragon lord threw his head back… and laughed.  “THAT’S THE FIRE NEEDED FOR A DRAGON LORD,” he admitted. “VERY WELL. ALL DRAGONS ARE WELCOME TO COMPETE, BUT THEY DO SO AT THEIR OWN PERIL! FLYING TO FLAME-CANO ISLAND IS THE FIRST OF MANY CHALLENGES YOU WILL FACE IN YOUR QUEST TO FIND THE BLOODSTONE SCEPTER!”  With a booming roar, he let loose with a fireball, which streaked across a black lake towards an island in the distance. “Looks like that’s our target,” Night Fire noted.  Jackknife chuckled ominously. “Let’s do it!” He launched into the water, and instantly took the lead, surging towards the island as the rest of the dragons struggled to keep up.  Pulling Spike onto his back, Swift followed alongside Diamondback, Astral and the rest.  However, it wasn’t long before they ran into trouble. A sea worm launched from the depths and set upon Jackknife.  “THAT ALL YOU GOT, BIG GUY!” Jackknife snarled as he engaged in combat with the sea worm. “I EAT WORMS LIKE YOU FOR LUNCH!”  However, as he fought, water splashed everywhere. Diamondback bore it with a grunt, as did Shade, but Spike gasped as an armored dragon was hit and tumbled into the depths below.  “He’s gonna drown!” Spike yelled, tumbling off Swift’s back and into the water.  “Spike, wait!” Night Fire yelled, tucking her wings and diving after him.  Phoenix and Swift soared down after him, gazing around in a panic, before Night and Spike resurfaced, the armored dragon in their grasp.  “C’mon!” Night Fire yelled, hoisting the dragon up.  Spike looked to Jack, who had indeed begun to feast on the sea worm. “JACK!” he boomed.  Jack turned. Instantly seeing his friends floundering, he jumped towards them and dragged them to shore.  Unfortunately, Spike also noticed that Diamondback had not joined them. Whether it was to keep up with Shade Fang or merely to get the scepter was beyond him.  But there wasn’t time to worry about Diamondback’s loyalties. As they hoisted the armored dragon from the depths, they got a shock as Night Fire yanked the dragon’s helmet off to help her breath… and made a startling discovery.  “Princess Ember!” Night Fire gasped.  The others stared in shock as Ember snatched her helmet back, glaring around at them with a look like a cornered animal. “What do you all think you’re doing?” she demanded.  Jackknife grimaced. “Saving your ungrateful scales, for a start.”  Ember, however, stared at him in disgust. “A sea serpent? What’s he doing here?”  Spike stood proudly beside Jackknife. “He’s our friend.”  Ember grunted, and turned away. “Dragons don’t ‘do’ friends.”  “Fine,” Jackknife replied. “Then I’m the one who saved your sorry tail.”  Ember scoffed. “Whatever. I don’t care as long as none of you get in my way. I have a Gauntlet to win.” She glared up at the island. “I’ll show them all,” she muttered as she re-donned her helmet. “Everyone who thinks I’m just a little princess will see there are better things than being big or strong.”  Night Fire blinked, something resonating in her soul at those words. She ran up to join Ember… right as a dragon hit the ground before them, a boulder crushing him into the ground.  Night Fire didn’t hesitate. She ran over and kicked the boulder off the dragon… before realizing it was the red one she had gotten into a tussle with.  “Oh, great,” she noted. “You.”  The red dragon huffed, pulling himself up. “Surprised you’d help me out. You’re almost as soft as a pony.” He paused, sniffing. “Huh. You even smell like a pony.”  Night Fire’s eyes widened, and even Spike and Jack exchanged worried looks. Night Fire had spent a lot of time as Star Wing. Was her disguise failing? Luckily, Ember spoke up. “That’s just me. I robbed some ponies on my way over here.”  The red dragon relaxed. “Huh. I like your style.” But then he paused again. “Have I met you before? You kinda look like…”  This time, Night Fire jumped in. “My neighbor,” she replied. “Cinder. We go pretty far back.”  The red dragon glared at the two of them before rolling his eyes. “Whatever. I’ve wasted enough time making small talk.” He glared up at the mountain. “That white dragoness and that dark dragon are getting too far ahead.” He smirked at the two. “Try to keep up, unless you want one of those two as Dragon Lord.” He scoffed as he kicked off and followed after them.”  But Ember couldn’t help but glance over at Night Fire. “Why’d you cover for me?”  “I could ask you the same thing,” Night Fire noted, before letting her disguise fall briefly, and letting Ember see her alicorn form. Ember gasped and backed up, even as Night Fire assumed her form.  “Why don’t we work together?” she asked. “Two princesses against the world? You can have the scepter at the end of it all. And I’ll get the pleasure of knowing that you were right: that just because we’re princesses, doesn’t mean we’re not powerful. And that being smart trumps being strong any day.”  As the two gazed into each other’s eyes, Spike pointed at the others.  “Don’t you dare say I’m too young for this,” he noted.  Jackknife just grinned. “Wouldn’t dream of it, brother.”  “As long as Ember keeps that armor on,” Phoenix muttered.  Luckily, Ember did, as she and Night Fire took flight, rushing towards the volcano.  “Just so you know,” Ember added. “This doesn’t mean we’re gonna pick flowers or exchange necklaces or whatever pony friends do.”  Night Fire chuckled. “I had something else in mind, but we’ll save that for when the challenge is over… and we’re alone.”  Spike wasn’t sure he wanted to know what that meant, but judging by the blush and intrigued look Ember gave her, it was probably something dragons did very well.  ## With Ember and Night Fire together, it was as if they could do no wrong. They dodged obstacles, battled various creatures, and even took out dragons that tried to knock them out of the game first.  Swift, Jackknife, Phoenix, Astral, Aurora and Spike kept up and did what they could to help, but for the most part, Ember and Night Fire seemed to have everything under control. Until they reached the scepter… just in time to see Diamondback fall to Shade.  Using his scythe, Shade cut past Diamondback’s rapier, carving an X-shaped wound on her chest before kicking her over.  The white dragoness tried to rise back up, but Shade stomped on her head, leaving her barely conscious as she gazed up at her opponent’s eyes. She shuddered at the light of madness rooted in his mind.  “This is for betraying my trust at the trial,” he growled at her. “I’ll be sure to send your friends to you once we’re done here.” With that, he swung the scythe down… Only for a familiar sword to block the blade.  Diamondback’s eyes widened as Astral forced Shade back, his calm but determined eyes instilling fear in the dark magic user.  “If you want to send my friends to the afterlife,” Astral growled. “You’ll have to kill me first. But I warn you; I’m not the same dragon you fought against all those months ago. I’ve been training all this time.” He assumed his battle stance. “Now count up your crimes, and prepare to fall.”  Diamondback’s eyes fluttered. “A-Astral…” she murmured. “Thank…” Her eyes shut, and she slumped into unconsciousness.  Smirking at her fallen form, Shade turned his eyes back to Astral. “So be it.” He struck fast, but Astral was prepared, skillfully returning the ferocity as the two clashed blades.  Night Fire rushed to help, but Ember grabbed her.  “Wait,” she said. “The scepter! It’s right…” “There,” Night concluded. “So go grab it. I’ll make sure Shade over there doesn’t give us dark dragons a bad rep.”  Ember winced. “Well… it’s just…”  “I’ll be alright,” Night said confidently. “I can’t get the scepter anyway. It was always going to be one winner. One Dragon Lord.” Her smile grew warm. “And I know you’ll be the best.”  Ember blushed again, as Night rushed for Shade.  “Come on, ya’ll,” she declared, noticing Diamondback’s unconscious form. “And someone make sure DB doesn’t die!”  Swift nodded, rushing down with Phoenix to save her. Meanwhile, Jackknife joined Night Fire in battling Shade alongside Astral and Aurora.  But Spike noticed Ember looking back and forth between the scepter. He could see the care she felt for Night in her eyes. There was no way she could bring herself to abandon her.  So, Spike rushed forward. And as Ember groaned and rushed Shade, he climbed up and reached for the Bloodstone Scepter.  Just in time too, as Shade launched a wave of dark magic, launching his opponents across the battlefield and away from where the scepter resided.  “You fools don’t even know the full extent of the Bloodstone’s power,” Shade mocked. “Once I have it in my possession, I’ll be able to amass an army and finally secure my legacy!”  “Don’t be so sure, Shade Fang,” Spike snarled, holding up the scepter. “You face…” He felt his power grow as well as his form. “DRAGON LORD SPIKE!”  “Alright, Spike!” Aurora shouted.  “Good job, little buddy,” Astral cheered, raising his sword in victory.  “SPIKE-SPIKE-SPIKE-SPIKE!” Night Fire, Jackknife, Phoenix and Swift began to chant.  Even Ember afforded him a small smile of approval.  The only one not cheering was Shade, who boiled in fury.  “I SHALL REND YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR SHOULDERS, YOU INSOLENT WHELP!” he boomed.  He rushed at Spike, fully intent on carrying out his promise, only for Spike to slam the staff into the ground. “BE STILL!” Shade Fang froze as if hit by an ice spell. “Now,” the young Dragon Lord mused. “What to do with you?” The grin on Spike’s face made Shade wet himself in fear.  “Maybe you could have him clean every maw of all the dragons that have given into their greed,” Astral offered. “With a small toothbrush.”  “Have him do lava ballet for the entertainment of Torch,” Aurora asked, rubbing her claws together in pure glee.  “How about having him…” Night stopped herself. “Nah, you’re too young for that.”  Spike glared at Night for a moment… before an evil grin spread across his face. “Actually,” he said. “I have an idea.” He walked up to the frozen dragon, and whispered his command in his ear.  Reluctantly, but compelled by his burning scales, Shade Fang turned and obeyed, leaving the rest.  “What did you tell him to do?” Astral asked.  Spike merely grinned. “You’ll see.”  His grin made Astral and Swift shudder. “Remind me never to get on his bad side,” Swift asked.  Astral nodded in agreement.  Ember glanced up at him as she helped Night Fire to her feet. “Dragon Lord Spike,” she noted, a little irritated, but nodding all the same. “It does have a nice ring to it.”  Spike smiled and stepped down, offering the scepter to her. “Dragon Lord Ember sounds a lot better.”  Ember blinked and backed up. “What? No.” She pushed the scepter back. “You’re the Dragon Lord now.”  Spike shook his head. “The Dragon Lord is whoever brings the scepter back to your father. Besides, you’ll make a great leader.” He nodded at Night. “I was just doing this to protect my people.” He grinned at Ember. “But I know you’ll protect them just as well as I would have.”  Ember reached hesitantly for the scepter. “You’re sure about this?”  Spike nodded. “My home is in Equestria. With my friends.”  Ember hummed, and took the scepter. But she still gave the group a grin. “Well… you’ll have at least one friend here too.”  Tearing up, Night embraced Ember, who gasped in shock.  “Uh, what are you doing?” Ember asked.  Night backed up. “It’s… called a hug. Don’t you guys have hugs?”  “Uh… kinda,” Ember noted, though she was blushing as she held Night. “Though it does go a little bit more… like this?”  As the two embraced, Phoenix’s eyes widened. “SHE’S GETTING HER ARMOR OFF!”  “GET OUTTA HERE, GUYS!” Night barked at them.  “YEAH, MOVE IT!” Ember barked, shaking the scepter ominously. “Don’t make me use this! I don’t want to be like Torch, but I will if I have to!”  Swift obediently covered Spike’s eyes and dragged him out.  “OH, COME ON, I’M NOT THAT YOUNG ANYMORE!” Spike groaned. But he couldn’t help but grin as the others left Night and Ember to their own devices.  “So,” Jackknife teased Astral as they left. “You and Aurora going to find a place to be alone as well?”  Aurora blushed furiously, while Astral jumped the sea serpent. The two began fighting fiercely as Astral defended his girlfriend’s honor, all while Jackknife cackled in glee.  Soon, the Dragon Lands would have a new leader, and a powerful ally.  The ponies were safe… for now. > Episode 45: Old Foes or New Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the return of Lord Shade Fang and the possible return of Queen Chrysalis on his mind, Spike found himself extra jumpier than usual.  So, when he overheard Starlight saying, “I’ll just force friendships by magically enslaving the entire population of Ponyville!” he acted without thinking.  Bursting into the room, he tackled Starlight to the ground, making sure the gem on her horn was draining her magic.  “KIDDING-KIDDING-I’M KIDDING,” Starlight yelped in fright. “DON’T BEAT MY FACE IN! I JUST GOT MY MAKEUP PERFECT!”  Spike seethed. “Do NOT joke about that!” he snapped, as the rest of the Drake Six ran in. “I heard someone fighting, is someone fighting?” Jackknife asked.  “They better be!” Night Fire growled darkly. “They’re interrupting something important?”  Diamondback rolled her eyes. “Another love letter to your liaison?”  “S-Shut up, DB, it’s not like that,” Night Fire barked, though she was blushing.  As the others argued, Phoenix sighed and plucked Spike off Starlight. “False alarm?” Phoenix asked.  “False alarm entirely,” Starlight stammered, still shaking in her hooves as Twilight raced over and helped her up.  Spike wrenched himself free of Phoenix and glared at the unicorn and alicorn. “What are you guys doing anyway?” Swift asked. “Princess Celestia is joining us tomorrow night to see how the friendship lessons are going,” Twilight explained. “I was just telling Starlight how she’d really impress the Princess by bringing a new friend.”  “But I just can’t choose,” Starlight noted. “I like all your friends.” She chanced a glance at Spike. “Or, at least… some of them.”  Sighing, Phoenix looked to Twilight. “I could join her, if that’ll make things easier.”  Twilight grimaced. “I mean… that would work, but… everyone knows how much you two like each other. I was kinda hoping she’d bring a ‘new’ new friend, you know? Show how far she’s come.”  Phoenix grimaced, and Starlight whimpered nervously.  “Well, as long as she’s not planning any returns to villainy,” Swift noted. “I’m still nervous about that changeling we saw outside the Crystal Empire. And on top of that, I’m pretty sure there’s someone else we have to deal with.”  The Drake Six turned to him. “Who?”  Swift looked down at a scroll he had brought in with him, and motioned for the others to follow him, leaving Starlight and Twilight to their planning. “Well, there’s been a new arrival, and the other ponies are giving her a bit of a wide berth.”  “A former criminal?” Phoenix asked nervously.  “A new terror come to town?” Jackknife asked eagerly.  “I’m thinking the former,” Swift said. “I asked around, and they said that this pony - The ‘Great and Powerful’ Trixie - apparently went cuckoo after she found some sort of amulet that let her take over the town.”  Spike went stock still. “She… took over the town? When?”  Swift checked his scroll again. “Um… it looks like it was right around when we were dealing with Hawke and those slavers.”  Spike nearly fell back in guilt. While he had been off fighting battles and going on adventures, Twilight had needed him, and he had no idea.  “Hey, take it easy, Spike,” Night Fire assured him. “She’s not running things now, so Twilight handled it.”  “But now this psycho pony’s back,” Swift noted.  Spike nodded, getting back up. “And now’s our chance to make sure she doesn’t threaten these ponies again.”  ## A short while later, the dragons had split up to try and find this pony. Though finding her wagon proved easy enough, Trixie herself had gone somewhere into Ponyville. And none of the ponies had dared get close enough to her to find out where.  The thought filled Spike with dread. It wasn’t enough that Shade had almost taken over the dragons or that Chrysalis was probably planning some sort of revenge attack on Cadence? Now, they had another pony with a vendetta against Twilight.  “Someone needs to make sure Starlight doesn’t meet up with this Trixie,” Spike noted as he, Phoenix and Swift searched one of Ponyville’s districts.  Phoenix sighed. “Spike, when are you going to accept that Starlight’s trying to be better?”  “When she actually proves that she is better,” Spike replied. “And newsflash; joking about magical enslavement isn’t helping her.”  “He does have a point, Phi,” Swift pointed out.  Phoenix sighed. “So… if you had known what I had done in the past - known the stuff I put my diamond dogs through… would you have left me to suffer in that cave?”  Spike’s pace slowed. He had never considered that.  He knew that Phoenix had done some bad things, but he never saw them first hand.  “But… that was different,” he said. “You’ve always felt guilty about it. You never joked about what happened, because you recognized that it was bad.” He looked back. “I don’t know if Starlight understands that.”  Phoenix looked down with a sigh, before a frightened squawk from Swift drew their attention.  “S-Speaking of Starlight…” he stammered, pointing.  Spike and Phoenix followed his gaze, seeing Starlight walking out of the spa, laughing and talking with a bright blue unicorn mare with a lighter-blue - almost white -mane.  The dots came together when Swift showed a photo of what Trixie looked like.  ## It took Phoenix all she had to stop Spike jumping Starlight and Trixie right then and there. She tried to get him to think rationally, but all Spike could think was, Pony that took over Ponyville. Threatened Twilight! Gotta act!  When Phoenix outright blocked Spike with her own body, he did the next best thing: he pelted full tilt back for Twilight’s home. “TWILIGHT!” he shrieked, bursting back into her room. “TWILIGHT, STARLIGHT’S MADE FRIENDS WITH TRIXIE!”  Twilight gaped in shock. “T-Trixie? THE Trixie? The one who…? “Eeyup!” “With the…?” “EEYUP!”  “And she’s…?” “EEEEEEEEYUP!!”  Phoenix burst in in time to see Twilight’s eyes widening in horror. “No, Princess, it might not be that bad.”  But Twilight teleported past them both, appearing in a burst of magic right as Trixie and Starlight were about to enter her library.  “TRIXIE?!” Twilight stammered.  Starlight backed up, unnerved by Twilight’s unnerved state. “Y-You know each other?”  It took all of Twilight’s self-control not to scream, so Spike rushed in and did for her.  “She took over Ponyville!” Spike said. “She used black magic to enslave the town.”  Trixie flinched down with a sheepish grin. “We… had our differences,” she admitted. “But what mattered was that Twilight gave me a second chance.” She batted her eyes at Twilight. “And I appreciate it.”  Twilight glowered at Trixie, and with Spike crossing his arms behind her like a bodyguard, the smile didn’t stay long on Trixie’s face.  Phoenix carefully interjected. “So… what brought you back, Trixie?”  Trixie cleared her throat. “The Great and Powerful TRIXIE has come to perform a new stage show of grand illusion! I am calling it ‘The Humble and Penitent Trixie’s Equestrian Apology Tour.”  “That’s kind of a mouthful,” Starlight noted.  “It’s a working title,” Trixie admitted.  “Starlight?” Twilight asked. “A moment? Over here?” She dragged Starlight away, leaving Spike and Phoenix with Trixie.  Trixie nudged the ground with her hoof for a moment, glancing away. “So…” she noted. “Twilight’s dragon came back, huh?”  Spike snorted smoke at her. Trixie coughed and waved it away with a hoof.  “You know,” she noted. “When Twilight gave me a second chance, I thought it would come with a little more… ‘acceptance.’” She sighed dramatically. “I guess deep down, no one will ever forget.”  “And why should they?” Spike asked. “Especially if you can act so flippant about it.”  “It’s in the past, isn’t it?” Trixie asked. “Water under the bridge?”  Phoenix squirmed uncomfortably, but Spike gave her a look before returning his gaze to Trixie. “And it better stay under the bridge.” He leered at her. “I wasn’t here when you pulled that stunt on Twilight, but I am now. And I’m warning you; if you have some sort of plan to hurt Twilight…” Trixie flipped her mane at him. “Yeah, Starlight mentioned you’ve become a rather violent dragon since you left to find out who you really are.” She hummed. “Maybe being violent is just in a dragon’s genes.”  Spike tensed, almost feeling sucker-punched by that line. Hadn’t it been his impulsiveness that had resulted in a timeline where dragons and ponies were at war?  Before he could overcome his dark thoughts, Starlight and Twilight seemed to finish their conversation.  “You’re right,” Twilight admitted. “I trust you. Just be back in time for the dinner.”  “Thanks, Twilight,” Starlight said happily, racing back to Trixie. “You won’t regret this.”  Twilight watched them go worriedly. “I better not.” She glanced at Spike. “Spike, can you keep an eye on them?”  Spike nodded. “If Trixie’s planning something, we’ll figure it out.”  Phoenix gave him another worried look that made his guts squirm, but said nothing else. ## His worry over his own temper contributed to Spike’s nervousness, as despite watching Trixie like a hawk (or more accurately, a swift, since Swift was right next to him) neither of the two dragons saw anything nefarious or malicious.  There was a manticore, but Fluttershy had assured Swift they were relatively harmless if not provoked, and Trixie revealed the creature was only there for a magic trick she had planned out.  And ultimately, the worst Trixie had been doing was manipulating Starlight. Not even for any evil plans - as Spike had been worried for - but mainly just to one-up Twilight in some petty ‘contest.’  And as Spike watched Starlight run off in tears while Trixie desperately tried to cover her own sorrow, he found himself looking down in shame.  “Have I been…” Spike glanced at Swift. “Have I been angrier than usual?”  Swift shrugged. “You’ve definitely been more stressed,” he noted. “Between Starlight trying to get revenge and Shade almost getting the scepter and now Chrysalis possibly coming back…” Swift shuddered. “There’s a lot going on.”  Despite Swift’s words, Spike couldn’t help but look down in thought. He gazed at his arms, so muscular now when originally, they had been small and stubby.  He looked back from his hiding place, as Starlight ran into Phoenix, who was trying to comfort her. Spike looked down in shame. He always worried about not being enough of a dragon, but was it really worth it to be more ‘draconic’ if it also meant being mean and nasty to everyone?  Sighing, Spike stood, looking to Swift.  “Can you…?” Spike hesitated, feeling that asking him to still keep an eye on the devastated Trixie was still too mean.  Swift, thankfully, nodded in understanding. “I got this, brother,” he said. “Go.”  Nodding gratefully, Spike ran over to Starlight, who heard him coming and cowered against Phoenix’s side.  Phoenix gave Spike a warning look, but Spike raised his arms in a show of harmlessness.  “Easy, I’m…” Spike looked at his hands again. “I’m sorry.”  Phoenix blinked and even Starlight poked her head out in confusion.  “I haven’t been… who I want to be,” Spike admitted. “When I first left Ponyville… to find out who I was… I knew that I’d discover some things, and probably change. But sometimes, I worry I’ve changed too much.” He crossed his arms. “I’ve become darker… more angry… more aggressive… sometimes, I worry that Twilight will look at me… and fail to see the number one assistant I used to be.” He shut his eyes, holding back tears. “And yet… I’m scared too.” He looked up at them. “I’m scared that… if I don’t change… If I’m not aggressive… Twilight… the ponies… my family will get hurt.” He looked at Starlight. “They have gotten hurt.” He looked at Trixie. “Too many times.”  Starlight looked down in guilt. “What I did was wrong,” she admitted. “I know that, Spike. And… I don’t know if there’s any sort of apology or act of atonement that will ever make up for it.” She sniffed. “But… I wanna try. Because if I don’t… well.” she shook her head. “All I had outside of friendship was the desire for revenge. And all that led to was more suffering.” She managed a small smile. “Friendship seemed… so much better in comparison.”  Phoenix smiled gently. “It is, honestly,” she noted. “When you find the right ones.”  “Did I, though?” Starlight asked through fresh tears. “What if Trixie was really just using me to one-up Twilight?”  Twilight walked in at that moment, uncertain until they heard Trixie’s voice.  “Starlight?” she called from the stage. “If you’re out there… and you still want to be friends… let’s be great and powerful together.” She lowered her head. “Please?”  Twilight sighed. “From what I’ve seen… she’s the real thing. But it’s not my place to judge.” She gazed at Starlight. “It’s all up to you.”  Starlight watched, for a tense moment, as Trixie flung herself at the Manticore. At the last second, she ran forward, aiding Trixie in her magic tricks.  And as the fireworks boomed and the crowd cheered, Twilight managed a smile of her own, and walked after Starlight, intent on giving Trixie a proper second chance.  Spike sighed. “I guess we’ve been wasting our time on Trixie, haven’t we?” he noted.  Phoenix nodded. “She may be a braggart,” she noted. “But then again, most dragons are braggarts. Helps with the Greed, ya know?”  Spike chuckled, noticing Night Fire flying back towards the Dragon Lands. “Maybe ponies and dragons have more in common than we know.” “So… if Trixie’s not going to be an issue,” Swift noted, “I’d still like to know what that changeling was doing around the Crystal Empire.”  Spike nodded. “You and me both,” he admitted.  Yet, as he followed Swift away from the stage, he couldn’t help but look at his hands again.  If the changelings were planning something nefarious, Spike knew he’d have to defend his home.  But was there a way to defend his home without becoming angry and cruel again? > Episode 46: Thorax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a terrifying moment, Spike feared they were too late.  As he and Swift touched down at the Crystal Empire, they found the crystal-cobbled streets bare. No ponies walked to and fro from their jobs. No trumpets sounded.  It was like a ghost town.  “Spike?” Swift struggled not to whimper. “M-Maybe we should’ve brought the others.”  Spike rested a claw on Swift’s shoulder, though even he was gulping nervously. They had thought it best to only have two people for recon, but now Spike was wishing he had Jackknife’s fists or Diamondback’s strength or even Night Fire’s unpredictability.  Any of them would’ve been preferable to himself and his unstable problems with rage.  Spike glanced at poor Swift, who was shaking despite his best attempts to look brave. If any changelings hurt a feather on his head… Spike stopped himself from going down that route. “Focus, buddy,” he chastised himself. “Nothing’s attacked us yet. Just stay calm and see what’s happening.”  Carefully, Spike edged into the city, Swift right behind him.  “Hello?” Spike called out. “Anyone here?”  A gasp sounded from nearby, only to be quickly stifled. Swift and Spike shared a glance and approached the house the gasp had come from.  “You foal!” someone whispered. “They’re coming this way!” “But it’s Spike the Brave and Swift the Glorious!” another voice hissed. “They’ll save us again!”  “Assuming that it really ‘is’ them! How can we be sure?”  Spike and Swift shared another surprised glance. “You guys have seen the changeling?” Spike asked.  The house remained silent.  “Because we’re hunting them,” Swift promised. “We want to make sure they don’t hurt you guys again.”  The house still remained silent.  Swift and Spike shared another hopeless gaze before Swift sighed. “My dragon mother’s name is Sunny?”  “And I was magically hatched by Twilight, so she could be considered my mother?” Spike offered.  The house was silent for only second, before two Crystal Ponies raced out, their eyes wide with hope.  “It’s really you, isn’t it?” one of them asked, cupping Spike’s face as if testing if he was real.  “They seem real enough,” the other one noted, smoothing back Swift’s feathers.  “Oi!” Swift yelped and hopped back away from them. “Yeah, it’s us! We’re real, just… easy on my feathers. I just preened them!”  “Oh, sorry, but please,” the crystal pony stammered. “You have to help us.”  “That’s what we’re trying to do,” Spike assured them. “You guys saw this changeling?”  The two crystal ponies looked around in fear, before nodding.  “Talk to Prince Shining Armor,” one of them said. “He can tell you more details.”  The second one shook Spike’s hand. “Good luck, Sir Spike,” she said. “We have complete faith in you.”  Spike managed a smile as the ponies ducked back into their house, though the smile faded as he looked towards the Crystal Castle.  “Something tells me this isn’t going to be a normal family reunion,” Spike mused.  Swift shivered, smoothing his feathers back and running to keep up with Spike.  ## With the reception they got in the town, Spike was barely surprised when their approach to the Crystal Castle was waylaid by spear-wielding guards.  “Who goes there!?” one of them barked.  “Sirs Spike and Swift,” Spike declared. “Saviors of the Crystal Empire.”  The guards didn’t lower their spears. “We’ll need some proof of identification.”  Spike paused, his cheeks turning slightly red. “Well, I got something that should prove myself to Prince Shining Armor, but… I think he’d rather I share it with him and just him.”  The guard’s eyes narrowed, but the arrival of the prince himself caught his attention.  “I’ll take it from here,” Shining Armor said, his horn still glowing as he got close to Spike. “Well?” Spike leaned in close. “Remember when we read Power Ponies together, and you admitted to me that you thought the Mane-iac was… cute?”  Shining’s own cheeks reddened, but he straightened. “He’s clear.” He glanced curiously at Swift. “As for him…” Swift raised his hands in surrender. “My mother was Sunny the Dragon,” he recited. “Though her actual personality is anything but Sunny.”  “Don’t worry, he’s with me,” Spike assured.  Shining sighed. “Yeah, he is,” he admitted. “Though definitely give us another fact that we can use to check that later.” He turned to Spike. “A changeling was spotted nearby.”  Spike nodded. “Yeah, we know.” He indicated Swift. “Swift thought he saw something, and we wanted to check it out.”  “We would’ve gotten here earlier,” Swift added, “But… we ran into some trouble in Ponyville.”  “Honestly, I wish you guys had,” Shining admitted. “After Queen Chrysalis almost took over Canterlot… we don’t want to take any chances.”  “Ever since Princess Flurry Heart’s Crystalling,” another guard explained. “The Empire’s been filled with more love than anywhere in Equestria. It’s a Changeling buffet just waiting for them to feast on.”  The second guard eyed Spike and Swift hopefully. “You and your fellow dragons saved this Empire before. And you saved Canterlot from the changelings as well. Do you think you could… help us?”  Swift and Spike shared a chuckle. “Why do you think we came all this way?” Spike asked.  ## A few minutes later, Spike and Swift were leading a contingent of Crystal Guards across the borders of the Empire.  “Remember,” Swift was telling the guards. “Changelings can assume any form. Not just sapient life forms, but simple things like rocks. Stick together and trust nothing!” One guard gave a nervous glance at a nearby pebble. Narrowing his eyes, he whacked the pebble with his spear.  The pebble bounced, but otherwise showed no malice. Or pain.  “Uh, I like the enthusiasm,” Spike noted. “But I’m pretty sure changelings can’t turn into rocks that small.” He turned and noticed a more pony-sized boulder. “Yeah, look for things that are pony-sized. Like this rock.”  One overzealous guard charged the rock with his spear with a war cry. He bashed the rock at full force, and ended up tipping over into a concealed pit.  “Hang on!” Spike yelled, catching the guard. But the snow around the pit was slippery, and Spike found himself slipping in.  “Spike!” Swift cried out.  But in a split second decision, Spike tossed the guard to Swift.  “Help him!” he got out, before he tumbled down into the pit below.  For a terrifying minute, Spike’s world was turned into a spinning vortex of snow and ice. His dragon scales trembled as he rapped against cold stone and slid across freezing ice. Eventually, he finally came to a rest at the bottom of a massive cavern, though right on the edge of an even deeper pit.  Scrambling back, Spike glanced back up at the hole he had slid down from. Swift and the guards were nowhere to be seen, but it looked like a simple enough climb back up, as long as he was careful.  However, as Spike started to carefully pick his way back up… something caught the corner of his eye.  He turned, but it seemed to just be his reflection staring back at him. When he moved his limbs, the reflection moved its limbs. When he stuck his tongue out, the reflection stuck its tongue out too.  But… something didn’t feel right. Spike glanced up and around, pretending he was still checking to see if his reflection really was a reflection. The cavern seemed to be a lot wider; too much for an icy wall to be near.  As Spike did a quick spin, he checked his side of the cavern… and froze. It looked different from the side his reflection was on. Which meant… Completing his spin, Spike lunged forward and tackled ‘his reflection’ to the ground. As his doppelganger hit his head, a burst of blue flames nearly threw Spike back. And seconds later, he found himself skidding on the ice… on top of a changeling.  But instead of hissing… the changeling yelped and covered their face.  “Wait, please!” he stammered. “Don’t hurt me!”  Spike froze - he remembered the same look of fear on Starlight when he had last lost control - and in that moment of hesitation, the ice slid him and the changeling off the cliff.  Spike flailed out, a scream escaping his lips as he seemed to plummet towards certain doom… only for his fall to stop.  He looked up, and couldn’t believe what he was seeing: the changeling was holding him aloft. With what had to be herculean strength, the changeling swung Spike back onto the ledge to safety.  Spike scrambled for a foothold, hoisting himself back up and staring at the changeling in shock.  “You… saved me?” he asked.  The changeling buzzed nervously. “The, uh… ice is really slippery. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt because of me.” He looked down. “I’ve hurt enough already.” He started to fly away. Spike stood, careful not to lose his footing again. “Wait! I don’t understand!”  The changeling paused and turned back.  “Everyone up there is terrified the changelings will hurt them,” Spike explained. “But you don’t? Why?”  The changeling considered his question. “I saw what happened. At Canterlot.” He looked up at Spike in awe. “The way you and your friends fought. The way you worked together. The way the elements… chose you.” Spike remembered the way he and the dragons and ponies had each other’s backs. At the time, it had all gone by really fast. But with the way the changeling was watching him, it seemed that it had been quite the spectacle. Even to the enemy.  “I’d never seen true friendship like that,” the changeling continued. “And all my life… I thought that the Hive Mother… the one you know as Chrysalis… I feared that she was leading us the wrong way. Canterlot proved it: we can’t get what we need to survive by constantly manipulating, stealing and harming the ones around us. We need to find another way.” He looked down. “I just… don’t know what that way is yet.”  Spike gazed at the changeling in pity. Yet, as he reached out, the changeling suddenly hissed.  Spike jumped back, nearly losing his footing again, but the changeling helped him stabilize himself, looking horrified at himself.  “Sorry-sorry,” the changeling whimpered. “I’m just… I’m so hungry. And there’s so much love in the Crystal Empire. If there was a way I could convince them to share, I…” He looked down. “Oh, but I can’t do that. No way they’ll understand. Not after everything the Hive Mother did to them.”  Spike sat down and pondered what to do. It was clear this changeling wasn’t like the others.  At least… he better not be, a dark part of Spike thought.  But Spike shook that thought away. For too long, he had been letting darkness and greed control his actions. He had lashed out at Starlight. He had tried to threaten Trixie. He…  Spike winced as he remembered those poor griffons that he thought were working for Starlight.  I have to be better, he thought firmly. I have to be different. No. I have to be who I was before I left for the Dragon Lands. The dragon Twilight knew as her number one assistant.  “Spike!” a voice called.  The changeling winced, but Spike held out a hand. “Wait,” Spike said. “Hide yourself nearby, but don’t run away. I got this.”  The changeling watched Spike nervously as he climbed up higher, reaching the pit he had fallen down just as Swift flew down to join him. “Spike!” Swift stammered, landing next to him. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve come down sooner. I-I just thought we should get that guard you helped to the Empire. A-And then I thought we should get Prince Shining Armor. A-And then…” “It’s okay,” Spike assured him. “It’s okay, man. In fact… things might be better than we thought.”  Swift tilted his head. “What’re you talking about?” Spike glanced at where the changeling was hiding, but forced himself to look at Swift first.  “Do you trust me?”  Swift shivered in his grip. Spike found himself remembering Swift’s advice about not splitting up. “I…” “This is the Spike you met,” Spike reminded him. “The one that protected you alongside Jackknife when your Aunt Hawke wanted to give you away to those slavers. You trusted me then, and we didn’t even know each other that well. Can you trust me now?”  Swift’s chest rose and fell with the beginnings of hyperventilation, but as he gazed into Spike’s green eyes, his breathing stabilized. “Of course,” he said. “You’re my friend. I trust you.”  “Okay.” Spike released him. “Then please, don’t freak out. There’s someone here who wants to meet you; who needs help.”  Swift curiously crept forward… and Spike brought him over to the changeling.  Thankfully, Swift’s words hadn’t been lies. Though his wings flared and he hopped back like a nervous bird, he didn’t take off screaming just yet.  “Listen!” Spike said firmly. “He’s a good guy. He’s…” A wave of guilt washed over Spike; he hadn’t even asked the poor changeling’s name. He turned back to the changeling. “What’s your name?”  The changeling gazed up at them worriedly, having noticed Swift’s terrified expression. “T-Thorax.” He looked down. “It’s okay. I-I can’t believe anyone would want to help me.”  Swift’s feathers drooped in guilt, but Spike managed a small grin.  “You’d be surprised,” Spike admitted. “My name’s Spike.” He indicated Swift. “This is my friend Swift. We helped save the Crystal Empire in the past. The ponies there respect and admire us a lot. Maybe we can convince them to give you a shot.”  Swift winced. “Spike, are you sure? They might just think we’re changelings too. I did warn them not to split off from each other.” He paused and looked up in horror. “I just split off from them. What if…?”  “We have to try,” Spike said, giving Swift a desperate look. “I know it’s risky. I know others might not think of us the same way. But how can we call ourselves brave if we’re not brave enough to help someone who really needs us.” He indicated Thorax, who was still shivering. “This guy’s starving. He needs help.”  Swift gazed sadly at the changeling, and took a deep breath. “Okay,” he said. “But you know we’ve gotta do this smart. After what Shining and Cadence went through…” “You don’t need to remind me of that,” Spike said darkly.  Swift flinched down. “O-Of course. Sorry, sir.”  Spike winced. Even his friends were scared of him.  ‘I’ve got a long way to go,” he realized.  As if to drive the point home, Thorax twitched and his fangs nearly showed again. Swift stepped back nervously.  “Uh, are you sure about this?” Swift asked. “Right!” Spike turned back to Thorax. “First things first; we can’t have you hissing and showing fangs every time someone shows you love or even kindness.”  “Sorry,” Thorax mumbled. “Kindness… like what you’re showing… brings it out.” He groaned. “I’m so hungry…”  “Then let’s see if we can’t try and take care of that before we introduce you,” Spike offered. “How can you feed?”  Swift stepped further back. “Please don’t tell me it’s the way Night Fire claimed.”  Spike and even Thorax gave him a curious look. “How exactly did Night Fire claim they feed?” Spike asked.  “You don’t want to know,” Swift said. “And I’m not just saying that because she said not to share with you. Y’know, cuz, um…” Spike sighed. “Because I’m too young for subjects like that?”  “Sorry,” Swift squeaked.  Thorax sighed. “Well, whoever this ‘Night Fire’ is, she’s ‘hopefully’ got it wrong.” He hesitantly offered his hooves. “Do you really want to know how to help me feed?”  Spike watched his hooves worriedly, the dark warnings of manipulation and trickery running through his head, but he batted them aside and clutched Thorax’s hooves. “Tell me what to do.”  Thorax breathed shallowly. “Think about the person you love. More than anything in the world.”  “Twilight,” came to Spike’s lips before he could stop.  Thorax shifted into her perfectly. Her mane, her eyes, even her voice.  “Concentrate on how she makes you feel,” he said. “Focus.”  Spike breathed, and let his thoughts shine forward. Twilight. His mother. His sister. His boss. His best friend. His only friend.  Any time he had felt lonely and abandoned when she found someone new to interact with, only to be relieved when she assured him he hadn’t been forgotten.  The fear he had felt at imagining horrible things happening to her, followed by the relief of knowing that she was safe and happy.  Diamondback’s scroll, explaining how she was his rider. Someone that he was devoted to.  “She is mine,” Spike found himself thinking. “And I am hers. She is my everything; I would give everything for her.”  “S-Spike?” Swift’s nervous voice jarred Spike back to reality.  A pink glow was swirling around Thorax. His fangs were showing, but not in a malicious way; he was beaming up to the gums.  As the pink glow sunk into him, so did his disguise. And as he opened his eyes, they looked clearer. More alert. And his body looked fuller and less starved.  The two noticed they were still holding hooves/claws and let go.  “So…” Spike asked. “Did it work?”  Thorax buzzed his wings, stretching his fuller limbs. “I-I think,” Thorax said. “I don’t feel as hungry anymore.” He paused and looked at Spike in concern. “A-And you’re okay?” Spike looked down at his limbs. Still muscular and colorful. “I think so,” he said.  Thorax covered his mouth in hope. “So… it worked?” He smiled hopefully. “I-I shared love? I didn’t steal?”  Spike’s own smile started to form. “We’ve got to show this to the others.” He turned back to the exit. “Swift, give me a lift!”  ## The guards were waiting with worry on the edge of the pit. Relief showed on their faces as Swift and Spike returned, though it was cut through with fear as the changeling rose up with them.  “Easy now, everyone, easy,” Spike said, “Thorax here is okay. He’s not gonna hurt anyone.” He looked over at Thorax. “Right?”  Thorax nodded. “I’m safe,” he said. “I understand your fear, but I promise you, I’m completely under control.”  The guards glanced at each other, before Swift chimed in.  “Trust your heroes,” Swift offered. “He’s, uh…” he glanced at Thorax. “Sorry, Thorax,” He turned back to the guards. “He’s under ‘our’ control. We won’t let him hurt you.” When even that got a pause, Swift added, “My aunt tried to sell me to Count Verko. I’m pretty sure no changeling knows that.”  “I trust Sir Swift!” one guard said.  The word quickly spread around, and the guards backed up, allowing Spike and Swift to bring Thorax with them into the Crystal Empire.  Several ponies gasped and backed up at the sight of Thorax, but with Swift and Spike at his side, the ponies seemed content to at least let him pass.  At least until Shining Armor showed up. He gasped at the sight of Thorax.  “Spike!” he shouted. “What are you doing? Get away from that thing!”  “He’s not a thing,” Spike said firmly. “His name is Thorax. He’s a friend.”  “And an ally,” Swift added. “He can help us.”  Shining glared at them both before turning his glare to the guards. “Didn’t you check them?” he asked.  “W-We did, sir,” the guard stammered. “They answered the question…” “I know what Dad said to you when you first met Cadence,” Spike said simply, causing Shining to freeze in place.  “And I can tell you that Cadence’s ring was made of gold with embedded sapphires,” Swift added. “We know both of those things because we’re the real Swift and Spike. And we’re begging you to listen, Prince Shining Armor, because Thorax is not with Chrysalis.”  A collective gasp rang out through the guards, but Thorax hung his head deferentially.  “I understand if you all don’t trust me,” Thorax said. “What Chrysalis did to you was monstrous.” He gazed pleadingly up at Shining. “I never want to put ponies through what she forced me and my siblings to do. Ever again.” He looked to Spike with hope. “Spike showed me that it’s possible to share love, instead of stealing it. If I can learn how to do this with others… I’m hoping that maybe I can teach the changelings how to share as well. Then we’d never have to steal from others again.”  Shining’s gaze was shocked, like Thorax had just done a tango in front of him. Further behind him, Cadence had her hoof over her mouth in awe. But she slowly lowered it, her eyes beaming with pride. She stepped past her husband and offered her hoof to him.  “Then,” she said. “On behalf of the Crystal Empire, I would like to extend my hoof in friendship. And I’m sure all of my subjects can do the same.”  Shining still looked nervous, but he cleared his throat, and offered his own hoof to Thorax.  “I…” he said.  But Thorax shook his head. “Please, no apologies are needed.” He looked to Spike again. “Just gratitude.” He turned to Spike and bowed to him. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me this chance.”  “To Spike the Brave!” one guard cheered.  “To Swift the Glorious,” another cheered.  A round of applause rang through the empire, before Spike and Swift managed to take their lead.  “Well,” Swift noted with a laugh. “What’d you know? Another false alarm. Thorax wasn’t as bad as we thought he’d be.”  Spike held himself up. “Because we were willing to give him a chance.” He looked back towards Ponyville. “Something I wasn’t willing to do at first with Starlight.”  “To be fair,” Swift noted. “She did some pretty nasty stuff.”  “Yeah,” Spike said. “But if Thorax can change… so can she.”  Swift blinked in shock. “I didn’t think I’d hear you say that.”  Spike felt himself beaming. “If you had met me back before I journeyed to the Dragon Lands,” he claimed. “You would’ve believed it.”  He headed back for Ponyville with a new spring in his step.  It felt like he was going back to being himself again.  Back to being the dragon he wanted to be. > Episode 47: Of Discord and Dragons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Spike,” Twilight said with an air of finality. “You need a break.”  Spike paused, having been poring over the Cutie Map. “What d’you mean?”  Twilight indicated the Crystal Empire. “You thought that the Crystal Empire was under attack, but it was just a friendly changeling. You thought Starlight was going to take over the town, and she hasn’t. You thought Trixie was up to no good…” “And to be fair, you thought that too,” Spike pointed out.  “Not the point,” Twilight insisted. “The point is, you’re running yourself ragged. You’re seeing threats everywhere… and I feel it’s because you haven’t had the chance to properly relax.”  Spike chuckled. “You remember those times when we were younger, and I was the one telling you to relax?”  Twilight smiled fondly at the memory. “At the time, I hated the idea. But… you were right. But now, you need to follow your own advice.” She drew closer. “You remember that game you and Shining loved so much? Ogres and Oubliettes?”  Spike couldn’t help but look up wistfully. Sending his wizard character Garbunkle on quests and adventures… “Those were good times,” he admitted.  Twilight’s grin widened. “I’m glad you think that,” she noted. “Because, I did some asking around, and wouldn’t you know it? Big Mac loves playing that game too.”  Spike’s eyes widened. “Big Mac’s a role player?”  Twilight nodded. “So are Star Wing and Jackknife. And…” she paused before adding. “And Discord.”  Spike’s smile faded. “Wait, so… you want us to do a… ‘guys’ night’ with Discord?”  “Consider it a… business part of the vacation,” Twilight replied. “Last time, Discord turned on us for Tirek because Fluttershy was pretty much his only friend. I’ve tried to connect with him, but… he’s not exactly…”  “He’s not your type, right?” Spike asked.  Twilight grimaced. “You make it sound almost romantic. Don’t make it sound like that.”  “Sorry.”  Twilight cleared her throat. “Anyway… I’m hoping that he might find some common ground with you and Big Mac.”  Spike chuckled again. “So, you want me to relax, and yet you also want me to keep an eye on Discord.”  “Please?” Twilight gave him puppy mare eyes. “I’d be really grateful.”  Spike sighed, but grinned. “You’re cheating… but it’s working. Alright.”  Twilight grinned brightly. “Thanks.” She turned back to her room. “I’ve still got some packing to do: my friends and I are going on a goodwill trip to Yakyakistan, so it’ll just be you guys for the night.” She smiled back at him. “I know you won’t let me down.”  Spike saluted. “You can count on me, Twi.” Though he let his smile drop as soon as her back was turned.  ## If Spike was being honest with himself, he didn’t really know what to think of Discord. His only real interaction with the guy had been seeing him regret siding with Tirek and giving Twilight what she needed to help Star Wing defeat Tirek. Ever since then, he hadn’t really kept tabs on the spirit of chaos.  Briefly, a surge of guilt raced through him. Should I have been watching him? I know the Princesses took his magic, but they also said he could earn it back if he kept doing good deeds. What if, when he thinks he can get away with it… A further stab of guilt forced the dark thoughts down. I can’t keep seeing everyone as potential enemies. Twilight raised me better than that. I have to stop being angry and paranoid all the time.  With those thoughts strengthening him, he was able to see Twilight and her friends off at the train station, before turning his attention to the draconequus, who watched the train - with Fluttershy - roll off over the horizon. He didn’t stop waving until the train was long gone and out of their sight. Even then, he kept his back to Spike and Mac, Mac himself further back and scraping his hooves across the ground with a hum.  For a moment, there was silence between the three guys. Then, a voice spoke out.  “Brr!” Star Wing dropped down on top of Spike, her wings fluttering so she could stand gently on his head. “Did winter come early or something? The reception here’s frostier than the Frozen North!” She hopped off Spike and skipped over to Discord. “Hey, Discord! How goes the program?”  “Program?” Discord summoned a magazine and gazed at it. “Oh, wonderful! A fascinating article right here.”  Star snatched it and perused it herself. “Oh, yes, very interesting,” she noted, before gasping. “It says here you’re up to 80 good deeds. Almost there to getting back some of your power.”  Discord chortled. “Well, helping out around Fluttershy’s cottage and helping the children with their projects can build up over time.”  “Sounds like you’ve been busy,” Star Wing agreed. “Need a place to unwind?” She sauntered back towards Mac, passing Spike with a coy grin. “I’ve got quite the evening planned~” She stopped by Spike. “And keep that mind of yours out of the gutter! I’ve told you before…” “I’m too young for certain things,” Spike grumbled in a monotone. “I’ve heard.” “Luckily for you,” Star said, “What I’ve got is family friendly and fun for all ages!” She spun in the air. “Reckless revelry, daring dances…”  “Fedoras?” Discord asked curiously. Star flashed her own horn and a fedora and jacket appeared on Discord’s body. “Only the finest of fedoras!” she declared happily. “Right, Mac?”  “Yup,” Mac replied with a small grin.  Discord hummed, glancing at Spike, who shrugged. “That does sound fun, actually…” he sighed and stretched. “Alright, you’ve convinced me! Tonight will be the best night of your lives, and not just because you get to bask in my greatness.”  Star zipped over. “Easy, buddy, I said family friendly!”  “That was family friendly!” Discord teased. “Now whose mind is in the gutter?”  Star’s horn flashed and balanced a trash can on her head. She glanced up like it totally wasn’t there before humming. “Touche, Sir Discord, Touche! You’ve won this round!” She teleported the trash can away. “See you all tonight! Twilight’s library. The fun starts at sundown!”  “Technically, the fun starts when I arrive,” Discord replied. “But I’ll make sure it’s around sunset.”  Star laughed. “Oh, I love that song!” she said, walking off and shaking her flanks as she recited said song to herself. “Party don’t start till I walk in…”  Spike sighed. “Well, this is going to be interesting.”  ## That night at sundown, Spike entered Twilight’s library… to find Star had completely changed things up. Back when Spike was younger, he and Shining Armor had played Ogres and Oubliettes with dice and paper.  But now, Star Wing had created a small medieval field, complete with small statues of the various creatures that Spike remembered encountering.  Big Mac and Discord were already there, but they had been changed into costumes; Big Mac was dressed like a viking, with iron armor and a massive broadsword, while Discord was garbed in a green robe and white wig, wielding a bow and arrow.  “Welcome, Sir Spike!” Star declared, herself dressed in a hooded assassin’s robe that barely hid a belt and two bandoliers weighed down with an inordinate amount of throwing knives. “Or should I say… er…” she paused. “I don’t suppose you already have an avatar in mind, do you?”  Spike sheepishly pulled out a foldied bit of parchment that had been worn and crinkled by age. “Well…” he said. “When I was younger, I played this. I had this wizard character… Garbunkle.”  Star immediately shot over and seized the parchment. Giving it a quick readover, she declared, “Excellent,” and waved her horn once more.  In a flash of light, Spike found himself dressed in magician robes, with a pointed wizard hat and beard covering his face. A staff with a green gem was clutched in his claws, and black combat boots covered his back claws.  Spike stared down in awe. “This… it’s exactly like how I imagined Garbunkle.”  Star was still checking his stats. “Oh, level 30 with skill points in Intellect and Perception? Very nice.” She spun. “Well, Sir Garbunkle, welcome to Spiketopia, a world where evil reigns supreme, but a small band of warriors must stand tall against the darkness!”  Spike couldn’t help but chuckle. “Just like old times,” he mused. “So, who am I working with?”  Star indicated Big Mac. “This is Sir McBiggen, a Level 27 Black Knight unicorn from castle Chadwick.”  Big Mac stood tall. “When my king aligned himself with the evil Squizard, I would not besmirch my honor!”  Star turned to Discord. “Discord’s better known as Captain Wuzz is a Level Ten Archer, and you have the pleasure of speaking with Nyxeris of House Whinny-Fred, a Level 30 assassin rogue and the bane of all thieves and bandits that prey upon the innocent of Survivor’s Way.”  Spike glanced around the field again. “So… how is this going to work? Normally, we roll the dice and…”  “Oh, we get the chance for that,” Star (or rather, Nyxeris) replied. “Observe!”  On cue, several of the statues came to life, marching on the group.  “Stand and deliver!” one of the statues declared. “You risk the wrath of the mighty Squizard! Lay down your arms and surrender, and the Squizard might show mercy.”  “Alright, Garbunkle,” Nyxeris said. “You just joined us, so you get the first choice. What do we go for?”  Spike checked his list of spells, and experimentally fired one of his flame spells. As he did so, he saw a faint outline of a dice rolling with his spell.  Unfortunately, as the flames struck, the number ‘3’ blazed bright, and the statue only stumbled a foot or two before glaring.  “Death it is!” the statue declared, before running forward and swiping at Spike with a sword.  Spike/Garbunkle yelped and held up his staff. But as the statue’s sword struck his staff, a ‘10’ flashed through the air, and Spike just barely managed to deflect his blow.  He wasn’t as luck as the second guard ran up to him. As a red ‘1’ shone bright against his staff, it was knocked from his grip and he gasped as the sword ran down his arm, leaving a nasty cut.  Yet… Spike didn’t feel any pain. Though the cut looked like it should’ve been agony, all he felt was a twinge of annoyance that his first enemies had done so much damage.  “Don’t worry,” Star/Nyxeris assured him. “I’m looking for us to have fun, not get horrible maimed. Speaking of which… HAVE AT THEE!” She withdrew two of her throwing knives and launched them. With a ‘10’ and a ‘5’, she nailed the statue in the throat, and sent it stumbling backward.  At the same time, Discord/Captain Wuzz then fired off an arrow. With a perfect ‘20’, it landed right between the eyes of the second statue, and the statue broke apart into stone.  Spike couldn’t help but grin. “Thanks, Captain.”  Discord chortled. “I don’t suppose that could count as my 81st good deed, could it? Covering for my friends in a fight?”  ‘Friends?’ Spike pondered the term. Discord did seem to be a lot more friendlier than he remembered. Maybe… Star’s laughter cut Spike off from his thoughts. “A little hard to consider it a ‘good’ deed, considering we’re not in any ‘real’ danger. This is just for fun. Don’t worry about your program.”  Spike resisted flinching. This was it. This was where Discord promptly started causing as much trouble as possible.  Spike remembered Shining complaining about players like that. Players who just proceeded to hurt, destroy or overall cause trouble to the game environment.  Spike bit back a sigh as the group continued onward. “This is probably going to be a long session.” ## But, as it turned out, it wasn’t.  Though Discord did look disappointed about how this wouldn’t affect his good deed rating, he still contributed to the team’s efforts. More than once, his arrows were the difference between Spike’s character Garbunkle living or being knocked out of the game early.  And as the adventure continued, Spike marveled at how Discord had changed. Gone was the malicious trickster that had turned the Mane Six into cruel discount versions of themselves and turned them over to Tirek. In his place was a snarky but honestly funny companion - one who had a quip ready for any situation, usually accompanied by an arrow to anything that was threatening them.  As they battled their way to Princess Shmarity, Spike couldn’t help but think, if this was a real adventure with actual stakes… he wouldn’t mind having Discord as a companion. In fact, he could see what Celestia had been thinking about releasing him. He did incredibly as Captain Wuzz. One could only imagine what he would be like in an actual fight. > Episode 48: Fall of the Mighty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Starlight’s doing pretty well, don’t you think?” Phoenix’s voice jarred Spike out of his thoughts.  “Huh?” Spike turned his attention away from the class, where Twilight - assisted by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo - was making a presentation for the students of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.  Phoenix glanced at the three fillies with a knowing look. “You miss being Twilight’s only assistant?”  Spike blushed. “I mean… kinda.” He glanced at the three fillies as Sweetie eagerly handed Twilight some notes. “But after the help they gave Twilight while I was off with you guys… it doesn’t seem fair to just kick them to the curb.”  Phoenix hummed. “I remember you telling me about the last time you dealt with this; when Twilight adopted that owl. Owl-oh… Owl-delicious?”  “Owlowiscious,” Spike clarified.  “That’s way too complicated of a name,” Phoenix grumbled.  Spike shrugged with a grin. “Hey, I didn’t pick it.” He grinned as he continued to watch the presentation. “But yeah; he and I got an understanding, and I think I got the same thing with the fillies. Besides,” he added with a smile, nudging Phoenix. “If they weren’t helping Twilight, I wouldn’t be able to hang out with you guys.”  Phoenix chuckled. “If you can call it hanging out.” She glanced at the door, where Diamondback could be seen conversing with what looked like several members of the School’s board of directors. “Diamondback off networking, Swift exchanging notes on changelings with the guards, Night Fire off to see her girlfriend at the Dragon Lands, and Jackknife doing who-knows-what with Rainbow Dash…” Phoenix chuckled. “Honestly, at this rate, Starlight might be at our level with friendship lessons.” Her eyes brightened. “She’s doing good, don’t you think?”  Spike found himself nodding as Twilight finished her presentation and the Crusaders began helping her pack up her things. “Yeah. Took her some time, but considering how she did with Trixie, I’d say she’s figuring it out.” He grimaced. “I am a little worried about Twilight giving her friendship assignments while we’re gone. Friendship’s not exactly something that can be taught like a school project.”  Phoenix chuckled. “You sound like DB and her Diamond Dogs.” She adopted a posh accent. “‘That’s where you went wrong, Phi-Phi darling. When you try to force someone to do something, it will only end in disaster. You have to make them ‘want’ to do what you want.”  “But Starlight does want to do these assignments,” Twilight noted, having joined them with the Crusaders in tow. “She wants to be better.” “Yeah, but she also wants to be told that she’s doing better,” Spike added, walking in sync with Twilight as Phoenix and the Crusaders scrambled to keep up with them, Phoenix having been startled by Twilight’s arrival. “I should know; half the time, I was able to keep up with you because I wanted to know I was impressing you.”  “Ha,” Apple Bloom chuckled. “Just like when I was little and wanted to impress Applejack.”  “But aren’t Spike and Twilight more mother and son?” Scootaloo asked.  “I thought they were more brother and sister,” Sweetie Belle admitted.  “They can be both,” Apple Bloom replied. “I know Applejack was both kinda a mom and kinda a sister to me growing up.”  “And either way,” Spike said, “Nothing’s worse to us than finding out we disappointed someone important in our lives.” Spike nodded at Twilight. “Someone like you.”  Twilight blushed. “You’re too kind. But Starlight has been making exceptional progress. I doubt she could do anything to really disappoint me now.”  It was almost funny how quickly Jackknife appeared, his face screaming, ‘trouble.’  “Jack?” Spike asked, stepping forward. “What’s going on?” “You guys need to get back to Ponyville now!” Jackknife barked.  “What’s wrong?” Phoenix asked.  Jackknife glared at her. “It’s Starlight.”  ## Spike had never seen Phoenix so angry before.  It was one thing to come home and find Twilight’s library covered in spiders. It was another to find most of the ovens at Sugarcube Corner on fire. But the thing that seemed to horrify and infuriate Phoenix the most was Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy all standing in the middle of the wreckage, with glazed, hypnotized eyes and the air of Starlight’s magic all over them.  For the most part, Phoenix kept her temper in check as she, Jackknife, Spike and Twilight worked together to get the library cleaned.  But when it came time to talk to Starlight, who was sitting worried and ashamed in a couch on Twilight’s study…  Twilight sighed. “Alright, we got the castle cleaned, and I managed to untangle that mess of a spell. It was really powerful stuff; they’re going to be feeling ‘that’ in the morning.” She gave Starlight a stern look. “So, please, try to explain to me how in the name of Celestia things got ‘this’ out of control.”  Starlight looked up at them in fear. “Well, it was the first time I cast that particular spell, and I didn’t fully think it through. I-I bet if I reversed…” “REVERSED?” Phoenix boomed, making everyone jump. “YOU PUT A MIND CONTROL SPELL ON FIVE GOOD PONIES! YOU PRACTICALLY ERASED THEIR FREE WILL AND TURNED THEM INTO YOUR SLAVES! AND NOW YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT ‘REVERSING’ SOME PROCESS LIKE YOU CAN DO ‘BETTER?!?!”  Starlight shrunk down, her eyes wide with fear and her hooves already prepared to block any punches aimed at her face. “W-Well…” she squeaked. “When you put it that way… it sounds pretty bad…”  “IT IS PRETTY BAD!” Phoenix shouted, causing Spike to dive in front of her on instinct. “ENSLAVING ANYONE - ANYONE - IS A VERY BAD IDEA!” She shoved Spike aside and thrust her scarred arm into Starlight’s vision. “DO YOU SEE THESE SCARS? DO YOU THINK I GOT THESE FROM RUNNING WITH SCISSORS?!”  “Phoenix, calm down!” Twilight pleaded. “She made a mistake, she’s…” “THIS IS NOT JUST A ‘MISTAKE’, SPARKLE!” Phoenix roared, whirling on Twilight. “THIS IS INTOLERABLE! WHAT IF YOU HADN’T MANAGED TO UNTANGLE THAT SPELL? WHAT IF YOUR FRIENDS WERE RENDERED BRAIN-DEAD BY HER ACTIONS?!” “PHOENIX!” Spike roared, flames bursting around him. “This isn’t you with the Diamond Dogs, okay? Calm down!”  But as Phoenix whirled on him, Spike suddenly wished he could shrink back down to his smaller hatchling form.  “IT DOESN’T MATTER IF IT’S DIAMOND DOGS OR PONIES; YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OTHERS LIKE THAT!” Phoenix screamed, and Spike blinked as he saw tears in her eyes. “YOU… you’re not!”  Phoenix looked down, the fight ebbing out of her. But as Starlight hid behind the couch, her gaze became more sorrowful.  “P-Phoenix,” she whimpered, reaching out for her friend. “I-I forgot…”  Phoenix turned away from her. “I really wanted to believe you were different, Starlight,” she whispered. “I really did.” She turned to Twilight. “Take her magic.”  Twilight blinked. “But…” “Do it!”  Spike didn’t give Twilight time to argue. Finding the horn ring that had allowed them to drain magic, Spike once again drained Starlight’s unicorn magic, popping it out into a gem and handing it to Phoenix.  Phoenix gazed at the gem before giving Starlight one final look of betrayal. Then she stormed out.  Starlight lowered her head, tears dripping from her eyes.  Twilight hesitantly went to her. “Starlight, I…” she sighed. “I don’t understand. How could a friendship lesson turn into all this?”  Starlight covered her face. “I was avoiding it,” she whispered.  “Why?”  “I can cast complex spells,” Starlight sobbed. “But… baking with Pinkie freaked me out.” She choked on a sob.  “Baking with Pinkie freaked you out?” Spike asked.  “I know,” Starlight sobbed. “Ridiculous, isn’t it? It’s why I didn’t want to say anything. I thought if I was bad at it, I’d just be a disappointment to everyone. So, I hoped I could just keep wowing you both with magical abilities, and you wouldn’t notice.” She felt her horn. “But now I don’t even have my magic… and I don’t even have Phoenix anymore!” she broke down into heartbroken sobs.  Twilight hesitated for a moment, before pulling Starlight into a hug. “Starlight, no pony would care if you can bake a cake or not.”  Starlight sniffled. “B-But the lesson…”  “Was to get to know Pinkie a little better,” Twilight said gently. “By doing something she loves. It was a friendship lesson, not a baking lesson.”  Starlight stared up at Twilight in despair. “And because I missed the whole point… Phoenix now hates me.” Spike and Twilight shared a glance.  “Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Spike noted, turning to the door. “At least… not yet.” ## He found Phoenix in the mountain where the Mane Six had once had to wake a slumbering dragon. She sat in the cave where the dragon had rested, turning the gem containing Starlight’s magic over and over in her talons.  “Phoenix?” Spike asked.  “You don’t take advantage of others,” Phoenix repeated, in a choked, hoarse voice that implied Starlight hadn’t been the only one crying. “You don’t.”  “Phoenix,” Spike said gently. “Starlight knows now. She made a…” “It’s not just a mistake!” Phoenix snapped, rising up so she towered over Spike. “Applejack and the others could’ve gotten seriously hurt. Even then… they were slaves.” Phoenix looked down at her own talons. “Y-You don’t take slaves. Not anymore. Not here!”  “I know,” Spike assured her. “Please, believe me, I know.” He touched her talons. “She won’t ever do it again. I promise.”  Phoenix stared down at her claws. “You knew she was capable of it, though. Didn’t you?” She stared down at Spike, tears clouding her dull pink eyes. “I didn’t want to see it. I wanted to believe… that if she could do better…”  “That you could do better as well?”  Phoenix lowered her head and nodded.  “Phoenix,” Spike resisted the urge to laugh. “You’ve done so much more good than bad. You helped save Canterlot from the changelings. You helped save Seaquestria from the Storm King. You even helped save those humans in another world.”  “Then why does it never feel like it’s enough?” Phoenix asked, pulling her talons away. “Every night, I see them in my mind: the dogs I enslaved. The dogs I abused.” She pushed at her eyes, as if trying to reach into her brain. “They tell me I’m wasting my time. That I can never be good. That I’ll always be a monster.” She lowered her talons, letting them slump down onto her scarred belly. “And no matter how much good I do… they never go quiet.” She looked up at him. “Can we ever escape the sins of our pasts?”  Spike hesitated. It pained him to see his friend suffering.  But what could he say? What words could comfort someone that was so tortured by themselves?  As it turned out, he was given some time to ponder it. For as he looked away, trying to find the words, he spotted a familiar green dragon limping his way towards Ponyville.  “Astral?” Spike asked, drawing Phoenix’s attention.  But both of them stared in horror as they beheld Astral’s appearance: his scales were scuffed, several having been ripped out. Cuts oozed red blood, and he held his chest as if ribs had been broken.  Worse still, on his chest was a familiar X; the scars of someone attacked by Shade Fang.  “Astral!” Spike yelled, racing down alongside Phoenix to the green dragon’s side. “What happened?”  To Spike’s shock, Astral drew his sword and pointed it at the two, even though the action made him groan and hold his injuries. Despite the pain he was in, his voice remained strong and defiant.  “Stop right there, both of you,” he growled. “How do I know you aren’t those love-sucking parasite changelings?” He shook his sword at them. “Tell me something only we know.”  Spike didn’t hesitate. “The inside of the cells in the Dragon Kingdom…” “Hang on a second,” Phoenix said. “How do we know ‘he’s’ not a changeling?”  “Before Aurora and I left,” Astral replied, “I mentioned how O&O sounded like fun, and I would bring snacks next time.” Astral braced himself with his sword. “Now you. What were the colors inside the cell of the Dragon Kingdom.”  Spike glanced at Phoenix, but the elder dragon nodded. “Dark gray with hints of green from moss.” As Astral relaxed, Spike chanced a step forward. “Now, what happened?”  Astral gazed up at them, his anger briefly giving way to despair. “The Dragon Kingdom has fallen.”  Phoenix backed up, clutching her heart, while Spike blinked as if he had been slapped. “W-What?”  “It was Shade,” Astral snarled angrily. “He allied himself with the changelings. Snuck them in, replaced the guards… that had taken over before anyone knew what happened.” He grimaced and leaned on his sword. “Aurora and I… we helped as much as we could. Even Night Fire showed up to help; guess she was coming back from the Dragon Lands. But while Shade and I were fighting…” he shook his head. “The Changelings got the Artherium Crystal that keeps the kingdom in the sky.”  Phoenix looked behind him, but there was no sign of Aurora. “Aurora…?” Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “Night?”  Astral winced, but not from the pain of his injuries. “Shade grabbed her with some kind of tendril made of dark magic. Night Fire tried to help her, but the changelings jumped her. Before I could go after… I found myself on the outskirts of the ruins of the Kingdom.” He seethed. “And I swear, once I find that…” He winced again, but stood tall, his eyes flashing red. “If he’s hurt even one scale on Aurora, I will make him rue the day he decided to seek power for his own greed.”  Spike stepped closer. “Easy, brother,” he said. “Getting angry isn’t going to help her.”  Astral blinked, his eyes changing back as he shook off whatever had possessed him. “Yeah, I know. Sorry. I just get… so mad my eyes change.” He looked away. “Stupid dream…” he muttered. “Dream?” Phoenix asked.  “Nothing,” Astral waved aside the question. “We’ve got to get back to Ponyville ASAP. The changelings had replaced the Dragon Kingdom’s higher ups ages ago. They may be trying to replace your friends right now.”  Phoenix and Spike looked to each other. “We have to tell the Princesses,” Phoenix said. “We have to tell Twilight!” Spike said. “Astral’s right; she’s on her own out there!”  ## But even as the dragons raced to Ponyville, they had no idea they were too late.  For Starlight was watching from a closet with horrified eyes as Twilight was dragged away into the shadows, one changeling staying behind, and assuming her form with a very un-Twilight glare. > Episode 49: Invasion of the Pony Snatchers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They arrived just in time to hear Jackknife’s last roars.  “YOU SNEAKING, THIEVING LITTLE…!” echoed defiantly over the moonlit forests, before a flash of green light lit up the west end of Ponyville, and the sea serpent went silent.  The group cautiously made their way towards the source of the noise, before seeing the wreckage. Someone - most likely Jackknife - had put up an incredible fight. Several buildings lay in ruins, and there was a massive hole through the bottom of Rainbow’s house.  But Jackknife was nowhere to be seen.  Worse still, the ponies who were rapidly repairing the houses kept glaring around with very un-ponylike snarls. “Hurry it up, c’mon, hurry!” Rainbow Dash was snarling, without a hint of her former confidence. “Leave no evidence!” She looked to three more pegasi, one of whom Spike recognized as the mail mare Ditzy, though she wasn’t looking too ditzy now. And her mismatched eyes were now perfectly aligned. “You three, do another sweep of this place. There could be others hiding about. I’ve got to confer with the Queen.”  Spike, Phoenix and Astral glanced at each other.  “Queen?” Phoenix mouthed.  “I don’t think she’s talking about Twilight,” Spike whispered, motioning for the others to follow. “C’mon.”  “I just hope we’re not too late,” Astral whispered as they followed the cyan pegasus.  Together, the three dragons followed ‘Rainbow Dash’ back to Twilight’s library. By his side, Spike could feel Phoenix shuddering, and he couldn’t blame her.  Jackknife was down. And according to Astral, Night Fire had been taken too. Spike had no idea how Canterlot was holding up, but Diamondback and Swift were down there as well.  Phoenix was the only help he had; they were the only two Dragon Elements of Harmony left. Was it even possible for only Magic and Honesty to summon the necessary magic?  Spike was broken out of his thoughts as he leaped for the bushes outside the tree… and collided with something furry.  “OW…”  Spike quickly muffled the body before it could yelp, finding himself gripping Trixie.  “Trixie?” Phoenix hissed. “What are you…” Spike hushed her, before glaring down at Trixie. “What did you say to me when I was suspicious of you?” Trixie grimaced. “That being violent may be in a dragon’s genes.” She glared at him. “Was I wrong? Or do you remember what you did to Starlight?”  Spike sighed, and released her. “I attacked her,” he admitted. “And ended up causing a timeline where ponies and dragons were at war.”  “Okay, we know she’s not a changeling,” Phoenix hissed. “So maybe we can get around to the question of what she’s doing here?”  Trixie wrenched Spike’s hand off her mouth, before all four of them went silent, watching Rainbow Dash as she marched into the library.  Trixie tossed her mane and tried for a winning grin. “The Great and Powerful Trixie was blessed by a vision from Princess Luna herself. She warned Trixie of a great evil in Ponyville.” Here, her voice softened. “One that’s threatening Starlight…”  Spike’s heart leaped into his throat. Had Luna warned them because Canterlot had been attacked? He thought of Swift and Diamondback, and ice settled over his soul.  Phoenix winced too. “I-Is she okay?”  It took Spike a minute to realize she was talking about Starlight. “Trixie doesn’t know,” Trixie admitted. “Trixie just got here.”  Spike covered their mouths as he heard energy crackling from inside the library. “And let’s make sure that we get to leave.”  “Then let’s hurry,” Astral said, finding an open window. “We don’t know if Starlight has been captured or not.”  “Then let’s find out,” Phoenix growled softly.  Carefully, the four looked into the window.  Rainbow Dash joined the rest of the Mane Six as they grouped around the library table. There, some sort of strange obsidian gem was powering up with green energy.  “Is it ready?” Twilight demanded.  “Just one more,” Applejack replied, before hitting the gem.  Energy crackled, and a smoky gray and green blob formed into a holographic image of… Phoenix covered Trixie’s mouth before she could gasp.  “Queen Chrysalis?” Spike struggled to keep from shouting. “Why would they call her?” Astral whispered in confusion. “And since when could the map use communication functions.”  “I think they’re using something else; they’re just setting it on the map,” Phoenix clarified, before Trixie hushed them both.  “Ugh,” the changeling queen groaned. “I can’t take any of you seriously when you look like that.”  “Huh?” Twilight looked down at her form before chuckling. “Oh. Right.”  Spike’s heart throbbed as Twilight was covered in green flames, as were the rest of the Mane Six. In seconds, six changelings stood in their places.  Spike lowered his head. Ponyville was truly taken by the changelings.  “Much better,” Chrysalis sneered. “Now report!”  “Everything here is going according to plan,” the changeling that used to be Twilight replied. “We’ve replaced the Pony Elements of Harmony and taken control of the castle.”  “Library,” the changeling that used to be Pinkie noted. “It… it’s still a library.”  The changeling that used to be Rarity scoffed. “Some princess if she still wants to live in a tree.”  “What about the Dragon Elements?” Chrysalis demanded.  “We’ve secured the Dragon Element of Loyalty,” the changeling that used to be Rainbow said. “No sign of the Dragon Elements of Magic or Honesty, though.”  “Keep looking for them,” the Queen growled. “The Dragon Element of Joy has been secured along with the Dragon Kingdom, and I’ve received word that the Dragon Elements of Generosity and Kindness were taken along with the princesses from Canterlot. We MUST make sure that we aren’t blindsided by more of the ponies’ pets again if we hope to keep control of Equestria this time.”  “Don’t worry, my Queen,” the changeling that used to be Twilight boasted. “The Dragon Element of Magic is nothing but a princess’ pet.”  “And Honesty’s nothing more than a scarred wreck of a lizard,” the changeling that used to be Applejack boasted. “They are no match for us.”  “And since the Dragon Element of Joy was considered quite the ‘treasure’ for the new Dragon Lord,” the changeling that used to be Pinkie Pie noted, “We’ll be able to use her to take over the Dragon Lands too.” “And with all the most beloved ponies of Equestria taken care of,” Chrysalis noted with glee, “No one can stop us!”  The changelings laughed maliciously, while Spike slowly lowered himself down with horror.  Canterlot had fallen. Diamondback. Swift. Jackknife. Night Fire. All of them were prisoners, if not worse.  He looked to his friends: Trixie, for once losing her boastful energy and now quivering in terror. Phoenix, looking down in despair. Astral was wide eyed, his eyes flickering between red and his normal light blue as he struggled to hold back his rage.  They weren’t much, but they were all Spike had to work with. He had to figure out a way to stop this madness.  Suddenly, a creak sounded from inside, causing the changelings to hiss.  For a terrifying moment, Spike thought their cover was blown. But as he poked his head inside, he saw the changelings - back into their cover as the Mane Six - instead advancing on a closet door.  The fake Twilight ripped the door open, glaring inside at Starlight as she whimpered in fear. Spike remembered Phoenix taking her magic; she had no defense. Trixie gasped. “STARLIGHT, NO!”  The changelings spun, hissing as they beheld the group.  “Looks like stealth is out of the question,” Spike growled, before leaping through the window and unleashing a blast of fire.  Astral flew over Spike’s fire, drawing his swords and clashing with the fake Fluttershy, who used a pair of daggers to keep from being sliced to ribbons. Phoenix followed, charging the table and overturning it, shattering the communication gem and flattening the fake Rainbow Dash and Applejack.  Even Trixie got in on the action, summoning several fireworks and setting the fake Pinkie’s mane on fire.  Unfortunately, when Spike chanced a glance out the window, he saw several ponies charging flat out towards the library. And considering they were being led by the straight-eyed Ditzy and what had to be a fake Jackknife, he got the sense they weren’t coming to help them.  “We need to get out of here!” Spike yelled. “Phoenix, do you still have Starlight’s magic?”  Phoenix was focused on keeping fake Rainbow and Applejack down, but she managed to withdraw the gem containing Starlight’s magic from one of her scales.  Unfortunately, as she tossed it to Starlight, the fake Twilight blasted it aside.  “I don’t think so,” the fake Twilight said with a malicious grin, that was cut short as Starlight screamed in fury and kicked her in the jaw.  Though as the fake princess went down, Starlight hopped on one hoof, clutching the one she had kicked in pain.  “Ow-ow-ow, how do you make it look so easy?” Starlight demanded.  “No time to explain,” Phoenix said, turning and coughing out a fireball as the first of the changeling reinforcements burst through, one of them snatching away Starlight’s magic gem. “Trixie, can you pull off a teleportation spell?”  Trixie winced. “I-I think so.”  Spike blasted fire at the changelings while Phoenix flung her table at them, but they were starting to push through. Astral lunged forward to intercept them, but his attacks only kept them back briefly.  “Do it!” Spike yelled.  Yelping in fear, Trixie cast her spell on Starlight first. With an explosion of smoke, Starlight vanished.  “W-Where’d she go?” Spike asked.  “A magician never reveals her secrets!” Trixie snapped, poofing Phoenix away with a burst of fireworks. “Especially with evil changelings busting down the door.” Indeed, without Phoenix, the changelings were starting to get the better of Astral. Though he had managed to grab Starlight’s magic gem and produce a shield from it, the changelings cracked the shield further and further as the green dragon struggled to maintain the shield and fight off his adversaries at the same time. Spike tried to support him with flames, but then he felt Trixie’s spell envelop him.  As he was cast into a void of magic, Spike sent out a quick prayer. “Please don’t let me be caught in some magic stage trick?”  ## With a burst of fireworks, Spike found himself stuffed into a top hat.  Wrenching his face free of the headwear, Spike found himself at Trixie’s caravan. Starlight was struggling to open some sort of box, inside of which Spike could hear Phoenix pounding on the door.  Tossing the top hat aside, Spike wrenched the box open, allowing a gasping Phoenix to tumble out onto the grass.  For a moment, the three just focused on catching their breath.  “P-Phoenix,” Starlight whimpered. “I…” Phoenix waved her off. “Don’t… it’s… I…”  The two of them glanced at each other and then away, both looking ashamed and uncertain. But before they or Spike could find something to say, Trixie appeared in a blast of smoke, shivering all over with tears in her eyes.  “Trixie!” Starlight yelped, running to her friend’s side.  But Phoenix and Spike noticed something horrible. “Where’s Astral?”  Trixie shook her head. “I… without your fire, he…” she shivered and brought out Starlight’s magic gem, solemnly handing it over to the unicorn mare.  Spike felt like the world was being swept out from under him. “You left him behind?!”  “There were too many on him!” Trixie shrieked back, all of her bravado gone. “H-He tossed me the gem and told me to go. A-And I can’t deal with any of this! I’m just a performer! This is princess-level stuff!” She indicated Spike. “Y-Your kind of stuff!”  Phoenix seethed. “Yeah, well in case you didn’t hear that report, two thirds of our crew are changeling food!” she snapped. “I got no idea how we’re supposed to fix this!”  Trixie managed a hollow chuckle through her sobs. “Then that’s it, isn’t it?” she whimpered. “We’re doomed. We’re doomed! Nice knowing you everyone!” She paused, glancing at Spike. “Well, not you! You were a jerk!”  Spike’s jaw dropped. “You were a jerk too!”  Trixie immediately flinched back. “Wait, don’t hit me!”  “Please don’t hit her!” Starlight begged, jumping between them, “We don’t want the changelings to win, we swear!”  Spike stepped back, his heart throbbing in hurt, before Phoenix hesitantly stepped up, flinching at the fearful look Starlight gave her.  “Okay! Okay…” Phoenix said, pulling Spike back. “We’re backing off. It’s bad enough the changelings have everyone; we don’t need to fight amongst ourselves.  Trixie and Starlight still shivered, before Starlight paused in consideration.  “W-Wait,” she said. “W-What about Cadence?”  Spike gasped in realization. “That’s right! Chrysalis said they only hit Canterlot and Ponyville. M-Maybe Cadence is still safe in the Crystal Empire.”  Phoenix grimaced, but with a regretful look at Starlight, she nodded. “It’s worth a shot,” she said. “But we’ll need to hurry. If we don’t get to the Crystal Empire before the changelings do…” “It’s too late for that,” a voice replied.  The group spun as a changeling came out of the forest. Trixie shrieked and went for her fireworks supply, but Spike noticed something about the changeling, and quickly snatched it out of reach.  “No, guys, wait, I know him!” Spike said, looking to the changeling. “T-Thorax?”  “Wait a minute, Spike,” Phoenix insisted, already holding Trixie’s fireworks and ready to use them. “How do we know this is the changeling you spoke of?”  The changeling sighed. “You defended me from the ponies of the Crystal Empire. You showed me that it’s possible to share love instead of stealing it.” He looked down. “I just… wish I had learned more before…”  Spike relaxed, despite the regretful look on Thorax. “It’s okay guys,” the dragon said to his group. “He’s a reformed changeling. He’s on our side.”  Trixie still hid behind Phoenix. “I believe it,” she insisted. “Just… tell him to stay over there for now, okay?”  Starlight sighed, but turned to Thorax desperately. “What do you mean there’s no help? Did the changelings get Cadence too?”  Thorax looked down in despair. “Cadence, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart… I tried to tell them there was another way, but they wouldn’t listen! Sunburst saved my life; got me out of there, told me to get Princess Twilight, but…” He looked towards Ponyville worriedly. “It sounds like it’s too late for that.”  “Yeah,” Starlight said, before looking at Spike. “Well… what are we gonna do?”  Spike grimaced, before noticing Trixie and Phoenix were looking at him as well. “I…” he mumbled. “I dunno. Everyone with powerful magic is gone, and without our full team here to channel all the power of the Elements…”  Phoenix gasped. “Wait, guys!” she said, pointing. “Maybe there’s still someone who can help us.”  She pointed, and the others followed her gaze. By some sheer coincidence, Trixie had set up her caravan near Fluttershy’s cottage. And though the yellow pegasus was gone, Discord was humming as he tended to her flowers.  Spike stopped Phoenix before she could approach. “Wait a minute,” he said. “First of all, how do we even know that’s Discord?”  Phoenix remained determined. “I got an idea.” She went up to Discord.  Discord glanced at her. “Well, this is a surprise. Usually, it’s the lovely bird-dragon who comes here. What constitutes an arrival from the scar-riddled Dragon Element of Honesty?”  “First things first,” Phoenix said, her whole body tense. “How many good deeds do you need to do in order to get your power back?”  Discord blinked at her. “Er… 100 to get back 1% of my power.” He continued watering the plants. “And right now, I’m on good deed 99, so…”  Phoenix’s face fell. “Oh…” she looked down hopelessly.  Discord tilted his head before sighing. “That worried about me getting even the smallest fraction of my power back?” he sighed. “And here I thought you were the one with the most experience going from villain to hero.”  “What? No! It’s not that, it’s…” Phoenix looked back as Starlight, Thorax, Spike and Trixie cautiously joined her. “We really need help.”  Discord glanced over their small group. “Well, this is quite the combination of secondary characters.” He paused. “Wait! Helping’s a good deed! So… what do you need from me?”  “Chrysalis and the changelings came back,” Spike replied. “They got Night Fire, Jackknife, Diamondback, Swift, Astral, Aurora, the Princesses, Twilight, her friends…” Discord held his hand up in a ‘stop’ gesture. Even though he had no magic, Spike still felt something else urging him to stop. Something that had to do with the light in Discord’s eye. “They took… Fluttershy?” he asked, his voice hushed and very unlike his usual tone.  Spike and Phoenix glanced at each other, sensing danger, but Starlight took the plunge. “Yes.”  Discord’s eyes glowed despite his lack of power. “Where?”  Spike backed up, noticing how Trixie was doing the same. Thorax, luckily, came to his aid.  “My best guess? The changeling kingdom.”  Discord nodded. “Then that’s where we’re going.”  As he spoke, a soft shimmer ran through his entire body.  Phoenix gasped. “That must count as good deed 100! He’s getting back 1% of his power!”  Grinning ominously, Discord snapped his fingers, and the six of them teleported away in a flash of light.  ## With another burst of light, Spike found himself on a rocky cliffside, with gray storm clouds overhead.  Discord groaned. “Even at 1%, I should be able to take us right to Fluttershy!” He looked around. “But where is she?”  He tried to bug his eyes out to look for her, but evidently, 1% didn’t give him much room to be creative.  Luckily, Trixie spoke up. “I think I have a pretty good idea.”  She pointed to over the cliff, where the group beheld a rotten hive-like castle, surrounded by bare desert and swarming with what looked like thousands of changelings.  “The Changeling Kingdom,” Thorax breathed with a shudder. “I’d hoped to never see that place again. Now what?”  Once again, all eyes fell on Spike.  In the back of his mind, he felt a familiar burning sensation.  Anger.  He couldn’t deny it; he was furious. The idea of Chrysalis taking his friends. Taking Twilight? Doing who knows what to them? The thought filled him with so much rage, he wanted to tear down that entire hive and smash every changeling inside like the bugs they were! But he bit it back. The last time he had let his anger control him, he had become a monster. Even now, he could see suspicion in the eyes of Starlight and Trixie. They didn’t trust him, just as he wasn’t sure he trusted them.  But they needed each other. If they were going to keep Equestria from becoming changeling food, then they were going to need to work together. And that meant Spike couldn’t let his anger control him again.  He sighed. “We’re going to put our differences aside to rescue our friends,” he declared, hoping he sounded braver than he felt. “And then we’re going to save Equestria.”  > Episode 50: Battle for Chrysalis Hive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within the Changeling hive, the impact of fists on a scaled body rang out, fighting against the muffled screams of protest from one of the Hive’s prisoners.  Astral hung limply in changeling goo, forced into a kneeling position. Cuts and bruises rapidly faded thanks to green changeling magic shrouding him, though every time one cut sealed or a bruise healed, Shade was quick to reopen them or recolor Astral’s body in black and blue.  “That’s it,” Shade growled as he punched Astral’s jaw. “Keep healing him, drones.” He turned briefly to two changelings with lit horns. “I don’t need him passing out or dying yet.”  He delivered a haymaker to Astral’s ribcage, cracking a rib and eliciting another scream from nearby. Aurora hung in changeling goo as well, kneeling like Astral, but with goo covering her mouth. Her eyes, however, were free to lock on her beaten lover, tears streaming down her face as she tried desperately to shriek through her gag.  “SHMMMMMM!” Aurora shriekd through her gag. “STMMM! MMMM!”  One of the changelings glanced at her with a bored expression. He sighed. “I really wish Lord Shade would get to her. Let us get some love energy?” “Yeah,” the second changeling agreed, briefly halting their healing spells. “Pain and fear are alright, but there’s a literal buffet of that in the throne room. Which we’re missing out on.”  “The Queen said he was going to help us,” the first one added. “The question right now is when.”  Shade gave them a brief glare, having heard their every word, before glancing down at his work. With the healing spells having stopped, Astral was sporting a swollen left eye, a bleeding nose, and a split lip that was bleeding down his chin. Yet he still stared up at Shade in defiance and anger.  Shade sighed. “Now, Astral, You and I both know that you have had this coming. Repeatedly, you and your friends have gotten in my way multiple times. But the one that I hate the most is you.” His eyes narrowed, and his voice lowered to a growl. “You not only got to learn from Bahamut… but you also got the most beautiful dragoness in the world.” He turned his gaze over to Aurora, who flinched at the amount of lust in his eyes. “But… now that we’re all here, I guess that I could do something I’ve wanted to do for years.” Panic entered Astral’s eyes. He struggled fitfully against his bonds as Shade walked over to Aurora, the changelings perking up with fang-baring grins.  “Don’t you dare, Shade!” Astral shouted. “If you do, I am gonna-”  “Shut up!” He was interrupted when one of the Changelings punched him in the stomach hard, causing him to cough up blood. The other watched eagerly as  Shade pulled off Aurora’s gag.  “That doesn’t suit you, my dear.” He threw the gag off to the side. “Now where were we? Oh yes. Now I remember.” He placed a claw on Aurora’s chin and made her look him in the eyes.  She knew what was about to happen, but with the goo keeping her from using her powers, she couldn’t stop what was coming. She could only shut her eyes and grimace in disgust as Shade locked her lips with his.  Astral could only stare. He felt as if time was slowing, every second ticking sadistically slow as he watched Shade hungrily kiss his girlfriend against her will.  Something snapped inside him, and he lowered his head, covering it in shadow. The changelings barely noticed, gasping and quivering in delight as Shade’s corruptive love oozed off his and Aurora’s bodies, the changelings drinking it in like ambrosia from the gods.  After what felt like an eternity, Shade finally came up for air, sighing as he held Aurora’s head close to his chest.  “That is just a taste of what I have planned,” He promised Aurora. “I have so many ideas on how to pleasure you.” He took a moment to smirk smugly at Astral. “By the time I’m done, she’ll forget you ever existed.”   “And we will feast like kings every day,” one of the changelings groaned in ecstasy, licking his lips as the last bits of love energy vanished down his gullet.  “Oh man, that would be a dream come true.” The other one said with a dreamy look. Shade smirked and released Aurora, turning to the changelings to give them more orders. But before he could speak, a change fell over the room.  The changelings were the first to sense it, turning to Astral with confusion that quickly turned to fear.  Shade raised an eyebrow and followed their gaze, only for his own eyes to widen in horror.  Astral’s spines, which usually look like a small flame, were billowing up, their color changing into a blood red inferno from Tartarus rather than a usual flame. His horns were covered in the same looking fire instead of the usual aura that came from his normal spells.  And as he looked up, his eyes were replaced by the a fire that ironically chilled Shade to the bone.  It was the fire of righteous fury; the mark of a warrior who was done holding back. With a guttural roar, Astral ripped himself free of the goo holding him down. His action sent a burst of flames, throwing Shade and the changelings back and melting the goo holding Aurora.   Aurora looked at Astral once she was free and saw how he seemed to have bulked up a little from just the power that was flowing off of him. Glancing briefly at Shade, she ducked behind Astral, just in case he did something crazy. Astral briefly looked back at Aurora, a kind smile breaking through the righteous fury. As she smiled and nodded back, Astral turned his attention back to Shade, his smile fading into a glare.  “Shade Fang,” Astral growled. “You have attempted to take over two different dragon nations and aided an enemy of them. I will give you one last chance to surrender.” Shade snapped out of his stupor. “S-Surrender?!” He laughed. “I would never surrender to a mere guardian!”  Astral’s eyes narrowed. His throat illuminated with fiery light. “I am no longer a guardian. I AM A WARRIOR!!”  What came from his mouth wasn’t fire, but a beam of light.  Shade barely dodged the blast.  The changelings were not so lucky.  ## Back outside, Spike, Phoenix, Starlight, Trixie, Thorax and Discord glared at Chrysalis Hive.  “Well, this is rather unfair,” Discord grumped. “I finally get 1% of my power back, and I can’t even get to where I want to go?”  “I don’t think it’s just because of your power limits,” Thorax said. “Chrysalis’ throne is carved from an ancient dark stone that soaks up outside magic the same way changelings soak up love. It’s how she keeps the hive safe.”  “So it sounds like we need to get to that throne and destroy it,” Phoenix noted.  “That’s a terrible plan,” Discord complained. “How are we even supposed to get into the Hive?”  Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from a point near the hive’s structure. Though they saw some of the magical energy get drained away, the attack was far too powerful to dissipate all at once.  And even as it faded, it still leaved a large divot in the ground, and a massive hole in the side of the hive.  Faintly, the group saw two changelings flattened by the blast. Both still breathed, but only one of them was awake.  “Oh, man, it burns,” the awake changeling groaned. “Why did I have to be awake to feel this pain? I CAN’T FEEL MY RETINAS!” Spike smirked. “There’s one way.”  ## The group picked their way past the beaten changelings and into the hive. Discord grumping and groaning all the while.  “Oh, this is so much further than anywhere in Ponyville,” Discord complained. “How do any of you manage not being able to disappear and reappear when traveling long distances like this?”  “I definitely miss you being able to disappear,” Trixie grumped.  “Give Discord a break,” Starlight said. “It’s not easy not having magic.”  “Means you have to think outside the box a little,” Spike noted with a grin, though his grin faded as he noticed who the hole in the Hive led to. “Astral?”  Astral was back to normal but was down on one knee, panting from the exertion of his attack. Aurora held him, whispering gently to him, before both noticed the group.  “Spike, wait a minute!” Phoenix said, tugging him back. “This is Chrysalis Hive. How do we know…”  “Not another step before you prove you are who you are.” Aurora said as she formed Icicles that pointed at the group ready to fire if they were a threat. Phoenix formed her own cannon. “That’s goes double for you,” she said. Spike, however, raised a hand, his eyes not straying from Astral’s. “The night before we left the Dragon Kingdom,” he said. “After Shade was beaten for the first time… there was someone named ‘Ignitus.’ Do you remember who that was?”  Aurora and Astral glanced at each other, struggling to remember, before Aurora gasped, her face turning red. “Isn’t that one of the two dragons Night Fire…?” She blushed. “...Spent the night with?”  Spike grinned and rushed forward, almost tackling Astral into a hug before noticing his injured state. “I was worried you were gone for good,” Spike admitted.  Astral rubbed the top of the younger dragon’s head. “I’m fine, actually,” he replied. “If you’re looking for the rest of your friends, they’ll be in the throne room, due to all the love they receive.” Thorax shivered. “Right where we need to go.”  Phoenix grimaced. “That sounds almost too convenient.”  “Yeah,” Spike muttered, glaring up into the Hive. “It does.”  ## The group was only partially aware of it.  But not far from where Spike had been staring, Shade staggered through the hive.  “That power…” he muttered. “I-I thought it was just a legend…”  He was shaken out of his thoughts as several changelings descended to meet with him. “What did you do down there?” one of them demanded. “Something nearly shook the Hive off its foundations!”  “Was it from you and that dragoness?” another changeling asked. “If so, where’s the love energy? The way the Hive was shaking, you should have enough love to feed us for years!”  “No, you fool!” Shade snarled, smacking the changeling that spoke. “My enemy has gotten loose and helped some wannabe heroes enter the hive! You must warn your queen!”  The changelings gasped, before a more powerful voice echoed.  “Heroes, you say?” Queen Chrysalis came out of the shadows, her eyes green and curious. “We’ve captured all the heroes. Who could possibly still stand against us?”  ## Spike sighed, turning to Astral. “We need to get to the throne room.”  Thorax nodded. “The throne is the key. We break it, we may just be able to free everyone.”  Astral nodded. Okay. You six should go on ahead. Aurora and I will keep the changelings distracted.”  “You sure?” Spike said. “In your state…?” “He’ll be fine,” Aurora replied. “You promise us you’ll be careful too. These bugs will try to trick you.” Spike smiled. “I promise.”  With one final smile shared between them, Spike turned to his group. “Alright,” Spike said. “Let’s get to that throne room.” “Wait,” Starlight added. “If we get separated, it might make sense to have a way to make sure we are who we say we are.” She paused. “Er, without having to use… ‘personal’ information.” She chanced a glance at Aurora, who blushed as she remembered Ignitus.  “Oh!” Discord yipped in glee. “How about a secret code! Like, if I say ‘we are’, you say ‘doomed’! Or, you say ‘rescue’ and I say…” he flailed his arms while making what sounded like the call of a dying goat.  Trixie and Phoenix glanced at each other. “How about if one of us says ‘klutzy’, the other says ‘draconequus.’”  “Works for me,” Starlight siad.  “I’ll definitely remember it,” Thorax added.  Phoenix nodded. “I like it.”  Astral gave a thumbs up. “It is rather memorable,” Aurora noted. Spike pat Discord’s back. “Looks like we got a vote. ‘Klutzy draconequus.’”  Discord glared at them. “You are all horrible!”  ## Unfortunately, Chrysalis was watching from the shadows. Her face split into a grin.  “Oh, my dear spirit of chaos,” she whispered, slinking back into the shadows. “You have no idea.”  ## Together, the group made their way up into the Hive. Winding their way through twisting, whirling tunnels, Spike felt almost like they were on the world's slowest roller coaster.  “Okay,” Trixie admitted to Thorax, “I’m definitely glad you came. I don’t think we’d be able to find our way without you.”  “You definitely wouldn’t,” Thorax said. “A Changeling Hive shifts and changes, like we do. We’re the only ones who can navigate it. It’s total chaos to non-changelings.” “Well, at least it’s decent chaos,” Discord grumbled. “I don’t know if I’d call it ‘total.’”  Trixie glowered at him. “You know, for a Lord of Chaos, you sure seem to spend a lot more time whining than you do… doing whatever Lords of Chaos are supposed to do.”  Discord huffed. “That’s because I’m on parole. Once I get all my powers back, I’ll be able to rip the very fabric of reality. While you!” He pointed at Trixie, “Will still be nothing more than a self-absorbed, below-average illusionist!”  “SELF-ABSORBED!” Trixie boomed, before Phoenix snapped her muzzle shut.  “Are you trying to draw every hostile changeling to us?” Phoenix hissed.  “Guys-guys!” Spike said, pushing them apart. “I get it; this is stressful. But we have to stick together.”  Starlight huffed. “Right. Stick together with the dragon who’s wanted me dead for weeks.”  Spike seethed, ready to light into her. But he forced himself to take a breath. “Yes,” he admitted. “I’ve been hard on you, Starlight. Because I was scared you were going to take advantage of Twilight’s kindness and hurt my friends.” He looked at her. “But right now, you have the opportunity to prove me wrong. To help me save them.”  “And how am I supposed to do that?” Starlight asked, wiping away tears. “I don’t know if my magic can stand up to Chrysalis’ throne. And…” she looked down. “And I’m afraid.” She sobbed. “I’ve always been afraid.”  Phoenix and Trixie moved to comfort Starlight… only to pause in shock as Spike hugged her.  “I’ve been afraid too,” Spike whispered to her.  “We all have been,” Phoenix said, standing next to him. “But it’s not the absence of fear that sparks courage. It’s having fear and not letting it control you.”  Spike smiled. “We can do this,” he said, looking to the others. “We’re going to save the others.”  Trixie managed a grin and even Discord smiled softly. Thorax, however, had his attention down the tunnel. And his eyes were widening in horror.  “Guys,” he warned. “Changeling patrol. Coming this way!”  Spike was instantly up, holding Starlight. “Where do we go, Thorax?” he demanded.  Thorax’s head whipped from side to side before he pointed down a side tunnel. “That way!” he said.  “Move!” Spike barked. The group lunged for the side tunnel, but just before they could duck out of sight, the changelings arrived.  Hissing, they unleashed blasts of magic, hitting the top of the tunnel and causing it to collapse.  Acting fast, Spike threw Starlight to the group, before a chunk of rock fell between him and his friends, blocking him off. “Spike!” Phoenix screamed.  “Keep going!” Spike yelled. “I’ll, uh… I’ll…” He wanted to say, ‘I’ll find another way around,’ but Thorax’s words burned in his mind. ‘Only changelings can navigate this hive.’  Spike had no idea how to navigate the Hive. There was no way he could get back to his friends in time.  And he didn’t have time to say anything else. Behind him, he heard the hissing laughter of the changeling patrol. Far too many for him to take on alone. Especially with him nervous about giving in to anger.  He sighed, turning back to the changelings and cracking his neck and knuckles.  But, almost like the changelings knew what he was planning, the dust settled… and revealed an army of Twilights.  “Spike!” Twilight cried, her voice so full of relief. “Thank Celestia. I promise, I’m the real Twilight. I was just fleeing from these horrible changelings when…” “Don’t listen to her,” another Twilight said. “I’m the real Twilight!”  “No, I am!” another yelled.  “I am!”  “I am!”  “I AM!”  “ENOUGH!” Spike boomed, fire forcing the changelings back. “I’ve read enough books to know what you guys are doing! I know none of you are the real Twilight.”  One of the Twilights smirked. “How can you be sure, ‘Spikey-Wikey’?”  Spike paled. “H-How? S-She doesn’t call me that!” “Rarity does,” another one noted.  “Oh, but you’re not using personal information anymore, are you?” another Twilight noted. “No, you’ve got a code now. What was it?”  “Klutzy draconequus,” several Twilights chanted in glee.  Spike’s face fell as Twilight’s laughter - now sounding more malicious and cruel than she had ever been - filled the air.  They knew their code. They knew their personal information.  As the laughing Twilights closed in around him, Spike began to truly feel fear.  “How are we supposed to beat this?!”  ## His group ironically arrived around the same time the changelings brought Spike.  Bound and gagged in goo, Spike was hoisted up next to several cocoons. Spike’s heart throbbed as he found Diamondback, Jackknife and Swift, all tightly webbed up like flies in a spider’s web. Not far from them, the Mane Five similarly bound, while Twilight, Star Wing, Celestia, Luna, Cadence and even little baby Flurry Heart were all sealed away in emerald green cocoons.  Below him, Chrysalis lounged on her throne, Shade Fang by her side. The Queen watched with a grin as Discord, Thorax, Trixie, Starlight and Phoenix arrived.  Phoenix’s eyes instantly went to Spike. “Guys!” she yelled, almost making a run for them, before several changelings came out, hissing and forcing her back to her group.  “Well-well-well,” Chrysalis mused. “What a brave group of ‘heroes.’” She glanced between all of them. “The Lord of Chaos, the bearer of the Alicorn Amulet, the Master of Starswirl’s Time Spell, The Scourge of the Diamond Dogs… and my own beloved son. Home at last.”  Thorax shivered under her gaze before Phoenix stood before him.  “From what he’s said,” she noted. “This place wasn’t a home.” She looked up at Spike. “Release them!”  “Why?” Chrysalis asked. “So they can rule over you again? Beat you down and oppress what made you all special?” She looked to Discord. “They stole your power, Discord. Turned you into a servant for their needs.”  Discord chuckled. “And you honestly think you can hang them up like flies and tell me you won’t do the same thing to me? Darling, that sort of setup is even more obvious than whatever you used to trap our brave and fearless leader up there.”  Spike grimaced and growled in his bindings.  “Mmph mm!” Jackknife cussed beneath his gag.  Chrysalis, however, merely grinned. “It’s true,” she admitted. “Normally, I’d have just captured you and held you up here with the rest of them.” She exchanged a glance with Shade. “Unfortunately… I need allies.”  Shade avoided her piercing gaze. “Our… plan to use Night Fire as a hostage to get the dragons on our side kinda backfired. She’s now scrambling the best fighters to come attack us.”  Chrysalis glared at him as he spoke - as if she expected him to have played some part in alerting the dragons - but she turned her attention back to the group. “Equestria was easy to take,” Chrysalis admitted. “But the dragons are not as soft as our pony friends.” Chrysalis gazed at her changelings. “My sons and daughters cannot face them alone. They need allies. Everyone we can get.” She turned briefly to the back of her throne, where Spike could see an ominously glowing rune pulsating with darkness.  Trixie huffed. “And why should we help you when you took our home?”  “Because I can reward you,” Chrysalis replied. “All of you.” She turned to Discord. “You want your power? It will be yours.” She indicated Fluttershy. “You want your pegasus pet. She will be yours to do with as you please.” She looked at Trixie. “You want glory? To be the most powerful unicorn on Equestria? You will have that as well.” She looked at Starlight. “You want revenge?” She indicated Spike. “This dragon will be yours to torment as he tormented you.”  Discord, Trixie and Starlight all stepped back, exchanging uncertain glances with each other.  “Guys, don’t,” Phoenix insisted. “She’s playing us.”  “You want your power back?” Chrysalis asked Phoenix. “You will have it. The Diamond Dogs will rightly fear you again.”  Phoenix blinked. “I…” she mumbled.  “Phoenix,” Thorax stammered, but Chrysalis had turned her attention to him.  “Thorax…” her voice lowered. “My beloved son.” She gazed at him like a mother would to a child. “You want to come home? You want to be accepted again?” She offered her hooves to him. “You will have that. Please. Come home, my son.”  Thorax gazed at her… and tears traced his features. He reached a hoof out to her.  Spike wriggled in his bindings, wanting to scream at them to snap out of it. Fluttershy was tearing up, locking eyes with a doubtful Discord and shaking her head.  “The most… powerful…” Trixie mumbled.  However, Spike soon found himself trapped in Starlight’s gaze. There was pain in her eyes. Uncertainty.  Spike could only stare back at her. Wondering what she wanted. Would she want revenge on him? For all the times he had been suspicious of her. Yelling at her? Attacking her?  But as Starlight gazed at him, she shut her eyes, let out a breath, and looked to Thorax.  “Thorax,” she said gently. “I get that she’s your mother, on top of your queen.” She looked at Chrysalis. “But what she offers… isn’t what any of us want.” Discord grimaced. “You have to admit, it’s tempting.”  “Of course it is!” Chrysalis barked. “Why would you side with the ones who have oppressed you? Who have humiliated and beaten you? What have they done to deserve anything other than your scorn?”  Thorax, however, looked up at Spike. And Spike saw a strange glow shrouding him.  “They… showed me how to share love,” he whispered, turning to Chrysalis. “They showed me a way to gain love that you never considered.”  Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. “What are you talking about?”  Thorax glowed brighter, his form producing tendrils of light that snaked out, wrapping gently around his group. And around Spike and Swift. As they did so, they also reached out to his changeling siblings. The changelings gasped.  “T-The hunger…” one of them whispered.  “It’s fading!” another said in excitement.  “I-It can’t be,” Chrysalis stammered, standing as she watched her changelings feed. “W-What are you doing?!”  “We don’t need to steal love,” Thorax said, looking around at his fellow changelings. “We don’t have to live in the shadows, fearing rejection and hate.”  The changelings looked amongst each other, hope glowing in their eyes.  “DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!” Chrysalis boomed, her motherly persona shattering as she rose off her throne. “I AM YOUR QUEEN! I KNOW WHAT’S BEST FOR US!”  Starlight stepped up, fire in her eyes. “A real leader doesn’t force her subjects to deny what they can be or who they are! She celebrates what makes them unique and listens when one of them finds a better way!”  “YOU WANT TO SEE A REAL LEADER?!” Chrysalis screamed, before rushing for Starlight and Thorax. “NO!” Spike screamed through his gag.  But Discord and Trixie were faster. Trixie hurled a smoke bomb, blinding Chrysalis as she reared back in agony. At the same time, Discord snapped his fingers, producing a small spark before hurling it at the throne.  Though it was only 1% of his power, Spike’s heart soared as the throne shattered like glass.  Discord smirked. “Not bad, Chrysalis,” he noted. “You made me use 1% of my power!”  Phoenix paused. “Uh, Discord, isn’t that ‘all’ you can…?” “Don’t ruin the reference!” Discord snapped, as Thorax rose into the air, bathed in the glow of his love, rising to match Chrysalis as she staggered in the air. “Kill him,” she muttered, turning to her subjects. “KILL HIM!”  The changelings backed up. “B-But, my Queen,” one of them protested, hanging onto Thorax’s love line like it was a life line. “He’s…” “KILL HIM OR YOU’RE NEXT!” Chrysalis shrieked.  Thorax’s love turned red. “DON’T THREATEN MY SIBLINGS!” he boomed, not driven by fury, but by love.  Chrysalis raged in frustration and lunged for Thorax again. “THORAX, NO!” one changeling screamed, lunging to intercept Chrysalis.  But before the changelings could start fighting among themselves, Thorax bathed them all in a brilliant red flash.  ## When Spike recovered, he found his bindings gone. Everyone had been freed: the Drake Six, the Mane Six and the Princesses all stood in a crater open to the sky - all that remained of Chrysalis throne room.  “F-Fluttershy?” Discord’s voice whispered, before the draconequus stepped closer.  “Guys?” Phoenix whimpered.  There was no hesitation: Fluttershy ran into Discord’s arms, the two sobbing in relief as they hugged each other, while Spike, Jackknife, Swift, Diamondback and even Star Wing all dog-piled Phoenix in a bear hug.  “Oh-ho-ho, well done Phoenix,” Diamondback sobbed in relief. “You did it! You saved us!”  “W-Well…” Phoenix gasped. “I didn’t do it alone.”  She looked over to Starlight, who stood with Trixie as Twilight ran up to her.  “Starlight,” she said. “You…” she looked around. “What happened.”  Starlight looked to Thorax, who had changed: he now stood as tall as Chrysalis, his carapace now shimmering in shades of green and orange. Similarly, the changelings he had shared his love with all stood in brighter colors.  “We defeated Chrysalis,” Starlight said. “With the power of friendship and love.”  Spike extricated himself from his friends and stepped closer to Starlight. “More than that,” he said. “You saved my friends. My family…” He shook his head before lowering in a bow. “This is a debt I can never repay.”  Starlight gave him a sad smile before hugging him. “It was the least I could do,” she replied.  Their happy moment was briefly interrupted, as Chrysalis clawed her way out of the rubble with a hiss.  The Drake Six rose, ready to fight, but Starlight waved them off, approaching Chrysalis even as she hissed and backed away like a cornered cat.  “Chrysalis,” Starlight said gently. “When Twilight and her friends defeated me, I chose to run away and seek revenge. You don’t have to. You can be the leader your subjects need.”  For a moment, Chrysalis pondered her words. Her hoof almost reached out…  …Only to smack Starlight’s hoof away.  “There is no revenge you can ever conceive of,” Chrysalis snarled. “That will come close to what I will exact on you one day, Starlight Glimmer!”  She turned and tried to flee. But as Swift leaped to pursue, Discord snapped his fingers, and a straitjacket formed over Chrysalis, tying her down and allowing Swift to grab her.  “I don’t think so, dearie,” Discord noted. “In fact, I think that Tartarus is due for a remodel. I have some wonderful ideas to make sure you don’t cause more mischief.” He paused and looked to the princesses. “Assuming you’re fine with it.”  Celestia chuckled. “It’s a wonderful idea, Discord. One that may count as your next good deed.”  Discord hummed, intrigued. “So, between capturing Chrysalis and remodeling Tartarus, would you say I’m on Good Deed Number 103?”  Fluttershy laughed and hugged him.  Thorax, however, sighed. “Well, if Chrysalis can’t lead… someone’s going to need to take over in her stead.” The changeling who had defended Thorax gasped. “That’s right! The Dragon Lands! They were going to attack us!”  Star Wing shifted into Night Fire. “I’m on it!” she said, taking to the sky.  “Star Wing,” Luna called. “Be sure to ask Ember for a summit. Tell her that a new changeling leader has taken over, and that we will be discussing how to improve our relationships in the future.”  Night Fire saluted before flying off into the distance. Thorax shivered nervously, but Celestia rested a hoof on his shoulder.  “Do not fear, my friend,” she said. “For the moment, we will leave the Changeling Kingdom to the changelings.”  Thorax smiled. “I appreciate that,” he said. “Though, I wouldn’t mind some advice from time to time.”  As Starlight, Trixie, Discord and Thorax chuckled and bantered among themselves, Phoenix rejoined her friends, watching them with a grin.  “Looks like Starlight proved she was alright in the end,” Phoenix mused.  “Starlight, Trixie, Discord,” Spike nodded. “Never thought I’d be okay with owing my life to them.” He looked to Thorax. “And Thorax… he showed me how I don’t need to use fury for every solution. Sometimes… love can truly be more powerful than anger.”  For a moment, the group nodded. Then Jackknife.  “Welp, who’s up for drinks?” Jackknife asked.  “Oh, my goodness, yes!” Swift stammered.  “The refreshments in this kingdom SO need an upgrade,” Diamondback agreed.  And so, the Drake Six went off to celebrate, chuckling and bantering with each other as before.  However, Astral looked around with a concerned look. “Did anyone see Shade after that big explosion of love?”  Aurora gasped. “Yeah. It’s like he vanished into thin air.”  Swift paused. “Is it too much to hope that the blast vaporized him or something.”  Jackknife sighed. “As nice as that would be, I don’t imagine we’re that lucky, dude.”  ## Far away from the changeling kingdom, Shade staggered away, the pulsating rune under his arm.  “Blasted bug,” Shade grumbled, wrapping himself tighter in his cloak due to the cold. “I knew her ego would be her downfall.” He looked at the rune, which covered a curved, red horn. “Let’s see if you can do better, ‘your highness.’” > Episode 51: Not So Quiet on the Changeling Front > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Chrysalis and Shade seemingly defeated, Thorax now safely stationed as King of the Changelings, and Starlight, Trixie, and Discord all hailed as heroes, Spike wanted to believe that he and his friends had earned a break. A chance to kick back, relax and enjoy some time either together or with Twilight and her friends as they enjoyed a hopefully long peace.  Unfortunately, it seemed Jackknife had other plans in that regard. As he proved when he kicked open the door to Twilight’s library, and dragged Spike out by the tail with only a desperate, “Ya gotta see dis!”  “Jack?! What are… hey!” Spike yelped as he was dragged over rocks, grass and mud. By the time he managed to free himself, Jackknife had carried him far out of Ponyville, all the way back to the Changeling Kingdom.  “Dude,” Spike protested, “Can you just tell me what’s…” He got an answer as Jackknife pointed. Further away from the changeling kingdom, a group of changelings had gathered. All of them were muttering among themselves, with dark looks in their eyes.  Spike groaned. “Is that what I think it is?”  “If yer thinking ‘Changelings still loyal to Chrysalis,’ then yeah,” Jackknife replied, briefly shifting his watery form to resemble a changeling - albeit a very soaked one. “I managed to eavesdrop enough on em. They ain’t happy that Thorax is in charge.”  Spike narrowed his eyes. “You think they might try to get Chrysalis out?”  “Ain’t sure,” Jackknife replied. “All I know is they got the drop on us once already.” Jackknife curled his fist. “I ain’t letting that happen twice.”  Spike looked up towards the Changeling Kingdom. “Let’s let Thorax know. He’s their king now; he should know about this.”  “And what if they overthrow him?” Jackknife asked. “Put one of their own in charge and rally the Hive?”  Spike grinned. “That’s why we’ll be right by his side.”  Jackknife grinned at that, and gave him a bro-fist. “My dragon.”  ## Unfortunately, they caught sight of Thorax as he was on his way back from the Equestrian ceremony celebrating his aid in freeing Equestria. With the metal of valor shining on his chest and his eyes bright and happy, Spike almost felt sorrow at breaking the new Changeling King’s good mood.  But before he could consider backing out and trying to handle the changelings without Thorax, the new Changeling King spotted Jackknife waving at him, and touched down to meet with them.  “Spike?” Thorax asked curiously. “What brings you back here?”  Before Spike could reply, Jackknife got in front of him. “You got problems in yer kingdom,” Jackknife replied. “We spotted a couple o’ changelings who ain’t happy Chrysalis ain’t in charge no more.”  Thorax grimaced. “I figured there would be some resistance.” He brightened. “But you saw the difference with Chrysalis; she could act warm and motherly, but the minute one disagreed with her, she got violent.” He looked towards the Hive with a smile. “Maybe I can show that I’m different by encouraging debate. Sharing ideas… just like sharing love.” He grinned at both of them. “That’s got to work better than just stamping them down, right?”  Jackknife didn’t look convinced. “If they like Chrysalis’ way better, they may attack you if you let yer guard down.”  Spike interjected. “At least… let us come with you. Make sure you don’t have any trouble.”  Thorax rubbed his chin. “I don’t want my Hive to think I’ve forgotten about them…”  “And we don’t want these Chrysalis-Loyalists taking you out,” Jackknife replied, shifting his form into that of a wet changeling again. “Don’t worry; we’re just thinking about the safety of both yer Kingdom and Equestria.”  Thorax still looked uncertain, but nodded. “Alright.”  ## Despite Jackknife’s disguise, Spike could feel the eyes of the changelings on him as he joined Thorax back at the throne that used to be Chrysalis’.  Thorax cleared his throat, already noticing sour looks from some of the changelings - changelings that Spike recognized from the clearing.  “Well,” Thorax started carefully, “We can all agree that things are never going to be quite the same again.” He looked down. “Chrysalis… our mother… has invoked the wrath of both Equestria and the Dragons. She nearly pulled us into a war that we could not win.”  Some of the changelings looked at each other nervously, but Spike noticed the dissenters hissing or scoffing with disbelief.  “All of you saw how she reacted when one of us did not go with her plans,” Thorax continued. “She grew violent and temperamental. That is not a tactic I wish to go with.” He gazed among his siblings. “I may be your king now, but I will always first and foremost be your brother. Your sibling. Your broodmate. So please…” He extended his hoof out to them. “If you have concerns about the Hive and where we are going to go, share them with me. It is my goal to ensure that the Changeling Kingdom prospers, and that its citizens never starve again.”  One of the dissenters immediately spoke up. “So what are the specifics for our… ‘alliance’ with Equestria?” He shot a venomous look in Spike's direction. “Has Celestia already given orders? Maybe demands that we give up all weaponry?” “Is that why the dragon’s here?” another one of the dissenters asked.  Spike winced, shooting a glare Jackknife’s way, but Jackknife’s focus was only on the dissenters. Thorax, for his part, kept his cool.  “Pharynx,” he said to the first dissenter. “Brother. I have heard murmurs of your discontent…” “You mean the dragons are scared of us,” Pharynx asked. “Good.” he glared at Jackknife. “I could see your disguise from a mile away, sea dragon. You’re even worse at hiding than you are at fighting.”  Jackknife’s changeling disguise fell away as he nearly rounded, his snake-fangs already baring. “You hit me in the back! You didn’t fight with honor!”  “HONOR?!” Pharynx demanded. “What has honor brought any of us? If we lived honorably, we would’ve all starved to death!”  “And if we had done things Chrysalis’ way,” Thorax interjected before Jackknife could argue, “We all would’ve been killed with the very love that she claimed was going to save us.” He gazed into his brother’s eyes. “You remember Canterlot, brother? How these dragons summoned the Elements? The power behind them?”  “I more than remember,” Pharynx growled. “And it seems they’ve been quite eager to remind you.”  “They didn’t need to remind me of anything,” Thorax replied, somehow still remaining even-tempered despite the shade Pharynx was throwing his way. “The only one who needed to be reminded was Chrysalis. She let vengeance and pride consume her, turn her away from keeping the Hive safe. And now look where she’s at? Tartarus.” He looked around, his gaze turning sad. “None of you deserve that. I don’t want that to happen to any of you.” He looked back to Pharynx. “So, please… let’s do better than she did.”  Pharynx almost seemed to consider his brother’s words, but then he glanced at Spike and Jackknife again. “With their help?”  Spike glanced at Jackknife, who still looked ready to leap on Pharynx and rip him a new one. “No,” Spike said quickly, stepping between Jackknife and Pharynx. “King Thorax does not serve Equestria. Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom can work together towards a better future, but only if you all want it. That’s not a decision we have any right to make for you.”  Pharynx sneered. “Then why are you here?”  Jackknife rose up behind Spike. “Cuz Thorax is Spike’s friend,” Jackknife replied. “And if you do anything to hurt him, yer answering to me!”  Pharynx’s face flushed with fury. “I do anything to hurt him?! I DO ANYTHING?!” He got in Jackknife’s face. “THORAX IS MY BROTHER, YOU SALT-SUCKING WORM! YOU’RE THE ONES WHO TRIED TO HURT HIM BACK AT CANTERLOT!”  “Jack, STOP!” Spike yelped, grabbing Jacknife’s fist before he could drive it into Pharynx’s face. Thorax as well used his magic to hold Pharynx back.  “I WOULD’VE KILLED CHRYSALIS HAD SHE HARMED HIM!” Pharynx vowed. “I WILL KILL ANYONE THAT TRIES TO DESTROY THIS HIVE OR MY KING!”  “Then why did you meet outside the Hive with a bunch of others?” Spike asked. “Muttering about how Thorax wasn’t a good king?”  Pharynx froze, while Thorax and the other changelings all watched him warily. Pharynx sighed.  “Because…” He looked to his king and brother. “Because I don’t want you to let kindness be your undoing… my king.” He lowered his head in a brief bow, but his gaze didn’t stray from Thorax’s eyes. “You were always the good one among us; the one who wanted to talk things out rather than fight. And we both know that nearly got you hurt, even killed a few times.”  Thorax released Pharynx, allowing Pharynx to walk up to Thorax.  “I want to protect you from that,” Pharynx insisted. “I want to make sure that you and this Hive are safe. Against everyone that would threaten us.”  Thorax nodded slowly. “I understand,” he said, patting his brother. “We may not have to steal love anymore, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to lose our fangs.” He looked to Spike. “If there’s one thing I learned from Equestria, it’s that friendship is a two-lane street. What one receives, one must give back.” He turned to Pharynx. “We will not lose our fangs. If anything threatens this Hive, we will fight it… and we will beat it.”  Spike wanted to add, ‘And we’ll help,’ but the look in Pharynx’s eyes held him back. He got the sense Pharynx didn’t want to hear anything from them. Keeping Jackknife back, he watched as Pharynx mulled over Thorax’s words.  One second passed. Then two seconds. Three…  Just when Spike could barely stand it anymore, Pharynx sighed and looked up.  “That’s all that I want,” Pharynx assured Thorax.  Smiling, Thorax hugged his brother. “You were always the fighter,” he praised. “The one I could count on to have my back against the cruel and evil parts of the world. I promise that I will pay you back.”  Pharynx scoffed. “Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves,” he noted. Chuckling, Thorax briefly glanced at Spike, motioning for him to head out.  Nodding, Spike pulled Jackknife along, leaving the Changeling Kingdom behind.  ## As they walked, Jackknife gazed at the ground, pondering.  “You okay, buddy?” Spike asked.  “Just… thinking,” Jackknife admitted, glancing back. “Pharynx was the one who captured me. He beat me… cocooned me… and if I’m being honest, I just wanted payback for that. Seeing him apparently planning a coup? Felt like the perfect way to get him back for what he did to me. But… hearing what he said. About how much he cares for Thorax…” He looked at Spike. “He’s a lot like me, now that I think about it.”  “Hot-headed?” Spike asked. “Eager to help his family?”  “I ain’t eager to help my family,” Jackknife admitted, glaring to the north. “My family abandoned me. They said it was wrong to fight. That it was better to submit.” He looked at Spike. “But I am eager to help my friends.”  Spike pat his shoulder. “And when the time comes, we’ll definitely need your strength.” He looked back at the Hive. “But don’t forget that not every problem needs to be punched to be solved. Sometimes, it is possible to talk things out. Balancing when to talk and when to fight can mean the difference between peace and war.”  Jackknife smirked. “I guess you had plenty of time to figure that out, huh?”  Spike glanced back towards Equestria. Towards Starlight. “You could say that,” he admitted.  Jackknife huffed a laugh, before patting Spike’s back. “Thanks, brother,” he said. “C’mon; drinks ‘re on me.”  Spike brightened, and followed Jackknife. After all the adventures he had, he could use a nice quiet drink. > Episode 52: Beaks and Feathers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike couldn’t help it anymore; every time he felt like he was having a good day, he started to worry that something was going to come up and ruin it.  As he sat at Ponyville Cafe, a nice cup of hot chocolate sprinkled with fire rubies in one claw, while his other claw rolled the bit Gabby gave him back and forth, part of him kept waiting for an old villain to march into town or the sky to turn black with storms, or something to happen to ruin an otherwise perfect day.  His eyes strayed over to Astral and Aurora’s forge, where the two were going about their daily lives. He considered them thoughtfully. Astral was a soldier and a fighter. Every time a combat situation had come up, he knew for the most part what to do.  Spike had never been exposed to that life. And while he did alright with the various adventures that had come his way, part of him still feared what could happen if he failed.  “Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get some extra training,” Spike thought, flipping his coin in the air before catching it. “At least things seem quiet for now.”  He paused and flinched, preparing himself for the calamity that would befall him for even thinking that.  But the only thing that happened was a voice directed at him: “You hung onto my bit!” Spike turned, and was greeted with the sight of a familiar pair of turquoise eyes. He stood up. “Gabby?”  Gabby squeaked in glee and gave a hug. “And you remembered me too!” she cheered. “It’s so good to see you again, Spike.”  “You too,” Spike said, helping her over to his table. “How’ve you been? What brought you here?”  “Actually, I’ve been coming here for a while,” Gabby explained. “After that whole mess with the Idol of Boreas, I realized I shouldn’t just wait for you or the ponies to visit; I should go visit you guys myself.” She turned back and noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders, sharing a wave and a smile with them. “I’ve already made a few pony friends. Everyone here is so nice.”  Spike nodded. “That’s good to hear. I don’t imagine it was very nice back in Griffonstone.”  “Oh, even Griffonstone has gotten better,” Gabby insisted. “I mean, it’s not perfect, of course - you know how griffons can be - but Gilda’s been nicer, and her kindness is making a couple of other griffons more polite too.” She glanced around conspiratorially. “In fact… she’s… kind of inspired a few other griffons.”  Spike tilted his head. “Like who?”  “Like me,” a new voice added.  Spike winced. “There it is,” he couldn’t help but think. “There’s where my day gets complicated.”  For leaning against the wall behind Gabby, blue eyes narrowed in irritation, was Hawke; Swift’s formerly abusive aunt. ## Spike had to resist jumping to his feet. Even then, his glare couldn’t contain some of the fire behind it. “What do you want?” he growled.  Hawke raised an eyebrow. “Easy on the fire, big guy,” she said, pushing off the wall and raising her talons in surrender. “I just wanted to talk.”  “Please, Spike,” Gabby asked, gazing at him with big puppy-like eyes. “I’ve never seen her this nice before. I don’t want that to go away.”  Spike gave a pained look to Gabby, but remembered how he had acted towards Starlight. He took a breath and nodded for Hawke to talk.  Hawke almost moved to take a seat, before thinking better of it. For a second, she toyed with one of the feathers on her shoulder. “That mare you were chasing…” she finally offered, choosing her words carefully. “I heard she’s a big hero now.”  “She saved Equestria,” Spike replied, resisting the urge to add, ‘No thanks to you.’ Hawke hummed with a nod. “Right-right.” She looked away for a moment. “She came a long way, didn’t she?”  Spike slowly nodded. “She worked hard at it.” His eyes narrowed. “Are you going somewhere with this?”  Hawke sighed. “It’s just…” she grimaced. “My brother… Swift’s father… he was pretty much the only family I had. Then he let himself fall under the sway of some dragon and got himself… well…”  Spike let out a low breath. “I’m sorry,” he said. “But that doesn’t justify taking out any anger on Swift.”  “No,” Hawke admitted. “No, it doesn’t.” She toyed with the feathers on her wings. She sighed. “I don’t know if there’s a way to… I dunno… make things up with Swift, but…” Spike raised an eyebrow. “After you abused him most of his life? After you tried to sell him off to a slaver?”  “I know what I did was wrong, okay?” Hawke demanded, before realizing she had raised her voice. “I…” She looked down again, before hissing and glaring at Gabby. “This is yours and Gilda’s fault, Gabby." “Hey,” Spike warned, but Gabby waved him off, letting Hawke vent. “Yer making everyone be nice to each other, and…” She looked away. “And now… it don’t feel like enough. What I did for Swift? Saving him from the Abyss, it… I don’t feel like it’s enough anymore.”  Spike crossed his arms. “You really think you’ll get Swift’s forgiveness?”  Hawke shrugged. “Well, considering that mare you were hunting is now a national hero, I gotta believe weird things are possible, right?”  Gabby looked hopefully to Spike, but Spike could only look at Hawke. Remembering how Swift’s face had contorted with fear whenever he saw her. He sighed. “Starlight saved Equestria from the changelings. She put her life on the line to help everyone.”  Hawke visibly deflated. “So yer saying I gotta put my life on the line.”  Spike flinched. “N-Nothing too dramatic,” he said. “Just…” He grimaced. “You gotta think about things from Swift’s perspective. He’s terrified of you. Even if you feel bad about it, you can’t just reverse everything that was done. Starlight tried, and believe me, it ended in disaster.”  Hawke looked down, gaining a worried look from Gabby.  “Surely, there’s something she can try,” Gabby offered. “Like a friendship lesson or something? If she’s truly repentant, and wants to make amends… what harm is there in trying?”  Spike looked between them, rolling Gabby’s bit between his claws. Gabby was right in a way; if Hawke was truly apologetic, then she should have a chance. The ponies had rejected Discord despite his attempts, and that had resulted in him going to Tirek.  The idea of that repeating twice… Spike sighed, and stood. “Go to Twilight,” he recommended. “Tell her what’s going on. I’m going to find Swift.”  Gabby beamed and hugged Spike. Hawke grimaced at Gabby’s affection, but still managed a nod.  “Thanks, Spike,” Gabby said, holding his claws for a second. “I promise you won’t regret this.”  She then eagerly grabbed Hawke and flew off for Twilight’s library.  Spike watched them go before heading for Fluttershy’s cottage. “Please don’t let me regret this.” ## Spike regretted it as soon as the words were out of his mouth.  “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Swift shouted. “You let her back into this town?!” “Swift, just listen…” Spike pleaded.  “YOU LET HER INTO THIS TOWN?!” Swift boomed.  “Swift, it’s okay,” Fluttershy insisted, trying to get him to sit. “She’s not going to hurt you again. We won’t let her.”  “Then you should have kicked her out!” Swift insisted. “You shouldn’t have invited her in! I don’t care how cute Gabby looks about it. She has no idea…”  “Swift, please, remember Tirek?” Spike asked.  “Ugh!” Discord bemoaned, as they saw him refilling the bird seed outside. “Can we please not talk about that brute while I’m around?”  “Of course, Discord,” Fluttershy said. “Why don’t you see if anyone in town has anything they need help with. It’s a chance to practice with your powers again and do more good deeds.” Discord chortled, lifting his fingers. “I will admit, it is nice having some of my powers back.” He jumped into the air and floated. “Oh, how I missed this. And now it's so much easier to do good deeds. I can get up to two a day now.”  “Don’t forget,” Spike added. “You earned it with all the good you’ve been doing.”  Discord hummed, turning corkscrews in the air. “I will admit, it does feel nicer; knowing I have this because I showed I was different. And with even more waiting for me…” He hooted in delight, before snapping his fingers and teleporting away.  Swift watched him go with a firm expression. He pointed to where he had been. “See that?” he said. “Discord earned his powers back, as small as they may be now. Starlight earned her place as a hero by taking on the changelings. What has Hawke done to earn anything?”  “She saved your life,” Fluttershy offered. “Didn’t she?”  Swift grimaced at that, and turned away. “She said we were even. As far as I’m concerned, that’s where our relationship ends. She leaves me alone, I leave her alone, and we never see each other again.”  Fluttershy and Spike exchanged a glance. “I… don’t think she’s satisfied with that anymore,” Spike said. “Gabby and Gilda have been making a lot of progress spreading friendship in the Griffon Kingdom.”  “So, if even Hawke wants to follow them,” Fluttershy noted, “We should encourage it.”  Swift pointed at them. “I won’t just forget what she did to me.” He lowered his talon. “I can’t.”  “And no one’s asking you to,” Spike assured him. “I’m not asking you to forgive her, buddy. I’m just asking you to give her a chance. Just like what Twilight asked of me for Starlight.”  “Please, Swift,” Fluttershy whispered, touching his talon. “Don’t let the past control you.”  Swift gazed at her in conflict. He sat down on his haunches. “I… don’t know,” he mumbled. “Where’s the balance in this? How do I move forward without forgetting what was done?”  Spike crossed his arms, humming in thought. He looked up and noticed Twilight outside, waving at him.  “Let’s find out,” he noted, opening the door.  Swift hesitated, but with Fluttershy at his side, he reluctantly stepped outside.  ## Hawke was waiting for them on the pathway that led into Ponyville. She failed to meet Swift’s piercing gaze, looking away with conflict, but Gabby gazed forward with hope in her eyes. She stepped closer, pulling Hawke along by her tail.  “Swift,” Gabby said gently. “Hawke had something she wants to tell you.”  Hawke swallowed, fidgeting and toying with her wing under Swift’s glare. Despite Spike staying by Swift’s side, he was wondering if he should be there for Swift’s protection or Hawke’s.  “So, uh…” Hawke began cautiously.  “You said we were even after the Abyss,” Swift said. “That should’ve been the end of it. I never should have had to see you again.”  Gabby’s grin faded, and she looked to Hawke pleadingly. Hawke still didn’t look at Swift. She was pulling at her wing, jarring a feather loose.  “Why are you back?” Swift snapped, Fluttershy holding him back.  “Easy,” she whispered.  Hawke took a long, slow breath. “Cuz I was…” she grimaced. “Cuz I was wrong.”  Swift raised an eyebrow as Hawke finally looked up at him. “We ain’t even,” she admitted. “Not by a long shot.” She tried to say more, but then almost looked down.  Gabby, however, gripped her chin and made her look up. “Say it,” she whispered.  Hawke forced herself to look at Swift, their blue eyes so strikingly similar. “I owe you…” Hawke fidgeted again, but Gabby kept her from looking away. “I owe you way more than a save in the Abyss.”  Swift didn’t respond, his eyes narrowed in pure dislike. “So…” Hawke started to back away. “If you… need anything. Need, like, a favor or something… just call on me.” She indicated Gabby. “Or… let her know, and she’ll let me know. I’ll, uh… I’ll come running. Or, flying or… something.”  Her resolve faltering under Swift’s glare, Hawke turned away and started to leave.  Gabby watched her go, then gazed pleadingly at Swift. Swift closed his eyes and took a breath.  “Dad’s armor,” he finally said. “Does… Sunny have it?”  Hawke paused, her feathers going pale. “Yeah. To the best of my knowledge… yeah.” She turned back. “You want it?”  Swift shrugged. “It could be useful.”  Hawke nodded. “Then I’ll get it.”  Spike stepped forward. “You want… help?”  Before Swift could shoot him a warning look, Hawke shook her head. “Nah. I got this.” She looked to Gabby. “I can give her it, and she’ll get it to you.”  Swift nodded. “That’ll work.”  “Alright.” Hawke turned and launched into the air, flapping over the horizon and out of sight. Swift let out a breath Spike hadn’t realized he’d been holding. Fluttershy pat his talon.  “You did good there, Swift,” she praised.  “Thank you,” Gabby said gratefully, taking his other talon and shaking it. “Thank you so much.” Twilight watched Hawke go with worry. “That seems like a pretty big favor,” she noted. “Trying to steal treasure from a dragon?”  Spike chuckled. “Well, you know dragons aren’t all bad. Maybe she can reason with her. Either way… it’s a start.” He glanced at Swift. “And that counts for something.”  Swift, for his part, was watching where Hawke had gone, almost like he wasn’t sure if the griffon he saw was actually the aunt he knew. “Yeah…” he said thoughtfully. “A start…” > Episode 53: Scales and Carapaces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Banner’s way too much, brother,” Star was claiming to a nervous Spike. “At least the flowers are in place.”  “And by that, you mean ‘completely out of view’, right?” Spike noted.  “Oh yeah,” Star said. “Showed up with some roses once; didn’t go well.” She paused. “Mainly because the things pricked my thumb and I set them on fire in a fit of rage.”  Spike blinked. “I guess dragons aren’t the only ones who don’t like flowers.”  Star shrugged, before noticing a crystal lined pit he set out. “And, uh… what’s this?”  Spike jumped onto it with a grin. “I call it the Ceremonial Dragon Fire Flame of Friendship.” He grimaced. “Which should be flaming right now.”  He spat a glob of flame into the pit, and it lit up with a WOOM, flinging both Spike and Star onto their backs.  Star shook off the soot covering her freckles. “Might be too much, buddy.”  She helped her friend up as Twilight walked over to them.  “Spike, everything looks great,” she said. “You’re getting worked up for no reason.”  “I have lots of reasons,” Spike replied, before pulling out a list. “In fact, I wrote them down.”  Star chuckled. “He really is your son, Twilight. Or… little brother or…” She face-hoofed. “I ruined my joke.”  Twilight merely shrugged with a nervous grin of her own, as Spike consulted his list.  “Reason One,” he recited. “I invited Dragon Lord Ember to Ponyville today. Reason Two; the Dragon Lord is a Dragon. Reason Three; The Dragon Lord is a Dragon who is dating one of my best friends, so I don’t want to put their relationship on the rocks.”  “Well, considering they have rocks in place of beds…” Star stopped herself at the look on Twilight’s face. “He’s too young for that, isn’t he?” “Oh yes!” Twilight snapped.  “Reason Four!” Spike snapped with equal fervor, “My friends and family can’t seem to accept that I’m older than a toddler and thus able to handle relationship talk.”  “You say that now, buddy,” Star replied. “But if I told you exactly what Ember can do with that tail…” Twilight shut her snout. “You will not,” she said.  Star nodded in understanding.  Rolling his eyes, Spike went back to his list. “Reason Five; the Dragon Lord is coming her to learn more about friendship.”  “Which… is admittedly true,” Twilight said, pulling out her own list. “According to Ember’s letters, the dragons are trying to be friends, but competing is in their nature, and it’s leading to fights.”  Star chuckled. “Maybe we should bring up how the griffons are making headway. That might interest them in a friendship competition.”  Twilight winced. “But friendship shouldn’t be a competition. It should be natural. After all, if I had gone into Ponyville thinking I ‘had’ to make friends, things might’ve turned out very different.”  “Which brings me to Reason Six,” Spike concluded. “Ember wants my advice, and with all the above mentioned reasons, along with my status as one of the Equestrian ambassadors to dragons, I can’t let her down.”  Star pat his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Spike,” she assured him. “Ember’s a good gal. She’s gotta act tough, of course, but she’s got a soft side.” Spike raised an eyebrow. “Should I expect a joke about how you found this ‘soft side.’”  Star shoved him playfully. “Dude, we just discussed that. I’m not gonna traumatize you, especially not when you’re already more worried about this than you need to be.”  Twilight came up and hugged Spike. “You got this, Spike. Everything looks perfect.”  Spike sighed, comforted by their words… before a voice noted, “Aw, group hugs. Got room for one more?”  The trio turned, and Star gasped in delight. “Thorax!”  Spike whirled around in shock. “T-Thorax? You’re here?”  “Of course I am, silly,” Thorax said, laughing as Star lifted him off the ground with a brief bear hug. “You invited me. And I’m not one to back out of an invitation.” He glanced at Star. “Even if someone’s a little too enthusiastic with their hugs.”  Star paused and quickly dropped him. “Sorry,” she said with a nervous grin.  “No apologies needed,” Thorax assured her, before smiling at Twilight. “Hey, Twilight.”  “Hey,” Twilight greeted nervously.  “Oh, did you do all this for me?” Thorax asked, walking over to the Ceremonial Dragon Fire Flame. “What’s this flame thing? It’s so pretty.”  As he observed it, Twilight went to Spike’s side. “You invited thorax over to Ponyville on the same day as Ember?” She couldn’t hide the disbelief in her voice.  Spike looked over his notes, and sure enough, he had two separate notes noting that he needed to talk to both Ember and Thorax on the same day. “I completely forgot!” he whispered in horror.  “Well, don’t panic,” Star replied. “We can meet with them both. You never know, they could just get along.”  “Are you sure?” Spike asked. “I mean, Ember is so tough and self-assured and intimidating. And Thorax is…” At that moment, Thorax came over. “Spike, I’m so glad you invited me over. You are one of my closest, nicest, most caring, most understanding friends ever.” He hugged him, before gasping. “Oh, is that ice in the shape of a dragon?” He zipped away. Despite his display of personality, Star was still grinning. “Well, I think it can still work. Opposites are capable of attracting, after all. This could easily be the start of a beautiful friendship.”  “Or it could be the start of a fight that leads to a war that could ruin Equestria as we know it!” Spike stammered.  Star gave him a deadpan expression before glancing at Twilight. “He still on about that adventure through time?”  “He’s had nightmares about it for a couple of weeks,” Twilight admitted with a sad nod.  “Oh, boy.” Star sighed and pulled Spike into a hug as well. “Spike, listen to me. Ember’s tough, but she’s not overly violent.” She glanced at Twilight. “From what I’ve heard, the yaks are more impulsive.”  Twilight shuddered. “You have no idea.” Spike tilted his head. “Did something happen?” “Please don’t ask.”  Spike looked down. “I just… I want this to work, you know?” He looked up at Star. “Ever since you and Ember got together, you’ve been happier than ever before. I don’t want to ruin that.”  Star winked at him. “And you won’t. Remember what Diamondback said; treasure is more than just silver and gold. And while the dragons outside their kingdom might be competitive, when you get in their good graces, you’re there for life.” She looked up, and her eyes brightened. “As I shall now demonstrate.”  Spike followed her gaze, and gulped as he saw Ember herself already flying over. Spike almost went to summon a fanfare from the ponies, but Star waved him off, already shifting into her Night Fire form.  Upon seeing Star’s dragon form, Ember smirked and pulled off a back-flip before landing in a three-point hero’s landing.  “Ten points,” Night declared, holding up a sign that said ‘ten-out-of-ten,’ before tossing it aside. “Anything exciting happen since I left?”  “Hard to,” Ember replied with a smirk. “You almost never leave.”  “Do I have a reason to?” Night replied with a grin.  The two laughed and punched each other playfully.  “Depends on how much you like color, I guess,” Ember noted, looking around in intrigue. “In the Dragon Lands, you know how everything’s just rocks or the color of ashes.”  “Well, let me spring for those fireproof curtains and maybe we can bring some color back in,” Night said, leading her over to Spike and Twilight. “But for now… guess who was kind enough to invite us.”  “Hey Ember,” Spike said, offering a hug.  Ember paused, before chuckling. “Oh, right, the hug thing doesn’t just extend to…” she stopped herself and gave him a quick hug. “Yeah.” She then glanced at the alicorn princess. “Hey Starlight.”  “Actually, I’m ‘Twilight,’” Twilight confirmed.  “Oh, right,” Ember face-palmed. “I’m still getting used to these pony names. Lots of ‘lights’ and shiny things…”  “She’s not kidding,” Star admitted. “My mom visited us in dreams. Ember messed up my pony form and my mom.”  Ember shoved her. “You both had dark coats and shiny manes!” She then noticed Thorax, who had alerted on Night getting shoved with the same look that he had when facing Chrysalis. “Speaking of shiny things…”  Spike’s eyes widened, and he desperately followed behind Ember, as he already saw fire burning around Thorax’s hooves, ready to change him into something battle-ready. Luckily, Thorax looked to Spike questioningly, and as Spike indicated Ember was okay, the flames died down. Star smiling in an assuring fashion at Thorax probably helped as well.  “Um… hello,” he said with a bow, before pausing and glancing between Ember and Night. “Wow, the bond you two share… it’s…” “None of your business,” Ember said sternly, “And you are?”  Thorax blinked, a little startled at her terseness, but shook it off. “Uh… Thorax. King of the Changelings.”  Ember crossed her arms, looking him up and down. “Seriously?”  “Did you prefer Chrysalis?” Night asked, standing by Thorax’s side. “As in, the crazy changeling queen who tried to turn me and my friends into her love slaves.”  Ember’s eyes flashed angrily at that memory. “She’s lucky I didn’t burn down the entire changeling hive.” She paused. “Y’know, because…” “I’m one of your treasures,” Night replied with a grin. “No shame in admitting that.”  “Well, yeah, and y’know,” Ember added, “The rest of your friends are my friends as well. Or… treasures, or… whatever.”  “I’m so proud of her,” Night noted to Thorax with a grin. “Either way, Thorax got to Chrysalis before you. Really laid the smackdown on her.” Spike perked up at the intrigued look Ember got. “Really?” “Yeah,” Night said. “You should’ve seen it. She starts trying to manipulate him, but he gives this grand speech about ‘ponies are my treasures, and I won’t let you hurt them!’ And then he charged up this big, epic bolt of energy…” Thorax chuckled and ducked his head. “You’re… making it sound a lot more heroic than it was.”  “Because it WAS heroic,” Night gushed. “Dude, you toppled an evil queen and saved a nation.” “Yeah, you should be proud of that,” Ember noted. “Not much is more impressive than a smaller dragon managing to take down a bigger dragon.”  Thorax hummed. “I’m not sure the rest of my hive sees it that way. Chrysalis was still our mother. And there’s a few of my siblings who still wish she was back.”  Ember grimaced. “And… what have you done about it?”  Spike felt his heart speed up again. Here we go… he started to worry, but Night waved him off with another grin.  How was she able to stay so confident? Spike wondered.  “I’ve tried asking them to please follow my directions,” Thorax offered. “I offered prizes, I…” “Stop talking,” Ember said sternly.  Thorax shut up instantly. Spike waited for the insults to start, but Ember then grinned.  “That’s how you do it.”  “Whoa, really?” Thorax asked in awe. “You just… said it. And it still gave me chills.”  “Well, if you were willing to blast your own mother off your throne to save your siblings, I know you’ve got it in you,” Ember replied. “And if the others see you as the leader, there’s a reason for that too. When you make a decision, you let it be known that the decision is final.” “And if that doesn’t work,” Night added. “Turn into a dragon.” She indicated herself. “Always works.”  Thorax tested her theory, turning into a massive dragon that dwarfed Ember and Night by comparison.  Night laughed. “See? Just like that!”  Thorax chuckled, before turning back. “Alright. Yeah, that’s good advice. I like that.”  “I knew it would,” Ember replied with a grin.  Night nudged her. “Hey. I told you about that.”  Ember groaned and rolled her eyes, causing Thorax to pause.  “Is something… going on with you two?”  “No,” Night replied. “Just being competitive.”  “It’s how dragons work,” Ember explained. “When we got a problem with each other, we hash it out with feats of strength and fire duels.”  Thorax raised an eyebrow. “How does that help?”  “It establishes dominance,” Ember replied, pulling Night into a headlock.  “And it…” Night noticed Spike still watching. “Well, I think some of us are too young to explain why being dominated can be fun for some of us.”  Thorax hummed. “And what about when it’s not fun?”  Night considered that. “Well, I guess the humiliation and shame can build up after a while.”  “But you’re not like other dragons,” Ember noted, taking Night out of her head lock and making her look at her. “They’d probably run away and bury themselves under a rock!”  “Why do you think that is?” Thorax asked.  “Because they’d be…” Ember paused and considered it. “Sad? Kinda low? Definitely not happy.”  “That’s because that kind of competition can divide you. And it doesn’t get to the heart of the issue. Talking about your feelings does.”  Ember groaned. “I think I’m allergic to feelings.”  “Not all of them,” Wing noted with a grin, before grabbing and tickling her under the armpits.  “NIGHT!” Ember shrieked, blasting Night in the face. Night merely shook off the soot with a cackle. Thorax stepped back from the flames, but didn’t flee. “Well, you guys don’t need to be sappy or huggy-feely about it. But you should still be willing to let your friends… and especially loved ones… know how you feel.”  Ember considered it. “That’s… not bad advice.” “And what do we say when someone helps?” Night asked in a singsong voice.  Ember rolled her eyes, but managed to say it. “Thanks, Thorax.”  Thorax beamed happily, while Spike found himself relaxing.  “They’re… actually getting along,” Spike mumbled in delight. “Wow.”  Twilight came up alongside him. “Remember, Spike,” she advised. “One of the most important parts of friendship is being able to trust your friends.”  Jackknife poked his head around a corner. “Didn’t we go through this already with me and Dash?”  Spike winced. “Yeah. I should’ve remembered that.”  Twilight rubbed his shoulder. “Maybe you need something to help build up your confidence. So you can have more faith in your friends.” She glanced towards Astral’s forge. “And I may just have an idea for that.” > Episode 54: A Fine Line > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The plus side to seeking out training from Astral was that Spike wasn’t going to have to do it alone.  For as he and Twilight approached Astral’s forge, they found Diamondback already in discussion with the green dragon.  Though, when Diamondback noticed Spike approaching, her gaze turned sour for a moment. Before Spike could react, however, she covered the sour gaze with a smile.  “Ah, my darling Spike,” she greeted, sweeping with a flourish and revealing a dark purple chest plate that had been concealed by an equally dark purple and white cloak. She posed, practically modeling the armor. “Lovely, isn’t it? Rarity and Astral worked tirelessly on it.”  Spike grinned and gave her a thumbs up. “It looks good on you.”  Her eyes sparkled merrily. “Of course, it would look better when I’m standing over my beaten foes. Speaking of which…” Diamondback turned back to Astral. “I hate to ask for more, my dear Astral, but, heh…”  “You’re looking for training too, right?” Spike asked, stepping up to her side. “Yeah, I was kinda hoping you could teach me a few tricks as well.”  Astral scratched his chin, thinking it over. “Well, this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve taken on a couple of pupils…” Before he could shrug and say ‘sure, why not?’ Diamondback, however, tried to sweep Spike to the side. “Spike, darling,” she said with a practiced laugh. “You’ve survived this far, haven’t you? I daresay there’s not much Astral could teach you.”  “You kidding?” Spike asked. “I’ve only gotten this far because of you guys. I don’t want to be a burden on you.” He looked to Astral again. “And you were a Guard for the Dragon Kingdom, right? Surely you know ways on how to de-escalate a situation.” He glanced backward. “Like what almost happened with Ember and Thorax?”  The green dragon nodded. “You are right about that. If diplomacy didn’t help, someone would have had to make sure that they didn’t hurt each other.”  Diamondback tapped her cane against the ground, almost like she was trying to squash some invisible bug. Her voice came out gentle, but also hissing through her teeth. “It’s up to you, Astral. I don’t wish to be a bother… but it would be nice to see how the Dragon Kingdom Guards handled combat. Among… other things.” She cleared her throat importantly.  “First, I need to let Aurora know what I’m doing before I close up shop.”  He briefly left the two, but Spike and Diamondback only had a moment to glance at each other awkwardly before Astral returned, with two sets of training gear for them.  “Let’s get down to business,” he said with a smile.  ## A few minutes later, Spike and Diamondback were set up in a training arena.  Astral began with some simple martial arts. “The first thing you need to do,” he explained, “Is make sure you are loose enough to ensure fluid yet sturdy movement. There must be a balance when it comes to martial arts. Otherwise, you may end up injuring yourself, or allowing your opponent to get a hit on you.”  Spike carefully listened to every word Astral said, copying his techniques with careful precision. Though he noticed that while Diamondback copied his movements as well, there was a glower on her normally pristine face, and her eye kept twitching in impatience.  “Hey, DB,” Spike asked. “You okay?”  “Fine!” Diamondback snapped, before noticing her snappy tone and reeling it back. “Just… concentrating.”  Spike glanced at her body; though she had taken off her cloak, the purple chest plate remained. “Aren’t you worried about scuffing that?”  “Darling,” Diamondback said impatiently. “It’s armor. It’s there to protect you.”  “During basic drills?”  “It’s important to break it in; what use is it if I can’t move around and do basic fighting in it?”  Her words made sense, but her tone was strange. Spike went back to his forms, but he kept giving Diamondback a concerned side-eye.  Something was up with her. But he had to get stronger if he wanted any chance of actually helping her.  He had let fear and paranoia nearly lead him to spurning Thorax and Ember. And though he had taken on Diamondback in the past, he had also nearly lost himself to the Greed.  He couldn’t fight her that way again. He had to be more skilled. He had to be better.  ## In the next set of training, Astral stood in front of a chalkboard where he had drawn five animals surrounding a dragon.  “There are five basic styles of martial arts that you have asked to learn,” he explained. “Everyone has a different style that fits them best. Whether you’re as ferocious as a tiger, graceful as a crane, fast as a serpent, agile as a monkey or precise as a praying mantis.” He indicated each animal as he spoke. “The dragon style is usually reserved for those who are skilled in a little of each.”  “These techniques helped you against many foes, yes?” Diamondback asked curiously.  The green dragon nodded as he got some tea from a nearby fire. “Correct. Though I mainly use swords, the skills I have learned through Kung Fu have helped me capture several criminals back when I was part of the Kingdom’s guard service.” He offered some tea to his two students, both of whom accepted graciously.  Spike sipped his tea thoughtfully. “Any foes in particular?” Spike asked.  “No,” Diamondback said, though her eyes didn’t meet his and she didn’t drink her tea. “Just curious.”  Despite her words, she trained with a strange sort of intensity. Her normally regal features gained a more animalistic quality as she trained with the next set. And her blue eyes shined with something that reminded Spike disturbingly of the Greed.  “Diamondback,” he said gently. “Something’s going on with you. You need to talk about it.”  “What I ‘need’,” Diamondback snapped, “Is to be better than I have been.”  Spike narrowed his eyes, glancing at the chest plate again. “Is this about what happened during Torch’s dragon challenge?”  Diamondback froze, her rapier inches from her target dummy’s chest. “...No.”  Spike sighed. “I don’t need an Element of Honesty to…” “Spike, please!” Diamondback barked, taking a massive breath. “I’m just concerned that I haven’t been at the top of my game. After all, Sh…” she coughed and cleared her throat. “I mean… the Dragon Challenge wasn’t the only obstacle that we’ve had difficulty with. The changelings? Remember that? I noticed you eventually became a ‘guest’ of one of their cocoons.”  Spike winced at the memory. “Yeah…”  Diamondback gripped his shoulder. The gesture seemed to be meant as a comfort, but the way her talons dug into his shoulder dissuaded his assurance.  “We need to be better,” she insisted, patting his shoulder, and going back to Astral’s sets.  Spike exchanged a worried glance to Astral.  “Don’t worry,” Astral said. “This could also help as a type of therapy. It will also allow those who have burdens to speak about them. Back to your exercises, young dragon.”  Spike obeyed, but still looked at Diamondback with concern. “If she gets aggressive… I want to be able to help. I want to be able to protect you and Aurora.” He looked down. “I don’t know if I’m capable of that yet.”  “Just admitting that allows me to see that you are getting better,” Astral replied. “Have faith that things will be alright. You can help others, Spike. You just need to believe in yourself. I took longer than those I was training with before I was let into the ranks, but I made it.” He smiled gently at the younger dragon. “You will too.”  ## As they completed the third set, Astral brought in a set of 3 bamboo staffs that were standing vertically.  As soon as he had set them up, Astral flew to the top of one pole, and stood on the tips of his right clawed foot. He stood perfectly still. “This next set will test your balance,” he explained. “It’s okay if you don’t get it at first, but I would like you to attempt it.”  Before Spike could begin, an indignant scoff escaped Diamondback’s snout. When he turned to her, she couldn’t hide the light of indignation in her eyes. Astral flew back down to look Diamondback in the eye. “Do you have something you’d like to say, Diamondback?” he asked. “Because if so, now would be the best time before I continue this lesson.”  “I’m just curious if this was a massive help against Shade Fang,” Diamondback replied curtly.  Astral’s eyes narrowed. “So, that’s what this has been about.”  Spike, however, grinned. “I was right,” he said. “You have been hung up on losing to Shade.”  Diamondback’s eyes briefly widened in panic, before she turned to Spike with that animalistic glower. “Spike, y-you don’t know what you’re talking about.”  “Just say it,” Spike insisted. “It’s okay; you’re among friends.”  “Oh-ho, am I?” Diamondback asked. “After I rushed on ahead while you helped Star Wing’s new playmate? You didn’t once think that I was only out for myself?”  Spike blinked at her. “I… thought you were trying to stop Shade.”  “OF COURSE I WAS!” Diamondback boomed. “It’s not like I… WANTED the Bloodstone Scepter. It’s not like letting that Princess have it wasn’t the right call.”  “You know,” Astral mused, grabbing two practice swords and tossing one to Spike. “Sarcasm is for when you want to say the opposite of what you are saying.”  With a bestial roar, Diamondback swung her rapier at him.  But Spike jumped in. With an inverted holding of the blade swung sideways, he deflected Diamondback’s strike. “Diamondback, calm down!” he insisted.  “I AM CALM!” she screeched, striking at him again. “ISN’T THIS WHAT WE SIGNED ON FOR, SPIKE?! TO GET STRONGER? TO TRAIN? ISN’T THAT WHAT I’M DOING?!”  Spike deflected her strikes, but was forced backward. “T-This is just a little more intense than I was expecting,” he stammered.  “Did the changelings take it easy on you?” Diamondback seethed. “Do you think SHADE took it easy on me?!”  Her next strike knocked his sword away and Spike hit the ground, holding his arms up in one last meager attempt at defense.  “ENOUGH!” Astral shouted. “You are going too far!”  Utterly unhinged, Diamondback rushed at Astral and battered him with attacks. Though Astral held his own, Spike flinched as each blow forced him further back.  Spike had to step in. His heart was pounding in his chest. The bitter taste of fear coursed through his mouth.  This is what he had feared happening with Ember and Thorax. A fight breaking out between his friends, with him unable to do anything about it.  Have faith.  Spike’s fists clenched as Astral’s words came back to him.  You can help others. You just need to believe in yourself.  Spike breathed. “I believe… in me.” He stood and retrieved his practice sword. “I believe…” “Tell me,” Diamondback was roaring as she forced Astral into a corner. “Is this how Shade beat you the first time? Did you honestly have anything in your roster that could beat him? How did you defeat him back at the Kingdom, Astral?! Tell me! TELL ME! TELL ME!!!!”  “LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Spike boomed, before using Astral’s harai waza technique. Diamondback’s rapier was knocked from her grasp, and she was flung towards Astral. As Diamondback was knocked into Astral, he swept her feet out from under her with a low spinning kick. Together, Spike and Astral sent Diamondback sprawling. As she hit the ground, her chest plate burst apart…  …revealing the ‘X’ shaped scar Shade had left on her.  “NO!” Diamondback shrieked, covering the scar with her wings. “DON’T LOOK AT IT! DON’T LOOK! DON’T…”  Spike and Astral stayed back as she scrambled back into a corner, curling into a ball as her screams turned to whimpering tears.  “Don’t…” she sobbed. “Don’t…” Her words devolved into inelegant blubbering.  “Diamondback,” Spike said gently, “It’s okay.” He sheathed his practice sword and carefully approached her. “I’m your friend.”  “You shouldn’t be,” Diamondback sobbed. She covered her face. “I’m sorry, Spike. I’m so sorry.”  Spike gazed at her piteous figure and sighed. “You really wanted that Bloodstone Scepter, didn’t you? It’s okay, you can tell me.”  She shook her head. “I shouldn’t have wanted it… for the reasons I had.” She gazed up at him sadly. “I always talked about how friendship is the greatest treasure, and yet…” She looked up. “When I saw that scepter… when I saw what Torch could do with it… the Greed closed over my heart… and all I could think about was getting it… for myself.” She looked down. “I left you… Jackknife… Star Wing, Phoenix, Swift, Astral, Aurora and Ember. When I fought Shade… I was only thinking about myself. Taking the Bloodstone for my own.” She hunched down. “I’m a terrible Dragon Guardian. A horrible friend.”  “But it worked out,” Spike offered. “He didn’t get the Bloodstone. Ember did.” “Because you gave it to her, Spike,” Diamondback said gently, gazing up at him again. “The Element of Generosity chose me… but in that moment… when you gave the Scepter to Ember rather than keep it for yourself… you showed more generosity than I.” She shook her head. “It was a… good thing… that Shade beat me.” She winced. “But I didn’t want to believe that.” She looked to Astral. “So I came to you. I blamed Shade… I wanted to beat him. But not to protect my friends…” she shook her head. “But because he took away the chance for me to have what I wanted.” She dropped her wing and let the scar show fully. “I deserve this… not your teachings. Not the secrets on how to beat him.” She lowered into a bow. “I’m so sorry.”  Astral got down on her level. “Listen,” he said. “That attack Spike told you about? Back when the changelings had us prisoner? I did that out of anger towards Shade. He did something that made me snap, and I decided I was done with letting him live to face the consequences of his actions. But the attack drained me. Otherwise, I would’ve torn him apart with my bare claws.”  Diamondback sighed and sat back. “And I wanted that,” she admitted. “I wanted to do the same thing to him.” She gazed at her claws. “But how can I trust myself with such power, when anger and greed so easily sway me from who I’m supposed to be?”  “Talk to Aurora about it,” Astral recommended. “She can explain it better.” “And in the meantime, try to remember something else,” Spike noted. “We’re not flawless. We both fell to the Greed before. More than once. And yet we both came back.”  Diamondback gazed up at him.  “We recognized our failings, and strove to do better.”  Diamondback lowered her head. “But I failed,” she noted. “I fell to the Greed again, and even now I’ve fallen to Wrath.”  “So, are you going to lay there and mope about it?” Spike asked, offering his hand. “Or are you going to get up, recognize where you stumbled, and strive to still be better? Because in my opinion, that’s the best way to overcome it.”  Diamondback gazed at Spike’s hand for a moment. But after gazing into his eyes, she managed a sad smile… and took his hand.  He helped her up and pat her shoulder. “Astral,” Spike asked. “D’you think you can give her another shot?”  Astral grinned. “Yeah. Besides, this could count as therapy. It’s at least better than yoga.”  That got a genuine laugh out of Diamondback. Spike smiled and turned to Diamondback. “C’mon,” he said. “We’ve still got a lot to learn.”  Diamondback chuckled softly. “That’s the great thing about life,” she mused. “We never do stop learning.” “That’s true,” Astral agreed. “That is true.” > Episode 55: Once a Villain... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It should’ve been Twilight’s biggest moment: learning that the Pillars of Equestria - and most importantly, her idol, Starswirl the Bearded - were capable of being brought back. Well, the explanation was a little more jumbled than that - not helped by three days of cross-referencing journals and maps and a bunch of other stuff that left Spike with a massive headache - but the gist of it was… “You can save the most legendary ponies of all time,” Sunburst summed up.  Only Phoenix’s grimace could keep Spike from feeling happy for his sister/boss. “Are we sure about this?” she asked. “Opening portals between worlds doesn’t tend to work out really well. Remember Sunset Shimmer?” “Or me?” Starlight agreed. “Are you sure this is safe?”  “Starswirl wrote the spell you used,” Twilight pointed out to Starlight. “And if he’d been there, he could’ve stopped it. Equestria will be safer with him in it. We have to save him!”  Phoenix kept shifting with worry. “B-But… they went in there to contain a great evil.” “That’s right,” Star noted. “The Pony of Shadows. “If he’s still in there…” “There’s no way Starswirl would let a beast like that live for very long,” Twilight said confidently. “I’m sure he and the other Pillars found a way to beat it while in Limbo.” She spread her notes out. “Now, if I’m right, we need to find items that are connected to Starswirl and his team - the Pillars of Equestria - and bring them to where they disappeared. The power within their artifacts should be enough to summon them back.”  The magic came to her aid, revealing several artifacts. One of which made Diamondback gasp in delight.  “I have that!” she said gleefully, pointing to Flash Magnus’ shield.  “Really?!” Twilight asked in excitement, completely missing Phoenix looking away.  “Some of my diamond dogs brought it with them when I recruited them,” Diamondback claimed, scurrying off. “One moment… Shiva?!” She whistled. “MYSTY? WHERE ARE YOUR TREASURES, MY FRIENDS!?”  As the others similarly ran off to collect the other artifacts, Spike noticed Phoenix growing pale under her scars.  “Phi?” Spike asked, gently touching her side. “You okay?”  Phoenix glanced at Spike with worry. “Spike,” she asked. “Do you know how long dragons can live for?”  Spike paused. “I, uh… I imagine a long time.”  “A very long time,” Phoenix said. “And… sometimes… they’ll make a lot of mistakes.”  “But you’ve grown since those mistakes,” Spike noted. “You’re better than you were before.”  Phoenix gave him a sad look. “You didn’t know me when I was younger,” she said, gazing down at her scars. “Before I got these.” She looked up at him. “If you did know me… what I’ve done… would you still be friends with me?”  Spike wanted to say ‘yes’ right out the gate. But there was something about her stare of despair; the way she was hunched over.  “Phoenix…” he asked, worriedly. “What did you do?”  Phoenix looked like she was choking on her answer. Before she could force it out, however… Twilight banged open the door.  “Spike, what are you waiting for?” she demanded. “Starswirl the Bearded is waiting! Come on!”  Reluctantly, Spike ran after Twilight, leaving Phoenix stewing in her thoughts about whatever dark past she had left behind.  ## A short while later, the ponies and dragons had gathered at Ponhenge, where apparently, the Pillars of Equestria had made their last stand containing the Pony of Shadows within Limbo.  “I can’t believe I’m going to meet Starswirl the Bearded,” Twilight gushed. “You know, outside of my dreams.”  “I can’t believe you’re going through with this,” Starlight noted.  “What’s not to believe about saving the most legendary ponies of all time from a thousand-year prison?” Sunburst asked.  “You ever hear that phrase, ‘never meet your heroes’?” Phoenix asked.  Jackknife laughed. “I like that one; never meet em because they’re people, and people are…” “Jack!” Star barked, though she did give the area a worried look. “I won’t deny… it’d be nice to see Flash Magnus again…” Twilight gaped. “YOU KNEW FLASH MAGNUS?”  Star backed up. “I… Luna did mention that Starswirl was her teacher, remember? And she had me before Nightmare Moon?” She shrugged. “So, yeah, he was in my life. Not for very long, though; he and the other Pillars vanished when I was still figuring out how to talk.”  “So, you must be as eager as we are to see him again,” Twilight concluded. “I mean, yeah, but…” Wing glanced around again. “I don’t like the feel of this place.” “Exactly,” Starlight agreed. “Maybe we shouldn’t mess with whatever they did.”  Twilight ran up to them. “Star Wing. Starlight,” she said, as patiently as she could. “Starswirl the Bearded is the greatest. Wizard. Who ever. Lived. The chance to have him back in Equestria is worth the risk.”  “And besides,” Sunburst added. “Magic has come a long way since their day. Whatever they did, we’ll be able to help.”  “I hope so,” Diamondback noted, placing the shield among the other items. “Otherwise, we dug this out of Myst’s treasury for nothing.”  Phoenix flinched again. Spike noticed she looked like she wanted to run for it. He went to her side.  “Phoenix,” he hissed desperately. “Please. What did you do?”  “I…” Phoenix looked at Twilight as she eagerly began her magic. “I…”  But then with a massive BOOM, the piles of stone were broken open… and the Pillars of Harmony stood before them. Alive and in the flesh.  “What…” Starswirl mumbled, staggering off his pedestal. “What has happened?”  “It worked!” Twilight cheered. “We brought you back!”  “To where?” Starswirl asked, looking around. Before Twilight could explain, his eyes alighted on Phoenix. And a look of pure hatred crossed his face. “You!”  Phoenix backed up under his glare. Spike hesitantly got between them, but looked to Phoenix again.  “Phoenix!” he insisted, as Starswirl turned to Twilight.  “I don’t know what that despicable dragon told you,” he said. “But you must undo what you’ve done!”  Twilight was thunderstruck. “What? Why?”  “You shouldn’t have brought us back!” Starswirl claimed. “You can’t bring ‘only’ us back!”  Right on cue, a shadow fell over everyone. A great black stallion, made of pure shadow energy laughed evilly before them. Star fell backward, her eyes wide in horror. “T-The… Pony of Shadows…” she whispered in horror. The Pony of Shadows glanced at her in intrigue. “Ah, Luna’s foal,” He mused. “How has your mother done with my power?”  “Star Wing?” Flash Magnus mumbled, still disoriented, but quickly regaining his senses. He jumped between the Shadow Pony and Star. “BACK! AWAY FROM HER, YOU FIEND!”  The Pony of Shadows laughed. “What can you possibly accomplish, Flash? Your pitiful attempt to imprison me failed. And with the fractions of my power planted in the likes of Luna and Sombra…” “You mean the guys we beat?” Jackknife asked with a defiant smirk.  The Pony stopped, turning to him. “And just what are you, sea serpent?”  Spike and his friends gathered beside Twilight and her friends. “We’re the ones that stopped Sombra and brought Luna back from the brink,” Spike said. “And if you messed with the Pillars, you messed with us.”  The Pony of Shadows glared at them, before glancing at Phoenix. His grin returned. “I’m surprised you’d let ‘that’ be one of your successors, Starswirl,” He noted. “After what she did.”  “She is no friend of ours!” Starswirl snapped.  Twilight blinked. “No friend?” She looked to Phoenix. “Phoenix, what is he…?” But in that moment, the Pony of Shadows struck. Blasting Starswirl’s journal and sending the group tumbling, he rose into the air.  “Without the power of Ponhenge, your banishing spell is useless. And once I extinguish the light and hope of this miserable world…” He grinned at Phoenix and Star. “I’ll have invitations for you both to serve at my side.”  Star raised an eyebrow. “Like… as a concubine or something? Sorry, but I think I’m a little too young for you.”  Spike rolled his eyes, but before anyone could make a remark about that, the Pony of Shadows vanished with a whoosh of his wings. Starswirl desperately fired a spell at him, but it was too late.  “Dangit,” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “Where’d he go?”  “That is a riddle we must unravel,” Somnabula said. “And quickly.”  “First, we must attend to a more important matter,” Starswirl said, turning his horn on Phoenix.  “Whoa-whoa, hang on!” Wing insisted, jumping between him and Phoenix. “What is going on? What has Phoenix done?”  “You haven’t told them, have you ‘beast?’” Starswirl snapped up at Phoenix. “This dragon attacked Equestria in it’s heyday. She tried to enslave the princesses as foals.”  Spike felt like a lead weight had been dropped into his heart. He slowly turned to look at Phoenix, who was looking away in utter shame.  “No way,” Jackknife said. “No way! Phi, tell me he’s joking!”  “Starswirl doesn’t joke,” Flash replied grimly. “I lost my shield to that monster. I always knew she was evil, but manipulating you all into bringing back the Pony of Shadows?”  “NO!” Phoenix cried out. “No! I didn’t!”  “Don’t lie to me, dragon!” Starswirl snapped. “You were always a vindictive, spiteful creature. After we stopped you from enslaving the princesses, you were consumed with rage. You attacked Flash Magnus, and stole his shield. Why shouldn’t we believe you now manipulated these poor souls into unleashing the greatest evil upon this land?”  Phoenix looked desperately to Twilight, but Twilight was stepping back, guilt and fear silencing her.  Jackknife, however, was not as easily cowed. “Don’t blame her for this,” he said, standing loyally by Phoenix’s side. “Twilight Sparkle’s let you loose on her own volition. She said having you back was worth any risk.”  “And now you try to blame ponies for your mishaps?” Starswirl dismissed. “Truly, you are without honor! Once a villain, always a villain!”  The words hit Phoenix like a rampaging buffalo. Lowering her head, Phoenix turned and fled.  “Phoenix!” Spike cried out. “I got her!” Swift said, racing after her.  Spike briefly looked back at Twilight. “Twilight… tell him!”  But Twilight could only look between them with fear. And Starswirl beat her to it. “Don’t let these beasts fool you, young mage,” Starswirl claimed. “Whatever they have threatened or bribed you with, we will stop their plans. Them, and this Pony of Shadows.”  Star, however, stared at both of them with utter disgust. “You are blind, old man,” she growled, “Blind!”  “Wait a minute…” Flash tried to say. But Star spread her wings and took flight. Similarly, the other dragons turned on their heels, Diamondback gazing at the Pillars with disappointment, while Jackknife leered at them with hatred. Spike silently gazed at Twilight, yearning for her to tell the truth.  “Please…” Spike whispered.  But the fear of having to tell her hero - her role model - that she had unleashed the Pony of Shadows of her own volition seemed to silence Twilight’s protests, and she could only gaze morosely at Spike before looking away.  Spike lowered his head in disappointment, before following after his friends. ## The dragons found Phoenix sobbing in a ditch, Swift hesitantly trying to comfort her.  “Pompous gray flank-hole,” Jackknife was spitting. “What did he know about anything?”  “And to think he was the greatest wizard of our time,” Diamondback mused.  “I always wondered if he could’ve helped Luna,” Star muttered. “Guess not.”  Spike, however, made tracks for Phoenix.  “Phoenix,” he said firmly. “What was he talking about? What did you do?”  Jackknife was scandalized. “Spike, you can’t have believed that speciesist prick! He didn’t know what he was talking about!”  Phoenix sobbed harder. “But he did.” Jackknife blinked. “W-What?”  Diamondback gently settled next to Phoenix, lifting her up and wiping away her tears. “Talk to us, darling,” she whispered. “You’re among friends. We won’t judge you.”  Phoenix took a shaky breath, trying to steady herself. But with everyone looking at her expectantly, she finally sighed and confessed.  “I was a young dragoness back then,” she said. “Impulsive. Hot-tempered. Eager to make my mark on the world.” She gazed at Swift. “My… father was experimental. He had phoenix eggs, and he had kidnapped a few unicorns. Made them use their magic to transfer the phoenix flames over to my egg.” She looked up. “He considered me the most precious treasure of his entire horde; a dragon born with phoenix flames. He said I’d be unstoppable. And I was.” She gazed up and away. “For most of my life back then, I was his weapon. His greatest and most powerful tool of destruction. I battled other dragons. I battled kirin. I battled minotaurs.” She grimaced. “In time, I even fought my own father. I thought I was unstoppable. That I could do whatever I wanted.” She gazed back at where the Pillars had been. “Then they gave me my first taste of defeat.”  Star blinked at her. “No way…” she muttered. “You attacked Equestria?”  “Like I said,” Phoenix said shamefully. “I was high on life. Drunk on power. I thought I could do anything I wanted. And when they used their magic to take away the boost the phoenix eggs had given me… showed me that my power had limits… I got angry. I hated the feeling of losing. I went on rampages. I drew Flash Magnus out… and when I still couldn’t beat him, I stole his shield. Out of sheer pettiness. I took my anger out on everyone and everything I could. And in doing so, I completely missed the lesson that my fight with the Pillars should have taught me.”  Diamondback gazed at her scars. “So the diamond dogs had to teach you again,” she noted.  “It was a painful lesson,” Phoenix admitted. “One that stuck.” She clenched her fist. “Being with you guys… it’s made me want to be different. It’s made me want to be better.” She gave where the Pillars had been a sad look. “But I can’t expect them to see that. Not when they saw the worst side of me. Experienced my evil first hand.”  Spike gripped her claw. “We experienced Discord’s evil first hand,” he noted. “But he turned out for the better as well.”  “After losing his power,” Phoenix noted. “He’s been earning it back,” Spike refuted. “You can do the same.” He pulled her to her feet. “Let them see that you’re not that dragon they fought. Show them that you changed. It’s one thing to say it…” “It’s another thing to show it,” Swift agreed, watching as a familiar winged form touched down before them.  Gabby offered Swift the armor. “Hawk found it,” she said happily. “Wouldn’t say how she got it, but she did it.” She paused, glancing back. “I don’t suppose you’re going to need it for whatever’s going on in Hollow Shades, do you?”  The other dragons perked up. “Hollow Shades?” Star asked. “Yeah,” Gabby said. “There’s some kind of dark energy swirling around there. I didn’t want to get too close - it looked pretty scary. But you guys eat scary for breakfast, don’t you?”  Star grinned at Phoenix. “Yeah,” she noted, offering a hand to Phoenix. “And it’s about time for a meal, don’t you think?”  Phoenix looked up at Star in surprise, but as she saw the others grinning, she managed her own smirk as well. “Let’s find out,” she replied.  ## The dragons found the Well of Shades. Just as Gabby mentioned, it was oozing with shadowy energy.  The dragons stood tall and together, though Phoenix took the lead. “Shadow Pony! Show yourself!”  With an evil laugh, the ground cracked beneath them. Swift, Diamondback, Phoenix and Star took to the air, quickly grabbing Spike and Jackknife before they could fall into darkness. With another evil laugh, the Pony of Shadows rose up to regard the dragons.  “Welcome to the Well of Shades,” he declared, before looking to Phoenix and Star again. “You know, I found this place when I was at the bottom of my life. I was friendless, homeless… nothing was left for me in life. Then I discovered this place!” He turned around, regarding the place like a home. “The darkness spoke to me, of a power beyond any I could imagine, and I listened. The shadow and I became one. Soon, all of the realm will be the same. Then all ponies will feel the despair I did.” He sniffed, and his grin widened. “The same despair all of you feel.”  Star growled. “We’re nothing like you!”  “Do you really think that?” the Shadow Pony asked, sidling towards her. “I can sense your pain, Daughter of Luna. Hated and reviled, all because your mother chose to adopt the dark. Yes, she didn’t see it’s full potential, but I imagine she learned. And you suffered for it, didn’t you?”  Star snorted. “A few meager insults. Nothing I couldn’t handle?”  The Pony of Shadows smirked. “Is that what you call being banished from your own kingdom? Cast out just because of how you were born?”  “Leave her alone!” Phoenix insisted.  “And what of you, Blazing Phoenix?” The Shadow Pony asked, seamlessly turning to her. “You know of the pain the Pillars can bring. You experienced it personally when they took your Phoenix power.”  Phoenix winced in pain, but when she looked up, her gaze was defiant. “And they were right to do so. I was a menace. I was evil.”  The Pony of Shadows snarled. “No, they were SELFISH! THEY MUST PAY!” His shadow energy began to convalesce, but Phoenix stood tall against it.  “No,” she growled. “You blind yourself with darkness. It’s time for you to see… THE LIGHT!”  With a great effort, she unleashed a whirlwind of flames. While it wasn’t the same as Phoenix fire, it did force the Pony of Shadows back. Spike, Star and Diamondback joined, unleashing three more pillars of flames. Even Jackknife and Swift got in on it, hoisting up flamethrowers found in Diamondback’s treasury and adding their own flames to the mix. And as the light from the flames fought against the darkness, Spike saw, out of the corner of his eye, the Pillars and the Mane Six arrive.  Gasps and exclamations of shock emanated, but Spike forced himself to concentrate on the Pony of Shadows, who desperately fought against the flames and light.  Despite their attempt, the shadows would not fade. And as the Pony of Shadows snarled, he began to push back. “Guys, I don’t think this is working!” Swift warned, starting to fall back.  “Spike, get out of there!” Twilight pleaded. Spike looked, however, to Phoenix, who still stood in place, fighting against the shadows even as they began to overtake her flames.  “Phi, we need help!” Star insisted.  “You go!” Phoenix replied.  “No! You’re our friend, we can’t leave you!” Spike pleaded . Phoenix gazed at Spike with tears in her eyes. “I’m not the dragon that I was when Starswirl and this Pony lived.” She looked back. “I won’t run. I won’t turn my back on people who need me! And if I die…” she lowered her head. “It’s not like anything important was lost.”  Twilight backed up, tears in her own eyes. “Phoenix…”  “This… how can this be?” Starswirl muttered. “The dragon I knew would never have shown such self-sacrifice.”  “Because she has changed,” Twilight said, her sadness at Phoenix’s sacrifice overpowering her hero-worship. “She’s not the dragon you knew.” “What?” Starswirl turned to her. “But… she manipulated you…” “No,” Twilight said bravely. “I did it myself. I was so excited to have you back, that I didn’t think about the Pony of Shadows.” She looked down. “Him being back… it’s all my fault.” Her eyes narrowed in determination. “And I have to fix it!”  She jumped down and ran to Phoenix’s side, adding her magic to Phoenix’s flames. Though the Pony of Shadows barked at the addition of her magic, he wasn’t forced back.  Not until Starswirl’s own eyes narrowed in determination, and he jumped down and joined Phoenix as well.  One by one, the Pillars and the Mane Six joined the Drake Six. And as the literal calvary came in, the dragons - reinvigorated - resumed their assault.  “Don’t worry,” Starswirl claimed, as he waved his horn, and a portal formed behind the Pony of Shadows. “We have a plan.” “NO!” The Pony of Shadows wailed. “You will not trap me again!”  As he fought and struggled against their combined attack… they saw a smaller pony struggling from within the shadows.  “Wait!” Twilight yelled. “There’s someone in there!”  Starlight rushed forward. “I’ve got him!” she claimed.  “Me too!” Twilight said.  “Hey, don’t leave me!” Star added.  As all three rushed into the shadows, pulling at the unicorn within, Starswirl gazed at the struggle in shock. Shock that turned to shame.  “Stygian…” he muttered.  “Who?” Spike asked.  “He was… the one that brought us together,” Starswirl mumbled, as Star, Twilight and Starlight struggled to help him. “All this time, I thought that he had betrayed us. That he wanted our power for himself.”  “I… help…” Stygian cried out as Star, Twilight and Starlight tried to pull him free. “The shadow won’t let go of him,” Twilight claimed. “He wants to stop, but he can’t do it alone.”  “That don’t sound like someone looking to betray ya,” Jackknife noted.  “Indeed,” Starswirl said, looking at Phoenix, before his eyes narrowed. “Then we must help him!”  With an extra burst of magic, lassos of light encircled Stygian, and together, they pulled him free, before an extra blast of magic-empowered flames forced the Shadow beast back into the portal, which shut with a pop.  Everyone collapsed from exhaustion, though tired whoops and cheers of victory managed to break the silence.  Starswirl slowly raised, gazing at Stygian and Phoenix with a new expression.  “Long ago,” Starswirl said. “You needed our help, Stygian. But instead of listening, we turned our backs on you. Pride clouded my judgment…” he looked to Phoenix. “Wrath blinded my vision.”  Twilight stepped forward. “And I let desire for his respect silence me when I should’ve shown loyalty.” She lowered his head. “We both owe you an apology, Phoenix.”  “No,” Phoenix said, pulling herself to a sitting position, but looking to Starswirl. “You owe me nothing, Starswirl.” She gazed at him with eyes filled with remorse. “What I did when I was younger… it was unforgivable. I’ve suffered for it, and rightly so.” She indicated her scars. “But my suffering shouldn’t force you to forgive me. I should earn it; through the good deeds I do.” She looked back at Stygian. “Though… I won’t deny… I hope that what has happened here… at least was a start.”  Starswirl hummed, gazing on Stygian with thought. “I’d say it was more than a start.” With a nod of respect, he turned to Stygian, speaking quietly to him along with the other Pillars. “Well,” Jackknife said, heading next to Phoenix. “Whatever he decides… whatever ya did… yer alright in my book, Phi.”  “Oh yeah,” Spike said, joining him and the others as they embraced, Phoenix smiling gently as she hugged them. > Episode 56: Return of the Storm King - Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was going to be probably the biggest celebration Spike had ever witnessed in his short life. The Pillars of Equestria had returned; six of the greatest legends in Pony Mythology were alive and well, and walking among them once more. There was no way Canterlot couldn’t have a massive party celebrating their return.  Unfortunately, it meant a lot of stress for a certain purple alicorn.  “I can’t handle this,” she mumbled for the tenth time. “I can’t handle this! Oh, nothing is going to work!”  “Take it easy, Twilight,” Spike said, handing her one of her charts while hanging onto another graph. “I’m here, remember.”  Twilight sighed, gazing at him with adoration. “Yes. You are.” She hugged him. “And I’m so glad you’re here. Don’t get me wrong, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are great, but… it’s not the same without you. You always knew exactly how to keep me calm.”  “Well, being raised alongside you helped,” Spike noted with a smirk. “Just as being pretty much raised by Princess Cadence and then Princess Celestia should help you know that they’re not going to reject or be mean to you.”  “I know, but still…” Twilight shivered. “They’re two of the five most important, royal princesses of Equestria, and I’ve got to ask them for a huge favor.”  “Yeah, but you’re forgetting one of those other five,” Spike pointed out.  Twilight paused. “Star Wing? Luna?” Twilight playfully shoved her with a laugh. “You! Come on, Twilight, you’re smarter than that!”  “Oh! Right!” Twilight managed a laugh despite her nervousness. “Right… okay…” She took a breath, and entered the throne room, where sure enough, the other four princesses awaited alongside some of the Pillars of Equestria: Luna and her daughter Star Wing were deep in conversation with Starswirl and Flash Magnus, while Cadence and Shining Armor were also talking with Flash Sentry, who seemed to be giving them some sort of report. Celestia watched over them all like a proud mother, before turning her gaze with interest to Twilight.  Spike nudged her forward as Star caught his eye. “You got this, Twilight,” he promised. Nodding, Twilight hurried towards Celestia, who smiled and approached her former student eagerly, leaving Spike free to wander over to Star Wing, who detached herself from her mother to follow him.  “Everything going okay?” Spike asked.  Star laughed. “Turns out Mom didn’t do all her homework in the past.” She chanced a glance back as Luna held herself higher as Starswirl nodded in approval, Flash Magnus chuckling at her display. “He’s been quizzing her on some of the magical theories they discussed when she was a filly.”  “An alicorn that had to do homework,” Spike mused with a grin as they opened the door. “That’ll make Twilight happy.” Star glanced back. “Speaking of which, what’s she so nervous about?” She glanced over at Cadence. “She looks more nervous than Cadence, and Cadence has been demanding regular updates from the baby sitters in the Crystal Empire on how Flurry’s doing.” She looked around before adding, “Spoiler alert; Flurry’s fine. Though the sitters…” she chuckled. “Not so much.” Spike chuckled. “Twilight’s reasons might seem tame in comparison. She’s got some ideas on how the sun and moon can be positioned to get the best lighting for the stage.”  Star scoffed. “Of course.”  “To be fair, this whole welcome-back party was kinda her baby.” Star hushed him. “Don’t let Pinkie hear you say that.” “Too late!” Pinkie declared happily, appearing above them. “But Spike’s right in a way; it was Twilight ‘and’ my baby!” She dropped down to join them, gazing in proud happiness as ponies set up the stage, various festivities and food stands. “And I’m so proud of how she’s growing.”  “The… party, right?” Spike asked.  “Yes!” Pinkie cheered, racing down to where the others were working hard. “Applejack, Jackknife? Apple Cider ready?”  Jackknife used his power over liquid to manipulate several gallons of Applejack’s famous family cider from a massive barrel into several jugs. Applejack saluted. “Present and accounted for.”  Pinkie nodded as Star moved past her. “Decorations? Rarity? Diamondback?”  Diamondback was providing support for Rarity as she decorated the stage with diamond studded streamers. “Taking time, but growing more fabulous by the second,” Diamondback replied.  Pinkie bounced past Star. “Animal ensemble!”  Fluttershy hushed them, tending to several twittering birds that were grouped around a stiff-as-a-tree Phoenix. “Ready as long as you don’t scare them,” Fluttershy cautioned. Star shot into the air. “And weather? Rainbow Dash? Swift?”  Rainbow Dash shot up to her with a salute. “Cleared and ready for the festival. Right Swift? Swift?”  They turned to find the griffon-dragon hybrid hovering in mid-air, staring worriedly at a black storm of clouds gathering in the distance.  Rainbow Dash growled. “What the…? I thought I just took care of those.” She started to fly towards them, but Swift held out a wing to stop her.  “I think those are more than just storm clouds,” he warned.  Spike and the others drew together, Spike squinting at the strange clouds… and even stranger shapes lurking within.  “It looks like… are those ships?” Spike asked.  Jackknife’s eyes widened. “Not just any ships,” he whispered, turning back to the others. His sea green eyes were narrowed. “Get the Princesses.”  ## In a matter of seconds, the Princesses stood at the entrance to Canterlot, accompanied by the Mane Six, the Drake Six, the Pillars of Equestria, and a platoon of armed guards.  “Ready!” Shining Armor barked, and the platoon formed a phalanx, magical shields up and ready for attack.  “Elements,” Twilight said. “Stand ready.” “Confirmed,” Spike agreed, hitting his own element and making sure his friends did the same.  “Pillars!” Starswirl declared. “Stand firm.”  Rockhoof bellowed a confirmation, as the others stood ready for action.  And further back, Spike noticed Discord, Trixie and Starlight standing ready.  “Beating up baddies certainly counts as a good deed, yes?” Discord was saying to Starlight, snapping his fingers and producing cannons. “I’m up to 3% now, and I’m quite eager to see what I’m capable of now.”   Before Starlight or Trixie could respond, one of the ships landed before the group. A large mixture of a hedgehog and bear stepped out with a microphone.  “Ponies of Equestria!” he declared. “We come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, they almighty…” “Storm King,” Jackknife hissed.  The hedgehog pouted in Jackknife’s direction. “Hey! That’s my l…” he paused. “Oh! I remember you!”  Jackknife smirked. “Did I rearrange yer face the last time we met?” He cracked his knuckles. “Cuz I’m more than ready to do it again.”  “I don’t think so,” a new voice declared, as a shadowy figure came out to join the hedgehog creature. “After all… you didn’t fare so well against me.”  Jackknife’s eyes narrowed as the unicorn Tempest Shadow strode out to join her herald.  “Is that… a unicorn?” Twilight asked Spike.  “Yeah, Tempest Shadow,” Spike replied. “What happened to her horn?” Somnabula asked in concern.  Fluttershy gasped. “You didn’t… break it, did you?” “Hey,” Phoenix protested. “It was broken before we got to her.”  “Tempest Shadow, is it?” Celestia asked, drawing everyone’s attention. “How may we help you?”  Tempest smiled. “I’m so glad you asked. How about we start with your complete and total surrender.”  As she spoke, several of the Storm King’s yetis began to file out. The guards tensed, and Shining Armor’s eyes narrowed.  Twilight’s eyes widened, and she stepped forward. “Wait! I’m not exactly sure what is going on, but isn’t there a chance we can talk this out?”  “I don’t think so, Twi,” Star muttered, for Tempest was glaring at her, then Star, then Luna and finally Cadence. Her smirk widened.  “Oh goody,” Tempest mused. “All five princesses.”  Cadence swallowed back her motherly fear.  “Here’s the deal, ladies,” Tempest continued. “I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please, or we make this difficult for everyone!”  “And why should we cower before you?” Luna demanded. “You stand before not just the Princesses of Equestria…” “But the Pillars of Harmony as well,” Flash Magnus declared boldly.  “As well as not one, but two bearers of the Elements of Harmony,” Spike added, hoisting Twilight onto his back.  “Sorry, kiddo,” Star teased. “But the odds ain’t in your favor this time.”  Tempest, however, merely chuckled. “Just the way I like it,” she replied, before motioning to her yetis. “Attack!”  The Storm Guards rushed forward, only to be met by the Royal Guard’s phalanx.  “Prepare the Elements!” Twilight yelled, as the Drake and Mane Six rose into the air, Elements glowing in a rainbow of colors.  However, Tempest was fast, and lobbed a familiar looking black and green orb at them.  “Twily!” Shining yelled, leaping up and blocking it with a shield. However, the orb exploded against his shield, and began to cover over him with obsidian.  “Shining!” Cadence yelled, leaping to aid her husband. But as she grabbed onto him, the obsidian spread faster than expected, concealing husband and wife both in black stone. “Cadence!” Celestia cried out.  “No!” Twilight stammered, turning to Spike. “What is that stuff!”  Spike resisted the urge to curse. “It’s some freaking obsidian stuff that they used on us.”  “Don’t worry, dears,” Diamondback said, breaking off from the group. “I’ll get them out.”  “DB, wait!” Rarity tried to claim. But Diamondback’s pride was to her disadvantage. And the second she touched the obsidian, it glowed once again, and spread across the dragoness’ body.  Rarity tried to spring free, but the obsidian managed to get her as well. And before anyone could blink, both Elements of Generosity were sealed.  Worse still, as the obsidian sealed them, the Elements went dark, and dragon and pony alike fell to the ground.  “W-What?” Phoenix whispered. “How!”  “Your last attack on us gave us some notes on how to improve the formula,” Tempest replied with a smirk, before lobbing another orb at the phalanx that was keeping the Storm Guards back.  Celestia, however, blasted the orb away, wisely cutting her magic off and creating an obsidian spear that nearly ran Tempest through. Dodging, Tempest growled and summoned her horn’s magic, causing a supernova style explosion that staggered the phalanx, allowing the Guards to begin pushing the army back.  Flash and Rock Hoof rushed to engage the enemy, though Celestia stepped back as she noticed several unicorn’s magic - and even Discord’s chaos magic - fading against the Storm Guard armor.  “Oh, come on!” Discord complained. “I finally get my magic back, and these monkeys have anti-magical armor? That’s cheating!”  “Anti-magic?” Celestia muttered, turning to Spike and Twilight, as Spike pulled Twilight back seconds before the obsidian could try to claim her.  “And with even one of the Elements out of commission,” Twilight reported, “The Elements are useless.” She turned to Celestia. “What do we do?”  Celestia looked back, as Luna and Star Wing joined the Pillars, Star going back into her Night Fire form and engaging Tempest in combat. Together, mother and daughter actually began to push Tempest back.  Celestia’s eyes widened, and she grinned. “It’s time for us to see just how much the bonds between nations have grown.”  Twilight tilted her head. “Huh?” Celestia rested a wing on her shoulder. “You must leave Equestria, Twilight,” she told her, even as the battle raged around them. “Gather our allies: the dragons. The changelings. The Griffons. Everyone you can find. Find out who will come to aid us in this time of need.”  “But Princess…” Twilight stammered. “What if they just see this as an opportunity to attack.”  At that moment, they heard Star Wing scream. “MOTHER!”  Turning, they saw Luna fall to the ground, encased in obsidian. Tempest smirked cruelly at Night Fire, who’s fire burned white hot.  “YOU’LL DIE FOR THAT, WITCH!” she roared, sending Tempest back-flipping away with a barrage of white flames.  “We must have faith in the power of friendship,” Celestia told Twilight, pressing her head to hers. “Please. Go. We will hold as long as we can.” She turned to Spike. “Keep her safe.”  Spike’s eyes narrowed, and he nodded. “I will.” He turned to the others. “Drake Six! Disperse! We got a new mission!”  Jackknife and Rainbow Dash turned to him, having just yanked Star Wing and Pinkie Pie away from another obsidian orb, before turning and flying them away without question.  “Wait! Mom!” Star insisted. “I can’t leave her!”  Spike grabbed onto Swift, who pulled him into the sky, Fluttershy and Phoenix following along with Applejack in tow. “We can’t help her like this. We need allies, Wing.” He made her look at him. “We need Ember.”  Wing’s eyes contracted, and she looked down as the guard desperately battled the Storm Guards, Discord firing potshots at the Storm King forces while mainly focusing on herding terrified ponies to safety. Starlight and Trixie raced alongside him, yelling orders for the others to follow, while Celestia unleashed a blast of sun magic, sending several Storm Guards fleeing with their fur on fire.  “I…” Star stammered. “I don’t know… Ember… will she… I don’t know if she’ll respect us enough if we ask…” “You’ve been with her for this long,” Spike insisted. “There has to be something there…” He indicated her chest. “Anything to get her to listen.”  Star swallowed, tears still falling from her eyes as she looked back for her mother. But with the Pillars and Celestia holding alongside the royal guard, Star reluctantly turned her back on the battle, and followed the rest of the Drake Six - now five - away from Canterlot.  ## At the same time, however, Tempest barely managed to elude Celestia with another obsidian orb. Managing to catch Rockhoof with another orb as he charged her, Tempest felt herself get grabbed, and nearly forced an orb into the hedgehog’s - Grubber’s - mouth.  “Message from the Storm King,” Grubber said, showing her a glowing blue hologram of a familiar lanky yet powerful yeti.  “Those dragons are leaving the battle,” the Storm King growled. “And they’re taking two of the Princesses… and that sea serpent that caused us so much trouble beforehand.”  Tempest looked up, spotting the ten figures winging through the air.  Tempest huffed. “You want me to go after them before securing Celestia.” She looked up and gasped before ducking, as Celestia sent a Storm Guard hurtling over their heads.  “Celestia can’t keep this up forever,” the Storm King replied. “That sea serpent and his friends, however, set us back for much longer than I was comfortable with.” His blue eyes narrowed. “If you let them interfere in my plans again, your horn won’t be the only thing that’s broken.”  Tempest’s eyes narrowed. “It won’t be a problem.” She deactivated the hologram and turned to Grubber. “Get us after them.” Grubber nodded and raced back to the rampway.  “That’s right!” Flash Magnus taunted. “Run, cowards! We’ve got them on the run, boys!” The Royal Guards cheered, but Tempest looked back with a grin.  “Oh, don’t celebrate yet, ‘boys’,” she warned. “This was just the first round.”  Sure enough, several more ships came out of the smoke. And as the Storm Guards leaped from the ships to engage the battered ponies and their panting but still strong alicorn princess, once more, Tempest and Grubber’s ship set back off into the air, dead set on following the Drake Five and Mane Five. > Episode 57: Return of the Storm King - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It didn’t take long to notice the massive ship flying after them.  “Guys,” Swift warned, “We’ve got a tail!”  Pinkie laughed. “Silly Swift, we all have tails.” She showed her own tail for emphasis.  “He means we’ve got someone on them!” Star noted, pointing back at the ship.  Pinkie hummed. “Well, they’re not ‘on’ our tails, yet. See?” She climbed onto Wing’s tail. “I’m the one on your tail now!” She turned back to the ship. “AND IT’S MY SPOT AND YOU CAN’T HAVE IT!” she yelled defiantly.  Spike did not expect Star to roll her eyes and groan at that. “Pinkie, seriously…” she muttered darkly.  “Uh, Star, you okay?” Spike asked.  “Me?” Star glared at him, her voice dripping in sarcasm. “Oh yeah; totally fine. I just got my mom frozen in obsidian because I couldn’t watch my flanks, and now I’m flying away into exile for the second time in my way-too-long life.” She paused. “Well… okay no, I got exiled from a couple of other places. But… you get the point; this was my home!”  “And we’re going to get it back,” Twilight assured. “The others will help us.”  “Not if these guys catch us first,” Swift warned. “I think they’re gaining.”  “HEY!” Pinkie shouted, bringing out her party cannon. “I SAID THIS WAS MY SPOT ON WING’S TAIL! GET YOUR OWN!” She fired a cake at them, but the cake plummeted before it got close.  “What a waste of a good cake,” Wing mumbled forlornly.  “We can’t fly together in a group like this,” Phoenix recommended. “They’ll overtake us long before we reach any of our allies. I recommend we split up.” “Split up?” Star stammered. “Isn’t that like the one thing you should never do in a horror movie?”  “We’re not in a horror movie, Star,” Twilight reminded her.  “I don’t know, Twi,” Star said. “Long lost villain returned; took out our kingdom…” she paused. “Actually, that is more of a fantasy adventure than horror, isn’t it?” “Look, the point is,” Spike said, “We have several allies out there. We just have to get to them. And we’ll not only cover more ground, but also force that ship to choose. There’s no way it can follow all of us; at least not at full power.”  “Agreed,” Twilight said, turning to Star. “Star, you have the best relationship with the dragons; you go after them.”  Star nodded, before Pinkie climbed over her. “Wait-a-minute,” Pinkie exclaimed, “I’ve got the best relationship with the yaks. They’ll help if I ask.”  “Yaks?” Spike asked.  “Long story,” Twilight said, focusing on Pinkie. “And yeah, Pinkie; you should go for the yaks.” She regarded the others. “Jackknife, you at least know some of the people in the hippogriff kingdom. You should see if you can call in a favor or two there.”  Jackknife grimaced. “I don’t know if they’ll listen…” “Jack, the ship’s getting closer,” Swift snapped. “This is no time for an argument.”  “Swift,” Twilight seamlessly continued. “You go to the griffons. Hopefully Gabby, Gilda and Hawke have made enough progress there that you can ask them for help.”  Swift grimaced. “I’d feel a lot better about my chances if Diamondback and her money weren’t back in the kingdom.”  “Well, we’re just going to have to make do,” Twilight replied, turning to Spike. “Spike, you gave Thorax a chance when everyone else thought he was evil. See if he and his hive will still be interested in helping.”  “Will do,” Spike said, before glancing around at Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Phoenix and Twilight. “What about the rest of you? What will you be doing?” “One of us should go with each of you,” Phoenix said, “Cover your backs.” “I call the dragons!” Rainbow Dash said, flying to Star’s side. “I’ll help you knock some heads if need be,” she added with a grin. One that Wing returned half-heartedly.  “Pinkie will be faster if she has someone with wings on her side,” Phoenix noted, flying closer. “I’ll take her.”  “Yay!” Pinkie cheered, leaping from Wing to Phoenix.  “I’ll go with Jackknife,” Fluttershy offered. “Give him some wings to help speed his travels.”  “And I’ll help Swift out,” Applejack added, hopping onto Swift’s back. “Give him some backup if them griffons decide to be difficult.”  Spike smiled at Twilight. “Sounds like that leaves me and you to get the changelings,” he noted.  Twilight smiled back, before glancing worriedly at the ship, which was now close enough that they could see Tempest glowering at them.  “No time for a big speech,” Twilight noted, looking to the others. “Everybody… Equestria is counting on us. The Princesses, Diamondback, Rarity, our families… we save or fail them all in the next few hours. Let’s not let them down.”  “OOHA!” Jackknife boomed, before the group split, flying off in different directions.  ## Back on Tempest’s ship, the unicorn’s eyes widened as the group split into five duos, each winging away in different directions.  “Splitting up, I see?” Tempest mused.  “Don’t they know that’s the one way to get got in horror movies?” Grubber asked, leaning against the railing and munching on some cake. “Unfortunately, it means we have to divide our forces,” Tempest muttered, her eyes darting between Star Wing and Twilight. She hummed as her eyes started to focus more on the daughter of Luna. “Luna’s brat wasn’t the easiest fight. It would probably be better to get her before the others.”  “What about the sea serpent?” Grubber asked, pointing as he made his way north with Fluttershy. “The King said that he had been a massive spanner in the works.”  “He was only a threat because he had friends,” Tempest refuted. “Alone, he is barely worth my time.”  Grubber shook his head. “I ain’t willing to believe that if the Storm King’s taking notice of him over the rest.” He headed towards the nearest individual boat. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going after him.”  Tempest glared at the hedgehog, but sighed. “Fine,” she said. “But my priority lies in capturing the alicorn princesses.” She returned to the wheel and spun it. “And I know exactly where to start.”  ## As Spike and Twilight made for the changeling kingdom, Spike kept looking back over his shoulder. Though the ship had turned away and ceased pursuit of them, he knew that only meant that at least two of his friends were in danger.  Who had Tempest gone after? Star and Dash? Jackknife and Fluttershy? Applejack and Swift? Or perhaps Phoenix and Pinkie?  If she went after Star and Dash, she’ll be sorry, he tried to tell himself. Those two will take her on no problem. But his thoughts had a hard time confirming that when recalling the memory of Star lying battered and beaten at Tempest’s hooves the first time they fought.  And what about Fluttershy? The poor girl’s not built for combat! “Spike?” Twilight asked, noticing his pained expression.  Spike tried to collect himself. “I… I’m sorry, Twi. I just…” “I know,” Twilight assured him. “I can’t stop thinking about them either.” She looked back with unshed tears, before turning her gaze forward. “But we can’t help them by turning back now. We said we’d get the changelings, and that’s what we’re going to do.”  “I just hope Thorax can help,” Spike whispered worriedly, even as the Hive slowly came into view.  Unfortunately, no sooner had they gotten within shouting range, than the air shimmered around them, and several darker colored changelings appeared, surrounding them. “Whoa, wait, hang on,” Spike called, raising his hands. “We’re friendly; we’re not hostile.”  “State your business,” one of the changelings hissed.  Twilight swallowed, but took the plunge. “Equestria’s in danger. We need to speak to King Thorax.”  The changelings glanced at each other. Spike did not like the small grins several of them were sharing.  “And why should the King be bothered with what’s going on outside his kingdom?” another changeling asked.  “Because we’re friends,” Spike insisted. “And friends look out for each other.”  “Do they?” sneered the biggest changeling - ironically not Pharynx. “Is that why you were so afraid of what would happen if he met up with that Dragon Lord?”  Spike felt the color drain from his scales. “How did you…?”  “Did you really think Thorax would go into Equestria alone? Without some sort of protection?” the changeling mocked. “We were following from the shadows. We saw how you reacted to him; how terrified you were about the changelings and the dragons getting into a war.”  “Well, it didn’t happen,” Twilight insisted bravely. “They got along fine.” “No thanks to him,” the changeling dismissed, jutting a chin at Spike. “He just sat back and fretted, having no faith that they could get along.”  Spike forced himself to breathe and look at the situation calmly. “I was worried about my friend potentially getting hurt,” he replied.  “And how do you know he won’t get hurt helping you?” the changeling shot back. “What kind of ‘danger’ is Equestria in right now?”  Spike matched the changelings glare. “That depends,” he replied. “What kind of danger is the Hive in from Chrysalis?”  The changeling stiffened. Several bore fangs at each other. The air grew so thick with tension that Spike swore he could cut it with his claws.  “That’s none of your business,” the changeling snarled.  “No?” Twilight asked. “Because it was ponies who aided King Thorax in overthrowing her reign of terror.” “It wasn’t…” one changeling spat, before the others hissed at him. Twilight and Spike glanced at each other, Spike feeling fire warming his throat. “Unless some of you want her back,” he said, “Might even be planning to take King Thorax out yourselves.”  To his immense relief, several of the changelings turned their fangs onto their siblings. “If that’s come up again,” one of the smaller changelings snarled. “I’ll bite your eyes out. Thorax is our brother; our new king. Our loyalty is to him and him alone!”  “In that case,” Spike said. “Take us to him. Because if we don’t talk to him immediately, you guys will lose one of his best friends.”  “And your best allies against Chrysalis,” Twilight concluded. A quarter of the changelings looked downright livid, but they were outnumbered by the more clearly loyal changelings, who formed a protective ring around Spike and Twilight, and led them into the Hive.  “It’s good you brought that up,” a voice noted, before Pharynx shimmered into visibility just outside the entrance. “We’ve still got plenty of changelings who were loyal to Chrysalis first and foremost. Thorax has been doing his best with them, but…” Pharynx shook his head. “Not everyone will do the right thing with a second chance.”  Twilight swallowed nervously, but Spike forced himself to stay calm. Equestria was counting on these people. He couldn’t afford to break down.  Even as they reached King Thorax, and he ran to them with a look of pure concern and kindness. “Spike?” he asked. “Princess Twilight?” he looked between them. “What’s going on?”  “Equestria’s in danger,” Twilight said. “An old enemy of ours called the Storm King,” Spike clarified. “He invaded our home and has laid siege to Canterlot.”  Thorax’s eyes only widened for a second, before he grinned. “And you need our support?”  Twilight nodded.  “You got it.”  Spike perked up.  “J-Just like that?” Twilight asked.  Spike felt the urge to smack the back of Twilight’s head, but as he contained the urge, Thorax chuckled.  “Princess,” he said. “When we met, I let Chrysalis turn me into a monster.” He looked up in wistful sorrow. “We invaded Canterlot… we caused so much terror and pain. And now, we have the opportunity to make it right?” He stood tall before them. “Oh yes; you can more than count on the changeling’s aid against this threat.”  Spike couldn’t hold back his urges, and hugged Thorax. Luckily, Thorax was more than happy to hug him back. Twilight herself was almost crying in relief. “That was… a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.”  Spike just smiled at her, though his smile faded as he looked outside the Hive.  He had no idea if the others would have as easy of a time.  But they have to try, he reminded himself. The fate of Equestria could well depend on it. > Episode 58: Return of the Storm King - Part Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie and Phoenix were waiting for them, the yaks by their side. Though Phoenix looked completely exasperated - and several of the yaks looked confused - Spike felt his spirits lift.  “Pinkie?” Twilight stammered, as she stared at the massive yaks by her side. “You… already…?” “Yep,” Pinkie said cheerfully. “Prince Rutherford came through for us.”  The biggest of the yaks - what had to be Prince Rutherford - stepped up. “Equestria Yak friend. Enemy fight with Equestria; Enemy fight Yak!”  “FIGHT!” Several of the yaks boomed, rather gleefully.  Thorax leaned over to Spike. “I don’t remember seeing these guys at the last meeting.”  “Me neither,” Spike noted, turning to Twilight. “So, Twi, did you want to explain how you met these guys?”  Twilight turned beet red. “Well… it’s a long, and rather embarrassing story.”  Prince Rutherford, however, laughed. “It is GOOD tale! Pony make mistakes! Pony and Yak struggle to work out differences!”  “You almost declared war on us because our versions of your culture were imperfect,” Twilight deadpanned.  “GOOD TIMES!” the yak cheered heartily.  “And everything worked out in the end, didn’t it?” Pinkie offered with a smile. “Instead of declaring war, they’re going to help us fight a war!”  “FIGHT!” the yaks all cheered again.  Spike could only stare in complete disbelief. He was spared a response when Thorax looked up.  “Oh hey, is that Swift?”  Spike turned his eyes skyward, and sighed in relief at the sight of Swift, Applejack, Gabby, Gilda, Hawke, and at least three dozen other griffons winging their way.  Spike and Thorax ran forward as Swift touched down before them, looking rather put out, though his smile returned as he embraced the two.  “How’d it go, man?” Spike asked.  Swift glanced back at Hawke, who was determinedly avoiding eye contact. “Let’s just say that some old friends came through for us.”  “Some more friendly than others,” Gabby sang as she joined their group hug. “Hi Spike!”  “Gabby!” Spike lifted her up in a bear hug. “It’s good to see you again. Even if the circumstances are… less than ideal.”  Gabby scoffed. “Yeah, well, if they had been more ideal, I doubt we could’ve gotten as many griffons.”  Hawke nervously crept forward. “We… kinda had to appeal to their greed a little,” she admitted, glancing at some of the rougher griffons in their ranks. “They’re expecting a pretty hefty reward for pulling Equestria out of the fire.”  Spike looked over the griffons - a few he even recognized as mercenaries Starlight Glimmer had once hired. He huffed. “Well, if they help get rid of the Storm King, they’ll definitely earn every coin.”  The mercenaries nodded in approval, though one of them was looking among their ranks with a strange expression.  “Where’s Dash?” Gilda asked. “Didn’t she escape the city?”  The mention of Rainbow Dash left a pit in Spike’s stomach: Swift, Applejack, Pinkie and Phoenix may have returned, but they weren’t being pursued by a psychotic unicorn or the Storm King’s forces. His eyes turned to where Jackknife and Fluttershy left, as well as where Star Wing and Rainbow Dash had gone.  At first, there was no sign of them. But then… Spike’s eyes widened at the sight of several hippogriffs, flying in tight formation with sea serpents riding them. At the forefront was Queen Novo herself, with Sea Serpent Queen Sapphire hanging on her neck like a scarf. Though the Queen was casting very irritated glares at Jackknife, who rode a large male hippogriff with a very satisfied smirk, briefly glancing at either Novo or at Storm, who was riding another hippogriff Spike recognized as Princess Skystar. Spike raced forward as they touched down.  “Queen Novo?” he stammered. “But you… I didn’t think…”  Novo shot another glare Jackknife’s way, but sighed in resignation. “It’s… become clear to me… that we can no longer hide.”  “The enemy discovered us,” Sapphire agreed, sliding off Novo’s back. “If we stay in the shadows, they’ll eventually find us.” She cast another glare Jackknife’s way as he slid off the male hippogriff and joined Spike. “Your friend… convinced us we’d have a better chance standing together.”  “This is INCREDIBLE!” Skystar squealed in glee, her eyes darting eagerly between the assembled yaks, changelings and griffons. “Oh, who should I say hello to first? The griffons? They look like us. Oh, but that might be rude to the yaks, and I hear they shouldn’t be angered. Oh, but what about the changelings? Oh, they’re so beautiful…” “Easy, Sky, easy,” Storm soothed. “Try not to pop a gasket.” He led her over and started introducing them.  However, with all the bitter looks that many hippogriffs were casting Jackknife’s way, Spike’s curiosity was drawn towards his friend.  “Jack,” Spike asked, pulling him away as Twilight eagerly greeted the queens. “What did you do?”  Jackknife’s smirk refused to fade. “The Storm King just dug his own grave.” His eyes glittered as he retold the tale:  ## Storm and Skystar had been quite eager to meet with Jackknife again. And while Fluttershy was a little put off by their enthusiasm, they managed to befriend her quickly enough.  However, right as Skystar revealed the secret passageway back to Sequestria… they discovered a visitor.  Grubber, the hedgehog bodyguard of Tempest Shadow, had spotted them. More specifically, he had spotted Skystar along with the whirlpool.  Jackknife had been the fastest, catching Grubber in the shoulder with a blast of water. And with the hedgehog encountering a four on one battle… ## “Hold up a second,” Swift snapped, having joined them. “Fluttershy’s not a fighter.”  “No,” Fluttershy admitted. “It was more of a three on one.”  Jackknife rolled his eyes. “Guys, stop ruining a good story.”  “We just want to make sure you got the facts right,” Fluttershy replied. “Sometimes, embellishing can be a bad thing.”  “Fine!” Jackknife sighed. “He encountered a three-on-one battle…”  ## Either way, the odds were stacked heavily against him. The hedgehog turned tail and ran.  Skystar panicked; since he had seen the whirlpool, that meant he could bring the information back to his master.  An epic chase ensued; rushing over ruins, diving over debris.  But the hedgehog had an escape boat ready and waiting…  ## Spike noticed Jackknife’s crafty grin as he concluded with, “...and though we left him with plenty of bruises to remember us by, he just BARELY got away.”  Spike gave him a deadpan look. “You let him get away, didn’t you?”  Jackknife merely shrugged. “We did rough him up a bit, to be fair. But Skystar was terrified. ‘If he comes back with reinforcements…’” He indicated Fluttershy. “But, of course, Fluttershy was there to tell her that he was a little busy laying siege to Equestria.” He grinned proudly at Skystar. “She brought us straight down to Seaquestria, told Novo and Sapphire everything, and ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom.” He indicated the hippogriffs. “Ya got yerself the entire hippogriff army, Spike. Ya welcome.”  Spike managed a small grin, but doubt plagued his mind.  Jackknife letting that Storm King minion escape… it felt a lot like how when Spike - consumed by anger - had threatened that griffon and his family. Was it truly right to have forced the hippogriffs into this? Given the way Novo was giving death glares to Jackknife, she surely knew that he had forced her hoof. But much like Swift’s own suspicious glares at Hawke, Spike didn’t have long to worry or fret about it. There were still two other members of their party that had yet to return with their promised reinforcements.  “Dash!” Gilda barked. “Seriously, where is that pegasus?” “She went with Princess Star Wing to recruit the dragons,” Twilight told her, gazing around. “But… if we’re all here…”  “Then where is she?” Pinkie finished, the grin sliding from her face with worry. A low feeling of dread settled over the gathered army. Spike could feel morale slipping. That couldn’t be allowed.  He cleared his throat and stepped up. “Don’t lose hope,” he told them. “Rainbow Dash is the strongest pegasus I know, and I’d say the same for Star Wing… if I wasn’t biased.” He grinned at Twilight.  The princess chuckled, eliciting a few laughs from the likes of Thorax, Skystar, Gabby, a few yaks, and even Queen Sapphire.  “Whether the dragons join us or not,” Spike said, “I want to thank all of you.” He gazed between the changelings, the yaks, the griffons, the hippogriffs and the sea serpents. “Celestia may raise the sun, but right now… all of you are raising hope. You are bringing light to a very dark day in Equestria’s history.”  Thorax and his changelings glowed with pride, before Spike grinned at the griffons.  “And yes, that will mean rewards beyond measure.”  The griffons cheered.  “But, of course, before that,” Spike noted. “We’ll have quite the fight on our hands.”  “YEAH!” the yaks bellowed with glee. “But in doing so,” Spike turned his attention to the hippogriffs, “We will ensure that the Storm King never darkens the land of any creature again.”  The hippogriffs flapped their wings and squawked in agreement. Novo herself managed a nod.  Spike gave one last look towards the Dragon Lands. Hoping against hope to see Star Wing and Rainbow Dash winging their way towards him, with Dragon Lord Ember and a host of dragons at their call.  He saw Rainbow Dash… but no one else.  “Dash!” Jackknife and Gilda shouted, rushing towards her as Rainbow Dash stumbled to a halt before them.  “Dashie!” Pinkie yelped, hopping over to check on her friend, for the poor pegasus was covered in ash and panted like she had been flying for days. “Are you okay?” She looked up. “Where’s Star Wing?”  Rainbow Dash could only shake her head. Never had Spike seen the normally confident pegasus look so defeated.  “Dash?” he asked. “Please… tell me Star’s…” Dash could only look behind herself. As Spike looked up towards the horizon, his heart skipped a beat. ## The Storm King’s forces had pushed Celestia’s guard all the way back to the palace. Flash Magnus, Rock Hoof and Somnabula had all been claimed as captives.  Celestia and Star Swirl watched as Discord rained pies and anvils down onto the Storm King’s forces, all while they aided the few royal guards left in barricading the entrance.  Mage Meadowbrook joined them. “Princess, Starswirl,” she reported. “The civilians have taken refuge down in the mines. Mistmane found a passage that should get them away from Canterlot, though we don’t know how far the Storm King’s forces have spread.”  Celestia briefly looked to Starswirl, but he shook his head.  “I am no ruler, Celestia,” he said. “I was your teacher once, but you have grown since those days.”  Emboldened by her teacher, Celestia turned to some of the Royal Guards. “Half of you retreat,” she ordered them. “Lead the civilians out of the mountains and make tracks to Ponyville. If the Storm King’s forces have already settled there, make a sweep for any still free, and stick to White Tail Forest. If things become extreme, make for the Castle of Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest. You will need a base of operations to house a proper resistance until Twilight can return with outside help.”  The Royal Guards nodded, following Mage Meadowbrook as Celestia turned to Starswirl.  “You should go with them,” Celestia said. “Your wisdom will carry them far.”  Starswirl smiled gently. “They are your people, Celestia. Their morale would be higher if you went with them.”  Celestia looked down, shaking her head. “I lost you thousands of years ago,” she said. “And a thousand years prior, I lost my sister. And now she is taken from me again and…” she took a breath, but Starswirl could see tears that she couldn’t shed. “I can’t have you taken from me as well.”  Starswirl touched her shoulder gently. “You aren’t the little filly you were when you were learning under me,” he assured her. “You have improved greatly since those days.”  Celestia gazed into her teacher’s eyes, her own eyes weary from a lifetime of sorrow. “I’ve made so many mistakes…” she whispered.  “And you’ve made plenty of good choices to counter them,” Starswirl replied. “Like taking on Twilight Sparkle as your student.”  Celestia’s ears perked. “You… believe in her?”  “Just as I believed in you the day you and your sister first came to my school,” Starswirl assured. “She has that same spark you had; that same fire and passion to learn, grow and discover.” He sighed. “Yes, she is fallible, but that’s the truth for everyone.”  Celestia cracked a smile. “Even former villains?” Starswirl sighed, but nodded. “I was… wrong to think in such narrow-minded terms. Those that have allied with Twilight - regardless of their past - have proven themselves worthy heroes.”  Celestia tilted her head, as through the window, something began to fly over the horizon. “And I think they might just be about to prove it,” she whispered. However, as the obstruction came into view, Celestia’s heart fell.  “Or perhaps not.”  Starswirl joined her, confusion ebbing to dread.  For Tempest Shadow’s ship was once again bearing down upon Canterlot.  And Princess Star Wing hung limply from the figurehead. > Episode 59: Return of the Storm King - Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “PRINCESS CELESTIA,” Grubber boomed through his loudspeaker. “HEAR US!” He pointed to Star as she hung defeated from the figurehead. “YOUR REINFORCEMENTS ARE NOT COMING! WE HAVE CAPTURED YOUR MESSENGERS AND HALTED THEIR PLANS! NO CAVALRY IS COMING TO RESCUE YOU!” Celestia’s legs trembled. “No…” she whispered. “Not Twilight… she can’t have gotten Twilight…”  “YOU ARE THE LAST ALICORN PRINCESS,” Grubber continued. “SURRENDER, AND YOUR SUBJECTS NEED NOT SUFFER ANYMORE!”  Celestia looked down in dread, before Starswirl touched her side.  “It can’t be over,” he said, turning as another guard raced up.  “Princess,” he reported. “Ponyville is holding for now. Astral Flare and Aurora Frost have managed to build a resistance. And Sergeant Flash Sentry’s leading the Crystal Empire’s defenses.”  Celestia turned to him. “Do they know about Princess Flurry Heart?”  “No,” the guard assured. “She’s being kept secret and safe.”  Celestia breathed. “Then there is still hope.” She turned to Starswirl. “Use your teleportation spells. Link up with the Ponyville resistance. See if it is possible to meet with the Crystal Empire’s defenders as well.” She turned to Discord. “Discord?” “Hello,” he cheered from up top.  “Have another round of pies ready. We’re going to need them.”  “I certainly hope it’s for a celebration,” Discord teased. “I believe all these good deeds fighting off baddies gave me back 4% of my power now.”  “But Celestia,” Starswirl asked, “What will you do?”  Celestia glared out at the approaching ship. “I’m going to get my niece back.”  ## As Spike and his army carefully snuck after Tempest Shadow’s ship, he listened carefully to Dash’s story.  “These other dragons held us up,” Dash growled. “They said some ‘Shade Fang’ guy deserved to be Dragon Lord and that Star’s relationship with Ember was too close to be natural.”  “Shade wasn’t there, was he?” Spike asked.  “I wish he was,” Dash growled. “I’d have given him a kick for you.”  “And one for Astral,” Spike added.  Twilight nudged Spike aside. “So, what happened after?” “What do you think?” Dash replied. “We fought them. We were doing pretty well too, but then that freaky unicorn with the broken horn caught up.”  “Tempest,” Jackknife muttered quietly.  “Whatever,” Dash refuted. “She jumped Star while she was busy with three dragons; managed to encase her in that weird black rock before I could get free of this one red dragon.” She shook her head. “I tried to go after her, but then one of the dragons boasted about how ‘weak’ Star was. How Ember needed to hear that ponies weren't worth defending.” She sank lower. “And before I could stop him, two more dragons got in my way. By the time I managed to beat them…”  Twilight hugged her friend. “It’s okay, Dash,” she said. “You did the best you could.”  “But now we don’t have the dragons,” Dash insisted.  “No,” Spike admitted. “But we do have the changelings, the yaks, the hippogriffs, the sea serpents, and the griffons.”  Each leader nodded and noted assent with their mention. “Don’t worry, Element of Loyalty,” Thorax assured. “The changelings were enemies once, but we’re ready to redeem ourselves. We won’t let you down.”  Dash smiled softly at his words, before Swift hushed them.  “We’re almost there,” he noted.  Indeed, Tempest’s ship was once again lowering into Canterlot. With a pang, Spike saw the statues of Luna and Cadence propped up before a makeshift throne.  Worse still - as Twilight whimpered in fear - Princess Celestia was striding up to said throne. She had no guards and there was an air of surrender about her. “So,” a voice boomed from the throne. “Princess Celestia, I take it?”  Jackknife seethed; though they couldn’t see him, Spike remembered that voice: the Storm King was sitting on that throne. “And I suppose you’re the Storm King?” Celestia replied, managing a small, wry grin despite the circumstances. “I expected more ‘gray.’”  “And I expected more ‘godly and regal,’” Storm King replied. “Less… ‘cute’. I never did like cute. Doesn’t really go with the whole ‘Sun Goddess who tamed a bunch of dragons’ thing.”  Celestia chuckled. “Begging your pardon, but I consider myself more of a demi-goddess.”  Storm King chuckled. “Well, considering the performance your fellow alicorns put up…” he glanced over as Tempest dropped Star Wing right next to Luna, “I can believe that.”  Celestia tilted her head, looking up at the ship. “Where is Twilight?”  “She’ll be joining us shortly,” Tempest replied with a smirk.  However, the Storm King’s voice chased the smirk from the unicorn’s face. “W-What are you talking about? We need all five of them! And where’s the sea serpent? Jack-something or other?”  Tempest stepped back. “They… well…” she glanced at Celestia. “Can we discuss this after we put her in the obsidian? I mean, at least she’s here, right?”  The Storm King stood up and grabbed her by the neck. “You idiot, I told you…!” He stopped, glaring at Celestia, who now had the widest troll grin Spike had ever seen.  Even better, her eyes briefly flicked to him and Twilight. She gave the smallest of nods before noting to the Storm King, “Having trouble with your servants?”  The Storm King seethed, before managing a brief chuckle. As he threw Tempest aside, Spike motioned to the others, who began to slowly spread out, surrounding the throne.  “You’ll have to excuse my incompetent help, Celestia. But it won’t matter. I have you now.” He lifted a staff that glowed dark blue and pink. “And once I absorb your magic and the magic of this little spitfire…” he waved his staff at Star Wing, “I’ll be able to take your student’s magic easily. Then…” “Equestria will be yours, right?” Celestia replied. “I’d be more terrified if your servant didn’t just imply that not just Twilight, but Jackknife as well slipped through your grip.”  The Storm King huffed. “And what makes you think that sea serpent will be any help to you? The Magic of ‘Friendship’?” He laughed. “Friendship and flowers and cute ponies?” He gagged. Celestia chortled. “I’m thinking he’d be more along the lines of ‘punching you in the face alongside his brothers and sisters in arms.”  “Ya got dat right, sista!” Jackknife boomed loudly. And as the Storm King turned around in shock, Rainbow Dash and Jackknife struck as one, burying their hooves and fists into the Storm King’s face, and flinging him right into a magic blast from Celestia. At the same time, Spike bellowed out, “NOW!” And the army he had gathered lunged from the shadows, the changelings letting their disguises drop as yaks, hippogriffs, sea serpents and griffons alike all fell upon the Storm Creatures.  Tempest Shadow struggled to her hooves, only to fall with a scream to Swift, who lunged at her and knocked her out with a headbutt.  Grubber made the mistake of leaping towards Pinkie Pie, only to accidentally land on Prince Rutherford, who promptly bucked him into a drop kick from Phoenix.  And as Spike’s reinforcements hit the Storm Guard from the back, a volley of pies smashed into the few Storm Guards able to rally, as Starswirl led the remnants of Canterlot - alongside Astral and Aurora with the Ponyville resistance - made a resurgence from the front.  Caught on all sides, the Storm Guard quickly fell, and all fighters converged on the Storm King and Celestia, as Celestia threw the Storm King into his throne, hard enough to crack it, leaving him stunned and gasping for breath before finding her horn inches from his heart.  “How’s that for a ‘cute pony’?” Celestia asked.  The Storm King glared at her for a moment, before chuckling.  “Oh, that’s never a good sign,” Swift mumbled.  “Not a good sign at all,” Novo agreed, already backing up behind Sapphire.  The Storm King glared at Astral.  “Tell me this, defender of Ponyville,” he noted. “Were my guards really so incompetent that you cleared Ponyville already?” Astral cracked his neck before readying his swords. “Well, we left with Starswirl because my girlfriend had everything under control back home.” Aurora nodded as she prepped ice across her claws. The Storm King glanced back with a grin, as the others saw several more Storm Guard ships heading straight for them.  “Looks like she got things too under control,” Swift mumbled. “She got them to retreat here to Canterlot!” In their moment of shock, the Storm King struck. Knocking Celestia’s horn aside, he scooped up his staff again.  Celestia leaped back to defend herself, but the Storm King’s attack was but a feint. Instead, he swung for Star Wing’s helpless form.  Twilight tried to leap to Star’s defense, but Spike stopped her just in time.  Unfortunately, though it kept Twilight in the game, the Storm King was powered up with Star’s magic in seconds. And with the magic of three alicorns in hand, he swept his staff with a yell, and a shockwave flung the fighters backward.  As Celestia struggled to keep her footing, the Storm King rushed her and stabbed her with the staff. Before Twilight could even scream, the Storm King turned to her, the magic of four alicorns in hand.  “Spike,” Twilight whispered. “I need time.” Her horn flared to life. “Buy me some time.”  “You got it.” Spike lunged to defend his princess, but the Storm King batted him aside, Swift getting incapacitated just from trying to catch him. Phoenix and Jackknife lunged forward as well, only to be tossed aside as well.  Rainbow Dash, Gilda and Gabby all spun at him in a whirlwind, but were launched into the sky.  Rutherford charged, Pinkie firing cakes from her cannon, but the Storm King caught the cakes and threw them back, splattering the two and sending them crashing and skidding before being batted aside. Jackknife lunged back in, but the Storm King batted him over the head, punched him in the gut, and then threw him back to the ground. Thorax tried to shield Twilight with his body, only to be blasted away.  Applejack caught the staff with her lasso, only to be spun into Fluttershy.  Astral lunged forward, and just before the Storm King could bat him aside, Aurora leaped to her boyfriend’s rescue with ice-covered claws.  Unfortunately, all she did was take the blow intended for him. As she was smacked aside however, Astral managed to grab the staff.  Snarling at the green dragon, the Storm King sent a bolt of electricity through the staff, flinging Astral next to Aurora. The Storm King spun and glared at Queen Novo and Sapphire, who were holding back Skystar. Sapphire hesitantly glanced at Jackknife, who was trying to rise back up, but the Storm King saw what she was looking at. He seized Jackknife, and blasted him point blank with electricity. As Jackknife screamed in agony, Queen Novo seized her daughter and tried to make a run for it. The Storm King, however, hurled Jackknife at her. Though Queen Sapphire and what seemed to be the hippogriff general - Sky Beak - tried to jump to their defenses. But Jackknife was charged with alicorn magic, and was flung through both of them, knocking Novo and Sky Star out of the sky.  The Storm King grinned darkly at Twilight, who backed up fast. The Storm King glared around at the beaten heroes.  “ANYONE ELSE?”  Spike tried to rise, but his body failed to hold up. His friends similarly were too injured to rise.  But then, slowly and hesitantly, five younglings stepped forward. Spike recognized a bright blue griffon and the pink hippogriff that had helped them alongside Sky Star - Silver Stream, he thought her name was - though the names of the young female yak, the even younger changeling and another earth pony eluded him.  The Storm King couldn’t help but laugh as they silently stood between him and Twilight. “Are you serious?” he asked, indicating his approaching ships and his staff. “I mean… is this a joke? Please tell me you guys aren’t trying to be this cute!”  “Trust me,” the blue griffon noted wearily, “We aren’t trying.”  The Storm King sighed. “Well, too bad. Like I said…” His eyes glowed as he lifted the staff. “I HATE CUTE!”  “NO!” Twilight yelped, trying to pull the kids behind her.  But right before the Storm King could fire… an orange ball of scales slammed into his eyes, and his shot went wide.  The Storm King stumbled back, shaking his head and glaring at the newcomer: a bright orange dragoness, around the same age as the kids that had come to defend Twilight.  “Hate to burn your brisket, buddy,” the dragoness growled. “But you got something that belongs to Dragon Lord Ember. And I’m here to show that at least one dragon in my clutch has loyalty to the Dragon Lord!”  Spike gaped in shock, sharing a look of disbelief with Rainbow Dash, while Astral and Aurora looked to each other and mouthed ‘Could this mean…?’ But as they looked up, they saw the Storm King’s forces get ambushed by dozens of dragons, who began setting fire to the ships.  As the Storm King blinked in disbelief, a familiar bright blue dragoness landed before him, spinning a blood red scepter in her claws. “Y-You came?” Rainbow Dash stammered. “But… that dragon said… he told you how weak Star was… he said…” “Garble was as much of an idiot as Shade was,” Ember replied darkly, her eyes briefly glancing at Star’s frozen form before locking on the Storm King with hate. “Regardless of how good Star is at fighting, she’s my treasure. Gem, jewels, lovers, they’re all treasures.”  “Ugh…” The Storm King groaned, even as Ember’s scepter began to blaze like fire, causing Astral and Aurora to back up as they felt fear at the Dragon Lord’s fury.  “So taking them is the same as STEALING FROM ME!” Ember roared. “AND I’M NOT ABOUT TO LET SOME EDGY YETI TAKE WHAT’S MINE!”  The Storm King growled. “And I thought the ponies were pathetic. This is just sad!” Spinning his staff, he rushed at Ember, but Twilight lunged to meet him. Together, Dragon and Pony alike matched his strike.  And as they did so, Twilight hit the staff with a spell of her own. One that created a shockwave that spread across the battlefield.  As it hit the others, Spike felt energy and strength return to him. Rising back up, he and the others rushed the Storm King.  And though he tried to swipe at them, his strikes didn’t hold as much power. “H-How?!” he stammered.  “You’re not the first to steal magic from us,” Twilight replied with a grin, hitting his staff again and causing another shockwave. This time, Star, Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor burst from their stone prisons. “I figured there would be someone that tried that trick again, so I studied and learned counter-measures against it.” Spike grinned at Twilight and cracked his knuckles. “Now, let’s see how good you are without stolen magic boosting your power.”  The Storm King seethed at him, before diving for one of his obsidian orbs.  “Oh, no you don’t!” Jackknife roared, before he and the others deluged the Storm King in strikes; the dragons and unicorns set his fur on fire, before the sea serpents blinded him with steam produced from quenching said flames, allowing the changelings to hit him from the back. The yaks and earth ponies barreled into him at rib-cracking speeds, while the griffons yanked him into the air so the hippogriffs and pegasi could barrel him into the ground. As he bounced off the ground, Jackknife came in with the final blow, belting the Storm King in the chin. As the Storm King hit the ground, his belt split, and obsidian orbs went flying into the air.  Everyone quickly jumped back, watching as one fell towards the Storm King’s face.  “No-NO-NO-OH-NOOOO!” the Storm King wailed, trying to dodge, but in vain. For the orb hit him right in the face, reducing him to a stone statue in seconds. And as the others looked back, the last of the Storm King’s ships plummeted in flames, watched over by the dragons to ensure they caused no more mischief.  Spike glared at Tempest, who was hauled to her hooves by Swift and Gilda. Tempest glanced around nervously, before hanging her head in defeat. Grubber was similarly watched over by Phoenix.  Celestia strode up to Ember with a smile that put the sun to shame.  “My friends,” Celestia declared to all the non-ponies. “Thank you. Equestria… is in your debt.”  She then bowed to Ember, though Ember merely gave her a nod, before looking to Star.  Star and Ember only had to share a look before they crossed to one another and embraced. And as they embraced, a roar of victory echoed over Canterlot. Aurora shot ice energy into the air, accompanied by fireworks and the flash of rainbows as Rainbow Dash eagerly soared through the air.  Astral and Big Mac brought out several tons of cider, as friends embraced friend, ponies thanked non-ponies, and the Storm King’s defeat was rallied long and loud over the lands of Equestria. ## As the heroes celebrated their victory over the Storm King, a certain former dragon lord watched from the mountains. "What a fool,” Shade said as he watched from the shadows. “He could have been so useful, but he underestimated our enemies."  "Forget about that pathetic ape," a dark voice growled, as a familiar black unicorn stepped up beside him, green eyes flashing with purple fire. "Even if he did manage to take Equestria, he would have had to hoof it over to us." King Sombra grinned as his eyes locked on Spike. "In a way, this is better; now, I will be able to finally have my revenge." > Episode 60: The United Species Academy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Storm King defeated and the non-pony species having proved themselves as friends and allies to Equestria, Spike almost dared to hope that he and his friends had earned themselves a break. A chance to kick back and relax now that Equestria had been saved once again.  But, as he had come to expect from being friends with a Princess, there was still one more surprise waiting for him. It came in the form of Twilight herself, with a simple phrase: “I want to open a School of Friendship.”  Spike resisted sighing in resignation. “I feel like I’m gonna regret this, but… why?”  “Seeing all the different species together,” Twilight explained. “How we overcame the Storm King through working together… it was nice, but…” she winced. “You remember those changelings we ran across; how they still wanted Chrysalis on the throne.”  Spike shivered. “Let’s hope they don’t get their way.”  “Exactly,” Twilight said. “We need to show them why Thorax is better than Chrysalis and that we’re far better allies than enemies.”  Spike hummed. “Good idea, but… we shouldn’t try to undermine Thorax’s authority. He’s ultimately the one who has to keep their loyalty. We can’t do that for him.”  “No,” Twilight admitted, “But we can give him and his changelings the opportunity to learn more about us, in exchange for us getting to learn more about them. Hence the school; it wouldn’t just be ponies teaching friendship; every other species would have the opportunity to share their culture, history and anything else they’d feel like showing off.” She paused. “W-Within reason, of course,” she added quickly. “We don’t need to know about their mating practices, for example.”  “Though I imagine Star wouldn’t mind that,” Spike noted.  “Why would she?” Twilight snarked. “She’s probably been getting quite a few lessons in that from Ember.” Spike laughed, but jokes aside, he couldn’t help smiling. Maybe he had been spending too much time back around Twilight, but the idea of getting to learn more about his fellow dragons and maybe even some of the other species was rather inviting. “Alright then,” he said. “Where do we start?” ## It turned out that they had to start, not with the princesses, as Celestia revealed to them, but with the Equestria Education Association. Though Spike felt they would serve better as the next villains that threatened Equestria.  They certainly looked the parts; flowing dark robes, sitting in shadows on pedestals that let them look down their noses at Twilight and Spike. Spike could definitely see them planning to take over Equestria one day, if they so desired.  “Princess Twilight Sparkle,” the unicorn on the largest pedestal drawled. “I am Chancellor Neighsay. Equestria owes you a great debt. But princess or no, hero or no, we expect you to do things by. The. Book.” He stamped his hoof on every word.  Though he could see her shivering, Twilight managed to maintain her composure. “I believe you will find my curriculum meets all of your requirements. If we want to keep our land safe and create a friendlier and more peaceful tomorrow, we must teach the Magic of Friendship far and wide, as well as learning what defines friendship for our non-pony allies.”  Neighsay rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “A school for ponies to learn how to protect themselves from non-pony threats.”  Twilight shared a worried look with Spike. “More by respecting differences and communicating.”  Neighsay’s eyes narrowed at her words. For a tense second, Spike wondered if that was going to be enough to get them rejected. But finally… “The EEA concurs,” Neighsay finally decided. “Every pony should be prepared to defend our way of life. So, if your work is in order, provisional approval is granted. We will need to observe your school up and running before it can be fully accredited.”  Twilight perked up in hope. “Yes sir. I promise we will do things exactly by the book.”  ## Of course, while support had been granted, gathering teachers was another matter entirely.  “There’s no way I’m going into a teaching gig, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “They’re gonna think I’m an egghead.”  “Sorry, sugarcube,” Applejack agreed. “But I’ve got a farm to run, and not a lot of time for teaching.”  “I don’t know, Twilight,” Fluttershy whimpered. “I’m great with you guys, but teaching a bunch of students… I-I’m not sure… B-Besides, Discord’s been feeling a little off since that battle and I don’t want to leave him alone for too long…”  “Oh, girls, don’t worry,” Twilight assured them. “Remember, this school isn’t just about teaching how ponies view friendship. It’s about interspecies cooperation. So, to that end…” she opened the door of their new school, revealing several non-ponies behind it. “I’ve reached out to the other kingdoms to see who would be willing to teach us about their cultures.”  “Hi everybody,” Gabby declared happily, prancing ahead of the group before enveloping Spike in a bear hug. “This is so exciting! I’ve always been one for sharing, and now I can make a living out of it!” She laughed as a familiar blue griffon rolled her eyes at her. “Take that, all the griffons who said I would go poor from generosity! Who’s laughing now? I am! Ha!”  “Yeah, like you didn’t risk losing all your treasure on three separate occasions,” the blue griffon at her side snarked.  Gabby, for her part, managed to laugh. “Oh, Gallus; I love how you always have some witty quip to bring to any situation.” She noticed Spike watching and dragged him over. “This is Gallus; I thought it’d be nice for some griffon students to join as well.” “Students?” Gallus laughed. “You know Gilda sent me along to make sure you stayed on track.”  “WHAAAAAT! No she DIIIDDN’T!” Gabby insisted, laughing before leaning next to Spike. “So, you doing anything later, or…” “Ah-ah!” Gallus pointed out with a grin. “See! One second and you’re already getting distracted.” “NO I’M NOT!” Gabby insisted. As the two argued, Diamondback swept forward to Twilight with a wide grin. “You could always expect my help when it comes to sharing knowledge, my dear Princess,” she said gracefully. “It’s like I’ve always said, isn’t it, Spike? Gold and silver are nice, but knowledge, friendship and love can be even more valuable.” She glanced behind her at an orange dragoness - one Spike recognized as the one who hammered the Storm King in the face. “It’s something I also hope to teach dragons like Smolder here.” The orange dragon - Smolder -  scoffed. Noticing Spike watching her, she indicated Diamondback and made the ‘cuckoo’ sign.  Spike shook his head with a grin, before noticing another dragon. “Astral? What are you doing here?” “Twilight actually asked me to teach the history of the Dragon Empire at this school,” Astral replied.  “Because the Empire is different from the Lands?” Diamondback asked, before laughing. “What am I saying? Of course it was. About as different as barbarians and soldiers.”  “Considering you were one of those ‘barbarians’,” Smolder noted with a grin. “I wouldn’t be laughing, bright scales.”  Any scandalized response Diamondback wanted to make to that was cut off as one of the yaks stomped forward.  “Me Yona Yak!” she declared. “Come to pony school! Make better! Tell all about Yakyakistan!”  “Please!” cheered the bright pink hippogriff (Silver Stream, Spike remembered). “I know Cousin Sky Star told me to share about Seaquestria, but who says I can’t learn something else along the way.” She gasped and zipped over to a wall. “No. Way. Did that pony just become the wall? Can you guys do that?”  “Ocellus!” a voice called. “What did we talk about?” With a small whimper, the part of the wall that had caught Silver Stream’s attention turned into a shivering changeling. Thorax stepped up next to her.  “I told you to stay in your own form,” Thorax chastised. “It’s the polite thing to do.” He turned to Twilight with a worried smile. “Sorry, she’s shy.”  “That’s so cool!” Silver Stream cheered. “I didn’t know ponies could turn into… uh… what are you?”  “A changeling,” Thorax replied.  “Ponies can turn into changelings?!” Silver Stream asked in shock.  “No, changelings can turn into ponies,” Spike clarified.  Silver Stream blinked. “Well, that makes no sense.”  Twilight cleared her throat, catching the others attention. “Thank you all so much for supporting this school. Our species overcame a great evil together. An evil that wanted to keep us divided and weak. My hope is that by learning and working together, we will understand each other better, and take steps towards not just a united Equestria, but a united Equus. With your help, the entire world could learn to truly live in harmony and peace.”  A cheer sounded - some whole-heartedly, like Silver Stream or Thorax, and some half-heartedly, like Smolder or Gallus.  Twilight turned back to the entrance, where the group could already see students of every species gathering.  Twilight took a breath. “Alright, everyone,” she declared. “School is in session.” ## However, what they didn’t notice was that, on the far edge of the school, a pair of villains were watching.  “Sombra,” Shade said gravely, “I can’t help but question this plan of yours. Chrysalis failed with the espionage plan, and having a child help us with this is foolish. What if she betrays us.”  “I know dear Ex-Queen Chrysalis gave you a bad impression of what changelings can do,” Sombra noted, focusing on a tiny unicorn filly at the back of the crowd. “But secret infiltration does have its merits. And I have no intention of having a child help us… at least not willingly.” He cast a spell that caused the little filly to stiffen, her eyes briefly glowing green. “Let me demonstrate.”  Blinking hard, the filly gave a more determined glare before following the others into the school. ## They ran into trouble before the first class was even done. Twilight had insisted that since she - a pony - had come up with the idea, the class on ponies got to be first.  Unfortunately, while Spike could deal with her tendency to lecture and dump exposition, the others were not as eager to put up with her.  “Is this what boring is?” Silver Stream whispered halfway through Twilight’s lecture on the history of Equestria. “Am I bored?”  “No wonder we had to step in to stop the Storm King,” Smolder noted. “Their best tactic was probably ‘boring’ him into surrender.”  “Hey,” a pony with a dark green mane chastised before Spike could. “That’s Twilight Sparkle; she saved the world from Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra…” “Wasn’t Sombra beaten with the aid of dragons?” Smolder refuted, earning a small glare from a filly in the back. “Ugh!” Yona bemoaned. “Pony class waste of time! Wait till yak class! Yona teach how to braid hair! Braiding hair is best! Yak Class Best!” She stamped her hoof with each declaration… until she ended up breaking her seat, and falling on Smolder.  “Whoa! Easy!” Spike yelled, racing over before Twilight could step in. “You guys okay?” “Fine!” Smolder snapped, shoving Yona off her. “Takes more than an insecure yak to take me down.”  “Insecure?” Yona demanded. “Yaks best!”  “No claws, no wings, no fire,” Smolder listed off. “What is it exactly that you’re proud of?”  “Come on, Smolder, that’s harsh,” Spike protested.  “Yeah, Yona just loves her heritage, okay?” the green maned pony noted. “No need to get testy over it.” “Aw, are we not being sweet or friendly enough for you pony?” Gallus mocked.  “That was sarcasm, right?” Silver Stream asked. “Because you didn’t sound sweet or nice.”  “Maybe dragons and griffons are too tough for friendship,” Smolder replied.  “Yaks tough!” Yona snapped. “Just not nasty.”  “Who you calling…” Gallus snapped, but Spike got between them.  “Break it up,” he barked. “BREAK IT UP!”  Twilight groaned, stopping her lecture. “What is going on here?  “Just a friendly discussion about the magic of friendship among friends,” Gallus snarked. Spike turned to Twilight. “I think it’s time for another class, Twi.”  Twilight looked crushed, but Yona jumped up. “Yes!” she declared. “Now is Yak time to shine!” She grinned heartily at Smolder. “Show nasty dragon Yaks best!”  Smolder seethed, but was held back by Spike. “Just wait until the dragons get the chance for a class,” he offered. “I’m sure DB and Astral will blow anything the yaks got out of the water.” Smolder smirked at the idea. “Don’t suppose it could be literally… like with our fire or something.” Spike chuckled. “Heh, I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t approve of that.”  ## As it turned out, Twilight didn’t approve of a lot of things.  With her EEA book by her side, she vetoed Yona’s attempt at a yak clog dance that nearly destroyed the floor (Smolder found that highly amusing), a dragon wrestling match (Smolder found that less amusing) and even the fireworks display Diamondback offered in compromise, a griffon showcase on flying (much to Gabby’s dismay), and even a changeling game of charades (which left Ocellus nearly in tears that she messed something up). The only thing that her book of guidelines seemed to allow were constant lectures on the histories of their various races. “Twilight, dear,” Diamondback protested, “I can’t possibly just ‘tell’ everyone what happened. Some things need to be shown.”  Ocellus whimpered, having suffered stage fright halfway through her lecture, and fading into the floor. “But the EEA is going to be watching,” Twilight insisted, hammering her hoof on their guideline book. “They need to see a school that follows their guidelines.”  “But Twilight,” Spike whispered. “Those guidelines aren’t working.”  “Then we have to try harder and make sure they do,” Twilight insisted stubbornly. As she stormed off to make an attempt at the hippogriff class, he glanced worriedly at Jackknife, who was going up next.  Jackknife watched Twilight march off with a shake of his head. “She’s stubborn like a mule, ain’t she?”  Spike glanced behind him at an actual mule. “No offense,” he noted to the mule.  “None taken,” the mule replied.  Jackknife barely glanced at the mule before huffing stubbornly. “Unfortunately for her,” he noted with a grin. “I got a stubborn streak myself.”  Spike’s eyes widened. “What are you planning?”  Jackknife just smiled ominously.  ## As the class filed into the next classroom, Spike could still see Smolder and Gallus already snipping at each other. Twilight, however, kept her eyes firmly planted on her guideline book.  Which caused her to miss that Jackknife was late to his own class.  The students grew more restless. Another argument was breaking out between Smolder and Yona. Twilight looked up with a tapping hoof.  “Where is Jack?” she hissed at Spike.  Spike could only shrug… before he noticed the window. “Oh. There he is.”  Twilight and the students turned… and Twilight’s jaw fell open in horror.  “What the heck?!” Smolder yelped.  “SEA SERPENT BROUGHT OCEAN?!” Yona boomed. Jackknife was riding a literal tsunami towards the class. With a whoop of glee, he smashed the tidal wave through the window. Twilight shrieked soprano before she was caught in the wave and swept out, left bopping in the water as a whirlpool kept her above the surface but unable to interfere.  The rest of the students had leaped back in shock, but the water didn’t touch them, instead withdrawing to the window and revealing a soaking wet but grinning Jackknife.  “BEACH PARTY!” he cheered.  The students, in turn, whooped and cheered as well. And for the first time since the school opened, Spike actually saw the others enjoying themselves, and even start to open up far more than they did in their lectures. “And that,” Gallus was explaining to Silver Stream, “Is why griffons breathe fire when we get mad.”  “Really?!” Silver Stream’s eyes were sparkling with joy.  “Griffons full of hot air!” Yona joked, getting a round of laughter from even Smolder.  “And yaks are actually good at jokes!” Smolder laughed. “Who knew?”  “What are dragons good at?” Ocellus asked.  “Competition,” she replied. “Who’s up for a race?”  “Let’s see whatcha got, Scales!” Jackknife said, instantly at her side with a grin.  “And Feathers!” Gabby offered, jumping in. “I wanna show what these feathers can do!”  “Uh, Jack,” Spike asked carefully. “Are you sure you should be racing?” He glanced over at Twilight, who was floundering. “We don’t need her drowning.”  “Oh come on,” Jackknife replied. “I’ve been doing that for hippogriffs since I was a hatching.”  “It’s true,” Silver Stream said. “Sea serpents helped hippogriffs learn to breathe underwater. It’s how we became sea ponies.”  Diamondback gasped in glee. “Like Diamond Dogs?”  “Diamond Dogs?” Silver asked. “What are those?”  As the two got into a passionate discussion about diamond dogs and how they helped dragons similar to sea serpents, Spike noticed Twilight panicking some more, pointing frantically at them.  “Jack?” Spike called, though he and Smolder were in the middle of racing. “JACK!”  “What?” Jackknife demanded.  “Can you cool off?” Smolder demanded. “You’re ruining our race.”  “Seriously, Twilight’s in trouble!” Spike said, pointing to how Twilight was thrashing.  “Nah, can’t be,” Jackknife replied. “She’s just pointing at…” He went silent… right as Spike heard a throat clear importantly behind him.  Spike turned, and his skin paled under his scales: Chancellor Neighsay was standing there, glaring down his nose at them.  And in that moment, Spike was certain that he was a villain. He may not be about to take over Equestria. But he was definitely about to make things more difficult for them.  “C-Chancellor Neighsay!” Twilight stammered, Jackknife having dropped his spell on her, and allowing her to scramble to shore. “Chancellor Neighsay, wait!”  “What is this madness?!” he demanded. “You said you were opening this school to protect Equestria. To defend ponies from dangerous creatures who don’t have our best interests at heart.”  Spike crossed his arms. “And when have we not proven that we don’t have Equestria’s best interests at heart?”  Neighsay indicated Ocellus, who flinched under his glare. “Need I remind you about what the changelings did to the Princesses? How they tried to take over Equestria twice?”  Spike stepped between him and Ocellus. “And need I remind you that they were the first ones to come to our aid against the Storm King!”  “And how do you know they won’t take what they learn here and use it against us for a third time?” Neighsay refuted.  “N-No, never,” Ocellus insisted. “K-King Thorax wouldn’t allow it.”  Spike nodded. “I trust King Thorax. I saw him personally fight Queen Chrysalis.” He indicated all of them. “I saw everyone here put their lives on the line to help us take out the Storm King.” He glared at Neighsay. “But I don’t remember seeing you.”  Neighsay gaped. “What are you insinuating, dragon?”  “Spike,” Twilight whimpered. “Maybe it’s a bad idea to talk back to someone who’s in charge of all the schools in Equestria!”  “No!” Spike barked. “What’s a bad idea is talking back to Princess in charge of all the Friendship in Equestria. Why are you letting him stop you from doing your job?”  Twilight tried to hold up the rulebook, only to find it was completely soaked through. “T-The rulebook…”  Spike glanced at the others. “Tell me guys,” he said. “Did going by the book actually work? Were any of you honestly learning anything?”  A resounding “NO!” echoed from everyone - even from the pony students - with a faint, “No, not really,” from Ocellus trailing behind.  Spike turned back to Twilight, who looked like she was seconds away from a mental breakdown. But she needed to hear him. “We’re doing something new, Twilight,” he insisted to her. “Something important.” He turned back to Neighsay. “And ‘why’ we’re doing it is far more important than ‘how’ we do it. And we ‘are’ doing this! Whether you like it or not.”  Neighsay snorted stubbornly. “I don’t think so. This school has failed to meet EEA standards. Irresponsible teachers…” he jutted a chin at Jackknife, who flashed him a rude gesture, “Endangering ponies…” he indicated the shattered window… “This school is a disgrace. It will never be accredited by the EEA!”  Twilight flinched, but after a moment of thought, rose up to stand by Spike’s side.  “Because it’s not an EEA school,” she replied. “It’s a friendship school with its own rules. I should know.” She jutted her chin, matching his glare. “I’m the Princess of Friendship.” She grinned at Spike, and the others. “These students reminded me that every friendship is special. So the way we teach it has to be just as unique. My school is going to do things differently. And if the other Princesses were here… they’d agree with me.”  “I know I agree,” Star Wing’s voice noted, before she swooped down to join them.  “Where the heck were you?” Jackknife demanded.  “Trust me,” Star said, “I was planning to make a big grand entrance, but…” she gave Spike a proud look. “You guys seemed to have it under control.”  Spike grinned back at her, only for Neighsay’s scoff to draw his attention.  “As I recall,” Neighsay growled at Star Wing. “You gave up your role as a princess, so you could serve as the Dragon Lord’s concubine.” Ignoring Star’s glare, he turned to Twilight. “And allowing these creatures to attend? Changeling the rules for them? It won’t work!”  “Some said earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi wouldn’t work either,” Spike replied. “Guess how that turned out.”  Twilight beamed at him. “I was hoping someone was paying attention,” she noted, before returning her gaze to Neighsay. “I promise you, Chancellor. My school will help protect Equestria.”  Neighsay glared at her. “Or destroy it.” But with Star, Twilight and Spike all standing in his way, he reluctantly turned on his hoof, and left the premise. The others watched him go.  Twilight sighed, before turning back to the other non-ponies. “I’m sorry for ruining your classes,” she said. “I know it’s late in the day, but… if you wanted to do them over…”  Smolder glanced at the beach Jackknife had made for them. “I think this should be fine as it is,” she replied.  “Yeah,” Gallus said, “It was stuffy in those other classrooms.”  “Yak make cannonball!” Yona boomed, launching into the water gleefully, and causing another mini-tidal wave that Jackknife barely kept from soaking everyone.  “I guess it sounds like we’re keeping things going here,” Spike said.  Twilight cringed a bit at the clear change from the classroom setting. But as the beach party continued, even Twilight couldn’t help but join in the fun. > Episode 61: The Chaos God's Paradox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I still think this is a risky idea,” Twilight bemoaned. “We literally just repaired the damages Jackknife made to the window.”  Despite her fears, Spike was rather excited. After Yona’s Yakyakistan clog dance got vetoed, he was rather interested to see how the dance worked.  “Dance make mountains safe for yak!” Yona was explaining. “We challenge cold snow to come down and challenge us, then endure brutal avalanche so that mountain will be snow free and safe for yaks to settle.”  Smolder and Diamondback glanced at each other. “And, just to clarify,” Diamondback noted. “Avalanches are like rockslides…” “...but with this… snow stuff instead of rocks?” Smolder replied.  “White rock!” Yona agreed. “Cold rock! Dragon likely think white rock will melt with fire breath. But dragon not encounter big sweeping white rock slide. Yak not blessed with fire breath, but yak have big fur coat. Means yak must endure. Yak must remain steadfast; or be swept away to icy cold end. Be stubborn, or be buried! That is the way of the Yak!”  Gabby hummed. “But… couldn’t you guys just get out of the way of the avalanche?” “Nonsense!” Yona insisted. “Yaks must show strength. Must be stubborn. If Yak can survive avalanche, yak can survive anything!”  “Maybe,” Swift said, “But if you’re too stubborn, you might miss out on other solutions.”  “Bah! Our solution works. Yona will show!” Not giving them anymore time to argue, Yona began her dance; though Spike realized Twilight’s worry was not unfounded: Yona’s ‘dance’ seemed more like an attempt to break the floor, as she pounded and stomped the ground, barking and booming in a yakyakistan tongue, and repeatedly looking up at the ceiling, grinning every time it trembled.  “Um, Yona,” Twilight cautioned. “We’re not on a mountain, so there’s no need to bring the ceiling…”  Right as she spoke, a massive amount of drywall got knocked loose from the ceiling, and plummeted right for the young yak.  “YONA!” Twilight and even Silver Stream and Ocellus yelled in warning.  But Yona merely laughed and wrenched her head up, head-butting the drywall into dust. She stood tall, even as Twilight, Swift, Ocellus, Silver Stream and a young filly - Cozy Glow, Spike remembered from the roster - surrounded her.  “Not to worry - not to worry!” Yona insisted, even as Twilight looked over her horns with worry. “Yona endure two avalanches before coming here. Take more than wimpy ceiling to bring Yona down!” “Don’t think you need to be tough for your country’s sake,” Twilight told her. “We’re all friends here; you can let us know if you’re hurt.”  “I hope you don’t expect us to try head butting debris,” Gabby noted. “Not all of us have as hard heads as you.”  Yona laughed at that, but before Spike could hear more about it, he heard the rapid footfalls and panicked breathing of Fluttershy. He turned just as the yellow pegasus entered the room.  “Um… c-can someone help, please?” Fluttershy asked worriedly. “What’s wrong?” Spike asked.  “It’s Discord.”  ## Spike managed to grab Swift and Star Wing before racing to Fluttershy’s cottage. There, they found the Lord of Chaos… not looking too lordly.  His eyes had a strange bluish tint to them, with faint white lines striking through them, and he was clutching his head like he had a migraine. Parts of his body were see through, and the parts that weren’t were glitching and spasming into a variety of odd colors.  “Whoa!” Star yelped. “What happened to him?”  “I don’t know,” Fluttershy admitted. “It started happening shortly after the fight with the Storm King.”  “I wasn’t even sure why it was happening,” Discord noted. “I got an actual headache, and I didn’t know how. I mean, it was the Storm Guards getting anvils dropped on their heads. They should’ve been the ones having… ARGH!” He clutched his head again as his entire body spasmed, turning purple and black and blue before re-stabilizing.  Fluttershy yelped and hesitantly felt at his head. “He was why I couldn’t help at the School of Friendship,” she added.  “I’m terribly s…” Discord tried to say again, only for another burst of static and glitchy colors to send him into a fetal position.  Fluttershy backed up, covering her mouth. “A-And I don’t know what to do. None of my medicines are working.” She turned teary eyes to the dragons. “Please. Do you know what could help?”  Spike and Swift looked to Star, who immediately started checking over Discord, rubbing her chin with a hum. “What were you thinking?” Star asked.  Discord managed to glare up at her. “Pardon me?”  “I mean, like… what is your thought process,” Star asked. “Specifically about defending Equestria?”  Discord scoffed. “I don’t know about Equestria. I’d say it was more about protecting the things Fluttershy… GAH!” He clutched his head again as another spasm rushed through him. Fluttershy winced again. “Discord…” she whimpered.  “Hang on - hang on,” Star said, checking Discord with a glowing aura from her horn. She sucked through her teeth. “Yeah, his chaos magic is on the fritz.”  Swift hesitantly stepped forward. “What does that mean?”  “Even at the percentage he’s got,” Star claimed. “It’s still chaos magic. It’s meant to be unpredictable. Untamable.” She grinned up at Discord. “Kinda like you, big guy.”  Discord managed a small grin, but it faded. “Except…” he noted. “I have been tamed.” He glitched again, taking a more canine form with a leash. “I’m a dog on a leash.”  Star nodded, glancing at Fluttershy. “Chaos magic isn’t meant to be contained. It’s supposed to be free; that’s the main aspect of chaos, is that it isn’t bound by laws or order.”  Fluttershy stepped closer. “W-Well, then, what can we do?” She looked at him. “It looks like the magic is destroying him!”  At that moment, Star got a very worried look. “Well… there is one thing, but…” Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed, and Spike backed up, getting a vague sense that she was about to use her Stare. “Say it,” she said firmly. “What can we do to help him?”  Star herself backed up under Fluttershy’s glare, but Discord spoke for her.  “I have to go back.”  Fluttershy blinked. “W-What?”  “I have to go back,” Discord said. “Back to what I had been. I wasn’t supposed to be the… lap dog to the princesses. I am a creature of pure chaos! I’m supposed to be wild and untamed!”  He glitched, and Spike jumped back as Discord’s head split into two separate heads.  “But Fluttershy’s my friend,” one of the heads insisted. “I would do anything for her!”  “I’m not supposed to save cities!” the other head snapped. “I’m supposed to send them into anarchy! Why did I help beat the Storm King?”  “Because it saved our friends,” the second head insisted, causing more glitches. “The battle was fun, but we let it end too soon!” the first head growled. “We just showed we’re just as pathetic…” “We’re not pathetic!” the second head cried out.  “No, you’re not!” Fluttershy agreed, racing to his side. “Discord… you’ve been a wonderful friend…” The first head gagged. “And that’s the problem; chaos isn’t strengthened by friendship; it’s strengthened by conflict. All these species getting along now? I’m not supposed to approve of this!”  The second glitched but forced itself up. “Fluttershy approves and that’s what matters!”  “Oh, will you stop!” the first head snapped. “Just because you want her doesn’t mean you have to appease her! Take her if you so wish; that’s conflict! That’s chaos!”  Spike grabbed Fluttershy and pulled her back, but Discord seemed more interested in arguing with himself than making any hostile movements towards her. “No!” the second head insisted, trying to pull away, as Discord started to stammer and writhe. “Help him!” Fluttershy pleaded, looking to Star, who was backing away and making several signs of protection. “Help him, please!”  “I don’t know how I can,” Star said. “He’s a creature of pure chaos, and he’s suffering a paradox; he wants to help, but that’s not in his nature.”  “Exactly,” the first head agreed. “I’m supposed to cause chaos and conflict wherever I go! I’m supposed to test and strain friendships, not strengthen and indulge in them!” “But straining and testing friendships was a miserable existence,” the second head bemoaned, gazing at Fluttershy. “With them… we were finally happy.”  Both heads cried out and spasmed as the glitching continued. Spike and Star looked at each other hopelessly, while Fluttershy began to sob for her friend. But Swift, who had been looking down in thought, suddenly gasped.  “Why isn’t it possible to have both?” he asked.  Discord paused, his heads turning to Swift.  “Yes, you are a creature of chaos, but chaos isn’t restricted to just being bad,” Swift said. “You can still have friends and do good deeds for others, as long as you don’t do it within the boundaries of what’s considered ‘orderly.’”  Yona’s argument with Gabby came back to Spike, and he grinned. “That’s right; if you focus too stubbornly on one path, you lose sight of the other alternatives you could take.”  Star gaped and face-palmed herself, but Discord seemed to have locked onto what she was saying.  “So…” the second head hesitantly noted, glancing around Fluttershy’s cottage. “It wouldn’t be out of place to… ‘redecorate’?”  Fluttershy perked, realizing what they had to do. “Not at all.” She ran to her nearest desk. “Like this? Furniture on the ground? So predictable. Let’s put it where it doesn’t belong!”  She wrenched her desk up, and with Swift’s help, stuck it to the ceiling, with Star making sure it stuck with a spell.  “Oh, and what about ginseng that could sing!” Fluttershy noted.  “I’m on it,” Spike said, racing to Fluttershy’s cupboard and pulling out some tea bags.  The second head locked on them, and managed to snap his fingers, causing the tea bags to begin singing.  “And serve them on a floating table,” Fluttershy added. “We never talked about it, but I’m pretty sure Discord hates gravity.”  “Oh, I do!” both voices cried out, slowly merging back into one. “Who wants to be tethered to the ground when you can do this?” He snapped his fingers, and the entire room spun.  Spike was nearly flung onto his face, but Star and Swift managed to catch him, holding him up as the entire room spun around them. Fluttershy laughed as Discord’s head solidified, the glitchy colors began to fade from his body and the intangible parts became fully solid.  “Now this is the Discord I was hoping to see again,” Fluttershy said happily.  “Really?” Discord asked in intrigue. “But it’s the complete opposite of what happens when we usually meet for tea.”  “Of course not,” Fluttershy assured him. “We’re different. We always have been.”  “I know,” Discord noted, the grin he had gained upon reforming fading. “I was afraid that… since more and more of my power is coming back… I was afraid you’d start to see how different we really are. And that…”  Before he could even say it, Fluttershy hugged him. “Discord,” she said firmly. “I would never think that.”  “But you and I…” Discord looked to Swift, Spike and Star. “We don’t make sense to others.”  Star winced, but flew forward. “It doesn’t matter what others think,” she said. “Especially when it comes to matters of the heart.” “She’s right,” Fluttershy insisted. “We make sense to me.” She touched Discord’s chest, where his heart was. “I like you because you’re so different.”  “You do?” Discord asked.  “Of course,” Fluttershy promised. “Besides, what’s discord without a little chaos?”  As the two chortled, Spike glanced at Swift and Star.  “I think we’ve overstayed our welcome,” Spike noted.  “Yeah,” Swift agreed.  “Alright, let’s give the love birds some privacy,” Star noted.  “Love birds?” Discord yelped. “Where?” He snapped his fingers, and a group of colorful parrots (actual lovebirds, Spike realized), chased the dragons out of the cottage as laughter echoed from inside.  Dusting themselves off, Spike, Swift and Star headed back for the School. But one last thing stuck in Spike’s mind. “I’m surprised at you, Star,” Spike noted.  “What d’you mean?” Star asked.  “Well…” Spike noted. “Didn’t you say once that you spent most of your foal hood trying to prove you weren’t Nightmare Moon or something like that?” Swift gave Spike a worried look, but Spike continued. “Why would you think that Discord ‘had’ to be evil?” Star winced and looked away in guilt. For a moment, she was quiet. When she spoke… she normally didn’t sound her age, but in her words, Spike could hear the weariness of a thousand year old alicorn.  “I guess… I envy him,” she noted. “When I got exiled from Equestria, I had no hope that I would ever be welcomed back.” She looked back. “Discord’s part of a system; he does good deeds, and he gets his power back in exchange. And from the way he’s going, he’ll definitely be accepted even once he has all his power back.” Swift nodded. “So, you think he could be cheating the system?” he noted. “Just doing good deeds so that he’ll get his powers back.”  Spike shook his head. “I don’t know guys; you saw the way that second head of his looked at Fluttershy, right?”  Star nodded. “Yep. And while part of me thinks he started off just doing good deeds so he could get his power back… I don’t think he’d suffer a split personality like that if we weren’t rubbing off on him.”  “It’s like Gabby and I were saying,” Swift said. “Sometimes, stubbornness won’t get you through every conflict. You have to be willing to be flexible.”  Star nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind the next time flexibility will come in handy.”  Spike grinned. “Like one of your meetings with your Dragon Lord?”  Star yelped. “YOU’RE TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!” “Star…!” Spike groaned, but Swift couldn’t help laughing. And as he laughed, Star and Spike eventually laughed along as well.  ## Unaware of a certain pair of villains nearby, who watched - Sombra with a grim smile, Shade with a neutral expression as a certain filly returned to them with a single gold feather and a strand of purple fur. “Excellent,” Sombra whispered, turning gleefully to Shade. “Now, Lord Shade Fang, witness the first step to both our revenge and glory.”  Turning back to his prizes, Sombra hit both strands with a dark spell. Shade watched on in shock as the feather and strand of fur glowed and grew, slowly molding into familiar shapes. > Episode 62: Horse Play's Royal Problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was half certain that a class taught by Ocellus wasn’t going to teach much. Given what he had seen of the young changeling, he half expected her to stumble her way through a hesitant and overly cautious explanation on how Thorax was trying to reform the changeling hive.  So, he was more than a little surprised when, on the day everyone agreed Changeling culture would be covered, Ocellus shapeshifted into an almost perfect copy of Twilight, and immediately began explaining - with pure confidence - that Chrysalis’ Hive had been one of several different hives, each of which mostly operated independently of the others and utilized different methods of obtaining love.  “Thorax has been considering whether or not to try and get back in touch with some of the other Hives,” Ocellus said, perfectly replicating Twilight’s lecture voice. “But after some of the things Chrysalis did to the likes of Nebula and Vespin Hive, as well as the tragedy that befell Antenna Hive… we’ve feared that Chrysalis may have burned bridges with her sister hives for good.”  “Incredible…” Twilight mumbled.  Ocellus heard her. “Not really,” she said sadly. “We got the chance to help Equestria, but I don’t know if we can ever do anything for the other Hives that…”  “Oh, no, not that,” Twilight clarified quickly. “I just meant… your shapeshifting.”  Ocellus glanced down at her form. “W-What about it?”  “It’s really incredible,” Twilight insisted. “How you manage to replicate someone. From their appearance to their voice…” “Right down to some of their tics,” Spike agreed. Gabby gasped. “Twilight has ticks?”  “I got a lotion for that,” Diamondback offered.  “No!” Twilight sighed and tried to clarify what Spike meant, while Ocellus blushed.  “It was how we stayed alive,” Ocellus replied. “Being able to blend perfectly into any sort of society? It was important, so we had to make sure we did it right.”  “How’d you practice?” Spike asked. Ocellus looked down. “Chrysalis would often throw us into areas with wild animals, where we’d either learn how to shift, or get eaten.” She looked up more hopefully. “Thorax’s way is much kinder; he has us do games like charades or even put on plays.”  Twilight paused in her explanations to Gabby and DB. “You guys… do plays?” “Oh yes,” Ocellus said happily, shifting into - Star gave a gasp of delight - Shakespeare. “Tis a marvelous method to learning the art of becoming someone new.”  Star exchanged a gleeful look with Twilight, who rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “You know,” Twilight commented, “The Summer Sun Celebration is coming soon. Ocellus, do you think you could show us just how well you can do plays?” Ocellus tilted her head. “How so?”  Twilight’s eyes sparkled. “We put on a play depicting how Celestia first raised the sun!”  ## At first, things went so smoothly, Spike felt assured there was going to be trouble.  While Ocellus revealed she could pull off a scarily perfect imitation of Celestia, Star revealed an uncanny knack for stage building and acting direction.  “During my exile,” Star said as she helped Rarity fit Sandbar with a costume resembling Starswirl the Bearded, “I met up with a group of traveling bards.” She smiled wistfully. “They were some of the bestest friends I ever had. They taught me everything I know about stage and theater.”  “Well, where are they now?” Swift asked curiously.  “Yeah, we could probably use their help,” Spike noted.  Star’s eyes cast downward. She gave a sad chuckle. “Yeah, thing is… a thousand years may not be a long time for an alicorn, but… it’s pretty long for other mortals. And, I, uh… met the bards eight hundred years ago.”  Spike and Swift flinched. “Oh.” They lowered their heads in understanding. Rarity’s own eyes filled with tears.  “I’m so sorry, Star,” she said gently. Star shrugged, turning back to the costume. “Well,” she said, her confident tone trying for a return. “It’s not like I ever forgot them, right? And by doing something like this…” she looked up hopefully. “I’m making sure their memory lives on.” Rarity nodded, gaining a determined look of her own. “Then let’s show that their teachings weren’t in vain. This will be the most fabulous play; so fabulous, your friends will see it from the afterlife and express pride in our talents!”  Star laughed. “You bet, Rares.”  A few minutes later, Twilight arrived with scripts and bags under her eyes. “I got the scripts ready,” she called out.  As Star grabbed the papers from her, Spike tilted his head. “Twi, you okay?”  Twilight gave him a rather crabby looking glare. Her fur color looked darker than usual, and her eyes had an odd reddish tinge to them. “Just…” she rubbed her eyes. “Just been working hard, y’know? Lots to do. Speaking of which…” she turned and raced away.  Spike and Swift exchanged a glance. “That was… weird,” Spike noted.  “You don’t think that was Ocellus, do you?” Swift noted.  “Impossible,” Rarity said. “Ocellus is always sweet and kind.”  Spike paused. “Unless it was Pharynx or someone watching over her.” “Pardon?” Rarity asked.  “When Twilight and I first went to the changelings,” Spike explained. “They admitted to spying on us. Maybe they’re still doing it now as a way to make sure Ocellus is safe.”  “Well, that’s creepy,” Swift said. “They don’t need to do that.”  “I don’t know,” Spike replied. “Considering what Ocellus said about what happened to Antenna Hive, I’d say that being cautious is an old habit that they won’t break easily.”  “Were the outskirts truly that bad?” Rarity asked, turning to Star. “Star Wing?”  But Star didn’t respond; she was flipping through the pages with a look of confusion. Though the confusion quickly turned to anger.  “Star?” Spike asked. But Star didn’t look at him. She instead ran after Twilight - or at least, the pony pretending to be Twilight. Spike quickly followed after her, just as she reached what looked like the reall Twilight.  “I got permission from Princess Celestia to do this,” Twilight said. “She’s…” she paused, seeing Star Wing’s frustrated expression. “Star?” Star handed the script over. “Where’s my mom’s role in this?” Twilight blinked, before looking the script over. “What do you mean?” “My mom,” Star repeated. “Princess Luna. The one who raised the moon after Princess Celestia raised the sun. It’s an important part of the story!”  “It… is?” Twilight asked, looking through the script in confusion.  “Yes!” Star insisted. “After Celestia figured out how to raise the sun, she still had to lower it again in order to keep the land from burning. But without the sun’s rays, creatures of the dark came out. So my mom used her own magic to raise the moon and provide some light to protect against the dark! She’d tell me the story every night before…” she paused and looked away. “B-Before bed.”  Spike got the sense she had almost said ‘Before Nightmare Moon.’ He already shifted cautiously between Twilight and Star, hoping Twilight saw the dangerous territory they were entering.  “W-Well,” Twilight stuttered. “C-Princess Celestia… never… mentioned that part.”  Star stared at her for a solid minute. Spike fully put himself between the two princesses.  “Star, take it easy…” he started to say.  But then a scream ripped the air. All three spun as Swift bolted away.  “IT’S THE SECOND COMING OF NIGHTMARE MOON!” he wailed. “RUN FOR COVER!”  “Swift!” Spike cried out in horror, but the damage was done.  For a moment, Star stood there, looking like she had been stabbed in the heart. Then her wings flared, and she vanished in a burst of starlight.  “Star!” Twilight and Spike cried out, before looking to each other in fear. ## As Spike and Twilight teleported away, they failed to see Swift shivering behind a rock. Or at least… what looked like Swift. He had the feathers and the dragon back half. But his feathers were a darker shade of gold, and his blue eyes an odd icy shade. He shivered in the shadows, his ice blue eyes darting around for threats.  “Well done,” a voice noted.  “AGH!” the false Swift yelped, only for Cozy Glow to snatch at his beak.  “Will you keep it down!” she hissed. “King Sombra is counting on us.” She lifted up a white scale. “Tell me you got the pony fur.”  Hesitantly, the false Swift lifted a shivering talon, in which clutched a handful of purple mane hair.  “Good,” Cozy said. “Let’s get this back to King Sombra.” She paused to point at the false Swift. “And quietly!”  Wincing under her glare, the false Swift cautiously snuck after her, his eyes still darting around like he was expecting a stab in the back. ## Meanwhile, Spike and Twilight found Star with Luna. Both of whom were glaring down Princess Celestia.  “Oh, no,” Twilight whimpered, shrinking back. But Spike couldn’t stay on the sidelines. He marched forward.  “Star!” he called.  “Not now, Spike,” Star said. “Mother and I need to know why ‘Sweet Aunt Tia’ wrote us out of the story of her first sunrise.”  Celestia drew herself up to her full height. “I did not ‘write you out’. The details were simply lost to time.”  “Lost?” Luna demanded. “Were it not for the moon’s soothing light, the sun would have burned the land to ash! You know this, and yet I have to hear from my daughter that the ponies of Equestria have forgotten it. That they still see her as a monster in the making!”  “That is not true!” Celestia said, though her voice grew colder than Spike had ever heard it before. “I have always appreciated your efforts, sister. I thank those more powerful than us every day that you both have returned to me.”  “Not enough to ensure that history remembers our good deeds just as much as our mistakes!” Luna snapped angrily.  “Yeah,” Star agreed. “We have freaking Nightmare Night reminding both of us of the worst day of our lives, but we can’t be a part of a celebration depicting one of the greatest revolutionary changes in Equestrian history? I thought after a thousand years, things would change around here!”  “And they have!” Celestia insisted.  “Have they?” Luna asked, and Spike noticed unshed tears in her eyes. “It’s hard to tell sometimes. You still get to be adored by every pony!” “While you what?” Celestia demanded, stepping down from her throne. “Flit around the dream realm, giving ponies lovely dreams?” Her voice gained a shockingly sarcastic edge. “Oh, it sounds just awful!” “Guys…” Spike tried to interject.  “Spike, don’t!” Twilight pleaded, but an ominous chill and warmth began to battle through the room as Luna and Celestia’s magic began to go haywire from emotion. Spike had to stop this. He had to take control. He forced himself to remember: “This is my home. My treasure. My kingdom.”  As he felt power build in his gut, the arguing words of the princesses washed over him.  “Don’t presume to know what it’s like to govern the dream realm,” Luna growled.  “Don’t presume to know exactly what it’s like to be ME!” Celestia boomed back.  “DON’T YELL AT MY MOTHER!” Star roared, her dragon form coming back out.  “ENOUGH!” Spike roared, managing to burst into his bigger dragon form before Star. The princesses all leaped back, gazing up at him in shock. Spike forced himself to breathe. “Don’t take it too far,” he reminded himself. “Your job is to protect, not to conquer.”  He breathed, and returned to his normal form. He gazed up at the three of them. “Now,” he said carefully. “It sounds like every pony has had their own hardships to deal with.” He turned to Luna. “Princess Luna, what you do in the Dream Realm is important.”  “You’re darn straight it is,” Star insisted. “Just the other night, she was there for me during a really bad nightmare.”  “And it was her dream visions that told Trixie that we were in danger from the changelings,” Spike added. He bowed to Luna. “Thank you for that.” Luna nodded, but Twilight cleared her throat worriedly. Celestia was gazing at Spike with a look of increased hurt.  Spike quickly turned to her. “And Princess Celestia; you’ve helped maintain Canterlot. You manage to keep all these nobles in line, not through fear or intimidation, but through kindness and compassion.” Celestia nodded solemnly. “And it hasn’t been easy,” she admitted. She looked at Star. “After you left, Star… I… lost control.”  Star and Luna blinked. “What?”  Celestia settled on her haunches, the fight leaving her. “I just had to banish my own sister… and my niece was missing. One of the nobles…” she seethed in fury. “He dared to say you leaving was a good thing. He called you Moon Spawn, and… I finally saw him the way you did. All that time, I let their adoration of me blind me.”  “Sometimes, I fear you still let it blind you,” Luna replied, but Star hushed her, having eyes only for Celestia.  “Because the first time I woke up,” Celestia replied. “The first time I truly understood… I was possessed by a fury that even I feared.” She looked at her hooves, and Spike stepped back as fire briefly blazed across them. “Generations of ponies after that feared what I became. The rage I let loose on those who had abused you. The grief I had of letting politics and public relations get between me and my family. It…” The fire faded, and tears fell from Celestia’s eyes. “It left me alone… so alone.”  Luna could only gaze at her older sister in shock - not at anger, but at the sadness now permeating her form. “Tia…” she whispered. “I didn’t know…” Celestia shook her head. “And I didn’t know either,” she whispered, looking up at Luna with regret. “I told myself I’d be better. When I got you back… when I got Star Wing back… I wanted to believe I had changed. That I could be a better sister.” She laughed hollowly. “But I’m doing it again, aren’t I? Focusing so hard on keeping this nation afloat; keeping it from tearing apart at the seams… that I didn’t have time for my own family anymore.”  Star looked down in shame. She was still holding the script. “Maybe…” she offered hesitantly. “Maybe we can fix it,” she offered.  Celestia and Luna gazed at her. “How?” Celestia asked.  Star looked down again. “It’s… kinda stupid…” she admitted.  “Star,” Celestia said gently, walking over to her and touching her face. “Nothing you can think of would ever be stupid to me. You're my niece. My beloved Niece Of Night. And I love you.” She looked at Luna. “I love you both.” Tears fell from her eyes. “And I’m sorry I don’t show it more often.”  Luna’s own eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Tia…” she whispered, before she and Star embraced Celestia. “I love you too.” Twilight’s hooves covered her mouth, shock and confusion ebbing away to heartwarming relief. Spike himself backed up, wiping away some tears of his own at this family reunion.  After the three alicorns cried themselves out, Celestia took a breath and composed herself.  “So, Star,” she said, “What was your idea?”  Star wiped away her own tears and breathed. “Well,” she said. “This whole thing started because I was worried everyone forgot about Luna’s role in raising the moon.” She turned to Twilight. “If we can just adjust this so that Luna’s role is clear…” She grinned. “I got a lot of acting experience. Ocellus is going to play Celestia in this play, so… I’d love to be able to show you guys what I can do in the role of…” She looked to Luna. “Well, you.”   Celestia smiled. “Star Wing, it would give me great pride to see you performing on stage.”  “I can think of no better pony to play me,” Luna agreed, before glancing at Twilight. “As long as my part is included, of course.”  “B-But of course,” Twilight said, taking the script. “If anything, this was an incomplete draft. You shouldn’t have gotten this so soon.”  Spike gasped and snapped his fingers. “I knew it!” he said, drawing the alicorn’s attention. “Someone that looked like Twilight and claimed to be her gave us these scripts. We thought that it was a changeling guarding Ocellus.”  Celestia hummed with a grimace. “I don’t suppose this changeling was merely trying to be helpful.”  “I’d like to believe that,” Twilight admitted. “Ocellus still carries a lot of guilt about what she and the other changelings had to do under Chrysalis’ rule. It doesn’t feel right to suspect them.”  “And, I guess, in a way,” Star noted. “She did help us clear some tension with each other.” Celestia and Luna glanced at each other and smiled. “That she did,” Celestia admitted. Luna laughed and hugged her sister. “Indeed. If there truly was a villainous plan, then it hasn’t worked out very well.”  Spike smiled at her attempt at a joke, though he still couldn’t help but gaze out towards the United Species Academy - as they had begun calling Twilight’s School of Friendship - visible over the horizon.  Could it be possible that the Twilight imposter was just a changeling trying to be helpful? He wanted to believe that, almost as much as Twilight.  But Spike had too much experience with good things turning out bad. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was fouler plays at hand. “If that’s the case,” he decided, “I’m going to need to keep an eye out.” He glanced at Star, Twilight, Luna and Celestia as they laughed and discussed plans for the play. He managed a smile when Twilight glanced at him. “Don’t you guys worry, though,” he promised. “I’ll do my best to be ready.” He felt a surge of pride. “I mean, if I can talk down the two rulers of Equestria and get them to see reason… surely I can handle some rogue changelings… right?” > Episode 63: The Molt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike thought he’d be able to handle whatever was going on with Swift and a possibly fake Twilight. But, as what seemed to be the usual for him, fate had other plans in store.  As he awoke the next day, Spike found himself beset by a horrible itching sensation. For a split second, he wondered if Ember was using the Bloodstone Scepter to summon dragons again.  Before he could work out what she could possibly want, though, he found out the true reason why. And it caused him to scream so loud, he woke up Twilight and some of the other dragons.  Jackknife busted down his door. “SPIKE! YOU IN TROUBLE?! WE UNDER ATTACK!? I CAME AS FAST AS I COULD!” Star poked her head in. “That’s what he said,” she noted cheekily… which got her Jackknife’s fist in the face. “Ow.”  “Sorry, Wing, you startled me,” Jackknife replied, not sounding too sorry as he returned his gaze to Spike. “Now, Spike, what’s… OH MY FAUST!”  For Spike’s face was covered in angry red scales. It almost looked like a teenager with zits.  “What’s happening to me?” Spike hissed, his voice suddenly getting lower.  “I don’t know, man,” Jackknife admitted, circling him cautiously. “Did ya get into something weird? Wait a minute…” He peered suspiciously at Spike. “I saw you heading off with Rares to pick phoenix feathers. Did you two get up to something?” “Jack, don’t!” Star whined. “He’s too young for…” “WING!” Spike boomed, covering his mouth. “Whoa, that came out LOUDER THAN I…” he covered his mouth again. “...meant.”  Star and Jackknife glanced at each other in shock.  “Uh, Wing?” Jackknife asked. “You ever, uh… encounter something like this in yer travels with dragons?”  “Not really,” Star admitted. “But… I wonder…” she rubbed her chin. “I only ever dealt with adult or teenage dragons. Maybe…” “You’re right,” Phoenix said, appearing in the doorway. “He’s undergoing the Molt.”  Wing, Jackknife and Spike stared at her for a solid second.  “How do you know that’s what I was going to say?” Star asked.  “Huh?” Phoenix asked, her smile dropping.  “I mean, for all you knew, I could’ve just said that he was cursed or something,” Star replied. “I’m supposed to have a weird mind, Phi. Like Pinkie. Don’t tell me I’m becoming predictable.”  Phoenix sighed. “Look, just… get him to the classroom. The dragon lecture is today, and I think we know exactly what to discuss about it.”  ## A few minutes later, Smolder, Phoenix and Diamondback were grouped around Spike, who shifted nervously as the rest of the class had arrived.  “Super painful stone scales…” Smolder mused, touching at the sore red spots on his body.  “Fire burps,” Phoenix noted, smacking Spike’s back and causing him to belch up flames.  “Uncontrollable volume shifts?” Diamondback asked.  “YEP!” Spike boomed again, covering his mouth in horror.  Smolder, however, nodded in satisfaction. “Those are all parts of the Molt. It’s a part of growing up dragon.”  “Adolescence?” Star asked. “So we should take him to a strip club and buy him a few dances?” Jackknife asked with a grin.  “JACK!” Twilight yelped.  “I don’t care if he’s going through a Molt,” Star declared. “I still consider him much too young for that!”  Spike groaned and sighed, before pausing. “But… wait a minute. I thought the Greed controlled how big we got.”  “In regards to power level, of course,” Diamondback replied.  “But the Molt is more biological,” Smolder clarified. “Every dragon goes through it, no matter how much treasure they have. Pretty soon, you’ll have to leave and strike out on your own.”  Spike tilted his head. “Why?”  Smolder glanced at Twilight with a smirk. “Been living with ponies your whole life?”  They both nodded.  “Well, in the Dragon Lands,” Smolder explained. “A molter’s parents kick them out at the first stone scale.”  “Why?” Spike asked, horrified.  “Pragmatism,” Phoenix replied. “Once a baby dragon starts to mature, they become less of a treasure and more of a threat, since they’ll start wanting to take their parents' treasure to grow their own power. It also encourages a dragon to grow stronger by getting their own resources. That way, they don’t mooch off their families.”  “Like nobles?” Star asked with a grin. “That is biased and cruel!” Rarity complained. “And don’t get me started on the smell,” Smolder added. “I mean, I love my brother and all, but one whiff, and I was all, ‘See ya!’” Nervous, Spike sniffed at his pits. Sure enough, there was already a faint stench coming off him. Like brussel sprouts wrapped in cotton candy. It was enough to make his own nose wrinkle.  “I don’t suppose it’s any different in the Dragon Kingdom, is it?” Diamondback asked Astral.  “Actually,” Astral replied. “We have a special runic enchantment that helps hide the stench, so there isn’t a threat to the kingdom.” He crossed his arms with a grin that slowly faded as he remembered. “But that doesn’t mean it isn’t uncomfortable.” He shuddered. “I still remember mine.”  “So, what should I do?” Spike asked.  “For now?” Phoenix asked. “Find a safe place where people won’t be bothered by your smell. It’s not going to be attracting friendly company.”  Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean?”  “The molt stench is a magnet for predators,” Smolder explained. “Tatzlwurms, hydras, rocs…” Jackknife blinked. “Dragons are scared of rocks?”  “That’s impossible,” Star dismissed. “There’s countless rocks in the Dragon Lands. You guys would never…” “R-O-C-S!” Smolder explained impatiently. “Rocs! Humongous birds of prey that can snack on molting dragons like candy.” Spike gulped, but Phoenix rested a claw on his shoulder.  “Don’t worry, buddy,” she promised him. “The smell doesn’t last forever. The key is to keep you safe until it wears off.”  “Don’t mollycoddle him, Phoenix,” Diamondback warned. “The point of the Molt is to encourage dragons to handle themselves. He won’t learn anything if you hold his hand the whole way.”  Twilight stood sharply. “The whole point of this academy is to show the benefits of friendship! I will not let my oldest friend endure this alone!” She stood by Spike’s side… though also plugged her nose with some clips. “I’ve got your back, brother.”  “Same,” Jackknife said, immediately jumping to Spike’s aid. “Dragon Element of Loyalty at yer service.”  Spike couldn’t help but smile at them. “Thanks, guys.”  ## The Everfree was the last place Spike expected to find a safe place to wait out his Molt, but Twilight insisted on taking him there.  “Zecora’s got a cream that’s supposed to work wonders for your scales,” Twilight said. “Combine that with the runic enchantment we got from Astral, and it might help with the Molt smell.”  “I guess we’ll see,” Phoenix replied, her own nose wrinkled. “Goodness, I forgot how pungent dragons get during this time.”  Jackknife spat. “This ain’t nothing. Wait until you accidentally leave fish out in the sun for hours. Then talk to me about ‘pungent’.” Spike sighed. “You guys don’t have to hang around me,” he noted. “I can go myself.”  “Screw that!” Jackknife shouted.  “Agreed, I’m not about to ignore everything I said back there about friendship and teamwork.” Twilight said stubbornly. “Star Wing’s got things handled back there.”  Spike paused. “Speaking of ‘handling things’, have you guys noticed any changes with our people? Darker color schemes or crabby expressions?”  Twilight, Jackknife and Phoenix paused, looking at each other. “Now that you mention it…” Phoenix started to say.  But in that moment, Spike held up a hand… or tried to before scratching at his scales. “Wait, did you hear that?” “You mean, aside from your scratching?” Phoenix asked.  Twilight’s ears perked. “Wait-wait, I hear it too.”  The trio turned, as they heard a slight hum of magic. It was accompanied by the sound of a small body forcing its way through the foliage, followed by a high pitched voice.  “Hey! Hey! Stop!”  “Cozy Glow?” Twilight whispered. She started to move forward, but Phoenix grabbed her.  “Let me,” she said. Carefully, she inched her way forward, as a deeper voice sounded with an agitated tone.  “Sombra, now is not the time! I sense that danger is on it’s way, and I would rather not be found so soon!”  “Shade,” Phoenix growled. She started moving forward, pushing the brush apart.  But just before she reached the source… a shadow fell over Spike.  And a screech split the air.  “SPIKE, GET DOWN!” Jackknife yelled.  Spike turned just in time to see a winged menace diving for him, completely ignoring the blast of water Jackknife was throwing at it. Twilight bashed Spike and Jackknife aside with barely enough time to spare. And the next thing Spike knew, Twilight was being carried off by what could only be a Roc.  “TWILIGHT, NO!” Spike roared, trying to put his Molt’s voice effect and fire to use. But as the Roc wheeled back, glaring at him with beady yellow eyes, Spike’s fire malfunctioned as the bird rushed at him, and his next roar came out like a mouse’s squeak.  Jackknife let loose with a larger burst of water, but the Roc dodged right by it and bashed into him with its head, sending him flying into the trees, where he collapsed, completely stunned.  “HERE!” Phoenix boomed, catching the Roc before it could take to the sky again. Briefly, the scarred dragoness and the dragon predator wrestled, while Twilight struggled to free herself from the roc’s clutches.  “Hang on, Twilight!” Spike called, rushing to aid her.  But the itching started up worse than ever, as a red glow overcame his body, and he tumbled to the ground, scratching for all he was worth.  “Spike, stay back,” Phoenix barked, but the roc’s eyes focused on Spike’s red glow, and it got it’s beak free, stabbing hard into one of Phoenix’s scars and re-opening the wound. As Phoenix let out a roar of agony, the roc clawed her and threw the dragoness back into a just recovering Jackknife, flattening both dragon and sea serpent as the bird of prey wheeled around to focus on Spike.  “No!” Twilight cried out, trying to hit the roc with spells. But with it’s talon curled tightly around her body, she couldn’t aim her horn properly. And with Spike incapacitated with itching, he was helpless as the roc bore down on him, beak opening wide to swallow him whole…  Until a dark yellow blur smashed into the roc and threw it off course. Twilight was jarred from the roc’s grip, and tumbled over to Spike, finding Cozy Glow trying to tend to him.  “Cozy?” Twilight asked. “What…?” “I was worried about you guys,” Cozy explained, trying to help Spike with the scratching. “Then that… thing showed up and so… I got help.”  Spike, Twilight and a just recovered Phoenix and Jackknife looked up… and were stunned at the sight of Fluttershy absolutely wailing on the roc. With eyes blazing in fury, she punched, kicked, head-butt and bit the roc, forcing the giant bird back until it’s screeches of rage started to crack with fear.  Spike tried to narrow his eyes; was something wrong with Flutterhy’s color? But when he tried to lift an arm to shield his eyes from the sun… he couldn’t move it.  Cozy backed up as his scales started to turn to stone. “Is that… normal for a molt?” she asked.  Phoenix turned, and her eyes brightened. “Yeah,” she said with a grin. “Get ready, Spike. You’re going to like this part.”  “The heck are you talking about?” Jackknife demanded. “He looks like he got stared at by a cockatrice!”  “Just wait,” Phoenix insisted. “Give it a second.”  Jackknife, Spike and Twilight watched nervously as the stone crept up his scales.  “Spike,” Twilight whispered as the stone started to cover his face. “I’m here, Spike. Don’t worry.”  “I’m not worried, Twi,” Spike assured her. “As long as you’re…”  But then the stone closed over his face, and he could speak no more.  For a heart-wrenching second, Spike sat there, Phoenix watching with hope, Jackknife with shock, and Twilight with nervousness. Cozy’s gaze, however, turned back up to Fluttershy, as the roc managed to catch the pegasus with it’s claws and batted her back down to the ground.  “Fluttershy!” Cozy cried out.  Twilight turned, her horn glowing and her wings flaring. “Not my friend, you beast!” Twilight snarled, rushing the roc head on alongside Jackknife and Phoenix. But as the roc turned and hissed at them, it paused - and so did the trio - as an explosion sounded behind them.  Turning back, they watched as Spike’s stone cocoon burst apart, and Spike rose into the air.  This time, with a set of brand new wings. “Oh my,” he mumbled, before noticing the change in his body. “Did I just sprout wings?” A gleeful expression brightened his now stone-scale-free face. “I JUST SPROUTED WINGS!”  The roc screeched again, reminding them of where they were at. And as the roc rushed them for one final attempt at dinner, Phoenix and Spike took in twin breaths, while Twilight charged up her horn and Jackknife summoned the biggest ball of water he could create.  Right as the roc realized it might have been a bad idea to charge two dragons, a sea serpent and an alicorn, it was bathed in a combination of both alicorn magic, water and dragon fire. Five seconds later, the roc fled, whimpering, covered in ash, and shedding feathers until it resembled a plucked roasted bird.  Briefly, the four watched the roc fly away, before Spike retched and burped up several feathers, along with a letter from Celestia.  “To Spike,” Twilight read. “Please be careful with your fire; I’m not sure what you got up to, but a bunch of roc feathers just fell on my head.”  Spike blushed red, and started to write an apology. But then he remembered… “Wait a minute,” he said. “Fluttershy!”  The four turned to Fluttershy… or rather… where Fluttershy had been.  “Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, looking around. But they only found Cozy Glow, who ran back to them with a grin. “It’s okay, Ms. Sparkle,” Cozy said. “I got Fluttershy to Nurse Redheart. She’ll be right as rain the next time you see her.”  Spike hummed, narrowing his eyes at Cozy. Something was going on with her. But before he could question it, Twilight lifted him into a hug.  “Spike, that was amazing!” she said. “I didn’t know if you’d ever get wings! I’m so happy for you!”  Phoenix nodded happily. “All part of the molt. By our standards, he should be considered a young adult now.”  Spike snorted. “So, does that mean Star can stop claiming I’m too young for stuff?”  “NEVER!” Star’s voice echoed defiantly.  Jackknife laughed. “Consider that a ‘no’, buddy.”  Phoenix, Spike and Twilight rolled their eyes, before Spike sighed.  “Y’know,” he noted. “Normally, I expect this is where a dragon kid would say goodbye to their dragon parent.”  “Oh, no,” Phoenix said. “They’d say goodbye as soon as they got the first stone scale.”  “And regardless,” Twilight said loyally. “This isn’t the Dragon Lands. Molt Effect or no…” she hugged Spike again. “I don’t want you going anywhere.”  Spike smiled and hugged her back. But he couldn’t help but glare at where Cozy had gone.  The way Fluttershy had acted did not sit right with him. And he wasn’t sure he could chalk it up to a rogue changeling.  Yeah, they might have helped. But he had a very bad feeling that there was something worse going on.  And with this Molt Effect out of the way, he needed to dedicate his attention to it.  ## Just out of sight of the others, Cozy Glow ducked out of sight, fearing that Spike had seen her.  “I can get them,” Evil Fluttershy muttered next to her. “Just watch. I almost cracked that roc skull; let me actually crack their skulls.”  “Not yet,” Cozy said. “Not until all of King Sombra’s forces are ready.”  Evil Fluttershy snorted. “I still can’t believe we had to help them. Letting them become roc food would mean fewer enemies to overcome.” She smiled cruelly. “And the pain their friends would’ve been going through would be perfect to hurt them further with.”  “If we had done that,” Cozy explained patiently, holding up an orange scale she had lifted from Phoenix, and a purple one from Spike. “We wouldn’t be able to have their evil counterparts.”  “She’s correct,” King Sombra noted, appearing next to them in the shadows and ignoring Shade’s glower. “Now bring them to me, youngling. Our day of reckoning approaches, and I’d like it to be sooner rather than later.” > Episode 64: Cats in the Cradle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between learning how to utilize his new wings and keeping an eye out for possible changelings or imposters, the last thing Spike needed was a distraction.  But, at the same time, he had come to accept that the wider world didn’t care what he needed or wanted.  After all, it was already distracting watching the griffons, pegasi and dragons argue about the proper way to teach flight.  “No-no-no,” Smolder was insisting. “You have to bend your wings in order to compensate for the scale weight.”  “Bending your wings puts too much wind under them,” Swift was arguing. “You’ll shed feathers like no one’s business.”  “Do you need glasses, Winds?” Phoenix growled. “Dragons don’t have feathers.” “Honestly, this is Dragon 101,” Smolder sighed. “Usually dragon parents teach this stuff.”  “Wait a minute, what?” Rainbow Dash demanded. “But Spike just showed that dragons don’t get their wings until after the Molt, and the Molt ensures that dragon parents kick their kids out.”  “And you think they just throw us out without at least giving us a few tips on how to survive?” Smolder replied. “They did for me,” Gallus muttered.  Everyone paused, staring at Gallus in shock. “That’s weird,” Gabby said. “My dad kept me right by his side. Outright cried when I said I had to leave the nest.”  “Well,” Diamondback replied, an oddly snide tone in her voice, “Sounds like you get a few freaks in every egg clutch.”  “Whoa!” Swift yelled, covering Gabby with his wing. “Uncalled for!”  “Seriously, what the heck, DB?!” Smolder agreed.  Spike, however, peered at Diamondback. There was a darker tinge to her scales. And her eyes had a more icy sheen to them. Could it be…?  But before he could reach out and confirm… “Wait a minute, what’s that?” Smolder asked.  Everyone looked up. There was a bright yellow ball of what looked like flames curving through the air like a shooting star.  Except it was the middle of the day.  “I don’t know…” Spike admitted. “But I think…” His eyes widened as the ball grew bigger. “IT’S COMING RIGHT FOR US!”  The pegasi, griffons and dragons all scattered as the ball of flames crashed into the ground, leaving a small crater.  Spike looked around for ‘Diamondback’, but sure enough, she had vanished. “Great,” he muttered, brushing rubble off himself before turning to the crater with irritation in his eyes.  Irritation that turned to surprise as a lime-green portly adult dragon pulled himself out of the crater.  The new dragon coughed. “Hey there,” he said with another cough. “Name’s Sludge. How’re yer tails shaking?” He paused and clutched his arm with a groan.  Spike tilted his head. “You alright?”  “Yeah, what happened?” Smolder agreed. “To what?” Sludge asked.  “Uh, you?” Gallus offered. “Seriously, you see another dragon that plummeted out of the sky and left a massive crater?”  Sludge scoffed. “I don’t need to explain myself to a bunch of baby dragons and a feather-brained…”  “Well, then maybe you can explain it to me,” Diamondback’s voice declared.  Spike narrowed his eyes as Diamondback loomed ominously over Sludge, but the shade of her scales seemed the right color, and her eyes - though narrowed in suspicion - were the right tint of lapis blue.  Sludge blinked and backed up. “Whoa, Mama…” he mumbled.  “What are you doing in my territory?” Diamondback growled. “My?” Spike asked, unable to keep the indignation out of his voice. Luckily, Swift covered for him.  “DB?” he asked. “Do you know this guy?”  Before Diamondback could say, Sludge spoke up. “Well, I don’t know about tall, bright and beautiful up here…” He turned to Spike. “But I know this guy really well.”  Spike blinked, his surprise only going up further when Swift - of all people - got between him and Sludge.  “What are you talking about?” Swift asked, a more characteristically nervous tremble in his voice.  “I was looking for you, Spike,” Sludge said, completely ignoring Swift as he stepped forward. “I’m your father.”  There was a pregnant pause. Spike could feel a looming sense of emotions just waiting to swallow him whole.  Then Diamondback burst into a round of utterly hysterical laughter.  For about thirty seconds solid, everyone could only stare as the large white dragoness flopped on the ground, howling with sheer, undiluted laughter, beating her fist on the ground. Briefly she seemed to compose herself, taking a massive breath as she stared at Sludge… and then she devolved into another fit of giggles.  Smolder and Gallus had to hide their faces as her laughter started to get to them, but Spike only started to feel a wave of anger rising up.  “What is so funny?” he demanded.  “Yeah!” Sludge agreed. “What’s the matter with you?!”  Diamondback drew herself back up, briefly doubling over with another fit of giggles, before taking a even larger breath. For a split second, Spike thought she was just going to start laughing again, but instead… “Shiva, darling,” Diamondback called.  One of her diamond dogs burrowed up from the ground. “Yes ma’am?”  “Get that lovely parentage tracker of mine,” Diamondback asked. “Yes, ma’am.” Shiva jumped back down into the ground.  “And while you’re at it,” Diamondback called after her. “Tell your pups to get some scales off these two gentle-dragons.” She waved a hand airily at Spike and Sludge.  “Already done!” another voice replied, before two claws punched out of the ground and plucked scales off both Sludge and Spike.  “OW!” they yelled in sync. But before they could even look down at where the dogs had plucked them, Diamondback was already pulling out some sort of strange bowl with sparkling white water. She donned a pair of glasses before taking the green and purple scales taken from Sludge and Spike.  “In the case of Sludge and Spike,” Diamondback declared grandly as she deposited Spike’s scale into the water, causing it to glow and turn a vivid shade of blue. “Mr. Sludge…” Diamondback deposited Sludge’s scale into the water. It glowed brighter - almost a pure white - before fading to an angry looking red. “You are NOT the father.”  Spike stared at the bowl in confusion. “I”m sorry, but… how does red water tell you that?”  “I had this made by a unicorn associate of mine from way back,” Diamondback replied before shooting Sludge a dirty look. “It was quite useful for dragons that didn’t learn not to mooch off their parents, trying to insist to me I was their long-lost child, or their long-lost lover, or their long-lost… what was the last one you used for me, Sludge, darling?”  Spike gaped at a blushing Sludge in disgust. “You tried to pretend to be BOTH her kid AND her ex?!”  “What, NO!” Sludge protested, but his protest was drowned out.  “Dude, that’s just wrong!” Smolder agreed.  “Messed up, man,” Gallus shook his head.  “I’m gonna be sick!” Gabby moaned, Swift immediately getting her away.  “I mean, like, not to her, but…” Sludge winced, feeling Diamondback’s glare on him. He sighed. “Okay, fine! I just said that I was your dad so I could get in on that sweet castle life you got going for you!” He indicated the Castle of Friendship. “I mean think about it! National Dragon Hero; the personal adopted kid of an alicorn princess? There was an opportunity there! I did what any dragon would.”  “No, you didn’t,” Smolder growled back. “Dragons may be rude and rebellious, but we’re not lazy lumps who would take advantage of parent-less kids.”  Spike internally winced.  “Not all of us, anyway,” Diamondback noted. “After all, he proves you get a few bad eggs in the clutch, so to speak.” She tilted her head at the dirty looks everyone shot her. “What?”  “Maybe it’s more accurate to say that the way we’re raised has an impact on who we are,” Gallus offered. Smolder chuckled. “Look at you with the friendship lessons.”  Gallus huffed. “Don’t get used to it.” Though he couldn’t hide a small grin.  Sludge growled and huffed as well, though he wasn’t grinning. “You know what? I don’t need this! I’m out of here!” He stomped off. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” Diamondback noted with a malicious grin, reaching down as her dogs returned with something else.  “What door?” Sludge demanded, turning back to her. “We’re out…” The next thing anyone knew, a four foot, crystal hewn door flew at Sludge’s face, hitting him hard enough to send him flying over the horizon.  “...S IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DDE!” Sludge’s last wailing word echoed as he vanished over the horizon.  “You never were good at following orders, were you, Sludge?” Diamondback chortled again. “Oh, I haven’t laughed this hard in ages!”  Even though the others chuckled and congratulated her as well, Spike still couldn’t help but feel an empty pit in his stomach. Parentless kid.  “No, that’s not me,” Spike insisted. “Twilight’s my family. My rider. No one can replace that.”  Yet, at the same time, he couldn’t help but remember what had gotten him to meet Diamondback and Swift and all his friends.  ## A day later, Sombra watched from the shadows as his thrall Cozy Glow returned with more scales and fur.  “What took the brat so long?” Shade demanded impatiently.  “Security is tightening,” Sombra growled. “It’s becoming harder and harder for our infiltrators to spread discourse without the alternate personalities being noticed. I think they’re onto us.”  Shade brushed his chin in thought. “This means we’ll have to speed up our preparations.”  “Don’t fret,” Sombra replied. “There’s still chinks in the armor we can exploit.” He turned with a grin. “The leader of the Drake Six… what is it my traitorous subjects have been calling him? ‘Sir Spike the Brave’?”  “And Glorious,” Shade clarified. “That whelp is just lucky though. And soon enough, his luck will run dry.”  “Well, either way, it seems he has something on his mind.” Sombra chuckled. “I was able to slip dear Cozy right under his nose; he was too busy brooding about whatever goes on in that empty little dragon mind of his.”  Shade hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe I can tamper with the whelp’s clone,” he thought privately. “Then I can have him as my student once these fools have outlived their usefulness.” He chuckled with malicious glee. “That whelp will have no idea what hit him.”  Sombra chuckled as well, mistaking Shade’s laughter for eagerness about his plan. “Whatever’s bothering him, let’s hope it torments and agonizes him,” Sombra said with an evil grin. “Our forces are almost ready.” He lifted a blue scale with glee. “And we will soon have the key to turning our enemies’ best defense against themselves.”  ## Spike smacked his head angrily. Had he just seen Applejack with green apples instead of red? Unfortunately, she was already out of his sight. And he was certain he’d look like a crazy person if he started yelling for her.  He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had to focus! If there were changelings in the school, and one of them was loyal to Chrysalis, he had to stay alert.  But that gaping hole in his chest wouldn’t leave him alone. Smolder’s comment - harmless as it should’ve been - kept circling his brain like a vulture. Parentless kid. Parentless kid. Twilight was his parent. His family! That should’ve been the end of it. He had her. He had Diamondback. He had Swift and Jackknife and Star Wing and Phoenix and so many friends and loved ones. Why should he care about whoever actually made his egg and brought him into the world? “Spike?”  Spike jumped and turned to see Diamondback looking at him in concern. Briefly, he scanned her, but her scales were the right color and her eyes still the right tint.  “You look troubled,” Diamondback noted.  Spike turned away. “Well, we’ve got imposters in the school,” he noted. “And I’m starting to worry they aren’t here for a good reason.” “That’s not the only thing,” Diamondback said. “If it was, you might have noticed that Applejack briefly had a green apple cutie mark rather than red. Spike gaped - so it was true. He turned. “Is she…?” Diamondback shook her head. “She got away before I could question her.”  Spike seethed and punched the wall, resisting the urge to swear.  “Spike,” Diamondback said firmly. “The last time you got this angry, you threatened a family of griffons. That should have taught you how dangerous it is to bottle your emotions up.”  Spike rested his head against the wall. She was right. He couldn’t keep this to himself.  “I thought I was past this,” he whispered. “Wondering who I was. Where I come from. What I really am.” He turned back. “But after Sludge? I-I can’t…” “Stop thinking about who birthed your egg, yes?” Diamondback asked.  Spike nodded reluctantly.  Diamondback rested a claw on his shoulder, her eyes motherly and kind. In the other claw, she brought up the magic bowl. “This isn’t just for determining parentage,” she said. “It can track down biological family.”  Spike blinked. “R-Really?”  Diamondback nodded. “Sometimes, my dogs would get sick, and need to have… certain parts of their bodies… replaced.” She swirled the sparkling water within. “This let me find family members of theirs who had the right… parts… that would be compatible with their bodies. Ensure that they would heal properly.” She smiled. “And it led to more than one heartwarming reunion between families.” She gazed at Spike. “Twilight will always be your family, Spike. But there’s no shame in wanting to know about how you were created.”  Unable to hold back his emotions any longer, Spike plucked a scale from his arm, and held it over the water. Just before he could drop it in, however, Diamondback gripped his hand.  “Just be prepared,” she warned. “Family reunions like this can be good… but they can also be bad. Whatever happens… take comfort in knowing it’s the truth.”  Spike nodded, and Diamondback let him drop his scale into the water. As it once again glowed a shimmering blue, Diamondback swirled the water and spoke a strange incantation - almost like a song.  The water evaporated at her words, turning into a sort of scent trail that led out of the academy. “Let’s go,” Diamondback said.  Flaring both their wings, Spike and Diamondback took off. Their departure noticed by Jackknife, who - curious - ran after them.  ## After several days of flight through the Dragon Lands, Spike started to worry that this was taking too long. He had left the Academy with imposters in the mix. What if something happened and he was busy searching for himself?  “I shouldn’t be doing this,” he muttered. “I should be back home; watching over Twilight, the Academy…” “You were trying to do that and this was preventing you,” Diamondback reminded him. “This way, you’ll have an answer, and can move on past it. Trust me.” She gripped his arm. “It’s never a good thing to be haunted by the past.”  In her eyes, Spike saw pain. Pain that did not come from mere wounds. “Sludge actually took advantage of you, didn’t he?”  “Not him specifically, but I’ve seen his kind of dragon before.” Diamondback looked away. “I was wild in my youth,” she admitted. “I fought other dragons, mated with them, or just danced the night away. I experienced so much, yet learned so little.” She shook her head. “And then the day came when a young dragon came up to me and claimed I was his mother.”  Spike blinked. “You… had a lot of kids?”  She sighed. “I had many affairs with many dragons before then. I had left eggs with the father, either through him winning them or me just not wanting them. It was easy for me to believe that one such egg could have grown up and wanted to reconnect; be part of my treasure.”  Spike looked back towards the vapor trail they were following. It wasn’t pointed at Diamondback, yet… Spike couldn’t help but wonder. Was it truly possible?  He wanted to ask, but at that moment, Diamondback glowered, and Spike wisely decided to keep silent. Luckily, she didn’t seem mad at him; just embittered by the part of her story she had reached:  “But he just wanted my treasure. His father had never rejected him during the Molt. He let him stick around, growing fat and lazy on the fortunes hard won by his father. And when his father failed to protect him and his treasure from other dragons, he didn’t learn to survive on his own… he just became a parasite. Moving to other dragons, trying to use their pity and greed to mooch off their treasures.”  Spike grimaced. “And he never learned to look out for himself?”  “Once one has tasted the easy life,” Diamondback replied. “It is very hard to go back to a life of challenge and hardship. It can build character, yes… but it is a miserable existence. A life of comfort can be very tempting in comparison.” She nodded at Spike. “And you show that a life of comfort can still produce strong, brave and good souls.”  Spike looked away. “I… don’t know if that’s a compliment, considering Sludge…” “Sludge would take advantage of examples like you,” Diamondback replied. “That’s the fatal flaw of a good soul. They will try to help, even when they know it does not benefit them.” She flew closer. “You must balance your nature, my friend. Be willing to help, but also be aware of when evil will try to take advantage of your kindness.”  Spike looked away, pondering how he could do that… only for his eyes to widen. “Oh, no…” The vapor trail was finally ending. But it ended at a grave.  Spike tucked his wings and dove, racing ahead of Diamondback and skidding to a stop before the tombstones.  The stones were… beautiful. Carved from pure white stone, and engraved with golden lettering. Sparks and Cinder Two Heroes Among Dragons The Sacrifice Made by the Fallen Heroes can never be repaid, but it can be honored.  Spike reached out, tracing the golden lettering… the familiar handwriting. The very familiar handwriting.  “Diamondback,” Spike said, his voice hollow.  “I’m here, Spike,” she assured him.  “I need a quill and paper.”  She handed them over without a second thought. If Spike’s mind wasn’t overwhelmed by the hurricane in his heart, he might have laughed at just how prepared Diamondback was for any situation.  But this wasn’t about Diamondback. He still had questions that she could not answer.  He wrote his letter quickly, and breathed on it with his teleportation fire. Then he waited.  Diamondback stayed vigilantly by, only speaking to offer him food or drink. He refused both, for the hunger wasn’t in his stomach, but his heart. It was a burning sensation that not even the tastiest fire gems could sate.  But relief soon came, as Princess Celestia appeared in a burst of soft yellow light.  “Princess!” Diamondback quickly bowed, but Celestia only gave her a passing nod, walking over to join Spike at the graves.  “I… suppose I’ve been waiting for this day,” she admitted, shifting on her haunches and sitting next to Spike.  “What happened to them?” Spike whispered, his voice choked with grief, anger and confusion. “Why did you make this for them?”  Celestia looked down. “Star Wing.”  Spike looked up at her. “What?” Celestia gazed at Spike, weariness and sorrow weighing her down, and making her look less like a princess, and more like a pony. “Did Star Wing make you think I was so cruel that I would just let my niece - the last piece of my sister after Nightmare Moon took the rest - run off into the wild without at least trying to search for her?”  Spike shifted, giving Celestia his full attention.  “I knew the nobles would never help,” Celestia admitted, her voice turning bitter. “And the guards were all in their pockets. Any search they did would likely have resulted in Star Wing’s death, faked or otherwise. So I took personal charge of her search.” She looked up and around. “My search for her led me into these mountains. Into dragon territory. I knew it was risky, but my fear for Star overturned my caution.” She looked down. “And I paid for my impulsiveness.”  Spike glanced at Diamondback, who was watching Celestia with rapt attention. “Star… learned how to become a dragon,” he remembered.  “And I’m guessing her less than stellar experience with me led to her telling the other dragons nasty stories about myself.” Celestia sighed. “Not that they weren’t untrue at the time. But they did lead to problems.”  “Yeah?”  Celestia nodded. “Twilight mentioned how ponies feared dragons for a time. That was because several of them jumped me. When I returned from the Dragon Lands - without Star and heavily injured - I had unintentionally established the dragon’s power. If they were capable of beating me to such an extent… ponies knew they stood no chance.” She shuddered. “And it would’ve been worse if I had died.”  Spike’s eyes widened. The grave. The quote. The elaborate handwriting.  “My parents saved your life,” Spike breathed.  Celestia nodded, and tears slipped down her cheeks. “Your father fell first; holding them off long enough for your mother to get me to safety.” Her voice cracked, but she looked directly at Spike, and seemed to take strength from his gaze. “Your mother had enough time to heal me - just enough so that I could fly - then she left to join her husband. And before I left… I saw you. I saw your egg.”  “And you took me?” Spike asked. “Because…” He couldn’t stand to say it.  Celestia nodded. “If I had left you, the other dragons would have plundered their home. Taken every last bit of treasure. And as for what they would’ve done with your egg…”  Diamondback spoke up. “I… don’t think they would’ve harmed it,” she said. “It’s supposed to be a great crime to destroy a dragon egg.”  “I couldn’t trust that,” Celestia said. “One of the dragons had mocked me; told me that Star Wing…” she shook her head. “Star assured me after she returned that he was only trying to damage me emotionally - that she would never have agreed to him using such cruel taunts. But either way, I feared what they would do to you.” She lowered her head. “So, I took you, Spike. I took you, and I melted down some of their gold, and gave them a tribute that no dragon could ever take away.” She nodded at the grave. “Something that I personally enchanted to stand tall, as a permanent reminder that though there was great evil among dragons… there was also great good as well. And it was worth remembering.”  Spike gazed at his biological parents’ tomb, Diamondback’s words running through his head. “That’s the fatal flaw of a good soul. They will try to help, even when they know it does not benefit them.”  His parents had tried to help. They were good dragons. Good souls. And they had paid for it.  “No,” he told himself. “Because of them, Celestia is alive. And I’m alive. And thanks to us… Equestria is a safer place.”  “There’s one last thing I don’t understand,” Spike noted, looking to Celestia. “I was given to Twilight… as a test. How did you know she’d hatch me correctly? H-How did I stay in that egg for almost a thousand years?”  “You were separated from your mother,” Diamondback replied. “More than likely, your egg when into a protective standby mode. It kept you in a sort of hibernated state - more like a stone than an egg - until your mother could reclaim you.” She looked to Celestia. “You must have had to use a great deal of magic to keep the egg in such a state for so long. And Twilight’s magic must have been quite powerful to be able to convince the egg to hatch after it had been in hibernation mode for that long.”  “It was something I had expected of her.” Celestia gazed at them with eyes old as time. “The future is an odd thing,” she admitted. “So many directions it can take; like an ocean in a storm.” She looked at Spike. “I’ve received visions of the future, Spike; hints as to the best course to take, that will lead to the smoothest waters. And there was one constant in all those visions.” She pointed at him. “You and Twilight. Together, you two would bring an age of peace to Equestria. Not a permanent one…” she smiled hopefully at him, “But a good one.”  “So you saw… everything we’ve done…”  Celestia chuckled softly. “No, Spike. Not everything. But enough. Enough for me to have faith. In Twilight… and in you.” She touched his chest gently, and looked back at the grave. “Sparks and Cinder would be so proud of the dragon you’ve become.”  Spike felt his heart lift. He nodded and stood up. “Then… I need to get back. Someone’s going to try and threaten that age of peace you believe Twilight and I will protect. And I’m going to prove you right.”  Celestia smiled at him with tear stained eyes. She wrapped her wings around him in a hug. “You already have,” she promised him.  As she teleported away, Spike took one more moment at his parent’s graves. He rested a claw on both their tombstones.  “Goodbye Mom,” he thought. “Goodbye, Dad.”  Then, with a breath to steady his nerves, he turned, spread his wings, and took off, heading home with Diamondback. > Episode 65: Fire and Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the United Species Academy, the time had come for the hippogriffs and the sea serpents to explain their culture. Specifically how the sea serpents and the hippogriffs had come to work together.  “I gotta admit,” Silver Stream was saying, “I don’t know where we would’ve been without the sea serpents.” She paused. “Okay, I think I know where we would’ve been, but I don’t like thinking about it.”  Jackknife, who was lounging in a corner, mouthed ‘Storm King’ to Diamondback, who smirked as she stroked a diamond dog in her lap like a Bond villain.  “And tell me,” Diamondback asked, her ice blue eyes flicking down to the dog in her lap. “What kind of difference was there between sea serpents and diamond dogs?”  “Well,” Silver Stream said tentatively, unnerved by the odd light in Diamondback’s eyes. “We considered it a symbiotic relationship. The sea serpents helped us learn how to breathe underwater…” “And what did you give them in return?” Diamondback asked. Silver paused again, scanning Diamondback’s scales, which were a tad darker than usual. “Well… that’s a little more complicated. But one of the skills we taught them was how to live on land.”  “Except you guys didn’t like living on land,” Jackknife noted, his own voice rougher and more bitter than usual. “With the Storm King floating around, you guys preferred hiding out under the water.”  Silver gave Jackknife a surprised look, before Diamondback tsked.  “Taking one skill and repaying with a useless skill?” Diamondback asked. “Sounds more like a parasite than a symbiote to me.”  The diamond dog in her lap stood, ears perked, while the others stared at Diamondback in shock.  “Just cuz you managed to get a bunch of diamond dog pets that don’t steal your treasure,” Smolder growled. “Doesn’t mean they can’t be parasitic too. At least it sounds like sea serpents were able to actually give some pretty cool abilities.”  The diamond dog in Diamondback’s lap - Shiva - gaped. “And finding you guys more gems isn’t cool?”  “The last diamond dogs I relied on to find gems scammed me,” Smolder shot back.  “Girls, please!” Twilight interjected, looking around for Spike. But the dragon was absent.  Her heart skipped a beat - she remembered that he was still off looking for his mother. But… hadn’t Diamondback gone with him? And didn’t Jackknife follow them?  The Jackknife before them stood up with a smirk. “It’s too bad ya didn’t have some of the magic we sea serpents can use.” He huffed. “Then again, our own leader restricted some of our best stuff.”  Silver Stream backed up from Jackknife, her skin going pale under her pink feathers. “Jackknife… please don’t tell me you’re considering…”  “Ain’t this about sharing?” Jackknife asked, as his dark blue scales took on an ominous red tinge. “I personally want a second opinion on why we sea serpents didn’t use the greatest weapon we had: a weapon that would’ve assured hippogriffs were clearly servants rather than deluding themselves into thinking they were ‘partners’.”  Smolder and the Young Six started to gather close. “Jackknife,” Ocellus whimpered, “You’re really starting to scare us.”  Jackknife had a frightening grin. “You should be afraid.”  Twilight narrowed her eyes. “How dare you talk to your fellow changeling that way.” She fired a changeling revealing spell… and gaped as it washed over Jackknife without even affecting him.  Everyone’s jaws dropped. This evil version of Jackknife wasn’t a changeling! “But…” Twilight stammered, “What…?” Jackknife glared at where the spell had hit him. “Was that supposed to hurt?” he demanded, before thrusting his arm at Twilight.  Twilight tried to cast a shield spell, only for her horn to tilt upward against her will. She yelped as she felt something churning under her skin. Forcing her up to two legs, and locking her forelegs at her side. “What’s… happening…?” she whimpered.  “Just showing our greatest weapon.” Jackknife smirked as Smolder and Gallus rushed him, only for Smolder to freeze as he pointed at her as well. “Blood-bending,” he hissed with glee, right before Gallus lunged to slash at him with his talons. ## Meanwhile, just outside the Dragon Lands, near a place Spike remembered being called ‘The Peaks of Peril’, Spike and Diamondback were making their way back home when they spotted a familiar bright blue tinge of scales.  “Jackknife?” Spike pondered, tucking his wings and diving. “What’s he doing out here?”  As they drew closer, Spike’s heart started to race: the trees and rocks around the area had been scorched, many still hissing with steam like Jackknife had just put out a massive forest fire. Jackknife himself was searching around with an angry expression, his watery form bubbling the way it did when he was livid about something.  “Jack?” Spike asked, landing behind him.  Jackknife almost sent Spike flying into Diamondback with a blast of water, but restrained himself at the last second. “Sorry, bruh,” Jackknife said, glaring back at a tree that was steaming as if he had just put out a fire on it seconds ago. “But there’s something out here.”  “What is it?” Diamondback asked, looking around at the scorched earth. “Dragons?”  Jackknife shook his head. “Worse.”  Spike and Diamondback exchanged a shocked look, before a crackling, burning sound drew their gaze. On the edge of the battlefield, another bush was going up in flames.  Jackknife raced over and started putting out the fire with a beam of water. But just as the flames started to die down… a creature of living flames leaped from the bush with a roar of rage.  For a minute, Spike couldn’t tell what he was looking at: it was vaguely pony-ish - possibly a mare - with a unicorn-like horn. But it was bathed in bright blue flames, it’s body an ashy black. It’s eyes were white and filled with pure fury, and it opened a jaw filled with sharp canines and bellowed in rage, blowing fire that threw Jackknife back. Not wasting time, Spike lunged forward, combatting the creature’s blue flames with his own green flames. Briefly worrying that he might transport the flames right into Celestia, Spike rolled under the creature’s next blast and caught her in a bear hug.  “Calm down!” he pleaded, his scales thankfully protecting him as the creature thrashed and wriggled in his grip.  “Suppressors,” the creature snarled. “Blind fools! DESTROY THEM ALL!”  The fire burst from her form - brighter and hotter this time - but Spike’s dragon scales held firm, and he managed to keep his grip on her.  “That’s it, buddy!” Jackknife said. “Hang on!”  Spike turned, and saw Jackknife pointing his water cannon at them.  “Jack? Wait-WAIT!” Spike pleaded, only for his next protest to get cut off with a mouthful of water.  Jackknife sprayed them with a blast of water, leaving Spike sliding across muddy ground.  “No-no-NO!” the creature next to him screamed. But when Spike rolled to his chest, he once again blinked in surprise.  The creature had changed; where there had once been bright blue flames, she now had a dark red - almost black - mane that ran down her head - spiking in the middle like a faux hawk hair style - and gathered at the neck like a lion. A silvery-blue patch of scales ran down her back, the middle of her face, and topped off the points of her hooves, contrasting the cherry-red fur that dominated the rest of her body. She had a long tail topped with more black mane hair. And interestingly, Spike could faintly see black stripes running along the sides of her cherry red fur.  She scrambled for dryer ground, desperately scrapping her hooves against each other, like she was trying to make a spark. Her black eyes were wild and desperate, like a cornered animal. “Come on, come on,” she pleaded. “Reignite!”  “Darling!” Diamondback barked. “How about instead of ‘reigniting’ you just tell us what’s going on. We’re not here to hurt you.”  The creature huffed. “Tell that to the water boy over there. He was putting out my flames!”  “Cuz yer flames were setting the forest on fire!” Jackknife protested, indicating the smoldering trees. “Yer a freaking arsonist!”  “I AM WHAT I AM!” the creature roared back, her mane sparking as it struggled to ignite again. “Nobody’s going to take that away from me, you hear? NOBODY!”  Spike spread his arms wide, sensing another fight incoming… when a voice shouted.  “WAIT! STOP!”  The three dragons turned as another one of the creatures ran into view. This one, however, looked kinder, with nice golden eyes, a warm brown mane and a creamy body contrasted with light green scales.  “Fox Fire, please!” the creature claimed. “There’s no need to fight! We figured it out!”  “Autumn?” the creature - Fox Fire? - asked. “What are you talking about?”  The brush rustled again, and Spike’s heart leaped as Applejack and Fluttershy came out.  “Applejack?” Diamondback stammered.  “Flutters?” Jackknife looked between them. “What in the name of everything good is going on here?”  Applejack stood between the two fighters. “If y'all be willing to lower yer weapons, we can tell ya.”  ## “They’re called ‘Kirin’,” Fluttershy explained, as the group sat grouped around one of the more untouched boulders, a tea set having been set up with refreshments, though Fox Fire regarded the tea set with suspicion. “And their fire form is known as ‘Nidrik’.”  “And let me tell you,” Fox Fire growled. “It’s a good thing.” She pointed at Autumn. “Don’t let Rain Shine and her deluded followers fool you. You knew how foolish they were to give it up.”  “Fox, please,” Autumn placated. “They still don’t know what you’re talking about.”  Fox glanced at Spike and his dragon friends, before sighing in frustration. “I can tell them, though,” Autumn noted, her voice gaining a singing quality. “IN SOOOOOONNNNGGG…!” “NO!” Fox barked, her flames briefly coming back up. “No. Just… let me tell my side.”  Autumn slumped down, looking depressed enough that Fluttershy tried to comfort her, while Fox turned to Spike.  “It goes like this,” Fox explained, “Kirin have an alternate form; the Nidrik.” Briefly, she let the flaming creature Jackknife had been fighting show before returning to her normal self. “It makes us stronger. Let’s us wield fire that burns away wickedness and foul deeds.”  “But it also comes with a massive temper,” Autumn added. “So, when hurtful words are said… flaring tempers get inflamed…” her voice became more musical. “And destruction quickly spread!”  “Hey!” Fox barked.  Autumn sighed. “I seriously don’t get why you don’t like rhyming. Wasn’t your dad a zebra?”  “THAT’S BESIDES THE POINT!” Fox Fire took a massive breath, as her nidrik form was showing again. “Anyway, where were we?”  “Destruction quickly spread,” Jackknife replied, looking rather ponderous for once.  “Yeah, that’s right,” Fox agreed. “Anyway, our leader let one accident like that be the reason why we should NEVER use the Nidrik form again. So… “Into the stream of silence,” Autumn sang happily. “We stepped in as a crowd. The water cooled emotions, and peace was soon restored!”  Fox glared at Autumn for a solid minute before turning back to Spike. “But it was a peace that oppressed us. Cuz…” “Cuz rainbows won’t light up the sky,” Autumn sang. “Unless you let it rain.  And shiny apples come with worms! No you can’t give up your laughter, cuz you’re scared of a little pain. It’s a lesson the Kirin never learned…” She gave a breath right as Fox looked ready to go Nidrik mode again. “...until today.”  Fox paused, her form faltering. “Huh?”  “Yeah,” Applejack said. “We were talking to em about it, and we agreed that being a nidrik isn’t bad, as long as y’all don’t use it to hurt any pony.”  Fox gazed at her flames ponderously, before the last voice Spike expected to hear in agreement spoke up.  “She’s right,” Jackknife said. “Some people say power corrupts. But actually… it just shows who you are underneath.”  Spike stared at him. “You… know about that?” Jackknife gazed at him with pain in his green eyes. “A long time ago,” Jackknife said. “There was a sea serpent. Kira. She discovered that sea serpents could manipulate more than just water. We could manipulate rain, ice, things that melt…” He looked down. “Unfortunately, she then discovered that even bodies are made of water. Water that we can control.”  Spike felt a chill down his spine. “You don’t mean…” “Blood-bending,” Jackknife whispered, his voice sounding haunted. “With it, Kira became a monster. She could control innocent creatures and force them to either do what she wanted, or…” Jackknife actually looked nauseous enough that Diamondback offered him a doggy bag, though he waved it off. “After she was finally taken down, Queen Sapphire didn’t want any sea serpent to go as crazy as Kira did. So she banned blood bending from the entire species. Any sea serpent that even entertained the idea of using it was to be considered a threat.”  Fox hesitantly scooted next to Autumn, who held her close in comfort. “But…” Fox whispered. “What does that have to do with the Nidrik form? I-I mean… no Nidirk would want to be… that… hurtful.”  “Because then Saph got too paranoid,” Jackknife replied. “She started fearing that any sea serpent who started getting too eager for battle would risk Kira’s path. So she pretty soon forbid fighting of any kind. And that led us to the hippogriffs.” He sighed, looking down. “She… thought that they could protect us… even though we needed to protect them first.”  Spike gasped. “So that’s why you guys saved them from the Storm King. Why you taught them to breathe underwater. So they’d protect you in turn; keep you from having to fight.”  Jackknife nodded. “And that’s why I left,” he added. “I didn’t want to ask the hippogriffs to fight my battles for me. I wanted to show that someone could still want to fight without becoming a freaking nutjob.”  When Fox spoke, her voice was soft. “And you can,” she whispered. “Y-You can.”  “You didn’t show that today,” Spike noted. “When we met, you were running around like a berserker.”  Fox looked down in shame. “I just… didn’t want my nidirk form taken…”  Autumn hugged her. “Hey, it’s alright. The others realized it now; anger is always going to be within us, but it’s our choice as to how we let it out.”  Fox smiled sadly. “Thanks, Autumn,” she said. “But it’s clear I need to work on how I let my anger out.” She looked at Jackknife. “I… don’t suppose you know of a way.”  Jackknife and Spike glanced at each other.  “Well,” Spike offered. “We do have an academy where different species can learn and bond with each other.”  Autumn gasped. “That sounds amazing!”  Fox lifted a hoof. “Maybe… I can check it out… and report back to Leader Rain Shine. Tell her what I found… and how it helped me learn to be more careful with my Nidrik form.”  Autumn’s smile would’ve lit up the sun. “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”  “We can show you the way,” Spike noted, looking to Diamondback and Jackknife. “Right guys.” Diamondback smiled. “Of course, darling.” Jackknife nodded, though he gave a curious look to the North. “And, uh… after we drop her off,” he noted to Spike. “Do ya think we can also stop by Mount Aris? I… Queen Sapphire and I have some things that we should’ve talked about a long time ago.”  Spike pat Jackknife’s shoulder. “Always, brother,” he promised.  ## However, to their surprise, Queen Sapphire was already at the academy. As was Queen Novo and several hippogriff guards. And unfortunately, when they caught sight of Jackknife, the look in their eyes made Spike fear that they didn’t care about how Jackknife had developed.  “Seize him!” Novo barked, as two hippogriff guards came forward.  “W-What?” Jackknife stammered as they closed in on him.  “What’s going on?” Spike asked Twilight as she ran over.  “Jackknife used blood-bending,” Twilight said, panting in terror. Spike’s eyes widened in horror as he saw several strange scars under her fur; like the blood in her veins had been pushed up against her skin for too long.  “He just… took control of our bodies,” Silver Stream added on. “Threw us around and then ran for it the second Gallus managed to get a hit in.” She paused. “Or… y’know, slithered for it, since… he’s got the tail and…”  “Either way,” Queen Novo cut off. “He used a technique that is forbidden among sea serpents,” Queen Novo added angrily, glaring angrily at Jackknife, who had gone as pale as ice.  “And then had the nerve to run away like a coward!” Queen Sapphire added venomously. “But… no!” Jackknife stammered. “I-I was with Spike and Diamondback. W-We found Fox Fire here!” He indicated Fox, who was looking around in complete confusion.  Dots connected, and Spike turned to Novo. “Wait!” he protested. “There was a changeling. W-We thought there was a changeling - maybe a Chrysalis loyalist that had infiltrated…” “It wasn’t a changeling,” Ocellus said softly.  Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “W-What do you mean?” Ocellus’ words seemed to die in her throat, but Twilight stepped up.  “I used a changeling revelation spell,” Twilight said. “One I had developed after Chrysalis’ second attack.” She shook her head. “Whatever the Jackknife that used blood-bending was… he wasn’t a changeling.”  “Which means we have a lot of questions for the Jackknife we currently have,” Sapphire hissed, glaring at a dumbfounded Jackknife.  As Jackknife was taken away by the hippogriff guards, Spike’s entire world flipped upside down. If it wasn’t a changeling that he had been seeing… then what had gotten into his school? > Episode 66: The Really Dirty Dozen - Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra watched from the shadows as Jackknife stuck with the hippogriff guards.  “Why aren’t they taking him away?” a voice growled behind him. Sombra turned to regard ‘Mean Jackknife’, who hissed as he watched the hippogriffs listening to some sort of statement Jackknife was giving. “He’s been blamed for the crime. Why aren’t they taking him?”  “Use your head, boy!” Sombra growled back. “He has eyewitnesses that saw him leave. And more importantly…” he pointed at a scratch down Mean Jackknife’s side. “He doesn’t have any signs of the battle you had with the students.”  “Poor Jackknife,” Mean Fluttershy sneered. “Too incompetent to properly get rid of your own counterpart.”  Mean Jackknife whirled on the dark yellow pegasus. “I’ll get rid o’ yer mouth if ya don’t shut it…!”  “Quiet your love-making,” an ominous voice growled, as the shadows were briefly chased away by an ominous glowing light. “We all know this only part of the plan our ‘Illustrious Lords’ have concocted.” Red eyes glared down at Sombra and Shade. “Isn’t that right?”  Shade looked up at the source of the fire. “It’s a shame your counterpart isn’t as bold as you are.”  “Bold and correct,” Sombra replied. “You may have none of your counterpart’s scars, but you also don’t have her treasure. At least… not yet.” He turned to Mean Diamondback. “What is your progress on that?”  Mean Diamondback tossed her head with a grin. “The Diamond Dogs are so easy to manipulate,” she replied with a cruel tone to her voice. “Merely praise them and love them, and they’re like putty in your hands.” Mean Fluttershy gagged. “Why not just kick them into submission?”  “Oh yeah, that’d totally convince em she’s the real Diamondback, wouldn’t it?” Mean Applejack sneered. “You may be compelled to lie, pony, but for once, you see truth,” Mean Diamondback agreed. “The real Diamondback treats them the same way, only she has a heart of plush. Once I claim her horde for myself, her power will be gone.”  “And when we have her power,” Mean Star Wing asked, stepping up. “Does that mean we’ll go to the Dragon Lands?” Her eyes glittered dangerously. “I’m looking forward to breaking that so-called Dragon Lord’s mind.”  “Yes,” Shade agreed. “We will defeat her, and I can lead them to conquer the other nations.”  “All in good time, everyone, all in good time,” Sombra replied. “But before we claim victory, we must ensure that your counterparts are well and truly out of the way. And having the better version of Jackknife show what he can do is only the first step to that plan.” He looked back out towards the forest, and saw a familiar filly rushing towards them. He nodded to Mean Diamondback. “Go. Claim what is rightfully yours.”  Mean Diamondback gave a low bow, and started off, as a pair of red eyes glared at her from the flames still battling shadows.  Cozy Glow reached the group. “The bait worked,” she reported. “The Drake Five approach.”  ## “Alright, guys,” Spike said, looking around at Star Wing, Diamondback, Phoenix and Swift. “According to Smolder, whoever this ‘Evil Jackknife’ was, he fled into these woods. Which means that Diamondback, the real Jackknife and I just passed by him on our way home. We’ve got to find him and bring him back to Queen Novo so that Jackknife’s name can be cleared.”  “I still don’t see why they had to keep Jack under guard,” Phoenix muttered. “Everyone noted how weird he was acting.”  “You know how some people can be,” Star replied with a tired tone. “They want to have even the illusion of safety. Keeping him there will at least placate them from thinking he’ll try to betray us or something.” “Either way, we’ll need to act fast,” Swift agreed. “I don’t know the specifics behind this blood-bending thing, but from the way Queen Novo was glaring at Jack… I don’t want them to think he used that stuff for any longer than necessary.”  “I’m a little worried for Smolder too,” Star Wing noted. “She and Gallus seemed really torn up about that stuff working on them.”  “Don’t worry,” Phoenix assured them. “Twilight’s with her. If anyone can help them with taking losses like that, it’s her.”  “Let’s hope so,” Spike said. “If we can’t find this blood-bender, Twilight and her friends will have to deal with it.”  Diamondback grimaced. “I really don’t like the idea of us going after this creature if he’s capable of such talents. At least not unprepared.” Phoenix glanced at her. “I don’t suppose you have some kind of… enchanted armor that can repel magic.”  Swift gasped. “I think… I think that armor my dad had… the one I had Aunt Hawke retrieve… I’m pretty sure it had magical repellants.”  Diamondback turned and struck the ground. “Shiva, dear?” she called. “Shiva!”  Shiva’s head poked out of the ground, but she looked confused. “Diamondback?”  “Do you have Swift’s family armor?” Diamondback asked. “I need it, right away.”  “But…” Shiva looked down and then at Diamondback. “Hang on, how are there two of you?”  All of the dragons stared at the ground. “What?”  “There’s another Diamondback,” Shiva explained, indicating down her hole. “She’s at your treasure horde right now.”  Diamondback’s eyes went to slits of panic. She turned to the others. “Wait here; I’ll be right back.” Then, with a swan dive that somehow managed to remain elegant, Diamondback dove after Shiva into the hole, somehow squeezing through despite her size.  Spike knelt at the hole. “Should we go after her?”  “Wait!” Star stammered. “I’ve seen this in plays before: the group of heroes split up, and it allows the bad guys to pick them off one by one!”  “But if we all go after Diamondback,” Swift pointed out, “Then that leaves this blood-bending guy free to go after the Academy.”  “Then we split up, but keep it to groups,” Spike decided. “Star, Swift; you two keep looking for the blood-bender. Phoenix, you’re with me.”  Nodding, Phoenix jumped into the hole, with Spike right behind her. Star reluctantly turned back to the forest, but for once, her confidence was fading fast.  “Oh, I don’t like this, Swift,” she noted. “I don’t like this one bit.”  Swift himself was shivering, but as he noticed how terrified Star sounded, he took a deep breath. “A-At least we’re together,” he noted. “C-C’mon! He’s gotta be around here somewhere.”  ## As the two set off to search, they were unaware of Sombra and Shade watching.  Sombra chuckled, watching Star with a greedy eye. “You have no idea how right you are, my dear.”  “Soon we shall have our revenge,” Shade promised, turning his gaze to town, where Astral and Aurora were setting up defenses. “Me… and my apprentice.”  ## Part of Spike had wondered what Diamondback had done with her treasure horde. Having learned that treasure made dragons stronger and tougher, he knew that Diamondback could never be far from her collection of gems, jewels, enchanted items and even scrolls. But he had never considered that she was hiding them right under their noses.  As it turned out, it didn’t take them very long to reach a massive underground cavern, inside of which was all the treasures Diamondback had collected over her long life, carefully handled and managed by a pack of loyal diamond dogs.  But now the diamond dogs stood grouped around a massive throne. They all looked at Diamondback in confusion… before turning their gazes to a second Diamondback lounging on the throne.  Immediately, Spike could feel something off about the other Diamondback. Her scales didn’t shine the same way his Diamondback’s did. Her blue eyes were more like ice than lapis. And though Spike had always thought Diamondback beautiful, her counterpart’s sneer twisted any beauty to the point that she would’ve looked better as an old hag.  “What do you think you’re doing?” Diamondback growled, her voice also sounding far more monstrous than she usually sounded. “Get away from my horde.”  “‘Your’ horde?” Mean Diamondback chortled. “Now why would I give up my hard-earned treasure for an imposter such as yourself?”  Diamondback drew a rapier. “I am no imposter!” She looked to her dogs. “Shiva! Celine! You know it’s me!”  Shiva gave her a worried look. “I-I’m sorry,” she said. “But I just don’t know who to believe!”  “Are you crazy?” Spike demanded. “Look at them!” He indicated the two Diamondbacks. “Surely you can spot the differences.”  The wolves looked between them.  “I mean… I kind of can,” the youngest, Celine, admitted. “But…”  “Haven’t you noticed her treating you oddly?” Diamondback insisted. “Being cruel or mean?” “Cruel or mean?!” Mean Diamondback laughed out loud, before gently picking up one of the dogs and stroking them carefully. “Now why would I do such a thing to my ‘beloved’ dogs? They suffered enough already, having to deal with that loathsome Blaze.”  Phoenix flinched and stepped back, but Spike gripped her shoulder.  “Don’t,” he promised. “You’re not that dragon anymore.”  “No, it’s not that,” Phoenix said. “Does she know all of Diamondback’s memories?”  Mean Diamondback smirked. “I know that you personally carved poor Myst’s face up for scuffing one of your precious gemstones.” She indicated the scarred diamond dog that Spike remembered Phoenix having so much trouble earning forgiveness from. “I know that Luke has a preference for opals and round gems.” He produced one such opal and tossed it, with the biggest dog racing after it with glee. “While dear Lizzie prefers something more… chewable.” She produced a stick and tossed it to a diamond dog with cinnamon brown fur, who gleefully caught it and began gnawing on it.  “Knowing and caring are two different things,” Diamondback growled. “And I can see it in your eyes: you don’t actually care about my dogs. You’re just using what they like to earn their trust.”  “And you haven’t done the same thing?” Mean Diamondback refuted. “Darling, you and I both know the power of the Greed.” She rose off her throne, an ominous energy swirling around her. “Money? Friends? All of them give power!”  Diamondback stood tall. “And what will you do with that power?” she asked. “Cut me down in cold blood?”  Mean Diamondback shrugged. “You’re trying to take my horde,” she replied, drawing her own rapier. “It’s only right that a dragon protects what’s hers.”  Spike and Phoenix stepped up to Diamondback’s side, only for something else to catch his eye. His jaw dropped as a second Spike walked out.  “Now-now, ‘Sir Spike’,” Mean Spike declared, stepping between him and the Diamondbacks. “Didn’t any of your mothers teach you how rude it is to hit a lady?”  Spike and Phoenix backed up, as Diamondback and Mean Diamondback began to duel, rapiers clashing in a shower of sparks.  “You…” Spike stared at his darker scale color; the cruel pond-scum color of his counterpart’s eyes. “How is this possible? If you’re not changelings…!”  “Sh,” Mean Spike hushed, before drawing a sword and shield. “A proper knight never betrays his lord.”  “Lord?” Phoenix muttered, before gasping. “Lord Shade! You’re working for him?”  Several of the dogs turned, watching Mean Spike with intrigue. Mean Spike himself grimaced, like he was at a loss for words.  Spike smirked. “A proper knight fights for his lord and only for his lord,” he noted. “Who’s your lord?”  Mean Spike seethed, before roaring a battle cry and rushing the two. However, several diamond dogs - realizing the trick - rushed Mean Spike as well. And with the dogs behind him and Spike and Phoenix before him, it didn’t take long for them to leave Mean Spike on the ground, pinned.  “Please tell me I wasn’t this weak,” Spike noted with worry.  Phoenix chuckled and handed him Mean Spike’s sword. “Not any weaker than me, buddy.”  Smiling at her support, Spike’s grin faded as he pointed the sword at Mean Spike’s throat. “Now,” he said. “Who is your Lord?”  Mean Spike growled, but with the dogs holding him down, he was unable to break free. He finally relented. “Fine. It’s Lord Shade Fang, alright? He created me.” He glanced over at Diamondback. “Created… us.”  Spike almost argued for Diamondback’s innocence, but Phoenix stopped him by stepping on Mean Spike’s chest. “For what purpose?”  Mean Spike laughed. “What do you think?” he replied. “To give the Dragon Lands and the Dragon Kingdom a proper ruler.”  Right on cue, Diamondback cried out in pain.  The group looked up as Mean Diamondback pinned her to the wall with her rapier, twisting the blade around the stab wound in Diamondback’s shoulder.  “DB!” shouted Spike, Phoenix… and even Mean Spike.  “W-huh?” the dogs and Spike stammered.  “No!” Mean Spike cried out. “Not my partner! She was supposed to take the treasure horde. You’ve foiled our plans.” “Wait, no!” Spike stammered. “No, that’s not true.” He pointed to the pinned Diamondback’s brighter scales. “She’s the good one. She’s the one that needs to win.”  “Don’t delude yourself,” Mean Spike insisted. “She was my partner! My friend!” He put a hand over his head. “Oh, woe is me, how could we have failed so horribly.”  “No!” Spike insisted. But despite his protests, he saw Diamondback grow smaller, while Mean Diamondback grew bigger.  “Your protests matter as much as your size, little ones,” Mean Diamondback purred, her icy blue eyes glaring into Diamondback’s lapis. “This horde is MINE!”  Diamondback tried to pull herself free, but the stab had rendered her sword arm useless.  Spike and Phoenix rushed to help… but someone else got there first. With a blinding flash of fire, a new dragon lunged over Spike and Phoenix, and drove Mean Diamondback into Good Diamondback. Both dragons were left embedded in the wall.  “No,” the new dragon growled, in a voice that caused every diamond dog’s fur to stand on end, and whimpers of fear to escape even the bravest of them.  The new dragon turned; a beast of pure fire. Scales the color of the sun itself. Eyes like rubies, burning with a demonic hatred.  And a face - a face so eerily familiar that Spike didn’t even want to look at Phoenix to confirm.  “It’s her,” the diamond dog Myst whimpered, backing up.  “No…” Spike mumbled.  “Yes, Spike,” Phoenix whispered, her own voice cracking in horror and sadness. “It’s me.”  “And this horde,” Mean Phoenix declared, as the power of the Greed swirled around her. “Is MINE!”  Mean Spike got up with a chuckle and dusted himself off. He grinned at Spike. “You better start running, boy.”  Normally, Spike didn’t take orders from evil versions of himself. But when Mean Phoenix let loose with fire that nearly blinded him and scorched his scales from the heat, he wasn’t left with much choice.  With Phoenix grabbing his hand, and the diamond dogs straight up bolting while yelping in sheer fear, Spike was only able to follow their lead, fleeing for his life as fire filled the caverns and Mean Phoenix let out a roar of victory.  ## Spike and Phoenix didn’t stop running until they had popped back out above ground.  Only then did Spike realize… “We left Diamondback down there!” he screamed, turning back only for Phoenix to grab him.  “And there’s nothing we can do for her now!” Phoenix said. “That was me at my prime!”  “But…” “No!” Phoenix made Spike look at her. “You have no idea what I was like before I tried turning my life around. You CAN’T fight that version of me. Not without help.”  Spike looked to the diamond dogs, but all of them were huddled in heaps of charred fur, whimpering or crying in shame and fear.  “How could I have not seen,” Shiva was sobbing. “W-Why couldn’t I tell them apart?”  “It’s not your fault, Mom,” her daughter Celine tried to say. “None of us saw the difference.”  “Who cares about the difference,” Myst stammered. “That was Blaze! Back when she was…” she cast a look Phoenix’s way, and lowered her head. “I-I never should have been so cruel to you. I never should have risked that coming back!”  Phoenix hesitantly pat Myst’s head. “It wasn’t your fault,” she assured. “But we’re going to need a lot of help if we want a chance of taking her down again.”  At that moment, they heard a rustling. Spike caught a flash of feathers.  “Swift?” he raced over. “Wing!”  He threw the brush apart, and was rewarded with the sight of Swift and Star.  “Thank Celestia,” he sighed, hugging them close. “Whoa, okay, buddy,” Star said with a grin.  “What is it?” Swift asked. “What happened?”  “Lord Shade is back,” Phoenix reported. “He somehow made evil clones of Spike, Diamondback and myself. And I’ll bet anything that blood-bender was his doing as well.”  “So, what? This blood-bender’s an evil clone of Jack?” Star asked. “Cuz he sure ain’t as loud as Jack usually is. We haven’t been able to find him!”  Spike’s breath hitched. “Wait…” He glared pointedly at Star and Swift, but splashes of light were still flashing in his eyes from witnessing Mean Phoenix’s flames. Were Star’s eyes duller than they usually were, or was that just the aftereffects from Mean Phoenix’s flames. Same for Swift’s feathers; were they dull because he was an evil clone, or just because Spike’s eyes were still adjusting? Myst’s words didn’t give him time to adjust his vision either: “And worse still, Phoenix’s evil clone is her before she got crippled. At the height of her power!”  Swift’s gasp sounded just like the Swift Spike knew. “W-We gotta get the others!” he stammered. “W-We need the Elements of Harmony!”  “My thoughts exactly,” Star agreed. “With Jackknife out of the running, we won’t be able to summon them ourselves.”  Spike blinked frantically, trying to get his eyes to readjust, but Phoenix grabbed his shoulder. “She’s right, Spike. Come on, there’s no time to waste!”  Indeed, an ominous drum beat sounded, and the hole they had come out of began to glow with Mean Phoenix’s flames again.  Spike cursed but nodded. “Alright,” he said. “Back to the Academy, people! Move!”  And so, with his heart rampaging in his chest - fear for Diamondback, suspicion of Star and Swift, and hope that Twilight could help - Spike led his group back for the Academy.  Unaware of Shade and Sombra watching from the shadows. > Episode 67: The Really Dirty Dozen - Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike wondered how he looked to the others - bursting out of the forest, covered in ash and soot, with a wild, desperate look of fear in his eyes. He almost couldn’t blame the hippogriff guards watching over Jackknife for levering their spears at him.  However, his gaze was focused intently on Twilight, who had been tending to a humiliated looking Smolder and Gallus alongside Starlight, before Twilight’s lavender eyes fell on Spike.  “Spike?” Twilight asked, her eyes widening as she took in the rest of his companions. “What…?” “Where’s the blood bender?” Jackknife insisted, glancing at Novo and Sapphire, both of whom were glaring at the group with narrowed eyes. “You seriously need to have a lead or something.”  “Oh, we got more than a lead,” Spike said, skidding to a stop before Twilight and pausing only to catch his breath.  As he recovered, Rarity stepped forward, her eyes scanning the group in concern. “Where’s Diamondback?”  The diamond dogs with Spike whimpered and shook their heads. All eyes were rapidly turning to Spike.  “Spike,” Twilight insisted. “What happened in there?”  “Evil clones,” Spike managed to gasp out. “There’s one of Jackknife, there was one of Diamondback…” “And there’s one of me,” Phoenix added. “Before I got crippled. Back when I was…” She shook her head. “We need the Elements of Harmony.”  “You got it,” Jackknife said, trying to step forward, only for the hippogriff guards to block him.  “I don’t think so,” Novo said. “Not until I see this ‘evil clone’ for myself.”  Jackknife whirled on her. “Are you seriously going to be that stubborn,” he demanded, turning to Sapphire. “Queen Sapphire, you know me! I may be stubborn, but I’m no blood bender! You know that!”  Sapphire, for her part, looked uncertain, her eyes darting between Novo and Jack.  Spike sighed. They didn’t have time for underwater politics. “I’m sorry, Jack, but that won’t work,” he said. “Diamondback got captured. She won’t be able to wield the Element of Generosity.”  Rainbow Dash stepped up with a grin. “But we’ve got all six of our group.” She grinned at the Young Six. “Stand back, kids. Time to show you how we handled Nightmare Moon and Discord.”  “Oh joy,” Smolder drawled. “I get to watch more people fight my battles for me.”  Silver glanced at Novo, Sapphire and Jack. “Maybe we can help Jack out,” she offered. “I mean, I don’t believe he was the one in that classroom.”  A sudden crash rang out behind the group. Gallus stood up, his eyes wide. “And I definitely don’t think we’ll have a problem mistaking ‘that’ for Phoenix.”  Spike’s heart fell into his stomach. He turned around, several dogs yelping and hiding behind him, as Mean Phoenix strode up into the clearing.  “Hello, boys and girls,” Mean Phoenix greeted with a cruel grin. Her eyes locked on the dogs. “I believe you have some of my possessions.”  Spike glanced at the dogs. “T-The dogs?” he stammered.  “They ain’t yer possessions!” Jackknife snapped. “They’re living creatures!”  “They’re slaves that need to get back on their leash,” Mean Phoenix spat back.  The biggest dog - Myst - snarled. “Never!” she barked, almost rushing forward before Spike and Star held her back.  “Twi,” he hissed. “Do the thing!”  Nodding, Twilight and her friends bunched together, and glowed with the power of friendship.  Mean Phoenix just laughed. “You think the Power of Friendship is really going to save you this time?”  “Let’s find out,” Twilight replied, before together, her friends unleashed six beams of light that curled together into a swirling rainbow… That got caught inches from Mean Phoenix’s face by a secondary beam of white light.  “What?!” Spike yelped, before a darker, red-eyed version of Twilight stepped out from behind Mean Phoenix. She was wincing and struggling to make every step, but what had to be Mean Twilight held the Friendship Beam at bay.  “No…” Spike muttered.  “Keep it up,” Twilight insisted to her friends. “And don’t worry, Spike. My magic may be powerful, but it’s not enough to keep back something like the Elements forever.”  “That’s… what you think,” Mean Twilight sneered, as more of the Mean Six came out of the forest. She then grinned as Mean Applejack stood by her side. “Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of honesty!”  Everyone’s jaw dropped as Mean Applejack suddenly glowed with power, and an orange beam shot from hers, joining Mean Twilight’s white beam as it held the Friendship beam back.  “That’s not possible!” Spike protested. “How…?” Star gasped. “Whoever made them must have given them all the Mane Six’s memories,” she realized. “How they got the Elements in the first place.”  “Fluttershy,” Mean Twilight continued, almost like she was confirming Star’s theory, “Who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of Kindness.”  Mean Fluttershy rolled her eyes at the description, but stood tall all the same, and soon enough, a yellow beam had joined the orange and white beams.  “Stop her!” Spike yelled, turning to his friends. “Everybody! We gotta stop her!”  Jackknife knocked aside his guards spears, and was the first into the fray. “Get back, ya faker!” he roared at Rainbow Dash, only for Mean Phoenix to kick him right back into the hippogriff guards, sending all three into a pile of armor and fur.  “The only thing you’ll be stopping,” Mean Phoenix vowed. “Is breathing.”  Spike lunged forward to fight, even though he knew that he stood no chance against the beast. But then suddenly, his entire body locked up in place, as a cruel laugh sounded, and Mean Jackknife entered the fray.  “You think I’m gonna just stand by and let you have all the fun?” Mean Jackknife demanded to Mean Phoenix. “You overgrown campfire?”  Mean Phoenix turned on Mean Jackknife with a sneer, which only left her open to a flying kick from Smolder.  “Come on, guys!” Smolder yelled. “Round two on these idiots, let’s go!”  The Young Six charged roaring into the fray. Even Jackknife and the guards untangled themselves and raced forward to combat them.  But Spike noticed Novo still staying back. Sapphire, however, tugged at her.  “Novo, please,” Sapphire said. “Silver Stream’s in that mess. Jackknife’s fighting for her!”  “I…” Novo stammered, staring at Mean Phoenix as she kicked Yona aside with a snarl. “No. I’m a Queen, Sapphire. We’re both Queens. We’re not…” “You said you would protect us!” Sapphire almost cried. “Just as we protected you from the Storm King.”  “Pinkie Pie,” Mean Twilight continued. “Who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of Laughter!” A pink beam joined the beam struggle.  “Sapphire, face facts,” Jackknife roared, leaping away from Mean Phoenix to join the trio. He glared venomously at Novo. “This royal brat was willing to stand by and let her own daughter take on mortal danger. Twice!”  Novo snarled. “Watch how you speak about me…!”  “NO!” Jackknife boomed. “I’ve spent enough time running and letting you think your way is right.” He turned to Sapphire. “Sapphire… my Queen…” Sapphire blinked in shock as Jackknife knelt before her.  “I understand why yer afraid to fight,” he admitted. He briefly looked at Mean Jackknife as Ocellus grabbed him from behind, and the water beast struggled to throw her off. “Blood-Bending is a vile art that we never should have learned in the first place.” He gazed into Sapphire’s eyes. “But that don’t mean we need to use it. We can still battle; we can still hold our own. And we don’t need blood-bending or hippogriffs to protect ourselves.” He looked to Spike with a smile. “We can work together. Be symbiotes, not parasites.” He looked to Novo. “All of us can do better when we work together.”  “Please,” Spike asked, running to Jackknife’s side and offering his hand. “Let us work together now.”  Sapphire stared at Spike’s claw, and then looked up at the battle ahead. Star, Swift, Gallus and Smolder were flying rings around Mean Phoenix, kicking her or hitting her with blasts of fire and wind. Down below, Phoenix led the diamond dogs and the hippogriff guards in trying to tie Mean Phoenix up in ropes, but the ropes kept burning. Mean Jackknife was trying to throw them off with more blood-bending, but Ocellus had him in a stranglehold, and while Yona headbutt him in the gut, Silver Stream kept poking him in the eye with her beak, and even Sandbar was delivering kick after kick to the writhing water beast’s tail, all while the kirin Fox Fire was blasting him with flames from her nidrik form and keeping him from using his full blood bending power.  “Rarity,” Mean Twilight yelled, her voice cracking in desperation. “Who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity.”  Another white beam joined the struggle against the Friendship Beam.  Sapphire sighed, before glaring at Novo. “Saph?” Novo asked in concern.  “My husband…” Sapphire whispered. “Gave his life for your people, Novo.” She gazed at Novo with sad eyes, before turning away. “I guess it’s now my turn.”  Jackknife gripped her shoulder. “Yer not doing this alone. Remember that.”  “Yeah,” Spike agreed. “We’re with you.”  Sapphire took a slow breath and nodded, before charging at the Mean Six, Jackknife and Spike by her side.  “Saph, no!” Novo cried out.  “Rainbow Dash!” Mean Twilight continued. “Who could not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire…”  Mean Rainbow Dash started to move forward, but faltered as Sapphire, Jack and Spike rushed her.  Mean Phoenix launched a fireball their way… but Novo launched into it’s path.  “NOVO!” Sapphire screamed as the queen of the hippogriffs was flung over their heads.  “Don’t stop,” Spike begged. “Keep going!”  “REPRESENTSTHESPIRITOFLOYALTY!” Mean Twilight got out in a rush. And though Mean Rainbow Dash was far back from the group, a weak blue beam pulsed out from her and joined the anti-friendship beam.  But… to Spike’s delight, the beam was faltering. Falling under the more powerful and stronger Friendship Beam of his friends.  Twilight - Spike’s Twilight - smiled proudly. “You may have our memories,” she told Mean Twilight. “You may have the basic knowledge on how to wield the Elements. But you don’t have the emotional connection, do you?” She glared around at the Mean Six: at Mean Fluttershy’s sour expression, Mean Pinkie Pie’s bitter resignation, and Mean Rainbow Dash’s terror. “The Elements are truly ignited by the spark of friendship in our hearts. Not our minds!”  Spike grinned as he surged forward to scatter the Mean Six like bowling pins. “And that is why…” “You lose!”  A kick from out of nowhere sent Spike tumbling across the grass.  “Spike!” Twilight screamed, before a yellow blur bashed hard into her group, scattering them like bowling pins.  Spike had to blink several times to comprehend what he was seeing: Star Wing stood over him, knocking Jackknife and Sapphire down with a lash from her tail. Over with the Mane Six, Swift stood over all of them… His ice blue eyes glaring at Spike.  A chill covered Spike’s spine. “No…” He turned, as Phoenix hurled a beaten Gallus and Smolder into Phoenix, sending all three tumbling into the Academy. “NO!” He spun as Mean Jackknife managed to lift the rest of the Young Six up with blood bending, throwing them into the Academy as well. “No-no-no-no-NO!”  Spike tried to get up and make another dash at the Mean Six, but what had to be Mean Star Wing grinned at him - eyes like pond scum - and seized Jackknife and Sapphire, hurling them like twin balls and chains into Spike.  Spike felt the wall of the Academy give way behind him, and the next thing he knew, he was lying alongside the rest of his beaten friends.  “This… can’t be happening,” Spike whimpered, before Phoenix and the beaten Mane Six was tossed on top of him.  “You’re telling me!” Smolder stammered. “Beaten twice in one day!” She forced herself up. “I’m not standing for this!”  “Me neither!” Jackknife hissed. “C’mon! We ain’t done!”  But as they tried to rush back outside, a light like the sun blinded them and forced them back. Spike barely made out Mean Phoenix grinning cruelly at them, before she unleashed a fireball that looked like a second sun, hurling it right at the Academy.  As the fireball struck, the Academy shook and began to collapse, floors falling all around them.  Rarity shrieked. “I don’t want to die like this!”  Applejack desperately kicked aside some rubble that was falling towards her friends. “C’mon, y’all. We ain’t dying today!”  But as the group tried to make their way towards one of the other exits, they found their ways blocked: the north end by Mean Jackknife, the south end by Mean Star Wing, and the last end by Mean Swift Winds.  Spike wanted to kick himself. “How could I have not noticed them!”  “Save the despair,” Phoenix insisted. “There’s got to be some way out!”  At first, it didn’t seem to be the case. The exits - already guarded by their mean counterparts - were quickly buried by rubble. Mean Phoenix’s fire bathed what was still standing in flames. And as the smoke and heat reached unbreathable and unbearable levels, Spike began to fear that they had truly been out-maneuvered.  “Wait! Look!” Ocellus yelled.  Everyone turned to see an open floor grate with a mysterious crystal root sticking out of it.  “A-Are we sure that’s safe?” Fluttershy whimpered.  “It’s safe there than in here,” Smolder decided, jumping down into the grate.  With the Academy collapsing down around them, the others had no choice but to follow her down, into the hands of fate.  ## Back outside, the Really Dirty Dozen looked on in satisfaction at the burned remnants of the United Species Academy.  “Let’s see our goody-two-claw counterparts get out of that,” Mean Phoenix declared.  “I still can’t believe they fell for us,” Mean Star Wing giggled. “What a bunch of idiots!”  Mean Jackknife snorted. “So, what next?” He glanced at the beaten Novo, who was desperately crawling away. “Cuz personally…” he used his blood bending to lift Novo up and slowly turn her around. “I’m thinking of some ways we could really tick off the Hippogriff Kingdom.”  Mean Star Wing laughed. “After the abysmal showing she gave? I think you’d be doing the Hippogriff kingdom a favor by getting rid of her.”  Novo shivered in Mean Jackknife’s grip, tears of remorse and fear sliding down her cheeks.  “We should have her die to someone outside her kingdom,” Mean Phoenix noted. “Ensure that the peace between nations is broken in a way that can’t be fixed.”  “If you want to do that,” a new voice declared. “You’re going to need to sell that the Drake Six or Mane Six were responsible.”  The Really Dirty Dozen turned to find Starlight, Trixie, Discord, Astral and Aurora all standing ready, Discord in particular looking scarily livid.  “And that’s not going to happen,” Trixie declared.  “You hurt our friends,” Aurora growled, as her eyes glowed a deep blue and icicles hovered around her. “So, we’re going to let you know just how we feel.”  “And you’re fools if you think you will win,” Astral added, as his own form glowed with power. “We will expose the truth.”  “Oh-ho, forget exposing the truth,” Discord chortled, despite his eyes having slit pupils and shining red. “I’m going to make sure you suffer everything you put Fluttershy through.”  ## As the Really Dirty Dozen engaged in battle once more, Shade continued to observe from the shadows.  It was impressive, he had to admit. Part of him almost regretted writing off the clones, as they had proven themselves rather effective. “Especially Dark Spike,” he thought with a smirk. “He’s a far more ruthless tactician when compared to his counterpart.” “Master,” Dark Spike declared, almost on cue, breaking Shade out of his thoughts. “The prisoners have been secured.”  Shade followed Mean Spike’s gaze back to Sombra, who was happily perusing the prisoners bound before him. Specifically, the black and white alicorn that he had entrapped in obsidian magic restraints.  “I remember your mother,” Sombra mused as he caressed Star Wing’s face. “Such beauty and power… all sadly wasted with pity for a sister who never cared for her.”  Star glared at him, but cast a nervous look to Swift, both versions of Diamondback, and even Cozy Glow, all of whom were similarly bound and gagged with dark magic. Both versions of Diamondback and Cozy Glow were unconscious, the rise and fall of their chests the only signs of life. “Star, I’m so sorry,” Swift was sobbing. “I should’ve fought, I should’ve…”  “I got this, Swift, don’t worry,” Star tried to assure him.  Sombra laughed, attracting Star’s glare once more. “I had heard of your unique sense of humor, Princess Star Wing.” “Yeah, I got jokes for days,” Star replied with a grin that didn’t reach her eyes. “Here’s one you might have heard before: what’s black, red, edgy and about to regret all his life choices?”  “Wing, please…” Swift begged, but Sombra’s chuckle drowned him out.  “Yes, some would call it foolish, sparing the lot of you,” Sombra admitted. “But I call it pragmatic.” He glanced at Mean Diamondback. “My first version of your friend did her job well, but I doubt she’ll continue to cooperate after what my Dragon Element of Honesty did to her.” He briefly glanced at Cozy Glow. “A thrall can still have its uses.” He glanced back as an explosion sounded from Ponyville. “And if your counterpart doesn’t survive the coming battle, Princess… I will need you to better subjugate your mother, your aunt, and your dragon lord lover.”  “That,” Shade noted with a roll of his eyes. “And the fact that you may have a need for Star Wing as your Queen.”  Star’s eyes widened in horror, but Sombra merely chuckled.  “Don’t look so horrified, Princess,” Sombra said. “I have many ways to earn your affection. Who knows? I may not even need a clone for what will come next.”  Star forced herself to grin. “Now who’s the funny one? Thinking I’ll break to the likes of you.”  Sombra merely grinned down at her. “We will see.”  As he focused on Star, he was unaware of Mean Diamondback opening one eye and glaring at Sombra and Shade with hate before catching Original Diamondback’s eye as well. “We will see indeed,” Original Diamondback mused quietly, as she and Mean Diamondback started carefully checking their bonds. > Episode 68: The Really Dirty Dozen - Part Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The way out was blocked by rubble. Even with everyone pushing together, they couldn’t lift the remains of the United Species Academy completely off the trap door. The best they could do was open the trap door enough to view the battle going down between Starlight’s group and the what could best be described as the Really Dirty Dozen.  And it admittedly wasn’t anything to write home about. Trixie had already vanished; though she had held her own against Chrysalis well enough, even Spike had to admit she had no business fighting dragons.  Meanwhile, Starlight battled against Mean Star Wing. “You’re not the first alicorn I’ve fought,” Starlight declared defiantly.  Mean Wing giggled insanely. “No, but I am probably the first psychopath you’ve fought,” she pointed out, taking one of Starlight’s spells in the mouth, and literally swallowing the spell with a disturbing lick of her lips. “Delicious!” she declared, even as steam hissed from her throat… which unfortunately turned out to be a fire spell of sorts, as she sent Starlight tumbling with a blast of dragon fire.  Discord was having a slightly better time of it, as he regularly flattened Mean Jackknife with anvils, a ship and a train. And when Mean Jackknife tried to grab him with blood-bending, nothing happened.  “Oh, dear,” Discord noted. “Is your little party trick not working? Here, let me help you!” His eyes went slit pupiled in malicious glee as he turned Mean Jackknife’s hand into a riot hose, and made it blast him full in the face.  Despite the comical beatdown, Mean Jackknife shook off the water and stood up. “Yer still weak, old man,” he mocked. “What’s the matter? Haven’t done enough good deeds yet?”  “For your information,” Discord replied pompously. “I’ve done five hundred good deeds, which has gotten me back 5% of my power.” He summoned a massive boulder. “And with the help of Mr. Boulder here, let’s see if squashing you might get me up to 6%.”  As he chased Mean Jackknife, Spike’s attention got drawn to Mean Swift, as he charged recklessly at Aurora with a shriek.  Aurora fired icicle after icicle at Mean Swift, and with each successful hit, more of his body began to freeze. Yet Mean Swift somehow found a way to keep on trucking, the ice struggling to impact his speed.  And as for Astral and Phoenix… Spike winced as Astral was flung to the ground by Mean Phoenix.  “Is this the best you have to offer?” Mean Phoenix demanded. “I’m disappointed. I thought that one of my kind might actually provide some sort of a challenge.”  Astral’s aura flared as his spines became an inferno and his body bulked up. This time, more changes occurred: the end of his tail and forelimbs turned golden, his spines turned blue, and the markings on his face turned white.  Astral raised his swords. “You want a challenge? Then I’ll give you a challenge.”  Despite his power, Mean Phoenix merely grinned. “Now that’s more like it!”  As the two dragons did battle, Spike also saw the Mean Six sneaking by them. With Trixie missing and all the others engaged in combat, there was nothing to stop the dark versions of the Mane Six from causing havoc to the town.  Spike thrust his shoulder up against the trap door, but the rubble from the Academy held fast, and he and his friends soon had to drop back down.  As the others groaned, Spike looked around for the diamond dogs. Unfortunately, they were nowhere to be seen.  “Did any of the diamond dogs get down here with us?” Spike asked.  “I didn’t see em,” Gallus muttered. “I was too busy getting my tail kicked in.”  Smolder didn’t reply, her head hung low as she curled into a fetal position. Before Spike could ask what was wrong with her, Ocellus spoke up.  “Maybe they already went to go look for help,” she offered, pointing to several caverns that led into shadows.  “Without us?” Silver Stream asked, watching the caverns worriedly. “Doesn’t sound right. Dogs are supposed to… not do that… right? Not leave without their friends.” “Their home got taken over and their best friend got embedded into a wall,” Phoenix pointed out.  “Phi, that’s not helping,” Jackknife chastised. “And neither is conforming to stereotypes,” Sandbar muttered.  Spike looked to Sandbar… only to notice Twilight. His face fell in horror. “No. No-no-no…” Twilight lay on her side, her eyes closed and her body limp. The rise and fall of her chest was the only sign of life. Queen Sapphire, Applejack and Fluttershy were tending to her, but both looked worried.  “T-Twi?” Spike asked, kneeling down next to her.  “M-Mean Swift went for her,” Fluttershy whimpered. “I-I guess he thought she was the catalyst or something.”  “She’s still alive,” Sapphire assured him. “And she’ll make a full recovery.”  “It’s just a bonk on the head, Spike,” Applejack assured him. “She’s gonna be fine; she’ll just be outta it for a while.”  “But for how long?” Rainbow Dash demanded. “We’ve gotta get out of here! We’ve got to…” “Do what?” Spike demanded. “We don’t have Diamondback, Star or Swift, so our Elements are out of the question. And now Twilight’s down, which means your Elements won’t work either.”  “We can’t just sit here and do nothing!” Rainbow Dash insisted.  “I saw what’s going on up there,” Spike argued. “Astral pulled out some sort of super mode, and all it did was amuse the dark version of Phoenix up there. Without the Elements or some kind of super mode, we’ll get folded like laundry.”  “No-no-no,” Rarity muttered, looking to Phoenix. “Phoenix, you said that thing was a dark reflection of who you were before, but even you got taken down.” “Gee,” Phoenix muttered. “Thanks for the reminder.”  “This is no time to get sad about the past,” Applejack said. “How’d the dogs beat you last time?”  “Guys…?” Spike asked, not liking the look on Phoenix’s face as the ponies crowded her.  “There’s gotta be a way,” Applejack said. “Anyway!”  Phoenix lowered her head. “They got me while I was asleep. I don’t know if that dark version of me is going to be sleeping any time soon.”  Rainbow Dash looked down, shaking her head. “No… no-no-no-NO!” She kicked at the wall. “I won’t just sit here and wait to die! I won’t let those scumbags destroy my home.”  “Then why don’t you follow the Young Six?” Pinkie asked, pointing to the caverns. “Looks like they’re willing to see where these tunnels lead and if the diamond dogs made them.” At that moment, Spike finally realized they were six members short. Panic closed over his heart; Twilight was down, and those kids had been her responsibility. If the other species blamed her for their disappearances… “Fluttershy, Applejack; stay with Sapphire and Twilight,” he ordered. “See what you can do for her.”  Fluttershy and Sapphire nodded. “I will.”  He turned to the caverns, counting six of them. “Jack, Phi, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie… pick a tunnel and start exploring.”  Without waiting for a response, Spike delved into the cavern in front of him, letting himself be swallowed by shadows. ## Back up top, Trixie held her breath. Turned out exploring where the Really Dirty Dozen had come from was more productive than trying to fight them. Because she beheld Sombra and Shade, both standing over Star Wing, who was writhing in agony as Sombra hit her with dark spell after dark spell.  Further away, Trixie saw Star’s friends Swift and Diamondback - were there two of them? - and the little filly Cozy Glow, all being watched over by a second, darker Spike.  Being quieter than she ever imagined she was capable of being, Trixie crept her way over to the prisoners. As she tried to figure out how to distract Mean Spike without getting caught herself, Sombra suddenly let out a roar of frustration, drawing Mean Spike’s attention.  “HOW?!” the dark lord bellowed in outrage. “That spell should have broken the minds of ten different mares!” He backed up from Star, who was panting and gasping on the ground. “What… are you?!”  Despite wincing in internal pain, Star glared up at the two lords with a downright disturbing grin. “You both are pathetic,” she hissed.  Mean Spike stepped forward with narrowed eyes, hand on his sword. Shade, however, placed an arm in front of his apprentice before looking at the alicorn. “Explain yourself.”  As Mean Spike focused on Star Wing, Trixie caught the eye of one of the Diamondbacks. The dragoness’ eyes widened in hope, before she looked to Star Wing.  Star didn’t look at Diamondback either, but her grin grew wider as she pulled herself up as much as her bindings would allow. “Did you both forget? For a thousand years, I roamed the lands outside Equestria. Outside the Dragon Kingdom. I’ve seen things that would send a chill down even your evil spines. Endured years of slavery, torture, war…” She got right into Sombra’s face. “I’ve seen the Face of the Father of All Monsters!”  “You’ve met with Grogar?” Shade asked, impressed. “The necromancer?”  Star chuckled. “Oh, he’s much more than a necromancer, my friend.” She leered at him. “Much. More.”  Mean Spike looked to Shade with worry, as even Sombra took a step back from her.  Star nodded. “Oh yeah,” she said. “You think you know true terror? Just let me tell you all about what he did to me, and then we’ll see.”  Shade pondered Star before glancing at Sombra. “This Grogar sounds like he could be useful,” Shade mused. Though he was careful not to voice his thoughts: he didn’t need Sombra to know what he was planning.  Trixie’s eyes darted back to Diamondback, who gave her a faint nod of confirmation.  Thankfully, Sombra’s curiosity seemed to overrule his caution, and he failed to notice Shade’s scheming look. The dark unicorn stepped closer with a grin of his own. “Then tell us,” he said. “Tell us everything. Where does this Father of Monsters reside?”  “Yes,” Shade said, “Please tell us.” He placed a claw on her horn, and Star screamed in pain as her mind was penetrated.  Trixie hid herself behind Diamondback, and desperately looked over the magical bindings holding them.  There had to be a way to free these dragons. There had to be! ## Back underground, Spike desperately delved into the caverns. The others had to be down there somewhere.  “Smolder!” he called out. “Gallus?! Silver!”  Suddenly, he was rewarded with voices up ahead.  “Oh, aren’t you the most adorable thing? Come join us!” “No!” Smolder’s voice barked. “On so many levels, NO!”  “Smolder?” Spike called, racing towards a light.  He burst out… to a strange sight.  Smolder stood before two ponies having a tea party.  “Uh…” Spike mumbled, as Smolder turned to him with a horrified look.  “Spike, it’s not what you think!” she said. “I… they were just here! I was looking for a way to get out of here, and…”  “She’s afraid to be cute and adorable,” one of the ponies noted.  “Or maybe she’s just afraid to admit she ‘likes’ being cute and adorable,” the second one offered.  “NO I DON’T!” Smolder roared, fire bursting from her throat.  “Hey-hey, take it easy!” Spike yelped, keeping her from roasting the ponies. “Roasting them won’t do any good.” “Yeah, but it might make me feel better,” Smolder growled, turning away. “I’m already a weakling, I know that!” “No one’s saying that,” Spike said, horrified.  “But it’s true!” Smolder snapped. “I already lost two fights today. Two losses in one day! And because of that…” She lowered her head, and Spike blinked as her voice cracked. “Because I wasn’t strong enough… the best thing that ever happened to me is gonna be ruined.”  She gasped, covering her mouth, but Spike focused on the tea party ponies, acting as if he didn’t hear.  “Oh, dear,” one of the ponies said sympathetically. “It’s not a bad thing to enjoy something that others don’t.”  “Look at Spike,” the other pony offered, as Spike turned red. “Raised all his life by cute, adorable ponies. There was a time when that bothered you too, didn’t it, Spike?” “Leave me out of this!” Spike insisted, backing up.  “But it’s all connected,” the first tea pony said. “Don’t you see?” She nodded at both of them. “You have more in common than you believe.”  “And when you use that bond to work together…” the second tea pony noted. Smolder winced. “‘F-Friendship can be the greatest treasure…’” she mumbled.  Spike turned to her. “You heard that from Diamondback too?”  Smolder didn’t look at him at first. “When I heard it, I just thought she was soft or… just covering her own insecurities or weaknesses.” Slowly, her defenses cracked. “But… the more time I’ve spent here… with the others, it…” she looked back at Spike. “It goes against a lot that I was familiar with. Or… what I was taught.”  Spike nodded. “I know the feeling.” He looked back at the tea ponies. “I was scared for a long time that I wasn’t a true dragon. Because I lived with ponies. And… I’ll admit; going to the dragons… I feel it changed my life for the better.”  Smolder managed a smile. “Well, you do look better for it,” she noted, nodding at his physique. He chuckled and did a slight flex. “Yeah.” He forced himself to be serious. “But at the same time… I wouldn’t trade my time with the ponies for anything. I got to learn so much about teamwork and cooperation… being born and raised full dragon would’ve denied me all of that experience. All those lessons.”  “So, sometimes…” Smolder wondered. “It’s okay to be cute and adorable… on occasion.”  The tea ponies nodded and toasted her.  “When you’ve got true friends with you,” Spike noted, facing her with a smile. “They’ll understand. They won’t judge you for it. And the ones that do…” he smirked. “Well, who cares about them, when they don’t care about you?”  Smolder chuckled. “That’s not a bad way to put it.”  Suddenly, the walls turned opaque, clearer, like a mirror. But it didn’t show their reflections.  The first one showed Phoenix comforting…  “Queen Chrysalis?” Spike asked in shock. Shock that was abated when Chrysalis spoke in Ocellus’ voice.  “My past was so horrible,” Ocellus was sobbing. “It’s still inside me, waiting to come out.”  “And maybe it can,” Phoenix replied. “Just like my past did.” She gripped Ocellus’ (Chrysalis’?) hooves. “But that doesn’t mean it needs to define you.”  “But so many want it to,” Ocellus admitted. “Some of Chrysalis’ loyalists…” she shivered. “I was technically next in line for Chrysalis’ throne. But Chrysalis didn’t want to give it up. I was so scared for a long time that she’d get rid of me somehow. And now that Thorax is in charge… some of her loyalists want me to take charge just so that they can get her back.” She shook her head. “That’s why I wanted to come to the School; I couldn’t live like that.”  “And you won’t. Not anymore.” Phoenix’s eyes were sharp. “When we get out of here, I’m going back for that dark version, and I’m going to fight. But I can’t do it alone. I need help.”  Ocellus sniffled. “And I want to help you.”  “Then help,” Phoenix said. “And know that if Chrysalis does come back… if anything or anyone tries to bring you back to that past… know that you have friends here ready to help you too.”  And on the other side, Spike saw Jackknife staring at Silver Stream, as she cowered before a shadowy, eerily familiar creature.  “The Storm King,” Silver whimpered. “He’s back! I’m never gonna see another sunset or fly through a cloud bank or study plumbing!” She cried. “He’s gonna take away everything I love!” “Not if I can help it!” Jackknife boomed, rushing in and punching the Storm King. But the Storm King caught Jackknife’s fist and threw him back to Silver.  “Jack?” Silver whimpered.  “S-Silver, it’s okay,” Jackknife said. “I’m here for ya!” He charged the Storm King again, but was thrown back once more. “It’s no use!” Silver sobbed. “He’s too strong.”  Jackknife pulled himself up… but paused.  “That’s it, Jack,” Spike whispered. “You know what to do.”  Jackknife turned back to Silver. “Then let’s face him together.”  Silver tilted her head. “Huh?”  “I can’t…” Jackknife winced just saying it. “I can’t beat him on my own. But together…” Silver stood up, her eyes widening. “Together… w-we can at least give him a fight.” She gasped. “T-That’s what Sapphire said. I-I mean, Queen Sapphire. That’s why she and Novo…” “Only now do I understand what they meant,” Jackknife agreed with a nod. He offered his hand. “Will you help me… help you?”  Silver smiled and clutched his hand. “Even better,” she said. “You’re gonna help me help you.” Jackknife briefly blinked in confusion.  “Yeah, that sounded better in my head, but I don’t care,” Silver admitted, turning to the Storm King. “HEY, STORM KLUTZ! YOU’RE NOTHING BUT A BIG OLD BULLY WITH A SILLY NAME AND A GOOFY CROWN!”  “YEAH!” Jackknife roared. “YOU THINK YOU CAN SCARE US INTO DOING WHATEVER YOU WANT?” “WELL, NOT TODAY!” Silver declared. “WE’RE STRONGER THAN YOU! AND YOU’RE NEVER GOING TO HURT US AGAIN!”  Together, Jackknife and Silver punched… and cheered in glee as the Storm King went flying, bursting away into darkness.  “The rest need your help,” one tea pony told Spike - making him jump, as he forgot they were in the room.  “Help them,” the second tea pony said. “And they can help you.”  Looking briefly to Smolder, who gave him a confident nod, Spike took her hand, and together, the two ran to reunite with their friends. ## Back outside, the team was losing ground. Having noticed the Mean Six taking to the town and causing havoc, Starlight, Aurora, Discord and Astral were forced to fight on two fronts.  And even with Astral’s super form taking up most of Mean Phoenix’s attention, he was losing ground fast.  “She might be too much for me,” Astral thought as he faltered. “Even with this form.”  “All that power, and you still can’t defend what’s yours,” Mean Phoenix scoffed. “I’d be disappointed if I wasn’t so ecstatic about all the property I’m about to claim.”  “It will never be your property!” a voice roared out. “That’s right,” Mean Rarity said. “It will be all MI…” she was cut off as a massive amount of fur landed on top of her, squashing the dark unicorn into a s’more.  The Mean Six jumped back, as Prince Rutherford, King Thorax, Grandpa Gruff, Dragon Lord Ember, and even the Royal Sisters and Bahamut all stood tall before them. Led by Queen Novo.  Astral and Aurora’s jaws dropped, though Discord whooped in glee and even Starlight started smiling in hope.  Princess Celestia glowered down at Mean Twilight. “Who are you and what have you done with my Twilight?” she snarled. Mean Twilight tried for a simpering look. “But I am your Twilight, Princess…” “Do not play games with me, creature of darkness,” Celestia snapped. “I know that you are not my student, and neither are you a changeling.” King Thorax briefly smiled at that before stepping forward. “Queen Novo told us everything.” Novo smirked at them, but the dragons behind them laughed.  “Everything, huh?” Mean Jackknife asked.  “Like how we killed your little, uh…” Mean Star Wing paused. “What were they to you? Kids? Sons? Daughters?” She smirked evilly. “I really hope one of them was at least an in-law.”  “Impossible!” Prince Rutherford rumbled. “Too tough. Would not fall to likes of you!”  “And yet, where are they?” Mean Phoenix purred.  “Right here.”  Astral looked around. “Who said that?”  “Um, dear?” Aurora asked, getting everyone’s attention. “You might want to look at the school.”  Every eye widened - even those of the leaders. All of them turned as the United Species Academy was bathed in a rainbow colored light.  The Elements of Harmony were lifted up… and every jaw dropped at who was wielding them:  Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Yona, Ocellus and Silver Stream.  They were more than just alive and well. They had summoned the Elements of Harmony.  “Oh, that’s not good,” Mean Star Wing admitted.  Astral looked on in shock, but Aurora smirked. “I knew those kids had potential.”  “Run for it!” Mean Rainbow Dash yelped, trying to take flight. But Grandpa Gruff, in a surprising display of agility for his age, kicked the traitorous pegasus back into the group, while Mean Phoenix snarled and rushed the new Element Bearers with a roar.  A roar that turned into a shriek as the Young Six hit her with the Friendship Beam full force.  The Evil version of Phoenix shrieked as she was ripped to smoking shreds by the beam, which blasted right through her and hit the rest of the Really Dirty Dozen head on.  “Well,” Mean Jackknife mused. “At least I can say I died before that jerk.”  Mean Star Wing and Mean Rainbow Dash tried one last bid for freedom, but with a brilliant burst of rainbows, the Really Dirty Dozen vanished… and in their places were simple logs, tied with hair and scales from each of the good counterparts they had been made from.  The new Element Bearers were lowered to the ground, as the Mane Six and the Drake Three climbed up after them. Smolder, in particular, looked like she was still floating in a way, beaming back at Spike in pure glee at their victory. “So…” Rainbow Dash asked worriedly. “Does this mean we’re old news or… can’t use the Elements anymore?” Pinkie whacked her friend. “Don’t ruin their moment of triumph,” she hissed, before grinning at the leaders. “Everyone! Please put your hooves, claws or whatever you got together for the new Elements of…” A scream ripped through the air, drawing everyone’s gaze. Swift - the real Swift this time - launched from the trees.  “You guys gotta help!” he cried out. “Star Wing, Diamondback, Cozy and Trixie, they’re over here! Shade Fang and Sombra are with them!”  “Sombra?!” Celestia stammered.  Astral was the first to move forward. “Swift, I need you to lead the way,” he ordered, before turning to Aurora. “Aurora, you and everyone who is able to, make sure those ‘really dirty dozen’ can’t come back.”  Aurora nodded and started gathering up the logs.  “Everyone else,” Astral declared. “Follow Swift.”  > Episode 69: The Really Dirty Dozen - Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mere minutes earlier… Star Wing collapsed in an exhausted heap, feebly stirring as Shade and Sombra regarded the tale she had revealed of the Father of Monsters.  Shade scratched his chin as he pondered all that had been revealed. “So, Grogar wasn’t just the Father of Monsters.”  “I’ve heard of the first Emperor of Equestria before,” Sombra admitted. “He sounds like someone that will take our rightful places as Kings of Equestria and the Dragon Lands. While we rule over simple scraps, he would take the full bounty.”  “Even so,” Shade noted. “If he was gratuitous enough, he’d let us be his puppet rulers. We’d be able to do whatever we want as long as he’s content.”  Sombra narrowed his eyes. “I’m no puppet ruler. I will not toil under the watch of another. And if you intend to awaken that beast and deny me my rightful claim…” “Your claim to rule is as weak as you are,” Shade refuted, darkness flaring around his claws.  As the two dark lords argued, Dark Spike stepped up to Shade’s side, ready to defend his lord… but also leaving Trixie free to finally release Swift.  “Well done, my lass,” Good Diamondback whispered.  “Why couldn’t you have freed me first!?” Dark Diamondback whispered, before sighing. “It’s because I’m the evil clone, isn’t it?”  “Be patient,” Trixie replied. “The Great and Powerful Trixie can do more than freeing just one.” Good Diamondback nodded. “And Swift will make sure she has the time.” She looked to the griffon-dragon hybrid. “Won’t you?” Swift nodded, gazing in concern at Star, who seemed to barely notice the dark lords arguing above her.  “You can’t help her if you don’t get the others,” Diamondback reminded him.  “I know,” Swift whispered. “It just… hurts. Seeing her like that. Knowing she wouldn’t be there if I was stronger.” He looked down. “Maybe Hawk was right about me. Maybe…” But before Diamondback could try to assuage his grief, Trixie tried to get Cozy free. Dark Diamondback gasped.  “Wait, stop…!” she hissed, but Trixie had already reached out to Cozy Glow… and encountered a familiar aura of magic.  Trixie pulled back, but her mistake had been made. Cozy whirled on Trixie, and her eyes flashed green.  “LORD SOMBRA!” Cozy bellowed like an alarm. “LORD SOMBRA! THE PRISONERS!”  Their captors whirled around just in time to see Swift take to the air. “STOP HIM!” Sombra boomed.  Shade blasted dark magic crystals towards Swift while Dark Spike threw his sword in a desperate attempt, but the griffon-dragon dodged and made it out into the canopy.  “HELP SOMEBODY HELP!” he cried out. “You guys gotta help! Star Wing, Diamondback, Cozy and Trixie, they’re over here! Shade Fang and Sombra are with them!”  Sombra swore and fired another spell, but as Swift dodged it, Dark Diamondback swung her bound legs and knocked Cozy out with a brutal swipe.  Good Diamondback gasped in horror, but Dark Diamondback snarled. “She blew our cover,” she snapped. “I should have known Sombra’s spy would’ve had something like that.” “Sombra’s…” Diamondback stammered. “Spy?” Trixie finished. She stared at the unconscious filly. “Why does that make so much more sense than it should?”  Dark Spike didn’t give her time to consider it, as he rushed her and drove her back from the still bound captives. As Trixie fled from the dark version of Spike, screaming all the way, Shade advanced on the two Diamondbacks, while Sombra kept firing spells at Swift, determined to take him out of the sky. Shade summoned his scythe. “I think we should get rid of you two. To both weaken our enemies and to get rid of a failed clone.”  Dark Diamondback glared at him while Good Diamondback frantically worked her still strong bonds. But before Shade could act on his words, the foliage burst apart, as the full might of Equestria’s united forces bore down upon them.  Astral and Shade glared each other down. Anger and frustration at Shade putting everyone he cared about in trouble shined on Astral’s face, while fury that Astral could control the power of the ancient dragons wrote itself across Shade’s features. No need for words was needed; they drew their weapons. As Dark Spike leaped to defend his master from Astral, Sombra’s eyes fell on Star Wing.  As did Luna’s. “DON’T YOU DARE…!”  But Sombra was fast. And with another spell, he yanked Star’s feebly stirring body over to him, holding her up like a shield.  “DON’T TRY ME!” Sombra bellowed.  “STOP! EVERY ONE STOP!” Luna cried out.  Shade watched as everyone froze. “Cowardly,” he mused. “But effective.”  Astral glared at the cowardly tyrant.  For a tense second, everyone froze, as Sombra’s magic coursed over Star’s body, threatening all sorts of horrific things to the young alicorn. “Sombra…” Luna hissed with barely contained rage. “If you harm a hair on her head, you’re going to wish that you stayed dead.”  “I’d be more worried about yourself, Princess,” Sombra spat. “I know all about what our last encounter did to you. How you came to embrace the Night.” He lifted Star higher, as her eyes fluttered open… a far brighter green than they had been before. “We could have ruled this world together, you and I.” He glared at Shade. “Now instead, we may all end up living under the rule of Grogar, unless you cooperate.”  Star’s eyes shot open, pure panic on her features. “No…” Her horn lit up. “NOOOO!!!”  An explosion of magic threw Sombra, Shade and Dark Spike back, while making the rest stumble and fall over each other.  As Sombra struggled to recover, Star whirled on him like a wild animal. Before anyone could move, she jumped the dark lord.  And what followed was the most one-sided fight anyone had ever seen in all of their lifetimes.  Despite Astral and Shade’s famous rivalry, even they couldn’t help but stop and watch, stunned, as Star Wing proceeded to tear Sombra apart with her bare hooves, bellowing obscenities that would have given the mothers of countless foals heart attacks at the fear of their children hearing such language. It was easily the most sickening and fascinating thing any of them had ever seen.  Silver Stream clutched her stomach and folded into Queen Novo’s arms, who similarly folded into Queen Sapphire’s arms, who then folded into Jackknife’s arms. Ocellus and Thorax shapeshifted into eyeless, earless rocks.  “Eep…” sounded from somewhere among the dragons, but all of them immediately jumped and looked around.  “Who ‘eep’ed?” Spike asked.  “I swear it wasn’t me!” Smolder insisted.  Spike just hugged her. “It’s okay… it’s okay,” he promised.  Shivering, she leaned against him. “Was it at least… y’know a very dragonly ‘eep’?”  “Yeah-yeah, very dragonly,” Spike assured her.  Twilight backed into Spike’s arms as well. “Spike,” she whimpered. “Remember when I used to think you were a teddy bear?”  “Yeah, you… used a spell to turn me soft and fluffy,” Spike admitted.  “Can I do that again?” Twilight whimpered. “Because I’m going to be having nightmares about this… probably for the next five hundred years.”  Astral ran to a bush and got sick, bad enough to turn back to normal.  Shade, meanwhile, backed away as his thoughts began to fill with a chant: “Nope-nope-nope-nope-nope…”  As for Luna herself… Celestia offered her a wing, but Luna waved it off. “Luna,” she whispered. “You don’t have to…” “This is what we’re capable of, Tia,” Luna whispered. “I must watch. I must be there for my daughter.” So, she grit her teeth, and just watched the stomach-churning spectacle unfolding before her very eyes.  Several times, Sombra tried to crawl away from the maddened alicorn. After the fourth attempt, however, Star proceeded to rip off his legs and do things that should NEVER be mentioned aloud in polite company.  Finally, after twenty horrifying, mentally-scarring minutes later, Star Wing stood over the dark stain that had once been Lord Sombra, breathing heavily.  Then she turned her gaze to Shade.  Shade turned to Dark Spike. “Time to go, my apprentice.”  Dark Spike nodded, and both of them bolted like rabbits. Astral, despite feeling weak from the trauma of what he just saw, gave chase. “Quick, help him!” Rainbow Dash barked, taking off after Shade. But fear of a Dark Star Wing had given Dark Spike wings beyond wings. And even as the fastest of the bunch went after him, it was unlikely they’d catch up.  Star tried to follow, only to nearly fall flat on her face before Luna and Spike caught her.  “Whoa, easy, Wing!” Spike said. “You went through a lot.” “Have to… stop him…” Star mumbled, her voice unnaturally dark and deep for someone normally so chipper.  Luna was going pale. “No,” she said. “You need rest.”  “Y-You don’t understand…” Star insisted. “Grogar… he… he knows… Grogar…” But the exhaustion from everything she went through took its toll, and Star collapsed unconscious in Luna and Spike’s grasp. Celestia sighed as Luna carefully looked over her daughter Star. The Solar Princess turned her gaze to Spike and the Young Six.  “I wish that we could take the time to celebrate what you have done for this nation,” she told the six young Element Bearers. “The way we celebrated Twilight and Spike’s friends.”  “To be fair,” Spike noted. “Our celebration kinda got mixed in with Cadence and Shining’s wedding.”  “Indeed,” Celestia sighed. “Unfortunately, this is not a time for parties.”  Pinkie gasped in horror. “It ISN’T?!”  “Are you kidding, Pinkie?” Twilight demanded, pointing to where Shade and Dark Spike had fled. “Sombra may be…” she paused and grimaced before shaking it off, “...but Shade Fang’s the one that brought him back.” She looked at the still unconscious Cozy in sorrow. “We don’t know what he did to her mind… or whether she can come back from it.”  “And now he’s got help,” Applejack agreed.  “Maybe more,” Rarity added. “Depending on who this ‘Grogar’ is.”  Twilight sighed. “If my research is correct, that’s an ally Shade definitely doesn’t need.”  Diamondback’s eyes bugged out as she looked around. “And it’s not the only ally he has right now,” she noted. “Has anyone seen my dark counterpart?”  The others spun, but Dark Diamondback was gone.  ## And that was because she had fled deep into the forest, knocking aside branches and diving through dirt as she fled the utter monster that Star Wing had become.  As Dark Diamondback tripped and hit the ground, curling into a scared fetal position, a pair of paws came into her field of vision.  She looked up, seeing several diamond dogs, gazing on her with unreadable expressions.  Dark Diamondback shivered and cowered before them. “Please…” she whimpered. “Please don’t take me back there.”  One of the diamond dogs - Shiva - looked to the other - Myst. “She was very kind to us.”  “But it was a manipulation,” Myst noted. “A trick.”  “A trick that led to what?” Dark Diamondback sobbed. “My sister betrayed me. My own creator chained me!” She wiped away her tears, and shifted to a sitting position, allowing the diamond dogs to see how much power she had lost; she sat no taller than any of them. “Is this going to be Equestrian Justice? Am I to be executed as my siblings were? Just because of where I came from?”  Even Myst faltered at her words. She had to force out her rebuttal: “How do we know this isn’t another manipulation tactic?” “It is!” Dark Diamondback admitted. “Because the alternative is death! Is it not a fundamental quality of all living beings that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable?”  “So you’re saying submission is preferable to death?” Shiva noted.  “Yes,” Dark Diamondback admitted, bowing to them. “Do whatever you wish of me… as long as I am allowed to live at the end of it all.”  Shiva and Myst exchanged worried looks. “Diamondback… the real Diamondback…” Myst noted with a glare at the dark counterpart. “She’s not going to like this.”  “Maybe not,” Shiva admitted, before giving Dark Diamondback a look of pity. “Maybe this will come back to bite us…” she sighed. “But I can’t do this. Not when she looks so pitiable.”  Dark Diamondback gazed up at her with pleading eyes. “Please…” she whimpered. “I don’t want to die.”  Myst sighed, turning to Shiva. “This is a mistake.”  Shiva nodded solemnly. “We’ll see.” She turned to the dogs. “Find some strong rope. Bind her up.” She turned back to Dark Diamondback. “We’ll bring her to the others.”  Dark Diamondback shivered in terror, but the terror was waylaid by a brief soothing relief. For now, she wasn’t going to die. ## Further away, Dark Spike watched as his last remaining companion was taken away by the diamond dogs. He almost moved to help her, before Rainbow Dash flying overhead forced him to retreat back into the burrow he and Shade had found to hide in.  “She’s gone…” Dark Spike whispered. “All my companions… all my… ‘friends?’” He looked at Shade in confusion. “E-Either way… gone. I’m the only one left.”  “Sometimes, you have to make sacrifices to achieve your goals,” Shade replied, checking that the coast was clear before moving to leave. Dark Spike considered his words, before shaking off his grief, and following his master. “What are your orders, my Lord?”  “First, we’re going to give you a new name,” Shade replied. “Then, we’re going to find the ruins of Tambelon, where we shall awaken the father of all monsters.”  Dark Spike fidgeted. “I-Is that a good idea, sir? I mean… after what Star… er, the alicorn… showed. I… it might not be safe for you, and…” “Remember, my apprentice,” Shade refuted. “No reward comes without danger.”  Briefly, Dark Spike glanced at where Dark Diamondback had gone, but took a shaky breath, steeling his nerves. He then pressed his hand to his chest. “By your word… my Lord.”  Shade briefly glared at where their foes were still searching for them. “Be prepared, my enemies. For once we find what we’re looking for, nothing will ever be the same.”  > Episode 70: The Father of Monsters - Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Star Wing’s eyes fluttered open, Spike and Luna shared a sigh of relief.  “Ugh…” Star groaned, struggling to focus on Spike. “Spike?”  “Welcome back to Equestria, Star,” he said.  Luna nuzzled her daughter’s hoof. “You were out for a long time,” she said. “I couldn’t even reach you in the dream realm.”  Star peered at her mother, trying to focus on her face, before looking around in confusion. “Where am I?”  “Canterlot Hospital,” Spike replied, as Nurse Redheart joined them.  “You went through a horrendous trial,” Luna agreed.  “That’s an understatement,” Redheart noted, feeling at Star’s forehead and checking her pulse. “What Sombra and Shade did to her…” “Sombra…?” Star’s eyes shot open. “SHADE!” She tried to leap from the bed, but Luna, Spike and Redheart were fast, catching her and holding her back down. “Whoa-ho, easy there, Princess,” Redheart said. “You’re in no condition to go flying after villains.” “Besides, one of them’s accounted for,” Spike agreed. “Sombra’s no longer a threat… thanks to you.”  Luna grimaced at Spike’s attempt at a cheerful tone. Though it didn’t seem to have much effect on Star, as her eyes continued to shine with panic.  “No-no-no,” she stammered. “I-I have to go after him. I have to stop him!”  “Stop him from doing what?” Luna said. “Star, you tapped into something dark to defeat Sombra. Something…” she hesitated, and even Star paused at the traumatized light in her mother’s eyes. “Something I prayed would never hound our family again.”  Star looked down at her hooves, fear shining on her face, but Luna quickly grabbed one of her hooves.  “It’s alright though,” she said. “I checked. The dark magic that was within me when I was…” she grimaced and shook her head. “Well… it wasn’t in you. At least for now. So I want to make sure it stays that way.”  Spike pat Star’s shoulder. “The rest of the Drake Six are hunting for him. It won’t be long before they find him, I promise.”  Star gazed at her mother in sorrow. “But Mother… I have to stop Shade.” She looked to Spike. “It’s my fault!”  “What is?” Spike asked.  Star’s eyes were round with despair and terror; Spike had never seen her this scared before. “While they were torturing me… I tried to scare them back.” She looked down in remorse. “I told them about my encounter with Grogar.”  The mere name sent a chill through the room. Luna turned pale and backed away from the bed.  Spike looked between them, trying to remember anything Twilight might’ve told him. “Grogar… isn’t that…?” “The Father of All Monsters,” Luna whispered. “The First Emperor of Equestria. But…” she shook her head. “No, he… he was defeated!”  Star nodded. “Imprisoned,” she corrected. “And while I was in exile, I found his cell.” She clutched her head. “And now Shade knows where it is too.”  Spike’s heart skipped a beat. Even Luna began to show fear.  Star drank in the terror on their faces. “If he manages to find it… if he releases that… that…” Spike clutched her hoof. “Star,” he said, determination in his eyes. “Tell me where it is, and I’ll stop him.”  Star shook her head. “No, it has to be me! I…” “We can’t let you risk yourself,” Spike insisted. “Not now.” He looked to Luna, who reluctantly nodded. He returned his gaze to Star. “How much have we been through together, Star? How often have you been able to trust in me?”  Star held his eyes, electric green staring into fiery green.  Spike did not break their gaze. “Where is Shade heading to? Where’s Grogar’s Prison?”  ## Dark Spike - now known as ‘Thorn’ - stared into the cavern before them. Though he was born from dark magic and anger, the place still chilled him to his very bones.  “Lord Shade,” Thorn whispered, turning to his master. “A-Are you certain…?” “Yes,” Shade said. “This is the place. We’ve come too far to back down now.”  Swallowing back his fear, Thorn delved into the cavern, wincing as darkness swallowed himself and his master whole.  For a tense few minutes, the duo walked, Thorn using his fire to create a torch. The only sound was the steady dripping of water from stalactites, and the crackle of Thorn’s torch.  Shade glared around in disappointment. “Is this really the cavern that leads to Tambelon? I admit, I was expecting something more like ruins than this.”  Faintly, however, they became aware of the sound of pounding footsteps. Right behind them. Thorn turned, readying his shield. “Sounds like they caught up. We need to move.”  Before Shade could respond, he noticed another sound: a smaller, tinkling sound like the stabbing of several tiny claws on hard rock. But this was coming from the way they were originally going.  Turning back around, Shade was rewarded with the sight of several spiders scuttling their way towards him, each one imprinted with an image of a moon on their back.  “Moon spiders,” Shade growled, summoning his scythe. “I’ve seen them eat a full grown dragon in under a minute.” Determined not to be the next meal, he began mowing down the arachnids. Thorn jumped as Shade’s fight drew his attention. But as he tried to add his fire to the defense, Spike, Astral, Jackknife, Phoenix, Diamondback and Swift rounded the corner.  “Stop them!” Spike roared, drawing his own sword and charging to meet his counterpart.  Astral drew his sword as well. “Shade! I’ve come to make sure you go away for a long time.”  Thorn took another look at the Moon Spiders, before turning to confront the others, battling Astral and Spike two on one.  As they fought, however, Shade began to overpower the Moon Spiders, forcing his way forward. “Aw crap,” Astral muttered. “Those spiders must have been guarding where Grogar is sealed away.” He tried to pursue, but Thorn kicked him to the ground.  “Go!” Jackknife barked, lunging over Astral and swatting Thorn with his tail. Thorn only stumbled back briefly before snarling and re-engaging the two, though panic traced his features as Astral raced past him and went straight for Shade, followed by Phoenix.  “Hey, no you don’t!” Thorn roared, bashing Spike with his shield and chasing after Astral and Phoenix, Jackknife and Spike in hot pursuit.  Diamondback made to go after them, before noticing Swift taking a knee, wheezing and panting for breath. She went back to Swift’s side. “Swift, dear?”  Swift waved her off. “I’ll be okay,” he said, trying to grin despite his chest heaving. “Just… not very often I have to fly that fast.” Diamondback gave him a look of pity. “Especially when you had to drag so many behind,” she agreed.  Swift nodded at the cave. “Go on ahead; I’ll catch up.”  Diamondback nodded and moved to follow the others… only to find the Moon Spiders had regrouped and were bearing down on both of them.  Diamondback’s eyes widened, and she hesitantly drew her rapier. “I… think that might be a problem,” she noted.  ## Further inside the cave Astral and Shade clashed, their weapons glowing with magic. Yet they kept getting closer and closer to where Grogar was. Phoenix danced around the two, launching fireballs at Shade.  Phoenix dodged a swipe from Shade and blasted him with fire, knocking him through an opening… and into an area that made her gasp in shock.  The three dragons had ended up in a massive cavern. Stone staircases that looked meant for giants even beyond Greed-powered dragons led down to some sort of cubic structure glowing with what looked like battling colors of white and dark orange. Chains that looked meant to hold down mountains were embedded into the stone around them, leading down into the cubic building.  Shade looked to the cubic building with excitement. Astral, on the other hand, felt dread filling his gut. Whatever was down there, it wasn’t good.  Shade made a run for the entrance. Phoenix moved to blast him with fire… only for Thorn to leap from the opening and run her through with his sword. Caught off guard by the attack, Phoenix stumbled forward and fell off the staircase, plummeting into the open air. “Stupid dragoness,” Shade mocked. “Should’ve kept an eye on your surroundings.” He was denied the chance to laugh as Astral chased after him. “PHI!” Spike roared, knocking Thorn off his friend and wildly striking at him with his sword.  Jackknife, meanwhile, dove after Phoenix, his tail hooking onto the edge and allowing him to stretch like a bungee chord, just barely catching Phoenix by the leg. “Hang on, Phi,” Jackknife said, pulling her up so he could tend to her wound. “I got you!”  As Jackknife tended to Phoenix, the battle continued down the staircase; Spike against Thorn and Astral against Shade.  The four combatants spun, slashed, parried and breathed fire. Thorn had lost his sword stabbing Phoenix, but managed to fight on with his shield, bashing aside Spike’s strikes and keeping him back with his fire breath. But Spike was not deterred, blocking the blasts and forcing Thorn back with his own shield.  At the same time, Astral and Shade kept slashing at each other, their blades striking hard enough to create sparks. Shadow as becoming overwhelmed though, as the Moon Spiders had taken a lot of his energy.  Despite the pressure, Shade refused to go down. He tapped into his magic reserves to keep himself going, as the battle moved into the cubic structure.  So intent on their battle were the fighters, that they briefly failed to hear the ominous whispering emanating from within.  “Release me… release me…” Astral managed to hook his blades into the grip of Shade’s weapon, and ripped it from his foe’s claws. He held him down with his blade raised. “I’m sorry it’s come to this,” Astral said, “But you’ve left me with no other options. You’re too dangerous to be kept alive.”  Spotting his lord in trouble, Thorn dodged under another one of Spike’s swipes and lunged in front of his Lord, reflecting the attack with his shield and bouncing it back at Astral.  Astral could only stare as the attack got closer. He couldn’t dodge out of the way in time. “Watch it!” Spike yelled, blasting Astral with his teleportation fire. Shade and Thorn only got a brief moment to hope that Astral had been disintegrated, before Spike used his fire again, and Astral appeared alive and well beside him.  Shade glared at his enemy. Rage filled him at the idea that his opponent got the drop on him.  Astral similarly seethed that Shade could dare to want to free a being too dangerous to stay alive even in a coma.  As the two glared each other down, Thorn and Spike finally heard it.  “Release me… release me…”  “Uh, guys?” Thorn asked, turning as his eyes widened. “Is that… Grogar?”  Everyone looked; the cubic building held a giant cell, with massive bars engraved with runes. The chains from outside leaked inward, wrapping around the bars and concealing what was inside.  But through the cracks, they could make out glowing red eyes. Watching them with malice before looking to one of the bars. It was cracked, the chain pressing ominously against it and causing it to wobble. Spike detected a faint trace of Star’s magic holding the bar together, but the magic was old. Spike had no idea if it would be able to hold up under the pressure. “Release me…” the voice growled from within, returning its malicious gaze to them. “Release me…” As Astral stared at the eyes, he felt fear as if someone had covered him with a heavily weighted net.  Shade, however, retrieved his weapon, and cut one of the chains. “Thorn!” he roared to his apprentice. “Help me free him.”  “NO!” Spike barked, leaping to stop Shade, only for Thorn to jump in his path, blasting fire at Astral when he tried to follow.  Luckily, Spike was able to deflect the blast, and pressed Thorn back as Astral was able to continue his battle with Shade. “Thorn!” Shade yelled again, watching cracks start to form where the cage sat. “Either help me or free Grogar! Take your pick!”  “RELEASE ME…” Grogar continued to chant, rattling the cell. “RELEASE ME…!”  Thorn looked up at the monster, pure fear in his eyes. Spike felt his body trembling.  “You know this is wrong,” Spike realized, getting Thorn to look at him. “You know nothing good can come from releasing it!”  “Thorn!” Shade shouted. “Do as I say when I tell you to release…” he was cut off as Astral punched him in the face.  “RELEASE ME! RELEASE ME!”  “Don’t listen to them!” Spike insisted, locking his shield against Thorn’s. “Dark Diamondback was betrayed and left for dead. What’s going to stop Shade from doing the same thing to you?”  “I…” Thorn mumbled, looking back at Shade.  “THORN!” Shade boomed. “RELEASE GROGAR NOW!”  “RELEASE ME!” Grogar bellowed.  “You don’t have to do what Shade says,” Spike insisted. “You’re more than his puppet; just like how I’m more than just Twilight’s assistant. You and I are the same.”  Thorn held Spike’s eyes, not even looking back as Astral disarmed Shade again before kicking him into a stalagmite. And for a brief, shining moment, Thorn lowered his head in thought, and Spike dared to believe he had gotten through to his dark counterpart.  “Twilight would be proud,” Spike thought happily. “I got through to him.” That was when Thorn snatched Spike’s own sword and ran him through with it.  “Spike! NO!” Astral shouted in shock. Spike stared, uncomprehendingly, at the sword in his gut. His own sword. Run through by a guy he thought he had convinced.  But when he looked up, Thorn’s eyes were hard.  “We’re not the same,” Thorn growled, briefly glaring at Astral as he rushed to Spike’s side. “I’m better than you. Stronger, faster, and more importantly… more loyal to my Lord.”  With that, Thorn threw Spike into Astral before hurling his shield like a discus. It struck Star’s shoddy repair job, while at the same time, Grogar rammed the cage as hard as he could.  Under the combined pressure from Grogar and the lucky hit from Thorn… the bar shattered.  Astral looked on in horror while Shade watched his apprentice with sadistic pride.  Spike couldn’t even scream, his vision was going fuzzy. His brief struggle to stay on his feet was cut short as the cell exploded, a shockwave flinging him off his feet and leaving him writhing on the ground.  Astral? Shade? Thorn? All of them were flung from Spike’s vision. All he was able to focus on was the massive visage of Grogar, who rose from the ruins of his prison, and let loose with a guttural laugh of villainous triumph. > Episode 71: The Father of Monsters - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanity and pride were the only reasons Spike didn’t die that day.  With a sword in his gut, barely able to drag himself a few inches back, all Grogar needed to do was step forward and step on Spike like a bug.  But Grogar instead admired himself, looking condescendingly down on the chains that had once held him.  “A fine piece of magic, that was,” Grogar noted, his voice smooth and powerful, with an inflection of the demonic energy that he had used while demanding release echoing underneath with an eerie flanging effect. “It’s almost a shame it had to be destroyed.”  With him focused on the cage, Spike turned his attention to their surroundings. Astral, Shade and Thorn were nowhere to be seen - likely buried under the rubble of the chains and the building. But the cavern was still intact, and Spike could see the exit at the top of the giant staircase. Jackknife stood at the edge of the giant staircase, confusion and terror evident even at a distance. Phoenix didn’t stand with him, though Spike dared to still hope that she was alive.  Spike tried to drag himself towards Jack. It was an impossibly far distance, but trying anything was better than just sitting around and waiting for Grogar’s judgment.  Almost on cue, Spike heard the horrible flare of magic firing up. He looked back as Grogar’s goat-like horns lit up with a black and gold magical aura. The young dragon braced himself, but the magic didn’t come for him. Instead, it blasted some of the rubble away, and plucked Thorn and Shade from the debris like they were flowers in a field.  Grogar turned them around and around in his magic, observing them like toys. “Dragons,” he mused, taking a particular interest in Shade. “One of my brood. You must be…” He turned Shade around, taking in his dark scales. “Not only did you have my markings… but you remembered your loyalty. You freed me. And for that, I thank you.”  “You’re welcome, your Highness,” Shade said, even as nervousness gripped him alongside Grogar’s magic.  “However, it seems that you could use some improvements,” Grogar noted, still tossing Shade’s body like he was a toy or an experiment. “And I am nothing if not generous to my followers.”  “Improvements?” Shade asked, privately fearing he had gone too far.  Spike dragged himself a few more inches, before Grogar’s magic strengthened around Shade, and the black dragon let out a howl of agony as his entire body mutated.  Shade couldn’t think or do anything as pain flowed through every fiber of his being. He felt his forelimbs and his entire skeleton become stygian steel. His forearms tore as each had a scythe blade rip through the skin. His back cracked and popped as a second pair of wings tore out of his scales. His tail writhed as a serrated set of spines grew along his backbone. And his muscles expanded, ripping what little flesh was left as they adjusted.  “MY LORD!” Thorn yelled, trying to fight against his magical bindings. However, the black and gold aura strengthened around him, and Thorn yowled in pain as he too began to mutate.  “Do not fear, child of Umbra’s magic,” Grogar purred. “You will be rewarded as well.”  As the wails of Shade and Thorn echoed behind him, Spike continued to drag himself towards the staircase. Jackknife was leaping down the stairs, taking two at a time, but he was still so far away.  Please let Grogar take longer, Spike found himself praying as he kept dragging himself one inch after another. Please… let it take longer… A ‘THUD’ behind Spike dropped his heart and hopes into his stomach. Looking back, he saw Shade and Thorn rise up. Bigger. Stronger. Nightmarish versions of themselves.  Their eyes locked on Spike, malice in their gazes.  “Go on,” Grogar ordered, a cruel light in his eyes as he watched Spike squirm. “Test your newfound powers. Kill him.”  Thorn rushed past Shade, charging like a feral animal, and Spike felt an utterly terrified ‘eep’ escape him. Jackknife was still too far away, and Astral was nowhere to be seen.  Twilight… Star… Spike thought as Thorn leaped like the shadow of death upon him. Spike shut his eyes, feeling tears sliding down his cheeks. I’m sorry… Suddenly, Astral charged in, bleeding but still powered up in his super mode. Catching Thorn’s charge, he flung the mutated dragon aside.  As Thorn was thrown to the side, however, Shade rushed forward. Astral summoned his blades as the mutant dragon sliced at him. Their blades clashed against each other, but when Astral knocked Shade aside, he saw that his own blades had been sliced in two.  In his moment of shock, Shade flew in and punched him, his blow cracking Astral’s skull. He tried to block a second strike, only for his arm to be seized by a thorny vine launched from Thorn.  It was at this moment that Astral knew it was time to retreat.  Using the knockback from one of Shade’s attacks, Astral landed next to Spike. Seizing the groaning dragon, Astral flung Spike over his shoulder and booked it for the staircase.  Jackknife hadn’t even reached the bottom before Astral pelted up the staircase towards him.  “Go!” Jackknife barked, though his brave face was faltering fast as Shade and Thorn’s shadows fell over all three of them. “I’ll… I…”  “Jack, we failed,” Astral shouted. “We can’t fight them. We have to go, NOW!”  Jackknife swallowed. “Y’know what?” he whimpered, turning away. “I’ll take yer word for it!”  Spike’s heart skipped a beat; he had never heard Jackknife so scared before. Neither had he seen the water dragon back down from a fight before.  The effect wasn’t helped as Grogar laughed cruelly behind them, the flare of magic sounding again as he charged up some sort of spell.  Spike wished that he could run alongside Astral and Jack. Fear was making his heart pump faster. Adrenaline coursed through his veins.  But with his own sword still in his gut, he could barely feel his legs. He wondered for a terrifying moment if he might have lost the use of them.  But as Thorn roared behind him, he resigned himself to clinging tightly to Astral, and hoping he could make it to safety. Him and… Spike gasped. “Phoenix!” The injured dragoness lay at the top of the staircase. Though the sword was gone from her back and her cut had faded to another scar, she still looked very weak. As the monstrous versions of Thorn and Spike bore down on them, her eyes widened and she tried to get to her feet, only to stumble and fall.  Thankfully, Jackknife was there. Diving into a somersault, he seized Phoenix and rolled smoothly back up, carrying her on his shoulders as he and Astral delved back into the caves.  Grunts and barks of pain sounded from behind them. When Spike looked, he saw the monster dragons scratching and snarling at the smaller entrance.  Spike almost managed to breath in relief… until he heard the sound of flames. Looking back up, he yelped as pitch black flames began to coarse through the cave, tongues of cursed fire reaching out to ensnare them like the tendrils of some eldritch beast.  “You guys gotta faster,” Spike gasped out. “You need to go faster!”  “Yeah, we’re trying, brother,” Jackknife said, adjusting Phoenix on his back. “Geez, Phi, I know I ain’t supposed to talk about a woman’s weight, but you seriously need to lay off the fire rubies.”  “Ugh… I’ll kick your tail for that comment…” Phoenix groaned. “Just as soon as I get feeling back in my legs.”  “Less quipping, more running,” Astral recommended. “We’re almost to the main entrance.”  Unfortunately, their troubles were far from over, as the shine of moon spiders showed up to block their path.  “Aw come on!” Jackknife groaned.  Astral opened his mouth and fired a red stream of attack magic fire at the horde. Though the fire started to drive the moon spiders back, they still proved too great for Astral’s flames alone.  “Dang it,” he cursed. “We need more firepower!”  Spike adjusted himself on Astral’s shoulders. “P-Phoenix,” he gasped out, before blasting his own flames at the spiders.  It made his wound throb in pain, but the black flames were right behind them. A little pain now had to be better than whatever would happen if the black firestorm caught up with them.  Thankfully, Phoenix seemed to feel the same way, as she blasted her own jet of fire, forcing the Moon Spiders back.  They made some progress, but not enough. Spike felt an oddly cold sensation as the black fire licked at his and Astral’s backs.  Astral pulled Spike in front of him, trying to protect him from the flames. Despite his current form giving him greater stamina, he could feel his energy fading fast.  But that’s when a burst of brilliant white fire lit up the end of the corridor. Caught between two walls of light, the moon spiders were quickly burned away to ash. And Spike gasped out a laugh of relief as he beheld Diamondback standing before them.  “Thanks for the assist,” Astral noted, close to collapsing. “We have bigger fish to fry.”  “Yeah. No time for looking heroic, DB,” Jack said, racing past her with Phoenix. “We gotta get outta here!”  One look at the black flames discouraged arguments, and Diamondback pulled Astral and Spike along.  “SWIFT!” Diamondback called. “Swift, you better be rested; we need another boost of speed!”  “I’ll lend you what power I have,” Astral added. “Help give you a boost.”  Thankfully, Swift was standing at the end of the corridor, and the end of the cave. His blue eyes widened in horror at the black flames before them, and he took a runner’s starting position, wings flared wide open.  “Hang on!” he roared.  Jack, Diamondback and Astral seized onto his tail, and with Phoenix and Spike clinging onto their companions for dear life, the griffon-dragon hybrid jetted into the sky, seconds before the cave was ripped apart by the black flames within.  As they soared over the horizon - Spike clinging so tightly to Astral’s scales that he feared the poor green dragon was losing feeling in his arms - all of them shivered as the monstrous mutants that used to be Shade and Thorn rose out from the mountain side.  Both of them roared in a feral and barbaric manner, as the rest of the mountain caved in… and they all saw Grogar standing tall with an evil smirk on his face.  They had really failed. The revelation made Spike’s heart sink back into his stomach. They had failed Star.  Grogar was free.  ## Back at Canterlot, Luna and Nurse Redheart tried to contain a thrashing Star Wing.  “Star, please!” Luna begged, tears coming to her eyes as her daughter writhed and twisted like she was possessed by a demon.  “HE’S BACK!” Star was screaming, her eyes wide in complete terror. “I can feel it in the magic! Can’t you feel it, Mother?”  “I can,” Luna admitted. “I can, but Star, please… it…” Luna hated lying, but she hated seeing her daughter in pain more. “It may be a mistake. A, uh… a glitch in the magic. It…” “You know that’s not true, Luna,” a voice said, calming even Star Wing for a bit.  Both alicorns looked to Celestia as she entered the hospital, a grim expression on her face.  “Tia,” Luna couldn’t help but beg. “Tell me it isn’t so.”  “I’m afraid it is,” Celestia said, turning as a storm began to form on the distant horizon. “Grogar is back. And we must prepare.” > Episode 72: Hour of Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike wondered if Twilight was punishing him in some way by putting his hospital cot right next to Star Wing.  It was bad enough that he had failed to stop Thorn and Shade from unleashing Grogar, but when the others had gotten him home, Twilight had taken one look at Spike and Phoenix’s stab wounds, declared them medical emergencies, and rushed them to the hospital.  Now, laying with his midsection covered in bandages, Spike was left out of any plans or strategies on how to handle Grogar, and could only lie in bed, feeling the disappointment emanating off Star Wing from his right.  “I’m sorry, guys,” Phoenix whispered. Both Star and Spike turned to see Phoenix gazing forlornly at her own bandages. “I messed up.”  “It’s not your fault, Phi,” Spike said, looking down himself. “I thought I was getting through to Thorn. My mistake.”  “But if I hadn’t let myself get distracted, I could’ve helped,” Phoenix noted. “I could’ve…” she sighed. “I don’t know.”  “Doesn’t really matter,” Star grumbled. Spike winced at how dead and monotonous the normally perky alicorn was. “Grogar’s out now.”  “B-But it’s not over, right?” Spike asked desperately. “Equestria has Twilight and her friends, it’s got us, it’s got Smolder’s group and Starswirl and…”  “Spike.” Star’s voice didn’t raise, but she finally turned to look at him. And Spike shuddered at the fear in her eyes. “You saw him. You saw what he could do, didn’t you?” She glared at him. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you honestly think we stand a chance.”  Spike tried to repeat what he had said: they had so many allies and friends. But with Star gazing at him, with eyes that reflected so much more experience than her normally chipper demeanor would imply… all his words of hope were rapidly dying.  “Well… we have to try anyway, don’t we?” he offered. “Anything’s better than just laying around waiting to die.”  “We’re gonna have to do some lying around,” Phoenix noted bitterly, glaring at her bandage. “At least until these heal.”  “We will,” Spike insisted. “And once we’re back up, the first step will be to pay Thorn and Shade back in full.”  Phoenix cracked a small grin at the idea. Star tried to as well, but it wasn’t her usual self. Her eyes still looked broken, like a shattered mirror. And though she tried to say some sort of witty remark, she ultimately gave up, rolled back over and avoided eye contact with either of them. Sighing, Spike lay back on his hospital bed.  “After Chrysalis? After Sombra? After the Storm King and Tirek and Shade…” Spike thought as he shut his eyes. “Surely we can take this challenge on too… can’t we?”  ## Meanwhile, however, Grogar smirked as the first of many monsters answered his call. Rising from the ashes of a pit. A pit still tainted with the scent of Starswirl the Bearded and his Pillars of Harmony.  Yet even they had been young when Grogar was at full power. Not even their vast experience would be ready for what he had in store.  But first, he had to soften them; get to know their defenses. To that end, he lit his horns, firing a beam at what had been left of the Pony of Shadows.  And as he felt new life rush into the essence remaining, his eyes glowed. “Rise, Temptress of Heroes. Your father has a new assignment for you…” ## In Spike’s dreams, he had defeated Thorn and stopped Grogar’s assault.  He stood before a cheering crowd, just like how Twilight and Star had after they defeated Tirek. But this time, it was him that was being applauded for. Him that received a medal of valor. Him that bowed and was bowed to in turn by the princesses… Until Princess Luna looked up to him… and the light in her eyes was desperate.  “Spike,” she said, standing up and gripping his shoulders. “I need help. She needs you.”  “She?” Spike asked in confusion… before Luna pulled him out of his dream and into the dream realm.  Instantly, Spike realized what was wrong. There was a pulsating darkness disrupting the otherwise ethereal stillness of the dream realm. Purple and green lightning streaked through black clouds rolling like a thunderstorm around a spherical portal, inside of which Spike could faintly see… “Star Wing?” Spike asked.  Luna nodded, her eyes desperate like a cornered animal. “She is being tempted by Umbra; the same dark being who brought Stygian, Sombra and myself to darkness.”  Spike’s world felt like it was slipping out from under him. “Wait… the darkness that corrupted you… has a name?”  “Aye,” Luna said grimly. “It whispers in the ears of those who feel negativity too strongly. Normally, it can be ignored and defended against, but Grogar’s return has created enough negative energy for it to become stronger.”  “And now it’s going for Star Wing,” Spike guessed, glancing again at the sphere containing her. He looked to Luna. “But… why can’t you handle it?”  Luna’s ears folded in despair. “I have fallen to Umbra before. It knows my weaknesses; no matter how much I try to strengthen and hide them.” She looked to her daughter longingly, but hesitation weighed her hooves. “I do not wish my fate upon my beloved Star, but if I fall with her, Umbra will be able to claim two powerful alicorns for the Armies of Evil.” She turned desperately to Spike. “You have adventured with Star Wing. You may have knowledge of her I lack. On top of that, you may be new enough that Umbra will not be able to draw on your negativity.” “In other words,” Spike guessed. “I’m the best man for the job.” He nodded and saluted. “Don’t worry, Princess Luna. I’ll save your daughter.”  Without waiting for a reply, he rushed into the darkness. “I have to save someone,” he thought.  Yet, as he delved into the icy darkness surrounding Star’s dreams, he felt his heart grow heavy.  “You can’t save anyone,” whispered through the dark.  Spike shook his head, forcing himself forward, but he felt more than just his failure at stopping Thorn pressing on his mind.  He remembered his fear that he had abandoned Twilight. Left her to be tormented by the likes of Starlight Glimmer. Then how he had tormented Starlight himself.  “You’re no hero,” the voice whispered. “You don’t deserve Twilight’s love.” Spike growled and forced himself forward. “I’m not here to doubt; I’m here for Star!”  But the clouds concealing his friend were more than just some fog; they had weight to them, like Spike was trying to walk through syrup or molasses. A chill seeped past his scales and settled around his bones. Not even small bursts of fire could warm him - and Spike wasn’t eager to test his flames and risk accidentally breathing fire while asleep.  Instead, he focused on putting one foot in front of the other, forcing himself further and further into the mess Star Wing’s dream had become.  Slowly, the fog shifted. Spike managed to make out a new environment.  He blinked; he was standing in the Castle of Two Sisters. In the very same ruins that had once made up the throne room.  Star was there as well. But she stood before Nightmare Moon.  “Star!” Spike yelled, running to her side.  Nightmare Moon glanced up at him, but let him approach. Her ice-blue eyes - so different from Luna’s - emanated no malice or contempt. Yet there was still power in those eyes. Power that made Spike’s heart flutter in his chest.  He knelt at Star’s side. Star herself glanced up at him, her eyes glazed like she had somehow woken up from an even deeper dream.  “Spike…” she mumbled, glancing back at Nightmare Moon. “She…”  “I know,” Spike said, trying to lift the alicorn up. “C’mon, we gotta get out of here.”  “Why?”  Spike froze, staring at Star to make sure she had been the one to say it.  “Why?” Star repeated, looking back at the apparition. “Grogar’s back. He’s going to…”  She clutched her head, and the scene changed. They moved from the castle of two sisters to the mountain Grogar had been trapped under.  But now, it was surging with dark life. Diamond Dogs, dragons, hydras, chimeras and all sorts of other animals marched with glazed eyes up to the mountain, all of them kneeling before Grogar himself.  “He was the ultimate beast master,” Star said. “The Father of Monsters.” She watched the dragons with despair. “He could make anyone obey him. Only the purest of creatures could resist, and those…”  The scene shifted again, as a beam of white light forced Grogar back. Spike looked up as a massive alicorn descended from the heavens. A strikingly white-furred male, with a deep red mane and angry magenta eyes - eyes similar to Celestia’s.  “Is that…” Spike whispered. “Celestia’s father?”  Star merely watched as the elder alicorn did battle with the demonic ram. Though Celestia’s father at first held the ram at bay, Grogar answered in kind with a black and yellow beam.  Celestia’s father held it back valiantly, but then a griffon attacked from behind. Celestia’s father batted the creature aside, but his distraction was to Grogar’s benefit. And with a stronger, more powerful beam, Grogar knocked the elder alicorn out of the sky and sent him crashing to earth.  Spike winced. “But… he won, didn’t he?” He looked to Star desperately. “He managed to seal Grogar away.”  Star’s gaze was still blank. “He didn’t do it alone.”  The scene shifted to a prison cell: Celestia’s Father was chained to a wall, a magic-suppressing ring on his horn.  The cell opened… and a strikingly beautiful thestral entered. A thestral with Luna’s eyes.  “No way…” Spike whispered.  “Yeah way,” Star muttered, a brief bit of her old humor returning as she watched her grandparents gaze into each other’s eyes, Luna’s mother stroking the chin of Celestia’s father with a faint smile.  The scene shifted again: Celestia’s father had freed himself - or been freed - and once again did battle with Grogar. But this time, before Grogar’s minions could surround the elder alicorn again, the thestral that would become Luna’s mother, attacked Grogar from behind.  And as the demonic ram hit the ground, Celestia’s father blasted him with one more powerful beam, sealing him inside the building that would serve as his prison.  “Light can’t triumph over darkness alone,” a colder voice whispered. Spike jumped and turned as Nightmare Moon joined them once more. “If anything, Light is nothing without Darkness. For it is Light that creates shadows, and Darkness helps light shine all the brighter.”  “Yes…” Star whispered. “Controlled and balanced… Light and Darkness can create something new. Something powerful.”  “Star, think about what you’re saying,” Spike insisted. “You’re going to try and ‘control’ darkness? Isn’t that what happened with your mother?”  “My mother was driven by Envy and Jealousy,” Star said. “Sombra was driven by Pride and Ego. Stygian was manipulated by Greed and Insecurity.” She looked down. “I… was driven by Wrath and Fear.”  “Fear is not a Deadly Sin,” Nightmare Moon noted, circling the two like a vulture around a thirsty desert dweller. “And in war, you use every tool you have at your disposal.”  “No…” Spike whispered, even as Nightmare Moon began to change.  She grew smaller; more Star Wing’s size. Her cyan armor turned pitch black with bright white spikes, and covered more of her body. Her helmet covered more of her face, concealing all but the now green glow of her eyes. A purple flame lit up the end of her helmet like a knight’s ponytail, which matched well with her actual tail, which similarly lit up in purple flames.  In seconds, what had to be Star’s dark form stood before them. “Nightmare Knight,” Spike and Star muttered at the same time. Star grinned. “Jinx.”  Nightmare Knight, however, grinned, white teeth flashing in the shadow of her helmet. “Join me, and we will have the strength to protect this land.”  “No!” Spike barked, putting himself between Star and Knight. “Star, listen to me,” Spike said. “We’re not going to beat Grogar by giving into dark demons like this. If anything, it’ll just be giving Grogar more allies to fight against us.”  “But Thorn managed to free him because he used your honor against you,” Star insisted. She gently touched Spike’s stomach - the scar where he was stabbed. “We need to be prepared for more tricks like that. We need every advantage we can get!”  Spike’s scar throbbed. Wing had a point. But he couldn’t let her use that to go down the path of darkness. “And we will,” Spike said. “But by standing together and being a team.”  Star blinked, gazing at Spike with sharper eyes, like she was truly seeing him for the first time. She looked again at Nightmare Knight, but then at Spike again.  “Please…” Spike whispered, his eyes gazing into hers. “I can’t fail again.”  After a very pregnant pause, Star finally sighed, and took Spike’s hands. “Okay,” she said.  Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “Y-You mean it?”  “Yeah,” Star said. “That was the mistake Sombra, Stygian and even my mother made… they tried to face this beast alone. I have to be different.”  “Then come on,” Spike said, casting a nervous look at Nightmare Knight. “Let’s get out of here.”  He pulled her towards the exit, worried for a second that Nightmare Knight might try to interfere. But Nightmare Knight just watched them go, smirking like it knew something they didn’t.  But Spike refused to be intimidated. He could see Luna just outside the sphere, already reaching out to pull them free.  But as Spike stepped out to freedom… Star’s hoof slipped from his grip.  Spike spun, but Star grinned assuringly. “Mother,” she called. “Come. Help me with this.”  “What madness possesses you, Star?” Luna demanded.  “We can’t just flee from him,” Star insisted, glancing back briefly as Nightmare Knight began to approach, sharp teeth on full display. Star touched her hooves to Luna’s. “If we flee, he’ll have free reign over the Dream Realm. It won’t be safe for anyone to sleep again.”  “But if you fight him and lose, then he gets two ultra powerful alicorns,” Spike insisted.  “But we won’t lose.” Star said it with such confidence that Spike couldn’t help but be emboldened. Even though her gaze was on her mother. “Mother. The only reason you fell was because we were separated. Together, we can beat this beast. We can control the darkness, just as we did before.”  “Star…” Luna whispered, but Star clutched her hoof tightly.  “Please, I know we can do this,” Star pleaded, gazing up at her mother with pure love. “Together, we can accomplish anything!”  Luna couldn’t look away from her daughter. She sighed, before looking to Spike.  “Thank you, Sir Spike,” she said.  “Wait, what?” Spike asked, but Star was pulling Luna into the dark.  “Be sure to let Celestia and Twilight know what’s happening,” Luna added. “They will be able to help if things go wrong.”  “But they won’t,” Star insisted. “We have to think positive. That’s the key to defeating this beast.”  “But…” Luna paused, looking at the Nightmare Knight as it sneered at them. Her eyes narrowed. “You’re right, Star. We can beat this thing!”  Star grinned at Spike. “We’ll see you on the other side, Spike.”  With that, the mother and daughter of the night launched at the Nightmare Knight, and sunk into darkness.  But this was not Umbra’s darkness; it shined with distant stars, like a portal to space. And briefly, Luna and Spike saw Nightmare Knight’s face twist; saw the pointed smile fall to a confused frown.  Then the Knight fell in as well, and its roar of outrage threw Spike out of his dreams.  ## Spike snapped away, cannonballing himself out of bed. Spotting Star, he rushed to her side.  “Star! Star, wake up! Please wake up,” Spike begged. “Please tell me you won already.”  No response.  “C-Come on, Star!” Spike tried to staunch his tears. “Come on, Starry, wake up!” Desperate, he tried slapping her, but she had no response.  “What is going on here?” Redheart’s voice demanded.  “Something’s wrong with Star,” Spike shrieked. “She’s not responding!”  Red Heart nudged him out of the way, and checked her vitals and eyes. Spike found himself chewing his claws with baited breath.  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Red Heart rose.  “She’s in deep NREM sleep,” Red Heart reported. “Inaccessible even to the Dream Realm.” she sighed. “Nothing we can do but wait for her to cycle back into REM sleep. She won’t be able to reach the Dreamworld otherwise.” Spike couldn’t factor in a reply. All he could do was stare in mounting horror and sadness at what had been done.  Star Wing and Luna were trapped in the Dream Realm. As long as Umbra could still fight them, they would be unable to do anything in the waking world. Slowly, Spike’s head lowered. “I failed again,” he thought bitterly. “What are we gonna do now?”