The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Pone

by the Horse Writer

First published

David had never thought of his life as interesting; the monotony was breaking him. So when he traversed dimensions -albeit accidentally- and occupied the body of another, who knows how he’d felt? Dave can tell you, he just wants to go home.

David is bored. His life had grown samey, his daily routine a never-changing cycle, and due to his studies, he has no time for change.

And yet, the unexpected has a tendency to rear its head. In this occurrence, it took the form of a -somewhat illogical- trip between dimensions. Following another boring day, David had woken up, not in his home, but in a faraway land, filled with strange creatures who call themselves “Ponies”.

And wait a minute, why does he have yellow wings?


Takes place during mid season 2, for plot reasons :raritywink:
Cover image by the impeccable artist DALL-E
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
Story is tagged teen just to be sure- there are only a few mild curse words.
And sorry Douglas Adams fans, but this story has nothing to do with any of his works; the title is but an homage.


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It was a beautiful new day. Celestia’s bright sun rising on the horizon, shedding its golden light upon Ponyville’s fields, with little critters roving to and fro. This was especially true in Fluttershy’s residence; birds chirping, busy cleaning themselves for the day; rodents of all kinds waking up from their slumber. Only one being had not felt the joy of creation- Angel Bunny, the eternally grumpy rabbit.

Although Angel had a tendency for the grouch, this morning he indeed had a solid reason for it- within his mind, at least. Fluttershy, who normally woke with the sun, had remained in her slumber. This in itself did not bother Angel, however; because of this, Angel had not gotten his morning carrot-and-lettuce salad, which he could not start the day without. A quite horrendous act indeed.

Annoyed, Angel had left his waiting post at his food bowl and strutted over to his owner’s room, his rabbit feet softly tapping the ground. Although the pegasus’s room was up the staircase, which looked enormous to Angel’s small form, he had no problem with his mobility. After all, he is a rabbit, and -aside from being the best animal- rabbits excel in mobility.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Angel panted a bit- not that he needed to, of course- and went over to Fluttershy’s room. Fortunately, the wooden-brown door was slightly ajar, allowing him to swiftly step inside.

Finally inside, Angel took in the room. on the wall on his left were many wooden shelves, storing memorabilia and objects dedicated for special animal care. looking right, he saw a relatively barren wall, filled with only a single, full body mirror and some paintings. Finally, looking forwards, he witnessed his objective: Fluttershy’s bed.

Approaching the bed, Angel took notice of the large lump underneath the green sheets. Someone had gotten a bit comfortable, he thought and smirked a little. He was tough, not heartless.

Jumping upon the bed, Angel waddled over to the prone pegasus. "Flutters, wake up." He said, speaking in a rabbit language that only Fluttershy could understand.

Seeing no reaction, he reached out to her and held her in her paws.
“C’mon, wake up; I need that salad.” he spoke, gently shaking her. Waking her up has never been this hard, he thought. Not that I ever needed to, really.

Suddenly, he saw a small twitch underneath the sheets. a small voice entered his ears; “mmhm…” moaned the butter yellow pegasus, and shifted around.

“All right… I’m up…” came a half whisper, as Fluttershy dug out of her covers. her head peeking out, she took a long, confused look at Angel. “Hey… Why… Why do I have a bunny in my house?” she muttered, her eyes slitted in confusion. “And what happened to my voice?”

Angel raised his brow. “Heh, what do you mean?” he worryingly asked, the sacred meal momentarily forgotten. Hopefully she’s just messing with me. Not that she ever does…

Stuck in his thoughts, Angel did not notice Fluttershy’s eyes and mouth slowly opening in shock, or the small, choked shout that came out of it.



“Any more questions? No? Well then, class dismissed!” All right! I thought, the sound of shuffling students surrounding me. It’s not that I hate my classes -I chose to major in Biology, after all- but the human mind was not built to withstand 8 hours of constant studying.

Sweeping the notebook to my bag, I swiftly left the classroom and departed for the school’s exit. Although the Biology lab is on the other side of the school, it is luckily quite a small school, and I do not have to walk much. That does mean, though, that I have to pass near the public restroom, which always exudes an unpleasant aroma.

Nearing the terrorizing site, I watch as my friend, Paul, leaves the restroom. “Hey dude”, I say, momentarily frightening him.

“OH,” he exclaims, releasing a breath. “Hi Dave. How was class?” he asks, being awfully nice for a student at the end of a school day.

“Eh, not much. How about you?” I return, returning to my stride.

“Tired, you know how it is.”

“Yeah man, I sure do.”

“Really, I can’t understand how you manage to stay here this late, like, three times a week?” he ended with a question as we passed by empty classrooms.

Paul and I are quite different. Not too different, admittedly, but we have many differing characteristics. For instance, he does not share my love for sciences- He’s an amazing musician, but if you ask him to solve a quadratic equation… Well, you wouldn’t ask him again.

“Eh, you get used to it. Though I wish I could stay here this late only a day a week. Must be fun for you.” I return. The unusual hour of 6pm had drained most students away, only leaving the crazy few stuck in this… hellhole.

Walking the rest of the way in silence, we had finally reached the school’s exit. The wide yard, meant for storing hundreds of kids and teens waiting for their buses, was unnervingly empty. Thankfully, the large, blue gate signifying the exit was only a few meters away.

I muttered a swift goodbye to the guard and passed the gate, Paul by my side; We had reached the point of splitting up.

“Bye Dave!” he called out as we went our separate ways.

“Bye Paul, see you tomorrow!” and I was alone.

A short walk later, and I had reached the serene building which I called home.

“Mom, dad, I’m home!” I announced, opening the front door.

Receiving no response, I stand in the doorway, momentarily confused. Oh yeah, they went on vacation. again. I grumpily thought as I closed the door. Guess I’ll be alone tonight.

Walking through the living room, I headed towards the corridor, intent on reaching my room; though, I didn’t get far inside before I got tackled from one of the side rooms. Luckily, this was no mysterious intruder…

“Laika! Be careful!” I declared, hunching at the excited Golden retriever at my feet. “Oh, how can I be mad at you…” In response, Laika had decided to lick my face. “Bleh.” I muttered.

Well, maybe not as alone as I thought…


I woke to a feeling of rattling. This was unusual, seeing as I had an alarm clock, though this thought had not reached my sleeping mind.

A small, discontent mutter escaped my lips as I shifted around, trying to shake off the intruder. Seeing as the action did not improve my condition, I admitted defeat.

“All right…” I mumbled. “I’m up…”

Squirming around, I popped my head out of my -unexpectedly green- sheets. Outside of my comfy adobe awaited a surprise- A white, somewhat annoyed rabbit; Though I couldn’t tell you just how I knew its mood.

“Hey… Why…” I began, brain lagging. “Why do I have a bunny in my house?” a quick realization fell onto me. “And what happened to my voice?”

The rabbit did not answer my questions. Instead, it had done something much more surprising- and concerning; It spoke.

“Heh, what do you mean?” it said. It said. I may not be religious, but I could swear a quick prayer had left my mind at that moment. In my sudden panic, my brain had decided on the best course of action- perhaps in order to scare away the terrifying rodent, I had initiated a primordial defense mechanism.


the Outside World

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“So let me get this straight.” Angel deadpanned. “You’re not Fluttershy.”

They were now in the kitchen, not-Fluttershy having calmed down after a short-yet-eventful freakout.

“Yes! I keep telling you, I am a guy! A human! not some… some girly horse!” she- he said, his intonation not fitting his body’s voice. “And my name is David, for God’s sake.”

Angel had decided not to ask who this god guy is, instead opting for a more productive “Ehhhh…”

“Great, and I broke the rabbit.” David short-temperedly said, rolling his eyes.

“Look,” Angel began, “This situation is clearly above both of our heads.”

“Figured that one out all by yourself?”

“And as much as I appreciate sarcasm, it won’t advance us.” Angel annoyedly replied.

David sighed, leaning back in his chair. “Yes, I’m… I’m sorry. It’s just… too much, you know?” he said, throwing his new hooves up in exasperation. “I mean, my whole body is odd, I’m probably in some weird, parallel universe or whatever, and it’s just… a lot…” David trailed off, letting his arms fall by his side. “And now I’m rambling to a rabbit…”

Angel couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the inter-dimensional intruder. He placed a paw to his head, thinking of their next course of action.

“We can go to Twilight, I guess. Apparently, she always knows what to do.” He half muttered.

“That’s a stupid name,” replied David.

“Yeah, and Fluttershy is so much better.”

“Not her, remember?”

“...Fair point.” Angel admitted.” A short pause filled the room as its occupants collected their thoughts.

David sighed. “Who is this Twilight person, anyway?”

“Well, she’s your- she's Fluttershy’s friend. I heard from Flutters that she’s the smart type; books, magic, all that stuff… you know the kind."

David looked down in contemplation, caressing his pink hair with inexperienced hooves. "It's worth a shot, I guess." he shrugged. "Guess we'll go right now. The sooner I'm done with this mess, the better."

As he struggled to get out of his seat, David glanced at Angel. "And by the way, you can call me Dave."


Closing the door was a challenge, yet I managed to overcome it using my -blergh- newly acquired snout. Of course, I was a bit wary about going to this pony-town, but I suppose I do not have a choice in the matter.

Now we were on our way to the nearby settlement, slowly nearing us; I could just barely see some colorful specks between the buildings.

Oddly enough, the town is quite far from my current abode. How did this Fluttershy manage to get her house's utilities this far?

I took a look at the passenger nestled between my newly acquired wings, and, in an attempt to dispel the awkward silence surrounding us, asked a quick question.

"So, how come I understand you? And for that matter, do all ponies understand rabbits?"

Angel rubbed a paw behind his head. "Well, Fluttershy's special talent is animal care and the likes, and I guess a part of it is speaking to animals; it must have carried on to you, somehow."

He stared at the advancing road ahead. "And no, Flutters is the only pony able to communicate with me."

"Oh. I'm not even going to question how this works."

"Yeah, I don't understand pony magic myself."

His language was interesting; I could hear it wasn't English, but somehow, I just automatically understood it. I can just imagine how useful this power is.

Just as I was about to continue our conversation, I suddenly stopped; shocked, I looked ahead from my position at the town's entrance.

Ponies. Ponies everywhere.

Although I knew this was coming, it had still managed to surprise me. Those tiny specks had grown into brightly colored beings, trotting, galloping, and flying around. That last one had given me another pause; perhaps those wings aren't just decorations.

There were ponies of all kinds- some with bony protrusions on their forehead, which I could only assume were horns of some kind; some were like me, equipped with wings clearly too small for flight; and some were the vanilla package- a pony and nothing more.

It seems I have stumbled upon a market, seeing as there were vendors everywhere, selling all kinds of goods. I dumbfoundedly stared at one such merchant, a “normal” pony with a bright yellow coat and a golden mane who was selling carrots. They were currently haggling with another pony, a minty blue -for a lack of a better word- unicorn.

As I watched, the unicorn deposited some golden coins on the vendor’s desk, and, to my increasing astonishment, a few carrots floated up in a blue glow, following after the leaving pony.

I couldn’t help but feel, for the second time today, my mouth slowly opening in shock. “what the fuck…

“David! Snap out of it!” a small nudge from the passenger above me returned me to the present.

“Sorry. It’s just a lot to take in…” I murmured. Sighing, I turned my head towards my companion. “Well, lead the way, buddy.”

“Just head forwards.” he pointed towards a store featuring a generic open sign. “And don’t call me buddy.”

“Sure, sure.”

I was cautious of walking through the market, with Its large concentration of weird, pastel horses; though it seems I do not have a choice in the matter. Seriously, who placed the market right at the town’s entrance?

We walked in silence, -well, I walked- the busy chatter of the marketplace more than enough for my ears. It had all seemed so alien to me; as a city resident, It was rare to see such friendly gatherings between what seemed to be essentially strangers. …Of course, the fact that everyone were ponies did not help.

I was so engrossed in my feeling of alienation that I almost didn’t notice a friendly cry coming from a nearby stall. “Hey there, sugarcube!”

I snapped my head in surprise at the unexpected noise. Was she talking to me? I thought as I took in who called out to me. Not too far from me stood an orange pony, -”standard" one, that is- wearing a cowboy hat, of all things. based on the voice, I could deduce it’s a female, accented with a southern touch. She was manning a stand, surrounded by bags of bright red apples on all sides. Most worryingly, though, she was looking right at me- with a slowly diminishing grin, I might add.

“Y’all okay, Fluttershy? You're staring…” Shit! Why haven’t I thought about someone recognizing me!? trying to hide my internal berating, I slowly approached the orange mare.

“Oh, hello…” -a quick whisper came from above- “...Applejack.” my anxiety did not help stop a stifled snort at the name.

She subtly shook her head. “Ya came for some groceries?” she chummily asked, “Y’know ‘m always willing to sell at a discount for a friend.”

“Oh, no, I’m just on my way to… Twi-height.” I awkwardly smiled, trying to ignore the angry nudge on my back.

"Really? Then why didn't you go through the side entrance, like ya’ usually do?”

“Huh.” I deadpanned. “I must have forgotten in my rush.” I snarled, slightly turning my head towards my rabbit companion in contempt. “Speaking of rush, I really do have to go…”

Applejack’s brow furrowed. “Gal, you really ain’t like yourself today. Are ya’ sure you're alright?”

Damnit. The girl that I possessed just had to have good friends, I thought. In an attempt to cover up my bitterness I hummed, fully on edge; “No need to worry about me. Though yes, I’m not at my… full capacity; that’s the reason I’m going to Twilight, really.” I chattered nervously.

Applejack’s expression softened. “Well, if you say so… s’pose you can care for yourself. Though you can always come to me if you need, y’know.” She kindly said.

“Erm, thanks for the offer…?” I clumsily said and turned around, towards what I supposed was Twilight’s residence’s direction. I quickly resumed my hike at a hurried pace; I was not used to having such… affectionate friends.

I had not gotten far before the weight above me shifted as Angel moved closer to my head. “You are aware I don’t know the way, right?”

I spun around. “Hey Applejack, I think I might take you up on that offer!”


The first few steps outside the market were in complete, awkward silence. To me, at least; it seems Applejack does not mind being in her “friend’s” company. Well, I didn’t have much to complain- I mean, more silence is less time having to pose as someone else.

Unfortunately, the quiet was not to stay.

“So, sugarcube… can ah’ ask what is this, eh, plight o’ yours?” questioned the hatted mare.

“Oh dear…” I mumbled under my breath.

Applejack threw her forehoof onto my shoulder In what I could only assume was meant as reassurance. How she could do so while walking was a mystery to my bipedal mind. “Hey, no need to tell me if ya’ ain’t feelin’ it; I understand.”

Hrm… Well, lying -or hiding the truth- would not get me anywhere, would it? Plus, she’ll probably know it anyway, seeing as she’s Fluttershy’s friend. Better get done with it now.

“No, No; it’s okay. I’ll tell you.” I shyly said. Just as I was about to continue, however, a nudge on my neck made me stop and look back, toward my admittedly forgotten passenger.

“Are you sure about this? Once you tell her, you can’t take it back,” he said, perhaps somewhat worriedly so.

“Trust me. She’ll probably learn of it soon, anyway.” I replied.

Angel seemed ready to object, but he admitted defeat. “Your choice, I guess.” He shrugged. “Welp, looks like you’ve got it covered. I’ma go back home and make me a salad or something…” he said and hopped off.

“Take care!” I called as I watched him hop away.

Sighing, I turned to Applejack, who was patiently waiting. “Done talking with your rabbit buddy?”

“Yeah. About that… thing you asked about…” I trailed off, sitting down on the dirt road. “...Well, you better sit down.”

“Heh, trust me, I can take it.” She confidently said.

I winced. “You see…” I began, “I’m not Fluttershy.”

Applejack’s rump had fallen to the floor, her wide eyes staring right at me.

“You're… what?”

I shrugged. “Told ya it’s big.”

She seemed zoned out, lost in thought. I stared expectantly at her and awaited her reaction. Honestly, she was much less freaked out than I had originally guessed; I suppose living in a magical world would make you used to seeing weird stuff.

She shook her head and got up. “Okay; we need to get to Twilight, ASAP,” she spoke seriously.

I stood up and nodded my head. “All right. I’ll fill you in while we walk.”


“And then I woke up. Here.”

We were on our way now, jogging at a swift pace I had not gotten used to yet; though a few small stumbles were the least of my problems right now. I had just finished recapping my last few hours to Applejack- Frankly, I was getting sick of explaining what a human is today.

“Hoo-wee, that sure is something…” the accented mare responded to my tale.

“You’re telling me.”

"Well, ya' ain't got ta' worry nothin'. I'm sure Twi will getcha back home lickety-split!"

I silently thanked her for the reassurance, even if it did nothing to quell my worries. "So… how close are we?" I questioned, trying not to sound too impatient.

"We've got some time; few minutes, I reckon."

I slightly turned my head towards her, still keeping half an eye on the road- hey, I was getting better at it!

"Hey, I just realized I barely know a thing about you," I spoke in an attempt to be friendly. Admittedly, that is not something I do often enough.

"Heh," she snorted, "Ain't much to talk about, really. Ah’ farm apples; It’s the family business, ya’ see.”

Applejack farms apples? that can’t be a coincidence…

“Surely your whole life can’t be just about apples, right?” I rhetorically questioned.

“You’d be surprised.” she rolled her eyes. “But yeah, ah’ do plenty o’ stuff. Guess ah’ got ma’ small group of friends, and together we just… Ah dono’, hang out, I guess.” she shrugged, continuing to surprise me with just how expressive a pony's body could be while moving.

“Sounds pretty peaceful.”

“Ah' wouldn’t say that, but life sure does have its quiet times.”

We trotted in silence for a few moments, the only sound being the whip of the wind and the occasional chatter of a nearby passerby. In a somewhat uncharacteristic feeling for me, I had felt some need to dispel the silence, but luckily, Applejack took the first move.

“Sooo… I only heard about your more recent ventures; what’s yo’ life usually like?”

“Eh, my life is boring. I just study and meet up with friends, that’s it.” I sighed. “Frankly, even though I’m scared shitless right now, I’m still glad for the break in the monotony.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Ya’ always use harsh language like that?”

“Pfft, that’s harsh for you?” I joked. “I’ll have you know my language is considered squeaky clean! In respect to some other guys I know, at least…”

The farmer shivered slightly. “Brrr, It’s real odd to hear Fluttershy talk like that.” Recovering, she looked at me. “I was wonderin’... Well, how’s it feel to… Ya’ know… be like that, and all?”

I turned my head down, staring at the moving ground in contemplation. “I don’t know… I’ve just been tuning it out, I guess.” I looked back at her, “But it sure does feel odd. I mean, I’m not used to walking around on all fours, or having a feminine voice; and don't even get me started on those wings.”

“Ah can imagine. if I’d sprout wings overnight, I’d prob’ly freak out real bad.” The hatted mare responded.

Suddenly, her eyes grew open a tad more. “Wait a minute… Ya’ said you're ain’t used to a girly voice…” she trailed off, a slight blush coming to her cheeks. “Does that mean you’re not… Ya’ know…”

I grimaced as I inhaled sharply. “Yep. Though, to be honest, this change less bothers me than freaking changing species."

Applejack nodded, still a bit awkward. “This I can understand, sugarcube.”

Suddenly, Applejack slowed down, coming to a swift yet elegant stop. Seeing as I did not have the best reflexes or control over my body, I had managed to step on my hoof the wrong way.

A few seconds later I was lying on my back, watching the clouds, as Applejack entered my view.

"Oh! So sorry, Dave." she said, offering a hoof, "Should've told you I was gonna slow down…"

"Don't sweat it." I muttered as I accepted her help and stood up. "Why'd we stop anyway?"

"Cause' we're here! That there is Twi's house!" she said, pointing forwards.

"What, behind that tree?" I said as I leaned to the side, searching for the accursed building, which was apparently obscured by a large oak tree.

"Wha'- no, it's the tree!"

Confused, I took a look at the oak tree. Upon closer inspection, it was clear it served as a building of some kind, with a door, windows, and even a balcony. A sign was placed beside the door, displaying an open book.

"Huh." I mumbled. How did they even manage to keep the tree alive? Then I remembered where I was. Duh.

"Yep. This here's golden oaks library, Ponyville's prized establishment!" spoke Applejack with pride. "Y'see, Twilight's the librarian, so she lives here, where she works."

A brief moment of silence passed over us as I stared at the anomalous house. Eventually, though, I recovered. “Well, shall we?” I questioned, nodding towards the tree-house.

“Let’s git.” the orange mare said and trotted over to the door, with me following right behind, anxiously anticipating the coming conversation.

Hopefully this Twilight will take it well…

the Meeting

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Knock knock knock.

I stared at the oaken door as Applejack removed her hoof. I wasn’t that anxious; I heard only good things about the pony behind the door, after all; Though I have to admit I was just a tad nervous.

Wait a minute… I furrowed my brow. “Why’d we knock?” I questioned, “I mean, it’s a public library, isn’t it?”

My companion turned to me, her eyebrow raised slightly. “The library ain’t open ‘till 10, sugarcube.”

Still not 10 AM, huh? I could have sworn it’s been a day already…

We lapsed to silence for a few short moments before Applejack sighed. “Prob’ly didn’t hear it the first time,” she said, reaching over to the door again.

Knock knock knock.

“Coming!” came a shout from inside. The voice hadn’t been what I was expecting, though. I had heard Twilight was an adult woman, but that voice had been relatively young and somewhat boyish.

Applejack’s eyes grew wide as she turned to me. “Erm, I may have forgot ta’ tell you this, but Twi has an assistant, Spike.” She said, “And, well… Spike is-”

She was suddenly cut off by the door opening, which revealed a- a dragon?!

My pupils went wide in shock as I silently took in the new arrival’s form. It was a small, purple and green lizard, with small, round spikes all along its back. Although it had a diminished stature and lacked wings, it obviously was -to my bewilderment- a dragon, straight out of a fairytale.

“-A dragon…” Finished Applejack.

“Hey, guys! Whatcha doing?” said the mythical creature.

I should stop being surprised, I thought as I shook off my confusion.

“Hey Spike,” greeted Applejack, and I nodded in an I-probably-know-you-but-can't-remember fashion.

“Oh, I should probably tell you Twi’s sleeping, so if ya’ can keep quiet, that would be great,” Spike said and moved from the doorway, motioning for us to come in.

“Shucks, we need her right now. Fluttershy’s got a little problem, y’see.” Applejack said as she took the lead, me following right behind.

Spike closed the door behind us. “Well, I guess we can wake her up, but y’know how she is after some late night studying…” he sighed and turned to me, “Are you sure it can’t wait?”

Quickly working up the courage, I answered, “Yes, Spike, I’m sure.”

The dragon shrugged. “Alright, I’mma go wake her up. Make yourself at home, or something.” as he went up the -previously unnoticed- stairs, I could hear him mutter, “Just hope it wouldn’t be like last time…

With nothing taking up my attention, I could fully take in the room I was now in. It was a library, alright- the circular wall was entirely covered with books of all kinds, only leaving room for the exit door, some stairs, and what I could only presume was the kitchen. The room had small tables scattered about, soft cushions surrounding them.

My examination finished, I sat at one of the nearby tables, Applejack following me.

I took a look at my companion. “So… You have dragons here.”

“Eh, Spike’s a rare breed ‘round here, really. Most o’ them dragons live in the Dragon Lands.”

“Wha- no- I meant, dragons exist-” I groaned, exasperated. “you know what, whatever.”

“Heh, just messing with ya’, sugarcube.” Applejack chuckled at my pout. “I guess your world ain’t so magical if you’re surprised by dragons, of all things.”

Rolling my eyes, I asked, “Urm… So how old is he again? Spike, I mean.”

Applejack seemed a bit embarrassed. “I’m… not so sure, I hav’ta admit. About 11 or 12, ah’ thin-” she began, before being cut off by a muffled crash from above.


Oh Spike, I’m so sorry!” a feminine voice I could only assume was Twilight responded.

I raised an eyebrow, nodding upwards. Applejack only shrugged in return.

A minute later two figures came down the stairs. One, the dragon named Spike, holding an arm to his head; the other, though, was a purple-coated unicorn, sporting bags under her half-lidded eyes.

“...How about you take a day off? I’ll clean around today.” the unicorn said to her assistant.

“...I should get hurt more often…”

The unicorn I assumed was Twilight smirked and shook her head. Suddenly, she threw her head back, remembering where she was.

“Oh, hi girls!” said the newcomer, “I’m sorry if I’m a little,” she yawned, “slow right now… I barely got any sleep last night...”

“Nothing of it, sugarcube.”

Spike groaned. “Eh, I’mma go make myself breakfast. You girls want anything?”

“No thanks, Spike.”

“Nah, ah ain’t hungry.”

“Mm-mm.” I politely shook my head.

“Suit yourself.” Spike shrugged and went to the kitchen.

We stood in silence for a few awkward moments, before Twilight sighed. “Sooo… I heard you needed me for something?”

“Yeah…” I muttered, perhaps a bit annoyed at needing to explain it for a third time today. “I’ll be direct, Twilight.” I sighed, speaking in a hushed tone. “I’m not Fluttershy.”

Twilight’s eye twitched. “You’re… what?”

Are those ponies a broken record? I thought. “I’m. not. Fluttershy.” I spoke loudly, perhaps a little too annoyed.

A surprised shout came from the kitchen. “Wha-” a clatter of utensils, “-ow.”

Twilight stuck a hoof to her forehead, eyes shut.

“I’ll need a coffee for this one…”


“All right, let’s get this started.” said the purple unicorn, cradling a steaming cup of coffee in her hooves.

I nodded and sipped the tea I graciously accepted from my host. Strange, usually I’m a coffee type of guy, but… I don’t know, tea seems more… natural?

We were alone now; after we had gotten past the introductions, Applejack and Spike had left to gather up "The Girls", whom I assumed were their friend group.

“Well, how about you tell me a short description of what happened?” she said.

“Ugh, where do I start?” I groaned, “I guess… I came home late from school -I study Biology, y’see- and just, I don’t know, went to sleep.” I sigh, leaning back on the cushion. “All of this just, like, happened; no forewarning.”

Twilight's brow furrowed, her inquisitive stare scrutinizing me. “Huh,” she muttered.

The unicorn hmmed. “Does your world have any magic?”

“Not that I know of.” I shook my head, “Not like how it’s here, anyway. The only magic I know is simple sleight of hand.”

"Well, that narrows it. It's far more likely the source of your problem came from Equestria."

"Do you have an idea about what that source is, exactly?" I replied, perhaps unintentionally snarkily.

"Hmm, tough question." Twilight placed a hoof to her chin, "There are plenty of creatures and artifacts who can do such a thing that come to mind."

"Surely there can't be that many stuff able to traverse universes, right?"

Twilight shrugged. "Kind of? I mean, only a few beings were documented with such powers, but many creatures have magic powerful enough to do this, just not the expertise."

She gulped her coffee, making me remember that I too, in fact, have a drink.

The unicorn sighed. "We can't really know anything without running tests. Otherwise, it's just speculation."

My eyes grew large during a sip at the mention of testing. Putting my cup down, I asked, "You mean, test… on me?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing invasive." She reassuringly waved her hoof. "I just want to check your magical signature."

She silently “oh”ed at my raised eyebrow. “It means I’ll stick some electrodes across your body- well, Fluttershy’s, technically.” she looked me in the eyes, “You won’t feel a thing. I promise.”

“Phew, that’s a relief.” I released a breath, "Any idea when these tests would take place?"

"Hrm, I've got all of the necessary equipment already, but…" she trailed off, "Last time I used some of it was a few years back, so I'm not sure if all the parts work."

"Would that… be a problem?" I asked tentatively.

Twilight shook her head. "Not really. Luckily, all the parts are sold right here, in Ponyville. It does mean though that the tests will wait for tomorrow."

I nodded and took a sip as the unicorn stood up. "I'll check right n-" she began, before being interrupted by a knock on the door.

Twilight and I looked at one another. Turning to the door, Twilight called, "Come in!"

The door opened, letting in the sound of a verbal, yet friendly, quarrel.

"I told ya', you didn't have to drag me all the way here!" Shouted a scratchy voice, as inside came a familiar farmer.

Applejack, spitting a tuft of -rainbow?- hair from her mouth, responded in kind; "Well, ya' wouldn't wake up from yer' nap! And really, you should stop nappin' on mah trees!"

"Hey, I was awake for, like, half the way!" The voice retorted, as in came its bearer. "You just did it out of spite."

A blue pegasus entered, rolling her eyes. The first thing that caught my eye was the, quite obviously colored, I might add, prismatic mane and tail. Seriously, she has more shades than M&M! Not that I judge, though; if I haven’t had short hair I would probably color my hair too, just… not like this…

The friend’s argument, who frankly fought like a couple, returned me to the present; “Yea’, and?” Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“Girls! It’s not a time for fighting!” Twilight asserted, taking hold of the conversation.

“Yeah, yeah,” murmured the walking bag of skittles as the duo entered the library. Suddenly, though, the newcomer noticed me; “Oh, hi Flutters’.”

I was rooted in place. Why did the human pulled here just had to be the awkwardest person on earth?

I managed to mutter in a small voice; “Urm… hi.Man am I not good with unexpected strangers.

Perhaps unexpectedly, the pegasus just snickered, “Heh, keep being yourself, ‘shy.” The group of friends sat at the table, the farmer by my right, the familiar stranger by her right, and the unicorn a seat away from my left.

“So, Applejack,” began Twilight, “Where’s Spike? and the rest of the girls, for that matter?”

“Me an’ Spike split up; thought it’d be more efficient that way.” Applejack placed a hoof on the table. “Spike’s went to Rarity’s while ah’ looked for Rainbow, who I found in mah’ orchard.” Applejack drilled a stare at Rainbow, -That’s her name, right?- who was rubbing her mane with an arm behind her head, sporting an awkward grin.

“Anyway,” Applejack continued, “I jus’ kinda assumed Pinkie would know ta’ come here by herself, somehow.”


Jesus fucking christ on a stick! I had the restraint not to shout at the sudden voice from above. Eyes wide, I raised my sight to the roof.

Huh. There is a pony on the ceiling.

For the uncountably many time that day, I had entered a state of absolute dumbfoundedness. The source of my plight, however, exhibited the exact opposite; the overly pink pony was smiling broadly, arms wide, and slowly spinning from a rope attached to the ceiling.

“Hoo-wee, Pinkie, ya’ sure do know how ta’ make an entrance.” Applejack straightened her hat.

“Yeah, you should do that in our next pranking session!” said the rainbow pegasus, who seemed to attempt to hide the fact that she, too, was fazed by this scare.

I breathed a sigh of relief, removing the arm I unconsciously raised to my heart. Gah, those ponies will be the end of me.

The pink anomaly who is apparently named Pinkie did… something with the rope, and slowly lowered herself to the table, upon which she stood.

"I sure will, Dashie!" Pinkie quite literally bounced to a chair across from me. "Sooo… what are we doing here?" She cheerfully exclaimed, Rainbow nodding in agreement.

Twilight and I stole a glance, and Applejack slightly shrank into her chair.

"I would rather talk about it when we're all here." Twilight said. "It would probably save a lot of…" she glanced at me, "Unnecessary explanations."

I subtly nodded, silently thanking Twilight.

“Oh, alrighty!” Pinkie proclaimed, enthusiastic as before.

I leaned to my right. "Is the pink one always so…" I trailed off from my whisper, "Exuberant?" Not to mention breaking all logic, even in this place.

Applejack chuckled. "That's Pinkie Pie for you, Sugarcube."

"Anyways, girls," the pink mare continued, "I'm so worried! 'Cause Gummy's missing, and he never goes missing!"

"Oh my," I quietly said, "where have you last seen him?"

For some odd reason, it had felt right to be worried about this Gummy, whatever it was. Not that I wouldn't usually be worried, and yet…

"Hrm, let's see…" Pinkie thought for a short moment, "I gave him his food yesterday, and then I bathed him, and then I had to make some cupcakes because I forgot to earlier, so I-"

"Pinks', I love ya' to death, but can you please get to the point?" Rainbow short-tempertedly said.

"Oh for sure! Long story short, I went to sleep with him on my bed, and when I woke up, POOF!" She threw her hands open, "He was gone!"

As I was about to comment, the sound of the door distracted me, dropping the worry I held.

“After you, my lady.” came the voice of Spike, and I turned around.

“Oh Spike, you're such a gentleman.” a feminine voice returned, as in came its owner; A white unicorn, with well-groomed purple mane and tail.

I assume this is the ‘Rarity’ they mentioned. Seems like a, um…

It was hard not to notice the small, yet substantial amount of makeup on the white mare. Mascara, eyelashes, and stuff I didn’t even know existed- which is the large majority of beauty products, when I think about it.

…Like the leader of a fashion cult, frankly.

The unicorn took in the room, and quickly grew an apologetic smile. “I’m terribly sorry for being late, girls. I simply had an amazing inspiration that I just had to get out of my system.” She took a seat between Twilight and me, “I hope I haven’t missed something important.”

“Nah, Rare’s,” began Rainbow, “Twilight kinda’ refused to tell us anything until everyone was here.”

“Oh my. So it’s that serious?”

I nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

It was quiet for a few short moments, all of us seemingly readying ourselves for the encounter. I was somewhat thankful for that brief period, though it did nothing to quell my growing concern about what was to come next.

"Sooo… I guess I'll go to my room?" Spike said, ruining the moment, and embarrassedly walked to the stairs.

The moment gone, Twilight hmm’ed. “Well, shall we get this started?” Although the question was directed to all, the quick glance she had directed at me had given me a different idea.

Everyone expressed a sign of agreement; A few nodes, hums, and an enthusiastic “Yepperoni” -I’m sure you can guess the culprit- were but some of the responses.

Twilight sighed. “So, some of you might be wondering why I called you all today. Rest assured, it was for a good reason.” She looked across the group, her glance sweeping through the gathered ponies. “A reason concerning our friend, Fluttershy.”

murmuring spread throughout the group- at least the half that was not currently aware of the problem. Pinkie and Rainbow talked amongst themselves, Applejack seeming to gravitate toward this conversation. Rarity, though…

“Darling, are you feeling alright?” Rarity hushed by my side, concerned.

“Urm, it’s complicated…”

“Girls, let me continue,” Twilight said calmly yet firmly, the room quieting in response.

She glanced at me, seeming to ask, ‘Do you want to take it from here?’

I Shook my head. ‘I’ve done my fair share of explaining today.’

It appeared Twilight understood my answer, as she continued; “I’ll start off by saying we don’t know many things. We do know, however, that Fluttershy, Well… She’s not here.”

“Huh? She’s right there!” Rainbow interjected and pointed at me, as I shrunk in my seat.

“Sorry, let me rephrase that.” Twilight said, “Fluttershy’s body is here, with us; but her mind, it’s… missing.”

A dead silence permeated the room; I buried my head in my arms, and the farmer beside me tipped her hat behind her head. God, I can feel their stares…

“Instead, there’s another mind. a… different mind.”

The spell that fell upon us broke, as shocked gasps and shouts filled the air. At that moment, though, I could only hope for the ground to swallow me whole. Luckily for me, I had support, in the form of a farmer, holding her arm on my back in encouragement. It does appear that I have made a friend.

“Fluttershy,” Rarity looked aghast, her eyes wide open. “Is this true? Are you really… not you?”

All I managed was a small nod. Lowering my head, I spoke; “I’m… I’m sorry.”

“You’ve got nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout, Sugarcube.” Applejack comforted me.

Although I was thankful for the support, I was still petrified. I raised my head, gathered my confidence, and looked at the group. They were all rattled in their own way; Even Pinkie, who, as I got the impression, never loses her smile, had a frown filling her features.

I exhaled deeply. “I’m… My name is David. Nice to meet you all.” I attempted a friendly smile. It may have came out a little awkward, though.

As I looked at their concerned faces, I realized; They aren’t a threat. They are just people, anxious for their friend.

And so, I told them. I told of me; of my recent escapades. I explained it all.

For the fourth time that day.


By the end of the hour, I had became familiar with them all. Who knew pouring your heart out in front of someone would make a connection form?

They were all still concerned for their friend, -and understandably so- but the apprehension had left their eyes. Though each one had their own rhythm, they had all warmed up to me by the time I finished my tale.

I was currently sipping on another tea I graciously accepted from my host. Cinnamon, as it turns out, was a pleasant flavor indeed. Midway through my TED talk, we had moved to a spacious piece of floor, clear of everything but some comfy cushions.

Rainbow Dash, as I learned from her and the surrounding ponies, was many things. A speedster; A fearless daredevil; A hero (This one was a little of a shock, as I discovered I was surrounded by magical heroes- and inhibited the body of one, no less!).

Knowing all this, it had felt odd to see her so distraught. It made sense to worry, especially for her- it appears she knew Fluttershy for much longer than the rest. And yet…

Twilight emerged from the kitchen, holding a refilled teapot aloft in her magic. She entered the disarranged circle we had made, dispelling the comfortable silence that descended in her absence.

The rainbow pegasus turned to her, worry in her eyes. “Twi’... I just thought about it; if Dave’s here, then where’s Fluttershy?”

“Huh.” Twilight furrowed her brow. “That’s a good question. We can only speculate about it; I have as much of an idea as you, really.”

Pinkie Pie, her extensive energy recharged, spoke up. “Ooh, what if they did a switcheroo, and now Fluttershy’s in Dave’s body?”

“I sure hope not.” I snorted. “Earth’s not a nice place to be for someone who doesn’t know the layout.”

“Oh my, I hope she’s alright,” Rarity said, “wherever she is.”

Twilight pondered on it for a second. “I suppose that’s possible, but I kind of doubt it. The energy required to transport a single person across dimensions would be tremendous, not to mention two.”

Egghead,” Rainbow muttered, then broke into a grin when Applejack raised an eyebrow at her.

A brief silence filled the room as each entered their thoughts. Quickly, though, I spoke; “Well, I guess we’ll know the answer anyway when we fix this mess.” I smirked in hopeful optimism, something that I admittedly lack most days.

“We sure will.” the hatted farmer agreed. “Welp, ah’ think it’s time to get back to ma’ orchard. Big mac can’t cover all o’ ma’ chores, after all.”

Applejack got up and went over to the door. “See ya’ gals’ later!” she said, quickly responded with a chorus of goodbyes.

Slowly, one by one, they had all left the Library, until it was only me and the unicorn who had graciously answered my request for help.

“Well,” I stood up, “I guess I’ll go too. I still need to familiarize myself with my new abode.”

Twilight nodded. “I understand. I still have a new shipment of books to organize…” Strangely, she seemed slightly excited at the prospect of organization.

Just as I turned to leave, however, she called; “Wait a minute… We totally forgot about the tests!”

Oh, the tests… I was kinda hoping she’d forget about them… even if they are helpful to my current state.

“Wait here, I’ll go check if everything’s working.” She announced and departed down the stairs, towards what I could only assume was a basement of some kind.

I sighed and sat on a nearby cushion. Is it wrong to hope for something to be broken?

Luckily, it was not long before she emerged from the underground, muttering to herself.

“I could have sworn the concurrent arcane calibrator was working not too long ago…” she mumbled, then turned to me. “I’m sorry, but there are a few broken parts, so the tests will probably wait for noon tomorrow. I hope it’s fine…”

I got up for the second time, intent on leaving. “Don’t sweat about it.” Phew!

I walked to the door, turning around at the exit. “Bye Twilight!” I said.

“Bye Dave! See you tomorrow!” She returned, and I closed the door. Finally, I was free of all those… friendly ponies. Those friendly ponies I came to know and care for, all in the span of half a day. Very untypical of me.

Now, though, I was all to myself. Although my future was still in question, my worry was quite quelled. I knew I was in good hands. Or hooves.

Now if only I knew the way back to the cottage…

the Fourth Chapter

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“Five… Six…”

The rest of yesterday was quite uneventful. Well, as uneventful as it could be, given the situation. After a little walk around the town, -I was not lost!- I had returned to the cottage I was currently residing in.

It had felt odd, to say the least, to reside in someone else’s home; especially so as there was no room to breathe, seeing as the homeowner most definitely liked her animals.

“Seven… Eight…”

Speaking of animals, I learned much about their care that afternoon. As freakishly sapient as they were, the critters still had a need for some outside help.

After that repetitive yet surprisingly relaxing act, I could confidently say I had adapted to all of my new appendages. All, except one, who had continued to elude me.

“Nine… And… Ten!”

I collapsed on the ground, the late morning sun more than a nuance to my thirsty mouth. Luckily for me, a bottle filled with crisp, life-saving juice sat beside me.

“C’mon, that was just one set!” my rainbow-haired coach called, coming down from a hover slightly above the ground.

I took a long gulp of water and stood up. “Hey, you try to work out in this untrained body.”

“Sure buddy,” Rainbow rolled her eyes, “Keep making excuses.”

I groaned. “Ugh, Why do I even have to do this?”

“Ya’ said you wanted to fly, right?” she rhetorically asked, “Well, that’s how you fly.”

“But we’ve just been doing push-ups! With wings, I might add…”

“Chillax, this is just the warm-up. Plus, you really do need to familiarize yourself with your wings.”

She clapped her hooves once, asserting; "All right, on the ground!"

I sighed, giving in to her strict orders. I was never a sports-inclined person, but when I lowered to the ground again, I swore I could understand just why do people do sports.

And who knows, perhaps a little exercise would be good for my mind.


I was wrong. Exercising is shit.

I was panting heavily, my entire body aching; though the sorest part was by far my newly acquired wings. Perhaps because of my inexperience, or perhaps Fluttershy’s apparent superficial use, but the wings were hurting as all heck.

Rainbow, though, did not seem to care, as the concept of a break was seemingly alien to her. That is, a break for me; I have heard much yesterday about her famous bouts of laziness. Unfortunately for me, they did not appear today.

“Y’see, it’s all about this part here,” she unfurled a wing and pointed toward its base. “It's what gives your flaps power.”

I simply nodded, still sweaty and aching. Although I had wanted to cut this session early, it still felt important to me to learn more about my new feathered appendages. And now, we had finally gotten to the good stuff.

It was still hard to focus, though.

“Welp, how about ya’ try it out?” she asked, snapping me out of my stupor.

Oh, finally! I thought, energy mysteriously returning to me. I spryly lowered my stance, giving my body the stability needed for a balanced takeoff. As Rainbow had said earlier; "You're either balanced, or your flight's gone…ast."

Sharply, I unfurled my wings, -still weird to say that- and slowly gave a few tentative flaps. It had felt odd, to say the least. It was similar to flapping your arms around, but… not like it at all, I suppose.

"Take it easy, now," Rainbow said from the side, watching with folded arms.

"Don't worry," I brazenly responded, "I've got this."

Feeling confident, I lowered my wings, their tips almost reaching the ground. Slowly, I raised, then lowered, and so forth. Picking up speed, I began feeling lightweight, and suddenly- I had stopped feeling the ground.

Oh my fuck, I thought giddily. I’m actually flying!

“Yeah, you go!” Rainbow encouraged, raising a hoof in triumph.

Nevertheless, I had forgotten in my hubris the most important lesson of all: orientation.

A short twist and a bump on the head later, and Rainbow offered her hoof to me.

“Pfft,” she snorted as she helped me up, “that was like watching a newborn foal try to fly!”

I shot an irked look at her. “Well, let’s see you try to walk on two legs!”

“I betcha I’ll be faster than you, even as a human!"

I miffed at her, though it was not long before my expression lightened into giggles, which quickly became guffaws. The pegasus by my side joined shortly, and we both just merrily sat there, laughing like there was no end.

The thought penetrating my mind, repeating back and forth inside my head, was crystal clear:

I’ve flown!


“And you’re sure this wouldn’t hurt?”

Twilight raised her gaze from a control panel of some sort, belonging to the machine I currently stood in. “As I said before,” she began, perhaps slightly annoyed at my constant questions, “this scan is totally safe. You won’t feel a thing.”

I still had my doubts, but I decided to drop them. If she says it’s fine, then it’s fine… I was still anxious, though. This apparatus was not designed to induce calm, that’s for sure. Its tube-like glass structure towered over me, with two strips of metal on opposite sides going all the way up.

“All right, I think it’s calibrated.” Twilight said, “Are you ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I answered, and braced myself for whatever was coming as the unicorn pressed a button on the control panel.

A high-pitched whirring filled the chamber as a previously unnoticed metal ring slowly rose from the ground. It only ascended for a few inches, however, before stopping entirely.

“Is it…” I raised an eyebrow, “Supposed to do that?”

Twilight seemed engrossed in the console, though she did nod in affirmation. “Yes, it’s working fine. You see, the ring is the magical scanner part of the machine.” She appeared to enter teacher mode, “It essentially works by graphing one part of your body, -a “slice”, if you will- then moving up to another slice.”

I hmmed. “So kind of like an M.R.I?”

Twilight simply deadpanned at me. “It is an M.R.I.,” she said.

“Huh?” I was confused; aren’t M.R.I.’s those large tube magnets?

I decided to clarify; “As in Magnetic Resonance Imaging?” I asked, hoping I remembered its name correctly.

Now it was Twilight’s turn to be confused. “Wha- no, as in Magical Resonance Imaging.” she put a hoof to her head. “We keep finding more and more small coincidences like this.” she sighed, “Between our universes, I mean.”

I simply nodded. And so, we quickly lapsed into an awkward silence.

whirr… pshh…

And, slowly but surely, the ring rose again.

I groaned; “Ugh, how long is this gonna take?”

“It should be pretty quick, overall.” Twilight answered, “No more than fifteen minutes.”

It seemed that my small quip revitalized the conversation, as Twilight began talking;

“So… I heard Dash taught you some flying?”

I was slightly surprised; “How did you know that? We’ve done it just this morning!”

“Oh, Ponyville’s a small town.” Twilight giggled, “News travels fast around here.”

“Huh. Can’t say I’m used to such a small town. I lived my entire life in the city, y’see.”

whirr… pshh…

“I have to sympathize with you, really.” she smiled, “I’m a born canterlotian myself!” she proudly said.

I stayed silent, shaking my head in acknowledgment. It was then that I tried to recall, what was that she asked me again?

Oh, right, I remembered. “Anyways, yeah, I met up with Rainbow earlier. She attempted to show me how to use my wings, and such.”

Twilight brightened. “Oh, it’s good to hear you try to make the best of your situation!”

“Eh, it isn’t like I managed to actually fly.” I toned her down, “Just managed to flop around, that’s all.” Though I do have to admit I’m proud of even this little. But I’ll never tell her that…

“Don’t underplay yourself like that,” the unicorn reassured.

whirr… pshh…

The ring was now up to my midsection. Twilight lit up as she returned to the console, seemingly excited about… something.

“Oooh, the first results should come in now…” she pressed a few buttons on the control panel, and suddenly, a long paper with many graphs and numbers emerged from a slit in the console.

Twilight furrowed her brow. “I think…” she trailed off, “I think that’s normal…” she put the paper down. “Wait here, I’ll go fetch a control output.”

Not like I can go anywhere… I grumpily thought as I watched her go to a cabinet on the other side of the room. With Twilight gone for the moment, I was left alone with my thoughts. At least that’s something I’m used to.

whirr… pshh…

And the constant, looming presence of the ring did not help.

I can’t place exactly why I felt wary of this ring. Perhaps because of its slow yet nonstop ascent; perhaps because it's nearly at my eye level. I could only just speculate.

“Aha!” came a cry from the other side of the room, shaking me from my thoughts.

“You found it?” I called.

“Sure did, though it was a struggle..” Twilight returned, and then, under her breath; “I should organize this place sometime…

I let her quip pass. “So, how is it?”

Twilight grabbed the previous output, -my output- and placed them side by side. A few seconds of comparing data later, Twilight nodded.

“Yep, just as I thought. All normal so far.”

I released a breath I hadn’t realized I had. “Phew, that’s good.” then, “That is good, right?”

Twilight placed a hoof on her chin. “Well, it means that you are probably safe, at least magically speaking.”

“I sense a ‘but’ there.”

“But it also means that we still have no idea what is the cause of all this.”

All of sudden, Twilight facepalmed -facehooved?- “Wait, the scan’s not complete yet.” she said, “There is still a chance that something would pop up.”

“Oh, yeah.” I was somewhat conflicted about this; would I want something to show, even if it meant there was a chance of endangering me and the body I was residing in?

It was silent for a few moments before I began talking; “Soo… How much time is left until it’s finished?”

Twilight thought for a second. “Well, there are two slices left, and each one’s about two minutes, so not long.” she then gazed at the console, “In fact, the next slice should start right now!”

And just in time, I had heard the now-familiar sound emanating from around me, as the ring grew to cover my head.

whirr… psh- “Gah!” Fuck!

Searing white pain erupted from my brain and swallowed me whole. I quickly felt my legs give away, as all my senses seemed dull and far away. Through fluttering eyes, I could see Twilight frozen in shock, then dashing to the console.

The door opened, though I was only somewhat aware of my surroundings now.

“Dave!” Twilight called, “Are you alright?”

“Twilight, you lying fucktard...“ I quietly croaked, before fading to unconsciousness.

In retrospect, I am very glad she hadn’t heard what I said.


The world was dark; I had little energy to care, though. I felt as though I had just slept for centuries, and simultaneously pulled two all-nighters. Coming to, my brain had begun to realize that it was not, in fact, unconscious anymore.

I could feel I was on my side, resting on something soft, even if the knowledge of what exactly that something is was lacking. The next feeling that returned to me was from my arm, which had become numb from being rested on. Almost unconsciously, I had rolled over, freeing my arm from its confinement. My movement had not gotten unnoticed, however.

“Look, Twi, He’s awake!” came a voice from too close to me, making me slightly flinch.

Staccato hoofsteps introduced themselves to the mix of senses in my waking mind. Resigning, I tiredly open my eyes. Through half-lidded eyelids, I saw the unicorn my stirring mind recognized as Twilight, approaching me.

“Dave! are you okay?” she worriedly asked, as she sat down on the floor next to me.

I simply groaned in response.

“Augh…” I drowsily sat up on the cushioned object I found myself on. “Urm… I guess?” I answered, “Kinda nauseous, though.”

I took in the room I was currently in. It was the library’s familiar first floor, the low sun from behind the window signifying it was late afternoon. Damn, must have been out of it for a few hours…

I noticed I was on a beanbag, Twilight and Spike sitting beside me. They both looked quite worried, and, probably freshly so, relieved.

“Oh, that’s good to hear. I think.” Twilight's brow furrowed. “Do you need a bucket?”

I shook my head. “I’m not that queasy.” I coughed. “On second thought, some water would be fine, if you could.”

“Oh, sure!” Twilight smiled and nudged Spike, who stared at her for a moment before conceding.

“Ugh, fine…” he muttered before he stood up and stepped over to the kitchen.

“So,” I began, “what happened, exactly?”

The unicorn rubbed the back of her head. “I’m not too sure, to be frank.” she pondered over the question, “When the scanner reached your head, you just, kind of, lost consciousness. It seemed like you were in pain, too.”

“Yeah, I remember this part.” I had decided not to mention how unexpectedly painful it was.

“No memory loss, I see. That’s good.” Twilight said. Just as she was about to continue, however, Spike emerged from the kitchen, holding a jug of water and some cups in his claws. The dragon sat beside Twilight and me, and placed down his carried objects.

“Thanks, Spike,” I said, and poured myself a glass of water. Ah, as good as 3 am water, I thought as I relished the feeling of the cold water hitting my parched throat. I nodded to Twilight, signaling her to carry on.

“Anyways,” Twilight continued, “after Spike and I made sure you were fine, I checked the scanner. You see, although I aborted it when you collapsed, it has still managed to scan some part of your brain. And more importantly, it has outputted what it scanned.”

“And what I found… Well…” Twilight’s expression grew grim, “I’m not sure how to say it lightly…”

I quickly became worried. “Just… You can just say it. Trust me.”

She sighed. “Well, alright. You…” she hesitated, then, “...Have chaos magic in you.”

My worry was hastily replaced by confusion. “Is this supposed to mean anything to me?” I raised an eyebrow.

Twilight chuckled, more from nervousness than relief. “Sorry, sorry.

“It is an untame form of magic,” she explained, “Not much is known about how it functions, seeing as it's a forbidden class of magic. It is known, however, that nothing good comes out of it.”

I placed a hoof to my mouth. “Should I be worried?” I questioned.

“You should be on your guard,” Twilight said, “but I’m not sure if you need to be worried, you understand?”

I nodded. “Huh. You think that’s why I fainted just now?”

“It’s likely the case, seeing as chaos magic is unstable.” she put a hoof to her chin, “When I think about it, it’s probably the reason you are here in the first place!”

Twilight sighed again, seemingly exasperated. “What I don’t get is just how and why it entered you.”

I thought for a moment, then, “Well, it must have been in Fluttershy’s mind before I came here, right?” at Twilight’s nod, I continued; “I mean, have there been any major incidents involving chaos magic?”

Twilight pondered on my question for but a second, before facepalming. “Duh, Discord!”


“Discord, Big bad guy. The ‘Lord of Chaos’, as he calls himself.” she said, “But it couldn’t have laid dormant for two months, could it?”

Oh, my.

What was that? I confusedly thought, before shrugging it off. There are more important matters at hand than some odd voice I imagined.

“Unless you’ve got a better idea, it seems it could have stayed there for so long,” I replied.

Twilight seemed to calm down from the frenzy she got into. “Yes, I suppose so,” she said. “Still, something is missing…”

We both lapsed into silence. Mulling over the new information, I gazed at the seat Spike took, -whom, I’d admit, I kinda forgot about- when I realized he was gone. Looking around, I noticed him sitting in a corner, reading a comic of some kind. Heh, I remember my comic book phase, I smiled.

With the little cheer-me-up past, I quipped; “Well, at least we’ve got a lead. And a good one at that.”

Twilight hummed in agreement. Twilight had begun to say something, but I found my thoughts distracted by another voice;

Twilight! Twilight!

Okay, what? I definitely couldn't have imagined that!

“...So I believe that it-”

“Sorry to interrupt, but did you hear that?” I asked, slightly worried that I was going insane.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Hear what?”

“I don’t know, there was a…” I began saying, before trailing off due to… well…

You… You can hear me?

My eyes opened in fright. “Um… Yes?...”

“Are you alright?” Twilight worriedly asked, though I couldn’t hear her, as the voice in my mind spoke again.

Oh, thank Celestia…

The voice seemed familiar, though try as I might, I couldn’t put my finger on why.

Urm… Can I ask, um… who are you? and why can’t I move?

And that’s when the coin dropped.

“Wait, Fluttershy?!

the Plot Twist

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“Wait, Fluttershy?!

I was flabbergasted, to say the least. The room’s occupants all looked at me oddly, Twilight and Spike seeming worried. But I had little attention to it at the moment.

Urm… Yes?

I had no expression on my face, staring straight forwards, eye twitching.

“Dave, are y-”

-ou okay, mister? came the question from both inside the head I was occupying and outside.

I lifted a hoof to my brow and clenched my eyes shut, attempting to think. A moment later, I turned to Twilight.

“I’m sorry, but it seems… something’s arisen.” I sighed, “I can’t believe it myself, but…”


“Ahh…” I exhaled in relief at the feeling of the warm water on my sore muscles. The spa had been a good idea, as it seems. Although I’m not usually one for self-care, it does appear that I’m not the only one in this head right now, and its other occupant did seem like she needed it; even if she hadn’t told me that directly.

Of course, none of us had proposed the idea of going here. No, we needed the help of our current companion, who was also currently sitting beside me. When she heard of the new development, the glamorous unicorn had become quite worried for my head-roommate's wellbeing, like the rest of her friends, so she invited us to the local spa-house for some revitalization.

Um, David, may I ask why are you monologuing?

Oh, shut up, will you? I teased, but it seemed it had not come off like that.

Oh dear, I’m sor-

No, no, you’ve got nothing to be sorry about. I interrupted, eyes widened. If anything, I need to apologize, I thought, and turned my attention back towards the present.

“-You listening, darling?” came a half-question from my tangible companion, who was apparently talking to herself for quite some time.

“Sorry about that,” I apologized. I do that a lot recently. “I was just talking to Fluttershy.”

“Ah, completely understandable,” she nodded as she gazed into my eyes, seeming to search for her friend.

She shook her head. “Anyway, where was I?”

I squinted, trying to recall what my half-attentive brain absorbed. “I believe you said something about a… Hoity Toity?” Whatever that is…

Rarity’s expression darkened. “Ah, that scoundrel…” she lifted a hoof in the air, as she continued to vent on “That no-good, haughty mock-fashionpony”.

Frankly, it seemed she needed that time more than I, or the pony whose body I was occupying needed.

And so, we conversed, speaking about nothing in particular. I do believe that both of us tried to gain some sense of normality; I suppose all of us needed something like that.

If I squinted hard enough, I could just believe I was back home.

And about Fluttershy… Well, she still seemed a bit embarrassed of me. Understandable, seeing the circumstances, but… To be honest, I’m somewhat embarrassed too, but I believe we’d both much rather act as though nothing odd was happening.

Eventually, though, the topic of discussion reached our current predicament.

“I was wondering, dear,” Rarity began, “Twilight, bless her heart, told us all about what happened, but…” she trailed off, “She seemed somewhat lost on the why.

“Do you mean about the… recent development, or in general?” I questioned.

Rarity thought for a moment. “Both, I believe.”

I mulled over it for a second. “About what happened yesterday…” I muttered, trying to remember what had transpired after -and during- the flurry of emotions that happened then.

Um… I think Twilight said something about the tests…

My eyes brightened. Thanks, Fluttershy! Now I remember.

Oh, it’s no problem…

I inwardly grinned at her and turned my attention towards Rarity. "I remember Twilight thought it might be related to the scan."

"The… scan?" Rarity asked, confused.

"Yep, Twilight scanned my magical something-or-other."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Your… magical signature, you mean?”

I nodded. “Yeah, that. Anyways, there’s apparently some kind of weird magic in this brain,” I pointed at our shared head, “And the scan probably triggered it, or something.”

“My, I’m no expert in the magical arts, but that sounds simply dreadful!” Rarity looked aghast as she placed a hoof on her forehead.

I just hope it won't have any negative effects… Fluttershy said.

Me too, I agreed, for both you and me.

And so, we sat in silence for some minutes, all two/three of the room’s occupants relishing the water’s warmth surrounding us.

At least, until Rarity spoke up. “Alright, darling, and what about why…” she trailed off, seeming to think of an appropriate phrasing. “Well, why all of this has happened?”

“Huh,” I placed a hoof to my chin, “I think we're all at a loss for this one…” Then added, “I mean, it probably relates to that weird magic too, but no one’s really sure about the how and why.

“And the ‘why now’, I suppose.” Rarity added.

“Yeah, that too.” I sighed, “There does seem to be a lot of unanswered questions here.”

Rarity scratched her chin. “Well, surely something must have been amiss in your daily life leading to that event, right?”

I groaned. “Ugh, I’ve told you this before; everything was totally normal…”

Fluttershy, though, seemed somewhat hesitant.

Um… There was something weird last night. she said, Or is it technically three nights ago?

Letting that remark slide, I quickly relayed the information to Rarity, then asked Fluttershy to go on.

Alright, well, it was the night before…all of this, and…


“Oh, you're such a cutie, aren’t you?” Fluttershy cooed to the owl currently perched upon its wooden stand. The owl hooted as a thank-you only she could understand, and flew up to the freshly opened window its owner just opened. Said owner only watched it fly away into the night.

Fluttershy didn’t really like to think of what it did outside, and she most definitely didn’t like the occasional “gifts” it returned after a particularly successful hunt. She tried to train it to do otherwise, but it seemed to be a very thankful owl.

At least it was time to retire for the night.

Fluttershy sighed and headed for the kitchen, intent on making some relaxing tea. Hopefully, there was still some cinnamon left; she really liked its taste…

Her hopes for a warm brew were dashed, however, when a sudden rustle from just outside the front door introduced itself.

Oh my, it sounds like there’s a critter outside, She thought, Hopefully it isn’t hurt… Fluttershy was quite popular among the animals in Ponyville’s surroundings, and that meant that she was many’s first choice at first aid. She was happy to help, of that there was no doubt, but it didn’t mean she liked seeing that many wounded creatures…

Either way, there was an unanticipated guest outside, and she didn’t want to keep it waiting. Fluttershy went over to the door, and softly nudged it open, only to reveal…

“Gummy?” Fluttershy was bewildered, “Oh, what are you doing all the way out here?” Fluttershy went to grab the small, toothless alligator and swiftly brought him through the door.

This was quite unusual. Gummy tended to not move much, this Fluttershy knew well. Celestia knows all the care she provided him at the request of his worried owner. But to walk all the way across town and out, nearly to the edge of the Everfree? This was unheard of.

“Oh, you poor thing,” she placed him down on the living room’s sofa, “you must be so cold…” she muttered as she covered the alligator with a nearby blanket.

Gummy simply blinked in response.

Fluttershy smiled at him. “Wait here. I’ll make myself some tea.” she patted his scaley head and turned to the kitchen.

Suddenly, before she could take a step, she felt-


“That’s it? it just ends there?!”

I’m sorry, everything after that is just… blank.

I placed my hooves on my forehead, slowly dragging them down my face. “Ugh, this is so annoying…”

“Wait a minute, darling,” Rarity said, after I relayed the information to her, “I’m certain Gummy disappeared around that time.”

“Gummy’s the pink one’s pet, right?” I asked.


I could feel my headmate’s worry echo through our shared mind. Oh my, is he… missing? Fluttershy’s speech faltered.

I think so, I replied.

Rarity sighed. “Well, perhaps we should look on the bright side.” she continued at my inquisitive stare, “I suppose we can conclude from that tale, that Gummy is, at the very least, partially connected to your, urm, situation.”

This had less than sated me. There were still so many pieces missing, and frankly, I was growing tired of this goose chase, however anticlimactic it may be.

I settled on a simple nod and a hum in response, though.

I think we should help Pinkie look for him. Fluttershy said in an assertive tone quite uncommon for her.

Fully agree with you there. Who am I to not help a friend in need? Plus, finding Gummy might hold a clue, which I desperately need for my mental stability right now.

And so, the three of us spent the rest of this fine morning away, chatting to our heart's content.

As I exited the spa, I found out a rather peculiar detail. Apparently, horse's skin doesn't get wrinkly in the water. Who knows, perhaps there are some pros to being a pony after all?


“Thanks again for helping me search!” The pink pony exclaimed, “Really, you have no idea how worried I am. My poor Gummy has never left his room without me knowing!”

“Really, it’s no problem. It’s just what friends do.” I munched on the confection she generously served me, “Both of us-” I pointed to my head “-were in complete agreement about this.”

We were in the local bakery’s -Sugarcube Corner, as I’ve learned- back room, chewing on a mountain of freshly baked ‘Thank-You Cupcakes’, as the baker beside me called them. Well, I was chewing; said baker leaned more towards ‘inhaling’.

Anyway, I’ve organized a plan to scout Ponyville most effectively.” she reached into her mane -huh?- and pulled out a map -huh!-. She whacked it down on the table between us, taking care not to hit the bowl of confectioneries.

I suppose Fluttershy could sense my confusion, as she spoke; Um, I think it’s a map of Ponyville.

Oh yeah, that’s possible. I guess. Not the answer I needed, but a good one nonetheless. I could recognize some landmarks around, such as the bakery I was currently in, and the forest bordering the town.

Coming back to the present, I noticed Pinkie held a red marker she pulled from… somewhere (Probably her mane again… Oh, that makes… sense).

“Alright, I’ve told the rest of the girls to keep watch around their homes-” she circled in red the library, a farm just outside town, a building in the middle of town, and a particularly large circle around some seemingly random part near town. “-So that means we only need to take care of all of the rest.”

“That is… still a lot of surface to cover.”

“Yep!” she cheerfully replied, “Which is why I think we should split up!”

She drew an impressively straight line from two edges of Ponyville, going straight through Sugarcube corner. “I’ll take the north-western side while you guys take the south-eastern side, alright?” She scribbled ‘PP’ and ‘FlutterDave’ on opposite sides of the line. Lucky me, I’ve got the smaller side.

Oh, that’s alright with me.

“Yeah, it’s fine.”

Pinkie vigorously nodded her head. “Alright, then let’s…”



I looked back, towards the now-distant bakery. Did she just shout ‘go’?

Oh, she just does things like that sometimes, Fluttershy replied.

Kinda odd, but who am I to judge…

You get used to it.

I shook my head and turned back forwards. I had an objective to accomplish, after all, and the low-hanging sun signaled me that we didn’t have much time left for today.

Despite the hour, or perhaps because of it, I could see many ponies roaming around the streets. Many were children -foals?-, running around and between the obstacles adults and carts posed to them. Many (of the adults) were running errands; entering and leaving shops, carrying groceries, and such.

Overall, the air was filled with cheerfulness only a close-knit town could bring. Ponies were greeting each other as they passed, trading friendly remarks. Luckily, barely any had called to me; perhaps it was Fluttershy’s reputation, or that they could see I was on a mission. Either way, I was left alone with my headmate.

You know that alligator best, right? I directed my question to Fluttershy, Do you have any idea where he could’ve gone?

My, it’s hard to tell. He just never goes out.

I sighed. It was worth a shot…

I focused more on my surroundings, trying to examine every nook and cranny I passed with my sight, before moving on to the next one. I even tried calling the treacherous alligator when the street’s denizens were sparse, but to no effect.

It was some minutes later, I was almost the only soul around, when I heard a faint buzzing coming from afar.

You hear that? I questioned. Though I knew she has the same set of ears as mine, I still wanted some reassurance.

Um, if you mean the buzzing, then… yes.

It was then I saw… it. coming from afar, a red cart was rapidly approaching, going at a speed surely prohibited for a vehicle like this back on earth.

When it came closer, I could see it wasn’t just a cart. No, it held two ponies in it, and another one in front, her buzzing wings doubtlessly propelling it.

It was then that I realized they had no intention of slowing down. My eyes were wide, and only one thought resonated through my head: Dodge!

so I did.

Hitting the dirt road, I could hear a sharp ‘Zoom’ Abruptly rise and fall from behind me, followed by a faint shout;

“Sorry, Fluttershy!” Came from the road from whence I came.

Getting to my feet -heh-, I couldn’t help but stare at the diminishing figure of the three fillies, shaking my head in disbelief.

Those three seem… interesting.

Oh my, they’re usually very nice, She said, just a bit… energetic.

I did not get my rest, however, when a few seconds later, another figure emerged from where they came. It being quite distant, I could only see it was small, though it was fast. So fast, in fact, that it left a cloud of dust trailing behind it.

Wait, were they being chased?

I did not receive an answer, as at that moment, the figure came close enough for my companion to recognize it.


My jaw fell, and I could not help but talk aloud. “I-” I stammered, “I thought you said he barely walked?!

It was then that the offending creature passed me.

“Wait, come back here!” I shouted.

And so, the chase was on.

the Chase

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My heart was pounding hard like it never had before. A wardrum in my ears drowned out the world, allowing me to focus on my task. The whip of the wind was a surprisingly pleasant feeling, and frankly, I could even find myself enjoying the run.

Were it not for the wretched creature I was chasing.

The surprisingly fast alligator had no brakes. I barely managed to keep up with its speeding form, much less close the distance. Of course, the occasional obstacle did not help.

“Gummy! Stop running and come back here!” I called. As expected, he showed no sign of listening.

I was still unsure whether he was running away from me, or maybe chasing another group of ponies. I suppose it didn’t matter, though; running is running is running.

I was currently chasing on a curved road, slightly turning left at every step. I had begun to lose hope of ever catching up, when Fluttershy suddenly exclaimed to me.

Look! There's a shortcut up ahead!

I took notice of said shortcut. A small alley to my left, offshooting from the main road.

Alright! I responded.

My right hooves hit the dirt as I killed my forward momentum, my wings opening on instinct. With no time to waste, I quickly sped into the alleyway.

Um, she began, If I remember correctly, the street should connect back to the road soon.

I grinned, unable to hide the daredevil deep within me. Great, this just might be the fore we need! I jumped over an annoyingly placed garbage bag. Really, the bin is right there!

Not a moment later, sunlight began infiltrating from up ahead, signifying the alley’s end. I quickly sped up my already sore legs, intent on catching that reptile before it passed me again.

As I got close, I could hear shouting slowly rise from the road, coming closer and closer to the alley’s exit. Suddenly, for but a shard of a moment, the exit was obscured by the form of a cart with two fillies dangling by, barely holding on, screaming like all hell.

And then they were gone, receding up the road.

Wait, if they're here, then that means…

By that point, I had reached the main road, braking with my hooves and wings again. To confirm my suspicion, I looked right, and sure enough, another small figure was speeding toward me.

“Alright, moment of truth…” I mumbled as I lowered my body, reading my muscles for a leap. Now I just had to wait for the right moment…

The alligator inched closer, second by second. The cloud of dust remained, growing larger with every step it took.

And… Now!

Leaping into the air, I snapped a look to my right. The creature was still somewhat far off, but I hoped my aim was true. Time crawled to a standstill as I watched it run.

Then, realization hit. I was going to miss it. It seems I have overestimated my new jumping distance, as it looked like I was going to fall a few ways off before it got there.

Use your wings!

I wasted no thought space on responding. In a fraction of a second, I willed my still inexperienced wings to open, shooting them out as fast as I dared. By the time they extended, I was past my apoapsis, quickly descending back to the ground.

I flapped them. hard.

The result was probably expected, but I had not anticipated the sheer boost it gave me. Sure enough, my descent was halted, and I could see the reptile approach my new landing site.

Hell yeah! I couldn’t help but cheer in joy.

And another fraction of a second later, I hit the ground, an animal below me. I quickly wrapped my arms around it, making sure to not give it any means of escape.

“Ha! Gotcha now!” I boasted as I snuck a peak at the figure trapped in the bear-hug. It simply blinked in response, seeming unfazed by being trapped. Now that I finally met Gummy, I could put an image to his name. A (what I assume) baby alligator, tiny by comparison to an adult counterpart. His nearly-unblinking eyes stared right into my soul. Weirder, though, was that I felt something… else, in them.

I didn’t have much time to contemplate, though, as suddenly, a bright flash blinded me.

“Argh!” I couldn’t help but call out. Blinking my eyes open, I attempted to see the world. And what I saw was… well, nothing.

Literally. That reptile was just gone.

“Oh come on! That's just unfair!”


“So what you’re telling me,” Pinkie looked as shocked as someone like her could look, “that my Gummy,” she inhaled, “can TELEPORT?!”

“Yeah! He just disappeared!” I exclaimed, still in emotional turmoil about what happened just now.

Pinkie held her hooves together close to her heart. “Oh I’m so proud of him…


“What?” she returned, showing an innocent smile.

I stared at her, then shook my head. It’s best not to question her, my headmate said.

I looked around at our surroundings. The sun kissed the horizon on her way out, painting the streets of Ponyville with a dim red hue. There weren’t many ponies around now, most having gotten back to their homes or already went to their nightly pastime.

Suddenly, a question occurred to me. “Are you sure Twilight would be free right now?” Pinkie had promised so earlier, though how she knew it, I didn’t know.

“Sure she is!” she exclaimed, “With how I know Twilight and her schedules, she probably just started making dinner!”

I decided not to question just why she knew Twilight’s schedule; by heart, no less. Instead, I simply nodded.

Oh, Twilight… I love her and all of her quirks, but… she stammered, Sometimes she can let them, a little bit, um, control her…

“Nah, I’m sure Twilight can care for herself just fine!” Pinkie said. I stared at her again. She just shrugged and twisted her head sideways, smirking.

“Talking ‘bout Twilight…” she nodded her head forwards, refocusing my attention on where my legs were taking me. Just ahead, our destination revealed itself, just a few steps away:

The library.

Wasting no time, we quickly went to the front door. This time, I found myself knocking.

Knock knock knock.

A moment later, the door opened, revealing Twilight, holding the handle in her magical grip. “Oh, hi girls!” she greeted. Then, looking sheepish, added, “And David.”

“Heya Twilight!”

Um, hello.

“Hi.” I deadpanned.

She looked back, inside the library. Turning back to us, she nodded her head. “Well, come on in.”

I went through the door, Pinkie bouncing right after me. After we passed, Twilight closed the door with her magic. Turning to us, she grew an apologetic expression. “Sorry I may seem a little distracted,” she began, “I was kind of in the middle of making dinner with Spike, but I’m sure he can take care of it himself.”

Pinkie’s eyes widened. “Called it!” she whisper-shouted at me. I just smirked and shook my head in response.

Twilight grew confused, then, deciding not to question it, shook it off. “Anyways, how is the search going?”

Pinkie grew sheepish, rubbing a hoof behind her neck. “Welllll… I think we’ve got a teensy little problem.”

I playfully rolled my eyes. “That’s putting it mildly. Apparently, that accursed alligator-”


“-has magic of some kind.” I drilled my glare at the grumping baker, then continued. “I mean, he teleported, and, when I think about it, ran really fast.”

Twilight raised her brow. “Huh. Tell me everything.”


“Well, that was productive.” I muttered as we went out the door. It was barely half an hour later, though the sun had already got down and darkness was creeping closer with every second.

“Ya’ expected something else from Twilight?” Pinkie cheerfully replied, holding the two contraptions we got from said unicorn. Two identical belts, one for each member of our party. Each belt had a small rectangle jutting out of it, a crystal visible on its surface.

Twilight had called them ‘Magic Nullification Devices’. I believe you can deduce what their function is.

I’m still not comfortable forcing Gummy to wear one of these… My friend sounded worried.

Don’t worry. It’s for his own good, I assured her. Then, sharply turned my head to the bouncing monstrosity beside me.

“Give me one of those, will you?”

She didn’t answer verbally, instead opting to simply throw one of the devices at me. Holding up a hoof, I catched it, and fastened it to one of my front legs. Luckily, its mechanism could only be activated after hitting a certain button on its side, so I did not get to feel its effect.

I was feeling confident for round two. With those new gadgets, I simply couldn’t wait to show that alligator whose boss. Fluttershy, though, didn’t share my enthusiasm.

Um, are you sure we should do this right now? she warily questioned, I mean, I think it would be a little hard to search in the dark, and, well, I can feel our hooves too…

She was right in that regard. My hooves were already sore and tired, and I was not so sure I could do another chase like the last one.

I’m not sure… I could feel my spirit start to question itself. Lemme ask Pinkie.

I quickly relayed Fluttershy's doubts to said pony; She simply scoffed in response.

“Wha- no, we, um…” she trailed off, “Well, maybe there is something in what Flutters’ said…”

“So what? We call this off? continue tomorrow?”

“Hmm…” Pinkie comically placed a hoof on her chin, stroking it like she had a beard. “Maybe we ca-”

She wasn’t interrupted by an outside force. Instead, quite the odd thing had happened. Her tail shook, ears moving around like a cat, eyes opening and closing at random.

I halted all action, worriedly staring at the odd pony. Is she… having an aneurysm?

I think it’s her Pinkie sense, Fluttershy replied. At my visible confusion, she continued. It’s, um, some sort of supernatural sixth sense she has. I’m not really sure about the specifics of it, though…

So this isn’t a medical emergency, then.

No, I don’t think so.

Just then, Pinkie’s vibrations stopped, and she sat down, panting from exertion.

“Phew-wee, that was a doozie!” she exclaimed, mock-rubbing nonexistent sweat from her forehead.

Although I had already somewhat understood what just happened, I wanted to hear it from the source.

“What was that?!” I blurted out.

“My Pinkie sense!” she returned to her cheerfulness already. Then, she noticed my troubled expression. “Don’t worry about it, it happens all the time!”

“Well, as long as you’re sure…”

“Now shush, I need to decipher what it meant…” she began to move her limbs, ears, eyes and such in an erratic fashion, mumbling all the while, retracing, I assume, her earlier movements. Really, her memory was quite impressive.

“Left ear up, tail shake, blink…” Suddenly, her eyes shot wide open, and she gasped loudly. “I’ve GOT IT!”

Sharply, she jumped towards me, holding me in her hooves. “I know where Gummy is!”

Too close to comfort… I shied away from the sudden contact, taking my head back and away from the too-close set of blue eyes peering into me. In an attempt to stay conversational, I asked, “What? Where?”

“Well, y’see, I got the sense for when Gummy’s hungry,” she said, “and there is only one place he goes to eat!”

I raised an eyebrow. “And that is…?”


“Mrs. Cake! I’m back!” Pinkie proclaimed as we entered the bakery for the second time that day.

A pudgy, cerulean mare peeked her head from the kitchen. “Ah, Pinkie!” she greeted, “How has the search gone?”

“It went fine.” Pinkie, oddly enough, seemed somewhat impatient at the prospect of conversation. “Look, I’d love to chit-chat, but Da-” she snak a glance at me, “Um, Flutters and I need to do something really important right now.”

Mrs. Cake nodded her head. “You do you, dear,” she went back to the kitchen, “I’ll be with my cupcakes…” she muttered.

“Thanksseeyoulater!” Pinkie essentially grabbed me, carrying me as she rushed to the stairs, where I retained my freedom of movement. I rapidly shook my head, trying to regain my sense of balance. When it came back, I stepped up the stairs, following Pinkie, who had already begun, impatiently waiting for me.

Who… was that? I asked my head-mate.

Urm, that was Mrs. Cake. She and her husband are Pinkie’s employers, and own Sugarcube Corner.


I reached the top of the stairs, Pinkie already waiting next to a similarly pink-colored door.

“Gummy should be behind this door.” she spoke seriously as she reached for the handle. “You ready?”

“Wait a minute,” I stopped her, “We need a plan of attack.”

Pinkie hmmed, then shrugged her shoulders. “What there is to plan? We go there, tackle him, stick one of those-” she gestured to the device currently resting on her back, “-and we're good to go!”

“I’m not sure it’ll work,” I said, “I mean, he can still teleport, right? So we can’t chance alerting him.” I thought for a moment, “Maybe sneaking up to him would be better…”

Maybe we should… do this peacefully? Fluttershy stammered, Gummy trusts Pinkie the best, so maybe she can, um, just try to talk to him?

Oh, that’s neat! Or maybe I can, what with your special talent and all…

Pinkie seemed to like Fluttershy’s plan when I relayed it to her. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” she then added, “But if he tries to run, we tackle him!” she enthusiastically gestured with her hooves, clutching some unseen foe.

“That’s assuming he’s still there…” I couldn’t help but be pessimistic.

“I’m sure he’s there…” Pinkie waved her hoof. “Now enough dilly-dallying!” She promptly opened the door and went inside.

Impatient much? I snarked and went to the door.

Peeking through it, I took witness of what I assumed to be Pinkie’s room. The first thing that came to my attention was pink. Overly pink. Pink bed sheets, pink furniture, even a pink windowsill for goodness sake!

The second thing that came to mind was, as evident, much more important; two figures, one approaching another; one of a pony, and one, well…

“Gummy, you big goof…” Pinkie softly called out to it, slowly approaching. For his part, Gummy simply stayed unmoving, though for some reason, I could sense he was happy to see his owner.

Why is he just… standing there? Fluttershy warily asked.

Well, let’s find out, I grinned, intent on making my way inside.

However, the moment I stepped foot inside, the alligator’s head snapped to attention, eyes piercing straight at me. I suppose Pinkie knew what was coming next, as she hastily dashed towards him, calling;

“No, Gummy! Bad!”

But alas, her cries did not help, as with a flash, the alligator disappeared.

“Ah, hell…” I muttered, eyes wide as I rushed to where he had been just a moment ago, Pinkie looking around for the vain hope he hadn’t gotten far. “Now just where could he have gone…”

look! The window! Fluttershy called, loud in quite the uncharacteristic fashion of her.

Standing in my peripheral vision, was the object of interest. Sharply turning my head to the window, I stood witness to what could have been a most wonderess sight, were it not signaling the demise of our efforts. The wretched creature stood by the window, resting on the roof. Most curiously, however, was the set of two glowing, ethereal nubs growing by his sides. Quickly enough, the nubs grew into fully fledged wings, akin to those of a butterfly.

My eyes had reached their maximum widening capacity by this point. I could easily connect the dots- Wings, roof, there is only one thing Gummy could do now.

Thinking quickly, I turned to Pinkie. “Can you open the window?” I hastily asked.

“Aye aye captain!” she gave me a salute and rushed over to the window, undoing its lock. I had a semi-feasible idea in mind; the only question was if I could do it.

Unfortunately for us, Gummy didn’t seem to like this new development. He tentatively flapped his new wings, once, twice, then promptly jumped off.

“Ta-da!” Pinkie proclaimed, showing off her masterful work on the window. Then, when she took witness of what had just happened, she yelped, rushing out of the window and onto the roof.

“Gummy, no!” she called in absolute anguish. Then let out a large breath at the sight of the alligator rising up, small wings buzzing.

“Shit!” I called as I hastily followed Pinkie out to the roof. I had expected it, but, well, I hadn't expected it.

Wait, you’re… are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?

Stepping onto the roof, I quickly found purchase in the ground, lowering my torso for extra stability.

If you’re thinking about this- I snapped my wings open, -then yes.

My, I thought you said you’ve never done it before…

I began flapping my wings, slowly at first, speeding up at every flap. Pinkie took notice of my action, straining her eyes away from the spectacle that was the slowly distancing alligator.

Yeah, but I’ve got a friend by my side now.

And with that, I took off. No offense, Rainbow.

“Yeah! You go, davie!” Pinkie cheered, and even though I could not see her from this position, I could easily guess she was hopping around.

I attempted to move forwards, tilting my body forwards. I was not so successful, though, as it resulted in my direction of movement to lower itself, causing me to slowly lose height.

The moment I noticed this, frightfully looking at the gradually approaching ground below, I began flapping my wings harder, faster, in a vain hope.

I, I think you should flap less and, uh, glide more, Fluttershy suggested, Then point yourself a teensy-bit upwards…

I quickly did as I was told, reducing the amount of flaps to a minimum. Leveling my body with the too-close-to-comfort ground, I noted her advice was indeed working, my path of movement now completely horizontal.

My, I’m sorry if this was bad advice… I’m not the best flier around…

“Are you kidding me?” I nearly shouted, now raising my height bit-by-bit. “This was the best advice I received in a long time!”

…Thank you.

I shook my head at the pegasus’s insecurities, smiling all the while. This entire situation was too absurd for me. Here I was, comforting a pegasus, while occupying her body. For goodness sake, I was flying and chasing a god damned flying alligator.

Oh wait, I was supposed to be in the middle of a chase. Oops.

Raising my sight, I spotted my target. He had managed to get quite far during my moment of near crash, and showed no signs of stopping soon.

This was going to be fun.

Newfound understanding of flight at my side, I adjusted my path, aiming towards the offending creature. I was still too close to the ground and buildings to go any faster than I currently was; with my absolute concentration on the task in front, I turned at a small angle upwards, hastily raising myself up and up.

try to, um, give… stronger flaps?

I nodded. Quality over quantity, I see.

I reached a height which felt comfortable, giving me the space I needed, and turned my sight back to the horizon, to the bird-pretender.

I grinned, eyes narrowing as I laid my focus at the alligator. I gave my wings a sudden, strong flap, giving me a sharp boost towards my target; Then, another, and another, until I had reached a speed unheard of without any vehicle.

I sneaked a glance downwards, at the buildings, ponies and what not whizzing by, and instantly broke into a manic smile.

“Woo-Hoo!” I shouted to the heavens.

Setting my sight again on where I was headed, I noticed I was getting close. It seems Gummy wasn’t the fastest flier around. Me too, most definitely, but… well, you get what I’m saying.

Either way, I was approaching, and approaching fast. I quickly checked my arm again, where I placed the nullification device. It was still attached, thank god, even after all the wind seeking to take it away. I quickly untied it, holding it in my snout. Hey, I was acclimating to this!

Gummy was just a few buildings away now, still oblivious to my approach. I began counting to myself, getting ready.

rendezvous in 3…

I narrowed my eyes, taking a deep breath through my nostrils.


I fastened my grip on the device, still biting on it.


I tackled the alligator midair, holding him close to me with my front arms. Quickly, I attached the device to him, tying it around his torso, and pressed the large button by its side, disabling the alligator’s means of escape.

I held my breath for a brief moment, eyes closed, wings flapping automatically, leaving me unmoving in the air. Opening my eyes, I looked at the alligator who annoyed me for the last day, held up at eye level by my hooves, staring at me innocently.

“Gotcha now, ya’ asshole.” I looked to the side for a moment, then added, “For real this time.”

the Walking and the Talking

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Twilight was uncomfortable. Her neck ached, and the world surrounding her was dark. Plus, she couldn’t even remember what got her into such a position. The last thing she recalled was studying late at night, then…

Oh. She must have overworked herself again.

Her eyes fluttered open, now annoyed at the knowledge she barely slept a wink last night. The kitchen table wasn’t the most comfortable place to rest, which explains the neck, but she got quite familiar with it in her many years of study nights.

“Urgh…” Twilight groaned, now aware of the headache building up on her forehead, and the desert which took home in her throat. Did I even drink anything last night?

Well, at least this could be easily fixed. And hey, she was already in the kitchen! Luck was smiling upon her that day. Groggily opening a nearby cabinet with her magic, she floated over a glass, filled it to the brim with water, and gulped the life-saving liquid down her parched throat.

With that done, Twilight could now think more clearly. Her mind drifted away to last night. Try as she might, she couldn’t remember what exactly was the reason for her current, precarious situation.

Okay, let’s think about it step-by-step, she thought, What is my last coherent memory?

Thinking about it, she clearly remembered making dinner- hayburger, her favorite, if unhealthy, treat-, then…

Oh, right. Pinkie, Fluttershy, and David barged in, seeking aid with their search or whatever. She remembered giving them those old devices, the ones she got years ago to test something or other. Frankly, she couldn’t care much about the details this early in the morning.

The rest of the evening came to her in quick succession; how she’d eaten with Spike, got to bed, and then… That.

She got up from the kitchen chair she’d unintentionally made a bed out of, and headed to the library’s main room. There, on the central table, resting in a small pet carrier, she saw what had so cruelly taken her sleep away:

That Celestia forsaken alligator.

She clearly remembered it now; how, just as she was about to tuck herself to bed, the search party returned; how she took it in for the night for some testing; how, after finding near-to-nothing, she eventually got frustrated and, intent on making a frustration-sandwich, accidentally fallen asleep on the way.

She shook her head. It would do no good to lament on last night right now. Turning her gaze back to Gummy, she came closer to him, looking at the blinking alligator from the cage’s barred window. He still had that belt on him, fortunately; Lord knows what he would have done without it.

“You're an odd one, aren’t you?” she asked, half from frustration and half from genuine curiosity.

Gummy, of course, did not reply.

She stared at him for another moment, then sighed. Turning her gaze away, she took in the rest of the table; a disorganized mess greeted her. Piles of papers were strewn about, quills and half-finished coffee cups scattered around them.

Jeez, how much coffee did I drink last night?

More importantly for her, however, was a small stack of papers right beside the cage: the magical scanner’s output. It was surprisingly hard to place Gummy in that scanner, even with his magic nullified. Now, though, after she got some sleep and was fully conscious, she could really appreciate its results.

Picking up the stack, she sifted through a few papers, taking in the data and the notes she scrawled while half awake. Her brow furrowed, disbelief evident on her face.

“How did you even manage to get chaos magic?...” she muttered, more to herself than the other creature in the room.

“That, scholar,” said creature answered, “Is a question I cannot answer.”

Twilight’s eyes frightfully widened as she leaped into the air.



“Jeez, Twilight, what got you so spooked?” I asked as Twilight and I hastily trotted down the road.

“It’s…” she trailed off, searching for the right words. “It’s Gummy.”

I groaned. “Ugh, again with him?” It seemed like my entire world was centered around that reptile nowadays.

Twilight was hesitant to answer. “I… I guess?” she said, then gave a large yawn.

I raised an eyebrow. Is there something wrong with her?

I didn’t want to say it myself, but she does seem a little… sleepy.

Fluttershy was right. The puffy eyes and the bags under them, frayed mane, and frequent yawns were but some of the signs of what last night had been for her.

Fluttershy, concerned as always for her friends, took the initiative. Um, could you please ask her about last night?

“Hey, Twilight,” I started, “I noticed you were kinda’ tired. How did you sleep?”

Maybe don’t be, um, that direct next time…


Twilight sighed, lowering her head. “To be honest, I barely did.” she looked back up at me, “But I discovered lots’ of important stuff, so I count that as a win.”

I shrugged. “To each their own, I guess.”

We walked in silence for another moment, before I remembered I didn’t know why we had been walking in the first place.

“Wait, so what did you find?” I asked, “And for that matter, what do you need me for?”

Twilight oh’ed. “Oh. Right.

“Okay, so two things, really.” she began, “One, Gummy has chaos magic, and two, he can talk.”

Oh my…

“Huh,” I stated. This world has already squeezed out every last feeling of surprise in me.

“The second one is why I called you. You see, since this morning, when I found out about it, he only spoke once. I thought, maybe with Fluttershy’s talent, you can do something.” she stopped to yawn again, “Plus, I’ve told Spike to fetch Pinkie, so hopefully they’ll be at the library soon too.”

I instantly tensed up at the mention of the pink pony’s name. After looking around for a moment, I eased up, releasing a breath.

“Phew, I half expected that pony to spring up from somewhere at the mention of her name…” I muttered.

“Nah, silly I don’t spring, I bounce!”

Eep! ”Gah!” Twilight and I leaped into the air.

Perhaps there was some surprise left in me.

A moment later, I floated down, my wings having automatically opened to keep me afloat. Touching the ground, I turned to Twilight. “Hey, you can let go now.”

Twilight turned red. “Uh, whoops,” she quickly detached from me. Then, she turned to the guffawing Pinkie. “Jeez, Pinkie, you scared us half to death!”

“Heh,” she finished with a giggle, “you should have seen the look on your faces!"

“Har har, very funny.” I rolled my eyes. “Well, shall we continue?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.”

It was then that Fluttershy spoke to me; Wait… Um, What about Spike?

What about him? I asked, genuinely curious.

…Oh, nevermind…

And so, we continued forth, renewing our journey to Twilight’s library. Twilight took the lead, me in the middle, and Pinkie bouncing in tow. It was a moment later when Pinkie asked;

“Sooo… How about we play a trip game?”

I sighed. It was going to be a long walk.


“And then I told him, ‘I think it was the counselor all along!’” Pinkie chuckled, “Needless to say, we didn’t end up getting the cereal.”

I blinked. That was… Oddly engaging.

Oh, but was the butler alright? Fluttershy worriedly asked.

I relayed the question to Pinkie; she snorted in response. “Damn right he was! He was the counselor's accomplice all along!”

Fluttershy and I gasped. Oh my…

“Alright, girls,” Twilight interrupted, “I’m sorry to stop you, but we have arrived.”

Getting my bearings, I looked forwards, and sure enough, there lay our destination. The library was just as it was yesterday, and the day before- a big, hollowed-out tree. Just felt the need to point it out, is all.

In the past few days I’ve been here, I noticed quite the curious trend: the library was always empty of customers. I mean, I have never, in all of the three-four days I’ve been here, ever seen a single pony reading, or checking in books, or even anyone other than Twilight and her friends.

I guess the common resident of Ponyville just isn’t that big of a reader.

Uh, David… They’re already entering the library…


I shook my head as that train of thought crossed the horizon, never to be seen again. I returned to reality, and- Hey, they are getting in without me!

I quickly rushed to the pair of abandoners, grumbling all the while. it seemed they hadn't even noticed my absence, as they continued to chatter while entering the building.

“All I’m saying is, be ready for anything,” Twilight said as she telekinetically grabbed the door’s handle, “We can’t really know what’s going to happen with him like… this.

“Alrighty tighty!” Pinkie merrily saluted.

“Yeah, sure,” I answered, still down at the grumps.

Twilight took a deep breath. “Well, here goes nothing…”

I held my breath as she opened the door, expecting the worst. I was relieved, though, to see the most anticlimactic sight to ever grace my eyes. simply standing there, placed in a cage meant for cats, was that alligator, who I spent so much of my energy towards.

Pinkie instantly leaped forwards, trotting towards it. “Oh, Gummy, I’ve heard you’ve been talking!”

If what she said was true, he didn’t affirm it.

I walked in too, Twilight following after she closed the door. “Come on, man,” I said, “You can’t leave us hanging like that.”

Gummy continued in his trend of not answering.

“Oh, poor Gummy,” Pinkie cooed at him as she leaned towards the cage’s opening. Turning to Twilight, she asked, “Can I open it?”


“Pretty please?”

“I just don’t think it’ll be wise. He’s still unpredictable.”

Pinkie visibly saddened as she returned to pawing at the cage, attempting to reach her pet. “Aww…”

“Fret not, caregiver,” came from the cage, “I am of the utmost shape.”


The room instantly devolved into dead silence. It was but a second after that Twilight, mirth at being proven correct on her face, stomped the ground. “Ha! Told you!”

I deadpanned at her. “Not the time, Twilight…”

I was just about to continue, when a sharp inhale cut me off. Knowing instantly what that was, I turned to Pinkie, who was in the middle of gasping, her mouth a large ‘O’. Suddenly, her face turned to a bright grin.

“Oh my gosh Gummy you can talk!” She held the sides of the alligator’s cage in both hooves. “Oh now we can play party games together, and mareco-polo, and-”

“I apologize, caregiver,” Gummy blinked at her, “But I do not currently possess the ‘mood’ to do such things.”

How I could feel the air quotes under ‘mood’, I do not know.

Pinkie’s mouth flapped open and closed a few times, but, seeming to respect her pet’s wishes, she hadn’t made another sound.

Gummy’s speech was odd, to say the least. First thing that came to my attention was how he even spoke in the first place; I assumed it to be some type of telepathy, seeing as his lips hadn’t moved in the slightest; and the rest of his body, for that matter. Save for his eyelids, of course.

The next thing I noticed was just how odd the voice sounded. It hadn’t sounded as humanlike -or ponylike for that matter- as much as it sounded like a garbling alien trying to imitate human speech they heard from some late-night TV show one time. I guess it makes sense, seeing the circumstances. With that said, he also had this elegant, baritone voice reserved only for a supervillain’s butler. Telekinesis works in mysterious ways.

Um, David, If I may interrupt your exposition, Fluttershy interrupted my exposition, You are kind of dozing off again…

Oh, whoops.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. It seemed that during my dozing, the room had devolved into a short, awkward silence. “So…” I said, trying to break the 10 tons of ice that descended upon us. “What now?”

Twilight looked at me quizzically, then turned to the verbally-newborn alligator. “Well, Gummy, I’ve been meaning to ask- If you’re willing to cooperate, that is,” she looked sheepish, “How did this, um, happen?”

The reptile did not answer. Instead, in a rare show of movement, he slightly huddled closer to the cage’s door; and thereby, his owner.

“C’mon Gummy, it’s alright.” Pinkie comforted, “Twilight’s a friend!”

Said pony nodded in response. Twilight and I both looked at Gummy, expectantly awaiting his reaction. After a moment of hesitation, he emitted what my mind interpreted as a deep sigh (Though the muted, mutilated garble I heard in my mind’s ear was quite far from it). “Alright. I concede.

“The first time I noticed something was amiss was, as I believe, about sixty sunsets ago…”


“As I realize it now, something has shifted in my mind that day. It was as though an unseen weight had lifted itself from my consciousness.

“I remember that day clearly. My owner had left in a hurry, though I have not known the reason. I do remember, looking outside, the surroundings of our dwelling had appeared different than usual. Odd colors coated the ground, and objects which had no right to fly had, as I had seen, done just that.”

“Sorry to interrupt,” Twilight interrupted, “But two months ago was…” Her eyes widened, “You must be talking about-”

“Discord!” Pinkie interrupted the interrupter, “What has he done to my baby?!

I was a little taken aback by her outburst. Pinkie can be scary sometimes…

My, I do believe that this is not the worst I’ve seen her… Fluttershy assured me.

Either way, it was understandable of her. Gummy seemed to appreciate her caring attitude, as he blinked in response and replied, “I am grateful for your worry, caregiver, but I believe it is in vain.” He said. “I had not met a single creature that day, aside from you.”

“Wait a minute,” Now it was my turn to interrupt. “If you hadn’t met anyone, then what was so special about that day?” Then, thinking about it, I added; “Aside from the near takeover of the country by a demigod, I mean.”

“If you so kindly would let me continue,” Gummy said, doing what I assume would have been ‘glaring daggers’ at Twilight and me, had he not been a non-threatening small reptile.

“Sorry,” I swiftly replied. I’m starting to get the feeling he doesn’t like me very much.

“Either way, that day had indeed not been special. It was dusk when the abnormality began.

“My owner had retired for the night, taking me with her, as our usual sleeping arrangement. It was roughly midway into the night when an odd sound emanated from the restroom. It was a sort of clicking, continuing with no particular rhythm. After long deliberation, and seeing that it would not stop, I decided to leave my comfortable position and investigate.

“Due to my admittedly short stature, I had not found much in the beginning. Though I had indeed confirmed the sound came from the restroom, I could not find its source. After exasperating all easily accessible options, I decided to climb upon the bathroom’s countertop.

“There, upon looking in the mirror, I found the clicking’s source, existing only behind the mirror. Though its form is etched in my mind, I do not know how to properly describe it. A sort of large, serpentine creature, with each of its limbs belonging to a different animal.”

A series of gasps went through the room and in my head, though I was kinda lost.

It’s Discord.

Ohh, I returned, then gasped- better late than never!

“So it is that guy!” I said.

“Oh,” Gummy said. “So that is the ‘Discord’ you have been talking about. I had not known that.”

Pinkie seemed irritated as she urged him to continue. “So what did that meany-head do?”

Gummy hesitated for a moment. “I… do not rightly know. He simply talked to me, though about what, I could now know, seeing as I wasn’t verbal at that time.” He stopped for a moment, then added, “He did seem frustrated, though.”

Twilight, oddly enough, snickered. “Probably because we’ve beaten and humiliated him.” She then turned more serious. “Though the question remains- how did he even do such a thing? I mean, as far as I know, he hadn’t broken out from his prison since then, much less on the same day.” She turned quiet after that. There was more pondering to be had.

I, uh, I’ve got a question for Gummy, Fluttershy told me, sounding somewhat worried.

I listened to what she had to say, then relayed it; Turning to Gummy, I asked, “Has Discord bothered you since? And on that note, what has happened since?”

That last one was made by yours truly.

Gummy turned his eyes to me, still keeping his body’s movements to a minimum. “I assure you, I have not met that creature since.”

Oh, good. Fluttershy said, calmer than earlier.

“And about what happened after that ordeal, well,” Gummy began again. “For the first few days, there was no noticeable difference. But then, odd… changes began to manifest.

“It was small things at first. Appeared slowly, too. A slight improvement in my walking speed, Better hearing, and so on. I thought nothing of it at the time.

“But a few days ago, the change’s intensity had grown rapidly. Suddenly, I found myself talking, teleporting, and, as of yesterday, even flying. Stuff I could not have even imagined two months ago. Literally. I didn’t have the capability of high cognitive thought back then."

“Hold on,” Pinkie continued the trend of stopping the alligator’s monologue. “Was that why you left home?” then, without waiting for an answer, “You know you didn’t need to… I would always understand you, no matter what weird superpowers you have!”

I raised an eyebrow. “Superpowers?”

“Hey, I’m just calling it by its name!”

“I thank you for your positive attitude, caregiver,” Gummy said, “But those ‘powers’ are not ‘super’. They are more of a burden.”

“Whaaat? Why?” Pinkie exaggeratedly expressed her shock with her hooves.

“I’d admit,” Gummy said, doing what I assume is meant as ‘looking down in shame’. “I… do not know how to control them. You have seen their destructive properties yourself.” He then looked at me, eyes surprisingly expressive of their melancholy. “I apologize about what I have done, by the way. To the both of you.”

“...Fluttershy and I both agree that it’s alright,” I answered after a moment.

“Still, I am sorry,” Gummy said. “Anyhow, I do wish life could return to what it was. For those abilities to simply fade away.”

The room devolved into a short, yet not unpleasant silence. A moment later, Twilight, who I’d admittedly forgot she was also in the room due to her silence, spoke.

“Well, I’ve been thinking,” she said, seeming to have just returned from a long detachment from reality. “And I think I know how to, uh,” she glanced at me and/or Fluttershy for an instant, “Save two birds with one spell.”

“I mean, how to fix both your problem,” she pointed at Gummy, “and your problem,” she pointed at me.

My breath, as so my heart, hitched for a moment. “You can bring me home?”

The room was quiet, an unshakable silence placed over it. Gummy, though, did not get the memo, as he crankily spoke after a moment;

“Alright, that is fine and all, but can I get out of this cage now?”

the Long Dark Tea-Time of the Pone

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Chaos and confusion ran wild around the room, which now was a cacophony of sounds- impressively made just by four creatures, I might add. I, of course, added my own confusion to the mix.

“Okay, what? Huh?”

Oh my…

“Did you hear that, Davie? You can go home! and Flutters can get her body back!” Pinkie leaned much more on the ‘chaos’ part of the scale. Facing her pet, she excitedly added, “And you, mister, can, I don’t know, do whatever you want!”

“I suppose so, caregiver.”

“Okay, okay! Quiet down and let me explain!” Twilight tried to assert control over the situation, but to no avail.

Twilight had gotten her wish, however, when suddenly, the door creaked, silencing us all. Stepping in, a certain adolescent dragon appeared in the doorway, slurping on a milkshake.

Spike stared around for a moment at the frozen scene unfolding before him, before focusing on Pinkie, brow furrowed. “You were here all along?” he said in disbelief, laced with irritation.

Oh. We have kind of forgotten about that guy.

I tried to tell you…


Twilight looked over at the supplies she gathered over the last few hours. It wasn’t much, just a few Mana Holders, but it was surprisingly tough to find them. On a side note, I really should organize the basement. Someday.

Satisfied at their quality, Twilight turned her attention away from the Holders and to the oncoming operation. She was alone at the house right now, which suited her just fine. It would do no good to her concentration if someone were there.

Well, alone from ponies and dragons, at least.

Using her telekinesis, she brought the Mana Holders to the central table, setting them next to the now uncaged alligator, who was patiently waiting for her return.

“Are you ready?” she asked.


“So, Gummy has chaos magic, right?” Twilight spoke to the now-calmer ponies inhabiting her library. “But chaos magic is still magic. And thus, it abides by all laws of magic.” The pair/trio of ponies stared expectantly at her. “And especially the fact that it can be extracted.”

She quickly silenced the quips that attempted to rise. “I still need to work out how to extract it, but I don’t see a reason why it should be impossible.” She paused. “Either way, after extracting it, I can place it inside a Mana Holder-” At the confused faces, she elaborated, “It’s essentially a large cylinder with a crystal in it, capable of storing all kinds of magic.”

Very creative name.” David deadpanned.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Look, there’s a reason why Magicians are Magicians and not Nomenclators.”


“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Gummy responded. “Are you… certain this would do no harm?”

“100 percent.” She wasn’t lying- but seeing as the last time she was asked this…
Well, it’s best to hope for the best.

The main problem she had to tackle now was the extraction of the magic. As she had explained to the pair which had been there just hours ago, She was certain an extraction was possible; the ‘how’ part just eluded her at the time.

Keyword being ‘at the time’.

There, on the table, lay her solution: a paper, with a full 8-step procedure, complete with spell matrices, diagrams, and whatnot.

She anxiously glanced at it again, re-reading the lines written in it. She didn’t have to; she knew it by heart. After all, she was the one who wrote it, just hours prior. She had a lot of time while searching for those Holders.

She heavily exhaled, trying to relax. It would do no good to be stressed, to all parties involved. Alright, enough delaying it.

Twilight lit her horn.


“Anyways, another principle of magic is the third law of Neighton, which states ‘Spells of a certain type of magic can only be dispelled by that same type of magic’.” She recited from memory. “And as we previously established, chaos magic also abides by this rule.

“As I may remind you, Gummy caused Fluttershy and David’s condition, using what I presume was chaos magic-”

“Which means that you can’t just dispel it, right?” Pinkie chimed in. “You’ll need, like, a copious amount of chaos magic or something.”

Twilight was mildly impressed Pinkie knew such a word. “Mhm. Luckily, after the extraction, we’ll have such a ‘copious amount’.

“Now, there are still some kinks to work out, like funneling the magic, and finding the target dimension, and-”

“But you think you’ve got it.” David halted her rant before it could begin.

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Yeah. I think I’ve got it.”


Twilight wiped the sweat off her brow, exhaling in relief. It was tough, but it was done.

She tried not to collapse. She succeeded at that, but the exhaustion stayed. The long procedure had drained away any energy she previously had; which, thanks to the minimal sleep, wasn’t much.

Gathering her strength, she went to check the fruits of her labor.

On the table, just where it had been a few hours ago, sat a perfectly normal alligator. It blinked at her. Twilight could only assume it was grateful.

She sighed as she patted its head. “Glad that’s done with…”

And then, there was the other product, similarly important. A few dark-gray cylinders, each about the size of her foreleg, sat on the table. And, as she had cared for in the past few hours, were filled to the brim with chaos magic.

She quickly ran a test on each of the Mana Holders, checking if they all indeed contained the sought-after magic. Another exhale of relief was emitted when all the tests came out positive.

Just how long has it been anyway? she thought, checking a wall-mounted clock nearby. Her eyes widened as she saw what it had to say. It was past noon already? She had really lost track of time.

She yawned, blinking her eyes to keep them focused. Maybe it was time to retire for the night. Er… afternoon.


Fluttershy has a lot of plants.

You’d think caring for animals, actual living, breathing beings, would be harder than simply watering a flower. But, apparently, plants don’t tell you what they need, or when.

Animals usually don't either, but, you know…

Lucky for me, I’ve got an expert gardener living inside my head.
I won’t get into too much detail, but over the last four days -How the hell has it been only four days?- I have learned way more about gardening than I ever cared for.

The menial tasks of caring for the plants have given me time to think, however. And I was in the middle of watering a certain flower when my mind wandered.

Huh, I thought, This might be my last day on this planet.

Not the best wording ever.

You… Fluttershy began, Don’t sound very excited.

Wha- of course I’m- I stopped. “Ugh, who am I kidding,” I said out loud. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do want to go home, but, I don’t know…”

I think I understand, Fluttershy said. If I were to come to a different world, I’d- she cut herself off. Well, I’d probably be terrified at first, but after I got used to it, I’m sure it would have amazed me. I mean, Earth surely has all sorts of interesting critters. She ended with the most excitement I’ve heard from her.

I chuckled. Yeah, Earth has some weird creatures living on it. Though to me, Equestrian animals are far weirder than anything we have back home.

I sighed. Critters aren’t the thing for me, though. I mulled on it for a moment. I think it’s the people here that make me hesitant to leave. Everyone here is just so nice… I don’t want to lose it.

Mhm, Fluttershy agreed. There is a reason why I chose to live in Ponyville, of all places. She hesitated for a moment, And, um, I don’t think leaving means cutting contact. I’m sure Twilight can figure out some way to communicate.

I blinked. That… Makes sense.

And all this time I thought that I was about to say goodbye forever! Still, that is a lot to trust a single person for; and that’s assuming everything had gone well yesterday… Ugh.

Urm, I think that plant had enough water…

I shook my head, snapping out of my musings. Oh, right. The very reason I had been out in the garden was to care for the plants. And while I’m not sure of every plant’s optimal water intake, I am quite certain it isn’t ‘absolutely drenched’.

“Uh, whoops.”


A few hours later, we went to check on Twilight.

After a few pleasantries, she had reported that everything had, indeed, gone well. An unexceptional alligator rested on a pillow, seeming none the worse for wear. I’m sure Pinkie would be elated to hear that. Assuming she hadn’t somehow known already.

Now, the question of what happens next arose. Do we continue to the next stage of our plan? or hold it out a little more? Ultimately, the choice was up to me.

“This place has grown on me,” I said to both the corporal and incorporeal ponies, “But, I kinda miss my home… and life, and family…”

Twilight looked sheepish. “If it’s any consolation, we can do the procedure any time; though I would suggest saying your goodbyes first…”

I nodded. “So, how about… Tonight?”


The cloud door in front of me opened.

“Oh, hey, Flutters, Dave.” Rainbow emerged from the doorway, the hair plastered to her head signaling just when she had woken up. “‘Sup?”

“Fine,” I answered shortly. “Look, Rainbow, I'm gonna cut to it- it’s happening. Today.”

“Huh?” The Pegasus rubbed her head. “Whaddya mean ‘it’?”

“I mean that I’m going home,” I said, then added, “And you’re getting your friend back.”

Her eyes widened. “Wha- Really?” she exclaimed. “That’s awesome! for both of you!”

Oh, uh… thank you?

“Fluttershy says thanks.” I relayed. “Anyways, I just came here to say goodbye. And thank you, for teaching me how to use those.” I gestured to the wings I borrowed.

“Eh, it was nothing,” Rainbow shrugged. “Plus, you were pretty helpless then.”

She grinned when she saw my glare.


“I think Fluttershy and I are both grateful for that, uh, spa thing we did,” I said to the unicorn, who seemed a bit embarrassed at my gratitude. “We both needed it.”

“Oh, nonsense, darling,” Rarity waved it off. “I’ll be the first to admit I required it as well.” she said, “Though perhaps not as much as you two…”

Oh, don’t let her play herself down like that… Fluttershy told me. She often tells me how much she overworks herself.

I, as well, didn’t want to make Rarity feel bad comparing herself to us. “Hey, the fact that we’re a special case doesn’t lower you in any way, alright?”

The unicorn smiled. “I… Suppose so, darling.”


“Wait, sugarcube,” Applejack said confusedly, “you're leaving? tonight?”

I, too, was confused. “That’s… What I just said, yeah.”

“But ya’ just got here!” She seemed a little annoyed. “Ya’ haven’t even tasted Granny’s famous apple fritters!” Then, muttering to herself, “Ah bet your world don’t have apples half as good as Sweet Apple Acres’...”

I wasn’t sure if I was meant to hear that last one, but nevertheless, I have. “Well, I guess we have a whole day to change that, don’t we?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, then grinned. "Huh, well you’re in luck, sugar, ‘cause Granny was jus’ makin’ some o’ them fritters for lunch! Ah’m sure you can join in on our lunch if ya’ want.”

I smiled back. “Great! I would most definitely like to.” I am pretty hungry. I guess running around town would do it.

We began to move towards the farmhouse, which luckily wasn’t far, seeing as I found her in the apple orchard beside the house. As we walked, a question came to me.

“Hey, who is this Granny person anyway? Why’s she living in your house?”

Applejack facehooved. “She’s ma’ granny. As in, grandmother.


That is her name, though.


“Ugh…” I groaned as I slowly plodded my way to our next destination. Applejack wasn’t kidding about her grandmother's recipe, and I might have made the mistake of eating just a tad bit more than I could handle.

I’m sorry for doing this to your body… I apologized to Fluttershy.

Well, It was very tasty… So I guess it’s alright.

I didn’t get a chance to respond, as right at that moment, a Pink blur appeared in the distance, almost inaudible shouting coming with it.

It seems my destination was coming to me.

A blink of an eye later, the blur got close enough for me to hear it. And it was just who I thought it was- And damn is she fast!

“Davie!” Pinkie shouted as she got near, “You’re leaving?!”

I was dumbfounded. “How- how did you know?”

Pinkie giggled. “My secrets are mine to keep!”


Don’t question it, Fluttershy said. It’s just how Pinkie is.

I stammered. “Uh- alright…” I shook my head. “Anyways, yeah. I’m leaving tonight.”

Pinkie made the most cartoonish gasp sound I have heard. “What?! But you haven’t even gone to one of my parties yet!” She then grew a large set of puppy eyes as she got a little too much into my comfort zone. “Could you at least stay for one more day?”

I swear to god, if I stay one more day these ponies will give me diabetes. I slide backward a little in an attempt to reclaim my invaded comfort zone. “That is… a nice idea,” her eyes lit up, “but,” and back to puppy eyes, “I do need to get back to my life.”

Pinkie sighed. “Awww…” Quickly, though, her face grew resolute. “Well, guess I’ll have to do the party the next time you’ll be here!” she jumped to the air, “Oooh, I better start getting ready!”

And as quickly as she appeared, she was gone.

I watched her recede into the distance for a moment, then shook my head. She is an odd one.

Do you think there will be a next time?

I sure hope so.


A few hours later, I stood in front of the library’s front door.

I exhaled heavily as I stared at the door. Moment of truth…

I knocked on the door a few times out of courtesy, then opened it. Twilight should know I was coming now, right? Either way, I got inside, and-

“Oh, hello darling.”

Eep! Fluttershy called out of surprise. I was not so easily spooked, however, simply taking a surprised step backward.

“Oh, uh, hi, Rarity.” I awkwardly said. I definitely wasn’t expecting to find her here. Now paying more attention to my surroundings, I took note of all of the room’s occupants. All five of them.

“Wha-” I stammered, “What are you all doing here?”

Applejack, who was seated on a beanbag chair nearby, raised an eyebrow. “Didja really think any of us was just gonna’ miss the final goodbyes?”

“Really, do you even know any one of us?” Rainbow Dash said jokingly, seated beside Applejack.

“I… Thanks. That means a lot to me.”

Christ, what did you even do to find this kind of ponies?

Fluttershy was hesitant to answer. …They kind of found me, I suppose…

A Pink head popped out from the kitchen door. “Aaand I made a cake!” With a spring in her step, Pinkie exited the kitchen, a chocolate cake sitting on her back. “Ta-Da!” she exclaimed, proudly lifting the cake in her hooves.

She then turned to me. “Think of it as memorabilia from your stay here!” she turned thoughtful. “Well, you wouldn’t be taking it with you, so it’s really memory-abilia, plus we’re going to eat it now, I think, so it's non-permanent,” She inhaled sharply. I guess even her lungs have a limit. “So think of it as non-permanent memory-abilia!”

I was stunned. Again. “Um… Thanks? I guess?” It was then that I remembered why I came here, and to who. “Hey, where’s Twilight? I mean, this is her house, after al-”

And in perfect comedic timing, the door opened, and in came the purple unicorn I had just mentioned. “Oh, hi girls,” she said, halting in the doorway, “I see you’re all here.”

I decided to try my luck. “Hey, where’s my million dollars?”



Twilight looked at me oddly, then shook her head, getting inside, “I’m sorry I had to go, but there was this annoying errand I just had to do.”

“Oh, it’s quite alright, darling,” Rarity said, “I think we all had a nice time, mingling before the main event.”

Rainbow groaned. “Ugh, don’t put it that way. This isn’t one of your fancy-schmancy 'gatherings’.”

The group chuckled in response. Rainbow just looked around confusedly. “What?”

“Nothing,” Pinkie said shortly, “Now can we eat the cake?

It seems we had all been in consensus about that, as a few minutes later, I found myself eating some of the best confections I ever ate. It was a nice few moments to just- not think of anything important. No question of what was coming next, no need to chase anything. Just peace.

Half an hour later, after we all had our fill of ‘mingling’, we went on to the ‘main event’. Twilight went to the basement, returning a moment later with a few of the creatively named Mana Holders.

We had gathered in a somewhat-disorganized half-circle, Twilight in the middle, doing something to the Holders. The expression on everyone’s face ranged from grins to bitter smiles of farewells.

Twilight turned from her work. “Everything seems good.”

It was time.

It wasn’t just about me, however. Are you ready?

Uh… Fluttershy was hesitant, Yes. Yes, I am.

Something about her hesitancy felt off to me. We don’t have to do this now if you don't want to, I assured her.

No, no, it’s alright, She said, I mean, I do kind of want my body back…

I smiled. Me too.

I nodded at Twilight. “Alright. We’re ready.”

As I took a step towards her, a chorus of goodbyes came from behind me.

“Thanks for dropping by, sugarcube.”
“Be well, darling!”
“See you later, alligator!”
“Have fun being wingless!”

I turned back towards them. I should really stop being surprised at stuff like that. “Um, thanks. And farewell.” I gave a meek little wave and turned to Twilight. I nodded at her. She nodded back, then closed her eyes in concentration.

For what might be the last time I would ever see it, Twilight lit her horn.

Goodbye, David.

Goodbye. Hopefully see you soon?

As light began engulfing me, a thought occurred. “Twilight, so help me, if you don’t find a way to communicate with me, I will track you down, and I will annoy the hell out of you.”

Twilight grinned and rolled her eyes. “Har-har, very funny. Now git.”

And in a flash, I was gone.


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I took a big, long yawn as I leaned back into my chair, leaving the textbook unattended. Christ, overnight studying sucks ass. How haven’t I learned it already?

The wall-mounted clock showed it was a little past midnight, and I’d only just gotten the party started. At least tomorrow (well, technically today) is the weekend, so I don’t need to worry.

Tiredly, I reached out to my work table and took hold of the steaming cup of tea. I noticed I’ve taken a liking to Cinnamon-flavored ones lately. With another yawn, I took a nice sip.

Once the coldness of the night had been chased away by the tea’s warmth, I stretched my arms, to get a little more awake. And yeah, I said arms. Not hooves.

Guess who woke up one day, and discovered they missed an entire week of their life? I’ll give you one guess. Take your time.

If you guessed that it was me, then congrats! You won the bragging rights.

About a week and a half ago, I fell asleep on a Thursday, had a nice adventure, then woke up on a Wednesday. That means that I’ve missed a few days' worth of classes. Usually, that would be fine, even if a bit annoying; unfortunately, I had decided to go off on an adventure in the same week as this huge test. And now I have to do this large project to compensate.

Which I don’t need to tell you that it fucking sucks.

Well, that seems like enough of a break. I turned around in my swivel chair to face my bed. My room was pretty small, so I could reach pretty much everywhere from the chair, provided I had the dexterity to do so.

And there it lay, sitting on the bed. A bunch of printed materials- textbooks, worksheets, and so on, all pretty much essential to my project.

I rummaged through the scattered papers for a moment, before finding what I truly needed in life: A bulky folder, filled to the brim with the most important materials. Opening it, I sifted through the papers, trying to find the most readable one.

There was a lot of stuff in there. My class notes, hand-drawn diagrams, a stylized envelope…

Wait, what?

Confused, I took out the envelope. It looked fairly formal, with a wax seal and all, like something straight out of the 18th century.

“Huh…” I murmured as I tentatively broke the wax seal. Carefully, I opened the envelope, when-

A sudden rush of air blasted me, and- was that confetti?

“Gah!” I cried a manly startled cry. My hair was now blown back, filled with- yep, confetti. Even though I was still stunned from the surprise attack, I had a pretty good idea of who sent it. I mean, who on earth would put a confetti cannon in an envelope?

I didn’t want to get my hopes up, though I was already smiling, so I promptly took the letter, which was nestled in the envelope. I unfurled the paper, and began reading:

Dear David.

I apologize for the confetti, but Pinkie-

“Ha! knew it!” I giddily shouted, then continued reading.

-but Pinkie hadn’t stopped bothering me until I agreed to put it in.
You must have noticed by now, but I have found a way to transport objects between our worlds. Physical objects, not just consciousness.
That said, I am still a few ways off from transporting living beings. I’m getting closer, though, so hold on tight!

This letter was mostly a test, to see if I can send objects to your exact location, so expect to see a more personalized letter from Fluttershy and I -and probably the rest of our friends- coming shortly. Assuming it will work, of course.

Hopefully see you soon,
Twilight Sparkle.

I smiled.

Hell yeah.