
by EpicGamer10075

First published

Sunset's ex girlfriend has hardly let the other girl go after they broke up, and on one particularly irritating day, Sunset gets fed up with it.

Sunset’s been in college for a couple years, and made a lot of mistakes, but none were as harmful as breaking up with Daybreaker. The girl didn’t let her of out of her sight before, so why would she after that? Especially given how they just so happened to be roommates...

However, after a particularly irritating day, Sunset finally gets fed up enough to try and fight the other girl off, to less than stellar results.

Cover Art: 2675731 on Derpibooru

A Sunset x Daybreaker EqG obsessive post-breakup semi-romantic fic for the Sunset X Former Relationship Competition, and 3rd place winner thereof.

Fighting Fire With Fire

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Sunset couldn’t help but sigh in exhaustion as she plodded her way back through the dorm building in her college campus, with the three in-person classes, two mid-term exams, multiple hours of stressful waiting between them all, and having to practically hike through the snow in her less-than-ideally-insulating leather jacket leaving her just wanting to flop down onto her bed and fall asleep.

Unfortunately, calling the elevator and stepping in to take it to her room’s floor left her mind in antsy waiting as she knew her trek wasn’t done yet, with the one most difficult barrier of all standing in her way.

It had started out as something rather innocuous, and really just helping to take her mind off all the stress of college, with some extra fun on the side, but had slowly devolved into something that sapped her time and energy even further than college already had, and she ended it there. Or at least tried to.

Walking the final stretch back to her dorm room, Sunset reached into her pocket and wrangled out the key, and then when finally arrived in front of the door, she took a deep breath before putting the key and turning it, then opening the door and stepping inside.

“Hey, Sunny~”

Sigh. “Day,” She acknowledged back, not even looking at her roommate, the larger girl standing in the middle of the main room, wearing nothing but a pair of black panties, leaving her warm ivory chest and the entirety of toned form exposed and framed by her long orange, almost flaming hair as she stared back at Sunset.

“Oh, I’d thought you’d be more enthusiastic to see me after all your exams today...” Daybreaker spoke with some level of disappointment, though not enough to mask out her teasing attitude.

Sunset had to pull her eyes away from the other girl’s warm body while she closed the door behind her, not even bothering to respond, as she knew any form of acknowledgement would only make the Daybreaker focus on her more. Instead, she just walked over to the coat rack near the door and shrugged off her jacket, shook off some of the snow that had stuck to it, and hung it up.

Unfortunately, taking her jacket off rendered herself more open to the intense and lustful gaze of Daybreaker, who had no doubt already began undressing her roommate in her mind, and the slight amount of Sunset’s belly that peeked out from under her shirt just then certainly only made it worse.

“You know, Sunny...” Daybreaker began, and followed after the other girl, who continued to ignore her and headed down the hallway in the dorm to her bedroom. “I’d like to know why you keep hiding away from me. We’ve shared this dorm for more than a year already, and you clearly still love my body...”

Sunset again stayed any comment or glare expressing her irritation to just open the door to her room and then head inside and close it behind her, but she wasn’t able to fully do so, as Daybreaker had already dashed over to grab it and hold it open with a hand on its edge, leaving a couple inches of a gap where Sunset could see her sinful smile and naked chest through.

“No matter what you may say to your little friends, we’re still together in a sense, aren’t we?” She spoke at Sunset, the utter confidence in her own words slightly undercut by a faint hint of desperation.

Trying to pull the door closed and ignore the sight beyond it, Sunset wasn’t surprised to feel the other girl completely resisting any such attempt without making a single note of it.

“It doesn’t matter how long you spend with them, you’re still mine...” Daybreaker taunted again, sneaking her other hand through the opening and trying to grab Sunset’s hand that was still on the handle. However, it was quickly noticed and swatted away by Sunset’s free hand, and then slowly retreated to grab onto the edge of the door like its counterpart.

“You know you loved being with me, in more ways than one...” Daybreaker teased, leering at the other girl, who at this point, was getting sick of it. “Running away and hiding is onl--Gah!

Slamming the door closed on the other girl’s fingers and catching her off guard, Sunset could hardly care for her roommate’s obsessive words, and she spat back at her, “Leave me alone, fucking freak.”

Unfortunately, instead of recoiling in pain like one might expect, Daybreaker yanked the door open hard enough to slam it against the wall near it, letting her stomp towards the other girl and state angrily at her, “I’m not going to let you ignore me, Sunny.”

Sunset backpedaled slightly in surprise and fear, but she knew she was already practically backed up against a wall, and so she instead channeled her frustration and threw a punch up at Daybreaker’s face.

However, Daybreaker simply caught the fist and grabbed it tightly, then swiftly twisted Sunset’s arm and slammed her shoulder into the shorter girl’s face, throwing her backwards onto the floor. Dizzy though she was from the impact, Sunset still had it within her power to push herself backward across the floor away from the other girl, who was clearly looking back at her, almost... somberly?

“I didn’t want to do that, Sunset...” Daybreaker spoke, seemingly just slightly regretful as her posture calmed down, and she still looked down at the other girl and continued, “I just wanted you to let me in so I can protect you from them, you know.”

Sunset could only stare back up at her while she was still backed away in fear, the sudden emotion in her ex’s voice coming with more reminders of the other times she’d hurt her, but it didn’t last too long before frustration swelled in her and she had to cough, and then reply somewhat wearily, yet still forcefully, “‘Them’? You mean my friends?

Daybreaker squinted at the emphasis, looking somewhat confused, and replied with a mix of emotions, “I don’t trust them. They’ve already betrayed each other multiple times; what’s stopping the from hurting you too?”

Sunset groaned in beleaguered irritation, and tried to explain, “They’re still my friends, though, asshole. They have screwed up some times, but they eventually get over it and forgive each other because they do more than just screw up!

“You’re the one that actually kept hurting me ‘cuz of how you kept following me and preventing me from actually living,” She spat at Daybreaker, and fell back onto the floor in exhaustion.

Flinching at the accusation, Daybreaker pulled back and looked down at the floor, replying quietly, “Yeah, but I still didn’t want you to get hurt. I loved you--I still love you, Sunny, and I wanted to be around you all the time and didn’t want anyone else to get in the way of that...”

“Well, that’s the fucking problem, isn’t it?” Sunset snorted, though her anger dimmed slightly, “You’re obsessed with me, and you can’t bother to actually trust or respect me because of that.” Sighing in exasperation, she stared up at her ex for a few moments and simply said, “Just... leave me be right now.”

“But, I want--”

“NO!” Sunset cut off Daybreaker with a yell, glaring at her as she slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, then continued, “Stop it. It doesn’t fucking matter what the hell you want from me; if you’re now willing to actually treat me like a damn person, then I don’t want anything to do with you!”

Daybreaker looked almost like she was going to say something back as she looked back at her former girlfriend, and with all the sadness and anger in her expression, Sunset was a bit worried she would attack her again, but she just huffed and wiped her eyes before stomping out of the room.

Sighing again and hanging her head downward, Sunset really wished she was better at de-escalating situations; maybe then her arm wouldn’t be so irritated from getting twisted and her body would be spared the pain from getting shoulder-slammed, and maybe, just maybe, they’d still be together.