> CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE > by discordjediknight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > CHAPTER I Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away … Once there was a magical crystal known as the crystal heart, it was the source of all power in the galaxy. It brought light and happiness to all. However, there were forces of evil who thought if they could get their hands on it, could take power for themselves. A war broke out over its power, leaving the crystal cracked. To stop such evil from taking over, a new organization was created in the hopes of protecting the crystal from any more damage. The Knights of Harmony order were once the keepers of peace throughout the galaxy and protected the source of all magic. That was until, A young knight destroyed the crystal and joined the forces of evil to rule over all. Since then, the galaxy has lost all magic. Chapter 1 Escape A young drake was staring up at the night sky. Eyes wide at the thousands of stars. As he did, a shooting star passed by. He smiled at it. When he was very young, his caretaker the princess told him. "If you make a wish on a shooting star, it will come true." But he knew those were just fairy tales and definitely not possible. Magic didn't exist in this or any other world. Still, he couldn't help but close his emerald eyes and beg the cosmos to give him one wish. The one thing he never knew. The one thing he wished he did know. As he breathed in and out, he uttered the words. “Who were they?” Only to be interrupted by the princess herself. “Spike! Spike.” The little dragon rolled his eyes. He was a violet color, with emerald scales running down his back. He was young and didn't have a pair of wings yet, being only 14. He got up and headed back inside from the balcony of the study. He lived in a royal observatory tower, along with his caretaker, who in fact was a princess. A purple alicorn with the name Twilight. Quite a rare species in the galaxy, but not unheard of. Their home was destroyed by an asteroid over 20 years ago “Spike!” She yelled. “Right here…” he said as he set his claws over his ear holes. She had a dark purple main with some pink highlights. Her hair like all alicorns sparkled like the stars. She had a horn and two mighty large wings, that Spike was a bit jealous of. He knew he'd get wings when he was older. But what he wouldn't give to fly. Especially off-world. “Oh Spike, sorry, but the queen has requested my presence in the royal hall. I'm, gonna need you to watch for any sign of the Crystal Empire while I'm gone.” Spike shrugged. “You know the Crystal Empire would never come out this far in the galaxy.” He told her. “Still, it was important to keep an eye out for any ships. She replied. I know it's boring, but it's an important role.” A droid rolled over to them and tugged on the princess dress. “Yes, yes, I know, owl3. Spike I have to go, and do me a fav and clean up a little while I'm gone. She said as she walked out the door.” Spike smiled at that but turned around. The library was a massive mess made by the princess and her research. Papers were everywhere, sprawled out on the floor. Holographic maps and archives scattered the walls. None of it was put away. Spike slapped himself on the forehead as he sighed. “Sure, leave me to clean your mess. As usual.” He thought to himself. “It's not like I have anything else to do.” He huffed before picking up a broom that was leaning against the wall. Owl droid and the violet alicorn ran to the main hall of the castle just as the morning sun began to rise. Owl droid who'd a few times sounded like squeals and squawks of his robotic language. “Don't worry owlishes I'm sure it's nothing. But if it is a private meeting the queen wishes to have, then I'm afraid I can't let you in.” She walked forward, leaving the owl droid floating in its place. As she approached, the grand doors leading to the throne room slid aside. The throne room was bathed in the bright light of the morning sun. It looked as if Twilight walked into a fairy tale. The castle walls stood high. Widows of stained glass depicting the history of how they got there lined the walls of the great hall. The largest of the windows was a big round one depicting the sun, and a white throne stood in front of it. But to her surprise, the queen was not there. Instead, she was in the corner staring at a stained-glass window. Twilight walked forward a few steps, then bowed her head as she curtsied. “You called for me, your highness.” The queen turned her gaze to the princess. But she didn't move another muscle. Her expression was impossible to read, as ever. “I did call you here.” She said in a cheerful tone. “But not as the queen…” Twilight raised her head, a bit confused. Finally, the queen took a step towards her.” But as your aunt…” She smiled almost as brightly as the morning sun itself. She was a tall white alicorn in a silver and gold dress. Twilight instantly let down the formal facade, running over to her and swinging her front legs around her. The queen returned the embrace, but her expression turned back to the stern one as she looked out the window. “Twilight.” She said softly but sternly. “Yes, Aunty”. She asked. “Since you are now of age, there's something I must explain to you. Something's that must remain secret.” Her niece shrugged with a smile. “I can keep a secret.” The alicorn queen nodded. “Come, follow me. There's something I wish to show you.” Spike finally had most of the area cleaned up in the observatory. “Ugh, come on, Twilight.” He muttered to himself, finding uneaten plates of food. He then decided to take a break and look through the telescope. “Hmm, maybe I can see another shooting star”. He told himself out loud. As Spike searched the skies, the queen walked down the hallway with her niece behind her. They both came to a dead end. “Aunt Tia?” The queen did not look back at her, Instead, she moved a lamp on the wall revealing a keyhole. She then stuck her horn in it and whispered something. To the princess's surprise, the room shook as the wall opened, giving way to a passageway of stairs. “Ummm?” The queen said nothing and walked forward. Twilight didn't know what to do except shake her head and follow the queen down. They traced down the winding steps until they came to a small cavern. Twilight eyes widened as she gasped at the sight before her. It looked like some type of ancient temple. One far older than the castle upstairs. Large grand columns stood holding the room up. In the center sat a very odd pedestal. On the pedestal was a glowing crystal shard cut in the shape of a star. “Twilight, do you remember the Tales of the Knights of Harmony?” The queen asked with a smirk. Twilight jumped at the sound of her aunt's voice. For a second, she forgot she was there as she took in the room. “Umm, yes. The Knights of Harmony were a group of knights, I think. They held peace and harmony in the galaxy according to ancient books. But not much is known about them since all of it was destroyed by the Crystal Empire.” The queen smiled, but a look of sorrow filled her eyes. “Twilight, the story of how we came here. It was a lie.” Twilight spun her head to her aunt. A look of confusion on her face. “The home of the alicorns was destroyed, not by an asteroid. But by a power indescribable. I was not on our home world when it happened. I was in canterlot at the time.” “Canterlot. But I thought that place was a myth.” “No. it is in fact the very center of the galaxy. I was chosen long ago to be a knight myself. As was your mother.” She walked over to the pedestal. “Once, the knights were keepers of the peace. But then those of chaos got the upper hand and With it, they destroyed our home. Using the power of the crystal heart. They took more than just my home, though. This here.” She looked down at the crystal. “This here is a powerful relic. It is but a single piece of that great power. I took it along with you and fled. Barely escaping with my life. So long as this crystal does not fall into the empire's hands, what happened to our home world will never happen again.” Twilight was speechless. She didn't know what to say or do. “As soon as I got to this planet I hid amongst its people, knowing what I am. They look at me as a deity and soon after married becoming queen.” “And uncle. Does he?” “No. He knows nothing about me being a knight. Nor does he know that this room exists. He's not a fan of the empire, that's for sure. He is after the leader of the rebellion, But to keep him safe. We can never tell him. Or anyone for that matter. Not a word. Not even a speck. No one can know.” Twilight looked at the crystal. “But, but, Why… Why tell me? And why now?” “Because I do not have much time. Now that you are of age, as a knight I must start your training.” “Training.” “Training to use this crystal. In the wrong hands yes it can be very dangerous but in the right hands. This crystal along with its counterparts can bring peace and harmony to the galaxy once more. It can bring back the magic.” Spike was still looking through the telescope.”Nope, nope, notta.” He said as he moved the telescope around. “Not a darn thing in….” Suddenly, his eyes grew in horror. A large triangle ship suddenly entered the area. Spike placed a claw on his head as he shook in fear. “The… the empire.” “THE EMPIRE!” He screamed out and ran out of the room yelling. “The empires here, the empire here.” He ran to the great hall. But found it empty. Owl droid floated by him. “The empires here. Where is the queen, I must tell her.” Owl Droid tweeted. “You don't know. You don't know!” He yelled. The owl whooped a few times. “They went in that direction?” Spike pointed a claw. The owl nodded. “Thanks.” He called back  and ran off shouting “The empires here!” As he did, a tie fighter and a shuttle flew into the atmosphere of the planet. “Of all the luck we had.” Muttered spike. Suddenly he ran past a hallway. But backed up as he noticed an open path that he had never seen before. He then decided to see if the queen was down there. Twilight picked up the crystal. As she did, she could feel its power flowing through her. Suddenly, Spike ran down. “Spike!” yelled the queen. “Woah. What is this place?” “Spike.” The queen said with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, yeah.” He said cheerfully and then panicked. “THE EMPIRE IS HERE!” “WHAT!” Shouted the two alicorns in unison. Just then, they heard shots being fired. The town was being bombarded with aerial assaults. The owl droid came down and who'd a few times. “A message. What message?” Shouted spike. The owl hovered for a moment as it blinked twice, activating a hologram coming from its eyes. It was none other than the king. He was a dark gray, almost black unicorn with black hair. Quite the handsome being. He looked as if he just ran a marathon as he gasped for air. “My dear family, Celestia, Twilight, if you are getting this message then the empire has taken me, hostage. And will soon attack our home world. I know with the destruction of your home world, alicorns have found little place in the galaxy. I hoped to build a place to keep you safe, but this is the worst place to be. Please go into hiding and remember. I love you both.” Celisitah grits her teeth. Holding back tears as another bombardment of tie fighter blasts hit the ground, shaking the area. “Twilight spike follows me!”She shouted. As she ran into another small cave. The two friends and the droid followed the queen, the sound of water flowing up ahead. Until they reached another opening. By the look of the roots, it was clear this place hadn't been touched in years, as vines and plants scattered the walls and ceiling. In front of them was a massive waterfall that hid the cave. And in the center of the area was a small craft. Celestia wasted no time as she opened the cockpit of the ship and connected the little droid bird to its wing of it. “That will never fit all of us,” Spike said as he noticed the size of the cockpit. “No, but it will fit you and Twilight.” Twilight eyes widen. “Aunty.” Celestia quickly hugged her. “There is no time. You must take the crystal. Find Star Swirl. He's the only one who can train you now. The ship already has his planet locked on target, just fly autopilot and it will take you straight to him.” “Spike, protect twilight. Can you do that?” Spike was bewildered. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. “Spike!” Shouted the queen. “Yes, I… I can but, But you?” She tossed Twilight into the cockpit along with Spike. Suddenly, another blast came from the tie fighters. “Go. go now.” She said, shaking, holding back tears. Spike hit the button to close the cockpit door. The droid took over and flew them out of the makeshift hanger, flying out and heading for space. Twilight was too much in shock to say another word. “Aunty,” she whimpered. Spike didn't know what to say. Just as stormtroopers came rushing into the cave. “Be safe,” Celsitah uttered, as the Stormtroopers captured her. “We got her.” Said one of the troopers into their communicators. “Queen Celestia is captured alive.” “And the princess”. Said a deep voice on the other end. “Escaped.” > CHAPTER II bounty hunter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The small ship flew faster than the two could comprehend. Faster than what was really possible for a ship this size. Then Spike noticed the glowing crystal. "Uh, Twilight, what is that thing?" He asked. She was too distraught to look at him. Spike said nothing but turned his attention back to the crystal. It was almost as if the ship itself was being powered by the thing. As its glow began to dim down, they quickly entered the atmosphere of another planet. The bird then tweeted. Spike grits his teeth in a panicky voice he shouts, "What do you mean the landing gear is broken?" The bird tweeted again. "Old ship, old ship. That's your excuse, it's an old ship!!!" The bird tweeted at him again, but he ignored it as he embraced for the impact. Twilight did the same as the ship came crashing down into the sandy dunes of a desert planet. "Umm, everyone alright?" Twilight asked, rubbing the back of her head. "Just peachy." Spike smirked, he fell into a basket full of peaches. The bird tweeted and who'd. "Yes, owl 3 this is it." Twilight looked around. "It's got to be, around here somewhere," she sighed. Owl then who'd again. "A town just south of here, You're kidding someone actually lives on this dirt rock." Complained spike. "Well, that settles it we'll head south then," Twilight said with a determined look on her face. "Uh, Twi mind filling me in on a few things?" Spike asked. "On the way, let's go." She said and headed south. "Wow, so you're gonna be a knight of harmony," Spike said, astonished. Twilight smiled at his enthusiasm. "I guess so." She frowned. "I barely even remember my mother. Aunt Tia never really talks about her. To think she was a knight master, twilight smiled wearily. I don't know, Spike, can I really do this?" "And why not, I mean you're an alicorn aren't you? And a daughter of a knight. He smiled brightly, Heh, I just wish I knew something about my parents." Twilight looked at her lizard-like friend with sympathy in her eyes. "I guess I'm just lucky," he sighed. "A random dragon's egg, found in the gutter on a random planet. Who knows what my parents could have been?" He shook his head with a grin. The two of them along with the droid owl walked for miles and hours at this point. The only thing keeping them from tiring out was the conversation. Otherwise, the organic life forms began to grow dry mouths and swat and beaming sun above them. Spike coughed a bit due to his dry throat before he continued the conversation. "So when we do find this Star Swirl, how are we gonna be able to defeat the empire?" Twilight shrugged, "I don't really know. Perhaps Star Swirl has a plan, but first though we have to find him." "Think he's in town?" "Let's hope," she said as the two finally could see the outlines of a town in the distance. They walked for another good hour before they finally reached what seemed to be a ghost town. "Um hello." Spike shouted, "Anybody here?"The town gave no answer. The air was still and quiet."Well, that's just great. How are we supposed to…" Just then something grabbed all three of them. First, they were blinded and then they were tied up to chairs. "Hey… Who's there?" Asked spike. Twilight rolled her eyes, even though she couldn't see out of them... "Yeah, because they're going to just tell us Spike." "Shut it," shouted a young country voice. "Now I ask the questions here." "Uh hay, are you a kid?" Asked Spike, but his only response was a slap in the face. "Now, what are you doing here, Stormtroopers!" Shouted the voice. "Uh, we are not empire." "That's just what an imperial spy would say. Now tell us, what does the empire want with our farmland?!" "We don't know, we’re just..?" "Likely story". Said the young country accent. "Scoo ah, I mean Crusader two, hack into that, their droid, that should give us the information we want." "On it boss. Another young voice said." The little owl droid hood and tweeted as it struggled its wings out of the grip of its captor. Its meddle feathers then turned into sharp ones as it sliced through its ropes and freed its master and her companion. "Way to go, owl3." Spike said as he quickly got his arms free and tore off the blindfold. His eyes widened as he saw the seven others in the room. It was a low-lit room, only one light was on in the entire place. Yet it was clear by the look of them they were young. "They're free, they're free!" Shouted a pink griffin."Let's get them!" Shouted a white pony with brown spots. Just then, all of them except a yellow one with red hair jumped on them. Spike and Twilight jumped out of the way and everyone smashed into the walls. "Uh, you guys are just kids." The only other one left, set a hoof on her head. "Come on, guys, we talked about this. Ugh, I have to do everything myself." She then grabbed a blaster and pointed it at them. "Alright, now you just sit down ya hear, were the ones asking the questions." By the sound of her voice, it was clear the little redhead was in charge. Instantly, they raised their hooves and claws up in the air. "Now uh hold on there…" Spike muttered as the sound of the blaster charged up. "We're not imperial!" Shouted twilight. Just then the door opened letting daylight flood the room. "What in tarnation is going on in here? "Said an orange pony in a trench coat and cowboy hat. "Jacky's back, Jacky's back," the children all cheered and ran up to her. She gave a hardy laugh, "Aw shucks guys I've only been gone for a day." She smiled. It was clear they all loved whoever she was. "Jacky, Jacky when you were away we saw some strange ship land out here and took cover, We then captured the aliens." Shouted the little filly excitedly. "Uh-huh. I can see that blossom." She smirked at the two strangers. "Their empire! "Shouted someone from the crowd. "We are not empire. "Spike replied. "Yes, you are," said a pink little pony with an attitude. "Now you hush up Diamond. Their not empire." "What?" The entire room said. The pony smirked, "If they were Empire, they have armor on and be clones. Everyone knows that the empire all are clones wearing white armor. Do they look like their clones?" She asked in her heavy country accent. "Uh well, no," Blossom said a bit let down. Jacky smirked, "Don't worry sis, you did a good job while I was away. You were just protecting everyone, weren't?" She rustled up her sister's hair a bit. The little one smiled and giggled as her sister took the blaster from her hooves, and stepped towards the two strangers. "Names Jacky, Jacky apple, this here is my town, what's left of it anyway." She rolled her head. "You came to the wrong place at the wrong time. What’s ya name?" "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my servant, Spike." Spike waved hello nervously. "Well I'll be, an alicorn, we don't see very much of your kind around here. She then turned her attention to the droid. Nice droid, real fancy, just what I expect from an Alicorn. If ya looking to sell it, I'd make you a mighty fine deal." Owl 3 seemed to cower in fear at that. "Thanks, but we're not selling the droid. However, we do have a ship you can have." She told her. Spike entered the conversation. "It's broken anyway, and you can sell it for parts, if," The country girl turned back to the alicorn. "You take us to Star Swirl." "Star who? Sorry sugar, but I ain't never heard a name like that out here. But for your ship, I suppose we could make ya a deal. We don't got much to trade, but my services will be more than enough." "Ok then help us find him, what are you anyway?" "Me oh, I'm a licensed contractor, doing my duty to keep these parts safe for all the youngins." "You're a bounty hunter." Spike committed, "I am no such thing. I just, uh, am a free officer of the law is all. I crack down on crooks and turn them in for money." "That's the definition of a bounty hunter," Spike deadpanned. "One more word out of you, and you'll see my job first hand ya hear." Jacky glared at Spike. Twilight stepped in front of him, "Uh yes, well, well pay you then to track him down. Only we don't want him dead, we need to find him." Jacky smirked. "Hun all bounty hunters know their target is worth more alive, for the price of your useless ship parts, I'll track down this Star Swirl, and I'll even throw in a lift on my ship for ya." "Oh, thank you." Twilight beamed. "Yep, now on the ship I got us supplies, go and fetch them then go and get their broken ship ya hear?" She ordered the little ones. They all saluted her and then ran off to do their jobs. "So Jacky did ya catch another," asked her sister. "Unfortunately no sis. My bounty escaped me again. But don't worry, your big sister is the cream of the crop when it comes to bounty hunting, my prey won't be able to alood me forever. Now go run your errands." The little filly saluted her big sis and ran off. "So umm may I ask?" Said the little dragon. "Let me guess you're wondering what this is all about, huh?" The little dragon nodded. "Welp long ago this place," she sighed." This planet was a nothing but green. Crops everywhere from the eyes to see. This was, in these parts, the most profitable farm planet on this side of the galaxy," she sighed. "However, that all changed when the empire took over. They started using our crops to feed their growing military. And wouldn't give us enough time to help the soil. Wasn't long before the entire place became a wasteland and all who lived here left this world to go find work. All except us. We're all that's left." "Why haven't you left?" Asked spike. "Why? Cause this is my home, that's why. One day I'm gonna fix this place up. All I need is to get enough bits to do so. Still having so many mouths to feed, of not just my family but those left children in the town, it's taking me a while to get anywhere. She sighed. My ma died not too long after apple bloom was born, my pa soon after that. My brother thought I was a fool for staying here and he even gone off and left me. This is all I have, I ain't gonna leave it." Twilight smiled at the bounty hunter's words. She then thought of her own world. She was just a baby when the home of the alicorns was destroyed. She wondered if she would have the same feeling towards it that Jacky did if only she knew it. "Welp, tonight you'll stay with us, we'll leave tomorrow morning when the central star is set, ya hear." Mhmm the two replied. With that, the bounty hunter walked away leaving the two and their bird droid alone. > Chapter III The Search Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A tie shuttle opened its doorway, and the alicorn queen, Celestia, was escorted out by four Stormtroopers. The captain depicted by a black shoulder pad on her right, led the way. Celistia said nothing as she walked the halls of the massive star destroyer. She was brought to a large elevator when a Stormtrooper behind asked a question. “Wait, isn't she a prisoner, shouldn't we be taking her to the cell block?” Asked the trooper, surprisingly somewhat cheerfully. “The Lord wants to have a word with her,” said the captain in a similar voice but extremely dull. “Oh, okie dokie.” Said the one that asked as she stepped into the elevator. Celistia was lead to what looked like a conference room. If the conference room was repainted with purple swirls and blue checkered board floors, that is Unlike every other room on the entire ship, this one looked to be the most bizarre, And at the end of the long conference table was some type of black meditation chamber. “Step forward,” said the leader trooper. Celistia did as she was told and stepped towards the table. Soon the chamber opened, revealing an odd red throne with what looked to be horns sticking out of the top. Sitting on the throne was a menacing-looking black space suit, with a horn, and an antler sticking out of its head. It was tall and skinny, wearing a cape that draped down from its neck. A black box sat on its chest. Whatever was inside the suit had yellowish glowing eyes. “Welcome, welcome,” said the creature in a deep scary robotic voice. “Sit down, sit down. Oh, wait, hold on.” He said as he struggled to take the helmet off. As he did, it was clearly pressurized by the sound of it being released. A cloud of purple smoke filled the room. “Aww, that's better, honestly being trapped in that suit all day, ha it's almost as bad as being in stone.” Said the creature who stayed draped in the dark shadows of the room. “Honestly, honestly, all of you remove your helmets, let me see your dazzling faces.” He waved his hand at them. It was clearly some type of paw. The troopers did as we're told, revealing their faces. They were all a very dull greyish-pink color, all had the same dull straight hair and bored look on their face. All except one who did have the same look but tried to smile. “We've brought you the prisoner as requested, sir”. Said the captain.” Good F.I.M. 2010, your squad has done exceedingly well.” He said smoothly. “Really sir?” Said the captain. “NO, NOT REALLY, I DEMANDED YOU TO FIND ME THE CRYSTAL!” He yelled at them, with fire in his eyes. “Sir, we found no crystal-” “No duh. It's clearly, with the escaped princess, that you've also let go.” He then turned to his guest. “Well, well, well, we meet again Celestia. Did you miss me” “Lord chaos”, she replied with a dramatic and mockery tone. “I missed you. It's been so long since we had a chance to chat. Can I offer you a drink?” he snapped his fingers, and instantly a droid bird came flying in with a cup of some brown liquid. “Personally, I'm parched.” He said, taking the glass. Yet somehow as he drank it the drink did not disappear, instead, the glass did as the liquid stayed still. “No, thanks”. She refused, pushing the glass away. After finishing his drink, placing not the glass, but the brown substance back on the bird's tray. “Very well, I only have one question you see, answer it, and I'll let you go free, no funny business at all,” he said as he pulled out a clown horn from his chair and give it a honk for effect. “Let me guess where's my niece.” “Precisely. And done get smart with me,” he said darkly. “As if I'd ever tell you”. She narrowed her eyes. “You and your emperor will never win.” The Lord of Chaos laughed a hardy laugh. “The emperor, oh please have you forgotten me after all these years? Like I'd ever cared what The emperor wanted” “Yet you do his bidding, like a slave.” “Slave!” The Lord yelled. “I am free,” he ended his statement with an evil grin. “If you're free, why aren't you in charge?” “Oh simple, all the governing of the Galaxy, and taking care of business, it simply wasn't ever me. No, no, I am quite happy to be where I am today. Spreading my glorious chaos where ever I go, free of charge. All from mine and his agreement, of course.” He said examining his claws. “You act like your heart is stone but we both no better, Discord!” “It's lord chaos now, that name means nothing to me anymore. You should know that by now.” “Really, if flutt-”. “Oh, but that's the thing, isn't it? Creatures big and small old and young, it doesn't matter, they all do crazy things for the ones they love.” He said, pressing a button revealing an image of a grey-beaten unicorn. She gasped, “My king. What have you done to him?” “Oh, I haven't done a thing to him. Not a thing, no food, no water, it can be rather, harsh going through starvation. I don't have to lift a finger to torture.” Celestia grew a tear in her eye. “Let him go.” “Oh, I'll do more than that. I'll even snap my fingers and have him nursed back to health, if you tell me where that little niece of yours went.” He said, standing up from his chair. He took a step down from his throne and walked across the table towards her. She grits her teeth.” I'll never tell you.” “Pity, I would have rather him and you survive. Perhaps your niece will be more cooperative. Captain takes this one to the cell block, and give her no food or water.” “Yes sir.” “And you,” he pointed at the smiling clone. Who saluted him as soon as she was addressed. “Call In Nightmare, I have a mission for her.” “Yes sir”. Said the clone trooper, they put their helmets back and then left the Lord of Chaos, as soon as they were gone his amused grin faded away into an unreadable expression, as he opened the black box on his chest and pulled out a ruby red crystal shard and held it in his fingers, bring it up to his face, staring into it. Spike and Twilight were following the bounty hunter as the sun rose on the dirt outlands of her home world. “Now, you said this Star Swirl was supposed to be on my planet, so the first place we'll search is the entire planet.” “The entire planet, he could be anywhere then.” Spike complained. “Not exactly, little one…” “Little one?” He questioned.” I'm fourteen, I'm just short for my age. He tried to interject.” “... this planet is pretty small and not a lot of places to look. There are in fact only four families that own the land. Mine, the pairs, the riches, and the strawberries. mine is the only one that stayed.” “Wait, there's only four who owns this land, does that mean you're all related then?” “As me brother used to say, enope. Fact is while only four families had farms, there were plenty of people threw out the galaxy who came here to trade and what not building little towns like ours. However, if you said this Star Swirl is on this planet, we could check the old farmlands of the others. Chances are he could be hiding in one of the other outposts of civilizations on the planet. Granted there ain't much life here, what there is, is all you'll see, so I doubt that Star Swirl stayed. If we don't find him there, we could find clues to where he went. We could even ask the others if they know anything.” “Wait, I thought you said the others left?” “I did, and they did, but I still have contact with them. you'll see. Now here we are.” Jacky gleamed.They stood in front of an old red barn. “This here is where I keep my ship.” She told them as she opened the barn doors. Inside the barn was a medium-sized spaceship, if you could call it that. It looked like an amalgamation of parts, most rusty and old. Most of the hall was painted red and gold. And a depiction of a phoenix head was on the side of it. “Umm, you sure that hunk of junk can fly?” Asked spike. “Hunk a junk! Hunk a junk! This,” she pointed at the ship,” this here is the golden phoenix. Second-fastest ship in the galaxy.” “Second fastest?” Questioned twilight. “Won second place in the grand Galaxy pree. My daddy built it using an old YV-666 light freighter. I even got a z 95 in the back for quick jobs, but this ship is pretty fast.” “If I may ask, what ship won?” “Some YT 1300 called the millennium falcon. Lame name if you asked me, even lamer a ship. I prefer the Phoenix.” “Come now, let's get a move on every pony.” They all gathered on the ship.” Winona, get the turbines running.” commanded Jacky. Just then a little dog droid rolled in on wheels, with a few happy barks the creature pressed a few buttons and activated the ship's power systems. The ship rattled and shook as it began. Spike a little cautiously, made sure to tighten his seat belt as much as he could, fearing the worst. Twilight had an unsure look on her face, too, as the ship began to rise off the ground. “Um you're sure this thing is safe right?” She asked. “Safe no.” Jacky shook her head. “Fast yeah,” she shook her head and pushed the lever from park to fly, hold on. She shouted as the ship took off. The ship flew into the atmosphere, flying at breakneck speed. Making Jacky's passengers worried. But she just sat back in her chair with a smirk on her face as she directed the ship in a slow dive towards the east. “We're coming up on the old Rich's farmland. Well, be there in a few minutes.” “FEW MINUTES!” shouted spike. Making the driver chuckle. He then looked at the gear shift and noticed something weird. “Umm, why does this thing have three gear speeds?” “Hmm, oh yes. You see we have fast, superfast, and then sonic fast. Superfast is all we need, never use supersonic… last time I did the ship went so fast it broke apart, took forever to put it back together.” Just then, the ship rattled and jumped. “Are ya sure you put it back correctly?” “Oh, hush up, back seat driver where hear alright,” Jacky said as she lowered the ship to its landing position. As it landed, it kicked up a cloud of sand, making a little stand storm all around the ship. Spike couldn't see out the front window and shook his head. As he undid his belt and stood up, his stomach felt like he was gonna hurl. Twilight immediately fell to the floor as soon as she stood up. “Eh, you get used to it,” Jacky smirked, already heading out the door. Her little droid dog barked happily. “No Winona you stay here and look after the ship, got it?” The droid barked in response and returned to its duties. They walked into the remnants of another town.” Now to find this guy you're gonna have to tell me all ya know. ya, hear”. She said as she began looking through buildings Umm, that might be difficult, you see all we know is that he's a knight of harmony. “Knight of harmony, eh? My ma used to tell me stories of them. Supposed to have magic powers.” She chuckled. “Yep, problem is magic don't exist never have, never will. So what are we searching for, a fairy tale?” “Maybe.” Spike replied. “I was joking, look I wanna help but if you're wasting my time then,” “My aunt told us to find him. She said he was real and I believe it.” Twilight told her. “Well, Hun look, unless you got any other definitive proof we ain't gonna find him here or any other planet.” “Well, we do have one thing right,” Spike said cheerfully. “You see…” Just before he could finish his sentence, twilight stuffed her hoof in the little dragon's mouth. “Yeah, what?” AJ called back as she examined some hoof tracks. “Uh nothing, it's nothing.” Said Twilight, Who shushed Spike. “Nothing huh, look if you're holding information on me then how can I help you find him?” She said following the track. “Well, like you said fairy tales. We really don't want to wait your time.” Twilight spoke up and then knelt over to Spike's head. “I don't want anyone knowing what I am ok. If she really is a bounty hunter, she could see us to the empire.” Spike's eyes widen at that, he didn't think of that before. He then set a claw on his chin as he thought of something he hadn't before. “Twilight, if the knights were real, do you think…” “Aha!” Shouted Jacky interrupting the two. “What is it,” twilight asked. “Good news is I have found proof of someone been here recently. These tracks are fresh, and. Not only that, but there is some fresh hair.” She said, raising up a speck of red hair. “With this speck of hair I can put it through my scanner,” she said pulling out a little device. “And if their DNA is in my Datta base, we can see who it was. Perhaps they know about your Swirl guy.” She said as she began scanning it. “Could it be Star Swirls hair?” Asked spike. “Possibly,” Twilight shrugged and let the expert handle it. Just then, her device gave a large beep. Jacky's eyes grew wide. She then grew a not-so-friendly grin. “What is it, what is it?” Spike asked. “It's my bounty, they were here.” “Star Swirl?” “No, but it is possible they know a thing or two about star swirl. Help me catch this thief and well question them.” “Ok, but who is it?” “Oh, it's a,” she then gasped,” DUCK”! Jacky yelled before grabbing Twilight and pulling her down just in time before a blast of fire hit them. Jacky grabbed her blaster and was about to fire back when she saw whoever was shooting back take off. “There!” She shouted, and Twilight and Spike looked over. In silver armor and a helmet that almost looked like a gladiator, was someone running. “Why would they just shoot us and run?” Asked spike as he hopped onto Twilight's back, who took off after them along with Jacky. “They were aiming for me. I've had some history with this one. Been trying to catch it for weeks now. Stole top dollar from a crime boss. A bounty's been on this one head ever since, if you help me catch it, I'll give ya a cut. A little one, I need the money to make my home world green again.” “Yeah, yeah, let's just stop it already.” Spike yelled. “Now she's gonna try and take flight, twilight you got wings so don't let her get too far. I'm a gonna get the ship alright. Here you'll need this.”Jacky handed him the blaster she got from her sister. “What am I supposed to do with this?” He asked back. “Figure it out.” She said, and slid down a hill as twilight took to the skies. Just as Jacky told them, their prey stretched out their wings and took to the skies. “Is that a Pegasus”? Twilight questions before trying to dive in towards her. The Pegasus saw the alicorn and barrel rolled into the sky, avoiding her. “Well, whoever it is, they sure are fast,” spike said before raising the blaster.” You have that set to stun, right?” “I think.” Spike said before he took a few shots. Luckily the shots were blue indicating the stun setting. Their opened however flew down out of the way and did a big loop till they were right on top of them. Spike tried to shoot again, but the Pegasus kicked the blaster right out of the dragon's claws and tackled him off of Twilight, sending her into a tailspin. She struggled to regain her flight control as the Pegasus got away with Spike. The Pegasus slammed into the ground, but only Spike got hurt as he scraped into the dirt. Luckily they landed in what seam to be the softer sand on the planet, otherwise it could have killed them both. “Are you crazy!?” Yelled spike. “Start Swirl. What do you know about him?” She growled. “What?” “Tell me!” She pointed a blaster at his head. Just then, the ship flew up to their location. The Guns pointed directly at them.“Not so fast, Dash.” Said Jacky over a loudspeaker from the ship. Dash's only response was to put the blaster closer to Spike's head. He rose his arms up. “Hay hay hay, can we talk about this.” He panicked. “Let him go, Dash.” “Make me.” She shouted back. The two stood, not daring to make another move. Jacky did tighten her grip around her trigger. Dash doing the same on her end. The air then stood dangerously quiet. As the two old enemies narrowed their eyes. “Who's the quicker draw, was it Jacky Apple, or Dash Rainbow?” Dash said as she smirked. “Don't try, I. Just come in, nice and quiet like and…” “Oh, yeah because I'm going to trust you. A bounty hunter.” “I ain't no bounty hunter. I make an honest living ya hear. You. You're the one who stole and robbed”. “You can call me a thief all you want, doesn't change the facts.” “Says the imperial!” Shouted Jacky. “I made my choice!” She shouted. “You sure did!” The two stood quiet, glaring at one another once again. As the seconds passed, spike decided to ask the question.” Umm, what's going on here”? He said with a raised eyebrow. “Are you gonna shoot me or what?” Dash looked back at the dragon. Her helmet gave no motion. Only her voice did that. Just then twilight smashed into the Pegasus bringing her to the ground. Giving spike the chance to grab her blaster. He turned the nob on the weapon to what he thought was stun and shot at her.Unfortunately, the blast let out an electrifying net, zapping both Twilight and Dash. “Oh, uh sorry, sorry.” “Turn it off, turn it off”, dash said as the net zapped them… “Uh, how?” “Hit the control switch on my arm. Please!!!” She shouted. Spike quickly did so as Jacky lowered the ship and ran to them. Jacky sighed with a bit of a chuckle. “Well, I didn't expect to catch a Pegasus and an alicorn.” Oh, haha. Twilight said tied up with Dash. “Come on Spike, help me get them on the ship. Twi I'll let you free as soon as we get there.” “Where,” she asked.  Dash growled,” let me guess Mane Hatten.” “Correct, you and I are gonna see an old friend. And I'm about to get your bounty.” “Ugh”. Dash responded as Spike and Jacky loaded the two onto the ship. > Chapter IV The Shadow Bolts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The phoenix just entered hyperspace, it'll be a little bit before we get to our destination, so I'd get some rest if I were you, got it?" "And how am I supposed to rest when I'm tied up to purple overhear?" Dash complained. "I said rest not sleep. Don't worry you're on the second fastest ship in the-" "Still spitting that none since huh?" Jacky rolled her eyes. "You'll see well be there soon enough." "You know I'm with her I'm tied up to hear," Twilight complained. "Well since we got time mind telling us what's going on between you two? You seem to know each other pretty well" "Ha like I'll talk," Dash muttered. "Trust me Twi you want to listen to a word that one says anyway." "Hay what about Star Swirl." Asked spike. "When you had me pined you asked me what I knew about Star Swirl, so what do you know about it?" The pegusus turned her head away from them all, with a grumpy grunt. "She's a shadow bolt, trust me ya never want to trust a shadow bolt." Said Jacky. "What's a shadow bolt," asked Spike. "Only an elite gang of roughens who work for the empire. Trust me what ever she knows, you wouldn't be able to trust. All the shadow bolts do is lie, steal, and cheat." With that, the bounty hunter left the room leaving Twilight tied up and Spike to hopefully comfort them. Soon they came out of hyperspace ascending to Mane hatten. It was a fancy world, of casinos and other high-class estates. Most of the planet sparkled and shined through the night, all but one area near the shoreline. Jacky lowers her ship onto the sandy beach in the darkness. Just up ahead were the dazzling lights of the city. Twilight and Dash sat on a hoverboard used for cargo that was being pushed around by Spike. Twilight and Dash were still tied up in the net when the door opened. Spike pushed the hoverboard until he reached outside. The smell of the salty ocean hitting his nostrils, the feel of the loose sand under his feet. A damp chill in the air, but a soothing one as the sounds of waves crashed along the shoreline. Spike took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as he closed his eyes, he felt the soft damp breeze hit his scales. For the first time this entire trip, Spike was reminded of one of his greatest dreams. Just I get off of that planet and see the Galaxy, see the wonders and all the beauty it had to offer, the magic that it held. Wait magic? Yes, magic. Though Spike knew magic didn't exist whenever he had a chance back on their little world pony vill, spike often got this sense of peace and tranquility, as if magic was real. As he opened his eyes the thought he had before came back to him. If the Knights of Harmony were real, does that mean magic was real also? He didn't have time to dwell on such thoughts as Jacky came out right behind him. Alright come on everypony, the droids can stay on the ship. I already called in our meeting with Mrs. Ritch. Well, supes to meet her at the grand castle just north of hear. She pointed at a very tall castle structure that overlooked the sea. In some ways, the castle was beautiful, made of gold and jewels, but in other ways it looked like a prison, setting alone away from the fancy lights of the city. All it needed was a bit of lightning and the place would look terrifying, yet its backdrop was that of a starry night sky, over shined by the city not too far away. As soon as they got to the gates guards in golden uniforms escorted them inside. It was as expected of a castle. But that didn't make Twilight feel at home. If anything the place was far too fancy, with its buttresses and diamond-encrusted lavender curtains. The marble floors were spotless and shined a little too much even for twilights liking. They soon got to their destination, an over-the-top fancy giant door, once the door slid away it revealed a grand ballroom that must have taken up half the castle. All sorts of fancy creatures dressed in the finest gowns and suits were there. The conversation stalled a moment to see who was there but quickly turned back into one of gossip, paying no attention to the newcomers. As they entered the ballroom they headed down the main red carpet to an empty golden thrown, to say they were underdressed was putting it lightly. Soon someone took notice of them. Excuse me would you, said a unicorn that was surrounded by male suitors of all different kinds of species. As she turned around and headed towards Spike gasped at the sight. In a dark shade of purple, a glittery dress, with matching gloves that went up past her elbows was a white unicorn. Her dress had little diamonds in the stitching. A light blue almost white diamond shape crystal sat around her neck. Her tail And hair were purple and wavey, her eyes a dark sapphire blue. She was the prettiest thing Spike has ever seen. He was awestruck by the beauty before him. Not a word she said registered with him as she approached Jacky. "Jacky Apple, why it's so good to see you?" She gave Jacky a little hug but Jacky could tell she was doing everything she could, not to get her dress dirty. "Tell me how's my sisters, Diamond, and Bell." "They're all good Rarity, they miss ya. Why don't you come home sometime to see them?" "Rarity gave a happy giggle. Oh dash don't you see I am home. You know just say the word, we could see that old dump and take you in, build you a new farm, and..." "I already told you. I ain't leaving our home world for nothing. I just need some bits to fix it up, ya hear." Rarity sighed. "Ah yes. Well with that will get right down to business then shall we?" She turned her attention to the pegasus in the helmet. "Dash Rainbow. And who is the other one?" She asked. "Oh, she's a client that actually helped me catch her. She ended up getting tied up with the culprit. I'm gonna set her free, I just didn't want to give Dash here a chance to get loose." "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my assistant Spike." She turned to the little dragon who could do nothing but stare. Umm is he ok? She asked. Spikes say hello. Twilight commanded. "Spike says hello." He mutters then shook his head. "Uh, I mean. Hello, my name is uh Spi...ke." Twilight rolled her eyes as Rarity giggled a very girly giggle. "Well, it's very. Ice to meet you." "I'm Rarity Ritch." My home world was once the same as apple jacks but as you can see we have a new one now. "I just can't seem to get this one to see that." She patted Jacky on the shoulder. "We go way back me and Rarity hear, practically grew up together. Now about my payment?" Jacky asked. "Oh of course, of course. For the crime of stealing one of our ships, YOU!" She pointed at Dash."Will see your days at an end." Twilight and Spike gasped. "For stealing a ship. Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" "Oh if it was only that I wouldn't care and just have her work in the mines, however, this one is a Shadow bolt. One less Shadow bolt in this galaxy will do it justice." She then clapped her hoves and the guards shot dash with a stun blast and then untied the net freeing Twilight. "Wait she might have information I need, please you can't kill her." She spread her wings slightly in excitement. Rarity gasped. "Oh, an alicorn. Oh, I always wanted to be an alicorn. If I had wings," she squealed like a little filly. "I'd fly around and do good things, just like the wonder bolts use to do." She then sighed and looked back at Dash. "Too bad wings were given to such vile creatures." "Whatever it is you need I can assure you she will be no help. I on the other hand will do all I can, she smirked if you stay. Be a part of my party, and become a friend of mine. Trust me anything you're looking for I'm sure I can find, anything is possible if you have the money, and trust me I have the money." She smiled. "That's very generous of you Rarity, but she's a client of mine, we gotta get going to help her, hay you or ya daddy, ever heard of Star Swirl, have ya?" "Rarity raised an eyebrow, star swirl, star swirl she repeated a few times. No not a star swirl. Hmm, but I do know if a Swirl. Perhaps he could help you. I know why don't I give him a call, you and..?" "Twilight," Twilight repeated her name. "You and Twilight hear go get dressed up and spend some time at the party here. Oh, I have just the dresses for you both. And then I'll call up Mr Swirl, and send you on your way with your money." She then looked back at the unconscious dash with disgust in her eye. "In the meantime take that one to the dungeons, and have her dealt with in the morning." With that, the guess took Dash off, as Rarity grabbed Twilight and Jacky's hoofs dragging them upstairs to get dressed. Spike just followed. "Here you can change in my room." Rarity clapped her hooves and the guards brought out two dresses, one county ess but nicely styled for Jacky, and one almost princes with a stary pattern for twilight that had several shades of blue that faded into one another, looking like the night sky. "I'll see you when you are ready then and I hope you do enjoy the party tonight. Just a few hours is all I ask ok Jacky? " Jacky rolled her eyes but grabbed her dress, showing that she agreed to it. Spike grabbed Twilight's dress and Rarity and her guards left the room. As soon as they were gone Jacky turned to Twilight. "Listen up you. Rarity may seams nice and generous, but she is not one to be trifled with. The Ritch family has always been mixed up in the darker markets of the Galaxy. Don't let her pretty dress fool you boy," she said turning her attention to Spike. "She's a gangster. The whole Ritch family. What you did there could have cost us our lives. Your lucky you're an alicorn because if not we could be locked up with Dash right now." Twilight with a nervously expression uttered the word "sorry." Just put on the dress, have a few laughs and then with my cash we'll leave. "At least now we have a lead right, this Swirl guy, might be a big help," Spike replied Jacky with an annoyed expression uttered, "That's true I guess. Just don't do anything that will get on her bad side, ok. Otherwise, you're on your own." She said and headed to the bathroom to get dressed. Dash found herself being escorted by the guards. Her weapons and most of her armor taken, leaving her in just her helmet and average clothes. The guard came to claim that when she stopped him. "Leave the helmet on" she muttered and then continued her path to a cell. The guard shrugged and closed the door. An electric beam shot out stopping the prisoner from escaping. With them gone and her hooves free dash alone in her sell took off her helmet and sat on the bed in the corner of the room. She has a scar around her eye, and her rainbow color mane barely covers it. She took in a deep breath as she opened her eyes, they were a magenta color was the most striking thing about her. She looked down into her helmet and began fishing something out of it. She pulled out a small crystal shard. It looked almost like a butterfly. She eyed it carefully, as she let out her breath. "At least you're still with me right flutters." She said as she turned the crystal in her hoof carefully. She then closed her eyes as she breathed in and out carefully. Suddenly something made the hair on the back of her neck stand up as she jumped from the bed. "There, hear," she muttered, as she began to shake in fear. Rarity rejoined the party for a few minutes but then felt a tinge of fear for some reason. She had a very bad feeling and her expression fell from a smile to one of concern. "Mrs. Ritch." Asked a fancy stallion. But she informed it and stepped out onto the balcony. She looked up to the skies above just in time to see figures descend toward her. They landed right in front of her. Five figurines in black armor. One a dragon one a griffin the other three ponies. All had a black lightning bolt Symon carved into their armor. The one who seemed to be the leader stepped forward. A light blue pegasus by the looks of it. Rarity after getting over her unethical shock at their arrival stood up straight and tall. She showered no fear of these newcomers as she stomped her hoof. "How dare you. How dare your master go back on his word, we had a deal." "The deal's still in effect. So long as you do as we say. As you can see we brought no army with us. We've come in peace. We've only come to collect what our boss wants, and we'll go. Free of charge." "Why wasn't I aware of your coming? To come to my home unannounced, with such a display is an outrage." "Outrage, why. Because you don't want to show your true self. Your loyalty to the empire." "I have no such loyalties to you or your master. We had a deal." The dragon held out its claw. "Just give us what we want and we'll go." Judging by the voice the dragon was a girl. Rarity stood, her expression furious. She then looked back at those of the party. All of them were in fear of the five before them, fear and confusion as to what Rarity was doing talking to them. "Mrs. Ritch, what are you doing with the empires attack dogs?" Said the fancy unicorn from before. "Mr. Fancypaints I," "Don't tell me you're actually working with them." "No sir no. I just made a deal with them. A teensy little deal that's all." She pleaded. "What deal, demanded a cat from the crowd." "You know how the empire is supposedly afraid of coming here due to our work on the black markets? Well, that's kinda a lie. Truth is the reason why they don't mess with us is because I made a deal with them. So long as they get a cut of the profits they won't mess with us. I am not loyal to them in any way. It was a deal to secure us. To secure our safety, please you got to believe me." She said as the others took steps back from her. "Alright, that's enough." Said the pegasus before and he grabbed a blaster and shot a ray at the building. It was enough to shake the whole building. "Now listen up all we want is what we came for and we'll go. If not we'll take down every one of you in seconds." "We already gave you a cut of our earnings." Rarity declared. "Remember what the boss gave you. He said as a token of our agreement you may have that, but when he needs it he'll be there to collect it. Well, we hear get it for him, that's all we're here for, hand it over." Said the dragon. Rarity then placed her hoof on her necklace. "That's it, give us it and we'll go free of charge." A shot hit the building shaking it. "What was that?" Asked Spike AJ was the closest to the window so she took a look. She was already in her dress. Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle, shadow bolts, five of them." "What are they doing hear?" "Whatever it is it ain't pretty, they work for the empire, their elite flyers, and are not friendly. We got to get out of here, quick get dressed in your old clothes," she said turning back into the bathroom to change. "I'll contact Wannoa and have the ship ready for take off. The last thing we want is any trouble with the empire." Dash paced around her sell with her helmet on. "Think, think, think." She mutterd as she paced faster and faster. "What could the empire want here? It has to be something important otherwise they'd just send troopers, not the elite squad."Got to get out of here somehow." She grits her teeth. Just then a blast hit the building and it shook the door till the electric field shortened out. "Or that could work." She shrugged and headed out the door. Rarity slowly took off the necklace and held it with her hoof. "This was my insurance that the deal would be kept," she looked at the shadow bolts as a storm began to rage above. "What insurance do I have that your master will keep his word now?" "Trust me you don't want to do that." Said the pegasus. "Hand it over," the dragon demanded holding out her claw. "NO DON'T!!!" Shouted a voice who came above them. The wind began to pick up as a storm became eminent. From a window above stood Dash. She jumped and flew down to Rarity's side. "If you give them whatever they want, they'll do unspeakable things, don't let them have it." Oh, look at what we have here." The Griffin said stepping forward from the back. "Ha, fancy meeting you hear Dash." The Griffen took off her helmet, "How've ya, been? You know," she chuckled. "Since you ditched us." "Gilda." Rainbow Dash said as she took off her helmet revealing her face. "Soren," she said looking at the blue pegasus, who also took off his helmet. "Smolder," the dragon took hers off revealing to be orange with hot pink spikes. "Dust," she said as the other pony took off her helmet revealing an orange main. She was a sea-green pony. "Bulk," she said as the largest pegasus removed his helmet. "The gangs all hear," Soren smiled. "You guys listen, I had to leave. What we were doing was just, just not what we were supposed to be about." "You left us!" Shouted Dust. We're supposed to be wonderbolts. The empire turn us into something we weren't, please. She shook her head a tear built up in her eye. Leave them. Leave the shadow bolts. Come join me instead and... "Join you, the one who ditched us." Soren chuckled. "I think not. With you out of the way I became leader. This is gonna be great. Not only are we going to fulfill our duty. We're gonna catch a backstabbing traitor too. Oh, won't Nightmare be pleased?" Soren smirked. "Get her." "Oh with pleasure," said Gilda who was the first to swipe at her. Smolder came next, dash had only moments to dodge them and back-kick them away from her. "Please I don't want to fight you. The empire..." "The empire is bad, we heard it all before. Were the good guy's Dash. We've been cleaning up the filth of the Galaxy for the emperor. Just give in already." Shouted Dust who tried to tackle her. Dash dodged and looked at Rarity. "Whatever you do, don't give them that thing". She pleaded, leaving Rarity confused. "Why should I trust you?" Why should we trust you"? Shouted the crowd at Rarity. "I, I." "I've had enough of this." Soren kicked Rarity in the face, making her drop the crystal. It flew in the air along with her. As it did the crystal landed in front of Spike he gasped as he without thinking about it began running to her side. Spike shouted Twilight, who took after him, leaving Jacky puzzled. "Oh, come on we were supposed to sneak away darn it." She said as she pulled out her blaster. As soon as she did the crowd went crazy nocking her over trying to get away from the fight. Jacky fell down and saw the crystal, she picked it up a bit mesmerized by it for some reason, she didn't know she felt like she had to take it. To keep it safe. As if her life depended on it. She picked it up slowly as she stared at it. Once she was snapped out of her daze by another blast that came from one of the shadow bolt's blasters, she took it and began to run. "Winona," she called into her communicator. "Winona get the ship fired up ya hear?" A little bark came over the communicator in response. Spike ran over and helped Rarity to her feet. "Oh thank you," she replied as she got up. Her dress was now slightly torn, her make-up ruined. A big red bruise was on her cheek, which she rubbed slightly. Dash slid in front of them punching and kicking the oncoming shadow bolts. "Get her out of here," she demanded. Spike's eyes widen as he recognized the voice," Dash is that you, we never did see you without your helmet." Shut up and do as I say. She said as she punch Bulk in the face, making the muscular pony sway back and forth. "It's nice to know I'm still the fastest and the strongest out of all of you." She smirked before she flapped her wings making her float slightly mid-air. "Spike," Twilight cried as she got to him. "We got to help Rarity," he told her. Rarity looked at her people her home already broken and partly destroyed by the little fight. "A full-on battle would end us all." She said with a slight cry. After hearing her words twilight took a moment to look around her. Taking in the scenery. What was once a nice night minutes ago now was a horrible sight to behold. The sky was now filled with dark swirling clouds, and the sound of thunder filled her ears. The wind was a bit of a sting, smoke came from the building's walls where it was struck and the people were scared. Terrified and running away. Jacky's words chimed in her head. "This planet was a nothing but green. Crops everywhere from the eyes to see. This was, in these parts, the most profitable farm planet on this side of the galaxy," she sighed. "However, that all changed when the empire took over." She then looked at Rarity as she remembered what their original home looked like. She may have given up on her last planet but she found a new one here. She then thought back to what her aunt told her about her home world, and how it was originally destroyed. "The home of the alicorns was destroyed, not by an asteroid. But by a power indescribable. This here. This here is a powerful relic. It is but a single piece of that great power. So long as this crystal does not fall into the empire's hands, what happened to our home world will never happen again.” You were wrong anty." She mutters with a slight tear. "The empire can do "this even without the crystal." "What Twi?" Asked spike. "We can't leave. We must stop them. Here and now, before they destroy this city." "But how, they are elite guards Twilight?" Asked spike. "I like the statement, but I am afraid this is my fault for making a deal with the empire." The two gasped. They said they would leave me alone if I gave them a cut of my money. They then came here to get my necklace, I don't know why but Rainbow was determined to not give it. I think she's right. I think we got to go." "That necklace, it was a crystal, wasn't it? Kinda like this one." Twilight said pulling hers out. "You have one too, what are those things anyway and what do they want with it?" "It's a powerful relic that when put together with the other pieces of I can destroy a planet," Twilight told her. "We're supposed to find star swirl so he could help us stop them." "Swirl, right. Hay where is my necklace anyway?" "And where's Jacky," asked Spike. Jacky meanwhile was running like crazy trying to get to the ship. Finally, she got there just in time as the engines started heating up. The owl droid who'd a few times. "Beats me all I know is that we have to get out of here." She ran to the cockpit. The owl droid followed her who-ing and howling at her yelling in his robotic language. "I am not gonna go back there, look your just a droid. I could sell you for parts, thire all goners as far as I'm concerned." Jacky began flying the ship away from the fight. Meanwhile, dash backflipped and kicked sirens head in, she then punched Gilda's beak took flight, and dived into Dust sending her into the dirt. "You can't take all of us on," Smolder said as she got up. "Really seems like I'm not doing half bad," Dash said raising her fist in the air. Rarity, Spike and Twilight stood not knowing what to do. Spike then got on the communicator. Jacky, Jacky, you there he called. Jacky rolled her head as she heard her name in the communicator. The bird still who'd at her in the background. The five then all stood up blasters ready at Dash who stood in a fighting position mid-air flapping her wings slightly to keep flight. "You can't outrun us. As soon as you take off we'll be tight on your tail." Gilda told her. "Wanta bet," Dash said confidently, though it was clearly false judging by the sweat running down her brow. Just then the Phoenix came in guns blazing. "I MUST BE OUT OF MY MIND!" she shouted at the droids in the cockpit. Who only tweeted and bark happily. The shadow bolts took to the skies dodging every fier from the ship. They shot back a few times shaking the Phoenix. "Come on girl hold true," AJ muttered through grit teeth. "Oh thank God," Twilight smiled as Dash chuckled, "alright I'm starting to like that ship." AJ took the ship in and did a dive before opening the hatch. "Get in," she yelled flying towards them. Twilight grabbed Rarity and Dash grabbed Spike as they took to the skies being scooped up by the falcon. "Ok, everyone buckle your seatbelts we're going sonic." She yelled as she pulled the lever. But before she could a lightning bolt struck the ship powering it down. The entire ship then stood still encased in a bubble of purple magic. "Oh no," Dash muttered. Jacky looked out in front of her and there hovering in mid-air was a black terrifying-looking Alicorn draped in nightly armor. Who's that, asked Spike. as he and the others entered the cockpit. Dash looked out the window and replied in a shaky voice. "That would be Nightmare." > Chapter V Welcome To The Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Honestly, she doesn't know what she's talking about, I mean, it's not like she knows how much I regret what I did right. You understand that, don't you?” “Discord sat in a dark room, pacing back and forth while speaking.” “I mean you would, right?” “You, you would know that I am only trying to do what is right, right. He said waiting for an answer.” “After not getting one,” he continued. “They don't know my plans for the future, I could snap my fingers and take over the Galaxy right now if I wanted to.” He stood quietly as he stared out a window at the vacuum of space. His reflection looked back at him. Something that was behind it was barely seen in the reflection of the window. “And soon I will have what I truly want.” Just then, a knock came on the door. Discord rolled his eyes at the nonsensical knock on the door that sounded like the theme song of friendship is magic. “I'm in a meeting here, what is it”? He said as he opened the door.” Two shadow bolts by the looks of their uniforms stood on either side of the door. But It was the cheerful Stormtrooper who stood in front of him. “I'm just giving you my report, sir. Nightmare completed her mission and is on her way back right now. And she also captured Dash Rainbow the trader shadow bolt as well, and we'll be heard within the hour.” She said cheerfully as usual. Lord Chaos's anger was quickly replaced with a very pleased expression. “Good have her report to me, immediately, when she arrives.” “Yes sir.” The trooper saluted and took off. He then turned his attention to the other room. He took a few steps and grabbed his space helmet. My apologies my dear but we'll have to continue our conversation later, I'm afraid I must be getting ready for my departure. I'm going to find that missing princess and get what is rightfully ours. He put his helmet on and walked out of the room. The door closed behind him, and he locked it with a small key that he put in his pocket, as he left. The golden phoenix was being flowed by the shadow bolts, bull, and smolder. A long black ship known as the scimitar flew by it. “Coming out of hyperspace, Nightmare.” Said Dust. Nightmares sat in the Captain's chair, a smile on her face. She was a black Alicorn, except her wings were bat-like and sharp. She had a unicorn horn that came to a sharper point than most unicorn horns. She wore shiny night-themed armor, and her mane and tail sparkled like the stars at night. Her eyes were a vicious green that almost looked like flames, her pupils similar to that of a snake's. Sitting in a locked cell with hoof cuffs sat the four ponies. Twilight and Dash both had another lock over their wings, so they couldn't fly. In the cell next to them sat Spike also in cuffs. He sat with the droids that both had a restraining bolt on them. With it, the dog and owl droid looked lifeless. “Ok, mind explaining who Nightmare is? Or for that matter, anything on the empire that might be useful in this situation” asked Rarity. Dash sighed. Jacky stood quiet, her expression crossed. “Jacky, do you know anything?” “I ain't speaking to either one of you, I knew I should have taken off when I had the chance.” “Oh, that's just like you. You're always in it for yourself and nothing else, aren't you?” Dash called back. “I am trying to get my farm back in working condition, to save my home.” “Yeah, your home. It's always about your home.” Dash yelled back. “You got a problem with that?” Jacky spat back. “Cool it, you two.” Twilight yelled at them in a whispery voice. Dash and Jacky both looked away from each other. “We got to work together if we're gonna get out of this.” Twilight told them. “Oh yeah, and how are we supposed to do that?” Dash said back, A bit more quietly. “Face it, we're doomed.” “No, we just got to think of a plan.” Twilight replied. “I'm with you, but I really don't know what to do in this situation,” rarity said as she leaned her back against the wall. “Well, we're not gonna get anywhere if you three don't make up.” Twilight told them. “It's my fault if I never took that deal.” Rarity muttered. “Explain that to me.” “Will you just shut up,” Jacky called out? “As Dust and Soren came to their cells. They were then escorted out of the ship and onto the large star destroyer. Hundreds of stone troopers lined the way to the elevator.” Nightmare lead the way, she stopped only for a moment as a Stormtrooper stepped forward. “Lord chaos demands your presence immediately” Nightmare only nodded before entering the elevator. Then that same trooper along with the rest of her squadron came down the clear strip. “We'll handle them from here,” said the captain in her dull tone. Soren nodded, and the other shadow bolts took off, leaving Spike and the others with the troopers. They were quietly guided through the large ship to a new set of cells. “Take the droids to their diagnostics test. I want all info on their hard drive. Is that clear?” Said the captain. “Yes, sir,” said the cheerful trooper. As soon as the doors were closed, twilight turned to Rarity. “So, you were saying?” “Oh god, I'm gonna die in here and the last thing I'm gonna see is two traitors.” Jacky complained. “No one's dying.” Twilight told her. Rarity sighed before she sat down to begin her story. “I was just a filly when the empire came and took over my home world. We sat for a decade as they drained us of all our food. But they weren't done. They soon came with machinery to begin mining the planet.” This news caught Jacky off guard, yet she still sat with her back turned to them. “My daddy tried to stop them but was drained of money and power. To stop them from hurting my people even more I stepped up and became leader, my first deal was with empire.If they left me and my people alone, I would do anything they want. I offered my services, anything to get them to leave us alone. I didn't want to be part of the empire. I just wanted them to go away. It was lord Chaos who came to me with an offer. He'd leave us alone if we paid the empire 30 percent of all profits. He knew my father worked on the black market and being the newly established empire, this was their best ticket at the time to keep free money rolling in without the fund of the republic that was recently destroyed.” “But I knew this would send only be short term, the empire didn't need funds forever, they only needed them at the time. So I asked what I have to confirm our agreement. The Lord gave me that crystal and said it was a token of their agreement and that he would need it back one day, but he never came back for it.” “For years now, my and my people have been free to do what we want, without the empire's interference. I made a new home for my people and created such good trade.” She shook her head as she began to cry. “All I wanted was to keep us safe. And now look. My greed for a rich, wealthy, safe home has destroyed it all.” “Ah, you were just trying to do what's right. At least you're loyal to your people.” Dash replied “I understand Jacky and Rarity, but how do you fit in all this Rainbow?” Asked Spike. Dash chuckled with a smile. “It's a long story, dragon boy.” “We got time.” Twilight replied. Dash's smile faded away as she leaned against the side wall. “Do you know anything about the wonder bolts?” “Yes, they were the soldiers of the republic before the empire took over.” Twilight said as she set a hoof on her chin. “The wonder bolts are far older than the Republic, hell they're even older than the Knights of Harmony. Legend of my people goes back a Melina when the first pegasus found the ability to fly, legend says a lonely pony fell once climbed the great mountains of our home world during a mighty storm.” “Our home world was in constant battle with monsters unlike any in the Galaxy. They wore armor to protect themselves, but one day a small child was threatened by one of the great beasts. One pony who held no relationship to the child chose to try and save the child by gaining the creature's attention. While Pony's weapons were no match for the creatures, and it drove him up the mountain. Finally, to stop the creature once and for all from threatening the children he dived into the creature knocking it off the mountain and sacrificing himself, it said that for his bravery and honor the gods gave him wings gaining the power of flight. The creature died, but he flew high into the sky and became a wonder to all those who saw him. The wonder bolts, anyone can join, so long as they have the ability to fly and vow to do good.” “It's not just a group, it's a religion. So long as you can fly and follow the rules of hand-to-hand combat, you can become a wonder bolts. The mightiest warrior in the Galaxy we were once the Wonder Bolts and I as a small child idolize them.” “They take in those who are lost and train them in their ways. I was an orphan and trained at a young age to become one of the best.” She said with a smile and shine in her eye.”Then the empire came,” and her expression fell to one of fear. “I was a new wonder bolt who was out in charge of a small team. Are squad was gonna be the beast of the best. But no wonder Bolt stood a chance, agings them.We have a way of deciding who's the boss. Whoever is the strongest by hand-to-hand combat becomes leader. My teacher, spitfire, decided to save her people she would offer her throne if the leader could defeat her hand to hand.I was young, but I watched as she was defeated I'm three moves by the Lord of Chaos. Since then, we've worked under him.Plenty of times through the years we've all changed him and every time we've lost. Until one of us takes him down in a fistfight, we're supposed to serve him, that's our law.Dash grits her teeth as she mutters, but no one can defeat him, him, or his shadows.” “Shadows?” Twilight repeated as a question. “Thires the troopers, they're just clones and mostly are just glorified police officers, they're not warriors, there the shadow bolts. The wonder bolts renamed. We report directly to either the Lord of Chaos or his five shadows.” “Darkness, Hurricane, Storm, Blazer, and Nightmare.” “They are all alicorns, and they are all impossible to defeat. The Lord of Chaos is apparently stronger than all of them. And none of us stand a chance.” She sighed. “Lord Chaos has a special chamber that shadow bolts take turns guarding. But we're never allowed to enter it. One day, my guard partner Soren left to go to the bathroom. I stood guard when I heard a voice coming from inside. Curiosity got the best of me and I saw this stature, in its hooves stood that crystal. this voice begged me to take the crystal and run.” “I was mesmerized by the crystal and I just felt…” “Felt this urge to take it and run.” Jacky finished her sentence. Dash, surprised by Jacky's voice looked at her. “how'd you know?” “When I held that crystal, I believe it was Rarity's.” She began and slowly turned around, “I felt like I had to take it and run, run like my life depended on it.” “Yeah, well so did I. I took it and left. That's why everyone. Questions my loyalty, I left my friends, my team, to suffer under the foot of the empire. I don't deserve the title of wonder bolt. Not after everything I've done as both a shadow bolt and my team.” Rarity and Dash stared at the pegasus. Oh, Dashy I had no idea. Rarity began. “I'm sorry too.” Jacky replied. “I only hated the shadow bolts and heard how you ran. I, I thought you were a coward, but you're the bravest pony I ever met.” “Thank you, that means a lot, coming from you.” Dash winked. “You may not have wings but you're quite the rival, I think you should be an Honorary wonder bolt,” Jacky. Jacky and her chuckled. “Yeah, well, that doesn't exactly help us get out of here.” Spike mentioned. “Well, we're closer. Guys, if we can put aside our differences and work together,” twilight began. “We can find a way back to my ship,” the golden phoenix. “Let's do it, but how?”  “All we need really is a plan, let's start thinking of one.” Jacky said as she began to think. Nightmare entered the strange office of the Lord of Chaos. He stood on the table, steps away from his throne.Nightmare gave a slight bow as her horn slightly glowed. Two crystals, Rarity's and Dash's floated midair toward him.The Lord took them and stared at them as they hover just above his hand. As he turned around, they followed his hand movement. “Good work Nightmare, you have succeeded my expectations.” He said in his robotic voice. “Yes, my Lord, soon you shall have all the fragments of the crystal heart.” She said slowly. “I have a reward for you. I have tracked down Celestia Shine. She sits in a cell on board this ship as we speak.” This made Nightmare's eyes widen. “And what of the child?” She asked desperately with a smile. “Escaped with my Crystal. That is the last time I use Stormtroopers to achieve my goals.” “I will personally be on the hunt for her.” “How will you find her?” “The same way I found her originally, you see when someone activates one of the shards, the other shards are attracted to it. As soon as she activates the crystal again, I'll know where she is.” Nightmare bowed, “please my Lord let me go in your place I will not fail you, I will bring you the crystal I swear it.” “You're to close to the subject at hand. No, I think not. I will do It myself, rest assured I won't kill the alicorn. You will stay here and wait for my return, in the meantime if you want to visit the former queen you may do so.” “I want nothing from her. I just want what is mine.” “And that is why I keep you by my side.” He chuckled. “You and I only want what belongs to us and nothing more. You're unlike the other shadows. You and I have a common interest, the others only seek my throne, especially darkness, he can not be trusted with such tasks.” “Why do you keep him then?” She asked. “Simple, the key to power is to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I will be leaving him to you. Take this,” he handed her back one of the two crystals. “Why sir?” She asked. “Simple, in the case that I am too far from her, I'll leave the destroyer to you, and you can get her. I'd rather do it, but can't be too careful, can we? You're dismissed.” > Chapter VI a clones choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two droids were brought to a room full of other captured droids, droid parts scattered the walls as conveyer belts dragged droids through scanners. If the droids didn't have their restraining bolts they would be shaking in fear of this place. The clone brought them over to a wall with a cable ports. "My my, for two little droids you guys are pretty heavy." She claimed as she dropped them before she took off her helmet. "Don't worry, standard procedure is to see what info you have, then to decommission you. Won't take too long, now let's get started." She said as she opens up one of the dog droid ports on its head. She then plugged the cable in and sat back with a bowl of popcorn to watch and review the information. She watched as the little dog droid was brought to work on a little farm. As the droid was powered up her first sight was of a tall pony. "Is it on, is it on," said a little voice in the background. "Yep Jacky it's on, our new droid is working..." he said stepping out of the frame. A little pony stepped toward's droid as it barked. "Winona droid?" "Working, international, navik, on, nature, accent droid. Said her father. Well, put this thing to good use in the fields. " The pony smiled. "My name's Jacky welcome to the farm come on I'll show you to the corn fields." "Aww how cute." Said the clone, as she ate her popcorn. The clone watched as the droid worked the fields day by day until one cloudy day a large ship descended onto the planet. "Oh, hear we come." She said as the troopers descended on the planet. She then watched as the planet began to deteriorate. She sighed. "Yeah, that's just the story of the empire huh? It's funny how we're supposed to be the ones bringing happiness to the Galaxy yet time and time again this kinda stuff happens." She shrugged. "Oh well, you can't make everyone happy I guess. Tho I do try my hardest to do just that." She told the droids. "Ok, you know another thing that I'm curious about is the Who's Star Swirl thing?" Spike asked Dash. "Me too," she replied. "I wanted help and heard about the last knight of harmony living on some random planet, I go there and Im hunted down." She chuckled. "I've been searching for him for almost a year going from planet to planet. It was just lucky I overheard you talking about him, I was going to have you take me to him." She shrugged. "Actually, he is supposed to be on that planet," Twilight contributed. "But I never seen him and I am the only one who lived there," Jacky chimed in. "Well, when we get out we'll go searching for him, but right now does anyone have an idea how to get out of here?" Aaked Rarity. Three ships flew into the hanger of the star destroyer. The lead ship sat down as the others landed., As Nightmare approached the lead fighter. Each fighter healed a wonder bolt dragon, while the main ship, a small tie advance opened up to reveal an alicorn. Wearing armor very similar to that of Nightmare. Except he wore no helmet, his hair resembled that of a smokey flame, his eyes a crimson red. His expression was a cocky one as he strolled towards this fellow shadow. "Nightmare, good to see you as always, tell me where is our leader, this fine evening." "Likewise, shadow of darkness, Lord Chaos has other things to attend to. So it will just be you and me for now." Darkness smiled an evil grim. Oh isn't that just like him? I come to report my findings to him directly and he can't even bother to show up. He sighed oh well, let's catch up over some dinner, I'm starving. He told her, and she gave a nod, and the two alicorns left together. The clone had just gotten done hooking up the owl droid when something fell out of its feathers. "Oh, what's this she said and looked at the crystal shaped like a star. She then gasped, this is." Suddenly she felt strange. What is this, she asked slowly. Suddenly she felt something, something she couldn't understand. She a tear came to her eye as she smiled wildly. She flung her arms out and bumped into the owl droid activating the hologram. "I could barely even walk when my home world was destroyed." Said twilight I'm the hologram, she was talking to Spike on her Journey through the desert. "I was always told how it was destroyed by an asteroid but my aunt told me that, she lied to keep us safe, turns out she and my mother were knights of harmony." The pony smiled. "What do you remember of your mother," asked Spike. "Nothing really, I was still in diapers when she died on our home world. "She then stopped and grew a puzzled look. "Only now that I learned me and my aunt were on canterlot when it blew up it doesn't make sense." She continued walking. "Hay if your aunt survived isn't it possible your mom could of too?" "I supes so, but if so then why did she not come with us?" "Maybe they got separated." "Maybe," she repeated in a deep sigh."Anyway this," she pointed at the crystal around her neck, "is apparently an ancient powerful relic that when put together with the other pieces, has the power to destroy a planet." At this news, the clone gasped as it watched the recording. "Woah and your aunt gave you that thing. Should you really be holding it around your neck then?" Spike asked." Hmm, I supposed your right," she took off the necklace, "Owl 3 hold onto this for me, and don't let anyone take it ok." The owl who'd in response. The clone then looked at the object in her hooves a bit terrified. "Wow, so you're gonna be a knight of harmony," Spike said, astonished. Twilight smiled at his enthusiasm. "I guess so." She frowned. "I barely even remember my mother. Aunt Tia never really talks about her. To think she was a knight master, twilight smiled wearily. I don't know, Spike, can I really do this?" "And why not, I mean you're an alicorn, aren't you? And a daughter of a knight. He smiled brightly, heh, I just wish I knew something about my parents." The clone stopped the recording, she heard enough. She glanced at the two doors for a moment before she looked back at the crystal. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes as she took in the same feeling she had before. When she opened them the clone had determination in her eyes, as she clenched her fist. "I mean I could overpower the systems with a bit of dashes armor but that could trip the system and alert the guards," Jacky said. "Yeah that would t be that use full now, would it?" Days replied. "Well, we can all run right I mean all we have to do is avoid capture," Spike mentioned. "Yeah not that you don't have a point but I'd rather not let the troopers know we escaped any other ideas," asked RARITY. Just then the power lines turned off and the door opened. A single guard stood with two droids behind her. The air fell silent and awkward. "Uh can we help you," asked Dash. "Actually, I'm here to help you," the clone said before taking off her helmet. "Help us?" Jacky was the first to speak. "Yeah, I want to free you, I'll take you to your ship and when I do you get out of here and never return." She said with a serious expression. "Wait why should we trust you," asked Dash. "For the same reason, anyone trusts you." She replied. "Yikes can't argue with that," Jacky commented. "Why are you helping us," asked Twilight. "I, I don't know," she shook her head with a sigh. "We clones are supposed to protect and keep the peace. I wanted to make the Galaxy a happy place, she then showed them what was in the hoof. But then again I don't think I know what happiness was until I touched this, I also went through your droids Datta base. And archive memories. Your story." The clone choked on a cry. "Please I don't want the empire to destroy any more, I don't want to destroy anymore." She then stepped forward and bowed down as she presented Twilight with the crystal. "Please princess twilight, knight of harmony. Stop the empire." At the clone's words everyone but Spike gasped. "You're a knight of harmony," Rarity called out first. She nervously smiled. "Why didn't you tell us," asked Jacky. "I uh, well I didn't know if I could trust you." She nervously smiled. "Trust, trust, you're telling all of us to trust each other, and yet your keeping secrets," Jacky yelled back angrily. "Yeah way to go,"Dash crossed her arms. "Excuse me I have the Galaxy depending on me, so you know what it's like to have that kinda of pressure put on you. My aunt was kidnaped my home was raided by the empire, and the place of my birth was destroyed. And I am not a knight of harmony!" She yelled. "Not yet. I haven't been trained, that's why I'm searching for star swirl." She cried. Those in the room were astonished by the alicorn's outburst, the entire time she seemed quiet and content, regal even, but now. "I understand Twilight." Rarity was the first to say. "Yeah we all got our reasons," said Dash. Jacky hugged her, "and We'll help you too because we're friends." Twilight returned the gesture," And I'm sorry for my outburst, thank you, guys." " Ah, look at you guys." The clone hugged Twilight too. Soon every one gave each other a big group hug all except Dash who leaned against the wall and grinned. "uh guys this is nice and all but we have an escape to sort out." "Yeah, that's true we better get going," Spike replied. "Wait, we can't leave yet." Twilight stopped them "Why not?" Asked the clone. "We need to go and get the other crystal. You uh, what's your name," twilight asked the clone. "Oh, I'm F. I. M. 2011." "no your name, not your number." Said dash. "I've never had a name before," "Ok well, I'm not calling you F. I Whatever'" Dash exclaimed as she thought of a name. "Hmm, what to call you." "What about Berry," said Rarity, "Or cherry," Spike tried. "Pinky," Twilight said, "your name will be Pinky. Because your hair is pink." "Pinky," the clone thought to herself. She then nodded with a smile. "I like that name." "Ok pinky what can you tell us about the crystals?" spike asked. "Well I don't know much, everything I did learn I learned because of you." "No I mean where are the other crystals," Rarity's and Dash's. "Oh, thire probably kept in lord Chao's special chambers. He doesn't let many people in there." "Ok can you take us there," asked Twilight. "Yeah, I know my way around. But why do you want those crystals, isn't this one enough?" "My aunt told me while in the wrong hands, they can do great Evil, in the right hands, they can bring peace and magic back to the Galaxy. I don't think these things are just able to destroy, I think they can bring back magic." "Magic, magic doesn't exist," claimed Rarity. "The knights were real so magic has to be to right. These crystals, everyone who's touched them all had the same feeling right? We all felt something. I think we're supposed to get all the crystals and put them together, only then can magic truly be restored." "Ok, that's good and all but how are we supposed to get past the big bad boss?" Asked Jacky. "Oh, he's about to leave," Pinkeys told them. "What!?" They all asked. "Yeah well, you see he's going on the search for you Twilight. Luckily he didn't know you're here or we'd be in so much more trouble." She giggled delightfully. "Ok, what about Nightmare?" Asked Dash. "She's busy talking with darkness, those two will keep each other out of the way. "Darkness?" Asked Rarity. "Another shadow of chaos, Dash reminded her. Ok so Heres what I think we should do, split up into two teams, one team goes to secure the ship, and the other," "Goes to get the crystals, nice thinking Dash," said Twilight. "Me and Rarity got the ship covered, you guys go with Pinky to get those crystals alright?" "Oh but will you be able to get to the ship without me, there's a lot of guards." Pinkey told them. "Don't worry about it, I'm pretty good at sneaking around and I know Rarity for years that she can help." "I'm good with that," Rarity replied. "Ok, then we'll all meet up on the golden Phoenix when this is all said and done agreed." Twilight instructed. "Agreed." They all said in unison. > Chapter VII splits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jacky and Rarity along with her dog droid snuck around the star destroyer, as one of the troopers came by the three dived into a small closet until the trooper was far enough away. "Well, that was close." Rarity complained in a hushed tone. Jacky said nothing and rolled her eyes as she headed down the hallway, Winona by her side. She then crouched down by a door with a viewport, her partner by her side. She carefully looked over the edge to see what she could. Turns out they were right above the hanging bay, where her ship sat bellow, stormtroopers and workers toward the floor. She then looked and saw that the hanging bay was tightly closed shut. Jacky sat back down to Rarity. Bad news they have the doors closed. Well have to get it open, if we want to escape, and there's a bunch of workers and troopers we got to sneak past. We might be lucky to but a whole big group is definitely gonna alert them. Rarity then thought to herself for a moment. "We could wrangle up some disguises, Winona, tell the others they have to meet us in the laundry mat when they get done." "We don't know where that is," Jacky told her. "No, but we can find it right?" Jacky sighed, "It's actually a good idea. Winona, find the laundry mat." The dog droid acted happy but didn't bark knowing she had to stay quiet. The bird owl tweeted as quietly as he could. "Disguises huh, why didn't we think of that before that would have been a good idea," Twilight commented. "You know it's surprising how easily we've been able to sneak around. Spike added." "That would be because most troopers are heading to the hangar bay under orders from lord Chaos, including me," Pinky shrugged. "I told you he's preparing to go after Twilight and he plans to use tie fighter and ground trooper on this ship to do it." She then jumped on the back of Dash to get a lift to the air vents. Dash struggled a bit but didn't argue. "However, as we get closer to his quarters there will be more guards, including shadow bolts." She then crawled into the air duct. "This is our best way forward for now. " "Arnt those extremely small?" Asked Twilight. "you'd think so but on such a large ship most of the air ducts are pretty big, big enough for a pony to screen through, umm bit I hope none of you are closterphobic." She replied. Dash helped Spike up and Pinky took his arm, next the owl droid followed by Twilight, and finally Dash, she moved the crate back over the entrance just in case anyone walked by. Jacky and Rarity were able to get into the laundry mat for the most part undetected. "I can't believe how easy this is," Rarity said excitedly. "No no, you did not just," Just then the door opened up and two troopers stood in front of them a third in the back putting on her armor. Jacky sighed, "Don't you know you're never supposed to say things like that?" The troopers after a bit of shock tried to grab them, luckily they didn't have their weapons and Jacky was able to blast them with a stun shot, including the one in the back getting dressed. "Uh, what was that?" Asked Spike's voice over the coms from Winona. "We were almost caught but we're fine how are you guys?" Rarity replied. "We're in the air ducts now. Keep it down we don't want to be caught," Spike reminded them. "Well, we have our disguises now." Rarity smiled at Jacky's deadpanned expression. Spike sighed at the comment and slowly crept around in the dark. They crossed several crates on their way watch showing a few troopers and one of the shadow bolts. They had to stay very quiet not alert them. Eventually Pinky came to a stop. She waited till a few troopers left and then crawled out of the air duct, as she did she heard her above and turned around with a sequel. It was in fact her captain. "F I M 2011 there you are what are you doing we've been looking everywhere for you, what were you doing with the air duct? And where is your helmet." Pinkeys nervously smiled, "Umm that's the thing, after I destroyed those droids, which I totally did do my helmet was sucked up by an open-air vent," she grinned. The captain seemed to be looking at her closely, but it was hard to tell through the helmet."F I M 2011 your always the strange one. Find your helmet and report back to the hanger bay that is our orders" "Yes, sir," Pinky soluted. With that, the captain and the other two troopers of her squadron walked past her. Pinky smiled and kept her expression still as they went around the corner. "Whoo" she let out a breath as she ran a hoof over her forehead. Ok guys it's safe." The group all carefully crawled out of the air duct with a nervous expression. "Ok, guys now all we need to do is..." Just then a voice came over the intercom. "Hello is this thing on, ahem", the speaker then cleared his throat. "Twilight Sparkle, yes I know your name, even more, I know who you are and I know your on this ship." They all gasped at that. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am lord Chaos, and I have something for you. Say hello Celestia." "TWILIGHT IF YOU ARE HERE THEN RUN! RU..." she was cut off. "Let me get right to the chase I am a reasonable creature after all. I suggest a simple trade. Your aunt your uncle even your little friends like Dash Rainbow can all go free, your ship returned to you and I'll even through in some credits on the side for the bounty hunter. All I ask in return is my crystal. Hand that over and you'll all go free, no funny business at all. I've even had all my troopers come to the hangar so there is no I'll will between us." "You have half an hour to decide, if not going to tear this ship apart and take that crystal out of your cold dead hooves." He said darkly. "Tootaloo." He said cheerfully and got off the line. "Wasn't expecting that." Spike panicked. Twilight bit the bottom of her lip as she began to grow worried for her aunt and uncle. > Chapter VIII family reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight took a few steps as she began to think. "Umm, twilight?" Asked spike. Shaking her out of her thoughts. "I have to go, I have to go save my aunt." " Well go with you," Spike smiled. "No," Twilight shook her head. "Those crystals might be the Galaxy's last hope. Spike, I'm in trusting you with our last hope," she said placing her crystal in spikes claws. "Go and get the other crystals. We'll meet on the ship." Overhearing the conversation dressed up like stormtroopers themselves, Jacky decided to chime in. "We're right near the hanger bay, twilight if you can distract them I might be able to get to our ship and blast him apart." "Sounds like a plan," twilights voice came from the dog. "Jacky, do you know anyone who might be able to come and help us?" "Afraid while I know a lot of ponies, it is one who will stand up to the empire," she shook her head. "Oh, but I do. Rarity chimed in. If I can just get to that communicator I can call in a friend of mine, but I need to be on that ship to do it, otherwise, the empire might track out communication." "Well, it's a good thing I'll be a distraction then, isn't it? Be ready to move when you see me." Twilight said. "Will do," they replied determined. Twilight smiled somberly. She then took in a deep breath and was about to walk away when Spike stopped her by placing a claw on her leg. She turned to the little dragon. "I, uh I don't think we should split up. I mean, I. Supposed to protect you, aren't I?" "And I'm supposed to protect that crystal, spike your the one I trust most, don't worry I'll be back soon." "Twilight I have a bad feeling about this." "So do I," she said back to the dragon and pulled him into a hug. "But don't worry it's only temporary." She gave him a smile and turned to the others, who smiled back, and with that, she took off to save her aunt. Nightmare walked quickly down the hall with a look of determination in her eyes. She quickly got to the droid decommission room and scowled at the sight of it. She took only a few glances around before she quickly took off down the hall. What she didn't know is that someone was following her. Still eating his apple Shadow followed curious about the situation. With twilight gone, the others ran down until they saw two shadow bolts guarding an entrance. "There that's it," Dash whispered. Pinky nodded in response, and Spike shook his head worriedly. "Ok, how are we gonna get past those guards?" He asked. But before he could turn to get an answer Dash rushed in, with a back kick and a punch the guards fell back. They tried to get back up but Dash quickly put them both into a headlock as Pinky readied her blaster, quickly the two were able to take out the shadow bolts leaving the room free and unguarded. "Ok, never mind." He moved out of the way for the owl droid. The owl went to a plug and plugged in its claw. With a few twists and turns the door opened revealing the inside of the room. They entered cautiously. The Lord of Chaos stood in his space suit with rows and rows of stormtroopers behind him, .ore shadow bolts stood on either end of him. The door then opened up and the Lord grew slightly excited judging by his posture, he was instantly let down when it was just two stormtroopers. "You two get in formation!" He barked angrily. The troopers stood straight and nodded. Unbiounced to him they were Rarity and Jacky. The two quickly and somewhat awkwardly headed to where they thought their formation should be. "Now what," Rarity whispered. "Now we wait," said Jacky. Down the hall twilight rushed. She took a turn to the left and kept running as fast as her hooves could take her. Suddenly as she took another turn she came to a screeching stop as she almost ran into a tall grey pony eating an apple. "Uh, uh." "Oh, you must be that princess the Lord said he wanted." Said the tall pony in a tired tone. "Hmm strange, you look like," Just then nightmare turned back and saw the two standing together. "Get away from her," she growled. The tall pony turned and saw a nightmare. "Ah, so that's what you were doing." He grinned as he took his last bite of an apple, with it still in his mouth he continued, "You and lord chaos are always keeping stuff from me, but this," he swallowed," this is quite the surprise." "You have nothing to do with this." Nightmare demanded with a slam of her hoof. "Oh, don't I. And what of you Twilight?" Asked the unicorn. Twilight jumped at that," how do you know my name"...she asked. "Oh simple really, because I named you that," he smirked viscously. Nightmare's eyes grew wide, and she began to shake with fear. "Your, your." "Nope." He rolled his eyes. "Sombra, Sombra swirl, star swirls long gone, I am what's left of him. you although you know me better as SHADOW OF DARKNESS. AT YOUR SERVICE." He said with a bow. "Though soon I do hope you'll be able to call me emperor." Twilight eyes widen at this news and then turned to Nightmare. "WAIT WHAT!" "You, star swirl, me him." She uttered as she looked back and forth confused. She then fainted at the twos feet. Meanwhile, Dash Spike Pinkey and Owl entered the chambers of the chaos king. The room was dimly lit making it feel more early than it actually was. The only thing in the room was a statue. And at its base sat the other crystals. Dash walked over nervously as she looked at the statue. "Now that's weird." Said pinky as she looked at it. It was a statue of a mare, from her stature she had long hair that cover her eyes. She looked at id she was about to cry. A pegusus being on her left a bat on her right, as she stood over the crystals. "Huh, why would he have a statue like that?" Spike asked. "Beats me but I'm a bit scared." Dash emitted. "Let's grab those crystals and get out of here I don't want to look at them for too long," Pinky told them as she was about to grab a crystal. Just then Spike heard a sound, "wait' he shouted surprising the two mares. "Huh, what?" They both replied. "Can you hear that?" "Hear wa..." Dash began but was cut off by the sound. "Uh, guys." Pinky said turning back to the stature." Is it just me or do you hear a heartbeat?" She asked nervously. "No, I hear it too. But why." Spike shook his head. "Uh let's just grab those crystals and get out of here this place is creeping me out," Dash said trying not to sound scared. They all agreed and placed their hands watch on a crystal, as they did the crystals all began to glow. Spike looked down at his claw as his crystal began to glow as well, suddenly a beam of light came from the crystals and hit the statue. They stopped the crystals all terrified. Suddenly thought the statue burst to life. The stone-cold layer turned to ash as something fell on top of them. They stood up bewildered by the event that just took place. The stature was no longer a Statue, instead a buttercream yellow mare with a rosy pink main stood in its place. She began to sob and cry. Since she was on top of Dash, she was the first to place a hoof on her shoulder. As soon as she did the mare jumped back in surprise. She then quickly scurried away, trying to become as small as she could in the corner, wrapped up in a ball. "Ummm," Pinky said speechless. Not even the cheerful clone that never shut up seemed to have any word for this situation. Spike stood up and decided to take a chance..he took a few steps towards her and held out his claw. "Hello there." He smiled. "Don't worry we're not gonna hurt you." He said with as soft a tone as he could. The mare looked up. Her teal eyes shined through her pink main."Who, who are you?" She asked with wine. "Where am I? Why have you brought me here?" "Oh um, I'm Spike that's Pinky and Dash. "We didn't bring you here," Dash replied. "Yeah, we didn't know you were the stature, how weird," claimed Pinky. "Sta, statute?" "Yeah, you were a statue a second ago. And now you're free." "Free?" "Uh-huh, come on well take you away from this place." "Oh," she said wiping away her tears. She then got up and brushed herself. She saw the crystal on the ground and with a wave of her hoof, the crystals all began to float towards her. This surprised the others. "You, your a." "A what?" She asked nervously. "How did you do that?" Asked dash. "Oh you mean magic," she tilted her head."hmm, I have no idea." "What!" They shouted making her jump back in fear. "I'm sorry I just have always been able to do magic. I can't explain it." She whines. "No no, it's ok, we're just surprised is all. Can you remember anything?" "Hmm, oh, she thought back. Umm, I remember my friend." "Your friend." "Yes my best friend, oh how I miss him so. I can't wait to see him again," "Oh, what was his name?" "Oh, discord. Oh you'll love him he's such a jokester but he's really a sweetheart once you get to know him," she smiled. "Uh ok well we'll try and find your friend once we get out of here," Dash said as she held out her hoof. The strange pegasus took her hoof and followed her out the door. "Uh by the way, what's your name?" "Name, oh I'm Fluttershy." > Chapter IX a Swirl of questions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lord of Chaos stood patiently along with the troopers in the hanger bay. The only sound in the room was him tapping his foot waiting. And waiting And waiting "Uh what is taking her so long," griped the Lord. "Um sir it's only been a few minutes and the ship is huge, maybe she got lost." Said one of the shadow bolts. The Lord of Chaos turned around and threw him into a wall. He then took a deep breath and calmed down. "Hmm maybe I should have an escort go find her, and then I'd be going back on my word." He uttered. Suddenly his crystal activated and he nearly fell back. All those in the room were surprised by the sudden action. The Lord breathed heavily in his suit of armor and he pulled off the helmet with a look of dumbstruck, as a droid chicken walked up to him. "Oh, what is it now?!" He complained as the droid opened its beak. A hologram appeared out of the chicken's beak. "Sir, I'm sorry sir," said the shadow bolt in the hologram said."They took the crystals." The Lord of Chaos at first showed his fangs but soon turned his distaste into a grin."No worries I'm just going to have to work a little harder. See to it they don't escape this ship alive is that clear?" "Yes sir. We were knocked out by the traderDash and another clone trooper." "Anything else to report?" He snarled. "Yes sir when they left there was the dragon and another pony." "The princess?" "No sir. This was a yellow pegusus." At that news, the Lord went silent his expression unreadable."It can't be. He whispered to himself." "Uh sir you alright," asked another stormtrooper. The Lord put on his helmet and ripped out the crystal that was stopped inside the box on his chest. The crystal shot out a sword of fire and energy. He then lowers the weapon but kept it in his eagle claw. "Find them!" He said more furious than they ever heard. "I want this ship torn apart until you find them and. Bring them all to me I WANT THEM ALIVE!!!" As he does the other troopers begin their pursuit all except for two. "Now's our chance," said, Jacky. She and Rarity marched forward a little bit and then when most of them were out of the star destroyer hanger they snuck onto their ship. As soon as they were on Jacky thought off her helmet." Oh ok, the problem now is we're still in a closed hangar." She panicked. "And what of our friends?" Asked Rarity as the little dog droid joined them. "Right now we have bigger things to worry about, if we don't get that hanger open we're never going to get out of here. Where the heck is Twilight?" Just then the little dog droid barked and spikes voice came out. "Hay guys you there?" He asked. "Yeah, spike where's Twilight I thought she was gonna meet us." "Wait twilights not there, where could she be?" "I don't know but we're in huge trouble. If we don't get that hanger door open. " "Alright, alright leave that to us, we also got the crystals, and uh a new friend." "New friend?" The two questioned. "Yeah, it's a long story, tell ya some other time." "Well, guys your gonna have to run 'cause lord chaos knows about you. We overheard him and he's not happy." Shouted Rarity. "Oh great, any more good news?" Dash mutterd. "Well, we're on the ship now so I can call in my friend." Rarity shrugged. "Do you really think they can help us right now?" Asked Jacky "Better than nothing?" Rarity shrugged trying not to panic. Jacky deadpanned at that but went along with it. "Spike we need you guys to open that hanger alright?" "We're on it." Pinkeys chimed in over the communicator. "Seriously. She fainted." Said darkness. In a surprised tone. "Huh, I really didn't think she was just gonna faint like that. " "You are not Star Swirl. You're a clone." Shouted Nightmare. "Hmm, you are not wrong but you're not right." Suddenly the two screamed out in pain as they collapsed to the ground. "What was that?" Shouted Nightmare. As she looked at her crystal. Sombra pulled another from his cloak. It looked like an apple. "Someone activates the crystals it seems, they sense one another, hmm how odd" "How did you get that?" Shouted Nightmare. "This, oh I had it. I always had it." "Give that to me now," she shouted. "Oh, so you can give it to Good ol Lord Chaos. Honestly, what comes to your scenes? With these crystals we can overpower him, we can take the thrown and..." "That's not what I want." She demanded. "No, no you just want your precious little family back." He grinned. "I am here, and so is our daughter." "You are not Star Swirl." "Again you're not wrong, but you're not right either. I am star swirl just not the way you remember." He took a step closer to her. She activated her crystal a beam of dark purple energy flowed out of it creating a sword. "Stay away from me," she barked. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be." He said in a sinister tone. He then activated his crystal and it turned black as a fiery shadow blade erupted from it. "I don't want to do this you know." He said pointing the blade at her. 'You're the reason they're all dead." She cried out as he swing at him. He blocked her blade easily and swiftly. "Wrong, think back. You know whose fault this is truly." He then swing down at her as he removed his cape revealing his shadow-like wings. "It's all his fault,"he yelled and swung at her again. Then two blades of magic clashed against one another. "It's always been his fault." He said using his strength to overcome hers, sending her back into a wall. she fell with a thud and pulled off her helmet, letting her night-like sparkly hair fall over her face, as she tried to catch her breath. The little dragon and his companions quickly scurried down the hall. "I know the way to the control room," Pinky told them as she took off in one direction. This way she shouted whispered. "Wait pinky." Dash called in. "Too late," Spike said in surprise. "OK, NOT THIS WAY". shouted Pinky as a group of a hundred stormtroopers began firing on them. They ran back down the hall and soon were cut off by another group. "Ok not this way either," Dash replied as they took their third option, straight.The group yelled as they were chased down the hall. "Uh, Amy one have any ideas?" Asked spike. 'Yeah, run faster." Dash told back. The yellow pegasus tried her best to keep up but was so weak and tripped over her own two hoofs. "Fluttershy!" yelled Dash who tried to get back to her, pinkey grabbed Dash though and said keep running we can save her but not if we're all captured. Just then as a trooper was about to grab the strange bat Pegasus screamed out, over whelmed by everything around her. As she did everything was blasted away from her by an invisible force. While Spike and the others could see no physical barrier they felt it as they got thrown back away from her. "That is enough." Shouted the pegusus who turned around with a serious look in the eye. She glared at the troopers as if she was staring down into their soaks. All the troopers stepped back a little frightened of the mare. She brought one hoof up and flapped her mismatched wings taking flight, she hovered in the air as she swiped her hoof to the left. Another wave of invisible force knocked the troopers back again. She then whispers something into her hoof and dived into the ground..as she did plants, roots, and vines all spread out in all directions from her yet in front of the troopers she used them to make a barrier as she stood up and swung around like a ballerina the plants seemed to followed her motion as the enclosed the area traping the storm troopers. She then closed her eyes and took in a deep breath letting it out slowly. When she reopened them she collapsed to the ground out of breath. "Wow." They mouthed together. "Rarity, how long do you think it will take them to be here?" Jacky asked. "Uh, I have no idea, but that is a special distress call, he said if I had ever been captured by the empire to use it." "And this Swirl guy is not Star Swirl." Jacky asked "Like I said I knew a Swirl, but not a Star Sw..."She was cut off by an odd glowing light behind Jacky. "What is it," asked Jacky who turned around and gasped at the sight. In the middle of the cockpit, a strange blue orb appeared and it seemed to grow and grow till a black spot opened up. The black apt grew wider as the blue orb became an outline for it. The black spot seemed to show a story-like atmosphere. The two ponies curious terrified and weirded out decided to take a closer look against what they believed to be their better judgment. As they did they noticed more details It seems to be some kind of opening to a cave. And inside the cave was a beautiful strand of flouting colorful lights. The sound of soft flowing water could be heard inside of it. And then hoof prints. The two stood and gasped as an old gray pony with a beard as white as snow walked out. He was a unicorn judging by his horn and put on an old wizard hat with bells, his dark blue robes and matching hat had a starry pattern over it. He has a pair of old glasses which he took off and put away within his cloak as he turned to the two mares who were star struck "Mr swirl?" Asked Rarity. "Do not fear. Come quickly into this portal you will be safe." "How?" Font asked questions. "I told you if you ever need help I would help you so here I..." "Wait I didn't think you had magic." She uttered. "Your star Swirl." Jacky claimed. This made the old man's eyes widen for a moment, but only a moment as he softly smiled. "Yes and no, it is complicated. Much too complicated for me to explain he shook his head. Instead, I prefer Styigin. " "Well, Stygien we can't just leave, I got to get my ship out of here and all our friends are all over the place." "How did you come by the name star swirl any way I never told anyone that." "An alicorm named Twilight is searching for you." This made the wizard go silent as he looked concerned. "Twilight." He repeated as if scared of the name. "That's not possible." "It is her aunt who told her to find you." Jacky told him. "If Twilight is on this ship we're all doomed." He narrowed his eyes. "Wait what?" Asked Rarity. "No time to explain, you must listen to me. Stay on this ship! And whatever happens, do not follow." He said before he waved his hoof around closing the portal. "I am going to get your friends so don't worry," he claimed before running out of the ship. The two looked at each other confused as to what truly was going on. The Lord of chaos stormed through the halls tearing apart every entrance. He'd take one look inside a room then turn around and run off to another looking for any signs of what he was looking for. Spike Dash and Pinky all grabbed Fluttershy and headed down the hallway. Luckily owl droid was able to open up the doors and they ran as fast as they could despite the extra weight. "Wow did you see that?" Shouted pinky. "I mean she made plants out of mid-air, mid-air!" She repeated for interfaces. "Yeah, she totally kicked flank. I had never seen anyone do something so awesome, besides me of course." Dash smirked. "It doesn't make sense." The dragon claimed. "What doesn't make sense?" Asked Dash. "She, she has magic. Is she a knight of harmony, or something else?" "Dude, she saved our flanks man." Claimed Dash as they got into an elevator. The bird who'd. "No one asked you bird brain." Dash claimed as she hit the button to go down. "I'm with the owl droid we don't know anything about her. Is it really a good idea to take her with us? I mean," he shook his head. Magic. He gasped, and began breathing heavily, "Magic is real." "Your friend is a knight right?" Pinky asked him. She's real. "Yeah, but magic. I never saw anything like that in my entire life." He then grabbed the crystal out of his pocket. "And for that matter what the heck are these things?" "I don't know but I'm kinda hyped to have them. If we can just get them away from the empire we can win this." Shouted dash. Just then the elevator door opened. A black figure who was about to go into another room stopped as he noticed the elevator. The three conscious ones all stood frightened with eyes wide. twilight slowly came to her senses. the world was foggy and black yet she could hear something in the near distance. She rolled over and slightly shivered with the cold ground. she then moved her hoof around looking for a blanket. "Spike," she mumbled. "Spike keeps it down im trying to sleep." But she then opened one eye believing Spike was probably cleaning something and not caring about the noise. "come on really I just had the worst dre..." she gasped as her surroundings registered with her. She jumped up from the ground trying not to hyperventilate. "OH no, no, no, no ,no, no." She shook her head. it wasn't a dream. it wasn't a dream it wasn't a dream, she began panicking. she then looked over and saw a shadow of darkness Sombra and Nightmare battling it out. sombra jumped back as Nightmare swung her sword. As he hit the ground black crystals emerged from where he stood and one almost got Nightmare but she took to the air leaping over them. she muttered something and a nightly fog blinded the scene out of nowhere. In a blaze of fire, the fog was gone along with Nightmare. He looked every which way and then settled his eyes on Twilight. "well well well finally awak," he shook his head. "let me make this perfectly clear, I do not want to hurt you, but you must join me, and your mother, only together can we stop the empire for good." "you only want to stop the empire so you could rule," she claimed still shivering in fear. "True, true but I will bring the galaxy to peace." "no, you won't, you'll just destroy it, using the crystals. I will never let what happened to my home happen again, your not star swirl." "ah at last I am, but I'm not, I really should be thanking you really. He swung his sword at her again, which she barky dodged. "After all it was you who destroyed the home of the alicorns giving birth to me." He grinned viciously. "Twilights eyes widen in fear, that, that makes no sense." She said a gasped. "I destroyed our home world..I was just a baby how?" She questiond. "I suppose it doesn't. oh well," using his magic made another sword beam from his crystal. He swung down on twilight only for lord nightmare to swing hers up.  "How dare you defy me." He yelled at her, "I," she said out of breath… " well… not … let you… hurt my daughter.' She then pushed his blade with hers away from them both. She grabbed a hold of the crystal letting in all the energy flourish within her. She used the crystal and swung her horn downward at it, a beam shot at Sombra who was barely caught with his own. He smirked at the defiance lord nightmare had. He pulled out of the blast range making her bounce back. "Then you will suffer as well, pity I didn't think it needed to come to this." Twilight stood up and joined her mother. Shadow rolled his eyes. "Oh, look at what we have heer. A daughter and a mother. Fighting for everything they hold dear. Not realizing the whole truth." He chuckled before jumping at the mother-daughter pair. "Here take this, I don't need it," shouted Nightmare as she tossed her the crystal. as twilight caught it a beam of white light shot out of it blocking sombras blade. "That's it, your catch on quick. let's see how well you are at fighting," he said taking a step back. Suddenly a blast of black fire was shot at him from Nightmare, which he dodged effortlessly. Together they battled against the shadow alicorn. Having only one blade he could only block one oncoming, yet he had his own tricks up his sleeve, being a master of magic, he used him to create a mist around him, one that made his movements difficult to detect. As Twilight swung her blade she often only met mist as he went after the weaker of the two, her tired mother struggled to keep up with both of them. Even Twilight was breaking a sweat as she tried to stay on top of his movements barely dodging his blows. Out of breath and barely able to stand twilight could no longer defend herself. She could no longer put her energy into the crystal making her blade short-circuit. With a hardy swing, her mother barely blocked lord shadow knocking out her crystal.  It made a ting noise as it hit the ground landing just before the doorway of the hall. Just then an old pony walked in dressed in a blue robe, and a wizard's hat.  Twilight looked at that old pony standing in the doorway. "Star," she muttered but could barely stand. darkness laughed a hardy laugh, "well well well, if I didn't know any better id say id be seeing double." "Hellow sombra." "It's lord Darkness now." The old pony picked up the crystal and looked at it with a look of disappointment. "Well would you look at this. two halves of the same pony, yet hear I gain strength and stand tall while you, you grow weak, and can barely stand at all. what do you think of her, after all, she is our daughter." he smirked. "no, she is star swirls of which you and I are neither," he said sounding wise making the show pony chuckle. "and please do tell me who was exactly who destroyed the home of the alicorns." he smirked. the old wizard took in a deep breath and activated the crystal. "I know your game, and I won't let you win." he said as he then jumped over Twilight and nearly sliced her head off if not for Sombra catching it with his blade, making Twilight gasp in horror. "you, you saved me?" she asked confused. Sombra swiped up his blade catching the old wizard off guard. YOUR THE ONE THAT DESTROYED THE HOME OF THE ALICORNS WITH IN YOU THIRE IS TRUE POWER!!! demanded the dark pony. "It was an accident" he old pony replied before he used his magic to grab Nightmare in an Arora, he then began to crush her within it. "an accident I will not allow again." "So your just gonna destroy all the alicorns is that it?" said the shadow pony before he swung another slash at him. without a crystal he was able to create a barrier and pushed him backward. "I must do what is right for the galaxy," he said as he began shrinking the aurora-crushing Nightmare more. "NO!"Shouted Twilight as she took the crystal forming another blade and swung it at the old pony. This time the blade turned a dark purple almost black as her eyes began to glow white. she flapped out her wings and gained the upper hand on him making him lose his concentration. "I won't let you hurt her," she demanded. Suddenly the crystal began spurring out electrical charges everywhere and began zapping the area around it. Twilight turned her attention to it confused and frightened as it seam to grow extremely hot in her hooves. She dropped it falling to the ground only to be caught by Sombra. Barley consensus. > Chapter X The Wish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Lord of chaos in front of them blocking their way to the hangar the group has to think fast of what to do next. Fluttershy was now tired and drained, so she wasn't going to be able to help. The Lord of Chaos stood at his full intimidating height before he spoke in his dark robotic voice. "Where is the princess?" He nearly growled. "And what have you done with her?" "Like we'd ever tell you," Dash called out as she jumped forward in a fighting stance. "I'll hold him off just get back to the ship." "Hmm, Dash Rainbow. Quiet cocky of you to assume you could ever stand a chance against me. Remember I own the shadow bolts." Dash closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as she redyed her hooves for a fight. "They're called the Wonderbolts." She opened her eyes. "And you, you may have taken out spot fire, but I can assure you I'm far stronger." "Brave last words." The chaos lord put the crystal back in the box on his chest. "Care to demonstrate, I won't even need the crystal to deal with the likes of you." Dash took in one more deep breath and when she opened her eyes they showed a furious determination to win. She lunged forward using her wings to give her a speed boost. The chaos lord caught her fist a bit too easily, but she was ready with a sidekick, that he was not expecting. He pushed her away before the kick could make contact, his mask made it difficult to determine his mood. With a quick swipe of his, tail Dash went flying into the back wall, but she was not done, she caught his tail and hung on to it as he flipped it around, trying to get her off. While the two were locked in combat Spike, Pinky, and the droid carefully carried Fluttershy around the battle and over to the hanger bay. Pinky then sat Fluttershy whole whit onto the droid as she entered another room. "Pinky, where are you going?" Spike asked. "The hanger doors closed duh. We got to do something or we're not gonna get out of here." She said as she slipped along. Rarity was passing the room back and forth muttering to herself as Jacky sat back in a chair. "Uh, you alright there?"She asked "Alright, alright no, no. Not alright. Star swirls a wizard, and Twilight, oh we got to go after them." "Your kidding right, he told us to stay here and wait." "Yeah but, we can't just do nothing. Our friends are in danger." Jacky sighed knowing Rarity was right. "And there are way too many stormtroopers to deal with alone." She grabbed her blaster, "Alright here we go." Rarity smiled excited to do something. The Lord of Chaos gritted his teeth, tho no one could see thanks to his helmet. He quickly rushed the little dragon just as Dash tried again to stop him. Just then stormtroopers opened one of the doors and didn't hesitate to fire stun blasts at their enemies, as they did so Rarity and Jacky got there just in time to keep the troopers at bay. Stygian Swirl snuck around the corner of the star destroyer, with the ongoing fight he could hear in the distance, it was his only chance to escape unnoticed. He crept into the hangar, where a few guard troopers stood guarding their prisoners. He quickly took them out using some magic making the two clones fall asleep. He then soon untied the two, Celestia nearly collapsed to the ground. "You, you came." "Hellow Celestia, he spoke with sorrow." "Where's Twilight," "Sombra took her. Along with Luna." Celestia struggled to stand and was helped by him. The two stood in silence for a moment only to be broken by him. "Why is she alive?" "I wasn't going. To hurt my niece." "I told you to take care of her!" He yelled. "And I did, she yelled back, for twenty years. I gave her the life you wanted her to have." "Oh, great job at that, now the key to the Galaxy doom is in the hands of a madman." "Yes, you." She spat. He rolled his eyes at that. "Discord tried to warm you but you wouldn't listen." "Discord is a madman himself! He chose to betray us and join the empire. If it weren't for him then none of us would be in this mess!" With the last yell, Celestia gave a sigh. "Come on I'll help you and your husband onto the ship". He said using his magic to make him float. "And what of the others?" "They will be here soon enough." Spike held onto his crystal tightly as Pinky activated the doors to the hanger bay. "Twilight where are you?" he muttered to himself. He then looked outside the window with a worried expression, but the sight of space overtook him. He open his eyes wide as if he could feel something. Something deep inside of him. Something he couldn't explain. Suddenly the crystal in his claws glowed a bright flash and Spike stood no longer on the star destroyer, but in a forest. In a tranquil forest, he heard a stream of water, he felt a warm comforting breeze, but most of all he felt at peace. He looked above him and a shooting star raced across the sky. "Where am I" he questioned. But again no answer. He then looked at himself and found he was a tall mighty dragon with large wings, he wore a wizard robe and hat. He felt his face and found some facial hair even, he yelled out in surprise not knowing what was happening. Then he heard a voice call out his name. "Spike, spike." Called the voice. "Welcome home spike," another female voice called out. He then saw figures in the distance but couldn't make them out. "Spike we've missed you." Said a country accent unfamiliar to him "Hello, who's there," "Oh look spike a shooting star, make a wish," he heard twilights voice say. "But magic doesn't exist." "Yes it does spiky," said another unfamiliar female voice. "Make a wish." "Who, who are you?" "Were your family spike, always have been," said a male voice, again unfamiliar to him. "Family?" "We're all here for your spike. Just as we've always been." Said another odd voice. "Close your eyes, and make a wish. What do you want to spike, what is you wish for?" Asked twilights voice. "I, I." He clenched his eyes tightly closed. "I wish I knew who my family was." He said with a tear." I wish I could protect them," he sobbed." I wish I could stop the empire and free the Galaxy, but most of all," he clenched his large teeth, "I wish I knew, I wish knew," he yelled out with tears. He sobbed and opened his eyes slightly looking at the crystal still in his claw. "I wish I knew what I am supposed to do, right now" he whispers. As soon as he did another flash came and he once again stood on the star destroyer. The crystal in his hand ignited into an energy sword in Infront of him. Pinky gasped as she saw the sword of green light. Dash and the chaos lord were battling it out but both froze in the surprise of the little dragon's sword But only for a moment as the Lord of chaos leaped over to him crossing his blade against the dragons. He was done messing around and with a mighty push he pushed spikes blade aside, spike scared of what was happening couldn't focus and the crystal's green energy disappeared. Chaos grabbed Spike by the shirt and held him in his claw. "GIVE ME IT!!!" He shouted. "Here take it I don't want it anyway. He panicked and pushed the crystal in the Lord's face. The Lord walked spikes claws away nocking the crystal out as well "I don't care about the crystal, where is my..." "Put him down, you big meanie!" Shouted a small but mighty voice. The Lord of Chaos turned to see who dare talk to him like that. Fluttershy stood with the crystals in her hooves. She activated them, creating white rays of energy swords. The Lord of Chaos mask showed no emotion, but his body became rigid as he dropped the dragon. Spike fell to the floor with a thud, as the Lord turned his entire body to face his new challenger. Fluttershy was the first to make a move swinging her sword at him but he blocked it easily. She swung again but he blocked that as well. Rarity and Jacky tried to keep the troopers busy but as soon as Spike was let go Pinky and him ran over to meet up with them. I opened up the hanger. Come on we got to get out of here. You don't have to tell me twice. Rarity commented before she took down the hall, followed by the others The stormtroopers tried to follow but were caught off by Dash who punched a few of them in the head. She then took off after them. at first but stopped just short as she watched Fluttershy battle against the chaos lord. Fluttershy was struggling to stand, and could easily be overpowered, but for some reason, the chaos lord only stood on the defensive, silent. Dash suddenly tackled the chaos lord when catching him off guard knocking him into a wall. "Run! Shouted Dash, and the two mares took off to their ship. Leaving the chaos lord behind. As soon as they got to the hangar they all ran into the ship taking off as quickly as they could. "Hold on guys, we're going super Sonic", Jacky yelled as she hit the switch sending the ship flying into hyperspace. "Sir," the caption trooper said in a dull voice as she helped him up. "Should we go after them?" "No" "What sir" "No, let go. They will be back. Where's Nightmare?" "She was defeated," said the pony of darkness as he stepped into the doorway. "and her advisor took her crystal. And got away. I tried to stop her but was surprised at how strong the princess was. My apologies my Lord." The dark pony bowed. "I have failed you." The Lord of darkness said nothing and walked past his shadow of chaos. "My Lord," asked the dark pony. but the chaos lord said nothing and walked away. Not seeing the smirk that grew on the pony of darkness face. The ship flew fast and as it began its descent into the planet of the old fame lands the ship itself began to fall apart. Uh, Jacky. Shouted spike a bit worried. "Yeah, yeah I know, but we just had to get out of there. Brace yourselves this isn't gonna be an easy landing." She said as she gripped the hand of the ship and pulled it up best she could. Those inside buckled down tightly as the ship rattled and shook. A fiery heat wave crossed the bow of the ship as it came down. "CRASH!!?" the golden phoenix smashed into the desert landscape sliding into the dirt sand of the planet. "Ok, I'm really starting to hate flying," Spike called out. "Everyone alright," asked an old pony voice. Spike turned to see who it was. "Huh, who are you?" He asked. "Oh, that's star swirl, told ya I would find him for ya." Jacky grinned l. "Hay I'm the one who knew how to contact him", rarity spat. "Hay you also got Twilight's aunt and uncle way to go." Dash smiled. "Twilight," Spike said as his eyes grew wide. "Where's Twilight," he panicked. "You, you saved her right?" Celestia stood tall and looked at Spike with a look of authority and sorrow. She didn't have to say anything. Spike already knew the answer. As he took a shuddering breath. Twilight he whisperd to himself. "Twilight" he began to cry, he took in a deep breath and cried out at the top of his lungs. "TWILIGHT!!!" To be continued