> Blue Wedding Belles > by David Silver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 - A Modest Proposal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance hadn't married Shining Armor. The two were joyfully dating, with even being betrothed not yet set in stone. When Saddle Arabia's letter came, it was met with mixed feelings among them all. Celestia shook her head at the scroll. "How antiquated, to put it mildly." Cadance crossed her arms. "They want a princess?! We don't exactly have a surplus of those laying around." Prince Blueblood looked between Cadance and Celestia. "Aren't you two the only—" Celestia raised a hoof. "They certainly can't have my hoof. I am a touch pre-occupied." Her sister had not yet been returned to her, and Twilight had not yet ascended, removing those two possibilities. "Let me consider this properly." She stormed off with a heavy frown, tail flicking once before she went around a corner. "That was, uh—" Shining Armor was equally displeased, with his marefriend having received such an offer, but it was tempered with the realization that she had already made her decision. "You're saying no, so that's that. Princess Celestia just has to decide how she's going to tell them no. We don't have to worry about it." Cadance nodded a little at that. "You're right, we're worrying about nothing." It was a pity that Blueblood found her later, sobbing softly on a balcony. "Cousin, dear cousin. What brings tears to your eyes? Is there any hoof I could bring to your aide, to comfort your soiled soul? An oaf to knock back? A dragon to slay, for any slight?" She had dabbed the tears out of her eyes before turning to face him, steeling herself. "Thank you, Cousin." She forced herself upright with a little sigh. "But none of that would do the trick." "You have but to name the task!" He set his hoof on his chest. "Where is Shining? Should he not be comforting his mare?" She managed to laugh, briefly. "He knows he can't help either. Blueblood, a union with Saddle Arabia promises too much for Equestria. Celestia has reviewed it, and the other options. I will be sad, for a small while." She did her best for a brave face. "But I will recover. This is for too many ponies besides myself. It's my royal duty." "Royal duty," Blueblood muttered with disdain. He stormed off, angered with a system he only sometimes minded. "This is bollocks!" Princess Cadance winced when the door slammed behind him. He stormed through the hallways, glaring at any servant that dared to be in his way at that moment. "Auntie! Auntie!" He kicked open her door. "This is completely unacceptable! My poor, dear cousin's heart is about to be broken." Celestia rose slowly from the couch, putting aside the book she'd been reading. She rubbed her temple with her hoof, gathering her strength to deal with this new problem. "I see." "It is a most grievous of affairs!" Blueblood stomped from hoof to hoof. "How could you even so much as consider trading away Cadance like that?! She's in love!" "Shhh," Celestia ordered gently, with a hoof up. "Come here. Please?" He reluctantly walked to her. "Blueblood, you shouldn't be so rash with these things." She managed a patient smile, which was tempered only by how much she could sense how upset he was. "Sometimes, we of nobility—" She pointed to herself, then Blueblood. "We must do things we would rather not, for the good of the ponies that rely on us." Blueblood huffed, sitting up tall. "Pray tell, Auntie dearest, when did that prompt you, of all ponies, to make such a choice?" "I did not." Celestia took a slow breath. "Cadance did. I was ready to decline the whole thing and she suddenly stepped up. I'm both proud and, no, just proud. She is doing a very brave thing, for so many other ponies." "They should still not make such a selfish, outlandish request. Just to speak for the menfolk, I think it's unfair that one of them so much as has a right to order about one of the fairest fillies in all the land." He frowned softly before those brows shot up. "Did they ask for her specifically? They didn't—" He cut himself off. "I mean, not as if you would not be a wonderful mare, but you are clearly spoken for, Auntie." She took in a slow, steady breath before speaking. "Why don't you see for yourself?" She slid a scroll across the table to him, her horn glowing as she unfurled it for his eyes to take in. The request was not for any specific pony. Any 'princess of Equestria' would fit the bill. But there remained only one princess that could be referring to. "Still, they only wrote this." He clopped his hooves together and rested his chin on the meeting. "I am getting ideas." She gently scratched the back of his head. "As long as you behave yourself." "Don't worry." Blueblood tipped his hat down in salute. "You know me. Always a gentleman. I will give them precisely what they've asked for." He curled a hoof back at himself. "I will offer myself." Celestia blinked in clear surprise. "Blueblood, I appreciate the offer, but you, dear prince, are not a princess of Equestria." "But I very well could be." He nodded firmly. "And such a fee seems paltry compared to the heavy tears I saw flowing down that pristine face. I would gladly take a thousand blades that I could prevent even one of them from falling! I know it would mean an increase in tension between the lands, but I cannot let the anguish of such a delicate flower—" He cleared his throat, tapping his throat lightly. "I know not all eyes are so sympathetic, but I could be just the pony for this endeavor. Besides, we have magic." Celestia inclined her head at that. "We do have magic, but how is that at all involved?" She sat back on her haunches. "You are very confusing this evening." "I don't mean to be, Auntie, but if I am made a mare, then I am a princess. If I am a princess, then we are following the letter of the agreement precisely." He nodded with complete confidence. "And none can whisper a word otherwise." Celestia huffed and shook her head. "Blueblood, such a ritual is quite powerful, and permanent. You would be rewriting your very physical self. I don't think you understand how much you're offering." She let her shoulders droop. "You cannot change yourself back. What you're suggesting—" Blueblood laughed. "Auntie, Auntie. If I do this, I will have saved my sweet Cadance the torment of marrying any stallion of the tribes. But for me, a life where I may better serve my fellow ponies?" He set his hooves down hard, chin up and chest out. "This is my opportunity to do more." She shook her head in wonderment at this strange young prince. "That's...very nice of you, but I feel you are leaping before you—" Blueblood was quick to jump in, "Auntie! I mean it. I can do this, and I will do this. I will be a princess of Equestria, and I will offer myself to the Saddle Arabians. Cadance will remain and be free to shed no more tears. This is the least I can do, the very least. Allow me this." "You sound quite certain." Celestia fought a smile. "As ever have I, Auntie. But I cannot go alone. This is a dangerous journey I embark upon, and I feel certain I will need guidance." Blueblood turned for the door. "Call for the royal magicians. We should be sure this is done correctly." He shook himself, feeling quite confident, certain, and nearly arrogant in his pride. Celestia slid on a couch pillow, getting more comfortable. She wasn't entirely sure how to take it all, but things felt more certain. "Send Cadance in, and I will explain this to her. If she chases you to yell at you, don't be surprised. Perhaps she will have more luck than I have at convincing you to change your course." "I will do just that, Auntie dear." Blueblood headed for the door with a proud step. "But she will not change my mind either. Better my tears than hers, given the choice. Let my last act as a stallion be the safeguarding of a mare. I can think of worse ways to bookend that, hm?" He left with a soft click of the door behind him. Blueblood passed Cadance in the hallway. He had clearly just left Princess Celestia. He cleared his throat, walked straight past, and did not acknowledge her in the slightest. Cadance wasn't quite sure how to react at first, so she just kept on going to Celestia's chambers, knocking gently. "Auntie?" Celestia smiled from within. "Please, come inside. It's rather urgent we talk." She watched the mare do so, moving with the slightest swish to her hips. She was quite beautiful. "You have done your best to look wonderful, as if there is a time you fail to do so." Celestia pointed to the floor. "Sit. You will not be going to Saddle Arabia." Cadance did not sit, instead staring at Celestia. "Auntie, I already agreed! You agreed! Why are you changing your mind now?" Celestia did her best to not show frustration on her features. "No, you agreed to try for a political marriage. You still have the option to decline and walk away, and Blueblood stepped in to give you that very chance. In fact, you needn't even formally decline. We will be sending them a different princess." Cadance blinked rapidly. "You're going!?" she shrieked out. "You're not just a princess, you're the princess, the one in charge!" Celestia made gentle placating motions. "I will not be going. Blueblood will be. He's quite firm on this. You are welcome to try to convince him otherwise, but the more you pull him when he's dug in his hooves, the harder he pushes them down." "He's not a princess. That's nonsense! Even if he went, he couldn't help the way I can." Cadance just looked up, confused. "Actually, he is." Celestia coughed into a hoof. "I should say, she will be. They have agreed to become a mare, and thus they will be a princess, and then we will offer them up, as a princess of Equestria. We will have done as they asked, and we can put this all behind us." Cadance staggered over and landed heavily in front of Celestia. "B-But why? Why would she do that?" She tugged on Celestia's mane. "Auntie!" Celestia gently brushed Cadance's grasping hooves away. "This is her idea and her desire, not mine. Go and convince them to do something else, or stand in solidarity with them. I have chosen to support them however I can, for they remain my nephew, or niece, and my love will not end so easily." She stood tall once more. "They are very passionate. Don't talk them down. Let them make this decision as the fully realized individual that they are. Sometimes, my sweet, people are complicated." Cadance pointed to the door. "You don't want me to change their mind?" "You're welcome to try." Celestia crossed her arms slowly. "But, when that fails, please support them, just as they are trying to support you." "How?" Celestia flared her wings. "With love." She smiled gently. "I know you two are not family by blood, but he views you as practically a sister. Return the favor, if you can." Cadance sprung up on her hindlegs, one hoof resting on Celestia's chest, as she leaned close and gently bumped noses with her. "I will. That moron." She tapped her horn to Celestia. "That stupid, brave, moron. Let me try to talk some sense into him." She fell to all fours and stormed out of the room. > 2 - A New You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance paced fitfully. "If this has to be done, for my sake of all things, I intend to help." She met Blueblood's determined face. "Are you ready? This is a big thing, a lifechanging ritual. You—" She danced in place a moment. "—Being a mare is more than wearing different clothes to formal events. Do you understand what you're walking into, and, perhaps, I should be asking if you even could have any idea." "My dear," Blueblood whispered, tipping his nose under her chin. "I know not what the future will hold, but I trust myself. You know who I am. I am brave. I am resolute. I am dashing! And most importantly, I am gentle." He drew Cadance into a hug. "And I am in the hooves of my dearest cousin, who will guide me through these times quite properly, I feel. As Auntie Celestia said, this is for you." "When was the last time you washed a dish?" Cadance demanded, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Can you cook for yourself?" She clopped a hoof to her face. "That wasn't fair. There are mares who are terrible at either of those. They aren't lesser mares for it." She took a slow breath. "We've had this conversation before. You're probably tired of hearing me worry about it." Blueblood nosed at her cheek gently and briefly. "That you care so fiercely is no hardship. I thank you, and I understand your feelings on the matter." Cadance tapped his cheek lightly, letting him go. "Well, as your guide and the one that's going to be staying, I have to ask about these changes." She flicked her ears back. "As usual, magic is partially formed by the will of the pony casting the spell. Do you have any requests? Do you wish to be a more plain mare, or?" "Plain?" Blueblood pinned his ears back. "Plain is not a word I associate with myself, dear Cadance. Mare or stallion, I make the room stand up and take notice when I enter a room." Cadance quietly abandoned one of her plans to try to make things easier. Transforming Blueblood into a mare that was easy to miss had seemed one such way, but not Blueblood's way. "Of course. You are going to new rooms, but you'll make a splash all the same. Sit please. No more moving until it's done." Blueblood found his mane flowing out further in cascading waves, curling just before it touched the floor. His muzzle felt lighter, as if it wasn't quite finished growing in. "Why, this isn't so different after all." He stood up, midsection rumbling as internal changes caught up with the simple exterior changes. He blanched, taking a shaky step. "Dizzy..." He gave Cadance a surprised glance as his torso cracked, shortening from the change and from the internal changes that left him, er, her feeling stranger by the moment. "I say," she got out with a lighter tone. "Was that me?!" Her cheeks colored, in a very interesting fashion as Cadance's spell rewrote her underlying anatomy, completing the exterior. Her back legs started to round out at the shin and ankle. Blueblood's old shoes had been remolded along with her body, settling on her hooves. Her belly swelled in places, but her thighs thinned slightly, bringing the hips closer together in a fuller shape. "Still," she reminded herself, as Cadance had ordered. "Must be still." She swayed her tail as the spell tingled through her whole body. "Do my teeth feel the same?" She lifted her chin. "I do feel bigger. It is said mares tend to be—" She spun, noticing that the dress was simply flowing off, tightening around the curves where the looseness of the cloth before was. "Mare fashion is different." She reached up a hoof to play at the cloth gently. "But I'm getting distracted. Are we finished?" Cadance's horn gave one last flash of power. "We are. How do you feel. Blueblood?" "Old names for old ponies." She pointed to herself. "And I am brand new, thanks to you. Call me Blue Belle instead. Yes, a much more fitting title for a new mare." She hopped forward into a trot towards a tall mirror. "Oh, lovely job! Look at me. Look at my legs! If only all new me was—" She winced. "Oh. I think we have company. Oh, my tummy." Bluebell grinned from ear to ear. "This will take some getting used to." Cadance managed a gently pat on Blueblood as Celestia walked in. "Ah, Auntie. We just finished." Celestia's eyes were on Blue Belle. "You've done a remarkable job. Niece, how do you feel?" Blue Belle didn't even notice at first, only eventually catching on to Celestia staring at her. "Yes, Aunt" Celestia smirked softly and pointed at Blue. "You are my niece now, are you not?" Blue Belle flushed dark. "Right you are, Auntie dearest. As for how I feel, a little chilled from the changes. But otherwise, it was rather like I could feel the magic inside me and it felt as natural as could be to allow it to reshape me however it deemed. Now it's my turn to deem. You wouldn't happen to have some dress slippers, would you, for an evening at the theater? I can't have my first appearance as a mare be in something that looks as though I'm heading out for some battle, eh?" Celestia reached out to rest a hoof on Blue Belle's head. "You are quite eager. The castle seamstress will gladly help you upset your wardrobe, but don't forget why you've taken this step. You are to go to Saddle Arabia, where your prince already waits for a 'princess of Equestria', which you are one of now." Blue peeked back over herself. "Princesses of Equestria normally have wings, Auntie dear. Do I get a set of those?" Celestia moved her hoof to Blue Belle's snout. "That is a whole other ordeal. You are, by all technicalities, a princess by hereditary means, not alicornhood. Still a princess, just as you were once a prince." Blue Belle sighed at that, with a hint of relief. "That will do just nicely." She tossed her mane. "Theaters first, of course." She leaned close to Celestia. Celestia folded her wing over her new niece. "Are you entirely alright? You don't have to play brave for us. We're family." Blue Belle rested her hoof on Celestia's wing. "Thank you, but I do not play at anything, Auntie dearest." She was shakier than she thought she was going to be. "I have adjustments to make, but I am still me, on the inside." Celestia was visibly surprised when she saw Blue Belle move off and bump snouts with Cadance as well, pushing down her uncertainty. Cadance sighed softly. "You're brave, Blue Belle." She pushed some mane away from Bluebell's face. "You shouldn't have to do all of this for me, but I'm beyond words with how proud I am of you." She hugged Blue Belle tightly. "Write me often, and I will respond to each." She kissed Blue Belle's cheek before trotting towards the door. "She's quite bold," Celestia softly remarked as Blue Belle cleared her throat and shook herself off. "Now, to get your wardrobe in order." She waved for Blue Belle to join her as they went to see a pony about a new fashion line for the new princess. "It would be quite improper to send any princess not looking her best." Cadance just trotted towards the window as Blue Belle left. She idly rubbed at her neck and only barely noticed when Shining Armor joined her and leaned gently against her. She smiled at his presence, swaying her tail to lay over his. "I know, dear. She's my friend." She met his gaze. "But it's nice that you understand that's why I'm worried about her. We've only got three more days." Shining Armor put a hoof to his own chest. "I'll help make them days worth remembering. Bluey deserves a great time!" He chuckled with his wild ideas for what amounted to a bachelor party, for a new mare. "This will be so fun!" Cadance rubbed at her stomach. "That will take getting used to. Now we call her Blue Bell. Does the change of names feel..." Shining Armor leaned gently on his marefriend. "Honestly, I didn't feel it, and I'm her brother. The clothes don't quite fit and I kind of think of her like you mentioned before, a good friend." He nuzzled gently at her. "And she's still a friend, mare or stallion. She's still family on top of that." "She is." Cadance forced herself to her hooves. "You're right. Let's make these last days count." So it was that Blue Belle was treated like the star of the show for those last few days. Parties were thrown for her, almost at random. Ponies came from across the city and beyond to wish her will and compliment her new self. By the time she was boarding the wagon to take her away from Equestria, she was beaming with joy, which made it all the harder as it sank on her that she'd be leaving all of that behind. Even after the carriage had taken off and started trundling away, Celestia, Shining Armor, and Cadance remained and waved at the princess-to-be until they had vanished from view. Blue Belle looked out the window of her carriage as the terrain became sandier by the hour. They were fully in the desert. "That makes sense," she muttered to herself. The Saddle Arabians were a desert people, and large. She pinned her ears back, thinking about how large they were. She was already destined to marry one of those immense ponies. What if the pony was massive?! She calmed her breathing. "That would make them hard to miss." She laughed to herself and did her best to calm herself. "Be composed. You represent all of Equestria!" She tossed her mane, smiling. "I wonder if they brought sweets for our meet and greet. Would be a nice gesture." She tried not to focus on the size of the stallions that awaited her, at least as best as she was able. The door of the carriage opened. "Ma'am, we're here," called the pony outside They were an Equestrian pony, so they were perfectly normal sized. Blue Belle nodded towards them as she stepped out onto the warm sand. Her eyes widened as she took in the grand desert city before her. Sandstone structures rose all around her, elegant in their simplicity. In fact, much of it appeared to have been carved right into the rock itself. Blue Belle was so entranced she had nearly forgotten her own entrance. "Ahem, Princess Blue Belle of Equestria," came a voice from up in a tower. A figure was pointing down at her. "You will forgive me. I sent your name ahead to expect you, so we're prepared." Elsewhere, several large ponies glared at the princess Equestria had sent. "She doesn't have wings," noted one. "She isn't a real princess." "Can we send her back?" The last sighed deeply. "Let us first find out if she is a princess or not. We'll look daft if this mare actually is one. Go greet her." So it was that a prince of a Saddle Arabian walked out, bedecked in the finery of his station. "Princess Blue Belle, a pleasure to meet you at long last." He bowed slowly. "I am Prince Star Mark. Your uncle has informed us you are the princess we asked for. May we see you properly?" He gestured with his hoof. "Please, bring us proof of your authority, my dear princess." Blue Belle inclined her head. "Proof? I am the niece of Princess Celestia! I have been so related since I was born. I can scarcely imagine more proof than that." She looked over the massive pony. Everything about him felt overmuch, and it left her reeling even as she tried to calm herself. "But it is a pleasure to meet you, my prince?" Star Mark shook his head with a heavy sigh. "Well, that's rather inconvenient. My compatriots are waiting for confirmation." He gestured with a hoof. "Please come with me, dear princess." He touched her, but his hoof landed with barely a feather of pressure. "I don't think you came all this way just to deceive us." He brought her towards their stately palace and towards her new life among them. "We have much to discuss." > 3 - A Proper Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We were supposed to get a princess." A dour stallion crossed his arms. "Instead—" "She is a princess." A mare, just as large as the others in the room, nodded with a huff. "Just not one related to Celestia." Another stallion stomped a hoof down. "I didn't know they even had any princesses that weren't so related! That was the plan. They aren't an alicorn. They don't have the power of one, and haven't passed the tests one must to become one. They sent us a simple mare." The mare huffed at that. "And what is wrong with a 'simple mare'?" The stallion had the manners to look a little embarrassed. "Sorry. You know this wasn't the plan. What do we do with her, send her back?" The first stallion shook his head firmly. "They have followed the letter of our request. To return her would be an insult. Keep an eye on her. Perhaps she'll do us the favor and give is an excuse to send her away." The mare huffed at that. "If she is rude, she has no place here. If she is incompetent in court, much the same." All three of them shared a nod of solidarity. They would watch their new guest. Blue Belle gazed from her new balcony. "I say." The view was spectacular, looking down on the city as she did. Even being made a princess was less impressive than her quarters in this strange land. She went back inside, letting the curtains fall closed behind her. The room she'd been assigned was very sparse. "Hm." But, she supposed to herself, perhaps that was for the best. It was up to her to decorate it. She smiled with growing thoughts. Was that a test? She went to the door and peeked out into the hallway. Spotting a guard, as tall as most residents of that country, she waved him closer. "Pardon, but I was wondering—" "Yes, Your Highness?" The guard dipped his head at the small nobility before them. "How can I help?" Blue felt heat rise, holding back a giggle. Having power over such a large pony felt a little thrilling, if she was honest with herself. "I was hoping to secure a book, one that shows the local trends in decor. I would like to decorate properly, and just bringing Equestria here feels a bit uncouth." "As you command, ma'am!" With a firm salute, the guard marched off to see it done. Blue Belle continued to smile, even as the door shut. "Oh!" She was already having a blast, even if she did miss the comforts of home. Blue Belle found herself in a library. It was not as grand as the Canterlot Archives, no. Auntie did love herself some books, even ones she didn't want the random pony to be reading. Still, it was quite the collection, and Blue slowly walked down the aisles, inspecting the spines of the tomes ready for her browsing. "I'll get that decorating book, but there are so many others here." "My princess." Blue jumped in surprise, coming down facing a pair of legs. Right. She looked upwards to find the face of that dashing stallion from earlier. "Ah! A pleasure to see you again." "And I." He lowered himself, sinking to his belly, and still being larger than her. "We should meet, properly. We have words to share, my princess. You must be confused, perhaps scared. I would not have my princess feeling either of those things." Blue felt heat rising in her cheeks. "What a gentlepony." More than that, that such care was directed specifically at her was a new thing. As a prince, only her servants cared so much, and often only hesitantly, as they were required. "We've scarcely met." "If you are to be my bride, then we should meet far more than the curt greeting we began with." He looked past Blue. "What book were you searching for? Perhaps I could assist?" "This one, about décor!" She waggled it out, glowing with her magic. "I should do my part to make this place more comfortable, don't you think?" "Hm." The stallion rolled that word around in his mind for a moment. "Is your room not to your liking?" He rose to his hooves. "Of course." She laughed tensely, working around her new prince. "Um, but." She trailed a moment with a new frown. "It was a little sparse. I thought that was intentional?" "Sparse?" He nudged her, his touch gentle, as if Blue Belle could shatter if he used any real force. "May I see? I did not realize my princess would be so unhappy." She flailed her hooves in a panic. "It's not your fault. I've only just arrived, so I—" He stood tall, turning for the door. With things decided, she tucked her new book away and marched past him to lead the way back to her room. "It's not in shambles, I assure. It's just in need of some decorating touches, you see?" She willed the door open, as large as everything else in that country. "Here we are. See?" He swept inside, quickly pacing from point to point, eyes darting about. He soon stopped to let a frown form on his features. "Where are the furnishings?" He pointed to a spot. "There should be a dresser here." He glared at the bed. "They found one thing from Equestria, and it was a bed barely fit for noble blood?" He twirled on Blue, proving he was quite agile despite being such a massive creature. "You have my most heartfelt apologies, my princess. I will have the servants responsible punished for even showing you this room in this state." Part of Blue liked that idea. Somepony suffering for slighting her? "Let's not be too hasty," she mumbled out instead. "You wanted to talk, did you not?" He brightened at that. "Ah, yes." With a swat of his tail, he knocked the door shut, giving them some amount of privacy. "Thank you, my princess. Let us begin with the name you'd prefer me to address you with." He flashed a smile. "Unless you prefer 'my princess'." Blue put a hoof to her fluttering chest. Why did his words stir such feelings? She stepped awkwardly in a little stationary shuffle. "I am Blue Belle, but to be addressed as Blue by a peer would be—" She forced a smile. "Entirely acceptable." And new, and daunting, but such was her responsibility. "And what is your name, I would ask?" "Prince Sand Star." He dipped his head at that. "But you can call me Sand. If two betrothed ponies cannot use their first names, who could, I dare wonder?" "Who indeed." Blue considered Sand in a new way. It was like having his name was enough to change how he appeared in her eyes. "Betrothed, that word. I am not used to it." "If I may confess." He sank before her to his belly. "Me neither, Blue. This is daunting, but we'll face it, together? If you need anything, please, let me know. We're both scared, but, at least, I'm home. You've been far removed from yours. I feel like I owe you at least a helping hoof." "I am grateful for the offer." Blue blushed deeply. "But you've already been so kind. It would not do for me to impose more on you." "Please, I insist. This is the start of something beautiful." He leaned in, touching his large snout to her cheek. His breath was like a warm wind off the desert, ruffling her fur with the warm breeze. "You are, if I may admit, quite comely, Blue." Blue attempted to change her name posthaste to Red, at least if the color of her cheeks was any hint. To be called pretty by another stallion. No, she was a she, a mare. They weren't 'another' stallion. They were just a stallion, and she, a mare. Their mare, actually. Their betrothed mare, that they thought was pretty. "T-thank you," Blue got out stammering. "And, um, you are—" What was the word she used to want as a stallion? "Handsome. I like your attire, dashing." She circled around, reaching with her magic to pluck gently at his desert attire. "This is quite striking, and you wear it very well. I feel you fill it out just right." She was glad the embarrassment was covering up how awkward her walk was. "I think I am not the only one, mare of my dreams." He reached for her, never forcefully. It was more like he was cradling the most delicate of glass work. "I know this is an awkward time, for both of us. Let's get past it. Tomorrow night is a celebration of your arrival and my birthday." He grinned broadly. "How do you feel about birthdays?" Blue perked up at that. "My birthday is coming up as well!" She twirled an ear back. "I say, if I may be so bold as to ask, how many birthdays have you celebrated?" "Mmm." He brought a hoof to his chin. "Including the one we're about to, about two dozen." Blue laughed at that, a merry and genuine sound. "We are about the same age then, how delightful. Perhaps we were born on the same day even. What sort of luck would that be?" Sand touched his massive nose to her smaller one, carefully rubbing snouts. "Then, perhaps, we can blame all of this on destiny itself." Blue felt her heard thumping loudly in her ears. "Please excuse me." She took a hesitant step back. "I should prepare myself, for dinner tonight, and, um." "Say no more." Sand stood up tall. "I have pestered you far more than enough, Blue, my princess. Relax. Should you need anything, ask the guard outside. And if he cannot, have him call me, at any time of day or not. Rest well." "Thank you." Blue's voice was as quiet as a whisper. She watched him leave and didn't move until the door closed. Only then did she collapse on her bed, on her back and kicking her legs back and forth. "I have a prince," she wailed to nopony in particular. "I have a prince." And she just wasn't sure how to feel about that. She had just been a prince such a short time ago. But then, she stopped being one, and had gotten one instead. "For Equestria," she whispered to herself, trying to find her resolve. She rolled off her bed to her hooves, lashing her tail. "I agreed to this." She looked back at her body, considering it. "Am I displeased with it?" She was still for a time before shaking her head, shallow, but faster with each sway. "No! No. I am still a noble. I was striking as a stallion, and now, enchanting as a mare." She giggled a little at that, cheeks reddening. "I even like the notion." She trotted out onto the balcony, to savor that view that had captivated her earlier that day. "I'm just overwhelmed. Look at this place. It's not built for a pony like me." She sank to her haunches. "I have so much adjusting to do." She laughed tensely. "At the least, my future prince appears to be a kind sort. I could have done far worse." She stood up and turned for inside. "Let's look on the bright side." With a glowing horn, she drew out her decorating book. "We have a room to manage." She flipped through it, smiling at some of the illustrations and scowling at others. "This." She tapped at a page. "This looks just wonderful." She began planning out the layout, leaving little circles and crosses at different parts of her room. "Guard, if—" She didn't get to finish her request, the door open with that same guard looking in with concern. "Ah, very good. I was hoping you could assist." She trotted over, book held up in her magic. "I would like the things shown here, to be placed there." She indicated the marks she'd left behind. The guard scanned quickly over the book, comically large compared to Blue, but just right for him. "Of course, ma'am. I will get this request to the right ponies." He reached for the book. "May I?" "Of course." Blue Belle surrendered the book from her magic into the guard's waiting hooves. "We'll really make this place shine, yes?" "Of course, ma'am." With a sharp salute, the guard headed out to make that happen. Blue sighed with a pleased smile. "Step one, control where you sleep, at least." > 4 - Coming Out Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Belle adjusted her new outfit, an article of clothing from Equestria designed by Cadance herself. She loved how she looked in the dress, and the layers of cloth concealed her alien form. She turned left and right in front of the mirror, adjusting her legs and tail with soft hums. "If I saw a mare like you." She leaned in closer to her reflection. "I would consider approaching her. Would she enjoy my presence?" A knock on the door surprised Blue. She hustled over to peek out the door. A maid smiled at the peeking face. "Dinner is ready, ma'am." "Thank you." Blue turned from the door, but didn't close it. This was invitation enough for the maid to trot in and begin cleaning without another word between them. That was just as well, as Blue saw it, as that was the meaning she had intended. She looked herself over one more time, nodded, and headed for the door. "I'll be back after dinner." The maid tipped her head at that. "The prince has asked to join you." She offered a sweet smile. "Would that be alright, Princess?" "Uh." Blue stared at the maid. "I mean, yes, I suppose I should expect that." She resisted the urge to touch her face, instead being still. "I would be unsightly for a mare to refuse the presence of her betrothed, would it not?" "Ma'am." The large maid, large like most ponies in that land, bowed low enough to meet their eyes before she got right back to work. "I doubt that the prince would hold it against you, if you asked to be alone." Blue sighed gently. "I do appreciate that." She thought a moment before going to the door. "But, for now, I shall let the arrangement stand." She slipped out, accelerating to a proper trot as she made her way to the dining hall. She'd learned where such vital rooms were in the time she'd been there, and felt proud of herself for navigating to it without having to ask any guards. One of those guards stood beside the door. "You are expected." He opened the door with a hoof and stepped out of the way for Blue to enter. "Have a nice evening, Princess." "And you as well." She smiled at him as she passed. A moment later, a soft groan of pain echoed from the guard. Blue spun to look at the poor pony. He smiled at her. "I'm fine, princess. Just a little sore." He rubbed at the leg that had been injured. Blue Belle pinned her ears back. "You poor thing." She'd never seen a guard looking injured, especially one of those large ponies. "I should be able to help." She said that mostly to herself, frowning. Alas, healing magic was considered legendary, at best. Doctors had to work with medicine, or potions, and Blue had neither. "I'll check inside." The guard put a hoof out. "No, ma'am. Your highness, it is my duty to be strong." He assumed a tall stance. "I won't give up just because of an ache." Blue Belle stared at him, before bowing her head. "Very well, then. But please, go rest, and don't injure yourself further." She waited until he resumed his position before continuing to the door. With a sigh, she pushed her way in, revealing the many noble and wealthy ponies that already had a seat at the grand table. She put on a proper smile, trotting up to her assigned chair and sliding up into it. Climbing it would be more accurate. The chair was sized for a pony twice her height, which meant she had to take a moment scaling into position and sinking to her rump with a sigh of relief. One of those nearby snorted at her. "Equestria seems quite pitiful for a princess of theirs." He laughed as she glanced away in shame. A flash of light appeared next to him, before fading to reveal a plate with a steak on it. Blue peered at the plate. Not fish, perhaps logical in that desert climate. What was that a steak of? "My princess." The prince, her prince, had arrived with a kind smile. "I am gladdened to see you well." His mane was much neater than it had been before. Blue Belle nodded at the sight of him. "You as well." She scanned over the room, noticing the glares at Sand. "Is today a particular day? There's a feeling in the air." She didn't mention the pointed looks. Sand slumped in his chair, leaning to rub at his chin. "Well, yes. Today, we celebrate my birthday, and the union of Saddle Arabia, and, by extension, my kingdom, and Equestria." Blue Belle beamed with pride. "Ah! How delightfully timed. We start many new things." She glanced away a moment and back at Sand, her voice lowering to a whisper, "The guard, just outside. He didn't want me to say anything, so, kindly, notice this yourself, but the poor thing is injured. He can hardly perform his job well while in that state, but he is ready to do it, out of loyalty." Sand put his hooves on the table, shoving himself up. "I will tend to this personally. Excuse me, for just a moment." He slid off his chair, then out the door. Blue shrank back a little. "Did I put my hoof in the wrong place?" She could only imagine what words Sand was sharing with the poor guard. "I hope not." A maid stopped by Blue's chair. "Ma'am, are you not hungry?" She gestured at the vast spread of assorted plates and the foods they offered. "I am." Blue glanced at the offerings, none of which looked particularly appealing. She swallowed gently. "I'm just not sure what to get, honestly." The maid leaned in to whisper to Blue. "You are not the first Equestrian. I suggest that one." She gently pointed with her snout at a lone plate. "Unpopular with locals, but quite liked by all visitors from your home, hm?" Blue's ears flicked. "Oh!" She lit her horn, grabbing a fork, and lifting up that plate, of all things, spaghetti. "You're a gem." She set the plate before herself. "But I won't learn if I don't try." She swayed her tail gently. "What is the most traditional thing on offer, hm? What would a true Saddle Arabian just not refuse?" The maid went pale at that, before scanning the table. "That one, perhaps?" She pointed to a chunk of meat sitting on a platter, not on a plate, but the tray it was cooked in. That mysterious steak from before. "Ah, of course. Thank you." She shared a nod with the larger maid and reached with her magic to slice off a portion of that steak. "I won't know until I try it at least." "If it is unappetizing, I could..." The maid blushed, obviously in a bind. Blue Belle gently patted the maid's flank. "Please, no. I've chosen this. If I change my mind, I will know what to avoid in the future, yes?" She looked up and over at the maid, meeting her gaze. "Tell me, are you local?" The maid bowed her head. "I am." "Well, then." Blue waved a hoof as if dismissing the very notion of a problem. "I could hardly complain, as my choices are new. I'm quite excited, to tell the truth." With a wide smile, the maid moved on to attend to the other ponies at the table. Sand returned to his chair with a heavy sigh. "They insisted that I must not trouble myself over this. I wouldn't even have noticed if you hadn't told me, dear princess." He reached for her free hoof, stroking it gently. "I will bring this matter to attention when there is a lull." Blue Belle smiled at Sand. "Thank you." She grabbed her utensils and speared a clump of the mystery meat, to have her first bite. Chewing slowly, she tried to decide how she felt about the texture. "Oh!" Blue's eyes widened. The spices flowed over her tongue in a mighty rush, her eyes watering a moment. Sand offered a glass of water, placing it near her without water. Blue drank it quickly, but silently. "Ah, mmm, that is quite potent." Despite that, she tried a second bite, carefully measuring it with each bite. Sand nodded his head slowly. "Our finest cooks and chefs. Each dish has a unique flavor." He sniffed the air. "Ah, you chose one of the more popular, if not common, dishes, the beef." Blue felt her limbs stiffen. Beef? Were cows different in Saddle Arabia? The idea of eating one in Equestria was unthinkable, but she was already chewing her second bite. She could see no delicate way to retreat from the problem she had created. "The cooking is exquisite." She gave no sign that she was secretly cursing her own bad luck. She kept her smile and avoided embarrassing herself, at least in that fashion. "Ladies and gentlecolts." A stallion at the far end of the table stood up, towering over it. He was tall, even for one of their kind. "Thank you all for coming, to celebrate the joy that enters our lives." He waved a massive hoof towards Sand. "My son is twenty two, and I am filled with joy as a father to have him mature and healthy, and I know my queen would agree, and know the same joy, had she not fallen to illness." The room grew quietly somber in a moment to honor that passing. He went on, undeterred save for that pause. "Also, we have a guest, a new family member. Duchess Princess Blue Belle of Equestria." Blue tensed at that. They knew her full name?! She raised a hoof to wave at the many ponies examining her. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." She did her best to smile, feeling all that pressure bearing down on her. She ate mechanically, feeling that unease. The stallion nodded firmly. "Princess Blue Belle will be wed to Sand in one moon's time. They are betrothed already, and getting along so well." Understanding the prompting, Sand reached to draw Blue closer. "She is a delicate but wondrous mare. I am still learning of her, as she is of me, but we have found nothing unfavorable, father. My princess is a charming pony." "As glad as I am to hear that." He chuckled gently. "I also must tell you, Sand, that you've inherited much, and that is your responsibility." The room applauded gently. "And you, Blue Belle, you will carry a weighty title as well. Are you ready for it?" She put a hoof at her chest. "I will proudly be Sand's—" She hesitated, just a moment. She had not been raised to be anything but a prince, and perhaps a husband in time. "—wife, and do my best to support him, and the kingdom as a whole." She realized her misstep, and saw that some ponies had caught on to it. Still, the applause was gentle and polite. The king huffed with a nod. "Let the party continue." Sand lifted an ear. "Apologies for that surprise. Were you raised to become a proper princess of Equestria?" "No, I wasn't." She touched her forehead as she slinked lower. "I was always expected to take my uncle's role—" She bit her lip, realizing she was about to give away her secret. "As ambassador! I didn't expect such a role to involve a political marriage, but here we are." She covered her eyes. Sand lifted a hoof. "Now, now. We have time yet." He bumped her gently, setting his hoof down. "Why don't we get some fresh air?" He slid easily to the floor and offered a leg in front of her like a makeshift step. "We've attended the most important part of the function." She lifted a hoof. "We haven't even had cake yet!" Sand chuckled at that. "But we have eaten, have we not?" He turned his gaze up to her. "Besides, a little walk won't make us miss dessert." Blue reached down a hoof to step down, gracelessly falling on the extended arm. Sand lowered the arm, Blue along with it, to the ground. He slid the arm up between her forelegs, powerful hoof rubbing her underside as he left her standing. "Shall we?" Blue was a bright shade of red, floundering to figure out how to answer him. "Y-yes." She trotted a few steps to the door. "Yes. Please." Sand was right behind her as they made their way out into the crisp desert night. As hot as the sun blazed during the day, the moon seemed to radiate only the deepest of chills, carried by the soft wind that kissed their snouts. Blue Belle had already wrapped herself in her tail as they walked out into the courtyard. She lifted her face to the sky, eyes closed as she relaxed. "We have much to do, my princess." He undid his cape and threw it over Blue, concealing her entirely a moment under its fluffy mass. "You look cold, even if you are quiet." Blue Belle was in the darkness, but also there was a scent, Sand's smell was all around her, as if he were embracing her in welcome warmth, chasing away the chill of the evening. She let it hang a moment before reaching out with a hoof and poking Sand. He poked back, as if she were one of his pals, rather than his princess. She poked again, pulling the cape back until her head could poke free of it and see more than the back of the cape. "Thank you." She pulled it close, finding that it did keep in the warmth from his body quite well. She walked side by side with the stallion as they moved through the castle grounds, admiring the starlit night. "You must have so many questions." He turned an ear to the side. "We are alone. You may ask me anything." Blue considered this with a little frown. "I would ask, what do you expect from me, as your princess?" Sand paused at that. "Direct." He leaned in, touching his nose to her side. "I like that. From my princess, I would have love. I would have honesty. I would have your support." He sank to his haunches. "With some amount of fortune, I would have children. I would have a happy life." Blue's gaze followed his. "What do you mean?" Sand folded his hooves before him. "I don't have any brothers, nor sisters, nor cousins. The closest heir I have is a distant one. In some ways, this is good. I don't have to fear that struggle." Blue perked her ears at Sand. "Ah, I see." She glanced back at herself, a mare, a potential source of such children. She just had to do one little thing. Well, two. Mares had to do those two things, and children would happen. Neither felt like easy things to do. The thought of either sent trembles of nervousness through her. "If we did have children, would I be permitted to care for them? I wasn't allowed to be a mother or anypony's wife." She bit her lip. Of course they would let no prince try to do either of those things. Sand stroked his chin with a hoof. "You will have help. No one princess raises her foals. You will have me, and the maids, and the tutors, and the nannies, and every other pony to assist in raising our family, when we are ready for it." Blue sighed at that. "That's a relief." She stood up slowly. "I just don't want to make a shame of it. There are, hm, there are things I would have had my own parents do different, had I that power. I would prefer any foal of my own to not have such thoughts." Sand looked Blue over a moment, seeing her shake a little. "You're in need of something." He rose and began to walk slowly, inviting her to follow him with just that movement. "Perhaps some of that dessert? A sweet, for my sweet." Blue blushed. "You're too much." She trotted alongside, holding the cape up so she could see him. "That sounds pleasant, though. You were correct." She smiled over at him. Together, they made their way back inside. > 5 - Small Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue ran her eyes left and right over the scroll, its words, and its arcane symbols. "I see." She sat and tapped at her chin. "How someponies make this look so easy." She shook her head and returned to the top. "But it does sound useful." The sorcerer with a wizard's hat beamed at that. "So, you have heard of it, have you? What is your impression of the spell, hm?" Blue furrowed her brow at that. "Tell me again, why did you read it before it reached me?" She pointed at the scroll. "I am quite used to sealed scrolls remaining sealed until I fix that myself." The sorcerer reached up, removing his pointed cap to reveal a horn. "Ma'am, I'm an Equestrian, like you. Saddle Arabians don't have horns, and don't have magic. They hire me to make sure nopony sends them an unkind bit of magic in the mail." Blue's eyes widened. "I see. That is a good precaution, even if it is one that would seem to imply the entire magical community is untrustworthy." The sorcerer waved his hooves in a panic. "Most aren't! Just means I get paid to make sure of it. But, with royal health on the line, they pay for it, and I also assist with matters magical when they come up." He glanced past Blue to the hovering scroll. "You can read it, obviously, but do you understand it?" Blue Belle waved the scroll with magic and pointed at the first symbol. "It is a summoning. I cannot guess at what. It requires a component, but no direction as to how to obtain it." "If I may?" With her nod, he slipped in closer for a peek. "Looks like you need a prism, not a large one. You are a princess, ma'am. I'd ask one of the guards for a prism that'd fit neatly on a hoof and you'll be ready to give it a try." Blue lowered the scroll, glancing from the scroll to the sorcerer. "So, if I were to summon a creature and it threatened Saddle Arabia, you could counter it?" "Oooh." The sorcerer tapped his chin with thoughts of it. "That would be something, but, no. That scroll will summon something that is not alive, solid." His eyes wandered over the arcane letters, picking them apart with moving lips. "I'd almost guess furniture? I doubt I'll be called in a hurry to deal with any furniture emergencies. Just don't summon it over anypony." "Good." Blue Belle dismissed the scroll into her saddle bag with a glow. "I will look into this after lunch." She smiled at the sorcerer. "And I appreciate your help." "Think nothing of it, your highness." The sorcerer bowed low and properly. "You are free to summon me at any time, if you would like assistance with that spell, later." Blue sent the court magician on his way and went off herself to find one of the guards. She found a different pony instead. That one looked at her with a cold glare, a larger pony, as Saddle Arabians tended to be. They were a mare, looming, and well-dressed, Blue had to admit. "What did you call for a guard for?" The mare stared at Blue, her mouth open just slightly. Blue Belle shuffled a little, but met her stare. "To get a prism." She held up a hoof that felt so comically small compared to any Saddle Arabian. "For a spell." "What manner of sorcery?" She huffed, towering over Blue somehow more than most others. "Your princess has made a fool of us." Blue pinned her ears back at the sharp turn in the conversation. "Beg pardon?" The mare prodded Blue with enough force to send Blue reeling back a few steps. "We had requested a princess. They would be large enough to match our prince. Instead, you, a little doll. If you were not so small, you would be ugly. Your neck is too long, your mane is not right. You are not a princess, you are a charlatan." Blue felt a mix of shame, anger, and worry. "My composition is entirely within guidelines!" she hotly defended, cheeks burning at the sudden attack. "I beg pardon if my manestyle is uncouth for the local taste, but it is quite in line with the needs of Equestria, that I assure." "Oh, I'm certain you're certain. Go to your room." The mare waved a hoof with disgust. "Disgraceful little runt. You had best prove your value another way." Blue felt the heat growing, but it wasn't just shame. The shock of it was wearing thin, and a new emotion rushed to fill it. "I may yet be learning, but I remain a princess! Watch your tongue! Do not address me like some mewling filly that needs to be send to their room." She glared with as much fury as she could muster. "If you do not, I will—" "Or what, you have no power over me." She turned away from Blue with a soft snort. "You won't until you are properly wed." She began to walk away. "And who is to say that will actually happen?" Blue felt that new sensation boiling to the surface, like a raging fire from a candle. It couldn't contain the flame inside anymore, and it burned white hot. "I'll show you, I'll—" "Make a scene?" The mare glanced back over a shoulder. "Please do." Blue bit it down, trembling with poorly-held urges. "You are—" She took a moment to take a shaking breath. "—unkind." She spun, her face red, and she marched for her room with all the speed she could manage without running. "And you are a princess." The mare huffed. "A proper one should be able to stand up for herself." But she let Blue flee, instead turning for some other business of hers. "As expected." Blue crashed onto her bed, belly down in a graceless flop. "What had I done to deserve such treatment?" She hugged her pillow and turned her face down into it. "What had I done, to merit being called so many unkind things." Her shoulders trembled with a gentle sob, but she kept any louder noises to herself. A gentle knock sounded from the door. Blue peeked up towards it, gathering herself in a roll off the bed to her hooves with a sigh. "Who is it?" She wiped at her cheek just a little with the edge of her scarf. The door creaked open, and in trotted a maid, carrying a plate in her magic. "Hello, your highness." She set the plate on the end table and bowed, though was still higher than Blue despite the motion. "If there's anything else you might like, I'm a call away at any time." She bowed again and turned for the door. "Wait!" Blue squeaked out in a gasp. "You're... very kind to me. Why? I'm smaller than you, and less striking, I know that." She folded an ear back. "My, hm, small frame appears to be bothersome to some." The maid colored faintly in her cheeks. "Ma'am! It is not my duty to question things like that. Large or small, you are a pony I am serving." She smiled a little more naturally. "Your being smaller does mean I can carry smaller servings of food and drink, which is easier. Aside that, why should it bother me, ma'am?" Blue touched her chin and looked aside with a gentle sigh. "That's good enough reason, I suppose." She tapped the plate with a hoof. "Thank you, for your kind words." With her magic, she pulled the cover free and set it aside, allowing her to examine the meal and its appealing scents. "Mmm, send my chef my compliments. I have yet to have a meal here that I did not enjoy." The maid dipped her head. "I will convey that message to the kitchen, ma'am. If you are not in need of anything else?" Blue considered for a moment. "Is the prince busy? I would speak with him, but only if I am not drawing him away from more pressing engagements. I wouldn't dream of doing that to a prince, especially one as kind as Sand." She sighed softly, the name leaving her feeling warm. The maid smiled at that. "His schedule is light, if I recall properly, ma'am." While she was there, she took a moment to pat down the blinds and fluff up a few flowers before moving for the door. "I'll let him know you'd like to speak to him." Blue flickered an ear. "Perhaps that is why it bothered me so." She frowned faintly. "Most have been so kind and wonderful, to meet what I had feared when I first arrived was quite unsettling indeed." She closed her eyes a moment and sighed gently, letting her tension escape in that single breath. "But, it was just one pony being cruel." Left alone in the quiet, Blue Belle gathered herself, thoughts drifting to the prince she had summoned. "He remains so large." She paced, nervous energy building in her. "And I am to wed him." She darkened at the thought. "That I would wed any stallion is already strange enough." She paused to eat some of her meal. "At least I shall wed a fine prince. Hmph." As if called, a brief knock came just moments before Sand saw himself in. "My princess, I was told you are full of heavy thoughts." Despite his size, he stepped so lightly his hooves didn't clop on the floor. "Can I help?" He settled onto his haunches, giving Blue Belle an opening. She sagged, a deep sigh escaping her. "I am sorry for my condition, as I had not been taught to be a princess." She realized that sounded a bit odd. "Of another land," she hastily amended. "I do not want to make waves, but a mare was most unkind to me." She stared at her hooves, shuffling them. "I'm not used to that." Sand's ears sank. "There are some ponies who will never be kind." He reached to pet Blue's cheek with gentle motions. "If you tell me who they were, I will see them punished for their actions. An attack on my princess is an attack on me." Belle stiffened at that. "As tempting as that offer is, it could very well be me that made the mistake." She touched her nose to Sand's petting hoof. It smelled of warm sands. "Am I too small? They mentioned you were hoping for a much larger princess than the one you were afforded." Sand stared at her for a moment, before gently leaning to brush noses. "It would be hard to call any princess of yours 'large', my princess." He laughed as he said it, just a little, his breath warm on her muzzle. "Still, if we were to go by your largest, Princess Celestia is comfortably around the average. Cadance would be on the lower end of that average, and Twilight would be short." He brought in his hooves, gathering Belle in closer. "You are small, this I can't entirely deny." He sat up tall. "But if you were too small, I would have already said something. Am I too large? I would hope you'd return the favor. Let us speak frankly with one another. We have to hide behind politeness for the rest of the world, but if ponies cannot be truthful to the one they wish to pledge their life towards, that is no world I desire." Blue Belle blinked up at Sand's intense stare. "I. I have had complaints about your height." She giggled a little nervously. "But I have not once been dismayed by your appearance." She raised a hoof to her height, then further and further, trying to match Sand's with little luck. "I worry that I may shatter, but that is more, hm, a fear that I won't be enough for you." She squirmed as she said it. "I know that it is the proper role of a prince to have a strong, majestic husband, but, I am not that prince. Not anymore." Sand tilted his head at that. "Anymore?" Belle colored sharply. "That mare left me frazzled, apologies. I'm speaking strangely." She took a slow breath. "I want to live up to your needs, my prince. You've already exceeded mine." She tried to be poetic. "My future with you is one filled with new and exciting opportunities I'd not be granted otherwise." "It will be a challenge, Blue, but I accept it." He nuzzled at the top of her head, breath warm over her. "I will be gentle. If I do anything that hurts or scares you, I would have you tell me immediately." Blue felt her heart pounding. "My, Prince. I. I'm not quite ready for that just yet, but, perhaps soon. Soon enough." She nuzzled him back, shyly, timidly. "Thank you, truly. You are truly a prince, in every meaning of the word, hm?" "I hope I am." He pulled back just enough to look at Blue Belle, watching her intently. "But I've come to wonder about that, myself." He watched her ears flick and his eyes narrowed. "About you being a prince. You used that term to describe yourself. 'You used to be a prince'. Did you mean to say 'ambassador'? Or do you have another role?" He drew her closer still. Blue felt her entire body warming as her tongue slip was brought up again. "Yes, I had been an ambassador once! Successfully, I note." She coughed into a hoof gently. "Put tensions down and we had a happy ending, thankfully. There are many meanings behind 'like a prince', is there not? To be chivalrous and kind, to be the bigger pony, in behavior." She rolled a hoof in the air, laughing nervously. "In my case, as an ambassador, I had to be capable of defending my friends and our cause. Equestria was, and still is, far from this place, and quite safe." Sand watched her, his eyes narrowing as she continued to dig herself deeper. But he did let it go. "I just said we were to speak frankly, but watch yourself, my princess. Others would find that turn of phrase quite confusing." Blue Belle smiled awkwardly. "Sorry!" Sand returned her smile. "That being said, I understand perfectly, Blue. We both are still adjusting to new roles." He sighed and stood up, leaving her suddenly alone in the cool of the room. "I have duties of my own to tend to." Blue pinned her ears back. "Oh! I said not to call you if you were busy." Sand held up a hoof. "For my princess, I had time enough to make sure everything was alright. You've done nothing wrong." He moved to the door. "Call if you need anything at all." He slipped out, turning to close the door with his teeth gently. Blue flopped to her haunches. "How does one stallion manage to be so perfect?" Some small part of her burned with jealousy. When she was one of those, she could never burn so brightly, she felt certain. That sort of stallionhood was always beyond her. And, hm. "It's even more so these days." She looked back over the soft curves of marehood that she sported of late. "At least I fit this well." She swayed her tail with a little smile. A fresh knock. Blue jumped in surprise. "I am certainly popular today." "I have your prism," came the muffled call of a servant outside. "Oh!" Blue hurried over and willed the door open to accept the prism, comically small in that pony's hoof, but just the right size in her own. "Thank you." She sat with the prism and worked through the spell. Her magic glinted off the prism, forming stairs that led upwards in a smooth ramp. "Twilight! You wonderful dear!" Blue circled the stairs she had summoned. "This will make navigating so much easier." > 6 - Dressing Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your highness." The king was waiting for her with a solemn expression, his gaze heavy upon her as she entered the dining hall. "Please sit. We have much to discuss." Blue Belle glanced around. Large ponies were moving swiftly to vacate the room without a command spoken, as if it were just common knowledge that a discussion with the king required they not be there. Only her prince and his father remained, at the table, opposite ends, with her at the center. Her plates of food and cups of beverages were being taken by servants, as they hustled to leave the room. She coughed gently into a hoof, feeling even more dwarfed than usual. "A pleasure to speak with you. How can I be of assistance?" "Assist?" The king's voice was as rumbling and thundering as his form, like the gods themselves had dropped a large mountain in the shape of a pony. "No, you misunderstand. I require little." He gestured across the table at his son. "It is him whom you will spend time. Which is what I wish to speak of. You two have been quite cordial, it warms the heart to see. But there is no fire there. Without a fire, we cannot forge his heirs. I would be a lacking father not to have some concern." Blue Belle nodded along. "I see. I must say, I do admire you. I could only ever wish to have the wisdom you possess. I have learned much in my time here, but I sense it pales before what you can offer." Sure, a lot of that was her trying to be on the king's good side. The king did not seem moved. "Perhaps, in Equestria, chastity is a virtue. In Saddle Arabia, it is assumed a stallion shows their love, and a mare reflects it, like an exquisite mirror. That is how any can see the love between them is strong and well. I know that you and my son are trying to have that bond, but, sadly, it is invisible. Where are your dresses?" Blue Belle shifted. "Dresses?" She blinked, staring at him. "I'm not sure I'm following." The king waved a hoof. "Do you not know?" The prince cleared his throat. "I had not explained those to her, nor have we shopped for them, Father." The king rested his head against a massive hoof. "I see. I apologize, little Belle. I was putting the blame all on you when my son carries some of this." He took a slow breath, his sides expanding and somehow becoming even larger a moment. "I will not be here forever. You know this. I want you to be well, even when I am not around to ensure it." The king stood and turned from the table, facing the wall with a picture of a stallion hung over it. "My brother was the eldest of us. He was destined for the throne, as you would expect. Fate can make a foal of us all." He huffed and turned back towards them. "One cannot predict when the end will come for them. Take your future wife and hold her dearly. You two seem to be getting along, what delays you, my son?" Sand stood as well. "We've a busy day. Until later, father." He gestured towards the door. "Come, Princess. I shall explain your current situation." Blue Belle took that as invitation enough to bolt for the exit, rushing to catch up with Sand's movement. She quickly fell behind, unable to keep pace with those powerful legs. He paused to wait for her. "Sorry!" Sand waited patiently, not seeming to mind. "Dressmakers have come for you, and they have already crafted a selection of gowns for you." He sighed gently. "Forgive me for not telling you sooner. These are no normal dresses." "Truly?" Blue Belle caught up at his side. "What makes them different? I've worn a dress or two." Two, literally. She hadn't been a mare for long enough to wear many more. The thought pinkened her cheeks with the reminder of that change. "They are as much a symbol of me as they are something for you to wear." He turned a hoof at himself. "Each is done in my colors, and has my crest worked into them. To wear them is to state, no, scream to the world that you are mine." He leaned in, lowering himself so their eyes were even. "You may present a suit in kind for me to wear." Blue Belle squirmed gently. "I-I see. A bit presumptuous, to assume we will wed, but, perhaps we are at that point." She fidgeted with a nervous laugh. "That is why I came here, is it not? The agreement reached with Equestria, all that." She shook her head. "I'm rambling now, apologies. May I speak with the seamstresses that made the dresses I'm to wear? Surely they would be good contacts if I'm to order a suit for you, Sand." "Seamstresses?" He chuckled at that, eyes softening. "Blue, please. They are not here for just some dresses." He stroked a hoof over her cheek. "They are here for your wedding gown." Blue didn't think she could go more red, but she managed nicely. "Yes!" she squeaked out, louder than she intended. "Of course. Um, well, yes. We should match. I would still like to speak with them, if that's alright?" So he dared. He kissed the top of her head, and could feel her tension. "My little flower. How can I get you to blossom, and relax? This new garden has you on guard, and I would see you flourish." Blue Belle squirmed gently under the kisses and touches. "I. I can't answer that question. But I would like to try that, with you. I want to be ready." She stared into the golden eyes above her. Suddenly, a smile erupted and with it an idea. "One moment." She backed from him just a few steps, her horn glowing. "Behold." She willed stairs to lead up and she followed those spectral steps until she was eye to eye with the prince. "This is so much better." She brushed her nose against his own. "I was right to cast the spell. Now I don't have to fear of breaking my neck to reach you." Prince Sand chuckled at that, pulling back just an inch. "It is easy to forget at times that my little wife is a unicorn, and those have magic." He gently brushed noses. "You know, magic is quite rare around here. Saddle Arabians do not have unicorns. We are all, in Equestrian terms, earth ponies. Though there are differences. We aren't exactly the same." He gently rubbed his cheek against her. "Would you do me a small favor? After you get fitted for your wedding dress, could you do a little demonstration? Magic, for my people?" Blue Belle met his gaze, the two touching nose to nose, the shared warmth radiating. She felt, with her eyes even to his, a little safer there with him. "I would be delighted. I am not, hm, a wizard, but I know a few spells I would be delighted to share." His breath teased her with its exotic scent, that personal hint of 'him'. "For you. I would be happy to show them off." "I look forward to it." Sand pressed a little closer, gently, carefully. "My dear, I have an idea, if you'd care to hear it." He reached up a hoof and brushed it down her back. "If you trust me there, let us go gather your wedding apparel, and see to mine at the same time. We will be seen as a couple." He glanced down and around. "Ponies will be watching, so, behave accordingly." Blue felt a thrill in her stomach at the thought of being more physical with him, in front of others. "As they should." She shook herself out gently. "If I may ask, are you alright? I mean, to have a wife so much smaller than yourself. Do I—" She fidgeted in place, horn glowing with keeping her stairs there. "Do I disappoint?" Sand reached up and with tender care he tugged Blue free of the magical stairs to land in his embrace. "You have my every approval. If it were not true, you would have heard about it earlier." Surprise at being plucked free made her stairs vanish, and he started forward into the space they had held. "Come." Not that he gave a lot of choice, putting her atop his back as he trotted along. "Let's get dressed." Blue Belle grasped the edge of his saddle bag with a hoof and braced herself. "This is fast!" She could feel the powerful muscles under her as he ran. It was an oddly exhilarating feeling. The whole of the castle felt smaller and less imposing with how quickly they were striding through it, and she, on the back of her prince, felt secure and protected. She wanted to laugh and cheer, but that felt incredibly inappropriate, so she sat instead, though her tail did wag more than strictly required. Sand stopped outside of a massive door that swung open to him. He lifted a hoof to nudge it close and held it in place by a metal handle with a hook on it. "The dressing room is through here." "Your Royal Highness?" A Saddle Arabian mare peeked out from further within. "I thought you'd be sending your lady to be. We've little for you." But sand approached anyway. "I have brought her, and she wishes to speak with you all, wanting to get an article of clothing made as well." The mare gasped. "How rude of me, please come in." Blue Belle lifted her head and the door opened, letting her in. As she entered, she found herself in a sea of fabric. There were at least six dresses arranged in a row, and they were clearly sized for her, not a standard huge pony of that land. She slid off of Sand, wind rushing a moment before she met the ground with a clop and trotted over to examine what she'd be expected to wear, eyes locked on them. They were all bright, and they had Sand's color scheme, the gold and silver and green that he wore proudly. Every dress seemed to be made with a long skirt, and it was a single piece. They were eye catching, and wonderful. Blue Belle smiled at their sight. Sure, she had worn bedazzling suits as a stallion, but they were different. She couldn't quite place what it was. She reached out, running a hoof over one of them. "Wonderful. Just wonderful." The material was so very soft to her touch. She could only imagine what it'd feel like to actually wear it. "If you would be so kind as to pick the one that feels best, we can prepare it for you, my princess." Blue Belle hesitated a moment, considering. "Well, that one has a nice pattern and it looks like it would be comfortable, but I do like the color here, hm." But she knew how to select a clothing of the day, and she pointed at one. "This one, kindly." The mares were on her, as if called to action. They took fresh measurements and spirited the dress away into another room. Only one remained behind. "Ma'am, the prince mentioned you wanted something new from us? Are the dresses we made not up to your satisfaction?" Blue waved her hooves quickly. "No no! Nothing of the sort." She turned that same hoof on Sand. "I just want something for him." Her horn glowed as she conjured her own crest, her family crest. "These are my colors. We should match, proudly wearing one another's marks." Sand examined it, holding it up on a leg to examine it. "I agree." He nodded. "If we are to be married, we should represent one another's kingdom. This is quite an important gesture." The maid bowed so low, her chin almost brushed the ground. "As you command. I will see to it at once. Prince, we already have your measurements, unless you've grown in the last moon?" Sand waved his hoof dismissively. "You know me. I haven't. My princess would you like to be involved in this process?" Blue Belle stepped over and admired his side, eyes slowly moving over every bit of him from rump to neck. "I am no tailor. I fear I would only get in the way. Leave an expert to an expert's task. I trust the ponies that crafted these wonderful dresses to make one more suit." > 7 - Big and Small > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sand stepped free from the back, each step making his new suit flow over his sleek form. It was gold, with accents of green, a bit brighter than what he usually wore. The clothing flowed, accenting his form, and yet, there were parts of it that remained rigid, accentuating his strength. Blue Belle began applauding as he approached, her smile stuck on her face. Having an echo of her family crest casually approaching her was too much. "Prince, I'm speechless. That looks amazing." "You have done well." Sand trotted over to Blue Belle and paused for a moment before leaning in to nuzzle her cheek. "It is with honor that I wear the colors of my betrothed." He sat before her, looking her over. "You are wearing one of yours. Good. Does it find favor with you?" Blue felt oddly exposed, not just because she was in a dress, but because it was hers, and not what she had picked out. The mares had chosen well, it fit snugly, comfortably. The colors were pleasing to her eyes, and none of it got in her way when moving about. How had they gotten her precise measurements? "It's quite good. We're both ready then." Sand dipped his head at that. "Have you decided on what spells you would demonstrate?" He stepped aside to let her by. Blue Belle shivered, and the gentle press of Sand against her flank helped ease some of that. "I'm about the only one that would be considering magic." She turned to sand, pressing nose to nose, even if his was so much larger. "What sort of magic are ponies expecting to see?" "Our people have stories of your kind having such great power." Sand gently leaned in, rubbing his cheek against hers. "And great evil. That is what they fear, most of all." He stroked his hoof over her shoulder. She considered his words. "Then we don't want any frightening magic, clearly. Something harmless and uplifting." She snorted with sudden humor. "I could call the stairs. Nothing is much more 'uplifting' than that." Sand grinned at that. "Perhaps we should lead with that one? Show that your magic can be useful and practical. And then we will see if they are ready for something a bit more playful." Blue nodded, some of the tension fading. "I am ready for that. Now, as gorgeous as we are, we should change. These are for the big day, not to be sullied in day to day use." She giggled a little. "Oh, I know I'm nervous. I'm so sorry." Sand raised his chin. "Showing off your abilities makes you anxious?" Blue Belle blinked at that, then shook her head. "I'm not nervous about, hm, that." She glanced away and back to Sand. "Have you time to talk, after we change back?" Sand put his hoof to his chest. "I always have time for my princess." "What if you are busy? It feels odd to command a prince to interrupt whatever duties he has to listen to me." She hurried behind some blinds and tossed her dress up over them to rest atop before she emerged, wearing only the chest ornament she usually wore. "But if you are offering, I would be foalish to say no. It's, um, private." Sand blushed at the sight of her. "I will clear my schedule. And you can always ask anything of me." He quickly removed his own suit, allowing the servants to retrieve it as he quickly joined Blue Belle in being sans official wedding attire. They went, side by side, to her room, where she closed the door gently. "We are fast approaching when a certain something is expected." She twitched her tail. "And it's not something I've ever done before. To be blunt, I am a little scared, magnified by how much larger you are, Sand." She paced back and forth, tension returned to her form. "You have struck me as a gentle and loving pony, but the realities of the situation, you understand?" Sand nodded. "I do. I am quite large." He shifted in place. "And I've not had a wife before. I can't claim that it won't hurt. But I know it won't hurt on purpose." He took a slow breath. "I will only go as you permit me, dear wife. I may own everything in this kingdom, given time, but I will never own you." He touched his snout to her side. "Your body is your own and none other to make decisions on." Blue Belle hugged herself with a heavy sigh. "Thank you, husband-to-be. Those are words that needed to be said." She leaned against him and rested her head on one of his legs. "So we are both untrained in this? We'll have to take it slow, and carefully." "But I will." He angled both ears at Blue Belle. "As slow and as carefully as we need. It is my responsibility to satisfy, not harm, my new wife." He lowered himself to the ground, gently sliding an arm around her, pulling her against him. "My beautiful little wife." Blue Belle giggled, squirming gently. "So close. But, please, I like you." She nuzzled gently, considering her past state. Part of her wanted to gush out the truth of her origin, but that would risk so much. She had to be wed, or the agreement with Equestria would be threatened. No, if she was to reveal that truth, it'd have to be after the wedding at soonest. "Thank you, for tolerating the fears of your wife to be." Sand laughed a little. "Fear is a sign that something is worth fearing. Your caution is as appreciated as your openness." He ran a hoof down her back, sending shivers along her spine. "When we are married, we become a team, you understand? Our actions will be for the support of the other, so that we can both lead our best lives." Blue Belle sniffed gently at his mane. "It seems like it's been forever since I had someone to lean on like this. Sand, I was the only child of my parents. There was no brother or sister for me to love, nor did I ever have a lover. All I have is my country." She stared up into his eyes. "I promise to you, in front of all of your subjects, to do all I can for them as well as you." Sand nipped at her closer ear, a soft gesture, his tongue playing over it briefly. "My dear, there is little more I could ask." He rolled with her, putting Blue atop his considerable form. "There will be some that will be upset, to have a queen that is smaller than them." Blue Belle had to steady herself on his broad chest, sitting there with legs apart. "Perhaps that's a good thing. No other pony will be allowed to sit upon their prince." She snickered at the idea. "That is a privilege I will carry alone." She sat up, tail swaying against his front. "You make an admirable seat, if you don't mind my saying." Sand moved his hooves slowly, holding her in place on him. "My wife to be seems comfortable." His nose nudged her underside. "Perhaps we should let her remain so." The two remained like that for a time, both comfortable with the presence of the other in the quiet. At least until a knock came from the door. Sand opened his eyes, breaking the peace he had slipped into. "That will be one of the servants." Blue Belle yawned and turned to glance at the door. "Then, shall I let them in?" She smiled as she felt Sand's hooves pulling her a bit tighter. "Or do you wish to keep me here longer?" "If it were up to me, I would do that." Sand gathered her up and set her on the ground as he rolled to his hooves. "We don't need them spreading rumors, even if some of them are true." Blue snickered at that, trotting for the door. "Who is it?" she called as she sped towards that great entry to her room. She was a step away when it swung open, two of the servants ponies from before bowing in unison. "Oh!" "Princess," said the lead of the two, "the King has requested your presence at supper." Sand nodded at the two. "My princess, I am called." He strode away without hesitation, simply gone in a moment. Blue Belle stood there, staring at where he had been, before glancing back at the servants. "Do you two know where my dress is?" She knew exactly where it was, but she wanted them to say it. "You left your collection with the seamstress'." One maid angled her head back over herself. "We'll be bringing it here shortly, ma'am." The other leaned in, snuffling gently at Blue. "Ma'am, may I ask a question?" "You just did." Blue chuckled at her little joke. "But why not make it two?" "Ma'am." She pointed at where Sand had hurried off towards. "Our prince is so much larger than you. Aren't you scared of being hurt, just being with him? I mean no offense, you two are quite cute together, but are you safe, ma'am?" Blue put hoof to chest, and sagged down onto her haunches. "Safe. That is a complicated question." She sighed as she stood again. "I trust he won't harm me intentionally, but. It's like when I first cast stairs. I knew that it would help me get around easier, but I also knew that if I wasn't careful, I could end up tumbled on the ground, or worse if I really botched it. Life is full of little choices like that." She rested a hoof on her belly. "It's like this dress. I am comfortable in it, but if I got too energetic, I'd feel like an utter fool, probably to some laughter." The maid pinkened at the mental image. "I would assist you, ma'am." "And I would appreciate it, but that possibility remains." Blue circled in place. "Wearing the dress could get me hurt, or embarrassed. So I will be careful with it, but I'll still wear it." She touched nose to the maid's own. "We've much in common with my prince, he and I." The maid glanced aside. "But he's so very much larger than you, ma'am." The other maid nudged gently. "You are pressing. The princess is patient, but that isn't eternal." "He and I have the same issue." Blue sighed with a smile. "My being small in height makes many worry about me, doesn't it? We all wish to be larger, I think." She clasped her hooves together. "Because being larger gives us greater confidence." Blue lifted a hoof and started counting on it. "When I was much smaller, I had many friends that were also smaller than myself." She was also a stallion back then, but she kept that part to herself. "But that didn't stop us from tumbling about as foals are wont to do." She touched the first of her hooves. "I remember tripping once and skinning my knee so badly I needed bandages. All it took was one fall, a single stumble, for me to injure myself." The maid drew a soft breath. "You are a warrior, ma'am. I am accustomed to royal ladies being are more, mmm, prim? Soft, delicate. You don't seem to be scared of those things." She smiled brightly. "I like it, ma'am. I'm glad to be your servant." Blue Belle giggled at that. "I'm not always like this, my maid. I can be a delicate flower as well. But, those times aren't here now." She leaned in closer. "And with all the respect in the world to you and yours, I am still quite hungry." Both maids squeaked and hurried off to address that. > 8 - Magic Display > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room was packed, both with ponies and heat. Every pony who could enter the grand hall had done so, leaving the door open for relief. Belle stood atop the stage, sweltering under the ponies gazing upon her, judging her every movement. She cleared her throat softly. "I may not be a wizard, but I can do a good enough showing, hm." Belle extended a hoof to the prism at her side. Her horn glowed, letting her pull it into the air with her magic. She set it spinning in place before she closed her eyes. She took a step forward, to come down on the stair she fashioned at the same instant, ascending up slowly until she was even with them. Belle could feel the heat of the unblinking eyes staring at her, but they didn't see the tiny shake of her hooves, how much nervousness filled her form. But, even if they didn't notice that, there was one who did. The one who looked on her kindly, her prince. She smiled nervously as she turned the stairs she was making, producing an even platform as she strode out over the crowd, hovering thanks to her platforms. Behind her, the stairs ceased to be, no longer needed. "Prince Sand." He tilted his head. "Princess Belle?" Belle swished her tail. "They've seen stairs. They need something more, I feel." She held up a hoof as if telling him to wait, horn glowing as she lifted herself and the prism higher, just a little with her standing entirely straight. "I learned this trick long ago. I hope it is to all of your liking. If it isn't, please know that it is at least safe." Blue's horn flared brightly, the glow extending down her body. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as the magic surrounding her blazed brighter and brighter until she became nothing more than a ghostly outline, like a transparent moonbeam was taking her place. But that wasn't all. The prism also grew brighter, colors joining in. Orange and red, then blue and purple, then green, each mixing to produce a whole rainbow of color around her. Some of the large ponies clapped gently, but the room wasn't exploding in cheers. One, an older female, stood. "You are showing a trick to please the senses. Lovely, but worthless. Show us something practical, kindly?" Blue Belle glanced back at the prism. "They can be practically used. Just a moment." She looked ahead and took a breath as she solidified again. She started making new stairs. She reached up, touching the ceiling. "We've seen your platforms, of some use. Can you do anything else?" That old matron seemed to command respect in the room, others nodding along with her questions. Belle squirmed, tail swishing as she pondered the options she had, glancing back at the prism that hung in the air. "I can craft pillars and walls as well." She set her hooves and pulled down, the walls leaping out of the floor as she crafted them, surrounded by more stairs that spiraled up into a delicate dome. "You are a builder now? You must be trying to impress us, surely?" The matron shook her head with disapproval clear to see. "Of some use, but can you do anything else? The walls you make aren't permanent, I imagine." Belle took a breath. "They fade when they're not being used, or if I dismiss them. I can't maintain this building forever." She scowled at that. "Are you telling me what I am doing is pointless?" The matron stood on her back legs, a hoof in the air. She could almost reach Belle, hiding near the ceiling. "It is small, like you. I have heard tales of the amazing magic of Equestria. We would see that. Masters of what is and is not, show us something besides very temporary walls and steps." Belle took a breath and considered. Her next spell would be based on this. She strained to remember a spell that had something entirely new in it. Her eyes widened as she remembered one that was perfect. She flicked her ears, ignoring the whispers of the crowd as she lowered herself. "Behold, my Princess's powers!" Her horn flared with power and she focused, putting everything she had into her magic. She struggled to draw in air as the effort rose, like she was trying to breathe soup. But she focused and poured magic into that spell, light spilling out of her form to become something else. In a single moment, from the ground beneath everypony's hooves came a wonderous blooming of green. The dusty floor became lush grass, full of life and beauty, growing rapidly from a brown tint to brilliant greens, purples, blues, reds, and others are flowers erupted between the hooves of the startled guests. Their sounds of surprise rippled, even the matron crashing backwards as various flowers erupted around her. The other guests were just as stunned, staring at their new surroundings. The prism fell, forgotten in the confusion, but she couldn't catch it, not in her condition. It struck a wall that was solid now and cracked into many pieces, shattering like glass with a suddenness that made her flinch. Without the prism, her platform was no more, and she fell with a squeak, plummeting with the rushing wind of it. She landed on a broad back. "Are you alright, my princess? That was quite a fall." The massive form of her prince moved under her as he rose, allowing her to be helped down. Blue Belle sat down, lungs burning from effort. "I tried a spell I'd not used before, and I hope it was more pleasing?" She looked around to see the expressions of the other ponies. They were stunned into silence, if they weren't crying out with delight. Many hooves moved through the grass, disturbing it as they gaped at the display she had given them. The matron went flat to her belly and rolled in the grass, squirming like a foal. "Oh, yes! These are amazing!" Belle smiled as she sat up on top of Sand. The room was filled with laughter and whispers of amazement. "I think I found the right spell." "That you did." Sand touched his nose to his little betrothed. "You did quite well. Are you tired? I can take you back to your room." Belle pushed herself to her hooves and stood with a shaky sigh. "I'll be fine. It's not too far of a walk." She gave a few happy blinks. "Or do I need a prince to help me all the way there?" "You may not need it." He gently huffed warm air over her. "But your prince stands ready. Little princess of green, you are a blessing on me and us all." He rested his muzzle on her side. "A treasure like no other." Belle brushed her cheek against him with a tired smile. "I aim to please." Sand trotted off carefully with her atop. "I do not mean to burden you, my princess, but is that a trick you can do as you please?" Blue Belle looked up at him. "Yes, it is one of the easiest spells I know. It will need more effort if I was to cast it over a larger area, but it is well within my limits." She nodded firmly. "In fact, I could do it again right now." "Please, no." Sand nudged her playfully. "You need rest, little wife." He considered as he walked along. "And a new trinket. What do you call it?" "A prism." Belle huffed gently, remembering that moment it shattered into bits of dust. "I would like another, if you can. Thank you." Sand nodded firmly. "Consider it done." It wasn't long before they reached her room. "Your room, Princess." Sand stepped inside with Blue on his back, entering it quietly and moving to set her down on the floor. He sat, gazing around at the decorations that filled the space. "Quite lovely. You have a good eye for decor." Blue Belle wobbled in place, feeling an odd tingle as she brushed against him. It made her shiver with strange delight, the feeling of his fur against hers. "Thank you." She cleared her throat. "I tried to be true to the culture I now reside in, while giving it a little touch of myself, for it is where I reside, is it not?" "It is." He gently nuzzled the top of her head. "And you did a commendable job. Many would have made their room only to their own tastes. You put the taste of my people first." He gave her a firm hug. "But I should be going now. Rest, Blue Belle. Rest and recover your strength." Blue Belle grinned as he moved away from her, the little shivers running down her spine as his touch left her. Once he was gone, she strode to her mirror to behold the mare that stood there. "You are a mare." She huffed gently, knowing she hadn't always been. "You'll have to do all the things mares do." She glanced backwards as she flicked her tail, contemplating all that'd be. "And soon. But for now, rest." She collapsed onto the bed with a relieved sigh, tired and a little sore from all that magic she'd just used. That sort of work was normally reserved for emergencies, not entertaining ponies. At least, that was what she had told herself. She rolled to her side, considering it. "I may have to add spell practice to my schedule." She had skipped so much of that, using the excuse that she didn't need it as a princess. "Princesses should know at least some spells, and I've barely used any in forever." The word 'forever' struck her. Forever wasn't all that long ago. "I did learn the stairs." She smiled, thinking about that spell, even if she couldn't use it until she had a new prism. "I simply must be more careful with the next." An idea struck her. "Oh! Yes." She raised a hoof to her chest. "If I wore it, then I couldn't drop it. It'd make a delightful necklace bauble." She closed her eyes, laying on her back and tail draped off the bed. "Mmm, yes. That's the plan." Blue Belle looked forward to practicing more spells. At least the basics, things like she could do as a foal. She'd work on her stamina as well. The way she had gotten tired shamed her. "None of that," she sleepily sighed out to herself, stretching. A knocking at the door woke her up instantly. "Yes?" The door cracked, and a maid's voice came in lightly, "Ma'am. They've set a date for you." "A date?" Belle sat up sharply, realizing there was only one thing there could be a date for. "The wedding?!" "Yes, ma'am." A card slid into the room. "Here are the details, ma'am. Sorry to bother." The door shut, leaving Belle alone again with the card. Belle rolled onto her stomach, reaching out with her magic and pulling it in close. She turned it over in her hooves as she lay there. "We've been here two moons. Why so long? Or are they stalling?" Her ears flicked at the thought. Still, a date had been set, she could see it. It wasn't terribly long away. She would be wed to that immense, but lovely, prince. She colored at the thought. "I had always wanted to be married to a true and proper noble." She sighed gently, her former dreams having been of taking a noble mare at their side. That was clearly not to be, as she was the noble mare making somepony else's dream come true instead. "The basic idea has still been fulfilled." She burst into laughs. "At least there will be a proper noble mare involved. And, even if I say so myself, she is a catch. My Sand seems to be quite enamored with her." Blue Belle stroked the card in her hooves as she spoke. "Yes, he does." She squirmed gently at the thought of him and Blue Belle, or the imagined memory of how he felt, warm against her. When they got married, that heat would surely grow even more intense. There would be expectations on them both. If they didn't meet them, the whole wedding could be called off. With nobility, love was certainly not enough. Sometimes, one did without it entirely.