Sandbar and Ocellus' Love

by Locomotion

First published

A collection of vignettes of Sandbar and Ocellus' relationship.

Following the success of their first date, the relationship between Sandbar and Ocellus continues to grow over this series of short stories.

Requested by ChazMLPFIM. The stories featured were based on the following pictures and comics drawn for him by 13mcjunkinm:
The Beach: Sandbar and Ocellus' Beach Date.
At The Gala: Sandbar and Ocellus' Third Date; Gala Dance and Sandbar x Ocellus gala aftermath.

The Beach

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Following that memorable first date at the Tasty Treat, Ocellus was delighted when Sandbar asked her out a second time. He and his family were due to spend a week's vacation at one of their favourite summer destinations, on West Palm Beach in Miamane; and since Ocellus had decided to stay in Equestria over the summer break, he didn't hesitate to ask if she would like to join them. The young changeling was only too happy to accept.

Sandbar's parents were equally happy to take Ocellus with them, and even had the good grace to invite the rest of her family along too. It did mean having to book an extra chalet for them, but with the best part of a fortnight to go before travelling down to Miamane, and thanks in part to a well-timed cancellation, they had little trouble making the necessary arrangements. After a three-day rail journey from Ponyville, Sandbar and his family, accompanied by Ocellus, arrived in Miamane Station to find her brother, sister and parents awaiting them – and with them, as chance would have it, Thorax. He had heard how popular West Palm Beach was as a summer resort, he explained, and decided to take a vacation of his own here.

Having settled into their chalets, the two families spent the first evening getting to know each other better. Ocellus' parents, Spiracle and Carapace, knew about Sandbar from letters she had written home, but this was the first chance they had ever had to meet him properly, let alone the rest of his family. They were soon chatting away with Beachcomber and High Tide like old friends, and their younger children, Lumbar and Axilla, made equally good company for little Coral Currents. Sandbar and Ocellus sat snuggled together on the sofa, still tired from the journey, but thinking what a wonderful two weeks it was going to be as they watched the three of them playing together.

The following morning saw them all enjoying themselves out on the golden sands. While their parents brought the necessary loungers, beach blankets, parasols and other items, Ocellus went for a wander with Sandbar, to explore the beach and take in her surroundings. It was the first time she had been anywhere near the sea, having grown up in what was once a vast desert wasteland; and as she took in all the sights and sounds, the crashing of the waves against the shore, the occasional cry of the seagulls, she almost felt a little saddened at having been deprived of such an exotic experience for so long. Sandbar, on the other hoof, seemed very much at home here – and no wonder, she thought, given how much he enjoyed a good surf. Indeed, she was a little puzzled as to why he didn't bother to bring his surfboard along that morning, but Sandbar reassured her that there would be plenty of time for that later on. He had been hoping to share the thrill of surfing with her, he added, but didn't want to rush her into it. Ocellus understood, remembering as she did how alienated she felt on her first day in Equestria.

After a while, they rejoined their parents and settled down for a good sunbathe, while Coral, Lumbar and Axilla built up a sandcastle a little further down the beach. The sun had grown especially strong by then, and Ocellus was almost tempted to morph into a lizard, the better to resist the effects of sunburn; but she quickly changed her mind when Sandbar pulled out a bottle of sunscreen from his beach bag and offered to apply it for her. She lay down prone on one of the blankets, purring comfortably as she enjoyed an impromptu massage from her coltfriend, the gentle touch of his hooves beautifully complemented by the soothing, oily texture of the lotion. No need for a spa when you had someone like Sandbar around, she thought contentedly.

Once Sandbar had finished, Ocellus offered to do the same to him, to which he heartily agreed. She found the sunscreen a little tricky to work with at first; it flowed rather more easily than she bargained for, and left a greasy film on her hooves no matter how much she rubbed into his fur. But she soon got the hang of it, and even began to enjoy herself a little as she listened to the happy moans coming from her coltfriend.

As well as all the beach furniture, Beachcomber and High Tide had brought along a light lunch of peanut butter sandwiches, with a bottle of lemonade to wash it down. Once these had been consumed, Sandbar and Ocellus decided they had done enough relaxing for one day, and cantered eagerly away for a swim. Both their parents watched on heartily as the two young creatures all but bounded into the sea, and Thorax allowed himself a warm smile of his own. Ocellus had more than done him proud with how she had dedicated herself to her friendship lessons; but this growing relationship between her and Sandbar, he observed, was something else.

Seeing their siblings take to the water, Coral and Axilla left their sandcastle and scampered in after them, keen to join the fun. Lumbar followed suit, but not without picking up the beach ball they had brought along; and soon all five of them were enjoying a lively game of water polo. More than once, Lumbar would show off by transforming into a baby seal just as he was about to catch the ball, and then balancing it on the tip of his snout for a few seconds before tossing it back into the air and batting it away with his tail. Eventually, Sandbar grew so eager that he accidentally splashed Ocellus in the face as he was making a leap for the ball, making her yelp in surprise. Startled back to reality, he began to stumble over himself in apology, only to be startled once again as Ocellus quickly recovered and cheekily splashed him back; and before they knew it, they were locked in a playful water fight with each other.

As evening descended over the beach, the two families gathered to watch the sun go down. Lumbar, Coral and Axilla were still playing with their ball, but Sandbar and Ocellus had worn each other out from their play fight, and settled for just lying peacefully on a shared blanket in each other's embrace. Looking back over what a fun day they had had, and at the half-asleep form of Ocellus by his side, Sandbar couldn't be gladder to have brought her to share it with him. Eyes glistening with love, he leaned in and planted a tender kiss on her lips, causing her heart to flutter as she returned it. To be lounging under the setting sun, on a vast golden beach, with the love of her life by her felt like she was living a scene from a romantic novel she had once read in the school library, and she never wanted it to end.

And as the sun finally disappeared, and the stars began to twinkle, they both knew this moment would stay with them for the rest of their lives.

At the Gala

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Sandbar stood at the foot of the staircase, tapping his hooves expectantly as he took in his surroundings. It seemed only yesterday he and his friends had spent the weekend in this hotel, when he had treated Ocellus to dinner at the Tasty Treat and become more than a friend to her. He gazed out of a nearby window, sighing happily at the memory and picturing what awaited them later that evening.

To one side, Gallus sat fidgeting impatiently. “Come on, come on,” he grumbled, “what's keeping 'em so long?!”

“Cool it, Gallus,” soothed Sandbar. “We've still got plenty of time; they'll be down here soon enough.”

“I should darn well hope so,” muttered Gallus. “Why is it that girls always take forever and a day to doll themselves up?”

“Ocellus doesn't – not usually, that is,” Sandbar observed. Tonight, of course, was a different story; it was the night of the Grand Galloping Gala, and he and the rest of the gang had been invited to represent the School of Friendship for the event. This being such an important occasion, it only made sense in his mind that Ocellus was taking longer than usual to get ready. “Anyway, it'll all be worth it to see how they look.”

“And another thing,” added Gallus, looking down at the suit that had been tailored for him by Rarity, “I'm properly getting itchy in this penguin garb. Why I had to...whoa ho ho!” His beak dropped open in awe as he saw Silverstream drifting down the stairs, and just looking at the radiant aquamarine dress she was wearing, with strings of pearls along the skirt and a ruffled hem and neckline, he had to admit that Sandbar was right.

“Hi, Gallus,” she trilled as she touched down next to the blue and yellow griffin. “What do you think – looking good?”

“Uh...yeah, great,” stammered Gallus, struggling to find his voice he was so taken with her appearance. “That's some dress you've got on – must've taken ages to get right.”

“Flatterer!” giggled Silverstream, and hugged him tightly. “And you look really dapper in that suit.”

“Do I?”

“Yeah, it really...suits you.”

Gallus, forgetting to feel uncomfortable, smiled appreciatively as he discretely returned the hug. “Only for you, Silverstream,” he murmured.

Sandbar chuckled under his breath. Even before those two had become an item, Silverstream had worked wonders in bringing out the softer side of Gallus' once crusty nature; but then again, he thought wryly, she seemed to have that effect on a lot of creatures. Even Smoulder had grown to like her relentlessly chipper personality.

“Hey, save it for the wedding, you lovebirds!” Talking of Smoulder, she too had just turned up in a smart grey suit of her own, complete with a matching skirt, a white blouse and a yellow tie.

“Very funny,” muttered Gallus dryly as he and Silverstream separated. “And what do you think you're made up as, a stockbroker?!”

The cheeky smirk on Smoulder's face twisted into an offended scowl. “Ah, shut up, Gallus,” she retorted. “No-one's stuffing me into some dress, thank you – if I'm to take part in this Gala, I'm either turning up in a suit or not at all.”

“What, and look like you've lost your way to the office?” put in Gallus smugly.

“You've no room to talk, Con Mane...”

“Alright, you two, pack it in!” interjected Sandbar, stifling another chuckle. “You wanna make a good impression, don't you?”

Gallus frowned awkwardly. “Yeah...I suppose.”

“Well, duh!” said Smoulder, rolling her eyes. “I've got my image to think of, you know.”

“Then cool it, both of you, or you'll spoil that image before we even get there.” Sandbar turned back to the staircase just as Yona came down. “Hey, Yona. Seen Ocellus yet?”

“Nah, friend Ocellus still getting ready,” replied Yona.

“Figures,” remarked Smoulder. “She did seem kinda nervous about this whole Gala business.”

“You think maybe she's knotting up her bedsheets and making ready to run for the hills?”

Gallus shook his head in dismay. “Ah, come on, Silverstream, Ocellus would never leave us hanging like this. And why would a changeling need to use knotted bedsheets to escape a hotel room?”

“Well, she might if she changed into an Earth pony or something,” Silverstream observed.

Yona snorted dismissively; but before she could protest, they were interrupted by a polite cough from the top of the stairs. All turned to see Ocellus finally making her way down to join them, and Sandbar could only stare through misty eyes at how graceful she looked in her new dress. It consisted of a sequinned red bodice, a white skirt, and a golden yellow sash that draped over her hindquarters, with a flower-shaped brooch to complete the image. “What do you think, guys?” she asked, shyly striking a pose.

“Wow, Ocellus,” gushed Silverstream, “you look great!”

“I'll say you do,” agreed Sandbar breathlessly. “That's a really neat dress, Celly – it's just”

“Aww, thanks, Sandy,” murmured Ocellus, blushing with pride. “I know it's not much, but...”

“No, really, I...I can't even begin to describe how lovely you look. In fact, no, 'lovely' doesn't even come close! It''re...” The others smiled heartily as Sandbar struggled to find the right words. “...ravishing! That's the word I was after!” he blurted out at last.

Smoulder chuckled. “Easy, lover boy,” she teased. “You keep flattering Ocellus like that, you'll have her swooning before we even get to the Gala!”

“Oh, give over!” snorted Sandbar; but couldn't help smiling all the same. “Shall we get going, guys?”

“Yeah!” bellowed Yona, leaping around excitedly. “Yona wanna show Canterlot how yaks party!”

Gallus fought to keep a straight face as they filed out towards their waiting carriage. “Why do I get the feeling it's gonna turn into a demolition derby?” he muttered to no creature in particular.

Given the prejudices some of the upper class types held against their species, the six students were fairly well-received at the Gala. As a relative of Queen Novo, Silverstream seemed to garner the most respect and attention among the group, while Yona and Ocellus in particular were treated with great curiosity, to say the least. Comparatively few ponies took much notice of Sandbar, but he didn't mind; all that mattered to him was being here and having a good time with his beloved changeling.

They mingled for a while, exchanging a polite greeting here and there, making a brief stop at the buffet table for a snack, and just generally enjoying themselves. After a while, Sandbar noticed a few couples, Gallus and Silverstream included, start to take up the dance floor as the band began playing a gentle, measured slow dance number. He smiled at this point and gazed hopefully at Ocellus. “Wanna join in?” he offered.

“Well...I have been taking lessons from Professor Rarity,” conceded Ocellus thoughtfully. “I guess it can't hurt to make use of them.” She gingerly took hold of Sandbar's right hoof, placed her left on his shoulder, and guided him carefully onto the floor with the other dancers. Part of her expected him to stumble a little, so she was pleasantly surprised to see him keeping a near-perfect composure as they waltzed in time with the music. “Wow, Sandy,” she breathed, “how are you so good at this?”

Sandbar blushed with humble pride. “I'd been taking lessons myself. I figured that if we were gonna attend this Gala, I might as well make the most of it – especially for my precious Celly.”

“Aw, Sandy.” Ocellus was so touched that she wanted to kiss him there and then; but not wishing to break their focus until the music had finished, she was compelled to hold back for the time being. Not that that seemed much of a problem anyway, for even as she became lost in the twin green pools of Sandbar's fond gaze, her hooves seemed to be moving by instinct, and without the slightest hint of faltering.

She had often been told that dances like these were a good way for creatures to show their affection for one another, and right now it was plain to see why – both of them were moving in harmony, each depending on the other for guidance and support. Sandbar was doing a great job at providing both, Ocellus considered, and that alone made her feel safe in his hooves. After what seemed like a blissful eternity, the music reached its climax, and she finally allowed herself to lean forward; indeed, it came as little surprise that Sandbar seemed to have had the same idea himself. As their lips met, a few of the onlookers and other dancers cooed softly; while Silverstream squealed with delight and began enthusing about how cute the two of them were, how wonderfully they danced, how much she was looking forward to their wedding day...and so the list went on!

After another hour or two, Sandbar and Ocellus decided they needed a break from all the music and chatter, so they went outside for some fresh air. There were a few other Gala guests out in the Royal Gardens at that moment, but apart from that, all was peaceful and quiet as the young lovers wandered over to a more secluded part of the lawn. The stars twinkled softly amid a cloudless sky, and in the light of the full moon above, they could just make out the faint outline of the valley in which Ponyville was situated.

“You enjoy yourself?” asked Sandbar softly.

Ocellus nodded. “It sure was a lot better than I expected it to be,” she murmured, “but having you there with me...oh, it was just so...perfect.” She sighed contentedly as she rested her head on Sandbar's shoulder. “I'm so glad I got to come here.”

“Me too, Celly,” whispered Sandbar, wrapping an arm around his changeling. “I mean, yeah, I might not have thought much of it at first, but ever since we started going out together...” He smiled affectionately as he finished in mid-sentence.

“I never would've guessed you'd be such a natural on the dance floor,” continued Ocellus admiringly.

Sandbar chuckled modestly. “I wasn't that good, was I?”

“Sure you were! You were practically floating on air the whole time, even without wings.”

“Yeah, were even better than me. Any creature would think you were a professional ballerina with how well you danced!”

Ocellus suppressed a flattered giggle. “If you say so, Sandy,” she replied, and went back to snuggling into the crook of his neck. Tonight, she thought happily, had to be the most romantic she and Sandbar had ever shared together, and deep down, she could only wish it would never end.