> My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 3 > by BlueBioWolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Crystal Empire - Part 1 (S3:E1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 3 Written by Brandon Nell, Micah Shires, and Blake Hawkins Chapter 1: The Crystal Empire - Part 1 Two days after Spike woke up from his coma from being cured of his werepony curse, things were going rather well in Canterlot. Celestia and Luna were tending to business inside the castle with decrees and laws. They were suddenly interrupted when the throne room doors were forced open and a competent pony guard ran inside. This one was an earth pony who looked similar to Shining Armor, but, with amber eyes. “I’ve urgent news from Northern Equestria, your highness!” he said, clearly alarmed. “What is it, Vanguard?” Celestia said. “I regret to inform you that…” the guard, named Vanguard, said grimly as he removed his helmet. “It has returned. And with it… him.” Celestia became concerned and suspicious as she inquired, “By ‘it,’ do you mean the Crystal Empire?” “Yes, your highness,” Vanguard confirmed. “The information comes from Sergeant Maelstrom, our most competent Pegasus guard.” “Understood,” Princess Celestia nodded grimly. “Have Shining Armor and Princess Cadance been made aware of this?” “As soon as Maelstrom confirmed his report,” Vanguard nodded. “Then,” Celestia said. “There is only one thing for this.” Celestia then levitated a quill and a scroll and wrote upon it. “My faithful student, Twilight. You and your friends must come to Canterlot as soon as possible. It is of utmost urgency.” For the princess knew that if indeed that empire in the north was finally coming back, something else was also coming back. Or rather someone. And if he wasn't stopped, Equestria would be in grave danger once again. A short time after Twilight and the other guardians got Princess Celestia’s letter, Twilight was scrambling throughout the Golden Oak Library gathering supplies to take up to Canterlot. “Uh, mom,” Spike said. “This is starting to feel very familiar.” “Yes,” Twilight said. “But, when the Princess reports somepony to appear before her, they have to be ready for anything. In my case, she could have a test ready for me.” “That’s the thing that I find weird, though,” Spike said. “You’ve basically been taking an independent study for over two years at this point and she hasn’t really given you a test in that time.” Twilight stopped scrambling around the room and listened to Spike’s words with careful consideration. “You know,” Twilight said. “You might be right. And besides, if it was actually a test, since she’s still my teacher, I’m sure she would have told me that.” “Besides,” Spike said. “We’ve already packed everything but the kitchen sink.” “We’ll still have to be ready for anything,” Twilight said. She then began to unload, making sure only more essential items are available to save the two from carrying too much weight. While searching, she found a bowling ball. “I must have put that in there by mistake. Sorry, Spike.” She continued looking and found a watermelon. “Been meaning to cut that up in case any one of us were hungry.” As she kept searching, she found more items like a phonograph, a sombrero, an umbrella, a rubber shark the size of a real one, a toolbox, a carton of eggs, some ketchup, a small tub of green slime*, a tennis racquet, and even a fire extinguisher. Twilight sweatdropped embarrassedly. “Okay, maybe I do need to work on focusing more on the positive and less on worrying.” “With all the stuff ya packed, ah’d peg ya fer Rarity,” Applejack said. “Looks more like stuff I would pack for the next yard sale,” Pinkie added. “Twilight,” Fluttershy said gently. “We know you’re feeling overwhelmed, especially since we don’t really know why Princess Celestia summoned us. But, we’ll be going to Canterlot with you and we’ll help you with anything that comes up, whether it’s good or scary.” Twilight took a moment to absorb her friends’ words. “Thank you,” Twilight said calmly. “Maybe you’re right. Once we do go to Canterlot, we’ll learn why Princess Celestia summoned us and we’ll work our way up from there.” Miles away in Canterlot, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were gazing up at a newly erected stained glass window depicting the end result of the invasion during the royal wedding. Shining Armor and Princess Cadence uniting in love to drive the Changelings away was now depicted for all to see. “Are you certain you do not want me to go as well?” Princess Luna asked. Princess Celestia nodded her head. "We don't even know if Sombra is back yet. There's no reason to cause a panic. With any luck, Shining Armor and Cadence will have already secured the empire to ensure Sombra can't take it back. And Twilight and her friends shall be traveling north soon to aid them." “The Empire’s magic is powerful,” Luna added. “It cannot fall again, sister. Sterling may have predicted it would return, but, she also foretold that Sombra would return with it. It took the combined power of all four of us to defeat him last time and we didn’t have the Elements of Harmony back then.” “I trust that the Guardians will succeed,” Princess Celestia said. “When they do, I will know that Twilight is that much closer to being ready. Trust me, little sister. We need to have faith that they will succeed where we could not and find a more permanent solution. At best, if we battled Sombra, with or without Sterling and Gold Lily to help, it would only yield the same outcome as last time should we prevail. And you're still not completely back to full strength, perhaps you may never fully regain the powers you had before your banishment.” Princess Luna couldn’t help but sigh. “Perhaps you are correct, sister. While I would be honorbound to help in any way I could, I can understand that I can only do so much. I just hate feeling so useless. Bad enough I was completely incapacitated during the invasion of Canterlot. Even you at least tried to fight off the lead attacker despite holding back.” Celestia draped a wing over her younger sister. "You're not useless, Luna. A wise pony knows the importance of choosing her battles carefully. We must remain here as back up should the worst case scenario occur." “And what of Twilight?” Luna asked. “Do you truly believe she’s up to the task?” Celestia nodded. “A part of me feels responsible for Sunset’s disappearance,” she said. “I feel that I wasn’t as attentive to her as I should’ve been. I don’t wish to make that mistake again.**” At that moment, Spike and the Guardians of Harmony entered the throne room. “You wanted to see us?” Spike said. “Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “I have an important yet urgent task for you all. It is in regards to the Crystal Empire.” The guardians’ expressions were those of confusion. “The what?” Rainbow asked. “I can understand your confusion,” Princess Celestia said. “Very few knew that it even existed at all. Even my own knowledge on the kingdom is limited. But, what I do know about it is that it and its citizens contain powerful magic.” Princess Celestia then held up a magic crystal with her levitation magic. She then shimmered a cascade of light upon it, casting an image of the Crystal Empire in its glory. The ponies and the dragon looked on with amazement. “Two years before my sister and I triumphed over Discord,” Celestia said. “The Crystal Empire was ruled by Princess Amore, the Princess of Love.” On the projection was a very pale vermilion unicorn mare with a mane and tail in a gradient of brilliant raspberry to moderate cobalt blue, brilliant amber eyes, and a Cutie Mark depicting a deep blue snowflake between blue laces. “Wow~” Pinkie gasped. “She’s pretty.” “Indeed,” Celestia said. “Her magic was tied to both the earth and light elements of nature. She ruled the empire with a wise and just heart.” Celestia focused their attention on the citizens of the Crystal Empire, aptly named the Crystal Ponies. “I’m certain you’ve noticed that a large portion of the Crystal Empire are earth ponies with shiny, gradient manes and tails and typically polygonal eye reflections,” she said. “They are known as Crystal Ponies.” “Crystal Ponies,” Fluttershy repeated softly. “Yes,” Celestia said. “Their bodies were created from a merging of pony flesh and living crystal.” Spike raised his hand politely. “Yes, Spike?” Celestia acknowledged. “With the little bit of knowledge that you do have on the Crystal Empire and its ponies,” he began. “Do you happen to know anything about their relationship with dragons? If any?” “As far as I know,” Celestia said. “Crystal ponies are among the few pony types to harbor no fear of dragons. I’m certain you’re aware of what happens when you eat magically active gems.” “Oh, I’m well aware,” Spike said sheepishly. “That concept applies to Crystal Ponies as well due to their own magic,” Celestia said. “But, earth ponies can’t use magic,” Rainbow said. Then, she remembered Pinkie and Applejack’s respective gifts. “Well, not to the extent of unicorns.” “This is true,” Celestia said. “But, earth ponies themselves are not without their own form of magic. They have greater physical strength, stamina, and durability than either pegasi or unicorns.” “Wow,” Applejack said, astounded. “They sound like mighty important pony folk. So, how come their history ain’t as rich as other ponies in Equestria?” “The Crystal Ponies mostly kept to themselves,” Celestia explained. “I’ve interacted with Princess Amore on occasional royal summits and she rarely discussed the history and culture of the empire as a whole. Of course, King Sombra didn’t help the situation, either.” “King Sombra?” Twilight asked. “My dearest student,” Celestia said. “I’m certain you’ve been led to believe that curses and hexes are fictitious superstitions.” Twilight nodded. “I’m going to tell you right now that that was a lie.” Twilight gasped in surprise. “Why would you lie to me like that?!” “Because I make it a point to only teach dark magic to my more advanced students,” Celestia said. “It wouldn’t do the peace of Equestria much good to teach dark magic to younger students, now would it?***” Twilight took a moment to consider this and she knew that the princess was right. “Nightmare Moon used dark magic,” Luna said. “That alone should be proof to validate my sister’s claims.” “It does,” Twilight responded. “Anyway, please continue, Princess Celestia.” “This practice of hiding the true existence of dark magic came about because of King Sombra,” Celestia said. “I’m certain Luna has told you of the existence of Shadowbolts.” “She has,” Spike confirmed. “Back during Nightmare Night.” “Shadowbolts are but one race of what is known as Shadow Ponies,” Celestia said. “Their unicorn equivalent is the umbrums.” “Umbrums, you say?” Rarity asked. “Yes,” Celestia said. “They were unicorns with a natural affinity for dark magic that became corrupted from using it too often.” The Crystal projected an image of King Sombra. His coat is a dark gray in color, his mane and tail were black as night, and his horn was not only curved and smooth, but, had a sharp, burning red tip on it. His sclera glowed an unsettling green color while his irises were a piercing red with dark scarlet pupils. He wore intricate metallic gauntlets and wore a red cloak with a white fur trim. His mane and tail flowed much like Celestia and Luna’s did. But, what stuck out the most was that when he flashed a wicked grin, he possessed sharp teeth with two visible fangs. “He’s scary,” Fluttershy quivered. “His ambition to learn dark magic awakened his umbrum nature and his continued overuse of it corrupted his heart, erasing whatever morals he once had,” Celestia said. “With his new power, he overthrew Princess Amore, sealing her into the form of a black crystal statue.” The others gasped with horror as the projection showed what had happened. “Unsatisfied with this,” Celestia said. “Sombra shattered the statue and scattered the fragments all over the world.” “That’s terrible!” Rainbow exclaimed. “For added tragedy,” Celestia said. “Sombra was one of Amore’s two best magic students.” “That is tragic,” Spike said, clearly appalled by Sombra’s actions. “With Amore out of the way, Sombra began enslaving the Crystal Ponies,” Celestia said. “Equestria would have been doomed were it not for the intervention of Amore’s other best student.” “And, who’s that?” Pinkie asked. “A unicorn Crystal Pony named Radiant Hope,” Celestia said as the crystal displayed this mare. She had a grayish heliotrope coat, pale light grayish blue mane and tail, and moderate arctic blue eyes. Though she wore a brown unassuming cloak, her Cutie Mark depicted a gold caduceus. “Radiant Hope was a foalhood friend of Sombra’s before his corruption as they bonded over similar backgrounds.” “So,” Fluttershy asked. “What did she do to help?” “After witnessing what her classmate had done,” Celestia said. “Radiant Hope fled the empire and made her way to the royal summit happening at the time in Amore’s stead to make us aware of what was happening.” “That is a brave thing of her to do,” Twilight said. The crystal then projected Celestia, Luna, and two other alicorns arriving in the Empire. One had a deep purple coat, the same shade as the gemstones on Celestia’s jewelry. Her long flowing mane had streaks of sky blue, sunshine yellow, and deep red while her tail had the same deep red with a streak of darker purple. Her eyes were a piercing sapphire blue and her Cutie Mark was a diamond inside a flower. The other had a sunshine yellow coat, sky blue eyes, bold purple and aqua blue streaks in her mane and tail and unusual purple jewelry. Her Cutie Mark depicted two hearts within two pairs of rings, those within a spiky ring. Together, all four alicorns used their magic on King Sombra. “It took the combined effort of myself, Luna, Sterling, and Gold Lily to overthrow Sombra, strip him of his corporeal form, turn him into shadow, and banish him beneath the ice of the Frozen North that surrounds the Crystal Empire. However, Sombra made sure our victory was hollow.” “H-how?” Fluttershy quivered. “He put a curse upon the empire,” Celestia said. “A curse that caused it to vanish into thin air. Until now. For your convenience, this next part will be translated into modern Ponish.” In the projection, the four alicorns looked around, flabbergasted that the entire empire disappeared. Though, the deep purple one wore an expression of expectant disappointment. “What is it, Sterling?” the projection of Gold Lily asked. “Lately,” the Sterling projection said. “Celestia’s solutions for problems have been either banishment or sealing. Sometimes, both. This does not inspire my confidence in her ability to lead a monarchy.” Gold Lily nodded lowly and quietly. The Celestia projection, however, scoffed. “Both solutions have never failed once,” she said. “Besides, it’s far more merciful than the death penalty.” “True enough,” Sterling conceded. “But, you fail to take into account the anguish you cause the families and friends of those you banish or seal. This causes them to resent you and view you as no better than the threats you deal with. One of these days, you’ll have to banish one close to you.” “That will never happen,” the projected sun princess said defiantly. “The closest one to me is Luna and she’s perfectly content with her role of raising and lowering the moon and monitoring the dream realm, aren’t you, Luna?” The projection of Luna didn’t answer right away. This caused the present Princess Celestia to sigh, lowly. “Little did I realize how right Sterling was.” Tears welled in her eyes. “I was such an arrogant fool.” The princess of the moon comforted her sister. The projection of Gold Lily, clearly the peacekeeper of them, intervened. “Now, now, sister, cousin,” she said. “Suppose ponies saw us bickering like foals over a loaf of bread. How do you think that would reflect on us?” “I suppose not very well,” Sterling said, backing down. “You may be younger than myself and Celestia, but, with your gentle guidance, you could’ve fooled me.” “Come,” Luna said. “We must return home.” As they headed back, Gold Lily found her voice. “Sterling, with your clairvoyance, will the Crystal Empire ever return?” Sterling’s irises began shimmering like the stars in the night sky. “Yes,” she said. “But, with it will come Sombra. And neither you nor I will be available to help Celestia or Luna that time.” The projection Celestia simply rolled her eyes, clearly not believing the last part. Present day Celestia sighed sadly again. “Again, Sterling was right,” she said. “I was blinded by my youthful pride and thought I knew better. Don’t make the same mistake I did.” The guardians and Spike held their heads respectfully as a way to pay their respects for Sterling and Gold Lily. In this silence, they made an unspoken vow to heed Celestia’s advice. Though they knew neither Sterling nor Gold Lily were dead, being sired alicorns, they felt they should acknowledge their help in making Celestia the ruler they knew now. “When the Crystal Empire is filled with hope and love, those are reflected all across Equestria,” Celestia said. Princess Celestia cast a shimmer of light magic on the crystal and the Crystal Empire projection glistened with a brilliant radiance. “But, if hatred and fear take hold…” Her magic aura became black and engulfed in a vivid violet haze and light brilliant green edges as she projected another magic beam at the crystal. When this magic hit the crystal it turned it completely black and several other black crystals sprang up around it and started to grow. The others backed away, careful not to get impaled by accident. Fortunately, Celestia was able to shatter the black crystals with her regular magic. Though, she staggered slightly afterwards. “Apologies. I must be very careful with using even a small amount of dark magic.” “So,” Twilight said. “How can we help?” "Now that you see what dark magic is capable of and why it's imperative that the Crystal Empire be protected," Celestia explained. "I fear that, with the empire returning at long last, it's only a matter of time before King Sombra will try to claim it back if he has not already. Which is why I need your help, Twilight. You and your friends must find a way to ensure its protection forever." “Whoa,” Twilight said softly. “That is a big responsibility for all seven of us to handle.” “Nine of you,” Celestia added. “Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are also there. Successfully find a way to be rid of Sombra permanently and you’ll prove you’re ready for the advanced studies.” Twilight was captivated by this news. She took a deep breath and then, with a determined nod and look on her face, she said, “Yes, your highness. We won’t let the Crystal Ponies or you down.” “Luna and I will remain here for the time being,” Celestia said. “You’re not going to help us?” Rainbow said. “Only if necessary,” Celestia said. “Should things turn out to be worse than I had fear, contact us immediately! Do not try to engage King Sombra on your own, Twilight! He is far too dangerous for you and your friends to combat, with or without the Elements of Harmony. As you saw, the combined efforts of four sired alicorns resulted in a temporary at best solution.” “Ain’t sure exactly how we’re goin’ ta do that,” Applejack said. “But, with all o’ us workin’ together, we should be able ta figure somethin’ out.” "I hope so, too, but, let's not risk the empire over such a possibility if we don't have to," Celestia instructed. "I know you'll make me proud, Twilight. And once you have succeeded in this task, I know you'll be ready to move on to the next level of your studies." As she led the Guardians out of the throne room, she advised, "Remember, Twilight, in the end, it must be you and you alone who ultimately assists Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in doing whatever needs to be done to protect the empire." “Wait, what?” Rainbow said. “Twilight has to help Cadance and Shining alone?” “We should still be there for Twilight,” Rarity said. “As Twilight mentioned, this is an incredible responsibility and we should be there for her.” “But, if Twilight’s supposed to do it alone, what’s the point in all of us going?” Rainbow asked. “I can’t be the only one thinking that.” “You’re going with her to make sure she doesn’t make the problem worse with her anxieties****,” Celestia said. “Need I remind you of what happened when you ignored her anxieties?” Rainbow, hearing this, hung her head lowly. “No, you don’t.” “It’ll be a cold day in Tartarus before ah let somethin’ like that happen again,” Applejack said. “And after being banished to the caves beneath Canterlot during Shining Armor and Cadance’s wedding,” Fluttershy said. “We definitely should be there for her. Even if just for moral support, something we should’ve given her when she needed it all those months ago.” “Excellent,” Princess Celestia said, sensing the sincerity in Twilight’s friends’ words. “You must go at once. Though, Twilight, you must pack warm clothes and carry more than one thermos of hot cocoa for Spike. Northern Equestria is one of the coldest areas of Equestria.” “Way ahead of you there,” Spike said. “Before we went to the train station, my mom packed everything but the kitchen sink.” Twilight blushed sheepishly. “I’m still working on trying to overcome my own nerves and over-preparedness.” “But, this preparedness can come in handy,” Princess Celestia nodded. “If you know exactly what to prepare for. Now, go forth and we wish you the best of luck.” “And Twilight,” Luna said, reminding the guardians she was still there. “Yes, Luna?” Twilight said. “Spike and I have developed quite a bond through both our therapy sessions and my dragon-sitting him,” Luna said. "So, promise me that you'll keep him safe on your quest. You say he's your son, so, protect him as you would any member of your family. If any harm befalls him because you weren't there to stop it, I'll never forgive you." “I can assure you that I won’t let any harm befall him,” Twilight said. “Emotional or otherwise.” “See that you don’t,” Luna said. “And to all of you, do not take dark magic lightly. It will tolerate none of your foolery.” “We Pinkie Promise we’ll be extra careful,” Pinkie said. Though she still sounded light-hearted, she had an air of seriousness to her. “Vanguard,” Luna called. The guard in question came to her call. “Yes, princess?” “Escort this group to the train station,” Luna said. “Yes, princess,” Vanguard saluted. He then escorted the seven to the train station. “Royal guards besides Shining and Flash have names?” Rainbow said on the way to the station. “Why wouldn’t they have names?” Rarity asked. “We’ve been around quite a few royal guards over the years,” Rainbow said. “And apart from Flash and Shining, we’ve literally never heard any of them be addressed by a name.” “Had you asked them what their names were?” Fluttershy asked. “You’ve seen how they are with small-talk,” Rainbow said. “What do you think?” “I’m one of the few cloned guards who has a name,” Vanguard said. “Since I’ve been given details that prevent me from having a prejudice against Spike, I earned my name. Well, that and overall competence.” Rainbow considered this. “Hmm,” she said. “You got me there. Though, one thing bugs me. How can any of you be told apart?” “We have subtle knicks and scratches in our armor in the shape of numbers unique to each one of us,” Vanguard explained. “In my case, my number is 616.” “Intriguing,” Rarity said. “Although, Vanguard does suit you nicely.” “What about cloned guards without names?” Fluttershy asked. “They’re individually referred to by their number,” Vanguard said. “Cloned guards that didn’t have their intelligence bred out of them are few and far between.” “Ah see,” Applejack said. “Though, why breed the smarts out in the first place?” “So they’re not smart enough to turn on the acting princess,” Vanguard said. “Ah guess that’s a good point,” Applejack said. “But, there’s still some things that need ta be worked on.” They soon reached the station and boarded the train. At last, the train slowed to a halt at a small outpost that lay seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but snow whipped up by fierce winds as far as the eye could see. “Brr!” Rainbow shivered. “I may be used to cooler climates up in Cloudsdale, but, this is somehow colder!” Rarity magicked on winter clothes for the entire party. “Thanks, Rarity,” Applejack said gratefully. “You’re a real lifesaver,” Fluttershy said politely. “How are you doing, Spike?” “Honestly,” Spike said. “I feel like it’s a spring day in Ponyville.” “Really?” Fluttershy replied. “Hmm, I wonder if it’s because of Mina or Jinshu’s teachings.” “Let’s save that for another time,” Twilight said. “Right,” Rainbow saluted. “We have an empire to help and a shadow king to permanently keep away. Hopefully, we can actually save Equestria a third time.” At that moment, a stallion walked up to the train station. He wore a lot of thick gray scarves and a pair of goggles that allowed him to see through the snow. He was accompanied by another, slightly smaller one also in goggles and a coat. The guardians could recognize their coat colors. “Shining Armor!” Twilight said. “Flash!” The stallions confirmed their identities by removing their goggles. “Seems Princess Celestia miscalculated slightly,” Rarity said. “There’s going to be ten of us.” “Actually,” Flash said. “I asked the princess not to mention me at the briefing. I wanted to surprise you.” “You certainly did just that,” Rarity said. “Regardless,” Shining Armor said. “We’re glad you all could make it. Princess Cadance is in the Empire and we’ve been asked to escort you there safely. The Empire isn’t the only thing that returned.” “Oh, no…” Twilight said. “I put a force-field around the empire,” Shining said. “But, it won’t hold forever and I think Sombra knows it.” Suddenly, the yellow and bright blue feather-like markings on Flash’s coat came to life and began flapping as a bird with a head resembling that of an eagle and wings resembling lightning bolts climbed off his back and hovered up a bit while making distressed squawks. “Whoa!” Spike exclaimed. “Is that a thunderbird?!” “Yes,” Flash said, a tone of concern in his voice. “And he senses danger!” The thunderbird squawked at what was distressing him as a dark fog began to emerge. “Sombra!” Shining said. “Wh-what do we do?!” Fluttershy quivered. Flash boldly faced the fog. “Alright, Joules,” he said to the thunderbird. “Ready?” The thunderbird nodded and spread his wings as wide as he could manage. The thunderbird, known as Joules, released a brilliant flash of lightning from his eyes that irritated Sombra’s vision. The bird then flapped his wings, creating a tornado that dispersed the fog accompanied by the sound of a thunderclap. “Well done, you two!” Shining Armor called from the wind. “Now follow us, before he pulls himself together!” The guardians could see the fog quickly reforming. They ran as fast as they could, fighting against the intense force of the wind. Just outside the border of the empire, they spotted a dragon that wasn’t moving. “Oh, the poor thing,” Fluttershy said softly. “We better help them.” The dragon appeared to have green scales, horns that pointed back, six black lines on his face similar to a tiger's, and piercing icy blue eyes. His spines appeared to have been moving like a red and orange flame. His wings had a darker green membrane. The dragon was covered in scars, especially over his left eye where it appeared to be worse than the others, but, luckily the eye was not damaged. He was also wearing a white Jockeypan-style sleeveless tunic, a gray hooded vest with dark gray trim, and a compass on a cord that hung on his neck. He also appeared to look like he was charging something as shown by the two tuning fork shaped swords and the look of fury on his face.***** “I’ll hold Sombra off,” Shining Armor said. “Get the dragon to safety!” The guardians did their best to help this dragon. Applejack carried him on her back. All the while, Shining Armor bravely faced the fog as it took on the form of King Sombra’s face, flashing a sadistic grin. "You may not fear me yet, Shining Armor,” he said in a deep voice, “But, I will make you fear me and I will make you suffer. Taking you down will serve as a warning to others.” “I won’t back down,” Shining Armor declared. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep the citizens, my family, and my friends safe!” The seven ponies, Joules, and Spike managed to reach the safety of the empire with the new dragon thanks to Shining's sacrifice, quickly taking in the sights of an empire that was truly a beauty beyond comparison. It displayed no sign of being affected by the blistering cold of the surrounding frozen wilderness and crystal structures in beautiful, sparkling colors could be seen for miles around. Small wonder anypony would want to claim it all for themselves. “Wow~!” Rarity gasped. “It was beautiful from Princess Celestia’s display, but, it’s even more beautiful in pony.” “And surprisingly warm,” Rainbow said, removing her winter garb. Suddenly, the new dragon started to move. “--MAKE YOU PAY FOR YOUR–” he started saying before he stopped himself and took note of his surroundings. “What manner of sorcery is this?” “To make a long story short,” Spike said. “Sombra banished the Crystal Empire for over one thousand years.” The dragon was surprised by this. “Sombra was already vanquished and made the victory of those who did it pyrrhic?” “Unfortunately so,” Twilight said. “Now, would you care to explain who you are?” The dragon made his swords disappear before he assumed a quadrupedal stance. “Ah, sorry about that. My name is Astral, full name Astral Flare. I am a citizen of the Crystal Empire. I was about to go avenge my friend when there was a bright light. Next thing I knew, I was amongst all of you.” “A dragon being a citizen of the Crystal Empire?” Rarity asked. “I was found as an egg by the Crystal Guard and raised by Princess Amore herself,” Astral said, “And before you ask, no, I am not a prince. I was more of a ward.” “Did you know anything about dragons growing up?” Spike asked. “Actually just a little about each group. Do they still have their central library?” Astral asked. “Dragons have a library?” Spike asked with genuine confusion. “Yes,” Astral answered. “A lot of dragon knowledge was contained. At least copies of the original manuscripts.” “Well, we don’t know the answer to that,” Spike said. “Anyway,” Astral said. “What brings you all here? None of you are Crystal Ponies. Did you come to help?” “We’re here to find a way to permanently rid the empire of Sombra,” Twilight said. “Unfortunately, I don't know one,” Astral said. “I was never told how the shield functioned. I wasn't allowed to know yet.” “Wait,” Rainbow said. “The empire has its own shield function?” “Didn't you notice the wall of light that you had to go through to get here?” Astral asked, confused. He then looked and saw a much different magical force field at the border than the one he remembered. “This looks like Princess Cadance’s work,” Twilight noted. “She must’ve learned Shining’s force field spell so she could maintain it in his absence.” “Is she a pink alicorn?” Astral inquired as he looked to the distance. “Because she hasn’t left the castle.” “You can see that far away?” Twilight asked as she mentally measured the distance between where they were and the castle in the center of the empire. Just then, who should come stumbling into the safety of the empire but Shining Armor himself? He only made it a few steps in before he collapsed, however, prompting a series of gasps from the others. “Uncle Shining Armor!” gasped Spike. He rushed to the stallion with Twilight. Astral showed visible confusion. “Uncle?” he asked. “I hatched him from his egg,” Twilight confirmed. “And Shining Armor is my brother. Ergo, Uncle.” She then noticed several clumps of small, black crystals had gathered at the base of Shining Armor’s horn. She gasped. “What did Sombra do to you?!” Shining tried to light up his horn, but, all he got was a series of sparks and ominous crackles from the crystals. “He’s nullified my magic,” he said. "Cadance is going to faint when she sees me like this. And after I promised her I'd come back safe and sound, too." “We better get you inside the castle,” Twilight said. “As long as Sombra can’t get in, we’ll do what we can to make sure you’re safe and we’ll figure out how we can help. Flash, if you wouldn’t mind leading us there.” “Right away,” Flash said. “Come on, Joules.” Joules flew to catch up with Flash. It was evident that this thunderbird was loyal and obedient. This evidently made Astral rather curious. “How very odd,” he said. “I’ve read that thunderbirds are notorious pranksters by nature. How is it obeying you?” “Back when I was a colt,” Flash said. “I found Joules as a chick. He was starving and injured. So, I took him in, nursed him back to health, and he’s been a loyal pet ever since.” “That's amazing,” Astral said with stars in his eyes. “Few have the patience or courage to domesticate such a force of nature. So, should we head to the castle now? I'm sure that you would like to see this Princess Cadance.” “You’re pretty much the only one here who hasn’t met her,” Spike said. “The rest of us met her before the empire reappeared.” “I should warn you that she's not quite herself," Shining cautioned as all set off for the crystal castle. "Especially since she was told that the empire is supposed to be hers to rule over." “I hope she’s alright,” Fluttershy said. In the throne room of the crystal castle, Cadance was sitting upon her throne and feeling quite miserable. It was easy to spot the bags underneath her eyes. My kingdom for a cup of coffee. Who cares if Aunt Celestia says it's not good for me? she thought to herself. Suddenly, the throne room doors burst open. Twilight stepped inside the throne room, glad to see her favorite foal-sitter slash sister-in-law. The two performed their greeting ritual. “Sunshine, sunshine Ladybugs awake Clap your hooves And do a little shake” The two giggled the way old friends would until Cadance suddenly felt a sharp twinge that brought her out of her laughing fit. This brought the bags under her eyes to Twilight’s attention. “Shining Armor had said that you wouldn’t be quite yourself,” Twilight said. “Are you alright?” “I’m not used to using combat magic,” Cadance said. “It’s a bit draining for me.” Astral carefully looked Cadance over. “Hmm,” he said. “You vaguely resemble Princess Amore. It seems her husband and heir managed to flee after all.” “You must be Astral Flare,” Cadance said with a slight rasp in her voice. “We read about you in the archives. It’s good to know that you were able to return as well as the Crystal Empire.” “I only regret failing to stop Sombra when he overthrew Princess Amore,” Astral said. “You weren’t to blame for what happened in the past,” Shining Armor said as he stepped in. “It’s just in Sombra’s umbrum nature.” “So,” Applejack said. “How can we help?” Shining seemed to smile. "We could definitely use your help, time is running out for all of us! I’ve been teaching her to use my force field spell so we’d have a backup in case of emergencies. That's a problem, though, because she's also been using her magic to spread love and light to keep the empire going. Between that and the magic lessons, she hasn't slept and barely eats or drinks, let alone goes to the bathroom. And now that my magic's been cut off by Sombra..." He trailed off in regret, unable to bring himself to say anything further. “I'll try to keep Sombra busy while all of you find a way to get the shield up and running,” Astral said with determination as he bowed. “Princess, you have my swords. I'll do my best to rectify my mistakes from a millennium ago. I swear on my honor as a member of the Crystal Guard.”’ “We can believe that, Astral,” Shining Armor said. “While you were frozen, we saw you holding swords, so, we can tell you can fight.” “I was an aspiring battle mage in my time,” Astral said. “That should help us,” Shining Armor said. Though, with his head slightly lowered. “Though with Cadance spreading light and love and Flash and myself out keeping the entrance of the Crystal Empire guarded out in the arctic, we haven't been able to get any information from the Crystal Ponies on how it can be protected without Cadance’s magic.” “I can help there,” Astral said. “I’ve spent my life around the Crystal Ponies and know much about their culture, customs, and history. The first place we need to start is with the library. It would take too much time and we don’t have to explain everything. This is our best bet on getting you information about it all. We can even find a way to protect the empire without either of you needing to use magic.” “Thank you, Astral,” Twilight said gratefully. “Please, lead the way to the library.” Astral led the way to the library. On their way, they noticed the Crystal Ponies. But, they weren’t as radiant as they were in the projection Princess Celestia sold them. Rather, they looked dull, sad, and literally lacked any luster. “By Amore,” Astral said. “It’s worse than I thought.” “It just feels like something’s missing,” one Crystal Pony said in a soft raspy voice. “I know,” responded another. “It looks the same, but, it doesn’t feel the same.” “Autumn Gem, Fleur De Verre,” Astral said. “Don’t give into despair! That only empowers Sombra.” Soon, they arrived at the Crystal Library. Twilight gasped as soon as they walked inside. It was much larger than her Golden Oak Library home and much more grand than Canterlot City’s Library. They looked over the library from the entrance when an older Crystal Pony mare walked up to them. Though dull in color, she had a light blue violetish gray coat, a pale light grayish rose mane and tail, and a pair of moderate mulberry eyes, slightly magnified by a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of her muzzle. Her Cutie Mark was an unfurled scroll that glistened. “Amethyst,” Astral said. “You of all Crystal Ponies must remember the reign of Amore.” The mare, named Amethyst Maresbury, looked at Astral, adjusting her glasses slightly. “Amore?” she asked in a slightly raspy voice. “I think I’ve heard that name somewhere before… or I might have read about it in one of these books.” “Please,” Astral pleaded. “She was the ruler before Sombra overthrew her. Please remember!” “I’m sorry,” Amethyst said after taking some time to think. “But, I’m afraid I don’t remember. Although, you might find something in one of these books. There should be a history section over there… or was it over there?” “What of your five assistants?” Astral said. “Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, and Sunny Flare?” “Those names do sound vaguely familiar,” Amethyst said. “And, you said they were my assistants?” “Astral,” Spike said. “It’s clear she doesn't remember too much right now. Let’s just give her more time to think while we look for the right book.” “We’re running out of time,” Astral said. “Amethyst may not remember things very well, but, I do. Follow me.” Astral Flare led Spike and the ponies to a large bookshelf. Once there, they saw five Crystal Pony mares searching the books. Two were earth ponies, two were pegasi, and one was a unicorn. Unlike Crystal Ponies they met thus far, they retained the radiance of the ponies in the projection at Canterlot. Spike approached one of them. “Excuse me?” he said politely. “Are you Amethyst’s assistants?” “Yes, we are,” said the bespectacled earth Crystal Pony. “From your appearances, I can deduce that you are not native to the Crystal Empire.” “We’re not,” Twilight said. “Princess Celestia sent us to help.” “Why didn’t she just come herself?” asked a pegasus accessorized with lightning bolt earrings. “It’s kind o’ a long story,” Applejack said. “One we don’t really have a lot o’ time ta tell right now. We’re lookin’ fer anythin’ that’ll help us learn more ‘bout the Crystal Empire.” “Well, you’ve come to the right place,” said the unicorn Crystal Pony. “When Sombra took over, we formed something of a resistance against him. We call ourselves the Crystal 5.” “Is this resistance why you retained your radiance?” Rarity asked. “We kept our radiance because we held onto our hope,” said the other earth pony. “We stayed here in the history section so we wouldn’t lose our pre-Sombra memories.” “That’s wonderful,” Fluttershy said. “So, if it’s not too much trouble, would you mind helping us find a way to protect the Crystal Empire without relying too heavily on Princess Cadance’s magic?” “Who?” the five mares asked in unison. “Princess Cadance,” Rainbow said. “New princess, recently married.” “Could it be that Amore’s heir survived?” asked the bespectacled mare. “Cadance was promised to rule the Crystal Empire,” Twilight said. “So, it might be the case. Though, it’s unlikely that she’s a direct descendant of Amore. She was born a pegasus before becoming an alicorn. Not only that, but, the empire disappeared nearly 1,000 years before she or any of us besides Astral were born.” “1,000 years?” asked the unicorn. “But, from our perspective, it was a single night.” “Regardless,” Pinkie said. “Cadance is here to rule the Crystal Empire now and we’re here to figure out how to help it. So, we all have to do what we can.” “So, can thou help us?” Rainbow asked. “You’re clearly not royalty,” the other pegasus Crystal Pony said. “So, don’t bother with royal tongue.” “But, regardless,” the bespectacled earth pony crystal mare said. “We’ll help. Incidentally, my name is Sugarcoat.” “Name’s Indigo Zap!” smirked the pegasus Crystal Pony with the earring. “Sunny Flare,” said the unicorn. “I’m Lemon Zest,” said the other earth pony. “I’m Sour Sweet,” said the other pegasus Crystal Pony. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Twilight said. After introductions, the Crystal 5 led the Guardians of Harmony through the library. Soon, they were on the search for the right book to help. “You know,” Rainbow said to Spike. “I’m a little surprised.” “Why?” Spike asked. “Well,” Rainbow said. “We’re in an empire made entirely of crystal and you’re not eating everything in sight.” Spike was indignant. “That’s not cool, Rainbow. Just because I’m a dragon and I like to eat gems, that doesn't mean I’m a homewrecker or an out of control glutton. Besides, do you eat any of the hay off of other ponies’ homes because you eat hay?” “And who are you to assume that everything in the empire is made of crystal?!” Sour Sweet rudely snapped before backing down. “I am so sorry about that. That was rude and uncalled for.” “Actually, it was called for,” Rainbow said. “I’m sorry, Spike. I shouldn’t have said that.” “Uh, is Sour Sweet okay?” Twilight asked. “She has a tendency to alternate between being rude and kind,” Astral said. “Oh, so, she’s bipolar,” Twilight surmised. “Is that what they call it these days?” Sour Sweet said. Fluttershy nodded. They soon arrived at a particularly large bookshelf. “I got this,” Lemon Zest said. She closed her eyes and concentrated as her body seemed to glow and a floating staircase made of crystals leading to higher shelves materialized before her. Her new friends were amazed with what they saw. “How’d you do that?!” Rainbow asked. “All Crystal Ponies have earth and light-elemental magic,” Sugarcoat said. “We use our earth magic to materialize crystal constructs out of thin air.” So, Twilight walked upon the staircase to look up at the books on the higher shelves. She quickly found one that caught her attention. “The History of the Crystal Empire,” Twilight smiled. “This could help us!” Sugarcoat used her own magic to make a large, round table made of crystal. “Don’t think ah’ll ever get used ta earth ponies usin’ magic like that,” Applejack said. Twilight cautiously stepped down from the crystal stairs, levitating the book onto the table. She opened it and glanced through its pages, since Twilight had an innate talent for speed-reading. “Perfect!” Twilight said. “This is the lead we’ve been looking for! Let’s get this to Shining Armor and Cadance right away!” Some time later, back at the Crystal Castle, Twilight and Spike were explaining what they had learned to Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. She even read it aloud to the royal couple upon presenting the book to them. “A Crystal Faire,” Twilight said. “According to this book, it was established by their first queen and became their most important tradition. It says here that, 'The Faire was held every year to renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire so they could help protect it from any harm.'" “This is wonderful,” Cadence smiled, albeit weakly. “We knew you and your friends would find something.” “And we have five Crystal Ponies that can help make sure we get it right,” Twilight said. “Excellent, Twily,” Shining Armor smiled. “You better prepare. I’ll stay here and look after Cadance.” Twilight nodded. “Come on, Spike!” “Right behind you,” Spike said. So, the two returned to their friends, both old and new. It was clear that they had a lot of work to do and everyone was motivated to make sure their jobs were done well. “Ooh, I’m so excited for a Crystal Faire!” Lemon Zest said. “It says here they liked jousting,” Twilight said. “I can help with that,” Indigo said. “You’re looking at the pony who’s been the jousting champion for four years running.” “Maybe I can face off against you,” Rainbow said. “Okay, but, you’ll need protective armor,” Indigo said. “We Crystal Ponies aren’t as fragile as regular ponies.” As if to prove it, Indigo tapped a hoof against her head, making the dinging sound of a crystal being struck with each tap. “Whoa,” Rainbow said. “Armor it is.” “It also says here that they flew a majestic flag,” Twilight continued. “I helped design the flag every year,” Sunny Flare said. “Perhaps I can be of assistance,” Rarity said. “I’m a seamstress back in Ponyville.” “Oh, are you now?” Sunny said with interest. “Indeed I am,” Rarity smiled. “I can help with the crystal berry sweets,” Lemon Zest said. “Maybe ah can help with that,” Applejack said. “Ah bake a bushel o’ apple pies n’ fritters, so ah can help ya make some tasty viddles.” “I can help round up the animals for the petting zoo,” Sugarcoat offered. “I can help you, Sugarcoat,” Fluttershy said. “I’m a Critter Whisperer, so, I can make sure they’re comfortable.” “Excellent,” Sugarcoat said. “Two Critter Whisperers are better than one.” Fluttershy gasped happily. Up until that moment, she had never met another Critter Whisperer aside from Granny Smith. “A crystal flugelhorn?!” Pinkie said, looking in the book. “I got to play one of those!” “Hold up there,” Lemon Zest said. “Save one for me.” “We’ll also have to learn the Crystal Kingdom Anthem,” Twilight said. “Hopefully we can learn it in less than a day.” “Those of us who lived here know it by heart,” Astral said. With all of this information available, everyone got on with their assignments and helped to set up a grand Crystal Fair. The Crystal 5 used their magic to create the various stands out of crystal. Pinkie and Astral set up balloons and banners. “Hey, Astral?” Pinkie asked. “I’ve been wondering what color your fire breath is.” “I don’t have fire breath,” Astral said. “You don’t?” Pinkie asked. “No,” Astral said. “I was born without a fire sac.” “Wow,” Pinkie said, somewhat astounded. “If it weren’t for my being cured of my werepony curse, I wouldn’t have magic to compensate,” Astral said. “You were a werepony, too?” Pinkie asked. “The very first one,” Astral said. “Wait, too?” “It happened to Spike a few days ago,” Pinkie said. “Long story short, he’s cured now.” “Interesting,” Astral said. “Perhaps he gained some pony magic as well.” “Maybe, but, we hadn’t seen anything yet,” Pinkie said. Soon, the preparations were ready. Twilight then walked up to the Crystal 5 with the book open. “There’s one last matter near the end of the book,” Twilight said. “What’s this Crystal Heart?” “Only the centerpiece of the entire fair,” Sunny said. “However, Sombra hid it away after overthrowing Amore.” “What?!” Twilight said. “It’s an actual relic?!” “Why wouldn’t it be?” Sugarcoat asked. “The whole purpose of the Crystal Fair is to lift the spirits of the Crystal Ponies so that the light magic within them can power the Crystal Heart so the empire can be protected. Didn’t you see that in the book?” “I thought I had, but-” Twilight said, looking into the book once more. However, when she turned the last page, she saw the remains of a page that had been torn out. “There’s a page missing!” The Crystal 5 looked and saw that this was the case. “This must be Sombra’s doing!” Sunny said. “And without any way of knowing where he hid the Crystal Heart,” Twilight began before turning her attention towards the entrance of the Crystal Empire. The Crystal 5 did likewise. “Whatever’s protecting the Crystal Empire now won’t last forever,” Indigo Zap said. “Come on, girls! We have to protect our home!” “Spike and I are coming with you,” Twilight said. “No,” Indigo said. “We’ve seen what Sombra’s capable of. You report this to Shining Armor and Cadance. We’ll tell your friends to buy some time while we do the same.” “Alright, but, be careful,” Twilight said. She levitated Spike onto her back and galloped into the castle. She was holding the book with her magic. Soon, Twilight had filled the royal couple in. “This is terrible!” Shining Armor said. “I don’t know how you’re going to find the Crystal Heart,” Cadance said weakly. “But, I hope you can figure something out.” Suddenly, the princess collapsed in exhaustion. Shining Armor held Princess Cadance in his forehooves. Twilight and Spike were both worried. At the border, the Crystal 5 saw the sky glitch out. They knew at once what it meant. “King Sombra…” they collectively said dismally. At that moment, Sombra broke through and saw the Crystal 5 standing defiantly before him. “Get out of my way, little ponies,” Sombra said. “Lest I should hold you as my new slaves!” The defiant mares focused their magic as they began shining. “We’re not letting you take over again!” Indigo said. “We’ll use our light to hold you off!” “The Crystal Ponies mean the world to us,” Sour Sweet said sweetly, before saying sourly. “And we’re not going to let you ruin it!” “We’re doing this in honor of Princess Amore,” Sunny declared. “So,” King Sombra said haughtily. “You will suffer the same fate she did!” He was about to blast them, only for his blast to be intercepted by a magical force field around the mares. “What?!” Astral was revealed with both his swords drawn. “I won’t let you enslave any of the Crystal Ponies again!” “Ah,” Sombra said. “Astral Flare. It seems my curse upon you has been broken. No matter. I will let my golems deal with you.” From the fog emerged bulky, bipedal creatures made of black crystals with piercing red orbs for eyes. “For as long as I stand,” Astral Flare pledged as he began to attack the golems. “I won’t let those cretins stop me!” His icy blue eyes turned a warm orange. “For the Crystal Empire!” he shouted. Back at the Crystal Castle, Twilight feared that things would ultimately end poorly and she didn’t know what to do. [To be Continued…] > Chapter 2: The Crystal Empire - Part 2 (S3:E2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 3 Written by Brandon Nell, Micah Shires, and Blake Hawkins Chapter 2: The Crystal Empire - Part 2 Twilight had been in bleak situations before, but, they paled in comparison to the situation she’d been dealing with for the past day. She was witnessing new friends in a new location facing off against a shadowy umbrum unicorn named Sombra. It all started when Princess Celestia received word of the Crystal Empire returning, calling Twilight and her friends to Canterlot immediately. “The Crystal Empire has returned,” Princess Celestia summarized. “With it, King Sombra.” After the situation was explained and Celestia stated that in the end, Twilight alone must aid in Shining Armor and Princess Cadance liberating the Crystal Empire, the Guardians of Harmony took the train to the Frozen North. They were met by Shining Armor and Flash Sentry as well as Flash’s pet thunderbird, Joules. After the three fended off against Sombra’s vaporous form, they led the guardians towards the entrance and encountered a dragon. Inside the empire’s castle, they saw Cadance in an exhausted condition. “I’m not used to using combat magic,” Cadance said. “It’s a bit draining for me.” With the help of both old and new friends, the guardians have come to learn more of the Crystal Empire and their efforts to protect it without Cadance’s magic. In their research, they met local Crystal Ponies who hadn’t lost their luster. They told our heroes of the Crystal Faire. “Ooh, I’m so excited for a Crystal Faire!” Lemon Zest, one of the new friends, said. Near completion of the preparations, Twilight came upon an entry explaining a powerful artifact known as the Crystal Heart. She quickly learned how essential it was and discovered that part of the information on it was ripped out of the book. At that moment, the threat of King Sombra loomed. Twilight’s new friends bravely faced Sombra to buy her time. After Twilight and explained what happened, Cadance’s body finally collapsed with exhaustion. The situation was the darkest Twilight had faced yet. Even as Sombra was rapidly closing in, Spike seemed to get an idea on what to do. "I'm writing to the princesses! They must be informed of this!" “It won’t make a difference, Spike,” Twilight said. “It would take too long for the message to get to them and for them to show up. They wouldn’t get here in time to save anypony. My friends and I will just have to try and fend him off on our own.” “But, what about Princess Celestia’s order not to engage him?” Spike asked. “The safety of the Crystal Ponies should be what matters, Spike,” Twilight said. “Besides, under the circumstances, I'm sure she'd understand that we had no choice. We've come too far to just let him take back the empire. Even without the Elements of Harmony, the girls and I will find a way to win." “I have a better idea,” Cadance’s voice rang out. “This is my empire, therefore it's my duty to protect it!" With a great deal of struggling she was able to develop a replica of her husband's signature shield spell and just in time, too. At the borders, Astral and the Crystal 5 were battling Sombra and his golems when suddenly, the vaporous tyrant was pushed back, screaming and howling in pain as he made contact with the newly erected barrier. “Ah!” Sombra howled. He looked down and noticed that the top of his curved horn was cut off and burying itself deep into the ground before either Astral or the Crystal 5 had a chance to notice. “I must admit,” he said to the six before him. “You’ve put up a good fight, but, all you’ve managed to do is frustrate me.” He then looked at one of the surviving golems still within the barrier. “And turn one of my golems inside out.” “There’s more to that if you come around here again!” Indigo snapped. “This is merely a delay,” Sombra said. “This barrier wasn’t made by the Crystal Heart, so, it can only keep me out temporarily. It won’t last forever. It’ll fail eventually. And when it does, I'll be waiting! You can't keep me locked out forever!" And then, his shadowy form retreated for the time being. Lemon Zest gazed on at his remnants with an angered face and blew a small raspberry. “Did any of you notice that the top of his horn was missing?” Sunny Flare asked. “Yeah, I did,” Sugarcoat said. “Likely due to that magical surge we felt from the Princess’ magic.” “This doesn’t bode well,” Sunny said. “If even the tiniest fragment of Sombra is within the empire’s borders, it could spell disaster for all involved.” “You five go ahead and report this to the princess,” Astral said as he made his swords disappear and went into a quadrupedal stance.  “I'll stay here and look for his horn.” “We’re counting on you, Astral,” Indigo said as she and the other mares made their way to the castle. At the castle, the Crystal 5 had finished their report. “The surge of magic did, unfortunately, tear off the tip of Sombra’s horn,” Sugarcoat said. “We’re not sure where it landed as we didn’t get a good enough look.” “But, Astral’s out there keeping an eye out for it,” Lemon Zest added. "Thanks to you," Cadance smiled back before adopting a more serious tone. "But, Sombra's right, we haven't shut him out completely. We need to find where he hid the real Crystal Heart and fast! We'll probably have to call off the fair to conduct a search." “No, Cadance,” Twilight protested. “You and Shining Armor can’t afford to turn this place upside down. The fair must go on, the Crystal Ponies should still believe we have the real Crystal Heart. It’ll be important to keep their spirits up when we do eventually have the real artifact. After all, it’s your empire now. It would be a good idea to interact with your subjects.” "But, what about you, Twily?" Shining Armor questioned his sister. "What will you do?" “I can handle the search,” Twilight said. “When I find it, I’ll bring it to you. In the meantime, please work with my friends and keep the fair going.” She then gestured to the Crystal 5. “That goes for you, too. Try making a convincing replica until I find the real one.” “It’s going to be tricky considering it’s a special artifact,” Sour Sweet said snarkily, then, in a sweeter tone, she said. “But, we’ll try our best anyway~” “We’ll do our best, Twilight,” Cadance promised. “But, be careful. There's no telling what sort of security measures King Sombra will have set up for the Crystal Heart should you find it.” “I will be careful,” Twilight promised. She then trotted off to begin the search. “Wait for me, mom!” Spike said as he followed her. The Crystal 5 were confused. “‘Mom?’” Indigo said. “I hatched his egg,” Twilight said as briefly and concisely as possible, briefly sticking her head back in to do so before hurrying off. “Well, you heard her,” Sunny said. “We’ve got a job to do.” The Crystal 5 discreetly discussed recent developments with the other Guardians of Harmony, making sure the more high-spirited Crystal Ponies didn’t hear. “Oh, my,” Fluttershy said. “Well, it won’t be easy, but, we’ll do our best.” Spike soon made it to Twilight, breathing heavily. Once he got control of his breath, he spoke. “Mom,” he said. “I have to ask: Are you out of your mind?! You don't even know where to begin looking for the Crystal Heart!" “I appreciate your concern, Spike,” Twilight said. “But, everything is under control. You can stay with me, but, please try not to touch anything. Princess Celestia did say that I had to be the one to help Shining Armor and Princess Cadance to ensure everypony’s protection.” Spike was undeterred. “But, mom,” he said. “Don't you think that maybe the real test from Princess Celestia here is to see if you'll follow every order she gives to the letter, no matter what?" He was quick to point out, "She's not perfect. She can make mistakes. We both saw how she was in that projection. Heck, you and the others have been, at the very least, trying to correcting her mistakes since you became the Guardians of Harmony. Nightmare Moon, Discord, and even Chrysalis! And the Guardians didn’t even succeed with her!" Twilight didn’t say anything until Spike was done speaking. She then took a moment to process his words. Even now, the Guardians were trying to correct Celestia’s mistake by finding a permanent solution to the Sombra problem that four sired alicorns couldn’t. “You’re right, Spike,” Twilight said. “You’re right about everything.” Then, a thought occurred to her. "Well, she didn't really elaborate on what she meant by 'helping,' so, I guess you tagging along won't break any of the rules or cause me to fail." “There you go,” Spike said. “If the way she acted in that projection is an indication, we should reevaluate your incredibly high opinion on Celestia.” “That would have to be for another time,” Twilight said. “Right now, we need to find the Crystal Heart. Still, I don't want you to touch anything unless I say otherwise. Sombra's sure to have the Crystal Heart well protected, and I promised Princess Luna I wouldn't let anything happen to you. You're my son, after all." “I know, Mom,” Spike said with a smile. “I was right next to you.” His smile faltered. “But, where do we even begin? Asking Sombra where he hid it would be stupid on so many levels.” “Right,” Twilight said. “In order to find it, I need to start thinking like Sombra. There’s only one place I can think of where he would keep something so important. It would have to be in a place where he would ensure nopony could think to find it or dare to look.” She looked towards the Crystal Castle. “The castle is so big,” Spike noted. “We wouldn’t know where to start.” “We’re going to have to start looking, Spike,” Twilight said. “Once the barrier goes down, there’ll be no stopping Sombra. I just hope our friends and the Crystal 5 can keep the fair going.” “Knowing our friends,” Spike said. “They will. I hope you’re right about the location of the heart. If it’s not in the castle, it could be anywhere in the Crystal Empire.” So, Twilight allowed Spike onto her back and she ran into the castle. The Crystal Fair was still ongoing, but, it was quickly becoming a problem when various Crystal Ponies wanted to stop by to see the Crystal Heart for themselves. Rainbow flew up to one of the Crystal Ponies’ faces intimidatingly. “What are you lookin’ at?!” This intimidated the Crystal Pony, who backed away in fright as a result. “That’s what I thought.” Rainbow was struck in the back of the head with a hard object she quickly learned to be a disgruntled Indigo Zap’s right forehoof. “Listen, Dash,” Indigo said. “We get what you’re trying to do, but, that’s no reason to scare the Crystal Ponies. We’re supposed to be raising their spirits, not traumatizing them.” Rainbow sheepishly put her right forehoof behind her head. “Right, sorry. I tend to go a little overboard with these things.” “If that’s a little overboard,” Indigo sneered. “I’d hate to see when you really go overboard.” “Okay, genius,” Rainbow said. “How else am I supposed to keep them from finding out about the heart?” Indigo wasn’t intimidated. "I'll stay here with Applejack and help divert ponies as needed. You should go straight to the arena to show off your jousting skills." Rainbow’s disgruntled attitude suddenly changed to one of determination. “Okay, I like the sound of that idea way better. You really are a genius!” As quick as a wink, Rainbow flew in the direction of the arena. Once there, she saw Shining Armor preparing for a joust. “Hey, Rainbow,” he said. “Care to go a few rounds against me in the tournament? I could use a little refresher in combat. I can’t use my magic for the time being.” Rainbow’s grin grew. “You’re on!” Meanwhile, other Crystal Ponies began to come by, ones not interested in the jousting match. “Having a good time?” Indigo asked. “If not, don’t hesitate to let me know and I’ll relay it to the princess and her husband.” “I’m feeling the best I’ve felt since…” one Crystal Pony started. “I can’t remember when! This is the best time I’ve ever had!” “That’s good to hear, Autumn Gem,” Indigo said. “I would love to see the Crystal Heart, though, before the ceremony,” Autumn said. “It’s been a long time since anypony has laid eyes on it.” Applejack was getting nervous. “There are a lot of other activities to try,” Cadance said, coming to Applejack’s aid. “There are plenty of rare foods to try and even a jousting match that my husband is participating in.” Applejack watched the whole thing unfold as she thought to herself. Come on, Twilight... hurry it up, will ya?! These here Crystal Ponies’re more curious’n a cat! Don't know how long the rest o’ us can keep 'em away. Back in the castle, Twilight was searching through every possible nook and cranny. Unfortunately, nothing stood out or gave any indicator as to where the Crystal Heart could possibly be. “It's got to be here somewhere," Twilight protested with annoyance. "Where is it?!" “Believe me, Mom,” Spike said. “If I did know where it was, I would tell you. Sombra must have been desperate to keep the Crystal Heart hidden.” “From what the Crystal 5 told us,” Twilight said. “Just being near the Crystal Heart would make him sick and weak, so, he couldn’t be holding onto it himself.” As she continued to search, she remembered something that Princess Celestia told her and her friends. “Wait a minute… if I want to thwart Sombra, I’ll have to think like him!” Spike gulped. “I don’t like the sound of that.” “It’s not what you think, Spike,” Twilight reassured her drake son. “I won’t be speaking to him directly, but, I need to remember that things in the Crystal Empire were different when he reigned. This is Queen Amore’s castle, not Sombra’s.” “But, we can’t ask Queen Amore,” Spike said. “She was turned into a crystal statue and shattered with the fragments being scattered across Equestria.” “What I mean is,” Twilight clarified. “Sombra must have altered the throne room in a way only he could. That way, he could hide the Crystal Heart in a place where only he could get to it. And the only way to find it is to use dark magic.” “But, you haven’t learned any dark magic spells,” Spike said. “Good thing I can figure spells out after seeing them in action,” Twilight said. “You better stand back. I’m not taking any chances.” Spike cautiously stood back. He was worried for his pony mother’s safety. Then, with a large effort of concentration, Twilight’s deep magenta magical aura became black engulfed in a vivid violet haze with light brilliant green edges. And to make matters worse, Spike could see her clearly straining as she aimed a beam of the powerful magic at the crystal atop the throne. In Twilight’s mind, she could feel dark thoughts starting to seep in. And to make matters worse, she soon heard the familiar voice of King Sombra starting to taunt her. "Well well, the prized protege of Princess Celestia. Finally getting a taste of dark magic, I see. It hurts, doesn't it? It's like no pain you've ever felt before." “Get out of my mind, Sombra!” Twilight roared and growled in defiance. She was unaware that the conversation was being heard, though thankfully, only by Spike. “I only wish to make a deal with you to ease your suffering,” the greedy king said. "Give into the darkness. Let it consume you as it did me, let it burn away anything and everything else. Once your heart is as black as mine you'll feel so much better, because you'll be incapable of ever feeling anything ever again." “I will never become like you, Sombra!” Twilight snapped. “You won’t corrupt me! I’ve sharpened my mental barriers!” "They will do you little good in the end," the umbrum cackled in a deep voice. "Still, I can't maintain this link between us for long. I must concentrate my powers into fully restoring my physical presence. After all, that pesky princess' barrier is going to run out before long, even sooner than that pathetic husband of hers from whom she copied the spell." “You leave my brother out of this!” Twilight snapped again. “Don’t even think about harming him or my sister-in-law!” “Ah, so, they’re your family,” Sombra said in surprise. “Good. That will make their destruction all the more satisfying. Talk to you again soon, Twilight. You'll have to use a lot more dark magic than what you're currently using to stop me. And if you're already struggling now, I can only imagine how hard the rest of the trials will be." Just like that, his voice faded away. Twilight opened her eyes and shook her head to clear her thoughts. She now stood in front of a large spiral staircase that led down into a dark cave that had not been there a moment ago. “Spike, this looks dangerous. Stay here while I go down to see where this goes. If it’s safe for you to come down, I’ll call you. Remember, not a claw until I tell you, okay?” Spike gave a salute to show he understood. Unable to tell how deep the staircase was, Twilight picked up a loose piece of crystal and dropped it. She listened for a possible sound when it hit the ground, but, it took a long time for the crystal to hit the bottom. When it did, it was very faint. With that, she started down carefully. Since the staircase didn’t have any rails, she had to be really careful with how she tread. “Spike,” she called. “Can you hear me?” “Barely,” Spike replied. “What do you need?” "Is everything okay outside? I haven't looked in a while." Twilight instructed. Spike peered out the window with his emerald green eyes. He could see the barrier flickering on and off. When it did fade down, the surrounding area outside took on a dark red hue that made everything seem ominous and troubling. It was even possible to hear the sound of thunder crashing as King Sombra’s voice was speaking through the dark crystals that were sprouting up like weeds. Spike hurried to the staircase entrance. “It’s not looking good, mom,” he said. “Cadance’s magic is fading fast! I’d say we have an hour before it fails completely!” “Oh, dear,” Twilight said dismally. “If you don’t hear from me by then, you’ll have to get the Princesses involved. I just hope it doesn’t come to that.” She continued down the stairs, only to misjudge her step and tumbled down the whole flight. She managed to illuminate her horn, cascading the room in a soft magenta light. “Ow…” “Are you okay, mom?” Spike called from above. “Been better, but, nonetheless okay,” Twilight called. She then found a door. She then called up. “Stay where you are, Spike! I’ve got something to check out!” However, as Twilight got closer, the door moved itself further back. She tried this a few more times, but, the results were the same. Losing her patience, Twilight used the same dark magic spell she used before and fired a beam at the door, causing it to stop. “You stay right there!” The door then creaked open and a blinding flash could be seen. “I think I found a lead, Spike!” she called. “This must be where the Crystal Heart is!” She then ran through the door. Or at least, she thought she ran through the door. Once the flash faded, Twilight discovered that she was no longer in the dark cave beneath the castle throne. Instead, she found herself back in… of all places… the Canterlot Castle throne room. Twilight looked around in confusion. In fact, any resemblance of the door that brought her there was no longer in sight. “Huh?” she said quizzically. “Canterlot? How did I end up here? What’s going on?” She then bumped into Princess Celestia. “What are you doing here?” the sun princess asked in a very stern voice. “I thought I sent you on an important assignment.” “Princess Celestia,” Twilight gasped in surprise, thrown for a loop at her mentor’s vocal tone. “I don't know how, I swear! I was in the Crystal Empire when I opened this door and-” Celestia interrupted coldly. “I don’t have time for your excuses. You have disobeyed my instructions.” She turned her back. “You must go.” “Go?” Twilight asked, blinking dismally in confuison. “Go where?” “It makes no difference to me,” Celestia said. “You failed my test. I hoped you would do better than Sunset Shimmer as a student, but, you’re as much a failure as she was.*” Twilight gasped in shock and horror. “What?! But, I don’t understand! How could I have failed? I didn’t do anything wrong! I don’t even know how I ended up back here!” "I told you I didn't want to hear your excuses, Twilight,” Celestia snorted. “You disappointed me. So now, not only will you not move on to the next level of your studies and begin advanced lessons, you won't continue your studies at all! Your time as my student has come to an end." “I…” Twilight stammered. “Y-you can’t do this! You never said anything about me no longer being your student if I failed!” "Oh, didn't I? I thought you already knew since you made it a habit to know everything," Celestia replied as she trotted away, refusing to look her former student in the eyes. "Get out of my sight, Twilight!" And just like that, she disappeared. Twilight was still shaken up from what she had heard. She couldn’t understand why Celestia was acting like this towards her. At that moment, she saw a stained glass window depicting King Sombra overpowering and conquering the Crystal Empire. The image of this reduced Twilight to tears. “No… no, it can’t be… no! NO!” Suddenly, in the distance, Twilight became aware of a familiar voice calling out to her. It was faint at first, but, it slowly grew louder. “Mom? Mom! Moooom!” the voice called. Twilight realized that it was Spike. His voice broke her out of her apparent trance and she shook off the dark magic feeling once more. She found herself back in the cave in front of the door. “Spike?” Twilight said, turning to see him running down the stairway. Spike wasted no time embracing his unicorn mother. “Thank goodness you’re okay,” he said happily before he said in an apologetic tone. “I know you told me to stay up there, but, you weren’t answering my calls. I got worried and came down to check on you when I heard you crying. What are you looking at that’s troubling you?” He turned his attention to the open door that wasn’t really an entrance. “It’s just a wall. Why would-” But, as Spike peered into it, the crystal adornment on the doorframe flashed with dark magic, causing an illusion to unfold before Spike that only he could see as his eyes glowed a sickly green. “Ponyville? How did we get back- Mom, how did you- No! Please! I don’t want to go! You can’t send me away! I thought I meant something to you! Please, don’t make me go!” Realizing what was happening, Twilight quickly shut the door, cutting off the spell it was casting on Spike. “Looks like my hunch on traps was right,” she said. “This elusive door is powered by King Sombra's dark magic. He must've enchanted it to show one's worst fears. For me, it was failing the test. And for you... well, we just witnessed it for ourselves." “We were back in Ponyville,” Spike sniffled with tears running down his face. “You told me you didn’t need me anymore, so, you were going to send me away.” The little dragon started to sob. “After you brought me into the world and everything I did for you over the years, you were going to send me away!” Twilight’s heart ached in sympathy as she looked upon her devastated little dragon. The mere sight of him in pain alone was hard for her. Knowing that she was tied to it was heartbreaking for her. She hugged the little drake into her barrel. Her hugs weren’t as tight as Pinkie’s, but, they were still soft and comforting. “I promise I'll never let that fear come to pass,” she said gently. “I’m never going to send you away no matter what. You will always have a special place in my heart and next to me. If there comes a day where you’re too big for the library, I’ll still stay with you because I can’t imagine living anywhere without you.”** Hearing Twilight’s words made Spike feel much better, even without Twilight having to rub his left face cheek. “Thank you,” he said softly. “I needed to hear that. But, if that door is supposed to be here, how do we get inside if it’s a dead end?” The unicorn smiled. "By countering Sombra's dark magic with my own magic. A magic powered by light and love. A magic I'm reminded of just by having you near me." And that's exactly what sort of magic she used on the crystal above the door, breaking the spell and allowing the door to swing open. There was no blinding flash of light this time and both pony and dragon took that as a sign that it was safe to proceed. “More stairs,” Spike said as he saw what was inside. “I’m sensing a theme here.” “So am I,” Twilight nodded in agreement. “But, I think it’ll be better for both of us if we stick together from here on out. I left you alone when a threat to Equestria was on the loose before and I won’t do it again. Now, we'd better hurry and find the Crystal Heart before it's too late!" As Twilight and Spike searched for the Crystal Heart (with none of the empire any wiser to the hardships they were enduring), the Jousting tournament was finally underway. The excitement kept the Crystal Ponies engaged. The Crystal 5 were the only Crystal Ponies aware of the barrier flickering. “This is getting really bad,” Lemon Zest said. “Oh, I hope Twilight is okay,” Sour Sweet said in her sweet tone. Then, in her sour tone, she said. “She better find it soon!” Pinkie Pie, now decked out from head to hooves in a green jester's outfit, blew into a flugelhorn. "Attention, fillies and gentlecolts!" she declared afterward. "Thank you for your patience. We're ready to start the jousting tournament! In this corner: Knight Rainbow Dash!" A spotlight shown on one end of the arena, showing Rainbow Dash in her jousting outfit. "And in this corner: your prince, Shining Armor!" Another spotlight showed Shining in his jousting outfit, which also fortunately obscured the dark crystals surrounding his horn. The crowd cheered wildly as Pinkie announced. “Jousters, ready your lances! Get ready and… go!” Rainbow charged forward at lightning speed. She aimed her lance at Shining Armor’s mid-section with the intent of knocking him down. She knew he couldn't use his magic to adjust his lance’s position. Even if he could, it would be an unfair advantage. She learned this from practice matches with Indigo. This is going to be an easy knockout, she thought to herself with a confident smirk. However, Shining Armor just continued trotting at his leisurely pace until at the last second, he charged forward. Unprepared for this burst of speed, Rainbow was knocked over instead. “And the first point goes to Knight Shining Armor!” Pinkie announced. “First one to three points wins the match and then moves onto the next match! The not-victor takes over as the jester. Okay, jousters, back to your stations. Prepare for your next faceoff.” Flash, who was in the audience alongside Cadance and Joules, snickered as Shining approached Rainbow, helping her to her hooves. “You gave yourself away charging ahead like that,” he instructed the mare. “In the royal guard, we consider that behavior reckless. And you just saw where recklessness will get you.” “Yeah, sure,” Rainbow said, dusting herself off. “I won’t make that same mistake again. You won’t beat me again!” Wow, Shining said internally. Applejack wasn’t wrong about Rainbow’s attitude. “With that attitude, you don’t stand a chance,” he replied. "Twilight tells me you've been trying to get into the Wonderbolts. Well, if you want to have any shot with them you're going to have to learn to think with your head, not with your hooves." “Hey, enough chit-chat!” Pinkie called. She was ready to blow into the flugelhorn to start the next match. “I can’t keep this party going forever. We have to keep the entertainment going. So, you better get back out there and give these ponies a good time!” “Oh, don’t worry, Pinkie,” Rainbow said. “I’ll give them some entertainment and then some when I come back from an early defeat and win this whole tournament!” Indigo, who was among the other participants in the tournament next to Fluttershy, could hardly believe what she was hearing. “Is she seriously that stupid?!” she asked the demure pegasus. “Um,” Fluttershy said, trying to be polite. “She does have her moments.” Indigo could only groan in annoyance. “Please tell me she’s not the best example of schools these days.” “Sure, she isn’t perfect,” Fluttershy said. “But, she has proved to raise our spirits if we’re ever in trouble.” “From what I’ve seen so far,” Indigo said. “You’ll have to forgive me if I’m skeptical.” Meanwhile, Rarity trotted up to Applejack with bad news. “I am running out of weaving materials for the traditional crafts booth! I just made a hat out of three pieces of hay and a drinkable straw. I made it work, but, still. At this point, I don’t know how long we’re going to keep the fair going.” Sunny stepped up. “And I can’t keep making stuff out of crystals,” she said. “Even the petting zoo isn’t getting much attention,” Lemon Zest reported. “The barrier’s not holding up well. It looks like it could fail at any time.” Cadence came trotting over, forcing a smile as it was clear she was struggling to maintain her composure. "It may be time to consider a Plan B. The only thing we have left to keep the Crystal Ponies interested is the jousting tournament. But, if the barrier fails soon, even that won't be enough." Just then, some Crystal Pony called out. “Where’s the Crystal Heart?” Thinking quickly, Sugarcoat subtly concentrated her magic to make the replica appear. “I know this isn’t really an honest means,” Sugarcoat whispered to Applejack. “But, we still have to keep the Crystal Ponies secured until the real Crystal Heart is found. The alternative is having them panic. Do you honestly want that?” Applejack shook her head no. Just then, an overly excited Crystal Pony stallion tripped and hit the fake, knocking it over before the crowd of Crystal Ponies. “The heart,” said a Crystal Pony, losing his luster. “It’s a fake.” “Ooh, that clumsy Gallic!” Sour Sweet said bitterly. “Please, do not be alarmed,” Cadance said, attempting to calm the crowd. “The true Crystal Heart is-” Applejack quickly interrupted. "-A-already on its way!" And she gave a nervous chuckle. “Probably should have said, ‘being polished,’ to buy us more time,” Rarity whispered. Sugarcoat pulled Applejack aside to whisper to her. “We’re in trouble enough for lying. We don’t need more lies to make it worse.” “Didn’t ya tell me moments ago ‘bout this?!” Applejack asked in a low voice. “Besides, ah know ya don’t know me, but, if ah did lie, ah woulda gagged with an upset stomach.” Sugarcoat simply rolled her eyes. “Look, at this point, the best we can do is try to contain the fallout now that everypony knows we don't have the real Crystal Heart. With a little luck, Twilight and Spike will find it soon." “Right,” Applejack nodded. “Ah hope Astral’s doin’ better.” At the borders of the empire, Astral was smashing dark crystals with his swords. Though, his efforts were making little difference as the crystals were growing faster than he could smash them. “Just give up, dragon,” Sombra said wickedly. “You’re running yourself down to the ground. You cannot stop my efforts!” “I failed to stop you once,” Astral said between breaths. “I won’t let it happen again!” “And just like that, you played right into my hooves,” Sombra said. “With you preoccupied here, the empire doesn’t have its strongest guard.” Astral knew that Sombra was trying to get him to let his guard down. He knew he couldn't give up. “I know what you’re trying to do, Sombra,” he said. “That’s why I made my own force fields around us.” Sombra noticed some of his crystals were unable to grow past the barrier Astral created. “What is this?!” “I’ll keep defending the empire to my last breath!” Astral said. However, no sooner had he said that than his eyes went back to their normal icy blue and he passed out. His barrier faded. “Just as I thought,” Sombra said. “You used too much energy raising a barrier in your combat state. You played into my hooves again.” Back with Twilight and Spike, they were still venturing up the tall stairway, but, Twilight was running low on breath. “You know,” Spike said. “Something occurred to me. “What if this is just another one of Sombra's traps he set up with his dark magic? Think about it: A passage beneath the throne room only accessible by dark magic, a door that leads to your worst fears. Why not add stairs that lead to nowhere on top of it at all? It's so evil nopony would ever think of it." Once Twilight had a chance to catch her breath, she thought for a moment. She then brightened up. “There’s only one thing I can think of that would thwart his trap. Spike, grab onto me and whatever you do, don’t open your eyes and don’t let go!” Spike reluctantly obeyed. “W-what are you going to do, mom?” Twilight didn’t answer as she concentrated a magic aura around herself and Spike. They suddenly found themselves upside down and sliding upwards on the underside of the stairwell. Realizing what was going on, Spike clenched his eyes tight. “I had studied gravity spells,” Twilight said as she excitedly slid. “I had a feeling this would be helpful and it was!” At last they reached the bottom, or rather the top, as Twilight returned gravity to normal. “You can open your eyes now.” “I think I’m going to keep them closed for a little bit if it’s all the same,” Spike said nervously, still processing what happened as Twilight levitated him down to the floor. The two found themselves in a tall tower. There before them was the Crystal Heart in all its glory. Twilight was captivated by its shimmering glory. Without thinking, she walked forward and held it in her forehooves. Unfortunately, touching it triggered an alarm set by Sombra. “Fool!” his voice said. “Did you think I would leave the Crystal Heart unprotected?” Hearing Sombra’s voice caused Spike to pop his eyes wide open with surprise. Several huge crystals grew around Twilight, one launched the Crystal Heart out of Twilight’s forehooves towards Spike. Twilight was trapped. She looked around for the magical artifact. “Where’s the Crystal-” “It’s over here!” Spike called. “It rolled over to me!” Meanwhile, Twilight groaned and lamented aloud. "How could I have been so foolish?! I should've known it was a trap! It was so obvious! But, I was so eager to get it. And now..." She trailed off, watching as the protective barrier began to fail completely. “You have to get out of there, Mom!” Spike called. “There’s no point writing to the princesses and you’ll fail the test! I don’t know what Sombra’s going to do to you for trying to take back the Crystal Heart! Please, Mom. You’ve got to have a plan! You have to!”  But, Twilight shook her head. “There’s no plan, Spike,” she said before a thought occurred to her.  “Spike, keep the Crystal Heart safe and take it to Princess Cadance! There may not be enough time for me to escape, let alone deliver the Crystal Heart.” “Me?!” Spike said as he grabbed the Crystal Heart. “But, I’ll mess up for sure!” “Don’t doubt yourself now, Spike,” Twilight said. “I’ve seen your courage several times. You risked your life to literally grab Nightmare Moon by the horn so we’d have a chance to purify her. You’re the only one I can trust right now. Don’t worry about me. I’ll think of something.” Spike, hearing his pony mother’s genuine words, suddenly became determined. “Okay.” And with that, he went to a nearby window to find a way down. Be brave, Spike, Twilight said internally. For both of us. Outside, things had gone from bad to worse as the looming threat of Sombra was ever approaching. “Come back to me, my crystal slaves!” he said in a tone barely above a whisper. The Crystal 5 refused to let their fear get the better of them. “You’re no king of ours, Sombra!” Indigo said. “You may say that now,” Sombra teased as he picked up Astral’s still unconscious body with shadow tendrils. “But, give me the time and I’ll show you that I am the king that you deserve!” He then threw Astral at the Crystal 5. “Besides, the only way to stop me is with the Crystal Heart and you will never find it!” “Think again, Sombra!” a familiar voice called out. The Crystal 5, Flash, Cadance, Shining Armor, the rest of the empire, and the remaining guardians turned their attention upwards where the voice came from. “Spikey-Wikey?!” Rarity gasped in alarm. “What are you doing up there?! Where’s Twilight?! “There’s no time to explain,” Spike called. “I got the Crystal Heart!” At that moment, Spike realized he was at the top of one of the castle’s spires and froze in fear briefly before carefully trying to make his way down. However, he lost his grip and fell, screaming all the way. “Spike!” Shining Armor called out. Princess Cadance, who was weakly on Shining Armor’s back, spread her wings. “Honey,” she said. “Throw me. I’ll catch Spike and the Crystal Heart.” Shining nodded in understanding and did as she said. As Cadance glided upwards towards Spike and the Crystal Heart, the magic from the artifact was able to instantly restore her well-being and her magic. She grabbed onto Spike, allowing him to rest on her back while she flew down with the heart in her magical aura. The little dragon held on tight while clenching his eyes shut. The crowd of Crystal Ponies, the Crystal 5, Flash, and the Guardians gasped with amazement. Princess Cadance then landed on the ground, shattering the fake Crystal Heart while her Crystal Heart Cutie Mark glistened brilliantly. “NO!” Sombra said. “King Sombra is invading,” Princess Cadance said sternly. “We cannot let that happen. Use the light and love within you to ensure that he never gets the chance to!” The Crystal Ponies obeyed and kneeled before they began to glow like the Crystal Heart. The light magic then began to be absorbed into the Crystal Heart, which began to spin rapidly. It cascaded a brilliant light that caused all around it to glow like crystal. “No! Stop!” Sombra demanded. “Bow before me! Your king demands it!” “It’s like I said,” Indigo retorted. “You are no king of ours and you will never be!” The light from the Crystal Heart struck Sombra, who screamed in agony as his vaporous form seemed to burn. He then turned into his solid form, which melted into a dark blob that melted into nothing while trying in vain to escape.*** The light from the Crystal Empire also destroyed the remnants of Sombra’s magic, including the trap that was around Twilight. All the while, even non-Crystal Ponies and dragons began to glow brightly. Twilight looked down from the window to see a large crowd of Crystal Ponies praising Spike and Princess Cadance. Good job, Spike, Twilight thought. Mama’s so proud. The light from the Crystal Heart also brought Astral Flare out of his weakened state. “Welcome back, Astral,” Indigo said. “Sombra’s dead.” Astral breathed a heavy sigh of relief. During the celebration, the Guardians, Flash, Joules, the Royal Couple, Spike, Astral, and the Crystal 5 were gathered. “Let’s hope you’ll be ready for when Sombra comes back,” Twilight said. “Oh, that won’t happen,” Sugarcoat said. “He’s dead.” “Even so,” Sunny Flair said. “We can help out around here for other reasons. We haven’t seen all of our neighbors in such a long time, but, now we can use what we’ve learned to help out.” “I’m sorry,” Rainbow said. “Did you say that he’s dead?!” “Yes,” Sugarcoat said directly. “You act as if you’ve never killed before.” “WE HAVEN’T!” the guardians said in unison. “Oh,” Lemon said plainly. “Well, look on the bright side,” Flash said. “How can there possibly be a bright side to this?!” Pinkie said. “You were told to find a permanent solution to the Sombra problem,” Flash said. “And you did. No amount of magic can bring him back now.****” “That’s…” Pinkie started, before taking a moment to think about it. “That’s actually a really good point. Huh… maybe there is a bright sight to this.” “Believe me, I know how it feels,” Shining Armor said. “In my time as a royal guard, I’ve taken a few lives myself.” “All the same,” Rarity said. “This is going to take some time to process.” “Considering the type of pony Sombra was,” Sugarcoat said. “Literally none of the Crystal Ponies are going to complain about his death.” “Indeed,” Astral said. “And I’m certainly not going to, either.” “You’ve saved more lives than you’ll ever have to take,” Shining said. “That’s true,” Twilight smiled before giving her big brother a hug. “Thank you for understanding.” Astral turned his attention to Spike. “So, you were a were-pony, too?” “Yeah,” Spike said directly. “It felt painful changing between pony and dragon. Though it did give me a great bonding moment with Rarity, I couldn’t bare through that pain and I chose to be a dragon again. She, Mom, Shining Armor, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance worked their magic on me. I almost didn’t make it, but, thanks to Rarity, I did.” “I was the first were-pony,” Astral said. “Whoa,” Spike said. “As a side effect of the curing,” Astral said. “I’m able to use pony magic.” “That’s cool,” Spike said. “Even after enduring the pain of transforming you felt, of course.” “I wish to take you as a magic student,” Astral said. “As well as teach you how to harness your combat instincts.” “I appreciate the offer,” Spike said. “But, I didn’t develop any magic after my transformation. Besides, my home is in Ponyville and it’s a long trip between here and there.” “Very well,” Astral said. “But, if you ever find yourself using magic, do not hesitate to let me know.” Meanwhile, Rarity was chatting with Sunny Flare. “Those crystal creation spells are simply magnificent,” she said before whispering to her. “Could you teach me that?” “I can try,” Sunny said. “But, I can’t promise anything. You need at least partial Crystal Pony blood to be able to use that kind of magic at all.” “So, that’s a no,” Rarity said sadly. “It might be more possible than you think,” Sunny said. “You look a lot like a unicorn Crystal Pony named Sparkler.*****” Rarity recognized the name. “Sparkler? My parents told me she was one of our ancestors. Though, how would she have been one of my ancestors if the Crystal Empire had been gone for over one thousand years?” “That doesn’t sound as far-fetched as you think,” Sunny said. “Sparkler moved to another kingdom a year before Sombra took over.” “So,” Rarity said. “There is a chance I can learn what you know.” “Yes,” Sunny said. “Though, with so many generations of non-Crystal Pony ancestors, you’ll have to work harder.” “I understand,” Rarity said. “So, knowing this, once I do learn more, I’ll have to use this magic for practical purposes.” Meanwhile, Twilight had a thought on her mind. I am so proud of Spike’s efforts, Twilight thought to herself. But, if Princess Celestia finds out that I wasn’t responsible for helping the Crystal Empire… Shining took notice of Twilight’s deep thought. “I know that look,” he said. “Something on your mind, Twily?” “Yes,” Twilight said. “I disobeyed Princess Celestia.” “You,” Shining Armor said in confusion. “Disobey Princess Celestia? How?” “She told me not to engage with Sombra,” Twilight said. “And I ended up drawing myself and my friends into battle with him. Sure, it wasn’t direct, but, that’s besides the point. Not only that, but, I didn’t end up being the only one to help you and Cadance save the Empire.” “Twilight,” Shining Armor said in a stern yet kind voice. “What mattered was that the Crystal Empire and its ponies were safe from Sombra’s wrath. Once you and your friends explain the story, I know she’ll understand why these things were done.” He then gave a somewhat disgruntled follow-up. “Besides, if she wanted all her subjects blindly following her orders to the letter no matter what, she wouldn’t be trying to phase out the clone guards, now, would she?” Twilight took a moment to consider this. “You know, that is a really good point.” “Besides,” Shining said. “Spike was bringing the Crystal Heart to Cadance because you told him to, right?” “Well…” Twilight began. “Yes.” “So, you did have a hoof in it,” Shining said. “Even if it wasn’t direct.” “That’s true,” Twilight said. “Still, I am proud of Spike’s efforts. With that, he was given such well-deserved admiration from the Crystal Ponies.” “We both know how hard it was for Spike growing up back home,” Shining said. “Right,” Twilight said. “I’d say that earning the admiration of an entire pony society makes up for that,” Shining said. “You’re right,” Twilight said, beginning to feel better. “I just wish there was a way to make him an actual Element of Harmony.” “It’s a nice thought,” Shining said. “But, look what he’s accomplished without one.” “Hey, that’s true,” Twilight said. “He won the admiration of an entire pony society,” Shining said. “And he didn’t need an Element of Harmony to do it. Thoughtful as giving him an actual element is, at this point, it’d be too much too soon.” “I see,” Twilight nodded. “By the way, will there be a royal guard here?” “Well,” he replied. “One advantage to Cadance now being in charge of the Crystal Empire is that I can hoof-pick my own guard candidates here and make sure they are PROPERLY trained. Oh, I'm not going to delude myself into thinking they're going to be a match for the god-tier baddies you and your friends come across - it will be years before even the best trained guards can realistically think they're ready for that sort of stuff. But, they will at least be competent enough to be able to handle NORMAL criminals as well as make their judgements based on individual character instead of on species.”****** “Will Astral be on the guard?” Twilight asked. “After his efforts to keep the empire safe, yes,” Shining Armor smiled. “Besides, he knows the Crystal Guard better than I do.” “That’s understandable,” Twilight nodded. “Will I be accepted, captain?” Flash asked. “Of course,” Shining Armor smiled. Then, he remembered the amount of incompetent guards in Canterlot. “On second thought… maybe wait until we hire more competent guards back in Canterlot first.” “But, you have a responsibility to the Crystal Empire now,” Flash said. “You can’t be in both places at once.” “Well,” he said. “I definitely see a lot of potential in getting to train the Crystal Ponies and learn from the mistakes made with MOST of the Equestrian Guard. However, while I appreciate your help here, Flash, I'm afraid Equestria can't afford to lose BOTH of us long term, given that you are among the few competent guards besides me. Therefore, as my last official act as Captain of the Equestrian Royal Guard before joining Cadance in ruling the Crystal Empire, I hereby promote you to Lieutenant and wish you luck in training the new crop of Guards."******* “Thank you, sir,” Flash said in surprised gratitude. Soon, the guardians, Spike, Joules, and Flash were making their way to the train to Canterlot. They'd reverted to normal by then. “It’s too bad the Crystal look is temporary to non-Crystal Empire natives,” Rarity said sadly. “Did you see the way my mane shimmered?” “But,” Applejack said. “Good things’re better when they’re a rarity.” Rarity, hearing this, giggled happily at Applejack’s kind words. During the train ride, Twilight was rather quiet. Spike was the first to notice. “Mom,” he said. “Are you okay?” “I just hope that Princess Celestia doesn’t discontinue my studies or label me as a failure like Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight said. “What?” he said. “I can understand why, given what happened before, but, that doesn’t sound like anything Princess Celestia would do these days. Besides, when would she have called Sunset a failure directly?” “Well, remember that door that showed whoever opened it their worst fears?” Twilight said. “Say no more,” Spike said with an uncomfortable shiver. “But, just like you reassured me that my worst fear wouldn’t come to pass, once Princess Celestia hears what we endured, there’s a chance that she’ll reassure you that your worst fear won't come to pass.” “What’s this ‘bout Sunset Shimmer?” Applejack asked. “Sorry,” Twilight said. “I was telling Spike about my worries. When he and I were looking for the Crystal Heart, I came across a door that leads to your worst nightmare. When I opened it, I saw that I was back in Canterlot and Princess Celestia told me that I not only failed the test and am no longer continuing my studies with her, but, she told me I was also a failure like Sunset Shimmer.” “That doesn’t sound right,” Fluttershy said. “Sure, she used to solve problems by sealing, banishing, or both, but, she’s not that pony anymore.” “And any time she brought up Sunset Shimmer around us,” Rarity said. “She gave the impression that she thought very highly of her.” “Yeah,” Pinkie said. “So, I don’t think Celestia would have even thought about calling Sunset a failure. And you either, for that matter, because you’re not one.” “We may not know Sunset Shimmer personally or what happened to her,” Rainbow said. “And we probably never will********, but, if Princess Celestia thinks so highly of her, that’s good enough for me. She doesn’t just throw praise around.” Twilight, hearing her friends comforting words, began to feel better. “Thank you, Spike. Thank you, everypony.” The group returned to Canterlot the next morning and Twilight was soon left alone for an audience of one with Princess Celestia. Surprisingly, the sun princess seemed to take the news of the mission's unexpected developments quite well, especially since a new stained glass window commemorated the final outcome: Spike delivering the Crystal Heart to Princess Cadence and King Sombra being destroyed. "It's beautiful. This will make a fine addition to the other displays here in the throne room," Princess Celestia spoke up. “It is, indeed,” Twilight said. “And I’m very proud of Spike’s efforts and the admiration he got from the Crystal Ponies. Still, I wish it was ultimately me who saved the day as you wished. I’m sorry you had to find out this way and that I didn’t contact you or Princess Luna.” “While Luna and I would have appreciated some contact to let us know what was going on,” Celestia said. “If I understand correctly, you sent Spike to deliver the Crystal Heart to Cadance because you were uncertain how quickly you could escape the tower or Sombra’s trap. You were unwilling to risk the future of the Crystal Empire in an effort to guarantee your own. You were even willing to disobey my orders, even if you misinterpreted them, if it meant the empire would be saved.” “Misinterpreted?” Twilight asked. “Your friends weren’t there solely to boost your morale,” Celestia said. “Finding a permanent solution to the Sombra problem was something even a sired alicorn couldn’t do alone. Did you honestly think I expected you to accomplish it by yourself when you didn’t even know the Crystal Empire existed until two days ago?” Twilight took this information in for a moment. Spike was right before, she thought to herself. And it seems he’s right again. “The real test was if I’d follow your orders to the letter no matter what?” she asked aloud. “In a way,” Princess Celestia said. “The real test was making sure that a problem is solved with what you have, who you have with you, and with what you learn about. You not only succeeded in that regard, but, showed that you understand the importance of self-sacrifice instead of only looking out for your own self-interest.” “So, I’m not a failure like Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight asked. Celestia was taken aback by this. “Sunset Shimmer wasn’t a failure,” Celestia said. “If anything, I feel I failed her. Was this idea from the worst fear doorway you told me of?” “Yes,” Twilight said. “I know it sounds ridiculous when you were singing her praises any time you brought her up around us, but, I don’t know what happened to her.” “Alas, I don’t, either,” Celestia said. “But, I can’t help but feel partially responsible for it.” Twilight walked up to Princess Celestia and gave her a comforting nuzzle. The sun princess was touched by her student’s empathy. “I cannot worry about her now,” Celestia said after a moment. “Now, I have your future studies with advanced magic to look forward to. For the time being, after you and your friends’ endeavors, you must rest.” “Out of curiosity,” Twilight said. “Will there be studies on dark magic?” “Yes,” Celestia said. “After this experience,” Twilight said. “I’m not really in a rush to explore its more intricate facets.” “I understand,” Celestia nodded sympathetically. “All the same, your future’s looking bright.” Twilight was doing her best to keep her composure, but, inside, she was jubilant. At that moment, Luna came trotting in with the still lifeless Canis on her back. “Indeed it is,” she said. “And I'm pleased to hear that my favorite dragon finally got a chance to be the big hero he always dreamed of being. You should be proud of yourself for raising such an excellent son, Twilight. He's definitely in good hooves with you." “Thank you,” Twilight said respectfully to both princesses. “I’m definitely impressed with how much he’s grown during this adventure.” She wiped a lone tear from her eye. “We all are,” Luna smiled. “I’m certain you’re aware of the promise you made me.” “Yes, I am,” Twilight said. “Well,” Luna said. “The other guardians informed me that he fell off one of the spires of the Crystal Castle.” “He WHAT?!” Twilight said in shock. “Though,” Luna said. “Cadance ensured that he was swooped up before he ever had a chance to hit the ground. Because of this and the fact that you were trapped at the time, I will overlook it this one time.” She then made a very stern expression. “But, don’t make this a habit.” “That is a promise I will definitely keep, your highness,” Twilight said. Twilight then returned to Spike and the other guardians. “Did it go well?” Pinkie asked. “Better than well,” Twilight said. “I passed! And I have all of you to thank for it!” She then made a stern face. “But, why didn’t you tell me Spike fell off one of the castle’s spires?” “Would you believe we felt you had enough to worry about without knowing that?” Rarity asked nervously. Twilight’s stern expression gradually softened. “Very well,” she said. “But, the next time Spike’s in danger and the rest of you know about it while I don’t, I expect you to actually try and do something about it. Understand?” The guardians made approving replies. “Especially you, Rainbow,” Twilight said. “You’d think that as the best flier on the team and the one most likely to risk your life to save others, you would’ve thought to try saving him first.” “I did think to save him,” Rainbow said. “But, I realized that it’d be difficult to rescue him and hold the Crystal Heart, which he let go of while he was falling, at the same time. I don’t have magic to carry the Crystal Heart with.” “Even if Rainbow was able to catch it,” Pinkie said. “Shining Armor already threw Cadance to catch Spike.” “Come on, girls, don’t argue,” Spike said. “My mom passed her test thanks to you. Let’s leave it at that.” “Yer right, Spike,” Applejack said. “Ya always know how ta keep the peace ‘tween us. N’ on top o’ that, yer a real hero, too.” On the way back to the train, Rainbow found her voice. “Am I the only one who’s noticed that we’re starting to suck as Guardians?” “Hey,” Spike said. “You girls did what you could, though. That doesn’t mean you girls suck.” “Our track record tells another story,” Rainbow said. “Ever since we became Guardians of Harmony, there've been four threats to Equestria and we’ve only managed to beat the first two. Shining Armor and Cadance beat Chrysalis and with Sombra, we had to rely on Spike to save the day.” “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Spike said indignantly. “Is it because I’m younger than all of you and I don’t actually have an Element of Harmony that my efforts shouldn’t be recognized? Is that it?!” Rainbow realized her mistake.  “No,” Rainbow said with a sigh. “That’s not what I’m saying. I’m sorry. I guess I was just jealous. But, that shouldn’t stop me from celebrating your achievements.” Spike pulled Rainbow to face him. “So,” he said. “Is your position as a Guardian of Harmony more important than doing the right thing?” “No, it’s not,” Rainbow said. “And it’s not as important as my friendship with you, either.” “At the Crystal Empire,” Applejack said. “Y’all were a greater Guardian o’ Harmony’n all o’ us. Ya may not have a real Element o’ Harmony, but, after winnin’ the admiration o’ the whole Crystal Empire, ya coulda fooled me.” “Indeed,” Rarity said sweetly to the drake. “And we are ever so proud of you.” Then, sternly, she turned to Rainbow and added. “Aren’t we, Rainbow?” “Yes,” Rainbow said. “We’re really proud of you. And from here on out, I’m going to celebrate any non-Guardians’ efforts to save the day.” “Thank you,” Spike said, letting go of Rainbow. “I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut,” Rainbow said. So, the friends took the train back to Ponyville. Celestia and Luna watched from the Castle tower. As they watched the friends depart, Celestia materialized a peculiar looking book with a cover consisting of stars in a swirling pattern. She gave a knowing nod to her lunar sister, knowing that this would spell big things for Twilight in the future. But, what was this book? Only Celestia knew for the time being. End of chapter. > Chapter 3: Too Many Pinkie Pies (S3:E3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 3 Written by Brandon Nell and Blake Hawkins Chapter 3: Too Many Pinkie Pies Four days after Spike and the Guardians of Harmony returned to Ponyville from Canterlot after the Crystal Empire mission, Twilight was given the first of the more advanced spell lessons from Celestia. Spike had placed a red delicious apple on a nearby cafe table and he made his way next to Twilight. She looked over the scroll she was given, then looked at the apple on the table. She took a deep breath. “Okay,” she said softly. “My transfiguration lesson begins.” She then illuminated her horn, but, just as the magenta magic aura enveloped the apple, she felt a sudden jolt of pressure from an uninvited guest. “Hi, Twilight, what are you doing?!” squeaked the voice happily. This caused Twilight to aim the spell at a different target. “I was practicing a new transfiguration spell by turning an apple into an orange,” Twilight explained. “But, I was interrupted when you suddenly hugged me. What are you doing?” “I just wanted to give a friend a hug,” Pinkie said. “Because hugs are so fun.” “I do appreciate the gesture,” Twilight said. “But, you should be more careful with who you give your hugs to and the speed at which you do them. With my magic growing more powerful, it could have been dangerous.” “Besides,” Spike said. “There’s a time and place for that kind of stuff. This was neither the time nor the place.” “Sorry, Twilight,” Pinkie apologized. “Sorry, Spike. Maybe I’ll find somepony else to have fun with and I’ll be more careful with who I hug. Keep up the good work on your magic lessons. Before I go, what’d that spell hit, anyway?” Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie looked in the direction of where the magic surge was fired. At a nearby tree, an orange with the wings of a blue jay could be seen. “That answers that question,” Twilight said. “Luckily, Princess Celestia included a counter spell in the scroll for such a problem.” “I’ll let you get to it,” Pinkie said before skipping away. “See you later, Pinkie,” Spike called. He then turned his attention back to Twilight. “Ready to try again, Mom?” “Indeed, Spike,” she answered. As Pinkie skipped along, thinking about who to have fun with, she inadvertently bumped into Rarity. “Oops!” Pinkie squeaked. “So sorry, Rarity! I wasn’t looking where I was going.” “It’s alright, Pinkie,” Rarity said. “No harm done.” “That’s good,” Pinkie smiled. “Are you in the mood to do something fun together?” “I’m afraid that we’ll have different definitions of fun here,” Rarity said. “I’ll be designing an ensemble by myself and, nothing against you, but, your fashion sense is nil.*” “That’s okay,” Pinkie said. “I’ll see if I can find somepony else to spend some fun time with. Can't wait to see what you make, though.” She then proceeded on her merry way. She then met up with Rainbow, who was grunting hard at a stubborn patch of cloud that was out of place on the ground. “What’s going on, Rainbow?” “Taking care of this cloud,” Rainbow said. “It got too heavy and if I don’t lighten it up, this area can end up foggy. As you know, pegasi can’t touch fog.” “Hey, maybe I can help with that,” Pinkie said. “Then, after that, we can have some fun together.” “Not for nothing, Pinkie,” Rainbow said. “But, if a pegasus can’t touch fog, what makes you think an earth pony can?” “Who said anything about touching it?” Pinkie said before running rapidly in circles around the cloud. This caused some of the extra mass in the foggy cloud to disperse and it drifted upwards through Rainbow. The pegasus could hardly believe what had just happened. “Hey, how did you-” Rainbow stammered before shaking her head rapidly. “You know, I don’t think I should ask. The answer would probably confuse me more.” “I’m honestly surprised you didn’t think of it yourself,” Pinkie said. “I mean, don’t pegasi fly around in circles really fast every year to get water to Cloudsdale?” “Pinkie,” Rainbow said sternly. “Do you want to have fun with me or just critique how I do my responsibilities?” “Sorry,” Pinkie said. “What do you have in mind?” “Good question,” Rainbow said. “Tell you what. I’ll think about it and then I’ll get back to you, okay?” “Sounds good to me,” Pinkie said. She then hopped along to Sweet Apple Acres to see what Applejack was doing. The farm mare was hauling a cartload of hay and straw. “Howdy, Pinkie,” Applejack said. “How’s it hangin’?” “It’s hanging fine, AJ,” she said. “Getting ready to feed the livestock?” “Ta quote mah brother,” Applejack said. “Eeyup.” “Neato,” Pinkie smiled. “Want to do something fun after that?” “Ah’d like ta, Pinkie,” Applejack said. “But, ah got plenty o’ chores ta do. Openin’ n’ closin’ the gate ta the pig pen, squawkin’ like a chicken, danglin’ food over the pig pen, the list goes on.**” “That is a lot to do,” Pinkie said. “Hopefully you’ll be able to have some fun after all of that. In the meantime, I’m going to see what Fluttershy’s up to. Keep up the good work with all of that.” She dashed off. With the timid pegasus, she and some of her animal friends are having a picnic. She wasn’t expecting Pinkie to come, much less so fast. The pink mare, getting tired from running from one mare to another, took deep inhales. “Hey, Fluttershy,” Pinkie gasped. “Are you… busy… or having fun…?” “Uh… not at the moment,” Fluttershy said. “Oh, thank goodness,” Pinkie swooned. “Because looking for somepony to have fun with is exhausting…” The pink mare collapsed backwards from exhaustion. The pink party pony eventually came to and found herself resting on a sofa while butterflies gently fluttered all around her. One even landed on her nose, tickling it slightly. “Hello, little fella,” Pinkie giggled. “All of you little fellas.” “Feeling better, Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked. “Loads better,” Pinkie smiled. “Thanks, Fluttershy. Your butterfly therapy sessions really do a world of good.” “Unfortunately, there’s some ponies who get scared looking at the butterfly faces sometimes,” Fluttershy lamented.*** “I guess it’s all in the eye of the pony looking at the butterfly,” Pinkie said. “These butterflies look pretty cute to me. Of course, I mostly look at the wings.” “They are nice indeed,” Fluttershy remarked. At that moment, Rainbow walked up to Pinkie. She had finished the rest of her cloudwork for the day. “Hey, Pinkie,” she smiled. “I’ve been looking for you. I thought of something we could do to hang out.” “What is it?!” Pinkie asked eagerly. “I thought we could hit the swimming hole with that old wooden swing hanging on the tree tomorrow,” Rainbow said. “We could swim and catch a few rays there.” “Ah also thought o’ somethin’ we could do,” Applejack said. “You do?” Pinkie asked eagerly. “What is it?” “Well,” Applejack said. “‘Member that new barn we put up after… the Smarty Pants incident?” “Oh, yeah,” Pinkie said. “So, what about it?” “Me n’ mah family’ll be renovatin’ it from top ta bottom,” Applejack said. “It may not fit yer definition o’ fun, but, it’s somethin’ we can do tagether.” “That does sound like fun, though,” Pinkie smiled. “And I’m glad you thought of me, AJ. I used to live on a rock farm.” “Quick question, though,” Fluttershy said, considering. “Which one do you want to spend time with?” “I can do both, can’t I?” Pinkie said. “It’s not like Applejack’s barn renovations are happening the same day as my time with Rainbow or anything.” “Actually,” Applejack said. “It’s tamorrah.” “Hey,” Rainbow said in a good-natured way. “It’s no biggie. Whichever you choose is okay with me, Pinkie. I mean, can you imagine a world where Twilight alone got two tickets to the gala and all of us tried making her choose which of us got the extra ticket while she’s trying to get something to eat? That’d make us like the worst friends ever.****” “Where would ya get a silly idea like that?” Applejack asked. “We all helped beat Nightmare Moon. It’d be mighty odd if only Twilight got two tickets, seein’ as she couldn’ta done it without us.” But, Pinkie wasn’t fully listening. She was too distraught with the idea of having to choose between two of her closest friends. “This is a problem…” she said. “Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked. “Are you alright? Do you need more time with the butterflies?” “I need to think this over!” Pinkie said suddenly and she took off in a blur of pink. The next day, Twilight was practicing the spell again. “Alright,” Twilight said, taking a deep breath. “Let’s try this again.” Suddenly, there was a pink blur. Twilight, seeing this, canceled out her magic before she could launch another accidental magic surge. “Pinkie?” Spike asked. “What are you up to this time?” “Don't mind me,” Pinkie said. “I'm just timing myself to see how fast I can go back and forth between the swimming hole and Sweet Apple Acres.” “Why?” Twilight asked. “Is it for a personal project or something?” "I'm trying to see if I can get the time down so that I can be at the swimming hole when Rainbow jumps off the swing, make it to Sweet Apple Acres to see the renovations start, and then make it back to the swimming hole in time for Rainbow to land,” Pinkie explained. “That way, I won't be missing too much of anything either way." “Pinkie,” Spike said. “We know that you run pretty fast, but, you don’t exactly have Rainbow’s speed. It’s cool that you want to spend time with both of your friends, but, it would be safer for your physical and mental health to choose one pony to hang out with. I’m sure whoever you choose, the other pony will understand.” “But, what if they do extra favors for me to make me choose them?!” Pinkie asked. “Why would they do that?” Spike asked. “These are your friends we’re talking about, not a bunch of moochers.” “Pinkie,” Twilight said. “Your friends will always give you an opportunity to have fun. To even think about being with both of them without having to choose, you would have to be in two places at once. I’m not using the time travel spell again.” That caught Pinkie’s attention. “That’s it!” Pinkie said happily. “Thanks, Twilight! Thanks, Spike! You two are geniuses!” She dashed off. “Where do you think she’s off to?” Spike asked. “Knowing Pinkie,” Twilight answered. “I can only imagine.” Pinkie was making her way through the Everfree Forest. “Seems like hardly anypony has been here in ages,” Pinkie said to herself. “I hardly think Zecora’s been around here. I hope I’m remembering Granny Pie’s rhymes correctly. ‘Where the brambles are thickest, there you will find a pond beyond the most twisted of vines.’ So, it looks like I’m in the right place.” Pinkie looked around noticing the thick vines and brambles. Suddenly, as she reached a clearing, she tumbled down a deep hole. “Oof!” She got up, dusting herself off. She then looked around and saw the very thing she was searching for. “The Mirror Pool!” Her voice echoed off of the walls of the hole. “Boy, I really need to stop talking to myself… but, if this works right, then I’ll probably still be talking to myself.” The party pony stepped up to the edge of the pool and gazed into its reflective surface. “And into her own reflection she shared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared of the prospect of being doubly-mared!” And with that, she slowly stepped into the pool until her entire body was submerged. She stepped out of the pool, followed by an exact duplicate of herself. “It worked!” she cheered. “Hey, this place looks fun,” the Pinkie duplicate said happily. “Is there more fun?” “I know where there’s lots of fun, me,” Pinkie said, trying to get her duplicate’s attention. “I’ll go hang out with Rainbow while you go to Sweet Apple Acres and help with the renovations.” “I don’t know where that is,” the duplicate said without dropping her happy expression. “That’s easy,” Pinkie said, pointing in the direction of the barn. “It’s that-a-way. You’ll know when you find it when you see a lot of apple trees and/or an earth pony mare with an orange coat, a blonde mane and tail, and a brown cowpony hat.” “What do apple trees look like?” the duplicate asked, still smiling. “Oh, hang on,” Pinkie said, drawing on the ground with her hoof. “Something like this, only this part is green, this part is brown, and these parts are red. Okie dokie?” The duplicate nodded, making the sound of a rattle. “Great! Now go out there and have fun! Make sure to tell me all about it when they’re done.” The clone Pinkie walked along, looking for Sweet Apple Acres, not recognizing the apple trees right in front of her. She saw Ash pulling a cart. “Excuse me,” she said. “Oh, hey, Pinkie,” Ash said. “What do you need?” “Where can I find apple trees?” the clone asked without losing her smile. Ash was confused. “Uh, you’re looking at quite a few right now,” he said. “You see them pretty much everyday.” “Yippee!” the clone cheered. “I made it to Sweet Apple Acres!” She then looked over Ash. “Though, you don’t look anything like that mare that I told me about.” Ash grew more confused. “Pinkie, I’m Ash, a calf bull. You should know that by now.” “I should?” the Pinkie clone asked, blinking obliviously. Ash could tell that “Pinkie” was being pretty dense. “Look, how about I lead you to Applejack?” “Gee, thanks,” the Pinkie clone said. “You’re the bestest calf bull ever!” They hadn’t gotten far when Fluttershy spotted the clone. “Oh, hello, Pinkie,” Fluttershy said politely. “You’re looking much better.” The Pinkie clone finally dropped her smile as she struggled to recognize Fluttershy. “Hi… uh…” “Fluttershy,” Ash whispered to the clone. “I knew that,” the clone said. “So, what are you doing?” “Well, I decided to have a tea party,” Fluttershy said. “You can join if you want.” “A tea party?” The clone said enthusiastically. “That sounds like fun! Oh, but, what about Applejohn? Ash was supposed to be leading me to her.” “Applejack,” Ash corrected. “And her, too,” the clone said, growing distressed. “Oh, what to choose, what to choose? Can’t decide… can’t breathe… walls closing in!” Fluttershy and Ash were perplexed. “We’re outside…” Fluttershy said gently. “Pinkie” shrieked and dashed off towards the real Pinkie, leaving the two to stare at each other in bewilderment. “I know the bar’s set pretty high,” Ash said. “But, was Pinkie acting weirder than usual?” “Um,” Fluttershy replied. “A little. She didn’t seem to remember names too well.” Meanwhile, the real Pinkie made her way to the swimming hole and found Rainbow in a foldable chair, reading a Daring Do book. The chillaxing pegasus looked up from her page section to see her friend. “Hey, Pinkie,” Rainbow smiled. “Glad you could make it.” “Reading and swimming?” Pinkie said. “That could lead to you drowning because the book fell in your mouth.” “I’m not going to swallow my book,” Rainbow said. “How would I even fit the whole thing in my mouth? And on top of that, I’m not even going to hit the water. Cloudwork was tougher than usual today, so today’s all about chilling out at a calm locale.” “So, I came here for nothing?” Pinkie said, slightly disappointed. “No way,” Rainbow said. “I like having you around. You can still swim if you want. You don’t even have to worry about being quiet since that’s a tall order for you anyway. You’d be amazed how much I tune out when reading.”  “Oh, good,” Pinkie smiled. “This is great news. And you chose a great locale to hang out in.” Pinkie then made her way onto the swing and swung towards the lake. “Whee~!” She splashed in. She came back up. “The water’s perfect.” “Good to hear,” Rainbow said while reading. “You know, I wasn’t sure if you’d help Applejack with her renovations since it doesn’t really fit your definition of fun.” “It did a little bit,” Pinkie said. “But, that’s not to say that she isn’t getting the help with her renovations. Besides, I am there.” She chuckled coyly to herself at this remark. Rainbow rolled her eyes in amusement before saying, “Sure. Next, you’ll be saying that Twilight’ll turn Fluttershy into a thestral after pressuring her to use the Stare so she can use a spell to starve a bunch of living creatures.*****” “No, really,” Pinkie said. “You see, there’s this legend that my Granny Pie told me of a magical pond that makes duplicates of whoever looks into it. It actually works! So I sent that duplicate to help Applejack while I came to hang out with you here.” Rainbow was less amused. “Look, Pinkie, I know that I’m not the sharpest knife, but, I wasn’t born yesterday. You don’t have to make stuff up.” “But, I’m not~” Pinkie said earnestly. “Why would you think I am?” “Well, there’s the fact that your version of how Equestria was made has Songbird Serenade and ogres in it,” Rainbow said flatly. “But, I’m really serious about this,” Pinkie said. She then heard a rustling in a nearby bush. Pinkie turned her attention to see her duplicate looking nervously. “Oh, but, could you give me a second? Looks like I need to have a discussion with myself. Please excuse me.” She swam out to meet her duplicate. Rainbow briefly saw the duplicate. “And me,” the duplicate said, leading the original Pinkie to an out of the way spot to chat. “Did I hit my head or something?” Rainbow asked herself. With Pinkie and the duplicate, the original Pinkie was curious. “So, how were the renovations?” “I didn’t get to them,” the clone said. “What?” Pinkie asked. “What happened?” “A pony with wings said she was throwing a tea party before I even got to Applejo,” the clone explained. “Applejack,” Pinkie corrected. “And it sounds like Fluttershy is the one having the tea party. I can see why now, though.” “I couldn’t choose between them!” the clone said. “Don’t worry,” Pinkie said, comforting the clone. “I know just the answer we need. I should’ve seen this coming. I have so many friends that something like this was bound to come up eventually. Two Pinkies won’t be enough.” So, the two Pinkies returned to the Mirror Pool. The original had taught the clone the rhyming incantation she was to say. “And solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly-mared!” The two Pinkies said in unison. The reflections of the pool materialized into two new Pinkies. “Ooh!” the first clone said. “Double usses!” “Only now,” Pinkie said. “It’s quadruple usses. Now, neither of us has to worry about missing any fun.” The two new clones heard the last word and twitched in excitement. “Did you say, ‘fun?!’” the second clone asked eagerly. “I love fun!” the third clone bounced. “Where’s the fun?” “Oh, you just need to—” the original started before the two new clones and the first original clone turned to the pool. “Solemnly sweared, not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly-mared,” they all said in unison. All three of them pulled out their duplicates. For those keeping track, that’s seven Pinkies in total counting the original. “Okay, that’s enough,” the original Pinkie said before the clones from the second onwards kept making more. Even the first clone grew a bit nervous. “Not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly-mared,” the five said. Five more clones emerged from the pool, making twelve Pinkies in total. The original Pinkie grew frantic. “Stop!” she said, but, aside from the first one, the clones refused to obey. “Oh, dear,” the first clone said nervously. “If this keeps up, all of Ponyville will be flooded with Pinkies!” The newer clones kept chanting “Fun!” repeatedly. The original Pinkie then rolled her eyes and pulled a metal whistle from her mane. She blew into it and the sound echoed off the walls of the hole. This immediately caught the clones’ attention. “Fun!” one said. “Okay, Pinkies,” Original Pinkie said. “If we all want to go out to Ponyville and have some fun, we’re going to have to be good Pinkies to our friends.” Against her better judgment, she led the clones to town. The Pinkie clones followed eagerly. Although, the first clone seemed hesitant. Once they were out of the forest, the original stopped. “Stop!” she said. The clones stopped to listen to their leader. “Between the bunch of us, we should have every nook and cranny of Ponyville covered,” she said. “However, I noticed that most of you don’t have the knowledge I have, so, I’m going to give you a pop quiz. Anypony who answers wrong goes back to the Mirror Pool. Got it?” “Okie-dokie-loki,” the Pinkie clones, minus the first clone, chimed in. I have a bad feeling about this, the first Pinkie clone thought to herself. The original Pinkie made sure to educate the clones on Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike as well as the general layout of Ponyville. “Excellent work, Pinkies,” the original Pinkie smiled. “You’re all certified Pinkie Pies. Now, all of you go. Fan out to your assigned positions and observe everything fun that occurs, then report it back to me as soon as possible. Ready, set, go!" The Pinkies set off to their assigned positions in a rush without hesitation. The first clone dawdled slowly. It was at that point that the original Pinkie came to a horrific realization. “Oh, no,” she said as an aside. Suddenly, one of Celestia’s cloned pegasus guards landed beside her with a chariot containing Vanguard and one of the cloned unicorn guards. The knicks and scratches on the pegasus’ armor vaguely made out 161 while the ones on the unicorn vaguely made out 42. “The resurgence happened here,” the unicorn guard said to the others. “R-resurgence?” Pinkie asked nervously. “The Mirror Pool’s been used even though it’s supposed to be sealed off,” Vanguard explained. “I didn’t have any trouble accessing it,” Pinkie said. “I fell through like one of those branch-covered hole traps.” “Well,” the unicorn said. “That’s what we get for having the less competent clones seal it off.” “No argument, Javelin,” Vanguard said before turning to Pinkie. “How many clones did you make?” “Uh…” Pinkie began nervously. “It started as one, then three, then six, then ten, then twenty, so… twenty?” “Were any of them clones of a clone?” Javelin asked. “A lot of them were,” Pinkie admitted. “This is a bad situation,” Vanguard said. “Clones tend to be intellectually inferior to their genetic templates. This is also the case with clones of clones.” Little did they realize that the original clone was also listening in. “With each successive generation,” Javelin said. “The personalities of clones boil down to one character trait and nothing else.” “So,” Pinkie said. “If they just follow my love of fun, that’s all they’ll know?” “Worse,” the pegasus said. “The idea of fun you have becomes so diluted, they look for it in literally everything, causing damage without any regard for others.” Pinkie gasped at this. “Oh, no… what have I done?!” The clones rapidly descended on Ponyville, hellbent on seeking out “fun” no matter what. The first of the victims was an unsuspecting Rainbow. As she got to the end of her book, one of the Pinkies tickled Rainbow’s muzzle with her tail. Rainbow sneezed and saw all the clones. “What the Tartarus?!” The Pinkie clones were all over the place. Some were swimming in the pond, others were playing on the shore. All repeatedly chanting “Fun!” “I guess Pinkie was serious about that Mirror Pool thing…” she muttered to herself. The real Pinkie was on her way that very moment. “Rainbow, you have to help me-!” Pinkie called. One look showed she was too late as some clones crushed Rainbow’s chair by jumping on it. “Hey!” Rainbow yelled and growled as she tried fighting them off with her parasol. “No more clones! I can’t take it!” But, her words fell on deaf ears. “Oh, no…” the original Pinkie said sadly. She then thought of Applejack. “The renovations!” She then bolted off to Sweet Apple Acres. At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack, Big McIntosh, Caramel, and some visiting members of the Apple Family were raising a barn wall for the new addition with pulleys. “Good work, y’all,” Applejack cheered. “You too, honeycrisp,” Caramel complimented. “But, it’s not over yet.” “Of course it’s not over,” one of the Pinkie clones said excitedly. “Because the fun is just beginning!” They all saw an overwhelming number of Pinkies. “What in the name o’ Gene Trotry****** is goin’ on here?!” Applejack exclaimed. The clones simply stampeded while chanting “Fun!” over and over again. “Pinkie!” Caramel tried to call. “How’d you get over there? And over there, and over there, and- everywhere?!” The ropes were no longer gripped, causing the wall to fall. “Pinkies!” Applejack yelled. “Y’all get out o' here now!” The clones didn’t listen. They continued to make a mess of things. The original Pinkie came to see that she was already too late. Applejack immediately lost patience. “If Ah see ‘nother Pinkie causin’ trouble ‘round here, ah can’t be held be ‘sponsible fer what ah do!” The clones ignored her and headed off. “Oh, no,” the original Pinkie said. “I’m really causing trouble.” The out of control Pinkies became a huge problem. So huge, in fact, that the citizens turned to Mayor Mare. “Everypony,” Mayor Mare said, trying to calm the crowd. “I know this is a stressful situation, but, you all must calm down!” “Calm down?!” Rarity said. “A hurricane of Pinkie Pies came storming through my boutique! The chaos they caused could rival Discord’s!” “And they overcrowded my tea party,” Fluttershy said. “I didn’t have enough food for the critters’ hungry tummies.” “They’re destroying the town!” the voice of Ice Cube said in the crowd. “Buck those Pinkie Pies!” "Not now, Ice Cube," said a disgruntled Rainbowshine. “Everypony, please!” Mayor Mare said. “Getting angry about all of these clones is not going to solve anything! As you’ve all said, they look exactly alike, making it impossible to tell who’s who or who did what. Asking them which is real wouldn’t accomplish anything, either.” Twilight raised her hoof politely. “Pardon me, Mayor. The Golden Oak Library has a book about all sorts of magical locations in Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. If I can look through that, I’m certain I can find a solution as to how to take the Pinkie clones.” “Very well,” Mayor Mare said. “Go look posthaste.” “Yes, ma’am,” Twilight said as she ran to the Golden Oak Library. There, she and Spike searched through the aforementioned book. It was a collection of Starswirl the Bearded's many advanced studies. Everything he ever felt good enough to write down was in that very book. “There it is,” Spike said, pointing to a particular page. “Rainbow said Pinkie called it the Mirror Pool.” “Thank you, my son,” Twilight said. Twilight and Spike read through the passage. “It says here that the Mirror Pool was used to make copies of the Royal Guards before the advent of alchemy. It copies ponies down to the smallest detail excluding personal memories, but, with each copy, a part of the personality is lost.” “That explains why the clones of the royal guards are so incompetent,” Spike added. “And why these Pinkie Pies are so one-note. But, that doesn’t really tell us how to solve the problem.” Twilight looked through the book. She then gasped. “This page describes a spell that I can use to send the clones back to where they came from!” “I’m guessing there’s a catch,” Spike said. “Unfortunately, yes,” Twilight said. “The spell can’t distinguish the clones from the original. If I use it on the original Pinkie by mistake, it won’t send her to the Mirror Pool, but, it could do something far worse. The notes don’t mention what it is because Starswirl never tested the spell.” “What?!” Spike said. “If he never tested it, why’d he even write about it?!*******” “I don’t know,” Twilight said. “It does give ponies studying magic more of a challenge, that’s for sure.” “You’d think the pony that taught Celestia everything she knows about magic would be smart enough to test something like that so those learning it don’t botch it!” Spike ranted.******** “This does make the risk of sending the Pinkie clones back even more complicated,” Twilight said. “And more importantly, we need to find some way to distinguish the real Pinkie from the others.” “Oh, like that’ll be easy,” Spike said sarcastically. “There must be a way,” Twilight said. “If the clones aren’t as intelligent as the original, there has to be things that the real Pinkie would know that the clones don’t.” “But, if we ask them all one at a time,” Spike said. “That’ll take too long.” He then gestured to a window where the clones were stampeding. “And it’s clear Ponyville doesn’t have that kind of time.” “So,” Twilight said. “We’ll have to figure out a way to test them while they’re together. But, how?” Meanwhile, the original Pinkie saw the clones run rampant across the town. “Oh, this is all my fault,” she said sadly. “If I had just chosen who I wanted to spend time with, none of this would be happening. Everypony will be sick of me and I’ll have to move away. But, now, even I can’t tell who’s who anymore. Some Guardian of Harmony I turned out to be.” The first clone was also feeling low. As she walked sadly along, she saw some baker ponies, who weren’t Mr. and Mrs. Cake, hauling a boxful of cake decorations. She secretly took some that looked like wings and left Ponyville. “I’m not going to be involved in this chaos anymore,” she said sadly before heading off. “I don’t want to live a life to just be somepony else’s reflection. I should live my own life and discover my own meaning of things. This clone problem is bad enough without me. I’ll leave them with one less Pinkie Pie to worry about.” By now, Ponyville had begun to resemble a ghost town more than anything. Doors had been locked tight and windows had been shut. None dared venture outside while the Pinkie Pies ran amok. Yet, Twilight and Spike were trying to find the real Pinkie. Several minutes went by and they had nothing to show for it. “Mom,” Spike said. “I’m starting to think that this is completely pointless.” “We can’t give up, Spike,” Twilight said. “After all, you never gave up on me during the Smarty Pants incident.” “It’s true,” the real Pinkie said from afar. “And your friends really learned an important lesson after that.” This caught Spike’s attention as he turned to see the original Pinkie, who, unlike the others, wasn’t bouncy and hyperactive. “Wait,” Spike said. “That one’s not acting like the others. Maybe she’s the real one.” Twilight shook her head. "Or it could just be a defective clone. If you keep making copies, sooner or later one is bound to end up being bad." And she also added. "It could also be that she's one of the earlier clones, and she's just acting this way to throw us off. The real Pinkie Pie rarely sits still for long." “I wouldn’t be too sure,” Spike said. “She agreed with you when you mentioned the Smarty Pants incident. That happened before all of this. So, none of the clones could possibly remember that and I highly doubt the real one would bring it up to the clones.”********* Twilight considered this. “By Celestia, you're right, Spike! Though, how can we be completely sure?” “I know this’ll probably be pointless,” Spike said. “But, I’m going to ask her if she’s the real Pinkie.” “You can try,” Twilight said. Spike walked up to the sad Pinkie. “Are you the real Pinkie? You’re not acting like the others.” “I’m too sad to act like the others,” Pinkie said sadly. “And at this point, I don’t know if I am the real Pinkie or not. I could be the real Pinkie who feels too guilty for putting so much misery on her friends and home, or I could just be a defective clone acting like I did when I thought everypony was ignoring my parties because they didn’t like me.” Twilight heard this and was beginning to piece together that this might be the real Pinkie. “Could you say that again?” “Which part,” Pinkie asked. “The ‘guilty I put my friends in misery’ part or the ‘acting like I did when I thought everypony was ignoring my parties because they didn’t like me’ part?” “You’re proving you are the real Pinkie!” Twilight said. “Only the real Pinkie would remember that time she thought we didn’t like her. Unless she told one of the smarter clones about it, which isn’t likely.” “I would have remembered if I did teach them that,” Pinkie said. “But, how are we going to prove that to the whole town?” “Well,” Spike said. “We can ask something only the real Pinkie would know. But, if we do it one at a time, the original could get mixed with the clones again.” “That would be confusing,” Pinkie said. “But, if you really are looking for the real Pinkie, the real Pinkie would do just about anything to make sure her friends were really happy again. Like a test on the most boring thing imaginable.” That gave Twilight an idea. “That’s it!” Twilight said. “I’ll have to ask Applejack to round up all of the Pinkies and Mayor Mare for permission to use Town Hall. Come on, Spike. I have a plan!” Spike climbed onto her back before she addressed Pinkie. “If you see the other Pinkies, tell them to gather inside Town Hall and say that it’s a party.” She then dashed off. Pinkie realized that this meant Twilight was setting up a test to get rid of the clones. “That’s brilliant! And if I pass, I can be with my friends again!” She then gasped. “But, what if I don’t pass? I could be separated from my friends forever! Or worse!” She banged her head against the table. “Stupid magic mirror water! Why did I ever think this was a good idea?!” Soon, Applejack, Big McIntosh, and Caramel were rounding up all of the Pinkie clones and corralling them inside Town Hall. “I doubt I’ll be able to forget this,” Caramel said. “Believe me, hon,” Applejack said. “Ah doubt any o’ us’ll forget this.” “Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed. Soon, the Town Hall was filled with Pinkies. The other Guardians, sans the original Pinkie and Rainbow, were standing on the stage. “Welcome, Pinkies,” Twilight said, speaking into a microphone. “Please have a seat and make yourselves comfortable.” At that moment, Rainbow came in with a rather downtrodden Pinkie. “I got one more, Twilight. I found this one drawing frowny faces on the ground. She wasn’t bouncy or hyper.” “Have her sit with the others, please,” Twilight said. “We all know how foolish it is to make assumptions.” Rainbow set the original Pinkie in an open spot among the others. “Are you sure about this?” Rainbow asked. “I think it’s a safe bet she’s the real one. Uncertainty and untested spells don’t mix.” “We can’t take any chances,” Twilight said. She then spoke into the microphone. “Now, Pinkies, you have all been brought in here to take a test. Don’t worry, it’s not the type that needs pencils or paper.” “So,” said one of the Pinkie clones. “What kind of test is it? More importantly, what’s a test?” “That one’s definitely a clone,” Rainbow said to Applejack, who nodded in agreement. “Curtain, please,” Twilight said to Spike. Spike tugged on the pulley rope to unfurl the stage curtains. This revealed a backstage with Rarity and Fluttershy applying a fresh thick coat of purplish-blue paint to a propped-up wall. “Thank you,” Twilight said before turning her attention to the Pinkies. “The test will be watching paint dry!” The Pinkies all groaned before Twilight warned, "If any of you look away for any reason, you have exactly one minute to stop what you're doing and look back at the wall. If you're still looking away after the minute is up, you'll be blasted. Do I make myself clear?" The Pinkies reluctantly agreed. “Okay,” Twilight said. “Ready… go!” The Pinkies focused their attention on the wall prop and the paint drying upon it. “This should be interesting,” Spike said. About 5 minutes passed by and the Pinkies were still staring at the wall. Some of them sweated, others fidgeted from sitting in one place for so long. “This is lasting longer than I thought it would,” Rainbow said. “Kind of impressive considering Pinkie’s usual attention span.” “But, who knows how long it’ll last?” Applejack asked. At last, some of the Pinkies caved into their boredom. “Oh, hey, look at the birdie!” one Pinkie clone said, looking out of a nearby window. Several other Pinkie clones looked as well, forgetting Twilight’s warning. “Some of them aren’t looking back at the wall,” Spike pointed out. After a full minute the Pinkies that diverted their attention hadn’t looked back. Twilight used that opportunity to blast the distracted Pinkies. Though the spell was previously untested, Twilight’s growing skills made the spell succeed. The blasted clones inflated like balloons before turning into wisps of magic that floated away. “It worked,” Spike smiled. Despite the display, other Pinkies continued to get distracted, look away, and do various things as well. This caused Twilight to use the spell to send the distracted clones away if they didn’t look back within a minute. Repeated use of the spell meant she had to stop occasionally to cool her horn down. Soon, it was down to two Pinkies. One was staring diligently at the wall while the other sweated nervously as she looked upon it. Rainbow, having lost her patience, groaned at how long it was taking. “I can’t take it anymore!” Rainbow growled. Then, pointing in a different direction, she said. “Somepony’s making balloon animals!” One of the Pinkies fell for the distraction. “What? Where?” she said, looking away from the wall. She then stood up, looking around for a nonexistent pony making imaginary balloon animals. All too soon, her window of opportunity expired and she was blasted. “Okay, Pinkie,” Spike said, walking up to the one true Pinkie. “You can look away now. The test is over.” “But,” Pinkie said. “What if I’m not the original Pinkie?” “Well, do you remember when you taught us to giggle at the ghosties?” Spike asked. “And hypocritically hid in fear from Zecora just because she was different from you even though you welcomed me just fine despite the fact that I’m a dragon?” “Of course I do,” Pinkie said. “You taught me and my friends a lot that day and now Zecora’s one of my bestest friends.” “Then, you are the real Pinkie,” Spike said. “That proves it. The clones didn’t exist until today, making it impossible for them to have such memories unless you told them about it, which I highly doubt you’d be so open about with clones who just came into existence.” “And on top of that,” Twilight said. “You were the only one who focused on the wall while all of the others got distracted.” “I had to,” Pinkie said, wiping tears of joy from her eyes. “I couldn’t leave my friends… but, after today… I am going to have to choose who I’ll spend my time with. That’s very difficult for me. That’s why I made those clones, so I wouldn’t have to choose.” “Well, we didn’t know choosing between friends was so hard for you,” Rainbow said. “If you had so much trouble choosing, you could’ve just asked one of us to reschedule our plans to spend time together.” “I think I will try working on that,” Pinkie said. “But, first, the entrance to the Mirror Pool needs to be properly sealed off.” “Since you used it,” Twilight said. “You would know where it is.” “Right,” Pinkie said. “Are Vanguard, Javelin, and that pegasus guard still here?” “Right behind you,” Vanguard’s voice said. “And my name is Maelstrom,” the Pegasus guard said. “Oh, good,” Pinkie smiled. “Not just because I now know your name, but, also good that you guys are still here. We could use your strength. Follow me.” Pinkie led them to the entrance to the Mirror Pool. “There it is,” Javelin said, careful not to step inside. “Vanguard, move that boulder over the entrance.” “Right,” Vanguard said, pushing the boulder that Javelin pointed at. Despite being roughly the same size as most of the guards, he proved to be quite strong as he managed to move the boulder, which was at least twice as big as himself. Though, from the grunts he made, it still took a bit of effort. Soon, with the boulder, the entrance to the Mirror Pool was properly sealed off by Javelin. “There,” Javelin said. “The boulder’s been enchanted with a spell to make whoever touches it forget what they were doing. I’m the only one capable of disabling it.” “Thank you, sirs,” Pinkie saluted. “We better report back to Canterlot,” Maelstrom said. “Right,” Vanguard said. “Take care, all.” After the guards left, repairs to Ponyville began. Once citizens of Ponyville saw that there was only one Pinkie who was helping to repair Ponyville, they decided to come out of their homes and pitch in. “Spike,” Pinkie said. “Can you help me write a friendship lesson?” “Of course, Pinkie,” Spike smiled. He readied a scroll and a quill. “Okay, go for it.” And, after going to her room at Sugarcube Corner, this was the lesson Spike wrote: “Dear Princess Celestia, It’s great to have fun, but, it’s even better to have great friends. Having a lot of friends means that you sometimes have to make choices as to who you’ll spend time with, especially if they both have cool plans. But, that’s okay. Good friends will always give you a lot of opportunities to hang out, even if it means having to reschedule something. So, even if you’re ‘missing out,’ it’s never for long. Respectfully yours, The one and only Pinkie Pie” After finishing the letter, Spike rolled it up and sent it away. “Thanks, Spike,” Pinkie smiled. She then led him downstairs, where the other Guardians were. “Hi, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “Now that everything in Ponyville is back in order, we were thinking we should celebrate. So, do you have some ideas on what you’d like to do?” “After today’s experience,” Pinkie said. “I just want to rest. I didn’t realize how annoying I was.” “Pinkie,” Fluttershy said. “We don’t think you’re annoying. A lot of the clones had a one-track mind, while you’re multifaceted.” “And while you can be a bit much sometimes,” Rainbow said before Applejack nudged her. “Oof! What I mean is that you’re an amazing friend with some things to work out. But, hey, who doesn’t?” “Yeah,” Applejack said. “Nopony’s perfect.” “Anypony who says otherwise is living a lie,” Rarity said. Pinkie smiled at this. “Thanks, everypony,” she said. “I knew I could count on all of you.” And shortly afterwards, she collapsed on the floor and fell asleep. “That looks like my kind of fun,” Fluttershy said softly. “Though, we should probably take her back up to her room so she can be comfy.” Spike started helping lift Pinkie, struggling to do so. “She’s a lot heavier than she looks,” Spike said softly. “Though, considering her eating habits, I’m not surprised.” “Not that we don’t appreciate yer efforts, Spike,” Applejack said. “But, why don’t ya let one o’ us help ya?” “That’d be appreciated, thanks,” Spike said. So, Applejack and Spike both helped to get the slumbering pink pony up to her bedroom, careful not to wake her up. After placing Pinkie on her bed, Spike pushed his spine back into alignment. “How ‘bout we get ya a warm compressor fer yer back,” Applejack asked. “Sure, thanks,” Spike said. Applejack allowed Spike onto her back and she carefully walked him back downstairs to meet with the others, leaving their sleeping friend. What happened to the clone that got away, you ask? That’s a story for another day. End of chapter. > Chapter 4: One Bad Apple (S3:E4) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 3 Written by Brandon Nell, Rachael Ravens, and Blake Hawkins Chapter 4: One Bad Apple Three days after the Pinkie Pie clone fiasco, Apple Bloom was in a tizzy. “Oh! What ta wear? What ta wear? What ta wear?” she said. Applejack sighed. “There’s no need fer this. It ain’t the Apple Harvest Festival. We’re just goin’ ta pick up yer cousin, Babs Seed.” “Too causal… too summery…” Apple Bloom said. “Your cousin ain’t goin’ ta care about what yer wearin’,” Applejack said. “Just pick somethin’.” “This is my first time meetin’ her, n’ she’s from Manehattan,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah want ta make a good impression!” “Ya know what’ll make a good impression?” Applejack said. “What?” “Bein’ on time ta pick her up!” Applejack snapped. Apple Bloom sighed. “Ya got nothin’ ta worry ‘bout, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Y’all’re goin’ ta get along great. Ya already have somethin’ in common.” By now, Apple Bloom had a snorkel in her mouth. “Oh yeah. What’s that?” she asked. “Yer both 10 n’ neither o’ y’all have yer Cutie Mark,” Applejack said. Apple Bloom grinned wildly. “How could ya forget ta tell me somethin’ like that?!” “Well, ah–” Applejack started, but, she didn’t get a chance to finish. “Oh, this changes everythin’!” cried Apple Bloom. “Meet ya at the train station! Ah’m goin’ ta go tell Sweetie Belle n’ Scootaloo! Ooh, can’t ferget Spike!” She galloped off. “Ya know, yer cousin is supposed ta sleep in here!” Applejack said. Later, at the train station, Applejack and Spike stood calmly at the platform while Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo bounced around with excitement. “You really think she’ll want to join?” asked Scootaloo. “She don’t have her Cutie Mark,” said Apple Bloom. “O’ course she’ll want ta join the Cutie Mark Crusaders! She ‘round the same age as us.” “I’m just so excited, I could burst!” grinned Sweetie Belle, a spark of magic bursting from her horn. Shortly afterward, Rainbow landed at the platform next to them. “Hi, Rainbow Dash!” grinned Scootaloo. “Are you waiting for Babs Seed, too?” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I’m waiting for my uncle Rainbow Blaze, aunt Clear Sky, and my cousin Wind Sprint.*” “They live in Manehattan, too?” Spike asked. “Yeah,” nodded Rainbow Dash. “You know, Wind Sprint is just your age, Crusaders. She doesn’t have her Cutie Mark yet. At least, she didn’t the last time I saw her.” “You think we have two new members on the way?” asked Sweetie Belle. “I don’t see why not,” said Scootaloo. “In my letter from my aunt,” Rainbow said. “She said that Wind Sprint was bringing her friend, Lilymoon**, along. She doesn’t have her Cutie Mark, either.” “Three new members?!” cried Apple Bloom. “Ah can’t wait!” Just then, the train pulled up. “There it is,” called Spike. The fillies eagerly looked around for a filly their age without a Cutie Mark. Ultimately, they spot one with an earth pony mare around Applejack’s age. “Howdy, Sunflower!” Applejack called. “AJ!” cried Sunflower. The cousins hugged each other in greeting. “How goes the farm?” “Well, we managed ta finish renovatin’ a new barn,” Applejack said. “After rebuildin’ it after a stampede o’ Pinkie Pies three days ago.” “Pinkie Pies?” Sunflower asked. “Don’t you only know one Pinkie Pie?” “It’s a long story,” Applejack said. “Meantime, where’s Babs?” Sunflower noticed there was no filly Apple Bloom’s age by her side. “Come on, Babs,” she said. “Don’t be shy.” From the train stepped a fairly chubby earth pony filly with a brilliant gamboge coat, a light and brilliant amaranth mane and tail, and moderate spring bud eyes. She looked up a bit and noticed Spike. Upon seeing the little dragon, Babs immediately hid behind Sunflower. “Dere’s a dragon here, big sis!” Babs said to Sunflower. Spike sighed sadly, “I had a feeling this would happen.” “Don’t ya fret,” Applejack said in a gentle tone to Babs. “Spike’s one o’ the kindest dragons ah know. He’s a mighty good friend o’ ours n’ he wouldn’t want ta hurt ya. So, why don’t ya come on out and give him a proper hello?” Babs carefully looked Spike over. If she was being honest with herself, he didn’t look very threatening. If anything, he looked hurt. “Go on, Babs,” Sunflower said. “If Applejack says he’s okay, that’s good enough for me.” Babs cautiously stepped up to Spike. “Hey,” Babs said. “Ah’m sorry I said dat.” “It’s okay,” Spike said. “I’m pretty much numb to it at this point. That doesn’t mean I like it any better.” “I understand…” Babs replied. “It’s not just dat. I’m… shy in general.” “With an accent like that, I couldn’t tell,” Scootaloo said. “Wait,” Sweetie Belle said. “How come she doesn’t talk fancy if she lives with Applejack’s Aunt and Uncle Orange?” “Oh, it’s a coping mechanism for her,” Sunflower said. “It started when Braeburn moved away and she’s been using that accent to rebel against our parents because she misses Braeburn.” “Oh, I see,” Sweetie Belle said. “If that’s how you feel, then we’ll accept it.” “Wait,” Rainbow said. “Where’s my Aunt Clear Sky, my cousin Wind Sprint, my uncle Rainbow Blaze, and Lilymoon?” “Well, you see,” Sunflower said. “There was a bit of an incident at Manehattan Station involving an old mare’s umbrella that caused them to miss this train.*** Hopefully, they can catch the next one.” “Fair enough,” said Rainbow. “I’ll just fly a few laps around the clouds 'till they get here. You guys go ahead back to the farm.” And she took off. During the walk to the farm, Scootaloo looked Babs over. “You know,” she said to Babs. “When I heard you were a daughter of AJ’s Aunt and Uncle Orange, I was kind of expecting you to be skinnier.” “That would be my doing,” Sunflower said. “I’d often treat Babs to more filling meals than that of the kind served at my parents’ parties.” “Yeah,” Babs said. “Like pizza, carrot dogs, soft pretzels, donuts, ice cream, n’ hayburgers.” She seemed to drool a bit. “Those do sound good,” smiled Apple Bloom. “Uh oh!” Spike said as he looked at the clock tower. “I’m late!” And he dashed off. Sunflower and Babs were somewhat confused. “He’s going to tea with Fluttershy,” said Sweetie Belle. “She’s a friend of Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. He’ll be away for a while.” “In the meantime,” said Scootaloo. “Want to see our clubhouse?” “Y’all take Babs ta yer clubhouse,” Applejack said. “Me n’ Sunflower’ll take care o’ the luggage.” “Let’s go, Babs,” said Apple Bloom. “Follow us!” The three Ponyville fillies led Babs to their clubhouse. When they climbed inside, Babs’ eyes widened in amazement. “It’s beautiful!” she gasped. “This isn’t even the best part!” Scootaloo said. “We’re making a float for an upcoming parade and you can ride it with us.” “Ya’d do dat for me?” Babs said, her eyes widening happily. “Sure,” Apple Bloom said. “We’re even thinkin’ o’ lettin’ ya join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” “Da what?” Babs asked with visible confusion. “Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Sweetie Belle repeated. “We’re the founding members of a society that are trying to get our Cutie Marks.” “And until now, its only members,” Scootaloo added. “Well, Spike is an honorary member.” “Ya let a dragon join?” Babs asked. “I ain’t no dragon expert, but, I’m pretty sure dragons can’t get Cutie Marks.” “Well, that’s true ‘nuff, Babs,” said Apple Bloom. “But, he is a friend n’ we wanted ta let him have some fun. He’s been left out o’ a lot ‘o things.” “His childhood wasn’t that well spent before he met us,” added Scootaloo. “He couldn’t go anywhere without ponies judging him just because he’s a dragon. He’s been called stuff like ‘overgrown lizard,’ ‘beastly,’ ‘ghastly,’ or ‘scale-ridden freak.’” “Ah, I get ya,” shuddered Babs. “Dat’s awful…” “Believe it or not,” Sweetie Belle said. “Those were actually the nicer things he was called.” Babs bit her lip. “Whoa… I promise I won’t call him anythin' like dat,” she looked at some of the photos on the wall. “Looks like you four have a lot o' fun together.” “And y’all will make it five, cous,” said Apple Bloom. “Whaddya say?” “Sure, I guess,” Babs said. “Come on,” Scootaloo said. “We’ll show you our float.” The fillies raced off to the barn. As they headed toward it, Apple Bloom pointed toward the new one. “That’s what the Pinkie Pie swarm destroyed three days ago,” she said “Okay, you have got ta tell me more 'bout dat,” Babs’ eyes widened in confusion. “It’s a purty long story,” Apple Bloom said. They suddenly heard a deep rumbling noise and their eyes turned to the source, which seemed to be Babs’ belly. “Sorry, goils…” she flushed with embarrassment. “Was that you?” Scootaloo asked Babs in a tone of half surprise and half impressed. “Yeah,” Babs said. “My sis usually gets me a snack 'bout now.” “Well, yer in luck,” Apple Bloom said. “That there barn has some food.” So, the four fillies walked to the aforementioned barn at Sweet Apple Acres. Babs found a basket full of apple fritters and her mouth started to water. “Dose fritters look so good,” Babs said. She scooped a hooffull just as the others spotted her. “Wait!” Apple Bloom said. “Those’re Applejack’s!” Too late, Babs had tossed the entire hooffull into her mouth, chewed, and swallowed. “What was that?” Babs asked. She then realized her mistake. “Oh… sorry.” “Well,” Apple Bloom reasoned. “Ah guess she won’t mind.” “That was some fast eating,” Scootaloo commented. “You could give Spike a run for his bits.” “When you’re hidin’ snacks from ya folks,” Babs noted. “Ya got ta learn ta eat fast ta hide the evidence. Believe me.” She then patted her belly. “Dat ain’t easy.” “You’re so cool, Babs,” Scootaloo smiled. “You feel full enough to see the float?” “Da tank’s full,” Babs said, rubbing her belly. “Great,” Apple Bloom smiled. She then walked to a nearby tarpaulin. “So, without further ado, we give ya the Cutie Mark Crusader parade float!” She tugged it with her teeth revealing a large float fashioned out of a pumpkin. “You get to ride it with us!” Scootaloo said. “It’ll be totally fun!” “Thanks, goils!” she smiled. “More like funny-looking,” said an obnoxiously familiar voice. The Cutie Mark Crusaders cringed as they recognized that voice. They and Babs turned their attention to the barn entrance to find Diamond Tiara, accompanied by Silver Spoon. “Who’re dey?” Babs asked in confusion. “Diamond Tiara n’ Silver Spoon,” Apple Bloom said flatly. “Don’t y’all have somewhere else ta be annoyin’?” “We could ask you three the same question,” Diamond Tiara cackled. “My daddy’s discussing business with Granny Smith and since your lizard isn’t around, I figured we’d have a little fun with you.” “We don’t need Spike around to deal with your crap anymore,” Scootaloo said. “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said. “So, why don’t you just leave us alone?” “You can’t tell us what to do, blank flank,” Diamond Tiara said. Silver Spoon then noticed the visiting filly. “Speaking of which,” she said. “Who’s this?” “Nopony that concerns you cowards,” Sweetie Belle said. “Now, go pick on somepony else and leave us alone.” Babs, hearing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon picking on the three fillies, suddenly felt something deep inside her. “Ah’m nothin’ dat concerns ‘em, huh?” Babs said coldly with a smirk. “Well, here’s a first impression o’ who ah am.” And with a hup, she kicked the front wheel of the parade float and shattered it. “What was that for?!” Scootaloo shouted. “Just wanted ta show youse fillies dat Ah’m woith lookin’ at,” Babs smirked. “This ain’t like when ya got here from Manehattan, Babs,” Apple Bloom said. “Manehattan~” Diamond Tiara said, impressed. “And if you’re related to Apple Bloom, then you must be related to the Oranges. You are worth something for sure!” “I am related ta da Oranges,” said Babs. “Citrus Orange n' Mostly Orange’s youngest daughter, actually.” “But, we were going to let you join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Scootaloo said. “Cutie Mark Crybabies is more like it,” Babs said, flipping her mane slightly. “N’ I ain’t interested.” Diamond Tiara was visibly impressed. “Well, I like what I’m seeing,” she said. “Why don’t you hang with us, Babs?” “Uh, won’t you get in trouble with your mom for associating with a blank flank?” Silver Spoon pointed out. “Shut up!” Diamond quickly scolded Silver Spoon. So, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Babs walked away from the barn. But, Scootaloo wouldn’t have any of that. “You can’t do that to us, Babs!” she said angrily. “We’ll tell Applejack and Sunflower on you!” “Oh, so youse just ain’t crybabies,” Babs scolded. “You’re also tattletales, huh?” “Why shouldn’t we tell on you?” Scootaloo challenged. “You wrecked our float!” “Oh, let’s just say I got ways o’ knowin’,” Babs said coldly. “Ya won’t like what happens then.” Scootaloo, feeling threatened, backed off, leaving Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to comfort their friend. “You’re bluffing!” Sweetie Belle said. “Am I?” Babs said coldly. “Because if ya tell, yer float won’t be da only thing I wreck, ya got it?! Besides, what makes ya think she’ll believe ya?” “‘Cause Applejack can tell when somepony’s lyin’!” Apple Bloom said. “Her Mystic Eyes o’ Truth can see right through any lie ya make!” Babs, hearing this, softened up. “Oh…” she said. “Ah’m sorry den. N’ ah’ll help ya fix the float if ya let me.” “Don’t bother with those blank flanks, Babs,” Diamond Tiara said. “One of them’s an inbred hick. Not worth the effort of a big city pony like you.” Babs heard this and put her antagonistic attitude back on. “Yeah, you’re right,” Babs said. “So, ‘bout dat hangin’ out?” And with that, the three fillies walked on. Inside, though, Babs couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt that nopony else could see. If only Lilymoon n’ Wind Sprint were here ta set me straight, she said internally. I can’t deal with bullies right on my own. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were shocked with what they just witnessed. “What just happened?” Apple Bloom asked. “I think Babs just went to the Dark Side,” Scootaloo said. “We should tell Applejack or Sunflower,” Sweetie Belle said. “Yer right, Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom said. They were about to set off, but, Babs’ threats still rang clear in their heads. “What if Babs is smart enough to somehow fool Applejack’s Mystic Eyes?” Scootaloo said. “What if her Mystic Eyes are stronger?” Sweetie Belle said. “Even if they are,” Apple Bloom said. “We ain’t got physical proof Babs wrecked our float. Mah sister might know we’re tellin’ the truth, but, that don’t mean she’ll believe it. Pinkie’s story ‘bout Parasprites was true, but, hard ta believe.****” “Well, proof or no proof,” Scootaloo said. “We have to do something. We have to show Babs that we’re not crybabies.” “The way I feel right now,” Sweetie Belle said. “That won’t be easy.” A bit later, the Crusaders were in their clubhouse. “So, do you think we should make a new parade float?” Scootaloo asked. “No, why bother? She’ll just wreck it, too.” “I still think we should tell Applejack,” Sweetie Belle said. “Or Sunflower. She might know what’s going on better.” “Yeah, yer right,” Apple Bloom said. “We can also ask Spike fer advice, too. Babs didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout talkin’ ta him.” At that moment, Spike entered the clubhouse. “Hey, girls,” Spike said. “How’s the visit going so far?” He looked around. “Where’s Babs?” The Crusaders suddenly started to lose their nerve. Spike could instantly tell they were having a bully problem. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came around,” Scootaloo said. “And I may have accidentally said the wrong thing about Babs,” Sweetie Belle added. “N’ then Babs wrecked our parade float n’ went off ta hang out with Diamond n’ Silver,” Apple Bloom finished. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Spike said. “Let me see if I heard you correctly. Babs, who gave me the first impression of being meek and shy, not only wrecked your float for the parade this weekend, but, started hanging out with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who openly bully ponies for not having Cutie Marks even if it gets them in trouble? Is that what I’m hearing?” “Yes!” the Cutie Mark Crusaders answered. “Okay,” Spike said, getting increasingly angry. “The problems with that are multifold! Firstly, why would Babs do that out of the blue? Second, why aren’t you telling Applejack or Sunflower about this? Third, DIAMOND TIARA AND SILVER SPOON ARE BUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!” Hearing Spike’s outrage, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hid. “The next time I see them,” Spike said. “I’m reporting them to their parents! No, I’m going to grab them by their necks and drag them to the Poison Joak patch and throw them in it like ragdolls!” Apple Bloom quivered. “That was on par with the threat that Babs gave us when Scootaloo got the idea ta tell Applejack n’ Sunflower.” Hearing that, Spike calmed down a bit. “From my first impression of Babs, she doesn’t seem the type to threaten others,” he said. “We don’t really know what brought this out of her, either,” Scootaloo said. “But, here we are.” “Well,” Apple Bloom said. “‘Til this all blows over, we’re just goin’ ta have ta avoid Babs. She’s only here a few days ‘til the parade this weekend.” “Speaking from experience,” Spike said. “Avoiding bullies doesn’t always work. Sometimes, they find you.” “I still think we should tell Applejack and Sunflower,” Sweetie Belle said. “We may be called snitches, we may get threatened to get beat up, but, we should still let them know what’s going on.” “That’s a good idea,” Spike said. “Bullies are cowards who never back up their words.” “Uh,” Apple Bloom said nervously. “Think ya can be there with us when we tell ‘em?” “Look girls,” Spike said. “You’re all like the younger sisters I never had, but, you can’t keep relying on me to get you out of trouble. I care about you, but, realistically, I can’t always be there for you. Sooner or later, you’ll have to learn to stand up for yourselves.” “Yeah, yer right,” Apple Bloom nodded. She then turned to her two filly friends. “Come on, y’all.” So, off the fillies and Spike went to find Applejack and Sunflower and tell them what was going on. It turned out to be more difficult than they expected. Especially since the fillies were making conscious efforts to avoid being seen by Babs. “Girls, you’re being paranoid,” Spike said. “Babs isn’t just going to be there every time you turn around.” “Oh, ain’t I?” said a familiar voice. Spike turned around to see Babs with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, all of them wearing devious grins. Seeing this made Spike angrier. “Girls,” Spike said in tranquil fury to the Crusaders. “Hold me back.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders did so. Almost instantly, Spike started ranting. “YOU BUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!” Spike shouted so loud, it blew back the manes of the three bullying fillies. “WHEN I GET MY CLAWS ON YOU, I’LL DRAG YOU TO THE POISON JOAK PATCH AND THROW YOU BOTH IN LIKE RAGDOLLS!!!” Babs, losing her bullying mask from the intensity of Spike’s voice, felt tears welling in her eyes. Diamond Tiara, however, wasn’t intimidated. “You do that and you’ll have my parents to deal with, lizard boy,” Diamond Tiara said. “I heard your underbelly is your weak spot. Babs, why don’t you give his stomach a kick to test that theory?” Babs instantly regained her nerve. “Sure thing,” Babs said. “I’ll show himdat I can be just as ferocious as he is!” “You’re making a mistake, Babs,” Spike said as she got closer. “Diamond Tiara’s nothing but a bully and a hypocrite. She’ll turn on you when you least—” But, he never got to finish as Babs delivered a powerful kick to his stomach, forcing all the air out of him as he collapsed onto the ground and clutched his stomach while groaning in pain. “Spike!” the Crusaders rushed to him, checking him over. “Nice one, Babs!” Diamond Tiara said coldly. “Aww, dat was nothin’,” Babs said as she, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon walked away. Inside, though, she really regretted doing that. Actually, dat was somethin’... a real guilty feelin’ in mah gut. Ah got ta make it up ta Spike somehow. The Crusaders immediately became concerned for Spike. “Oh, Spike,” Apple Bloom said sadly. “We’re powerful sorry.” “Don’t be,” Spike said with strain in his voice. “Here,” Sweetie Belle said. “We’ll take care of you.” “Well, that made up my mind,” Scootaloo said angrily. “Something has to be done about this! Any creature who hurts Spike is going to get it good!” “Hold on, Scootaloo,” Spike said as he started getting up. “She was holding back.” “Wait, she was?” Scootaloo asked, calming down. “Do you know how many incompetent clone guards have struck me there?” Spike asked. “More’n the amount o’ zero ya deserve,” Apple Bloom guessed. “A LOT,” Spike said. “I’ve been struck on my stomach enough times to know when the one striking is holding back.” “Even so,” Sweetie Belle said. “She still shouldn’t have done that to you. We have to do something to stop Babs’ bullying.” “And I have an idea how to do it,” Scootaloo said. “We build a new float rigged with traps and trick her into taking it!” “No!” Spike said sternly. “We are not resorting to that!” “Why not?” Scootaloo said. “She’s been bullying us. Now, we can stand up for ourselves like you want.” “Standing up for yourself is one thing,” Spike said. “But, your idea is something else. Go through with it and you’ll be admitting defeat. You’ll be proving you’re no better than them. You’ll be letting them win.” “Spike’s right,” Sweetie Belle said. “If we do this, we’ll be bullies and we don’t want to be bullies.” Scootaloo took all of this in. She then sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Spike. I guess I was more angry about this than I thought. But, we have to do something.” “Maybe we should get a start at talkin’ ta Applejack n’ Sunflower,” Apple Bloom said. “They’ll know what ta do.” Spike groaned in pain again. “But, first, we better tend ta Spike. There’s a first aid kit in the clubhouse.” Apple Bloom gently helped Spike onto her back and together, the four friends walked towards the clubhouse. Unfortunately, when they got there, they saw that it was occupied. “What’re ya mooks doin’ near my clubhouse?!” Babs said. “Your clubhouse?!” Scootaloo snapped. “This is the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse!” “Really?” Babs said. “I ain’t seein’ ya names on it nowhere.” “Your name isn’t on it, either,” Sweetie Belle said. “It’ll be dere soon,” Babs taunted. “And so will ours,” Diamond Tiara snootily said. “And no trespassers allowed!” With that, she brought the ladder up and promptly kicked it off its hinges. Babs saw this and got worried. “Uh, DT?” she said. “I get ya did dat so’s dey wouldn’t get up, but, how’re we supposed ta get down? None o’ us is pegasi!” Diamond Tiara was about to answer when she realized that she hadn’t thought about that. The Cutie Mark Crusaders witnessed this display. “Looks like you were right about Babs holding back,” Sweetie Belle whispered. “She also still has some good sense in her. So, she’s not a total lost cause.” “Yeah,” Spike said. “This is too good an opportunity to pass up.” He then spoke smugly to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Enjoy being stuck in a house with no bathroom and later explaining this to your parents when they come to get you.” Scootaloo, seeing this, decided to get a piece of the action. “So, as long as you’re stuck up there, why don’t you guys make yourselves useful and lower the first aid kit? Since we can’t get what we need up there, you may as well work for us, right?” “As if we’ll help blank flanks like you,” Diamond Tiara scoffed. “Suit yourself,” Sweetie Belle said. “We should get going, though. It’ll be lunchtime soon. Too bad we didn’t pack any snacks for you up there.” The Crusaders started to turn around. Babs was really getting worried. With her big appetite, she knew it wouldn’t be long before her stomach would run on empty. Diamond Tiara tried in vain to get the Crusaders to come back. “Get back here, you blank flanks!” she demanded. But, her demand was ignored. “Are you deaf?!” she shouted. “I said get back here!” Again, her demand was ignored. “You’ll be hearing from my daddy about this!” she said. “Oh, for buck’s sake,” Babs said, rolling her eyes. “Don’t ya get it?! He ain’t goin’ ta hear from ya ‘cause yer stuck up here like we are! So, why don’t ya take a hint n’ start askin’ ‘em in a nicer way ta get us down here or yer daddy’ll come here ta find ya nothin’ but bones?!” “Blank flanks are inferior,” Diamond Tiara said. “I don’t need to tarnish my reputation by being nice to them.” “But, we’re doing that right now,” Silver Spoon said. “Ya friend’s right,” Babs said. “In case ya haven’t noticed, I am a blank flank n’ you’re nice ta me. So, why not dip ya hooves inta da water even more n’ be a better pony ta my cousin n’ her friends or da only thing that Cutie Mark o’ yours’ll be is as a museum piece?!” “Besides,” Silver Spoon said. “Suppose your mom learns that you were associating with a blank flank and saw proof of it with her own eyes. Do you really think your rump can take that abuse?” Diamond Tiara took all of this in. At once, the balloon filled with her hubris was deflated. She tossed her pride out the window. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo,” Diamond Tiara called out. “May you please help us down?! Pretty please with sugar lumps on top?” But, by then, the Crusaders were too far away to hear them. “Now ya done it,” Babs said, jumping off of the balcony. “Ya can keep dis clubhouse for all I care. Ah’m going to do what I should've done!” She went off to find not only the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their honorary member, but, together, they went off to tell Applejack and Sunflower to tell them what’s going on. Applejack was helping bandage Spike’s stomach. Babs was barely in the door when suddenly, she lost her nerve, believing the Crusaders wouldn’t trust her after what happened. Apple Bloom noticed this. “Babs?” she asked. The filly quickly ran away and hid. “Babs, wait!” Sunflower sighed. “I was afraid of this,” she said. “Hmm?” Apple Bloom said, turning to face her. “Afraid o’ what, Sunflower?” “Babs suffers bullying from school back home,” Sunflower said. “What?!” The Cutie Mark Crusaders exclaimed. “Ah didn’t say anythin’ ‘bout it, cuz ah didn’t want her ta feel singled out,” Applejack said as she finished bandaging Spike. “But, Sunflower told me ‘bout this n’ ah recommended ‘em comin’ ta Ponyville durin’ the festival ta take Babs’ mind off o’ it.” “And I was afraid of Babs meeting bullies here to influence her,” Sunflower said. “Without Lilymoon or Wind Sprint to steer her right, Babs tends to compulsively make bad choices.” “So, that’s why she jumped at the chance to bully us when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were picking on us,” Sweetie Belle said. “She even goes out of her way to hide it from those who don’t see the bullying,” Sunflower said. “My parents don’t pay much attention to it, but, Wind Sprint, Lilymoon, and I can see right through her act. Braeburn would, too, if he still lived with us, I’m sure. Of course, part of that compulsion is her missing Braeburn.” “That explains so much,” Scootaloo said. “But, we should show Babs that we can trust her.” “Without Lilymoon and Wind Sprint, it won’t be that easy,” Sunflower said. “But, the real challenge is getting Babs to trust herself.” “There has ta be some way,” Apple Bloom said. “But, how?” “Babs doesn’t have the heart to really bully anypony,” Sunflower said. “But, whenever she acts like a bully, she worries that those she bullied won’t trust her when she tries to apologize. Her nerves are very fickle.” “Well,” Sweetie Belle said. “Now that we know the truth, we can show that we’re aware she didn’t mean any harm.” “She’ll be more receptive if Lilymoon and Wind Sprint are around,” Sunflower said. “And we don’t know if they’re even coming.” “You can know now that they’re here,” called a male voice. All eyes turned to the direction of the voice. They saw a pale, light grayish persian blue coated pegasus stallion with a rainbow mane and moderate camboge eyes and a Cutie Mark depicting a multicolored airstream through cloud(s). Accompanying him was a grayish purple unicorn filly with a mane and tail of moderate cobalt blue with light bluish-white streaks and moderate purple eyes and a pale, light grayish indigo pegasus filly with a light cobalt blue and pale, light grayish cerise mane and tail and pale, light grayish fuchsia eyes. Both fillies looked a little dizzy and their manes and tails looked swept back as if they’d flown really fast, and both were blank flanks. “A little warning before that rush,” said the unicorn filly in a slightly raspy monotone voice. “Yeah, dad,” said the pegasus filly. “Oh,” Apple Bloom said. “Y’all must be Lilymoon n’ Wind Sprint, yeah?” The dizzy fillies fixed their manes and tail once reoriented. “Yes, we are,” the unicorn filly. “I’m Lilymoon and this is Wind Sprint.” “Uh, dad,” Wind Sprint said to the stallion. “Don’t you think you should go back for mom?” “I will,” he said. “Though, I wanted to give her and Rainbow Dash a chance to catch up. Plus, I wanted to make sure you met up with Babs first.” He then took off at incredible speed. “Anyway,” Scootaloo said. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I’m Scotaloo.” “Ah’m Apple Bloom,” she said, introducing herself. “And I’m Sweetie Belle,” the unicorn filly said. “I know we just met, but do, you think you can help us?” “Babs sided with a bully again?” Wind Sprint asked. The three nodded. “I told you to watch where you were going, Wind Sprint,” Lilymoon said. “Yeah,” Wind Sprint said with a sweatdrop. “But, yeah, we can help you.” “What have you got in mind?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Are there any places here for storing food?” Lilymoon asked. “Ideally, a large quantity?” Applejack, who finished bandaging Spike, turned her attention towards the fillies. “Ah got lots o’ food in the nearest barn,” she said. “That’s our best bet,” Wind Sprint said. “She sometimes guilt-eats without us.” “Well,” Apple Bloom said. “Guess we better bring y’all tagether.” The Crusaders led the two newcomers to the barn where the parade float was wrecked. They found Babs taking large bites out of an apple pie. “Babs?” Lilymoon said gently. Babs turned to see the newly arrived fillies. Immediately, her spirits brightened. “Lilymoon, Wind Sprint,” she said happily. “Ya made it!” She went to hug her friends, but, she also saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “What’re youse doin’ here? Came ta knock some sense inta me?” “Sunflower told us everything,” Sweetie Belle said. “And we’re not here to hurt you, Babs,” Scootaloo said. “We came here because we wanted you to know that we were sorry.” “For what?” Babs asked. “Ah’m da one what wrecked your float.” “But,” Apple Bloom said. “We’re sorry we made ya feel like ya were too mean ta be our friend. Y’all n’ ah’re family n’ that’s how it’s always goin’ ta be, even if we all made mistakes.” “I made plenty o’ does,” Babs said. “Been dat way since Braeburn left. He was my big brada n’ I barely remember him.” “We made mistakes, too,” Scootaloo said. “Everypony does. But, what matters is that we learn from these mistakes and offer our hooves in friendship.” “And forgiveness,” Sweetie Belle said. “N’ trust,” Apple Bloom said. Babs looked at the Crusaders. She then looked back at her two friends who gave her knowing looks. She then walked to the Crusaders and hugged them. “I’m so sorry for what I did,” she said weakly. “Can we start over?” “Sure,” they said. “N’,” Babs asked. “Can we still be Cutie Mark Crusaders?” “If you want to,” Scootaloo said. “I’d like that,” Babs smiled. “Cutie Mark Crusaders?” Lilymoon asked. “What’s that?” Wind Sprint asked. While Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were explaining, Filthy Rich had finished discussing business with Granny Smith and turned to notice that neither Diamond Tiara nor Silver Spoon were around. “Pardon me, fillies,” Mr. Rich said politely. “But, you wouldn’t happen to know where my daughter and her friend are, would you?” “I’ll do ya one betta n’ show ya,” Babs said before leading the way to the clubhouse. “What a mess!” Filthy Rich exclaimed. “How did this happen?” “Daddy, it was…” Diamond Tiara was about to say something ugly, but, she remembered how ‘well’ things went the last time she said something ugly. So, she sighed solemnly and said, “It was my fault… I kicked the ramp off its hinges to keep the Cutie Mark Crusaders from getting in, but, forgot that it’d keep us from getting down.” Filthy Rich was extremely disappointed. “You not only committed property theft, but, damaged said property, deliberately disobeyed me when I told you to stay put, and practically imprisoned yourself and your friend because of your own short-sightedness. I will get you and Silver Spoon down, but, you can bet we’re going to have a long conversation about this when we get home. And you can explain it to your mother as well.” “Yes, father,” Diamond Tiara said submissively before Filthy Rich grabbed each filly and let them down. “Before we go,” Filthy Rich added. “Isn’t there something you would like to say to these fillies?” Diamond Tiara knew she was in deep enough trouble and decided that, instead of making things worse, she’d make it look like she was apologizing. “I’m truly sorry for all of the trouble that Silver Spoon and I caused you.” “Thank ya fer apologizin’, Diamond Tiara,” Apple Bloom said. After Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon left, Apple Bloom spoke to the others. “Ah don’t believe none o’ that.” “Me neither,” Scootaloo said flatly. “Looks like ya got three new club members ta initiate,” Applejack said as up. Spike followed her. Since he was an honorary club member, he came to serve as witness to the initiation. Using her strength and handiponiness, Applejack was able to fix the ladder and reattach it to the clubhouse. Spike helped by getting her what she needed. Babs could see that despite his temper, Spike was a gentle and helpful dragon. After the ladder was fixed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were initiating the three fillies. Sweetie Belle sat at a podium while Scootaloo was beating a timpani drum. The original members were wearing their CMC Capes. Spike brought in the new ones for the Manehattan fillies. This time, Rarity had extra gold silk for them to use and gave them permission to use it. “Welcome aboard,” Spike said. “Welcome, Babs Seed,” Apple Bloom said. “Welcome, Lilymoon. N’ welcome, Wind Sprint.” Spike helped Sweetie Belle secure the capes to the new recruits. “Thank you so much,” Lilymoon said, tears of joy welling in her eyes. “So, who’s da big cheese?” Babs asked. “Uh,” Apple Bloom said sheepishly. “We hadn’t really figgered that out.” “Yeah, the hierarchy of this group wasn’t really planned out,” Spike said. “We’ve mostly focused on various activities like swimming, hiking, zip lining, the list is pretty extensive.” “Whoa,” Babs said, impressed. “We got lots o’ dat back in Manehattan n’ we can ask other ponies who don’t got Cutie Marks if they want ta join.” “I think it’d be a good idea to work out your group’s hierarchy first before welcoming new members.” “Okay, that makes sense,” Wind Sprint nodded. At that moment, Babs’ belly gave a deep rumble. “This don’t count as first order o’ business,” she said. “But, we should grab some food.” “Maybe after lunch,” Spike suggested. “We can try rebuilding the float.” “Yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “As a symbol o’ our new friends.” Unknown to the Crusaders, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were quietly plotting a way to get even. The next day, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon snuck into Sweet Apple Acres when their parents weren’t looking and saw the Crusaders rebuilding their float. “Can somepony lend me a ⅝ wrench, please?” Scootaloo asked. “Would you settle for somedragon?” Spike asked as he gave her such a wrench. “Yeah, thanks,” Scootaloo said gratefully. “Now,” Diamond Tiara whispered to Silver Spoon. “We wait until they break for lunch and sabotage their float.” “Right,” Silver Spoon whispered in return. They suddenly heard a deep growling noise they thought at first was a bear. “Ah!” Diamond Tiara yelped, unknowingly giving away her location. She and Silver Spoon quickly hid behind the door before Spike fully turned around to face it. “Is somepony out here?” he asked. No answer. “Any of you girls hear that?” “Only thing I hoid was my stomach rumblin’,” Babs said before rubbing her belly as it made the same noise. “Oh, alright,” Spike said, closing the barn door again. “Let’s take the back door and break for lunch.” “Why the back door?” Lilymoon asked. “When I was at the front door,” Spike said. “I could vaguely smell high-class snobbery.” “Ah knew ah didn’t believe Diamond’s apology,” Apple Bloom said with an annoyed tone in her voice. “Exactly how bad is she?” Wind Sprint asked. “Even when her dad tells her to be on her best behavior,” Sweetie Belle started. “Worse.” “She calls the Apple Family inbred hicks,” Apple Bloom said. “That’s horrible!” Wind Sprint exclaimed. “I should've defended our family when she said dat…” sighed Babs to her cousin. Apple Bloom put a hoof on her shoulder comfortingly. “She’s also under the delusion that having a Cutie Mark makes her better than those who don’t,” Spike said. “Though, she demonstrates a lack of creativity by being unable to come up with insults beyond blank flank over and over again.” “Regardless,” Lilymoon said. “It’s a hurtful thing to call somepony.” Babs’ belly gave another rumble. “Sorry ta interrupt, but, can we go eat now? My belly’s gettin’ impatient ova here.” The group went out the back door and later, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon opened the front door. “I’m going to make sure nopony forgets this embarrassing display,” Diamond Tiara chuckled. She stuck what looked like a party popper with a long string to the back of the float with a wad of chewed up bubblegum and tied the string to the rear axle. “You certainly are crafty, Diamond Tiara,” Silver Spoon chuckled. The duo left before the Crusaders returned. “Alright,” Spike said. “Let’s do a quick survey of what happened.” “Hey, there’s something on the back,” Lilymoon said. “What is it?” Apple Bloom asked. “Come over here and see,” Lilymoon said. They went over to where Lilymoon was standing. They saw the party popper-like device stuck to the back with the string tied to the rear axle. “I think we’d better show Applejack and Sunflower,” said Wind Sprint. “I don’t remember any of us putting that there.” “Hold on,” Spike said before using his claws to cut the string before pulling off the device, removing the gum, and inspecting it. “A stink bomb. This has Diamond Tiara written all over it.” “Right,” said Apple Bloom. “Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, we’ll guard the float. Spike, y’all n’ the Manehatten branch find AJ n’ Sunflower.” “Find us fer what, li’l sis?” asked Applejack, who just entered with Sunflower. “Or dat woiks, too,” said Babs. “Sis, big cous, we tink Diamond and Silver sabotaged our float.” “With this,” Spike said, holding up the device. “Diamond Tiara put a stink bomb on it.” “Right then,” said Applejack. “Ah’ll be speakin’ ta Filthy Rich ‘bout this. Y’all don’t worry ‘bout a thang.” “What makes you so sure Diamond Tiara put that there?” Sunflower asked. “See for yourself,” Spike said, turning the bomb over. Diamond Tiara’s name was literally written all over it. “Her name’s written all over it.” “Not good at subtlety, is she?” asked Sunflower. “No, she is not,” Spike said. “Luckily, this plan was as half-baked as her other bullying methods. She secured it with bubblegum, for crying out loud.” “Where could she and her partner in crime be?” wondered Sunflower. “I have a feeling they’re not too far away,” Spike said. “But, I have a little idea. Let them think they’re getting the drop on us. It’ll make it that much more satisfying when they’re proven wrong.” “Alrighty then,” Apple Bloom nodded.  Soon, it was time for the harvest day parade. The Crusaders all hopped aboard. “You sure you don’t want to join us, Spike?” Scootaloo asked. “I’ll be okay,” he said. “Well, we did make room for seven in here,” said Sweetie Belle. “If you do change your mind…” Spike smiled gratefully at the fillies. “Thanks, girls,” he said. As the parade started, Spike went over to Twilight and her friends and noticed the two devious bully fillies in the crowd. “You alright there, son?” whispered Twilight. “Oh, I’ll feel pretty good in a bit,” Spike said. “You aren’t with the crusaders in the parade, Spikey-Wikey?” asked Rarity. “Oh, they offered, but, I just want to watch this time,” admitted Spike.  “Alright, if you’re certain,” Rarity said with an understanding nod. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon waited for their prank to go off, but, nothing happened. “Wait…” Diamond Tiara started. “What’s happening?” “Looks like… nothing I guess,” admitted Silver Spoon. “Maybe it wasn’t secured properly.” The two fillies galloped into the parade, and tried to track the crusaders’ float. As they galloped, another float ran over the prank party popper after Pinkie threw it into the route arbitrarily. “Ew!” cried the pony driving the float. “What’s that stink?” Diamond and Silver held their noses and the former glanced up in shock. “Silvy, run,” whispered Diamond. “Why?” “It’s my mom’s float!” Diamond and Silver bolted away. Spoiled Rich got down and examined the evidence. “DIAMOND DAZZLE TIARA!” she shouted. Spike balked in shock. “How did that get out there?” He then noticed that instead of the stink bomb, he was holding a cupcake – with emeralds as sprinkles. He quickly realized Pinkie used her distraction technique on him again. “Enjoy your snack, Spike,” Pinkie said. “Pinkie,” Spike said calmly. “Did you just take that stink bomb out of my claw?” “Stink bomb?” Pinkie asked. “I thought it was a party popper.” “… Okay,” Spike shrugged. “Admittedly, it was in the shape of a party popper.” “Yeah,” Pinkie said. “I thought it would spread confetti all over the parade, not make a horrible smell!” “Why were you carrying one in the first place?” Twilight asked. “It was planted on the Crusaders’ float by Diamond Tiara,” Spike said. “I removed it and planned on revealing it to her after the parade to show that her plan failed. Now that Pinkie took it and threw it, I can’t.” “Sorry, Spike…” Pinkie sighed. “Yet you thought revealing the real thing would make you more innocent? It just looked like you did the deed,” Silver Spoon said in an accusing manner. Spike noticed Spoiled Rich approaching, which Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon didn’t. He had an idea. “That’s rich coming from the filly who planted that bomb in the first place.” “Hey!” Diamond Tiara said. “I’m the one who put that bomb there!” She didn’t see her mother right behind her. “Oh, really?” she said sternly. Diamond Tiara immediately went pale and slowly turned around to see her mother. The mare then boxed the tiara-wearing filly on the ears. “It’s bad enough you associate with a blank flank behind my back, but, you sabotage my float? I’m taking you home and you can stay locked in your room until you think about what you’ve done. I’ve made it clear that you’re only permitted to interact with blank flanks to remind them they’re inferior and you deliberately disobeyed me.”***** Onlooking ponies and Spike watched with shock and disgust at the harsh punishment that Diamond Tiara endured. “That’s no way to treat anypony, much less your own daughter!” shrieked Pinkie. “I’m beginning to see why Diamond Tiara acts the way she does,” Spike whispered to Twilight. Twilight grimly nodded. Fluttershy felt rage boil inside her. “Now, you listen here, ma’am!” she snapped at the uppity earth pony mare. “What gives you the right to treat your flesh and blood so coldly? To teach her to treat others so mean?” “I know what’s best for my daughter,” Spoiled said. “I wouldn’t expect a childless peasant like you to understand. Much less, those blank flanks who contribute nothing to society.” “Contribute nothing?!” Rainbow said angrily. “Haven’t you seen all of the amazing things that happened because a pony who doesn’t have their Cutie Mark yet made them? I would imagine not since you’re so uppity that you can barely see anything below your muzzle!” “A pony is only worth something once they have a Cutie Mark,” Spoiled said. “Otherwise, there’s nothing about them worth bothering with.” “Seems somepony’s too old to remember what it was like to be a filly with hopes and dreams,” Rarity said sassily. “Besides,” added Twilight. “We were all blank flanks once! Even you!” “I do not need to justify myself to a blank flank sympathizer,” Spoiled said. “Now or ever.” “Well,” Filthy Rich said coldly. “That would mean you wouldn’t justify yourself to me.” “You are not involved in this, Filthy,” Spoiled said. The crowd of ponies, minus Spike, the Guardians, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders booed at Spoiled Rich. “Spoiled, you’re making a scene,” Filthy scolded. “You constantly say you care about our family’s reputation, but, what do you think this will do to it?” Spoiled didn’t like admitting when somepony else was right, but, for this case, she made an exception. So, they hustled away out of sight. “Why does Filthy put up with her?” Spike asked. “Arranged marriage set by their folks,” Applejack said. “He didn’t have no choice.” “I thought that was an olden pony tradition,” gasped Spike. “His family didn’t get rid o’ that tradition ‘til Filthy took over,” Applejack said. “He continues ta put up with his situation ‘cause he loves Diamond Tiara.” “Anyway,” Rainbow said. “Getting off that extremely uncomfortable train, don’t we still have a Harvest Festival to celebrate?” “Yeah, we do,” said Clear Sky, who made herself known.  Without Spoiled Rich’s influence, all attendants had a grand time at the festival. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, with all six of their club members, had the most fun of all. Though, Scootaloo looked at Clear Sky and studied her. She had a pale, light grayish rose coat, a light roseish gray, light gray, and pale, light grayish azure mane and tail, pale, light grayish aquamarine eyes, and a Cutie Mark depicting the sun and a wisp of air. But, what stood out to her was the fact that she was a unicorn. “What are you looking at my mom for, Scootaloo?” Wind Sprint asked. “Your mom has a name I’d expect for a pegasus,” said Scootaloo. “But, she’s a unicorn.” “She works as a weather reporter,” Wind Sprint said. “Besides,” Spike said. “Didn’t you tell me that your dad and one of your aunts are earth ponies?” “That’s also true,” said Scootaloo. “And Wind Sprint, you can fly, right? I… I’ve been having trouble.” “Well, I’ve had a few flying difficulties of my own,” Wind Sprint admitted. “When I get lost in the thrill of flying, I sometimes start a gale.” “I see,” Scootaloo nodded. “I’m trying to get that magic under control,” Wind Sprint said. “We’ll be able to figure all of that stuff out,” Sweetie Belle said. “Wait, you can use magic? But, you don’t have a horn.” “I know,” Wind Sprint said. “I use magic through my wings.” “You can?!” The Ponyville CMCs asked enthusiastically. “Yeah,” Wind Sprint said. “But, I can’t really control it.” “Ah’m sure yer folks’ help ya with that,” Apple Bloom said. “Er ya’ll be able ta figger thangs out on yer own.” “We can all figure out how we can use our own types of magic,” said Lilymoon. “I’m still working on levitation. How about you, Sweetie Belle?” “I can only make sparks,” she admitted. “I’m still learning more.” “I’m rooting for you, though,” Lilymoon said encouragingly. After the festival, it was time for the Manehattan visitors to leave. “Ah’m mighty glad we all got ta know each other better,” Apple Bloom said. “We'll look out for more blank flanks if they want ta join,” said Babs. “We’ll do the same thing here,” said Sweetie Belle. “Hmm… Pipsqueak doesn’t have his mark yet.” “Great idea!” said Apple Bloom. “The more the merrier.” Soon, the Manehattan visitors left. “I hope things go well for them,” Sweetie Belle said. “They will,” said Scootaloo. “They have our full support!” End of chapter. > Chapter 5: Magic Duel (S3:E5) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 3 Written by Brandon Nell, Rachael Ravens, and Blake Hawkins Chapter 5: Magic Duel Four days after Babs and her friends went back to Manehattan, it was October 3rd and a dark and rainy night as Trixie Lulamoon was trotting through a forest with her cart in tow. She had turned 18 the week before and decided to visit Ponyville after a couple years. “I hope everypony is doing well,” she said aloud to herself. “And especially Spike. It’ll be good to see him again, too.” Then, a thought occurred to her. “Did I even have a proper conversation with him last time I was there*? Well, if I hadn’t, I will during my next visit.” As she trotted along, she noticed something laying on the ground beside the road. “Hmm? What’s this? This might belong to somepony.” She inspected it closely and discovered that it was an amulet with a red jewel in the center and a black winged and horned pony displayed on the outside. “Whoa~” Suddenly, she began to hear ominous whispers. “Hmm? Who’s there? Is this your amulet… whoever is out there?” She looked around, but, couldn’t see any other life forms that could’ve made the whispers. “Bizarre…” She decided to look for the amulet’s owner herself and placed a hoof on it. No sooner had she done that than the hoof she used to touch it began moving of its own accord. “Wh-what’s happening?!” she exclaimed. “Help! Somepony help!” The hoof that touched the amulet forcefully put it around Trixie’s neck. That was when the ominous whispers became coherent. “Hello, Trixie,” the voice said.** “Wh-who are you?” Trixie asked with a quiver in her voice. “You may call me…” the voice said. “Umbranor. I’m a spirit that resides in the Alicorn Amulet.” “The Alicorn Amulet?” Trixie repeated. “Oh, no…” “Yes,” Umbranor said. “I see you have vague memories of that artifact.” “I learned of it a long time ago at Celestia’s School,” Trixie explained, still trembling in fright. “I can see that the memories aren’t very clear,” Umbranor said. “I also see that you plan on showing Twilight Sparkle how much your magic has improved since you last saw her.” “Y-yes,” Trixie said. “And catch up with her and her friends.” “Well, what say we make this more interesting?” Umbranor said. “Challenge Twilight to a magic duel.” “A magic duel?” Trixie repeated. “I’m not so sure about that. I chiefly use performance magic and Twilight has talents that far exceed mine.” “Ah,” Umbranor said. “But, with the power I grant you, you can do so much more. Spells that even Twilight Sparkle hasn’t mastered.” This idea felt tempting to Trixie. “So, then,” Trixie said. “I really would be the Great and Powerful Trixie?” “Indeed,” Umbranor said. “However, you’ll need to practice a bit.” “Oh, gladly,” Trixie said, a corrupted grin growing on her face. Two days later, the weather had cleared. On that particular day, Twilight and Spike were at Fluttershy’s cottage. “Are you ready to do this, little ones?” Fluttershy asked some animals. They nodded. “Alright. Keep in mind, I will be a little bit nervous about this, but, I’m going to trust Twilight to make sure you’re all okay.” “You have my promise that your animals will be safe, Fluttershy,” Twilight said in a kind voice. “Besides,” Spike said. “She’s been doing this for the past week and things have been fine.” He then muttered under his breath, “Except when she accidentally duplicated Angel.” “I heard that, Spike,” Twilight said. “I was able to apply the counter spell to that, you know.” She then turned her attention to the animals. Fluttershy and Spike stood out of the way, but, they watched from afar. She then focused her energy and surrounded the animals in her magical aura. She then started to gently levitate them in the air. The animals thought that this was great fun. “See?” Spike said. “Nothing to worry about.” “You’re right, Spike,” Fluttershy said. “I do hear them cheering as they’re floating around up there.” Just then, Twilight concentrated all her energy into levitating the water out of a small pond, looping it into a figure eight. “Wow,” Fluttershy and Spike gasped with supportive smiles. Twilight was visibly straining to hold the magical figure as she manipulated the water, but, somehow, she willed herself to continue on even as the pressure grew more and more intense. But, at last, Twilight reached the limits of her ability and the water dropped back into the pond. She then gently set the animals down onto the ground, making sure none of them are hurt. Her horn was slightly smoking from the effort. Fluttershy saw this and applied an ice pack to Twilight’s horn. “You did very well, Twilight.” “I’ll say,” Spike said. “Your magic’s improved over these last two years.” “Thanks, you guys,” Twilight said modestly. “I wonder how much Trixie’s improved.” “That’s a good thought,” Spike said. “Boy, we haven’t thought of her in a while. I wonder how she’s doing.” “It still feels like she was hiding something the last time she was here,” Fluttershy said. “If and when she ever comes back,” Twilight said. “I hope we can give her enough trust to know she can talk to us about anything. And if something is bothering her, we should help her. Anyway, do you think I improved enough to impress Princess Celestia and the delegates from Saddle Arabia tonight?” “Totally,” Spike said. “When Princess Celestia put you on entertainment, I had a feeling that you would showcase some good magic.” “But, I’ve heard that in Saddle Arabia,” Twilight said. “Incredible feats are routine every hour or so.***” “I wouldn’t know,” Fluttershy admitted. “I’ve never been there.” “Besides,” Spike pointed out. “We have plenty of crazy stuff happening here, too. That’s how you became the Guardians of Harmony.” “Guys!” exclaimed Rainbow as she flew in. “Something crazy is happening in Ponyville!” “What is it?” Twilight asked. “You’re probably not going to believe this,” Rainbow started. “But… Trixie is causing trouble.” The three others wore looks of confusion. “Trixie?” Twilight asked. “Causing trouble?” “I know,” Rainbow said. “I can hardly believe it myself.” “We better look into this,” Spike said. “Because the idea of Trixie willingly causing trouble doesn’t sound right.” Rainbow led them into town. There, a sizable crowd of ponies had gathered. Rarity was struck by a red beam. With a puff of smoke, Rarity was wearing a dress that was brown-forward with orange, hot pink, yellow, and green accents. Think the tackiest dress from a local thrift shop only somehow worse. "You monster!" she shrieked. "This shade of brown should only be used for accents! How could you do this to me?!" Applejack and Pinkie hustled up and gently moved their upset fashionista friend away from the crowd. “Come on, Applejack,” Pinkie said. “We need to get her into a nice soothing pink, stat!” And the two earth ponies trotted off, carrying their unicorn friend with them. Rainbow and Fluttershy flew in, followed by Twilight and Spike. “What’s going on here?” Twilight demanded. “Well, well, well,” said the black hooded-cape wearing mare. “If it isn’t Twilight Sparkle.” She lifted her hood to reveal her face, mane, and horn. But, Trixie’s eyes briefly flashed in a sinister red, showing the Alicorn Amulet fastened around her neck. “What’s the meaning of this, Trixie?” Twilight asked. “I remember you leaving Ponyville on good terms!” “Yeah,” Spike said. “What happened to you?” Rainbow hovered above them. “Is that even the best you can do?” “Try this on for size!” Trixie exclaimed as she fired a vivid red beam of magical aura at the braggadocious pegasus. When the flash died down, Rainbow saw the result of what had happened: her right wing had grown abnormally larger than her left one. This caused her flying to become uneven. “Whoa~!” Rainbow exclaimed as she flopped in the air. The ponies who watched her unevenly fly ducked down to avoid accidentally getting hit by her hooves. Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails were among the ponies in the crowd. “Whoa,” Snips chuckled. “She’s Rainbow Wobble now!” “Yeah,” Snails said, chuckling, before taking a chance to think. “I don’t get it.” Tails could only roll his eyes in annoyance at his brothers. But, he ducked as Rainbow whizzed by again. “Good spell, oh Great and Powerful Trixie,” Snips said, genuflecting before the corrupted unicorn mare. “Don’t encourage her,” Tails said, pulling him back up. “Silence, non-believer!” Trixie said, zapping Tails with her magic aura. The magic put a muzzle around his… muzzle. Snips and Snails were shocked by this. “Hey!” Snails said with a newfound sense of anger. “Nopony does that to our brother!” “Even if he can be a bit naggy!” Snips said, earning him a deadpan glare from Tails. “You two, quiet!” She zapped the two unicorn colts with her magic. When the light died down, Snails found himself with Snips fused together, horn to horn. “Hey, what the-?!” Snails stammered, trying to shake off Snips from his head. “FlAiLiNg Me LiKe A tRoUt IsN’t WoRkInG!!!” Snips said as he was being flailed around. “Trixie, stop picking on my friends!” Twilight said sternly. “This is unnecessary!” What none of the Ponyville residents knew at the time was that within Trixie’s mind, the mare was watching what was happening through her own eyes and was horrified by what she saw. “Twilight’s right,” Trixie’s internal dialogue said. “Why am I doing this to them?” “This is necessary,” the voice of Umbranor said. “Now, say why we’re here. Put that excellent showpony voice of yours to good use. And remember what I told you to say.” “Very well,” Trixie's internal dialogue said. Back outside… “You and I have some unfinished business, Twilight,” Trixie said in her best showpony voice. “My magic has gotten better since we last crossed paths and I wanted to show you what I got with a magic duel. But, to make this more interesting, I thought I’d make a little wager. The winner stays, the loser leaves Ponyville forever!” “What makes you think I’d make a deal like that?” Twilight demanded. Unknown to her, Umbranor took control of Trixie’s body and even started speaking in her voice. “Because, if you don’t,” ‘Trixie’ said. “I will not only keep casting spells on your friends, I’m not above ending them!” At that very moment, she fired a vivid red beam at Spike. The magic morphed him into a ball and started to dribble him. “Let me go!” Spike said helplessly. This sight enraged Twilight. “You leave my son out of this!” This statement caught Umbranor off guard and caused him to speak in his own voice. “Your son? I wasn’t told of this before.” He then realized his mistake and cleared his throat before speaking in Trixie’s voice. “Pardon me, I had something in my throat.” “But,” Spike grunted between bounced. “Think you can take a clue and let me go?!” “Only if your ‘mommy’, agrees to face Trixie,” Umbranor said in Trixie’s voice. “First, answer me this,” Twilight said. “Why are you doing this?” “Don’t act so innocent,” ‘Trixie’ said as her horn lit up. In a flash, a giant projector screen appeared and began to display images from Trixie's last appearance in Ponyville. “You showed up Trixie with that Ursa Minor and made her work tirelessly to fix all of Ponyville. Since then, she was ostracized and mocked. She even had to take a job at a stupid rock farm just to survive! A rock farm, for Tartarus’ sake!” On the screen, Trixie was seen working for a pony Pinkie recognized immediately. “Hey!” Pinkie snapped. “My family’s rock farm home is not stupid!” Inside Trixie’s mind, the mare was shocked at the way her memories were presented. “That’s not how those memories happened!” the mare internally monologued. “You want these ponies to sympathize with you, don't you?” Umbranor said. “Not like this!” the mare internally protested. Back outside, Umbranor used Trixie’s magic to remove Pinkie’s muzzle. Pinkie mumbled with outrage. “So, Twilight?” ‘Trixie’ said. “Are you down to show me your magical prowess or am I going to take more drastic measures to get you to change your mind?” Twilight knew she was being forced into this, but, she knew Trixie would continue casting spells like the ones before until she agreed. It was becoming increasingly apparent that Trixie wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Very well, Trixie,” Twilight conceded. “Only if you’ll spare my friends and family. Your fight’s with me, not them!” “I knew you would agree eventually,” ‘Trixie’ said. She lit her horn and remedied almost all of Spike and the other ponies’ problems. The only exception being Pinkie, who was still without a muzzle. “Return Pinkie’s muzzle, too!” Twilight demanded. ‘Trixie’ rolled her eyes and returned Pinkie’s muzzle. The mare gasped for breath and was uncharacteristically angry. “Taking my bucking muzzle?!” she shouted. “Were you trying to suffocate or starve me?!****” “If I wanted to get rid of you,” ‘Trixie’ said. “I would have done so already. Now shut up or I’ll do something worse than just remove your muzzle.” “Take that bitch down, Twilight!” Pinkie said. Nearby parents covered their foals’ ears.***** Whoa, Spike thought to himself. Pinkie must have been angry. I’ve never heard her call anypony that before. “Enough talk,” Twilight said. “Let’s duel!” “I thought you’d never ask,” ‘Trixie’ said. “Draw!” She fired a red beam of magic at a nearby wagon carrying pies. She levitated it with her magic and caused it to careen at Twilight. Twilight used her magic to stop the cart in midair. She then set it aside so that it wouldn’t hurt anypony. She breathed a sigh of relief, but, the relief was short lived when she saw Trixie levitating hot pies to fire at the lavender unicorn. Thinking quickly, Twilight remembered an advanced spell she recently learned that allowed her to summon a Parasprite. It was able to eat the pies in one gulp. It then belched out a duplicate. Twilight was able to use her magic to teleport them away to a place where they couldn’t cause any harm. Her horn was starting to warm up again using so much magic so suddenly. But, unexpected relief was about to wash over her in the form of a concentrated snowpatch, courtesy of Trixie. Twilight’s horn hissed like hot metal coming in contact with cold water as a shroud of steam was created. Twilight, in an effort to bring down Trixie’s hubris, fired a magenta magic beam at Trixie's face. For a second, it seemed nothing had happened. But, it turned out she had used #25 as a black mustache magically grew on Trixie’s face. The sight made the witnesses snicker a bit. Though, Pinkie laughed in an almost sadistic manner. “Maybe you should consider joining a circus freakshow!” she said. That comment caused Spike and the other guardians to look at her in shock as she kept laughing. “Boy,” Applejack said. “She really took losin’ her muzzle hard.” Pinkie immediately stopped laughing and glared at Applejack. “You try nearly suffocating and/or starving,” she said. “I nearly died! Death is no laughing matter!” “Believe me, I know,” Rainbow said. While they were talking, Trixie conjured a pair of scissors to cut the mustache off. “Snips, Snails,” ‘Trixie’ ordered. “I need your assistance.” Despite his best efforts, Tails was unable to stop his brothers from approaching her. Trixie used her magic to turn Snips into a baby and Snails into an old stallion. Twilight could hardly believe her eyes. “Age spells?” Twilight gasped. “Only the most advanced unicorns can perform those spells. I know for a fact that you were expelled before you could get anywhere near that level.” “A lot has changed since we last met,” ‘Trixie’ said. “So, what can your magic do? Think you can change them back?” Twilight took a deep breath and made an effort. She strained as hard as she could, but, try as she might, she couldn’t return the two to their proper ages. With her horn overheated again, Twilight collapsed in exhaustion. “Trixie is the highest level unicorn!” ‘Trixie’ cackled. She then used her magic to reverse the spell. “Now, it’s time for you to leave Ponyville forever!” Pinkie ran straight for Trixie, clearly intent on beating her senseless. Trixie, seeing her coming, creates a force field around herself to keep her safe. “That force field won’t protect you forever, you bucking bitch!” Pinkie said, pounding on it. “Seems like I took your eyes and not just your muzzle,” ‘Trixie’ said in a smart-alecky tone. “Punch as much as you want, you’ll never penetrate this force field. And when you get tired, you can join Twilight in her banishment.” Applejack and Rainbow had to work together to hold Pinkie back. “Alright, Pinkie,” Rarity said. “I understand that you almost suffocated because of this brute, but, that gives you no reason to exhaust yourself on this frivolous task of revenge. It’s not working. You’re only stooping to her level. Hardly befitting a Guardian of Harmony.” Pinkie didn’t like it, but, she did have to stop and back off. “Thank you, Rarity,” ‘Trixie’ said with a falsely charming smile. “For you and Applejack’s efforts to stop Pinkie… aww, what the heck, I think I’ll banish you, too, because I can.” “No, Trixie,” Twilight said sadly. “They don’t deserve the banishment.” She slowly got up. “I’ll leave, but, spare them. My son above all.” “Very well,” ‘Trixie’ smirked. “Well, tootle-oo, Twilight. But, just to make sure you stay banished…” Trixie used her magic to envelop Twilight in her magical aura and teleport her to the outskirts of Ponyville. Once she was out, Trixie put a large transparent dome over Ponyville. Spike and the other guardians rushed to the wall of the dome on the inside and Twilight did likewise from outside. “Mom!” Spike exclaimed. “Can you hear me?!” The little dragon’s eyes were welling with tears. It was always a heart-breaking sight for Twilight. “I can hear you, Spike,” Twilight said in a loud volume. “I’ll figure something out and see if I can find a way to get through this. You all must look out for each other. And keep an eye on Trixie. This isn’t the same unicorn we knew before.” She then focused on Spike. “I promise I’ll be back, my son. I love you.” “I love you too, Mom,” Spike said with a sniffle. “Rarity, Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “I’m trusting both of you to take care of Spike.” “We won’t let you down, Twilight,” Rarity nodded. “We promise,” Fluttershy said, holding a hoof to her heart. With that, Twilight trotted off into the Everfree Forest. Spike kept his eyes on Twilight until she disappeared. “What do we do now?” Fluttershy asked worriedly. “We need ta be strong fer Twilight,” Applejack said. “Ah could tell somethin’ weren’t right with Trixie.” “Indeed,” Rarity said. “Especially with that dark hooded cape and that peculiar necklace. Not to mention, her aura was vivid red. If I recall correctly, the last time she was here, her aura was a pale, light grayish magenta.” “So… and I can’t believe I’m the one saying this, but…” Rainbow started. “We’re going to have to… learn about what’s going on.” “I’m surprised how much I agree with that,” Rarity said. “I want to give that Trixie a kick to the face so hard that—” Pinkie began before Rarity cut her off. “Pinkie, please!” Rarity said. “You are no longer in threat of suffocating or starving, so you are going to have to get a grip. And on top of that, you should not say any of this in front of Spike right now. He’s going through a hard enough time as it is without your negativity. Do you understand?” Pinkie looked at the sad drake and felt her anger ebb away. “You’re right, Rarity. I’m sorry, everypony.” “That was likely the temporary oxygen deprivation talking,” Spike said with a sob. “But, I want to learn everything I can to get my mom back.” Applejack put a hoof on Spike’s shoulder. “Yer afraid o’ losin’ her, ain’t ya?” she asked gently. “Of course I am,” Spike sniffled. “She hatched me and raised me. She made mistakes in the past, but, nopony’s perfect and she’s the closest thing to a mom that I have.” Applejack rubbed Spike’s head. “We’re all scared o’ that, sugarcube,” she said sympathetically. “But, Twilight’d want ya ta be strong fer her. We won’t do her much good if we just sit ‘round feelin’ sorry fer ourselves.” “You’re right, Applejack,” Spike said. He then took a deep breath and exhaled. “Come on, everypony.” Meanwhile, Twilight was trying to use an age spell on a flower. She was concentrating her magical aura on it. At first, it seemed to be blooming a bit, but, the strain and overheating on her horn was becoming overwhelming. The flower reverted to the state it was in before Twilight tried using the spell. “This is impossible,” Twilight said. “I’m not far enough in my magic lessons to learn an age spell, so, how was Trixie able to learn it? It doesn’t make sense.” She then remembered that Trixie’s aura was a different color than the last time she was in Ponyville. “Her magic aura changing color could have something to do with it, though, it seems unnatural for it to suddenly be so red. Wait. There’s something familiar about the vibe of the magic she used. Without Spike, I can’t contact the princesses.” “Twilight?” said a familiar and friendly voice. “What brings you out this way? It is unexpected and I can tell you are dismayed.” “Zecora!” Twilight exclaimed. “I’m very dismayed.” “Come into my hut for a cup of tea,” Zecora said. “And tell me what weighs on your heart heavily.” A bit later, Twilight had finished explaining the situation. “Your tale of woe upsets me so,” Zecora said, taking a sip of her herbal tea. “It is little wonder you are dour for that is an abuse of power. Separated from your friends and your son, that is a mistake that must be undone.” “But, how?” Twilight asked. “I tried facing Trixie and it didn’t work. I don’t even know how she got so powerful when she dropped out of magic school.” “You mentioned an aura of vivid red,” Zecora said. “Perhaps that is the cause of your dread. An unnatural magic from one so tragic. But, if you train with me, so good you’ll be. I’ll show you the way to make sure that back in Ponyville you will stay.” “You’re going to train me?” Twilight asked. “No offense, but, you’re a zebra.” “I may not have the prowess of a unicorn,” Zecora explained. “But, I have been learning different methods after I was born. Not traditional in the ways that you have learned, but, once I teach you, new knowledge will be earned.” “Okay,” Twilight said. “I’m willing to learn.” Zecora nodded wisely as she showed Twilight outside of her hut. Back in Ponyville, Umbranor, posing as Trixie, was ordering various ponies to do her bidding. All the while, the real Trixie, bound in chains in her mind, could only watch helplessly. “Please, Umbranor,” Trixie said internally. “This isn’t what I wanted! This goes against everything my father taught me!” “This is what I want,” Umbranor said wickedly. “And I’m not going to let a cowardly unicorn take that away from me. You put the Alicorn Amulet on and continued to use its augmentations without knowing the consequences. Now, you. Belong. To me!” “No!” Trixie said internally. “I won’t let you do this anymore! I’m going to take off the amulet and undo the bubble. Then, I’m going to set everything right with everypony!” Umbranor appeared before her in the form of a silhouette of an alicorn with glowing yellow eyes that shone brightly, tightening the chains binding the real Trixie. The showmare unicorn interjected with shock. “Don’t you ever speak that way to me!” Umbranor said forcefully. “If you aren’t going to be my vessel, then, you'll be worth less than the tombstone you’ll be buried under. Understand?!” Trixie quickly lost her nerve. “Y-y-yes, Umbranor… sir…” she quivered. Outside, none were aware of her inner turmoil. “The idea of making a throne out of baked goods is just ludicrous,” Mr. Cake said. “Baked goods are for eating, not furniture.” “We better keep doing this, though,” Mrs. Cake said nervously. “Who knows what she could do to us if we disobey? Or worse, our triplets’ lives could be at risk.” “Hurry up with my throne!” ‘Trixie’ demanded. “Y-yes, ma’am,” Mrs. Cake answered. Meanwhile, Applejack and Caramel were smooshing apples with their hooves. “How long until my applesauce facial is ready?” ‘Trixie’ asked. “Facial?” Caramel asked. “I thought you were going to eat it.” “It’s for my pores,” ‘Trixie’ said. “Now keep at it.” Caramel was about to continue when Applejack stopped him. “Ferget it,” Applejack said. “We ain’t goin’ ta follow any o’ yer orders ‘till ya let Twilight come back home!” ‘Trixie’ took this as a challenge. She levitated feathers to tickle Applejack, causing her to laugh uncontrollably. Applejack tried to resist, but, it didn’t last long because of one simple thing: she was extremely ticklish. This wasn’t something she publicly allowed others to know about (Caramel was among the few ponies not in her biological family she told). To make matters worse, ‘Trixie’ wasn’t aware of the extent of this weakness and didn’t show mercy.****** “Ha-ha, hoh-kay!” Applejack gasped between guffaws. “We’ll keep workin’! Just make it stop! Ah can’t take it!” “Ah,” ‘Trixie’ said. “It seems I found your weakness.” “Whatever!” Applejack laughed. “But, if ya don’t stop, the biddin’ won’t get done! Ah might accidentally taint these here apples!” “She’s not lying!” Caramel said. “I’ve seen what happens when she’s tickled too long!” ‘Trixie’ considered this. Not wanting her face to smell like forbidden apple juice*******, she released the feathers and subsequently released Applejack from her tickled grasp. The farm mare breathed heavily, trying to regain her breath. Caramel comforted his marefriend gently. Pinkie was quickly starting to lose her temper, but, this distracted her and caused her to trip over boxes she could’ve avoided. ‘Trixie,’ hearing the fumbling, sadistically applauded her. “Well done~!” ‘Trixie’ applauded. “In my new empire, you shall be a remarkable jester!” “You’re lucky the Cake Triplets are in this room,” Pinkie said. “The words I’m thinking of can’t be said around them!” Back in the Everfree Forest, Zecora was training Twilight. The zebra had the lavender unicorn stand on a pond and use her magic to concentrate on orbs of water to levitate around her. It was an oddly serene scene. “Ah yes,” Zecora said. “The key to water magic is no noise, no sound, no din, and no fuss to interfere with your focus. “Unlearn what you have already learned. For only then can victory truly be earned." Twilight was still focusing her energy. However, what she thought was Trixie’s voice ruined her concentration. Trixie IS the highest level unicorn, ‘Trixie’s’ voice said. Twilight was so disturbed that she sank in the pond and released the water orbs with numerous splashes. Luckily, the pond wasn’t very deep and she was able to return above the surface. “Oh,” Twilight said. “It’s so hard to learn elemental magic you don’t have an affinity for.” “There is much more that I can teach,” Zecora said as she helped Twilight out of the pond. “But, the answer you need may still be out of reach.” “I’m trying really hard, Zecora,” Twilight said. “I wasn’t born with affinities for water and earth magic like you. My friends and my son are counting on me to come back and save them. I can't just push them out of my mind. Not after the promises I made. And that doesn't even begin to cover Trixie. I remember her leaving on good terms, but, now, she’s acting so differently.” “Your thinking needs a readjust,” Zecora explained calmly. “Total concentration is a must. How she has changed is a concern, but, that should not distract you from the lessons you must learn.” Back in Ponyville, Spike had called the remaining Guardians of Harmony, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Caramel. They were hiding out in the Golden Oak Library and they were going through all of the books in the Magic Section. “Ugh!” Rainbow said. “I can’t read these runes!” “There has to be some written in Ponish,” Sweetie Belle said. “If there aren’t, it’s making the search more difficult.” “This is like finding a needle in a haystack!” Scootaloo said. Finally, Spike found a picture of the necklace Trixie was wearing. “I think I just found the needle!” The other ponies turned their attention to the drake. “Well done, Spike,” Fluttershy said happily. “Are there descriptions about it?” “The Alicorn Amulet,” Spike read. “It was created by King Sombra during his reign over the Crystal Empire. He created it by sacrificing 33 earth ponies, 33 pegasi, and 33 unicorns. He slaughtered all 99 of them and their blood, bone, and flesh melted with the metal used to forge the amulet. Depending on the type of pony wearing it, it enhances that pony’s natural traits. Magic for unicorns, flight and speed for pegasi, and strength and stamina for earth ponies.”******** “That’s horrifying!” Rainbow exclaimed. “We all knew King Sombra was a bad pony when he enslaved the Crystal Ponies, but, that’s just too much!” “It gets worse,” Spike said. “As a consequence of the amulet’s creation, the souls sacrificed merged into one, creating an evil spirit bound to the amulet. Just touching it gives the spirit the power to force the user to put it on. The more the user uses the amulet, the more control over the user the spirit has.” “Wait a minute,” Applejack said. “So, y’all think that this here spirit was the one who took off Pinkie’s muzzle instead o’ Trixie herself?” “I don’t give a flying feather either way,” Pinkie said. “That Trixie bucked with something she shouldn’t have bucked with and I’m going to take that amulet off her neck and jab her in the eye with it!” “Pinkie, no!” Spike exclaimed. “The amulet has a special lock on it. Only Trixie has to remove it herself. And if somepony else tries to force it off of her, it could not only kill Trixie, but, the spirit within the amulet would possess you! Do you really hate Trixie enough to wish her dead? Or that you would risk being possessed by it to harm others?” Pinkie took all of this in. She was still mad at the idea of nearly suffocating and starving, but, she wouldn’t wish for anypony to die. And she certainly wouldn’t want to risk being possessed. If she was possessed, she could never plan another party with the ones she loved ever again. That went against her very nature. “You win, Spike,” she said. “But, how are we supposed to get Trixie to remove the amulet?” “We need to get this information to Twilight,” Fluttershy said. “She could have learned about the Alicorn Amulet before and she might know what to do.” “There’s a small problem there,” Spike said. “After the Crystal Empire, my mom hasn’t really been in a rush to explore the more intricate aspects of dark magic.” “And there’s also the problem o’ the giant bubble that Trixie put up,” Apple Bloom said. “Even if ya could send messages with yer fire breath, Spike, it’ll be hard fer Twilight ta teleport back in.” “I tried contacting the princess,” Spike said. “The scrolls can’t get through.” Before any of them could say anything, the door was knocked off its hinges and Trixie came dashing into the room accompanied by Snips and Snails. By now, her red eyes had become increasingly obvious to spot. “There you are!” ‘Trixie’ shouted. “You’re supposed to be following my orders, not leisurely reading! If you had any thoughts of treason, I’m here to quell them now.” “You can’t frighten us, Trixie,” Spike said defiantly. “Or should I say, spirit?!” ‘Trixie’ growled ferociously. This frightened Snips and Snails as they ran and quivered behind Applejack. “You’re the spirit of the Alicorn Amulet, aren’t you?” Spike said defiantly. “You have done your research,” Umbranor said in his real voice. “Well, that knowledge isn’t going to help you much further!” “Sp-sp-spirit?!” Snips quivered. “Yes,” Umbranor said. “I am Umbranor, the spirit of the Alicorn Amulet and the combined form of 99 sacrificed pony souls.” “That explains why Trixie didn’t really act like the Great and Powerful Trixie,” Snails squirmed. “Pah!” Umbranor scoffed. “Were it not for the fact that I’m powerless unless a pony wears the amulet, I would have cast that worthless showmare aside. She’s utterly useless otherwise. Other users would have taken much longer for me to take control of. This mare was so weak, I gained control two days ago after she came across the amulet by chance.” Ah had a feeling Trixie wouldn’t have come ‘cross that there amulet on purpose, Applejack thought to herself. But, out loud, she said, “We’ll figger out some way ta get Trixie ta take that Alicorn Amulet off o’ her! N’ once we do, we’re goin’ ta lock it up so that nopony’ll ever be corrupted by yer evil magic ever again!” Umbranor was less than impressed. “Even if you trick my worthless hostess into removing the amulet,” he said. “I can gain enough power to force the next pony who merely touches it to put it on. The last pony to wear it buried it in the side of a plateau that years of rain washed away.” “Even so,” Rainbow said. “We won’t let anypony else get possessed by you! We’ll do anything to make sure Twilight can come back home and that this stupid dome is out of here!” Umbranor expressed no fear in Rainbow’s threat. “You ponies really are pathetic. No wonder you can be swayed so easily.” “Just ya wait,” Apple Bloom snapped. “Mah sister n’ her friends’ll make ya sorry ya said that!” “Aw, isn’t that adorable?” Umbranor said arrogantly. “It thinks it’s a threat.” So, Umbranor decided to leave the library. He would save any real harm he had for them for another time. However, he used magic to forcibly relocate all in the library. Spike was about to try to free himself when he noticed some of the ground swelling as if something was digging underneath it. “What the?” Spike said to himself curiously. He cautiously looked at the patch of ground. Umbranor noticed as well. “Hello?” the spirit said softly. In seconds, Bluu sprung up out of the ground, surprising all present. “Bluu?!” Rarity gasped. “This is an unexpected surprise, but, certainly a much more pleasant one. What brings you here?” “Well,” Bluu said. “I was trying to find Ponyville, didn’t know where it was so it took a while, I found the place and there’s a giant goldfish bowl covering it. What’s going on?” “The spirit of 99 slain ponies confined in a powerful artifact called the Alicorn Amulet,” Spike explained. “The spirit within can only gain control if the Amulet is worn by somepony. So, this spirit seized control of a unicorn mare, challenged my mom to a magic duel, and forced her to leave Ponyville. This dome is to make sure she doesn’t come back.” “How did a mongrel like you get through the barrier?!” Umbranor demanded. Bluu’s answer was brief and blunt. “I dug under it.” “Careful,” Pinkie stage-whispered at Bluu. “Your muzzle could be forcibly removed.” “Oh, I have something worse in mind,” Umbranor said. But, before he could do anything, Bluu reached into his vest and threw a paw full of sand in Trixie’s eyes. This caused Umbranor to temporarily let go of his grasp on Trixie, letting her suffer the pain. This also released those caught in the magical grasp.  “Quick,” Spike whispered to his companions. “We have to get out of here while we have the chance.” All but Bluu, Snips, and Snails retreated into Bluu’s tunnel. They popped out of the other side on the outskirts of the village and saw the entrance to the Everfree Forest. “And we didn’t think to dig under the dome from the start if it was going to be that easy to get out, WHY?!” Rainbow said.********* “I guess because only one of us really knows how to dig,” Fluttershy thought aloud. “We didn’t really think about it?” “One thing’s for sure,” Spike said. “That Umbranor, and by extension, Trixie, won’t be blinded for long. When they regain their sight, they’ll notice we’re all missing and find a way to get us back in.” “So,” Rarity said. “What can we do? Should we look for Twilight?” “Ah’ll go,” Applejack said. “Spike, think ya can get a letter ta the princess?” “I used up the last of the scrolls the library had trying to contact her inside the dome,” Spike said. “When all of this is over,” Rarity said. “I’ll have to take you and Twilight shopping to help restock.” “While ah go tell Twilight what we learned, y’all best head back in the dome,” Applejack said. “That specter’ll cause more damage if Trixie gets outside the dome. ‘Least with most o’ us inside, the specter can’t hurt nopony outside Ponyville.” “But, we’ll suffocate in there!” Pinkie said. “No, ya won’t,” Applejack explained. “Even without Bluu’s tunnel, ‘long as there’re trees, flowers, n’ grass in there ta supply y’all with oxygen, y’all will be safe.” “How do you know that about plants?” Rainbow asked. “Ah work n’ live on a farm,” Applejack explained flatly. “Mah family’s surrounded by trees.” “Oh,” Rainbow said in embarrassment. “I forgot. I keep forgetting that you know about stuff besides apples.” “Uh, you do know apples are a type of plant, right?” Sweetie Belle pointed out. “Never mind that now,” Applejack said. “Just go n’ ah shouldn’t be gone long.” With that, Applejack headed off. The others headed back inside Ponyville under the dome via the tunnel. In Zecora’s hut, Applejack had explained the situation to Twilight. “I thought there was something odd about the amulet,” Twilight said, dismayed. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize it first-hoof.” “Spike told us ya weren’t eager ta look inta dark magic after the Crystal Empire,” Applejack said. “Even in death, Sombra’s dark magic finds its way to me somehow,” Twilight said. “I have no clue on how to convince Trixie to take it off, even with Umbranor taking over her mind. My magic may be getting stronger, but, it’s still not enough.” All the while, Zecora listened carefully. “Twilight Sparkle, much work have you done,” she said. “You have learned all of my lessons… all but one. If the spirits’ tricks have you in a fix, you must nix your magic and use the six.” “Would it kill ya ta give a straight answer fer once?” Applejack said. But, Twilight was deep in thought, trying to unravel the riddle and figure out what it really meant. Once she had the solution, she gasped happily. “Zecora, you're a genius! Thank you!” She embraced her zebra friend, who smiled wisely. “Am ah missin’ somethin’ here?” Applejack said, still confused. “Zecora explained that I should face off against Umbranor again,” Twilight explained. “Only this time, I use a different kind of magic. The very magic that triumphed over Nightmare Moon and Discord.” Applejack listened and she began to smile. “O’ course! The Elements o’ Harmony! That ought ta-” “Not necessarily, Applejack,” Twilight interrupted. “The magic of friendship. You said Spike used up all the library’s scrolls trying to contact the princess while in the dome, so, we wouldn’t be able to contact her to get the elements sent here from Canterlot.” “Good point,” Applejack said. “So, how’re we goin’ ta do this?” Twilight wrote her plan down on a sheet of paper before giving it to Applejack. “Get inside Ponyville and rally as many ponies as you can.” “Can do, Twi,” Applejack saluted. “N’ don’t worry. Spike’s holdin’ up fine.” “Thank you,” Twilight said, breathing a sigh of relief. “I really needed to hear that. Once this is over, I’m going to hold my baby close all night long.” Applejack gave an understanding nod and headed out with the plan. “Your maternal instincts are noticeably stronger,” Zecora observed. “And this devotion will ensure Spike is close to you for longer.” “I nearly lost him in the Crystal Empire,” Twilight said. “He’s been in my life so long, I can’t imagine living anywhere without him.” A bit later in Ponyville, Umbranor was using Trixie’s body to chase Bluu. “This is ridiculous!” Bluu panted. “My sentiments exactly,” Umbranor said. “Curse this hostess’ weak constitution!” He then spotted Twilight just outside the dome and switched to Trixie’s voice. “What are you doing? Can’t handle being banished?” Twilight just glared. “You may as well drop the act… Umbranor.” Umbranor stopped running and walked face to face with Twilight, though not exactly considering the dome was still present. “So,” Umbranor said in his true voice wickedly. “You really are a smart unicorn. Well, there’s nothing you can do about me possessing this weak mare while you’re out there, so you may as well go back to being banished like a good little whelp.” “You don’t frighten me,” Twilight said. “I’ve encountered your creator before.” “Well, lucky you,” Umbranor said sarcastically. “It still doesn’t help you any.” “Oh, the fact that I was able to put his power into another amulet begs to differ,” Twilight said. This statement caught Umbranor’s attention. “What?!” he exclaimed. “You’re bluffing!” “Am I?” Twilight challenged as she levitated an amulet with what looked like a crystal Sombra would’ve created in the center. “I collected one of the crystal shards he created before he was killed.” Umbranor started to sweat with unease, but, he put on a brave face. “W-well, that’s probably just some weak little trinket. I’m made of 99 slain souls while yours was just made with the spirit of one slain pony.” “The soul of the pony responsible for your creation,” Twilight said. “And I have to say, getting rid of him was harder than facing you.” “Oh, my duel was easy, was it?!” Umbranor challenged, clearly insulted. He then used Trixie’s magic to dissipate the dome. “If you think it’s so easy, why don’t we duel again? Let me see how powerful that so-called charm of yours really is?” “Very well,” Twilight said. “If I win, you release your hold on Trixie. If you win, you can take me instead.” “You’re on,” Umbranor grinned wickedly. Either way, I’ll be rid of this useless unicorn mare, he thought to himself. Twilight and ‘Trixie’ faced each other for another duel. Various ponies, Bluu, and Spike cautiously gathered to watch. “Let’s start with an age spell,” Umbranor said. “Let’s,” Twilight nodded. Umbranor forcefully levitated Snips and Snails before Trixie’s body. The two trembled nervously as Umbranor transformed the two colts into foals. “Let’s see if the power of my creator can do that,” Umbranor said. “Uh, no problem,” Twilight said with a knowing smirk. “Applejack, Rarity, think you can help me with this spell please?” Applejack and Rarity stepped up. Umbranor, thinking he has nothing to worry about, nonchalantly filed Trixie’s hooves. Twilight illuminated her horn and fired a magic beam at the two. A magenta puff of smoke enshrouded them, and when the smoke cleared, there stood what looked like Applejack and Rarity… as fillies! Needless to say, Umbranor couldn’t believe what he saw. “Oh,” Umbranor said, pretending to be unimpressed. “So you can do an age spell. Big deal.” But, Twilight wasn’t done yet. She fired another beam and returned Applejack and Rarity back to their normal selves. She then cast another beam, turning Rarity into a filly on Applejack’s back. Another beam was fired and Rarity returned to her normal self, aging Applejack up to an older mare. If one looked closely, they would notice that Applejack’s eyes had mysteriously changed color. Finally, with one more beam of magic, Twilight transformed her friends back to their normal selves. They seemed out of breath and sweat was trickling down their faces. “That’s impossible!” Umbranor gasped. Twilight could tell at once that her trap was working. “That’s nothing,” she smirked. Twilight then turned her attention to Rainbow, who pointed at herself as if to say, “Who, me?” Twilight then fired a magic beam at Rainbow. When the magenta smoke cleared, nothing seemed to happen. That was, until, what looked like a second Rainbow made her presence known. She was casually standing on Rainbow’s back, catching the cyan pegasus by surprise. “How did you–” Umbranor started before Twilight interrupted. “Duplication spell,” Twilight smirked. “Foal’s play with this. This amulet can even cause physical manipulation… have you ever seen one pony play ten instruments at once?” Before she gave Umbranor a chance to answer, she fired a magic beam at Pinkie. Once the magenta smoke cleared, Pinkie was playing a variety of different instruments: a harmonica, a trumpet, an accordion, a giant drum, cymbals, maracas, a high hat, a tuba, a tambourine, and bongos. She was playing all ten of them in a cacophonous symphony, deliberately and delightfully annoying Umbranor. Umbranor was more baffled by what he was seeing through Trixie than annoyed. “This can’t be!!!” he said. “Ooh, but, I can demonstrate one more ability,” Twilight smirked, eyeballing Applejack. “I can temporarily turn a mare into a stallion!” Applejack didn’t like the sound of that and attempted to run. But, Twilight fired a magic beam before the farm mare could get away. When the magenta smoke cleared, there stood a male Applejack. He timidly posed. “Eeyup…” the male Applejack sheepishly said. Oddly, his voice sounded like Applejack’s own voice, but, spoken at a lower pitch. Twilight returned him back to normal in seconds. Applejack’s eyes spun as if she was dizzy. “Well, Umbranor,” Twilight said confidently. “It looks like my amulet is far superior.” Angered by the perceived audacity that his creator was involved in the creation of something more powerful than himself, Umbranor failed to notice that Trixie regained control of her right front hoof until he saw it tracing letters in the dirt. “What are you doing?!” Umbranor barked. Others saw this, too, and couldn’t understand what was going on. The letters spelled out, “I am Trixie Lulamoon and I won’t let you use my body anymore!” The right forehoof then grabbed the Alicorn Amulet and started pulling it off despite Umbranor trying to fight back. “No… NO!” Umbranor exclaimed. But, Trixie never gave in. She no longer wanted Umbranor to cause trouble to her or any of the citizens of Ponyville and she was determined to stop all 99 souls at all costs, even at the expense of her own life. She tore off the amulet and immediately collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. Upon falling, she let go of the amulet. “Trixie!” Spike exclaimed as he ran to help her. On his way, he stepped on the amulet. Upon realizing this, he tried to fight Umbranor’s control. However, he quickly realized that Umbranor wasn’t trying to take control. “Huh? I’m not getting possessed.” “Of course…” Twilight said, dropping her bragging act. “It wouldn’t work on dragons because Sombra didn’t use dragons to make the amulet. That means you can safely touch it without being corrupted!” She then remembered Trixie, who was on the ground, still gasping for breath. Twilight teleported closer to Trixie, helping the blue unicorn to regain her breath. Slowly but surely, Trixie was able to regain the ability to breathe steadily. Tears trickled down Trixie’s face. “I may not have actively tried to seek out the Alicorn Amulet,” Trixie sobbed. “But, I couldn’t stop myself from Umbranor seizing control of me. I acted so horribly while I was wearing the amulet and I had a hard time regaining control of myself. I am so sorry for all of the harm I caused you and your friends. I can understand if you wouldn’t want to, but, I hope you can forgive me someday.” Trixie then doubled over in pain as she clutched her belly. “What’s wrong?!” Twilight asked, concerned. “I haven’t eaten in two days,” Trixie said as her belly growled. “We can help you with that,” Twilight said, comforting her friend. A bit later, Trixie had eaten two hayburgers, two large fries, and half a dozen donuts in rapid succession. She’d gained a small, but, noticeable potbelly as a result. “Much better,” Trixie said, exhaling a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much, Twilight. Though, could I possibly ask you to spare that new amulet in case there’s still some Umbranor in me?” “You don't need to worry about that,” Twilight admitted. “The amulet I was wearing isn’t really magical. The charm is in fact one of Zecora’s doorstops connected to a gold chain.” “Excuse me?” Trixie said before cleaning her ear. “I must’ve had something in my ear. I could’ve sworn I heard you say that charm, which let you cast spells Umbranor couldn’t, was a doorstop.” “You heard right, actually,” Twilight nodded. At that point, she gestured and the foal versions of Applejack and Rarity, along with the stallion and old versions of Applejack and one of the Rainbow Dashes stepped out from behind the statue. “Can we take this makeup off?” said filly Rarity with Sweetie Belle’s voice. “It’s starting to chafe.” “Since our plan was a success,” Twilight said. “Yes, you may. Thank you, Sweetie Belle. You, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Fluttershy, and Big McIntosh did an amazing job.” Trixie rubbed her eyes to make sure she was seeing things correctly. “What is going on here?!” “This was part of the plan to get the Alicorn Amulet off,” Twilight explained. “All of those spells I did, I didn’t really do. You see, Zecora taught me a lot about magic while I was in Umbranor’s exile. She even taught me when not to use magic. So, I had to rely on a different kind of magic; the magic of friendship.” “But, what about that pony playing ten instruments at once?” Trixie asked. “That wasn’t magic,” Twilight explained. “That was Pinkie being Pinkie.” Pinkie was seen still playing said instruments. “Boy, she’s really talented,” Trixie smiled. But, she remembered what had happened while she was still wearing the Alicorn Amulet and her smile lowered into a guilty frown. “We don’t blame you for what happened,” Twilight said. “I do,” Pinkie interjected. “Pinkie,” Twilight said. “No, she’s right,” Trixie said sadly. “Even though I wasn’t really in control, I was still the one wearing the amulet and I wasn’t able to stop Umbranor mimicking my voice while insulting Pinkie’s home or removing her muzzle. To be honest, Umbranor took the memories he projected out of context and didn’t make me say how they really happened. But, I can still understand that she wouldn’t want to forgive me because of this.” “Uh, aren’t you forgetting something?” Tails said as he gestured to the still babyfied Snips and Snails. “Oh, right…” Trixie said sheepishly. “Uh, Twilight, think you can help me? I don’t actually have the magic for age spells. So, maybe if we work together?” “I’ll take it from here,” a familiar voice said. All looked up to see it belonged to Princess Celestia. “Princess Celestia?” Twilight gasped. “What are you doing here so soon?” “I was alerted to the use of dark magic,” Celestia said. “I was in Saddle Arabia, so, it took a while to get here.” So, Princess Celestia illuminated her horn and her golden magic aura enveloped the two unicorn foals. She aged them until they were their proper ages again. Trixie quickly got up in the presence of Celestia and bowed. Unfortunately, she put too much effort into bowing and ended up pressing her face into the ground. Celestia patiently helped her up. “I accept any punishment you wish to give me, your highness,” Trixie said, humbly. “I was the reason you sensed dark magic.” Spike held the Alicorn Amulet. Celestia immediately recognized it. “This is definitely Sombra’s work,” she said. “Why don’t you just destroy it?” Rainbow asked. “For one,” Celestia explained. “Dark magic artifacts are notoriously difficult to destroy. For another, destroying the amulet would be like destroying a prison. You could get rid of the prisoner inside by destroying the prison, but, you could just as easily free them, allowing them to do what got them imprisoned in the first place unhindered.” “Oh,” Rainbow answered, nodding with unease. “Sorry I asked.” “I’ll lock this away where it can no longer do any harm,” Celestia said before using her magic to send the amulet away. She then remembered something. “I need to get back to the delegates from Saddle Arabia. They’re still on the train.” “Yes, your highness,” Twilight nodded. “And thank you.” That night, Twilight was performing her levitating animal act before the Saddle Arabian delegates and Princess Celestia. The animals that were floating were having the time of their lives. “Most impressive, isn’t it, Amira?” commented the male delegate. “Most impressive indeed, Haakim,” replied the female delegate, whose name was Amira. “I can tell that this mare has been studying for a long time and she still has a humble heart.” Near the end, fireworks went off. They were far enough away to not harm the animals during levitation, but, close enough to still be an eye-catching spectacle. Twilight placed the animals down gently. She looked and saw who was responsible for the fireworks. “Trixie?” Twilight said. “It may not mean much,” she said. “But, I thought I’d add some razzle-dazzle to your performance.” “It was lovely,” Twilight smiled. “Thank you.” “I guess I should leave Ponyville forever now,” Trixie said. “You don’t have to leave forever,” Twilight said. “That was Umbranor’s idea.” “Uh, yeah, she does need to leave forever,” Pinkie said coldly. “She messed with something she shouldn’t have and others got hurt because of it.” “I don’t suppose stating that Umbranor had that idea makes it better,” Trixie said. “You got that right,” Pinkie said. “If you hadn’t bucked with the Alicorn Amulet in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened!” Trixie sighed sadly and she turned to walk out of Ponyville. Pinkie’s friends glared at her. “You know something, Pinkie?” Fluttershy said. “You’re not being very nice. I know she tried to kill you, but, do you honestly want to spend the rest of your life holding a grudge? That doesn’t sound right for the Guardian of Laughter.” “Yeah,” said Spike. “And would you want anyone wanting to plan their parties with you to hear that? That wouldn't be very welcoming to hear from a party pony, but, that's just what I think.” “I’m going to have to do the right thing here, aren’t I?” she asked flatly. “Eeyup,” Applejack said, emulating her brother. “Ugh!” Pinkie groaned. “Fine. But, don’t expect any sincerity from it.” And she trotted off to Trixie. “This isn’t like Pinkie,” Spike said. “Yes,” Rarity said. “Normally, she would be more willing to forgive anypony for making a mistake.” “It felt a bit personal,” Twilight observed. “The way she said that Trixie messed with something she shouldn’t have.” The others gave it some thought. Applejack then gasped. “Like Pinkie messed with something she shouldn’t have messed with when she used the mirror pool!” “She was beside herself with guilt for hours after that,” Rainbow said. “She might be projecting that guilt onto Trixie,” Rarity said. “That must be why she’s still angry with Trixie even after apologizing,” Twilight said. “I guess Pinkie just needs a bit more time in order to really forgive Trixie,” Fluttershy said. “Well, from the looks of it,” Spike said. “She’ll only act this way around Trixie. So, if Trixie isn’t here, it shouldn’t be a problem.” “But, we can’t just keep her out ferever,” Applejack said. “If we did, we’d be no better’n Umbranor.” “True,” Twilight said. “So, we’ll just have to give everypony time for these wounds to heal properly.” “For Pinkie,” Rainbow said. “I’d say she needs a few years at least.” Trixie was still walking sadly out of the village when a hoof tapped her shoulder. Trixie stopped and turned to see a still disgruntled Pinkie. “I know,” Trixie said. “I’m still leaving Ponyville and never returning.” “I forgive you,” Pinkie said flatly. “You happy? Because that’s all you’re getting out of me.” “I’ll take it,” Trixie said before turning back and walking away. Once she reached the outskirts of Ponyville, Twilight teleported right in front of her. Trixie gasped a bit in surprise. Twilight, once she saw that Pinkie was on her way home and out of earshot, was able to talk to Trixie. “I’m really sorry about Pinkie,” Twilight said. “I promise she’s not usually like this. She herself messed with something she shouldn’t have and she’s projecting that guilt onto you. Give her a few years to get over it.” “What’s happening with Pinkie isn’t your fault,” Trixie said. “But, thank you. I hope I will be able to come back someday and make things right with her, but, it’s clear she doesn’t want to see me right now. I’ll miss you, your friends, and your son, Twilight.” She then facehoofed herself. “I still haven’t had a proper conversation with him!” “Given Pinkie’s current attitude regarding you,” Twilight said. “I don’t think now would be a good time.” “Right,” Trixie said. “Until we meet again, though.” She gave Twilight a kind hug farewell and continued on her way into the night. At the library, Twilight found Spike getting ready to tuck himself into his bed. “You’re sleeping in my bed tonight, Spike,” Twilight said. “Huh?” Spike said in confusion. “But, it’s not winter yet.” “I know,” Twilight said. “But, I promised that when I was able to come home, I was going to hold you close to me since we were separated for so long. So, I would like you to sleep in my bed with me for both of our sakes.” “Well,” Spike said, sensing the sincerity in Twilight’s voice. “Alright.” So, he got out of his basket bed and he crawled into Twilight’s bed, gently embracing his unicorn mother. “Applejack told me you were brave,” Twilight said. “I tried my best, anyway,” Spike said. “But, I still missed you.” “As did I, sweetie,” Twilight said, kissing his forehead. “Goodnight, mom,” Spike said with a sleepy smile. “Goodnight, Spike,” Twilight said as the dragon fell asleep. She then thought to herself, I’ve been putting off adopting you for too long. Whenever I have a spare moment from my studies, I’ll get to work on that. With that, Twilight fell asleep with her dragon son in her embrace. End of chapter. > Chapter 6: Sleepless in Ponyville (S3:E6) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 3 Written by Brandon Nell, Rachael Ravens, and Blake Hawkins Chapter 6: Sleepless in Ponyville One week had passed since the ordeal with the Alicorn Amulet. On this particular day, Scootaloo was racing through town on her scooter. She dodged past various ponies who were handling their own affairs in town or just casually enjoying the autumn day. All the while, Rainbow Dash was watching from above. “Whoa~!” yelped one pony as Scootaloo narrowly avoided hitting her. “Sorry!” Scootaloo called back. “Watch where you’re going, you maniac!” Shoeshine shouted. “My bad!” Scootaloo called back. Rainbow flew closer to Scootaloo. “Hey, Scoots,” Rainbow said. “Your maneuvering is pretty good, though, you could use a bit more work on that.” Scootaloo turned to acknowledge Rainbow. “AND KEEP YOUR EYES ON WHERE YOU’RE GOING!”* “Whoa!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she focused back on her path. “Thanks for the tip, Rainbow!” “I know this is rich coming from me,” Rainbow said. “But, if you don’t watch where you’re going, you could crash.” “You do make a good point, though,” Scootaloo said. “I’ll try and be more careful.” She then saw a huge ramp caused by an overturned cart. The little pegasus immediately got an idea in her head and increased her speed again. Rainbow watched on with a sense of worry for Scootaloo’s safety and a sense of hope for Scootaloo’s stunt going well. Scootaloo rolled right up the cart and jumped as her scooter soared into the air. She briefly rose up, still holding onto her scooter with her front hooves, but, allowing her back hooves to lift off. She buzzed her tiny wings. She was actually flying. Sure, maybe not to the same extent as Rainbow Dash. But, it was close enough to count. “Whoo-hoo!” she exclaimed happily. Alas, what goes up must come down. The short make-shift flying session ended all too soon as Scootaloo's scooter wheels touched the ground again. “Ah, well,” Scootaloo panted, calming down from her adrenaline rush. “It was fun while it lasted.” “Nice moves, kid,” Rainbow said. “Thanks, Rainbow,” Scootaloo smiled in a modest way. Internally, she was jumping for joy. Rainbow thinks I have nice moves! Caught up in her praise, Scootaloo didn’t notice she was on a collision course with her aunts. “Scoots!” Aunt Holiday called out. “Look out!” Auntie Lofty called out. Scootaloo saw them, but, she built up too much momentum to stop right away. Holiday pushed Lofty aside and allowed herself to take the brunt of Scootaloo’s collision. She was knocked onto her back while Scootaloo landed safely on Holiday’s plump belly. “Thanks, Aunt Holiday,” Scootaloo panted. “Are you guys okay?” “Oh, I’m okay,” Holiday said. “You know from the hugs I give you how soft I am. Though, you’ll have Lofty to contend with.” “Sorry about that,” Scootaloo said. “I was riding my scooter through town and I guess my head was in the clouds with joy about Rainbow complimenting my moves.” “We’ve told you to be careful when on your scooter,” Lofty said. “Your aunt Holiday won’t always be there to cushion your impacts.” “Yeah, I know,” Scootaloo said sheepishly. “So,” Holiday asked gently. “What else has you so excited?” “Well, when I came upon an overturned cart,” Scootaloo said. “I went over it with my scooter and I was airborne! It felt like I was flying!” “Uh, aren’t you forgetting the other thing?” Rainbow said. “Oh, right,” Scootaloo said. She then turned to her aunts as her excitement flared up again. "CanIgoonasleepoverandcampingtripwithRainbowDashtoWinsomeFallsplease?" “Whoa there, Scoots,” Auntie Lofty said coolly. “We get you’re excited, but, think you could slow down and explain your idea in a way your paternal aunt and I can understand?” Scootaloo blushed and explained more slowly. "Can I go on a sleepover and camping trip with Rainbow Dash to Winsome Falls, please?" The two aunts looked at each other and they smiled giving an approving nod. “Is that all?” Aunt Holiday smiled. “I don’t see why not,” Auntie Lofty said. “I assume the other members of your club here in Ponyville are going as well?” “Apple Bloom invited all of us and the older sisters,” Scootaloo said. “She even invited Rainbow so I could join.” “That sounds like oodles of fun,” Aunt Holiday said happily. “Course you can go, slugger,” Auntie Lofty said, lovingly noogying Scootaloo’s head. “Though, don’t try anything funny with Spike.” “Actually,” Rainbow said. “Spike’s not coming. He’s away at Canterlot to be watched over by Luna while Twilight’s helping Princess Celestia hide the Alicorn Amulet.”** “Ah, that sounds important,” Auntie Lofty said with a serious tone in her voice. “I guess you’ll have to invite him next time,” Aunt Holiday said kindly. “I can already see Rarity compensating Spike,” Rainbow said. “That sounds like her alright,” Auntie Lofty said. “She seems quite fond of that dragon. After what I’ve seen and heard of him, it’s small wonder. I had my concerns about you consorting with a dragon, but, Spike’s clearly as decent as any pony.” “He really is,” Scootaloo said. The very next day, Scootaloo had already packed her saddlebags and was eager to set off on the trip even though she knew it would be a while. She waited impatiently at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, right by and just outside the clubhouse she so often shared with her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders. The clubhouse that also doubled as her home away from home of sorts and the place she always held meetings of the Rainbow Dash fan club until the Mare-Do-Well debacle. “So, what do you think, girls?” Scootaloo said. “Are you as excited about this Winsome Falls camping trip as I am?” “I’ll admit,” Sweetie Belle said. “I was surprised Rarity agreed to it. Then, she explained that she, quote, didn’t wish to have another Sisterhooves Social debacle, end quote.”*** “Ah’m sure she’ll like it when she’ll give it a try,” Apple Bloom smiled. “Applejack n’ Ah have been campin’ fer a long time n’ we’ve been gettin’ better at it each time.” “I’ve never been camping before,” Scootaloo said. “Which is kind of weird when you think about it and know my parents.”**** “Either way,” Sweetie Belle said. “We’re glad you’re going to give it a try now.” Rarity approached Sweet Apple Acres with a pile of luggage bigger than herself. “Whoa,” Apple Bloom said, gazing at the impressive luggage pile. “Didn’t Applejack tell ya ta just pack the essentials?” “She didn’t specify what constitutes essentials,” Rarity said. “I don’t often go camping.” “Ah guess that makes sense,” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Applejack n’ ah made sure we got stuff like water canteens, bug spray, sunscreen, cookware, food, sleepin’ bags, n’ our tent.” “What about your sewing machines, irons, and fabrics?” Rarity asked. “We don’t need those,” Apple Bloom answered. “Unless ya mean blankets.” “And dresses,” Rarity said. “We’re going camping, not checking into a hotel,” Sweetie Belle said. “One never knows,” Rarity said. “Why, if we were going to the moon, I’d still pack a fine gown.” “Make sure yer also able ta breathe,” Applejack said as she came up to them. “Princess Luna might’ve survived there fer 1,000 years, but, that’s ‘cause she’s immortal. We ain’t.” “Immortal and invulnerable’re the same thing?” asked Apple Bloom. “Apparently in her case… yes,” said Scootaloo. “Well, somewhat,” Rarity said. “That’s a topic for another day.” “So, are we ready to get going?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Almost,” Scootaloo said. “Rainbow isn’t here yet.” “Ah told her ta meet us at the first campsite,” Applejack said. “But, since most o’ us are here, let’s get a move on, y’all.” “First campsite?” Scootaloo asked. “It takes a few days ta get ta Winsome Falls,” Apple Bloom explained. “We stop at campsites along the way.” “Oh, that makes sense,” Scootaloo nodded. “Need help moving the supplies?” Sweetie Belle asked Rarity. “Thanks anyway,” Rarity said. “But, I can manage. I may not be as strong as Applejack, but, I’m by no means weak.” “That’s for sure,” Sweetie Belle smiled. “But, if you do need any help, let me know, okay?” “Surely you don’t expect me to make you a pack mule,” Rarity said. “No,” Sweetie Belle said. “We could always share the work.” The ponies continued on their way, going up hills and through woods. “Are we there yet?” Rarity asked as they reached a clearing after a while. “The last thousand times ya asked, the answer was no,” Applejack said. "But, this time, it’s actually yes, ‘cause there’s Rainbow Dash up ahead. Looks like she’s already gettin’ a head start on makin’ a pit fer the fire.” “Hey, everypony,” Rainbow called. Using her legs, she delivered karate kicks that chopped down several trees in the blink of an eye. Then, she threw the logs she had gathered down in a small circle, ready to surround them with stones to create a proper fire pit. And she made every step look so easy. “Incredible,” Rarity gasped. “Years of practice,” Rainbow smiled modestly. She then noticed Rarity’s stack of supplies. “Geez, Rarity, it looks like you packed everything but the kitchen sink!” The fashionista unicorn snorted. “Oh yes, laugh it up now. But, we’ll see who gets the last laugh when you’re absolutely desperate to curl your lashes and you realize you didn’t bring your eyelash curler.” “Don’t you wear false eyelashes?” Rainbow pointed out.***** “Yes,” Rarity said. “But, I still treat them as if they were my own. That trip to the dessert competition aside, the adhesive is quite strong usually.” “Anyway,” Scootaloo said as she walked up to Rainbow. “Thanks again for inviting me out here. I’ve never been camping before and I’m glad to spend time with you and my friends.” “Haven’t your aunts said that your parents are adventurers?” Rainbow asked. “Yeah,” Scootaloo explained. “But, because their jobs keep them really busy, they haven’t been able to take me camping.” “I think it’s weird that adventurers haven’t taken their daughter camping,” Rainbow said. “Regardless,” Scootaloo said. “There’s a first time for everything and now I have this as my first experience with camping.” “We need ta set up the tents before nightfall,” Applejack said. “Then, when the sun goes down,” Apple Bloom said happily. “It’ll be good dinner n’ marshmallows roastin’ over an open fire.” Everypony pitched in, even Rainbow and Rarity. Soon, two tents had been set up a ways back from the firepit, which had been set near some logs that were big enough to sit on. One was brown in color and the other was green. “Looks like you’re bunking with me, Scoots,” Rainbow smiled. “That’ll make it easier to keep an eye on you. You want to share a tent with me?” “Yeah, that would be great,” Scootaloo smiled excitedly. But, regaining her composure, she cleared her throat and said. “I mean… yeah, sure.” “You don’t snore, do you?” Rainbow asked. “Ah can honestly say she don’t snore,” Apple Bloom said. “It’s true,” Sweetie Belle added. “We had sleepovers and I don’t usually hear any snoring from her.” Just then there was a rather loud popping sound, followed by a sudden whoosh of wind. All eyes turned to the source and saw that it was Rarity’s tent that was making the noise. Her tent was an inflatable one and it was massive. It was at least two stories tall and had an elegant purple color to it, along with yellow and orange trim. It had a balcony (which Rarity was currently leaning out of) and a flag pole with a small white flag flapping in the breeze. For the windows, there were violet-purple curtains. “Wow,” Rainbow said. “Even when camping, Rarity goes super fancy. It’s honestly pretty ridiculous. It defeats the whole point of roughing it.” Rarity either didn’t hear or chose to ignore the comment. “Sweetie Belle,” Rarity called. “Would you mind picking some flowers for our bedside vase please?” “I don’t mind,” Sweetie Belle called back. “I see some pretty ones over there with some nice long stems.” After she trotted off, Scootaloo felt a bit curious. “Hey, if that tent’s inflatable, how’s that balcony able to–” Her question was interrupted when the inflatable balcony folded down under Rarity’s weight, causing her to fall and land on her barrel with far less grace and dignity than she’d care to admit. “Never mind.”****** “I’m alright,” muffled Rarity while her face was still on the ground. Suddenly, there was a rather deep, loud growling sound. “What was that?” Scootaloo asked. Apple Bloom giggled. “That was mah sister’s belly rumblin’.” “It’s true,” Applejack said with a blush. At that moment, her belly decided to make another growl. “Mah belly’s sayin’ that after hikin’ all the way here n’ settin’ up the tents, it’s chow time.” “We’ll need a campfire ta make our dinner,” Apple Bloom said. “No biggie,” Scootaloo said. “I can get some firewood from the woods.” And she dashed off. A short time later, the sun had set and the fire in the fire pit was roaring brightly. Applejack was preparing food for all the campers. She mixed a vegetable soup with carrots, celery, and white beans. She served each camper their own bowl. “Thanks, AJ,” Apple Bloom smiled. After finishing the soup, Rainbow was eager to engage in another aspect of camping. “Okay, everypony,” Rainbow said. “Get comfortable, because I’m about to tell you the greatest ghost story you’ve ever heard!” Scootaloo, caught up in her excitement, hadn’t heard the ghost part. “Is it the one where Rarity got wings, acted loopy, flew too close to the sun, and you had to save her from plummeting to her death?” Rarity facehoofed herself in embarrassment. “That’s a great regular story,” Rainbow said with a smirk. “But, I was thinking something a bit more spooky. You like scary stories, don’t you?” “Do those moans I hear from my aunts’ room each night count?” Scootaloo asked. “Whoa~!” Rainbow said with a blush. “No way. That’s a totally different kind of scary that you shouldn’t know about for at least 8 more years. Same with you, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Though, for Sweetie Belle, I’d say around 9.” “Fair enough,” Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle also nodded. “Anyway,” Rainbow said. “This is a story that happened on a night just like this one and in a forest, just like this one…” The story went on for a little while before Rainbow Dash got to the truly scary part, at least in her mind. “...And then, the Olden Pony asked the mare ‘Who’s got my rusty horseshoe?’” She delivered the last part in the best old sounding voice she could muster up. “Not me~!” Sweetie Belle squeaked frightfully as she and Apple Bloom held onto Scootaloo. There was a suspenseful pause before Rainbow shouted, “You do!” And just then, a small ember suddenly sparked for a brief second. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle screamed with fright from the ending of the story. Scootaloo jumped a bit, too, but, regained her composure and cleared her throat. “Had a little something in my throat,” Scootaloo said. “That was a great story, Rainbow.” The filly hoped she sounded more confident than she felt. “I had a feeling you’d like it,” Rainbow smiled. She then noogied the little pegasus. “You’re proving to be pretty fearless. I saw a bit of that yesterday when I saw you jump that overturned cart.” “Yeah… fearless,” Scootaloo said timidly. “I propose we get some rest,” Rarity said. “It’s a pity Spike couldn’t come. I wouldn’t have minded seeing him cuddled by my sister or the other crusaders.” “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said. “But, we can always do something special for him the next time we see him.” Applejack let out a deep yawn. “But, yer right ‘bout us all hittin’ the hay,” she said, rubbing one of her eyes. But, when she noticed Apple Bloom trembling, she comforted her little sister. “Don’t fret none, li’l sister. There ain’t no Olden Pony in our tent. The mare that likely inspired the legend passed away peacefully a long time ago n’ is restin’ in peace.” Those words soothed Apple Bloom. “Thanks, Applejack,” Apple Bloom said softly. And she and her sister went into their tent. “Good night, everypony,” Scootaloo said. But, Scootaloo gulped nervously. I hope I am able to sleep tonight after that scary story, she thought to herself. I wouldn’t want Rainbow to know I was really afraid. She followed Rainbow into her tent. Scootaloo, though still feeling uneasy, managed to fall asleep. Unfortunately, she tossed and turned as she slept. Outside of the tent, she thought she heard the sound of hoof steps walking around. One hoof step sounded different from the other three. It sounded as if it didn’t have a horseshoe on. “Hello?” Scootaloo called, softly. She didn’t want to wake Rainbow, but, she had to know who was out there, if anyone. Despite every instinct telling her to stay put, she opened the tent and headed outside. “Is anypony out here?” As she looked around, things seemed very different. The trees seemed to creak and groan as if they were alive… in the capacity of animals instead of plants. Scootaloo’s breathing was heavier as she looked around her and sweat trickled down her face. The hoof steps got closer. “Who…whoever you are… show yourself.” Though, I hope they don’t, she thought to herself. She found herself facing a withered old mare in tattered robes. “Who’s got my rusty horseshoe?” she said in an old raspy voice. “W-what are you asking me for?” Scootaloo asked. “You’re out here~” she answered eerily. This did little to ease the filly’s concerns. “You could have easily picked it up… and I intend to get my horseshoe back!” And she started to give chase to Scootaloo, who ran as fast as she could trying to get away. Scootaloo ran until she felt the mare was out of sight. She looked around for a way to get back to the tent so she can get back to sleep, but, as she looked around, she could swear she saw Princess Luna walking past some trees. “Huh?” Scootaloo said to herself, rubbing her eyes to make sure she was seeing things right. When she looked again, the figure was gone. “Huh… I must have been seeing things.” Before she realized it, she found herself face to face with the olden pony again. “You!” she croaked menacingly. “Have you got my horseshoe or not?!” Scootaloo dashed off. “I have to get back to the tent!” she panted. She spotted the tent and practically dove inside it. She then buried herself in her sleeping bag. When she dared to look out, she saw that Rainbow wasn’t splayed out on her open sleeping bag as she remembered her before she left the tent. “Rainbow?” She carefully moved the covers. But, when she looked, she didn’t see Rainbow. Instead, she saw the olden mare. “You do!” she exclaimed as she leapt towards Scootaloo. The next thing she knew, Scootaloo was in a cold sweat in her sleeping bag and saw Rainbow splayed out on her open sleeping bag as she remembered. Scootaloo took deep breaths to calm down. She was about to fall back asleep when Rainbow began to stir. “Damn my bladder,” Rainbow groggily said as she stepped out of the tent. “I hope Rainbow never finds out about that,” she said when she was alone. “I don’t want her to see me as a coward.” So, Scootaloo tried to drift back to sleep, but, her efforts were in vain. Even after Rainbow returned, Scootaloo stayed up until the morning. “Rise n’ shine, y’all!” Applejack called from outside of the tents. “Ah got flapjacks all cooked up.” Rainbow yawned and stretched. “Boy, that was a great sleep.” “Y-yeah,” Scootaloo said nervously. “Best night ever…” She turned to Rainbow to reveal bags under her bloodshot eyes. “Whoa,” Rainbow said. “Did you get any sleep?” “Oh, uh,” Scootaloo said, trying to come up with a good excuse. “No, I guess I was too eager to be on this camping trip.” She then chuckled nervously. Rainbow wasn’t fully convinced, but, decided to wait until later to discuss it. “Okay, then. Well, come on. Let’s get some flapjacks.” After breakfast, the ponies were on their way again. Rarity noticed that her cart felt heavier. “What in the-?” Rarity gasped. “I remember my cart feeling heavy, but, not this heavy.” “A little exercise would do you some good, Rarity,” Rainbow said. “Oh, ha-ha,” Rarity said flatly. None of them knew that Scootaloo was napping among Rarity’s luggage. So, they continued on their path towards the next clearing. The birds were singing and the sun shone bright on them. There was a slight breeze in the air, but, it was more refreshing than freezing. “We’ll need ta set up camp before it gets dark,” Applejack said, unknowingly waking Scootaloo. “Huh… wha?” Scootaloo muttered. “Dark?” “Yeah,” Apple Bloom said upon locating her. “We made it ta our next stop. Ya were awfully quiet, Scoots.” Scootaloo quickly took out her scooter and helmet. “Oh, yeah,” she said. “I was in awe with the nature and the weather was nice.” She started riding her scooter ahead. “Hey, where are you going?” Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo quickly thought up an excuse. “Uh, I have a little extra energy to burn off. I’ll be back soon, okay?” She left before she could get a reply. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other in confusion. Meanwhile, Scootaloo struggled to stay awake. But, she drifted to sleep, still riding on her scooter. Her wings unknowingly flapped steadily to keep her momentum and she had an unexpected ride through that part of the forest. The next thing she knew, she was on top of a bush right next to the group. “Welcome back,” Rainbow said. “Applejack said we won’t need tents tonight.” “Huh?” Scootaloo said. “Why not?” “‘Cause we’re takin’ shelter in that there cave,” Applejack said. Scootaloo looked at the cave. It was large with gray rocks. It also looked a bit unsettling since it was dark inside. “Uh…” Scootaloo trembled. “Sure, that makes sense.” “All we need is a campfire and we’re good to go,” Rainbow said. “This time, Rarity’s preparing dinner.” “Me?!” Rarity asked. “What?” Rainbow asked. “You packed everything but the kitchen sink.” “I didn’t pack food!” Rarity said. “It would make a mess and spoil!”******* “Welp,” Applejack said. “Looks like ah’m on cookin’ duty again.” “Yer purty useless at campin’,”******** Apple Bloom said to Rarity. “Food’s somethin’ ya always pack when campin’.” “You must forgive me,” Rarity said. “I don’t have as much experience as you and Applejack do.” “The fact that you packed everything except what you actually need makes that very clear,” Rainbow said. “Alright, everpony,” Sweetie Belle said, trying to keep the peace. “Cut Rarity some slack. She’s trying, okay? Rarity just made a mistake and she’s learning from it.” “How about you get some firewood, Scoots?” Rainbow said. “Oh, yeah, sure,” Scootaloo nodded. “Thanks,” Rainbow smiled. Scootaloo looked over to see the shadows of the forest growing bigger with the setting sun. This gave everything a creepy look. She found it difficult to gather her nerves. “Okay,” Scootaloo said to herself to prep herself. “I can do this… on three. One… two… three… go!” But, she didn’t go. She then took a deep breath and charged at the patch of fallen branches and twigs. She picked up some and ran back to the others. She panted deeply. She then pretended to regain her composure. “Piece of cake.” “Surrounded by trees and that’s all you could find?” Rainbow said. “We might as well have asked Rarity to get the firewood.” “I heard that,” Rarity called. “It’ll do,” Applejack said. “Thank ya kindly, Scoots. N’ good thing, too. It’s colder’n a timberwolf’s toenail tanight.” Applejack made the fire and prepared dinner for all the campers. After they finished eating, Rainbow was telling another ghost story. “Now, where was I?” Rainbow said. “Oh, yeah, the scary part.” Scootaloo quickly cut in. “Hey, Rainbow. Think I can try to tell the story tonight?” “Well, okay,” Rainbow said. “Make it good and scary, Scoots.” Scootaloo cleared her throat.  “There was once a really nice pony who lived in a bright and sunny land, where there are rainbows every day and lots and lots of happy friends, and-” “Uh, no offense, Scoots,” Rainbow interrupted. “But, I was expecting a ghost story and a sunny land isn’t really selling the ghostly aspect. In fact, I’ve heard that these very woods are haunted… by the Headless Horse!” “Me n’ Rarity already heard that one,” Applejack said. “I haven’t,” Sweetie Belle squeaked eagerly. “Me neither!” Apple Bloom said excitedly. “But, if it don’t got no head, how’s it see where it’s goin’?” “That’s because the Headless Horse is headless, not brainless,” Rainbow explained. “It gallops at night, looking for unsuspecting-” “Wait,” Sweetie Belle interrupted. “If it doesn’t have a head, where’s its brain? For that matter, what good is its brain without eyes?” “Do you want to hear this story or not?” Rainbow asked, increasingly becoming annoyed. “Because, if you’re going to keep interrupting me and pointing out any plot holes, I won’t tell it.” “We’re sorry,” Apple Bloom said. “We won’t interrupt again,” Sweetie Belle apologized. “As I was saying,” Rainbow said, putting on a creepy narrator voice. “Fear was dripping in the air…” It was nightfall by the time Rainbow finished. “And they were never heard from ever again~” Rainbow concluded. “Never?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Never!” Rainbow emphasized as a crack from the fire came. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle jumped. Scootaloo didn’t scream, but, she instead trembled. “Not to worry, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said, comforting her younger sister. “You shall be safe with me tonight.” Scootaloo was alerted. “W-what? It’s not time to go to bed now, is it?!” “‘Fraid so,” Applejack said. “Yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “It’s been a long day, n’ ah know we’re all eager ta keep goin’, but, we should all get some shut-eye.” “But, we haven’t sung any campfire songs!” Scootaloo said. “As delightful as that sounds,” Rarity said. “We should all get some rest first. Sweetie does have a lovely singing voice, but, she sounds her best after she’s well rested.” “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle admitted with a sheepish blush. “I’m sure there’ll be time for a sing along tomorrow or something.” With that, all the campers entered the cave. Applejack noticed Scootaloo’s uneasy behavior. “Hey, sugarcube,” Applejack said comfortingly. “Ya seem like yer not too keen on gettin’ ta bed. Is everythin’ okay? N’ don’t try hidin’ nothin’.” She raised her left eyebrow. “Ah’ll know.” Scootaloo, well aware of Applejack’s Mystic Eyes, decided to take a deep breath and whisper her explanation in the farm mare’s ear. She was hoping that her secret would be kept. Applejack patiently listened. “Ah’ll speak ta Rainbow ‘bout this later,” Applejack said. “Meantime, ya best get shut-eye. ‘Tain’t healthy fer a filly yer age ta stay up all night.” “Yeah, you’re right,” Scootaloo sighed. “Good night, Applejack.” With that, she slid into her sleeping bag. Try as she might to deny it, her eyelids felt heavy and she eventually drifted to sleep. In her dream, she was alone in the forest. She heard hoof steps approaching her. “That must be the Headless Horse,” Scootaloo gasped. “If it captures me, I’ll never be heard from again! I’m not exactly eager to find out what that entails!” She began galloping as fast as she could.  Unfortunately, she misstepped and she fumbled as she approached the side of a cliff. She saw the creature get closer. She backed up nervously, panting with a mixture of exhaustion and panic. “This is it… this is the end…” Scootaloo said in a scared tone. But, there was suddenly a brilliant flash of white light on the moon and the creature transformed into a much friendlier figure… Princess Luna. “Good evening, young Scootaloo,” Luna smiled. “A warm welcome to you.” “Princess Luna?” Scootaloo said. “Were you expecting the Headless Horse?” She asked. “Apologies, but, he was only a part of Lancelot Crayon’s story, ‘The Legend of Drowsy Valley.’********* That was entirely fictional. I hope I haven’t disappointed you.” “You’re a much better sight,” Scootaloo said. “But, what are you doing here? I thought I saw you last night, too.” “You had, in a way,” Princess Luna explained. “I was patrolling the Dream Realm. It seems that the baku haven’t reached you yet.” “I see,” Scootaloo said, before realizing what Luna had said. “Wait… this is a dream? But, it feels so real.” She held her hoof out, but, she touched an invisible surface and there was a reverberating beat. “Whoa~” “Dreams can feel more realistic in heightened emotional states,” Luna said. “I could sense your distress and came to help you. However, when you awake, what you fear the most will still be present.” “But, I thought the Headless Horse wasn’t real,” Scootaloo said. “He isn’t,” Luna said. “But, is the Headless Horse really what you fear the most?” “Well… no,” Scootaloo admitted. “I’m afraid that Rainbow would think that I’m not as tough as she thinks that I am.” “Even Rainbow Dash has fears of her own,” Luna said. “I could tell from the dreams that the baku have brought back.” “Wait,” Scootaloo said. “Don’t baku eat bad dreams?” “They do,” Luna said. “Though, some prefer to bring them back to Canterlot to eat before going back. I manage to see the dreams before they’re eaten. Sometimes, I guide them to bad dreams if they can’t find them themselves.” “I see,” Scootaloo said. “But,” Princess Luna said. “Remember this: you must face your own fears, Scootaloo. If you should not, these nightmares will continue and your life can seem like a waking nightmare.” Scootaloo began to wake from her dream. “Whoa!” she exclaimed. “What’s happening?” “You are waking up,” Luna explained quickly as her wings opened and she began to fly. “I must return. But, remember: face your fears~!” Scootaloo woke with a start. “Princess Luna?!” She yelped. She looked around. She was inside her sleeping bag in the cave. She panted. “It was just a dream.” She then heard a deep gurgling sound echo in the cave. While she started to panic, she quickly realized that the sound was Applejack’s stomach digesting the dinner from earlier. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, Scoots, get a hold of yourself,” she said softly. “That gurgling is just Applejack’s stomach. Weird that nopony else woke up from that, though.” She then looked around and gasped. “What if it wasn’t what I thought it was?!” She saw Rainbow snoring in a way that sounded like whinnying.  “Huh, never knew she sounded like that while she’s asleep. Wait, why didn’t her snoring sound like that last night?” Rainbow started talking in her sleep. “Oh, hey, Princess Luna,” the older pegasus said sleepily. “What brings you here?” She’s dreaming, Scootaloo thought. “What about Scootaloo?” Rainbow said through a yawn while still asleep. Scootaloo could tell that this meant Luna was telling Rainbow about her own dream. “Whoa. That’s making it hard for me to feel good about myself.” Scootaloo, hearing this, suddenly felt guilty. “Let me talk with her, please. I want to straighten something out.” In a few seconds, Rainbow woke up. “Oh, hey, you’re up. Scootaloo, can we talk?” Applejack’s stomach continued to noisily digest, which echoed in the cave. “Preferably somewhere where that’s not interrupting us?” “Yeah,” Scootaloo said. So, the two pegasi stepped outside of the cave, enough where the stomach growling and its echoing wouldn’t bother them, but, not too far away so that they wouldn’t accidentally get lost. “So, Princess Luna approached me in my dream and said you feel you need to be tough all the time or I’ll think you’re a wimp,” Rainbow said. “Is that true?” Scootaloo gulped uneasily, but, she remembered Princess Luna’s words and she knew she had to tell Rainbow the truth. “Something like that. For most of my life, I wanted you to take me under your wing and be like a big sister to me. Now that we’re on this camping trip, I have the chance to do that. But, when you started telling all of those spooky stories, I got scared. So scared that I was even having nightmares about all of the creepy characters hunting me down in the forest. So… that’s what the deal is.” Rainbow carefully listened as Scootaloo explained. When Scootaloo finished, Rainbow said her piece. “Luna probably told you that I have my own fears, didn’t she? Well, she’s right. I do get scared sometimes, but, I know I can count upon my friends to help me through them, even if I sometimes try to deny it or shrug it off. You should never have to feel like you have to hide your fears from me. If you want me to be your sisterly figure, it’s a good idea to confide in me and talk to me whenever you're feeling troubled. I may not always help you, but, you can count on me to listen. So, do you promise to try and tell me when things are bothering you from here on out?” “I guess so,” Scootaloo said. Rainbow could see that Scootaloo needed extra encouragement. “Look,” she said. “I get that you feel spooked out by ghost stories, but, you don’t have to worry because they’re not real and can’t hurt you.” She then chuckled. “Besides, AJ’s belly growling sounds scarier than any ghost story I’ve ever told, but, we’re not scared of that, either.”********** Scootaloo couldn’t help but chuckle at Rainbow’s remark. “Yeah, you’re right,” she said with a smile. Rainbow hugged Scootaloo warmly. “Feeling better?” “So much better,” Scootaloo smiled. “Thanks, Rainbow. And I’m sorry for putting you through this trouble.” “And I’m sorry if I made you feel like you had to hide your feelings from me,” Rainbow said. “We better get you to sleep. Think you can handle AJ’s belly digesting the rest of the night?” “With you by my side and helping me out,” Scootaloo smiled. “I think I can handle anything.” “That’s the spirit,” Rainbow said. So the two pegasi returned to their sleeping bags in the cave. The next day after breakfast, the campers were on their way. After almost an hour of walking, they reached the beautiful Winsome Falls. The falls came in all colors of the rainbow. “Wow~” Scootaloo gasped in amazement. “I can see why you come here. It’s incredible!” “You should see Rainbow Falls,” Rainbow said before spotting a rusty horseshoe. “Ugh! Widow Oldenmare misplaced her rusty horseshoe again.” “Widow Oldenmare?” asked Scootaloo. “You remember the scary story I told the first night out?” Rainbow said. “She’s the mare from the story.” That caught the attention of the other campers. “Wait,” Applejack said. “Ah woulda thought that the story happened an even longer time ago. Yer tellin’ me that the mare in that story’s not only real, but, still alive?!”*********** “Yeah,” Rainbow said. “Every time Widow Oldenmare can’t find her rusty horseshoe, she stalks the woods at night and accuses ponies minding their own business in the woods of taking it when she has no evidence they even knew about it. At this point, it’s more annoying than scary.” “Huh,” Applejack said. “Well, ah’ll be danged.” “I’ve gone camping on this trail three times in the last six months alone,” Rainbow said. “And she’s misplaced her rusty horseshoe and stalked the woods trying to get it from me every single time.” “Ah guess some ponies have a hard time takin’ a hint,” Applejack said. “Think I can go with you to give it back, Rainbow?” Scootaloo asked. “It’ll be like another way of facing my fears.” “Okay,” Rainbow said. “You four go ahead. We’ll catch up.” “See you soon,” Sweetie Belle called as she and Rarity were playfully chasing each other. Rainbow and Scootaloo went into the woods. There, they saw an old mare that matched what Scootaloo saw the night before last. “Who’s got my rusty horseshoe?” she asked in her raspy voice. “We found it just near Winsome Falls,” Rainbow said as she tossed the horseshoe to the old mare. She was able to put it on the hoof that it belonged to. “Thank you,” Widow said with a smile. “You really need to work on your greetings,” Rainbow said. “I’ll try,” Widow said. “Both of you have a nice day now.” And with that, she set off back to her home in who knows where. “Let’s head back to the others,” Rainbow said. “Right there with you,” Scootaloo smiled. Rainbow and Scootaloo then started to make their way back to where the others were. End of chapter.