> The Mane 12 Adventures > by Ponyfanatic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Episode 1: The Vision-Dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: The Mane 12 Adventures Season 1, Episode 1: “The Vision-Dream” “Wah!” Sunny shot up from her bed, only to realize her bed wasn’t there. “Okay, that’s... weird,” she looked around to find black almost everywhere! She turned around, only to see an orange unicorn behind her. “Woah! You, uh, gave me quite a scare. Hello?” ‘Oh, hello! You must be Sunny Starscout, right?’ “Uh, yeah, that’s right. Who are you exactly?” Sunny asked. ’Listen, Sunny, I don’t really have that much time, so names aren’t that important right now.’ The mare nodded. The unicorn smiled before continuing. ‘Good! Okay, you know that old ponies tale? About the one with the two sisters? Well, Nightmare Moon is coming back from her imprisonment on the moon. She can't put Equestria in an eternal night this time! You and eleven others will have to defeat her and retrieve the Elements of Harmony! Cool, right?’ Sunny was silent for a moment before she burst out laughing. “Hah! Listen, this has got to be one of the weirdest dreams I’ve had.” ‘I’d say vision, but y’know,’ “Even if what you’re saying is true, then why me? Why not like anyone else!? I’m just a normal earth pony. What can I do?” ‘You can do much more than you think.’ The unicorn approached Sunny, looking into her eyes. ‘I’m kinda breaking the rules of life and death, but the fate of Equestria is on the line here!’ Suddenly, the unicorn faded in and out of existence, which made the unicorn’s expression turn sour. ‘Well, looks like Fate found out. She’s the spirit police, in a way. If I’m correct, she’s gonna erase your whole memory of this conversation, so I will cast a spell! Yes, you’ll still forget some stuff, but you’ll still have a vague memory of this experience.’ The young earth pony stepped back, looking confused yet curious at the same time. “Wait, what!? I don’t exactly believe you, but how do I stop this Nightmare Moon, anyway!?” ‘Ah, don’t worry about it! Your friend Twilight Sparkle will find out, I’ll make sure of that!’ he stepped back, translucent yellow wings sprouting on his back, which surprised Sunny. ‘Yes, I’m an alicorn, you don’t wanna know how I became one... yet,’ His horn lit up before it went out a few seconds later. Just then, a portal opened, and a white alicorn with golden yellow hair stepped out. “Clover! You know you’re not supposed to meddle in mortal affairs! Get over here this instant!” The alicorn - which had to be Fate - said. “Oh, do you know how many rules you’ve broken this time!? Ugh, at least you did it in a dream, easier to clean up.” The alicorn’s horn lit up, and the next thing she knew, she blacked out. ‘Beep! Beep! Be- *click*’ Sunny rose from her bed, disheveled. Inside her room were multiple posters that certainly implied friendship and unity. One poster was different, however, it was a poster with a blue stallion on it - Argyle Starshine, Sunny’s father. She vaguely remembered an orange unicorn. She knew he was talking about something important, but she couldn’t remember. Sunny got out of bed, her mind still fixated, trying to remember her weirdly vivid dream. She fixed her bed before exiting her room and heading towards the kitchen. Once she arrived, she saw a gray unicorn–Twilight Velvet–putting plates on the table. “Oh! Good morning, Sunny!” she greeted, walking towards the apricot mare. “Come, I’ve made your favorite!” When she sat down at the table, Twilight Velvet used her magic to pour some orange juice whilst she brought a pan over. She used her magic to nudge the pancake that was on it onto the plate. “Tada! Chocolate Chip pancakes!” she said. “It’s been a while since I made this, so I whipped 'em up again!” “Aw, thanks, Mrs. Velvet!” “Eat up!” Giggling, Sunny cut and ate a pancake, her eyes sparkling with delight. “Just as good as I remember them,” A few minutes later, Sunny spoke up. “So, is Twilight gonna come down soon?” “Oh, I think she stayed up late in that library again.” Twilight Velvet said. “Ah, I’m sure she’ll be back soon.” The apricot mare thought for a moment before speaking up. “Hey, I can get Twilight on my morning rounds. It wouldn’t be a bother at all!” “Thank you, Sunny. That would be a help.” Sometime later, Sunny packed her bags before exiting her house. “I’ll be back soon!” she took out her rollerblades and put them on. “Okay, smoothie cart, then Twilight.” A few minutes later, she arrived at a smoothie cart that read ‘Smooth Smoothies’. She took out her keys, unlocked the side door, and brought multiple boxes inside. Once she had organized everything that was inside the boxes, she locked the door again before skating off. She had skated for roughly thirty minutes before arriving at a lavish gate with a guard on both sides. “Halt! Who goes there?” “Morning! I’m just here to visit Twilight Sparkle, y’know, Princess Celestia’s personal student?” Sunny said, smiling. The two stallions looked at each other. A moment of silence passed before the guards moved to open the gate, which allowed Sunny to get inside. “Thank you, sirs!” She started skating to what appeared to be a giant tower, like one of those you would find in storybooks. She ran up the stairs before she saw a giant door. She carefully opened it and stepped inside. She closed the door before walking up another set of stairs, revealing a purple unicorn - Twilight Sparkle - sleeping on her desk littered with books. “Twi?” she walked towards the purple unicorn, who had drooled. “You’ve been here all night. Come on, wake up.” Sunny nudged the unicorn a little, which seemed to be enough to wake her up. “What- huh? Oh- Sunny? What’re you doing here this late? I must’ve dozed off for a second.” The unicorn said, rearranging her glasses. “It’s morning- about nine to be precise!” Sunny smiled. “It’s already nine in the morning?! Geez, all that coffee certainly didn’t help at all.” Twilight said, a look of shock on her face. “Ugh, Spike? Spi-ike!” “Five more minutes!” Sunny turned to see a purple and green dragon sleeping under various books. “Spike? It’s already nine. Come on, get out.” the apricot mare went over to the dragon and nudged him lightly, the only response being a groan. “Mhm, yep, I’m gonna take Spike back home.” The apricot mare put the dragon on her back, securing him in place to ensure he wouldn’t fall. “You coming, Twilight? Mrs. Velvet made chocolate pancakes!” “Yes, yes, let me just fix this up,” Twilight said, referring to the mess on her desk. “You should go on ahead. I’ll catch up.” “Kay,” Sunny said. She walked down the stairs while the dragon was mumbling in his sleep. The purple unicorn’s horn blazed to life as the papers started arranging themselves and books started floating toward their place on the shelves. “Right!” Unknown to her, a faint yellow aura surrounding a book nudged it out of its spot, falling in front of the unicorn. “Ack!” She jumped back, startled, to see a book on the ground. “Oh, hehe, just a book.” She levitated the book towards her, flipping through the pages, scanning it. “This seems like a good read. Wonder why I haven’t seen this before... a new copy, perhaps?” The unicorn shrugged before she put it in her bag before walking down the stairs and exiting the library. Sometime later, she arrived at her house. Once she entered, she saw her mom, Sunny, and an asleep Spike on the couch. “Ehehe, sorry, Mom.” Twilight apologized. “I didn’t realize it got so late, and the next thing I knew-” Twilight Velvet spoke up, cutting off her daughter. “Don’t worry, dear! You’re not in trouble, you’re almost 18, you can certainly care for yourself now!” She gestured to a chair. “Come, eat!” Inside the throne room of Canterlot, Princess Celestia sat on her throne, signing paperwork. She used her magic to remove her reading glasses, then sighed. “Was it the right choice? Maybe if I noticed earlier, she could’ve been here now...” She shook her head. “No, what’s done is done. I can’t change the past now.” Suddenly, the orange alicorn - Clover, from Sunny’s dream - appeared in the window's reflection, which surprised the alicorn. ‘Listen! Celestia, time is of the essence, so no talking! None of that!’ Judging by the look on Celestia’s face, he continued. ‘Okay, listen, you need to get Twilight Sparkle and Sunny Starscout to Maretime Bay, y’know, the town where you’re doing your Summer Sun Celebration?’ The reflection started glitching, and Clover saw the hesitation in Celestia’s eyes. ‘Listen, I know you’ve gotten close to the two, and in different circumstances, I would’ve been on your side! But if this goes through... they could save Luna.’ When he said that name, Celestia’s expression changed from hesitation to a mix of determination and grief. “I see...” Clover smiled, ‘Also, make it discreet, please? I’m already in enough trouble with Fate as it is.’ The orange alicorn’s reflection disappeared. The white alicorn chuckled before returning to her throne, pondering. With Twilight and Sunny, the former flips to the next page of her book. “Hmm, the Tale of the Two Sisters,” she uses her magic to flip to the next page, scanning through the text fast and thorough. “Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different ponies. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon.” She flipped to the next page, continuing the tale, which got Sunny’s attention. “She vowed she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister and banished her permanently from the moon. The elder sister took responsibility for both the sun and moon, and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since.” She closed the book, using her magic to put it back in her bag. “Sunny, there’s something... uh, off about this.” “Off? Like what?” Sunny asked, not entirely understanding the statement. “Y’know, something... weird, off, strange!” Twilight said. “I just have this feeling... I know these elements of harmony. I don’t know how I just do!” “Right... they're powerful artifacts. Maybe you just read about them in a book?” Sunny said. “Well, maybe, but something about this story just shoves me the wrong way. Maybe the whole “Nightmare Moon” talk is getting to my head, but I know something’s off!” “Twilight, if you’re sure about this, then I’ll help,” Sunny said. “Come on, there must be something in that library.” Twilight smiled. She got up and pulled Sunny up as well. “Thanks, Sunny.” “No problem! That’s what friends are for, right?” Sunny chuckled, gently nudging Twilight. “Yeah... friends,” To be continued... > Episode 2: Maretime Bay Blues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: The Mane 12 Adventures Season 1, Episode 2: “Maretime Bay Blues” Sunny Starscout and Twilight Sparkle, who could’ve thought they would’ve made good friends? The latter was extremely extroverted and pretty optimistic. While Twilight on the other hoof, was introverted and preferred to be alone, sure, but somehow they made their friendship work. You could interpret that as yin-yang, technically. “Oh! Sunny, Twilight! There you guys are!” Twilight and Sunny were snapped out of their conversation, theorizing about the Tale of the Two Sisters, when they saw three other mares, gifts on their backs. One was yellow with blue hair - Lemon Heart, another was white with a light pink mane - Twinkle Shine, and the last was light blue with a darker blue and white streaked mane - Minuette. “We were wondering where you were!” Minuette said. “Girls! What’re you doing? And what’s with the gifts?” Sunny asked, walking up to the three smiling. “Oh, don’t tell me you forgot!” Lemon Heart said. “It’s Moondancer’s get-together today! We were going to ask what your gift was, but it looks like you didn’t shop recently.” She giggled. Suddenly, the orange mare gained a look of realization and guilt on her face. “Right! I feel so bad, I completely blanked on today!” “Don’t worry, Sunny. I’m sure Moondancer won’t be mad!” Twilight said, trying to assure her friend. “If it helps, I can go with you to the party if it’ll help?” “Really? Thanks, Twi. I know you don’t like parties that much, so it means a lot,” Sunny said, surprised but happy. “What have you done with our Twilight? She would never do this in a million moons!” Minuette joked. “Well, it’s just as Sunny said earlier. That’s what friends are for, right?” Twilight said, smiling. The group said their goodbyes before Sunny and Twilight continued towards the library. They arrived at the white tower with golden outlines a few minutes later. “I never thought I’d be at a library twice in one day, first time for everything, I guess,” Sunny said. They went up the stairs, but once they arrived they saw Spike, with a red box tied in a golden ribbon in his hands. “Spike? What’s that for?” Twilight asked, pointing at the box. “It’s for Moondancer’s get-together!” Spike said. “I gave her a framed photo of us! Mystique charges it for a surprising two gold bits.” “Well, that’s nice Spike,” Twilight said, entering the library with Sunny following behind. “Come on, Spike. Help us find a book on ancient myths and stories.” “Uh... okay, but why?” Spike asked, putting the gift in his scales. “Don’t ask, it’s not a long story, but still,” Sunny said, grabbing a random book. “It’s hard to explain,” Suddenly, Twilight’s horn flared up, and multiple books started floating to her, aligning in a line. “Okay, no, no, no, no- NO!” The magenta aura surrounding the books disappeared, making them fall to the ground. “There must be something!” “If you’re looking for a book about ancient myths... wait here!” Spike ran up another flight upstairs in the library, before running back down with an old blue book. “Here it is, Predictions and Prophecies!” He gave it to Twilight, whose eyes widened. “Spike! This might be it!” she flipped through the pages until she groaned in frustration. “Ugh! There’s nothing here!” “Try... E, maybe? Elements of Harmony?” Sunny inquired. She flipped through the pages again until she smiled. “Yes! Here it is! Elements of Harmony, ancient artifacts! See page 241 for more information...” She flipped through the pages again until landing on said page. “Mare in the Moon, commonly known from the Tale of the Two Sisters. The Mare in the Moon is a myth from old Equestria. As some may not know, the Tale of the Two Sisters was based on this myth for foals who couldn’t sleep at night. In the olden rendition, an orange alicorn joined the older sister and used the Elements of Harmony to trap her on the moon. Legend states on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring eternal night.” Suddenly, Sunny felt something... rush into her, a memory. “Well, Nightmare Moon is coming back from her imprisonment on the moon. She can't put Equestria in an eternal night this time!” Sunny gasped, and so did Twilight. “Do you know what this means?!” Twilight said, turning to her friends. “Uh... no?” Spike said. “Spike, take a note please!” Twilight said, levitating a quill and a scroll to Spike. “My dearest teacher, my studies of Ancient Equestria have led me to discover we are on the precipice of disaster.” “Preci... pice, got it!” Spike said, writing the last few words on the scroll paper. Twilight smiled before she continued, “For you see, the mythical mare in the Moon is Nightmare Moon, and on the longest day of the longest year, she will return to Equestria and bring eternal night. Something must be done to ensure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” “Twi-light... Spar-kle..." He curled up the scroll and wrapped it with a red ribbon. “And done!” “Great! Send it!” Twilight said. “Now? Like, now now?” Spike said, hesitantly. “Yes, Spike, now now! We have to get this to the Princess!” Sunny said. “Er... it’s just that Princess Celestia is busy... y’know, getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebration. It’s like, tomorrow.” Spike said. “Spike, the longest day of the longest year is tomorrow! That’s why we need to warn the princess!” Sunny explained. “So... come on!” “All right! All right! Jeez...” Spike said. He blew a green flame on the scroll, which quickly burned. The smoke (which had green elements to it) went out the window. “There, it’s on its way! But I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.” “Oh, Spike, I’m not worried,” Twilight said, smugly. She was looking out the window. “In all my years as her student, she’s never once doubted me.” “Yeah, well... there’s a first time for everything,” Spike muttered, which didn’t go unheard. Suddenly, Spike burped out a scroll, which had a golden ribbon attached to it. “Well, let’s see, won’t we?” Twilight said. Spike rolled his eyes before he unfurled the scroll and started reading the first few pages. “My dearest, most faithful student, Twilight. You know I value your diligence, and that I completely trust you...” “See, Spike. She doesn’t doubt me!” Twilight said, raising her head upwards, smug. But her smug expression changed to one of shock when Spike read the next lines. “But it’s summer! You simply must stop reading those dusty old books!” “Well, look who’s right now!” Spike said, smugly. Twilight rolled her eyes before she used her magic to bring to her and brought it to her face. “My dearest student, Twilight... there is more to a pony's life than studying, so I’m sending you to Maretime Bay to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And I have an even more essential task for you to complete - make some friends?” “Friends? I already have friends! Well... more like acquaintances in a way, but friends... ish!” “Twi, no offense, but the only real friends you have been me, Sunny, and Moondancer,” Spike said flatly. “Well...” Cut to Twilight, Sunny, and Spike on a golden chariot. “Ooh! This is so exciting! I haven’t been here since I was a filly. We have to visit the old lighthouse! Then, we can get homemade Apple treats from the Apple family- ooh, we just have to go to Mane Boutique. And- uh, Twilight? Are you okay?” Turns out, Twilight was, in fact, not okay. “Huh? What’s that?” “You’ve been quiet this entire trip, you haven’t even touched your book,” Sunny said, picking up the blue book. “What’s up?” “It’s just- Princess Celestia! In all her years of being my teacher, she never once doubted me! What changed?” Twilight asked. “Uh... well, to be fair, talk about an all-powerful, revenge-seeking alicorn from an old myth sounds... farfetched,” Spike said, which caused Twilight to sigh. Sunny nudged Spike before putting on a small smile. “Eh, it’s not all bad! If you hadn’t sent that letter, we wouldn’t be on a chariot to Maretime Bay! Plus, we’re gonna stay at the old lighthouse! That’s... fun!” “Yeah, you’re right,” Twilight said. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, and she perked up. “Hey, didn’t you say there was a library in the lighthouse?” “My dad stored all sorts of books in there, from all over Equestria!” Sunny said. “Yes, so there might be information about Nightmare Moon! And the Elements of Harmony!” Twilight said. “And there might be a way to stop her!” Sunny said, her smile growing wider. “Uh, not to ruin this moment, but when are you gonna make friends, like the princess asked?” Spike asked Twilight, looking at her. “She said to check on preparations. I’m her most faithful student, so once we finish, straight to the lighthouse.” Twilight responded. “The fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends!” The chariot landed on the ground, and the group stepped off it. Maretime Bay was something to behold, ponies were everywhere, walking around the streets. “Come on, Twilight! Just try! The ponies here in Maretime Bay must have something to talk about!” Spike pleaded. “Ugh, fine!” Twilight groaned. She took a minute to compose herself before she walked up to a pink mare with pink fluffy hair. “Uh... hello?” Twilight said. The pony took one look at and responded with a surprised gasp before zipping away. “Well, that was interesting, anyways, what’s first on the list?” “Banquet preparations,” Spike said. “At...” “Sweet Apple Acres!” The three were now walking towards a farm on the side of the town. Ponies, or more importantly, ponies of the Apple Family were mingling, partying, you name it. “Well, I should’ve known. The Apple’s make the best food from here to... uh, everywhere!” Sunny said. “Then this should be quick, shouldn’t it?” Twilight said, crossing into the farm. Suddenly, an orange earth pony with a light blonde mane jumped through the trees, carrying two buckets of apples on her back. The earth pony put the buckets down before turning to see Twilight, Sunny, and Spike behind her. “Uh, hello! I’m Twilight Sparkle, and this is Sunny Starscout and Spike.” Twilight introduced. “We’re here to check on preparations, and you’re in charge of the food, correct?” “We sure are!” The mare said, shaking Twilight’s hoof a little too vigorously. “The name’s Applejack, nice ta meet ya, Miss Twilight Sparkle!” “Nice- to meet- you- too- I- guess,” Twilight said. Applejack let go of her hoof as Twilight stumbled back, dizzy. “Well, since we’re here, would you mind if we tried some?” Sunny asked. “We wouldn’t mind a bit, Miss Sunny!” “Uh, just Sunny, please.” “As ya wish, Sunny.” Applejack said before she pulled out an iron triangle and shouted: “SOUPS ON, EVERYPONY!” Suddenly, the sounds of ponies running were enough to snap Twilight back to reality. “Huh? What happened?” Twilight asked, not knowing why they, somehow, were now at a table. To her surprise, various apple-based meals were being placed on the table, which made their mouths water. But before Twilight could grab anything, Applejack spoke up. “Well, before we eat, why don’t ah introduce y’all to the Apple family?” Applejack said, but before Twilight could protest, she started talking either way. “This here’s Apple Fritter, then we have Apple Bumpkin, then Red Gala, then Red Delicious, then...” Applejack continued for what seemed like five minutes before she got to the three ponies that were essential to this story. “Then we have Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith!” Applejack said, finally finishing. “Now, who’d like ta hear about the Apple Family history?” Twilight shot up from her seat, “NO!” She looked around to see the looks of the other ponies before she sat back down. “Uh, I mean, no, thank you. We can’t take too much time here, we still have more rounds to finish, you understand?” “Course’,” Applejack said. “Well, let’s dig in!” The Apple’s raised their cups before they all started to chomp down on the food. When Twilight put the Apple Fritter in her mouth, she quite literally cried. “This- this is incredible!” Twilight said, taking another bite. “I’ve never tasted anything this tasty!” “If ya like that, ya should try the pies, best outta’ the bunch,” Applejack said, sliding a pie towards her. “Ooh, have any cider?” Sunny asked, looking eager. “We sure as sugar do!” Applejack said, taking a cup of cider. “Here ya go,” A few minutes later, Twilight, Sunny, and Spike were walking on the streets of Maretime Bay. “Ergh...” Twilight groaned. “Told... told you, they made the best food.” Sunny chuckled before she groaned as well. “But, let’s lay off the food for now.” “Spike, what’s next on the list?” Twilight asked. Spike looked at the list before he looked up at the sky. “Weather. There’s supposed to be a pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds,” “Well, she isn’t doing a good job, is she?” Suddenly, without warning, a blue blur crashed into Twilight, knocking her to the ground. To be continued... > Episode 3: Streamerlined > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: The Mane 12 Adventures Season 1, Episode 3: “Streamerlined” “Urgh... my head-” Twilight said. She paused, seeing the blue pegasus on her. “Uh... hello?” “Huh? Oh, sorry bout’ that!” The pegasus said, picking her up. “The name's Rainbow Dash, one of the best flyers in Zephyr Heights!” “Wait... Rainbow Dash? The Rainbow Dash?” Twilight said, coming to a realization. “You’ve heard of me?' Rainbow said, surprised, but she quickly hid it. “I mean, of course, you know! Uh, how do you know?” “I heard that you were supposed to be clearing the skies for the Summer Sun Celebration?” A white pegasus flew to the ground, a worried look on her face. She calmed down when she saw her friend was okay, but that didn’t stop her from asking questions. “Rainbow! My Celestia, you could’ve hurt yourself!” “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, Zipp!” Rainbow said, quickly doing a spin in the air. “Nothing’s broken!” “Wait, wait, wait!” Sunny said, stepping into the conversation. “You,” she pointed to Rainbow, “You are supposed to be clearing the skies! But instead, you crashed into my friend!” “That’s what I told her!” The white pegasus, Zipp, said. “I’ll do it later!” Rainbow said, defending herself. “Practicing for the Wonderbolts is waay better!” “Wait, Wonderbolts? The Wonderbolts? The fastest flyers in all of Equestria?!” Twilight said, shocked. “Duh, who else?” “Hah! Please, why would they accept a pegasus who can’t do one measly thing- clearing the sky!” “Hey! I can do that, easy!” “Really? You can do it, in... let’s say, ten seconds flat?” “Try me,” Cut to Zipp, holding a stopwatch, while Rainbow was doing stretches in the sky. “Okay, Zipp! This here is going to be the biggest moment of my life!” Rainbow said, zooming in the air. “And you do know this is just a really elaborate plan?” Zipp asked. “Anyways, are you sure that you can do this? I have faith in you and all, but you cannot clear the skies in ten seconds flat.” Rainbow froze before she scoffed. “Oh, please. I obviously knew it was a trick! What do you take me for?” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Plus, I’m not one to back down from a challenge, so... let’s do this!” “Alright, if you’re sure,” Zipp said. “Okay, are we ready?” Twilight said, cutting in the conversation. “We don’t have all day!” “Wish me luck!” Rainbow said, planting her hooves on the ground. “Three-” Rainbow spread her wings. “-two,” she put on a determined face. “-one. Go!” Rainbow shot into the air, destroying clouds left and right. She flipped and twirled in the air, destroying ten clouds per second before she landed back on the ground—no clouds in the sky. “Done, and done!” Rainbow said. “Okay, how many seconds was that?” Zipp, Sunny, Twilight, and Spike checked the watch before their mouths hung in shock. Rainbow looked at their faces before she checked the watch herself. She smiled before she cheered. “All right! In all honesty, I was just winging it.” “Oh, my Celestia- how? How!?” Twilight said, shocked. “I guess that’s why I’m one of the best flyers in Zephyr Heights!” Rainbow chuckled. “You’re a laugh, Twilight Sparkle! If you wanna hang out, give me a call!" Rainbow flew off, Zipp following in tow. “Huh...” was the only thing Sunny could say. “Decorations,” The trio were walking towards Town Hall. The building was huge, with pink windows on every side. A yellow ribbon, which complemented the brown pillars, surprisingly well connected to each pillar. The three entered inside, where they were greeted by a pink pegasus flying in the air, holding a phone in her hoof. “Well, that is all for now, my Pippsqueaks! Can’t reveal too much, cause’ y’know, spoilers!” The pegasus laughed. “Anyway, stay tuned for the new hoof-polish that is releasing soon! And be sure to come and celebrate the awe of the raising of the sun! Pipp, Pipp, hooray!” The three looked to the side and saw a white unicorn with purple hair and a light purple unicorn decorating every part of Town Hall. “Izzy, can you pass the ribbons, darling?” The unicorn’s horn flared up, and a light purple aura surrounded the ribbon before it got moved towards the other unicorn. “Thank you, dear.” The unicorn wrapped the ribbon around the pillar, before the light purple unicorn - Izzy - sprinkled glitter on it, much to the white unicorn’s dismay. “Whaat? You can never have too much glitter, Rarity!” “Yes, I suppose so...” Twilight walked around, admiring the decor. Even if it wasn’t finished, it was still a sight to behold. “The décor... it’s so... beautiful! This’ll be quick,” Suddenly, the pink pegasus flew up to her face, a smile forming on her cheeks. “Hello! Hi!” Twilight jumped back, startled from the action. She took a moment to compose herself before she spoke, “Uh, hi? I’m Twilight Sparkle, and these are Sunny Starscout and Spike. Princess Celestia sent us to check on preparations, and I’m assuming you’re in charge of decorations?” “Obviously!” the pegasus replied. “I’m Pipp Petals, daughter of Queen Haven!” “Wait... you’re Pipp Petals!?” Sunny said, shocked. Her expression changed from shocked to excitement as she began rambling. “Oh, my Celestia! I follow you on ClipTrot, YouHoof, you name it! I.. I’m such a huge fan!” “Awe, great to meet a PippSqueak!” Pipp said. “Hey, why don’t I treat you three to some time at Mane Boutique?” She pulled out her phone and showed them a few pictures of her boutique/salon. It was a big light pink building, a sign with the company’s logo on the side. Various yellow streamers were hung because of her “Summer Sale” for the Summer Sun Celebration. “It’ll be great! You look like you need some rest and relaxation.” “That’s very nice of you, but I don’t think-” Twilight was about to decline, before Sunny interrupted her. “-we should pass on this opportunity! I’ve always wanted to visit, but I never had a chance to!” She turned to Spike. “Spike, are you coming?” “Yeah, I guess.... only because there’s nothing else to do in this town!” Spike replied, crossing his arms. “Well, that’s settled! Rares, Iz, are you coming?” Pipp called out. The two mares in question were tying up ribbons, sprinkling glitter... uh, just that. “I’m afraid not, I’ve still got loads of work to do!” Rarity said, sprinkling glitter almost everywhere. “Come on, Rares! It looks good enough!” Izzy said, putting a hoof over Rarity. “I suppose you’re right...” Rarity said. “Very well, I do have stuff to attend to in the boutique.” Cut to the six at Mane Boutique. Pipp, in a dramatic way, opened the door to reveal the bustling building. Ponies were everywhere, getting their hooves and hair done, and some were trying on outfits. “Welcome... to Mane Boutique!” The three’s eyes widened at the beauty of it. “Woah... this is incredible!” Sunny giddily said, before a thought occurred to her. “Hey, aren’t you like a super famous pop star?” “It’s just one of my many, many talents.” Pipp bragged. “But yes, I am a pop star.” “Then why aren’t you helping with music prep?” Sunny asked. “I think I saw it on the list...” “Oh, that? Yeah, Mayor Mare said it had to be like animal music, to like, really help with the summer vibes.” Pipp explained. “Plus, my D.I. Y streams are on trend!” [1] “Huh,” Sunny said. Twilight was looking around before her eyes settled on one of the most beautiful dresses she’s ever seen. The long, white fabric with connecting gold lines ended on the end of the dress. Rarity noticed the purple unicorn eying the dress in awe and walked up to her. “Isn’t this the most beautiful dresses you’ve ever seen?” Rarity asked. “Of course! Not to say that other dresses in Canterlot are bad... but this? This is incredible! The hoovesmanship, the seams! Incredible!” “I... thank you,” Rarity thanked, which made Twilight come to a realization. “Wait, you’re the pony who made this?! You’re so talented!” Twilight complimented. “Oh, it’s nothing, really! I just threw some fabric together- that’s really just it!” [2] “Just threw fabric together? This is the best dress in the world! I’m surprised no one bought it yet!” Twilight said. “Yes, well... not everyone sees your view.” Rarity said, looking downfallen. “This dress took me a week to finish! And do they know how much golden lining is? 20 golden bits!” “Well, just because some ponies don’t see the artistic beauty that this dress is, doesn’t mean it isn’t good!” Twilight said. “Those ponies are obviously jealous of your sewing skills!” “Oh, that means... a lot, thank you, Twilight.” Rarity thanked. “It’s no problem, really,” Twilight said. “But, uh, I feel like me and Sunny should be going.” Rarity nodded. “Of course, just let me get something.” Rarity went to the back of the salon. When she came back, she held a pink box tied in a golden ribbon with the Mane Boutique logo. “Here it is, the Mane Boutique welcome gift! Normally, Pipp’s the one who gives this, but I’m sure she won’t mind.” She put the gift into Twilight’s hooves, before the glasses-wearing unicorn looked up. “Are- are you sure? I didn’t really do much to deserve this-” “Nonsense, darling! And besides, we have more of those.” Rarity said. “Take it,” Twilight was about to protest before another customer came to Rarity and she was pulled away, which left the unicorn alone to her thoughts. “Byeeeee! Come back soon!” Pipp said, waving. “It’s been totes fun meeting you!” Twilight, Sunny, and Spike waved back before they continued on. Once they were out of earshot, Twilight pulled out the gift she got from Rarity, which Sunny saw. “Ooh, what’s that?” “Hm? Oh, it’s nothing much, just a gift I got from Rarity.” “Isn’t Rarity just the most beautiful mare you’ve ever seen?” Spike said, unknowingly speaking his thoughts. “And to top it off, she’s the most generous!” “Well, I suppose she is.” Twilight said. “Anyway, casanova, what’s next on the list?” “Security,” “Wait, security? Aren’t the guards gonna be supervising the celebration?” “Well, yes, but Shining Armor has stuff to do in Canterlot. Becoming the captain has, apparently, a lot of paperwork.” Twilight explained. “Anyway, Spike, where is security prep taking place?” [3] “The Sheriff’s office,” “Okay... so, where is that?” After searching around town, the three made it to the sheriff’s office. It was a plain white building, with a blue lining and a sheriff’s badge on top. The three entered inside, and when Sunny saw what was inside, she gasped. “H-Hitch?” A yellow earth pony stallion with teal hair turned around to see Sunny, Twilight, and Spike. He couldn’t recognize the latter two, but he knew Sunny. “Sunny? Sunny!” “Oh, my Celestia! Hitch! It- It’s so nice to see you!” Sunny said, running to her friend. “Likewise, it’s been... what, like, five years?” Hitch asked. “Uh, anyway, it’s so nice to see you!” Suddenly, the white pegasus from earlier - Zipp, right? - stepped down from the second floor. “Uh, Hitch? What’s going on in here?” “It’s you! You’re the pegasus with Rainbow Dash, right?” Twilight said. “Oh, yeah. I remember you,” Zipp said. “Wait... you know each other?” Hitch asked. “It’s a long story, so... basically, Rainbow crashed into Twilight, and she challenged Rainbow to clear the sky in ten seconds flat...” Sunny explained. “Anyway, what are you doing here?” “I’m helping Hitch with the security preparations,” Zipp said. “I have this... lead, and if it comes true, then Equestria could be in danger! Like, actually!” “Right, she says that--” Hitch said before Zipp covered his mouth. “Cut it out! I’m not crazy!” Zipp said. “I have solid evidence!” “Myths and fairytales don’t count as evidence, Zipp!” “Wait, myths... fairytales... Equestria in danger...” Twilight muttered, before she stopped. “Sheriff Hitch, I know it sounds hard to believe, but Zipp isn’t crazy. She’s correct!” “Aha! Told you!” Zipp said smugly. “If Twilight - student of Princess Celestia - says it’s true, then it is!” “What do you mean?” Hitch asked, suspicious. “There is no way it could be true! Mythical evil alicorns in the moon do not exist!” [4] “Actually, they do,” Sunny said. “Sunny, you really believe them? “Yes, I do, Hitch!” She sighed. “Earlier today, me and Twilight found a book. Predictions and Prophecies inside told a story of two sisters and an orange alicorn. I’m sure you know it.” Zipp nodded. “Okay, and normally, I wouldn’t believe it, but I had a... dream. I remember a little, but it told me of how I and eleven others will have to stop this danger. Crazy enough, it was an orange alicorn who was telling me this, and while there’s a small chance... I think that the orange alicorn is the same one from the story.” “Wait, so because of a random dream... you believe it’s true?” Hitch said, speaking up. “Listen, Sunny, I haven’t mentioned it in any of my letters but... I have a son.” “WHAT!?” Sunny shrieked. “You’re eighteen, Hitch! How do you already have a son?!” “No! He’s a dragon!” Hitch said, defending himself. Sunny stopped and sighed. “Okay! Okay, phew! I got worried for a moment, y’know?” “Yes, and Sunny, I have to protect him. So, as much as I want to believe you... I can’t, for him and my town.” Hitch said, sighing. “I’m sorry,” “No,” Sunny said. “It’s alright, I can understand why.” She sighed before she gave a small smile. “Hey, I’ll see you around soon? Me and Twi got stuff to do, and... yeah.” Hitch nodded. “See you around, Sunny.” Sunny walked out of the station, Twilight and Sunny following her. “Sunny? Are you... alright?” Twilight asked, concerned for her friend. “Yeah, yeah, I am.” Sunny said. “Come on, let’s just finish it up and we can go to the lighthouse.” “Music,” The three were at a beach [5]. Everypony was packing up or leaving. The only exception was a blue unicorn and a yellow pegasus, who was orchestrating a couple of birds. The three got closer to the two, and the symphony of music got louder. “Isn’t it beautiful?” Sunny asked. “Yeah, it really- woah!?” The unicorn jumped back, startled. The birds that the pegasus was orchestrating flew away, and the pegasus turned to see Twilight, Sunny, and Spike. “Oh- oh, my! I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean to scare your birds!” Sunny apologized. “But you sounded good while they were still there! Uh, I’m Sunny Starscout.” She reached out a hoof and awkwardly smiled. “I- uh, I’m Misty Brightdawn...” the unicorn timidly said. “I haven’t seen you around! Are you uh, new?” Twilight nodded. “We’re here to supervise prep for the Summer Sun Celebration,” she turned to the pegasus. “And it sounds amazing!” The pegasus muttered something, barely audible. “Uh, what was that?” She muttered again, but it was barely louder. “Nope, can’t hear you!” Twilight awkwardly laughed. The pegasus muttered it again, barely louder than last time. Twilight awkwardly cleared her throat before she noticed the birds were back. “Oh! Looks like your birds are back. I’ll just... go?” Twilight backed away before Spike ran up to her. “And we’re good to go! Music was the last one on the list, so time to go to the lighthouse!” Suddenly, the yellow pegasus swooped Spike into her hooves, her eyes filled with wonder. “Oh, my! A baby dragon! You don’t look like Sparky [6], I’m Fluttershy, what’s your name?” “I’m Spike!” Spike introduced. “It’s nice to meet you... uh, Fluttershy.” “This is so exciting! I’ve never met another dragon before!” Fluttershy said. “What do you talk about? Food?” “No way! That’s just a stereotypical lie from Canterlot and pony tales. Us dragons are much more complicated than stealing princesses or... uh, stuff!” Spike said, puffing out his chest. “Oh! I- I didn’t know,” Fluttershy said. “My only reference is Sparky, and-” “Don’t worry bout’ it!” Spike waved off. “You said you wanted to know what I talk about, right?” Fluttershy nodded. “Well, let me tell you!” Twilight groaned as she walked to the lighthouse, with Sunny, Misty, Fluttershy, and Spike following behind. “I started out as a cute lil’ purple and green egg...” While Spike started rambling about his life story, Sunny made conversation. “So... Misty, when you’d come to Maretime Bay?” “Oh- uh, around two years ago?” Misty answered. “I wanted to see the world, I guess. Bridlewood isn’t all that lively these days, y’know?” Sunny nodded. “Yeah, I’ve heard Bridlewood isn’t like Zephyr Heights or Canterlot.” The group continued walking until they made it to their destination: Sunny’s old lighthouse. The light house - even for its old age - still looked to be quite intact on the side of the cliff they were on. “... and that’s the story of my entire life! Well, until today. Wanna hear about today?” “Yes, please!” Fluttershy said, only to get interrupted by Twilight. “Oh, wow! Look at the time- when did we get here so fast?” She forced a smile onto her face. “Well, we best get going! We wouldn’t wanna miss the celebration, would we?” “R- Right,” Fluttershy said. “Uh... good night!” Twilight rushed into the lighthouse and used her magic to pull Sunny and Spike inside before slamming the door on them. Inside, it was pitch black. Not one thing could be seen. “Twi... you didn’t have to slam the door on them, y’know?” Sunny frowned. “Yes, yes, I know! But we’re losing valuable time!” Twilight said. “Ugh, it’s pitch black in here! Where’s the lights in this place?” Suddenly, the lights opened, and confetti rained down on them. Ponies were inside the lighthouse, all with party hats on or grabbing food from the buffet table. “SURPRISE!” To be continued...