• Member Since 28th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Cold in Gardez

Stories about ponies are stories about people.

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Now in Book Form!

We have transcended the digital!

To celebrate the final season of Friendship is Magic, our good friend and all-around awesome dude Aquaman decided last year to embark on an incredible going-away project for Bronycon 2019 -- the Bronycon Bookstore. He invited authors from across the fandom to print real, hard-copy books and offer them for sale. At the time, none of us knew if the store would be a success, or if we'd all be walking home with our bags filled with unsold books.

The result surprised us all.

My contribution to the store, Completely Safe Stories: A Collection, sold out in the first few hours of the first day. I wasn't even able to get one for myself. But now, everyone can!

That's right! Through the printing company, Lulu.com, you can have your own copy of Completely Safe Stories for the at-cost price of $10.80, plus $3.99 for shipping. I'm not making a cent off these books.

If you've always wanted a piece of the fandom to hold in your hands, I think you could do worse than this book. The few copies I saw at Bronycon were slick as hell, as quality as anything you'd see at a Barnes & Noble. The cover art came out absolutely great. And the words inside aren't too bad either.


Science Fiction Contest 3!!! (May 14, 2024) · 7:34pm March 25th

Hey folks,

It's contest time! Wooooo!

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Comments ( 225 )
  • Viewing 221 - 225 of 225

Good to know you’re fine and busy! We were all a bit worried when you vanished from the Writeoff. I’m looking forward to knowing more about your new endeavour. Have fun and stay safe!


Aww, thank you. I'm still around -- just working on other creative efforts. Expect a blog post in a few days with some more details.

Nice to know you’re still around Cold. We miss you dearly.

Sometimes I'm in awe of my ability to connect wisdom and ideas and people and pretty much everything from extraordinarily far flung parts of my existence. Today, that included your indefatigable user bio:

  • Viewing 221 - 225 of 225
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