• Member Since 28th May, 2015
  • offline last seen March 23rd

Electric Aura

Silly creature at a keyboard

More Blog Posts60

  • 12 weeks

    Sorry for the radio silence, I've been in England to visit my boyfriend, so I'm a bit distracted. I still have another month here, but I'm hoping to at least try writing a bit while I'm here.

    1 comments · 40 views
  • 29 weeks
    Enjoying Myself

    I'm glad to say I'm happy to be back. I'm enjoying writing, I'm genuinely having a good time writing again. It'll be a bit before I've gotten back in the groove, but for now I'll just enjoy the process of creating. Even if what I write isn't up to whatever arbitrary standard I've set for myself, I've decided it doesn't matter because I'm enjoying myself, and that's what actually

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    3 comments · 91 views
  • 29 weeks
    Bare Minimum

    It's out, I posted a story for the first time in years. It might not be the best thing ever since it was originally a writing exercise, but it's published. Now I just sit and hope it's decent enough to not bomb immediately.

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    0 comments · 69 views
  • 30 weeks

    Hey, I'm here again.

    It's been a year, and I haven't written a single thing, in fact I haven't written a story of any kind in years. ...Makes me feel old when I talk about not doing something for years.

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    1 comments · 93 views
  • 97 weeks
    It's been a while.

    Hey there to anyone still listening, apologies on being quiet for so long. I never intended to keep people hanging, waiting for all the stuff I had in the works.

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    1 comments · 229 views

Distracted · 9:17am February 29th

Sorry for the radio silence, I've been in England to visit my boyfriend, so I'm a bit distracted. I still have another month here, but I'm hoping to at least try writing a bit while I'm here.

Report Electric Aura · 40 views ·
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Enjoy yourself, breathe and relax.

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