• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen January 17th


I'm an avid writer that enjoys creating human x pony romance stories. If you like what you've read, then perhaps you'd Buy Me A Coffee?

More Blog Posts422

  • 127 weeks
    Marry Christmas & Happy Hearth's Warming!

    Just wanted to take a moment to drop by and send my Season's Greetings to everypony! Hope you all have a joyful and safe holiday!

    - Jaydex

    8 comments · 441 views
  • 143 weeks
    Not back as quickly as I had hoped

    My apologies for not posting a blog sooner. A lot has happened in the past two months. I didn't have a lot of time to go into details with my last blog. But I had been in the process of moving to a new home and I moved in mid July. Sadly, it was anything but smooth. I won't bore you with the details, but long story short, I'm moved and am in the ongoing process of unpacking and settling.

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    2 comments · 620 views
  • 152 weeks
    Coming Soon - JaydexTheShadowKnight will be actively writing again!

    Greetings everyone!

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    7 comments · 725 views
  • 178 weeks
    Happy New Years and a Belated Merry Christmas!

    Greetings everyone! I hope your New Year 2021 is off to a good and promising start. Sorry for not posting check in blogs for November and December. So many crazy things have been happening, even before my last check in around Mid-October. If I told you everything that was going on, you'd think I was exaggerating or something. You'd probably be like, "Oh come on, Jaydex, save it fro your

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    3 comments · 560 views
  • 190 weeks
    Salutations, my friends! ^^

    It's been a little while since I last checked in. So, I thought I'd see how all of you are doing. Despite the endless challenges this year has brought. Time still seems to be joined with wings. My days currently consist of work, writing and dealing with challenges all the same. I won't bore you with the details as I'd rather bring you tidings of joy rather than those of sorrow. Besides,

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    4 comments · 508 views

Taking a Little Break from Ponies. · 12:42am Apr 8th, 2020

My pony muse is gone. It's been three weeks now and I have barely made any progress on my ponies stories, and more importantly, I haven't really felt the connection or drive to do so. But, I have still been writing. I've just been working on other non-pony projects and I'm almost ashamed to admit I'm loving them even more. I fear I've burned myself out regarding MLP.

So what does that mean regarding me and my stories on here?

For the next few months, I'm just going to work on other projects and see if my Pony Fever returns, but as of right now, I can't even feel an ember of it. Which is rather distressing. For now, I'd rather follow my muse to other horizons and see how the next few months turn out. I will of course check in here regularly, but updates are on hold as of right now. And the ultimate irony is that I am at home because of the covid-19 concern and have all kinds of free time but no drive for writing ponies.

I'll see how things go each month and keep you all up to date. I sincerely apologize for this, but much like the current global crisis, I never expected anything like this to happen. But for now I'm just going to take it day by day. Please feel free to comment or PM any questions you may have.

I hope you all are staying safe and well. I will see you all again. This certainly isn't good-bye. So remember that. It's my hopes that by taking a break from MLP, it will come back to me better than before.

Till next time, stay awesome!

- Jaydex

Comments ( 12 )

Well, I hope things work out! It's the worst when the desire to write something abandons you.
Stay safe from the virus! TIll next time.

Where are you posting your other stories and is your name there differant

Hey sometimes you just need a vacation, see ya when you get back.

We understand I hope you enjoy the vacation! Can’t wait for your return

Take your time man and I hope you get your groove back! :pinkiehappy:

I'll be sure to stay safe. Thanks for the warm greetings! :twilightsmile:

I'm not sure yet. I'm just writing for now and working on improving my craft, plus I've started reading a lot more. My Kindle Fire is in shock that I'm finally using it for e-books. :pinkiegasp:

Thanks! I'll be looking forward to seeing you and everyone else when I return! :raritystarry:

Thank you for your support! :twilightsmile:

I hope so too. A writer's muse can be a very curious and even fickle thing. :twilightsheepish:

Yeah 'cause if you don't, people might start rioting.

No worries. Everyone needs a break and if you're not feeling it then you're not feeling it. It's better to take a break than try to force yourself through. Stay safe and healthy and I look forward to your return.

I honestly think that throughout the years you gave us and more specifically gave me some- if not the most awesome, cute, adorable and all around best Twilight (x Human) stories on this site- at least to me, that is my true and honest opinion, so take your time to get back in once again, and most importantly Take Care of yourself.. Probably it is a right time to give credit when and where it is due: Thank you for everything throughout the years once again, you gave me so much joy with your stories. :) :twilightsmile:

Whoa! :pinkiegasp: I certainly wouldn't want that. :twilightsheepish:

Thank you for your support. You make sure to stay safe and healthy too. :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much for those truly heartfelt words. It makes me a little misty-eyed :pinkiesad2: I'm glad you've enjoyed my stories, namely my Twilight x Human ones so much. It also makes me smile to know I brought you so much joy over the years. It's one of the reasons I write. Take care and thanks again! :raritystarry:

Kidding! Take your time, brother!

No worries. My previous reply was just me trying to be funny. Guess it didn't work so well. :twilightsheepish:

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