//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Another day in the strange world // Story: What a Better Way to Live Life (sort of) // by alpha_ //------------------------------// I woke up feeling groggy as hell, my eyes struggle to open as my mouth felt really dry. I slowly turn my body to look up at the window seeing the bright sunlight shine through the old curtains. Then I look up at the ceiling, wondering if what happened was a dream or not. 'So there is a giant dragon living inside of my mind right now..? Okay.. so the question is how and why was he here now? I kept repeating question in my head over and over again. In all honesty it kinda gave me a headache. Ugh! I'm so confuse! Why am I a pony?! Why is there a dragon in my head?! Why am I here?! I'm just so cunfused! I moved to get out of bed but something isn't right. Like as if something is holding me. I turned my head too look at the other side of the bed. Make that a someone. There was Applejack still wearing my jacket (she still kind of looks cute in it) holding my waist around with both of her hooves. "Please don't go." It was faint but I still heard it. A tiny whisper the orange mare let out. I felt my cheeks get warm out of embarrassment of a girl (who I still don't know and Sharing a bed with) is holding me. I tried gently get out of her grasp but the more I try to move the tighter her hold gets. She must of have the strength of a hundred humans or something because there is no way she is that strong! Juuuuuust great! I thought sarcastically. Now I've been hold captive by a sleeping pony. Why do you do this to me life?! I grunt in annyonce as I gave up on trying to get of her hold. Haha Kid! What? You don't like the attention? I think you look cute as a pony! Ha! Says a sarcastic yet fierce tone in my head. Wait I know that voice. Wait Blix?! How are you talking to me?! I ask mentally, not expecting to already meet him this soon. Well I figured if I used my magic maybe I can make a magic connection so when your awake I can still talk to you. Blix explains with a hint of proudness in his voice. Oh well that's pretty ne-Wait you can use magic?! Magic doesn't exist! That really caught me off guard. Magic. Really? Well maybe not in your old world, but in this world magic and other magical creatures that live among this world do young Mike. He explains to me, then adds You know YOU can also use magic by your horn on your head. Unicorns have the ability to express more magic than any other magical creature here. Quite an upgrade from regular humans if I say so myself. What. What do you mean? Unicorns don’t really exist, I mean... yeah I got a horn but a unicorn? Seems down right unbelievable I could hear the dragon let out a sigh. Maybe it's best if I explain. You see the world you are in is Equuis or to be more accurate you’re in a country called Equestria. In Equestria the three main types in ponies. Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn Ponies. Well four if you're counting Alicorns, but there wasn't been another Alicorn in over a millennia, well besides the two princess sisters who rule Equestria both alongside eachother. He finishes his (somewhat) history lesson. Wow that is some history lesson. But uh.. how do you know all this? The answer is simple young Mike. I was born here in Equestria many, many millennia ago. Before Equestria was even called Equestria. He says softly, with a somewhat grim tone. Oh... That was all I could think at the moment. Judging from his tone he remembers things that he doesn’t like to. I decided to think of a new subject to talk about. So uh how do I use magic? I thought. I am sorry but you must learn on your own Mike. He says to which I responded in the most weirdest way possibly by (for some reason) shouting "What do you mean I have to learn on my own?!" I quickly put a hoof over my mouth and hope no one heard me. However no soon after I finish I got hit in the face with a pillow. You may think that getting hit in the face with a pillow may not so bad, BUT if the pillow is over centuries old then ouch it hurt like hell. "SHUT THE BUCK UP MIKE!!" Rainbow shouts from her bed now sitting up right and looking pissed as all hell. "Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?!" "What in tarnation' is goin' on?!" Great now the cowpony is awake. Hehe well good like Mike and don't become TOO good with the mares~ You’ll likely regret it. He says with a wooing tone of voice. Aw screw you too- Wait regret it? What’s that suppose to mean?? Hahaha! Blix continues to laugh as there was a sudden click sound. As if a light switched to off. Did he cut me and him off of the magic connection? "Well?! What are ya two yellin' bout early in tha mornin'?!" Applejack says as I could tell she was cranky and demanded an explanation. "If you really want to know Mr. Shouts-a-lot over here keep screaming!" Rainbow replies without a second of hesitation and points to me. "Huh? Why?" Applejack asks to me as he turns her attention to me, her eyes were soft but she is still clearly tired with the small bags under her eyes. "Um-uh it was a bad dream! Yeah, it was a bad dream." I said as I put on my best innocent smile on. Although she only had a raise eyebrow and a face expression that said 'yeah I'm not buying it' but she sighs and drops her stare. "Ok well next tahme don't go yellin' in other ponies ears, ya hear?" She states clearly and I only nod in response. "Good." Applejack got off the bed stretching her hind legs and back. While Rainbow grumbles wishing she would sleep more then asked "What time is it anyway?" I sigh and get up from the bed, walking to the old window and open the curtains to which bright sunlight was pouring out of the giant window. I squint my eyes to see a blurry giant ball of sunlight almost out of the horizon. "I would say that it's almost um.. around 7-ish maybe?" I say as I close the curtains and walk back to the two mares. "Mhm, ah would say so too." Applejack says as she took her hat back on her head which was laying on the bedframe. "Ah Man! I'm hungry!" Rainbow whines as she crossed her two front hooves. She glances at her wing and sighs as it looks like it’s still sprained from the day before. "Well ya'll have ta wait, cause ah don't think we could cook anythin'." Applejack states as she gets out of bed and heads towards the door. "Besides we better hurry on back ta Ponyville. Our friends and family are probably worried sick 'bout us now." Rainbow groans at this but nods, confirming she understands their situation. I sighs as I pick up my glasses (still don't know how because I'm only with hooves) and set them on my muzzle. Moving my hair (mane?) our of my face. I head towards by Applejack's side, me and her waiting for Rainbow to get ready by messing with her wings for a bit. "Okay ready." She says and hops off, quickly doing some stretches. I was about to open the door when Applejack said "Here Mike." I look back at her as she had my jack in one of her hooves, handing it to me. I look at it for a second and remembered that I let her borrow it. I took in my mouth and muffle a thanks. She nods with a small chuckle, gently tipping her hat while saying "Not a problem." I quickly put it on and only had little difficulty this time because I'm getting more use to this body. After that I open the door and into the crumbled hallway. The two mares following behind. "Okay so were to go were to go now?..." I turn to my left then to my right, and down the hallway to see if there was a any sign of an exit. Rainbow walks right next to me and look to the right, saying, "Uhh I think the exit is that way." She pointed to the right. I then look to Applejack for clarification but who just shrugged and follows after Rainbow who already went ahead to the other end of the hallway, i let another sigh escape me and follow behind them. It was quite most of the time as we made our way through the castle, however at one point while we were walking Rainbow suddenly asks "So.. ‘Mike’ WHY WERE you in the forest in the first place huh?" She looks at me with suspicion in her eyes again, now I began sweating bullets. "Oh me I was uh-" Both mares stop and turn to look at me, as I was trying to come up with a best excuses. On one hand (or hoof) I can tell them I wasn't always a pony and they would just laugh and call me crazy and on the other I can say I just woke up here, right? Still seems crazy however.. ugh what do I do? Why not just tellg them the truth? It will make things easier for you. I could hear Alister speaking to me in my head again. I let out a sigh and just thought, Ahh to hell with it. Well?" Rainbow said impatiently as she walks over to me with a slight scowl. I back up a little from the sudden hostility I was feeling but still stood my ground. "*sigh* Okay, okay I WILL be honest, I don't know how but I just woke up in the forest." I reply with a straight face. As I finished however Rainbow rushes up to my face and shouts. "What?! What do ya mean you just, 'WOKE UP'?! Your lying!" Rainbow lets out a huff, then turns back at Applejack "He has to be lying, right?" Applejack watches me with a raised brow and a few seconds later she sighs, “Sorry Dash but Mike here ain't lying." She says as she looks at her rainbow maned friend, who's jaw just drop upon hearing that. "But-“" Applejack interrupts Rainbow but slowly walking past her and up to me "What was tha LAST thing ya remember before you woke up in tha Everfree forest?” She questions. The Everfree Huh? Well at least I know where I am. But that got me thinking more since judging where I am I don’t think they would have cars here, so I thigh of the best thing I could say. “The last thing I remember was that something hit me and it went all black. After that I was in a bed and later now I woke up in a forest.” I say as I tried to give my best straight face, this wasn't a full lie. It was true I was hit to what I think was a car, later going to the hospital now I was just.. here That’s clearly a strange mystery now isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a phenomenon happen here in this world. I hear Blix say, but what he says got me thinking. Unless... you did something to bring me here.. I quickly thought, since this magical dragon just happens to appear when I came here. I could hear Alister clear his throat. Oh I can tell you now this wasn’t my doing, if it was I would’ve told you by now. I’ve been asleep for a very long time but after you appeared, I woke up. This is very strange for the both of us young Mike. We will look into it later, however now you have to get these girls home. I can hear a bit of a snark in there but after listening to him, it was in fact very strange. okay.. I can see your point, let’s see what we can do for now. If there’s anything else I need to know just let me know. I thought to which Blix agrees to and went silent once more. "Well ya ain't lyin' which is strange from what ya said, but the question is how did ya get here in the forest?" She thought aloud and put her hoof to her chin in thought. "Might ask Twilight if she know anythin'." She says as she turns back and continues on walking. I sigh softly in relief and was about to continue to walk as well when Rainbow got in my face again. "AJ may left you off the hook but I'm still watching you." She states somewhat coldly which made me nod. She nods back with a huff and went to catch up with Applejack. Note to self: Don't piss off Rainbow. I made a mental note then ran to catch up with them. No one else said anything after that until we made it to the front doors. I push open one of the doors with my might, this time Applejack helped me out with it. The huge door slowly opens enough for us to slip outside. I took a deep breath and breathe out "Man the smell of nature is unique, isn't it?" I ask to no one in particular. "Now which way is civilization?" I turn to the two mares. They gaze at each other for a moment until Rainbow spoke up. "Uhh.. I think it's that way." She pointed to a direction to which had a dirt tail towards the forest. She then stars to trot towards that direction "C’mon let’s go! follow me!" She shouts. I look over to Applejack who just sighs and shakes her head, that didn’t set my mind to ease as me and her began to follow Rainbow. I just hope nothing bad happens.. nah, right?. 3 hours later... "*gasp* This *wheeze* is the last time *cough* I follow you!" I shout to Rainbow as she lays down to catch her breath. We’ve been running for the past half our for our lives again! Seriously why does this keep happening?! I thought to myself as I try to catch my breath. "Hey! How would I know the EXACT location to Ponyville?!" I couldn’t help but snicker at the IRONIC name for a town for a land filled with ponies. But I stop myself when I saw Rainbows serious expression. “Well you live there don’t you? Especially since you can FLY.” I quickly retort, to which Rainbow glares and gets up. Mumbling something as she angrily walks away from me. "How 'bout both of y'all shut ya traps and get into town I'm sure the girls will miss us." Applejack interrupted us, getting in between us and points to a small town off in the distance. I smile upon the seeing the town. Why? Because for THREE hours we've been traveling in the damn forest in search of this town. We were chased by by those wooden wolves which now I know are Timberwolves, carnivorous plants, and a MOTHERFUCKING HYDRA! YES A REAL HYDRA! "Finally!" I say giddily, turning back over to the two mares "lets go!, I wanna get something to eat!" I start running towards the small town as Applejack and Rainbow watch with surprise and try to catch up to me, calling me to stop but I ignored them. My ache for food was too much for me to stop so I use the bit of energy I have left to quickly enter the town. Man, I can tell that this world is gonna be on hell of an. Maybe things won’t be as bad, who knows? And of course I will be here to help you through this world. I have been awakened after so long so in return you have my guidance. Come young Mike, let us set out adventure forward! I hear Blix say with triumph in his might voice. Yeah, yeah we can do that but first things first. That I’m gonna get me some food