Life Goes On

by hattafan2593

The Outfit


Sunset gazed down at her orange skirt in annoyance. It was Saturday morning, and she was still in her pajamas, pulling out her clothes so she could get dressed and go out for the day. Apparently, her skirt had gotten caught on something without her realizing it, or it had a mind of its own and was purposefully trying to spite her, because there was a huge vertical rip in the front near the purple and yellow stripes, from the brim all the way up to the waistband. There was no way she'd be able to wear it again.

"Is something wrong, dear?"

Sunset looked up to see Mrs. Shy in the doorway, concerned filling her eyes.

Sunset blushed and turned away - she usually tried to avoid cursing in front of Fluttershy's parents. "Oh! It's skirt's ripped..."

"Oh dear." Mrs. Shy, her hand touching her cheek. "Well...I'm sure Fluttershy won't mind you borrowing something of hers for today."

"Um, thanks."Sunset said, averting her eyes. "But I'm sure I can find something else to wear."

Mrs. Shy smiled gently, pushing her glasses up her nose. "Alright, Sunset. Let me know if you need anything." And she disappeared down the hall.

Sunset sighed, them flopped down on her bed. Why did Fluttershy's parents have to be so nice? She'd been staying with them for over three months and she didn't once hear them complain or question why she was there.

Sunset smirked. Not hard to see where Fluttershy gets it.

She felt no need to complain though...she had a roof over her head and a bed to sleep in. It was certainly better than staying at a homeless shelter, or sleeping on a bed of books in the school library. (She was actually surprised she had been able to get away with that. Seriously, did Canterlot High School not have any security at all?)

Returning her mind to the matter at hand, she lifted up the ratty piece of cloth that was her signature skirt. Honestly, she was surprised it hadn't given out before now. And as she felt of the fabric, she realized that it was so old and worn that it would probably tear further if she tried to sew it. Not that it mattered, since she didn't know how to sew, anyway.

She supposed she could ask Fluttershy.....but things were still pretty awkward between them. Besides, Fluttershy's fashion sense was.....well, it wasn't hers.

Groaning loudly, she fell back against the bed and covered her eyes with her arms. Why in the seven layers of Tartarus did she never buy a spare outfit? Now she had absolutely nothing to wear.

Guess I'm staying in today....and for the rest of my life, Sunset thought bitterly. Consequently, she didn't feel like parading around in public showing off her panties to strangers.

Wait, said a voice in her head. Don't you have a spare outfit?

Sunset mentally groaned. Great, the voice was back. Uh, pretty sure I don't.

Yes you do, the voice insisted. It's still in the box, under the bed.

Sunset uncovered her eyes and sat up, furrowing her brow. That's right; she did have another outfit....the one Rarity made herself. It had been a Christmas she had gotten just as she was about to leave the human world for good, after her friends had ditched her.

At the time she had dismissed it as a guilt offering on their part, and had shoved it away where she didn't have to look at it. Now, though?

She sat there for ten whole minutes, mentally debating with herself. Finally, she straightened and made a decision.

You know what? Screw it. It's a perfectly good outfit. There's no reason for it to just sit there collecting dust.

With resolve, Sunset knelt down on the floor and pulled out the box.

"Good morning, Sunset. What can I get you?"

"The usual, Mrs. Cake."

As Mrs. Cake went to the coffee machine, Sunset examined her new jacket, tracing her fingers over the leather. She'd have to ask Rarity where she got the material...


Well, speak of the devil.

Sunset turned to find Rarity standing behind her, her eyes wide with shock.

Sunset gave a nervous smirk and waved. "Hey."

Rarity blinked several times before slowly pointing at Sunset. "You're....wearing the outfit I made."

Sunset blushed and rubbed her arm nervously. "Well, yeah. I old one was kinda ratty, is a pretty good outfit. I just didn't see why-"

Sunset felt all the breath go out of her lungs as Rarity's arms wrapped around her neck. She felt Rarity trembling.

Sunset tried to look anywhere else. "Come on, Rarity. It's just an outfit."

But it wasn't. And they both knew it.

"Here you are, dearie." Mrs. Cake said, placing Sunset's coffee and blueberry muffins on the counter. She looked up and furrowed her brows in concern. "Oh. Is something wrong?"

Rarity quickly let go of Sunset and wiped her eyes. "No ma'am. Nothing at all."

Mrs. Cake looked from Sunset to Rarity, then back to Sunset. "Um...that'll be $5.95."

Sunset stood there a moment, then walked up to the counter, gave Mrs. Cake her money, then grabbed the cup and paper bag.

"Have a nice day!" Mrs. Cake chirped, smiling.

Sunset nodded, then turned to Rarity.

"Umm....see you later, I guess."

"Yes." Rarity said, nodding awkwardly.

And with that, she walked through the door and left Sugarcube Corner.

She walked until she came upon a bench. As she sat down and munched her breakfast, she realized that she felt....significantly lighter.