//------------------------------// // Am // Story: Alone in the dark // by Groupiegatalo //------------------------------// The darkness ebbs away from the eyes of everyone. No longer are they in that same magically concealed and cut off room as before. In fact, they are no longer even together. Within a room illuminated by a single flickering florescent light, sits a lone purple coated unicorn with a white cylinder strapped tight around her short spiral horn. The consistent buzzing of the light fills the void that silence would've taken. The constant repetition saves sanity with in these white padded rooms of uncertainty. The purple unicorn, easily recognized as Twilight due to her hair colour of dark purple and light purple streaks, rolls her head slowly in small hypnotic circles as the darkness that had once consumed her and her friends leave her vision. Many would double take on making sure this is Twilight, due to the fact that her unique cutie mark is now gone and replaced with nothing but her slightly plump blank rump. A groan emits from her maw as a light throbbing pain goes resonates her head. The overload of magical input really took a toll on her entire body. Her muzzle, dry and tasting of sand paper and papyrus, opens and closes wordlessly as she tries to gain her bearings. She goes to stand, but only winds up falling flat on her muzzle with a dull thud. It has a different effect than she thought it would, but she's knocked out of her stupor. Thankfully the padding, which she is pretty sure is supposed to be soft, was hard enough to jolt some pain through her nerves. Thankfully, again, not hard enough to really hurt her though. Her eyes, now fully opened and her mind alarmingly awake, scan the room quickly trying to figure out her environment. It looks like one of the mental hospital rooms, but she can only ask herself why she would be in one of these and what happened to all of her friends. Perhaps something happened after the darkness and Celestia and Luna had to contain them for a while due to a fluxing of magic from all of them. She figures that would be logical and sound idea and thinking process, but she really doesn't think that the bonds keeping her forelegs close to her body were necessary. She would at least like to walk and not just sit on her rump like she usually does in her spare time looking through tomes. "Princess Celestia? Girls? Can you hear me?" No response. Not even an outside response of a knock or a be quiet. Not that she was expecting someone to tell her to be quiet or something. Of course they would've gotten violent with her instead. "Whoa! Where did that thought come from!" Twilight exclaims quickly finding fear and anxiety entering her and controlling her body's reactions. Twilight keeps her mouth closed afraid what might exit her mouth next. Instead, she focuses on her thought process and tries to think of what happened just a few moments ago. It's pretty clear, but somethings in her mind just aren't all there. Almost as if there is a blocker on her memories. They had just used the elements of harmony against the caged pony who was taking in the darkness of the world in effort to cleanse him and help him get away from such pain, but it seemed to back fire as everything seemed to get swallowed by a darkness after the power of friendship touched him. She hadn't felt any malice from the darkness when it had taken her, but she still had felt fright before a giant sense of calm took her. She pulls lightly at her bonds and finds them still as tight as ever. She grunts in annoyance as she tries to figure out where everyone probably went. "Well... I'm sure Celestia will come for me eventually right? I mean, it wouldn't be like her not to check up on her not so faithful ignorant failure of a student right?" There it was again. Words so foreign, yet so familiar. Words that hurt her but felt so good. But why? She never thought that way about herself in so long, yet here she is thinking that she's an awful ignorant failure. She knows she's a successful student to Celestia and a very great princess at... wait... Twilight looks behind her and sees that her wings are gone. Panic enters her voice as she screams. Not from pain, but out of sheer fear. Who had taken her wings? Surely it couldn't have been Discord or some insane pony right? She had them when casting the spell! Right!? "Calm down Twilight! Calm down! I'm sure there is some type of logical reasoning behind all of this happening in the current way at the current moment. It's not like I, Twilight the stupid, could've messed up something again right? I mean, I would've noticed them leaving my body or never having them right? Or was I ever a princess? What was I freaking out about again?" Twilight says her panicked and frightened form slowly relaxing with her eyes slowly glazing over. She breathes in deeply as something tickles her nose. A dopey smiles slowly spreads across her face as this familiar smell slowly fills her brain and nostrils. It smells like something wonderful and amazing mixed with berries. She really likes berries. She doesn't remember when she started liking them, but she likes them a lot. Like. If there was ever a berry pony, she would probably marry them. She giggles and hiccups drunkenly as her body starts swaying side to side. She felt good. Not like good good, but like reaaaaaallllly good. She finds herself wiggling her rump and back against the wall smiling widely at how good she feels right now. And how good these soft plushy walls feel against her purple coat and white jacket. Outside the room stands two ponies looking in on her through a one way mirror spell. They had gotten annoyed with Twilight's yelling and talking, so they decided to pacify her with her new medication. It's meant to increase her urges and make her relax more. And as they could see, it works like a charm. Almost too well. The two look at each other and smile predatory smiles as the right one hits the button connecting the medication to the room. The two nod at each other before going in. Elsewhere A orange coat pony feels awkward in her skin and fur as she awakes from what she assumed was a knock out round with Big Mac. Which would be pretty odd since she hasn't seen him in forever. She shakes her head lightly disagreeing with her voice as she knows that she had just seen Big Mac this morning. Or well yesterday morning as it seems as lightly peek through the orange curtains to the right of her soft orange slices sheet covered bed. Underneath those comfortable sheets is Applejack. Or what anyone would assume is Applejack. She slowly sits up and gives an eloquent yawn and stretch. She hadn't slept that bad since the time she had the dream that she was wallowing in mud back at Sweet Apple Acres. She sometimes miss her hard work filled life, but this was for the better of her. She might be an apple at heart, but that heart now belongs to the oranges to manipulate and shape however they like. "Whoa! What am I doing!" Applejack yells throwing the mane brush she was just using to brush out her long healthy golden no longer straw yellow mane. Applejack stares at herself in the mirror. Her orange coat seems shinier, everything around her looks normal and dull, and everything just seems uninteresting, and on top of that her cutie mark is a jeweled orange. No. That isn't right. Those are not the words she want to use, but that's what comes into her mind. Could it be a cruel trick by Discord? The same very Discord that has been ruling along side Sombra and Chrysalis of... Equest....ria? Applejack clutches her head knowing that none of this sounds right in her head. "What in the world is happening to my head." She says her voice completely vacant of any southern dialect, "None of this seems right yet." She looks at her mirror self one more time and touches the mirror itself expecting reality to shatter apart. When such a thing didn't happen, she simply stood up on all fours and started making her way to the door. She stops when she reaches for the door knob and finds herself putting on some of her elaborate clothing the Oranges had bought for her. After all, don't want to tarnish the name of the Oranges by looking dread and uncultured. She figures while she does that, she should probably do her mane up and finish brushing it. "Now how did you get on the floor." She asks the mane brush as she retakes her seat in front of the mirror a happy smile on her face and mirth in her eyes as she begins to once again brush her hair. In the hospital of Ponyville Two ponies, one Pegasus and the other seemingly a Earth Pony, are within a sanitized white room where the constant beeping is enough to hold a conversation. The Pegasus, yellow of fur with wings twisted and mangled laid on either side of it, is current hooked up to various machines as it's eyes stare up at the ceiling lifeless and unblinking. No cutie mark is on her rump and only those close to her know here name. Fluttershy. One such person being the only other occupant of the room. Rainbowdash, a blue mare with rainbow mane and tail, sits watching over the still yellow Pegasus. The incident had happened because of her when she was younger. Instead of flying past the weak and meek Fluttershy, she flew right into her shattering her bones and slamming them both in the ground. She had felt so bad over the incident, that she cut her own wings off afraid of flying into someone else and crushing their bones as well. But despite this, the two in here do not believe that this is their fate. Upon "arriving" here, the blue one screamed out in fear and shock. She had to trick the doctors into thinking it was nothing but a bad dream. No pony knows what's going through Fluttershy's brain as she lays there crippled and afraid of everything around her cept for the blue no longer Pegasus beside her.