Actions and Reactions: Saving Twilight Sparkle

by Lord of Flies

Chapter Ten: Twilight

Princess Twilight’s Chambers


Long Stride, standing near the glass doors to the balcony of his charge’s chambers, stole a glance at his charge.

Sitting in her powerchair, looking out toward the city surrounding the Palace, Princess Twilight enjoyed the fresh air while reading a book.

A sad smile crossed Long Stride’s face. The mare had little time to herself, between what little duties she had, and spending time in bed trying to recover from her affliction.

The Praetorian walked out onto the balcony. He rested a hand on the princess’s shoulder. Yelping softly, the mare looked up at the Praetorian. “Don’t do that, Long Stride.”

Long Stride stepped around in front of the mare, extended his right arm toward the mare, and opened his hand, revealing a caramel square. Twilight looked at the square, and gasped, covering her mouth as a memory surfaced in her head.


Twilight stared up at the earth pony colt’s face, attempting to discern his intentions. In his right hand, a caramel square. A peace offering, perhaps.

Reaching up, and taking the square from the colt, Twilight’s face took on a curious expression. “Where did you get this?”

The colt smiled slightly, and replied, “One of my uncles is a caramel maker. He sends me some caramels, occasionally.”

Twilight lifted the square up to her nose, and gave it a sniff. “Is caramel any good?”

“You’ve never had any caramel before?”

“No,” Twilight responded honestly, “Mother ensures that I eat healthily. She doesn’t allow me to have any candy.”

“You can eat the caramel, a single candy won’t hurt.”

The caramel square quickly disappeared into the filly’s mouth. Chewing the caramel, Twilight let the flavors pass over her tongue, taking in everything about it. A large smile crossed her face as her eyes sparkling in pleasure. She quickly rushed up and threw her arms around the colt, and inquired, “Do you have anymore? It’s so good!”

“Twilight! It’s time for supper!” Twilight’s mother called from the manor house, “Bring the knave with you!”

Twilight frowned. The knave smiled, and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll sneak you some caramel squares later.”

Twilight smiled, and grabbed hold of one of the colt’s arms. She began dragging the colt toward the manor house. She thought she could hear chuckling from the colt as he was dragged around by a filly smaller than he was.


A large smile crossed her face as she took the square from the Praetorian. Popping the square into her mouth, Twilight smiled as the taste she remembered came forth from the tiny square. She grabbed the Praetorian’s arm, and pulled him into a hug.

Long Stride smiled. “I’m glad you still remember me, Princess.”

“I’ve missed you!”

“I know you have.”

The two remained in their embrace until Twilight let the stallion go. A not-so-subtle blush had appeared on Twilight’s face. She had forgotten her feelings for Long Stride, and, by offering a caramel square to the mare to try to cheer her up, the stallion had unknowingly rekindled those feelings within her. Looking up at her protector, Twilight smiled, and said, “Thank you, Long Stride.”

“Anytime, Princess.”

Movement drew the Praetorian’s attention from his charge, and he looked up, toward its source. “Princess,” he said, “we have visitors.”


Spike glared at the Praetorian, who returned the drake’s glare with a cool look, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

“Who are they?”

Twilight’s question was succinct. The Praetorian replied, “See for yourself, Princess.”

Twilight’s powerchair turned around, and the mares behind Spike, aside from Applejack and Rainbow Dash, gasped.

The alicorn looked worse than she had when they saw her back at Canterlot Memorial. Sickly looking, listless, and slightly thinner than before, Twilight Sparkle’s appearance confirmed what Luna had said about her. A wan smile appeared on the dying mare’s face. “How have you been?”

Spike walked up to the mare, knelt down, and picked up one of her hands, pressing it to his cheek. “We’ve been fine, Twilight,” he assured. “But we’re here for you.”

“What do you mean?”

The other five mares surrounded their friend, and Applejack spoke, “Luna sent us a letter this mornin’. She wanted ta talk to us about ya.”

“And what did she say?”

“She wanted our help with an expedition of hers,” Rarity responded, “and we all agreed. Except Rainbow Dash.”

Dash sighed as a slight snarl formed on her face. “I said I needed time to think about it.”

“Which is not agreein’, Rainbow.”

“Girls,” Twilight commanded, raising her other hand in a halting gesture, “don’t start bickering. It’s not like it was when Spike and I first met you five. Dash isn’t the headstrong mare she used to be, and I’m sure you’ve all changed, too.”

Rarity nodded, “I’ve got a son to take care of, now.”

“I’m dating Braeburn,” Pinkie added, “he’s really fun!”

“Um… I’ve become more… assertive and confident?”

The others smiled at Fluttershy’s statement. Applejack stated, “And Ah’ve been tryin’ to find a stallion that wants to be with an Apple Family mare who isn’t scared off by mah brother.”

“You should see how many stallions that have tried dating me that Shining Armor has scared off,” Twilight smiled, chuckling slightly. “They don’t take the fact that my brother is the Captain-General of the Royal Guard very well.”

“So, Dash,” Rarity prompted, “have you decided?”


“Dash can stay here, while the rest of you help Luna,” Twilight interrupted. “Dash has things that come with her being an officer in the Air Force. I wouldn’t have her toss them aside for my sake.”

There was a sigh from all of Twilight’s friends. The Praetorian cocked his head to the side, somewhat confused.

“Of course, Twi,” Applejack acknowledged, breaking the silence that had barely settled, “that’s okay.”

Pinkie, Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack left, while Spike remained behind for a few minutes.


A few minutes later, Spike left Twilight’s chambers. “So,” Rarity began, “why did you stay behind?”

“I wanted to talk with Twilight and that Praetorian a little bit.”

“Oh, I see.”

The group walked the corridors of the Palace toward the room they had been given to stay in for the night. Dash kept a neutral expression on her face, while the others thought about Twilight’s words.

Entering the room, Applejack surveyed the room. Spike pulled the door closed behind them. Upon the door closing, Applejack turned around and glared at Rainbow Dash. Dash returned the glare with a very slight one of her own, and asked, “What?”

“Ah can’t believe yer just goin’ ta stay here while the rest of us go and put our lives on the line for Twilight.”

“My decision was made for me, Applejack,” Dash replied.

“Ya coulda spoken up, ya know.”

“I didn’t feel the need to.”

“Well, ya should’ve. ‘Cause it looks ta me that yer bein’ mighty unloyal.”

Dash’s glare grew in intensity and she growled. Applejack snorted, and matched Dash’s glare. Dash threw a punch at the earth pony, putting her full weight behind it. Applejack did not move, anticipating that the punch would do very little against her. When the blow landed, Applejack staggered to the right.

Dash stepped back, rubbing her hand and her glare remaining on her face. “Don’t ever do that again, AJ. I’m not going to just ignore Twilight while I’m doing my job. I’ll visit her as often as I can.”

Applejack nodded, as she rubbed her cheek. “Yeah, yeah. Ah get it. Ya pack a nasty punch.”

“‘Course I do, AJ. Gotta eventually beat ya in armwrestling.”

Applejack chuckled. Dash extended a hand toward the earth pony, asking, “Friends?”

Applejack took the mare in a bear hug. Dash laughed and returned the hug. “GROUP HUG!!”

Pinkie grabbed Rarity and Fluttershy, and started dragging them toward the other two mares. Fluttershy began struggling to get free from the party mare, whimpering. “Girls,” Fluttershy pleaded, “you know I don’t like group hugs.”


Pinkie appeared in front of the large pegasus, pressing a finger to her lips. Fluttershy’s eyes widened, and she felt as the other mares put her at the center of their group hug. Her whimpering began anew.