What a Better Way to Live Life (sort of)

by alpha_

Chapter 6: Ponyville and the Pink mare

I gaze upon the small village that had other colorful ponies roaming on its dirt streets. I panted like crazy from (again) running to this small town. Applejack and Rainbow Dash have finally caught up to me, giving me small glares for making them have to run again. But at that moment I didn't care.

"Ah finally!! We're here! I'm so hungry where should we go?" I ask rapidly, turning to the two mares who were behind me. Both mares look to each other then back at me. "What?" I ask, feeling kind of weirded out.

They just sighed leaving me confused on what they are doing. "Nothing." Rainbow starts, continuing with. “Well it should be around noon by now right? So I think we should head over to Sugercube Corner." She suggests. Applejack came to her side and nods, agreeing with her.

"Eeyup! Since Sugarcube Corner is ah believe tha closet food shop there is." Applejack says as she hold up her hoof up to her chin. Then nods, confirming her statement.

"Well what are we waiting for?! Cmon!" I shout as other ponies start to look at me strange. I saw the stares out of the corner of my eye and gave my best innocent grin. "Heh nothing to see here just the uh.. the stomach talking!" I say as I wave one of my arms. Some laughed, while others still look at me weirdly but walked away to do their daily activities.

"*phew* alright, please lead the way girls." I say with a grin to them as they both roll their eyes. They both began walking forward to a direction with me following behind them.

"Wow." It was all I could say as I stare up at a GIANT GINGERBREAD HOUSE!! I'm not even joking and yet I wish I was. When I first saw this I was SO CLOSE to run up to the house and start eating it. This house reminds of the house from the story in Hansel and Grettel. I wonder if there is a Witch in there? Most likely not but wow look at this place. It even smells like a gingerbread house!

I waste no time and enter the candy house, the first thing that hits me is the smell. Oh god the smell. The smell of fresh baked goods fill the air in the entire store. I swear I felt myself drool to the smell and as if my belly had a mind of its own, my stomach growls with hunger from the smell. Then a high pitched and sorta depressed toned voice called over to me.


I turn my head over to my right to see a depressed-looking pink mare. "What the?" It was all I could muster to say. Her mane was straight down on one side and the color of her mane and tail were a very dark pink and her coat was a somewhat lighter dark pink. But those eyes. For some reason they sent a chill across my entire body. Her eyes were a deep blood shot red and tear streaks where on both sides of her cheeks, as if she's been crying for a long time.

I cautiously move over to the sadden mare. "H-hey miss?" She slowly moves her head up at me with those teary eyes.


I gulp a bit. “A-are you alright? You seem sad." I say as she just looked at me, sad was really an understatement for this mare.

Oh my god what happened next scared the shit out of me.

She bursts out crying so fucking loud I could've sworn the house/store started to shake. After the sudden out burst she started to bawl at normal rate.. sort of. She started to say something but I couldn't make out her words from her crying, it all became a coherent mess of words.

"Uh.. h-hey?" I cry out to her but her crying seem to block the sound of my words, so I tried again. "Hey!" I cry out a little louder but to no avail. Arg! It's like yelling at a person through sound proof glass. Man, well third times the charm....right? "HEY MISS!"

Nope. She’s still crying.

Now at this moment I was starting to panic, I can sort of hear other ponies murmur and talking to eachother. Though it was hard to hear by this mares bawling, I could very well sense the stares of the ponies behind me. I was running out of options.... but the more I hear her cries the more they sounded...familiar.

"Wh-what?" Her bawling sounds more and more familiar the more I listen closely to it.

Wait a minute! Why do they sound so much like.. Christina’s?!

Flashback: Many years ago...

"Waaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaa! M-mike please help me!"

"Christina! Hang on I'm coming!" A younger Mike was running through the tall grass looking for a young girl crying for help. "Where are you?!"

"I-I'm over here big bro!" A little girl cries to Mike, as he follows the sound young girl's voice until he finally finds her on the ground. There she was on the ground holding her knee in pain as blood oozing out of both of her knees and her weeping in pain, crying and sniffing. "M-Mike please help me." She said quietly as Mike ran up to her.

"Oh geez Christina! What happened?!" Mike asks worriedly as he looked at the young girls damaged knees.

She sniffed and wiped her teary eyes and look up at Mike, her older brother. "I-I-I-I was running, trying to catch some butterflies but I tripped on something and fell on some rocks." She sniffed again and started to shed a few tears again. Mike listen carefully and looked down at his right to see a butterfly net next to his little sister.

"*sigh* Well good thing it's a only a little cut but please sis be more careful." Mike said as he reached down into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small bandaid pack. He open the pack and pulled out two bandaids "Okay hold still please this may sting a little okay." He said with a calm tone, his sister nodded. He put on the bandaid on her knee first, he could hear her hiss in pain a little but calmed down a little afterwards.

"Okay there." Mike said as he wiped of some sweat of his forehead from the suns heat. Christina looked down at her knees and smiled.

"Wow Mike! I feel better already!" She said as she quickly got up but almost fell down bought was caught by her brother Mike.

"Woah! Easy there sis you still need to heal your cuts so don't use too much energy." Mike said as he held his younger sister as she held him close in a hug.

"Thank you Mike! You really are the best big brother ever!" She exclaimed as she held him in a hug, to which he smiled and hugged her back.

"Anytime sis after all I would always be there for you, remember that, okay?"

"Okay!" She nods at the fact, her face bright and gleaming with joy.

She hold him in the hug for awhile until she finally let go. "You know I feel better already! Your hugs are like healing hugs!" She cried out as Mike gave a brief laugh.

"Well I guess you can call it that. But we should head home now, I think grandma is making cookies." Mike said as he grabbed Christina's hand and start walking home.


Mike laughed at his sisters enthusiasm, she was always an energetic girl. Especially to sweets. The two walk home while the sun was setting for night to come...

That memory played through my mind like a short film. Remembering those days brought a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. The pink mare's cries brought me back into reality giving me an idea on what to do to help now.

Maybe.... hopefully it’s not too weird.

The next thing I know it went quiet as I wrap my hooves around the pink mare, who finally stops crying by what I can guess was in shock. "Shhhhhhh. It's ok now you don't need to cry anymore" I say as I slowly let go of her back then I look at her eyes.

She was in complete shock but her expression changed and had a small smile "Th-thanks..." She said as her pink face started to have a red shade of a blush. I only smiled and replied.

"It's no problem now let's all calm down now and tell me what's wrong. Okay?"

She nodded slowly and took deep breaths then started to talk normally. "O-o-ok so about yesterday two of my best friends went into the Everfree Forest and hasn't came back yet." She started to tear up again but I saw this and quickly pull her in a hug.

"Hey, hey don't go crying again alright? So what where you two friends names?" I ask her as I let go the mare, and look at her deep into her eyes.

"W-well one was my bestest friend, the awesome Rainbow Dash, and Applejack my other best friend." She stared I start to nod but stopping myself after a second. Did she just say Rainbow Dash and Applejack?! I was about to bring them up but before I did Rainbow open the door with sheer force.

"Hey what's going on here?! Pinkie?!" She cries out as she looks over at the pink mare, then suddenly she had the biggest smile I've ever seen on ANYONES face.

"*GAPS* DASHIE!!" The pink mare's mane suddenly turned a bright hot pink and became all frizzy and poofy like cotton candy, so did her tail. But her coat turned into a lighter brighter pink. She rushes over to her rainbow maned with speed that would put the cheetahs to shame, leaving a cloud of where she just was. The action both confused and shocked me.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! IVE BEEN SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!" The pink mare gave Rainbow a bone crushing hug. Though judging by that face Rainbow has made, it really looked like a painful hug.

"What in Tarantion' is goin' on here?!" Applejack enters the store next and saw her pink friend. "Well Ah'll be! Pinkie!" She cries out happily and ran towards them giving her and Rainbow a hug. But Rainbow's face looked like a bobble head ready to pop of. This made me snicker under my breath but apparently I snickered rather loudly because...


I looked up to see the bright pink mare right up my face. "Woah!" I stumbled back, falling on my back.

She literally picked me up and sat me up on my haunches. I stare at her with a bewildering look but she just stares back at me with a huge smile and said.

"Wow thanks for cheering me up mister!" She exclaims happily and leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on one of my cheeks. That was not what I expected. Like at all. I just sat there, probably with a dumb look on my face as my mind was trying processing on what the hell just happened. The mare giggles at my actions and introduces herself.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?! Are you new here?! Do you like Parties?!" She shouted which brought me back to my senses. Shaking my head, I then introduced myself.

"Huh?! Oh well, hi I'm Michael Z. Though you can just call me Mike and to answer your questions. Yes I'm new here and yes I do like parties." I smile to her but she just had a bigger smile. I can tell that this mare is gonna be quite a handful.. or should I say hooful. I chuckled at my own thought but could slightly hear Blix groan at my bad pun.

She snorted cutely while giggling a little "That's a silly name."

I sigh a bit, kind of embarrassed by my name "Yeah, yeah I know I get that a lot." I reply. Just then my stomach wanted some attention while growling rather loudly. "Whoops. I forget I haven't ate anything at all yet." I rub my tummy and thought about food. All I can think about by this point was food.

"Don't worry Mike! I shall give you some food, for my name isn't Pinkie Diane Pie!" She states with a clear, determined grin, and zoomed in the back of the store where I guess is were the kitchen is.

"Well if it means I get to eat something than I'm all for it." I say as I find a seat at a table waiting for Pinkie to come back. Both Applejack and Rainbow comes to sit with me at the table as well.

Some Time Later....

"Oh my gawd this is the best food I've ever tasted!" I devoured almost everything that came to me from cookies, and cupcakes to an actual WHOLE cake! Now some (or all) might think this is WAAAAAY not healthy, and I totally agree with you but if your as hungry as I am you bet I'm eating this much.

Rainbow looks at me in disbelief and laughed "Man! And I thought Pinkie ate much!" She exclaimed as Pinkie (who was eating a slice of cake, with three Choco chip cookies, and two strawberry cupcakes.) rolls her eyes at that with a slightly blush.

Though I only snickered but continued eating. The three girls were discussion something though I wasn't really paying any mind, because I don't eavesdrop like that and because I'm eating such delicious food! After awhile I got full and stopped eating, picking out my teeth with a toothpick while sitting there while the three just talked about things that I wasn't really paying attention too.

Pinkie then let out another loud gasp as she turns her attention to me. "Hey Mike! Since your new here how about Applejack here can show you around town!" I thought about it and it didn’t sound like a bad idea so I agreed too and thankfully Applejack did too.

Me and her went out the door (well it was more like Pinke pushed us out). Pinkie shuts the door with a lot of force, causing it to slam shut. I thought it would’ve break by that might but apparently it didn’t. “Sheesh what was that about..?” I say as I get up and stretch a bit.

Applejack shrugs but continues on like nothing happened. “Okay partner ah'll show ya around town and meet other locals." I nods to this to be honest I was kind of excited. I still don’t get a lot in this world, and a bunch may not make sense to me yet, but the longer I stay here, the better....freedom I feel I guess. That's the best way I can describe this feeling that I have yet to understand fully right now, and I really liked it.

“But before we do that, we should probably go to the hospital.” Applejack adds, motioning her good to the make-shift gone bandage I made. That hit me in the face as I honesty forgotten all about mine as well. It actually didn’t hurt anymore but going to see a check up didn’t hurt. I look back up to Applejack and nod.

“Sure, lets go then.”

“Hehehoooweee! I didn’t think you to be a good comedian Mike!” Applejack says with a hearty laugh. It’s been a few hours since we left and I had the most fun I’ve ever had in awhile. I saw many amazing things and the ponies here are so nice. I was really surprised by their hospitality. We also had gotten regular bandages for our wounds which are just scars now but the nurse says we should take it easy for a few days which really is understandable. I grin to her as we walk, “Well if you’ve been me you’ll learn to pick up a few things, especially jokes!”

The sun was barely setting down the horizon, by then w Meade it to the ferry stairs of the sweet shop. I turn to Applejack with a wide grin. "Aw man I haven't laughed like that in awhile! Thanks Aj." I smiled as she tips her hat down hiding her face from me, her voice sounding like she was embarrassed.

"Aw shucks." She says softly, I let out a small snicker from her being all shy. It was quite cute. “Wait, can I call you AJ? Sorry I just got a bit carried away.” I say suddenly, wondering if I was even able to say that because well.. we were still strangers.

Applejack shakes her head, “ah it’s mighty fine sugarcube, all my friends call me AJ, and as far as I know you are a friend of mine Mike.” She says with a big grin, her arm around me and pull me into an one arm hug. Her words really got to me though, friends, just the sound of that made me smile.

“Wow.. heh thanks AJ, really I appreciate your kindness.” I say as I open the door for her, she tips her hat as she walks inside "Thanks partner." I nod in response and went in myself. but something wasn't quite right.

All the lights were off, it was completely dark. Applejack seemingly just disappears in the darkness. I felt a worryingly feeling start to grow in me as I try to call out to her. “Applejack? You there?" No response.

"Okay this isn't funny, come out no-"


Dear lord help me...