Springtime for a Drake

by Yinglung

Spike I


A white-haired girl yelled desperately at his side, as the giant dragon laid prostrate on the ground, heaving difficultly. The wounds bothered him not, yet whatever poison that had tainted them had caused all his remaining strength to leech out.

He tried his best to maintain his composure and said to the assembled group of youth, who were looking at him with faces of dire concern.

“My children, are you all right?” The dragon let out a groan of pain. “You all should leave at once, for they might come back to give me a final blow.”

The youngsters did not listen, however. The girl knelt down and cried. Her head was barely the size of the dragon’s eye, but he could see every typical Valyrian features of hers crunched into one unruly mess by her intense grief.

“We’re fine… but we’ll be here with you!” The girl said between sobs. “D- Dromon, don’t go yet! The world still needs you! Please, keep your watch over us as you have done for so many years!”

The dragon weakly smiled. “My dear Senelle, this is not true. Men… at least some of them, have since learnt to put aside their differences, and contributed together to the advancement of the common good. What happened today is but an odd episode that would merely be a footnote in history. Even if I am to go, what we have built together will still stand tall and proud.”

Senelle continued to sob as the other youth also put on mournful faces. The air permeated with sadness and grief, as they understood the dragon’s passing was going to be inevitable.

So this is what my funeral would look like, the dragon thought. He wryly sighed. I am glad to be not completely dead in order to witness it.

The dragon could feel that his consciousness was dimming. His eyelids became heavier and heavier yet, but the dragon struggled against the dark veil, as he still wanted to make sure of one thing.

He coughed difficultly and said. “Children. Do not seek vengeance, for it will only breed yet more hate. Instead, bring about goodness and justice. I have lived long enough to witness the transformation of the world from barbarism to civilization, and the future is in your hands. Who knows? Mayhap I can gaze from the heavens and continue my watch, or mayhap I will be turned to bone and dust. If all of you tried to be upright, it would be honoring my memories regardless.”

The dragon felt light, and his mind started to wander. Death must have relieved my control of myself, he sighed.

The dragon dreamily chuckled with a weak voice. “Ah, how quaint, to be born under the purple, and die under the purple as well. Fate had certainly written my tales like an overly romantic bard.”

By the end of his sentence, the dragon’s once booming voice was reduced to one of small rolling gravels.

He let out a quiet groan, as his vision completely faded. Even the pain from the poisoned ballista was dulled to almost nothing.

The dragon could still hear some panicked cries of ‘Dromon’ till the very end, but they all turned to shopworn murmurs.

His last thoughts were about his life. I’m no saint, he thought. But I strived to use my power to change the world for the better... This strange world… Even though it had been so full of pride and spite, and also tragedies, bloodshed and misfortune, a spring of peace still welled in at least a corner of the world.

I liked to think that I helped. If so, then what more were there to regret?

Even if they could vanquish me, they could not kill an idea.

The idea of hope and progress shall reign, even in my death.

The dragon’s mind was floating through a primordial expanse of nothingness.

There was no sight, no smell, no sense of touch.

Is this what being dead is like? He felt a bit bemused. Why is my mind still here? Shouldn’t it be dissolved into the merciful rest for eternity?


There was some noise.

This is strange, the dragon thought. There should not be any voice in here.


A voice, so familiar and yet utterly strange, was calling the dragon’s birth name.

A flicker of amusement flared within the dragon’s mind. The spirits of the afterworld were trying to bring him over to the next life, he figured. Hearing his own birth name being brandied about was such a curious feeling, for no one dared to do that to him for a long while.

As the dragon wryly lamented, the voice was becoming yet louder.

“Spike, wake up! It’s morning!”


His senses came back to him all of a sudden, like waves of water filling up a hole in the sands.

Immediately, it felt strange to the dragon. He no longer emitted a towering presence. He had never felt so small and vulnerable for a long time.

The dragon looked around him. He was surrounded by a woven structure.

Upon a closer look, it was not a ‘structure’. It was a crib. He had not been small enough to fit in one since a thousand years ago.

The dragon glanced at his body and limbs. To his shock, he had shrunk to a tiny size. His wings, though tattered and crumbled, had still been capable of flight. And yet they were now gone. His claws, once a feared weapon on the battlefield, looked chubby rather than threatening.

Removing his small blanket, the dragon carefully looked up.

… No, this could not be, he gulped with disbelief.

“Seriously, Spike, how long do you plan to stay in your bed? We’ve got a lot of experiments to run today! I still have at least three predictions I hypothesized from the Corollary of Minute Magical Imbalance to test, and time is of essence!”

The dragon looked at the scene before him and was stunned completely still.

Meanwhile, the purple mare lowered her head and glared at him.

“Spike, cook us some breakfast to eat. I don’t have a preference today, so just give me anything except you-know-what.”

Looking at his shocked expression, and the absolute stillness, she frowned and said again. “Are you alright, Spike?”

Instead of answering, the dragon could not help, but try to confirm everything was real with his own claws. He reached out slowly, until they touched her cheek. Like feeling the texture on a prized statue, his claws gently ran through her cheek and her mane.

“W- what are you doing, Spike?”

She seemed a bit stunned by the dragon's behavior. He then realized that in her perspective, it must be quite bizarre for her dragon assistant to act like this all of a sudden.

The dragon quickly retracted his arm, and showed her a bright smile. Rumbling with emotion in his chest, the dragon uttered the name that he longed to say for a millennium to her face.


The dragon gave the purple pony a big, heart-felt hug.

She looked shocked at first, and her body was a bit rigid. But she immediately softened and returned the hug.

After the intimate embrace, the dragon silently looked at the bemused expression of Twilight.

Dearie me, I had not seen a pony for a thousand years, the dragon thought. I almost forgot what one looked like.

“Spike, did you not sleep well last night? I definitely sent you to sleep early last night.”

Twilight then smirked. “Aha, you must have a nightmare. Silly Spike, nightmare is not real. It’s nothing to fear about.”

“Twi, I dreamt that I was old.”

Twilight, however, looked mystified with his response.

“Spike?” She narrowed her eyes and looked at him in suspicion.

The dragon internally sighed. He did not know at which point of his old life fate had decided to send him back to.

If I must hazard a guess, he thought, then this is likely sometime after I was plucked from this peaceful world and reborn in the summer castle of the Dragonlords.

The dragon studied Twilight’s reaction. It seemed that she did not think he was gone at all. Perhaps this was exactly the morning afterwards.

How charmingly considerate for the weaver of destiny to do so, he sourly quipped.

His thoughts were interrupted, however, when Twilight suddenly asked aloud.

“… Spike, I told you to put away my gift set of pheasant quills a few days ago. Where have you put it?”

“… Seven hells.” The dragon muttered quietly under his breath. He might be called the Thousand-Year Dragon by some, but he had a snowball’s chance in the mouth of Dragonstone to remember minutiae like this from so long ago.

“Uh…” He hesitated and showed her a difficult expression. The dragon fervently searched his mind for the answer, or at least a satisfactory cover-up.

The dragon again shook his head imperceptibly. By now he was certain that it was no illusion or near-death hallucination. He had no intention at all to divulge any knowledge of that other world to Twilight or any other ponies, the princesses included. It was a world with a degree of brutality unintelligible to any of the peaceful inhabitants in Equestria.

Even its dwellers were creatures alien in form compared to the quadrupeds predominant in Equestria, with their ape-like postures and clothes-donning customs. He grinded on his small teeth, thinking that this was the most trivial reason among many to withhold his tongue.

The dragon eventually decided on a half-truth. “I’m mortified to say so, but I forgot. I’m so sorry, Twilight.”

Twilight frowned and muttered something under her breath. She took note of the dragon’s response, but despite his worries, she did not take any action.

“Hm. Fine. We will look at this later. But first, we need to have breakfast first.”

He perked up somewhat. Food was like a constant in life. The sensory assault from some delicious dishes would cloud her intellectual need to make doubts. I hope, he thought.

Pushing aside the thousand thoughts for the world beyond, the dragon drew a long breath and said. “Certainly, Twilight. Allow me a moment and the breakfast will soon be ready.”