by Gravestone

Chapter 2 Meeting Twilight and Spike

  True to his word Professor Trotter informed his niece MilkyWay of the job that is required by Princess Celestia. 
Making her way to the castle MilkyWay only stopping for a moment to readjust her maid outfit she continued on.

"Halt state your name and business." One guard said at the main entrance of the palace.

Jumping back with an 'eep' MilkyWay cleared her throat to speak. " I was told by my uncle that the Princess required my services as her personal made," MilkyWay said with a slightly trembling voice.

"Wait here I'll have one guard confirm this." The same guard said as he motioned for another to come near him and whispered into his ear. That same guard took off into the palace.

MilkyWay stood there eyeing the two guards it stood before her. Hoping that the Princess wooded knowledge her being there. Looking past the two guards she saw the other one return. Stopping before his superior he whispered back into the other's ear.

"Sorry for the inconvenience you may precede the private here will escort you to the Princess's chambers." The guard said as he and the other stepped aside to allow MilkyWay to pass.

Bowling her head MilkyWay followed the private as he directed her through the halls of the palace.

"Sorry about that ma'am but the lieutenant is a little too enthusiastic about his job," The private said as he led MilkyWay.

"It's quite all right I understand that the guards are put through a lot of training and only those who are chosen can be the ones to protect the Princess," MilkyWay said as she walked along next to the private.

Making their way through the halls they finally reached a set of doors with an emblem of the sun rested upon them. Knocking on the doors they both stood patiently for a reply. Hearing a muffled sound from within both MilkyWay and the private looked at each other with a hint of confusion. The door began to open slightly as Princess Celestia appeared her head outside of her room. Looking at the two standing before her she smiled.

"May I ask your name, young lady?" Celestia asked looking directly at MilkyWay.

"My name is MilkyWay my uncle Globe Trotter told me that you required a personal maid," MilkyWay said as she kept her head bowed looking to the floor.

"Arise my little pony and please enter," Celestia said as she opens the door to allow MilkyWay to enter. 
 Stopping before she closes the door she looked at the private. "Pray tell, what is your name private?" She said tilting her head a little.

"Private Shining Armor your majesty," He said standing stock giving her a salute.

"Shining Armor as in Twilight Sparkle's brother?" She asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am I just finished basic training, and I am assigned as a runner ma'am, your majesty," Shining said feeling nervous and intimidated by the Princess.

Smiling down at him Celestia knew that he is one of the few ponies at the moment who could be trusted. " Please enter private Armor there are some matters I wish to speak with you." She said as she stepped back and gestured for him to enter her chambers.

Looking surprised and confused Shining Armor shook it off and carefully entered the princess's chambers.

Before Shining Armor could ask a question both his and the princess's attention were turned to her bed where they could see MilkyWay cooling and nuzzling a small baby.

"Oh aren't you this sweetest thing you're so cute I could just eat you up," Milky said as she nuzzled and blew raspberries on the baby stomach causing it to laugh.

"Your majesty and wha who is that?" Shining said pointing a hoof in the direction of her bed.

Turning with a smile in the direction of MilkyWay and her son Celestia began to walk toward them. " This private Armor is Prince Darwin my son future heir of Equestria," Celestia said with pride in her voice.

"Prince Darwin Your Son!?" Both new ponies said in unison.

"It would be best if I explain but no this what you're about to hear must remain secret do I make myself clear to both of you?" Celestia said looking sternly from Shining Armor to MilkyWay.

"Yes, your majesty of course." They both again said in unison.

As Celestia told them the events that led up to her choosing to become darwin's mother including the blood test professor Trotter conducted. Looking over to MilkyWay she could see the young mare with tears flowing from her eyes as she nuzzled the young prince.

"You poor little Angel you're just lucky that Princess has become your own mommy now." She said as she continued nuzzling the young prince.

"Your Majesty, that is a very touching story but may I ask why did you summon me here?" Shining Armor asked while holding back liquid pride.

"I wish to unveil the new prince to Equestria but not at this time I believe the nobles of Canterlot will not take this news graciously." Celestia said rolling her eyes as she remembers how the nobles truly act." For the time being, I will have you and MilkyWay be the only ones to know of the young Princes' existence I will also inform Captain Stonewall as well." She said as she made her way to her bed.

Shining Armor saluted and made his way out of the chamber. Celestia watched as MilkyWay played with the young prince knowing full well that there will be some trying times ahead.

MilkyWay stopped for a moment and reached into her saddlebag pulling out a note. " Princess I forgot to give you this it's a letter from my uncle." She said as she handed the note to the princess who took it in her magic.

Celestia opens the note and reads it. It was indeed from the professor.

Dear Princess Celestia

I am having my niece deliver this letter to you. It concerns the young prince do not worry it is nothing bad.

It deals with some information I have uncovered within the folder that you had given me.

It seems that the prince has a unique digestive system to put it simply every bit of food he consumes is converted directly into energy there is no waste.

Also, further study shows that the young prince will be omnivorous when he is grown due to this information I suggest that when he is able to eat solid foods he is to be given a high protein diet due to the need for muscle and brain development.

The protein can come in many forms I suggest eggs possibly fish added but if this is not to your liking there is a substance created by the Neighponie it is called tofu it is a meat substitute high in protein.

But I don't think you need to worry about it for some time from what I have gathered the young prince is two months in age.

Also to remind you that I will be making at least two visits a month to check up on the young prince and also to confirm any findings from the folder.

Sincerely Professor Globe Trotter

PS Allow me to be the first to welcome Prince Darwin to Equestria

Reading the letter Celestia smiled as she folded up and placed it on her desk.

"Is a good news your majesty?" MilkyWay asked with a little concern.

"It is very good news my son is healthy and will grow up big and strong and he will be loved by all of Equestria," Celestia said as she made her way onto the bed to nuzzle with her son.

"If you won't be needing me now your majesty I will head to my room," MilkyWay said as she bowed ready to depart.

"Thank you MilkyWay your room has been set up across the hall from mine and I will expect you to do your duty when I am not here," Celestia said as she watched MilkyWay as she departed.

The weekend had come and gone Celestia spent all that time with her son but unfortunately, it was Monday and her royal duties were needed to be taken care of. After she had risen the sun and lower the moon Celestia made her way from the balcony back into her chambers. Climbing back onto the bed Celestia was greeted by the joyful smile of her son.

"Good morning my handsome prince did you have a peaceful night?" Celestia asked her son in a loving motherly tone while she nuzzled his cheek.

Hearing a knock coming from her door Celestia removed herself from the bed and began making her way to the door. Upon reaching it she used her magic to open it slightly expecting to see MilkyWay she was surprised when she noticed a small lavender unicorn filly standing at the door. The realization that had hit her today was the first day of her new personal student a young unicorn by the name of Twilight Sparkle. Knowing full well she would not be able to hide her son for very long Celestia open the door to allow the young filly to enter. Looking down she noticed young Twilight was carrying saddlebags full of parchments quills and other needed essentials for her education. But what caught her attention most was the small form nestled on Twilight stood back it was the baby dragon that she had hatched from the egg for her entry exam.

"Good morning princess I'm here ready and eager to learn," Twilight said with a big smile on her face. Looking up at the Princess, Twilight noticed where her eyes were focused. Turning her head back to the sleeping form of the baby dragon Twilight looked back up that the princess with a slight feared expression. " I'm, I'm sorry, Princess but I didn't think you'd mind if I brought Spike with me he doesn't like it when I leave him alone," Twilight said almost on the verge of crying.

Hearing this and seeing Twilight's expression Celestia cleared her thoughts. "It is quite all right my student you do not need to explain in fact I believe there's someone that spike and yourself might be interested in meeting," Celestia said as she closed her door and preceded to head to her bed.

Twilight being the ever-curious one followed her mentor. As they got to the edge of the bed Celestia used her magic to move the blanket to reveal a small form laying on the bed.

"What is that princess?" Twilight asked as she barely was able to peer over the top of the mattress.

Using her magic Celestia levitated both Twilight and the now awaken Spike onto her bed. So they both could get a better look at the now stirring form.

"This my student this is my son Prince Darwin," Celestia said as she used her front hoof to gently rub the now fully awake and Prince.

Twilight was in awe looking upon the small form in front of her. She could tell that he was at least the size of a newborn foal yet he did not look like a pony. "Um, Princess if he's your son why doesn't he look like a pony?" She said as she got down on her belly and crawled closer to the infant.

"Well I made not have given birth to him but all tests show that I am his biological mother," Celestia said as she watched her son crawl closer to Twilight and the now curious Spike.

"So you mean he was born to a surrogate mother?" Twilight said tilting her head to the side.

Thinking about it for a moment Celestia could actually see how this was possible Darwin's blood did show that she was his biological mother and yet she did not give birth to him so a surrogate mother did sound like the most logical answer. Before she could answer there came a knock at the door. Opening it a small way MilkyWay stuck her head in.

"I'm terribly sorry I'm late your highness I kind of got lost on my way from the kitchen back to here," MilkyWay said as she quickly entered the room shutting the door.

"It is quite alright MilkyWay you are in fact early and please allow me to introduce my personal student Ms. Twilight Sparkle, "Celestia said gesturing to the young filly.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am," Twilight said bowing to MilkyWay.

"It's nice to meet you as well." MilkyWay said before remembering about the young prince." Um, your highness, does she know about the ah."

"Oh yes do not worry I have already introduced young Twilight to my son," Celestia said cutting off MilkyWay's question.

"Very well your majesty if you'll excuse me then I will be taking care of the young prince so you may begin your day." MilkyWay said as she made her way to the bed only to stop when she laid eyes upon not one but two babies."Oh, aren't they just adorable may I ask who the baby dragon belongs to?" MilkyWay asked as she picked both babies up in her front hooves and nuzzled both of them.

" The baby dragon is named Spike and he has come Twilight's." Celestia said smiling seeing how MilkyWay looked holding both infants." I was wondering if it was possible for you to watch both children just for today?"

"Your majesty it would be no trouble at all, in fact, if Ms. Twilight wishes I could watch Spike for her while she has her lessons," MilkyWay said cuddling both babies making them giggle.

Twilight looked a little unsure at first. Then a smile crossed her face when she saw the way Spike and Prince Darwin were interacting with each other and she thought it would be cruel to separate them now. "Yes, I think that is fine that is if it's not too much trouble for you Ma'am?'' Twilight said looking up to see the smile on her mentor's face.

Celestia knew it would be best as well scene her son is still unknown to the kingdom and it would be good for both of them to have a friend.

"Very well MilkyWay if you would please watch over both of these precious children and if you need anything notify one of the guards outside to contact me immediately, "Celestia said as she knelt down and kissed her son on the top of his head.

Bowing as Celestia and Twilight left the room MilkyWay took both babies over to the large rug in the center of the room. Placing them down among numerous toys she sat back and watched as the two played making garbling sounds to each other. To MilkyWay it sounded like baby talk but to the infants, it was clear as perfect English.

Next will be a conversation between Darwin and Spike only. Darwin will be brown Spike will be green.

Hi there what's your name?

My name is Spike what's yours?

I'm Darwin, can I ask you something?

You already did Hahaha.

You know what I mean.

I'm just joking, what do you want to ask?

Well you don't look like mommy and MilkyWay so I was just wondering what are you?

Oh It's okay I'm not a pony I'm a dragon.

Wow that's cool, Uhm whats a dragon?

I don't know but that's what Twilight said I was so can I ask what you are cause you don't look like a pony either.

I don't know but mommy said I'm her little prince.

So um Spike do you maybe want to be my friend?

I'd like that, but can we be best friends?

After that, both baby's little tummies began to grumble letting MilkyWay know that it was time for them to be fed. As she made her way over to them with bottles in hoof she had to wonder what they were doing just sitting there the whole time making a lot of garbled noises. Maybe they were becoming friends.She thought as she fed both of them.

But some were in the castle two figures stood both hidden by the shadows as they spoke.

"It seems the information I acquired from Private Armor was accurate." Said one of the shadow figures.

"Yes, I can not believe that she would do..... I am sorry cousin but why must we do this it just feels so silly." Says one of the figures as it steps out into the light revealing to be a young stallion with white fur and a blond mane and tail.

Oh, come on it's fun, or are too old to play spy Blue Blood?" Said the other figure as it came into the light showing itself to be a young alicorn mare with pink fur and Purple pink and yellow mane.

"Cadance I do not need to play spy I am already part of the CID (Caterlot Intelligence Division)," Blueblood said to his cousin.

"Your just a clerk, not an agent remember besides I bet you that you don't even know our new cousins' name," Cadance said smugly.

"No, but I bet you I can find out before you, let's say the winner gets the losers desert for a week," BlueBlood said looking at his cousin with confidence.

"You're on Bluey," Cadance said before she diapered in a flash of light.

"No fair teleporting and don't call me Bluey!" BlueBlood shouted before teleporting himself.

I don't care what he looks like as long as Auntie Celestia is happy and I have someone to talk and teach guy things to I'm fine. BlueBlood thought with a smile on his muzzle as he reappeared in another part of the castle.