//------------------------------// // Act 2: A New Ally // Story: A New Flame // by The Zebra Hybrid //------------------------------// Ponyville Twilight's head snapped toward her bedroom door as she watched Spike pumping his legs toward her bead with a rolled up parchment in his claw. The alicorn quickly jumped off the bed and met her assistant half way across the room, watching as the small purple drake was panting for breath. "Twilight...letter...Luna....James...hospital..." panted Spike. After hearing those words, Twilight did not hesitate to snatch the letter from Spikes grip as he fell over in exhaustion. Twilight quickly scanned through the letter as she now had a look of horror on her face. She hastily wrapped up the letter and ran out the room, she didn't want to believe it, she really didn't. She quickly ran out of her castle and spread her wings and shooting off in the air toward a specific house. She ignored the worried faces of other ponies walking by as she zoomed across the sky, seeing the house she wanted she landed and aggressively knocked on the door. She impatiently waited by the door as it opened to reveal the grey mail-mare known as Derpy with a confused expression on her face. "P-Princess Twilight..?" said a shocked Derpy. "There's no time to explain Derpy!" exclaimed Twilight cutting her off, "it's about James." At the mention of the drakes name Derpy's ears stood at attention, she looked back in the house a quietly stepped out side with the purple alicorn shutting the door. "What am I going to tell Dinky? Who's going to watch her?" asked the grey pegasus with a worried expression. "She can stay with Applebloom again. I'm sure Big Mac wouldn't mind, hold on while I go tell her." A few minutes later Derpy came out with a determined expression as Twilight nodded as both mares spread their wings and flew off towards Fluttershy's cottage. Meanwhile four pairs of eyes watched from the window of Derpy's home with shocked and worried expressions. "James is in trouble?" said a worried Sweetie Belle. "That's what Twilight said." replied Scootaloo. "Then we have to help him!" added Dinky. Applebloom gave a unsure look, "But didn't Derpy say that we had ta' stay here?" "Well, yeah,,but we can't just stay here and do nothing!" Scootaloo nodded, "Yeah! Just think about us getting a 'saving a dragon' cutie mark," Applebloom still wasn't sure, until she saw Sweetie Belle giving her trademark 'puppy dog eyes'. She knew that besides Dinky, Sweetie was the one that was most closest to the purple drake. The yellow filly let out a sigh in defeat and nodded as the other three fillies cheered and quickly but quietly exited the house and followed Twilight and Derpy. The Frozen North; Unknown Cave I slowly made my way in the cave with Malefor draped across my back, my horns had reverted back to normal after teleporting away from Manehattan. My body aches as I struggle into the abandoned cave to take shelter from the blizzard outside. I place the unconscious Malefor down and spot a few twigs around the floor. I gather them up in a pile and let out a small spark from my mouth causing them to ignite in an orange flame. Warmth almost instantly fills the cave as I collapse on the ground, not caring for the dirt and snow coming in contact with the cuts and bruises on my body. I heard the darker version of myself groan in protest as he began to come to, we locked eyes with each other and stood silent, Red gazing at purple irises, he grunts and turns over and breaking eye contact as I do the same. My mind drifts back to Manehattan, hopefully others escaped on the train in time and that Coco is alright. I couldn't get the faces of the other ponies out of my head, the ones filled with fear, sorrow, and hate as they literally watched me beat down there beloved princess of the night. It seemed that all the trust I was trying to gain from suddenly jumped out the window. Celestia for sure would be on my ass now and there is no way of explaining either, 'Hey Celestia I teamed up with my darker half and beat your sister to near death'. None of this would be happening if I haven't of went to that stupid convention! It's that 'Merchant's' fault! If it wasn't for him none of them would be suffering right now! I grit my teeth and punch the floor causing the ice beneath to crack. Malefor must've heard me judging by his slowly approaching form. "What the hell do you want?" I growl. "What I can't have a decent conversation?" he replies. "After what you've done! You're lucky I'm even talking to you right now." "What did I do?" I glare at him as I stood up, trying everything n my willpower not to pounce him, "Are you kidding me! When you first escaped that dam crystal, the first thing you did was attack the princesses and Twilight! Then you beat me half to death, and manged to have me wanted in all of Equestria! And that's all in the same day!" Malefor shrugged, "At least I saved you." "Why do I even bother....even though your me you don't care for anyone but yourself." He seemed to not of liked what i said as I was now pinned, "Look here," he said baring his teeth, "I maybe you, but you know nothing about me! I am currently trying to save a dying race AND had to abandon the only friend I had to save your sorry ass!" The dark dragon gave out a sigh as he got off of me, letting me get to my feet, "So that blue unicorn.." "Yes, her name is Trixie. After our battle in Canterlot she was the one who helped me and I've been traveling with her ever since. While traveling we ran into these creatures called changelings, turns out they think I should be their new leader after their queen...passed on. We traveled to Manehattan for passage to the Crystal Empire." I give Malefor a curious look, this wasn't the same dragon back in Canterlot, "Why the Crystal Empire?" "We were told that their is an artifact there that produces an infinite power of love, which the changelings feed on. Me and Trixie were going to negotiate with the rulers there to see if we can make an agreement." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, when did he get so caring? Sure he's still a dick but he is way more sensitive than back in Canterlot. "So you weren't after me then?" I say aloud. He chuckles, "Of course I wasn't, which reminds me why were you in Manehattan?" "I was training with other dragons, in hopes to set things straight with the princesses, but you saw how that turned out." "You surely improved and even learned a few new tricks judging from our fight with that moon bitch. Which reminds me, when did you know how transform like that?" "Transform?" "The big ass horns and incredible power." "Oh...well I don't know it just....I can't explain it, I felt angry that I wasn't going to be strong enough to beat Luna. Then it just broke free, like something just broke out from being locked away, and it just happened. The crazy thing is, I feel like I could do it no problem now..." "Do you think I could do that too?" "Probably, since you are me and I could do it, I don't see why you can't either," I let out a chuckle getting a curious look from my darker self. "You know what, you're not that bad." "I guess I could say the same for you. So...what now?" I look toward the mouth of the cave and noticed the blizzard still going, "Well, we need to get over the Crystal Empire and judging from all this snow, I assume we're on the right track. We're both pretty banged up right now, so we'll rest up and get our strength back and fly out." "And the princesses?" "We'll worry about them when we get to the Crystal Empire." "Sounds like a plan." Manehattan Hospital The lunar princess groaned in pain as she started to regain consciousness, she slowly opened her eyes on for her to close them shut from the bright light. She heard beeping around her, instantly knowing that she was in a hospital. She attempted to open her eyes once again and was resulted in success. She struggled to sit up in her bed ignoring the pain signals her body sent, but a familiar white hoof pushed her chest back down. Luna gave a weak smile when she saw her sister standing before her with the same expression. "Hello sister..." softly said Luna. "I'm glad your alright Luna, once I got the news from Canterlot I feared the worst." replied Celestia. Luna gritted her teeth in anger as the memories of the two dragons flooded her mind, "Sister, did the guards ever catch those dragons?" "Sister, right now I don't think..." "Sister, I need to know." Celestia gave a sigh,"No they didn't. Lulu, you nearly died facing off against James and Malefor...and if my sources are correct James had acquired a new form that makes him even stronger and who knows if Malefor could do the same." "We could still bring them down." "Is that 'we' as in us or 'we' as in yourself." Luna stayed quiet. Celestia continued, "Luna, this has to stop. Innocent ponies are getting hurt, both physically and mentally. James is not a bad dragon, you can't judge every dragon you come across because of one bad experience." "But, this 'James', was working with his darker self! How do you explain that!" retorted Luna. "There has to be a reason Lulu...." "Then what about the kidnapping of Twilight Sparkle's friends? Applejack and Rarity?" "You and I both know they were both close to James, why would they both be kidnapped?" Luna stayed quite and grunted, "Where are the dragons headed now?" "The guards told me that they were heading up north toward to Crystal Empire." "Then we should leave immediately and warn Shinning Armor and Princess-" "No, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence can handle themselves. We are going to stay here until you are recovered then we'll go to the Crystal Empire and resolve things....peacefully." Luna with a still stern look nodded as Celestia now had a sympathetic look. She knew that her sister had a grudge against dragons but this was out of control. It's a miracle that she's even friends with Spike, but ever since Canterlot, she had gone out of control, locking down the entire country, stationing guards in every settlement, scaring innocent ponies, and her battle here in Manehattan. "Fine," grumbled Luna, "But if things go out of hand with James. You know what has to be done." Celestia raised an eyebrow,"You called him James, instead of dragon?" Luna stayed quiet. "Alright, the doctors said that you should make a full recovery in two days. Until then I will make my leave, I hope you be well Lulu." "And you two Celly." Celestia gave a warm smile and left to room, leaving Luna in her thoughts. Why hadn't the purple dragon finished her off? That is the nature of a dragon wasn't it? Her thoughts drifted back to end of her and James' battle. Manehattan He walked up to Luna as she sent him a hateful glare,"Do it dragon...finish me." she said closing her eyes. James expression softened when he actually saw tears in her eyes, he looked around him and saw the ponies gazing at him with fearful expressions. He glanced back at Luna and all the anger from before had been replaced with guilt. "C-Come on, d-do it!" sobbed Luna. "No." simply answered James as Luna's eyes widened. "W-what...why?" "Because I'm proving you wrong. I'm not the monster you labeled me as. And hopefully after this you can see that." She still didn't understand, dragons were supposed to care for no one but themselves. How could this dragon fight for ones he just met not too long ago? It didn't matter though he was the enemy along with Malefor and those other dragons, and when she gets recovered she doesn't care what her sister says. For she is to blind by love and tolerance to see what's in front of her. She's going to kill James and his posy of dragons and no ones going to stand in her way. The Frozen North; Unknown Cave I awake and let out a loud yawn, only for a dark claw to slap over my mouth. I turn to see Malefor giving me the 'shush' gesture and motioned his head outside the cave. The first thing I noticed was the blue transparent horses with glowing white eyes, walking outside the cave seeming to be looking for something. They didn't look friendly either, so I nodded toward Malefor as he nods back and takes his claw from my maw. Me and my darker self quickly and quietly hid behind a nearby boulder as the transparent horses made their way in the cave. "Have any ideas, what these things are?" whispered Malefor. "If my memory stands correct from Twilight, these are windigos and they are bad news." I replied. "Can we take them?" I shake my head, "Not here no, the colder it is the stronger they get. I'll best chance is to lead them farther into the cave away from the blizzard and use the rock formations to our advantage." Malefor maws begins to seep out purple flame and gave a confident smirk, "Alright lets do this." I nod as orange flames formed in my mouth, "Right." Me and Malefor both jump out our covers and fire our blasts at the pack of windigos causing them to explode on impact. At the moment I thought we had actually killed them, until the transparent horses began to reform and let out an angry whine at the both of us. "Plan B?" I suggest as Malefor nodded. "Plan B." With that said me and Malefor flee deeper into the cave with the windigos chasing after us.