Not the Enemy

by TheAnimerican

Leaving the Hive

As a stallion, of course I wanted to have a very special somepony. I never would have thought that my special somepony would be a changeling.

Circe and I laid beside each other as we relaxed on the edge of the lake. It was so quiet between us that I was able to hear the water in motion, crickets chirping, and hints of that guitarist back at the outdoor stage. As much as I wanted to say something, it was nice to enjoy the silence and feel the warmth of Circe against me.

Circe placed her foreleg into the water with a sway motion. As she did this, she began to hum a tune that I did not recognize. The tune was hummed at a slow pace and it was comforting to listen to. I had closed my eyes and leaned my head against hers. However, the moment didn't last very long as the humming faded away. Although I was not looking at her face, I felt that that tune brought back memories. I was concerned if they were good or bad memories.



"There is something that I want to share with you."

"Does it have something to do with that humming?"

"Yes... and more."


"You see, that humming was from a friend I made before coming to Canterlot."

"A friend? Another changeling?"

"No. Actually, she was a pegasus."


When I was just a hatchling, I was already deemed a special case. It was unheard of for a changeling to be born a specified gender. Most changelings are born as hermaphrodites. Although I had over hundreds of siblings, every one of them looked at me like I was not one of their own. They did not see me as a sister, but as a mistake. Although the queen did not treat me so harshly, she did not show the same love to me as she did for the rest of the hive.

Changelings had to undergo training at a very young age. My training started when I was about four years old. We always start with our transmutation training. Since I'm a female changeling, it was much harder for me to be able to transform into anything. Other changelings would be finished with their training in a few months. My training, however, I never completed. The entire hive laughed at me, judged me, and sometimes even physically hurt me. There was no love at the hive and I was starving. Plus, they would not allow me to go on scouting missions to find love. I only saw one solution that no changeling has ever done... I ran away.

Normally, a changeling can't leave the hive unless they were out on scouting missions. Any changeling who dared ran away would have been hunted down and severely punished. But for me, I didn't believe that they would send any changeling to come looking for me. I mean, why would they search for a mistake?

All my life, I lived in the hive and knew nothing about the outside world. I knew it was risky to leave behind the only home that I had, but I felt I had no choice. I thought if I left the hive, I would have found more love and be happy elsewhere. Unfortunately, it was not that simple. Wherever I tried to live amongst other creatures, in other nations, I was always turned away. In some cases, they have tried to arrest me.

In the end, I found myself weak and starving in a forest. I almost didn't care where I was anymore. I felt dizzy and I was lost. I collapsed near a tree, felt cold, and my vision grew dark. At that point, I accepted that there was no love for me and I was going to die there alone.


For the first time in forever, I felt warm and rested. I tried to open my eyes to see where I was, but everything was a blur. Judging how my body was positioned, I was not in the forest anymore. Instead, I lied on my back on something soft. I moved with what energy I had left. I expected there to be a flat surface. Instead, I fell to a hard wooden floor.

"Oh you're awake."

I heard an unfamiliar voice and hoofsteps coming to my direction.

"You are not healthy. You need to rest."

Whoever was helping me, they lifted me back on the soft object. They then covered me with a blanket.

"Don't worry you are safe here. Just rest and I will take care of you."

After hearing that, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.


When I woke up again my vision was much clearer. I woke up in a dark room with little illumination coming from a nearby window. The window was slightly covered by the curtains. I still felt weak, but I had enough strength to get up and move toward the window.

When I got there, I moved the curtain ever so slightly. Through the crack of the curtains, I saw that I was still in the forest. Well, at least I assumed it was the same forest. Looking down, I saw that there was a garden that contained a large variety of fruits and vegetables.

I was startled when I heard hoofsteps behind me. I turned around, but there was nothing there. Then I realized that the hoofsteps were coming from behind what I believed to be the front door. I was so frozen with fear that I couldn't move. When the door opened my heart sank.

What came through the door was a blue pegasus with a straight black mane that covered one of her eyes. She was much older than I, but she was still in her early ages. On her back, she had a saddle with some food. She was startled to see me by the window, but her expression quickly changed and gave me a smile.

"Oh hi," she greeted as she shut the door behind her. "Sorry it is so dark in here."

She made her way around the room and started to open the curtains for the other windows. As she did, the room became bright and I saw things I have never seen before. On one side of the wall, there was a bookshelf completely full. On the other side, there was a desk and artwork on the wall. The wall was covered with drawings of different creatures; such as cockatrices, gargoyles, and even changelings.

"My name is Compass Rose. I was wandering around the forest to try and find more fascinating creatures. I was quite surprised to see a little changeling sleeping by a tree. I am not sure what you call yourself at your stage in life, but us ponies would call you a filly or a colt."

Oh right, she didn't know what my true gender was. Although she seemed nice I was still very scared. I couldn't stop shaking and I didn't know what to say to her.

She took a glance and noticed my shivers, "Oh no you poor thing. Look, you don't have to worry about a thing. I'm a friend." She said with a smile and slowly approached me.

As she approached me, immediately questions began to race through my mind. What was she going to do? Was she going to hurt me? Was she going to turn me in? So scared, my body dropped to the floor and I covered my eyes. I heard her hoofsteps getting closer and closer. At some point, she stopped right in front of me. I refused to open my eyes and look up. I waited to see what she would do.

I flinched when I felt something touch my head, but whatever it was it didn't hurt. Something rubbed my head and I found it to be comforting. I opened one of my eyes to see what it was. It was Compass Rose rubbing my head with her front foreleg. She looked down on me with that smile again. Her smile said to me, "Don't be afraid."


Over the years, Compass Rose took care of me under her roof. She was originally from Canterlot and studied there. She explained how she wanted to explore and find exotic creatures. Eventually, she quit her studies and moved into the forest. She thought that it was so isolated from society that she would be able to find other creatures more easily.

I was still on edge about the kindness she has shown me. But as the years went by, I grew to trust her and became more outgoing with her. I helped her with chores around the house and answered any questions she had about the changelings. I told her whatever I could about our society, our culture, and about our hunger for love. I even explained how I was different from the rest of the changelings and I could not transform as well as them. Instead of laughing at me, she said that she would help me in anyway she could.

At first, it was hard and it brought back painful memories that I had back at the hive. However, this time, things were different as she kept encouraging me to keep trying and have faith in myself. She even helped me by showing me photos of other ponies. It was long and hard, but eventually I was able to transform into anypony with ease. Although, I still found it difficult to be able to transform into anything bigger or smaller than a pony.

Her support didn't stop there though. She even helped me with my flying. With her help, I was taught how to maneuver through the trees and do tricks.

When I became a fully grown mare to her, she took me out into the forest on expeditions to find more creatures. However, I think I was probably the most exotic creature that she has ever found. On our journeys, we mostly found parasprites, jackalopes, or timberwolves.

The love that she has shown me kept me fed and warm. Every night, she would tell me stories about amazing ponies; such as Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight and her friends. Whenever I did not want to learn about pony history, she would read me her Daring Do stories. Sometimes, she would sing me a certain song to help me fall asleep.

I was happier than I have ever been. Whenever I looked at her, I looked at her like... she was a mother. Although she was not biologically my mother, I loved her like she was my own. I would take care of her as much as she has taken care of me.

However, like every other mother and their child, the child is bound to leave the nest one day.


One night, I made dinner for her. I had set up the table like usual. She came into the kitchen sat in her regular chair. Although I did not eat food like she did, I always enjoyed sitting with her and chat. She gave me one of those smiles like always, but this time it faded away into sadness. I was very concerned as this has never happened before.

"Compass, what's wrong?"

"Circe, I have been thinking a lot about something. For most of your life, you have stayed with me here in this house in the middle of these woods. You have grown to be strong and you have taken good care of me."

"Of course. Just as much as you have taken care of me."

"Yes, but... I have come to a decision about something. This is the hardest decision I ever made. Circe, I can't let you stay her any longer."

My heart shattered at those words. Those were words I always wished that would never be said from her.

"Wh-what? What did I do wrong? Did I make you angry? I'm sorry for whatever it is I had done! I promise I won't do it again!" I was scared that I had upset her. As I said all this, I had a lump grow in my throat, my breathing became heavy, and I cried large drop of tears.

Compass Rose got out of her chair and embraced me in a strong hug. "No no no. You didn't do anything Circe. Please don't cry. You haven't done anything wrong. You are a wonderful girl." I could hear her cries as she said those words.

I cried in her mane, "Then why? Why can't I stay here?"

"Because, there is more to life than this mare and this house. There is more to life beyond those trees."

"I don't care! I want to stay here!"

That was when she let go and looked straight in my eyes, "Don't say that! Look at me Circe. I am growing old. One of these days, I won't be around here anymore. After that, who will take care of you? Huh? Nopony. I am the only pony in your life and I can't let that happen to you. It is time that you moved on and explored the world."

Although I understood what she was saying, it did not make it any better. I wiped my tears away, "But... but everypony hated me. I have nowhere to go."

"That was when you were a hatchling. Now you are grown, stronger, smarter, and you have an amazing ability to be whatever pony you want."

"What about you? Please come with me."

"I'm sorry Circe," she said as she placed a hoof on my cheek, "but this is something that you need to do on your own."

"But... I'm scared. I don't think I can do this..."

"That's what you thought when you were practicing your transformation skills. What did I always tell you?"

"To-to never quit and... have faith in myself."

She grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug again.

"That's right. You are strong and I know you will be alright."

I continued to cry, but I was not sure for how long. I was sure though that I cried long enough for her food to get cold.

When I stopped crying, I felt emotionally exhausted. I believe she knew that too, as she helped me to my bed. It was just like that time when we first met. She helped me on the bed, waved a blanket over me, and made me feel safe. She kissed my head and was about to walk out when I stopped her, "Compass?"

She turned around, "Hmm?"

"Could you... could you sing that song for me? For old time's sake?"

She giggled at my request, "Yep. You might be grown, but you still have the heart of the little changeling I found those years ago."

I blushed at the remark. She returned to my bedside, she rubbed my head, and sang that very special song.

"Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hoof
And hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry."


"The next day, she gave me some bits and a map that showed all of Equestria. I decided that I wanted to fly to Canterlot. She told me much about it and I hoped to maybe meet the princesses. However, the guards would not allow me to have an audience with her. So I tried to sneak in."

"Umm... by chance-"

"Hehe. Yes. That's the day you chased me down and had me crash into a tree."

I chuckled nervously as I scratched the back of my head. Then something hit me, "The way you described Compass, it sounds a lot like-"

"Like the pony form I had the whole time? Yes, that was how she looked when she first found me. It has only been a few days, but I already miss her."

"That's normal. When I left my family to join the Royal Guard, every single day I thought about them and I wanted to go back home."


"Of course. It just shows how much you really love them."

"Thank you Titanium. I didn't mean to ruin this night."

"Not at all," I smiled to her. Suddenly, I remembered the reasons she originally came to Canterlot for.

"So, you want to meet the princesses?" I asked her.

"Ever since I was first told the stories," she said happily.

"Well, Princess Celestia most likely has gone to sleep for the night. I'm sure I can help you meet Princess Luna though."

"Really? But, what about the guards? They are looking for you."

"Just turn into the captain again and escort me as your prisoner. When we get to the castle, I will change into my guard uniform and escort you to the princess."

"Won't they recognize you?"

"Please, most of the guard looks exactly the same with their armor on. If we stay a certain distance away from them, I am pretty sure they wouldn't recognize me. By the time we get to the Princess, you get to meet her, and I can give her reasons for my actions."

"That's a lot of faith you are putting in your princess."

"Princess Luna is just as kind as her sister. I know she will listen. It will be fine. I promise."

With the confidence in my voice, she became more at ease and looked to me with a smile.

"Okay, let's do it."