My little pony: Equestria's beckoning

by GuardianEternal

chapter 5

My little pony: Equestria's beckoning

Chapter 5: The nightmare and Ponyville’s newest Addition

"Darkness.... the sun illuminates and shines it’s radiant light on the darkness of Night which overtakes at the setting of the light...only the fool thinks he may escape it's endless reach...he can illuminate anything he may choose but there is one darkness which never disappears...never dies....never...forgives...."

In a great void of formlessness Siris lay drifting in an endless tide of blackened space, dreaming peacefully without a thought in the world, an image would pass by; one would be of a car driving down a street, another of a dog looking through trash. All the images that floated by like a river of connected dreams and memories were gentle and relaxing memories, Siris whom had his arms crossed behind his head relaxed in his dream state, without a care in the world.
As time passed by Siris did not speak a word, for he had not reason to talk, but as the dreams floated by he started noticing that some of the dreams were bad memories and as he unfolded his arms behind his head he look at it more closely, and as he looked at the stream he saw sad images, he saw the memory of when his mom lay in a hospital bed, struck with a deadly illness which has infected his sister as well, he looked at the memory with sorrow as he watched helplessly as the memory played through as he remembered it.

"S-Siris, come here" spoke his mother weakly waving him over to her bed, Siris meekly walked over with tears on the edge of spilling over and he knelt by her bed side "y-yes mom?" he answered equally meek in tone "where's your sister?" she asked, Siris turned around and pointed out the door "she's sleeping in one of the rooms, the nurses and doctors are letting us sleep here until you get better" replied Siris, as he turned back around to his mother, she smiled and nodded weakly "come here you" said Siris mom as she opened her arms, Siris gladly jumped into her arms, his mom laughed weakly to such a vigorous charge into her arms "w-whoa careful son, do something like that again and you might tear me in two!" she said joked as she hugged him warmly.

As Siris watched the memory he felt a warm longing over take him and he began to tear up as he watched it, it was one of the fondest and most saddest memory he can remember, or just choose to remember and he continued watching, smiling happily.
"Now you such a big man now, your fourteen now, I remember when you were first let out a hefty cry as you entered this world, you looked around the room, observing everyone and everything around" spoke his mother as she reminisced about Siris's birth, making Siris turn red with embarrassment “mooom!" replied Siris with an embarrassed tone, his mom in-turn laughed at his reaction to her reminiscing.
A few minutes passed by and Siris moved his head up "hey mom...." said Siris preparing to ask a question, his mom sat up a bit after stroking his hair, which was longer and more blonde when he was younger. she looked at him with very caring eyes and she spoke knowing what he was to ask "Siris....if I don't make it out of this" as she spoke Siris interrupted what she was saying "no! going to make it out of this place...your mom...your tougher than some dumb old virus" he said worriedly trying to pep his mother up, his mom in response to his answer chuckled, then replied with a little bit more seriousness "Siris...I need you to look after your sister if I can't anymore" Siris shut his eyes and he hugged her slightly tighter "I-I...I will" said Siris in a whisper "now I need you to’re the man now, and your sister's still too young to live on her own or make mature decisions...I need you to promise, that you will take care of her...for me" spoke Siris's mother.
Siris tear'ed up and looked at her with a concerned and sadden look "I will mother....always...but" he paused "you’’re not leaving...are you?" he continued, she looked at him with a concerned and happy smile, hugged him and closed her eyes. As she hugged him she heard him cry gently under his breath "shh shh's's ok mom's's here."

The memory Siris was witnessing did not end there, the sad memories continued as he watched the memory of the next day, one that would leave a permanent mark in his heart and mind for as long as he lived.

Both Siris and May were sleeping when Siris steadily began to stir hearing strange rapid shuffling in the hall outside the door; at first he didn't pay much mind, because he was still groggy from sleep. After his mind became more alert he opened the door and as he opened the door he was almost tackled by a doctor "wh-whoa!...what's happening?" he asked talking to the doctor, The doctor ignored him, only giving a glance and apology then continued on his way down hall till he stopped at a familiar room, then a sinking feeling began to set with a grave suspicion. With fright and panic he dashed towards the room which his mother was in.

As he came close Siris saw it was filled with doctors and nurses, as they shuffled around and moved from here and there, one of the nurses saw him and walked up to him "c-come on this isn't a place for you right now..." explained the nurse pushing him, angrily Siris throws her arms down and spoke equally angry "you tell me....what's happening, RIGHT NOW!!" shouted Siris, the nurse panicked and grabbed him by the arm and rushed from the room as they came close to a vacant room Siris ripped his arm from her grip "DON'T TRY HIDING WHATS HAPPENING, TELL ME!...." he exclaimed furiously. She knew that he wasn't going to budge and since she couldn't lie about the situation she explained the situation as easily as she could " it’s y-your mother...she...doesn't have a pulse....and unfortunately....we can't seem to resuscitate her.......I’m Sorry" after that she put her hand on his shoulder and she nodded sadly then continued back into the room where his mother once was, without an utterance he collapsed to the floor on his knees, in complete shock of what he had been told “s-s-she knew she wasn’t going to make…..” spoke Siris still dumbfounded and hurt by the situation. After about a minute on the floor a doctor walked up to Siris with the same look as the nurse “I-I’m sorry…but-” as he spoke Siris furiously cut him off with a voice broken with hurt “I GOD DAMN KNOW ALRIGHT!!” the doctor back off slightly from his reaction “I-I know…just…go” he continued with a saddened tone, the doctor still continued to stand there then spoke “I-I’m sorry but I have to inform you…that you and your sister ARE still both minors and since you have no father and no family in this state…we're going to have to-“ but as the doctor was going to finish up and man in a blue casual suit walked up to him “no that information isn’t quite correct…nor was going to be”

spoke this man “excuse me, who are you sir?” asked the doctor, the man then pulled out some papers folded in his suit pocket and showed him but did not hand them to the doctor “these are legal documents that I am their legal guardian” and he pulled away the documents quickly and put them away “alright come on kid, let’s go” he continued as he put his hand around Siris’s shoulder, the doctor nodded suspiciously “alright then, good day to both of you” said the doctor and he walked away. Siris looked at the man curiously and he stopped smiling and his expression turned to a serious but still happy expression “whew...too close…well, Siris, go grab your sister and let’s get going” spoke this man as he turned him around, Siris still looked at him confusedly as he spoke “who are you? I don’t have any relatives…not even…a mom anymore…” he said mournfully “my name Gregory…I knew your mom…I was your mother’s landlord……and a personal friend, I’ve known her for years and it still hurts me she’s gone, especially when i came to see how she was doing...but I promised if anything happened I could salvage a life for both of you” explained the man, Siris looked at him with surprise, but nodded in response “o-ok…let me go grab my sister then…” he said sadly as he began his walk back to their room in the hospital.
Siris was deep in sorrow as he watched the memory but something strange was happening “hey…the memory is still continuing? I don’t remember any of this…after that accident I couldn’t remember much after this” Spoke Siris as he talked to himself, but soon stopped as the memory hit a strange point.

He was walking down the hall staring down at the ground when he saw his mother’s room he saw that no more doctors or nurses were running through or inside anymore and he jumped on the chance to say good bye to his mother. He entered the room and saw that it was messy showing that much effort was put into the revival of the patient in the room, but as he looked around he saw a figure in a bed laying still----unmoving. Siris approached it closer, it the shadows disappeared and there laid his mother, now lost to an eternal dream which she was not to wake up from. His eyes shot open, complete paralysis from shock and fear set in “m-m-mom?.....” he said stuttering fearfully, slowly the ability came back to him as he backed out of the room, he ran, ran as fast as he could, as any child who lost their mother would, but as he ran closer to the room his sister was in he stopped and listened, he heard not one voice but two, he approached the door closer and crouched as he eavesdropped on who his sister was talking to “…so you have to go? How long will the trip be?” spoke his sister’s voice then as she spoke to seemingly nothing at first a voice which sounded much more wispier replied back “oh it going to be a very long trip and I’m counting on you to listen to your big brother…can you do that for me?” asked this voice “sure mom! I can do that” replied May, as soon as she said ‘mom’ Siris’s heart just about dropped out of his chest and he rose up a little to see whom she was talking to; what he saw frightened and saddened him, it was a wispy being who resembled their mother was sitting next his sister, before he got up she said something that made him stop in place.

“Your brother is a very compassionate and good hearten person…he’ll take great care of you while I’m gone…just believe in the goodness of others and good things will come…in the strangest of ways” spoke their mother “when will I see you again?” Asked May innocently, Siris felt tears well up deep from within his heart, and the tears flowed as he crouched there seemingly unknown to ether of them “one day little day......I must go now but I’ll check on you two every so once in a while…can you be a good girl for me?” she asked, May nodded “I'll be the most best sister ever!” replied May happily, their mother’s spirit nodded and she started to fade she spoke once more “Siris…you carry on….Though the road ahead may be hard, as long as you have each other you can pull through….good bye, my son” and then like that she faded away, like a mist in mid-morning sun.

Siris saw this and got up and burst in and looked around "w-where'" he asked his sister frantically, May just shrugged her shoulders and she started moving her legs back and forth, smiling at her big brother "dunno...she just came in and said she was going on a long trip and told me you’re going to watch me while she's on her trip" Explained May blissfully ignorant of what their mother meant by 'trip', Siris stood trying to hold back his tears, but they fell across his cheeks "why are you crying brother? Mom said she was going on a trip. She’ll be back you'll see!" said May joyfully, Siris looked up to her and saw their mother's eyes within her own and as he looked he smiled and walked up to her and hugged her, and she happily returned it "yea...she'll....she'll be back May.....someday...." as he spoke his voice hurt from sadness, but also happiness; happiness from the fact that his little sister was there with him.
The memory faded and he floated there, smiling happily but even so, he was still deeply saddened by their loss but a glimmer of confidence and gentle peace shine through "and I’m proud to have kept my promise...and I will keep it for as long as I live."

The stream of memories that had flowed suddenly disappeared and Siris felt a strange sensation push him upward, to him it felt as if there was a torrent of wind pushing him upward to where he did not know "where in hell am I going!? This is waaaay too real for this to be a dream!” he exclaimed, then he started feeling the strange wind die down and he felt solid ground in this strange space of darkness, he looked around and upwards and downwards and only saw pure black, then as he started walking he saw colors come into view, at first they looked like large jumbled splotches of colors but as he walked up closer he noticed that they were taking shape and growing larger, then as he took a closer look he noticed that it looked familiar "wait a minute...this place...It...It looks like....New York City, But....blurrier!" he then entered his blurry home city with a piqued curiosity.

Siris walked around and saw blurred figures running past him like framed water colored paintings being moved from one frame, he tried to focus his eyes to what or who they were and what they were running for. He squinted and looked as hard as he could and the blurred image came in slightly clearer, he noticed that the buildings were on fire and the figures running were people running from a strange black fog or mist which enveloped every and anything it touched “oh…my…god….this…this is a-a nightmare” spoke Siris as he started walking backwards, he looked off to his right and a figure fell down and as the fog touched him he was consumed by it; as if it just absorbed him entirely "what the....!" Siris exclaimed with shock; his eyes gaping open, then the dream started to get blurry and no matter how much he tried focusing he could not make out the shapes clearly, he looked down at his legs trying to make them move, move before the fog made its way, then with all the courage he jolted around and immediately began to run.

He ran faster and faster, hoping if he went fast enough he could outrun this nightmare and wake up suddenly he heard a voice call out to him "Siris.....I seeee youuuu..." he immediately stopped in cold sweat, a paralyzing fear set in and he slowly turned around and he saw that the background changed to a small town with blurred figures walking back and forth he looked around and noticed that he was in the middle of that same town and " so.... familiar....wait! can't's...Ponyville?" then the very same fog that appeared before came once again and spoke with the voice of countless voices "in time I shall come, and devour all in my path, a force born of pure evil, but you impede my gateway to freedom...once the gateway is opened....I shall...come and consume ALL!!!" this strange, evil fog then started to laugh.

Siris took a step back from it and it's titanic mass started to spiral and condense in a shapeless form, Siris looked around as he noticed the town disappeared and after a minute passed it came back, and then he saw horrors which left him in shock, the building in ponyville were all on fire or razed completely to rubble, the trees and grass were replaced with a burned and scared wasteland then, his field of view blurred once more as he saw a blue form appear and fall on its knees and looked as if it was deeply saddened then it was consumed by darkness.
After the blue form was gone, ponyville came back into focus and he saw a black figure stand upon the ruins of a some sort and Siris looked at it with seriousness and as it turned around Siris went pale " c-can't...” Siris fell over in fright and his eyes were wide open with disbelief as the shadowy figure revealed itself to be Siris stand with a crazed smile.

Siris screamed in disbelief, and he jolt up "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" he shrieked, Spike, who was walking up to his jumped with surprise accidentally throwing a tray of food in the air, Spike saw it falling and he ran and plunged after it, catching it before it hit the ground, Siris began shaking in cold sweat once more "w-whaaaa!! What’s the matter!?" Spike exclaimed as he got up with the tray and food intact, Twilight suddenly burst in with alarm "Spike what’s going on!?" Twilight asked as she raced over to Siris, who was in a trance like state of fear "i-i dunno! I just came in to see if he'd wake up and give him some breakfast and he springs up screaming" Twilight nodded at Spike and she walked over to Siris and attempted to get him out of the trance "hey! Hey! Siris Are you ok? come on snap out of it" but Siris still stayed in the trance unaffected "Spike do you know anything that could snap him out of this bizarre trance?" asked Twilight as she looked over at Spike placing the tray of warm food on a stack of books "hmm...."

Spike then began to think of something Siris said before when a particular memory came back to him in a hazy memory "he. He said something about his sister...her, it's hard to remember…...oh! Her name was “May” then, as he said “May” he whispers it to Twilight, she nodded and turned her attention back to Siris "Siris you have to snap out of it... May needs you and you can't help her like this you gotta snap out of it!" spoke Twilight, Siris blinked then he began to cry, Twilight and Spike looked at him with a little surprise but mostly concern as he just sobbed, Twilight walked up to him "what happened? come on, maybe if you tell me you'll feel better" she persuaded Siris turned slowly to her and looked her directly in her eyes, she saw pure terror in his eyes and her concern grew, she turned to Spike "I’m going to see what he saw...I’ll try to memory link with him...and see if I can't relieve some of that fear in his head" she said assuredly "a-are you sure Twilight. I mean you could scramble his brain or scramble yours!"

Spike explained to Twilight "I know Spike but something frightened him beyond words...I have to try!" she said determinedly, after she finished she then walked over to Siris and placed her horn on his forehead and it glowed with magic as his memories connect to hers. A moment later she then appeared inside a beautiful meadow, she looked around inside the stream of memories and she noticed a darkened memory cloud that seemed to fester like a wound that did not seem to heal and she walked up to it and touched it with her hoof, a spine chilling cold ensued and she did not see anything inside of the memory bubble, but then Twilight started to hear an increasing sound of voices then the memory began to surge and shape shift and after a minute of growing and shaping, it turn into a massive creature the size of a 2 story building, it was a black wispy figure with a shadowy mist that took the form of a nameless creature resembling a giant, it'd wispy trail Dissipating as it floated away

“you are of no use or place creature! so you MUST be removed!" exclaimed the large creature furiously towards her, Twilight gasped in fright and her eyes shrank in horror and started to back away as it started to stand over her, then it took it's hand and formed it into a black cleaver of evil origin and bubbled with vile tar like substance, Twilight then took a dash as she ran to get away from it, she ran and ran and the creature followed after her with surprising speed and agility "w-what in Equestria is that thing!?" she exclaimed as she ran, she saw the forest and hoped to run as fast as she could but she saw the creature catching up to her and ran as hard as she could and not paying attention she sprinted and hit a tree, it stumbled and Dazed her, when she stumbled she panicked as she saw the Large Creature only a few yards away when a stern adult male voice called out in front of her when she was looking at the forest entrance "get behind me!" she shook her face and looked around then a figure caught her eye ten feet in front of her, it seemed to be a fully grown man in a blue armor made seemingly out of some type of crystal that glowed luminescently.

She turned around and saw the behemoth monstrosity approaching quickly and she dashed behind the person "who are you and what in the name of Princess Celestia IS that 'thing' after me!?" she asked frantically to the man, he then proceeded to reach to his side and unsheathe a ruby red sword “it's a vile monstrosity that has invaded his mind, trying to break and open a gateway" explain the man with a heroic voice "g-gateway? What gateway?" asked Twilight curiously. the man stepped forward too focused, and didn’t hear her Question and the behemoth stopped a few yards from him "I give you ONE chance to get the hell out of this mind or I will MAKE you leave! You do not belong here!" he demanded to the creature, it stood there silent and then it took on a second cleaver and both hand shaped into cleavers, one in each hand still bubbling with vile tar and it let out a strong and angry screech at this man’s presence "then so be it" he said with a cold and angry tone and he and the behemoth ran forward at each other with frightening speed, the behemoth slashed at the ground with the cleavers and sundered it with a rift that spanned ten feel across and thirty feet in length, the man jumped up before it struck and he then continued to then throw back his sword in his left hand and cocked his right fist then punched it in its chest with enough force to cause the wind blowing and seemingly even gravity itself to redirect around them like a sphere, Twilight stood dumbfounded and awestruck by the strength of this man as the creature fell to its knee.

The man kicked off the creature and did multiple back-flips until he landed in defensive form, the creature snarled at its superior foe and turned to a liquid form and dashed it’s way encircling Twilight and before she could gasp it encircled her and as it lunged downward to get her, it stopped with suddenness, and Twilight opened her eyes to see that it stopped face to face with her, the next sound she heard was a 'click' and the shadowy creature was Sliced into ribbons of shadowy essence which faded away and disappeared.

Twilight blinked, and then looked around confusedly and still quite frozen by shock, from its sudden disappearance "w-where d-did it go? it was just here" she spoke completely dumbfounded and frightened, but soon after, she looked around for the man who saved her, but to no avail, she could not find him “where did that strange human go?" she said to herself pondering, then a voice called to her from behind "your pure heart allow me to come forth...and protect once more..." the voice startled Twilight and she jumped and darted around to see that the armored human was standing behind her, she walked up to him but as she looked down she noticed his legs were dissipating with little shining lights detaching themselves from a main light which began progressing slowly more and more up his body "h-hey what’s happening? y-your fading!" the man then removed a visored helmet which he released and broke apart and faded away quickly, she saw that he was smiling contently " I know....I am returning where I once resided Siris's heart" she looked at him with a confused and concerned look "are you a part of him? like a memory?" she asked him

"somewhat....I was a part of him a past life" Twilight looked at him with surprise and curiosity at what he said "a...past life?...what do you mean?" she asked, her scientific mind intrigued, he sighed and chuckled a bit " in his past life he lived once in the very same place he came from...but the earth he came from to your a replica" he explained, Twilight was slightly dumbfounded and awestruck but still curiously intrigued "a replica? can someone recreate an entire world!? It’s just simply impossible!" she explained, the man expression turned to a more serious look "not just a world...but an entire universe!" Twilight backed away with shock "a-an entire...universe?" she chuckled at the insane notion "that's crazy...completely insane, it’s unfathomable and impossible in anyway thinkable...sure...maybe a world i guess...but a universe is infinitely too large to "replicate" as you say" she said as if it was final to the man who claimed to be a part of Siris’s past life; he looked at her then told her the tale of his past life "there were two deities in his time a 'Guardian' which looked after all the Universes we all live in, like a 'god' as you would say, but as there is a great good, a great evil must balance it, a 'destroyer', the two beings were brothers, in a sense, but the destroyer vastly overpowered the Guardian, Siris was a normal human, don't think he wasn't, but something within his soul was type of amplifying conduit to both of them".

"the guardian sought him out first and he accepted the Guardian’s trials and gained immense power power that came close to corrupting him; but in the beginning it bettered his life and his friends and family’s lives too and there was a gentle peace about the world and his home as he kept quiet about his abilities, but even though he did...the Destroyer found him the following days after, the world was plunged into extreme and genocidal chaos, not soon after, the world was under his control and was on the brink of total obliteration....why he gets upset so easily about his because of this past undying love for his sister and because that very same destroyer claimed them both....his mother first....then his sister right before they escaped...the destroyer removed his planet and universe from existing any longer....but when the time came, his sister knew she wouldn’t be able to go with him...knowing he wouldn't leave without her, she shoved him into an obelisk which saved his life and losing hers in the process" the light finally reached his chest "t-that's...that's just horrible....I can’t imagine anypony being able to deal with those kind of feelings…let alone losing family and friends" said Twilight sadly, the man lifted his arm, which hadn't faded away and touched the tip of her horn and spoke before disappearing completely "to protect him...and everyone, including's best left........forgotten in the past" and then a great light shined on her and all around, he smiled and he finally faded away "farewell...young pony" then as the shine covered all her visual range, her mind returned into her body.

Twilight staggered away from Siris and Spike placed his hands gently on Twilight till she had her bearing back.
“whoa...Twilight..." he helped steady her "did you find out what was up with him?" asked Spike anxiously; Twilight was dazed for a few seconds but preceded to shake her head and she looked at Siris who was holding his head as if he had a painful head ache " head hurts something terrible!" He said while he rubbing his head to ease the pain

"well...I think I managed to remove the problem...I think..." she said talking to spike "what happened, what’d you see?" he asked a bit more excitedly "hm...I can't seem to recall much for some reason spike....but from telling how he's alert and talking i musta done something that did the trick" Spike looked at her confusedly but nonetheless he was happy Siris was alert and awake and she was ok and unharmed.

spike turned around and jogged a bit over to the stack of books where the meal was and he picked it up and walked carefully back over to Twilight and Siris, he then proceeded to place the food on Siris's lap "h-huh?...what's this? it smells good!" he said with surprise, his belly then growled fiercely as a lion "w-whoa! man I’m long have I been sleeping?" he asked, Twilight and Spike looked at each other and looked at him with a slight concern, then Twilight spoke "you been out for three days!" she said, this came to a shock to him "T-THREE DAYS!?" he exclaimed with great surprise "yea you wouldn't wake up...we occasionally heard you mumble in your sleep so we didn't worry, well not at first" explained Spike " I woke up a day before you" he continued, Siris turned his head and looked down at the food, the incident Spike called the 'dragon blood awakening' was on his mind, but the nightmares and memories took the cake 'I think this has a connection with these nightmares I’m having...but I just can't figure out how or why' he thought deeply to himself.

Spike put his claw in front of his face and snapped his fingers "hey... your foods gunna get cold; eat up!" he said "yea, Spikes right, you'll need to eat to get back your strength... we have a few places and ponies we need to introduce you properly to, so you can get to know our town a bit more" said Twilight after Spike, Siris looked at Twilight and nodded then looked down at his tray it had [at least 4 or 5 pancakes, a tall glass of apple juice two pieces of toast and some butter] "w-whoa!...that’s a lot of pancakes!" he said jokingly to Spike, everyone laughed and he picked up the fork and knife "after you finish up, Rarity insisted you head over to her shop as soon as you woke up, just follow the trail and look for a purple house with sign that has some diamonds on it."

Siris chuckled a bit then cut the pancakes then ate a piece "w-WOW! These pancakes are delicious Spike! did you make these!?" exclaimed Siris, his eyes agape from the tasty pancake, Spike smiled and looked at him "yea, my own special recipe!" he said with a bit of bravado and puffing his chest, then his mouth puffed up as well then he let forward a small burst of green flame and to Siris's surprise a scroll came out "hey it's a letter from princess Celestia!" Twilight then walked over to the scroll and her horn glowed, then used her magic to lift it, unfold and read it "whoa! how did you do that Spike!?" asked Siris with a bit of surprise, then he himself felt a strange sensation come from his chest then up to his throat, he felt it and suspected a flame was coming up and he tried to restrain it but he failed. a small blue flame burst forward from his mouth as a burp and to everyone's surprise a identical scroll came out of his flame as well, Twilight was dumbfounded just as Spike was as the scroll rolled on to the floor, Siris immediately covered his mouth, Twilight then walked over with a bit of confusion, her horn, still glowing, she picked it up with magic as well and began reading it "it's another letter from princess did this happen?" she wondered curiously.

"the first one is asking about you Siris..." she said "and this one says...." she continued but stopped, SIris eating his meal relatively quick from hunger “I can’t read’s in some weird language” Twilight turns to the scroll to them and Siris sees that it’s in his language, English “hey It’s in my language! It says “Dear Twilight sparkle, my faithful pupil, I have read your message sent yesterday, and I would be interested in meet this “human” and meet him in person, I am sending a chariot in a day’s time to pick you all up and to Canterlot for an audience with this “human” yours truly, Celestia” huh…it’s from a Princess, she sounds really regal!” Siris said with Surprise and excitement, Spike walks over to him and picked up his finished tray of food “heck yea! She’s the co-ruler of all of Equestria and really, REALLY important!” he exclaimed, Twilight then walked over and added on the importance of meeting her “And it’s important you act on your best when we meet her! I want you to make a good impression on her…Oh! I’m so excited I can’t wait to see her again” she kept talking and bouncing with giddiness, Siris sat up and took a smell of his clothes “oh Sweet mother-” Siris plugged his nose and smelt the stench of his four day old clothes he wore in bed “um…Twilight is there somewhere I can get cleaned up?” he asked looking around “well of course! You can use Spike’s…hm” as Twilight spoke she noticed he was much bigger than Spike and knew he wouldn’t fit in Spike’s small washing tub “…hm…” she began thinking to herself and Siris shifts up out of the blankets and turns to them; then put’s his feet on the floor ‘the floor is kinda warm to the touch’ he thought to himself curiously “so can I go find some shower or whatever you have for cleaning yourself?” Twilight popped out of her thinking to answer him and remembered that she has one to clean herself with “Yea, just head upstairs and you’ll see a wood door near a tall stack of red books, the washroom is in there” she said. Siris turns towards the door of his room and Spike followed him

“hey Twilight, do you mind if I show him around Ponyville?” Spike asked her, Twilight nodded and smiled “sure! It’d be great for him to get to know the ponies around here, just let him wash up first” she said walking out the door with them. Twilight then walked over and grabbed a green satchel by the door and opened it up and walked with it over to a table, Siris and Spike preceded to the then walk upstairs as she began putting something into it. “So…what are some of the sights here in…um, pony…ville?” Siris asked Spike as they walked upstairs, Spike looks at Siris with glee filled eyes “oh there’s tons of sights here in ponyville! First we’re going to stop at carousel boutique, it’s where Rarity lives, she said that she had made a new line of clothes today, so we’re going there first, next we’re going to head over to Sweet apple acres, home to Ponyville’s largest apple farm and to Applejack and her family, then, we’re going to fluttershy’s home, she lives near the Everfree forest, and I’m sure she’ll enjoy the company, but…try not to be too forward, cause she’s-”

Siris still listening interrupts “shy? I’m guessing” he said smiling, Spike nodded and continued his riveting information about Twilight’s friends and their homes “right, and then…there Rainbow dash…” Siris looked at Spike with starry eyes “you mean the one with all those colors in her hair and…err…tail? Man, she’s something .continued “yea…rainbow dash is fierce, she dreams of one day joining the thunder bolts, the greatest and fastest fliers in all of Equestria…but we can’t finish a tour of Ponyville without stopping by Pinkie’s place, “SugarCube Corner” it’s a candy shop but she also makes cakes, and other sweet foods” when Spike said Sweet, it made him cringe at the word, Siris isn’t the kind person with a big sweet tooth and if it weren’t for his mother, he may not have had one at all. Siris looked at spike smiling impatiently, and Spike looked at him curiously “what?” he asked, Siris then pointed to an open door to a bathtub and shower and he raised his eye brow smiling bigger and looking happier, Spike noticed and jumped “what…we’re already here?” he said confuzzled “yep…been here bout’ 4 minutes” Siris replied starting to chuckle a bit then giving Spike a small noogie and walking in “I’ll be out in a minute Kay?” he asked Spike, he nodded in response and Siris closed the door. Inside the bathroom was a bathtub and shower with a rather wide shower head and had what seemed to be, a couple of hair care products sitting near the edge of the tub’s flat rim ‘hm…looks similar to a bathtub and shower back where I live, sept’ it’s pearly white, shiny and NOT rusty and old” Siris thought to himself smiling at the new looking tub. he then walked up to the shower and turned the left knob, the water was cold, then he turn the right knob and it was hot, Siris then turned them both inward and the shower water warmed up just right, he then removed his old and smelly clothing and walked up to the shower and stepped in, and as the water lightly rained on him he felt relief from the warm water and he thought to himself as he raised his hands up to the water it, puddling in his cupped palm and the excess falling through his fingers.

“it feels…real…if this really is a dream…this is one heck of one, because I’m starting to doubt if this is really a dream at all” he pondered deeply whether the feelings, the people or “ponies” he was talking to were just a dream and a figment of his wild imagination, or a figment of reality. Siris, after about ten minutes in the shower turns the knobs and the water turns off, he stepped out of the shower with a light chill of the slightly cooler air blowing through and past his body, he looked around and then it hit him “I have no clothes!” he said to himself lightly, when he heard a knock on the door “who is it?” he asked “it’s me, Twilight” and without a second thought she opens the door and Siris, panicking, turns away from her and grabs the light purple shower curtain, ripping them off their ringlets holding them up “T-twilight! C-c-close the door!” Siris said blushing blood red with embarrassment, holding the curtain close to himself; Twilight blinks with confusion at first and walks back out of the room; still looking confused, closing the door behind “oh! sorry, I forgot you don’t like being like that around girls” she said smiling and giggling lightly walking out, Siris a little more calm puts down the curtain and lays it on the tub’s side “whoa!...waaaay too close.…” he said, wiping away the nervous sweat “o-oh man!...I forgot I still don’t have any clothes!” he continued, saying it out loud looking at his dirty clothes then from behind the door Siris heard Twilight’s voice call to him “Hey um, Siris…Rarity wanted me to give you these” as she spoke, the door opened slightly and another paper bag floated in with purple energy around it. After it floated in it sat next to the tub and the purple magic energy faded “she said she needed you to try them to see how they fit…um…also. Sorry for intruding, I’m not used to having a human around, it’s still kinda new for me” she said with a sincere tone, Siris felt embarrassed to have been so rude despite her intrusion and the feeling that he was intruding began to grow stronger “I’m sorry for being brash with how I reacted…you just surprised me, I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did” he said trying to apologize as much he could, Twilight giggled from behind the door “it’s ok! You have boundaries we don’t have so I’ll just have to learn as for the time you’re here!* she said with a hint of humor and somewhat seriousness, Siris smiled and even though she could not see it, he nodded and spoke as he lifted clothes with adequate stitching with an occasional string out of place and it had no back pockets but it did have front pockets but it was weaved equally as fine as his world’s pants were, he looked at them and he walked over and compared Sizes “it’s a perfect match…whoever this “Rarity” pony or…whatever she is…she must be good with clothes” he then looked down into the bag and found four pairs of white socks, and they looked like they would fit, he also found a shirt and thin blue scarf, the shirt, stitched somewhat better than the pants and when he lifted those things he saw a single pair of boxers colored light green but lacked any features like a front patch, for sudden emergencies and a stretchy rim on the top but had a green string looping around it “hm…she’s starting creep me out with all this stuff…it’s REALLY similar to what I wear…wait…how’d she know I wear boxers?” he asked himself but didn’t think too much about it, he had clothes, that all that mattered.


Siris stepped out of the bathroom with his new clothes on, he looked cleaner and the clothes he tried on fit perfectly and tossed the Scarf on his shoulder, seeing he was still a bit too warm to wear. He then stepped out of the bathroom and looked round and saw his worn shoes sitting near a stack of books, he walked over curiously and picked them up and found a wooden chair and he walked over and sat down and put his shoes on, slipping one sock on the other foot then slipped on his shoes, a still comfortable fit and he stood up looking around once more “huh…wonder where spike went to, and Twilight…” he then proceeded to walk over to and down the stairs to the ground level and he saw Spike and Twilight, Spike holding a green satchel open and multiple items being put within it, Twilight levitating the items and Spike holding the bag turned and smiled at Siris.

“hey! Your looking better, how do you feel?” Twilight asked he nodded smiling back “I feel great! I feel better than I have ever felt before! Thanks for letting me get cleaned up and thanks for the clothes! I was afraid I was going have to put on week old clothes” he said chuckling and walking over to them “it’s no problem and to get you going on your exploration, I’m giving you a few items before you go” said Twilight as she walked over to him levitating the bag with her to him, Siris grabbed hold of the bag and looked inside “I gave you, 100 bits, an apple, a book about Equestria and a foal’s book for Equestria language a canteen for water, it’s already filled if you’re wondering and something from me to you, I think you’ll find more use hopefully” Twilight puts her hand in the bag and pulls out a small multi-tool with a small corkscrew, a filer, a tiny pair of scissors, and a small knife, Twilight then walks over and puts it in his hand then levitated the medium sized green satchel to him and he grabs hold of it and puts it diagonally across his shoulders “you should keep it on you, just in case” she said, Siris nodded and put it in his left front pocket and walked over to Spike Excitedly “well…you ready Spike? I am ready to explore!!” he said with excitement “oh heck yea! I am totally ready!! Let’s get going!” Spike replied with equal excitement jumping up to high five him, Siris smiles and bends his knees slightly and high-fived him back “alright! Then let’s get going!” Spike almost jumping again with excitement rushes over to the door and Siris with him grabs hold of the knob and opens the door and with it, they open the gateway to the adventures and discoveries ahead.

[Meanwhile in an unknown place or realm]

“One gate has been sundered…and the boy is still oblivious to what he and his friends have done~….heheheheheeeeeh! This will be all the easier to bend them to my advantage…”
[Back at Twilight’s home]

Siris and Spike having opened the door but not yet stepped outside it stop “w-whoa…do you feel that Spike?” said Siris feeling the sensation of being light-headed and a bad feeling with his dizziness, Spike felt the same and grabbed his head “y-yea…I feel weird….” As they said that though, the sudden symptoms they felt disappeared as quickly as they appeared, Spike looked at Siris and him to Spike, they shrugged and took a step to the world outside.


This chapter is waaaay waaaay! Overdue, here it is; my work recovered from what I thought was total oblivion, destined to crush me and stop me from continuing this great story…to you my fellow Bronies and Pegasister and readers, I am back AND I AM READY TO WRITE! …FOR ALL OF YOU!!!!!