The Infestation of Canterlot High School

by Bonster

Intermission D - End of Part One

Intermission D - End of Part One

Chrysalis burst through the mirror portal, and not a second later delivered a harsh blast to the machinery surrounding it. The glow and warble of the glass died, and her reflection stared back at her, huffing and puffing with tired, angry eyes.

“Screw phase four,” she panted. “Those damn monkeys can keep their worthless dimension.”

Twilight Velvet didn’t know what to feel anymore as she saw her daughter fight a useless battle against the statue that had swallowed her friends. The women beside her didn’t say a word, and neither did she, as Twilight slumped to the dirt and quietly began to cry. Velvet clutched her head. She didn’t know the first thing about her daughter, and that scared her more than the changelings.

“Welcome to Equestria.”

The words of the draconequus bounced playfully around the cavern, sticking in the Rainbooms’ ears like freshly chewed bubble gum. Five of them locked eyes with him and raised their eyebrows; Sunset looked at the funhouse mirror, the way they had come from, as it lay on the cold, stony floor, shattered.

Several ponies looked up at the starry night sky from wherever they had managed to hide themselves—away from civilization, away from their friends and families, away from the prisons of their heroes—afraid to make even a fire, lest it give their position away. They would have to settle for the moonlight.

It had been night now for what felt like forever.

What they wouldn’t give to see the sun again.

Celestia and Luna shared a glance from where they stood on the steps of their school that didn’t really feel like their school anymore. The further they dug, the uglier things got, but they were in too deep to climb out. And even if they could, they couldn’t, not with an intact conscience.

The surface of one magical statue solidified, and in the same instant, a few miles away, three screams reverberated through a small apartment in downtown Canterlot. A trio of girls crumpled to the unkempt floor, the dull, incessant pain in their chests suddenly spiking, tearing through their bodies and slicing into their minds. It was almost comparable to the pain they felt the night their souls were first shattered—almost.

“Something big is going down, ladies,” rasped a broken yet still commanding voice. “Get dressed, because we are not missing this.”