The Conversion Bureau: A meet with a pale stranger

by mrmidnight

ok there's a remake of the chapter sue me (don't please)

Princess Celestia stood, in the grand covers of her palace. Her eyes steaming ahead towards the portal with a smile, her plan would soon begin and all that she desired would happen, her plan was to destroy all that was human. The idea of destroying what she considered, for the most part, a complete eldritch abomination. Such a trivial thing she, though, though yes they had their weapons and their nukes there was things they didn’t have. The power of magic on their side. The fact was she had the very power of the sun on her side, left for many benefits and she knew that it would give her the advantage over others for the moment. Her head turned looking towards her sister, Luna who Looked over;

“Tis time my sister.”

She muttered only receiving a simple nod, from there Celestia moved raising her horn. The portal beginning to move over pulling around the country pulling the nation reading for when they ready, their attack to take over this new and mysterious world. The glowing light surrounded and soon, a flash that blinded even the ruler of the very sun herself. It was then She looked over seeing the new world they were a part of now.

As of than Celestia moved out of her castle looking up to the grim and disturbingly gray sky, The clouds roaming down passing with a powerful range of wind passing over. As she Took in a breath of the planet's air.

“Ahhh, and So it begins.”

A long smile spread on her face, as she would give the planet twenty-four hours before they’d make their attack. Turning her head, she looked towards a stallion standing there this one being a very special Stallion. Shining armor, ex-Captain of the guard ruler of the crystal empire, and wife to Alicorn princess Mia Amora Cadenza, as she nodded giving the order, and with that he raised his head releasing all his power bringing forth the pink shield above the land.

"Thank you, Shining.”

“As you wish Princess Celestia.”

Smiling then, the two would turn back getting ready for battle, making sure the troops of over five hundred thousand soldiers, that consisted of pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies, ready to use their own power to take on the human’s that was suddenly, when A pegasi came.
The pegasi flew towards Celestia terror filling the orange and red, maned pegasi, as she looked over, this being one of her top wonderbolt fliers, being non-other than spit fire watched the princes breathing heavy trying to get the words out, to say towards the alicorn

“Princess, something, wrong very wrong!”

Celestia looked towards her confused, “What do you mean by that Jet Stream? We just got here have can something has gone wrong.”
Breathing heavy spitfire looked and muttered;

“A human car, pure white, moving slow, has been seen in Canterlot, moving to the sugar corner bakery, It stopped and a human step out. It’s male, and entered the café what do we do.”

Celestia had an expression of shock on her face right then as she heard that, how was it possible They’d just gotten here yet somehow a human had gotten on their land and into sugar cube corner. Though Looking to her she closed her eyes and muttered;

“Spitfire leave, I’ll take care of it, I’m sure it will be nothing.” Jet stream only nodded looking towards The princess, and Shuddered than as she saw the human and felt more fear than anything though trusted her princess, knowing there was nothing to fear with her around.
Celestia only looked to the air and allowed her horn to glow softly and with it vanished away leaving the others behind. As they watched with wonder when their princess would finally return.

Celestia stood before the dinner looking at it, right then the car before her she took a glimpse over, A pale Cadillac that stood in place, the license plate simply reading, ‘Buh-Bye’ Which seemed odd for the moment though she didn’t care, and with it, she began walking to the dinner and soon Stepped inside.

The Dinner was lonely for some reason there were no ponies around Just a simple figure the place was quite unsettling, but still the Alicorn walked forth onwards into the dinner that was when she saw the figure it was tall jet black hair sitting before her head turn taking no mine to her, as his should move that was when she saw him holding a fork biting into something.

“Come please.” His deep voice murmured, that had caught Celestia Was moving close, her horn glowing gently as she began raising the potion, not wanting to take the risk of this human somehow, getting away or stopping her plan. Celestia decided to force the conversion on him. Tossing the potion Celestia tossed it with all her power watching as the glass began to break the back of the strange being, he turned his head showing his pale, nearly transcended skin, and reached around whipping the purple potion off. For a minute taking a sniff, Celestia watched with confidence Knowing any moment he'd turn into one of the new foals but it never did.

"Hmm smells like Raspberry." The figured mumbled.

Celestia looked towards him in shock and surprise as he remained that way, though, taking a deep breath not showing the fear dwelling deep within her she muttered, with fake confidence.
“I am the ruler here, and you will bow before me and tell How you came to be in my kingdom, Mortal.”

"Hmm, you've always thought abit full of yourself child, though i can let it pass for now." Muttering tonelessly

Celestia moved closer to the strange being his voice softly cold sent ice down her spine, though she lite her horn ready.

“I am The goddess and ruler of the sun who are you.” She soon turned over standing before the figure and looked to see a sickly looking man his skin purely pale, Eyes sunken in as he took a bite down on what looked to be a meat lover pizza how he’d been able to get one in here she’d never know but only felt confident disgust.

“You Have an inflated sense of importance don’t you Celestia.”

This frightened her right then as she looked towards the man, How’d he know her name she never said it.

“How do you know my name, Human.”
He looked up only chuckling

“It doesn’t matter who I am really But if you want to know who I am, I am death and as I said before, you Seem to have an inflated sense of importance. To a thing like me, A thing like you… Well, think about how you’d feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky.”
“Death, as in Death.”

“Yes, now no need to be groveling, just sit, enjoy some pizza.” He moved pushing the plate before her and looked, though she turned and pushed it back;
“I shall not eat that vile.”
Though Death ignored her he only took it back muttering;

“Your loss, it’s a rather good pie, from Chicago.” Continuing to eat the pizza;

“So you hear to bow before the new god of this world,” Celestia smirked feeling confidence standing before the being who claimed to be death itself, though he looked to her staring blankly and muttered coldly.

“Please Celestia, I know God, and you my dear are no god.” He almost seemed to check like he’d been through this before. Though she Smeared;

“Then why is it you here in the first place, If you’re not to bow to me.”

He took a large bite chewing admiring every taste, before saying;

“Just trying the food really, Just a simple taste. Though Since you’re here I will say your plan won’t work.”

“Why, are you going to stop us, kill us before we can accomplish our plans.”

“No, I don’t plan to Really just messes with the natural order though you being here, is sending it in flux so I should but where the fun in that, So let’s see how It goes.” He stares back at her;

“And why would you watch for fun, tell me this.”

“Celestia, I am old, very old, as old as god maybe older; Neither of us can remember really, doesn’t matter Chicken, an egg doesn’t matter in the end I’ll reap him also.”

“God...You’ll reap god?” Celestia muttered looking to him her eyes somewhat stunned but he signed as though going through this all again;

“Yes, I shall reap god himself. But I will tell you this, Human’s are a stubborn race I’ve seen them do terrible things But do more good than bad, Hell One had killed me, in a way though not for long I returned. But So you know, Don’t underestimate them Or I might be reaping you myself. Especially if the Winchesters have something to say.”

Celestia looked towards him anger in her eyes muttering those words before muttering;
"What are you really some great reaper or just a small fly swatter, that just got out of hand and need's to be put away." Growling looking into deaths eyes.

'Possibly destined to swat you in the future if you i have no choice, Please have a good day. I have a feeling we'll meet again real soon."

There it was Death got up and soon left leaving Celestia there looking confused though walked off in silence letting her remain there alone, with no pony to look over or wonder, and then she started to think over her plan once more, now that she had met Death….

Though would he keep his promise, would they meet again Celestia didn't know, though she knew for certin she had much to plan for.